2009 MTH103F Lecture Notes
2009 MTH103F Lecture Notes
2009 MTH103F Lecture Notes
Module 1: Functions
1 1.1 Objectives:
In this module:
We introduce with examples, the concept of a function and study some
classes of functions.
We discuss methods of nding the domain, range, zeros and singulari-
ties of some real-valued functions.
We look at injective (one to one) and surjective (onto) functions and
end the module by exploring the inverse of a function and the composition of
We stimulate students through classroom and other interactive activ-
ities to understand the concept of a function and then discover the di erences
and similarities between the several types of functions introduced.
Explore notes and exercises, individually and in groups;
Explore and use related materials on the Intranet, especially
the e-granary and MIT open course ware;
Explore and use related materials on the OLI Calculus course
on the Internet(http://www.cmu.edu/OLI/courses/);
Solve relevant questions from past MTH103 Examinations.
4 1.4 Introduction
A function is the means by which the real world can be described in mathemat-
ical terms. For instance, the area of a circle C is a function of its radius r. It is
an input-output relation in which the function f , is the output with the variable
x as the input. Thus a function f , with an input x, can be expressed as f (x).
For a particular input value x = x1 the output value is f (x1 ). A function can
also be referred to as a mapping or a transformation.
We shall consider the de nition of a function, some classes of functions and
their properties.
[1.4.1] (Function)
Let X and Y be two non-empty sets. A function f :X ! Y is a rule which
assigns or associates to each element x of the set X, a unique (one and only
one) element y of the set Y ,and is written as y = f (x).
Alternatively, a function can be de ned as a relation R from a set X to
another set Y such that: (i) 8 x 2 X; 9 y 2 Y such that x is related to y written
as xRy (ii) if xRy1 and xRy2 then y1 = y2 ( in other words the relation is called
a function from X to Y if to each x 2 X there corresponds exactly one y 2 Y ).
[1.4.2] (Domain, Codomain and Range of a Function) The set X of all
x-values allowed by the function f : X ! Y; is the domain of the function f: It
is denoted by Dom(f ) or D(f ): x which may take any value in Dom(f ), is the
independent variable. y is called the dependent variable since its value depends
on the value of the independent variable x. For a particular value x = x1 the
value y1 = f (x1 ) is called the image of x1 under f while x1 is called the preimage
of y1 under f . The set Y in the de nition of the function f : X ! Y is called
the codomain of the function f . The set of all admissible y-values as x goes
through all values in its domain, is called the range of the function. The range
of a function f will be denoted by Ran(f ) = fy 2 Y : f (x) = y; x 2 D(f )g or
simply R(f ):
Example 1 (1.4.1) X = X1 = f1; 2; 3g; Y = Y1 = f 37 ; 1; 12 ; 2; 2; 4; 5; 6g
and f (x) = 2x: These two sets and the given rule de ne a function because each
element in the domain X1 has a unique image in the codomain Y1 :The range of
the function is R(f ) = f2; 4; 6g:
7 1
Example 2 (1.4.2)
p X = X 2 = f0; 4; g; Y = Y2 = f 3 ; 2; 1; 0; 2 ; p2; 2; 4; 5; 6g
and g(x) = x: These two sets X2 ; Y2 and the given rule g(x) = x do not
de ne a function because the element 4 in the domain X2 has two di erent im-
ages 2 and 2 in the codomain Y2 :This is despite the fact that 0 in the domain
X2 has a unique image 0 in the codomain Y2 :
0 1
0 1 B 2 C
X3 B C
B 4 C
B 1 C B C
B C B 6 C
B 2 C B C
B C ! B 8 C
B 3 C B C
B C B 10 C
@ 4 A B C
B : C
5 B C
@ : A
Here, the rule is multiplication of the elements of X3 by 2 giving in each
case, a unique even number. In this example the domain of h is the set X3 =
f1; 2; 3; 4; 5g ;the codomain is the set E = f2; 4; 6; :::g; while the range is the set
f2; 4; 6; 8; 10g = R(h):
Remark 4 (1.4.1) Generally the range is a subset of the codomain as the ex-
amples above illustrate.
function that assigns elements of T to elements of S as shown. In the third
example given above, h can be written as
h = f(1; 2); (2; 4); (3; 6); (4; 8); (5; 10)g:
1. Linear Functions
A linear function is of the form y = f (x) = mx + c where m and c are
constants. The graph of such a function is a straight line with gradient m
and y intercept c. For example 6x + 3y = 5 reduces to y = 2x + 53
2. Constant Functions:
A constant function is of the form f (x) = c, where c is the constant taken
for every value of x in the domain of f: A constant function is a special
case of a linear function with m = 0:
3. Quadratic Functions:
A quadratic function is of the form f (x) = ax2 + bx + c where a; b; c are
constants and a 6= 0.
4. Power functions:
A power function is of the form f (x) = xr where r is any real number.
f (x) = x3 ; g(x) = x 4 and h(x) = x 2 are examples of power functions.
5. Polynomial Functions:
A polynomial function of degree n is a function of the form,
Pn (x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + + an 1x
n 1
+ an xn with an 6= 0
7. Trigonometric Functions:
Functions that involve one or more of the trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine,
tangent, cosecant, secant, or cotangent) are called trigonometric functions.
For example, f (x) = sin x and g(x) = cos2 x + cot x are trigonometric
8. Inverse Trigonometric Functions:
Functions that involve one or more of the inverses of the trigonometric
ratios (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, arccosecant, arcsecant, or arccotan-
gent) are called inverse trigonometric functions. For example, f (x) =
sin 1 x and g(x) = cos 1 x + tan 1 x are inverse trigonometric functions.
9. Exponential Functions:
The exponential functions are functions of the form f (x) = ex or f (x) =
ax ,where a is any xed positive number and x is any real number. The
former type can be expressed as a series as,
x2 x3 xn x n
f (x) = ex = 1 + x + 2! + 3! + + n! + =1
n=0 ( n! ):
Here n! = n(n 1)(n 2) (2)(1) and f (x) = ex is always real and
positive. Note that the trigonometric functions can be de ned in terms
ix ix ix ix
of the exponential function as sin x = e 2e ; cos x = e +e 2 and
eix e ix
tan x = eix +e ix
11. Logarithmic Functions:
These are functions that involve logarithm, for example, f (x) = log10 x or
h(x) = loge x = ln jxj
12. Modulus or Absolute Value Functions:
This is a function of the form;
f (x) = jxj = fx;x;x
x 0
< 0 or jxj = x2 :Note for instance that, j 3j = 3; j0j =
0;and j2j = 2.
13. The Characteristic Function:
0; if x 2
This function is de ned by S (x) =
1; if x 2 S
20 Even Functions:
A function f is said to be even if f ( x) = f (x) 8x 2 D(f ): For
example; f (x) = x2 is even because f ( x) = ( x)2 = x2 = f (x) 8x 2
D(f ):Also; cos x is even since cos( x) = cos x 8x 2 R:
Remark 7 (1.5.1) Some functions are neither odd nor even, for example,(i) f (x) =
x2 + x + 1 (ii) g(x) = x 1 1 (iii) h(x) = sin x + cos x:
The evenness or oddness of a function f is known as its parity.
1. f (x) = x2 :
2. f (x) = 2x2 x + 1:
3. f (x) = x1 :
4. f (x) = 4x2 1
5. f (x) = p1 :
+ 4 x2
6. f (x) = e2x+4 :
7. f (x) = log(x2 4):
1. For any real number x; x2 is real. Therefore, f maps every real number
into a real number and so the domain of f is the set of all real numbers.
i.e. Dom(f ) = R; where R = ( 1; 1):
2. It is not di cult to see that 2x2 x + 1 is always real 8x 2 R; since it is a
polynomial. D(f ) = ( 1; 1) = R. In fact, all polynomial functions are
real for real values of x: i.e. D(pn (x)) = R; for all polynomials Pn (x).
3. Observe that the function x is real i the denominator is real and not
zero. i.e.
4. 4x2 1 is real i 4x2 1 0: i.e.:(2x 1)(2x + 1) 0 =) either
2x 1 0 and 2x + 1 0; or 2x 1 0 and 2x + 1 0:The rst pair
of inequalities gives x 12 and x 1
2 ; both combine to give x
2 : The
1 1
second pair of inequalities gives x 2 and x 2 ; both combine to give
x 2:
1 1
Thus, Dom(f ) = fx 2 R : 1<x 2g [ fx 2 R : 2 x < 1g =
R ( 12 ; 12 ):
5. Observe that p41 x2 is real i the denominator 4 x2 is real and nonzero,
i.e.:(2 x)(2 + x) > 0 =) either 2 x > 0 and 2 + x > 0; or 2 x < 0
and 2 + x < 0:The rst pair of inequalities gives x < 2 and x > 2; both
combine to give 2 < x < 2: The second pair of inequalities gives x > 2
and x < 2; there are no values of x satisfying these last two inequalities
at the same time.
Hence, Dom(f ) = fx 2 R : 2 < x < 2; g = ( 2; 2):
6. Observe that 8x 2 R; 2x + 4 is real and the exponential e2x+4 is also real.
) Dom(f ) = R.
7. Note that loge (x2 4) is real i x2 4 > 0 =) (x 2)(x + 2) > 0
=) x 2 > 0 and x + 2 > 0 or x 2 < 0 and x + 2 < 0
1. f : R ! R de ned by f (x) = x2 :
2. f : R ! R such that f (x) = 2x2 x + 1:
3. f : R ! R de ned by f (x) = x1 :
4. f : R ! R de ned by f (x) = 4x2 1
5. f : R ! R de ned by f (x) = p1 :
+ 4 x2
Alternatively, to nd the range of f we can let f (x) to be y and obtain
the possible values of y for which x is real, since f is a mapping of real
Let f (x) = y ) x2 = y ) x = y: Observe that for x to be real (as
required) y has to be non-negative real numbers. i.e. y 0 ) R(f ) =
fy 2 R : 0 y < 1g = [0; 1):
2 Let f (x) = y ) 2x2 x + 1 = y ) 2x2 x+1 y = 0:Using the
quadratic formula for the roots
1 1 8(1 y)
) =y
Again x is real i y is real and not zero. Therefore,
Ran(f ) = fy 2 R : y 0g = R+
5 Let f (x) = y
)p =y
4 x2
) y 4 x2 = 1
) y 2 (4 x2 ) = 1 ) 4y 2 y 2 x2 = 1
) y 2 x2 = 1 4y 2 ) y 2 x2 = 4y 2 1
4y 2 1 4y 2 1
) x2 = )x= ; y 6= 0
y2 y
1 1
y 2 ( 1; ] [ [ ; 1)
2 2
Observe that f cannot be negative,
) Ran(f ) = fy 2 R : 1
2 y < 1; g = [ 12 ; 1):
6 Let f (x) = y i.e. e2x+4 = y and taking the natural logarithm of both
) 2x + 4 = ln y i.e. x = 12 (ln y 4) = 12 ln y 2:
Observe that x is real if y > 0 ) Ran(f ) = fy 2 R : y > 0g = (0; 1):
7 1.7 Monotonic Functions
De nition 9 (1.7.1) A function f is said to be increasing on an interval I =
[a; b] if for x1 ; x2 in I, f (x1 ) f (x2 ) whenever a x1 < x2 b:
De nition 10 (1.7.2) A function f is said to be strictly increasing on an in-
terval I = [a; b] if for x1 ; x2 in I, f (x1 ) < f (x2 ) whenever a x1 < x2 b:
De nition 11 (1.7.3) A function f is said to be decreasing on an interval
I = [a; b] if for x1 ; x2 in I, f (x1 ) f (x2 ) whenever a x1 < x2 b:
Remark 12 De nition 13 (1.7.4) A function f is said to be strictly de-
creasing on an interval I = [a; b] if for x1 ; x2 in I, f (x1 ) > f (x2 ) whenever
a x1 < x2 b:
De nition 14 (1.7.5) A function f which is either increasing ( or strictly
increasing) or decreasing ( strictly decreasing) is called a (monotone) monotonic
Example 15 (1.7.1) The function f : [0; 2] ! R de ned by f (x) = 2x is
monotonically increasing on [0; 2], since
f (x + h) = 2(x + h) = 2x + 2h > 2x = f (x) 8x 2 [0; 2]; h > 0:
For instance, f ( 21 ) = 2( 12 ) = 1 < 2 = 2(1) = f (1); as 1
2 < 1 where 12 ; 1 2 [0; 2]
De nition 16 (1.7.6) The function g : [1; 3] ! R de ned by g(x) = x1 is
monotonically decreasing on [1; 3], since g(x + k) = x+k < x1 = g(x) 8x 2
1 1
[1; 3]; k > 0:For example g(2) = 2 < 1 = 1 = g(1) as 1 < 2; 1; 2 2 [1; 3]:
Investigate the monotonicity or otherwise of the following
functions: 3x2 6x 1, x21+1 ,2 sin x,sec x; tan x; cosh x;
ex ; xex ; jxj ; ln(x + 1),log10 (x2 + 3x + 2); x;on the interval [0,1].
