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Special Volume

Bamboo & Rattan Update

Sharing the latest news and activities from the bamboo and rattan sector


INBAR’s “Bambuzonía” project How bamboo is helping one Reflections from the progenitor
connects locals with the natural devastated community recover of the natural architecture
bounty in their backyard. from disaster. movement.

9 12 16

Volume 3 | Issue 3 BAMBOO: FIBRE OF THE FUTURE September 2022

Bamboo and Rattan Update
Vol. 3 Issue 3 Across Latin America and the Caribbean, bamboo has a recorded
September 2022
use by Indigenous communities dating back over 10,000 years. On
Ecuador’s Santa Elena Peninsula, vestiges of the plant have been
Cover Image found embedded in structural pillars dating back to the Archaic
Amazonian woman from Peru,
developing her business with
settlements of Las Vegas culture. Over the course of time, the plant
bamboo in Oxapamba. spread across the continent, adopted by Peruvian Caral civilization,
passing through the Magdalena River Valley in Colombia and the
Editorial Team mountain range of Talamanca in Panama before being adopted by
Wu Junqi the Mexican emperors of Tenochtitlan.
Pablo Jácome Estrella
Jacqueline Cujilema In Peru, Machu Picchu was blanketed with a thick arboreal
Austin Smith quilt of trees, local plants and bamboo, cloaking it from outsiders
Leticia Robles until the mountain city’s discovery in the early 20th century.
Archeological evidence suggests bamboo was well used by
Contributors inhabitants at the time, with culms used to make tools, musical
Luis Miguel Gómez Orodea instruments and bamboo rafts. These discoveries indicate that even
Simón Vélez early human settlements in Latin America had identified the plant’s
Maija Peltola
Pablo Izquierdo
versatile nature and integrated it into daily life.
Fabián Moreno From Mexico in the north to Chile in the south as well as several
Delia Rodríguez Caribbean islands in the east, the Latin America and the Caribbean
Carlos Falconi region is home to over 560 varieties of bamboo, representing 33%
Raphael Paucar
of all global species. Bamboo species can be found across the
To Submit varied topography, from forests at sea level to highland biomes at 3500 meters, growing in single or associated natural patches as well as in established plantations. The plant resource can be
found cultivated alongside crops, flanking riverbanks and carpeting
About BRU mountainsides, thriving among the flora and fauna of each
Bamboo and Rattan Update (BRU) ecological zone.
is published quarterly by the
International Bamboo and Rattan INBAR’s Latin American and the Caribbean Office builds on this
Organization (INBAR). Content does rich history. Established in 2001 in Ecuador, the Office has worked
not necessarily reflect the views or closely with Member States to promote bamboo as a sustainable
policies of INBAR. Articles may be nature-based solution to many of humankind and the region’s
reprinted without charge provided most challenging problems. INBAR collaborates with the central
INBAR and author are credited.
government, local governments, communities, universities and the
private sector for the promotion of bamboo species, for example
About INBAR Guadua angustifolia, as a high-quality construction material to help
INBAR is an intergovernmental
meet national and sub-national policy objectives, enhancing the
organization which promotes
the use of bamboo and rattan for livelihoods of inhabitants in the region.
sustainable development. In this special issue, Ministers from a number of INBAR’s Member States share their own thoughts on bamboo and rattan’s
importance for sustainable development (page 4). Member States
INBAR Headquarters: Beijing, China from Latin America and the Caribbean are some of INBAR’s longest
Regional Offices: Central Africa, East partners, and joint efforts have yielded fruitful results. Ministers
Africa, West Africa, Latin America and
stated that bamboo and rattan would play increasingly important
the Caribbean, South Asia.
roles in the future sustainable development and environmental

conservation programs of their country in the years to come.
Despite hosting one of the world’s most biodiverse ecological
environments, bamboo remains underutilized in the Amazon.
INBAR is seeking to change this with its “Bambuzonía” project,

2 INBAR Magazine
which equips beneficiaries across Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
with the skills and knowledge to plant and use bamboo to craft a
wide variety of products (“Rediscovering Bamboo in the Amazon,”
page 9). Financed by the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD), the project highlights the multifunctional
nature of the plant resource to rejuvenate poor soils, mitigate
climate change and strengthen rural livelihoods.
Ecuador suffered a catastrophic earthquake in 2016, wreaking
devastation across Manabí and Esmeraldas Provinces. In the
aftermath, bamboo structures had weathered the seismic activity
better than other structures. Acting on this, the Spanish Agency
for International Development Cooperation (AECID) together
with INBAR launched the program Promoting Bamboo as a
Strategic Resource for Local Development Through a Sustainable
Construction Chain with the aim of buttressing efforts to rebuild,
mainstreaming bamboo construction in public and private
infrastructure, and linking the agricultural and construction
sectors (“Circular Development Model with Bamboo,” page 12).
A titan in the architectural world, the work of Simón Vélez
has helped inspire a new generation of builders to focus more
on sustainable materials in design and construction. In “Simón
Vélez: Progenitor of Natural Architecture” (page 16), Vélez talked
with INBAR’s Latin America and the Caribbean Office about his
upbringing and design philosophy behind “natural architecture.”
He expounded on the dichotomy between “carnivorous” and
“vegetarian” modes of thinking, advocating for future architecture
to include more sustainable materials that harken back to

humankind’s fundamental relationship with nature. Particularly
in developing countries, impressive structures that transcend
traditional limits are achievable while stimulating the green
development of new industries.


• There are 43 genera and 569 species of woody and herbaceous
bamboo distributed across Latin America and the Caribbean.
• INBAR estimates the presence of at least 15.1 million hectares of bamboo
throughout the region.
• INBAR has 11 Member States in Latin America and the Caribbean: Argentina,
Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, Suriname, and
Venezuela; and 1 honorary Member State: Canada.
• INBAR’s Latin America and the Caribbean Office was established in 2001 in
• Cuba has the only rattan germplasm bank in Latin America and the Caribbean.
• According to the latest UN Comtrade data from 2019, the region has exported
USD 3 million of bamboo products; however, it is worth emphasizing that the
highest consumption of bamboo is done internally in each of the countries.

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 3


INBAR turns 25 this year. To mark been established to support innovative projects
its anniversary, BRU has invited in the bamboo production chain from 2018 to
representatives from across its 2022. A bamboo bio-economy was also presented
to the public during the National Science and
Member States to comment on Technology Week.
their country’s bamboo and rattan
We are looking forward to continuing our
sectors. Here, eight Ministers from cooperation with INBAR and to developing an
Latin America and the Caribbean integrated industry pilot project. We are also
share their thoughts on how looking forward to working together with Member
these plants are being used to States to share knowledge and best practices.
promote pro-poor, environmentally Brazil wishes a happy and prosperous 25th
sustainable development in their anniversary to INBAR.
countries, and share their visions
for the future.
Minister of Agriculture, Republic of Chile
Minister of Science, Technology and
Innovation, Federative Republic of Brazil His Excellency Esteban Valenzuela van Treek

