Brief Socio-Political History of The Municipality of Talugtug A. Pre-Liberation Period
Brief Socio-Political History of The Municipality of Talugtug A. Pre-Liberation Period
Brief Socio-Political History of The Municipality of Talugtug A. Pre-Liberation Period
A. Pre-Liberation Period
Talugtug got its name from its location, it means “top”. There used to be
a Balite tree on a hilltop near the Cuyapo-Munoz trail. Under this tree, travelers
and shepherds in the good old days used to rest, enjoying the cool moon breeze
and the exhilarating view of the surrounding areas. Eventually, the people
referred to the place as “Talugtug-Balite”, which later on became a barrio of the
Municipality of Cuyapo. Its first barrio lieutenant was Simeon Ramos. The
Municipality of Cuyapo built the first schoolhouse in the area. When Guimba
took over it named a portion of “Talugtug-Balite” as “San Isidro”, and made it
one of its barrios. Crisanto Baldovino, Bernardo Umipig, Perfecto Urbano and
Esteban Baldovino were its outstanding “Tenientes del Barrio”. On the other
hand, the outstanding “Tenientes del Barrio of “Talugtug-Balite” were Mariano
Mendoza, Pablo Dacayo, Andres Dumandan, and Severino Cachuela.
By April 1947, all papers were ready for final approval, but Dr. Marciano
Roque, then Undersecretary of the Department of the Interior, required the
* Revised 12-02-2019; References: Knowing People, Remembering Places and Other Events; OMB Order,
December 22, 2015, 71st Founding Anniversary Souvenir Program, and institutional vision of Talugtug.
comments of the councils of the mother towns and a possible revision of the
estimates of income. Romualdo Estillore, the leader of the movement was
almost at the point of despair and about to give up, but he was supported and
sustained by the members of the committee and friends. Instead of giving up,
the struggle for the creation of Talugtug continued, and it was pursued rather
more vigorously.
The big celebration came on January 10, 1948 and the people of the
barrios all turned out to celebrate the birth of the municipality. Gracing the
occasion were Governor Chioco, Board Members Rigor and Lustre, together
with other officials of the Provincial Council. Also present were Major Camua
and Captain Fallaria.
These distinguished men spearheaded the transformation of Talugtug,
then a lowly mono-culture farming community, into a haven of peace and an
oasis of opportunity and prosperity.
Mariano C. Sapla was one of the men behind the creation of Christ the
King Institute of Agriculture in 1949 and the Rural Bank of Talugtug, Inc. In
1951, he ran for mayor against the architect of the Municipality of Talugtug,
Mayor Romualdo M. Estillore. He lost by only 7 votes to the incumbent
mayor. Losing the election did not discourage him, instead the loss served
as a challenge. He prepared very well in the elections in 1955 and won
Four years later, Mayor Domingo had to face once again former Mayor
Sapla in a grudge match for the mayoralty race. This time, Mayor Domingo
bowed to the veteran and more seasoned challenger.
4. Bienvenido Andres Javier (1967-1986)
Mr. Javier was one of the pioneer instructors of Christ the King
Institute of Agriculture when it opened in 1950. Three years later, he was
appointed school principal, a position he held for 14 years. He forayed into
politics in 1955, when, while serving as school principal of CKIA, he was
elected municipal councilor. He was re-elected as councillor in 1959. In
1967, he resigned as school principal and ran for municipal mayor.
In the first elections after the lifting of Martial Law and the
restoration of the political right to vote and be voted upon, Mayor Javier
ran for mayor once more and won for a term that should have ended four
years later, but he was replaced like all other mayors in the entire country
by Pres. Corazon C. Aquino as the EDSA People’s Revolution ushered in a
new political order. This signalled the end of Mayor Javier’s 18-year reign.
Following the EDSA People’s Revolution, Segundo A. Fronda, the man
who best personifies the adage “Poverty is not a hindrance to success”, was
appointed by Pres. Corazon C. Aquino as Officer-in-Charge of the Office of
the Municipal Mayor for two years (1986-1988). His appointment as mayor
was solidly affirmed when he was elected mayor in the 1988 elections
against two mayoralty opponents, former Mayor Bienvenido A. Javier and a
young lawyer.
Mayor Monta is the man at the helm. He will provide a pro-active and
dynamic leadership that contributes to the realization of the vision of Talugtug
to become an “agro-industrial hub, eco-tourism destination, renewable energy
generator in an inclusive local economy with a healthy, well-educated and
productive residents living in a clean and peaceful environment, with
infrastructure integrity, disaster-resilient, climate change-adaptive, and well-
planned community”.
Ably lending the needed cooperation and support to the local chief
executive through the timely passage of necessary, responsive and effective
legislation is the 10-member Sangguniang Bayan led by its dynamic and
youthful presiding chair, Vice Mayor Floro C. Pagaduan, Jr.