9 1.9 Injective, Surjective and Bijective Func-
A function f : Dom(f ) ! R is injective (one to one) if f (x1 ) = f (x2 ) implies
x1 = x2 for x1 and x2 2 Dom(f ):
i.e. for one element x 2 Dom(f );there is one and only one element y in the
codomain such that y = f (x).
That is two preimages in the domain of f do not have one image in the
codomain of f .
A function f : Dom(f ) ! R is surjective (onto) if every element in the
codomain of f has a preimage in the domain of f .
That is the codomain is exhausted or the range and codomain of f are the
A function f : Dom(f ) ! R is bijective if f is both injective and surjective.
Example 18 (1.9.1) Which of the following functions is injective, surjective
or bijective?
(a) f : R ! R; f (x) = 2x + 1:
(b) f : R ! R; f (x) = ex :
(c) f : R ! R+ ; f (x) = ex :
(d) f : R ! R+ ; f (x) = xx2 +2
+1 :
(e) f : R ! R; f (x) = p 2x2 :
(x +1
Solution 19
(a) Let a; b 2 R such that f (a) = f (b):Since f (x) = 2x + 1;then f (a) = f (b)
implies that 2a + 1 = 2b + 1and a = b; ) a = b whenever f (a) = f (b): Thus f is
To show that f is surjective, let 2x + 1 = y 2 R. Then x = y 2 1 which is in
R )every y in R has a preimage x in R.
Thus f is surjective. Since f is both injective and surjective, it is bijective.
Solution 20
(b) f : R ! R; f (x) = ex : Let a; b 2 R such that f (a) = f (b):
Then ea = eb :Taking the loge of both sides gives loge ea = loge eb =)
aloge e = b loge e and a = b:Thus a = b whenever f (a) = f (b) and so f is
Let ex = y 2 R. Then x loge e = loge y (since loge e = 1) or x = loge y:
But y is any real number and loge y is not de ned if y is zero or negative.
)For y zero or negative there is no real x such that ex = y.
Thus f is not surjective because its range is R+ although its codomain is
R;the range is not equal to the codomain. The conclusion is that f is injective
but not bijective.
Solution 21
(c) f : R ! R+ ; f (x) = ex
Let a; b 2 R such that f (a) = f (b) then ea = eb :Taking loge of both sides=)
or p
2a2 + b2 = 2b2 + a2 or a2 = b2 or a = b2 = b:Thus, a = b, where
f (a) = f (b):
It is therefore possible to have f (a) = f (b) when a 6= b. Take for instance, 2
and 2.
2 ( 2)2 +2
Although f (2) = 222 +2 6
+1 = f ( 2) = ( 2)2 +1 = 5 but 2 6= 2:Thus, one
image, 5 had two preimages namely 2 and 2.Therefore, f is not injective .
Let y 2 R such that xx2 +1 +2
= y =) x2 + 2 = y(x2 + 1) = yx2 + 2
x2 (1 y) = y 2; x = ( 1y y2 ):
Observe that ( y1 y2 ) is not de ned for all values of y. For instance if y = 0,
there is no real x such that x = ( y1 y2 ) .
In fact for all y 2;there is no value of x for which x = ( y1 y2 ):Thus f is
not a surjection since not every y in R has no preimage in R. Hence f is not
Solution 23
(e) f : R ! R; f (x) = p ; Suppose f (a) = f (b); then
2a 2b
p p
p = p or 2a (b2 + 1) = 2b (a2 + 1) and on squaring both
(a2 +1) (b2 +1)
sides, we get 4a (b + 1) = 4b2 (a2 + 1) which implies that
2 2
a2 b2 + a2 = a2 b2 + b2 or a2 = b2 or a = b:
By proceeding as in example (d), students can verify that f is neither one
to one nor surjective. Therefore f is not bijective.
Example 24 (1.9.2) Let the absolute value relation be as de ned below. Find
the domain and range for this relation to de ne a function. Is the absolute value
function bijective?
f (x) = jxj = + x2 = fx;x; ifif xx<00
Solution 25 The absolute value is de nedpfor all real values of x and as such
the domain is R. For any real x; jxj = + x2 0. Thus the range is the set
of all non-negative real numbers, i:e:Ran(f ) = [0; 1):Therefore, the relation
de nes a function with R as its domain and [0; 1) as its range. Let jaj = jbj
with a; b 2 R. This does not imply that a = b .For instance j 2j = j2j = 2
but 2 6= 2. The modulus function is therefore not injective. However for any
nonnegative real number y in the range [0; 1), there is always a real number x
whose modulus is jxj :Thus the modulus function j:j is surjective, since the range
is [0; 1). The modulus function is therefore not bijective.
) jxj a) a x a
Example 28 (1.9.4) If A = fa; b; cg, nd (i) A (a); (ii) A (b); (iii) A (k):
ex e x
x3 x5 x7
Example 32 (1.9.6) Show that 2 =x+ 3! + 5! + 7! + :::
( x)n
Solution 33 Since ex = n! ; e
= n!
n=0 n=0
( x)n
) ex e x
= n! n!
n=0 n=0
xn ( x)n
= n!
If n is even, then x ( x)n = xn xn = 0 but if n is odd, then
n n n
x ( x) = 2x :Considering odd values of n, we
ex e x
) 2 = 12 2 (2n+1)!
= (2n+1)!
3 5 7
= x + x3! + x5! + x7! + :::
Exercise 1.9.1
(i) f :R+ ! R; f (x) = loge x;(Ans:injective,surjective,bijective)
(ii) f : R+ ! R; f (x) = loge x + 2,(Ans:injective,surjective,bijective)
(iii) f : R ! R; f (x) = 2x 1
x2 +1 ;(Ans:not injective,not surjective,not bijec-
(iv) f : R ! R; f (x) = sin x;(Ans:not injective,not surjective, not bijec-
(v) f : R ! [ 1; 1]; f (x) = sin x;(Ans:not injective,surjective,not bijective)
(vi) Sketch the graph of the modulus function between x = 3 and x =
3:What are the images of 2 and 2? (Ans:2)
(vii) If Peter is a Maths student but Jane is not, what is
(math students) (Peter)+ (non math students) (Jane)? (Ans:2)
x x
x2 x4 x6
(viii) Show that e +e 2 = 1 + 2! + 4! + 6! + :::
x x
ex e x
(ix) If cosh x = e +e 2 and sinh x = 2 , nd cosh 0 + sinh 0.
What is cosh x + sinh x? (Ans:1; ex ):
Example 40 (1.10.4) Let g : R ! R such that g(x) = 2x + 3 Find g(x2 ) and
Solution 45 First we know that the function f is linear (a straight line)with
slope 3, y-intercept 11: It is bijective throughout R:
Thus, the inverse function f 1 exists. Moreover, since the domain and range
of the bijective function f is R; the same is true for f 1 :
Now solving y = 3x + 11 for x; we obtain x = y 311 :We let f 1 (y) = y 311
and since the symbol used for the variable is immaterial, we can write f 1 (x) =
x 11 1
3 :Finally, we verify that f (f (x)) = f (f 1 (x)) = x:Thus f 1 (f (x)) =
3x+11 11
f (3x + 11) = 3 = 3 = x and f (f 1 (x)) = f ( x 311 ) = 3( x 311 ) +
Solution 50 Since a quadratic equation always has two real roots, it should
be observed that the function f : R ! R given by the rule f (x) = x2 + 2x + 2
is not bijective. For example, f (x) = 5 has two solutions x = 1 and x = 3:
Thus f (1) = 12 + 2(1) + 2 = 5 = ( 3)2 + 2( 3) + 2. We note that f : R !
fy : y > 1g and f ( 1) = 1:Thus we can restrict the function f and consider
f1 : R1 ! fy : y > 1g where R1 ( 1; 1) with the same rule of de nition i.e.
f1 (x) = x2 + 2x + 2. f1 is bijective and therefore has an inverse g. g : fy : y >
1g ! R1 : Thus, by taking the composition of fp 1 with g or substituting
p the value
of g(x)pin x2 +2x+2 we have fp (g(x)) = [ 1+ (x 1)]2 +2[ 1+ x 1]+2 =
(1 2 x 1 + x 1) 2 + 2 x 1 + 2 = x:
12 2.1 Objectives:
In this module we give an elementary introduction to the concepts of limits and
continuity of a function. We discuss methods of nding limits and properties of
limits, including indeterminate forms. We then de ne and explore continuous
functions. We state some useful results without proof and show how to apply
them. The exploration of the learning activities will provide an opportunity for
in-depth study of limits and continuity.
Let f (x) be de ned in an interval (a; c) except possibly for some point b 2
(a; c); we say f (x) tends to a limit l as x tends to b if: given > 0; we can nd
> 0 such that jf (x) lj < provided that 0 < jx bj < :We write this as
f (x) ! l as x ! b; or
lim f (x) = l:
It follows that when f (x) is de ned in an interval (a; c) except possibly for
some point b 2 (a; c); f (x) tends to a limit l as x tends to b if and only if f (x)
tends to the limit l as x tends to b+ and f (x) tends to the limit l as x tends to
b :
Let us explore the use of these de nitions in the examples below.
[] Examine the limit from the left and right of the function f (x) given
by f (x) = x; x 0 and f (x) = 1 + x; x > 0. Does f (x) tends to a limit l as x
tends to 0? Sketch the graph of the function.
Solution 52 lim f (x) = 0; lim+ f (x) = 1; f (0) = 0: lim f (x) does not exist,
x!0 x!0 x!0
since the left and the right limits are di erent.
x if x 0
1 + x if x > 0
lim f (x) = 1; lim+ f (x) = 1; f (1) = 1: lim f (x) = 1. For all other
x!1 x!1 x!1
values of x0 ; x0 6= 0 or 1; lim f (x) exists.
> sin x if x<0
1 if x=0
> x2 if 0 < x < 1
2x 1 if 1 x
-5 -2.5 0 2.5 5
[] Use the " argument to show that lim g(x) = 7 if g(x) = 2x + 3
Solution 54 Given " > 0, we need to nd a ( ) > 0 such that jg(x) 7j < "
whenever jx 2j < :
x2 4
Solution 55 Given " > 0, we need to nd a ( ) > 0 such that x+2 ( 4) <
" whenever jx ( 2)j = jx + 2j < :
x2 4 x2 4
( 4) = +4
x+2 x+2
x2 4 + 4x + 8
x + 4x + 4
(x + 2) (x + 2)
= jx + 2jx6= 2
= jx + 2j < "
x2 4
x+2 ( 4) < " when is chosen equal to ":
4. lim [f (x)g(x)] = lim f (x) lim g(x) = l1 l2 (the limit of a product is the
x!a x!a x!a
product of the limits.
