(Revised in 2019)
Version: 1.2
Developed By
1. Course Information 1
2. Training System; 2
3. Job Role 6
4. General Information 7
5. Learning Outcome 9
6. Assessment Criteria 11
7. Trade Syllabus 18
The content broadly covers maintenance of different machine tools and manufacturing
of components, for maintenance in conventional & CNC machines. The broad components
covered under Professional Skill subject are as below:-
FIRST YEAR: In this year, the contents cover from safety aspect related to trade, basic fitting
operation viz., marking, filling, sawing, chiseling, drilling tapping & grinding to an accuracy of
±0.25mm. Making different fits viz., sliding, T-fit & square fit with an accuracy ±0.2mm &
angular tolerance of 1. Also shaping and milling operation of different job and produce
components by different operations.
The practical training starts with maintaining the components of power transmission
elements. Followed by operation of lathe machine and making of different components. Next,
practical on machine foundation and geometrical tests with preventive maintenance of
machines viz., lathe, drilling, milling etc.
SECOND YEAR: In this year, welding and gas cutting of metals covered. Then practicals on total
hydraulic and pneumatic system with advanced electro and pneumatic circuit making done.
Followed by preventive and breakdown maintenance of milling and grinding machines.
The practical on electric, electronic and PLC system is covered. Then CNC operation
including setting operation and part programming in simulator done. In addition overhauling of
hydraulic press, pumps & compressor are covered. And finally fault finding & breakdown
maintenance of machines viz., shaper, grinding, milling machine.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance (MMTM) trade under CTS is one of the popular
courses delivered nationwide through a network of ITIs. The course is of two years duration. It
mainly consists of Domain area and Core area. The Domain area (Trade Theory & Practical)
imparts professional skills and knowledge, while Core area (Workshop Calculation science,
Engineering Drawing and Employability Skills) imparts requisite core skill & knowledge and life
skills. After passing out of the training programme, the trainee is awarded National Trade
Certificate (NTC) by DGT which is recognized worldwide.
Can join industry as Technician and will progress further as Senior Technician, Supervisor
and can rise up to the level of Manager.
Can become Entrepreneur in the related field.
Can appear in 10+2 examination through National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) for
acquiring higher secondary certificate and can go further for General/ Technical
Can take admission in diploma course in notified branches of Engineering by lateral
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of two years:
The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of course
through formative assessment and at the end of the training programme through summative
assessment as notified by the DGT from time to time.
a) The Continuous Assessment (Internal) during the period of training will be done by
Formative Assessment Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning
outcomes. The training institute has to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in
assessment guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the formative assessment
template provided on www.bharatskills.gov.in.
b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment. The All India Trade Test
for awarding NTC will be conducted by Controller of examinations, DGT as per the guidelines.
The pattern and marking structure is being notified by DGT from time to time. The learning
outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for setting question papers for final
assessment. The examiner during final examination will also check the individual trainee’s
profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for practical examination.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
For the purposes of determining the overall result, weightage of 100% is applied for six
months and one year duration courses and 50% weightage is applied to each examination for
two years courses. The minimum pass percent for Trade Practical and Formative assessment is
60% & for all other subjects is 33%. There will be no Grace marks.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
due regard for safety procedures and practices undertaking different work with those
demanded by the component/job.
A fairly good level of neatness and
consistency in the finish.
Occasional support in completing the
(c) Weightage in the range of more than 90% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the candidate, High skill levels in the use of hand tools,
with minimal or no support in organization and machine tools and workshop
execution and with due regard for safety equipment.
procedures and practices, has produced work Above 80% accuracy achieved while
which demonstrates attainment of a high undertaking different work with those
standard of craftsmanship. demanded by the component/job.
A high level of neatness and consistency
in the finish.