His Excellency Paulo César Rezende De Carvalho Forest development is one of the eight strategic
Alvim guidelines of our Ministry of Agriculture through
which we seek to strengthen institutions, public
Brazil has the greatest diversity and highest policies and sectoral legislation, focusing its
percentage of endemic woody bamboo in Latin objectives on the conservation, restoration and
America. Back in 2008, Brazil started supporting sustainable management of all types of existing
research and development projects in order forests in the country, with emphasis on the native
to innovate and disseminate environmental forest.
knowledge and technologies for the use of
bamboo in the civil construction, furniture and In Chile, there are eight species of bamboo
other products sectors. belonging to the genus Chusquea of the Poaceae
family, all of which feature a solid structure, grow
Informally known as the “Bamboo Law,”
in temperate to cold climates and associate with
the National Incentive Policy for Sustainable
the native forest, with a total area of 698,446
Management and Bamboo Cultivation was
hectares. Several studies have been carried out
published in Brazil in 2011; in the same year, a
in the country on the two most relevant Chilean
bilateral agreement in science and technology for
species (C. culeou and C. quila, known as colihue
bamboo was signed by Brazil and China.
and quila, respectively) due to their potential
In 2013, Brazil invested around USD 3 million industrial uses. Between 2000 and 2010, important
in a public call for research projects to promote advances were made in research and development
the development of knowledge and technology for projects in areas such as quantification of the
all regions of the country in order to attract highly resource, technological studies, as well as efforts
qualified researchers in bamboo. The following to introduce new material from China and Ecuador
year, a National Network for Research and to evaluate the development of temperate climate
Development in Bamboo was set up, supporting bamboo species that could adapt to some of the
projects from Technological Vocational Centers in climatic conditions of our country. These studies
Bamboo. received financial and technical support from
A partnership with a Brazilian industrial INBAR, an organization of which Chile has been
research and innovation company (Embrapii) has a Member State since its beginning, with active

4 INBAR Magazine


participation of the Forestry Institute (INFOR) of and establish new crops.

the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile.

In recent years, progress has been made in
applied research, credit lines have been made
... the support provided over the years available for producers, resources have been
by INBAR[...]has made it possible managed to finance the establishment of 1500
hectares of Guadua and a campaign to promote the
to make this resource visible in the
consumption of Guadua products is being carried
country and generate the necessary out, among other activities.
knowledge to offer new development
Colombia has been a member of the

alternatives to communities... International Bamboo and Rattan Organization
(INBAR) since 2011, and since then the country
Chile appreciates the support provided over has benefited from exchanging experiences and
the years by INBAR, which has made it possible participating in trainings with China and other
to make this resource visible in the country and Member States; technical quality standards
generate the necessary knowledge to offer new have been developed for bamboo products
development alternatives to communities related (ISO); and Colombia is part of the INBAR project
to this resource and its area. Among the pending “Bambuzonía,” with the objective to increase
challenges is the study of the importance of all the resilience of rural farmers to climate change
Chusquea species present in the country and through the production of bamboo.
their goods and environmental services at the
Thus, our country wishes to continue receiving
ecosystem level, including the regulatory role of
support and cooperation from INBAR, which is
natural processes in the socio-ecological systems
of great importance to increase the technical
in which they develop.
and scientific knowledge of bamboo and achieve
On this 25th anniversary, we celebrate and technology transfer for its agro-industrial
recognize the support provided by INBAR over development.
the years to our country, and we hope to continue
building together on this important topic. It is my great pleasure to address you on the
occasion of commemorating the 25th anniversary
Many congratulations and best wishes for of the founding of INBAR and to express my joy at
success in the years to come. the work carried out.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Minister of Agriculture, Republic of Cuba

Development, Republic of Colombia
His Excellency Ydael J. Pérez Brito
His Excellency Rodolfo Zea Navarro
Cuba is the Caribbean island with the richest
Colombia features some of the most diverse bamboo diversity within the Antilles, with 7
bamboo resources in Latin America, with extensive genera and 19 species of native bamboo, as well
ecosystems of Guadua (G. angustifolia Kunth), as 7 genera, 22 species and 4 varieties of exotic
which is characterized as a major protector of the bamboo introduced from Asia. Our native bamboos
environment, generating economic, social and are, in general, small in size and herbaceous in
environmental benefits for the rural communities appearance, a condition that has led them to be
of the country. considered of low economic value, although at
In 2022, Law 2206 encouraged the productive present new actors in the Cuban economy are
use of bamboo, in harmony with environmental exploring their uses, which are fundamentally
sustainability and using its ecosystem services to artisanal. However, exotic Asian species have
mitigate the effects of climate change, allowing visibly entered the local economy of the country,
local communities to carry out sustainable their uses being predominant in handicrafts and in
management, market the newly obtained products the manufacturing of furniture.

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 5

Our country joined the International Bamboo The Government of Cuba has made a
and Rattan Organization (INBAR) in 1999, and from commitment to attain 33% forest cover by 2030, a
that moment began to promote the development goal that it is close to fulfilling: in 2021, 31.88%
and efficient use of bamboo, for which actions of forest cover in the territory has been achieved,
have been taken for the development of this and of the total number of reforested hectares, a
important group of species. steady increase in established bamboo plantations
Since the addition of Cuba as a Member State can be seen, which corroborates the growing
importance given to this species.
of INBAR, the emergence of a “culture” directly
related to the cultivation and use of bamboo and We thank INBAR for the support and wish it a
rattan has been made visible, research on these happy and successful 25th Anniversary.
promising species has increased and alliances
between the scientific institutions of countries
have been fostered. With a tradition rooted in the
sustainable use of bamboo and rattan, this nexus Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Republic
has made possible the training of specialists, of Ecuador
researchers and managers associated with the His Excellency Bernardo Manzano Díaz
management, exploitation, conservation and
sustainable management of forests. Currently, In Ecuador, bamboo has more than 10,000 years
the National Bamboo Program for the Republic of history. It was used by native cultures to make
of Cuba is being revised for approval and temples and houses, hunting and fishing tools as
implementation, the achievements of which are well as musical instruments and jewelry.
owed to the support received from INBAR and the In 1999, recognizing the strategic importance
numerous exchanges mentioned above. of the sector, Ecuador joined the International

Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR),
a multilateral development organization
Since the addition of Cuba as a that promotes environmentally sustainable
Member State of INBAR, the emergence development using bamboo and rattan. Today, it is
of a “culture” directly related to the the headquarters of the Regional Office for Latin
cultivation and use of bamboo and America and the Caribbean, coordinating actions

rattan has been made visible... with 11 countries in the region.
Since joining INBAR, Ecuador has played a
Thanks to the cooperation and technical leading role in the development of the sector in
assistance of INBAR, Cuba has a rattan germplasm Latin America and the Caribbean. Ecuador has
bank, the only one in Latin America and the implemented knowledge exchanges between
Caribbean, which produces viable high-value China and Ecuador on ecosystem services that
commercial seeds and which is being studied open opportunities for local economies and
to promote the National Reforestation Program environmental conservation, such as carbon
while providing seeds and technical assistance to sequestration, soil restoration, watershed
interested countries in our geographical area. conservation, wood generation, biological corridors
and more.
Strategic interest in bamboo has increased
in recent years by identifying its potential as a In 2018 and 2019, our country had the honor
biomass resource and its uses in rural construction, of chairing the INBAR Council. In that capacity,
in addition to the already known and widely it created awareness about the potential of the
exploited ecosystem services provided by the resources in the Latin American region.
species. Accordingly, the main introduced species, Among the achievements was the creation of
which are Bambusa vulgaris, Guadua angustifolia, the National Bamboo Strategy: Towards a Green
Dendrocalamus strictus and Bambusa polymorpha, and Inclusive Development 2018-2022, which was
are now being cultivated in greater numbers as led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
part of national planning. with the support of 11 government bodies,

6 INBAR Magazine


Bamboo conserves biodiversity and ecosystems. Credit: Luis Felipe Mosquera Cuaces.

