Group 1 Final
Group 1 Final
Group 1 Final
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Education is defined as the process of obtaining knowledge, beliefs, and skills that enable
people to adapt to social and cultural changes. As a result, people are better able to participate in
political, cultural, and social activities (Anbesu, 1996). According to Amsalu (2002), the type of
school culture, which includes quality management, teacher commitment, and student
achievement, might impact the effectiveness of educational institutions. pupils' commitment to
their studies Specifically, Maslowski (2001) stated that the effect of educational variables like
teacher and student behavior as well as school culture, in general, have due value to students'
academic achievement.
“There comes a time when you have to choose between tuning the page and closing the book.”
The life of a typical college student is characterized by time spent studying, attending class and
enjoying life in school. Being a student, you should do everything on time as it never waits for
anyone. There are different stages in your life. Your future dreams, desires and hopes depend upon
it. This life that includes your values is a period of preparation. Students therefore should be very
careful. Thinking seriously before every step they take.
Antipolo Institute of Technology played a big part in every student's life. In this paper we
will figure out how AiTECH woven their lives through time.
• How were the Pioneers and Graduating students before entering AiTECH?
• How does the AiTECH influence the lives of the Pioneers and Graduating Students while
staying in the Institute?
• How does the AiTECH woven the lives of the Pioneers and Graduating Students to
prepare them in the real world?
• To find out how interviewees developed their skills and values over their college years.
• To assess how AiTECH's culture influences them.
• To understand how AiTECH helps them advance in their careers
This project primarily focuses on the life of AiTechians before, during and after they studied
in AiTechian. Their experiences, values in life, attitude they've learned, the way they handle their
biggest challenges, the realizations they come up with throughout their life while studying, and
many more. This project will only focus on the AiTECH pioneers, the first batch who graduated
from AiTECH and the graduating AiTechians this year. Because of our current situation, this
project was carried out virtually.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 is a short description of someone's life, work, character, etc. This chapter contains the basic
information about the interviewees, including their names, schools, year of graduation, companies where they
work, and current work positions. This chapter also contains the interviewees' pictures.
Due to their tight timetable, contacting the pioneers we wanted to evaluate was challenging.
However, below are the profiles of Aitechians who are consented to speak with us:
3.1 Education
What I've learned from the interviewees was one of them was pursued to take engineering
because AiTECH had an orientation in their Junior High School. Then they heard that they have a
good program in STEM, as well as in their college program, which is that time that is Bachelor of
Science in Construction Engineering and he think it would help him a lot, most especially
Both of them choose the STEM strand because they want to pursue hopefully BS in
Architecture in her College but in their college. One of them, choose AiTECH instead of other
schools because of its offer just like the free shuttle service. So before choosing AiTECH, She
tried applying to a different school which is FEU. She was offered reservation slots but upon her
realization, she realized that the school is too far from her house and would be difficult for her to
commute every day. She considered that and also she considered the potential costs for her tuition.
AiTECH offered them to continue their college degree and guaranteed her to graduate
immediately. So knowing that she's been there for a year, since her senior high school, it would be
easy for her to cope with the environment.
I learned that the biggest challenge is how to cope with her academics. Since she got some
failed exams or quizzes before and it really give her a hard time. But she handled it by having a
group of friends so she can work with them. When there’s group work. So it’s better to have a
good companion.
The advantages of being an Aitechian were having free shuttle services and having
borrowed laptops and tablets that will help us in our online class and lessen our financial costs to
others who haven't devices for an online class.
3.3 Career
I learned that they do not feel prepared for their career because they think the preparation
is not in school but it’s in the field. But in terms of what the school helped them, for them, college
experience helps them by preparing them with, a career and giving them the knowledge to us.
Knowing the basic knowledge that may use in the field. I knew how difficult this course is when
there was no training because this course needs a lot of field training.
The value that I got from this interviewee was the most important attitude of being an
AiTECH student and future professional is the attitude of being an empty glass or an attitude that
is somehow related to willingness to learn. In college, you can’t live alone, like what they’ve said,
“No man is an island”. You need to seek yourself learning. Also, he added that an empty glass is
always ready to be filled. Another term for the water as a term is knowledge and if you are always
willing to be filled, you are always willing to learn.
