Plumber: Sector - Plumbing

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(Duration: One Year)



(Engineering Trade)

(Revised in 2019)

Version: 1.2



Developed By

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Directorate General of Training
EN-81, Sector-V, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700 091

Sl. No. Topics Page No.

1. Course Information 1
2. Training System 2
3. Job Role 6
4. General Information 9

5. Learning Outcome 11

6. Assessment Criteria 12
7. Trade Syllabus 18
Annexure I (List of Trade Tools & Equipment) 31
Annexure II (List of Trade experts) 37


During the one-year duration a candidate of Plumber trade is trained on subjects

Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge, Engineering Drawing, Workshop Science & Calculation
and Employability Skills related to job role. In addition to this a candidate is entrusted to
make/do project work and Extra Curricular Activities to build up confidence. The practical skills
are imparted in simple to complex manner & simultaneously theory subject is taught in the same
fashion to apply cognitive knowledge while executing task. The practical part starts with basic
pipe work viz. cutting of pipes, threading, joining, etc. and finally to fitting, fixing and laying of
hot & cold water pipe line, repairing and reconditioning of waste pipe line at the end of the
course. The broad components covered under Professional Skill subject are as below:

The practical part starts with basic fitting in the beginning and the candidate imparted
training on allied trades viz., carpenter, Welding (Gas & Arc), Masonry which leads to multi-
skilling. In the basic fitting the skills imparted are marking, sawing, chipping, filing, measurement,
soldering, brazing, drilling, grinding and observation of all safety aspects is mandatory. The
accuracy achieved is of±0.25 mm. The safety aspects covers components like OSH&E, PPE, Fire
extinguisher, First Aid etc. Cutting Pipes in different angle. Joining of pipes of different diameter
and angles by gas welding, thread cutting on different types of pipes & fittings accessories.
Making of brick wall and RCC casting. Brick wall cutting for concealing pipe line. Bending of Pipes,
Making of pipe line circuit for water distribution, fixing Cocks & valve, Water analysis test, Water
Pressure test are being taught. Alignment and laying of humid asbestos pipeline & maintenance
of drainage pipe line. Installation and maintenance of Electric pumps, Construction of inspection
chamber, manhole, gutter, septic tank, socket etc. Testing of drainage pipe, Removal of leakage
pipe line, Installation, fixing & maintenance of valve & cock, water meter, Fixtures, hot & cold
water pipe line, Repairing & reconditioning of waste pipe line, Repairing & reconditioning,
scraping & painting of sanitary fittings are being taught in the practical.

Professional Knowledge subject is simultaneously taught in the same fashion to apply

cognitive knowledge while executing task. In addition, components like Physical properties of
engineering materials, different types of iron, properties and uses, Heat & Temperature are also
covered under theory part.

Total three projects need to be completed by the candidates in a group. In addition to

above components the core skills components viz., Workshop calculation & science, Engineering
drawing, employability skills are also covered. These core skills are essential skills which are
necessary to perform the job in any given situation.




Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &

Entrepreneurship offers range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different
sectors of economy/ Labour market. The vocational training programmes are delivered under
aegis of Directorate General of Training (DGT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) with variantsand
Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer programmes of DGT for propagating
vocational training.

Plumber trade under CTS is one of the popular courses delivered nationwide through
network of ITIs. The course is of one year duration. It mainly consists of Domain area and Core
area. The Domain area (Trade Theory & Practical) imparts professional - skills and knowledge,
while Core area (Workshop Calculation science, Engineering Drawing and Employability Skills)
imparts requisite core skills, knowledge and life skills. After passing out of the training program,
the trainee is awarded National Trade Certificate (NTC) by DGT which is recognized worldwide.

Broadly candidates need to demonstrate that they are able to:

• Read & interpret technical parameters/document, plan and organize work processes,
identify necessary materials and tools;
• Perform task with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention regulations and
environmental protection stipulations;
• Apply professional skill, knowledge, core skills & employability skills while performing
• Check the job/assembly as per drawing for functioning, identify and rectify errors in
• Document the technical parameters related to the task undertaken.


• Can join industry as Technician and will progress further as Senior Technician, Supervisor
and can rise up to the level of Manager.
• Can become Entrepreneur in the related field.
• Can take admission in diploma course in notified branches of Engineering by lateral entry.
• Can join Apprenticeship programme in different types of industries leading to National
Apprenticeship certificate (NAC).
• Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoming instructor in
• Can join advanced diploma (Vocational) courses conducted by DGT as applicable.



Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of one year: -

S No. Course Element Notional Training Hours

1 Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 1000
2 Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 280
3 Workshop Calculation & Science 80
4 Engineering Drawing 80
5 Employability Skills 160
Total 1600


The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of course
through formative assessment and at the end of the training programme through summative
assessment as notified by the DGT from time to time.

a) The Continuous Assessment (Internal) during the period of training will be done by Formative
assessment method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The
training institute have to maintain individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment
guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the formative assessment template
provided on

b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment. The All India Trade Test for
awarding NTC will be conducted by Controller of examinations, DGT as per the guidelines. The
pattern and marking structure is being notified by DGT from time to time. The learning outcome
and assessment criteria will be the basis for setting question papers for final assessment. The
examiner during final examination will also check the individual trainee’s profile as detailed in
assessment guideline before giving marks for practical examination.


For the purposes of determining the overall result, weightage of 100% is applied for six
months and one year duration courses and 50% weightage is applied to each examination for
two years courses. The minimum pass percent for Trade Practical and Formative assessment is
60% & for all other subjects is 33%. There will be no Grace marks.



Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial
barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while
undertaking the assessment. Due consideration should be given while assessing for teamwork,
avoidance/reduction of scrap/wastage and disposal of scrap/waste as per procedure, behavioral
attitude, sensitivity to the environment and regularity in training. The sensitivity towards OSHE
and self-learning attitude are to be considered while assessing competency.

Assessment will be evidence based comprising the following:

• Job carried out in labs/workshop

• Record book/ daily diary
• Answer sheet of assessment
• Viva-voce
• Progress chart
• Attendance and punctuality
• Assignment
• Project work

Evidences and records of internal (Formative) assessments are to be preserved until

forthcoming examination for audit and verification by examining body. The following marking
pattern to be adopted while assessing:

Performance Level Evidence

(a) Weightage in the range of 60%-75% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the candidate • Demonstration of good skill in the use of
should produce work which demonstrates hand tools, machine tools and workshop
attainment of an acceptable standard of equipment.
craftsmanship with occasional guidance, and • 60-70% accuracy achieved while
due regard for safety procedures and practices undertaking different work with those
demanded by the component/job.
• A fairly good level of neatness and
consistency in the finish.
• Occasional support in completing the
(b) Weightage in the range of 75%-90% to be allotted during assessment
For this grade, a candidate should produce • Good skill levels in the use of hand tools,
work which demonstrates attainment of a machine tools and workshop equipment.
reasonable standard of craftsmanship, with • 70-80% accuracy achieved while
little guidance, and regard for safety undertaking different work with those
procedures and practices demanded by the component/job.
• A good level of neatness and consistency


in the finish.
• Little support in completing the
(c) Weightage in the range of more than 90% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the candidate, • High skill levels in the use of hand tools,
with minimal or no support in organization and machine tools and workshop equipment.
execution and with due regard for safety • Above 80% accuracy achieved while
procedures and practices, has produced work undertaking different work with those
which demonstrates attainment of a high demanded by the component/job.
standard of craftsmanship. • A high level of neatness and consistency
in the finish.
• Minimal or no support in completing the



Plumber, General; lays out, assembles, installs and maintains sanitary fittings and fixtures,
sewage and drainage systems, heating and sanitary systems, gas and water pipe lines etc.
Receives instructions from Sanitary Engineer or Civil Engineer regarding lay out of pipes, gas or
water mains, position of fixtures and fittings, etc. Examines drawings or other specifications
regarding size and dimensions of area where sanitary fittings or pipe are to be fitted or laid.
Marks points at places to indicate position for fixing brackets and laying pipes. Drills passage
holes in walls or floor of premises and fixes necessary brackets, stands, holders etc. to keep or
hold fittings and fixtures in position, using nuts, bolts, clamps etc. and tightens them with hand
tools. Cuts reams, threads and bends pipes as appropriate. Ensures that pipe lines are laid
properly by Pipe Fitter. Joins pipes with sockets, Tees, elbow etc. or with molten lead or lead
wool. Caulks joints (operation of making joint seam tight to withstand pressure) and tests them
for leaks with pneumatic or hydraulic pressure. May repair and maintain sewerage and pipe lines
by replacing washers on leaky faucets, mending burst pipes, opening clogged drains, etc. May do
lead burning, dressing and bossing of lead pipe and sheet lead, inlaying of wooden tanks,
construction of septic tanks etc.

