Virtual Architecture: (Assignment 1)
Virtual Architecture: (Assignment 1)
Virtual Architecture: (Assignment 1)
Submitted By:
Prerna Kumari
10th Sem
Virtual Reality
• Mixed reality is the result of blending the physical world with the
digital world. Mixed reality is the next evolution in human,
computer, and environment interaction and unlocks possibilities
that before now were restricted to our imaginations. It is made
possible by advancements in computer vision, graphical
processing power, display technology, and input systems. The term
mixed reality was originally introduced in a 1994 paper by Paul
Milgram and Fumio Kishino, "A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual
Displays." Their paper introduced the concept of the virtuality
continuum, and focused on how the categorization of taxonomy
applied to displays. Since then, the application of mixed reality
goes beyond displays. It also includes environmental input, spatial
sound, and location.