Bel2.2 Machine1
Bel2.2 Machine1
Bel2.2 Machine1
INsTITUTE0FENGINEERINGil,*-!'":.'.'.i-PErc 80
Exannination Control Division i Prog"am** i Bnl ] pilnn*l" 3?
2078 chaitra |veai.igef___14:li__.:.__=*1 :__:_ 3 hrs'
1. a) Explain the hysteresis loop of a rnagnetic material used in electrical machine. prove
that the area of the loop is proportional to the energy loss per cycle per unit
b) A 8 kVA. 4AA/n0 V, 50Hz single phase transformer on test gives the following
results: -
O.C. test: 120V 44. 75W (carried on LV side)
S.C. test: 9.5V 20A 110W (carried on HV side)
Calculate the equivalent eircle parameters referred to HV side.
2. a) A 2 MVA, Delta-star, 3316.6 kV, three phase transformer has primary and secondary
resistance of I Ohm and 0.08 ohm per phase. The percentage impedance is 7
Calculate the voltage regulation at full load at 0.?5 pf lagging, tgl
b) Explain the operating principle of a single phase transformer and derive the emf
3, a) what is back emf in dc motor? Explain the roles of back emf in dc motor.
b) A 4 pole shunt generators with a lap would has armature resistance of 0.1 ohm and
field circuit resistance of 50 ohm. The generator supply power to six filament lamps
of rated 200 V 600 Watt each. The brush contact drop is 1 V per brush. If generator
terminal voltage is 220 V after lamps axe corurected then find armature current and
generated emf.
4. a) A 230 V dc series motor draws a line current of 100 A from mains while running at
1000 rpm. Its armature resistance is 0.15 Ohms and field resistance is 0.1 Ohms.
When the motor draws curuent of 25 Ao calculate the speed.
b) A dc shunt motor js operating at a constant speed supplied with rated voltage. Due to
an accident, the field terminal of the mCItor gets disconnected. What wifl [appen on
the motor perfcrmance? Discuss on the implications.
5. a) Derive the condition for maximum torque of an induction motor. Draw the
Torque-slip characteristics of induction rnotor for different supply voltage.
b) A 40 kW, 3-phase slip ring induction motor of negligible stator impedance at a speed
of 0.96 times sy'nchronous speed. at rated torque. The slip at maximum torque is
4 times the full-load value. If the rotor resistance of the motJr is increased by S+imes,
The speed, power output and rotor copper loss at rated torque.
ii) The speed corresponding to the maximum torque,
Examination Control Division Programme BEL Pass Marks 32
2077 Chaitra Year /Part II / II Time 3 hrs.
1. a) An iron ring has mean length of 80cm and cross sectional area of 16 sq. cm. has a
radial air gap of 2mm. The core is wound with a coil of 1000 turns. If a curent of
6amp is passed through the coi1, calculate the magnetic flux and magnetic flux density
in the core. Given that the relative permeability of the core is 2000.
b) Explain the no-load and loaded operation of an ideal transformer. Prove that the net
magnetic flux in the core remains constant at any load.
2. a) What do you mean by an ideal transformer? Explain the operating principle of an ideal
single phase transformer and derive the emf equation.
b) A 20kVA, 220Y12200V, 50Hz single phase transformer has the following paramerers:
R3-500 ohm, Xs:160ohm, R01:0.04ohm and Xor:0.1ohm.
(i) Calculate the iron loss of the transformer.
(ii) calculate the primary current at which the efficiency for the transformer will be
rna.'limurn and also calculate the maximum efficiency.
3. a) Explain the voltage build-up process of a dc shunt generator and define meaning of
critical resistance and critical speed.
b) A dc short compound generator supplies a current of 50A to the load at 200V. The
shunt field, series field and armature winding resistances are 100 ohm,0.05 ohm and
0.08 ohm respectively. Calculate the emf generated by the armature and efficiency of
the generator. Given that the no-load loss of the generator is 300 watts.
4. a) What do you mean by back emf in dc motor? Explain the imporlance roles of back
emf in DC motor.
b) 4220y dc shunt motor has armature winding resistane of 0.08 ohm and field winding
resistance of 100 ohms. Calculate the starting current draws by the motor with Normal
input voltage switched on. If the starting current is to be reduced by 80yo, calculate
the value of starting lesistance to be connected in series with armature circuit with
input voltage reduced by 10%.
5. a) Explain the T-S characteristic curve of a three phase induction motor and explain the
effect of increasing the rotor circuit resistance on T-S characteristics curve.
b) li 380V, 4-pole, 50H2,3 phase, slip ring induction motor has a star connected stator
r'r'inding and a star connected rotor winding. At sandstill the voltage between the two
slip rings in 180V. The stator impedance is 0.5+j2.5ohm. The rotor resistance and
reactance at standstill are 0.06ohm and 0.3ohm respectively and it develops a star-iing
of 6CNrn. Caiculate:
(i) Slip at rvhich the motor develops the maximum torque.
