Guidelines and Criteria

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1. Activities are exclusive to the KCC Community.
2. A participant cannot join in more than two (2) events. They may join one (1) individual/dual and one (1) group
event, or They may join two (2) groups' events. Joining two (2) individual/dual events is NOT allowed.
3. Submissions of entry forms and all contest pieces, dance, literature must be submitted on March 31, 2023.



1. Each house must form a line of four columns in their respective official intramurals t-shirt or school
2. All participants in each house should be in their respective lines following their Simplified Float.
3. Teachers of each house should be with the students.
4. The house banner should be first at line before the Simplified Float.
5. All students must attend the mass before the parade.
Deportment (Discipline and behavior) 50%
Artistry and Execution 50%
TOTAL 100%
1. Colors
2. KCC Drums
3. Administrators
4. Little Mr. and Mrs. KCC
5. House Matthew a. Float b. Teachers and Students
6. House Luke a. Float b. Teachers and Students
7. Sound Off
8. House of John a. Float b. Teachers and Students
9. House of Mark a. Float b. Teachers and Students

1. Each house banner will be raised by the house leader and one teacher member.
2. When the emcee signals “GO”, each house will raise their banner until it reaches the topmost part of
the pole.
3. At any event that the rope breaks or the banner tie loosens or the banner fails to touch the topmost
part, the corresponding house will be ranked fourth.
4. Judges’ decision is final.


1. Teams must have 30-70 members provided that each should have at least one member from each
2. Each team will have an allotted time of 4 to 7 minutes for the routine. Timer starts upon the first
yell/cheer, dance movement, start of music, or whichever comes first.
3. Costumes & props shall be provided by the cheer dance group participating.
4. The use of suitable music is a must, either in in any language or instrumental. Live playing of music is
optional. Nonetheless, it must therefore exclude songs with explicit lyrics.
5. Only moves and materials that are stable and safe will be part of the routine, hence no pyramids,
stunts and cartwheel will be included. Any indecent dance step is prohibited.
6. Props must be handled with care in taking in and out the competition are.
7. Athletic footwear is required. Wearing socks, tights or other slippery foot covering is not allowed.
8. Wearing of jewelry is prohibited.
9. The use of mini trampolines, springboards, and any other height-increasing apparatus is prohibited
10. Costume, props, yells, and all other parts of the routine must be in accordance to the school’s
11. Glitters and sequins on bodies are not allowed as these may pose danger detached and left on the
12. The following are prohibited at any point of the routine: liquids, pyrotechnics, confetti, powder and
any hard or heavy objects that may damage the gym’s floor.
13. All groups are given 2 minutes to clear up the area with all materials utilized are the routine.

Choreography & Synchronization 30%
Overall Relevance to the Theme 25%
Cheers and Music 15%
Costume and Props 15%
Overall Impact 15%
TOTAL 100%
Not within allotted time 10 pts. deduction
Stepping out of performance 2 pts. Deduction per person
Costume, props and stunt violations Automatically in 4th Place

1. Each team will have a minimum of 100 dancers.
2. Each group will perform with a time limit of 3-5 minutes. Beyond this limit, a total of 5 points will be
deducted from the group’s total score.
3. The members of the group maybe composed of all males or females, or combination of both.
4. The dance number must have an accompaniment of any suitable modern and lively music.
5. The use of pyrotechnic gadgets, a smoke machine or combustible materials as props are not
6. No outside trainers allowed.
Legend: A – House of Matthew B – House of Luke
C – House of John D – House of Mark
Choreography & Synchronization 50%
Execution (Timing & Coordination, 40%
Projection & Expression)
Overall Impact 10%
TOTAL 100%

