Audioscript: Workbook
Audioscript: Workbook
Audioscript: Workbook
Unit 1 B: No, they’re older than me. They go to into all sorts of crimes. And he comes across
university. some interesting people while he’s looking
Developing vocabulary and A: How often do you see them? for robbers and thieves! One of these is
listening p7 B: My brother comes home at weekends. the boss of a big criminal gang, called Ger
But my sister, Jenny, only comes home Rafferty. Although they’re very different,
3 and 4 01 once a month. Rebus and Rafferty get to know each other
Anna: I love my family a lot, but I recently A: What do you do in the evenings? very well. They even help to solve some
moved into my own flat near the B: I usually go round to my friend’s house crimes together! Rafferty turns up in lots of
beach because all my friends live and we do our homework together. the books. I think he and Rebus are opposite
there. Also, it’s easy to get to work A: Do you like computer games? types of people, but they understand each
because my bus stops right outside B: Not really. But I watch a lot of films on my other. A few years ago Rebus retired from
the flat! The flat’s a bit small, but it’s tablet. What about you? the police because he was too old. Everyone
got a kitchen, one bedroom and a A: I spend a lot of free time playing was worried that the books would stop.
living room. It’s enough for me. And computer games. I love them! Luckily, Ian Rankin is continuing to write
I love the independence. I can do books with Rebus. I hope he’s going to solve
what I want when I want to. I don’t PRONUNCIATION p9 more crimes for a long time yet.
mean stay out till late – but just
5 03
cooking, watching what I like on TV, Developing speaking p17
1 What do you do?
you know. 2 06
2 Where do you live?
Ethan: OK, well I now live in a flat with my 3 What sports do you like? A: Hi! Did you enjoy the party at Hiroko’s
cousin and it’s all right, but we hate 4 Where does your dad work? last night?
cleaning or tidying up! So I take 5 How do you travel to school? B: Yeah. It was really good. It’s a shame you
my washing to my mum’s house! couldn’t go.
She’s such a great mum! I moved DESCRIBING PICTURES p9 A: I know I felt awful. But I was feeling ill all
out really because I was having a lot day yesterday. I spent the evening in bed!
of arguments with my parents. You 7 04
This is a family and they are having a meal B: You poor thing. I hope you’re better now.
know – A: Yes thanks. Did Hiroko like my present?
about when I come home, what together. There’s a mum and dad and two
young children and I can also see an older B: Oh no!
clothes I wear and so on – even A: What?
about politics! Now, our relationship woman and another man. Perhaps they are
the grandmother and an uncle? I imagine B: I forgot to give it to her. I’m so sorry.
is much better. We never argue A: It doesn’t matter. I’m seeing her later
when we meet. I go round there they’re at home, probably the mum and
dad’s home, because it looks like a modern today, I’ll give it to her then. You told her
every weekend for lunch and we I was ill, didn’t you?
have a cool time. kitchen/dining room. I think they’re having
dinner or maybe lunch because there’s some B: I forgot that, too. There were a lot of
Alex: The reason I moved out was the people and she was very busy. I feel
bread on the table. I think they’re enjoying
noise. I have three brothers and terrible.
their meal because they’re smiling and
sisters and they are so noisy! It’s not A: So, she thinks I just didn’t turn up. That’s
laughing about something. I imagine they’re
their fault. They’re kids! But I’m at the last time I ask you to give a message
also happy because they’re spending some
university and I need to study a lot to someone for me!
time together as a family.
so now I share a flat with another B: I’m really, really sorry. Let me talk to her
friend who is doing the same course now.
as I am. The difference in my work Unit 2 A: Next time, please remember what I ask
is amazing. I can concentrate more you!
and there’s a big improvement in
Developing vocabulary and
B: Of course I will. I’ll make it up to you. I’ll
my marks! Good decision. listening p15 buy you a burger!
