MPAT Tool Phase 3
MPAT Tool Phase 3
MPAT Tool Phase 3
Agenda for Today
Jack Reilly
Back-End Engineering Kamen Todorov
Data Science
-Goal of the Ai is to predict the baseline and compare against the reality of a new policy
-Difference between the reality and the projection is the effect of the policy
-Cities are simply not able to move swiftly enough to implement policies and monitor results
-Takes time for innovation liaisons to find the appropriate piloting partners within city governments
-More complex to predict the change in # devices and # of trips as a result of a policy intervention
-Known challenges: effect of pricing, small geography of policies, normalization for weather
-Will ideally pilot projections for shared mobility, other active mobility, public transport (for Tallinn)
Data Science Creating a Model Projecting Demand and Usage Expand Reliability of Prediction
over longer time and smaller
UX & Front End Wireframe the decision-making workflow Creating the “Scenario Planning”
Experience for the user
Methodology Developing a Modal Split substitution model for Apply methodology for Co2
Amsterdam and Tallinn emissions in the output of the tool
Policy Designing Scenarios for investigation based on Add ability to evaluate the
on-the-ground policy reality in Amsterdam and intensity of the policy intervention
Questions / Discussion