Plumber, Operations; is responsible for operation of plumbing system used in housing,

commercial and institutional setups.

Plumber, General-Installation and Repair; Plumber (General)-II is responsible for installation and
repair plumbing systems including those of advanced sanitary fixtures as per manufacturer’s
specifications in housing, commercial and institutional setups.

Plumber, General Helper; is responsible for helping Plumber (General) by carrying and handling
of tools and materials required in installation, minor repair and maintenance of plumbing

Plumber, General Assistant; is responsible for assistance in, preliminary installation and minor
repair work of basic plumbing systems in domestic, commercial and institutional setups.

Plumber, Maintenance and Servicing Assistant; is responsible for assistance in maintenance and
servicing of pipes and sanitary fixtures in housing, commercial and institutional setups.

Plumber, Maintenance and Servicing; is responsible for assistance in maintenance and servicing
of pipes and sanitary fixtures in housing, commercial and institutional setups.

Pipe Layer/Plumber Pipeline; Sewer Pipe Layer lays concrete, stone ware or clay pipes to form
sanitary drains and sewers. Receives instructions regarding size and type of concrete, stone ware
or clay pipe to be laid. Digs or gets earth dug along marked lines using spade, picks etc. to make
trenches for laying pipes. Levels and smoothens bottom of trenches to proper gradient by
scooping with shovels. Receives pipes of required size lowered into trench manually or by pulley
and adjusts their position by hand or crow-bar for correct levelling and vertical and horizontal


alignment. Joints pipes together using appropriate couplings, joints, rings etc. and closes joints by
caulking with fibre and cement to prevent leakage. Tests joints by hydraulic or pneumatic
pressure after sealing. Fills trench with earth to cover laid pipe and rams earth to avoid sinking. Is
designated as Pipe Layer Water Mains or Water Mains Fitter if engaged in laying cast iron or
galvanized iron water pipe mains and in caulking their joints with lead to prevent leakage. May
lay pipe lines to provide water connection to houses, sanitary sewers etc. May fix meters to
stopcocks, remove defects from pipe lines and replace defective ones.

Pipe Fitter; lays, repairs and maintains, pipes for supply of water, gas, oil or steam in buildings,
gardens, workshops, stores, ships etc., according to drawings or instructions. Examines drawings
and other specifications or receives relevant instructions. Cuts passage holes for laying pipes in
walls and floors. Cuts reams, threads and bends pipes according to specifications. Lays pipes in
cut passage and assembles pipe sections with couplings, sockets, Tee's elbows etc. Levels
position of pipes using sprit level for gravitational flow. Caulks joints, tests them for leakage with
pneumatic or hydraulic pressure and secures pipe line to structure with clamps, brackets, and
hangers. Fits water meters, taps etc. to pipe where necessary. Repairs and replaces leaky pipe
lines, taps and joints and provides connections to overhead water tanks. Helps Plumber, General
in fittings sanitary fittings to buildings. May join pipe sections and fittings.

Plumbers and Pipe Fitters, Other; perform number of routine and low skilled tasks such as
assisting in laying pipes, making water tight joints, fitting sockets and reducers, threading pipes
with taps and dies, removing leakages, etc., and are designated as Plumber Mate or Pipe Fitter
Helper according to type of work done.

Plumber (Welder)/Plumbing (Sanitary Fixtures) Fitter Assistant; is responsible for welding

activities related to plumbing works in housing, commercial and institutional setups.

Plumber (Welder) Assistant; is responsible for assistance in welding activities related to

plumbing works in housing, commercial and institutional setups.

Plumber (Pumps and E/M Mechanic); is responsible for installation and repair of Pumps and
E/M equipment used for different plumbing applications of housing, commercial and institutional
Set ups.

Reference NCO-2015:

i) 7126.0101 - Plumber, General

ii) 7126.0102 - Plumber, Operations
iii) 7126.0103 - Plumber, General – Installation and Repair
iv) 7126.0104 - Plumber, General Helper
v) 7126.0105 - Plumber, General Assistant
vi) 7126.0106 - Plumber, Maintenance and Servicing Assistant
vii) 7126.0107 - Plumber, Maintenance and Servicing
viii) 7126.0201 - Pipe Layer/Plumber Pipeline
ix) 7126.9900 - Plumbers and Pipe Fitters, Other
x) 7212.0101 - Plumber (Welder)/Plumbing (Sanitary Fixtures) Fitter Assistant


xi) 7212.0102 - Plumber (Welder) Assistant

xii) 7233.1301 - Plumber (Pumps & E/M Mechanic)
xiii) 7126.0301 - Pipe Fitter



Name of the Trade PLUMBER

Trade Code DGT/1014
7126.0101, 7126.0102, 7126.0103, 7126.0104, 7126.0105,
NCO - 2015 7126.0106, 7126.0107, 7126.0201, 7126.0301, 7126.9900,
7212.0101, 7212.0102, 7233.1301
NSQF Level Level-4
Duration of Craftsmen
One year (1600 Hours)
Entry Qualification Passed 8th class Examination
Minimum Age 14 years as on first day of academic session.
Eligibility for PwD LD, LC, DW, AA, LV, DEAF
Unit Strength (No. Of
24 (There is no separate provision of supernumerary seats)
Space Norms 80 sq. m
Power Norms 3 KW
Instructors Qualification for:
i) Plumber Trade B.Voc/Degree in Civil / Mechanical engineering from AICTE/UGC
recognized Engineering College/ university with one-year
experience in the relevant field.
03 years Diploma in Civil / Mechanical engineering from AICTE/
recognized board of technical education or relevant Advanced
Diploma (Vocational) from DGT with two years’ experience in the
relevant field.
NTC / NAC passed in Plumber or relevant trade with 3 years'
Essential Qualification:
Relevant National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in any of the
variants under DGT.
Note: Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 2 (1+1), one
must have Degree/Diploma and other must have NTC/NAC
qualifications. However both of them must possess NCIC in any
of its variants.
ii) Workshop Calculation B.Voc/Degree in Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized
& Science Engineering College/ university with one-year experience in the
relevant field.
03 years Diploma in Engineering from AICTE / recognized board
of technical education or relevant Advanced Diploma


(Vocational) from DGT with two years’ experience in the relevant

NTC/ NAC in any one of the engineering trades with three years’
Essential Qualification:
National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in relevant trade
NCIC in RoDA or any of its variants under DGT.
iii) Engineering Drawing B.Voc/Degree in Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized
Engineering College/ university with one-year experience in the
relevant field.
03 years Diploma in Engineering from AICTE /recognized board of
technical education or relevant Advanced Diploma (Vocational)
from DGT with two years’ experience in the relevant field.
NTC/ NAC in any one of the Engineering trades with three years
Essential Qualification:
National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in relevant trade
NCIC in RoDA / D’man (Mech /civil) or any of its variants under
iv) Employability Skill MBA/ BBA / Any Graduate/ Diploma in any discipline with Two
years’ experience with short term ToT Course in Employability
Skills from DGT institutes.
(Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and Basic
Computer at 12th / Diploma level and above)
Existing Social Studies Instructors in ITIs with short term ToT
Course in Employability Skills from DGT institutes.
v) Minimum Age for 21 Years
List of Tools and
As per Annexure – I
Distribution of training on Hourly basis: (Indicative only)
Total Hrs Workshop Cal. Employability
Trade Practical Trade Theory Engg. Drawing
/week & Sc. Skills
40 Hours 25 Hours 7 Hours 2 Hours 2 Hours 4 Hours



Learning outcomes are a reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment will
be carried out as per the assessment criteria.