Grace: I moved mainly because of work. 3 and 4 05
I’m a restaurant manager and I I love crime fiction, in books and on PRONUNCIATION p17
finish late every night. When I was television. I enjoy working out puzzles 5 07
at home it was difficult not to wake and I love finding out who committed the 1 I felt awful.
people up when I got back. I have crime, how and why! My favourite at the 2 I’m so sorry.
a very young sister and she doesn’t moment is the Inspector Rebus series. I’ve 3 That’s the last time I lend you anything.
sleep very well. She wakes up very read all of them. The writer is Ian Rankin, a 4 Don’t worry about it.
easily. It wasn’t fair for her really. Scottish author. The stories are great. They 5 Oh no!
Also – because I have late nights, I all take place in Edinburgh and I found out
like to sleep late in the mornings. I a lot about the city while I was reading the DESCRIBING PICTURES p17
get very tired! And that’s hard when series. It sounded lovely and I decided to
7 08
my sister is running around getting visit the place. When you read these books
I think this is in a shop – maybe a
ready for school! So, now I’m in a you find out a lot about the popular parts
supermarket, but not a very big one. It
flat and it’s good for everyone! of Edinburgh but also about the parts the
might be one of those small shops that you
tourists don’t see, too! When I was walking
Developing speaking p9 round the city, I was thinking about all the
see on the corner of the street. I can see
a man inside the shop. He’s middle-aged,
1 and 3 02 different places Rankin described in the
maybe around 50, and he’s wearing a smart
A: Hi! My name’s Pete. What’s your name? Rebus books.
suit and tie. He’s putting something into
B: Hi, I’m Marie. Inspector John Rebus is not a traditional
his inside jacket pocket. I think it’s a book
A: Have you got any brothers or sisters? detective. He has a lot of bad habits and
and I imagine he’s stealing it. I think this
B: Yes, I’ve got a brother and a sister. he doesn’t care about his appearance.
crime happens a lot these days. It’s very bad
A: Do they go to your school? He’s definitely not vain like some other
because sometimes the owners of small
detectives! But he’s very clever. He looks
shops don’t earn much money.
They’re probably talking about something in Developing speaking p35 making mistakes. That’s worse when you
their book – like a grammar point or maybe get older, isn’t it? Your first teacher is also
1 and 2 15
discussing a question from the book. Talking very important. I was very lucky and I had
There are four people in the picture and, …
together helps you speak a language better. an excellent teacher called Miss Painter. She
er, they’re in a waiting room. It’s probably a
You don’t worry about making mistakes clearly loved French and because of that
waiting room in a health centre. I imagine it’s
when you’re not saying things in front of the we loved it, too. We had posters in French
the morning or the afternoon because that’s
whole class! on the classroom walls and every week she
when people usually go to the doctor’s. Er,
brought in French sweets or French music.
three of the people are patients, they’re
Unit 4 waiting to see the doctor. The doctor is also
We realised that French wasn’t just a boring
subject … but it was real and there was a
in the room. The patients are looking at
Developing vocabulary and country with people who really spoke that
him. They look ill or, you know, have health
listening p33 problems. For example, I think the woman
way all the time! When we learned a bit
more French we played games and those
3 and 4 14 on the left has got a broken arm or maybe
were fun, too. We didn’t have tests or lots
Girl: Hey, how are you? it’s her wrist. I’m not really sure, but I think
of homework so we enjoyed the subject a
Boy: Good thanks. I’ve just watched an the woman in the middle has got a sore
lot more I think. Now, learning Russian has
episode of series nine of Grey’s neck because she’s wearing a collar round it.
been a bit different! It’s more serious and
Anatomy. You can borrow the DVD The room isn’t very exciting. There aren’t,
because we’re older it’s harder to learn.
when I’ve finished with it. well, any pictures on the wall. I can also see
We haven’t done much grammar yet, but I
Girl: Great. I love Grey’s Anatomy – it’s such some magazines. I think they’re probably
know it’s going to be difficult! The letters are
a good series. I’ve watched it since it giving information to the patients. I’ve been
completely different and I still don’t write it
started in 2005. in a waiting room like this when I’ve been
very well. But it’s interesting and I want to
Boy: Me too, and it’s actually made me ill. I don’t like waiting rooms because they
learn it well because I like reading Russian
much better at first aid! always seem sad and grey. The thing is, the
books. So, maybe in another five years …
Girl: So, what happened? picture makes me think about times when
Boy: Well – a group of new doctors has I’ve been ill so I don’t really like it much.
