The Solar Angel: John Nash
The Solar Angel: John Nash
The Solar Angel: John Nash
John Nash
[Published in The Beacon, March/April 2001, pp. 7-14.] You, a soul in incarnation, are consciously aware of the factsubjectively and ofttimes dimly sensedof your real Self, of the solar Angel, who is the Angel of the Presence.1 With this cryptic comment the Tibetan summarizes a great truth whose significance we are only beginning to grasp. Who or what is the Solar Angel or Angel of the Presence? What is our relationship to it? Where did the Solar Angel come from, and what is its destiny? These are just some of the questions that challenge us as we explore the complexity and grandeur of the human constitution. However, much information is available, and we no longer need to shrug off the issue with vague statements that the Solar Angel is simply another name for the soul or the higher self. The issue is cloudedperhaps as part of an occult blindby terminology. Besides Solar Angel and Angel of the Presence, the Tibetan frequently refers to the Ego, Overshadowing Soul, or Soul on its Own Level. Occasionally he uses other terms, such as: Thinker, Solar Lord, Manasadeva (Sanskrit for Mind Deva);2 Watcher, Sphere of Fire, Lotus;3 Christ principle, Agnishvatta (a type of fire deva);4 Son of God;5 Son of Mind, Manasaputra (literally Mind-Born Son);6 and Lord of the Flame.7 Helena Blavatsky mentions Solar Angels twice in The Secret Doctrine but more often uses the term Manasaputras. She also refers to Sons of Wisdom;8 Lords of Persevering Ceaseless Devotion; 9 Brahmaputras (Sons of Brahma), and Bne-aleim (Hebrew for Sons of God).10 Some of these terms are more inclusive than others. For example, Lords of the Flame includes the much more evolved Kumaras who comprise the inner circle of the Planetary Council. But, in the contexts cited, all mean Solar Angel, and all of the terms can be translated roughly by soul. However, soul is ambiguous, whereas Solar Angel has a definite meaning. As we shall see, it is easier to define the soul in relation to the Solar Angel, than the reverse.
already has the permanence and stability of the Platonic archetype. For millions of years, it has overshadowed our lower nature: The great solar Angel, Who embodies the real man and is his expression on the plane of higher mind, is literally his divine ancestor, the Watcher Who, through long cycles of incarnation, has poured Himself out in sacrifice in order that man might BE. [Emphasis in the original.]12 During countless incarnations, the Solar Angel has served as the medium of expression for the Monad or pure spirit, just as is the personality for the Ego on the lower level. But its relationship to man had a beginning and will also have an end: From the point of view of man in the three worlds, this Ego, or Solar Lord, is eternal; he persists throughout the entire cycle of incarnations, just as the personality persists during the tiny physical life cycle. Nevertheless, this period of existence is only relatively permanent, and the day dawns when the life which expresses itself through the medium of the Ego, the Thinker, the Solar Lord or Manasadeva, seeks to loose itself from even this limitation, and to return to the source from which it originally emanated.13 The eventual departure of the Solar Angel, an event of profound significance for each human entity, will be discussed later. Meanwhile, it will be useful to step back and examine some other sources of information on the soul and Solar Angel. Blavatskys teachings on the Solar Angel, or Manasaputra, received relatively little attention, even in the Theosophical Society, but traces can be found in the writings of the Society and its offshoots. Geoffrey Hodson describes the threefold Spiritual Self, called by the Greeks the Augoeides and frequently referred to as the Ego.14 Rudolf Steiner discusses the role of the angelic being that leads the individual from one incarnation to the next.15 Blavatskys work, of course, built on the foundations of eastern philosophy, but the Solar Angel has its counterpart in the western mystery tradition. There it is referred to as the Holy Guardian Angel, the Higher Genius, the Silent Watcher, or the Great Person. References to the Holy Guardian Angel date back to the 14th century, but the Angel is discussed more fully in works by members of the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn, a contemporary of the early Theosophical Society. Examining the western tradition is important insofar as it provides similarities as well as contrasts with our own teachings. The Solar Angel also has its counterpart in the ancient Hawaiian religion of Huna. In Huna philosophy everyone has two souls, the unihi-pili and the aumakua. The higher soul, the aumakua (literally "ghost of the ancestors") survives physical death to guide the deceased on his or her journey through the afterworld. Ancestors often refers to previous incarnations, rather than to family lineage. The Huna unihi-pili and aumakua may be compared with the Gnostic Anthropos (the man) and the Anthropos Son of Anthropos (the man that is that son of the man). Today, awareness of the Solar Angels existence is growing, not only among serious esoteric students, but also among others in the New Age movement. For example, in the popular channeled book, Emanuels Book Three, we find: (Y)ou are only part human. The other part of you is an Angel.16 When I say you are Angels, that is exactly what I mean. I am not using a metaphor. I am not using a pleasant word. I am stating what I know to be true. You are Beings of Light.17 We also read: These Angels are gathered to promise the soul that it will not be left alone, and at the same time, to bid Godspeed.18 This book appeared at the height of the angel cult of the 1990s, but it presents truths of lasting value to a large audience. One obstacle to understanding the nature and role of the Solar Angelparticularly under its alternative name, the Holy Guardian Angelis confusion with the guardian angel of popular
imagination. As the Tibetan points out, the latter is but a dim reflection of the Angel of the Presence, the Solar Angel.19 Our understanding of the Solar Angel was greatly facilitated by Torkum Saraydarians book, The Solar Angel,20 a compilation of his earlier work on the subject. Saraydarian, a long-time student of the Tibetans teachings, boldly clarified some troublesome concepts, and his work largely inspired the present study.