Because when you’re committed to something, it pushes you to achieve that goal. I've
learned from her that if you have a goal, then be committed to it. That's what a good value as a
future professional Engineer. Be passionate and love what you are doing.
3.5 Future
I learned from them how important for us, AiTECH students, to have training. They look
forward to the training because it is a good path for their career. However, during online class, she
thinks her teacher became uncertain knowing the fact that they will not be able to have their
training and directly have their OJT. And at that moment, they don’t know what will be going to
do even though they learn from basic skills and knowledge. She thinks it is not enough since we
don’t have proper training and she only believes, right now, is we will only learn something when
we’re already in the field.
The most important attitude that I’ve learned in college is the attitude of being an empty
glass or an attitude that is somehow related to willingness to learn. In college, you can’t live alone,
like what they’ve said, “No man is an island”. You need to seek yourself learning. An empty glass
is always ready to be filled. Adding terms, the water is knowledge and if you are always willing
to be filled, you are always willing to learn.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 composes of Researchers’ Reflection, Conclusion and Findings about the said topic
The goal of this initiative is to learn about the AiTECH students' experiences at the school.
Due to the busy schedules of our candidates, we conducted a Google Meet interview. The task of
answering the supplied questions was successfully completed. We gathered the necessary
information from the profiles of our interviewees. Given phrases that contain what we've learned
were answered. The interviewees' interests in education came from the fact that both of them
wanted to study engineering because AiTECH offered an orientation at their Junior High School.
They understood it would be extremely beneficial, particularly in terms of financial expenditures.
Being an AiTECH student came with perks like free shuttle service and access to borrowed
computers and tablets, which will come in handy during pandemic season. Knowing how difficult
it would be for them to complete OJT without field training. The eagerness to study and
commitment to your career, as seen in our interviewees' responses, will help you attain your
objective. "No man is an island," is their slogan, and all students at AiTECH are sensitive to one
another. You cannot lie alone in college; you must find a companion. We learned from our seniors
that college life was not always simple. You must adjust to your new surroundings. We recognize
how vital college friendships are, as well as how wonderful the AiTECH culture is. We don't have
a clearer picture of our future since we are unsure of our future professions. These essential
principles have an impact on engineering students and will help us advance in our careers.
Nicole Baquilar
- I realized AiTECH students know how important training is before OJT is in order to be
ready in the field. I learn from them was No Man is an Island student here in AiTECH are
compassionate toward each other. Also, I learned from them to be passionate about what
career you choose.
- Yes, I feel the excitement because we're currently having our NCII training. I feel lucky
that we’re having this training before the next school year.
- I don't have a clearer vision of my future because we're not at the actual training on the
field we’re just aware about we're having training on-site. I doubt what my future career
will be during this time of the pandemic.
How did it impact my view towards integrity, professionalism, and commitment to service?
- It gives a great impact on me because when we are willing to learn how engineer, we will
do our job at our best and apply the core values we've learned. Even in any situation in the
field, the only thing that will remind us is the core values taught.
Kenneth M. Castro
What have I learned from them?
- I learned that college life is not easy and in order to cope with the challenges, you must
have some companions to have on and lean on.
What did I realize when talking to them?
- I realize how rich the culture of Aitech is. They always mentioned that Aitech lets the
student enjoy studies while having fun. Creating a lot of activities to have some relaxation
for everyone. Also gives us the privilege to study and train for free.
Did this make me excited about my future?
- Yes! I'm so excited, especially when I heard that the training and the certificate that we are
talking about at the moment, has a great asset when we are planning to pursue engineering
in the future. I can see the bright future ahead of us.
Do I have a clearer vision of my future now?
- Honestly, I didn't see a clear vision of what my future will be but as I get closer and closer
I'm more interested and excited in the actual field.
How did it impact my view towards integrity, professionalism, and commitment to service?
- As a future Engineer, it creates a big impact for me because these values will serve as the
foundation for our future careers. Having these kinds of values will ensure the bright future
ahead not only for myself but for everything I will work with.
Norlene P. Dio
What have I learned from them?
