Virtual Reality VR Technology and Landscape Archit
Virtual Reality VR Technology and Landscape Archit
Virtual Reality VR Technology and Landscape Archit
ICCT 2018
Abstract. Virtual reality technology has been applied to a variety of fields. Various kinds of organizations have been
deepening the study of this technology. This article is a discourse of the application of the VR technology in
landscape design in the field of landscape architecture. The connection between virtual reality technology and
landscape scene construction innovates the traditional design process and realizes the interaction between designers
and customers and the public in the design process.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
MATEC Web of Conferences 227, 02005 (2018)
ICCT 2018
information technology.[2] It is undoubtedly beneficial to First of all, designers often encounter technical or idea
apply this highly specialized integrated technology to the bottlenecks in the design process. This problem arises
construction of modern landscape design scenes. partly because designers do not have a complete and
intuitive scene construction and display for their
landscape scenes, so their thinking is confined in some
3. VR technology and landscape way. But with VR technology, designers can move the
architecture models to VR and directly access their own design of
virtual landscape scenes, immersive intuitively feel
3.1 The application of VR technology in themselves in a virtual environment design, so as to
landscape scene inspire creative thinking to improve the overall design.
Secondly, for customers, with the application of VR
technology, customers can be exposed to the landscape
3.1.1 Create an immersive sense of "Being There" scene by wearing the corresponding virtual reality
equipment, so as to truly and effectively experience the
One of the important features of VR technology is to whole landscape design. Break the traditional way of 2D
create the immersive feeling of "being in the real world". or 3D computer display, and conduct feedback directly in
Through the interaction between users and computers, VR during the comprehensive experience.
users can truly experience the existence of virtual
environment. This feature of VR technology is widely
used in landscape design. The virtual reality technology is 3.1.4 Break through the bottleneck of traditional
used to construct the landscape scene directly on the landscape design methods
computer system. Then through the relevant hardware
output equipment, users can achieve the effect of as if In landscape design, designers create landscape scenes
they are in the landscape scene. Visually and effectively through their own understanding of landscape, combined
feel the unconstructed landscape design and offer with their own relevant designing experience, and through
comments and feedbacks. The application of VR the deployment of plants, layout of landscape items and
technology in landscape scene construction adds users' other ways. Traditional landscape design is a difficult
experience of uncompleted landscape design, and creates project to grasp, from the designer's construction of
a new way for designer to showcase the design to users. landscape scenes to the decision-makers' evaluation of
design results and understanding of design intention.
Through the use of VR technology designers,
3.1.2 Interact with the environment decision-makers, engineering construction personnels and
the public can watch the effect of landscape design from
The interaction of VR technology means that users any angle at any time, as it were, to feel the landscape
interact with virtual things and objects around them as if design and understand the designing idea, and offer
they were in a real environment. In the whole interaction timely feedback, which would greatly strengthen the
process, the user is the interaction subject, and the virtual communication among different project teams and
things are the interaction objects. The interaction between improve work efficiency, so as to break through the
subject and objects is omnidirectional. bottleneck of traditional landscape design method.
For example, in constructing landscape design scene,
one can set up certain landscaping devices with the
temperature sensor, photosensitive sensor, pressure sensor 3.2 The advantages of VR technology focus
and visual sensor in the energy convergence area of the
landscape. The sensor would help create different 3.2.1 Analysis of the spatial experience of VR
landscape modes through the perception of different technology in landscape design
direction of energy (sun, breeze, temperature, etc.); This
landscape scene attracted people, and energy changes In landscape design, to achieve a unified dynamic spatial
resulting from the number of people will trigger the perception of the space constructed by landscape scenes,
sensor for new changes and form a different landscape. it is necessary to achieve the goal through continuous
The landscape will be able to reflect the invisible forces movement of users in landscape scenes. Traditionally,
in a visible way. This interaction between people and the landscape designers would analyze and feel the space by
environment is achieved through VR devices. It helps building 3D models, drawing effect pictures of landscape
users interact naturally with multidimensional virtual scenes, and making animations of simulated landscape
environments. scenes. However, these methods are only based on users'
vision and hearing, and have great limitations on the
3.1.3 Imagination motivates users to think creatively overall dynamic space experience. The real spatial
experience for users should be a comprehensive spatial
Because of the interactive and intuitive nature of VR experience integrating visual, auditory, tactile and other
technology, users are able to gain both the perceptual and behaviors. In the VR user experience, users can
rational understanding of the virtual environment, thus to experience the visual effect space by adjusting their
inspire a series of creative thinking. This feature is perspectives and movement in their virtual environment.
especially useful for landscape design. With the help of VR technology, the construction of
landscape scenes will be more authentic and rapid.
