Analyzing Student Work Robin Kornfield 1
Analyzing Student Work Robin Kornfield 1
Analyzing Student Work Robin Kornfield 1
Process (used for individual student evaluation or group assessment of work products)
STEP 1: Assessing and Identifying Proficiency
Read the assessment prompt and/or rubric and identify:
• What are the students expected to do?
Students are instructed to write their name at the place on the page marked
Students will write a sentence that starts with the prompt: I like . . .
• What assistive devices, if any, will students be able to use (i.e. calculator, ruler,
protractor, number charts, graph paper, scrape paper, etc.)
Paper provided has a designated place for the student’s name and a
designated area for two lines of writing.
Regular and colored pencils.
Sight words of the week are posted on the white board—K words: like, I, we,
see, my, the. 1st grade words: animal, how, make, of, some, why.
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.
ECE 661
Work sample form
The alphabet is displayed on a word wall.
Students were provided spelling assistance if they asked. Words requested
were play, outside, hunting, Disneyland, animals.
Card content:
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.
ECE 661
Work sample form
Sorted lists:
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.
ECE 661
Work sample form
Students wrote their Students know how to Students can write
name in the designated write their names. their names using
space. lower case letters.
Single attempt at each
Students can write a letter. Students write from
sentence using upper left to right.
and lower case letters Students write words
correctly. in an attempt to Students draw pictures
answer the “I like. . . “ with details like
Students leave space prompt. fingers, doors and
between each word. windows.
Student drawings are
Students recognize the detailed with faces,
importance of correct fingers, animals,
spelling and asked for houses with windows
help if needed. and doors.
Students use
punctuation at the end
of the sentence in most
Students illustrate
their sentence through
drawings that tell a
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.
ECE 661
Work sample form
▪ Think about a range of instructional strategies that will be beneficial for the
individual or the group? Then based on your analysis of student data
(responses), within each category, identify specific instructional strategies
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.
ECE 661
Work sample form
to be used in the support of learners in meeting the identified objectives.
Complete the table:
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.
ECE 661
Work sample form
Self-reflection on your process (Reflect on the use of such an informative assessment tool
and how you think this tool or similar type of process could be used in your developing
Kiana School, where I have been spending my practicum time, has been short staffed this
Fall, so I have had the chance to become an Instructional Aide for a very experienced K-1
teacher. My 30 hours observing are long passed. I have been able to take on the Language
Arts and Math stations as the children move through their learning centers each morning. It
has been fascinating to begin to understand the learning process. I will be interested in
conducting a second assessment of the group at the end of my time in Kiana, which will be
This is a K-1 class and we have been in the first month of instruction for this year. There is
one first grader, Helvi, who is not in the Met Objectives group. In fact, she is in the Not Yet
group because she spends lots of time drawing but does not use words. I think she was not
doing her best work on the day we worked on this assignment, so the difference between this
and a December assessment may be telling for this student. The other older students fall in
the Met Objectives area, where I would expect them to be, and the younger students are split
between Development and Not Yet.
The more I reviewed each student’s writing the more I noticed. I realized for example, that
Eryn was attempting to answer the prompt with “I like mom and dad,” but she does not
understand yet where to put the words. Celine also attempted to answer the question with
drawings of friends and the word friends written adjacent to the pictures.
I have questioned whether I should have provided word spellings for the Met Objectives
group. I rationalized that by asking for a word spelling they recognize the importance of
spelling words properly, which in itself distinguishes the more capable group from the others.
I would have liked to see their own spelling of hunting though. Having asked them to spell
on their own recently, I think they would probably have left out the vowels.
This method of learning about the progress of the students and how to purposefully plan for
the next steps of instruction helped me appreciate the research and professionalism associated
with reading development. The process will be very useful in practice.
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.
ECE 661
Work sample form
Met Objectives
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.
ECE 661
Work sample form
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.
ECE 661
Work sample form
Not Yet
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.
ECE 661
Work sample form
Adapted from: Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational
Assessment, Inc.