(ii; T'u.rqu::, po.ffer output at full load, given that fuii load slip is 0.05.
Examination Control Division
2075 Bhadra
1. a) Fincl the vaiue of I required to establish a magnetic flux of O = 0.75 x 10-4 Wb in the
series magnetic circuit as sho'',vn in figure below, Given, that the relative permeability
for the steel is $, =1424 . t8l
2- a) Mention the conditions for parallel operation of transformer. "In parallel aperation of
iransformer if we want to share load according to their capacity we have to match the
per unit impedance of transformer according to their base" Justify this staternent with
mathematical expression f2+6]
b) Following test data are obtained in a22A vil40 v single phase transformer: i8l
{J/C test: 22A v 1.3 Amp 160 watts
Calculate the equivalent circuit parameter refer to low voltage side and draw tlie
equivalent circuit.
3. a) Distinguish between self,-excited anci separately excited d.c generators. How-are
excited d.c. generators classified? Give their circuit dlagrams and respective
b) A dc shunt generator giving an out of 4g,75 Kw at 250 v across the loacl. The
armature winding resistance and field winding resistance are 0.02 e and
50 f)
respectively' No load polver loss is 950 watt. Calculate the efficiency of the generator
and B.H.F of the driving engine? rul
4. a) A22CI V dc shunt motor draws a curent of 20 A and runs at 1400 rpm with certain
Ioad cn the shaft' The armature *'inding resistance and fielc{ winding resistance are
0.2 fJ and 220 A respectively. If a resisiance of 0.1 Q is added in series with armature
and the load torque is increased by 10%, calculate the new speed.
h) Derive the relationship tbr torque developed by a 3-phase induction motor. Draw a
typical torque-ship characteristic and deduce the condiiion for maximuin torque.
5. a) Explain the Torque*slip characteristics of a 3-phase induction motor
and explain the
effect ofrotor circuit resistance on the charac,teristic.
h'r A 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4 pole induction motor has rotor circuil resistance 2 fJ and
rotor circuit reactance of B f2 at siand still" It develops a starting torque of 5 N-m.
statar to rotor trun ratio in unity. Calculate the torque developed by the motor
when it
runs at 1400 rpm.
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"/ .n{tf*slpf dkff rytr*r"srfr"**s.
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"/ i{ *xmn** sruirrt$f *i d*r**r r*e*r,r"1r**r,t'}.
hi il)yxw. tlls *q*iv*16x1 *ir*uit *l'x {vrmxf*rnx*r rvi{.}r fir*ir pwrnrn*ts$$ s$i it is in priru*ry
s1de xxx! s****$itry sid*" l{*lr rl}l $alr*$i}t*r$ *an h* trxr:sfurrs{j l* primxs"v siq$*
*xpl;rin rtith rn*llrxrtilti*$l **riuxti*x.
;, *l *p*n *ln:*it xrl* $hrxrt *irumit t*${ *}"} 5kV.&.'l:ti4{}{}\,St}l:{r. si*gi* p}tws*
lr;ulsf()I-flldl !iiud tlit' Itlllnic ing l'*rilll.r"
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{}.9p't- lixgginU.
h) $r*te thq **r:diti*** fhr ps*B*r x5:*r*tl*n *f, tu.'* {rmnsf*rn:srs in pnrx}}*[ glvtttg
r*il${}t\* frln ixmy-:*niti*xi *fl***:k t:f tt}*sc: *o*diri*ms-
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t)) lixpl*in*k* *p*r*ti*n *$ 3-p*islt *{s: $}*9,*r $t*.rtey rtriih ui*mt diugxit:n.
)" a) {}*rir,x th* r*imtiqr*xhip f*r t*rqu*,t$*1,*li"rpr*d hX n }-ph*st-" ir:u*tlxti*:}\ }Tt*tsr. ffirarv ii
{vpi*xt t*rqu*-slip ehiir"lr*t ri*tiu *nqi qi*drr** t}t* **naiiliq:n tllr m*ximl}Y'xl t*:x}iie,.
'3-g:kur* *Iip rlng i*qlwrti*rl
b) Jh* rcrt*r r*sistsr:r.:* tsnd r*xutxr"l*.* *fl * i&-p*k:. S{J }tx,
pl{^}t{, r irr* {}.$ xnei 4 i:km,'ph*.s* r*sp*trtirr*},v ilt $t$t:d still" {Jlttc'li}$.t* ti:lc} spu*d mt
m*sinl*m t*rq$* m**i tlre lrsti* irrlsx t*rq**.) / q$t*rtt*g tt"rrtl*t]" \\ih;rt l'*$u st:te:Hlq* th*,
Ir":lrl;lfiC* i1(:t f'ht{:ie hlr\'r'q., lit;il tltl: "trur"1ir18 t(}tLl{li: is lfalf rrf,nraxinr'.im lfrff{tlC'.)