just joined the show and on their first Unit 5
day they already have to help lots PRONUNCIATION p35
Developing vocabulary and
of people in trouble. There’s a lot of 3 16 listening p43
competition between them because waiting room
they all want to do operations to learn food poisoning 2 and 3 19
more and make the senior doctors health centre Lily: Last night I went to a musical with
like them. Two of the new doctors first aid my best friend. We were lucky to
were fighting over one patient. But heart attack find tickets because it’s the most
they weren’t paying attention to popular show in London at the
him properly and he had a heart DESCRIBING PICTURES p35 moment. It was definitely as good
attack and nearly died. Luckily, they as the reviews said. The singers
5 17
managed to save the patient, but were brilliant – the dancers, too. But
There are four people in the photograph.
they got into a lot of trouble about just as the girl was singing a very
They are in the countryside near the
that. And one of the new doctors, Jo, sad song and the audience was very
mountains. One of the people isn’t very well.
had to help a baby who was born too quiet, my mobile started ringing!
I imagine he has fallen over or perhaps he’s
early. The baby was really small, but Everyone was staring at me.
got a virus. Two people are carrying him.
they found it in the rubbish outside Ben: We had a dinner party at school
They are probably going to hospital. In the
the hospital! I couldn’t believe it. last week to help raise money for
background there’s a car with red lights. I
It wasn’t even in the waiting room! the local community garden. We
think it’s a police car or a small ambulance. I
And Derek Shepherd, you know, the sold tickets to our friends and family
think the man who is injured is feeling quite
doctor who helps people with injured and then we cooked them a three-
bad. Perhaps his leg hurts.
heads, has hurt his hand badly and he course meal. Doing all the cooking
needs treatment. It’s a bad injury and was less tiring than I thought
it’s difficult to operate, but Callie and Gateway to exams: Units 3–4 because we all worked together.
Jackson have just found a way to help Lots of people came and we had a
him. But for some reason he doesn’t Gateway to exams p38 great time. At the end we counted
want their help yet! I don’t know why the money and I couldn’t believe it.
and maybe he won’t be a doctor 2 18
Hi! I’m going to talk about my language We had more than enough to create
anymore. a really great garden! Everyone was
Girl: Well – it sounds like another learning experiences. We’ve heard from
some other students already about their so generous.
interesting day at the hospital!
problems learning a language. I agree – Sue: There was a programme on TV last
Boy: Yes, and the new doctor – remember I
night about Alicante, a city in Spain.
said her name was Jo, well … she likes there are a lot of problems, but I’ve had
some good experiences, too. The language They talked to a lot of people about
Doctor Karev a lot … and I think he
that I’m best at is French, but I can also the holidays they spent there. Some
likes her too, but it’s difficult because
speak a little Russian. I started learning of them said good things and some
she’s just started at the hospital and
French when I was at primary school – at the said bad things, but they all liked
he’s been there for a long time and
age of nine, but I’ve only learned Russian for one particular hotel and showed
she has to work for him, but I think
a year. I think it was good to start learning lovely photos of it. It looked like a
that they …
French when we were young. It’s easier to great place to go and it didn’t seem
Girl: OK, OK! Don’t tell me … I haven’t
too expensive! I took down the
seen series nine yet! learn to pronounce the different sounds.
Also, you don’t worry too much about details – maybe next year?!
Sarah: Have you seen the latest Dan Fisher Unit 6 PRONUNCIATION p53
film? It’s out now and Charlie and 3 25
I went to see it on Saturday. It’s Developing vocabulary and 1 What are you up to tomorrow?
definitely as good as all his others. listening p51 2 What about you?
But it was so sad! I was crying at the 3 Are you up to anything tonight?
end. It’s about a man who falls in
2 and 3 23
A: In our science class yesterday we got 4 Where shall we meet?
love with a woman who lives on the 5 What time shall we meet?
other side of the world. Apart from some really interesting homework from
Miss Barber. It’s a project about what we 6 Do you like art exhibitions?