1. Each team must have twelve (12) representative each house: 3 elementary, 3 JHS, 3 SHS, 3 College.
2. There are 4 rounds to be completed by the different departments per house. Each round comprises 10
questions from the following subject areas: Science, Mathematics, General Information, Religion
Education, and Spelling. The level of difficulty of questions will be random and has no specific order.
3. For every correct answer, two points for easy, three points for average, five points for the difficult and
10 points for clincher.
4. Each group will be given an illustration board which will serve as their answering board and a chalk
as their writing material.
5. The participant will start answering the question after the quiz master gives the signal “GO”.
6. Each question must be answered within the time allocated: ten (10) seconds for easy questions; fifteen
(15) seconds for average question; thirty (30) seconds for difficult questions. Additional time will be
allotted for questions with computation. Fifteen (15) seconds for easy; thirty (30) seconds for average;
and sixty (60) seconds for difficult.
7. Answers that require units must also be complete. This includes units for time, speed, distance, height,
weight, circumference and other units of amount including monetary currency. Only answers with the
correct figure and units will be declared correct.
8. The use of calculators is not allowed.
9. In case of a tie, there will be a clincher round. The clincher questions will not have a time limit:
whichever team first raises their answer sheets or tablets with the correct answer wins.
1. Each house can have a maximum of three entries.
2. The participants are only allowed to use any Mobile Phone.
3. The pictures must show any of this: a. Intramural Scenes (for photojournalism), b. Hair, Makeup,
and Style Model Portrait and Full Body.
4. For the photojournalism, the picture should be taken during the preliminaries and printed with caption.
The participant is responsible for printing his photo in A4 size. It should be ready for judging on April
27, 2023.
For portrait and full-body photography
Content 50%
Technical 40%
Ethics 10%
TOTAL 100%
For photojournalism

Technical 40%
- Presents images that are sharp, free from smudges and not blurred and cluttered.
- Properly utilizes foreground and background that shows good and correct perspective.
- Uses appropriate photography technique to highlight images

Content 50%
- Shows clear and specific idea(s) or angle connected to the given theme/topic.
- Arouses interest.
- Uses appropriate photography technique to highlight images

Ethics 10%
- Observes ethical and professional standards for journalism (fairness, relevance, -accuracy, and
- Respectful of subject's rights.

TOTAL 100%


1. Each house must have a team of six members from High School and College.
2. Each team must bring their own materials such as makeup set, glue guns, glue, scissors and
indigenous materials.
3. Some materials will be provided by the committee such as: scissors, crayons, pastel, paste/glue, glue
gun, and safety pins. Five different kinds of raw materials such as: leaves, seeds, etc. shall be brought
by the participants.
4. A maximum of one hour for creative making and three to five minutes for oral presentation of each
5. The theme for this year is Philippine Mythology.
The judging comprises of two components:
a. Preparation of the product including output display and
b. Oral presentation of the chosen character.
Creativity and Innovation 30%
- (Originality of the Design, Harmony and Balance, Combination of Materials)
Process 30%
- (Use of Appropriate Tools, workmanship, safety work habits)
Marketability 20%
- (Quality. Affordability, Visual Appeal)
Time Management 10%
- (Wise Use of Time and Speed)
Communication Skills 10%
- (Fluency of Oral Communication, flow of thoughts and ideas)
TOTAL 100%
Appropriateness to the given theme 20%
Creativity and Originality 40%
Skills and Technique 30%
Time Management 10%
TOTAL 100%
Final Judging:
Hair and Makeup 50%
Style 50%
TOTAL 100%


1. Each house must have one group entry of 5-10 members including actors with at least 1 from each
department. The film must be 3-5 minutes including introductions and credits related to the given
2. The scenes should be shot using a mobile device (mobile phones, digital cameras, etc.) and must be
done within the school campus. Shooting will start with the permission of the coach.
3. Dialogues may be in English or Filipino. Music to be used should not contain explicit contents.
4. All parts of the film must be in accordance to the school's restrictions.
5. Editing and producing will only be done using mobile or computer apps on April 21, 2023, 8:00 AM
at the high school rooms.
6. The central theme of the film must be the core value “Respect.”
7. Any violation of the guidelines will result to the team ranking in 4th place.


Relevance to the given theme 10%

Story Telling 30%
Creativity and Originality 20%

Technical Quality:

Cinematography 20%
Editing 10%
Audio, Music and Sound Effects 10%
TOTAL 100%

1. Each house must have three entries: one (1) for the JHS category, one (1) for the SHS category, and
one (1) for the College.
2. The entry must be in 2 x 1 ft. canvas to be provided by the SSAO.
3. The committee in charge shall give the theme of the painting.
4. The medium of the entry must be paint.
5. The panel of judges shall deduct five points for each violated guideline. Deduction shall be from
individual judges' score.
6. Any contestant who fails to appear on the designated time will automatically lose by default.


