J37.WSEAS Power Systems 2023
J37.WSEAS Power Systems 2023
J37.WSEAS Power Systems 2023
Abstract: - Power control centers have evolved since their ground-breaking inception in the 1960s, and they
are extremely important for the operation of the power system, ensuring maximum reliability. There has been
much discussion about mandating reliability requirements, but for the most part, reliability standards are
already in place for electricity grid design and operation. Unfortunately, these standards do not examine in
detail monitoring and control, possibly due to the false belief that reliability primarily comes from redundancies
in transmission and generation. The grid can operate even more closely to its limits thanks to improved grid
control and monitoring, which also increase reliability. In this paper, the significant role of the power system
control centers in the event of a major blackout is discussed, proving their significance in the restoration
Key-Words: - Blackout, Power Energy Control Centers, Transmission System Operators, Restoration plan,
Received: July 14, 2022. Revised: January 17, 2023. Accepted: February 22, 2023. Published: March 28, 2023.
Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of the information flow between various computer-based tasks carried out in a
2.2 Automatic Generation Control (AGC) explained in detail below. Interchange scheduling,
To adjust the generation against the load at the which starts and finishes scheduled interchanges,
lowest possible cost, AGC consists of two main and reserve monitoring, which ensures there is enough
a number of minor functions that run in real-time reserve on the system, and other comparable
online. Load frequency control and economic monitoring and recording operations are the minor
dispatch are the two main tasks, and each is functions.
𝑧 = 𝐻𝑥 + 𝑣 (2)
4 Assessment of Steady State Stability
The measurement matrix, or H, is unaffected by The analysis of steady-state stability goes far
the state factors. beyond merely estimating the probability of
The goal is to find the best estimation of x, instability as small, gradual changes in load near the
denoted by 𝑥̂. The weighted least squares (WLS) maximal loadability limit. The steady-state stability
idea is the foundation of the most widely used analysis calculates the separation from a system
method. The technique seeks to reduce the state where voltages may collapse and units may
differences between the related equations and the lose synchronism, regardless of the underlying
measurements. To achieve this, the next solution technique. This distance is measured using
optimization function must be minimized: a straightforward indicator called the steady-state
stability reserve. System-wide and for transmission
1 𝑇 corridors with stability restrictions, the evaluation is
min 𝐽(𝑥) = 2 (𝑧 − ℎ(𝑥)) 𝑅 −1 (𝑧 − ℎ(𝑥)) (3a) conducted.
Where R is a diagonal matrix that has the
variances of the measurement error. (3a) can be
rewritten as:
4.1 Steady-State Stability (Power and Maximum MW network utilization, also known
Voltage Reserve Indicators) as maximum MW loadability, or the system
The idea of steady-state stability reserve provides a operating conditions just before the state of voltage
very simple way to express "how far" the present, or collapse is achieved by alternating steady-state
actual, system state is from the "critical" state where stability calculations that determine whether the
even a small change in the operating parameters system is stable or unstable.
may result in steady-state instability. These are the
two categories of stable reserve indicators:
5 Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA)
𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 −𝑃𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒
𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = ∙ 100[%] (10) The design of a DSA system enables the selection of
𝑃𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒
various load-flow situations and the construction of
𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 =
𝑉𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒 −𝑉𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙
∙ 100[%] (11) individual contingencies for automatic evaluation.
𝑉𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒
User-defined parameters are used to evaluate the
contingencies. Figure 2 shows the procedure
where: graphically. Several user-selectable load-flow
𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 : determines the stable scenarios are offered at the simulation level. The
reserve's power capacity (in MW). most serious scenarios can be chosen and calculated
stability reservevoltage : determines the voltage using the contingency builder. The software defines
values for the stable reserve. the security criteria that can be combined to create
Pmax : is the total power (in MW) of the system’s sets of standards characterizing the constraints of
utilization, including generation and imports. the system and are appropriate for each user's
Pbase case : is the power (in MW) in the actual (base) requirements. The DSA notifies and records the
case. events that result in system limit breaches, such as
Vcritical : is the average system voltage in the critical unstable generators, voltages below 80%, angles
case. between nodes greater than 40°, and so on.
Vbase case : is the voltage in the base case.
Table 1. General guides for restoration after a blackout for the dispatchers of a PSCC
Actions Tools
Wind farm shutdown signal
Communication of the National Control Center with all the Regional Landlines, Mobiles Phones, or other
Control Centers, the Distribution System Operator (DSO), and TSOs communication systems each TSO has (e.g.,
of neighboring countries power line carrier)
Status determination of Black Start (BS) and Non-Black (NBS) Start production units
Communication with Black Start units – setting time for black start
Communicating with non-Black Start units, determining their status and Relevant information must be referred to the
the critical time to restore power and restart time after power is restoration plan of each regional control
restored. center
Priority of non- Black Start units for power supply
Division of the transmission system into subsystems
Division of the transmission system into subsystems Use of the restoration plan as a guide and designing
Clear demarcation of the subsystems dividing lines in the network plan.