1. Plan and organize the work to make job as per specification applying different types of
basic fitting operation and Check for dimensional accuracy following safety
precautions.[Basic fitting operation – marking, Hacksawing, Chiselling, Filing, Drilling,
Taping and Grinding etc. Accuracy: ± 0.25mm]
2. Perform Inner & Outer Thread cutting on Metal & Studs and thread cutting on different
types of pipes & fittings accessories.

3. Join wood with carpenter’s tools.

4. Carry out cutting of Pipes of different Dia in different angle and Joining of pipes by gas
welding, Soldering and Brazing.
5. Construct Masonry brick wall and RCC casting. Brick wall cutting for concealing pipe line.
6. Carry out Cutting and Bending of Pipes using Plumber’s tools and equipment.
7. Join various type of PVC pipe by heat process or Welding.
8. Construct complete pipe line circuit with different types of Joints and fixing Cocks & valve
on Pipe line.
9. Carry out cutting of different Types of PVC Pipe, joining and laying.
10. Perform Water analysis test, Water Pressure test and Water distribution system by using
Pipe line.
11. Align and lay humid asbestos pipe line of different dia. and fitting & maintenance of
drainage pipe line.
12. Install and maintain different Electric pumps.
13. Join fittings for different purposes on PVC pipe line.
14. Construct inspection chamber, manhole, gutter, septic tank, socket etc.
15. Test pipe line as per site drainage pipe line layout.
16. Perform removal of leakage pipe line.
17. Install, fix & maintain different valve & cock.
18. Install & maintain water metre and water supply for fixture.
19. Demonstrate method of bending for different materials & different pipe joint.
20. Perform fitting and maintenance of Fixture at different place.
21. Carry out fitting, fixing & laying installation of hot & cold water pipe line and symbolizing.
22. Perform repairing & reconditioning of waste pipe line.
23. Perform repairing & reconditioning, scraping & painting of sanitary fittings pipe line.




1. Plan and organize the Plan & Identify tools, instruments and equipment for marking and
work to make job as per make this available for use in a timely manner.
specification applying Select raw material and inspect visually for defects.
different types of basic Mark as per specification applying desired mathematical
fitting operation and calculation and observing standard procedure.
Check for dimensional Measure all dimensions in accordance with standard
accuracy following safety specifications and tolerances.
Identify Hand Tools for different fitting operations and make these
precautions. [Basic fitting
available for use in a timely manner.
operation – marking,
Prepare the job for Hack sawing, chiselling, filing, drilling, tapping,
Hacksawing, Chiselling,
Filing, Drilling, Taping and
Perform basic fitting operations viz., Hack sawing, filing, drilling,
Grinding etc. Accuracy: ± tapping and grinding to close tolerance as per specification to
0.25mm] make the job.
Observe safety procedure during above operation as per standard
norms and company guidelines.
Check for dimensional accuracy as per standard procedure.
Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components for
disposal, store these in an environmentally appropriate manner
and prepare for disposal.

2. Perform Inner & Outer Identify Hand Tools for Plumber work.
Thread cutting on Metal Identify Hand Tools for Cutting Inner thread and Outer thread.
&Studs and then thread Identify the pipe fittings.
cutting on different types Perform Inner thread cutting as per drawing.
of pipes & fittings Perform Outer thread cutting as per drawing.
accessories. Prepare the Pipe line circuit with fittings as per drawing.
Observe safety procedure during thread cutting as per standard
norms and company guidelines.
Check and verify the job as per drawing.

3. Join wood with Identify the woods and character.

carpenter’s tools. Identify the Carpenter’s hand Tools.
Prepare the job as per drawing.
Observe safety procedure during wood cutting, sawing, chiselling,
planning as per standard norms and company guidelines.
Check and verify the job as per drawing.


4. Carry out cutting of Pipes Identify different components/parts of Gas (oxy-acetylene)

of different Dia in machine, collect desired information and set each
different angle and components/parts as per standard procedure.
Joining of pipes by gas Observe safety/ precaution during operation.
welding, Soldering and Select appropriate material & plan for gas cutting & joining
Brazing. operation.
Cut & join metal parts / mechanical components as per
specification observing standard procedure.
Check cut portion/ joined part to ascertain proper welding.
Identify hand tools for Soldering and Brazing.
Mark and develop various forms as per drawing using sheet
Make of simple items with sheet metal as per drawing.
Perform Soldering and Brazing.
Observe safety procedure during operation
Check and verify the job as per drawing.

5. Construct Masonry brick Identify different types of Mason’s hand tools.

wall and RCC casting. Identify the Construction materials.
Brick wall cutting for Make a simple construction of different type of Brick joints with
concealing pipe line. mortar.
Prepare a job Masonry work and RCC casting as per drawing.
Check & verify the job as per drawing.

6. Carry out Cutting and Identify different types of Plumber’s hand tools.
Bending of Pipes using Demonstrate care of hand tools.
Plumber’s tools and Cutting the pipe with Pipe cutter.
equipment. Demonstrate working of Bending Machine and accessories.
Make desired bend on pipe as per drawing.
Check the job as per Drawing.

7. Join various type of PVC Identify different types of PVC Pipe.

pipe by heat process or Demonstrate working of Electric Welding Machine and accessories
Welding. for PVC pipes
Simple joint of PVC pipe by Welding Machine.
Making a job with PVC fittings and pipe as per drawing.
Observe safety procedure during operation.

8. Construct complete pipe Identify different types of Joints.

line circuit with different Identify different types of tools different types of Joints.
types of Joints and fixing Make a Flange joint as per drawing.
Make a Detachable joint as per drawing.


Cocks & valve on Pipe Make a Spigot & Socket joint as per drawing.
line. Make a Socket joint as per drawing.
Identify GI fittings.
Identify Cocks & Valves.
Identify Tools for fixing of fittings with GI pipe, Cocks & Valves.
Make a simple job on GI Pipe with fittings, Cocks, and Valves as
per drawing.
Check & verify the job as per drawing.

9. Carry out cutting of Identify Tools and materials for Cutting & Joining of PVC pipes.
different Types of PVC Make a job of Pipe line Circuit as per drawing.
Pipe, joining and laying. Check & verify the job as per drawing.

10. Perform water analysis Prepare water for test.

test, Water Pressure test Preparation of water analysis kits.
and Water Test water for pH, TDS, Temperature as per requirements.
distribution system by Preparation of Hydraulic Pressure Test Machine.
using Pipe line. Pressure test on Cistern and Tank.
Check and verify test result.

11. Align and lay humid Plan and identify tools, instrument and equipment for marking
asbestos pipe line of and make this available for use on a timed manner.
different dia. and fitting & Select of raw materials and visually inspect for defects.
maintenance of drainage Check the defect of humid and asbestos pipe line.
pipe line. Prepare the job, tools & raw materials.
Observe safety procedure for desired operation as per standard
norms and company guidelines.
Check for dimensional accuracy as per standard procedure.

12. Install and maintain Select the pump and inspect for defects.
different Electric pumps. Select the tools, instrument and equipment for the pump
installation and repairing.
Check and calculate output of the pumps.
Install pump Observing standard procedure and method as per
specification using appropriate tools and raw material.
Check performance of the pump.

13. Join fittings for different Identify tools, instrument and equipment for marking and make
purposes on PVC pipe this available for use in a timely manner.
line. Mark as per specification applying desired mathematical
calculation and observing standard procedure.
Join fittings for desired purpose on PVC pipe line.


Measure all dimensions in accordance with the drawing.

Observe safety procedure during desired operation as per
standard norms.
Check for dimensional accuracy as per standard procedure.

14. Construct inspection Plan and identify tools and equipment for desired purpose and
chamber, manhole, make this available for use in a timely manner.
gutter, septic tank, socket Select raw materials and inspect for defect.
etc. Mark as per drawing applying desired mathematical calculation
and observing standard procedure.
Construct inspection chamber, manhole, gutter, septic tank,
socket etc. as per drawing.
Measure all dimensions in accordance with standard specification
and tolerance.
Observe safety procedure during desired operation as per
standard norms.
Check for dimensional accuracy as per standard procedure.