local policymakers and producers, artisans and Congratulations on these 25 years, and may we
marketers. continue to build a world together that is more
The Government of Ecuador has generated sustainable with bamboo.
public policies to strengthen the sector. Through
our Ministry, the planting of 4000 hectares of
bamboo was promoted; BanEcuador has a specific
Minister of Environment, Republic of Panama
line of credit for the sector; and the Ministry of
Urban Development and Housing incorporates the His Excellency Milciades Concepción
use of bamboo in its Creating Housing plan, with In 2010, the Republic of Panama became a
the purpose of boosting its commercialization in Member State of the International Bamboo and
sustainable construction. Rattan Organization (INBAR), and since then
Thanks to the strengthening of the sector, there there have been various efforts to develop the
are several major initiatives in the Ecuadorian cultivation of bamboo as a vegetative material for
territory. This is the case of the “Bambuzonía” multiple uses in our country.
project in the Amazon rainforest, which aims to Currently, one of the consequences of COVID-19
increase the resilience of rural farmers to climate has been to remind us of the close link between
change through diversified bamboo production global livelihoods and the reality of climate
systems. change and, consequently, the crucial role that
The coastal region is home to the Sustainable bamboo plays in our environment to combat it.
Construction with Bamboo project. Through This is why we as a country and under our current
the technical support of INBAR, producers, administration, despite all the difficulties already
technicians, artisans and builders are trained on mentioned, direct our focus to work in synergy
the sustainable management of bamboo and its with our communities and other key actors to
practical uses for the generation of resources for continue promoting the use of bamboo in such
thousands of rural families. a way that it provides a tool to help strengthen

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 7


capabilities and income generation in order to INBAR have a common vision to achieve the
meet the challenges caused by global crises. industrialization of bamboo with the involvement
In order to harmonize short-term actions with of public and private sectors, and for this purpose
the long-term vision, the Republic of Panama and Peru has planned to implement the National
INBAR have coordinated and conducted training Strategy for the Development of Bamboo from
for the production of bamboo handicrafts and 2022 to 2025.
utensils with local artisans, which will give us From Peru we wish INBAR much success and a
a baseline that can provide a framework based happy 25th anniversary.
on our local resources. This helps organized
communities in times of crisis, while facilitating
the promotion of bamboo as an alternative in the
fight against desertification and conservation of Minister of Popular Power for Ecosocialism,
forest cover, making known the uses of bamboo. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
We are pleased to be a part of the INBAR His Excellency Josué Alejandro Lorca Vega
alliance as a partner for the promotion and
development of bamboo in our country; therefore, The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is ranked
we wish to congratulate INBAR on its 25th third in Latin America for bamboo diversity, with
anniversary and long history of achievements, 81 woody and herbaceous species, which are
which have contributed so much to promoting the distributed from the coasts to the cloud forests
cause of sustainable development. and Andean mountain ranges. Aware of this
potential and committed to both saving life on
the planet and fostering sustainable development,
Venezuela has carried out important actions
Minister of Agrarian Development and such as the creation of bamboo forests for
Irrigation, Republic of Peru protective and commercial purposes, such as the
His Excellency Andrés Alencastre Calderón rehabilitation and protection of river basins. At
the same time, Venezuela has promoted Regional
In Peru, bamboo has been used for many years in
Bamboo Committees with the vision of achieving
the traditional construction system “quincha” to
forestry development through the production,
build homes located in coastal cities such as Lima,
Callao, Trujillo, Piura and more in order to prevent research and transformation of this resource,
damage caused by frequent seismic movements in improving the quality of life of communities, and
buildings. together with the country’s academic sector also
promoted the Practical Manual for the Cultivation
The great versatility, rapid growth and
and Management of Guadua in Venezuela.
economic, social and environmental benefits that
bamboo provides encourages Peru to prioritize Our country has been a Member State of the
the development of its production process, with International Bamboo and Rattan Organization
a focus on value and sustainable management (INBAR) since 2002, and has observed the
of our forest heritage, which will substantially valuable contribution of INBAR to the fulfillment
contribute to improving our ecosystems and of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as
livelihoods of rural and urban populations from all well as to various commitments established in
regions. different environmental conventions. Today, on
In this sector, Peru maintains a close its 25th anniversary, we reaffirm our commitment
relationship with INBAR, and with its technical to INBAR, and strengthening cooperative
support, programs have been developed for the ties as well as promoting the possibility of
benefit of actors linked to bamboo in various deepening institutional partnerships in research,
regions, which strengthens forest management, management and industrial production of bamboo.
helping to improve the technical capabilities of From the land of Bolívar, Chávez and Maduro,
bamboo growers. we wish INBAR the greatest of successes and a
It is important to mention that Peru and happy anniversary!

8 INBAR Magazine


In Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, areas, ecology, reproductive biology, anatomical,
INBAR and IFAD are helping local physical-mechanical and phytochemical properties
of bamboo, are essential for the sustainable
communities reconnect with and
management of the resource. Likewise, ancestral
fully utilize an overlooked forest knowledge, myths and legends, cultural
resource in the Amazon. expressions, development and integration of clean
technologies and more help determine its proper
The Amazon, known as one the most biodiverse use in a bioeconomy.
ecological region on the planet, hosts a wide
To help address some of these, in 2019,
range of native bamboo species. Both woody and
Colombia, Ecuador and Peru launched the
herbaceous bamboo can be found within the
project Innovation and Promotion of Bamboo
region. Some bamboo sprout from the moist soil
through Action-research for Resilient Agriculture
in large, natural patches in association with other
in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Known as
forest species, while others cluster deep within
“Bambuzonía” by project workers, the nickname
the forest canopy.
is a combination of the words “bamboo” and
The use of bamboo in Latin America dates back “Amazon” in Spanish. The Bambuzonía project is
over 10,000 years. For inhabitants of the Amazon, executed by the International Bamboo and Rattan
the versatile forest resource offers a plethora Organization (INBAR) in close coordination with
of uses, from being used to make hunting and a number of local partners, and the project is
fishing tools, rafts and musical instruments to financed by the International Fund for Agricultural
the construction of houses and temples. In some Development (IFAD). This project aims to fully
communities, bamboo shoots appear as regular utilize bamboo as a multifunctional resource
occurrences in local diets. capable of restoring degraded lands, mitigating
However, despite their multifaceted traditional climate change and generating alternative revenue
applications, the use, cultivation and positive streams for rural producers. To date, the project
transformation of these bamboo species has 4000 beneficiaries across the three countries.
remain limited due for a number of reasons.
An abundance of precious woods, incomplete
intergenerational knowledge transfer, the Bambuzonía in Colombia
introduction of foreign agricultural systems, In Colombia, the project is focused on Meta and
inefficient land use in livestock systems, Caquetá Departments, with participation from
unfamiliarity with new sustainable technologies the Embera Chami Puru and Inga Indigenous
and more are some of the reasons explaining communities.
why bamboo has been overlooked in sustainable
Two active departmental technical boards
development schemes.
in Meta and Caquetá directly contribute to the
We posit that the Amazon is rife with great development of the national management
potential for research into the diversity of native of bamboo and its use in agribusiness. One
bamboo species and has been overlooked for far major achievement in the region last year was
too long. Many scientific lines of inquiry regarding the drafting of the Bamboo Competitiveness
the status of bamboo in the Amazon still lack Agreement, a major document of national
basic information, making the topic well suited relevance for the use and future development of
for investigation. The generation and recovery bamboo. In addition, 12 native species have been
of bamboo knowledge in the areas of genetics, registered in Colombia as part of the project,
morphology, distribution ranges, coverage including seven herbaceous and five woody

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 9

and provide employment to other people.” Among
residents of Colombia impacted by the project, her
story is not uncommon.

