Specific Heat: Amount of Heat Energy Necessary To Cause Unit Temperature

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It is a form of energy.
Measured in Joules (J)

What is the difference between heat and temperature?

Specific Heat: Amount of heat energy necessary to cause unit temperature

increase in a unit mass of body. J/kg deg C
Higher specific heat, more absorption of heat.
Water has a high specific heat

Latent Heat: Amount of heat energy absorbed by unit mass of substance at

change of state without change in temperature – Solid to Liquid or Liquid to

Heat always maintains a balanced thermal field by distributing uniformly.

Flows from higher temperature to lower temperature

Greater the temperature, faster the rate of heat flow

Conductivity: Property of a material. Rate of heat flow through unit area of unit
thickness when there is a unit temperature difference between the two sides. Also
known as Thermal Conductivity ( k value) measured as W/m deg C.
Lower the conductivity, better the insulation of material.

Brick – 0.8
Plywood – 0.13
Concrete – 1.4
Stone – 2.9
Steel – 58
Silver – 407
Resistivity: Resistance to the rate of heat flow offered by the material. It is
the reciprocal of conductivity (1/k) measured as m deg C/W.

High resistivity values indicate good insulation

Brick – 1.24
Plywood – 7.25
Concrete – 0.69
Stone – 0.34
Steel – 0.017
Silver – 0.002
GLASS WOOL 24 0.029
FOAMED CONC 1280 0.338
ALUMINIUM 2700 220

Density: Higher density materials usually have a higher conductivity but may
not hold true for all materials.
Surface Conductance/Air to Air Resistance
In addition to the resistance of a body to the flow of heat, a resistance will be
offered by it’s surfaces, where a thin layer of air film separates the body from
surrounding atmosphere.
The overall air to air resistance (R) is the sum of the body’s resistance and
the surface resistances.

Transmittance: The reciprocal of this air to air resistance is the air to air
CONST. TYPE or U value. U = 1/R, W/m
2 deg C
BRICK 100 MM 3.64 0.27
CONC 200 MM 3.18 0.31
COR. IRON SHEET 8.52 0.12
PLYWOOD 25 MM 0.80 1.25
Higher the R Value, the more effective the insulation

R 3.5, R 16, R 30 Etc.

Cavities: If an air space or cavity is present in a body, this will offer resistance
to the passage of heat called cavity resistance. This resistance is dependent
on the width of the cavity and the material in which it is present.

Multi layered body: Body consisting of several layers of different materials,

it’s total resistance will the sum of resistances of individual layers
R = R1 + R2 + R3
Convection Heat Transfer: Heat is transferred by the bodily movement of a
carrying medium usually a gas or a liquid.
Movement may be self generating or external applied forces.

Factors affecting the heat transfer

Temperature Difference
The rate of movement of the medium
Specific heat of the carrying medium

Coolants in vehicles, refrigerators, AC units, Radiant Heating.

Radiation Heat Transfer: Depends on the
Temperatures of the emitting and receiving surfaces.
Absorbance and Emittance quality of a surface.
Radiation received by a surface is absorbed (a) and reflected (r)
It is always a + r = 1

Light colored, smooth and shiny surfaces have a higher reflectance.

Perfect Reflective White Surface r = 1 , a = 0
Black Body r = 0, a = 1
Emittance (e) is the value of absorbed heat, which is re- emitted.
White painted surface and a bright metal surface are exposed to solar radiation, both will
absorb and reflect the same amount of heat.
But the white painted surface will re emit much of the absorbed heat, while the bright
metal will not.
Bright metal surface will be more hotter.

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