15. Test pipe line as per site Identify tools and equipment for testing pipe line.
drainage pipe line layout. Prepare the job for different testing for pipe line.
Test pipe line observing standard procedure.
Observe safety precaution during operation.

16. Perform removal of Identify the leakage pipe.

leakage pipe line. Remove out pipe leakages as per standard procedure.
Observe safety procedure during desired operation as per
standard norms.
Check performance after removal of leakages.

17. Install, fix & maintain Plan and identify tools, instrument &equipment for Installation,
different valve & cock. fixing & maintenance of different valve & cock and make this
available for use in a timely manner.
Select valve and cock, inspect for defects.
Install desired Valve & Cock observing standard procedure.
Identify the problem with valve & cock fitted and solved the
Observe safety procedure during the operation as per standard
Check different parameters and functionality of the system.

18. Install &maintain water Plan and identify tools, instrument &equipment for Installation,
metre and water supply fixing & maintenance of different water meter and water supply
for fixture and make this available for use in a timely manner.


for fixture. Select water meter and water supply for fixture, inspect for
Install desired water meter and water supply for fixture observing
standard procedure.
Identify the problem with water meter and water supply for
fixture fitted and solved the problem.
Observe safety procedure during the operation as per standard
Check different parameters and functionality of the system.

19. Demonstrate method of Plan and identify tools, instrument &equipment for marking and
bending for different make this available for use in a timely manner.
materials & different pipe Select desired material and machine and inspect for defects.
joint. Bend G.I. pipe as per drawing and measurement.
Bend PVC pipe of different diameter in different angle.
Observe safety procedure during desired operation as per
standard norms and schedule drawing.
Check for dimensional accuracy as per drawing.

20. Perform fitting and Plan and identify tools, instrument &equipment for marking and
maintenance of Fixture at make this available for use in a timely manner.
different place. Select raw material and inspect for defects.
Cut & join C.I. pipe for waste pipe line in accordance with standard
specification and drawing.
Fix external soil pipe as per drawing observing standard
Fix rain water gutter outlet and ground pipe as per standard
norms and schedule drawing.
Check different parameters and functionality of the system.

21. Carry out fitting, fixing & Plan and identify tools, instrument &equipment for desired work
laying installation of hot & and make this available for use in a timely manner.
cold water pipe line and Install pipe line for distribution of hot & cold water according to
symbolizing. drawing.
Install hot water system & solar water heating system in
accordance with standard specification and drawing.
Observe safety procedure during desired operation as per
standard norms and schedule drawing.
Check different parameters and functionality of the system.

22. Perform repairing Plan and identify tools, instrument &equipment for desired work
&reconditioning of waste and make this available for use in a timely manner.
Perform fitting of different trap, valve, cistern etc.


pipe line. Construct over head tank as per drawing and measurement.
Perform pressure test by hydraulic test machine.
Observe safety procedure during desired operation as per
standard norms and schedule drawing.
Check different parameters and functionality of the system.

23. Perform repairing & Plan and identify tools, instrument &equipment for desired work
reconditioning, scraping & and make this available for use in a timely manner.
painting of sanitary Perform cleaning of sanitary pipe line and remove corrosion from
fittings pipe line. pipe line.
Remove corrosion from pipe line and Perform scraping & painting
of pipe line in accordance with standard guidelines.
Replace broken or cracked sanitary fitting.
Observe safety procedure during desired operation as per
standard norms and schedule drawing.
Check different parameters and functionality of the system.





Professional Skills
Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Outcome (Trade Theory)
with Indicative Hours
Professional Plan and organize the 1. Importance of trade • Importance of safety and
Skill 150Hrs; work to make job as training, List of tools & general precautions
per specification Machinery used in the required for the trade.
Professional applying different
trade.(1 hr) • Importance of the trade.
Knowledge types of basic fitting • Types of work to be done
42Hrs operation and Check 2. Safety attitude
by trainees in the
for dimensional development of the trainee institute.
accuracy following by educating them to use • Scope of a plumbing
safety Personal Protective work.
precautions.[Basic Equipment (PPE). (5 hrs) • Types of services have to
fitting operation – 3. First Aid Method and basic plan.
marking, Hacksawing, • Basic Bench fitting (07
training.(2 hrs)
Chiseling, Filing, hrs)
Drilling, Taping, 4. Safe disposal of waste
Threading and materials like cotton waste,
Grinding etc. metal chips/burrs etc. (2
Accuracy: ± 0.25mm] hrs)
5. Hazard identification and
avoidance. (2 hrs)
6. Safety signs for Danger,
Warning, caution &
personal safety message.(1
7. Preventive measures for
electrical accidents & steps
to be taken in such
accidents.(2 hrs)
8. Use of Fire extinguishers.(7
9. Practice and understand
precautions to be followed


while working in the trade.

(2 hrs)
10. Safe use of tools and
equipment used in the
trade. (1 hr)
11. Use Steel rule and Steel • Plumber's common hand
Tape for measuring, Use tools - names, description
Scriber and Divider for and material from which
marking on raw they are made.
• Description, types and
uses of holding device,
12. Demonstrate use of hammers & cold chisels,
different types of Vice:- cutting tools. (14 hrs)
Bench vice, Pipe vice, Chain
Vice, Hand vice, Chain
Wrench. (20 hrs)
13. Demonstrate use of various
Hand Tools:- Different
Files, Hammer, Centre
Punch, Hacksaw, Chisel,
Callipers, Pipe Wrench,
Stock & Dies, Taps and
Holders. (20hrs)
14. Inspect raw material for • Description of simple
rusting, scaling, corrosion fitting operations hack
etc.(2 hrs) sawing, punching and
15. Mark out lines, gripping
• Types of files used
suitably in vice jaws,
hacksawing to given • Marking instruments and
dimensions. (5 hrs) their use of simple drilling
16. Sawing different types of machine.
metals of different • Method of using drills.
sections. (5 hrs) • Description of simple
17. Filing- Flat and square bench drilling Machine.
(Rough finish). (3hrs) • Description of Grinding
and Chisel.
18. Filing practice, surface
• Description of different
filing, marking of straight types of locking and
and parallel lines with odd fastening devices. (21 hrs)
leg callipers and steel rule.


(2 hrs)
19. Marking with dividers, odd
leg callipers and steel rule
(circles, ARCs, parallel
lines). (5 hrs)
20. Marking off straight lines
and ARCs using scribing
block and dividers. (5 hrs)
21. Chipping flat surfaces along
a marked line with
hammer.(5 hrs)
22. Grinding of Chisel. (5 hrs)
23. Marking, filing, filing
square and check using tri-
square.(10 hrs)
24. Marking according to
simple blue prints for
locating, position of holes,
scribing lines on chalked
surfaces with marking
tools. (10 hrs)
25. Finding centre of round bar
with the help of ‘V’ block
and marking block. (3 hrs)
26. Joining straight line to an
ARC. (10 hrs)
27. Punch letter and number
(letter punch and number
punch) (1 hr)
28. Mark off, punch marking
lines and drill through
holes on M.S. flat. (4hrs)
Professional Perform Inner & 29. Thread Inner on M.S. flat • About different types of
Skill 25 Hrs; Outer Thread cutting by using Tap.(5hrs) pipes-GI, CI, DI, PVC/
on Metal &Studs and 30. Outer thread on Studs by CPVC, PPR, AC and HDPE
Professional thread cutting on etc.
using Die.(5hrs)
Knowledge different types of • About different Types of
07 Hrs pipes & fittings 31. Use various locking
Pipe Fittings:- Socket,
accessories. device.(5hrs) Elbow, Tee, Union, Bend,