- Almost everything taught in school is already common knowledge. Textbooks, manuals,
specialists, and committees are all available. Learning has only one benefit: a higher
grade. While creativity and discovery are appreciated and rewarded in work. At work,
you will get more experience and expertise and test your knowledge.
What did I realize when talking to them?
- College might be stressful but the positive experiences and consequences will exceed the
negative ones.
Did this make me excited about my future?
- Yes. Now that I'm in college, my primary goal is to graduate.
Do I have a clearer vision now?
- To be honest, I was unsure about the course at first, but as the season went on, I grew to
appreciate Engineering. I've learned a lot about the fundamentals of home construction and
How did it impact my view towards integrity, professionalism, and commitment to service?
- These values should guide me in determining my priorities at work and in life. It's also the
values that I may use to determine whether the circumstances in my life are aligned with
my goals and objectives.
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Logan, F. (n.d.). College Learning: Ways &Whys. retrieved October 14, 2008, from
Interviewer: Good afternoon. So, we are the students of 3rd-year section E. My name is Kenneth M. Castro. I am 21
years old. I am your interviewer this day. So, before we start, Mr. Velasco, I just want you to know that this interview
is recorded and I hope you come along with us. Thank you. So, Mr. Velasco, how are you?
Interviewer: I’m sorry for my English. I am not good at English. And I’m nervous right now. So before we start Mr.
Velasco, Please tell us about yourself. And what are your hobbies? What are you doing right now?
Interviewee: Good afternoon. My name is Bon George Velasco. I am currently studying at Antipolo Institute of
technology, 4th-year section O. My hobbies, I love to play basketball, Volleyball or sports activities. Currently, I’m
reviewing and practicing to construction software.
Interviewer: Good to hear that. And please tell us about your educational background, specifically, where did you
study elementary? Tell us about your Junior High School and even your Senior High School.
Interviewee: Previously, in my elementary, I went from Juan Sumulong Elementary School and in my Junior High
School, San Jose National High school and Senior High School, in Antipolo Institute of Technology as well.
Interviewer: So you are the first batch of STEM program of Antipolo Institute of Technology, right?
Interviewer: So why did you choose STEM strand other than other strands?
Interviewer: Okay. Nice to hear that. So you said that you studied STEM strand in AiTECH, and why did you choose
AiTECH in college.
Interviewee: AiTECH had an orientation in our Junior High School which is San Jose National High School. Then I
heard that they have a good program in STEM, as well as in their college program, which is that time that is Bachelor
of Science in Construction Engineering and I think it would help me a lot, most especially in financially.
Interviewer: I see. So let’s talk about yourself, in a single word, how would you describe yourself before entering
college AiTECH?
Interviewee: Before entering college AiTECH I think I consider myself as a hoarder or something that hoards. I think
I consider myself as a hoarder because I think there’s skills in me that I’m stuck in my comfort area.
Interviewer: Nice to hear that. So we are finished about your personal background and history of why did you choose
AiTECH. So now let’s go to your college days. So in a single word, how would you describe your college days?
Interviewee: In four years in college in Antipolo Institute of Technology, most specifically in these two years, the
3rd-year and 4thh-year college, I would describe it as a struggle. As the first batch of K-12 program then a batch that in
online class. It’s a struggle for me because I’m not that techie person. Actually, in 3rd-year college, I don’t have that
good phone for online class so it’s a struggle for me. It’s just a time, in 4th-year college, which I can abide in the
Interviewee: Yes.
Interviewer: So good to hear that and what did you enjoy doing most at your school or university? How do you spend
most of your time?
Interviewee: I really love the calculus subject in AiTECH because it challenges me so much. Of course, the sports
activity and sports festival in AiTECH would be so much fun as well. Then most of the time in our school I spend my
time playing basketball, volleyball, and sometimes we have a short discussion in our room with my classmates, most
especially in calculus subjects because we do collaborative learning in our section. We learn in a group so that most
of our classmates will cope up in our subjects.
Interviewer: Good to hear that. How do you spend time during pandemic? Because we know that we have face-to-
face class before but now we have online classes, so how do you spend most of your time during pandemic?
