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Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal


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(Sanrepalli Radhakrishan University, Bhopalt
(i) Constitution of the Expert Committee

S.No Name and Address of the expert Designation

1 Prof. R.C. Deka Chairman
Former Director, AIIMS, New Delhi
R/ogJ I L7, AIIMS Campus,
New Delhi-110029
2 Prof. Saurabh Singh Member
Department of Orthopaedics, IMS
Banaras Hindu UniversitSr,
3 Prof. (Dr.) Saranjit Singh Bhasin Member
Faculty of Dentistry,
Jamia Millia Islamia,
New Delhi
4 Prof. Karan Vashisht Member
Department of Pharmacognosy
CAS - University Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Punjab Universit5r,
5 Dr.(Ms.) Manju Chhugani Member
Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi --'
6 Dr. Anand Kumar Chaturvedi Member
Govt. Lal Bahadur Shastri
Homeopathic Medical College
7 Prof. Suresh Chandra Mehrotra Member
Fellow, National Academy of Sciences,
India & Srinivasa Ramajujan Geospatial W,,O
Chair Professor
DRS Deptt. of Computer Science & IT
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
University, Aurangabad .t^\P yti.\$
tS Commis I of
r\ Page
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal

8 Dr. Rajendra Airan Member-MCI

R/o Ram Niwas Airan Hospital, Nominee
10, Shastri Nagar, Neemuch,
Madhva Pradesh - 458 44
9 Dr. Raman Kalia Member-INC
Principal Nominee
Saraswati Nursing Institute,
Kurali Morinda Road. Kurali. Puniab
10 Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Member-CCH
Member Education Committee, Nominee
Board of Governors
R/o M-1, Fortune Estate Phase-I,
Kolar Road, Damkheda, Bhopal-462o42
11 Dr. Sivaji Chakravorti Member-AlCTE
Director Nominee
National Institute of Technolory, Calicut
NIT Campus, P.O. Calicut,
t2 Dr. Shailendra Saraf PCI Nominee
Professor & Director
Dean, Faculty of Technolory,
Institute of Pharmacy,
Pt. Ravinshankar Shukla University
Raipur-4 92O IO (Chhatissarh)
13 Dr. Mansing Ganpati Pawar, DCI Nominee
Dean, Govt. Dental College & Hospital,
1, P.D'mello Road, Fort,
l4 Dr. Jitendra K. Tripathi Coordinating Officer
Joint Secretary
University Grants Commission
New Delhi

l1 Date(s) of the visit 5-6 April. 2019

(iii) Any other (Non-participation
members, af,y special factor or Singh
of 1. Prof. Saurabh

situation/difficulties relevant to the 2. Prof. Karan

report Vashisht
3. Dr. Rajendra
4. Prof. Suresh
Chandra Mehrotra

Part -II - Introduction W,*

Brief introduction of the Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Universit5r is a
University (refer 1. 1 of the multidisciplinary university, established
format) under M.P. Niji VishwaVidyalay (Sthapna
avam Sanchalan) adhiniyam 2007 vide
M.P. state Ordinance No 2 date 9tit Sep
2OI4 & dwitiya sanshodhan adhiniyam
2Ol4 vide ordinance No 4 date 8th
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal

January 2015.
Total constituent Units - 11
1. RKDF Institute of Science & technologr
2. RKDF College Of Nursing
3. RKDF School Of Nursing
5. RKDF College Of Pharmacy
6. RKDF Polytechnic Pharmacy
7. RKDF Homeopathic Medical College &
Hospital & Research Centre
RKDF Institute Of Management
RKDF Institute Of Business
10. RKDF Dental College Of Research
11. RKDF Medical College Hospital &
Research Centre
Date of establishment of the 8s January 2Ol5
University (refer 1.4 of the

Brief description of the University has following constituent

University and its faculties colleges,
/ courses o RKDF Medical College, Hospital
& Research Centre - MBBS
o RKDF Dental College & Research
Centre -BDS, MDS
o RKDF Institute of Science &
o RKDF Institute of Business
o RKDF College of Nursing
o RKDF School of Nursing
o RKDF College of Pharmacy
o RKDF Polytechnic Pharmacy
. RKDF Homeopathic Medical
College & Research Centre
. RKDF Institute of Science &

Brief description of the Trust / Society that governs the universiif

RKDF Education Society Bhopal Registered Under the M.P. Societies
Registration Adhiniyam 1973 (no 44 of 1973) vide Registration no 26365
date 13 /9 / 1994

Smt. Janak Kapoor W/O Lt.