Minimal or no support in completing
the project.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance installs, erects and changes layout of machines and
equipment in mills, factories, workshops etc. according to instructions or specifications. Studies
drawings and lay out sketches of machines or equipment to be erected. Calculates available
floor area in relation to dimension of machines, working space required etc. and marks areas on
floor for foundations of machines. Guides’ construction of foundations and setting of
foundation bolts and fixtures according to type of machines to be installed and allows
foundations to dry up and settle for required number of days. Places base or holding device of
machines through foundation bolts or on fixture one by one, using lifting equipment and aligns
and levels them with spirit level. Fastens or secures machines tightly to foundation bolts or
fixtures and rechecks alignment and leveling to ensure correctness. Makes adjustment if
necessary and gets grouting of foundations done. Allows grouting to dry up and adjust position
of different parts of machine for efficient operation. Gives necessary power supply to machine
or connects machine to line shaft. May run machine and observe performance. May assemble,
repair and overhaul machines. May specialize in erecting particular type of machine or
equipment such as printing machine, lathe, pneumatic hammer, grinder, pumps, etc.
Plan and organize assigned work and detect & resolve issues during execution.
Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the team. Communicate with required
clarity and understand technical English. Sensitive to environment, self-learning and
May be designated as Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance according to nature of work done
Reference NCO-2015:
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
relevant field.
NTC/ NAC in any one of the engineering trades with three
years’ experience.
Essential Qualification:
National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in relevant trade.
NCIC in RoDA or any of its variants under DGT.
3. Engineering Drawing B.Voc/Degree in Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized
Engineering College/ university with one-year experience in
the relevant field.
03 years Diploma in Engineering from AICTE recognized board
of technical education or relevant Advanced Diploma
(Vocational) from DGT with two years’ experience in the
relevant field.
NTC/ NAC in any one of the Mechanical group (Gr-I) trades
categorized under Engg. Drawing’/ D’man Mechanical /
D’man Civil’ with three years experience.
Essential Qualification:
National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in relevant trade.
NCIC in RoDA / D’man (Mech /civil) or any of its variants
under DGT.
4. Employability Skill MBA/ BBA / Any Graduate/ Diploma in any discipline with
Two years’ experience with short term ToT Course in
Employability Skills from DGT institutes.
(Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and Basic
Computer at 12th / Diploma level and above)
Existing Social Studies Instructors in ITIs with short term ToT
Course in Employability Skills from DGT institutes.
5. Minimum Age for 21 Years
List of Tools and Equipment As per Annexure – I
Distribution of training on Hourly basis: (Indicative only)
Total Trade Trade Work shop Engg. Employability
Hours/Week Practical Theory Cal. & Sc. Drawing Skills
1st 40 Hours 25 Hours 7 Hours 2 Hours 2 Hours 4 Hours
2nd 40 Hours 25 Hours 9 Hours 2 Hours 2 Hours 2 Hours
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Learning outcomes are a reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment will be
carried out as per the assessment criteria.
1. Plan and organize the work to make job as per specification applying different types of
basic fitting operation and Check for dimensional accuracy following safety
precautions. [Basic fitting operation – marking, Hack-sawing, Chiseling, Filing, Drilling,
Taping and Grinding etc. Accuracy: ± 0.25mm]
2. Make different fit of components for assembling as per required tolerance observing
principle of interchange ability and check for functionality. [Different Fit – Sliding,
Angular, Step fit, Required tolerance: ±0.20 mm, angular tolerance: 1 degree]
3. Set the different parameters to produce components involving basic operations on
different machine observing standard procedure and check for accuracy. [Different
machines – Shaper, Lathe & Milling, Different machining parameters – feed, speed &
depth of cut.]
4. Prepare components for assembly by carrying out different Heat Treatment and
surface finishing operations. [Different Heat Treatment: - Hardening, Tempering case
hardening, different surface finish- scrapping, lapping]
5. Make different fit of components for assembling as per required tolerance observing
principle of interchange ability and check for functionality. [Different Fit – square fits, T
fits, hexagonal fit, dovetail fit; surface accuracy: ±0.1 mm, angular tolerance: 30 min.]