Bambuzonia in Ecuador
In Ecuador, project activities are carried out in
Napo, Pastaza and Morona Santiago Provinces, with
participation from the Huaorani, Shuar and Kiwcha
Indigenous communities.
In Pastaza, as part of implementing the
project, the Launch of the Strategic Plan for the
Development of Bamboo in the Amazon region
was carried out. Objectives of the plan included
maximizing bamboo-related activities via Field
Schools as well as in the production, management
and uses of bamboo, enhancing all nodes in
the value chain. Moreover, in Ecuador, 10 native
species have been registered as part of the project,
including five herbaceous and five woody species.
In Ecuador, the project has overseen the
establishment of 38 Field Schools. Through a wide
range of educational activities, instructors at these
schools have helped change the popular notion
held by many producers that bamboo is a “bad
Beneficiaries of the Field School present their tools and weed.” Project beneficiaries now see it as a valuable
bamboo seedlings. Credit: INBAR. plant with myriad benefits and uses. Indeed, after
finishing the training curricula at Field Schools, a
number of producers now report viewing bamboo
species. Beneficiaries have also been trained in as a “resource of the wise,” owing to its numerous
the sustainable management of bamboo and the contributions to the environment and capacity to
production of handicrafts. invigorate local economies.
After participating in the training, Gladys Carmelina Vargas, 32, is an Indigenous woman
Lozano, a resident of Caquetá, was exposed to who lives in Pastaza Province. She spoke that
new information about bamboo, such as the uses her involvement in the project has inspired and
of bamboo sheaths, which she has wielded to elevated her bamboo craftsmanship. She explained
generate a new source of income. After surviving that, after receiving training, she feels she is now
armed conflict in the region, she has been able to equipped with the expertise for making beautiful
use bamboo to reinvent herself. Lozano now runs a handicrafts. “Bamboo is wonderful, and as artisans
business where she transforms bamboo materials we can use it in the preparation of tableware and
into beautiful handicrafts, such as lamps, pen various products,” she added.
holders and other artisanal products.
In Napo Province, bamboo is also empowering
Lozano mentioned that her introduction to the women of a local Indigenous community.
the project was no mere coincidence. Indeed, The Association Amukina of Kiwcha Women in
she believes it provided her with a new meaning the province helps promote the use of bamboo
of life, which she described as a way to bring for entrepreneurial endeavors. Dary Aguinda,
hope and joy to other families. “Bambuzonía is President of the Association, said that her vision
excellent — it taught us the benefits of bamboo for community development has always included
and contributes positively to our lives,” she said. bamboo. “A friend told me about the project, and I
“It has also allowed us to establish our company

10 INBAR Magazine

decided to get involved in this activity,” she said. Local and national government representatives
“With this one resource, one can create many have marshalled the budget and personnel for
different things. The multifunctional nature of essential tasks like community training, seedling
bamboo is not lost on project participants, and production, the development of technical tables as
many see this quality as its true advantage over well as communication strategies and awareness
other natural resources. campaigns, all of which empower institutions to
meet a diverse range of long-term community
Bambuzonia in Peru
Bambuzonía establishes a valuable precedent
In Peru, the project operates in Junín, Pasco and for other projects in the region. Building upon its
San Martín Departments, with participation learned lessons, the project seeks to coordinate
from the Ashaninka, Awajun, Nomatsigenga and knowledge flow between countries facing similar
Yanesha Indigenous groups. challenges in sustainable development. Its
In this region, the project has advocated for unique holistic toolkit can be exported to other
greater inclusion of bamboo construction with the communities and interest groups seeking technical
aim of bolstering tourism in the area. One clear assistance for the responsible exploitation of
example of this is the construction of the rest stop bamboo.
found on Satipo lookout hill, which was carried The project also reinforces linkages and builds
out in collaboration with the Institute of Housing, trust between local governments and community
Urbanism and Construction and the Municipality leaders, which results in better socio-economic
of the Central Town of Tzancuvatziari. Furthermore, outcomes across a suite of other government
in Peru, 15 native species have been registered as plans and programs. Joint efforts allow the project
part of the project, including nine woody and six to serve a greater number of affected stakeholders,
herbaceous species. while elevating environmental, economic and
Hans Felipe Pérez lives in Junín Department. social issues in the minds of policymakers and
He is an enthusiastic participant of the project, citizens.
who, after enrolling in a handicraft workshop, now Diversified bamboo production systems act
makes bamboo products that captivate tourists as a bulwark against climate change. Small
visiting his local community. “It is important to rural farmers are at the forefront of this change,
promote bamboo because we are in a touristic and they are also the group most vulnerable to
place. We started from the planting of the climate-related risks, like heat waves and floods.
resource, now we are creating handicrafts with the Driven by the guiding ethos that even small
material,” he added. Bamboo-based businesses can actions can have impactful results, Bambuzonía
offer not-insignificant boosts to income, especially brings together people from Colombia, Ecuador
in regions known for sightseeing. and Peru to enrich lives and build resilience. These
efforts generate ripples that extend beyond the
borders of these countries and point the way
Lessons that ripple forward for sustainable, collaborative development
Undergirding the sustainable development of the in regions across the globe.
bamboo sector in three countries, Bambuzonía is
remarkable in scope. It allows project countries
to harness the latent and strategic potential of
bamboo, enabling the responsible growth of the
sector and also helping fight climate change. The This article was a collaborative piece written
project’s extensive partnership network is already by Maija Peltola, IFAD Country Director for
demonstrating successes in the management of Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Guyana,
nurseries, planting, management of bamboo in as well as staff at INBAR’s Latin America and the
their land and more. Stakeholders have started Caribbean Office.
meaningfully integrating the forest resource into
daily livelihoods.

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 11


One community devastated by
Ecuador’s 2016 earthquake is
showing how to use bamboo to
build back better.

The Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean is a region

spanning 40,000 kilometers in which several
oceanic plates slide under the Americas and
Asia, generating seismic and volcanic activity
that endangers hundreds of millions of nearby
residents. Ecuador is part of this belt, where
sliding between the Nazca and South American
plates has historically triggered large-scale
earthquakes, causing fatalities, infrastructure
damage and enormous economic losses.
On 16 April 2016 at 6:58 p.m. (local time),
the north coast of Ecuador was shaken by a
catastrophic 7.8-magnitude earthquake at
Eight lines of action financed by AECID. Credit: AECID /
an approximate depth of 19 km. The town
of Pedernales in Manabí Province was at the
epicenter. After the dust settled, 671 were the agricultural and construction sectors. Bamboo
reported dead, thousands affected and many was identified to function as a connector between
structures had collapsed. After this tragic event, central and local governments, civil society actors
observers of the destruction noted that bamboo and academia, offering alternatives to young
structures seemed to withstand the brunt of the people and women in rural areas to improve and
powerful seismic forces. The high resistance of the diversify livelihoods.
structures in relation to their weight as well as
their ductility, which is the ability to absorb energy This program benefits from a financial
in connections and joints, were important factors contribution from AECID in excess of EUR 1
that contributed to their solid performance. million, which through the implementation of six
projects addresses the eight lines of action listed
For this reason, in 2017, as part of the recovery below, laying the foundation for the organization
package to support Ecuador’s rebuilding, the of the bamboo value chain in Ecuador.
Spanish Agency for International Development
Cooperation (AECID) together with INBAR set up Availability of raw material: Quantity and
the program Promoting Bamboo as a Strategic quality
Resource for Local Development Through a Work at the farm level is a prerequisite for
Sustainable Construction Chain. The program aims obtaining raw material, generating income,
to create an enabling environment to promote improving the livelihoods of the rural population
the sustainable use of bamboo as an alternative and capitalizing on the multiple environmental
material in public and private infrastructure and benefits that bamboo provides, such as
also as a tool in the fight against climate change carbon sequestration, water conservation, soil
due to its low-carbon footprint. Planners also nourishment, biological corridors and more.
sought to revitalize local economies by boosting Accordingly, the establishment of 15 Field Schools

12 INBAR Magazine

for farmers in sustainable bamboo management

has made it possible to have a group of bamboo
technical promoters who are community leaders,
local technicians and public officials, including
young people and women. These technical
promoters then run trainings for over 310 farmers
in the implementation of climate-smart practices
across the farms of Manabí Province.
Equally important is preserving bamboo culms
after harvest. Proper handling ensures that the
culms will avoid damage from insects or fungi.
Five bamboo collection and preservation centers
in Manabí have been upgraded, leading to higher
quality materials with longer lifespans, allowing
sellers to increase the price of bamboo by 90%.

