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Message Codes

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Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF)

Messages and Codes

z/OS V ersion 1 Release 11.0


Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF)

Messages and Codes

z/OS V ersion 1 Release 11.0


Note Before using this document, read the general information under Notices on page 683.

Tenth Edition (September 2009) This edition applies to ISPF for Version 1 Release 11.0 of the licensed program z/OS (program number 5694-A01) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. IBM welcomes your comments. A form for comments appears at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed and you have ISPF-specific comments, address your comments to: IBM Corporation Reader Comments DTX/E269 555 Bailey Avenue San Jose, CA 95141-1003 U.S.A. Internet: comments@us.ibm.com If you would like a reply, be sure to include your name and your address, telephone number, e-mail address, or FAX number. Make sure to include the following in your comment or note: v Title and order number of this document v Page number or topic related to your comment When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. The ISPF development team maintains a site on the World Wide Web. The URL for the site is: http:// www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/ispf/ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1980, 2009. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Whats in the z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF library? v Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
About this document . . . . . . . . . Who should use this document . . . . . How to use this document . . . . . . . The z/OS Basic Skills Information Center . . How to read the syntax diagrams . . . . Using LookAt to look up message explanations . vii . vii . vii . . viii . . viii . . xi . . . ISPF debug tools . . . . . . . . . . . Panel trace command (ISPDPTRC) . . . . . Trace format. . . . . . . . . . . . File tailoring trace command (ISPFTTRC) . . . Trace format. . . . . . . . . . . . Diagnostic information . . . . . . . . . Using the ENVIRON system command. . . ENVIRON command syntax and parameter descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . Abend panels provide diagnostic information ISPF statistics entry in a PDS directory . . . Common problems using ISPF . . . . . . Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unexpected output . . . . . . . . . Abend codes and information . . . . . . . Terminal I/O error codes . . . . . . . . Register linkage conventions . . . . . . . Obtaining message IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649 649 653 656 660 663 663

Chapter 1. ISPF messages . . . . . . . 1 Chapter 2. PDF messages . . . . . . 231 Chapter 3. SCLM messages . . . . . 493 Chapter 4. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619 Chapter 5. SuperC messages . . . . 637

. 664 670 . 672 . 673 . 673 . 674 . 675 . 677 . 678 . 679

Appendix. Accessibility . . . . . . . 681

Using assistive technologies . . . . . Keyboard navigation of the user interface . z/OS information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681 . 681 . 681

Chapter 6. Return codes from terminating dialogs . . . . . . . . . 647

Return Codes from Terminating Dialogs . Return Codes from Termination Dialogs . . . . . 647 . 647

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
Programming Interface Information . Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684 . 684

Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 649

Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2009



z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Whats in the z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF library?

You can order the ISPF books using the numbers provided below.
Title z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference z/OS ISPF Edit and Edit Macros z/OS ISPF Messages and Codes z/OS ISPF Planning and Customizing z/OS ISPF Reference Summary z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference z/OS ISPF Services Guide z/OS ISPF Users Guide Vol I z/OS ISPF Users Guide Vol II Order Number SC34-482108 SC34-482408 SC34-482009 SC34-481509 GC34-481408 SC34-481609 SC34-481710 SC34-481909 SC34-482209 SC34-482309

Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2009


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

This document contains messages and codes generated by ISPF. Some of the messages are produced by errors that have occurred for one reason or another, some are warning messages, and some are merely generated to inform the user about tasks ISPF is performing.

About this document

This document contains separate chapters for ISPF messages, PDF messages, SCLM messages, macro messages generated by SCLM, and SuperC messages. Also included are chapters that list error and return codes and provide information on diagnostic tools and techniques. Information that has changed is designated by a vertical line in the left margin. Note: New, changed, or deleted messages can affect your systems automation routines. To ensure that your installations automation routines are current, review the new, changed, and deleted messages listed in z/OS Summary of Message and Interface Changes. z/OS Summary of Message and Interface Changes is available on the z/OS Collection, SK3T-4269 and in the z/OS Internet library at: http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserverzseries/zos/bkserv/

Who should use this document

This document is designed to help anyone who uses ISPF and receives error messages.