6. Dismantle, Repair and Assemble of mechanical power transmission elements in
machine tools and check for functionality.
7. Carryout preventive maintenance of lubrication & cooling system of different machines
as per manufactures guidelines. [Different machines- lathe, drilling, grinding]
8. Prepare machine foundation for erection, install different machines and carry out
geometrical tests. [Different machines – shaper, pedestal grinding]
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
10. Make / Produce different joints by setting up of gas and arc welding machines and
carry out the welding.
11. Identify, dismantle, replace and assemble different pneumatics and hydraulics
components. [Different components – Compressor, Pressure Gauge, Filter Regulator
Lubricator, Valves and Actuators.]
12. Construct circuit of pneumatics and hydraulics observing standard operating
procedure& safety aspect.
13. Make pipe/tube fittings and valve connections for lubricants and coolants, test for
14. Conduct preventive maintenance, perform dismantling and assembly of different
components machine and test for accuracy of milling machine.
15. Set the different grinding machine and produce component to appropriate accuracy.
[Different machine:- Surface & cylindrical grinding; appropriate accuracy ±0.02mm]
16. Conduct preventive maintenance, perform dismantling & assembly of different
components of grinding machine and test for accuracy. [Different components grinding
head, lead screw, table, hydraulic cylinders]
17. Identify and explain basic functioning of different electrical equipment, sensors and
apply such knowledge in industrial application including basic maintenance work.
[Different electrical & electronics equipment- DC/ AC motors, passive & active electronic
components, resistor, capacitor, inductors, rectifier, diode transistor, SCRS & ICS;
Different sensors – proximity & ultrasonic]
18. Programme PLC and interface with other devices to check its Applications.
19. Prepare part programme, test on simulation software and interpret different errors.
20. Troubleshoot & Overhaul of pumps, fans, blowers & compressors and perform
preventive maintenance.
21. Identify fault carryout maintenance work and break down of different machineries/
equipment viz., shaper, surface grinding, drilling, lathe, milling, in the shop floor, using
appropriate tools & equipment to ensure its functionality.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
1. Plan and organize the work to Plan & Identify tools, instruments and equipments for marking and
make job as per specification make this available for use in a timely manner.
applying different types of Select raw material and visual inspect for defects.
basic fitting operation and Mark as per specification applying desired mathematical
Check for dimensional calculation and observing standard procedure.
accuracy following safety Measure all dimensions in accordance with standard specifications
precautions. [Basic fitting and tolerances.
operation – marking, Hack- Identify Hand Tools for different fitting operations and make these
sawing, Chiseling, Filing, available for use in a timely manner.
Drilling, Taping and Grinding Prepare the job for Hacksawing, chiselling, filing, drilling, tapping,
etc. Accuracy: ± 0.25mm] grinding.
Perform basic fitting operations viz., Hacksawing, filing, drilling,
tapping and grinding to close tolerance as per specification to
make the job.
Observe safety procedure during above operation as per standard
norms and company guidelines.
Check for dimensional accuracy as per standard procedure.
Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components for
disposal, store these in an environmentally appropriate manner
and prepare for disposal.
2. Make different fit of Recognize general concept of Limits, Fits and tolerance necessary
components for assembling for fitting applications and functional application of these
as per required tolerance parameters.
observing principle of Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and make this
interchange ability and check available for use in a timely manner.
for functionality. [Different Fit Set up workplace/ assembly location with due consideration to
– Sliding, Angular, Step fit, operational stipulation
Required tolerance: ±0.20 Plan work in compliance with standard safety norms and collecting
mm, angular tolerance: 1 desired information.
degree] Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the team.
Make components according to the specification for different fit
using a range of practical skills and ensuring interchange ability of
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
different parts.
Assemble components applying a range of skills to ensure proper
Check functionality of components.