Dan Fisher, the other actors aren’t 7 How about half past ten?
very famous, but they are really can do in our area to help slow down
climate change in the future. If we make 8 Why don’t we meet at the bus stop?
good. I can recommend it. But if 9 Do you fancy going to an exhibition?
you watch it you’ll definitely need some changes now, the weather in the
tissues. future might not be so bad. I know that
we’ve caused lots of problems to the DESCRIBING PICTURES p53
Developing speaking p45 planet with all our pollution. We can’t go 5 26
back in time and change things. All we There are two people in the picture. I think
1 20
can do is try to help a bit now. they’re friends and they’re cycling together.
A: I am so bored. Why don’t we do B: I’m actually quite interested in that They’re in the countryside and it looks very
something, go somewhere – I don’t know. beautiful. In the background there’s a lake
topic. Did you know my dad works for
B: Good idea – I haven’t done anything a company that looks at different ways or a river and they are cycling on a track
apart from watch TV all day. going past it. There are some mountains in
of getting energy from the wind and
A: Me neither. Shall we go shopping? There’s the sea? He says the situation is getting the background and the weather looks very
a sale on at Frank’s. good. The people are perhaps on a cycling
worse and it’s not going to get better.
B: I’m not sure. I haven’t really got enough They’ve got the right technology, but holiday or perhaps they’re cycling at the
money. I mean, I can’t buy anything really. weekend for fun. I think they’re enjoying the
they have to get permission from people
A: Yes, but we can just look at things. to build wind farms and solar farms activity. It’s good to see lovely countryside
B: That’s not much fun when you can’t buy in different areas. My dad gets very and it’s good to be healthy, too.
annoyed when people refuse. I mean, if
A: Hmmm … I know what you mean. How the wind or solar farms are near people’s
about taking your dog for a walk along
houses, they don’t want them.
Gateway to exams: Units 5–6
the river? We can get some fresh air.
A: I know what he means – and I’m going
B: But what about the weather? It’s going to to say that in my project! We have to Gateway to exams p56
rain later.
think about the future, don’t we? Perhaps 2 27
A: OK. You’re probably right. We don’t want your dad can get me some information
to get wet. I know, let’s call Maddy. She’s Interviewer: There are lots of examples
and pictures. I tried to go online on of famous people – singers
usually got some suggestions.
my mobile to look last night, but if I go or actors usually – who talk
B: Great! She might invite us over to play online where I live, I don’t get a good
her new computer game! about the environment or
signal. It was hopeless. natural disasters on TV or in
A: Yes! Good thinking! B: I’m sure he can. I’ll ask him tonight and magazines. We wanted to
he’ll email you some information when he know what you think about
gets to work tomorrow. He’s always keen that, so we went out onto the
4 21 to help people understand more about street and asked you. This is
/ei/ /ae/ /eə/ environmental problems. what you told us.
game am air A: Thank you so much! But perhaps he can Speaker 1: Well, some people think
made ankle give you the information for me instead it’s OK, but I hate seeing
play at of sending it? My mobile will probably famous people talking about
rain haven’t take forever to download it! things like that. I think most
sale Maddy B: No problem. of these famous people,
taking shall when they do that, you know,
Developing speaking p53
they just want publicity for
DESCRIBING PICTURES p45 1 24 themselves. They just want
6 22 Katie: What are you up to tomorrow? to advertise their new film
There are four girls in the photo and they’re Tom: Nothing really. What about you? or album. They start talking
looking at something. They’re all teenagers Katie: Nothing planned. Do you fancy about the environment and,
and three of them are sitting very close going to the Planet Earth exhibition two minutes later, they’re
together on the sofa. One girl is holding in town? telling you the title of their
something in her hand. I imagine it’s a Tom: Sure. What time shall we meet? new record and talking about
remote control for a television or maybe Katie: How about half past ten? how brilliant it is!
for a game? I think it’s for a television and Tom: Fine. Why don’t we meet at the bus Speaker 2: I don’t know. I think the
they’re watching it together. They look stop next to my house? good thing is that they help
very interested in the programme and I Katie: OK, but where shall we meet if it people to see that there
think something exciting is happening rains? are really serious problems
on the screen because they’re watching Tom: Come straight to my house. in the world and we need
very carefully! I think they’re enjoying the Katie: Good idea. I’ll see if Amy wants to to do something about it.
