Plumbing: Plumbing and Sanitary System Reviewer

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Plumbing 2. Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances

The art and technique of installing pipes, and other shall be supplied with water in sufficient volume and
fixtures and other apparatuses in building for at pressure adequate to enable them to function
bringing in the supply, liquids, substance and/or satisfactorily and without undue noise under all
ingredients and removing them (such as water, normal conditions of use.
liquids, and other carried wastes hazardous to health, 3. Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the
sanitation, life and property), also the pipes and minimum quantity of water consistent with proper
fixtures after installation. performance and cleaning.
Master Plumber 4. Devices for heating and storing water shall be so
A person technically and legally qualified and designed and installed as to prevent dangers from
licensed to practice the profession of master explosion through overheating.
plumbing. 5. Every building having plumbing fixtures installed
Basic Necessities of Life and intended for human habitation, occupancy or use
1. Air on premises abutting on a street, alley or easement
2. Water where there is a public sewer, shall be connected to
3. Food the sewer system.
6. Each family dwelling unit on premises abutting on
a sewer or with a private sewage-disposal system
shall have at least one water closet and one kitchen-
type sink. Further, a lavatory and bathtub or shower
shall be installed to meet the basic requirements of
sanitation and personal hygiene.
7. Plumbing fixtures shall be made of smooth non-
absorbent material, free from concealed fouling
surfaces and shall be located in ventilated enclosures.
8. The drainage system shall be designed,
constructed and maintained to safeguard against
fouling, deposit of solids, clogging and with
adequate clean-outs so arranged that the pipes may
be readily cleaned.
9. All pipings of plumbing systems shall be of
durable NAMPAP APPROVED materials, free form
defective workmanship, designed and constructed by
Plumbing Cycle Registered Master Plumbers to ensure satisfactory
Supply – Distribution – Use – Collection – Disposal service
– Treatment – Source 10. Each fixture directly connected to the drainage
Plumbing System system shall be equipped with a water-sealed trap
 Waterline System 11. The drainage piping system shall be designed to
 Potable water provide adequate circulation of air free from
 Fixture siphonage, aspiration or forcing of trap seals under
 Pipes and fitting ordinary use.
 Non-Potable water 12. Vent terminals shall extend to the outer air and
 Cold water installed to preempt clogging and the return of foul
 Fixtures air to the building.
 Pipes and Fittings 13. Plumbing systems shall be subjected to such tests
 Hot Water to effectively disclose all leaks and defects in the
 Equipment workmanship.
 Fixtures 14. No substance which will clog the pipes, produce
 Pipes and Fittings explosive mixture, destroy the pipes or their joints or
 Sanitary System interfere unduly with the sewage-disposal process
 Fixtures shall be allowed to enter the building drainage
 Pipes and Fittings system
 Ventilation System 15. Proper protection shall be provided to prevent
 Pipes and Fitting contamination of food, water, sterile goods and
 Storm Drainage System similar materials by backflow of sewage. When
 STP or Sewage Treatment Plant necessary, the fixture, device or appliance shall be
 Pipes and Fitting connected indirectly with the building drainage
16. No water closet shall be located in a room or
22 PLUMBING PRINCIPLES compartment which is not properly lighted and
1. All premises intended for human habitation, ventilated.
occupancy or use shall be provided with a supply of 17. If water closets or other plumbing fixtures are
pure and wholesome water, neither connected with installed in buildings where there is no sewer within
unsafe water supplies nor subject to hazards of a reasonable distance, suitable provision shall be
backflow or back-siphonage. made for disposing of the building sewage by some
accepted method of sewage treatment and disposal, Backflow Preventer
such as a septic tank. Device or means to prevent flow of liquid from
18. Where a plumbing drainage system may be returning to the source of supply. Also called vacuum
subject to backflow of sewage, suitable provision breaker
shall be made to prevent its overflow in the building. Back-Siphonage
19. Plumbing systems shall be maintained in The flowing back of used, contaminated or polluted
serviceable condition by Registered Master water from a plumbing fixtures or vessel into a water
Plumbers. supply pipe due to a negative pressure in such pipe.