5. In the special case when g(x) = k; limx!a kf (x) = k limx!a f (x) where
k is a constant.
f (x) l1
6. lim = l2 ; provided l2 6= 0; (the limit of a quotient is the quotient of
x!a g(x)
the limits).
15.3 2.4.3 Continuity
[] A function f (x) is continuous at a point x = a in its domain if lim f (x)
exists and has value f (a): If f (x) is continuous at every point in its domain,
then f (x) is a continuous function.
Equivalently, a function f (x) is continuous at a point a in its domain if ,
for each " > 0; there exists ( ) > 0 such that j f (x) f (a) j< " provided that
j x a j< :
A function f (x)is discontinuous at a point a in its domain if it is not con-
tinuous there.
p(x) = an xn + an 1x
n 1
+ + a2 x2 + a1 x + a0
f (x) f 0 (x)
lim = lim 0
x!x0 g(x) x!x0 g (x)
provided that
f 0 (x)
x!x0 g 0 (x)
exists or
f 0 (x)
lim =1
x!x0 g 0 (x)
Solution 57 We rationalise the denominator to get:
p p
( x+2)(x 4)
lim f (x) = lim pxx 42 = lim ( pxx 42 : px+2
) = lim ( x 4 )
x!4 p x!4 x!4 x!4
= lim x + 2 = 4:
x!4 p
This argument is valid since x 6= 4 and x + 2 is continuous.
[] Let f : R f2g ! R be de ned by f (x) = xx+24 : Find the limit of
f (x) as x ! 2:
x x x x
Solution 59 i) lim e +e
2x = lim e 2
= 0
2 =0
x!0 x!0
ii) lim 1 = lim 2: (x2 + 5) = 6:
x!2 x(x2 +5) 2 x!2
Solution 60 i) lim = lim xex = 1
x!1 1=x x!1
3x 3x 3x
ii) lim 1 3ecos x = lim sin9e
x = x!1lim 27e
cos x = 1:
x!1 x!1
Hence, the limit does not exist.
iii) lim cot 2x cos 2x sin 3x 2 sin 2x: sin 3x
cot 3x = lim sin 2x : cos 3x = lim 2 cos 2x: cos 3x
+ cos 2x:3 cos 3x
3 sin 2x:3 sin 3x = 3
x!0 x!0 x!0
x 1
Solution 62 i) lim tan x = lim sec x = 1
x!0 x!0
(x2 1) 2x 1
ii) lim ex2
= lim 2 = lim 2 = 0
x!1 x!1 2xex x!1 ex
(x 2 ) 1 1
iii) lim (x 2 ) tan x = lim = lim cos ec2 x = lim 1= sin2 x
x! 2 x! 2 cot x x! 2 x! 2
lim sin2 x = 1
x! 2
[] Determine whether the functions f and g as de ned below are con-
tinuous or not at the points indicated.
x2 x 6
x 3 if x6=3
(i) f (x) = f 5; if x=3 at x = 3:
x2 9
x+3 if x6= 3
(ii) g(x) = f10 if x= 3 at x = 3
(x 3)(x+2)
Solution 63 (i) Since x 6= 3; limx!3 f (x) = limx!3 x 3
= limx!3 (x + 2) = 5 = f (3):
Consequently f is continuous at x = 3.
(ii) Since x 6= 3; limx! 3 g(x) = limx! 3 (x x+3
= limx! 3 (x 3) = 6:
But g( 3) = 10: Since lim g(x) 6= g( 3), this function is not continuous at
x! 3
x = 3:
Suppose f and g are continuous functions,then their sum, f + g (di erence,
f g), product,f g and quotients fg are also continuous , except where the
denominator is zero.
This result helped us prove a polynomial is continuous at every point at
which it is de ned.
1 2n 1 n 1 n
(3) lim 1 + n = lim 1 + n lim 1+ n = e:e = e2
n!1 n!1 n!1
xn+1 n
(4) lim = lim x lim x = 0:0 =0
n!1 (n+1)! n!1 (n+1) n!1 n!
16 3.1 Objectives
In this module, we expose students to the concept of di erentiation emphasizing
its dependence on limits. We discuss rules for di erentiation of di erent com-
binations of functions. We explore the application of derivatives to illustrate
the use of calculus in the solution of real life problems. Worked examples are
provided to aid understanding of the material introduced. Group assignments,
take home tests and laboratory sessions will complement power point presenta-
tions in tutorial type exchanges. All these activities expose the students to the
concepts and techniques and lead them to nd out when the di erent techniques
are most appropriate for use.
19 3.4 Introduction
The slope of a curve at any point a is the slope of the tangent to the curve at a.
Let P (a; f (a)) be any point on the graph of a continuous function f and Q(a+h;
f (a + h)) be another point where h is the di erence between the x coordinates
of Q and P:
The line P Q above is the secant line whose slope MP Q = f (a+h)h f (a) while
the line L is the tangent line at P:
The tangent line at P is the limiting value of MP Q as Q approaches P hence
the slope M of the tangent of line L is given by: M = lim f (a+h)h f (a) = f = (a).
The symbol f 0 (a) read as f prime of a was introduced by Lagrange (1736-1813).
The idea is that as Q changes along the curve PQ becomes shorter secant lines,
and the lines through PQ, in the limiting situation becomes the tangent line L.
provided the limit exists. Thus the derivative is the value of the slope of
the curve at point P:The concept above, of the derivative of a function at a
point, was invented by Isaac Newton (1642-1727). This limit M , if it exists, is
a function. This is the case since as a changes , so does f (a) and each point in
the domain of f has a unique image which we call f = (a): The new function is
refered to as the derived function f = (x).When we nd f = (x) using this de nition
and the limiting process, we say we are nding f = (x) from rst principles.
If f 0 (a) exists, we say that f (x) is di erentiable at a .If f (x) is di erentiable
at a then f 0 (a) is the slope of the tangent line to the graph of f (x) at the point
(a; f (a)):
(3.5.1): We explore the derivative of f (x) = xn for speci c and general
values of n. Case n = 1; f (x) = x; f (x + h) = x + h; and lim f (x+h)h f (x) =
lim hh = 1: f (x) = x2 ; f (x + h) = (x + h)2 ; and lim f (x+h)h f (x)
h!0 h!0
2 2 2
lim (x+h)h x
= : lim 2xh+h
h = limh!0 (2x+h) = 2x: f (x) = x3 ; f (x+h) =
h!0 h!0
x3 2
(x + h)3 ; and lim f (x+h)h f (x) = lim (x+h)h = : lim 3x h = limh!0 (3x2 +
h!0 h!0 h!0
3xh) = 3x2 : f (x) = x ; f (x + h) = (x + h)n ; and lim f (x+h)h
n f (x)
lim (x+h)n
h = : lim (nxn 1 + C2n xn 2 h + C3n xn 3 h2 + ::: + h n 1
) = nxn 1
h!0 h!0
Since (x+h)n
h = nxn 1 + C2n xn 2 h + C3n xn 3 h2 + ::: + hn 1
(3.5.2): We can show that when a function is di erentiable at a point it is
continuous there. This follows since limx!a [f (x) f (a)] = limx!a [ f (x)x fa(a)] :(x
a)] = limx!a [ f (x)x fa(a)] ]: limx!a [(x a)] = f = (a):0 = 0:
(3.5.3): State the converse of the result above. Show that is not true by
examining the function f (x) = jxj :
(3.5.4): We can show that sinx is di erentiable with derivative cosx: Also
cosx is di erentiable with derivative sin x.
(iii):If f (x) and g(x) are two di erentiable functions with derivatives f = (x)
and g = (x) respectively then [f (x) g(x)]= = f = (x) g(x)= :
How do we use the rules above to show that every polynomial is di eren-
(iv):(x2 + 2)3 :
This rule facilitates the di erentiation of the quotient of two di erentiable func-
tions. We present it in two equivalent statements below.
[] : The quotient rule can be written as: Given two di erentiable func-
f (x)g 0 (x)
tions f (x) and g(x), then [ fg(x)
(x) =
] = [ g(x):f (x)
[g(x)]2 ] or Given y = u(x)
v(x) with
v du dv
u(x) dx
u(x) and v(x) di erentiable, the derivative of y = of y is then y = = dx
v2 :
A sketch of the proof of the result follows.
f (x+h) f (x)
h!0 h!0
f (x+h)g(x) g(x+h)f (x)
= lim hg(x)g(x+h)
g(x)f (x+h) g(x)f (x)+g(x)f (x) f (x)g(x+h)
We add and subtract g(x)f (x) to the numerator to get lim hg(x+h)g(x) =
g(x)[f (x+h) f (x)] f (x)[g(x+h) g(x)]
lim h
g(x)f 0 (x) f (x)g 0 (x)
Taking the limits gives y 0 (x) = [g(x)]2 ; g(x) 6= 0
h i=
Corollary 73 ( : Let g be a function with g (x) 6= 0. Then g(x) =
21.1 3.6.4 The chain rule
The rules of di erentiation discussed so far are limited as they can only be used
for sums, di erences,products and quotients of di erentiable functions. They
cannot be used for di erentiating composite functions such as (x2 + 2x)3 : The
chain rule gives us a rule for di erentiating composite functions. Let the function
y = f (x) be de ned as f (x) = h(g(x)) with h(x) and g(x) di erentiable: The
chain rule states that f 0 (x) = h0 (g(x))g 0 (x):A sketch of the proof of the rule
Let f (x) = h (g (x)), and let u = g(x) and y = h(u), then y = h(u) =
dy dy du
h (g (x)) = f (x) and dx = f 0 (x) = h0 (g (x)) g 0 (x) = h0 (u)g 0 (x) = du : dx
dy dy du
Thus the chain rule becomes dx = du : dx
Example 75 ( Using the chain rule di erentiate the functions below
and discuss whether their derivatives can be found in any other way.:
3x 4
(i) y = cos(x2 + 3x), (ii) y = (x3 4x2 + 6x)12 ; (iii) y = x 6 ; (iv)
2 2 3
y = 6x (5x 7)
Solution 76 :
(i): Let u = x2 + 3x, then y = cos u and du
dx = 2x + 3; du = sin u
dy dy du 2
thus dx = du dx = (2x + 3) sin u = (2x + 3) sin(x + 3x)
(ii): Let u = x3 4x2 + 6x, then y = u12 and du
dx = 3x
8x + 6; du = 12u11
dy dy du 2
thus dx = du dx = (3x 8x + 6)12u11 = 12(3x2 8x + 6)(x3 4x2 + 6x)11
3x 4
(iii): Let u = x 6 , then y = u5 , and applying the quotient rule on u we
du (x 6)3 (3x 4) dy
have dx = (x 6)2 ; du = 5u4
dy dy du (x 6)3 (3x 4) dy (x 6)3 (3x 4) 3x 4
thus dx = du dx = (x 6)2 5u4 ) dx =5 (x 6)2 x 6
2 2 3
(iv): Let u = 6x and v = (5x 7) .