programme and want to see what happens come. They usually get people
next. Tom: Great! See you tomorrow. to help and give money,
and that money can be
really important. You know, normal to spend your whole working life They’re probably hungry, too! The waitress
famous people attract lots doing one job or profession. Today it’s doesn’t look very busy so she’s probably
of publicity and they use much easier to change career if you want enjoying her job. It’s not a very well-paid job,
the attention to tell people to. In fact, I think people expect you to. but if you’re good, the customers leave you
about some of the terrible My sister went for a job interview recently tips.
things that are happening in and they were quite surprised that she
the world right now. That’s only had experience of one job! Unit 8
a good thing. Often people B: I know what you mean. But I don’t want
don’t really care about these to waste time doing a course that isn’t Developing vocabulary and
disasters if famous people going to lead to a good job. So, I think listening p69
don’t talk about them. it’s important to make the right decision
3 and 4 31
Speaker 3: I just think that these
A: So what are you thinking about? Hi – I’m Zac and I’m 15. I’m here to tell you
celebrities, these singers and
B: Well, you know my dad’s a computer about an amazing friendship I have. Is it
actors, they’re really rich.
engineer? He enjoys his job and it’s very someone I met at school? No, it isn’t. Or
That’s the biggest problem
well-paid. I think I might do that. someone who lives near me? No, it isn’t.
with famous people. They’re
A: OK, if you were good at computer In fact, my closest friend isn’t human at all.
too rich. They’re millionaires.
science then that would be a great choice She’s a dog! You see, when I was seven I
If they want to help, why
– but you don’t really like it much, do had a bad illness and I was in hospital for
don’t they just give their own
you? ten weeks. When I went home again, I
money? Normal people like
B: But that’s lessons at school – I’m sure it couldn’t go back to school for a few months.
me aren’t rich enough to
would be better at university. And there Loneliness and boredom are big problems
give much money, but these
are lots of jobs for computer engineers. when you’re recovering from an illness so
celebrities could give enough
A: That’s true – but it isn’t only about the my parents had a good idea! They bought
money to stop some of these
money. You’re really interested in the me a dog, a black Labrador called Betsy.
problems tomorrow, instead
environment. Why don’t you think about She’s absolutely wonderful and I really love
of buying mansions and
studying that? having her around. She’s always by my side
sports cars and expensive
B: But it’s really hard to get a job with and I walk her every day before and after
clothes. They’re millionaires.
environmental sciences. My cousin did school. We go to the park where she has
Why don’t they just give
that and he’s still out of work. He’s had some freedom to run around and explore.
money instead of telling us
to take a part-time job at a fast food She has a great relationship with my friends,
what to do?
restaurant! I don’t want to do that. too. They love playing with her and they try
Speaker 4: Well, I think it’s stupid. What to give her biscuits. That’s not good as she
does an actor know about A: But … oh well, I still think you should
study something you actually like. I’m has a weakness for biscuits. She also knows
the environment or about when I’m feeling sad and she puts her head
global warming? Actors thinking about doing drama. I know
working as an actor is hard and it’s usually on my knees.
don’t know enough to be
able to inform us, they aren’t badly-paid, but I love acting. If I were an Developing speaking p71
experts. I want famous actor, I’d enjoy every day.
B: I think that would be a good choice for 1 and 2 32
singers and actors to talk
about music and film, not you. You’re very good, you know. And A: Hi Nick! Did you have a good weekend?
about the ozone layer and you say badly-paid, but if you got a big B: Yes I did, thanks. Saturday was very busy,
part in a film, you’d be really well-off! You but it was good fun.
global warming. I want to
learn about world problems might even get really well-known! A: What did you do?
from the experts, people A: Perhaps you should think about that too B: Well, it was my older brother’s birthday –
then! Tony, do you remember him?
who really know what they’re
talking about.
A: Yes. He’s at university in France, isn’t he?
