Topic 5 Principles of Thermal Design
Topic 5 Principles of Thermal Design
Topic 5 Principles of Thermal Design
If an air space or cavity is enclosed within a body, through which the heat transfer is
considered, this will offer another barrier to the passage of heat.
It is measured as the cavity resistance (Rc)
Calculation of U-value of simple construction
An external wall consisting of 105 mm brickwork, 50 mm of unventilated cavity
containing 13mm of expanded polystyrene insulation, 100 mm lightweight concrete
block inner leaf finished with 13 mm of lightweight plaster.
Element Thickness Thermal Thermal
(m) conductivity resistance (m2
(w/m K) K/W)
Source: MITOCW
In convection, heat is transferred by the bodily movement of a carrying medium,
usually a gas or a liquid.
The rate heat transfer by convection depends on three factors:
› Temperature difference (difference in temperature of the medium at the
warmer and cooler points)
› The rate of movement of the carrying medium in terms of kg/s or m 3/s
› The specific heat of the carrying medium J/ kg K or J/m3 K
In radiation heat transfer the rate of heat flow depends on the temperature of the
emitting and receiving surfaces and on certain qualities of these surfaces: the
emittance and absorbance.
Radiation received by a surface can be partly absorbed and partly reflected: the
proportion of these two components is expressed by the coefficients absorbance (a)
and reflectance (r). The sum of these two coefficients is always one:
The coefficient of emittance (e) expresses how much of the available heat will be
a =e
Sol-air temperature
Sol-air temperature was first introduced by Mackey and Wright and later modified
by several researchers.
A precise definition of sol-air temperature is “the equivalent outdoor temperature
that will cause the same rate of heat flow at the surface and the same temperature
distribution through the material, as results from the out-door air temperature and
the net radiation exchange between the surface and its environment”
Ig a
Ts To I l
Ts = sol-air temperature, in C
To = outside air temperature, in C
Ig = Total solar radiation (direct + diffuse) incident on the surface (W/m2)
fo =Outside film or surface conductance (W/m2 K)
= emittance of surface, for low temperature radiation usually taken as 0.9 for
most building surfaces, but only 0.05 to 0.2 for low emittance surfaces such as
polished metals.
Il = net long wave radiation exchange between a black body at outside air
temperature and the outside environment (W/m2)
1. What is “sol-air temperature”? How does this concept help to calculate heat gain
through a wall expose d to solar radiation?
2. Find U-values of wall and roof systems you would use in your school design
Thermal capacity
Capacitive insulation: Under
conditions with large diurnal temperature
variations the significance of thermal
capacity will be much greater than of
insulation. Here we can set the question:
‘How much thermal capacity, what length of
time-lag, is desirable?’ A point often
overlooked is that the thermal capacity can
be too much, the time-lag can be too long.
For example, a wall facing east receives its
maximum heating at 10.00 hours. A time-lag
of 10 hours would put the inside surface
temperature maximum at 20.00 hours, when
it is likely to be too hot anyway and the
occupants may want to sleep but cannot.
The question can be answered by
drawing a graph of the out-door (sol-air)
temperature variations for each wall and
establishing from this at what time will the
maximum indoor heating effect be required
or tolerated. Figure shows an example of
such a graph and explains the reasoning for the selection of an appropriate time-lag.