Training skilled local labor

Sustainable construction with bamboo requires
specialized knowledge. Practitioners must comply
with existing regulations while also taking
full advantage of the unique properties of the
material. To date, 74 students, nearly one-quarter
of whom are women, have graduated from the first Students of the Manabí Workshop School practice bamboo
cohort of the Manabí Workshop School in Bamboo construction techniques. Credit: INBAR.
Sustainable Construction, located in the rural modern practices. Moreover, a short five-day series
parish of Calderón, with support of the Fundación of courses was developed for the implementation
Educativa Rada (FUNDER), the Municipality of of light-weight bamboo structures in the localities.
Portoviejo, the Autonomous Decentralized Parish
Governments and other partners.
In the course of their theoretical and practical Training specialized professionals
training, students reviewed topics related to Another key piece of sustainable construction
construction such as electricity, cabinetry, civil with bamboo is the training of construction
works and, of course, construction with bamboo. professionals who know, promote and advocate
At the end of their training, they receive a for the widespread adoption of this material. For
diploma recognized by the Ministry of Labor. The these professionals, it is paramount for them
students later can also opt for a certification for to disseminate relevant technical knowledge
labor competence on Construction of Structures of bamboo and its role in designing durable
and Furniture in Bamboo, which was approved structures.
for the first time in Ecuador’s national catalog Targeting these bamboo advocates, over 1000
of qualifications, providing them with more professionals and specialists from the public
opportunities for career growth. and private sectors have been trained through
In addition, a group of 30 construction masters short courses, webinars and symposiums on
specializing in bamboo from the traditional topics such as design and structural calculation
community Las Tunas in the Puerto López de of bamboo structures, national standards for
Manabí canton participated in the program. Las bamboo construction, quality and resistance, and
Tunas is renowned across Ecuador for being home more. The IKIAM Amazon Regional University now
to the greatest bamboo builders in the country. offers a master’s degree in Architecture with a
These masters were able to update and integrate specialization in Sustainable Construction, with a
their traditional knowledge and methods with specific module for bamboo construction.

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 13


Development of regulations at the national the new International Network of Universities

and local level and Research Centers related to bamboo (RIUCI-
Bambú) are now being supported to facilitate
Regulatory development has been crucial for
the generation, exchange and dissemination of
creating a process of formalization for the bamboo
scientific knowledge on bamboo structures. More
sector. Thus, in 2017, with technical support
than 17 publications and technical documentation
from INBAR, the Ministry of Urban Development
related to the management and sustainable use
and Housing (MIDUVI) issued the Ecuadorian
of bamboo have been circulated, and currently,
Construction Standard Regarding Guadua
a research repository that will facilitate access
Structures, which was a key step for promoting
to the latest scientific work developed in the
this material and led to approval from the national
Latin American and Caribbean Region is under
authority of the first prototype bamboo house for
bioclimatic social housing in 2018.
In the same year, the Ministry of Agriculture
and Livestock elaborated on the National Bamboo Political advocacy and relationships between
Strategy, and with crucial input from the Bamboo actors
Sector Board and INBAR along with over 30 public
and private actors, jointly proposed a roadmap for
the sector. Additionally, the inclusion of Article 31
in the Productive Development and Investment
Attraction Law, which prioritizes construction
technologies for social housing that favor the
use of sustainable local materials, strengthened
efforts within the Houses for All (2017 – 2020)
Currently, the inclusion of bamboo as part
of the national policy through the National
Habitat and Housing Plan 2021-2025 reaffirms
the importance of the resource, where it can be
found across the Costa and the Amazon regions.
In local governments, visionary ordinances in
the municipalities of El Carmen, Portoviejo and
Santa Ana are incentivizing builders to integrate
bamboo materials, with a focus on sustainability
and guaranteeing safety to its inhabitants by Students of the Manabí Workshop School. Credit: INBAR.
promoting earthquake-resistant structures.
Critical government decision-makers are gaining
awareness about the importance of bamboo. These
Research, innovation and technical decision-makers have been key for advancing
documentation the development of the sector. For example, the
Bamboo Sector Roundtable, established in 2013 by
Universities and research centers play a INBAR, exists as a nexus for the exchange of ideas
fundamental role in solving emergent obstacles in between public, private, cooperation and academic
bamboo construction and production chains. As a actors, strengthening disparate links in the chain.
result, tools for accelerating progress in the field
like targeted boot camps have been implemented, In a joint effort between MIDUVI and the
leading to innovations in bamboo construction Bamboo Sector Roundtable, the first communal
and product ideas that can quickly enter markets house was built with bamboo as part of a social
or be available for public use. housing project in Guayas Province. In Manabí,
the Provincial Decentralized Autonomous
Similarly, a series of investigations related to Government is now considering including bamboo
sustainable construction and the formation of in the construction of several tourist buildings in

14 INBAR Magazine

strategic places that promote local and national such as in charcoal, furniture, basketry and more.
tourism. A portfolio of bamboo architectural The program has carried out a detailed analysis
designs for use in the project has already been of the bamboo construction chain in Manabí
drafted. Province. One of the generated outputs is a
MIDUVI, in coordination with local governments model of a Participatory Local Guarantees System
and with the technical support of INBAR, is (SGLP). This model is an integrated system in
promoting the SDG Cities program, which seeks which different stakeholders participate to ensure
to foster inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable compliance with technical and quality standards
communities, incorporating homes with bamboo to ensure the production of high-quality materials.
and rejuvenating urban hubs. Stakeholders include overseers, producers, owners
The Manabí Workshop School has promoted of storage and collection centers, specialists from
the direct involvement of the parish governments the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment and
in the Portoviejo Canton to co-finance the local government officials.
construction of light structures with bamboo
as part of a training program for local students.
Awareness, promotion and dissemination
One major output from these efforts was the
construction of the El Guadual community Reaching potential users is an essential piece
structure, which was a joint endeavor by of the sustainable bamboo construction chain.
the master builders of Las Tunas and parish This requires significant attention and energy to
government actors. The building is now a unique promote related knowledge in the public square.
recreational center enjoyed by the community. Communications experts must be included in
When different actors come together and share the bamboo construction chain to ensure its
knowledge, the results oftentimes exceed outcomes are properly dissemenated to relevant
expectations. stakeholders, also helping to repair fragmented
Social media management, radio airtime,
Development of new products, marketing and preparation of informative material, testimonials,
market access experience and knowledge exchanges, learning
Bamboo has traditionally been sold at low prices tours, and disseminating audiovisual content
with non-selective harvests, causing the loss of are some of the approaches implemented thus
production areas and creating the misconception far to share information regarding the socio-
that products lack durability. Because of these economic and environmental benefits of bamboo
reasons, intermediaries are primarily responsible and its impact on local development. In total,
for commercialization of the sector, and these the cumulative actions of this program have
actors do not typically engage in sustainable reached nearly half a million individuals who are
management of the resource. now aware that bamboo is not only an ancient
resource but also that its use and consumption
More robust regulatory frameworks are helping
promotes a circular development model, providing
ensure stable revenue streams for bamboo
opportunities to newer generations and allowing
producers and ensuring a higher-quality product.
life to flourish on our planet.
In order to expand and diversify markets for
new products, local construction companies
are reaching out to companies in Spain and the
United States and building consensus regarding This article was a collaborative piece written by
product characteristics and trade processes, laying Luis Miguel Gómez Orodea, General Coordinator
a critical foundation for future exports. At the of the Technical Cooperation Office in Ecuador of
same time, new developments in public-private the Spanish Agency for International Development
partnerships are drawing attention to alternative Cooperation (AECID) and staff at INBAR’s Latin
low-carbon construction projects that integrate America and the Caribbean Office.
bamboo as a green resource. There is also a
growing demand for other complementary uses

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 15



Simón Vélez is one of the
foremost authorities on natural
architecture, championing the
use of sustainable materials
like bamboo. In this profile, he
discussed his personal design
philosophy and spoke on the future
of the field.