Relevance to the given theme 40%

Cleanliness 30%
Application of Colors 20%
Over-all impact 10%
TOTAL 100%


1. Each house must have three entries: one (1) for the JHS category, one (1) for the SHS category, and
one (1) for the College.
2. The poster slogan must be in a one whole size white cartolina.
3. The medium is crayon or oil pastel but the contestant is free to use ink for outline or captions, if
there's any. (Contestant must provide each own crayon or oil pastel and ruler.)
4. It shall depict the given theme.
5. The panel of judges shall deduct five points for each violated guideline. Deduction shall be from the
individual judges, score.
6. Any contestant who fails to appear on the designated time will automatically lose by default.


Relevance to the given theme 30%

Artistry 30%
Cleanliness 20%
Originality 20%
TOTAL 100%

1. Each house must have one entry from Kinder and Grades 3-6.
2. The drawing must be in a A4 size Bond Paper.
3. The Contestant are free to use of any art materials.
4. It shall depict the given theme.
5. The panel of judges shall deduct five points for each violated guideline. Deduction shall be from the
individual judges, score.
6. Any contestant who fails to appear on the designated time will automatically lose by default.


Relevance to the given theme 30%

Artistry 30%
Cleanliness 20%
Originality 20%
TOTAL 100%

1. Each house must have three entries: one (1) for the JHS category, one (1) for the SHS category, and
one (1) for the College.
2. The sketch must be in a ½ A4 size Bond Paper.
3. The Contestant must provide a twelve-inch ruler and pencil.
4. It shall depict the given image.
5. The panel of judges shall deduct five points for each violated guideline. Deduction shall be from the
individual judges, score.
6. Any contestant who fails to appear on the designated time will automatically lose by default.


Closeness to the given figure 40%

Cleanliness 30%
Shading 20%
Over-all impact 10%

TOTAL 100%
1. Each house must have three entries: one (1) for the JHS category, one (1) for the SHS category, and
one (1) for the College.
2. The drawing must be in a short velum board paper.
3. The medium is Mongol 2 pencil only.
4. Only free hand technique is allowed.
5. The cartoon shall have one piece and not a strip.
6. It shall depict the given theme.
7. The panel of judges shall deduct five points for each violated guideline. Deduction shall be from the
individual judges, score.
8. Any contestant who fails to appear on the designated time will automatically lose by default.


Relevance to the given theme 30%

Artistry 30%
Cleanliness 20%
Originality 20%
TOTAL 100%

1. Each house must have two (2) representatives coming from either HS and/or College. Each pair must
consist of either male and female o both male/ female representatives.
2. The collage must interpret and emphasize the theme: “Reviving the KCCian Spirit!”
3. The collage must be put in a 1/4 illustration board using Indigenous materials and should be in 3-
dimensional form.


Style and Creativity 20%

Originality 20%
Presentation and Neatness 20%
Overall harmony and Impact 10%
TOTAL 100%
1. Each house must have one (1) representative each category coming from either HS or College.
2. The entry must not exceed one (1) page.
3. Writers are free to write in any form: traditional, free verse, or experimental.
4. Writers are required to write their piece in a DOXC file (letter size).
5. The entry must have relevance to the given theme: RESPECT


Relevance to the theme 40%

Originality 25%
Content 25%
Organic Unity 10%
TOTAL 100%


1. Each house must have one (1) representative each category coming from either HS or College.
2. The entry must not exceed one (1) page.
3. Writers are required to write their piece in a DOXC file (letter size).
4. The entry must have relevance to the given theme: RESPECT


Relevance to the theme 40%

Content 30%
Originality 20%
Organic Unity 10%

TOTAL 100%


1. Each house must have one (1) representative each category coming from either HS or College.
2. Maximum word count is 1500.
3. Writers are required to write their piece in a DOXC file (letter size).
4. The entry must have relevance to the given theme: RESPECT


Relevance to the given theme 40%

Content 30%
Originality 20%
Organic Unity 10%
TOTAL 100%
1. Each house must have one (1) representative each category coming from either HS or College.
2. No minimum word counts. Maximum words is 600.
3. Writers are required to write their piece in a DOXC file (letter size).
4. The entry must have relevance to the given theme: RESPECT