Interviewee: Honestly, I don’t enjoy reading. Most of the time this pandemic I’m watching the Indianos. In
mathematics, in engineering fields, I really like them because their videos are very helpful.
Interviewer: Yeah, especially, when you are not in living just switch to some movies, content creators that teach math
and about engineering. For the next question, who influence you the most in AiTECH in terms of prof and faculty.
Who is that and please explain briefly?
Interviewee: There are two professors that influence me a lot in academic excellence, they are Ms. Christian Vitug
and Mr. Noel Mendoza, our chemical professor way back in 2018 and 2019. I really love their personalities, as well
as they push you to learn and excel in academes.
Interviewer: And I know most of us are close to those two professors, especially, Ms. Christian Vittug and I agree
with your statement. So, for the next question any AiTECH event that you remember that helps you to improve
yourself? How and please explain briefly any AiTECH events that help you.
Interviewee: To be honest, I don’t remember any AiTECH events but AiTECH subject, which is personality
development with Ms. Amor Garcia. It makes me think of how I will develop myself, how I will excel, how I will
have a progress with myself. That’s the subject that helps me a lot with my personality as well.
Interviewer: For the next question, what is your biggest challenge as a student, and how you improve yourself?
Interviewee: As a student, the most difficult challenge is the challenge within yourself. We do have our own anxiety.
We do have our own stress and depression. We do have our own frustration, disappointment with ourselves. That’s
the greatest challenge that we faced these past few years in pandemic and we dreamed of learning. And as a student
as well, I solve these problems by evaluating myself. I evaluate myself in terms of my skills, my attitude towards
everything, and I think that my skills and attitude are bigger than these challenges.
Interviewer: Thank you for your answer. I hope somebody will listen that statement because we somehow relate to
it. So for the next question is, what is the most important value that you experience or learn during your college days?
What is the most important value or experience?
Interviewee: The most important that I learned in this college is meet yourself stable as if you can endure all the
challenges or all the hardships that you have, most especially in mentally. Like what I have said before, it is very
important because for me it is the skeleton of learning. You can’t learn with something that you are mentally unstable.
That’s it.
Interviewer: I’m somehow related to that. So, let’s talk about your insights about your future, for you how was your
college experience prepared you for your career?
Interviewee: Actually, I’m not that prepared with my career because I think the preparation is not in school but it’s
in the field. But in terms of what the school helped me, for me college experience helps me by preparing myself with,
career and giving knowledge to us. For example, the basic knowledge that may we use in the field.
Interviewee: Yes. For example, the knowledge on concreting, technical drafting, which will be useful in our career
and in our profession.
Interviewer: Yes, and I believe in that. So, for the next question, what is the most important skills that you’ve learned
during in your college days? Tell us what are the skills, like you said technical drafting or technical skills,
communication skills like that.
Interviewee: For me, the most important skills is the problem-solving skills. Always remember every situation is
different. So we must come up with solution that will suitable in every situation. Its construction industry. In every
day different things might happen, for example, an accident. We must formulate a solution on how we may solve the
Interviewer: Okay thank you for those solving skills. For the next one, somehow related to the last question, what is
the most important attitude that you’ve learned during your college days?
Interviewee: The most important attitude that I’ve learned in college is, the attitude of being an empty glass or an
attitude that is somehow related to willingness to learn. In college, you can’t live alone, like what they’ve said, no
man is an island. You need to seek yourself learning. Why empty glass? An empty glass is always ready to be filled.
For example, the water is knowledge and if you are always willing to be filled, you are always willing to be learn.
Interviewer: So, thank you for that inspirational message to us. So, on behalf of section E, 3rdE, we would like to
thank you Mr. Bon George Velasco. And also, we would like you to congratulate you in advance for your upcoming
graduation. I hope your thesis is well. I hope you doing well and I hope you are safe and your family. So, before we
end this program, any message or advice to your junior in AiTECH?
Interviewee: To my juniors, I think there are three points that I think will help you in your college days. First is
collaborate, the next one is to learn endure pain, then third one is always look for your goal. Collaborate, always
surround yourself or have a circle of friends that will lift you up that will help you not only in acads but in your
personal problems as well. Next, learn to endure your pain, college is the most painful age of your life because you
will experience anxiety but, in the end, if you’re looking for your goal, third one, that will be the rest. Being successful
is your rest. So that’s it.
