Lec02 1
Lec02 1
Lec02 1
In the first lecture we had some discussion about the metal and civilization, the importance of
metal in human life. Here we will be talking about some preliminary information about the mine
The mining sequence right from the beginning to end can be divided into six stages. So, each
stage represents a certain period in the life of a mineral deposit. The stages, now ordered
chronologically from the earliest and following the order in which they occur, include:
Prospecting, exploration, evaluation, mine development, production and closure.
The prospecting operation means any operations undertaken for the purpose of exploring,
locating or proving mineral deposit. The prospecting gives mainly location specific data; and
then broad idea what could it be. But it will not give you the details of grade and shape in details
also; so, we go for a detailed exploration. Exploration gather data about potential mineral
deposits and acquire the rights to harvest these mineral deposits.
The exploration also requires certain rights without which you cannot go for exploration. For this
we have the license, lease for the mineral deposits. Before acquiring the rights, we go for the
evaluation of mineral deposits. That means, whether this mineral deposit can be exploited with
the maximum profit; or whether it is profitable or not, depending on the size of the reserve,
quality of the reserve, geotechnical properties; the market value of that and the mechanization
available, pre-investment available.
Once we have done that we can go for formal clearance from the government, for acquiring the
rights for mining there. And also, some forest clearance, environmental clearance these are very
much required. If land acquisition is there, then we have to go for that. If we have to participate
in the auction; then you have to go for an auction bid in that auction, and get the right to mine.
Once you are you are confident that the economic aspects of mineral deposit that you are going
to exploit is economical; and it is technically and the legally exploitable, you can go for the
exploitation of the deposit that is also known as mine development which is basically
construction of minor mines, developing the mines. To access the deposit, you are now making
the drives, raises cross cuts, shaft, incline etc. which are all part of mine development.
To do so we have to establish all the services for example, compressed air, the water line and
electric power etc; all these things we have to send to underground mines. And then once we are
ready with that; then we have to first determine the mining blocks; and then go for planning also.
We must have a planned scheme or plan for exploiting the mineral.
The closure means the demolition of mine or mine structures. We have to take care of the people
that we are sending off; these people what kind of compensation that we are giving. These things
are very much connected to the socio-economic conditions of the area, where we are mining. The
rule is very stringent; so right from the beginning you have to go on thinking and planning about
the closure at different stages.
As the mining proceeds, then you have to take the closure actions in a progressive mine closure;
also known as progressive mine closure plan. Also in the beginning we give a tentative mine
closure plan.
So, prospecting operations means any operations undertaken for the purpose of exploring,
locating or proving the mineral deposit. For that you need a prospecting license also; that means
a license granted for the purpose of undertaking prospecting operations. This has to be taken
from the government.
Mining lease means a lease granted for the purpose of undertaking the mining operations and
includes a sub-lease granted for such purpose; it is not necessary that we have done the
prospecting and exploration.
The mining operation means any operations undertaken for the purpose of winning any mineral;
you are actually extracting the mineral from earth.
•(Draft) The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code (Central) Rules, 2020
The inclined bore holes give a false length; so, we have to project it in a vertical form. This will
give the depth description of the minerals and rocks at various depths. By geochemical analysis
and observation, you can find out the condition of the rock inside the mine, inside the earth; and
also, the chemical composition of the overall mineral. We feed this data into computer programs
and with geostatistical inferences, we can now model and visualize with minimum error.
Figure 1. Mine life and production rate (Taylor, 1977)
So, in 1977, Taylor took up an empirical analysis to determine the Mine life in years from the
expected tonnage to be mined in million tonnes. He found that the expected tonnage in millions
tonnes, if you plot in the x axis; then it’s behavior can be seen as depicted in figure 1.
The empirical equation for mine life that Taylor developed is:
Assuming a mine operating 350 days a year, Taylor’s rule gives the equation
Long (2009) found that there was significant difference between the production rate of underground vs
open pit and block caving. Long’s study is the most extensive of all studies looking at the relationship
between production rate capacity and reserves. The study looked at 342 open pit and 197 underground
mines located in the Americas and Australia.
Problem: Estimate life (in years) of an underground mine with a mineable reserve of 70 Million
tonnes using Long’s revised empirical equation. It is decided to exploit the mineral with Room
and pillar. Assume 350 working days per year. (use a = 0.297 and b = 0.562 in the empirical
equation) (round off to 2 decimal places)
Life of mine=
= 0.297
= 7615.554 tonnes/day
= 26.26 years