Relevance to the given theme 40%

Content 30%
Originality 20%
Organic Unity 10%
TOTAL 100%

1. Open to all KCCian.
2. The entry must NOT HAVE LESS THAN 300 words and NOT HAVE MORE THAN 600 words.
3. The winning work will be the official piece for the other contestants to perform.
4. The entry must have relevance to the given theme: RESPECT


Relevance to the given theme 40%

Content 30%
Originality 20%
Organic Unity 10%
TOTAL 100%


1. Each house must have two (2) representative each category, coming from either JHS, SHS, and
College. Each pair must consist of either male and female o both male/ female representatives.
2. Writers will be the performers.
3. Each pair are free to utilize any languages from Hiligaynon, Filipino, or/and English.
4. The entry must NOT HAVE LESS THAN 300 words and NOT HAVE MORE THAN 600 words.
5. Each piece written by the pairs will be the official piece they will perform.
6. The entry must have relevance to the given theme: RESPECT


Relevance to the given theme 40%

Content 30%
Originality 20%
Organic Unity 10%
TOTAL 100%
1. All players should be in proper sports attire.
2. Players should be in the venue 30 minutes before the game starts.
3. A team not ready to play in fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled time shall lose the game by


A - House of Matthew

B - House of Luke

C - House of John

D - House of Mark

1. Each house must have 4 teams. Each must have eight to ten (8-10) team members.

Batch 1: Elementary Boys

Batch 2: JHS Girls

Batch 3: JHS Boys

Batch 4: SHS/College Girls

Batch 5: SHS/College Boys

1. Batch 1 will play on the 1st Quarter of the game, Batch 2 on the 2nd quarter followed by Batch 3
on the 3rd quarter and Batch 4 on the 4th quarter up to the Batch 5 on the 5th quarter. In case of
over time, Batch 3 shall play.
2. The team who fails to complete the roster of participants lose the game by default.


1. Each team must have 15 players with at least three from HS and College Department.
2. All players must have the chance to play in any quarter in any length of time in the entire game.
3. There will be three sets. A score of 25 in every set determines the winner.
4. The team who gets to win two out of three set will win the match.
5. In every set, when one team reaches the score 15 points, they may be allowed to utilize substitution

1. Each team must have 20 players with at least 2 participants from HS and College Department.
2. All players must have the chance to play in any quarter in any length of time in the entire game.
3. There will be three sets. A score of 12 in every set determines the winner.
4. The team who gets to win two out of three set will win the match.


1. Each house must have representative/s each category, coming from Elementary, Highschool, and
2. Each team must have one entry for first and second single, and doubles.
3. There will be three sets. A score of 11 in every set determines the winner.
4. The team who gets to win two out of three set will win the match
1. Each house must have four (4) representative/s each category, coming from Elementary, Highschool,
and College: one (1) male and one (1) female for Singles and mixed for Doubles.
2. A match consists of the best of three games of 21 points.
3. The player/pair winning a rally adds a point to its score.
4. At 20-all, the player/pair which first gains a 2-point lead wins that game.
5. At 29-all, the side scoring the 30th point wins that game.
6. The player/pair winning a game serves first in the next game.
7. A badminton match can be played by two opposing players (singles) or four opposing players
8. A competitive match must be played indoors utilizing the official court dimensions.
9. A point is scored when the shuttlecock lands inside the opponent's court or if a returned shuttlecock
hits the net or lands outside of the court the player will lose the point.
10. At the start of the rally, the server and receiver stand in diagonally opposite service courts.
11. A legal serve must be hit diagonally over the net and across the court.
12. A badminton serve must be hit underarm and below the server's waist height. The whole of the shuttle
should be below 1.15 meters from the surface of the court when it is hit by the server, with the racquet
shaft pointing downwards. The shuttlecock is not allowed to bounce. After a point is won, the players
will move to the opposite serving stations for the next point.
13. The rules do not allow second serves.
14. During a point a player can return the shuttlecock from inside and outside of the court.
15. A player is not able to touch the net with any part of their body or racket.
16. A player must not deliberately distract their opponent.
17. A player is not able to hit the shuttlecock twice.
18. A 'let' may be called by the referee if an unforeseen or accidental issue arises.
19. A game must include two rest periods. These are a 90-second rest after the first game and a 5-minute
rest after the second game.