32. Inner thread on Pipes by Cap, Plug, Cross, Ferrule

using Tap.(5hrs) etc.
33. Outer thread on Pipe by • About different types of
using Die. (3hrs) Thread cutting. (07 hrs)
34. Fixing of different Pipe
fittings in different position
of Pipe. (2hrs)
Professional Join wood with 35. Cutting wood by Sawing as Carpenter works :-
Skill 25 Hrs; carpenter’s tools per marking. (05hrs) • Description and uses of
36. Use of Jack Plane for Carpenter's hand tools
Professional used for simple
planning the job. (05hrs)
Knowledge operations such as
07 Hrs 37. Use marking gauge for
marking, sawing, planning
marking on job. (05hrs) and making simple joints.
38. Make groove on wood by • Common types of wood-
Firmer/ appropriate Chisel their description and use.
as per drawing and (07 hrs)
measurements. (05hrs)
39. Make a “T” joints as per
drawing. (03 hrs)
40. Make a Cross joints as per
drawing. (02 hrs)
Professional Carry out cutting of 41. Cutting different diameter Gas Welding :-
Skill 50Hrs; Pipes of Different Dia of MS pipes in different • Purpose of Gas welding.
in different angle and angles. (07hrs) • Method of gas welding
Professional Joining of pipes by
42. Joining of Pipe in same dia • Safety precautions to be
Knowledge gas welding, observed -Methods of
14Hrs Soldering and Brazing. by gas welding. (05 hrs)
soldering and brazing -
43. Joining of Pipes in different fluxes used & Types of
dia by gas welding. (05 hrs) fluxes precautions to be
44. Joining of Pipes 90 degree, observed.
45 degree and 22.50 • Hard & soft solders -their
degree angle. (05 hrs) properties, composition
45. Joining of pipes for 90 and uses. (14 hrs)
degree bend by gas
welding (05hrs)
46. Do some repair work by
welding. (10hrs)
47. Join sheet by soldering.


48. Brazing on Sheet. (05 hrs)

49. Make a job by Soldering
and Brazing. (03 hrs)
Professional Construct Masonry 50. Demonstrate proper Mason’s works :-
Skill 50Hrs; brick wall and RCC handling of Mason’s hand • Names and description of
casting. Brick tools :- Straight edge, Spirit Mason’s hand tools and
Professional wall cutting for their uses.
level, Plumb bob, Square,
Knowledge concealing pipe line. • Method of making holes
14Hrs Trowel etc. (5 hrs)
in walls and floors.
51. Setting out work with Tape, • Types of tools used and
Rule, Square, Line pin and various Processes.
level as per drawing. (5hrs) • Concept of bricks, lime
52. Cutting Bricks and Stone to and cement.
given size and template by • Preparation of mortars
cutting tools. (5hrs) with various materials of
varying composition.
53. Prepare Cement mortars in
• Common brick joints.
different proportions to suit
• Description of bonds.
various purposes. (5 hrs)
• Scaffolding &plastering.
54. Construct various Types of
• Define Plain cement
Brick wall. (5 hrs)
concrete, RCC and its
55. Prepare Plane Cement proportion,
Concrete and RCC in different • Grades of coarse
proportions to suit various aggregate and fine
purposes. (5 hrs) aggregate,
56. RCC casting various sizes of • Knowledge of
plate. (5 hrs) waterproofing
57. Benching and Channelling compound.
of base plate. ( 5hrs) • Knowledge of Building
58. Damp proofing. (2 hrs) Plan and Cross section of
59. Plastering the walls. (3 hrs)
• Identify plumbing
60. Cutting of Masonry wall for
services required for each
concealing with Electric type of building according
Cutting Tools. (5 hrs) to usage. (14 hrs)
Professional Carry out Cutting and 61. Demonstrate proper • Description of plumber
Skill 75 Hrs; Bending of Pipes handling of Plumber’s tools and Equipment-
using Plumber’s tools Tools &Equipment. (5hrs) Ratchet brace, Threading
Professional and equipment. die, Pipe wrench, Sliding
62. Use and care of Plumber’s
Knowledge wrench, Spanner set,
21 Hrs Tools and Equipment.
Chain Wrench etc. and
(15hrs) their safety.
63. Cutting of G.I Pipes of


different Diameter and • Care & use of tools.

Sizes by cutting tools. (5 • Pipes of different kinds
hrs) • Method of Pipe bending
64. Cutting of C.I Pipe of in different dia.
different Diameter and
• Plumbing Symbols and
Sizes by cutting tools.
Code for Tools &
(10hrs) Materials on water line.
65. Cutting of AC Pipe of (21 hrs)
different Diameter and
Sizes by cutting tools.
66. Cutting of all kinds of PVC
Pipe of different Diameter
and Sizes by cutting tools.
67. Bending of G.I Pipe as per
drawing using Bending
Machine up to 50 mm
dia.(10 hrs)
68. Bending of Steel Pipe as
per drawing using Bending
Machine up to 50 mm dia.
69. Bending of PVC Pipe as per
drawing using heat process
up to 50 mm dia. (5 hrs)
Professional Join Various type of 70. Preparation of PVC pipe & • Equipment and tools for
Skill 25Hrs; PVC pipe by heat Fittings in different dia. (1 hot gas welding and
process or Welding. hr) electric hot plate for PPR
Professional pipe joints. (07 hrs)
71. Preparation and precaution
07 Hrs of Electric Hot Plate.(1hr)
72. PVC Pipe welding various
dia, using welding
73. Weld various type of PVC
Pipe with various dia, using
welding machine. (5hrs)
74. PPR pipe welding joint


various dia of pipe using

welding machine.(5hrs)
Professional Construct complete 75. CI/HCI Pipe Flange joint • Types of fittings for
Skill 25Hrs; pipe line circuit with with Bend and Tee.(5hrs) different joints &
different types of 76. Socket joint of CI Pipes different pipes.:-
Professional Joints and fixing CI,HCI,AC,AC Pressure, DI,
with lead. ( 5hrs)
Knowledge Cocks & valve on Pipe GI Pipes. Joints:- Flange
07 Hrs line. 77. Detachable joint of AC
joint, Socket joint with
pressure Pipe. (5 hrs) lead, Detachable joint,
78. Titan/Socket & Spigot joint Socket & Spigot joints etc.
of Ductile Iron (DI) Pipe • Description of pipe
with Rubber ring.(4hrs) fittings.
79. Prepare and Study the • Methods of joining and
drawing of Pipe line circuit their uses.
• Precautions to be taken
and schedule use of Tools
while fixing (07 hrs)
and accessories.(2hrs)
80. Make a Pipe line circuit on
GI Pipe with Socket, Elbow,
Bend, Flange, Tee, Union
etc. And Fixing Cocks &
Valves as per drawing.
Professional Carry out Cutting of 81. PVC pipe cutting & shaping • Different kinds of Joints,
Skill 25Hrs; Different Types of in various dia, using Fittings and Materials in
PVC Pipe, joining and Hacksaw and Pipe cutters. joining pipes :- PVC/CPVC,
Professional PPR and HDPE etc. (07
laying. (10 hrs)
Knowledge hrs)
07 Hrs 82. Preparation of PVC pipe
and Fittings with emery
83. Use & fixing of PVC fittings
use Solvent Cement etc.
84. Layout of PVC pipe
according to drawing.
Professional Perform Water 85. Preparation of Water and Composition of Water :-
Skill 25Hrs; analysis test, Water Water analysis kit. (1 hr) • Sources of water
Pressure test and 86. Water Analysis Test by • Hard & Soft water,
Professional Water distribution temporary hardness
Analysis Kits. pH, TDS,


Knowledge system by using Pipe Temperature etc. (4hrs) &permanent hardness.

