Journal Week 12

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Camden Jolly

March 31st, 2023

On Monday morning we were told that our child advocate was the only one in the office

and that we could wait until a little later to come in because of the weather. However, I received

a text from Shelley saying her daughter's daycare was closing and that she would get her and

work from home so we should also work from home. To make up for the 7 hours of work I

worked on my project PowerPoint, a little more of my website, started my reflection journal,

prepared for when I film my mock interview, and spent some time updating The Bright House

resource binder that I am doing as part of my project. It was a little boring doing work at home

and not being in the office but I was able to get work done during this time.

Tuesday when I came in after lunch I was told we were having two foster siblings come

in for a medical exam and interview in 30 minutes. The other intern and I that was here got their

backpacks ready and waited until they arrived. We were told they live with two different families

and that one of the siblings was coming with DFCS and so we would need to hang out with

them. I was able to play with them with the toys and make sure they felt comfortable while they

were here. The older elementary school-age sister told me she did not want to leave and that she

wished she could stay here and hang out. Her little sister who was 3 was excited that in her

backpack she got some paw patrol body wash and wanted to use it right then but we told her she

would have to wait. After they left we cleaned the toys and then it was almost time to close the

office down for the day.

Wednesday there was not much for us to do because we did not have any appointments

scheduled. The first thing I did was help break down boxes for someone to take to recycling. I

also vacuumed most of the office since a few people were out sick and therefore no one was in
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their office. I was able to have a break and work on making a few more charts with information

on it for the binder I am updating for part of my project. I also was on phone duty and was able

to answer a few calls and for most of them, the person they were calling to talk to happened to be

busy or not in the office. Therefore, I took a few message forms and left them on their desk for

them. I was hoping our interviewer would come in so she could pull up some interviews for us

to watch but she was sick and stayed home the whole day.

Thursday was also a slow day therefore, I was able to get a lot of work done. Soon after I

arrived we got a call from the food bank two doors down from us that they had some toiletries

they would like to give us and a few other items. A little later I saw them walk down the street

with them so I opened the door and took the items from them. I then started organizing the bins

in the storage closet to make room for the items they donated to us. These items we give out in

backpacks for the people who come in for interviews. When I finished organizing the closet I

worked on starting my journal and worked on typing up more of the edits on the resource binder.

I also was able to get my infographic printed out so next week I can go put them up in grocery

stores and gas stations around town for the last part of my project. When Charlotte arrived in the

later afternoon after her tabling event we cleaned out a closet in Shelley's office so we could get

the new brochures we had delivered to fit. While we were organizing the office we came up with

the idea to put all the documents we have worked on onto a flash drive for future interns to be

able to edit if they ever need one of them. After we finished organizing that closet it was time to

close down for the day.

Friday I was only here for a half day and it was slow. There was not much for me to do so

I just made sure everything was cleaned up in the office and organized. This gave me time to

finish my journal and work more on typing up the edits for the resource binder. I hope next week

is a little busier with stuff to do such as watching more interviews or helping out during
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interviews. Although, I hope there will be a little downtown to help me finish up my project

powerpoint and make sure I am ready to present the following week.

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours

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Monday, 9am 1-2 5pm 7

March 27th

Tuesday, 12:30pm 5pm 4.5

March 28th

Wednesday, 9am 2:45-3:15 5pm 7.5

March 29th

Thursday, 9am 5pm 8

March 30th

Friday, March 12:30pm 5pm 4.5


Total Weekly 31.5


Total Hours 351.6

to Date

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