1. Play will be 12 on 12 at least 2 players from each department per houses.
2. No substitutions will be allowed once a game has started, expect for injuries. There is a 15 second stall count
between each game for substitutions. No substitutions will be allowed after the 15 second count.
3. Team may substitute between games.
4. Five (5) minute time limit. Team with the most wins in the 5 minutes will be deemed the winner. If teams are
tied, there will be a sudden death game to determine match winner.
5. The object of Dodgeball is to throw the ball at the playing opponent and strike them anywhere between the
shoulders and the feet.
6. All players must wear non-marking rubber-soled athletic shoes.
7. There will be three rounds.
8. The team who gets to win two out of three rounds will win the match.

1. Each house must have five (5) main players and two (2) sub players (optional) coming from either
Elementary, HS, or/and College Department.
2. Players of each team can either be all male, female, or a combination of both.
3. Mobile data/ connection will be provided by the SSAO.
4. Players must bring their own power banks and cable chargers.
5. The mode of the game will be double elimination.

1. The game will start with 5 players of pupils each team and will start with a toss of a coin. Whoever
wins becomes the passer.
2. A time limit of two minutes is given to each team to score.
3. Once the limit elapses, the line guards assume the positions of the passer, and vice-versa.
4. Passers are supposed to cross the lines from the starting point and back.
5. Four lines guards are positioned on the vertical line and one on the horizontal line of the court. Their
feet always be on the line.
6. Line guards tag the passer with powered hands.
7. If any of the passer is tagged, the line guard immediately assumes the position of passer even if
the 2-minute limit has not elapsed.

1. Teams will consist of 10 players each house having 5 pupils and 5 parents. They will form a line
having the last player wearing a bandana at his/her head.
2. At the starting point each will wear sacks and jump their way through a straight line with a curve at
the end and go back at the starting point.
3. The next player will then follow up to the last one.
4. The first three teams to finish the race shall win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place respectively.

5. Teams will consist of 12 players each house having 6 pupils and 6 parents from grades 1-6. They will
form a line having the last player wearing a bandana at his/her head.
6. The first player will clip 4 paper plates unto his/her neck, armpits, and thighs. Additional plate will be
used as a fan.
7. The players will walk their way through a straight line with a curve at the last to go back at the
starting point.
8. The first three teams to finish the race shall win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place respectively.

1. Teams will consist of 12 players each house having 6 pupils and 6 parents from grades 1-6. They will
form a line having the last player wearing a bandana at his/her head.
2. The players should insert the straws on the bottles and on his way back at the starting point will take
the planted straws out of the bottle to be given to the next player.
3. The first three teams to finish the race shall win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place respectively.


1. The game will start with 5 players of pupils each house. Having 5 minutes game time.
2. An SSAO Officer should act as the IT. They will turn the back and sing a song “Red Light Green
Light” and upon ending the song he/she will turn his/her back to see if someone is moving from the
3. The players should rush toward the IT to survive.
4. However, those who got caught will be eliminated.
5. The house with the most survived player shall win.

1. Each team shall have 20 players from having at least 1 from each grade level.
2. The emcee will dictate what situation shall be acted out. Having 3 rounds or situation to portray.
3. The best portrayal shall win.

1. Each team shall be composed of 12 players, at least 2 from JHS, SHS, and College. Males and
Females shall be distributed equally among the teams.
2. In the absence of a player, anyone from the same house and grade level can be a replacement.
3. There will be three rounds per match.
4. Contestant shall provide protective gloves.
5. The team who gets to win two out of three rounds will win the match.

- Players are required to use a hand glove for protection. A “lanot” type of rope will be used
to avoid unnecessary event.
- Team players will align themselves along the rope in alternating positions.
- Only the referee will give the commands.
- On the referee's command to "PICK UP THE ROPE!" all players will pick up the rope with both
- At no time will any player wrap the rope around their fingers or wrists.
- On the referee's command of "TAKE THE STRING!" all players will take the slack off the rope to
make it straight. But, will listen to the referee to adjust the rope so that the center markings above
the center line.
- On the referee's command of "PULL!" or when the whistle is blown indicating when to pull, the
teams will start pulling the rope.
- Teams will continue to pull the rope until the OUTER marking on the rope is pulled across the
center line towards the team's territory line.
- The referee will decide when this occurs and will declare the winner of that round.
1. Each house must have a maximum of 5 entries.
2. The tournament requires the use of 3x3x3 Rubik's brand Cubes.
3. Competitors will be provided with Rubik's Cube. Cubes will be available for loan if needed.
4. Lubricating and/or sanding cubes is acceptable to make the cubes twist smoothly. However, if or
any reason the cube does not function correctly, falls apart or moves out of the solved state
accidentally. once the timer has stopped, the cube is considered unsolved and will not justify
grounds for a "do over".
5. Competitors are not allowed to bring any cubes into the competition area.
6. The competitor who can solve the cube with the smallest time is the winner.

