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SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering (SSRG-IJIE) – volume 2 Issue 2 – May to Aug 2015

Preparation of Safety Manual for Dairy Industry

– A Review
Nirmal Kumar.Ba, Sabarninath.Pb
Department of Industrial Saftey Engineering , K. S. Rangasamy College of engineering, Tiruchengode , Tamil
Nadu, India - 637 215.

ABSTRACT - Dairy industry is of crucial problems and harm from these chemicals. Risks to
importance to India. India is one of the largest milk employees on a dairy industry have ammonia gas
producing country in the world, In dairy industries hazards and also using chemicals for cleaning,
milk is from the outsource by farmers and they are ergonomics hazards for equipment handling purpose
processing of milk using various machineries such as [5]. The dairy industry is now facing increasing
pasteurizer, homogenizer, refrigerators and pressure to ensure that their company's activities are
packaging machines. When the dairy employees are environmental issue, health and safety. [6]. The
working with these machines they can cause health dairy industries are also polluting the environment by
hazards etc.. It affects the surrounding areas and producing the high amount of waste waters and
also exposed by the public. Dairy industries creates producing some odor smell around the industry [7].
air pollution and also many environment hazards. In The general hazards which are present in the dairy
this paper discuss about the possible hazards industries are biological hazard, toxic hazards, dust
involved in the milk dairy industries and have control explosion hazards, environment hazards [8]. To
measure for that. control these hazards various methods are available
according to the nature and severity of the hazard.
KEY WORDS: Environment, Dairy, Noise, Hazard,
To identify the possible hazards in dairy we take the
1. INTRODUCTION following actions were undertaken
 Observing operations
Industrialization is the backbone for
 Receipt of raw materials, storage, heat
development of our country. In India dairy industry
treatment, cooling and packaging
has ranks first among the maximum major milk
production nations [1]. Milk has been one of the  Fermentation, concentration,
most important and most valuable man’s food. Many homogenization, additives, temperature,
problem are faced by dairy industry in Today's packaging and storage
itself for Processing, sanitation, and storage  Personal hygiene, education, health,
methods, human involvement, as well as the types of cleanliness, habits, premises, equipment,
equipment that are incorporated into the production floors, walls and ventilation (working
process vary from producer to producer depending on conditions).
the production capacity, and the types of products  Measuring operations
produced. So that the hazard involved in the dairy
industry will varies according to the equipment used 3. SAFETY MANUAL INCLUDES THE
According to World Health Organization 1. Site selection to establish a dairy industry
(WHO), food-borne diseases are widespread and 2. General sections involved in dairy industry
becoming increasingly serious threats for both 3. How the Safety policy should be.
developed and undeveloped countries all over the 4. Safety systems which are needed for dairy
world. However, satisfying high safety standards is a industries
common requirement for all processes since milk and 5. PPEs needed
milk products are perishable food products [3]. The 6. Trainings
safety and suitability of dairy foods for human 7. Types of pollutions from dairy industries
consumption must be ensured through the 8. Emergency situation handling
implementation of proper hygienic control of milk
and milk products throughout the process, from farm 3.1 Site selection to establish a dairy industry
to table. Modern dairies have become increasingly Dairy Establishment shall be located away
good practice and follow safety rules [4]. This has from environmentally polluted areas and industrial
result for increasing opportunities and incidences for activities which produce disagreeable or obnoxious
odor, chemical or biological emissions and pollutants,

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SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering (SSRG-IJIE) – volume 2 Issue 2 – May to Aug 2015

and which pose a serious threat of contaminating management in order to prevent hazards, work-
food; areas subject to flooding; areas prone to related causes and minimize losses of property
infestations of pests; and areas where wastes, either damage. The safety policy should have the first of
solid or liquid, cannot be removed effectively [9]. management level
Area occupied by machinery shall not be The occupier shall prepare as often as may
more than 50% of the manufacturing area. Floor be appropriate, revise a written statement of his
surfaces shall remain dry and maintained in a sound general policy in respect of Health & Safety of
condition so that they are easy to clean and where workers.
necessary, disinfect. The openings of the drains to be Policy should contain:
thoroughly covered with wire mesh to prevent insects • Assigning the responsible of different levels
and rodents from entering the processing area [12]. • Arrangement for involving the workers
The selection of a site for the construction, • Relevant techniques and method (such as
replacement or expansion of a dairy plant and nature safety audits and risk assessment) for
of wastes produced and the proposed nature of waste periodical interval at least once in every two
recycling, reuse or disposal. Depending on the years on the status of dairy employees health
proposed waste disposal system, adequate land and safety
should be available for effluent treatement water to • Arrangements for informing, educating and
irrigate the land. To check the site for soil types, retraining and retraining its own employees
whether they can provide reasonable drainage and at different levels and the public
have a good capacity to land. Therefore, wastewater
treatment and disposal areas should not be sited 3.4 SAFETY SYSTEMS WHICH ARE NEEDED
above major ground water recharge areas such as FOR DAIRY INDUSTRIES
gravel or sand beds or fractured rock aquifers. Dairy industry involves several hazards. To
handling these hazardous environment following
3.2 General sections involved in dairy industry safety systems are very essential.
Dairy industry generally involves the following 1. Firefighting systems
sections i.Fire hydrant
1. RMRD ii.Fire Extinguishers
2. Milk process section iii.Fire Sand Buckets
3. Butter/ghee manufacturing section iv.Fire extinguishing ball
4. Powder plant sections v.Sprinkler systems
5. Ice cream production section 2. Emergency alerting system
6. Refrigeration i. Smoke Detectors
7. Electrical ii. Ammonia Detector
8. Boiler 3. Emergency Declaring systems
9. Ware house i. Emergency Siren
10. Labs ii. Manual Call Points
11. Maintenance 4. Emergency Indicating systems –
12. Civil Cold room bells
13. Tanker washing 5. Escape routes
14. CIP 6. Assembly point
7. Wind sack
3.2.1 General hazards present in the dairy 8. First Aid systems
industries are i. Ambu bag
1. Physical hazard ii. First Aid box
2. Chemical hazard 9. Personal Protective Equipment’s
3. Biological hazards (PPEs)
10. Emergency Control Center
3.5 PPE
Health and safety policy is the mandatory of Personal protective equipment (PPE) is an
all common industry. It is the policy of the dairy important means of preventing work related illness.
industries to provide a safe work environment for all To maintain a safe work environment and eliminate
employees working in dairy premises. It is also the all hazards in dairy premises. Therefore, health and
policy to provide the same safe and healthful safety representative will ensure the employees worn
environment for the company visitors. Safety policy PPE or not. In dairy employees can use sufficient
shall be a cooperative effort between labor and