was to prepare for the blossoming of manas in the present 5th root race and, still more, in the future 5th round. The arrival of the Solar Angels would bring profound long-term benefits, but its short-term effect was a severe shock to the nascent human lifestream: The advent of the Lords of the Flame, the electrical storm which ushered in the period of man, was distinguished by disaster, chaos, and the destruction of many in the third kingdom of nature. The spark of mind was implanted and the strength of its vibration, and the immediate effect of its presence caused the death of the animal form, thus producing the immediate possibility of the newly vitalised causal bodies vibrating to such purpose that new physical vehicles were taken.28
The Tibetan makes a similar point and goes on to emphasize the need for a reciprocal response in building the antahkarana. He tells us that, as it lives its own life on its own level of awareness, the Solar Angel is not always constantly aware of its shadow, the personality, in the three worlds. When the antahkarana is being built, this awareness must be present alongside the intention of the personality.33 Some types of service can only be performed with the Solar Angels participation. For example, the Tibetan explains that the practice of white magic requires the Angels resources: Only the solar Angel can do the work of the white magician, and he effects it through the control of the lunar angels and their complete subjugation. They are arrayed against him, until, through meditation, aspiration, and control, he bends them to his will and they become his servants The worker in white magic utilises ever the energy of the Solar Angel to effect his ends. The dark brother works through the inherent force of the lunar lords, which are allied in nature to all that is objective.34 Similarly, in that important application of magic, healing: The healer who works on a higher level, and necessarily therefore with a higher type of patient; he uses the energy of his own overshadowing soul in conjunction with the energy of his individualised soul, and thereby radiates it forth into the soul of the patient, via both of the auras.35 If white magic requires the Solar Angels assistance, magic ritual has also been explored as a means of invoking the Angel. The most famous ritual for that purpose was recorded by the medieval Kabbalist Abraham the Jew (1362-1460), but attributed to a sage, Abra-Melin, whom he claimed to have met in Egypt.36 What is particularly significant about Abrahams work is that, in a preamble to the ritual, he dismissed the then-customary use of elaborate magic paraphernalia to emphasize a life of prayer and concentration, akin to the spiritual practices of the mysticsor indeed to our own esoteric disciplines. The early 20th century occultist Aleister Crowley adapted Abra-Melins ritual to invoke what he termed the knowledge and conversation of the Angel. It is not clear whether Crowley succeeded, but he affirmed that the central role of ritual is the invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel; or, in the language of mysticism, Union with God. 37 Another ritual for invoking the Solar Angel, used by members of the Golden Dawn, focuses on participants personal transformation. Interestingly, it refers to the true Self, a phrase often used by the Tibetan: Come forth unto me, Thou that art my true Self: my Light, my Soul Thou that art crowned with Glory Thee I invoke. Come forth unto me, my Lord: to me, who am Thy vain reflection in the mighty sea of Matter Without Thee I am nothing; in Thee am I All-Self existing in Thy Selfhood to eternity.38 Yet another includes this affirmation of personal sacrifice and sacrifice and courage: Let the influence of thy divine ones descend upon my head, and teach me the value of selfsacrifice so that I shrink not in the hour of trial, but that thus my name may be written on high and my genius stand in the presence of the Holy One. In that hour when the Son of Man is invoked before the Lord of Spirits and his Name before the Ancient of Days.39
the Monad. It continues to perform this task until the human soul can take over the Angels responsibilities. The Solar Angels assignment is accomplished when the human soul has become an effective middle principle and has demonstrated its competence and willingness to assume the responsibility for the entity of which it is a part. We demonstrate that competence and willingness through transcendence of personality-level values, commitment to spiritual growth, responsiveness to divine purpose, and service. In the process we build the antahkarana that serves as its own medium of conscious communication between the highest and lowest. Our stage of development is reflected in the form of the causal body. The causal body resembles a chalice or lotus blossom and, for that reason, is often referred to as the Egoic Lotus. The Tibetan tell us that it is a thing of rare beauty, pulsating with life and radiant with all the colours of the rainbow.40 It has twelve petals, arranged in four concentric tiers of three. The outer tier is referred to as the knowledge petals, the next tier, the love petals, and the third tier, the sacrifice, or will, petals. The central set of three closely folded petals hold the Jewel in the Lotus, the gateway, as it were, to the consciousness of the Solar Angel. Initially the lotus petals are all closed, as in a bud. But, as the entity develops, petals open, gradually revealing the life, beauty, and brilliance of the Jewel. The Tibetan explains that the opening of the second tier is particularly significant in terms of the manifestation of the Solar Angel: Another stream of energy emanates in time from the second tier of petals when in