20. All plumbing fixtures shall be installed properly See backflow.
spaced, to be accessible for their intended use. Backwater Valve
21. Plumbing shall be installed by Registered Master A device installed in a drainage system to prevent
Plumbers with due regard to the preservation of the reverse flow.
strength of structural members and the prevention of Back Vent Pipe
damage to walls and other surfaces through fixture The part of vent line, which connect directly with an
usage. individual trap underneath or behind the fixtures or
22. Sewage or other waste from a plumbing system fixture trap it serves. This is sometimes called an
which may be deleterious to surface or sub-surface individual vent. See revent pipe.
waters shall not be discharged into the ground or into Ball cock
any waterway, unless first rendered innocuous A valve opened and closed by the fall and rise,
through subjection to some acceptable form of respectively, of an attached ball floating on the
treatment surface of the liquid
ADS A type of pipe connection in which a ball-shaped end
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene in a cuplike shall and allow movements in every
Alley direction
Any public space, public-park or thoroughfare less Bathroom
than 3 meters but not less than two meters in width A room equipped with a shower stall or bathtub
dedicated or deeded for public use. Battery or fixtures
Alter or Alteration Any of two or more similar adjacent fixtures which
Any change, addition or modification in construction discharge into a common horizontal soil or waste
or occupancy. branch
Accessible Bell or Hub
When applied to a fixture, connection, appliance or That portion of pipe which, for a short distance is
equipment, shalt mean having access thereto, but sufficiently enlarged to receive the end of another
which may require prior removal of an access panel pipe of the same diameter for the purpose of making
door or similar obstruction. “Readily accessible” of caulked or push-on joint
shall mean direct access without the necessity of Bending Pin (or Iron)
removing any panel, or similar obstruction. A tool for straightening or bending lead pipe. BIBB
Airbreak – synonymous with faucet, cock, tap, etc. the word
A physical separation which may be low inlet into “faucet” is preferred.
the indirect waste receptor from the fixtures, Bidet
appliance or device indirectly connected A plumbing fixtures used for washing middle private
Air Gap, Drainage part of the body, especially the genitals. Also called
The unobstructed vertical distance through the free a “sitz” bath
atmosphere between the lowest opening from any Blank Flange
pipe, plumbing, fixture, appliance or appurtenance A pipe flange that is not drilled for both holes
conveying waste to the flood level rim of the Blind Flange
receptors A flange that doses the end of a pipe. These is no
Air gap, Water Distribution opening for the passage of liquid or gas
An unobstructed vertical distance through the free Blow-off
atmosphere between the lowest opening from any A controlled outlet of pipeline to discharge liquid or
pipe or faucet conveying potable water to the flood- detritus
level rim of any tank Boiler Blow-off
Backflow A valve outlet of a boiler that permit discharge of
The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or accumulated sediment
substance into the distributing pipes of a potable Branch
supply of water from any source other than from its Any part of the piping system other than a main, riser
intended source. or stack
Backflow connection Branch Interval
Connection or any arrangement whereby reverse A length of soil or waste stack corresponding in
flow can occur general to a story height, but in no case less than 2.43
Back pressure / backflow meter within which the horizontal branches from one
Occurs due to an increased reverse pressure above floor or story of a building are connected to the stack
the supply pressure. This may be due to pumps, Branch Vent
boilers, gravity, or other sources of pressure. A horizontal vent connecting one or more vertical
back vent with the vent stack or stack vent.
Brazed Joints Common Vent
Any joints obtained by joining of metal parts with See unit vent and dual vent
alloys which melt at temperature higher than 449 Combination waste and vent system
degrees centigrade, but lower than the melting A specially designed system of waste piping
temperature of the parts to be joined embodying the horizontal wet venting of one or more
B&S sinks or floor drains by means of a common
Brown and sharpe (specification) or bell and spigot horizontal waste and vent pipe adequately sized to
(end of pipes) provide free movement of air above the flow line of
Buildings the drain.