3. Set the different parameters Ascertain basic working principles and safety aspect of lathe
to produce components machine.
involving basic operations on Understand functional application of different levers, stoppers,
different machine observing adjustment etc.
standard procedure and Identify different lubrication points and lubricants, their usage for
check for accuracy. [Different application in lathe machine as per machine manual.
machines – Shaper, Lathe & Identify different work and tool holding devices and collect
Milling, Different machining information for functional application of each device.
parameters – feed, speed & Mount the work and tool holding devices with required alignment
depth of cut.] and check for its functional usage to perform lathe operations.
Solve problem by applying basic methods, tools, materials and
information during setting.
Observe safety procedure during mounting as per standard norms.
Produce components observing standard procedure.
Check accuracy/ correctness of job using appropriate
Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components for
disposal, store these in an environmentally appropriate manner
and prepare for disposal.
4. Prepare components for Plan & identify tools & equipment required.
assembly by carrying out Carryout heat treatment by maintaining
different Heat Treatment and Observe safety produce during the appropriate temperature and
surface finishing operations. observing standard procedure.
[Different Heat Treatment: - Perform surface finishing operation observing standard procedure.
Hardening, Tempering case Check the components for assembly.
hardening, different surface
finish- scrapping, lapping]
5. Make different fit of Recognize general concept of Limits, Fits and tolerance necessary
components for assembling for fitting applications and functional application of these
as per required tolerance parameters.
observing principle of Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and make this
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
6. Dismantle, Repair and Understand safety aspects while working with power transmission
Assemble of mechanical system.
power transmission elements Explain the functions and constructional features of various
in machine tools and check mechanical power transmission elements and drives.
for functionality. Drain out lubrication oil from the power transmission system.
Select proper tools for the required task.
Dismantle the shaft, coupling, gears, belt, clutch, pulley, chain &
sprockets. keys, bearing from the power transmission system..
Clean and check for damage of all dismantled parts.
Repair / replace damaged parts..
Assemble the power transmission system in sequence.
Fill lubrication oil and check functionality.
8. Prepare machine foundation Understand safety aspects related to the erection & installation of
for erection, install different heavy machines.
machines and carry out Plan and prepare machine foundation as per drawing.
geometrical tests. [Different Place the machine on the foundation for erection.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
machines – shaper, pedestal Provide electrical power connections as per the requirement
grinding] Level the machine and install all standard accessories and check
the functional requirement.
Conduct the geometrical test as per standards for installed
Carry out component trial machining test and check the
dimensional accuracy of the component.
11 .Identify, dismantle, replace Select and ascertain tools for the job and make this available for
and assemble different use in a timely manner.
pneumatics and hydraulics Identify different pneumatics and hydraulics components.
components. [Different Plan to dismantle and replace pneumatics & hydraulics circuit as
components – Compressor, per drawing and collecting necessary information.
Pressure Gauge, Filter Perform dismantling and replacing of different components with
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Regulator Lubricator, Valves accuracy applying range of skills and standard operating
and Actuators.] procedure.
Assemble different components.
Check functionality of the components.
12 .Construct circuit of Select and ascertain tools for the job and make this available for
pneumatics and hydraulics use in a timely manner.
observing standard operating Plan to construct pneumatics & hydraulics circuit as per drawing
procedure& safety aspect. and collecting necessary information.
Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the team
for constructing circuit.
Construct circuit of pneumatics and hydraulics observing standard
Comply with safety rules when performing the above operations.
Check different parameters and functionality of the system.
13 .Make pipe/tube fittings and Acquaint the safety practices related to pipe fittings.
valve connections for Plan and perform cutting, bending, threading, ferruling on tubes.
lubricants and coolants, test Dismantle and assemble of different valves and replace gaskets.
for leakages. Prepare pipe/tube joints, connect valves and check for leakages.
Interpret the applications of different pipe/tube joints with respect
to machine tool maintenance.
