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Concept: Journal of Social Humanities and Education

Vol.1, No.3 September 2022

e-ISSN: 2963-5527; p-ISSN: 2963-5071, Hal 154-166

An Analysis of EFL Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability

Muhammad Makmun Mi’raj1, Sabarun2, Zaitun Qamariah3

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, IAIN Palangka Raya
Jl. G. Obos Kompleks Islamic Center, Palangka Raya. Telp: 05363226947
E-mail: muhammadmakmunmiraj@gmail.com1, sabarunwhs@gmail.com2,

This research was meant to describe students' descriptive writing abilities. The
sample of this research were 25 second semester students of English education study
program of IAIN Palangka Raya who were chosen using random sampling technique. This
research is descriptive research. Then, a descriptive text writing test was used to measure
the students' ability in writing descriptive text. Vocabulary, mechanics, and organization
are the three key areas on which students' abilities to write descriptive writings are being
concentrated. While the final ability of students in writing descriptive texts is categorized
into five levels; very good, good, average, fair, bad. The findings revealed that the students
generally had a score of 66 for writing descriptive text, which was considered to be good.
Meanwhile, three components that researcher focused on in writing descriptive text;
Student's vocabulary score is 77 categorized in good level, Student's mechanics score is 63
categorized in good level, and students' organization score is 63 categorized or in good

Keywords: Descriptive Text, Writing, Writing Ability.

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggambarkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam
menulis teks deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 25 mahasiswa semester 2 prodi
pendidikan bahasa Inggris IAIN Palangkaraya yang dipilih berdasarkan tehnik random
sampling. Penelitian deskriptif ini menggambarkan kemampuan menulis teks deskriptif
dengan menggunakan tes menulis teks deskriptif sebagai instrument. Terdapat tiga hal
utama yang dijabarkan oleh peneliti mengenai kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis teks
deskriptif yaitu; kosakata (vocabulary), mekanika penulisan (mechanichs) dan
pengoranisasian teks deskriptif (organization). Sedangkan kemampuan akhir mahasiswa
dalam menulis teks deskiptif dikategorikan dalam lima level yaitu; excellent, good,
average, fair, dan poor. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam menulis teks deskriptif
secara umum mahasiswa memiliki skor 66 yang dikategorikan sebagai good. Sedangkan
dari tiga komponen yang diteliti dalam menulis teks deskiptif; skor Kosakata (Vocabulary)
mahasiswa adalah 77 dikategorikan dengan level good, skor Mekanika penulisan
(Mechanichs) mahasiswa adalah 63 dikategorikan dengan level good, dan skor
Pengoranisasian teks deskriptif (Oranization) mahasiswa adalah 63 dikategorikan dengan
level good.

Kata Kunci : Kemampuan Menulis, Menulis, Teks Deskriptif

Received Juli 07, 2022; Revised Agustus 02, 2022; September 22, 2022
* Muhammad Makmun Mi’raj,
An Analysis of EFL Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability

Receptive skills include listening and reading help students grasp language by
processing its meaning. Speaking and writing, on the other hand, are components of
productive skills where students must use language and create a message through or written
or speech text in order to convey their concept. (Fatimah & Suharto, 2017). Writing is a
process in which the writer communicates by accumulating and forming ideas, feelings,
facts, or anything else that comes to mind in a legible manner. (Nunan: 2003). According
to this definition, writing is the mental process of forming ideas, deciding how to convey
them, and structuring them into paragraphs and sentences that a reader can understand.
Brown (2001) argues that writing is a taught skill with cultural specificity. That means
writing requires many practices even in the first language. Writing is important for the life
of human beings because it is the frame work of their communication where they can use
it for giving information, opinion, question, etc.
In Indonesia, writing regarded as one of most challenging skill to learn. Especially
for the students in Indonesia because English is not their native language. Students in
Indonesia are introduced and taught to some genres of text. These include recount, report,
procedure, narrative and descriptive text. Students are first introduced to various text
genres through the reading paradigm before being explicitly taught about the social
dimensions, general structures, and language qualities. To analyze, create, and understand
each genre with the proper general structure and usage of language elements depending on
the genres they will write, we must first learn and recognize the differences between each
genre of writing..
A descriptive text is one in which the author gives a written account of a thing,
person or location. Students must think about the general structure and linguistic elements
when writing descriptive texts in order to make their writing easily understandable and well
presented in a clear sequence. Toendan (2016) asserts that describing a specific person,
location, or item is the social role of description.