As structure built, erected and framed of component Combustible Construction
structural part is designed for the housing, shelter, A structure which any part of its structural
enclosure or support of person animal or property of framework will ignite and burn at a temperature of
any kind. 756 degrees centigrade or less
Building drain Common
That part of the lowest horizontal piping of a That part of plumbing system designed and install to
drainage system which starts from the end of the serve more than 1 appliance, fixtures building system
building and conveys it to the building sewer Confined space
beginning 0.6 meter outside the building wall A room or space having a volume less than 14 cu. m.
Building Sewer with 250 kg calorie of the aggregate input rating of
That part of the horizontal piping of a drainage all fuel burning appliances installed in that space
system which starts from the end of the building Contamination
drain and which receives the discharge of the An impairment of the quality of the potable water
building drain and conveys it to a public sewer, which creates an actual hazard to the public health
private sewer, individual sewage disposal system or through poisoning or spread of disease by sewage,
other point of disposal industrial fluids or waste. Also defines as high hazard.
Building Subdrain Continuous vent
That portion of an underground system, which A continuous vent is vertical that is a continuation of
cannot drain by gravity into the building sewer the drain to which the vent connects.
Building Supply Continuous waste
The pipe carrying potable water from the water meter A drain connecting the compartment of a set of
or other source or water supply to a building or other fixtures to a trap or connecting other permitted
point of use or distribution on the lot. Building fixtures to a common trap
supply shall also mean water service connection Conductor or downspout
Caulking A vertical pipe to convey rainwater
Plugging an opening with oakum, lead or other Corporation cock
materials that are pounded into the annular space. A stop valve placed at the connection of the water
Also, the materials pounded into the annular opening service pipe to the water main
CAP Court
A fitting, screwed or caulked over the end of a pipe An open, unoccupied space, bounded on the 2 or
for closing the pipe more side by the walls of the building. An inner court
Catch Basin is a court entirely within the exterior walls of a
A receptable in which liquids are retained for building. All other courts are outer courts.
sufficient period of time to allow settable material to Critical level
deposits C-L or C/L marking on a backflow prevention device
Certified Backflow Assembly Tester or vacuum breaker is a point confirming to approved
A person who has shown compliance to test and standard breaker is a point confirming to approach
maintain backflow assemblies to the satisfaction of standard established by the testing laboratory
the administrative authority having jurisdiction (usually stamped on the device by manufacturer)
Cesspool which determines the minimum elevation above the
A non-watertight line excavation in the ground flood level rim of the fixtures or receptable served
which receives the discharge if sanitary drainage where the device may be installed. When a backflow
system or part thereof designed to retain the organic prevention device does not bear a critical level
matter and solid discharging therefrom, without marking, the bottom of the vacuum breaker,
permitting the liquid to seep through the bottom and combination valve or the bottom of any such
side of the cesspool approved device shall constitute the critical level.
Chase Cross-Connection
A vertical shaft for installation of different pipe Any connection or arrangement, physical or
stacks. otherwise, between a potable water supply system
Check valve and any plumbing fixtures or any tank receptable,
A valve that automatically closes to prevent closes to equipment or device, through which enable non-
prevent the flow of liquid or gas in a reverse direction potable, used, unclean, polluted, contaminated water
Circuit Vent or other substance to enter into any part of such
A group vent pipe which start in front of the extreme portable water system under any condition.
fixture connection on a horizontal branch of connects Dead-End
to the vent stack The extended portion of a pipe that is closed at one
end to which no connection are made on the excluded
portion, thus permitting the stagnation of liquid or air House sewer
therein It is a term given to the connection of the horizontal
Developed Length house drainage system to the public sewer. It is
The length of pipe along its centerline and fitting where all waste and soil pipes inside the home or
Diameter building will ultimately discharge
Unless specifically stated, the term “diameter” is the Lateral
nominal diameter as designated commercial denoted In plumbing, a secondary pipeline in sewerage, a
inside diameter of pipe and O.D. denoted outside common sewer to which no other common sewer is
diameter of tube. tributary. It receives sewage from building sewer
Domestic Sewage only.