In architectural circles, Simón Vélez needs no

introduction. Turning 73 this year, the Colombian
is known across the world for his creations of
natural architecture. Born in Manizales in 1949, his
family was closely linked to the world of building:
Both his father and grandfather were architects.
After graduating from the University of the Andes Simón Vélez spoke with the INBAR LAC team about his career
in Bogotá, he blazed an illustrious career, always and the future of architecture. Credit: Simón Vélez.
seeking new opportunities to incorporate natural
materials in construction, such as Guadua bamboo. work. The “free love” mantra of the countercultural
It is in no small part to his lifelong efforts that movement resonated with him, and he took the
the bamboo now has a new moniker — “vegetable message and connected it to his work, infusing
steel.” love of nature into his design process. A wry smile
Vélez has helped design over 200 buildings, appearing, he reflected:
promoting the use of not only bamboo but also “I am an old hippie, but I stayed away from
other natural, sustainable materials. His work has the pitfalls of the movement. My fascination was
taken him around the world to countries such as always its strong emphasis on naturalness. That’s
Brazil, China, Ecuador, France, Mexico, Germany, why I began to include materials such as bamboo.
Panama and more. His long list of achievements I have always tried to think more like an engineer
resoundingly demonstrates the potential of than an architect. In countries with biodiversity, a
structural bamboo in construction. Moreover, builder has to reflect that naturalness.”
he believes that proper handling practices and Vélez views architecture through a dichotomous
construction techniques can significantly add to lens: “vegetarian” and “carnivorous.” “Vegetarian
the resilience of the resource. “In Cali, I am making architecture,” he argues, should be more widely
a tower with bamboo for a botanical garden,” he used in the construction industry, especially in
said in an interview with INBAR’s Latin America developing nations, because large structures can
and the Caribbean Office. “It is a structure teeming be built with the incorporation of more natural
with Guadua and reforested wood. The building materials, creating impressive structures that
showcases the effectiveness of using biodiverse transcend traditional limits. Ultimately, vegetarian
materials in construction projects.” architecture respects nature and harkens back
One of his major influences was the hippie to our ancestors dwelling in the treetops. On the
movement that emerged in the United States in other hand, “carnivorous architecture” features an
the 1960s. He counts it as largely responsible for over-reliance on cement and steel to build cage-
his obsession with using natural materials in his like structures that restrict our lives. It reflects

16 INBAR Magazine

an unbalanced relationship to the natural world. structures.

Vélez spoke that it was an early client of his who In addition to building great buildings, Vélez
first awakened in him this dichotomy: has also built great friendships. One of them was
“One of my early clients requested I help with Jorge Morán Uvidia, the Ecuadorian architect
make a barn for horses out of bamboo. Thanks considered a global pioneer in the use of bamboo.
to his request, I first started exploring the uses “I was a very close friend of Jorge and deeply
of bamboo. I also use cement, steel and other saddened to hear about his death. I truly admire
materials, but bamboo is the protagonist of the what he did. He was an apostle as a teacher and a
story: the rest is simply backdrop.” pioneer as an architect,” he added.
Across his decades of work, Simón Vélez has For Vélez, bamboo is a material for all human
helped design and make a wide range of buildings, beings, whether rich or poor, because it is an
from pavilions to churches in a variety of different essential element of construction just like
international landscapes. Among his works is any other. Given the fervor with which we are
the temporary Our Lady of Poverty Cathedral in beginning to reconceptualize the stewardship
Pereira, Colombia. In this building, the Colombian of our planet’s ecology, he argues that this giant
architect used a Guadua bamboo structure as a grass is perfect for this moment in human history,
provisional church while the building, devastated capable of serving the zeitgeist of the current
by an earthquake in 1999, was rebuilt. moment.
In Mexico, Vélez designed the largest structure “The architecture done nowadays is ephemeral.
ever created from bamboo, the Nomadic Museum, You must strive to do permanent things.” He
which occupies 5130 square meters and features paused. “I would like to be remembered because I
two galleries and three theaters. This was the first make buildings that are long lasting.”
time that the Nomadic Museum incorporated the Vélez ended with an instructive message for
forest resource to represent the unique history of the next generation of architects. “Experience
the country. can only be acquired through doing the work
Among his other constructions is the and is perfected over time, but starting young
Crosswaters Ecolodge, an ecotourism lodge in the gives you a big head start,” he said. This is why
mountains of Nankun, China. For this project, Vélez he recommends that young architects cultivate
received the 2006 Analysis and Planning Honor an early interest in high-quality natural materials
Award from the American Society of Landscape like bamboo. These components are inherently
Architects and the ZERI Pavilion for Expo 2000 in complex — to fully understand and appreciate
Hannover, Germany, where Vélez captivated those them “takes a lifetime.”
present with the unleashed potential of bamboo

The Nomadic Museum in Mexico City. Credit: Simón Vélez.

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 17

In addition to leaving thousands of beneficiaries equipped for a better future, INBAR
projects also leave “bamboo footprints” across the region. Participants in different training
processes put their skills into practice while creating beautiful and functional structures
for the enjoyment of the community. Here are some selected photos.

Tzancuvatziari hill lookout, Satipo Province, Peru

Gazebo, Pastaza Province, Ecuador Gate, Pastaza Province, Ecuador

18 INBAR Magazine

The Grove of the Bamboo Practicioners,

Manabí Province, Ecuador

Watchtower, Manabí Province, Ecuador

Bus stop, Napo Province,


Bus stop, Pastaza Province, Ecuador Scenic lookout, Manabí Province,


Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 19


Collating the latest international news and activities around bamboo and
rattan sector development.

The “mama mama bambu” or bamboo moms of the island of Flores in Indonesia create bamboo seedlings that will be used to
restore degraded land. Credit: Ulet Ifansasti/EBF.

