Northwest Samar State University
Northwest Samar State University
Northwest Samar State University
I. Multiple choice: Analyze each item. Select and highlight the correct answer in every statement.
1. They are meant to help you grow in freedom, to grow in your ability to choose and do what is good for you and for
a. Peer b. Church c. Rules d. Family
2. Any rule or law that prevents human persons from doing and being good ought to be _________.
a. Supported b. Repealed c. Valued d. Reinforced
3. It is a branch of philosophy which deals with moral standards, inquires about the rightness or wrongness of human
behavior or the goodness or badness of personality, trait or character
a. Ethics b. Moral Philosophy c. A only d. A and B
4. These are moral standards are norms or prescriptions that serve as the frameworks for determining what ought to be
done or what is right or wrong action, what is good or bad character.
a. Moral standard b. Family c. Church d. Social Identity
5. It is the law of God revealed through human reason.
a. Policy b. Natural law c. Core values d. Guidelines
6. These are social rules, demands of etiquette and good manners.
a. Social Standard b. Zigsag Rule c. Non-moral standards d. Natural law
7. They believe that the origin of moral standards is God who "wrote his law in the heart of every person.”
a. Socialists b. Evolutionists c. Non-theists d. Theists
8. The evolutionist claims that the sense of moral standards must have evolved with man not something that was
implanted in every human person instantly at the moment of creation.
a. Socialists b. Evolutionists c. Non-theists d. Theists
9. It is a situation where a person has the moral obligation to choose between two options both based on moral
a. Moral Ethics b. Morality c. Moral dilemma d. Moral norms
10. It is a choice between a right and a wrong
a. False dilemmas b. True dilemmas c. Priority d. Needs
11. It is a prerequisite of ethics or morality
a. Language b. Food c. Choice d. Travels
12. They are governed by instincts and so ethics or morality does not apply to them.
a. Animals b. Politicians c. Police d. Soldiers
13. It is the integrated pattern of human knowledge, beliefs and behaviors.
a. Attitude b. Subconscious c. Culture d. Morality
14. It is the process of learning the components of life – material as well as non-material — in one's culture.
a. Tradition b. Custom c. Acculturation d. Enculturation
15. The process by which people learn and adapt a new culture is called ___________.
a. Accommodation b. Assimilation c. Acculturation d. Adaptation
16. Culture is passed on to the next generation through the genes or heredity
a. True b. False c. Perhaps d. Maybe
17. It is the idea that a person's beliefs, values and practices should be understood based on that person's own culture.
a. Cultural change b. Cultural relativism c. Counterculture d. Xenocentrism
18. A Filipino should capitalize on his/her strengths and eliminate his/her weaknesses to become a _______.
a. Moral Person b. Citizen c. Religious d. Pastor
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telefax: (055) 2093657
19. These are the ultimate bases for living together and learning how to live together.
a. Relationship b. Work c. Communication d. Universal
20. It refers to a significant life-changing event or moment of conversion in a person's life.
a. Recollection b. Defining moment c. Serenity d. Retreat
21. According to ____________, every person is meant to grow into moral maturity
a. William Kay b. Kohlberg c. B only d. A and B
22. These are the necessary conditions for the accountability of actions:
a. A human act must be done knowingly c. It must be done freely
b. it must be done voluntarily d. All of the above
23. The will is the faculty of the mind that is associated with ____________.
a. Faith b. Decision making c. Prayer d. Heart
24. The minimum requirements of morality are reason and
a. Attitude b. Impartiality c. Economy d. Belief
25. To become an ethical person, one must manage his/her feelings well.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. Perhaps
fully addresses the main issues, distinguish key points provides separate concluding paragraph that fully supports
and provides some context for the points a clearly delineated logical case for the topic
Guide Question:
As moral agents, we know that vote buying is a violation to electoral guidelines. How can you prevent vote buying during
elections? What is your suggestion to the politicians and to the community to stop the chain of political revenge?
Politics is a gift, a call to service and stewardship towards our fellow. Our country is one that is developing.
Democracy proved to be a crucial contributor to our country’s success by allowing the people to elect competent
individuals who served as diplomats and be the link of the people to the government. Moving to the local setting,
Calbayog is also one of the fastest growing economies of Samar. Many investors have had their eyes set to the progress of
Calbayog as more infrastructures and businesses are inaugurated in the city. The city’s leaders have paved way for this
kind of success to happen by pushing with their dreams and visions for the community.
The elections have been a significant part of Calbayognon history since election periods deemed Calbayog with
the infamous “Killbayog” due to the numerous killings that happen during elections. In the recent 10 years, 2 mayors were
killed, and a whole lot of Barangay Chairmans were also assassinated. This kind of news is depressing and hurtful to
Calbayognons since Calbayog is referred to as “Iroy na Tuna” or motherland, and the love to one’s homeland is imminent
and undying. This is one confusion among Calbayognons that is correlated to the dirty deed that is vote buying.
Vote buying is when politicians and parties give out money in exchange for an individual’s vote. It is a crime
punishable by law but it seems that the overwhelming cases here in Calbayog is never given any attention by the
Philippine Commission on Elections. The oldest memory I have of these vote buying cases dates back to the time when
Mayor Ining Uy was killed. The Liberal party’s bet is Mayor Uy while the opposing, Nacionalista party’s bet is another
candidate. The Nacionalista’s offered about 3000 Pesos in exchange for a person’s votes while the Liberal’s is around
2000 Pesos. The only thing that is scary is that once the Nacionalista’s suspect you of changing your party, after receiving
their money, death is inevitable and they easily pull the trigger. This has been proven true a lot of times due to the many
killings I’ve witnessed in our Barangay and neighboring communities.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Telefax: (055) 2093657
Moving forward to the most recent election, the Nacionalita party gave out a whopping amount of 14,000 Pesos
while the Liberal party gave 7000 Pesos only, half of that amount. The results of the recent election was saddening
because many Calbayognons chose the money over the progress of the city. Being non-partisan, I personally vouch for the
incumbent politicians of the Liberal party due to the progress they have made possible for the city. What I find fishy about
the Nacionalista’s vote buying activity is where they have gotten that amount of money. I believe in the philosophy that if
they gave you a huge amount, they will take it back tenfolds, and it scares me, thinking for the City.
Vote buying is a really dirty activity which should not be practiced anymore but even I myself can’t think of a
guaranteed future where vote buying won’t exist anymore. One of the leading causes of vote buying is poverty. Because
many people are suffering financially, they rely on this money for food and other necessities. These dirty politicians make
the poor poorer which in turn makes the poor rely on their faulty systems for sustenance.
It really is a sad sight to see for anyone because my beloved City has been tainted with the negativities of money
and killings. All I can do is hope for great governance right now. To the politicians, please do your jobs right and play
fairly. Please show your respect for life, morals, and ethics – be the rays of hope that we need. As citizens, we must do our
part and be law abiding folks. We must provide respect to each other and exercise our rights and responsibilities as
citizens. For the incoming elections, it would be best if we chose to follow our consciences and truly criticize the
candidates based on their credentials and competence.