Interviewer: So that’s all. Once again thank you, Mr. Velasco, and before we end this meeting can I ask a photo-off
Interviewer: Hello, so good afternoon Ms. Miarry Vy Gozon. So we are the students of section E 3 rd-year. So I am
Kenneth Castro, I’m the one who will interview you for this afternoon. So, we have our group and here are the
members. Norlene Dio, Nicole Baquilar and we have our project manager which is Mr. Romel Orga. So, before we
start, I just want you to know that this interview is recorded and I hope you answered clearly and honestly with us. Is
that okay with you?
Interviewer: So yes okay, thank you! Before we start Ms. Gozon, please tell us about yourself. What are your hobbies,
what do you do right now? And please tell us about yourself, your information like that.
Interviewee: Okay. So hello everyone my name is Miarry Vy Gozon from 4 th-year C and I am 23 years old. So as of
now, we are busy much thesis and Capstone.
Interviewer: Ah, so you are busy with your thesis now, am I correct?
Interviewee: Yes.
Interviewer: I hope your thesis doing well. So please, Ms. Gozon, please tell us about your educational background
like for example where did you studied in elementary and where did you studied in junior high school, and even tell
us why did you choose that strand?
Interviewee: So okay, I started my primary education in Sta. Cruz Elementary School which is last it for about 7 years
then I continue it in Antipolo National High school and I’ve been there for 4 years until the end of my senior high.
And in 2016 I apply in AiTECH for my senior high and continue my college degree in the same school.
Interviewer: I see. Why did you choose, of all the strands in senior high school, why did you choose STEM and why
did you choose AiTECH?
Interviewee: Okay. I choose STEM strand because I want to pursue hopefully BS Architecture in my College but in
my college, I choose AiTECH instead of other schools because of its offer just like free shuttle service. So before
choosing AiTECH, I tried applying in different school which is FEU. I am offered with reservation slots but upon my
realization, I realized that the school is too far to my house and would be difficult for me commuting every day. So, I
considered that and also I considered the potential costs for my tuition. So, I think really hard. So since AiTECH
offered us to continue our college degree, I graduate immediately. So, knowing that I’d been there for 2 years, since
my senior high school, it would be easy for me to cope with the environment.
Interviewer: So, thank you for that answer. So and let me ask you, why did you choose your college in AiTECH. So
let me ask you, in a single word, how would you describe yourself before entering AiTECH?
Interviewee: Before entering AiTECH the one word that suits me, is the word TRY.
Interviewee: So, what I did during my senior high school, I think that I would be trying to cope with the course in my
college because actually engineering is one of the courses Id avoided since I’m not good at math. So even though it is
somehow related to the course, I really want which is Architecture. At least in that course, I can apply my passion.
However, since I have no choice just continue and try to seek dream.
Interviewer: So being practical is one of your choices and I believe AiTECH still gives good quality of education
and Im one of that. So, let’s talk about your present times. So, in a single word how would you describe your college
Interviewee: I think, grateful.
Interviewer: Why?
Interviewee: I am always grateful that AiTECH brings a lot of happiness in my College Journey and also I’m grateful
that the most person I’m with during the start our still with me until now including my friends.
Interviewer: Yes, I believe companions lasting will stay in your college days. And for the next question, how did you
enjoy the most at your school or university and how did you spend most of your free time?
Interviewee: Okay during our face-to-face classes, one of the past times was playing sports like volleyball, basketball,
and badminton if there’s a chance.
Interviewer: So how about this time of pandemic especially we are in online class we are forced to stay at home for
the safety protocol and because of pandemic we force to study online. So how did you spend most of your time during
Interviewee: Actually, during online class, there’s nothing I do. There’s nothing much I enjoyed since I’m a person
wants to go along with classmates and friends. So, basically, I spend most of our time having chikas and chats.
Interviewer: I see. So, for the next question, who influence you the most in AiTECH, in terms of it can be prof or
faculty. Who inspires you the most? Or influence you the most?
Interviewer: Please, can you explain or elaborate your answer? Why Ms. Christianne Vitug?