The liquid and water-home waste derived from the Latrine
ordinary living processes, free from industrial waste A water closet consisting of continuous through
and of such character that permit satisfactory containing water, through which is extended under
disposal without special treatment. It is discharged two or more adjacent seat.
into the public sewer or into a private sewage Lavatory
disposal system A fixtures designed for washing of hands and face
Double Bend Fitting Leaching Cesspool
A pipe fitting with adjacent reverse bend and shaped A cesspool that is not watertight, allow absorption of
like the letter “S”. waste to ground
Double Offset Leader
Two offset in succession or in series such that the A pipe to convey rainwater from the roof of the
centerlines of the outside ends are in the same building storm drain combined building sewer or
straight line. other means of disposal. The leader is usually outside
Downspout the building serve
The vertical portion of a rainwater conductor Length of Pipe
Drain The length as measured along the center line
A pipe which carries ground and surface water storm Liquid Waste
water or wastewater into a building drainage system The discharge from any fixtures, appliance, area, or
Drainage System appurtenance, which does not contain human or
Include all piping within public or private premises animal waste
which convey sewage or other liquid wastes to a Local Vent
legal point of disposal plant A pipe or conduit to convey foul air from a plumbing
Dry Vent fixtures, room or other space to outer air
A vent that does not carry liquid or water borne waste Loop or Circuit Vent
HUB A vent pipe connected to a horizontal drainage pipe
The enlarge end of pipe made to provide a receiving the discharge from the one or more
connection into which the end of the joining pipe fits. otherwise inverted fixtures. The vent pipe rise above
Synonym with bell. the overflow level or flood rim of the highest
Indirect waste pipe connected fixtures connected to pipes connected to
NPC state: “A pipe that does not connect directly the same event stack or stack vent into which the vent
with the drainage system but conveys liquid waste by fixtures discharge. The vent is a loop vent
discharging into a plumbing fixtures or receptable Main
which is directly connected to the drainage system”. Principal pipe artery to which branches may be
Individual Vent connected
Pipe installed to vent a fixtures trap and that connects Main Trap
with the vent system above the fixture serve or See building trap; running trap on the outlet side of a
terminate in the open air building drain; prevent the passage of odors between
Industrial Waste the common sewer and the plumbing of the building.
Is defined as waste generated by manufacturing or Main Vent
industrial processes. The types of industrial waste A vent pipe to which branch and fixtures vent are
generated include cafeteria garbage, dirt, and gravel, connected
masonry and concrete, scrap metal, trash, oil, solvent, Manhole
chemical, weed grass and trees, woods and scrap An opening constructed for the purpose of permitting
lumber and similar wastes. a man to gain access to an enclosed space.
Insanitary Needle Valve
So dirty or ridden with germs as to be a danger to A valve in which the opening, consisting of a small
health hole, is opened or closed by a long, needle-like
Interceptors spindle that is thrust or is withdrawn from the hole.
A device designed and install so as to attain Oakum
deleterious, hazardous or undesirable matter from Hemp or hold rope soaked in oil or other material to
normal waste and permit normal new age or liquid make it water proof and to resist rotting
wastes to discharge into the disposal terminal by Occupancy
gravity. Classification of building, main function
The lowest portion of the inside of the horizontal
Offset Plumbing Unit
Combination of elbow, or bend, which bring one A minimum standard quantity of plumbing fixtures
section of the pipe out of the line but into a line tat discharge wastes into a plumbing installation
parallel with the other section including: 1 water meter, 1 water closet, 1 lavatory,
Lot 1 shower head and drain for a bathtub or shower stall,
Single area of land legally recorded or validated by 1 kitchen sink, 1 laundry tray, 3 floor drain and 4
other mean acceptable to the administrative authority faucet/hose bibb.
where a building is situated or site of any work Pollution
regulated by this code, together with the yard, court, An impairment of the quality of the water to a degree
and unoccupied space legally required for the which creates hazard to the public health adverse
building or works; and which is owned by or in the affect the aesthetic and potable qualities of water for
lawful possession of the owner of the building or Domestic use
work Potable Water
PE Water satisfactory for drinking, culinary and
Polyethylene. Tube made of plastic material and domestic purposes and meets the requirement of the
colored black. The cross-sectional shape is circular Philippine National Standard for Drinking Water.