15 .Set the different grinding Plan and identify tools and equipment to carrying grinding for
machine and produce using the same timely manner.
component to appropriate Set the machine parameter and job observing safety.
accuracy. [Different machine:- Grind the components using appropriate machine and observing
Surface & cylindrical grinding; standard procedure.
appropriate accuracy Check the components as per defined accuracy.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
17. Identify and explain basic Identify differnet electrical equipment viz.multi-meter,
functioning of different transformer, relays, solenoids, motor & generator.
electrical equipment, Identify different sensors viz, proximity &ultrasonic.
sensors and apply such Examine functioning of different electrical equipment, sensors and
knowledge in industrial their utilization in industrial application.
application including basic Observe safety precautions during examination of electrical
maintenance work. equipment and sensors.
[Different electrical &
electronics equipment- DC/
AC motors, passive & active
electronic components,
resistor, capacitor, inductors,
rectifier, diode transistor,
SCRS & ICS; Different sensors
– proximity & ultrasonic]
19 .Prepare part programme, Plan and prepare part programme as per drawing.
test on simulation software Prepare tooling layout as required.
and interpret different errors. Demonstrate possible solution within the team.
Test the part programme using simulation.
Illustrate the safety/ precaution to be observed during machining.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
20 .Troubleshoot & Overhaul of Acquaint the safety practices related to the pumps, fans, blowers &
pumps, fans, blowers & compressors.
compressors and perform Understand & identify the different types of pumps, fans, blowers
preventive maintenance. and compressors.
Plan and prepare trouble shoot chart for pumps, fans, blowers &
compressors and perform the task.
Carry out the preventive maintenance of pumps, fans, blowers and
Interpret the industrial applications of pumps, fans, blowers and
compressors in different machine tools.
21 .Identify fault carryout Acquaint the safety practices related to the break down
maintenance work and break maintenance of machine tools.
down of different Understand & identify various machine tools under break down.
machineries/ equipments viz., Demonstrate the faults arised in the machine tools.
shaper, surface grinding, Conduct the break down maintenance of faulty machine.
drilling, lathe, milling, in the Carry out the performance test.
shop floor, using appropriate
tools &equipments to ensure
its functionality.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Professional Skills
Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
Professional Plan and organize 1. Importance of trade All necessary guidance to be
Skill 300 Hrs; the work to make training, List of tools & provided to the new comers to
job as per Machinery used in the become familiar with the
specification trade. (1 hr) working of Industrial Training
applying different 2. Safety attitude Institute system including
84 Hrs
types of basic fitting development of the stores procedures.
operation and Check trainee by educating them Soft Skills, its importance and
for dimensional to use Personal Protective Job area after completion of
accuracy following Equipment (PPE). (5 hrs) training.
safety precautions. 3. First Aid Method and Importance of safety and
[Basic fitting basic training.(2 hrs) general precautions observed
operation – 4. Safe disposal of waste in the in the industry/shop
marking, Hack- materials like cotton floor.
sawing, Chiselling, waste, metal chips/burrs Introduction of First aid.
Filing, Drilling, etc. (2 hrs) Operation of electrical mains
Taping and Grinding 5. Hazard identification and and electrical safety.
etc. Accuracy: ± avoidance. (2 hrs) Introduction of PPEs.
0.25mm] 6. Safety signs for Danger, Response to emergencies e.g.;
Warning, caution & power failure, fire, and system
personal safety failure.
message.(1 hr) Importance of housekeeping
7. Preventive measures for & good shop floor practices.
electrical accidents & Introduction to 5S concept &
steps to be taken in such its application.
accidents.(2 hrs) Occupational Safety & Health:
8. Use of Fire Health, Safety and
extinguishers.(7 hrs) Environment guidelines,
9. Practice and understand legislations & regulations as
precautions to be applicable.