MATEC Web of Conferences 227, 02005 (2018)
ICCT 2018
Through the relevant VR equipment, users can get the Since the advent of VRML technology in 1994, the
most real and integrated spatial experience of landscape research on virtual reality technology has been deepening
scenes, find out the advantages and disadvantages of its continuously, and various virtual reality technologies
design and offer feedbacks. The application of virtual have appeared successively. At present, VRML, Multigen
reality technology enables landscape designers to take Vega, Cult3D, Virtools, 360 panorama and domestic
into account different levels and design works more in WEBMAX, 3DVRI, vr-platform and other virtual reality
line with the principle of "people-oriented". technologies are mainly available [3]. Because all of the
operation of the VR Platform is based on a
comprehensible way, the user does not need to master the
3.2.2 Analysis of physical environment of technology
complex programming code. The user can achieve visual
in landscape design
reality through simple steps based on 3DS MAX model.
In landscape design, the air flow direction and Therefore, compared with other virtual reality
development intensity of the area can be regulated technologies, VR-Platform technology can easily realize
through the treatment of the terrain, thus affecting users' the application of virtual reality technology in landscape
experience of the landscape environment. For example, scene construction. Based on VR-Platform technology,
slope topography can block the cool air flow, change the the implementation process of virtual reality in landscape
microclimate in the landscape area, and give users a more design has the following steps.
comfortable experience. If landscape design area is flat 1. Use 3DS MAX to build model scenarios
terrain, wind speed on the high side, can cause area high Firstly, the landscape scene and each element model
wind speed can cause environmental pollution, causing according to its own design scheme are built in 3DSMAX,
inconvenience to the user, will also impact on landscape and then the corresponding texture map is given to the
design area of the surrounding environment, the model. Finally, add light source and required light for the
temperature drop caused local area. Through the whole landscape scene. The following points should be
application of VR technology, landscape designers can noted when establishing the virtual scene model:
simulate and construct landscape scenes, and simulate the (1) The size of the model scene should be consistent
real airflow environment of landscape design areas with the real size, and the measurement should not use
according to the environmental climate in the real world. mm as far as possible, otherwise the display effect in
Under the background of real environment data, the vr-plat-form will be affected due to excessive values.
designer makes real-time dynamic modification to the (2) When establishing complex landscape scene
terrain model in the landscape area. Designers of airflow topography, contour drawing can be carried out within
direction and strength, which change due to topography, 3DSMAX, and all contour lines can be combined into
can experience in the virtual environment, so as to complex terrain models by using "mountain generation
achieve the ideal effect. command".
In VR technology, the computer will measure the (3) In the processing of model materials, attention
real-time airflow data, which is helpful for designer to should be paid to check the double-sided and material
optimize the original design, so that to modify the nesting, so as to ensure the overall fit of scene model
landscape in a more reasonable way, thus improving the materials and model.
micro-climate of the landscape. (4) The completed scenario model is rigorously
refined to minimize the number of faces in the model.
Remove the extra clutter and surfaces in the model to
3.2.3 VR technology dynamically compares and optimize the running speed of the virtual scene.
edits elements in landscape design (5) When dealing with irregular objects such as rocks
and plants, try to use "plane +TGA transparent texture". It
Dynamic comparison of design elements and real-time
can not only reduce the model pressure, but also achieve
editing are the focuses of virtual reality technology. In
more real virtual effect. For animated objects that need to
landscape design, if the design elements can be compared
and modified at any time, the requirements of landscape be processed into vr-platform editors for texture mapping,
design can be more effectively met. The construction of such as water bodies, fountains, etc., in 3DSMAX, they
are only represented by plane.
landscape scene is an important part of landscape design.
(6) When establishing lighting, the effect requirements
In the process of constructing landscape scene, designers
of all objects in the scene should be ensured. Artificial
need to consider the difference of landscape scenes. The
light source can be added to create the three-dimensional
application of virtual reality technology can meet the
real-time switching of different landscape designs. With sense of objects in the scene, and the lighting is usually
VR technology, designers can quickly and intuitively arranged in the way of "direct" + "sky".
