LINC3 Intropages - 10 Pages - Revised Dec2 - Layout 1
LINC3 Intropages - 10 Pages - Revised Dec2 - Layout 1
LINC3 Intropages - 10 Pages - Revised Dec2 - Layout 1
Listening To Weather Forecasts
You are going to listen to four different weather forecasts. First, read the list. Then, listen and underline
what you hear in the forecast. You will need to underline more than one item in each list.
Forecast 1
• hot and cloudy
• 33 degrees
• clear and sunny
• a humidex of 40 degrees
• a humidex of 33 degrees
• 10 degrees
Forecast 2
• lots of snow
• 5 to 10 degrees
• 10 centimeters of snow on Thursday
• night-time lows of minus 7 degrees
• winds from the west
• clear with snow flurries
Forecast 3
• beautiful weather
• rain starting this afternoon
• rain ending at 7:00
• rain all night
• strong winds
• a daytime high of 17 degrees
Forecast 4
• temperature going down
• wind chill factor of minus 30 degrees
• wind chill factor of minus 45 degrees
• winds from the north
• clear and cold all night, but warming up again tomorrow
• clear and cold tonight and tomorrow
Weather Conditions in Capital and Major Cities (Precipitation)
112 Level 3 R W
Use Table 1.
1. Does the word “precipitation” mean rain and snowfall or snowfall only?
Underline the one that is correct.
rain and snowfall snowfall only
2. Is a “major city” an important city or a capital city? Underline the one that is correct.
important city capital city
3. Does “annual” mean yearly or monthly? Underline the one that is correct.
yearly monthly
4. Which international city listed on Table One gets as much snow as many Canadian cities?
6. Circle the name of the Canadian city that gets the most snowfall.
7. Circle the name of the Canadian city that gets the most total precipitation.
8. Underline the name of the Canadian city that gets the least total precipitation.
9. Underline the name of the Canadian city that has the fewest wet days.
Weather Conditions in Capital and Major Cities (Temperatures)
114 Level 3 R W
3. Which Canadian city has the greatest range in temperatures? (This means the greatest
difference in temperature between the coldest month and the warmest month.)
5. What is the coldest city overall on Table Two (Canada and international)?
6. Which two cities on Table Two (Canada and international) have the smallest range of
temperatures? (This means the least difference in temperature between the coldest month
and the warmest month.)
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8. Draw a box around the name of the Canadian city that gets warmest in summer.
9. Draw a dotted line under the names of the two Canadian cities that are warmest overall
(considering both summer and winter temperatures).