and is denoted by its outside diameter or O.D. Public Sewer
Pipe A common sewer directly controlled by public
A cylindrical conductor or conduit conforming to the authority to which all abutters have equal right of
particular dimension commonly known as pipe size, connection
and is denoted by its outside diameter or I.D. Pressure
Pitch The normal force exerted by a homogenous liquid or
See grade gas, per unit of area on the wall of the container
Plumbing Appliances Static pressure
Any one of a special class of device or equipment The pressure existing without any flow motion
intended to perform a special plumbing function its Residual pressure
operation and/or control may be dependent upon one The pressure available at the fixtures or water outlet;
or more energy components, such as motors control, allowance is made for pressure drop due to friction
heating element and pressure-temperature-sensing loss, head, meter and other losses in the system
element. Such device or equipment may operate during maximum demand period
automatically through one or more of the following Primary Branch
action: a time cycle, a temperature range, a pressure Of the building drain is the single sloping drain from
range, a measure volume or weight or the device or the base of a stack to its junction with the main
equipment may be manually adjusted or controlled building
by the user or operator Private or Private Use
Plumbing appurtenance In classification of plumbing fixtures, “private”
A manufactured device or a prefabricated assembly apply to plumbing fixtures in residence and
or an on-the-job assembly of component parts, serves apartment, to provide bathrooms in hotel and
as adjunct to the basic piping system and plumbing hospital, to restroom in commercial establishment
fixtures. An appurtenance demand no additional for restricted use, single fixtures or group of single
water supply nor does it add any discharge load to a fixtures and to similar installation where the fixtures
fixtures or the drainage system. It perform some are intended for the use of family or an individual.
useful function in the operation, maintenance, Private Sewage Disposal System
servicing, economy or safety of the plumbing system. A septic tank with the effluent discharging into a
Plumbing fixtures subsurface disposal field, into one or more seepage
Are approved-type installed receptacles, devices or pit or into a combination of subsurface disposal field,
appliances supplied with water or receive liquid or into one or more seepage pits or into a combination
liquid-borne waste and discharge such waste into the of subsurface disposal field and seepage pit or of
drainage system to which they may be directly or such other facilities as may be permitted under the
indirectly connected. Industrial or commercial tank, procedures set forth elsewhere in this code.
vat and similar processing equipment are not Private Sewer
plumbing fixtures, but may be connected to or A building sewer, which receives the discharge from
discharged into approved traps or plumbing fixtures more than one building drain and conveys it to a
as provided for in this code. public sewer, private sewage disposal system, or
Plumbing system other points of disposal
Includes all potable water supply and distribution Privy
pipes, air plumbing fixtures and trap; all sanitary and An outhouse or structure used for the deposition of
storm drainage system (vent pipes, roof drain, excrement collect.
leaders and downspouts); and all building drain and Public or Public Use
sewer, including their respective joints and In the classification of plumbing fixtures, “public” or
connection; device receptable, and appurtenance “public use” shall mean all building or structure that
within the property (water lines in the premises: are not defined as private or private use.