Shri R.N. Kapoor

Shri Sidhharth Kapoor S/O

Shri Dr. Sunil Kapoor
165-9A Saket
Nagar Bhopal

E-3/4 Arera
Colony Bhopal
Working President
Dr. Sadhana Kapoor W/O E-3/4 Arera
Shri Dr. Sunil Kapoor Colony Bhopal

ika Pathak
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Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal

D/OShriCPMehta Jamuna
Complex, Zone-l,
Shruti Kumari D/O Sirri E-3/10 Nupur
Dr. Sunil Kapoor Kunj Arera
Dr. Sunil Xapoor S/O l,t. E-3/4 Areru
Shri R.N. Kapoor

Part - III - Summary Report

A. Legal Status
Is the Universit5r duly
established under the law
and as required in the UGC

Is the Trust/Sociefy
involved in promoting th;
Universit5r sufficiently
focused on educational
activities and independent
of their business or any
other interest, if an

Does the University abide Uy UOC

Regulations on off-campus Science & Technolory, Dental and
centers Pharmacy are located in an nearby
Yes / No / Not Applicable site, land owned by them
Does the University abiaE by UOC
Regulation on off-Shore campus
centers Yes / No / Not Not Applicable
Does the University offeiiourses
under distance mode with the
approval of competent authority Not Applicable
of the Government of India?
Yes / No / Not applicable

C. Academic Activities

(i) Are the courses offerea by ttre Adequately diverse

University narrowly focused or
adequately diverse?
(ii) Are the lists of courses-for tfre Yes
award of degree as per the
Section 22 of the UGC Act
- -vv' W-
(iii) Is the sanctioned intake as per YCS
the norms/intake sanctioned by
the concerned Statutory

\. r* \ w
ffi*" r.g"X
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal

(iv) Whether courses run are Yes, MCI has not given
approved by concerned renewal/admission for MBBS the year
Statutory Council(s)? 2Ol7-18 and thereafter. MCI has made
recent inspection and its report is
awaited, as informed by the universitv
(v) Are the adequate support Yes, however, these need to be
facilities for students, especially significantly enhanced.
for disadvantaged students?
(vi) Are the students adequately Yes
(vii) Is there a Grievance Redressal University has committees that deal
Mechanism and is that working with specific grievances like Anti-
properly? Ragging, Internal Complaint Committee
(ICC) etc.
(viii) Is the University following Yes, they are in accordance with
proper procedure for formulation various statutory councils norms
and revision of curriculum on
periodic basis?
(ix) How regular, fair and Regular and fairly adequate
transparent is the examination

D. Admission Process
(i) Does the University follow fair Yes
and transparent procedure for
(ii) Do any special reseniation on Yes as per the Govt of M.P. norms.
quota follow clearly laid down

E. Fee Structure

Are the students sufficiently Yes, fees structure approved by M.P.

informed about the fees and Private University Regulatory
charges payable? is also put on the
Universitv website.
Does the University follow its Fee is charged based on the fee fixed
own declared policy in collecting by M.P. Private University Regulatory
any fees or charges or are there Commission.
some charges over and above the
ublically stated fee structure?
(iii) Is the mode of fees collection Student fee collection is done through
transparent or are there bank directly. No complaint of
complaints of payments without payment without receipt was received
durins interaction with students.
Are the fees reasonable Fee is fixed by M.P. Private University
compared to costs involved in Regulatory Commission
running the programmes and to
other similar institutions?
Is the fee structure based on a 6t4
icy or guidelines laid down
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal

the Government?
(vi) Is there any indication of the No
University being run solely or
orimarv for commercial gains?

F. Faculty

(i) Does the University follow Pay Basic pay is paid as per VIth pay
Scales and service conditions commission. However, DA, allowances
laid down by the UGC? and other facilities are as per
University own norms. Further, some
of the faculty members are paid
consolidated salary.
(ii) Is the faculty well qualified and Yes, faculty is suitably qualified as per
well trained for the courses? norms of respective councils.
(if required, please make
comments separately for each
(iii) Is the proportion of permanent Yes.
faculty adequate or is the
University ,being mainly run by
deploying contractual faculty I
suest faculty / Part-time faculW?
(iv) Has the University followed due Yes, university follows the process for
process for recruitment of recruitment of faculty as per the
facultv? universitv norms.

G. Infrastructure

(i) | Are the following infrastructure I Facilities are Adequate

facilities adequate?

I building

equipment I equipments

accommodations including I Residential accommodation available for

hostels I staff members.

H. Financial Viability

(i) Does the University have The promoting trust has been providing
adequate and independent required funds as grant.

