• Definition,
• Types of canals,
• Alignment of canals,
• Design of canals by Kenedy’s and Lacey’s methods
• Problems
• Defined as –
Canal is a artificial channel, generally trapezoidal in section,
constructed to carry water to fields from source (River/
Classification of canals based on
1. Nature of source of supply
2. Financial output
3. Function of canal
4. Discharge & Relative importance of canal in network
5. Canal Alignment
1. Nature of source of supply
i. Permanent canal –
– Is fed from permanent source of water
– Aka perennial canal
– made of well graded channel with permanent structures
– Non-perennial canals – get supply only during particular time
of year
ii. Inundation canal –
– Gets water when stage in river is higher
– Headworks for diversions are not provided
– Head regulators are provided, generally 5-6 km d/s from
offtake point
2. Financial output
i. Productive – once fully developed yields
enough revenue to recover initial investment
ii. Protective – after construction serves as relief
work during famine and protect area against
future famines, generates employment
3. Function of canal
i. Irrigation canal – carries water to the agricultural field
ii. Carrier canal – along with irrigation, carries water for other
iii. Feeder canal – it feeds 2 or more canals
iv. Navigational canal – used for navigational purposes
v. Power canal – carries water from reservoir to turbine
houses, it is located on canal where fall is available.
4. Based on Discharge and relative importance of Canal
slope of ground is at right angles to contour.
Alluvial Channels
• Excavated in alluvial soils
• Generally carry a lot of silt with water
• Velocity of flow: if high-scouring and if low then shilting.
• Aim of designer: to keep the velocity such that,
no silting/ scouring occurs.
Non-alluvial channel
• Excavated in soils other than alluvial (loam/red/clay etc)
• Generally free from silting problems
• Higher velocity of flow than alluvial channels
Rigid/Lined Channels
• Sides & bottom are made of rigid material