Specific Heat: Amount of Heat Energy Necessary To Cause Unit Temperature
Specific Heat: Amount of Heat Energy Necessary To Cause Unit Temperature
Specific Heat: Amount of Heat Energy Necessary To Cause Unit Temperature
It is a form of energy.
Measured in Joules (J)
Brick – 0.8
Plywood – 0.13
Concrete – 1.4
Stone – 2.9
Steel – 58
Silver – 407
Resistivity: Resistance to the rate of heat flow offered by the material. It is
the reciprocal of conductivity (1/k) measured as m deg C/W.
Density: Higher density materials usually have a higher conductivity but may
not hold true for all materials.
Surface Conductance/Air to Air Resistance
In addition to the resistance of a body to the flow of heat, a resistance will be
offered by it’s surfaces, where a thin layer of air film separates the body from
surrounding atmosphere.
The overall air to air resistance (R) is the sum of the body’s resistance and
the surface resistances.
Transmittance: The reciprocal of this air to air resistance is the air to air
CONST. TYPE or U value. U = 1/R, W/m
2 deg C
BRICK 100 MM 3.64 0.27
CONC 200 MM 3.18 0.31
COR. IRON SHEET 8.52 0.12
PLYWOOD 25 MM 0.80 1.25
Higher the R Value, the more effective the insulation