Are various authorities and Various authorities of the University yiz

bodies responsible for the bodv. Board of

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Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal

governance of the University in Academic Council and others responsible

place and working regularly for the governance of the Universiqr, are in
lace working as per the University act.

J. Research Profile
(i) | How would you rate the I Research activities need significant
research profile of the I improvement.
University in terms of research I Research initiatives need to be promoted
orientation, environment I by the University/trust.
facilities, and output?
(please give comments
separately on faculties and

K. Miscellaneous

(i) Is the Non-teaching staff Yes, most of the staff are paid consolidated
adequate well qualified and salary.
paid as per the norms of the
concerned State Government?
(ii) Do the academic results show Yes
evidence of independent and
rigorous evaluation prior to the
issue of deerees?
(iii) Has the University obtained No, University shall apply for NAAC after
necessary and desirable qualifying period

L. Strength and Weakness of the University

(i) Strengths of the University Well established educational trust

having experience of running higher
educational institutions
Many of the present constituent
colleges are running prior to
establishment of the University
The University has multidisciplinary
The University has sufficient land &
The campus has adequate renewable
eners/ resources.
Training and placement initiatives
are visible
Adequate transport facilities are
available for faculty, staff and
N students

Weaknesses of the University

. Research facilities and Research
culture is inadequate, they need
to provide appropriate budgetlfor
.- research
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Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal

Student enrollment in many

programs are less than sanctioned
Faculty development initiatives
are poor
There is lack of digital teaching
aids in classrooms
Sports facility including
Gymnasium, being inadequate
need to be developed
Maintenance of classrooms,
laboratories and general
infrastructure need improvement.

Part - IV - Recommendations
A. Obsenzations of the Committee
1. University is running outreach activities at adopted satellite centers in
nearby villages for health care.
2. University is running from its two nearby campuses, viz. Health
sciences including (Medical, Homeopathy and Nursing) programs are
at located in the main campus and other campus houses the Science
& Technolory building in which programs related to Engg. and
Technolory, Dental and Pharmacy etc. are run appropriately.
3. Interaction with professional societies and industry needs to be
4. Teaching learning aids are not ICT enabled
5. In-house mess/kitchen facilities are not available in Hostels. However,
food supply is outsourced and delivered in designated dining area of
the Hostel.
6. Blood bank of the Medical college, required by MCI/DCI needs to be
7. Faculty quarters may be constructed in more numbers for improving
the in-campus accorrmodation, as well as providing better medical
care, improving research and academic ecosystem in the University.

B. Suggestion of the Committee which require satisfactory

compliance by the University

1. Faculty members be paid the salary as per UGC norms. s._____

2. Sports facilities including Gymnasium need major improvement.
3. Central facilities such as central library, computer centre, canteens
and smart class rooms are required
4. Academic calendar for all programs need to be made, accordingly
notified on web and followed.
5. Approach road to the University campus may be improved, and if \^ _v
necessary widened in collaboration with the authority of the Govt. \t),1,
a need to be analyzed and appropriate follow up is
:fiSr" 6Utq
7. The University may build and provide shops on campus related to the
student requirements such as Book stall, stationary, eateries, salons
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal

C. Final Recommendations
The Committee as mentioned above, visited various facilities in the University
campuses dealing witJ: health, nursing, science and technolory, management
studies, during our two days'visit i.e. 5th and 6th April, 2OL9 .

The committee examined tJle physical infrastructure, central facilities and the
facilities like academic, patient care research and administrative units related to
the areas as mentioned. The committee also took stock of relevant documents
submitted before the committee by the authority, with regard to the university
governance, academic programs, student admission, patient care facilities and
other related matters of interest. The committee also took inputs from Faculty,
Students and Non-teaching staff, and Management officials including VC and

The Committee has however made a number of observations under various

columns and also highlighted the strength and weaknesses under columns, which
need to be addressed within a reasonable time frame. It is therefore suggested that
all those observations particularly weaknesses/defrciencies and suggestions made
be complied with.

In view of the above, the Committee unanimously recommends granting approval to

the Sarvepalli Radhakrishan University, Bhopal subject to compliance of the
suggestions as in Part- IV (B) above.

Oetr;----:---, Saranjit
Dr. Anand Kumar

/ Sivaji
Prof. Ramarl '
Sa1ffi Gupta
Chakravorti Kalia Saraf CCH Nominee
AICTE Nominee INC Nominee PCI Nominee

Dr. Mansing Ganpati Pawar

DCI Nominee

Place : Bhopal
Dated : 6ft April, 2OL9

University Grants Commission ffi'{n''

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