Concept: Journal of Social Humanities and Education
Vol.1, No.3 September 2022
e-ISSN: 2963-5527; p-ISSN: 2963-5071, Hal 154-166

Most of the students consider writing to be one of the more difficult skills than
others and many students consider that writing is a challenge. As a result, in order to
support their writing, students who intend to write must possess significant knowledge.
One of the numerous sorts of text in writing is descriptive text. Students frequently forget
the generic structure of descriptive writings, which is an issue while they are writing them.
They describe what they wish to describe right away. That being the case, the researcher
decided to conduct this study on students' writing skills in general and descriptive texts in
particular because many students still struggle with the art of writing.


Related Studies
The writing abilities in English descriptive texts were examined by Purnamasari,
Hidayat, and Kurniawati (2021). While producing descriptive prose, there are five factors
to consider: topic, structure, vocabulary, and mechanics grammar. The information
gathered from the students' test on producing descriptive texts was examined using theory
by Heaton. According to the results, 44% of students earned writing organization scores
between average and good, while 43% of students received writing content scores between
average and good. Grammar scores for 37% of students ranged from average to good;
Vocabulary scores for 33% of students ranged from very good to outstanding; and writing
mechanics scores for 27% of students ranged from very good to exceptional. This study
also discovered that pupils had trouble producing descriptive essays. Initially, students are
unable to refine their concepts. Second, the students do not know enough about the topic
that will be covered. Finally, employing the simple present tense is a challenge for the kids.
Agustine (2022) This study intends to identify the factors influencing first-graders at SMK
Muhammadiyah Doro's challenges in composing descriptive texts. This study's findings
indicated that the majority of students struggle with grammar, vocabulary, mechanics,
content, and arranging. The students' environment, the teacher's teaching style, and the
students' background are the other considerations.
In general of some previous studies, vocabulary, grammar, writing mechanics and
the organizations of writing descriptive paragraphs were the categories that focused in the
researches. Meanwhile, this study focused only on vocabulary, mechanics and organization
An Analysis of EFL Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability

of descriptive text. Even though the grammar category was not explained in detail, this
study still provided an explanation of how the levels of grammar ability of English study
program students in writing descriptive text.
Definition of Writing
Irda, at all (2017) and Hyland (2003) Writing is a process of human activities that
want to express their idea in the form of writing. Receptive talents help writing, which is a
productive skill. Students who desire to generate ideas must have access to sources that
support their critical thinking and receptive skills. Students who struggle to produce written
language can benefit from receptive skills like reading and listening because writing can
help them develop their critical thinking abilities.
Expressing oneself through writing involves thinking, feeling, and experience.
According to Sakurai (2017), Maulida and Pujiati (2018), and other authors, writing is a
comprehensive set of activities that a person engages in to communicate ideas to others in
written form so that they may be easily understood. It implies that writing is a process by
which thoughts and feelings are expressed and then transformed into written words to help
the reader comprehend the author's objective.
Moreover, writing is defined by Latif (2012) and Huy (2015) as a complicated
action requiring the coordination of numerous processes. Writing models have aimed to
emphasize the various processes that authors engage in while generating a text. A writer
must explicitly come up with ideas and consider how to put them together in a structure
that makes sense. To produce a written product, writing also requires the coordination of
many language abilities. Since thoughts must first be transformed into oral language before
they can be represented by written symbols, oral language abilities (such as grammar,
vocabulary, and morphology) are fundamental for student's writing development.
Definition of Descriptive
A descriptive work of literature is one that uses sensory elements to convey
meaning to the reader. Similarly, a descriptive text paragraph is defined as a collection of
closely connected sentences that all have the same main idea and are frequently used to
describe someone's appearance. Many linguistic and theorists have given various definition
about descriptive text. Fitriani et al., (2019), Wardani, at all (2014) and Ushchapovska,
(2020) stated that an information about thing, place or person is a descriptive text.


Concept: Journal of Social Humanities and Education
Vol.1, No.3 September 2022
e-ISSN: 2963-5527; p-ISSN: 2963-5071, Hal 154-166

According to the definition provided above, a text that clearly describes an object to the
reader is a descriptive text. A person, place, or object is vividly portrayed in a description
so that the reader may picture the subject and share the writer's experience. It can be used
to enhance other types of writing or as the main method for forming an image of anything.
Essentially, descriptive text gives information on the topic, the fact, and their behavior in
a clear and complete explanation (Bosede and Fakaye (2016) and Urunami et al. 2017). As
a result, the reader might picture and understand the text's objective content. As a result,
The writers will express their emotions and have a clear comprehension of the subject being
described, and the reader will be able to picture, feel, and have a basic sense of what is
being read.