followed while working in Basic understanding on Hot
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
(8 hrs)
32. Cutting external thread on
M.S. rod using Die.(5hrs)
33. Punch letter and number
(letter punch and number
punch) (5 hrs)
34. File steps and finish with Micrometer- outside and
smooth file to accuracy of inside – principle,
± 0.25 mm. constructional features, parts
(10 hrs) graduation, leading, use and
35. File and saw on M.S. care. Micrometer depth
Square and pipe. (15 hrs) gauge, parts, graduation,
leading, use and care. Digital
micrometer. (07 hrs)
36. File radius along a marked Vernier calipers, principle,
line (Convex & concave) & construction, graduations,
match. (15 hrs) reading, use and care. Vernier
37. Chip sheet metal bevel protractor, construction,
(shearing). (5 hrs) graduations, reading, use and
38. Chip step and file. (5 hrs) care, dial Vernier Calliper,
Digital vernier calliper. (07 hrs)
39. Truing of pedestal Pedestal grinder –
grinding wheel. (10 hrs) Introduction, care & use.
40. Grinding and re- Procedure of wheel mounting
sharpening of hand tools. & wheel dressing. Related
(10 hrs) hazards, risk and precautions.
41. Repair and maintenance (14 hrs)
of hand tools. (10 hrs)
42. Dressing of grinding wheel
by diamond dresser tool.
(20 hrs)
43. Counter sinking, counter Drilling machines-types &their
boring and reaming with application, construction of
an accuracy ± 0.04 mm. (5 Pillar & Radial drilling
hrs) machine. Countersunk,
44. Drill blind holes with an counter bore and spot facing-
accuracy 0.04 mm.(2 hrs) tools and nomenclature.
45. Form internal threads Cutting Speed, feed, depth of
with taps to standard size cut and Drilling time
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Professional Skills
Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
Professional Make / Produce 124. Setting up an Arc welding
Arc Welding: Introduction to
Skill 50 Hrs; different joints by machine. (5hrs) arc welding and its safety.
setting up of gas and 125. Edge preparation of Welding types, Common tools
Professional arc welding material for Arc welding.
used in welding.
Knowledge machines and carry (5hrs) Basic Electricity as applied to
18 Hrs out the welding. 126. Perform square lap joint,
butt joint, tee joint and
Arc Length & its effects
Pipe Joint in Arc welding.
Arc Welding Machines: -
(15hrs) advantages & disadvantages
127. Making straight beads in
of AC & DC Arc Welding
gas welding. (5hrs) Machine. Electrodes: - Sizes &
128. Perform square lap joint,
but joint & tee joint in
Edge Preparation:
Gas welding. (10hrs) Nomenclature of butt & fillet
129. Perform gas cutting of
welding. Welding Symbols &
MS plate. (10hrs) Weld defects.
Gas Welding: Introduction to
gas welding process, its
classifications, accessories and
its safety.
Gas Cutting: Principle of gas
Systems of Oxy-Acetylene
Welding- Flashback & backfire.
Types of Oxy-Acetylene
flames: - Gases used in
welding & Gas flame
Safety in gas cutting process.
(18 hrs)
Professional Identify, dismantle, 130. Demonstrate knowledge Hydraulics & Pneumatics
Skill 75 Hrs; replace and of safety procedures in Basic principles of Hydraulics -
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Professional Conduct preventive 161. Dismantle and assemble Breakdown maintenance and
Skill 50 Hrs; maintenance, of head stock, gear box preventive maintenance of a
perform dismantling lead screw, table of milling machine. (18 hrs)
Professional and assembly of milling machine. (35 hrs)
Knowledge different 162. Check the accuracy of
18 Hrs components milling machine of after
machine and test for assembly. (10hrs)
accuracy of milling 163. Do the preventive
machine. maintenance of milling
machine. (5hrs)
Professional Set the different 164. Demonstrate working of Grinding:
Skill 75 Hrs; grinding machine grinding machine. (05 Grinding machine –
and produce hrs) introduction, parts &
Professional component to 165. Set the machine, stroke constructional details, types –