activity; this second tier is peculiarly instinctive with the life and quality of the Manasaputra in manifestation. The second tier of petals in any egoic lotus is the one that gives us the key to the nature of the solar Angel, just as the outer tier isto the inner vision of the Adepta clue to the point in evolution of the personality.41 The transfer of responsibility from the Solar Angel to the human soul takes place when the individual is on the initiatory path and is completed at the 4th initiation. The causal body has served its purpose and is destroyed. And the Angel departs to continue its own higher evolution: By the time the fourth initiation has been reached, the work of destruction is accomplished, the solar angel returns to his own place, having performed his function, and the solar lives seek their point of emanation. The life within the form mounts up then in triumph to the bosom of its Father in Heaven, just as the life within the physical body at the moment of death seeks its source, the Ego.42 The destruction of the causal body is likened to the destruction of the Temple of Solomon through the withdrawal of the Shekinah. Recalling the biblical words, Our God is a consuming Fire, the Tibetan explains: (T)hat structure which knowledge has built (the causal body or the Temple of Solomon) is itself destroyed by the consuming fire. This fire consumes the gorgeous prison house which man has erected through many incarnations, and lets loose the inner light divine.43 With the withdrawal of the Solar Angel, the now-empowered human soul is brought into the Presence of that aspect of Himself which is called His Father in Heaven. He is brought face to face with his own Monad, that pure spiritual essence on the highest plane but one, which is to his Ego or higher self what that Ego is to the personality or lower self. The Tibetan elaborates thus: The solar angel hitherto contacted has withdrawn himself, and the form through which he functioned (the egoic or causal body) has gone, and naught is left but love-wisdom and that dynamic will which is the prime characteristic of Spirit. The lower self has served the purposes of the Ego, and has been discarded; the Ego likewise has served the purposes of the
Monad, and is no longer required, and the initiate stands free of both, fully liberated and able to contact the Monad, as earlier he learned to contact the Ego.44
higher evolution, but we hope that the conscious link will in some sense be preserved and that we shall ever rememberand be remembered byour elder sibling, friend, and benefactor.
The Solar Angel features in a number of esoteric traditions, although problems of terminology hinder comparative research, as well as research into our own teachings. There may have been a deliberate attempt, on the part of the Hierarchy, to slow down study of the Solar Angel by the masses to avoid misinterpretation of the concept and any consequent sense of inner separatism. Although the Solar Angels existence was acknowledged in the west more than 500 years ago, this information was closely guarded. The dissemination of the information, and the teachings of Blavatsky and the Tibetan, are comparatively recent, and broad discussion of this topic is even more recent. However, from detailed examination of various sources, a coherent and clear picture emerges of the Solar Angel and its relationship to the human personality and soul. The present article is intended to stimulate more discussion and study. The Solar Angels came to Earth during the 3rd root race, after our evolutionary journey began. The Planetary Logos was concerned that humanity would fail to meet the schedule set for manasic development during the remaining root races. An earlier initiative, in which the seeds of manas, or mind, were implanted in primitive man, had been only partially successful. In a great act of sacrifice, the Solar Angels agreed to enter into relationship, on a one-on-one basis, with human Monads. Each Solar Angel pledged to nurture its human charge and help accelerate our development. As a result, we acquired the potential to catch up with Logoic expectations. Each Solar Angels assigned task was to help the human Monad express itself through manas. The Angel provided the middle principle linking the Monad and the lower self. And it was entrusted with nurturing the human soul from its embryonic beginnings to full, functional autonomy. The human soul expands in consciousness as the result of incarnational experience, integration of the personality, invocatory dialog with the Solar Angel, and construction of the antahkarana. As the human soul acquires power and demonstrates commitment to the mission of its own Monad, the Solar Angels assignment draws to a close. The Solar Angel retains its own identity throughout its long association with us. But during that association, the Angel shares its energy, life, and consciousness with us, overshadowing the lower self with a degree of intimacy beyond our comprehension. This intimacy increases still further as the human soul begins to take definite form, leading up to the symbolic mystic marriage. But just when the union seems complete, the Solar Angel starts to withdraw. Finally, at the 4th initiation the Angel departs, having fulfilled its pledge to the Planetary Logos and to us. The 4th initiation is one of the most important milestones in our evolutionary journey. However, as numerous case histories make clear, it is not an occasion of unmixed joy. Aside from the pain associated with sacrifice of the lower nature, we can only imagine the wrenching loss caused by the departure of the Solar Angel. When our time comes, surely we shall cry out, as the Great Initiate did: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.
