Syllabus DSS-I
Syllabus DSS-I
Syllabus DSS-I
Sem -VI
General Course Information :
Course Code: PEC{VE3DB_T
Course Assessm
Course Credits:3
Mode: Lecture (L) performance measured through
f:*:':^*,.(4 marks)- percentage of re*ure
attended ^,t'1tt
Type: PCC assignments and quiz etc.
examination of 70 marks. ro ,"r*li';;:?":J:::::
Contact Hours: 3 hours (L)
Examination Duration: 03 hours.
For the end semester examination-
nine questions are to be set by
the examiner.
Question number one wi, be compursory
and based on the entire syrabus.
will contain seven short answertype It
questions. Rest of the eight
be given by setting two questions questions is to
from each of the four units of
candidare is required to anempr the syllabus. A
any other fbr. qr;;;;ffie;,1*',"on.
each of the four units. All questions uo,
carry equal marks.
Course outcomes
Course outcomes
RBT* Level
IS:tn,trgtl, srudenrs wiil be abte to:
L2 (Understanding)
Appl_r,the lS.
L3 (Applying)
Analyze und d.,
eccentric forces. L4 (Analyzing)
Examine anA A
L4 (Analyz,ng;
Design of compreGi"" .rd flexural ,erU
Revised n toor'STa*onorny
Course Contents
Introduction: Properties of
structural steel. I.S.Roiled
sections and I.S. specification.
connections: Importance- various
types of connections- simpre
and moment resistant- riveted-
connections. borted and werded
Design of Tension Members:Introduction_
vpes of tension members- net sectional
members- Iug angles and areas- design of tension
Design of compression
Members: Introduction- effective
length and srenderness
used for columns- built ratio- various
up columns- necessify- vpes of sections
design of buirt up corumns-
the design of lacing and raced and battened corumns incruding
battens- design of eccenfricaily
loaded compression
column Bases and Footings:
Introduction- types of column
bases- design of srab
gusseted base subjected base and gusseted base-
to eccentrically loading- design of grilage design of
Design of Beams: Introduction- fvpes of sections- general design criteria for beams- design of lateralll supported
and unsupported beams- design of built up beams- rveb buckling- iveb crippling and diagonal buck!ing.
Gantry Girders: Introduction- various loads- specifications- design of gantlv girCer.
Plate Girder: Introduction- elements of plate girder- design steps of a plate girder- necessitv of stiffeners in plate
girder- various types of stiffeners- web and flange splices (brief introduction)- Curtailment of flange plates- design
I. Duggal- S.K. Limit State Design of Steel structures- McGrarv Hill (2009.)
2- Ajmani- A. L. and Arya- A. S.- Design of Steei Structures- Nem Chand and Brothers (2000).
3. Subramanya- N- Design of Steel Structures- N. Subramanian- Oxford University press(2008).
4. Design of steel sffuctures, A.S.Arya & J.L.Ajmani, Nem chand & Bros., Roorkee.
5. Design of steel structures, M.Raghupati, TN{H pub., Nerv Derhi.
6. Design of steel structures, S.M.A.Kazmi & S.K.Jindal, Prentice Hall, Nerv Delhi.
7. Design of steel structures, S.K.puggal, TMH pub.. New Delhi.
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