potable, tap, hot and chilled water piping); fuel gas PVC
piping; water heater and vent for same. Polyvinyl chloride. Potable water piping are color-
coded BLUE. Drainpipes are manufactured with
toxic component and are color-coded gray, orange or through a period of detention and to allow the liquid
brown. to discharge into the soil outside of the tank through
Receptor a system of open –jointed sub-surface piping or a
An approved plumbing fixtures or device of such seepage pit meeting the requirement of code
material, shape and capability to adequately receive Service Pipe
the discharge from indirect waste pipes, constructed The pipe from the street water main or other source
and located to be readily cleaned. of water supply to the building served
Regulating Equipment Sewage
Include all valve and controls used in plumbing Any wastewater containing animal or vegetable
system which are accessible matter in suspension or solution and may include
Relief Vent liquids containing chemicals in solution
A vertical vent line, the primary function of which is Sewer
to provide additional circulation of air between the A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage and
drainage and vent system or to act as an auxiliary wastewater
vent on a special designed system such as a “yoke Sewerage or Sewerage Work
vent” connection between the soil and vent stacks. A comprehensive term, including all construction for
Repair all collection transportation, plumbing, treatment and
The reconstruction or renewal of any part of an final disposition of sewage
existing building maintenance. The word “repair” or Shaft
“repairs” shall not apply to any change of A vertical opening through a building for elevators,
construction or occupancy. dumbwaiters, light, ventilation, or similar process
Return Bend Siamese connection
An open return bend usually made up two 90 degrees A huge fitting with clapper valves for combining the
bend with inside and outside threads, flanged or flaw from two or more lines of hose into a single
welded fittings; and applied also to a 180 degrees stream the inlet fitting of a fire standpipe located
bend in copper tubing. above ground level.
Revent Pipe Siphonage
See back vent pipe A suction created by the flow of liquid in pipes. A
RIM pressure less than atmosphere
An unobstructed top open edge of a fixture. Shall
Riser The word “shall” denotes mandatory acceptation
A water supply pipe, which extend vertically to one Shielded Coupling
full story or more to convey water into pipe branches An approved elastomeric sealing gasket with an
or plumbing fixtures. approved outer shield and a tightening mechanism
Roughing-in Single Family Dwelling
The installation of all piping and fitting parts of the A building designed as a home by the owner of such
plumbing system, which can be completed prior to building, and shall be the only dwelling located on a
the installation of fixtures and accessories. These parcel of ground with the usual accessory building
include sanitary and storm drainage, tap, hot and Size and Type of Tubing
chilled water supplies, gas piping, vent piping, vent See diameter
piping and the necessary fixtures supports. Slip Joint
Sand Intercept An adjustable tubing connection, consisting of a
See interceptor compression nut, a friction ring, and a compression
Sanitary Sewage washer designed to fit a threaded adapter fitting or a
The waste water containing human excrement and standard taper pipe thread.
liquid household waste. Also called domestic sewage Slope
Sanitary Sewer See Grade
A sewer intended to receive sanitary sewage with or Soil Stack Pipe
without pre-treated industrial waste and without the A vertical soil pipe conveying feral matter and
admixtures of rain or ground water wastewater
Seal Soil Pipe
The vertical distance between the dip and the crown Any pipe, which conveys the discharge of water
weir of a trap. Also, the water in the trap between the closet, urinal or fixtures having similar function, with
dip and the crown weir or without the discharge from other fixtures to the
Secondary branch building drain or building sewer.
Any branch in a building drain other than the primary Soldered Joint
branch. A pipe joint obtained by joining metal parts with
Seepage Pit metallic mixtures or alloy which melts at a
A loosely lined excavation in the ground, which temperature below 427 degrees and above 149
receives the discharge of a septic tank and designed degrees centigrade
to permit the effluent from the septic tank to seep Spigot
through pit bottom and sides. The end of a pipe which fits into a bell. Also a word
Septic Tank used synonymously with faucet
A watertight receptacle which receives the discharge Special Waste
of a sanitary plumbing system part thereof, designed Waste which requires some special method of
and constructed to retain solids, digest organic matter handling such as the use of indirect piping and
receptors; corrosion resistant piping, sand, oil, or Trap Arm
grease interceptors, condenser or other pretreatment That portion of a fixture drain between a trap and the
facilities. vent
Stack Trap Seal
The vertical main of a system of soil, waste or vent The maximum vertical depth of liquid that a trap will
piping extending through one or more stories and retain, measured between the crown weir and the top
extended thru the roof of the dip of the trap
Standpipe Tube
A vertical pipe, or a reservoir, into which water is A cylindrical conduit or conductor conforming to the
pumped to give it at a head, classified as: particular dimension known as “tube sizes” and
 Wet Standpipe denotes by its outside diameter or O.D.