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SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering (SSRG-IJIE) – volume 2 Issue 2 – May to Aug 2015

PPE for that workplace and also maintained by occupier shall ensure a mock drill of the onsite
adequate training [14]. emergency plan is conducted at least one in every
The Appropriate personal protective six months
equipment’s is very essential for a dairy
industry Types of emergency plans

 Safety helmets  Off-site Emergency

 Goggles
 Ear muffs  On-site Emergency
 Ear plugs
 Ammonia half Face mask On-site Emergency - If a fire takes place in a
 Self-Confined Breathing Apparatus factory, its effects is confined to the factory
 Gloves premises, involving only the persons working in
 Gum boots / shoes the factory and the property inside the factory it are
 Aprons called as On-site Emergency.
 Safety belts
Off-site Emergency - If the fire is such that its
 Supplied Air Line Mask
affects inside the factory are uncontrollable and it
 Safety shoes
may spread outside the factory premises, it is called
as Off-site Emergency.
3.6 Need of health and safety training

In dairy employees have need sufficient training for IDENTIFICATION OF POSSIBLE

health and safety standards EMERGENCY SITUATIONS IN DAIRY
 Employee in dairy industry to work safely
and without risks to health; The following emergency situations might be
 Develop a health and safety standards, and arise in the dairy industry
also good environment provide to off-site of
dairy premises. 1. Ammonia leakage
For a dairy industry the following trainings 2. Fire in Raw Material Stock Yard (Viz.
should be conducted at regular intervals of time Coal, LPG and Furnace oil etc.)
period 3. LPG leak

1. SCBA handling TEAMS

2. Waste management The following teams comprising members

ranging from two in each have been nominated to
3. Ammonia safety discharge duties assigned to them.

4. EMS internal audit  Fire Fighting Team - to extinguish the

5. Environmental awareness  Repair & Task force Team – to keep
rest of the plant in safe condition
6. ETP process and operation  Transport Team - to arrange transport
for casualties
7. Fire safety  Medical Team - to arrange for aid,
stretches, medicines
8. First aid
 Safety Team - to arrange required
9. Mock drill safety equipments
 Evacuation Team - to rescue the
10. Safety systems casualties on priority basis.


Dairy industry majorly creates the three types of
After the incident of Bhopal gas pollution
disaster, the Factories Act 1948 has been amended 1. Air pollution
and a new chapter. Preparation of On-site 2. Noise pollution
Emergency Plan by the occupier is mandatory. The

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SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering (SSRG-IJIE) – volume 2 Issue 2 – May to Aug 2015

3. Water pollution
The main air emissions from dairy manufacturing
processes are odours and particles. Activities at dairy plants have the potential
Odours to contaminate both surface waters and groundwater.
Odours in and around milk processing plants Sources of dairy wastewater
come from the biological decomposition of milk The main sources of dairy processing plant
derived organic matter, generally found in Waste water are:
wastewater. Often these odours are due to poor  Raw material (predominantly milk) and
housekeeping, overloaded or improperly run product losses from leaking equipment and
wastewater treatment and disposal facilities, and pipelines, and spills caused by equipment
prolonged storage of strong wastes such as whey. overflows and malfunctions and by poor
Particles handling procedures
Particle emissions are caused either by  By-products such as whey from the
combustion of solid or liquid fuel or, more often, manufacture of cheese and casein.
spray drying of milk. Excessive emissions are often  The washing and cleaning out of product
sporadic and happen during plant upsets, shutdowns remaining in the tank, trucks, cans, piping,
or startups. The use of solid or liquid fuel such as tanks and other equipment is performed
briquettes and oil can result in fallout – carbonaceous routinely after every processing cycle.
ash particulate is usually emitted during boiler upsets  Splashing and container breakage in
or tube soot-blowing operations. A further source of automatic packaging equipment
annoyance to residents and factory workers is powder
settling on nearby motor vehicles. The drier Wastewater treatment and disposal
emissions depend on the product being dried – for Because of the highly seasonal nature of
example, skim milk tends to result in the highest milk production, during peak periods the volume of
emissions. wastewater generated at dairy plants may be several
Suggested measures to control air pollution from times greater than during off peak periods.
the dairy industry
Maintain aerobic conditions for wastewater 4. CONCLUSION
processing, Use filters or scrubbers to eliminate or Safety manual comprises the details about
reduce particles. (Particles less than 20 mg/Nm3 the dairy industry process, and the hazards present
represent best practice.), Use automatic process in that process and its remedial measures. It has the
control, Carry out continuous routine monitoring of details about the environmental pollution from the
emission points using audible, visible alarms. dairy industry and its remedial measures. So that
NOISE this safety manual will be very much useful to
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Environment Protection Act requires that safety standards completely.
any noise due to activities at premises in a sensitive
area must not exceed the noise limits for the area, as REFERENCE
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