Son of ‘Queen of Bamboo’ speaks on the 8% of Indonesia’s degraded land, absorb 16% of
promise of bamboo for Indonesia Indonesia’s CO2 emissions per year, generate USD
six to seven billion in annual income and create
In Indonesia, sustainable development is getting
over one million jobs.
a jumpstart. Arief Rabik, son of the widely known
“Queen of Bamboo” who was known for her The initiative is uniquely ambitious in scope,
sustainable and ecological designs used in the planning to create 1000 bamboo villages across
employment of stars like Mick Jagger, Richard the country by 2029 while helping formulate a
Branson and David Bowie, has redoubled efforts to national strategy in conjunction with the Ministry
promote bamboo. In this, he advances the legacy of Environment and Forestry. Ultimately, bamboo
of his late renowned mother while blazing a new can not only help address Indonesia’s degraded
path forward. land, but also heal the two billion hectares of poor
soils found around the world, making it an ideal
Speaking at the Kuala Lumpur Architecture
forest resource for combining both restoration and
Festival’s Datum: KL conference in July, he
economic growth.
championed the rural poor as those most
vulnerable to climate risks, offering bamboo as a Source: The Star Online
sustainable pathway out of poverty. He pointed
to the Bamboo Village Initiative of his non-profit,
Environmental Bamboo Foundation, as a roadmap New fossil remains point to crucial missing
for green development. Directly targeting “12 of link in panda evolution
the 17 UN SGDs,” the initiative seeks to rejuvenate An archeological discovery has helped researcher

20 INBAR Magazine


gain a better understanding of panda’s “false to undertake an innovative project. Using Cement
thumb,” which is a sixth digit attached to their Bamboo Frame technology, volunteers worked to
wrists that helps them grip and crush bamboo build disaster-resistant homes in the city.
stems. Part of the Negros Occidental Impact 2025
The fossils, unearthed in Yunnan Province’s Project, the event aimed at encouraging builders
Zhaotong City, are approximately six to seven to consider ecological and resilient construction
million years old, making them the oldest materials to foster a new housing ecosystem.
known evidence for the presence of a sixth digit. Habitat for Humanity partnered with local
Scientists were surprised to note the size of the government actors to make the event possible.
false thumbs exceeds those of pandas today.
Speakers at the event praised the approach,
This evidence helps clarify the evolutionary
noting that bamboo is a critical resource in the
development of pandas from their carnivorous
ancestors to modern-day vegetarians. city’s efforts to achieve zero homelessness. It
was also an important event for members of the
Pandas are well known for their voracious community to come together after the pandemic
appetite, capable of consuming nearly 40 and celebrate shared values held within the
kilograms of bamboo a day as adults. Some of their community.
feeding periods can even last as long as 14 hours.
Without a hooked sixth digit, their feeding strategy Source: The Visayan Daily Star
would likely be very different.
Source: The Guardian Kenyan standards seek to harmonize and
accelerate industries
Plastic ban drives demand for wood and The Kenyan Bureau of Standards has established
bamboo in India six new standards for use in different sectors to
accelerate the growth of respective industries.
Since 1 July, India has banned the manufacture,
Announced at the Emerging Standards Forum,
sale and use of single-use plastic items. This has
led to massive growth in the bamboo and wood a quarterly platform for disseminating newly
sectors as manufacturers seek out eco-friendly launched standards and their impacts to media
alternatives. outlets and other stakeholders, these standards
intend to ensure quality across products and
According to Just Dial, an IT company in India stabilize the growth of various industries.
which also functions as a local search engine,
demand for wood and bamboo dealers increased The bamboo and rattan sectors were pointed
35% from March to May 2022. They provided other out for their immense possibility for growth in
useful metrics, such as increased demand for the years to come. In addition, the new standard
wooden cutlery like spoons, knives, forms, bamboo provides guidelines on mitigating the splitting
sticks and other kitchenware. of bamboo culms as well as how to ensure the
durability of structures.
This government policy seems to truly
have spurred a new developmental trajectory. In total, standards are in the following
Sustainability is playing a more prominent role areas were published: Biogas systems (farm-
in all business decisions as the sector aligns its and industrial-scale biogas systems); textiles
processes to comply with government regulations. (reusable sanitary towels); ceramic tiles;
Source: Knowledge & News Network education and learning services (requirements
for distance learning); to facilitate sustainable
bamboo development; and new guidelines and
Housing project reinforced with new bamboo requirements for greenhouse gas emissions
technology management. All of these will play a crucial role in
On 11 July, in San Carlos City, the Philippines, the overall economic development of Kenya.
international and local volunteers came together Source: Business Today

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 21


INBAR commissions research, conducts project work and raises

awareness about bamboo and rattan across its 48 Member States.

H.E. Mr. Guillermo Lasso, President of the Republic of Ecuador, placed the first bamboo post where houses will be built with
this forest resource. Credit: INBAR

Ecuador to finance sustainable bamboo as part of a joint project financed by the

housing Spanish Agency for International Development
Cooperation (AECID) and executed by INBAR with
On 27 July 2022, the President of the Republic support from the European Investment Bank and
of Ecuador H.E. Mr. Guillermo Lasso, the other strategic partners.
Minister of Urban Development and Housing
The bamboo houses will be 56 m² and
H.E. Ms. Gabriela Aguilera, INBAR’s Regional
approximately USD 18,700 per unit, which the
Director for Latin America and the Caribbean
Government of Ecuador has pledged to entirely
Mr. Pablo Jácome Estrella, local authorities and
finance. This impressive effort helps achieve the
students from the Manabí Workshop School UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 to make
in Sustainable Bamboo Housing Construction cities and human settlements “inclusive, safe,
participated in a launching ceremony for resilient and sustainable.”
sustainable bamboo housing in Manabí Province.
In his speech at the event, Lasso highlighted International Day of Indigenous Peoples
the importance of bamboo and noted the On August 9, INBAR participated in the
remarkable resilience of bamboo structures to virtual event organized by FAO on The Role
the catastrophic earthquake in 2016, while many of Indigenous Women in the Preservation
homes made from common building materials and Transmission of Traditional Knowledge in
like concrete, steel and zinc collapsed. “These celebration of the International Day of the World’s
materials are not always the most suitable,” he Indigenous Peoples. The goal of 2022 aimed at
said. elevating the key role Indigenous peoples play in
Lasso also recognized the achievements of the preservation and transmission of traditional
graduates from the Manabí Workshop School knowledge.
in Sustainable Bamboo Housing Construction At the event, Shakira Andy, a woman of the

22 INBAR Magazine

Kichwa ethnicity, talked about her environmental indicated that these events help to strengthen
activities and knowledge of her local community. the promotion of bamboo in the region. “Bamboo
Shakira is a tourism engineer and works is a versatile resource that we must think of as
closely with Napo Kichwa’s Women Association something not only ancient but also with big
“Amukina” to help promote the construction implications for the future owing to its potential
of bamboo nurseries within the FAO-INBAR in the industry and in the socio-economic
Biocentric Restoration project in Ecuador, which is development of countries,” he added.
strengthening rural communities in the Amazon.
New ISO standards for bamboo and rattan
Training on sustainable bamboo development The International Organization for Standardization
in Guyana has recently published two standards on bamboo
From 15 to 29 August, the Training Workshop on and rattan.
Bamboo Sustainable Development was held in The standard ISO 23478:2022, “Bamboo
Georgetown, Guyana, co-sponsored and organized structures — Engineered bamboo products —
by the Embassy of China in the Cooperative Test methods for determination of physical and
Republic of Guyana, INBAR and the Ministry of mechanical properties,” specifies test methods
Local Government and Regional Development of suitable for determining the mechanical properties
Guyana. The training aimed to bring awareness of engineered bamboo products.
to stakeholders on the role of bamboo in ecology
The standard ISO 23067:2022, “Grading system
conservation, social and economic development,
for rattan: Requirements and classification,”
especially for rural revitalization and landscape
provides guidelines and requirements to sort and
classify rattan cane materials based on physical
A total of 60 participants were trained online by properties, quality and market values.
Chinese bamboo teachers, of which 30 were also
The standards have been developed with the
trained in person by Ecuadorian bamboo teachers.
support of INBAR’s Bamboo Construction Task
Officials from government departments related to
Force and Rattan Task force.
agriculture, forestry, environmental conservation
and rural development as well as researchers, INBAR and ICBR join hands to fight plastic
technicians, leaders in the private sector involved pollution and climate change
in the development of natural resources and rural
development, communities that use bamboo in On 28 July 2022, INBAR co-organized a launch
their livelihoods and bamboo artisans all actively meeting for a project entitled R&D and
participated in the training activities. Applications of Innovative Bamboo Products as
Substitutes for Plastics in Beijing in collaboration
SIBGUADUA 2022: “We resist and reinvent with China’s International Centre for Bamboo and
ourselves. We are bamboos!” Rattan (ICBR). This represents an important move
to bring into action the Bamboo as a Substitute
INBAR participated as co-organizer in the 7th
for Plastics Initiative, one of the deliverables that
International Bamboo and Guadua Symposium
emerged from the High-level Dialogue on Global
(SIBGUADUA), which took place from 15 to 17
Development hosted by China in June.
September in Lima, Peru at the National Agrarian
University — La Molina and the University of San Following China’s announcement that it will
Martin de Porres. jointly launch the Bamboo as a Substitute for
Plastic Initiative with INBAR to reduce plastic
This important event for the global bamboo
pollution and address climate change, ICBR and
sector brought together international speakers
INBAR joined hands to commence the project,
with extensive experience in areas related to
focusing on the research and development of
bamboo. The symposium addressed the following key technologies for making bamboo straws,
four thematic areas: cultivation, cooperation, bamboo winding composite pipes and molded
construction and business. bamboo pulp boxes, as well as on assessing the
Walter Barreto, President of SIBGUADUA, performance of these new bamboo products.