Interviewee: Ms. Chistianne Vitug is my ideal type of professor. She does not pressure her students and she always
wants the best for her students and also she is really Queen.
Interviewer: Yes, Ms. Vitug is really the one foundation of the teacher in AiTECH. She’s been there since the start
of AiTECH. I believe, since start of the construction of engineering course.
Interviewer: Yes, for the next question you will somehow, I believe, related to this, any AiTECH event that you
remember that helps you improve yourself and how? Please explain why.
Interviewee: I think it’s a sports fest in AiTECH foundation because I think both events improve students’ teamwork,
decision making, flexibility, and also communication skills.
Interviewer: I see. I believe you are the one of the players in AiTECH. So, for the next question, what was your
biggest challenge as a student and how did you handle it.
Interviewee: So just like what I experience before the biggest challenge is how to cope with my academic. Since I
got some failed exams or quizzes before and it really give me hard time. But I handled it by having a group of friends
so I can work with them. When there’s a group work. So it’s better to have good companion.
Interviewer: Yes, I am somehow related to that because I also have some friends that can help me with my studies.
And for the next question what is the most important value or experience that you gain or learn during your college
days in terms of face-to-face classes and online classes.
Interviewee: I think, determination and friends. I think these are the important values I’ve learned in AiTECH because
when you need to be determined you need to achieve your goal and even its small or big. Also, you need to be kind
to all around you because I believe it will give you peace and happiness.
Interviewer: So okay, that is your insight about the value or experience that you’ve been. So let’s talk about your
future. Let’s talk about your ideal pathway after you graduated in college since you are graduating this year. For
yourself, how was your experience before your career?
Interviewee: During our face-to-face classes we our doubt about our possible career path that would be because there
are a lot of career that has been learning, that has been conducted for our finals. We look forward for the training
because I know it is a good path for our career. However, during online class, I think my teacher became uncertain
knowing the fact that we will not be able to have our training and directly to have our OJT. And in that moment, I
don’t know what will going to do even though we learn from basic skills and knowledge. I think it is not enough since
we don’t have proper trainings and I only believe, right now, is we will only learn something when you’re already in
the field. So that’s the only thing I have in mind.
Interviewer: So you are not skilled because of the lack of training that AiTECH gives, right?
Interviewee: Yes, I think it is not a good transition from us because I think we will going to have some culture shock
when we were directly employed in the field.
Interviewer: Right, I am still praying and wishing that in you the best to have a successful career especially when you
are in your future field. So for the next question is, what is the most important skill that you’ve learned in your college
days? It can be any types of skills, education skills, technical skills, and so on.
Interviewee: I think its technical skills because technical skill includes learning software AutoCAD, Sketch-up or any
VIM software. So I think this is important to pursue engineering field if you wanted to work on it there’s a plans
pursuing to handle it.
Interviewer: So based on your saying most on the technical field, excel and AutoCAD, Sketch-Up, right? So are you
planning to work in the office rather than working in the onsite job?
Interviewee: I prefer working in the both field, office or onsite but it depends.
Interviewer: So, for that answer. The question will be what’s the most important attitude during your college days?
Interviewee: Because when you’re committed to something, it pushes you to achieve that goal. So as they say, if you
have goal, then be committed to it.
Interviewer: I see, being committed. So once again Ms. Gozon thank you for your time. Thank you for having an
interview with me. Before we end this interview, any message or advice to your juniors in AiTECH?
Interviewee: To all juniors in AiTECH, always do your best all the time and if there’s opportunity that comes in your
way always grab it and also trust yourself in the process and if you need someone to shoulder on, especially when you
are struggling in academics or any personal concerns, find companions that will cheer you up. I think that’s all.
Interviewer: So, as you saying no one is an island here in AiTECH. And especially to us, 3 rd-year, to be graduate. In
behalf of 3rd-year section E, we would like to congratulate you in advance, Ms. Miarry Vy Gozon, for soon-to-be
graduate-- second batch graduate in Antipolo Institute of Technology. So before we end this interview, may I request
for a photo off? Can you guys open your cameras and let’s take a photo for the final shot? Thank you Ms. Miarry Vy
Gozon and have a great day!