Water pressure is maintained at all times Unconfined Space
 Automatic standpipe system A room space having a volume equal to atleast 1.4
Operates automatically by opening a hose valve cu. m. of the aggregate input rating of the fuel-
 Manually-Operated Standpipe System burning appliances installed in that space. Room
Remote control device at each other hose station adjacent and open to the space to the space where the
 Dry Standpipe appliances is installed through openings not
Having no permanent water inside the pipe furnished with doors, are considered a part of the
Storm Water unconfined space.
That portion of the rainfall or other precipitation Vacuum
which runs of over the earth’s surface after a storm An air pressure less than atmospheric. Also, implies
Story siphonage in piping system.
That portion of a building included between the Vacuum Breaker
upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of See backflow preventer
the flood next above Vent Pipe
Subsoil Drain A pipe or opening used for ensuring the circulation
An underground drainpipe that receives only of air in plumbing system and for relieving the
substance or seepage water and convey it to a sump negative pressure exerted on trap seals.
for disposal by gravity flow or by lift pump Vent Stock
Stack Vent The vertical vent pipe installed primarily for
The extension of a soil or waste stack above the providing circulation of air to and from any part of
highest horizontal drain connected to the stack. The the soil, waste of the drainage system.
uppermost end above the roof is called stack vent Vent System
through roof (SVTR). Pipes installed to provide flow of air to or from a
Sump drainage system or to provide a circulation of air
An approved tank or pit which receives sewage or within such system to protect traps seals from
wastewater and is located below the normal grade of siphonage and back pressure.
the gravity system and must be emptied by Vertical Pipe
mechanical means. Any pipe CR fitting installed in a vertical position or
Support which form an angle of not more than 45 degrees
Supports, hangers, anchors, brackets, cradles and with the vertical line
device for holding and securing pipes and fixtures to Waste
wall, ceiling, floors or structural members See liquid waste and industrial waste
Surface Water Waste Pipe
That portion of rainfall or other precipitation which Pipe which conveys only wastewater or liquid waste,
runs off over the surface of the ground. free from fecal matter
Swimming Pool Water Treatment
A water basin used for swimming designed to A device which condition or treats water supply to
accommodate many bathers at a time and properly improve water quality, remove suspended soil by
connected to a disposal system, fills and draw water filtration
supply or provided with approved water purification Water Distributing Pipe
and recirculation system. A pipe which conveys portable water from the
Tail Piece building supply pipe to the plumbing fixtures and
The pipe of tubing that connects the outlet of a other water outlets.
plumbing fixture to the trap
Tapped Tee
A tee with the branch tapped to receive a threaded
pipe or fitting
A fitting or device designed and constructed to
provide, when properly vented, a liquid seal which
prevents the backflow of foul air or methane gas
without materially affecting the flow of sewage or
wastewater through it.
It is the most expensive of all types of pipes. It is
 Cast Iron Pipe made up of an alloy or zinc and copper mixed at a
 Asbestos Pipe portion of 15% and 85% respectively. Its smooth
 Bituminous Fiber Sewer Pipe interior surface and high resistance to acid makes it a
 Vitrified Clay Pipe superior material for waste and water installation
 Lead Pipe Copper Pipe
 Galvanized Steel Pipe It is durable and extremely corrosive resistant. It is
classified into 3 depending on the wall thickness
 Galvanized Wrought Iron Pipe
 Brass Pipe
 K Type
 Copper Pipe
It is the heaviest and suitable for underground
 Plastic or Synthetic Pipe installation
Cast Iron Pipe
 L Type
Most popular and generally specified material for
Lighter than K and is available in rigid and flexible
drainage installation in buildings. It is durable,
in form. Commonly used in residential water supply
conveniently installed for all types of building less
line and for radiant heating installation
than 25 storey high
 M Type
Types of Cast Iron Pipe
It is the thinnest and is only available in rigid form,
 SV
thus only designed for small water supply lines and
Which is generally used for building installation
also for radiant heating installation
Plastic of Synthetic Pipe
 XV Developed in Germany in 1935 and was introduced
Classified as extra duty pipe used for underground in the Philippines in the middle of the 70’s. It is
installation proven to be superior as sewer, hot and cold
Varieties of Cast Iron Pipe waterpipe line materials that can almost more than 50
 Standard Pipe years under normal condition
 Single Hub Pipe Types of Plastic Synthetic Pipes
 Double Hub Pipe  Rigid Type
 Hubless Pipe  Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
 Flanged Pipe (single or double flanged)  Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (cPVC)
 Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC)
Asbestos Pipe  Acrylonitrile Butadiene Chloride (ABS)
Made of asbestos fiber and Portland cement, the  Polypropylene (PPR)
thickness of the pipe is twice as that of the standard  Styrene Rubber Plastic (SR)
CIP and could be used as soil, waste, ventilation pipe  Flexible Type
and downspout. This kind of pipe is remarkably  Polyethylene (PE)
suited for embedment in concrete structure because  Polybutylene (PB)
both structure have the same properties.