Knowledge appropriate length & do wheel surface grinding and
27 Hrs accuracy. [Different balancing. (10 hrs) cylindrical grinding machines.
machine:- Surface & 166. Perform grinding of Safety precaution followed
cylindrical grinding; parallel and while working on grinding
appropriate perpendicular surfaces machines. Grinding wheels –
accuracy ±0.02mm] (accuracy ±0.02mm). (15 abrasives, bond and bonding
hrs) process, grit, grade, and
167. Perform grinding of structure of grinding wheels
angular surfaces grinding and its marking system.
(accuracy ±0.02mm). (15 Procedure for mounting of
hrs) grinding wheels, balancing of
168. Setting the cylindrical grinding wheels, dressing and
grinding machine for truing of grinding wheels,
grinding internal and glazing and loading in grinding
external surfaces. (15 wheel.
hrs) (27 hrs)
169. Setting the machine for
grinding taper holes. (15
Professional Conduct preventive 170. Dismantle and assembly Preventive and breakdown
Skill 50 Hrs; maintenance, of grinding head, lead maintenance of grinding
perform dismantling screw, table, hydraulic machine.
Professional & assembly of cylinders of grinding (18 hrs)
Knowledge different machine. (30hrs)
18 Hrs components of 171. Check the accuracy of
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Feeders- types, working
Maintenance practice- Pulley
lagging, belt sway control belt
joining methods.
(09 hrs)
230. Trouble shooting on Breakdown Maintenance,
machine tools such as Preventive Maintenance,
drill, shaper, lathe & Predictive Maintenance &
power saw machine. (20 Concepts of TPM,
hrs) OEE.(without calculations)
231. Perform overhauling of Difference between
feed units of lathe milling breakdown and preventive
& grinding. (20hrs) maintenance – Its importance
232. Geometrical testing of in productivity, types.
machine tools. (10hrs) Normal procedure followed
for maintenance of machine
tools on the shop floor.
Accuracy testing of machine
Various maintenance
Concepts & Measurement of
machine performance: MTBF,
MTTR. (without calculations)
(18 hrs)
233. Preparation of check list Inspection & Condition
for inspection of Monitoring.
different machine tools. Maintenance strategy –
(5hrs) Reactive, Preventive,
234. Temperature Predictive and proactive.
measurement of Corrective Maintenance &
machine tools. (5hrs) Plan Maintenance. Condition
235. Vibration measurement Base Maintenance (CBM),
of machine tools. (5hrs) Reliability Centered
236. Fault finding practice on Maintenance (RCM),
machine tools. (10hrs) Importance of inspection.
Type / methods of equipment
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Commonly used gadgets for
Concept of inspection check-
Importance of condition
monitoring and Various
techniques used for condition
monitoring. (vibration,
temperature, sound and
lubricant condition)
Concept of Industry 4.0 and
Digital Manufacturing. (09
In-plant training/ Project work
Broad area:
a) Visit to CNC manufacturing industry /nearby industry involving CNC operation for production
b) Recondition electrical panel and motor of lathe/ milling and test functionality.
c) Reconditioning of a lathe/ milling with testing report.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
1. Workshop Calculation & Science (Common for two year course) (80 hrs. + 80 hrs)
2. Engineering Drawing (Common for Group-I (Mechanical Trade Group)) (80 hrs. + 80 hrs)
3. Employability Skills (Common for all CTS trades) (160 hrs. + 80 hrs)
Learning outcomes, assessment criteria, syllabus and Tool List of Core Skills subjects which is
common for a group of trades, provided separately in www.bharatskills.gov.in.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