Applying the product rule, we have that dx = v du dv du
dx + u dx with dx = 12x;
To di erentiate v we apply the chain rule, thus let k = 5x 7; then v =
dk dv
k 3 : dx = 10x and dk = 3k 2
dv dk dv 2 2
dx = dx dk = (10x )3k = 30x(5x 7)2 :
dy 2
Substituting t gives dx = (5x 7) (12x) + 6x2 (30x(5x2 7)) = 12x(5x2
3 3 2
7) + 180x (5x 7)
Example 77 ( Let us nd the derivatives of the functions below.
(i) y = 5x3 6x+2
6x3 7
(ii) y = x+5
(iii) y = q
6x cos(6x 4)
(iv) y = 6x7x5
2 5
21.1.1 3.6.5 Leibnitz Rule
We have seen that if f (x) is di erentiable, we can nd its derivative, a new
function f = (x):If f = (x) is itself di erentiable, we can form its derivative, called
the second derivative of f (x), and denoted by f == (x). As long as we have
di erentiability, we can continue in this way to get f === (x) and f 4 (x): We do
not use dashes for more than the third derivative..
Example 79 ( :
(i) Find the fourth derivative of the function y = x5 (2x4 + 4x2 6x) using
the Leibnitz rule
(ii) Find the third derivative of y = x2 cos x.
Solution 80 :
(i): Fourth derivative of [x5 (x2 + 5x)]
(ii):Third derivative of [x4 (9x2 x)]
(iii):Second derivative of (sin x cos x)
(iv) Fourth derivative of [cos 3x(x2 + 5x)]
(v): Fifth derivative of (x5 4x)(x2 + 5x)
Example 82 ( :
(i) Suppose that 8xy 16y 2 = x2 ; nd dx :
(ii) Di erentiate 4x y + 3y + 4x = 16xy 2 :
2 2 3 2
p 3
(iii) Di erentiate x y + 1 = xy 2 + 1
(iv) Di erentiate cos xy = y + x2
(v) Obtain the derivative of the function 3x2 + xy 3 = 4x3 y at the point
( 1; 0):
Solution 83 :
0 = x 4y ) y = x4
Therefore, dx = 14 :
d d d
(ii) Di erentiate both sides of the equation, 4 dx (x2 y 2 )+3 dx (y 3 )+4 dx (x2 ) =
d 2
16 dx (xy )
Using product and chain rule, we have
dy dy dy
4[2xy 2 + x2 (2y dx )] + 3(3y 2 ) dx + 4(2x) = 16[y 2 + 2xy dx ]
2 2 dy 2 dy 2 dy
8xy + 8x y dx + 9y dx + 8x = 16y + 32xy dx
dy dy dy
8x2 y dx + 9y 2 dx 32xy dx = 16y 2 8xy 2 8x
(8x2 y + 9y 2 32xy) dx = 16y 2 8xy 2 8x
dy 16y 2 8xy 2 8x
Therefore, dx = 8x2 y+9y 2 32xy
d p d 3
(iii) Di erentiate across the entire equation implicitly. dx (x y + 1) = dx (xy 2 )+
dx (1)
d p p d d 3
By product rule we have that, x dx ( y + 1) + y + 1 dx (x) = x dx (y 2 ) +
3 d
y 2 dx (x)
p p
dy 3x y dy 3
px + y + 1 = 2 dx + y2
2 y+1 dx p
3x y dy 3 p
This implies that ( 2pxy+1 2 ) dx = y
2 y+1
3 p 3 p 3 p p
dy y2 y+1 y2 y+1 y2 y+1 y+1
Therefore, dx = p
3x y = p = p :
px px
3x y(y+1)
p x 3x y(y+1)
2 y+1 2
2 y+1 2 y+1
= 32 :
Suppose that the function f is given by f (x) = ln x: We nd the derivative of
the function using rst principles. Given that f (x) = ln x:
Then f 0 (x) = lim f (x+h)h f (x) = lim ln(x+h)
ln x
= lim h1 ln( x+h
x ) ( from
h!0 h!0 h!0
the laws of logarithm.) = lim h1 ln(1 + hx ):
Letting z = x1 ; we have f 0 (x) = lim h1 ln(1 + zh):
Taking the exponential of both sides we have,
0 h 1
ef (x)
= lim eln(1+zh) = lim (1 + zh) h :If we set n = h , then lim (1 +
h!0 h!0 n!1
n 0
n) = ez ; hence ef (x) = ez : Since they have the same base, it means that
f (x) = z;
But then z = x1 ; ) f 0 (x) = x1 : Therefore the derivative of the function
f (x) = ln x is x1 :
An alternative method of nding the derivative of f (x) = ln x is to use the
concept of implicit di erentiation. We proceed as follows:
Let y = ln x: Then taking the exponential of both sides we have, ey = eln x )
e =x
dy dy
Use implicit di erentiation with respect to x to get ey dx = 1: Making dx the
subject of the formula, we have
dy 1 dy
dx = ey ; but ey = x: Therefore dx = x1 :
dy 1 du
In general, if u is di erentiable function of x then dx = u(x) dx :
Let y = ln u(x);then ey = eln u(x) : This means that ey = u(x): By implicit
dy dy dy
di erentiation,ey dx = du 1 du y 1 du
dx ;hence dx = ey dx : But e = u(x) ) dx = u(x) dx :
Example 84 (3.7.1) :
(i) Find the derivative of the function f (x) = ln(x2 + 3);
(ii) Di erentiate ln[(x2 1)(x3 + 2)]; p
(iii) Find the derivative of the following function f (x) = ln x;
(iv) Di erentiate log3 (2x3 3x + 1);
(v) Di erentiate log2 x:
Solution 85 :
(i) Let y = f (x) and u(x) = x2 + 3: This means that y = ln u and du dx = 2x:
dy 1 du dy 1 d 2 2x
Since dx = u(x) dx it means that dx = 2
x +3 dx x + 3 = 2
x +3
(ii) Let y = ln[(x2 1)(x3 + 2)] then y = ln(x2 1) + ln(x3 + 2)
Di erentiating the function with respect to x we have
3 2 4 2
dy 1 1
dx = (x2 1) (2x) + (x3 +2) (3x) = 2x(x(x2+2)+3x(x
1)(x3 +2)
= (x2x2 +3x x
1)(x3 +2) :
d p 1
(iii) f 0 (x) = p1x dx ( x) = p1x : 21 x 2 = 2x1
The change of base formula allows us to rewrite a logarithm of any base in
terms of natural logarithm. For instance loga u(x) = loglog e u(x)
a : The derivative of
dy d loge u(x)
y = loga u(x) is dx = dx ( loge a )
= log1 a dx d
(loge u(x)) = u(x) 1log a du
dx : Note that ln u(x) is
e e
the same as loge u(x).
(iv) Let y = log3 u; where u(x) = 2x3 3x + 1: This means that du dx =
2 dy 1 2
6x 3; and so dx = (2x3 3x+1) ln 3 (6x 3):
(v) Let y = log2 x = ln x
ln 2 :
dy d ln x
Therefore dx = dx ( ln 2 ) = ln12 dx
d 1
(ln x) = x ln 2
The function log x is a monotonic function which assumes all values between
1 and +1 as the independent variable x ranges over the continuum of positive
Remark 86 (3.7.1)
y 0 = ln(sec x + tan x) (sec sec x tan x+1+tan x
x+tan x) ln(sec x+tan x)
y 0 = sec(sec
x tan x+ sec x
x+tan x) = sec(sec
x(tan x+ sec x)
x+tan x) = sec x
(iv) Taking the logarithm to base e of both sides, we have
ln x
ln w = ln 1+x 2 = ln (ln x) ln 1 + x2
w0 1 x
w = x ln x 2 1+x2
0 1 x ln x 1 x 1 x2 +2x2 ln x
w =w x ln x 2 1+x2 = 1+x2 x ln x 2 1+x2 = (1+x2 )2 x
Example 90 (3.8.1) :
Solution 91 :
(i) (a) Given that y = a3x +4x+1 : Here u(x) = 3x2 + 4x + 1: This means that
dx = 6x + 4: Therefore,
dx = a
ln a du
dy 3x2 +4x+1 2 2
Example 92 (3.8.2)
p e +3x +1 x6 2
(iv) y = log10 (x2 x) (v) y = ln( cos 3x ln 4x2 )
(vi) ln(sec x + tan x) (vii) ln(cos x)
2. Using logarithmic di erentiation, di erentiate with respect to x:
(x2 3x 1) (cos2 x) p ln x sin x
(i) 6 2
3 (ii) 3 4x (iii) 1+x 2 (iv) cos(x)
(x 3x ) 2 p
ex x5 x3 +2
(v) ln ln(x) (vi) xy = y x : (vii) 5
(x+2) 2 (x2 +3)3
3. Find the derivative of following functions with respect to the independent
variable indicated.
1 sin x
(a) e x + e1x (b) (e3x e 3x )4 (c) e3x (cos 3x) (d) sec2 (e 3x )
(x2 1)2 3
(e) e x2 +1 (f) ecos x (ln x3 1 2 ):
4. If a drug is injected into the bloodstream, then its a concentration t minutes
later is given by
c(t) = a b (e bt e at )
for positive constants a; b and .
(a) At what time does the maximum concentration occur?
(b) What can be said about the concentration after a long period of time?
d du
dx [sech(u)] = sech(u) tanh u dx :
dx [cosech(u)] = coth u csch(u) dudx :
Example 93 (3.9.1) :
Solution 94 :
dy d
(i) Let y = sinh(4x2 ) and u(x) = 4x2 ; then dx = cosh(4x2 ) dx (4x2 ) =
2 2
cosh(4x )(8x) = 8x cosh(4x ):
dy d
(ii) Let y = cosh (ex + x) and u(x) = ex + x; then dx = sinh(ex + x) dx (ex +
x x
x) = (e + 1) sinh(e + x):
(iii) Let y = tanh(3x) and u (x) = 3x then
dy 2 d
dx = sech (3x) dx (3x)
= 3 sech (3x):
x = cot y: Di erentiate implicitly to have
dy dy
1 = csc2 y dx : This means that dx = csc12 y : But csc2 y = 1 + cot2 y
Thus dx = csc12 y = 1+cot 1
2y =
1 2
1+x2 ; (since cot y = x ):
csc2 y = x2 ):
Generally if u is a di erentiable function of x; then
d 1
dx (sin u) = p11 u2 du
dx ;
dx (cos
u) = p 1 du
1 u2 dx
dx (tan
u) = 1+1u2 du
dx = d
dx (cot
u) 1 du
1+ u2 dx ;
dx (sec
u) = jujp1u2 1 du
dx , = d
dx (csc 1
u) p1 du
juj u2 1 dx
We shall attempt to prove the rst two and leave the rest as exercises.
(i) Let y = sin 1 u; where u is a function of x: Then
u = sin y: By implicit di erentiation, we have
du dy dy
dx = cos y dx : Making dx ; the subject we have
dy 1 du
dx = cos y dx =
p 1 2 du dx =
p 1 du
1 u2 dx
; (since u2 = sin2 y).
1 sin y
This gives the formula
d 1
dx (sin u) = p11 u2 du
dx :
(ii) Let y = cos 1 u; where u is a function of x: Then
u = cos y: By implicit di erentiation, we have
du dy dy
dx = sin y dx : Making dx ; the subject we have
dy 1 du 1 du p 1 du
dx = sin y dx =
p 2 dx = 1 u2 dx
; (since u2 = cos2 y).