Bituminous Fiber Sewer Pipe Pipe Fitting (Potable Water)
Cheapest of all types of pipes. This type of pipe is  PVC Fitting
light in weight, slightly flexible and could take slight  Elbow
soil movement without danger or pulling out of its  Male Adapter
joint.  Female Adapter
Vitrified Clay Pipe  Union Patente
Considered as one of the oldest materials used for  Elbow with Thread
sewer lines. It is highly resistant to most acid and is  Coupling
well suited in underground installation working  Tee with Thread
either as a public sewer, or storm drain or both. It is  Tee
brittle and prone to cracking when laid on unstable  Plug
ground.  Cap
Lead Pipe  PPR Fitting
Also one of the oldest pluming materials used by the  Socket
Egyptians, the Greek and the Roman architecture as  Elbow
soil and waste pipe. It is highly resistant to acid and  Tee
is very suitable for underground. It is poisonous to  45 degree elbow
human health.  Reducer
Galvanized Steel Pipe  Male Union
Made out of mild steel drawn through a die and  Cross
welded cast in 6m long. It is subjected to deposits of  Pipe Clips
salt and time which gradually accumulate and  Male Elbow
eventually choke the flow of water, hence it is not  Female Elbow
recommended in hot water supply line.  Female Union
Galvanized Wrought Pipe  M/ Elbow W/D
Better in quality than the galvanized steel pipe and is  F/ Elbow W?D
resistant to acid waste  Male Thr Tee
 Female Thr Tee  Pail Flush
 CI/DI Fitting  Wash Down
 90 degree elbow  Siphon Vortex
 Tee Fitting  Siphon Jet
 M/F Elbow  Lavatory
 Cross Fitting  Wall Hung
 45 degree Elbow  Pedestal
 Union Fitting  Over/Under Counter
 Hex Head Cap  Table Top Counter
 Reducer Fitting  Bathtub
 Y-Way Fitting  Urinal
 Red tee Fitting  Bidet
 Reducer Nipple  Sink
 Square Plug Fig  Kitchen/Laundry Sink
 Hex Plug Fitting  Slope Sink
 Hex Nipple
 Hose Nipple Fitting
 Full coupling
 Half Coupling
 Single Nipple
 Socket Plain Fig
 PE Fitting
 PB Fitting
 uPVC Fitting
 Elbow 90 degree
 Elbow 45 degree
 Tee
 Clean Out Set
 Coupling
 P-Trap with plug
 Double WYE
 Double Tee
 WYE reducer
 Double WYE reducer
 Tee Reducer
 Double Tee Reducer
 Tap Tee
 Bushing Reducer

Types of Valve
 Types of Check Valve
 Dual Disk Check Valve
 Swing Check Valve
 Lift/Piston Valve
 Ball Check Valve
 Silent Check Valve
 Nozzle Type Check Valve
 Wafer Check Valve
 Tilting Disk Check Valve
 Slide Valve
 Control Valve
 Needle Valve
 Pinch Valve
 Plug Valve
 Diaphragm Valve
 Flow Regulating Valve
 Y-Type Valve
 Pressure Regulating Valve
 Piston Valve
 Back Pressure Regulating Valve

Plumbing Fixtures
 Water Closet
 Squat Type

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