1. Each house must have (1) representative coming from Elementary, JHS, SHS, and College
2. A 7-disk tower will be used for the game.
3. Players can move only one disk at a time then the next in line should follow.
4. A larger disk may not be placed on top of a smaller disk. All disks, except the one being moved must
be on a peg.
5. The players will be judge according to the time they were able to finish.


1. Each house must have 5 members from different departments (coaches has the power to choose from
which departments most of the members will be).
2. A 7-disk tower will be used for the game.
3. Players can move only one disk at a time then the next in line should follow.
4. A larger disk may not be placed on top of a smaller disk. All disks, except the one being moved must
be on a peg.
5. The players will be judge according to the time they were able to finish.


1. Each team must have 4 representatives: 1 Elem., 1 JHS, 1 SHS and 1 College.
2. The players must take in turns to roll the giant dice and move a counter forward the number of spaces
shown on the dice.
3. If your counter lands at the bottom of a ladder, you can move up to the top of the ladder.
4. If your counter lands on the head of a snake, the must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
5. The first player to get to the space that says 'home' is the winner.

1. Each team must have 4 representatives or board 1-4: 1 Elem., 1 JHS, 1 SHS and 1 College.
2. The player with the white pieces will be the first one to make a move. A coin will be tossed to
determine the one who will decide who will have the white pieces.
1. Contestant must be at the venue on or before the competition. Absence of any contestant from his/her
turn to perform will automatically disqualify him/her from the contest.
2. Names of participants and contest pieces stipulated on the entry form are considered official. The
same participants and contest pieces are expected to perform or to be performed during the event.
Should there be any changes after the deadline of submission of entry form, the chairman of the
cultural committee of the participating school should seek the approval of the chairman of the cultural
committee. One (1) day extension is given for the changes. Failure to do so will automatically
disqualify the participant from the contest.

1. Each house must have one (1) representative each category coming either from HS or College.
2. The winning piece from the Oration Writing Contest will be the official piece for each contestant to
3. Interpretation of the piece must mainly focus on the gestures, voice, eyes, and facial expressions


Interpretation (style, propriety, intensity) 35%

Delivery (pronunciation, clarity, voice modulation) 35%
Mastery 20%
Stage presence 10%

TOTAL: 100%

1. Each house must have one (1) representative each category coming either from HS or College.
2. A contestant picks out a question five (5) minutes before his/her delivery.
3. The delivery must not exceed three (3) minutes. The timer will ring the bell after three (3) minutes.
One (1) point will be deducted from the total score for every thirty (30) seconds exceeded. The
official timer will give the record of the time exceeded to the board of judges after the performance.
4. The style of delivery maybe conversational, oratorical, or a combination of both.


Content (worth of ideas/comprehensive treatment and

Up datedness of the issues) 30%
Facility of the English language
(diction/ pronunciation, Enunciation, stress and accent) 25%
Organization (logical presentation of ideas) 20%
(style/ expression and gesture, voice, projection) 15%
Stage Presence 10%

TOTAL: 100%
1. Each house must have one (1) representative each category coming either from HS or College.
2. Each pair must consist of either male and female o both male/ female representatives.
3. Performers are the writers of their piece.
4. The contestants must memorize the piece and deliver it within the minimum of three (3) minutes and
maximum of five (5) minutes. In such cases the pair does not meet the minimum time allotment, they
will incur a two-point deduction.


