The Resource Teacher Is Available, Ask Him/her To Describe The Process
The Resource Teacher Is Available, Ask Him/her To Describe The Process
The Resource Teacher Is Available, Ask Him/her To Describe The Process
the Resource Teacher is available, ask him/her to describe the process.
YES, the teacher facilitates a conversation with and among the students
through messenger and letter to determine moral expectations for the
(FS1) F I E L D S T U D Y
QUESTION3: What are the daily routines done by the resource teacher?
How are they done?
For his daily routine since there is no face to face classes, he made sure that
before the schedule of distribution and retrieval of modules, all of the modules
from the subject teachers are all ready. After distribution and retrieval, he sort
out of modules per subject areas and individual recording of outputs.
The resource teacher prepared an Individual Monitoring Plan for students who
is off-task for him to monitor the progress of the student. He gave proper
interventions,home visitations and taking to the parents of the student.
Teacher I/Resource Teacher