ROLL NO .. RKDF University

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ROLL NO………………………………..

Paper Code:MFST512022 Subject Code: MFST-512
M.SC (Food Science & Technology)
EXAM: Dec - 2021
Subject - Food Microbiology

Max Time: 3 Hrs. Max Marks: 80


Note = Choose the correct answer from the given objective. 2x10-20
1. Which of the following microbe is used in the production of blue Cheese .
(a) Streptococcus thermophiles (b) hclctovacilus bulgaricus
(c) Penicillium (d) Rhizopus stolnifer

2. Pickled cucumber is made from fermented salt stock pickles.

(a) True (b) False
(c) Partially true (d) Partially False

3. Bacterial cell grown on hydrocarbon waste from petroleum industries are a source of
(a) Carbohydrate (b) Proteins
(c) Vitamins (d) Fats

4. Yeast cell crops harvested from the vats are used to produce which of the following compound
(a) Alcoholic beverages (b) Enzymes
(c) Antibiotics (d) Organic acids

5. How many tons of protein can be produced by algae growen in pond in a year ?
(a) 1000 (b) 1
(c) 50 (d) 20

6. What is the range of protein contain in yeast cells?

(a) 69 (b) 12 – 15
(c) 20 – 40 (d) 40 – 50

7. Which of the following microbes house high vitamin content.

(a) Bacteria (b) Yeast
(c) Algae (d) Protozoa
8. The principle micro-organism for yogurt is ----?
(a) Streptococcus thermophiles (b) Lwuwnostoc Citrovorum
(c) Hacfobacieeus acidophilus (d) Streptococcus hcecfis

9. Which of the following products house higher acidity and lakes aroma.
(a) Cultured butter milk (b) Cultured square cream
(c) Bulgarian milk (d) Acidophilus milk

10. Shreclded cabbage is the starting products for which of the following fermented food.
(a) Sauerkraut (b) Doddles
(c) Green oliues (d) Sausage


Note – Attempt Any Five Questions. 5x4=20

Qus.1- what do you mean by food poisoning ?

Qus.2- Write down the history of food microbiology ?
Qus.3- Describe mycotoxins.
Qus.4- Write down a short note on enzymes ?
Qus.5- What is the difference between beer & wine
Qus.6- Write about microbial food fermentation ?
Qus.7 What are the containments found in cereals

Note – Attempt Any Five Questions. 5x8=40

Qus.1- Write down the nutritive value & use of SCP ?

Qus.2- Define – a) yoqhurt (b) Bread (c) Kefg (d) Tempeh kedele ?
Qus.3- Describe food borne intoxicant?
Qus.4- Write down the physical & chemical factors influencing destruction of micro-organisms ?
Qus.5- Draw a diagram of microbial growth pattern ?
Qus.6- What are the contaminant of oilseeds & pulses ?
Qus.7- Write down the steps of production of amino acids ?

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