1 cos y
This gives the formula
dx (cos
u) = p11 u2 du
dx :
Example 95 (3.10.1) :
Solution 96 :
(a) Let y = x3 cos 1 (4x3 1): Apply the product rule. Then
dy 3 d 1 d
dx = x dx cos (4x3 1) + cos 1 (4x3 1) dx (x3 )
1 d
= x3 p dx 4x3 1 + 3x2 cos 1
(4x3 1)
1 (4x3 1)2
= x3 p 12x2 + 3x2 cos 1
(4x3 1)
1 (4x3 1)2
12x5 4x3
= p + 3x2 cos 1
(4x3 1) = 3x2 cos 1
(4x3 1) p :=
1 (4x3 1)2 1 (4x3 1)2
1 3
(cos (4xp 1)) ( 4x4 +2x)+2x2
( 4x4 +2x)
(b) Let y = ex sin 1 (x2 2) : Apply the product rule. Then
dy 1 2
x d
dx = e dx sin (x 2) + sin 1 (x2 2) dx
(ex )
2x ex
= ex p 1 d
dx x2 2 + sin 1 (x2 2)ex =p +
1 (x2 2)2 1 (x2 2)2
1 2
1 x 2)) ( 3 x4 +4x2 )
sin (x2 2)ex : = ex 4 2
( 3 x +4x )
1+tan 1 x
(c) Let y = 4 5 tan 1 x : Apply the quotient rule. Then
dy (4 5 tan 1 x) dx
(1+tan 1 x) dx
(4 5 tan 1 x)
dx = (4 5 tan 1 x)2
1 1
dy (4 5 tan x) 1
(1+tan x) ( 5) 1
1+x2 9
dx = (4 5 tan 1 x) 2 = (1+x2 )( 4+5 tan 1 x)2
1 3 4
(d) Let y = sin (x ) : Apply the chain rule. Then
dy 1 3 d
dx = 4 sin (x ) dx sin 1 (x3 )
1 3 3 p 1 3 2 dxd
= 4 sin (x ) x3
1 (x )
1 3 2 12x2 (sin 1
(x3 ))
= 4 sin (x3 ) p 3x = p :
1 x6 1 x6
Example 97 (3.10.2)
1. Di erentiate the following inverse trigonometric functions with respect to
1 1 2x
(a) sin (4x3 3) (b) cos 1
(sin x) (c) cos 1
(2x3 ex ) (d) tan 1 x
1 d2 y dy
2. If y = etan x
; show that 1 + x2 dx2 + 2x(1 + x2 ) dx y = 0:
2 1 2 dy
3 If y = 1 x 2
cos x; prove that 1 x dx + xy + 1 x2 = 0:
4. Di erentiate
1 3 1 x2 1
(a) y = x2 tan x (b) y = tan e (c) y = arccot x arctan x
dy 1
5. Find dx if y = exp x cos (ln x) :
1) Write the relationship in such a way that the independent variable be-
comes the dependent variable. For example if y = sinh 1 x; then rewrite as
x = sinh y:
2) Di erentiate the equation implicitly
3) Rearrange to make derivative (in this case dx );the subject.
4) Using an appropriate identity, write the expression in terms of
the independent variable.
dx = sec1h2 y du 1 du 1 du
dx = 1 tanh2 y dx = 1 u2 dx :
This gives the formula
d 1
dx (tanh u) = 1 1u2 du
dx , j u j< 1:
(iv) Let y = coth u; then u = coth y: This means that
dx =
csch2 y dx = 1 coth2 (y) dx dy
; Since coth2 y cosech2 y = 1; we have
dy 1 du
dx = 1 u2 dx : This gives the formula
d 1
dx (coth u) = 1 1u2 du dx , j u j> 1
v) Let y = sech 1 u then u = sechy: Di erentiate implicitly to have du
dx =
sechy tanh y dx : Rearrange to have
dy 1 du p1 du p1 du
dx = sec hy tanh y dx = 2 dx =
sec hy u 1 u2 dx
1 sec h u
: This gives the
dx (sec h
= up11 u2 du
u) dx , 0 < u < 1:
Finally, using similar arguments, it can be proved that
(vi) dx (csc h
u) = jujp11+u2 du
dx , u 6= 1:
Example 99 (3.11.2) :
Find the derivative of the following inverse hyperbolic functions with respect
to x: p
(i) cosh 1 (2x2 + 3) (ii) sinh 1 (x3 ) (iii) sinh 1 ( x2 1)
(iv) tanh 1 ( 3x+x
2 ): (v) sech
1 3
(x 1)
Solution 100 : (i) Let y = cosh (2x2 + 3); and u = 2x2 + 3: From
d 1
dx (cosh u) = pu12 1 du
dx we have that
d 1 p 21 2 dx d 4x
dx (cosh (2x2 + 3)) = (2x2 + 3) = p =
(2x +3) 1 (2x2 +3)2 1
2p 4 x 2 :
(x +3x +2)
1 3
(ii) Let y = sinh (x ); and u = x3 : Now from the relation
d 1 1 du
dx (sinh u) = p1+u 2 dx
; we have
1 3 2 2
dx (sinh (x )) = p 1 3 2 dx
(x3 ) = p 3x 3 2 = 3 p x 6 :
1+(x )
p p 1+(x ) (1+x )
(iii) Let y = sinh 1 ( x2 1); and u = x2 1; then
d 1
p p 1
1) 2 (2x)
dx (sinh ( x2 1)) = p p1 2 2 dx d
( x2 1) = 2p p =
1+( x 1) 1+( x2 1)2
p 1
(x2 1)
(iv) Let y = tanh 1 ( 3x+x 2x 2x
2 ); and u = 3x+x2 ; then from formula
d 1
dx (tanh u) = 1 1u2 dudx ; we have
d 1
dx (tanh ( 3x+x2 )) = 1 ( 12x )2 dx
2x d 2x
( 3x+x 2 ):
1 (3x+x2 ) dx
d d
(2x) 2x dx (3x+x2 )
= 2x
1 ( 3x+x 2 (3x+x2 )2
1 2(3x+x ) 2x(3+2x) 2
1 ( 3x+x 2 (3x+x2 )2
= 5+6x+x2 :
(v) Let y = sech (x3 1); and u = x3 1: Then from the formula
dx (sech
u) = up11 u2 du
dx ; we have
d 1 3 p1 d p3x
dx (sech (x 1)) = (x3 1) =
(x3 1) 1 (x3 1)2 dx (x3 1) 1 (x3 1)2
= 3 3 p 4 :
(x 1) ( x +2x)
Example 102 ( : Find the critical points of the functions below:
A function f (x) is said to have an absolute maximum at r if f (x) f (r)
for all x in the domain of f (x).Similarly, f (x) has an absolute minimum at s if
f (x) f (s) for all x in the domain of f .
Solution 106 :
Since dx = 2x 2, we see that x = 1 is a critical point. Also 2x 2 0 if
x 1 and 2x 2 0 if x 1:So the The gradient of the curve goes from a
negative value through zero to a positive value.. The function has a minimum
at x = 1:.
Solution 108 :
Note that f 0 (x) = 3x2 3 = 3(x2 1).
Hence, x = 1 and x = 1 are critical points. For x 2 ( 1; 1), we have
x2 < 1, so f 0 (x) = 3(x2 1) < 0: f 0 (x) = 3(x2 1) > 0 for x 2 ( 1; 1) or
x 2 (1; 1). So f increases on these intervals. Hence f (1) = 1 is a local
minimum and f ( 1) = 3 is a local maximum. The graph appears as shown
-5 -2.5 0 2.5 5
Example 109 ( : Show that the square has the greatest area amongst
all rectangles of a given perimeter.
Solution 110 :
Let P = the given perimeter, a constant, x = width, and y = the height
of the rectangle. Then the area A = xy. Since 2x + 2y = P; y = P 22x ; so
A(x) = x P 22x = P2x x2 :
(Note that A(x) only makes physical sense for 0 x P ). We have,A0 (x) =
2 2x; and set it equal to zero: 0 = p2 2x. Solving, we nd x = P4 ; y = P4 and
the rectangle must be a square. It is clear from the problem that the maximum
area occurs at x = P4 . To show this mathematically, we note that
If A0 (x) = 12 p 2x 0 if x p4 ; A0 (x) = 21 p 2x 0 if x p4
Hence, A(x) increases on[0; p4 ] and decreases on, which proves that the max-
imum occurs at x = p4 .
Example 111 ( : A man, 100 m away from the base of a ag pole,
starts walking towards the base at 10 m/sec just as a ag at the top of the pole
is lowered at the rate of 5 m/sec. If the pole is 7 cm tall, nd how the distance
between the man and the ag is changing per unit of time at the end of 2 sec.
Solution 112 :
Call x the distance the man is from the base, y the height of the ag, and z
the distance between man and ag at any time t .
Then we are given
dx dy
dt = 10cm= sec; dt = 5cm= sec
(The minus sign is present because x and y are decreasing.) Moreover,
x = 10t + 100 and y = 5t + 70. Now, always we have z 2 = x2 + y 2 and
di erentiating this equation with respect to time gives
2z dz dx
dt = 2x dtp+ 2y dy
dt : We nd that x = 80m; y = 60m then
t = 2; and then z = x + y = 80 + 602 = 100m:
2 2 2
If f 00 (p) > 0, then f (x) has a local minimum at the point (p; f (p)). The
notion of concavity of the graph of f can be used to illustrate conditions above
as follows.
If f 0 (p) = 0, the tangent line to the graph at (p; f (p)) is horizontal. In
addition if f 00 (p) < 0, then the graph is concave down at p and hence there is an
open interval (x1 ; x2 ) containing p such that the graph lies below the tangent
line at p. It then follows that f (p) is a relative (local) maximum. If f 0 (p) = 0,
the tangent line to the graph at (p:f (p)) is also horizontal. If in addition , the
graph is concave up at p and hence there is an open interval (x1 ; x2 ) containing
p such that the graph lies above the tangent at p. Then f (p) is a relative (local)
If f 0 (p) = 0, the second derivative test is not employed in that case, the rst
derivative test is employed. P is called a ex and (p:f (p)) point of in exion.
Example 114 ( : Use concavity and second derivative test to exam-
ine the following curves for minima, maxima, ex point.
Solution 115 :
f 0 (x) = ln x + 1 f 0 (p) = ln p + 1 = 0
1 1
implies that: ln p = 1 and p = e 1 :f 00
(p) = p = e 1 = e:Hence
f 00 (e 1 ) = e, is positive.
Therefore, f (e 1 ) is a local minimum, and the graph is concave up at p =
e .
For ex point,
f 00 (p) = 0 implies that p1 = 0 ) 1 = 0 which is a contradiction, and so
p = 1. Hence there is no ex point.
Example 116]: Use the concavity and second derivative test to exam-
ine the following curves for minimum, maximum and ex point.
Solution 117 :
i) f (x) = 12 + 2x2 x4
Therefore 20p3 30p = 0: ) 10p[2p2 3] = 0 ) p = 0 or p = 2 =
1:22:So the points of in ection are (0; 0); ( 1:22; 6:38) and (1:22; 6:38)
(i) x4 6x2 + 18x + 10; (ii) (x + 5)4 (2x 3)3 ; (iii) x3 + 2x2 + x + 1:
Suppose the function f is de ned at p and for all values of x near p. Then
the function is said to be continuous at p provided that lim f (x) = f (p) :
original de nition.
(i) f (x) = f (x1 ); (ii) f (x) < f (x1 ) and (iii) f (x) > f (x1 )
Now if
(i) f (x) = f (x1 ), it implies that f (x) is a constant function and hence
f 0 (x) = 0 for every p and for every point p in (x1 ; x2 ), f 0 (p) = 0.
(ii) f (x) < f (x1 ) for some x in (x1 ; x2 ), this implies that the minimum value
of f (x) on [x1 ; x2 ] is less than f (x1 ) and therefore must occur at some number
p in (x1 ; x2 ). Since the function is continuous, the derivative exists throughout
(x1 ; x2 ), which implies that f 0 (p) = 0.