PRONUNCIATION p63 B: Yeah. Well, he came home on Friday and
Interviewer: As you can see, not
3 29 he got a big surprise! Mum and Dad had
everybody agrees then about
organised a big meal at a restaurant for
the question of celebrities, 1 Can you tell me when the job starts?
him and friends at The Hotel on the Park.
but one thing is … 2 Could I ask if you need any experience?
A: How fantastic! My aunt used to work
3 Can you tell me how I can apply?
there. She says the food there is
Unit 7 4
Can you tell me what we have to do?
Could I ask what the basic wages are?
B: It certainly is! We all arrived at about 6.30
Developing vocabulary and 6 Can you tell me what your address is?
– Mum had booked the table for 7.30 –
listening p61 so we had a chat before dinner. Then we
2 and 3 28 all sat round an enormous table in their
5 30 main restaurant. There were twenty of us!
A: Have you decided what subject you’re
There are four people in the photo. Three A: Did you know everybody?
going to study at university next year yet?
of them are sitting at a table in a restaurant B: Not everybody. But most of the people
B: I have a couple of things I’m thinking
and they are ordering a meal. The waitress were family and Tony’s friends from his
about, but it’s hard. I mean, you have
is writing down their order. I think it’s old school. I knew them. But there were
to think about what you want to spend
lunchtime because they’re wearing summer two new friends that had come over from
the rest of your life doing. If you make a
clothes that you wear in the day time. I think France with him. And his new girlfriend!
mistake now, it could be a real problem
the waitress is a student in her summer She’s called Ella and she’s really nice.
later on.
holidays. Perhaps she wants to earn some A: So, what did you eat?
A: Oh, I don’t know that that’s true. Yeah –
extra money. I think the people at the table B: I ordered fish in a delicious sauce. Then
for our parents it was important to make
are feeling happy because maybe they’ve while we were all having coffee at the
the right choice because then it was
been shopping and they’re having a break.
end of the meal, Dad stood up and independent is fantastic. We get on were really messy because she
spoke about how proud he was of Tony! I very well and we’ve all got a wide used to make lots of mistakes!
think Tony was really embarrassed! circle of friends at university so Today we just type our work on
A: What a great way to celebrate a birthday. there are parties all the time. our laptops and print it out or
B: It was. Ben: That’s why getting up in the send it to the teacher online. If
mornings is a problem! we make a mistake we delete
PRONUNCIATION p71 Sophie: It’s only my first term. At school it! Easy! Also it’s much easier
4 33 I used to have to get up at 6.30 to fill in forms online, too. And
1 How fantastic! every morning! So, now I’m faster! I’m glad I’m at school
2 Did you know anyone? enjoying spending a bit more time now and not thirty years ago.
3 What a surprise! in bed. Speaker 3: For me, the biggest change
4 He’s at university, isn’t he? Ben: If I shared a flat with friends I think I’ve noticed with reading
5 That’s brilliant! I’d do the same. and writing is that so many
6 I love it! Sophie: It’s also cool living with people people read books online now.
that you really like. We all study Everywhere you go you can
DESCRIBING PICTURES p71 the same subject so we help each see people reading on their
other with work and projects, too. e-readers, tablets or laptops
6 34
One of my flatmates is brilliant with – even on their phones. It’s
I can see some young people. They’re computers and technology – so convenient, I know and it’s
teenagers and there are some boys and she’s always fixing my laptop. I love especially good for people
some girls. I think they know each other. cooking, too, and I’ve become a when they’re travelling, but
They’re wearing casual summer clothes – really good cook! I don’t really like it. I prefer
like T-shirts and shorts. They’re on a beach
Ben: So, if I came up to visit you I would the way a real book feels –
because I can see the sand and I think
get a good meal? you know what I mean? I like
there are some plants in the background.
