Service Culture

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● The theory of self - awareness that

SERVICE CULTURE focuses on the process of

assimilation and accommodation.
● Technical skills now take second Developmental Theory
place to an employee's ability to ● This theory assumes that people
learn on the job. learn from one another such
● Self-awareness is the ability to focus concepts as observation , imitation ,
on yourself and how your actions, and even modeling Social Learning
thoughts, or emotions do or don't Theory
align with your internal standards. ● According to this theory of
● Your ability to work well with others motivation , extrinsic motivation is
and help your organization be more based on the performance of an
productive is called soft skills. activity in order to attain an outcome
● Johari Window needs to identify the . Two Factor Theory
quadrants of our aspects of ● Paying due attention to our values
personality based on how our helps us.
personal attributes are disclosed, ○ Become more self - aware,
made known, or perceived by ○ Make ethical decisions and
others. ○ Prioritize our tasks.
● Motivation is a basic system that ● This strategic planning tool was
prompts us to keep going towards developed by Walter Shewhart for
expected or aspired ends. continuous improvement of the
● Self-determination is the process of operations . PDCA
endorsing one's actions at the ● It is a powerful document that
highest level of reflection "we expresses your personal sense of
expectedly "experience a sense of purpose, your meaning and reason
freedom" once self-determined. for being. Personal Mission
● Empathy is the feeling that you ● It is the ability to place one's self in
understand and share another the shoes of another, see through
person's experiences and emotions someone else's eyes; it is a means
or the ability to share someone of identifying with another person or
else's feelings. group with whom we interact.
● 72% of Americans agree that the Empathy
design of a product's packaging ● In this kind of leadership, the leader
often influence their purchase gives direction together with an
decisions when selecting which action plan then they follow- up with
products to buy, appropriate support and empathic
● 62% of Europeans consider correction. Coaching Leadership
packaging that is better for the ● This type of leadership is often used
environment and easier to recycle. in the case of leading new hires,
● Between 80-90 % of Asians from team members are highly motivated
China , India and Indonesia are now but do not know what to do.
realizing the ecological burden of Instructive Leadership
product packaging as well.
● In this type of leadership , the leader ● It is the largest and most diverse
assigns a task in general terms to continent with 48 Countries. Asia
limit behavior-focused feedback ● Why do Europe, North America,
along with its expectations. South Korea and Japan have
Delegating Leadership operations in Asia's developing
● Refers to the individual countries? Developed Infrastructure
characteristics over which an ● 3Ds of Excellent Customer Service
individual has little or no control . It Experience.
also refers to the combination of our ○ Deliver
differences. Diversity ○ Develop
● The following are the enablers of ○ Design
diversity: ● Competencies that are valued in the
○ Prior experience IT-BPM Industry.
○ Needs assessment and ○ Cognitive Ability
planning ○ English Proficiency
○ Assigned staff member. ○ Computer Literacy
● It refers to hardware or software ○ Perceptual Speed and
solutions as much as they do Accuracy
resources used in order to build , ○ Communication
strengthen , and sustain customer ○ Learning Orientation
relationships through the years C. ○ Courtesy
Customer Relationship ○ Empathy
Management. Customer Service ○ Reliability
Management ○ Responsiveness
● Refers to the creation of a "fairer
society " that welcomes participation
and provides an opportunity for
people to reach their full potential.
● It is the rules of engagement for
providing customer service that often
cross the boundaries of geographic
location , race, and creed. Service
● It is the second smallest continent in
the world. Europe
● According to this act in the UK, it is
unlawful to discriminate against any
employee or customer (that is to
treat them less favorably ) on the
basis of nine protected
characteristics : disability gender
reassignment . pregnancy and
maternity. Equality Act

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