This study used a descriptive methodology. The goal of this research is to learn
more about the phenomenon in order to describe the current circumstances. Students from
IAIN Palangka Raya's second semester were the study's population. The number of the
population is about 64 students. The students are divided into two classes. Each class
consists of 32 students. The smaller group of population which we actually study is called
a sample (Toendan, 2017) In conducting this research, the researcher needs only one class
as the sample. The class is chosen based on the cluster random sampling in order to define
the sample from the defined population. Researcher used writing test as the research
instrument, and used rubric or assessments criteria develop by Brown (2007), and the
researcher used a classification provided by Harris (1969).
An Analysis of EFL Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability

Table 1. Scoring Rubric

No Aspects Score Criteria Weighting

Effective choice of words and
word form
Few misuse of vocabularies,
3 words, but not change the
1 Vocabulary(V) Limited range confusing words 1.5 x
and word form
Very poor knowledge of words,word
1 form and not
It uses correct punctuation and
Mechanics(M) 4
(Punctuation & It has occasional errors of
Capitalization) punctuation and capitalization
2 1.5 x
It has frequent errors of
punctuation and capitalization
It is dominated by errors of
punctuation and capitalization
Identification is complete and
4 descriptions are arranged with
proper connectives
Identification is almost completeand
3 descriptions are arranged
Organization with almost proper connectives
(O) Identification is not complete
3 2x
- Identification 2 and description are arranged with few
- Description misuse of connectives
Identification is not complete
1 and description are arrangedwith
misuse of connectives
Source: Brown (2007)

Table 2. Classification Score

81 – 100 Excellent
61 – 80 Good
41 – 60 Average
21 – 40 Fair
0 – 20 Poor
Source: Harris (1969)


Concept: Journal of Social Humanities and Education
Vol.1, No.3 September 2022
e-ISSN: 2963-5527; p-ISSN: 2963-5071, Hal 154-166


Based on the score in the table the researcher classified 6 students got excellent
score, 9 students got good score, 7 students got average score, and 3 students got fair score.
Table 3. Students Writing Scores
No. Samples Score No. Samples Score
1 Student 1 65 14 Student 14 92,5
2 Student 2 92,5 15 Student 15 40
3 Student 3 67,5 16 Student 16 57,5
4 Student 4 40 17 Student 17 85
5 Student 5 50 18 Student 18 40
6 Student 6 57,5 19 Student 19 60
7 Student 7 65 20 Student 20 50
8 Student 8 67,5 21 Student 21 50
9 Student 9 62,5 22 Student 22 75
10 Student 10 85 23 Student 23 65
11 Student 11 77,5 24 Student 24 47.5
12 Student 12 92,5 25 Student 25 80
13 Student 13 85

It can be concluded that in general the research sample got a good assessment of
the level of their descriptive text writing test, because the majority got the Good, Excellent
and Average levels. It is just unfortunate that there are 3 students who get a level below the
average, based on research students get a level below the average is an act of plagiarism
that they did when writing descriptive text.
An Analysis of EFL Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability

The following is how the mean score data was calculated:


M= Mean
F= Total score
n= Total sample
So the mean score would be: = = 66

The mean shows the students' score in producing descriptive texts. According to
the classification level score analysis, the score was 66, the students' ability is at a good
level. This indicates that the students are proficient at producing descriptive texts.
Table 4. Vocabulary Score

Total Vocabulary Score 73

X 100 X100
100 (Maximum Score) 100
= 73

The students’ ability to compose descriptive language centered on vocabulary was

rated at 73. It was analyzed based on the skill level score; the students' vocabulary ability
was at a good level. Based on this result the researcher concluded that the samples’
vocabulary skills in writing descriptive paragraph were good, it is showed in their writing
test, which most of them are able to use appropriate vocabulary and write it correctly, even
though the researcher also found some mistakes in some vocabularies they use.