Route selection from BS units to NBS units with priority
Estimation of the transmission system status Studies, reports, and information from the Energy
Collaboration with the TSOs to ensure that the route has the required Management System (EMS) that the TSO
technical staff uses
Subsystem electrification and load supply
Subsystem electrification either using the bottom-up or the top-down
During the load supply, ensure that the frequency is high enough and the
Priority of loads for reconnection in consultation
voltage drop that will occur with the connection will not create very
with the DSO
low voltages
Synchronization of subsystems
Use synchronization points as defined in the restoration plan if possible. Use of the restoration plan that each TSO has
Providing instructions to the operators during the synchronization process issued
Completion of the restoration process
Gradual System’s restoration EMS contingency analysis
Some important issues during a blackout are the The current practices across Europe are:
following: a. In the Baltic region, restoration plans are based
The operators of black start power stations and on the top-down principle.
the substations must be authorized so that, if no b. In continental Europe and the Nordic regions,
voltage is present, they will open all (external to both methodologies are used, considering the
the station) breakers. existing situation (availability of Black Start
In thermal power plants, power to the auxiliary units and units in auxiliary feed mode within the
machinery must be restored within a short TSO's area of responsibility, duration of the two
critical time to achieve a "warm restart". principles, and the state of the voltage in the
The TSO must declare its status (Normal, Alert, neighboring network).
Emergency, or Blackout) to the EAS System, c. In Great Britain, the restoration plans are based
informing this way all the other TSOs of on the bottom-up principle.
ENTSO-E. d. In the Ireland / Northern Ireland region, once
The cooperation of TSOs, particularly those in the Black Start units start-up, the non-Black
proximity, is a crucial factor during the repair Start target unit supply restoration routes will be
process. Typically, nearby TSOs must energize the activated and initial load restoration will be
interconnection power lines after a blackout during required to stabilize the restoration routes
the top-down restoration process. The European (balancing the production with the demand).
Awareness System (EAS) is also a helpful The TSO determines the load restoration steps
instrument for communication between TSOs, required in terms of size and location and the
signalizing the rise of emergency situations and also relevant DSO load coordinator will implement
helping with system restoration. Distribution System them. Very good coordination between TSO and
Operators (DSOs) are typically encouraged to DSO is required, especially in the early stages of
reduce loads before a major blackout and during the restoring stable operation and minimizing frequency
TSOs' attempt to prevent it. The DSO's "strategy" and voltage deviations.
up to this point in the event of a blackout is to wait For example, in Figure 3 the geographical
for TSO restoration and increase loads while it is distribution of three separate subsystems (NW, NE,
happening. Cooperation between TSO, DSO, and S), during restoration in the Belgian TSO (ELIA),
governmental organizations like the Police and the using the bottom-up strategy is depicted, [43]. The
Fire Brigade, should be guaranteed to reduce the restoration plan defines that in case of a blackout, 4
restoration time in a blackout, particularly if it has black start units will be used for the formation of
been brought on by a natural catastrophe like flood, these three separate regions.
earthquake, fire, etc.
Fig. 3: Geographical distribution of 3 separate subsystems (NW, NE, S), during restoration in the Belgian TSO
using the bottom-up strategy.
6.3 Factors that May Affect the Restoration voltage (HV) switch with a "dead busbar" so
Process that a subsystem cannot be formed from a single
Although there is a restoration plan from every generator.
TSO, very often there are some unpredictable According to restoration guidelines, all
situations that may cause its modification during substations must be isolated, which means that
restoration, [46]. In [47], an estimation method of all circuit breakers must be opened. However,
the probability of restoration or recovery time for some high-voltage circuit breakers may not
electric power systems is proposed. Common have opened in time.
problems that occur during a restoration process are: The mobile phone network will almost certainly
Generators that lose their auxiliary loads may be congested and may even collapse due to a
not be able to remain in this state for long. In national outage. A complete failure of all
many stations, it is not possible to close the high communication systems is extremely unlikely.
Satellite phones must be installed at multiple Many control centers that are unable to
key locations, including all Black Start power communicate with one another cannot control a
units and all Control Centers. If these phones single interconnected grid. It must be simple to
are the only available methods of store and exchange data automatically and
communication, recovery time will be continuously without relying on operator-to-
significantly longer. operator phone calls.
Some electrical components of the Transmission The monitoring systems must be standardized,
System (substations, power lines, etc.) may be including the frequency of data collection, time
unavailable as planned in the restoration plan. stamping, alarming, visualization, etc., to allow
Uncontrollable parameters such as traffic chaos dispatchers at various control centers located
and extreme weather conditions can throughout the grid to interact effectively.
significantly delay the access of personnel to the More specificity is required in the control
substations or the control centers on the day of reliability requirements. The same ones, like
the incident. voltage control, are less common even though
this has been done for frequency control.
The real-time data made accessible to operators
7 Discussion and control centers across the grid should be
In this work, the role of a PSCC has been chosen based on reliability requirements. The
analytically presented. The monitoring and control current argument over whether certain data
of the grid through the PSCCs provide reliability belongs to generating firms as proprietary must
because it enables the operation of the grid even end when the grid's dependability is harmed.
closer to its limits. The PSCC is the “brain” of a
power system. It detects the power system's If the above suggestions are adopted the operation
condition, finds its state, plans its movement, and of the power systems via the control centers will be
offers protection from exogenous events. However, significantly improved and the very known effects
the final decisions are taken by the personnel of the of possible back out to the society and the economy
PSCC known as dispatchers. Dispatchers are will be minimized.
electrical engineers, working in shifts to provide the
system’s balance and are the ones who will face the
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