28. Spanner socket set of 25 pieces (10 to 25, 27, 30, 1 no.
32, mm = 18 pcs and assorted = 7
29. Hammer soft (faced 30 mm dia.) plastic tipped. As required
30. Pipe wrench 450 As required
31. Chain pipe wrench 650 As required
32. Telescopic gauges 13 mm to 300 mm. As required
33. Tap Extractor 1 no.
34. Linear Actuator (Differential and non- 1 each
35. Cut section model of Pneumatic vales 1 no.
36. Vibrometer As required
37. Flow Detector 1 no.
38. Magnetic crack detector 1 no.
39. Engineers Stethoscope As required
40. Stud Extractor 1 no.
41. Tool picker collate type As required
42. Tool picker magnetic type As required
43. Magnifying Glass 75 mm 1 no.
44. Pin spanner set 1set
45. Hand keyway breacher As required
46. C.I. Surface plate 400 x 400 mm with stand and cover As required
47. Bearing and gear tester As required
48. Master test bars (Different sizes) 1 no.
49. Spirit Level 150 mm, accuracy 0.02 mm / 1000 2 nos.
50. 3 Cells Torch 2 nos,
51. Gasket Hollow punches 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 19, 25 mm dia. 1 each
52. Bar type Torque Wrench 1 no
53. Cam lock type Screw Driver 1 no
54. Flaring tools 2 no
55. Tube Expander up to 62 mm 2 set
56. Circlip Pliers (inside, outside and 1 each
57. Hammer (Ball peen, cross peen, 500 grms. 3 sets
straight peen)
58. Viscometer 1 no.
59. Vernier height gauge 300 mm 1 no.
60. Maintenance tool kit trolley of 1200 x 800 x1200 mm (L x As required
W x H)
61. Steel lockers for 20 trainees 2 nos.
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
113. Tool holder (straight) to suit 6 & 8 mm sq. bit size As required
114. H.S.S. tool bits 6 mm, 8 mm sq. x100 mm length As required
115. Carbide tip mechanically fastened tool 1 set
116. Cylindrical milling cutter Ø 63 x 70 x Ø 27 mm 1 no.
117. Side and face cutter Ø 80 x 10 X Ø 27 mm 1 no
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
The DGT sincerely acknowledges contributions of the Industries, State Directorates, Trade
Experts, Domain Experts, trainers of ITIs, NSTIs, faculties from universities and all others who
contributed in revising the curriculum.
Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.
List of Expert members contributed/ participated for finalizing the course curriculum of Mechanic
Machine Tool Maintenance (MMTM) trade held on 16.01.2018 at Govt. ITI, Nashik.
Name & Designation
S No. Organization Remarks
Industry Experts
1. M/s. Bajaj sons Ltd., MIDC Satpur, Member
Sopan Simpi,
2. M/s. TATA Motors, CVBV, Pimpri, Member
Sushil Warang
3. M/s. TATA Motors, CVBV, Pimpri, Member
Santosh Pathak
4. M/s. TATA Motors, CVBV, Pimpri, Member
Nitin Jamadade
5. MSL Driveline Systems Ltd., 89/1A, Member
Vilas T Shirka
MIDC Satpur, Nashik
6. Patil M.S., Sr. Manager, Tool Hindustan Hardy Spicer Ltd., Plot Member
Room no-C-12, MIDC Ahmadabad, Nashik
7. Dandekar Anant, Asst. Member
Bosch Ltd., Nashik
Manager Training &
75, MIDC Satpur, Nashik
8. Pandurang Kurunkar, DGM Mahindra Vehicle Mfg. Ltd., Chakan, Member
Power-train maintenance Pune
9. Harikrishna Udugu, Member
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., Ojhar-
Dy. Manager, Training & Skill
10. Samsonite South Asia Pvt. Ltd., Member
Sagar Deshmukh, Officer-HR
11. Soumya Ranjan Sash, Member
Samsonite Ltd., Nashik
Executive (TIR)
12. VIP Industries Ltd, Machine Tool Member
Vijay Ghumare
Room, Satpur, Nashik
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance