LeaP-Music 7-Q3-Week 2

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Learning Area MUSIC7 Grade Level 7

W2 Quarter 3rd Date

I. LESSON TITLE Music of Mindanao

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING 1. Describes the musical characteristics of representative music
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) selections from Mindanao after listening;
2. Identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources of
representative music selections from Mindanao;
3. Analyzes the musical elements of some Mindanao vocal and
instrumental music;
4. Discovers ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that is
to the instruments being studied;
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Characteristics of the Musical Instruments of Mindanao
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction Day 1 A. What’s New?
1. CHANTS- a lyrical rendition of different improvisedtext.
• Lugu-chants used in reading their Qur’an and books
they use in their Islam religion
• Kalangan-songs used for serenading loved
ones Sail/Lunsey- a chant to be sung by the
wife-to-be during theceremony
• Dikker- sacred songs highlighted by quotations
from the Qur’an
• Bayok- semi-generic term for a lyrical
rendition of different improvised text

2. LULLABY- a chant- style or chant formula used for

rockinga baby tosleep
• Ya-ya- song of the Yakans to put the
baby to sleep
• Bayok- maranao term for lullaby

Instrumental Music

1. Kulintang Ensemble- Gong- based ensemble used by the

Maguindanao and Maranao of Western Mindanao,
Tausug,Yakans, and the Sama- Bajao of the Sulu

Kulintangan/Kwintangan- gongs in a row

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Tahunggo, Agung, Salmagi,BlowonSemagi- suspended gong
ensembles in various names according to each tribe.

1. Bamboo Ensemble - bamboo instruments were made for the

purpose of entertainment and personal expression of their
spiritual faith.
• Gabbang - a native xylophone in an instrument bamboo
keyboard on top, constructed out of wood.

• Seronggagandi - a guitar-like made of bamboo, cut before

one nod and after next. Two cords are slit loose side by side
from the outer skin fibers of the bamboo itself and these
are given tension by means of bridges.

• Kudyapi - is a string instrument made of wood which

resembles an elongated guitar usually having 2 string.

• Suling- is made mainly of “tamiang” bamboo, a long, thin

walled bamboo tube with a mouthpiece circled with a thin
band made of rattan near a small hole.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities

Guide Questions
1. Observe the instrument. Do you find it hard to play?
2. What material/s are the Mindanao instruments mainly made of?
3. Based from the lesson, how do Mindanao music exposed
place’s belief, culture and tradition?

B. Development Day 2 B. What I Need to

Pagpapaunlad Know? ACTIVITY 1 :
Describe Me
Directions:Complete the table with the information needed. Write your
answer in your activity notebook.

ACTIVITY 2: Label Me
Directions: Name the following musical instruments of Mindanao
through the pictures below.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

C. Engagement Day 3 C. What’s More?

Pakikipagpalihan ACTIVITY 3 : Create
Directions: Out of recyclable and available materials in your home,
create an improvised musical instrument that will sound similar to the
musical instruments discuss in this lesson.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities

Activity 4: Pick Me Up!

Directions: identify the vocal music in the box to which group it
belongs. Write the letter of your answer to its corresponding column.

a. Ya-ya d. Kalangan
b. Lugu e. Dikker
c. Bayo f. Lunsey

Chant Lullab
s y

D. Assimilation Day 4 D. What I have

Paglalapat Learned ACTIVITY 5 :
Classify Me
Directions:Analyze the classification of each instrument according to
HORNBOSTEL-SACHS. Write I if the instrument is Idiophone, C if it is
Chordophone, A if it is Aerophone, M if it is Membranophone and E if it
is Electrophone. Write your answer on the space provided before each
1. Suling
2. Agung
3. Kudyapi
4. Kulintang
5. Gabbang
V. ASSESSMENT Directions:Answer the following questions briefly.
(Learning Activity Sheets for
Enrichment, Remediation or Assessment 1. What particular Mindanao instrument you like best? Why?
to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)

2. How can you value and preserve the traditional music of


VI. REFLECTION • The learner communicates the explanation of their personal

assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
• The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal
insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that .
I realize that .
I need to learn more about .
Prepared by: G7 MAPEH TEACHERS Checked by:

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