2. Processing of texture mapping
achieve the analysis and comparison of multiple designs,
In order to achieve the rendering effect of light and
and directly switch virtual scenes of different designs.
shadow in the later virtual reality scene, we need to use
After dynamic comparison, designers can also directly
the baking function in 3DS MAX to render the texture. At
edit design elements through VR technology to realize the
workflow of experience-compare-edit as a whole. the end of the processing, vrp-for-max plug-in is used to
import the constructed landscape scene model into the
vr-platform editor as a whole.
3.3 The construction process of VR technology 3.Edit the virtual reality scene.
in landscape scene
MATEC Web of Conferences 227, 02005 (2018)
ICCT 2018
After the scenario model in 3DS MAX is imported the application of VR technology to landscape design
into the vr-platform editor, the following actions are requires high configuration computer hardware resources.
required. This requirement has greatly constrained the penetration
(1) Turn on collision detection and set transparent of VR technology in the field of landscape design.
barrier to the boundary. Avoid the phenomenon that the
human passing walls and windows, falls into the dead
4.2 The highly priced equipment with poor
corner, roams outside the scene and so on, which does not
conform to the reality rule and affects the virtual
experience. With the continuous promotion of virtual reality
(2) Add cameras that meet the corresponding roaming technology, many hardware equipment companies of
requirements, and set reasonable height and moving virtual reality technology have launched VR output
speed. devices such as helmets and glasses. However, these
(3) The "bill board" setting is carried out for objects devices have poor experience, are slightly clumsy to wear,
such as rocks and plants to meet the requirement that such and also are relatively expensive for users. In terms of
objects always face the user. technology, the output device of data processing and
(4) Add atx animation texture to waters, fountains and related technology is not perfect, such as the loading
other materials to form corresponding simulation speed and user movements cannot be matched, poor
animations. equipment pixels, dizziness after using devices, etc. All
(5) Use sky box to add scene background. these factors have affected the promotion and application
(6) Add special effects such as fog effect or solar halo of virtual reality technology in the field of landscape
according to the display effect. design, hindering the support of users for this technology.
(7) Create the operating interface of virtual reality
system such as buttons and navigation charts.
(8) Export and generate "EXE" format for native 4.3 The limitations of landscape design itself
operation or "VRPIE" format file for network browsing.
One of the major features of landscape design is that
4. Experience of virtual reality scenes
everyone has their own perceptual knowledge of this
In addition to using the computer screen for browsing,
design, and there are multiple criteria for the evaluation of
one can also use the two-channel circular screen
design. In fact, virtual reality technology can only
stereoscopic projection system to roam with 3D construct landscape scenes as far as possible in terms of
stereoscopic glasses [4], so as to achieve the immersive technology, and it cannot truly express the abstract
sense of virtual reality environment.
connotation and aesthetic significance that designers
inject into landscape scenes.
3.4 The significance of application
The application of VR technology in landscape design 4.4 The model database is not complete
innovates the traditional design process and realizes the
The incomplete model database is one of the factors that
interaction between designers, customers and the public
make many designers shy away from VR technology. The
in the design process. Customers can roam in the virtual
incomplete model database will seriously reduce the work
scenes at any time and anywhere, and give timely
efficiency of designers in the actual design, which
feedback on designing issues. The public can also directly affects the application of VR technology in the
participate in a lot of landscape design through this field of landscape design.
technology, and conduct dynamic experience on the
uncompleted design, effectively avoiding the problem
that "design does not meet the public demand" which 5. The summary
occurs most frequently at present.
There are infinite opportunities to apply the VR
technology to the field of landscape design. By using this
4. Common problems of VR technology technology, designers can quickly and visually construct
in landscape scene construction landscape scenes for customers to experience. Although
the current VR technology is not mature enough and
many related problems need to be solved, I still believe
4.1 Hardware resources that VR technology
that as long as the service providers of this technology
continue to strengthen their technical research, designers
All the processes experienced in the application of virtual will free their minds to use new technologies boldly. VR
reality technology cannot be separated from the technology will be more widely used in landscape design
coordination of hardware and software. In landscape in the near future to realize the innovation and
design, many points and surface elements are usually transformation of design industry.
needed in the process of scene model construction. For
example, the rough edges of the rocks, the ripples of the
water, the exuberant plant leaves and so on will make the
surface elements of the model reach millions levels. So
MATEC Web of Conferences 227, 02005 (2018)
ICCT 2018