Content (Imagery, Persona, Organic Unity) 20%

Voice Projection and Expression 20%
Enunciation 20%
Facial Expressions and Gestures 15%
Team Play 10%
Audience Impact 10%
Memorization 5%

TOTAL: 100%

1. Each house must have one (1) representative each category coming either from HS or College.
2. The pair of participants must be male and female.
3. The newscast contents and delivery must be in English, Filipino and Hiligaynon.
4. The news must be based on the following topic/issues:

International News Category (English):

1. Miss Universe 2022
2. COVID-19 Updates
3. Earthquake in Turkey and Syria

National News Category (Filipino):

1. Sim Card Registration
2. Inflation Rate spike in the Philippines
3. Jeepney Phaseout

Any Local News (1) (Hiligaynon)

5. Choose only (1) topics among the given choices per category.
6. The delivery time must be at least five (5) minutes but not more than seven (7) minutes. Delivery of
less than five (5) minutes and more than seven (7) minutes shall incur five points deduction from the
total points score by each three judges.
7. Contestants must be in formal attire.


Delivery (Style and expression) 35%

Pronunciation and Enunciation 30%
Composure 20%
Vocal Quality 15%

TOTAL 100%
1. Each house must have one (1) representative each category, coming from either ELEM, JHS, SHS, or
2. The piece must be composed in Filipino or English language as long as it is made by Filipino Artist or
3. The use of an accompaniment such as minus one, tape recorded, a keyboard instrument is allowed.
4. A participant can choose a composition suited to his voice range.
5. Voices of the back-up singers in the minus one is allowed provided they do not sing louder than the
soloist during the entire performance.


Tone (Tone quality, flexibility, and range) 30%

Musicianship (tempo, rhythm, ang dynamics) 20%
Stage Deportment (stage presence, showmanship) 20%
Style (Interpretation) 20%
Diction (clarity of sounds, consonants and vowels) 10%
TOTAL: 100%

1. Each pair must be a male and female or combination of both from each house coming from any
2. Each pair should deliver a song either in English or Filipino.
3. Each pair may use an instrumental accompaniment or minus one.


Voice Quality 35%

Interpretation or Expression 30%
Timing, Blending and Harmony 25%
Stage Deportment 10%

TOTAL: 100%

1. Each house must have one group entry with a minimum of 25 and maximum of 60 coming from any
2. The group must deliver a song in English & Filipino.
3. The group may use instrumental music or minus one.


Interpretation/Expression 30%
Timing/Harmony 25%
Choreography 20%
Costume 15%
Discipline 10%

TOTAL: 100%
1. Each house must have one group entry.
2. In dance where the author does not specify or describe the entrance or exit steps, the trainer is free to
create; however, the steps must be taken form the figures of the dance itself.
3. Houses are free to choose any of the Rural Folk Dances originated from Luzon and Visayas.
4. There will be no sound effects and pre-entrance for all levels. (Note: pre- entrance is choreographed
steps used in entering the stage without music.)
5. Music can be in Rondalla, Orchestra, and other String instruments setting from the
arrangement of the following:
Juan Silos Francisco Reyes Aquino Vols. 1-VI original music
Nitoy Gonzalez A Classic Collection of Philippine Folk Dances Series 1-VI
Filipiniana Ramon Obusan Folkloric Group Music
Sayaw Vols. I-VII MAHARLIKA Ethnic sounds, Ensemble and Rondalla
6. The description of the costume in the dance literature must be strictly followed.

7. Any violation of the above forementioned rules will mean one (1) point deduction from

the total score of each judge.


Interpretation 40%
Skills and Mastery of the Dance 25%
Staging 15%
Costume 10%
Music 10%

TOTAL: 100%

1. Each house must have one entry.
2. The participating group will choose their own music. Entrance and exit music should not exceed thirty
seconds which is not included in the seven-minute time limit.
3. There should be a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 members including one (1) Elementary
student for the participating group, all males or females or a combination of both. The faculty member
must join the dance for not less than two (2) minutes.
4. Only handy props are allowed.
5. The dance should have a minimum time of four (4) minutes and must not exceed seven (7) minutes.
Timer will ring the bell at the end of the seven minutes time allotment. One point will be deducted
from the total score for every thirty seconds exceeded the maximum time limit.
6. No backdrop to be used.
7. Costumes should be decent reflective of a Catholic school. Any vulgarity in the attire is subject to
8. No fireworks or party poppers.
9. No stunts shall be allowed in any part of the performance, except lifting on chest level.
10. Judge's decision is final.


Choreography and propriety of expression 40%

Performance (Mastery, Projection, Showmanship) 30%
Suitability (Costume, Music, Handy Props) 20%
Stage Deportment (Stage Presence, Discipline) 10%

TOTAL: 100%

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