07 Hrs line. 87. Preparation of Hydraulic • Impurities of water –
Pressure Test Machine. (1 organic and inorganic
hr) impurities.
• Water purification stages
88. Static water pressure test
and methods.
by Hydraulic Pressure Test • Static water pressures
Machine apply on Plastic and measurement of
Water bottle.(4hrs) pressures. Bursting
89. Static water pressure test pressure,
by Hydraulic Pressure Test • Expansion of water on
Machine apply on Cistern freezing and heating.
• Bernoulli's principles
and Tank.(4hrs)
• Pascal's law.
90. Steps of simple pipe line
• Pressure of water on the
connection as per drawing. sides of cistern or tank.
(3 hrs) • Water hammer in pipes.
91. Make a pipe line for water (07 hrs)
distribution as per drawing.
92. Make a pipe line for OHR
water distribution system
as per drawing. (4hrs)
Professional Align and lay humid 93. Interpret drawing of • Use of hummed and
Skill 50Hrs; asbestos pipe line of sanitary plumbing. (05 hrs) asbestos pipes of
different dia. and 94. Lay & align pipe. (08 hrs) different sizes.
Professional • Method of laying out
fitting & maintenance 95. Lay & align humid and
Knowledge pipes alignment and
14Hrs of drainage pipe line. asbestos pipe. (08 hrs)
joining. (07 hrs)
96. Demonstrate use of
specific dia in different
location. (04 hrs)
97. Use various sanitary fitting. • Description of various
(06 hrs) pipe joints- straight,
98. Use various fitting of Branch, Taft and blow,
different materials. (06 hrs) Expansion joints.
Solders and fluxes used
99. Use joining materials of
in joints. (07 hrs)
pipe. (07 hrs)
100. Join pipe as per laid down
Procedure. (06 hrs)
Professional Install and maintain 101. Demonstrate use of • Description of Plumber's


Skill 75 Hrs; different Electric different pump. (10 hrs) materials Lead, tin, Zinc,
pumps. 102. Demonstrate installation of solder, copper, red lead
Professional electric pump (20 hrs) etc. and their uses.
103. Demonstrate maintenance • Water supply system of
21 Hrs a small town.
of electric pump. (10 hrs)
• Description and types of
104. Demonstrate working pumps viz. suction
process of centrifugal, pump, Centrifugal pump
reciprocating, submersible etc. Contamination of
pump. (15 hrs) water in a well. (21 hrs)
105. Demonstrate delivery of
water to overhead tank
through pump, presser
head, delivery pipe, suction
pipe, etc, (15 hrs)
106. Contamination of water in
a well. (05 hrs)
Professional Join fittings for 107. Produce metric & BSP • Description of pipe dies,
Skill 50Hrs; different purposes on thread on pipe. (10 hrs) their uses, care and
PVC pipe line. 108. Produce Internal and precaution.
Professional • Metric specification of
external thread on PVC
Knowledge various pipes.
14Hrs pipes of different dia. (10
• Standard pipe threads.
hrs) • Method employed for
109. Join PVC pipe with thread. bending, Joining and
(06 hrs) fixing PVC pipe.
110. Join PVC pipe with solvent • Joining material for
cement and heat water and gas pipes.
process(10 hrs) • Use of blow lamp. (14
111. Join PVC pipe as per layout.
(14 hrs)
Professional Construct inspection 112. Demonstrate inspection • Inspection chamber,
Skill 25Hrs; chamber, manhole, chamber, manhole, gully septic tank, description
gutter, septic tank, trap, septic tank, soak pit. of drains, cesspools,
Professional soak pits etc.
socket etc. (04 hrs)
Knowledge • Types of traps
07 Hrs 113. Construct inspection • layout of drainage
chambers, cesspool, septic system (07 hrs)
tank, soak pit etc. (21 hrs)
Professional Test pipe line as per 114. Demonstrate drawing • Method of bending pipes
Skill 25Hrs; site drainage pipe line layout of drainage pipe by hot and cold process.


layout. line. (06 hrs) • Method of testing

Professional 115. Perform testing for smoke drainage lines (07 hrs)
Knowledge test, water test, smell test,
07 Hrs
ball test mirror test. (10
116. Join heavy cast iron socket
pipe. (03 hrs)
117. Sealing of heavy cast iron
pipe joint with lead &
caulking tools. (06 hrs)
Professional Perform removal of 118. Identify location of leakage • Method of dismantling
Skill 25Hrs; leakage pipe line. pipe. (06 hrs) and renewal of the
119. Removing out leakages valves and pipes. Leaks
Professional in pipes and noises in
pipe. (10 hrs)
Knowledge plumbing.
07 Hrs 120. Removing of air locks (06
• Installation of water
hrs) meters. Air lock in pipes
121. Demonstrate rain water and its removal. (07 hrs)
harvesting system. (03 hrs)
Professional Install, fix & maintain 122. Demonstrate different • Description of cocks &
Skill 25Hrs; different valve & cocks & valves including valves-their types,
cock. materials. (04 hrs) materials & advantages
Professional for particular work.(07
123. Employ cocks & valves at
Knowledge hrs)
07 Hrs different place. (06 hrs)
124. Employ different cock &
valve with sensor system.
(06 hrs)
125. Demonstrate maintenance
of different cocks & valves.
(06 hrs)
126. Demonstrate use of
packing washer gasket of
different cock & valve. (03
Professional Install & maintain 127. Demonstrate location of • Erecting rain water and
Skill 75Hrs; water meter and meter. Fitting of water drainage pipe system,
water supply for meter, bath tub, wash • Installation of sanitary
Professional fitting s, inspection and
fixture. basin. (10 hrs)
Knowledge testing of water supply
21 Hrs 128. Install water metre, bath

tub, hand wash basin, • -Pipe alignment and

water closet urinal, sink etc slope. -Prevention of
with sensor system. (25 water hammer.
hrs) • Storage tanks for general
water supply propose.
129. Demonstrate maintenance
• Test for water supply
of water metre, bath tub, pipes.
hand wash basin, water • Description of sanitary
closet urinal, sink etc. (15 fittings,
hrs) • general points to be
130. Demonstrate testing of observed when choosing
water metre, Bath Tub, sanitary (21 hrs)
Hand wash basin. (10 hrs)
131. Erect rain water and
drainage pipe system. (15
Professional Demonstrate method 132. Demonstrate bending of Method of bending
Skill 50Hrs; of bending for pipes in bending machine. galvanized mand other
different materials & (08 hrs) heavy pipes. (14 hrs)
different pipe joint. 133. Bend GI pipe of different
14Hrs diameter in different angle.
(14 hrs)
134. Bend G.I. pipe as per
drawing and measurement.
(14 hrs)
135. Bend PVC pipe of different
diameter in different angle
with dry sand by heating.
(14 hrs)
Professional Perform fitting and 136. Demonstrate process of C.I Domestic drainage system:
Skill 50Hrs; maintenance of pipe cutting & joining. (12 General layout, one pipe
Fixture at different hrs) system, specifications of
Professional Materials required.
place. 137. Process of C.I. pipe fitting
Knowledge Method of testing leakage.
14Hrs for waste pipe line in Different types of traps,
different section. (08 hrs) ventilation, antisyphonage
138. Employ Process of fixing of and sinks.
external soil pipe. (12 hrs) About Fire hydrants and
139. Demonstrate process of their fittings. (14 hrs)
fixing of rain water gutter


outlet and ground pipe. (10

140. Demonstrate process of
measurement of waste
pipe line. (08 hrs)
Professional Carry out fitting, 141. Demonstrate working of Concept of heat and
Skill 25Hrs; fixing & laying solar water heating system. Temperature.
installation of hot & (02 hrs) Method of transmission of
Professional heat.
cold water pipe line 142. Analyse temperature of
Knowledge Heating system by different
07 Hrs and symbolizing. water (hot and cold). (02 thermal units. Domestic hot
hrs) and cold water. General
143. Layout pipe line for hot and layout,specification of
cold water distribution as materials required and
per drawing. (04 hrs) Connection of pipes to
144. Install pipe line for mains. Tracing leakage.
Repairs to service main.
distribution of hot & cold
Domestic boilers and
water. (08 hrs) Geysers.
145. Install hot water system & Method of ventilating pipe.
solar water heating system. Precaution against air
(08 hrs) Poisoning.
146. Symbolise distribution of
hot & cold water pipe line. Fixing of solar water system.
(07 hrs)
(01 hr)
Professional Perform repairing & 147. Perform fitting of different Plumbing and sanitary
Skill 25Hrs; reconditioning of trap, valve, cistern etc. (03 symbols and plumbing codes
waste pipe line. hrs) for all tools and materials (07
148. Demonstrate construction hrs)
07 Hrs of over head tank as per
measurement. (08 hrs)
149. Maintenance and
recondition pipe line. (10
150. Perform pressure test by
hydraulic test machine. (04

Professional Perform repairing& 151. Demonstrate cleaning of Sensor system for urinals
Skill 25Hrs; reconditioning, sanitary pipe line. (02 hrs) and was basin, etc.