(iii) If f (x) > f (x1 ), the argument is similar to (ii).
Show that the curve 3x2 12x+11 satis es the hypothesis of Rolle's theorem
on the interval [0; 4] and nd all number(s) p in (0; 4) such that f 0 (p) = 0.
Solution 124 :
Example 125 :[] Verify that the function x4 + 4x2 + 1 satis es the
hypothesis of Rolle's theorem on the interval [ 3; 3] and nd all number(s) p in
( 3; 3) such that f 0 (p) = 0:
Solution 126 :
f 0 (x) = 4x3 + 8x
) f 0 (p) = 4p3 + 8p = 0
) 4p(p2 + 2) = 0 p
) p = 0 and (p = i 2) which you can neglect. So f 0 (0) = 0 and
3 < 0 < 3:Hence f (x) satis es the hypothesis of Rolle's theorem.
Remark 128 ( : It is worth noting that (1) remains true if we ex-
change a and b, for both sides merely change signs when this is done. Thus,
suppose x1 ; x2 are the endpoints of an interval on which the conditions of the
mean value theorem are satis ed, then we can write
Solution 130 : We have f 0 (x) = 3x2 , the mean value theorem takes the form
Solution 132 : We have f 0 (x) = 2x: Hence, the mean value theorem becomes
b2 a2 = (b a):2p, or p = 2 . Where is this point located in relation to
a and b?
Example 133 ( : If f (x) = sin x and x1 = 0; x2 = 6 , nd such
Example 137 ( : Use the mean value theorem to show that
log x
x < logx a + 1
if 0 < a < x.
Solution 138 : We use (1) with f (x) = log x and b replaced by x. Then
log x log a = x p a ;
log x log a x a x a 1 1 1
x = x + p ;Now, x :p < p < a
28 4.1 Objectives:
In this module we introduce with examples, the concept of integration as an
anti-derivative. This is followed by worked examples and exercises to facilitate
consolidation of appreciation of the concept. Various methods of evaluating
integrals are treated with relevant worked examples for their easy understanding.
Group assignments, take home tests and laboratory sessions will complement
power point presentations in tutorial type exchanges. All these activities expose
the students to the concepts and techniques and lead them to nd out when the
di erent techniques are most appropriate for use.
31 4.4 Introduction
Integration can be considered from two perspectives:
(i) \to nd a function whose derivative is given". In this sense, integration
is referred to as nding the anti-derivative.
(ii) \to give the sum or total". In this sense integration measures the area
bounded by curves. We introduce and study the inde nite integral from the anti
derivative perspective. The de nite integral is introduced in the next module
as area under a curve.
dx = nx
n 1
x dx = xn+1 + c; n 6= 1
d(ln x) R 1
dx = x1 dx = ln x + c
d(sin x) Rx
dx = cos x cos xdx = sin x + c
d(cos x) R
dx = sin x sin xdx = cos x + c
d(tan x) 2
dx = sec x sec2 xdx = tan x + c
d(sin 1 x) R
dx =p 1 2 p 1 2 dx = sin 1 x + c
(1 x ) (1 x )
d(ex ) x
R x
dx = e e dx = ex + c
d(cosh x) R
dx = sinh x sinh xdx = cosh x + c:
d(tan 1 x) 1
R 1 1
dx = 1+x2 1+x2 dx = tan x+c
We use the combination rules ( sum and di erence ) for the derivatives to
get similar rules for integrals and illustrate them below.
R 1
x 2 +1
x2 3
(ii) x 2 dx = 1 + C = 32 x 2 + C:
+C = 3
R 2 +1 R 2 R R
(iii) (3x + 2e + cos x)dx = 3xdx + 2ex dx + cos xdx
R R x R 2
= 3 xdx + 2 e dx + cos dx = 3x2 + 2ex + sin x + C:
(iv) (3ex + 4 sinh x)dx = 3 ex dx + 4 sinh xdx
= 3ex + 4 cosh x + C
d(sin ax) R
dx = a cos ax cos axdx = a1 sin ax + c
d(tan ax) R
dx = a sec2 x sec2 axdx = a1 tan ax + c
d(sin 1 x
dx = p 21 2 p 21 2 dx = sin 1 xa + c
(a x ) (a x )
d(eax ) R ax
dx = aeax e dx = a1 eax + c
d(cosh ax) R
dx = a sinh ax sinh axdx = a1 cosh ax + c:
d(tan 1 x
a) a
R 1 1 1 x
= a2 +x 1+x2 dx = a tan a +c
dx 2
Let us consider I = '(x)dx where x = x(t):
By de nition of I; dx = '(x) and dI dI dx dx
dt = dx : dt = '(x) dt :
R R dx
Thus '(x)dx = '(x) dt dt: This is the substitution method.
More explicitly it can be written as '(x[t])dx = '(x[t]) dx dt dt:
We now illustrate the use of these generalizations and the related method of
substitution by solving some examples.
Example 144 ( :We explore the evaluation of the following integrals.
R p
(i) R x2 (x3 + 5)dx
(ii) R ecos x sin xdx
(iii) R cos x
sin x dx
(iv) R sinh x cosh xdx
(v) R(1 + cos )3 sin d
(vi) p tdt2
(4t 1)
R xdx
R 4x22vdv
(viii) p 2
(1 v )
Example 147 ( We explore the evaluation of the following integrals:
(i) Rx ln xdx
(ii) R x sin axdx
(iii) R x cos(2x + 1)dx
(iv) R x2 cos axdx
(v) R sin 1 axdx
(vi) x2 tan 1 xdx
(1) The degree of the numerator f (x) should be less than the degree of the
denominator g(x). If not, we rst perform a long division and get a remainder
r(x) with degree less than the degree of g(x).
(2) The factors of g(x) should be known and the steps below followed.
(a) Let x r be a linear factor of g(x). Suppose m is the highest power of
x r that divides g(x): Then assign the sum of m partial fractions to this factor
A1 A2 Am
x r + (x r)2 + ::: + (x r)m
This should be done for each distinct linear factor of g(x).
(b) Let x2 + px + q be a quadratic factor of g(x). Suppose n is the highest
power of the quadratic factor (x2 + px + q) that divides g(x). Then, to this
factor, assign the sum of n partial fractions
B1 x+C1 B2 x+C2 Bn x+Cn
x2 +px+q + (x2 +px+q)2 + ::: + (x2 +px+q)n
This should be done for each distinct quadratic factor of g(x).
(c) Put the original rational function fg(x)
equal to the sum of all these
partial fractions. Simplify both sides and examine the numerators.
(d) Equate the coe cients of the corresponding powers of x or use particular
values on the identities to get the unknown coe cients.
By resolving rational functions into partial fractions we have simpler func-
tions that are much easier to integrate. We illustrate the use of the method of
integrating by partial fractions in the examplesR below.
(i) Express fg(x)
(x) 2x+4
= (x2 +1)(x 1)2 and nd
4 2x
(x2 +1)(x 1)2 dx
R x+4
(ii)Evaluate x3 +3x dx
R dx 2 10x
(iii)Evaluate 1 x2
R 5 4
(iv) Evaluate x4 x2x3x+2x3x+5 2 2x+1 dx
(i) The degree of f (x) is less than that of g(x) which is already written as
a product of linear and quadratic factors. So let
2x+4 Ax+B C D
(x2 +1)(x 1)2 = x2 +1 + x 1 + (x 1)2 ,then,
2x + 4 = (Ax + B)(x 1) + C(x 1)(x2 + 1) + D(x2 + 1)
x5 x4 3x+5 2x+4
x4 2x3 +2x2 2x+1 = x + 1 + x4 2x3 +2x2 2x+1
We factor the denominator of the remainder term to get (x2 + 1)(x 1)2 .
2x+4 2x+1 2 1
(x2 +1)(x 1)2 = x2 +1 x 1 + (x 1)2
R 5 4 R
) x4 x2x3x+2x3x+52 2x+1 dx = [x + 1 + 2x+1
+ 1 2 ]dx
R R R 2x R 1 x +1 R x 21 (x R1) 1
= xdx + 1dx + x2 +1 dx + x2 +1 dx x 1 dx + (x 1)2 dx
x2 1 1
= 2 + x + ln(x2 + 1) + tan x 2 ln jx 1j x 1 + C:
(ii) 2
R x (x+1)dx
+4x 5
(iii) 2
R x +4x 5
cos xdx
(iv) 2 x+sin x 6
R sin
(v) 2
R x(x +x+1)
(vi) (x+1)(x2 +1)
R n 1
Hence Jn = cosn xdx = cos nx sin x + nn 1 Jn 2 :
R 3
With n = 4; J4 = cos4 xdx = cos x4 sin x + 34 J2 :
where J2 = cos2 xdx = cos x2sin x + 12 dx
R 3
and J4 = cos4 xdx = cos x3 sin x + 43 ( cos x2sin x ) + 12 x + C:
R n+1
(iii) sinn ax cos axdx = sin
+ C; n 6= 1:Directly.
R R cos ax
For n = 1 ; cot axdx = sin ax dx = a1 ln jsin axj + C:
R n+1
cosn ax sin axdx = cos ax
+ C; n 6= 1 but n = 1 gives
R R sin ax (n+1)a1
tan axdx = cos ax dx = a ln jcos axj + C:
33 5.1 Objectives:
In this module, we shift our attention to the de nite integral and its applications
after having studied the inde nite integral in the previous one. Students are
stimulated through on-line, classroom and laboratory activities, to discover that
this introduction of the integral depends on the limit concept, which is the
fundamental basis of calculus.
35 5.3 Learning Activities
Students should:
explore notes and exercises, individually and in groups;
explore and use related materials on the Intranet, especially
the e-granary and MIT open course ware;
explore and use related materials on the OLI Calculus course
on the Internet(http://www.cmu.edu/oLI/courses/);
solve relevant questions from past MTH103 Examinations.
36 5.4 Introduction:
The De nite Integral as area under a curve
Let us consider a function y = f (x) which is positive and continuous in the
range a x b: I: Let the
interval I = [a; b] be divided or partition into n parts by arbitrarily choosing
points a = x0 ; x1 ; x2 ; ; xn 1 ; xn = b
on the x axis such that
a = x0 < x1 < x2 < < xn 1 < xn = b:
Suppose further that r represents a point on the x axis lying between the
(r 1)th and rth points in the division of the interval (a; b) with
xr 1 < r < xr
r = xr xr 1:
The whole area bounded by the curve, the x axis and the lines x = a; x = b
is approximately represented by the sum Sn of n expressions and is denoted by
Sn ; where
Sn = f ( r) r:
If the limit of this sum as n tends to in nity exists independently of the way
of choosing xr and r and as r tends to zero then this limit-sum is called the
de nite integral of f (x) from x = a to x = b and is written as
Xn Z b
lim f ( r) r = f (x)dx:
n!1 a
The relationship between this integral and the inde nite integral may be found
by considering the variation of the function f (x) over a small interval x = to
x= + .
If fmin and fmax are respectively the least and greatest value of f (x) in this
interval, the elemental area A (shown shaded) must satisfy the inequality
= f ( ):
F ( ) = A( ) + C
This is the formula for computing the de nite integral where a and b are called
the lower and upper limits of the integral, respectively. The value of the de nite
integral is the same as the area under the curve y = f (x) between the lines,
x = a and x = b.
Equivalently we can explore the de nition of the integral as area under the
curve by de ning the lower and upper sums and hence the concept of integra-
bility. This can be done in the special case when the function is f (x) = x; by
exploring the diagrams below. The student is encouraged to independently do
so before the lecture on this module is delivered.