1 2
Alice A. Bailey. Alice A. Bailey. 3 Ibid., pp. 115-6. 4 Alice A. Bailey. 5 Alice A. Bailey. 6 Alice A. Bailey. 7 Ibid., p. 711.
Discipleship in the New Age, I. Lucis, 1944, p. 390 Initiation, Human and Solar. Lucis, 1922, p. 136.. Education in the New Age. Lucis, 1954, p. 5. Esoteric Psychology, II. Lucis, 1942, p. 93. Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Lucis, 1925, p. 198.
Helena P. Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine, II. Theosophical Publishing House, 1888, p. 18. Ibid, p. 88. 10 Ibid, pp. 374-5. 11 John Nash. The Religious, Scientific and Metaphysical Quest for the Soul. The Beacon, SeptemberOctober 1990, pp. 330-335. 12 Initiation, Human and Solar, op. cit., p. 115. 13 Initiation, Human and Solar, op. cit., p. 136. 14 Geoffrey Hodson. The Kingdom of the Gods. Theosophical Publishing House, 1952, p. 41. 15 Rudolf Steiner. The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World. Anthroposophic Press, 1909, p. 91. 16 Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton. Emanuels Book III. Bantam, 1994. 17 Ibid, p. 20. 18 Ibid, p. 44. 19 Esoteric Psychology II, op. cit., p. 357. 20 Torkum Saraydarian. The Solar Angel. Saraydarian Institute, 1990. 21 Secret Doctrine, II, op. cit., p. 80. 22 Treatise on Cosmic Fire, op. cit., p. 701. 23 Ibid., pp. 299-300. 24 Helena P. Blavatsky. The Key to Theosophy. Theosophical Publishing House, 1889, p. 138. 25 Secret Doctrine, II, op.cit., pp. 18-19. 26 Treatise on Cosmic Fire, op. cit., p. 1147. 27 Alice A. Bailey. Letters on Occult Meditation. Lucis, 1922, p. 30. 28 Treatise on Cosmic Fire, op. cit., p. 425. 29 Geoffrey Hodson, op. cit., pp. 40-46. 30 Discipleship in the New Age, I, op. cit., p. 714. 31 Ron Scolastico. Doorway to the Soul. Scribner, 1995. 32 Israel Regardie. The Golden Dawn. Llewellyn 1937, p. 45. 33 Alice A. Bailey. The Rays and the Initiations. Lucis, 1960, p 488. 34 Treatise on Cosmic Fire, op. cit., p. 996. 35 Alice A. Bailey. Esoteric Healing. Lucis, 1953, p. 644. 36 S. L. MacGregor Mathers (transl.) The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin. Kessinger, 1458. 37 Aleister Crowley. Magick. Weiser, 1973, p. 151. 38 Francis King and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of High Magic. Destiny Books, 1976, p. 151. 39 Israel Regardie, op. cit., pp. 239, 264. 40 Initiation, Human and Solar, op, cit., p. 116. 41 Treatise on Cosmic Fire, op. cit., p. 1111. 42 Initiation, Human and Solar, op, cit., p. 137. 43 Letters on Occult Meditation, op. cit., p. 210. 44 Initiation, Human and Solar, op, cit., p. 117. 45 Key to Theosophy, op. cit., p. 135-6. 46 Saraydarian, op. cit., p. 144. 47 Saraydarian, op. cit., p. 138.