scraping & painting of 152. Perform cleaning of Corrosion - causes and

Professional sanitary fittings pipe sanitary pipe line. (04 hrs) remedies, prevention.
Knowledge line. 153. Remove corrosion from Corrosion due to electrolytic
07 Hrs action.
pipe line. (03 hrs)
154. Demonstrate scraping & Effect of water and frost on
painting. (02 hrs)
Layout of pipes as per
155. Perform scraping &
painting of pipe line. (04
hrs) Analysis quantity
156. Maintenance of broken or measurement and abstract
cracked sanitary fitting. (05 rate of plumbing and sanitary
hrs) work.
157. Estimate and work out
Bill of Quantity and
abstract cost of plumbing
Estimation :-
work as per
• Preparation of bill of
drawing/layout. (05 hrs) quantity
• Preparation of
Estimation(07 hrs)


1. Workshop Calculation & Science(Common for one year course) (80Hrs)

2. Engineering Drawing (80Hrs)

3. Employability Skills(Common for all CTS trades) (160Hrs)

Learning outcomes, assessment criteria, syllabus and Tool List of Core Skills subjects which is common
for a group of trades, provided separately in




PLUMBER (For Batch of 24 Candidates)

Sl. No. Name of the Tool & Equipment Specification Quantity


1. Rule Steel 300 mm both in inch and mm 25 Nos.

2. Rule Wooden 4 fold 600 mm 25 Nos.
3. Hacksaw Frame adjustable 250 to 300 mm 25 Nos.
4. Scriber 200 mm 25 Nos.
5. Centre punch 100 mm 25 Nos.
6. Chisel Cold, flat 20 mm 25 Nos.
7. Hammer ball peen 800 grams 25 Nos.
8. Hammer ball peen 50 grams 25 Nos.
9. File flat rough 300 mm 25 Nos.
10. Level spirit wooden 300 mm 25 Nos.
11. Plumb bob 50 grams 25 Nos.
12. Trowel C-125-I S: 6013 25 Nos.
13. Stillson wrench 200 & 350 mm 25 Nos.
14. Screw Driver 250 mm 25 Nos.
15. Wooden Mallet small I S: 2022 25 Nos.
16. Cutting pliers 200mm I S : 3650 25 Nos.
17. Steel tape 5m 25 Nos.
18. Surface plate 400 X400 mm Grade I 1no.
19. Marking Table 900X600X900mm high 1no.
20. 'V' Blocks with clamps 80/7-63A IS 2949 2nos.
21. Combination set 200 mm 1no.
22. Scribing Block, Universal, 300 mm 2nos.
23. Hand Vice, Jaw 50 mm 2nos.
24. File Flat, Smooth 200 mm 2nos.
25. File Half Round, Rough 300 mm 2nos.
26. File, Square, rough 250 mm 2nos.
27. File, Square, Smooth 200 mm 2nos.


28. File Triangular Rough 250 mm 2nos.

29. File Flat Rasp 250 mm 2nos.
30. File Triangular Smooth 200 mm 2nos.
31. Chisel Cold Flat 20 mmX300mm 2nos.
32. Chisel Cross Cut 6X150 mm I S-402 2nos.
33. Chisel Round Nose 3X150 mm I S -402 2nos.
34. Chisel Diamond Point 6X150mm 2nos.
35. Tap and Die set to cut B.S.F. , B.S.W. and sizes No.6 to M-12 1 set each
metric threads
36. Screw Pitch gauge to cover above threads 1set
37. Punch , Letter set 1no.
38. Punch , Number set 1no.
39. Saw Plumber 300mm 2 Nos.
40. Spanner monkey up to 50mm 2Nos.
41. Stove melting solder 1Nos
42. Cutter ,Pipe, wheel type 6mm to 25mm 1 Nos.
43. Oil stone 150X50X25mm 2 Nos
44. Soldering Iron , Copper , Bit , Fire heated , 500 grams 4 Nos.
Hatched , Straight ,
45. Snip Straight 250mm 2 No.
46. Snip bend 250mm 2 No.
47. Try square 200mm 2 Nos.
48. Inside Caliper 150mm 2 Nos
49. Caliper outside 150mm 2 Nos
50. Odd leg calliper 200mm 2 Nos.
51. Tenon saw 2 Nos.
52. Hand Saw. 2 Nos
53. Mortise Chisel 2 Sets
54. Firmer Chisel 2 Sets.
55. Mallet Medium IS: 2922 2 Nos.
56. Jack plane 2 Nos.
57. Gas Welding set with oxygen acetylene 1 No.
58. Goggles pair welder 100 mm 2 pairs.
59. Brush Steel Wire 150X 50 mm 1 No.
60. Table welding 1200X 750 mm with fire 1 No.
bricks top and stand


61. Pliers combination, 200 mm 2 Nos.

62. Blow lamp 500 mililitre 2Nos.
63. Washer cutter 1 No.
64. Mirror 100X150 mm 2 Nos.
65. Scribing gauge 1 No.
66. Soil pot with brush 1 No.
67. Pot- Hook 1 No.
68. D. E. Spanners 7X8, 10X11, 13X17, 19X22, 2 Sets
24X27 IS:2028
69. Branch Gimlets 2 Nos.
70. Bending Spring 1 Set
71. Plumbers Laddle 2nos
72. Tool caulking set of S 2 nos.
73. Plumbers' metal melting pot 10 kg 1 no.
74. Pipe stock and dies complete with stocks, bore dia 4 sets
bushing, bushing holders, Taps and 6,8,10,20,25,32,40,&50mm
wrenches sizes covered, to suit pipes
75. Pipe vice to grip up to 77 mm IS -2587 8 nos.
76. Stillson pattern pipe wrenches 450 mm to take pipe up to 52 2sets
mm diaIS -4003
77. Stillson pattern pipe wrenches 300mm to take pipe 20 mm 2sets
to 32mm
78. Chain :pipe wrench 90mm -650 IS 4123 2sets
79. Adjustable, spanner, A-375, IS- 6149 2nos
80. Anvil 50 or 63 kg. IS- 510 1no
81. Pipe bender, manually operated 1no
82. Leg vice, 75mm jaw on Stand IS -2588 1no
83. Hand drill 6mm capacity with drill chuck 1no
84. Drill Twist (straight shank ) 3mm to 6mm 1set
85. Portable forge , 450mmwith hand blower 1no
86. Flat smithy tong 2nos.
87. working bench 2400x1200x750mm with 4 2nos.
voice 125 mm jaws
88. Bath tub small size 1no.
89. Wash Basin Equivalent metric (16"X14"X10") 2nos.
90. Water Heater 10 litres 1no
91. Water closet (European type p) complete 1set


with over head cistern

92. Water closet (Indian type ) complete with 1set
over head cistern
93. Urinal wall type complete with automatic 1set
94. Water meter 2nos.
95. Steel lockers with 8 drawers Metal rack 3nos.
96. Metal rack (1800X1500X450mm) 1no
97. Desk 1no
98. Stool 1 no
99. Black Board with glass 1no
100. Fire Extinguisher 1no
101. Fire Buckets with stand 1no
102. Steel Almirah (large) 1no
103. Hammering drilling machine 1no.
104. Electric PPR pipe welding machine 1 No
105. Electric pump, 1 HP 1 no.
106. D.E. Pedestal grinder with two wheels 1 No.
175mm rough and smooth
107. Hydraulic pressure machine for testing 1No.
leakage in GI pipe fittings etc.
108. Sight rail and bonning rod 1 No.
109. Rachet pipe die 15 mm to 32 mm 1 No.
110. Bench drilling machine with chuck and key 1 No.
upto 15mm capacity
111. Double face hammers 2 No.
112. Dormat, Pickaxe, Spade, Girmale 1 each
113. Pipe bender(Hydraulic type) 1 No.
114. Instructor table 1 No.
115. Instructor chair 1 No.
116. Solar water heater system 1No
117. Ring guage 15 mm,20mm,25mm,32mm 1 each
118. M.S FLAT As Required
119. M.S ROD As Required
120. GI pipe "B" grade ½"Ø, ¾"Ø, 1"Ø As Required