Sophie: That would be so good Ben. Why turning over real pages and I
They’re probably having a party. I imagine
don’t you come up next month? like flicking through a new book
it’s someone’s birthday and he or she has
You can sleep on the sofa. It’s a before I buy it – you can’t do
organised a barbecue or a picnic. Some
nice big one and it’s very soft! that online, can you? And the
of the teenagers are sitting on a blanket
Ben: Thanks! I must come up – and meet smell of a new book – that’s
and most of them are chatting and eating
your flatmates. But you must start magic!
watermelon. They look relaxed and happy
doing some work soon, too!
and I think they’re really enjoying the Developing speaking p81
Unit 9 1 37
Hi! I’m going to talk about a book I
Gateway to exams: Units 7–8 Developing vocabulary and remember from when I was younger. We’ve
listening p79 all got favourite books from that time in our
Gateway to exams p74 3, 4 and 5 36 lives and mine is called The Wind in the
2 35 Speaker 1: In my opinion, reading and Willows. I’d like to begin by saying that I first
Ben: Hi Sophie, I haven’t seen you for writing these days is very read this when I was quite young, but I’ve
ages! How’s life at university? different from when my parents read it several times again since then. It’s a
Sophie: I’m having an amazing time. The were young. When they were beautiful book. First of all, I love the location.
course is quite difficult, but it’s very at school they had to look The story happens in a very peaceful part of
interesting and I’m getting on OK. up new words in a dictionary the countryside and when you read it you
Ben: Do you have to get up really early and it could take ages. Now can see sun, blue skies and almost hear the
to go to lectures? I just go online, type in the noise of a gentle river! It’s about the lives
Sophie: Gosh – no! It’s not like school at all! word and I get the meaning of different animals. The descriptions are
There are some lectures that we immediately. You don’t have very good and what’s more – it’s very funny,
have to go to, but we don’t have to to turn over a lot of pages too! It’s also true that this book has a special
attend all of them. Usually my first and waste time. Also, instead message. It’s not just about animals and what
lecture starts at 11.30 on Mondays of looking questions up in an they do or don’t do, it’s about the modern
and the rest of the week it’s 10.30 – encyclopaedia you can ask the world and technology and how it is changing
so that’s not too bad. I must admit questions online, too, and get the countryside. It makes us think about what
that I miss quite a few of the ones answers very fast. Yesterday we are losing. Last but not least, the book is
I don’t have to go to – I know I I asked a website who had about friendship and helping other people.
should go to more, but sometimes written the first cell phone It tells us that when life is difficult we need
I’m just too lazy. novel. I got the answer in to help each other. To sum up, I think both
Ben: Wow! It sounds like a good life! Are seconds! children and adults can learn a lot from The
you staying with family while you’re Wind in the Willows. It was written a long
Speaker 2: I asked my mum what the
studying there? I know it’s at least time ago, but I think it’s even more important
biggest difference was between
two hundred kilometres from here, for people today.
the work I do at school and
isn’t it? the work she used to do. She
Sophie: You’re right. I can’t travel every day PRONUNCIATION p81
said it was writing. When my
– I’d have to get up far too early! mum was at school she had 3 38
No, I’m sharing a flat with two to write everything by hand. If 1 I’d like to begin by saying that
other students. It’s brilliant. Being she made a mistake she had to 2 Last but not least
cross it out. She said her essays 3 It’s also true that
4 Another thing is that
5 To sum up
DESCRIBING PICTURES p81 because there’s someone else with DESCRIBING PICTURES p89
5 39 EllaMarks as her email address. 5 43
Well, there are a few people and they’re Daniel: Oops! Must remember that. I OK, well – there are five people in the
in a bookshop. On the right and in the didn’t realise I’d made a mistake picture, two boys and three girls. They look
foreground, there is a young woman, I because it didn’t bounce back. like students. I’m not sure if they’re English,
imagine she’s a student. She’s wearing Ella: Yeah. I imagine this other Ella they might be foreign students in England
casual clothes. On the left there’s an older Marks has got a lot of my emails in or people in another country. It’s autumn
man. They’re all looking at books from the her inbox! I must change my email because there are leaves on the ground.
shelves. I think it’s a bookshop and not a account. They’re outside and I imagine it’s in the
library because the people are standing Situation 3 countryside or a big park or garden. There
up. In a library they would sit down to look Ben: Where’s Penny? is a lot of grass and behind the people I
at the books. I imagine these people are Tammy: Oh – she was sent home from can see a lot of trees. It might be a forest.