R2 R =2
Example 152 Evaluate the integrals: (i) 1
3xdx, (ii) 0
cos xdx:
Solution 153 (i) We use R our knowledge of inde nite integrals and do the eval-
uation using the limits. 3xdx = 23 x2 + C = F (x) + C.
R2 3
3xdx = F (2) + C [F (1) + C] = 6 2 = 92 :
R =2 =2
Solution 154 (ii) 0
cos xdx = F ( 2 ) F (0) = [sin x]0 = sin =2 sin 0
= 1 0 = 1:
Rc Rb Rb
(b) For a c b; a f (x)dx + c f (x)dx = a f (x)dx: This follows since
Rc Rb
f (x)dx + c f (x)dx = [F (c) F (a)] + [F (b) F (c)]
= F (b) F (a) = a f (x)dx
Rb Rb Rb Rb
(c) a ff (x) + g(x)gdx = a f (x)dx + a g(x)dx since a ff (x) + g(x)gdx =
F (b)+G(b) F (a) G(a) which when rearranged becomes fF (b) F (a)g+
Rb Rb
fG(b) G(a)g = a f (x)dx + a g(x)dx
Rb Rb
(d) If k is a constant, then a kf (x)dx = k a f (x)dx:
Ra Ra
(e) 0 f (x)dx = 0 f (a x)dx: We prove this by letting x = a y in the
Ra R0
rst integral and then using property (a) we have 0 f (x)dx = f (a
Ra a
y)dy = 0 f (a y)dy: Whether we write y or x in the last integral is quite
irrelevant, since the value of the integral depends only on the form of the
integrand and the values of the limits of integration.
(f) If x is a variable upper limit of Rintegration, a is a constant, and f (x) is
d x
a continuous function, then dx f (t)dt = f (x): This follows from the
Rx d
de nition of the de nite integral, for dx a
f (t)dt = dx fF (x) F (a)g =
f (x):
R2 R
Example 155 ( Evaluate the following (1) 1
3xdx; (2) 2
cos xdx;
Rx 2 R4
(3) dx sin tdt; (4) 1 (x2 + x3 )dx;
(5) Express the area under the curve, y = 9 x2 between the lines x = 0 and
x = 1 as a de nite
integral and then calculate it. The student is encouraged to sketch a graph
of the curves for insight.
R2 R2 2
Solution 156 (i) 1 3xdx = 3 1 xdx = 32 x2 1 = 32 22 12 = 29 :
(2) 0 cos xdx = [sin x]02 = sin 2 sin 0 = 1 0 = 1:
Rx 2 Rx
(3) dx sin tdt = sin2 x: This follows from property (f ), that is dx
f (t)dt =
f (x):
R4 h 3 i
4 4
h 3 4
i h 3 i
(4) 1 (x2 + x3 )dx = x3 + x4 = 43 + 44 1
3 + 4 = 64
3 + 64
3 + 4
= 256
12 =
1024 7
12 = 339 3
4 = 84 4
(5)The area bounded by the curve y = f (x); the x axis and the ordinates
Rb Rb
x = a; x = b is given by a ydx = a f (x)dx:Thus the area bounded by the curve
R1 R1
y = 9 x2 between x = 0 and x = 1 is 0 (9 x2 )dx: 0 (9 x2 )dx =
h i
3 1
9x x3 = 9 13 = 26 3
= 8 23 square units:
Solution 157 y = 9 x2
Example 158 ( (i) Calculate the area bounded by the curve y = x2
and the x axis and between the lines x = 1and x = 3.
(ii) Calculate the area between the curve y = 3x(x 4) and the x axis
(iii) Find the area bounded by the curve y = cos x, the x axis and the
ordinates x = 0 and x = :
Solution 159 (i) The student is encouraged to sketch the curves and display
the areas under investigation. R3
The required area is the de nite integral 1 x2 dx:
R3 h 3 i3 3
) A = 1 x2 dx = x3 = 33 26
3 = 3 square units:
Z 4
Area = ydx
Z 4
= 3x (x 4) dx
Z 4
= (3x2 12x)dx
= x3 6x2 0
= 34 square units:
The negative sign should be discarded (i.e. Area = 34 square units). The
negative sign only explains the fact that the curve lies below the x-axis for the
range of x under consideration.
Area AOB = 02 cos xdx
= [sin x]02 = sin
R 2 sin 0 = 1square unit.
Area BCD = cos xdx = [sin x]
2 2
= sin sin 2 = 1 square unit: We discard the negative sign as it only
explains that the area is below the x-axis. Area BCD = 1: The area bounded by
the curve y = cos x, the x axis and the ordinates x = 0 and x = is equal to
the Area AOB+ Area BCD = 1square unit+1square unit = 2 square units
Note that Area required = 02 cos xdx cos xdx:
R 2
Note that 0 cos xdx = [sin x]0 = sin sin 0 = 0:
The area required is not given by the de nite integral, 0 cos xdx.
Example 160 (5.5.1) Calculate the area between the curve y = x2 and the line
y = x:
(1) Calculate the area enclosed by the curve y = x2 (1 x) ;the axis of x and
the ordinate x = 0 and x = 1
(2) Find the area enclosed by the axis of x and that part of the curve
y = 5x 6 x2 for which y is positive. p
(3) Find the area enclosed between the curve y = x3 and the straight line
y = 2x:
(4) Find the area enclosed by y 2 = 4x and x2 = 4y
(5) Show that the area contained by the curve y = a + bx + cx2 + dx3 the
x axis and the ordinates at x = h is equal to h (y1 + y2 ) where y1 ; y2 are the
values when x = h3
Example 163 (5.6.1) Find the length of the arc of the curve y = 23 x 2 between
the ordinates x = 3 and x = 8.
f 0 (x) = x 2 : Thus, the
R8 1
2 2 R8 1
length of the arc is 3 1 + x 2 dx = 3 [1 + x] 2 dx
3 8 3 3
2(1+x) 2 2(1+8) 2 2(1+3) 2
= 3 = 3 3 = 16 units.
If a region below a curve y = f (x) of a continuous function f between x = a
and x = b is rotated about the x axis, it generates a solid gure called a solid
of revolution. Because of the symmetrical way in which it is generated (by a
rotation of a plane gure) it is easy to compute its volume. Such a region will
be shown in class.
Let [a; b] be divided (partition) into n subintervals of equal lengths. Consider
the contribution to the solid of revolution given by revolving the strip about the
x-axis. The strip sweeps out a slab , where the minimum radius is mi = f (ti 1 )
and the maximum radius is Mi = f (ti ):The thickness of the slab is b na = x:
The volume of a circular slab of radius r and thickness h is of course r2 h:Since
the radius of the slab varies from mi to Mi ; its volume Vslab satis es
m2i ( b na ) Vslab Mi2 ( b na ): Thus for the volume V of the whole solid of
n P
revolution, we have ( b na ) m2i V ( b na ) Mi2 for all n:The extremes
i=1 i=1
Rb 2
of the inequality approach f (x) dx as n ! 1; and the desired volume V is
given by
X Z b Z b
V = lim y2 x = y 2 dx = y 2 dx
x!0 a a
This is the formula for the volume of solid of revolution around the x axis.
(B) Volume of solid by rotating of curve around the y axis.
Using similar argument outlined above, the volume of revolution about the
y-axis can also be derived and it is given by V = a x2 dy
Example 165 (5.7.1) (i) The area enclosed by the curve x = 3(y 2 1) and
the line x = 0; x = 24 is rotated through 4 right angles around the x axis. Find
the volume of the solid generated.
(ii) The portion of the curve y = x2 + 1 between the ordinates x = 1 and
x = 3 is rotated
through 360 around the y axis, calculate the volume of revolution.
subrange. The arithmetic mean of these n values of y is n1 (y1 + y2 + + yn )
and since x = b na ; this can be written y1 +y2b +a +yn
If this expression has a limiting value as x ! 0 , this limiting value is
Z b
b a a
and this is called the mean value of y over the range of [a; b].
Example 167 (5.8.1) Find the mean value of sin x over the range x = 0 and
x = 12 :
Solution 168 Here y = sin x; a = 0; b = 21 and from the formula, the mean
value y of y is
y = 1 1 0 02 sin xdx = 2 [ cos x]02 = 2 = 0:637:
the sum of the product of each mass and the square of its distance from the line
is called moment of inertia of the system with respect to the given line. This
moment sometimes also called the second moment is conventionally denoted by
I so that
I = m1 r12 + m2 r22 + 2
: + mn rn: :
If we imagine the total mass M = m1 + m2 + + mn to be concentrated
at a point at distance k from the given line such that this single mass has the
same moment of inertia about the given line as the system of particles, then
From the diagram, we can see that, OX and OY are the given perpendicular
axes in the plane and OZ and OY are the given perpendicular axes in the plane
and OZ is the axis perpendicular to the plane. P1 ; P2 ; ::::; Pn are the points
(x1 ; y1 ), (x2 ; y2 ),....(xn ; yn ) occupied by particles of masses m1 ; m2 ; :::::; mn:
Since the moment of inertia about OY, OX are respectively A and B, A=m1 x21 +
m2 x22 + :::: + mn x2n and by addition, A+B=m1 x21 + y12 + m2 x22 + y22 + ::: +
mn x2n + yn2 : If OP1 = r1 ; OP2 = r2 ; :::; OPn = rn ; it is clear from the diagram
that r21 = x21 + y12 ; r22 = x22 + y22 ; ...,r2n = x2n + yn2 ; hence A+B=m1 r12 + m2 r22 +
::: + mn rn2 and this is the moment of inertia of the system around OZ
An extension from system of particles to continuous body can be obtained
by replacing the particle by elements of the body and using integral in place of
summation. We give below the methods of calculating the moment of inertia
about speci c axes of a thin rod, a circular disc and a sphere, with uniform
density in all cases.
An extension from system of particles to continuous body can be obtained
by replacing the particle by elements of the body and using integral in place
of summation. We give below the calculation for the moment of inertia about
speci c axes of a thin rod, a circular disc and a sphere, with uniform density
in all cases.
Fig 4.14
Hence the moment of inertia I0 of the whole rod about a line through its
centre and perpendicular to its length is give by
Z l l
1 3 2 3
I0 = x2 x = p x = l :
l 3 l 3
Since the total mass M of the rod is 2 l; then the moment of inertia can be
written in the form I0 = 31 M l3 ; showing that the radius of gyration k is given
by k 2 = 31 l3 : If the moment of inertia IA about an axis perpendicular to the
length of the rod and passing through the end of A is required, the parallel axis
theorem gives IA = I0 + M l3 = 34 M l3
Since the total mass M of the disc about a diameter is A, then by symmetry,
the moment of inertia about a perpendicular diameter is also A. Therefore, by
second of the general theorems, the moment of inertia about an axis perpendic-
ular to the plane of the disc is 2A and we have 2A = 12 ma2 given A = 14 ma2 :
Solution 171 An illustrative gure can show the lamina and an element strip
of height y and width x: If is the surface density of the lamina, the mass of
the strip is approximately y x and its moment of inertia about the y axis is
y x x2 : Hence the moment of inertia Iy of the whole lamina about the y axis
R1 R1 1
is given by, since y = 8x3 Iy = 0 x2 ydx = 8 0 x5 dx = 8 16 x6 0 = 43 :The
moment of inertia of the strip about x axis is, using the result ofR thin rod,
1 3 1 1 3
ydx 3 y and the moment of inertia about the x axis is Ix = 0 3 y =
R 1 1
3 0
x9 dx = 512
1 10
10 x 0
= 256
15 . By the general theorem 2, the moment of
inertia about an axis through O perpendicular to the plane of the lamina is Ix +
Iy = 256 15 + 3
= 92
5 :
(1)The smaller of the two areas bounded by the curve y 2 = 4x; the line y = 2
and the line y = 4 rotates through 4 right angles about the axis of x, prove that
p volume so formed is 18 and that its radius of gyration about the axis is
2 2
(2) Find by integration, the radius of gyration of a uniform semi circular-disc
of radius a about its bounding diameter. Deduce its radius of gyration about
a parallel axis through the centroid G of the disc assuming G is a distant 4a 3
from the bounding diameter.
