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Dewi Eka Juriati Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda ddewiekajuriati@yahoo.com

Ariyanti Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda ariyanti.muflihin@gmail.com

Rinda Fitriana Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda rindming@gmail.com

Reading affects writing and vice-versa even though they have differences in some aspects. Reading
focuses on making meaning with texts, and writing considers audience and purpose, but writing are also
being transformed textually, relationally, spatially, and temporally (NCTE, 2008). Zainal & Husin (2011)
state pointed out that reading involves many complex skills that have to come together in order for the
reader to be successful. Setianingsih (2017) claims many factors affecting the English Reading Literacy.
Others argue that an apropriate teaching strategy can be the key in the successful teaching of reading
(Deshpande, 2016; Saeheng, 2017; Delfi & Yamat, 2017; Maybodi & Maibodi, 2017; and Nemati, 2016).
Zainal & Husin (2011) and Ariyanti (2016) also stressed that writing is the learned process of shaping
experiences into text, allowing the writer to discover, develop, clarify and communicate thoughts and
feelings. The process must be implemented by teachers using the interesting approaches to the students
(Noor, 2016; Omar and Ghazali, 2016; Nurhayati, 2016, Dodgson Bt Tariq, et al, 2016, Martinez Lirola &
Irwin, 2016, Qomariyah & Permana, 2016, and Setyowati, 2016). Writing and reading have long been
seen as having a social dimension, but the emergence of new media writing is transforming the
relationships among readers and writers and between writing and reading themselves. Tsai (2006) states
that teachers of English as a second or foreign language have tended to teach reading and writing
separately from each other. However, reading and writing do share similar properties and students are
more likely to benefit from the instruction that makes reading and writing activities go hand-in-hand and
supplement each other. More importantly, students need to be instructed to realize that both reading
and writing are acts with communicative purposes and are inseparable. The researcher is interested
in investigating correlation between reading comprehension and writing ability due to some reasons.
First, the student often complained that they do not like to read the text because the students think that
reading is not interesting. They do not know what the meaning of the text so they feel lazy to read it and
they have lack of vocabulary. The difficulty of the reading material could encourage or discourage the
students from learning the text. Second, when students are told to write, they feel tired, etc. Moreover,
she also observes that students who do not like reading also have poor performance in writing and vice
versa. Jacobs (2002) confirmed her observation, he said that students engaged in reading-to-learn will
also be prepared to write well. In turn, students who are engaged in writing-to-learn will become more
effective readers. Through both approaches, students will gain a better understanding of material and a
greater ability to demonstrate that understanding. Teachers can engage in various practices when trying
to make specific connections from reading to writing. According Farrell (2012), one of the

Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education 3

most popular is to model the reading-writing process by showing students how they can incorporate
specific text structures in their writing. Descriptive writing provides an illustration of people,
places, events, situations, thoughts, and feelings. Description presents sensory information that makes
writing come alive. It expresses an experience that the reader can actively participate in by using
imagination (BCCC, 2016). Description adds an important dimension because it moves emotions and
expands experience. Description expands experience by taking to places might not otherwise know
much about, which explains the popularity of descriptive travel essay in magazine and newspaper.
Description can also give a fresh appreciation for the familiar. Description to persuade others to think or
act in particular way: advertisers describe products to persuade to buy them; travel agents describe
locales to entice and real estate agents describe properties to simulate a desire to see them. The
researcher choose SMP Katolik because she wants to study the correlation of the students reading
comprehension and writing ability in descriptive by the seventh grade students of SMP Katolik. Based
on researcher preliminary observation, the students have problems and the difficulties in
comprehending their English text and writing. They do not know how to figure out particularly the
components of the reading, such as topic sentence, conclusion and also they do not know to figure out
particularly the components of the writing such as identification and description. The problem
usually happen when as the difficulties in comprehending the reading texts and writing text are
still far from what actually curriculum expected. For instance, the score (KKM) is not achieved by almost
all students, Education Unit Level Curriculum, (2006). To discuss further, there are a few researchers
who have conducted similar research. First, a study that was conducted by (P, Syarfi, & Sumbayak, 2012)
where the result is significant correlation between reading and writing in moderate level with 0.59 as
the result of coefficient, it could be assumed that 59% of the students succeed in increasing their
writing ability through their ability in reading comprehension. Lestari, et al (2018) found that reading
attitude became the best predictor and influenced the students’ writing mastery. The next study was
conducted by Koons (2008) with the title ”The Reading-Writing Connection: An Investigation of the
Relationship Between Reading Ability and Writing Quality Across Multiple Grades and Three Writing
Discourse Modes”. This study used data collection from a sample of 521 students in grades 4, 6, 8, 10,
and 12 from one school district in a small town in the northeast corner of Mississippi. The reading
comprehension instrument was adapted from Scholastic Reading Inventory and the writing instrument
used three types of discourse mode: narrative, informative and persuasive. The study addressed the
overall relationship between reading and writing within grades and across grade using correlational
analysis as well as SEM. Unadjusted correlations were used
4 Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education

to examine the relationship between students’ scores for reading and writing. The result of this study
showed that there was a strong relationship between reading ability and writing quality in all grades, but
that it varies by grade. The relationship is stronger in the upper grades that it was in the lower grades
(rxy of 4th grade: 0,57; rxy of 6th grade: 0,48; rxy of 8th grade: 0.67; rxy of 10th grade: 0.63; rxy of 12th
grade: 0.61). The next study was conducted by Maula (2015) with the tittle: the correlation between
students reading habit and their ability of writing narrative text (A correlational study on the eleventh
graders of SMA N 1 Kajen Pekalongan in the academic year of 2014/2015). This study used data
collection from 34 students as a sample. The result of the study was computed r was higher than r-table
(0.629>0.339). It means that between students reading habit and their ability of writing narrative text
had a high correlation. Based on the descriptive writing ability and reading comprehension above, it
show that both have close relation because one of factor which influence students ability to
comprehend writing text is intrinsic factor that include reading. If students have a good reading the
students can get a good achievement especially can make the students understand easily in the writing
test. To get empirical data about it, the researcher will organize the test result to prove the relationship
between reading comprehension and writing ability in descriptive text. Specifically, differently with
above previous researchers where they use Narrative, Recount, Informative, and Persuasive texts, the
researchers use descriptive text for writing instrument as the type of writing.

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