flicking through some books before they school today. They’re sitting on the grass and they’re
decide if they want to buy them. The people Ben: Really? Why was that? What did looking at computers. I think they’re talking
are reading and they look quite serious. I she do? about what they have found or what they
think they are concentrating hard because Tammy: Well, nothing terrible. She’s often can see. I think they’re very relaxed and
they want to know if the book is a good one told off for using her mobile in enjoying the situation because they’re
for them to buy. class. Well, today the teacher got smiling.
really fed up with her. She was
seen checking her emails in the
Unit 10 middle of the lesson again. Gateway to exams: Units 9–10
Developing vocabulary and Ben: I often do that. But I’m careful
to do it when the teacher isn’t Gateway to exams p92
listening p87
2 44
3 and 4 40 Tammy: That is so bad! You should
Situation 1
Situation 1 concentrate on the lesson. You’ll
Sam: Hi! What are you doing here,
Belinda: Hi, Paul! get caught one day.
Tony? You don’t usually buy
Paul: Belinda – hello. How are you Ben: I have already been caught. Last
books in shops. You said you got
doing? month my phone was taken away
everything online these days.
Belinda: OK, thanks. I just wanted to ask for a whole day.
Tony: I know! It’s a bit of an
you about the website to get Tammy: Oh, well, there you go!
emergency. I’d forgotten it was
information about the job you
Developing speaking p89 Sally’s birthday today and I’m
looking for a book for her. Any
Paul: Oh – I sent that and some more 1 41 suggestions?
information to you yesterday. OK, so yes, both of the pictures show Sam: Well, I know your sister loves
Didn’t you get my email? people using computers, but they’re using crime stories, but I imagine she’s
Belinda: Yes, I did – thanks. But them in different places and for different read all the latest ones.
unfortunately I deleted it! I was reasons. In the first photo, the older people Tony: That’s what I thought. Do you
sent a lot of advertising emails are looking at a computer together whereas, think she might like a romance
yesterday and I deleted them in the second photo the people have got novel?
all. The problem is – yours their own computers. The older people Sam: She once told me that she hated
was accidentally deleted, too. look really happy and they’re smiling. romance novels – so maybe a
Could you possibly resend the They’re probably enjoying the activity. science fiction one might be a
information? Sorry to be a pain. However, in the other photo the people are better idea.
Paul: No problem – that’s easy to do. I’ll concentrating and they look very serious. Tony: I’m hopeless. I never know what
email them to you again now. This I think they may be at a big meeting. she’s reading. But that’s a good
time – download the attachment Another big difference is what the people idea.
immediately! are wearing. The older people are wearing Sam: I read this one last month – it’s
Belinda: I will. Thank you. casual clothes. In contrast, the people at really good. I think she’ll love it.
Situation 2 the meeting are all wearing smart clothes. Tony: Thank you so much. You’ve
Daniel: So, Ella, are you coming at the One similarity between the photos is that saved my life!
weekend? the computers are clearly important for the Situation 2
Ella: Sorry? What’s happening at the people. But apart from that they don’t have Martha: How’s your project coming on,
weekend, Daniel? a lot in common. My grandparents were Ben? The teacher wants it in by
Daniel: The trip to London. I sent you an given a computer last year. They love it. My tomorrow.
email about it yesterday. dad is a bit like the people in the second Ben: Oh, it’s going really slowly,
Ella: Oh – I didn’t get an email from photo. He takes his computer to meetings I’m afraid. I’ve been working
you. And I checked my emails all the time. non-stop, but I’m having some
several times yesterday. When did
you send it? PRONUNCIATION p89 Martha: Is there anything I can do to
Daniel: About 11.30. I wondered why you
3 42 help?
didn’t ring me.
1 Another important thing is the location. Ben: That’s really kind of you, but I
Ella: I’m so sorry – it never arrived. Did
2 This weather is normal for this month. think I’ll be OK. One thing was –
you use the right email address?
3 These are my brother’s clothes. I wasn’t given all the information
Daniel: Yeah – I sent it to EllaMarks@
4 Thank you for your kind thoughts. at the beginning of the project
5 My teeth were checked on the third of so I’ve had to spend some time
Ella: No! There’s no ‘s’. It’s EllaMark
June. researching that.
– M-A-R-K, I had to choose that
6 I threw away the dirty cloth yesterday.