Concept: Journal of Social Humanities and Education
Vol.1, No.3 September 2022
e-ISSN: 2963-5527; p-ISSN: 2963-5071, Hal 154-166

Table 5. Mechanics Score

Total Mechanics Score 63

X 100 X100
100 (Maximum Score) 100
= 63

The score of students' ability to write descriptive text focused on mechanics in this
study was 63. It was analyzed based on the skill level; the students' mechanics ability was
at a good level. In mechanics the results was good level with 63 points. Because indeed in
writing descriptive text there are many errors in terms of mechanics, such as, many students
misplace functional in writing, as well as in writing capital letters in name of places, the
beginning of new sentences, name of people, city etc., there are still many capitalization
Table 6. Organizations Score

Total Organizations Score 63

X 100 X100
100 (Maximum Score) 100
= 63

The score of students' ability to write descriptive text focused on organization in

this study was 63. It was analyzed based on the skill level score as mentioned in chapter 3.
The students' organization ability was at a good level. In the organization the value obtained
is a good level with 63 points, inversely proportional to what was obtained by Lina (2016)
with her research that used junior high school students as samples she got a slightly better
score of 66. It is unfortunate that the study with second semester students of English
education get a lower score than junior high school students. In the results of the study, the
An Analysis of EFL Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability

researchers found that there were still many students who were still confused in writing the
identification and description sections.


As stated in the introduction, the goal of this study is to describe second semester
English students at IAIN Palangka Raya's proficiency in writing descriptive texts that
emphasize mechanics, organization and vocabulary. The researcher wants to conclude that
25 students of second semester English students of IAIN Palangka Raya are good at writing
descriptive texts. This is indicated by the test with an average score of 66. As well as a
vocabulary score is 73, a mechanical score is 63 and an organizational score is 63.
Although all aspects of descriptive paragraph studied to the second semester of
English education students got “good levels”, the researcher felt that it was not the
maximum value which meant that they were actually able to get a better score, because
some of the errors found in writing descriptive paragraphs were only small things that need
more attention but easy to fix. This can be helped by lecturers in writing courses so that
students can pay attention to small things such as the use of capitalization and punctuation.
Some other minor mistakes are vocabulary writing. Minor mistakes like this can also be
minimized by not rushing in writing and re-checking as the finalization stage.
Furthermore, the error in organizing descriptive paragraphs is also something that
needs to be considered, actually students already understand theoretically about descriptive
text, but in practice their writing still needs a lot of improvement and practice. Especially
in the Identification section, many students have not been able to write a good identification
aspect, most of them immediately make the description section from the start.
Other minor problems that were not specifically explained in this study because
they were not the main focus of research such as grammar were evidenced by the large
number of grammatical errors in students' writing descriptive texts. Other problems such
as students' interest and anxiety as evidenced by several plagiarisms found from student
writing. It can also be concluded that these problems will more or less affect students'
ability to write descriptive text.


Concept: Journal of Social Humanities and Education
Vol.1, No.3 September 2022
e-ISSN: 2963-5527; p-ISSN: 2963-5071, Hal 154-166

The use of writing strategy is also very important in the process of writing
descriptive texts, in several previous studies it has been proven that writing strategies can
have a major effect on the results of someone's writing, and in the research of this thesis
the researchers concluded that students have slightly minimal strategies in writing
descriptive texts as seen from the results writing that should be better and in line with the
level of English education study program students.
To improve their writing, the researcher advises the students to exercise writing
sentences, paragraphs, or texts as frequently as they can. Moreover, learn a lot of grammar
and vocabulary by heart to make writing easier. Students are advised to pay more attention
to small things such as writing vocabulary, capitalization and punctuation, these little
things that are often overlooked are actually very important in the perfection of a writing.
The researcher also advises students to make preparations before writing, such as
considering writing strategies and writing frameworks. The goal is that in the writing
process students are not in a hurry and lose the direction and purpose of writing a text. The
use of creative thinking and imagination also has a big influence on developing the ability
to write descriptive text.
However, lecturers are advised to pay more attention and help the students master
the vocabulary writing, mechanics such as capitalization and punctuation & organization
of identification and description aspect in writing descriptive texts. In more detail, lecturers
are not only advised to pay attention to internal factors such as writing systematics, external
factors such as students' interest and anxiety must also be considered, lecturers are also
responsible for increasing students' interest in the process of writing descriptive text so
they can use their abilities maximally. For further researchers to use this thesis as an
additional reference, and hopefully could make better research to provide more specific
An Analysis of EFL Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability

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Concept: Journal of Social Humanities and Education
Vol.1, No.3 September 2022
e-ISSN: 2963-5527; p-ISSN: 2963-5071, Hal 154-166

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