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 23


guidelines in bamboo projects can help ensure the

durability of structures.
In the second part, authors explain how to
conduct technical evaluations of construction
processes, such as the identification and
description of pathologies that can occur in
bamboo structures. They recommend inspecting
bamboo structures in six-month intervals,
proposing a periodic evaluation sheet for bamboo
structures that enables the early identification of
pathologies and suggests corrective actions.
The third part compiles recommendations
from professionals and construction workers
with experience in the bamboo sector
for the maintenance of structures. These
recommendations center on the correction of
isolated flaws that do not compromise structural
aspects, such as loss of color and minor cracks.
MANUAL FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF The fourth and final part discusses how to
BAMBOO CONSTRUCTIONS properly repair bamboo structures that feature
a high degree of deterioration due to non-
Bamboo is an ideal material for construction
compliance with technical standards or due to lack
due to its physical and mechanical properties.
of maintenance, compromising structural integrity.
Moreover, given the high amount of embodied
carbon found in common construction materials, The manual follows the guidelines of the
bamboo can play an important role in lowering Ecuadorian Structural Safety Construction
humankind’s carbon footprint while healing Standard for Guadua (NEC-SE-GUADÚA). It also
ecosystems and revitalizing rural economies. incorporates recommendations from the Technical
Talk on Maintenance for Bamboo Structures held
Although bamboo construction is not a new
in 2021 in Ecuador, and has greatly benefited from
field, the sector has undergone rapid growth in
consultations with experts and stakeholders from
recent years. Ensuring the compliance of bamboo
the bamboo construction sector.
structures with national and international
regulations has become increasingly important The document has been prepared as part of
to match the industry’s expansion, since the the project Support for Sustainable Construction
improper use of bamboo in construction or lack of Through the Manabí Workshop School and The
maintenance can affect its durability and structural Strengthening of the Production Chain of Bamboo
strength, potentially harming its reputation. This Construction, which is generously funded by AECID.
is why the Manual for the Maintenance of Bamboo Its primary application is to assist in the training
Constructions was written — to promote the of skilled labor for bamboo construction.
proper use of bamboo in construction through
the dissemination of recommendations for its
The manual is organized into four parts. The
Bermeo, R., Cadena D. , van Drunen, N., Gallegos,
first part introduces bamboo and its application
L., Hidalgo Zambrano R., Jácome F., López, R.,
in construction and describes the technical
Mondello, R., Moreno F., Olvera A. , Torres Haro,
requirements regarding the quality of the raw
E. , Vega, R. (2021). Manual de mantenimiento para
material, design and construction. Meeting these
construcciones de bambú. Quito, Ecuador: MSB,
basic criteria can allow a structure to last over 50
years without the need for major maintenance.
Properly implementing these construction

24 INBAR Magazine



... have been described in technical guides Caquetá and Meta Departments have been
detailing the diversity of bamboo in certain identified, with a total of 12 native species (7
provinces or departments of Colombia, Ecuador herbaceous and 5 woody) and 3 exotic species.
and Peru.
In Ecuador, bamboo species present in
In these guides, prepared by the well-known the provinces of Napo, Pastaza and Morona
Colombian taxonomist Ximena Londoño, Santiago have been identified, with of total of
technical sheets of the identified species are 10 native species (5 herbaceous and 5 woody)
presented, detailing the scientific name of the and 14 exotic species.
species, common name, category, distribution
In Peru, bamboo species present in the
and general climatic conditions, description of
departments of Junín, Pasco and San Martín
the habitat and culm, local and/or ancestral
uses, phenology, ecology, habitat and the have been identified, with a total of 15 native
ecosystem services it provides. The guides also species (8 herbaceous and 7 woody) and 6
contain a distribution map of the native species exotic species.
and descriptions of morphological structures, In total, across the 3 countries, 20 unique
accompanied by photos, and conclude with native bamboo and 9 unique exotic bamboo
guidelines for the development of bamboo in have been identified.
the study areas.
The document ultimately explains
These guides are important because they that the identified bamboo species can
provide a greater degree of knowledge about play an important role for the sustainable
the diversity and use of bamboo species development of these areas and promote a
in these localities, which facilitates the circular development model for diversifying
holistic training of producers, technicians, agricultural and livestock production activities.
public officials and professionals about These bamboo species can also help in the
the importance of bamboo and motivates fight against deforestation in the Amazon,
stakeholders to promote the use of local provide alternatives to illicit crops, contribute
species. to poverty alleviation efforts and mitigate the
In Colombia, bamboo species present in effects of climate change.

25 INBAR Magazine Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 25


2 August 15–17 September

Training bamboo entrepreneurs on Business 7th International Bamboo and Guadua
Development Services Symposium (SIBGUADUA)
Kenia Lima, Peru

8–14 August 18 September

Knowledge transfer tour in construction processes World Bamboo Day
with Guadua angustifolia Kunth World day
9 August 2022 Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Design
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Award
Peoples Countries in Lancang-Mekong Area
International Day
10-14 October
15–24 August International Agroforestry Convention 2022
Training Workshop on Sustainable Bamboo Habana, Cuba
Development in Guyana
Guyana 7–8 November
The Second Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress
1–5 September (BARC 2022)
China International Service Trade Fair (CIFTIS) Beijing, China
Beijing, China
7-19 December 2022
14 September 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to
Bamboo Business Roundtable in Peru the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 15)
Lima, Peru Montreal, Canada

Find out more at

26 INBAR Magazine

Open for registration

In order to promote the green economic development using bamboo and rattan and contribute
to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Second Global Bamboo
and Rattan Congress (BARC 2022) will be held at the Beijing International Convention Centre on
7-8 November 2022. Co-hosted by the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR)
and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China (NFGA), BARC 2022 will
bring together representatives from governments, research institutes, international and non-
governmental organizations, the private sector and the media to discuss the development of
bamboo and rattan.

Bamboo and Rattan Update V3/I3 27


Credit: Yann Barnet

This picture was taken during a bamboo training workshop in Wawaim, an Awajún village in northern
Peru. In the five-day training, men, women and children learned how to use bamboo materials in
construction and for making furniture and other handicrafts. The structure was first assembled on the
ground for convenience, safety and efficiency. At this particular moment, participants worked together
to flip the structure upright. The image demonstrates the lightweight nature of bamboo and collective
power of communal engagement in local projects to achieve great accomplishments without relying
on modern construction equipment.


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