(3) Show that the moment of inertia about its axis of a uniform solid circular
cone of mass M and base radius r is 10 mr2 :
(4)A uniform thin hemispherical shell has mass M and radius r. Show that
its moment of inertia about the radius perpendicular to its base is 32 M r2
(5) The area enclosed by the curve y 2 = 4ax; the axis of x and the line x = h
is rotated through 4 right angles about the axis of x to form a solid. Find the
radius of gyration about the x-axis of this solid
Example 173 ( (1) If the velocity at any time t seconds of a body
travelling on a line is v(t) = (2t + t2 )m=s. Find how far the body travels from
t = 2s to t = 4s.
(2) Suppose the velocity at time t of a body moving on a line is v = cos 2t m=s:
Thus at time t = 0, the body is moving at 1m=s in the positive direction, while
at time t = 2; the body is moving in the negative direction at the speed of 1m=s.
(3) The velocity of a moving particle along the x axis is given by v(t) =
(1 2t)(2 t). Given that when t = 0; x = 1, nd t when the velocity is a
minimum, and also determine
(i) the displacement of the particle at this value of t, (ii) the total distance
travelled and the displacement of the object when t = 3.
Rt R4 3 2
Solution 174 (1) S = t0 j v(t) j dt = 2 (2t+t2 )dt = (42 + 43 ) (22 + 23 ) = 92 3 :
Thus the body travels 3 m from t = 2s to t = 4s:
(2) Distance travelled from t = 0 to t = 2 is given by
R2 R1 R2
S = 0 j cos 2 t j dt = 0 cos 2 tdt + 1 ( cos 2 t)dt
= 2 sin 2 (1) 2 sin 2 (0) 2
sin 2 (2) 2 sin 2 (1) = 2 + 2 = 4 . Thus,
the total distance covered from t = 0 to t = 2 is 4 m:
(3) Note that the velocity v; of an object at any point x is de ned as the rate
of change of the displacement x with respect to (w.r.t.) time t: Hence v = dx dt ;
while the magnitude of dt , i.e. jvj is the
speed. v is minimum if dv dv
dt = 0: i.e., dt = 2(2 t) (1 2t) = 4t 5 = 0:
) t = 4 : But
d2 v
dt2 = 4 > 0: Hence the velocity is a minimum when t = 54 :
R (i) Note that v(t) = dt = (1 2t)(2 t); )
dx = (1 2t)(2 t)dt =
(2t2 5t + 2)dt;
3 2 3 2
) x = 2t3 5t2 +2t+c: x = 1, when t = 0; ) c = 1: ) x = 2t3 5t2 +2t+1:
is the expression for the displacement of the particle at t = 54 : The displace-
ment at
t = 45 is x = 23 ( 54 )3 52 ( 54 )2 + 2( 54 ) + 1 = 43
48 :
(ii) Total distance travelled when t = 3 is
R1 R2 R3
S = 02 (1 2t)(2 t)dt + 1 (2t 1)(2 t)dt + 2 (1 2t)(2 t)dt
R1 R2 2 R3
= 02 (2t2 5t + 2)dt + 1 ( 2t2 + 5t 2)dt + 2 (2t2 5t + 2)dt
= 32 ( 12 )3 52 ( 12 )2 + 2( 21 ) 0
+ 23 (2)3 52 (2)2 + 2(2) 2 1 3
5 1 2 1
2 ( 2 ) + 2( 2 )
2 3 5 2 2 3 5 2
+ 3 (3) 2 (3) + 2(3) 3 (2) 2 (2) + 2(2)
= 11
24 + 27
24 + 13
6 = 15
The displacement at t = 3 is x = 23 (3)3 25 (3)2 + 2(3) + 1 = 52 :
Example 175 ( The force F required to stretch (or compress) a coil
spring is proportional to the distance x it is stretched (or compressed) from
its natural length. That is F = kx for some constant k, the spring constant.
Suppose that a spring is such that the force required to stretch it one metre from
its natural length is 4N . For a spring with constant k = 4, nd the work done
in stretching the spring a distance of 4m from its natural length.
Solution 176 Let x be the original or natural length of the spring, then
R4 4
W = 0 4xdx = 2x2 0 = 2 (4)2 (0)2 = 32:Thus 32J of work is done.
di erential equation (ODE), but if it involves partial derivatives such as
@f @f (x;y) @ 2 f (x;y)
@x , @y ; @y@x ; e:t:c:the equation is called a partial di erential equa-
tion (PDE): The order of a di erential equation is determined by the highest
derivative appearing in the equation. The degree of a di erential equation is
the highest index (power) of the highest derivative in the equation. For example,
dy d2 y dy 1
2 dx y = x; is a rst order di erential equation of degree 1; dx 2 dx + y = 0;
d y 3 dy
is of second order, and degree 1; ( dx2) dx + x = 0; is of second order, and
degree 3:
We shall solve rst order equations using the method of separation of vari-
ables. A rst order di erential equation with variables separable is an equation
which can be put into the form dx = f (x)g(y):
For example, consider the equation dx = xy: The variables can be separated
R R 2 x2
thus: y dx = x; ) y = xdx: )
1 dy dy dy
y = xdx; ) ln y = x2 + c ) y = Ae 2 :
This is called the general solution of the equation. If in addition, y = 1;when
x = 0; that is y(0) = 1; called the initial value, we obtain A = 1: Hence
y = e 2 : This is called particular solution of the equation. The equation
together with the initial values is said to be an initial value problem (IVP).
Example 177 (5.11.1) Solve the following di erential equations: (i) x dx =
3y 1, (ii) 2(x + 1)y dx = x,
dy dy xy+3x y 3
(iii) dx x
dt = e sin t, (iv) dx + ty = y; y(1) = 3, (v) dx = xy 2x+4y 8 :
x : )
dy dy dx
Solution 178 (i) x dx = 3y 1 ; ) xdy = (3y 1)dx; ) 3y 1 =
R dy R dx ln jxj3 +3k
3y 1 =
x ; ) 3 ln j 3y 1 j= ln j x j +k: ) 3y 1=e 3 3k
= jxj e :
) y = 13 x3 e3k + 13 = Ax3 + 13 ; where A = e3 :
dy x 1
(ii) 2(x + 1)y dx = x; ) 2ydy = 1+x dx = (1 1+x )dx:
R R R R dx
) 2ydy = (1 1+x )dx = dx
1+x = x ln j 1 + x j +k
ex ex
) y = x ln j 1 + x j +k = ln j1+xj + k; ) y = ln j1+xj
2 2
+ k:
R x R
(iii) dt = e sin t; ) ex = sin tdt ) e dx = sin tdt; ) e x
dx x dx
= cos t+
) e x = cos t + c; where c =RA; or xR = ln j cos t + c j :
(iv) dy
dt + ty = y; y(1) = 3; )
y = (1 t)dt
) ln j y j= t 12 t2 + C; ) y = Aet(1 2 ) : But y(1) = 3; ) 3 = Ae 2 ; ) A =
t 1
3e 2 :
) y = 3e 2 et(1 2 ) = 3et(1 2 ) 2 :
1 t t 1
dy xy+3x y 3 dy (x 1)(y+3)
(v) dx = xy 2x+4y 8 ; ) dx = (y 2)(x+4) :
) (y 2)(x + 4)dy = (x 1)(y + 3)dx; ) yy+32 dy = xx+41 dx:
R y R 2 R x R dx
) y+3 dy y+3 dy = x+4 dxR
R x+4
) (1 y+3 3
)dy 2 ln j y + 3 j= (1 x+4 4
)dx ln j x + 4 j +C
R R 3 R R 4
) dy y+3 dy 2 ln j y + 3 j= dx x+4 dx ln j x + 4 j +C
) y 3 ln j y + 3 j 2 ln j y + 3 j= x 4 ln j x + 4 j ln j x + 4 j +C
) y 5 ln j y + 3 j= x 5 ln j x + 4 j +C
) 5(ln j x + 4 j ln j y + 3 j) = x y + C
) 5 ln j x+4
y+3 j= x y + C; )j x+4 5
y+3 j = Ae
x y
Example 182 (5.12.2) (3) Suppose the original quantity is Q0 ; when t = 0,
then Q0 = Ae0 = A:
) Q = Q0 e kt :
Solution 183 10% decays in 100 days implies 10 Q0 = Q0 e 100k ; ) ln 0:1 =
) k = ln100 0:1 ln 10
= ln100
; hence Q = Q0 e 100 t : Thus, for half-life of the
1 ln 10
100 t : Note that the half-life of a substance is the time it takes
2 Q0 = Q0 e
to disintegrate
to half of its original size. ) ln 0:5 = ln100 10
t; ) t = 100lnln100:5 = 30: 103.
Hence, the half-life of the substance is approximately 30:1 days.
Example 184 (5.12.3) :We explore the solution of the problems below:
(i) The bacteria count in a culture is 100; 000. In 2 21 hours, the number has
increased by 10%.
(a) In how many hours will the count reach 200; 000? (b) What will the
bacteria count be in 10 hours?
(ii) Assume that the half-life of the radium in a piece of lead is 1500 years.
How much radium will remain in the lead after 2500 years?
(iii) If 1:7% of a substance decomposes in 50 years, what percentage of the
substance will remain after 100 years? How many years will be required
for 10% to decompose?
(iv) The bacteria count in a culture doubles in 3 hours. At the end of
15 hours, the count is 1; 000; 000. How many bacteria were in the count
(v) The rate of natural increase of the population of a certain city is propor-
tional to the population . If the population increases from 40; 000 to 60; 000 in
40 years, when will the population be 80; 000?
Example 185 (5.13.1) (1) The cost of producing an article consists of $1000
xed cost and $2 per unit variable
cost. Find the total cost function and the cost of producing 2500 units of the
(2) Given that the marginal cost in dollars, of producing x units of a certain
is M (x) = 3x2 4x + 5; determine the total cost function and hence nd (i)
the cost of
producing 20 units, (ii) the cost of producing the 11th through the 15th units
(3) The marginal revenue function for a certain commodity is
M (x) = (500 30x); where x is the number of units produced. Determine the
total revenue function r(x), and hence, nd the total revenue in naira, realized,
when 20units of the commodity are produced and sold.
Solution 186 (1) Let the total cost be C(x): ) C(x) = 2dx = 2x + K, where
K = 1000: Hence,
C(x) = 2x+1000: ) the cost of producing 2500 units is C(2500) = 2(2500)+
= $6000: R
(2) Total cost function, C(x) = (3x2 4x + 5)dx = x3 2x2 + 5x + C:
) C(0) = 0 ) C = 0: Hence, C(x) = x3 2x2 + 5x:(i)Thus the cost of
producing 20 units is C(20) = 203 2(20)2 + 5(20) = $7300: (ii) the cost of
producing 11th through the
R 15 15
15th units is 10 (3x2 4x + 5)dx = x3 2x2 + 5x 10
= 153 2(15)R
+ 5(15) 103 2(10)2 + 5(10) = $2150:
(3) r(x) = (500 30x) dx = 500x 15x2 + C: But r(0) = 0 ) C = 0:
) r(x) = 500x 15x2 : Hence, r(20) = 500(20) 15(20)2 = N 4000:
The examples show the wide range of applications of calculus to real life
problems. it is also the basic tool required for the study of more sophisticated