121. GI pipe fittings ½"Ø, ¾"Ø, 1"Ø As Required

Hex Nipple
122. Wooden plank 50mm x 25 mm x 1 m 100mm As Required
x 25mm x 1 m
123. MS gas welding filler rod As Required
124. Wire cut clay bricks As Required
125. River sand AFS no.100 ~ 40 As Required
126. Stone aggregate As Required
127. Cement portland As Required
128. Copper tubes 6 mm Ø, 25 mm Ø As Required
129. Copper brazing filler rod As Required
130. PVC pipes heavy duty (suitable to use dies and tap) As Required
½"Ø, ¾"Ø, 1"Ø, 1½"Ø, 2"Ø ,
4"Ø, 6" Ø
131. PVC pipe light duty ½"Ø, ¾"Ø, 1"Ø, 1½"Ø, 2"Ø As Required
132. PVC fittings - reducer FTA Reducer, Plain ½"Ø, ¾"Ø, 1"Ø, 1½"Ø, 2"Ø , As Required
coupling, TEE, Bend, Elbow, MTA, FTA , 4"Ø,
socket 6" Ø
133. C.PVC pipe 20 mm Ø As Required
134. PPR pipe 20mm Ø As Required
135. AC sanitary pipe coupling 100 mm Ø As Required
136. AC pressure pipe coupling 100 mm Ø As Required
137. CI water supply pile bell and spigot end As Required
138. CI water supply pipe flanged end As Required
139. Wheel valve As Required
140. Globe valve As Required
141. PVC ball valve As Required
142. Water tap/ PVC, S.S, Brass size ½", ¾", 1" As Required
143. Non- return valve, Air valve As Required
144. M.S flange As Required
145. C.I.D joint 100mm As Required
146. Lubricating oil As Required
147. Lead As Required
148. Spum yarn As Required
149. Oxygen gas As Required
150. Acetylene gas As Required
151. Water meter As Required
152. PVC bend 100 mm As Required


153. PVC Y branch 100 mm As Required

154. PVC Dod bend 100 mm As Required
155. PVC pipe sloe As Required
156. C.P piller tap 15 mm As Required
157. C.P waste coupling 35 mm As Required
158. PVC waste pipe 32 mm As Required
159. Rock bolt As Required
160. PVC connection flexible tube As Required
161. Hot and cold water mixer tap As Required
162. PPR pipe fittings PPR - TEE 20 mm As Required
PPR - Elbow 20 mm
163. PVC floor trap As Required
164. PVC gully trap As Required
165. PVC multi trap As Required
166. PVC multi floor trap As Required
167. White cement As Required
168. P O P (Plaster of Paris) As Required
169. Gasket's etc As Required
170. Push lock As Required



The DGT sincerely acknowledges contributions of the Industries, State Directorates, Trade
Experts, Domain Experts, trainers of ITIs, NSTIs, faculties from universities and all others who
contributed in revising the curriculum.

Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.

List of Expert members participated in preparation of course curriculum of Plumber trade held on
12.12.17 to 15.12.17 at CSTARI, Kolkata
Name & Designation
S No. Organization Remarks
1. B.V.S. Sesha Chari, Director CSTARI, Kolkata Chairman
2. Kshetra Mohan Ghosh, ITI, Howrah Homes, Howrah, WB Member
3. Bikash Bag, Instructor ITI, Gariahat, Kolkata, WB Member
4. Nirmalya Nath CSTARI, Kolkata Member
Asst. Director of Trg.
5. L. K. Mukherjee CSTARI, Kolkata Member
Dy. Director of Trg.
6. R. N. Manna, CSTARI, Kolkata Member cum
Training Officer Co-coordinator

Name of the members of Sector Mentor Council with

S No Remarks
Designation and Representing organisation
1 Mr. G.M. Rao Nominated by Federation of
Chairman Indian Chambers of
GMR Infrastructure Commerce and Industry
IBC Knowledge Park, Phase 2, "D" Block, 9th Floor, (FICCI)
4/1, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore - 560 029,Karnataka
2 Mr. Jasmeet Singh Nominated by Federation of
Head-Customer Experience Program Indian Chambers of
JCB India, 23/7 Mathura Road Commerce and Industry
Ballabgarh, Faridabad, Haryana 121004 (FICCI)
3 Mr. C.S. Gupta
Indian Plumbing Association
E - 117, L.G.F. Greater Kailash - 3
Masjid Moth, NEW DELHI – 110 048


4 Mr Ajit Gulabchand
Chairman HCC
Chairman Construction SSC
Hindustan Construction Co. Ltd.
Hincon House, 247 Park
LBS Marg, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai - 400083
5 Mr. Satish Gottipati Nominated by Federation of
M/s Precca Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Indian Micro and Small &
Plot No 6, D. No. 2-9/5/6 Medium Enterprises (FISME)
Venkat Sai Gateway, Green Land Colony, Hyderabad-
6 Dr. Anjan Dutta Nominated by Indian Institute
Professor Dept. of Civil Engg. of Technology, Guwahati
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati 781039, Assam, India
7 Dr. Mahendra Singh Nominated by Indian Institute
Professor of Technology, Roorkee
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India - 247667
8 Pr. S.C. Dutta Nominated by Indian Institute
Professor of Technology, Bhubaneswar
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Bhubaneswar-751 013
9 Dr. Rajesh Deoliya Nominated by Central
Principal Scientist, CSIR-CBRI Extension Centre Building Research Institute
Zone 6, II nd Floor (CBRI), Roorkee
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003
10 Dr. N. Dhang Chairman
Professor, D/o Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Kharagpur , India - 721302
11 Dr. P. Sitapati Rao Nominated by National
Additional Director General Academy of Construction,
National Academy of Construction Hyderabad
NAC Grounds,
Cyberabad, Hyderabad-500084, Andhra Pradesh, India
12 Dr. Koshy Varghese Nominated by Indian Institute
Professor, D/o Civil Engg, of Technology, Madras
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, IIT P.O., Chennai
600 036
13 Shri M.C. Sharma, Jt. Director (TTC) Mentor
14 Shri.R.N. MANNA, TO Representative of CSTARI
15 Shri. GOPALKRISHNAN, TO Representative of NIMI


16 Smt. ARPANA SINGH, TO, NVTI NOIDA Champion Master Trainer

17 Shri. S.RANA, TO, ATI, Kolkata Member
18 Shri.S.R. VHATKAR, TO, ATI, Kolkata Member
19 Shri, T.K. BHATTACHARYA, TO, ATI, Hyd Member
20 Shri.P.K. MADAVI, TO, CTI, Chennai Member
21 Smt. Surya Kumari, TO, RVTI Kolkata Member
22 Shri. C.T. SHANTILAL, VI, ATI, Calicut Member
23 Shri Devasari Ganesh,TO, RVTI Mumbai Member
24 Shri K.N. Babu, TO, RVTI, Bangalore Member
25 Shri. D.K. Chattopadhyay, TO, ATI Kolkata Member
26 Shri. Chockalingam, TO, CTI, Chennai Member
27 Smt. Brahmeswari, TO, RVTI(W), Bangalore Member
28 Shri. K V Suresh, Principal, ITD, Kerala Member
29 Shri. Musthfa V M, Sr. Instructor, ITD, Kerala Member
30 Shri. Madhusudhanan C, Sr. Instructor, ITD, Kerala Member
31 Shri. Suresh S, Sr. Instructor, ITD, Kerala Member
32 Shri. R Sundar, ATO, Govt. ITI, Channai Member
33 Smt. Amrutha, VI, RVTI(W), Bangalore Member
34 Smt. Hari Chandana Devi, VI, RVTI(W), Panipat Member
35 Ms. Aswathy Prabhakaran, VI, RVTI(W), Bangalore Member
36 Shri. Sugesh K, Jr. Instructor, ITD, Kerala Member


CTS Craftsmen Training Scheme
ATS Apprenticeship Training Scheme
CITS Craft Instructor Training Scheme
DGT Directorate General of Training
MSDE Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
NTC National Trade Certificate
NAC National Apprenticeship Certificate
NCIC National Craft Instructor Certificate
LD Locomotor Disability
CP Cerebral Palsy
MD Multiple Disabilities
LV Low Vision
HH Hard of Hearing
ID Intellectual Disabilities
LC Leprosy Cured
SLD Specific Learning Disabilities
DW Dwarfism
MI Mental Illness
AA Acid Attack
PwD Person with disabilities



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