How to use this document

First, determine the message number of the message you want to find in this document. On the command line, type MSGID. This command causes the message ID of the last message displayed to appear on your screen. Then you simply look for the message ID listed in this document. For more information about the MSGID command, refer to z/OS ISPF Users Guide Vol I. The message descriptions are composed of: v A unique alphanumeric identifier in the form CCCannna, where CCC nnn Is a character string standing for ISP (for ISPF messages), ISR (for PDF and SuperC messages), or FLM (for SCLM messages). Is a 3-digit number.

a Is an alphabetic character. Within each topic, the messages are organized first alphabetically and then numerically. v A message explanation that states the reason for the message. Error message explanations describe probable causes of the errors; warning message explanations give an explanation of the warnings given; information message explanations give information about tasks ISPF is performing.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2009


v A user response, which gives return codes, describes possible causes of problems, and discusses how to correct the problems. No user action is necessary for information messages and so no response is given. v A second-level response that a programmer, system programmer, or project administrator (in SCLM only) can use to correct the problems discussed in the message explanation. When no second-level action is necessary, no response is given. Messages can contain one or more variables identifying specific components that cause ISPF to generate a message. For example, a variable can be the name of a member, a group, or a type. When a message is displayed, the actual value of the variable is substituted into the message text to help you identify the source of the problem. In the message descriptions that follow, variables with a length greater than 8 are truncated.

The z/OS Basic Skills Information Center

The z/OS Basic Skills Information Center is a Web-based information resource intended to help users learn the basic concepts of z/OS, the operating system that runs most of the IBM mainframe computers in use today. The Information Center is designed to introduce a new generation of Information Technology professionals to basic concepts and help them prepare for a career as a z/OS professional, such as a z/OS system programmer. Specifically, the z/OS Basic Skills Information Center is intended to achieve the following objectives: v Provide basic education and information about z/OS without charge v Shorten the time it takes for people to become productive on the mainframe v Make it easier for new people to learn z/OS. To access the z/OS Basic Skills Information Center, open your Web browser to the following Web site, which is available to all users (no login required): http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/zos/basics/index.jsp

How to read the syntax diagrams

The syntactical structure of commands described in this document is shown by means of syntax diagrams. Figure 1 on page ix shows a sample syntax diagram that includes the various notations used to indicate such things as whether: v An item is a keyword or a variable. v An item is required or optional. v A choice is available. v A default applies if you do not specify a value. v You can repeat an item.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Syntax KEYWORD=default_choice COMMAND_NAME required_variable OPTIONAL_KEYWORD=variable KEYWORD= choice2 choice3

repeatable_item1 fragment_name optional_choice1 optional_choice2

required_choice1 required_choice2 required_choice3

, DEFAULT_KEYWORD repeatable_item2 KEYword


DEFAULT_KEYWORD ( KEYWORD1 KEYWORD2 ( , variable4 variable1 )

KEYWORD3 KEYWORD4 variable2 variable3



Figure 1. Sample syntax diagram

Here are some tips for reading and understanding syntax diagrams: Order of reading Read the syntax diagrams from left to right, from top to bottom, following the path of the line. The symbol indicates the beginning of a statement.

The symbol indicates that a statement is continued on the next line. The symbol indicates that a statement is continued from the previous line. The Keywords symbol indicates the end of a statement.

Keywords appear in uppercase letters.




Sometimes you only need to type the first few letters of a keyword, The required part of the keyword appears in uppercase letters.

In this example, you could type KEY, KEYW, KEYWO, KEYWOR or KEYWORD. The abbreviated or whole keyword you enter must be spelled exactly as shown. Variables Variables appear in lowercase letters. They represent user-supplied names or values.

Required items

Required items appear on the horizontal line (the main path).

COMMAND_NAME required_variable

Optional items

Optional items appear below the main path.


Choice of items

If you can choose from two or more items, they appear vertically, in a stack. If you must choose one of the items, one item of the stack appears on the main path.
required_choice1 required_choice2 required_choice3

If choosing one of the items is optional, the entire stack appears below the main path.

optional_choice1 optional_choice2

If a default value applies when you do not choose any of the items, the default value appears above the main path.

z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Repeatable items

An arrow returning to the left above the main line indicates an item that can be repeated.


If you need to specify a separator character (such as a comma) between repeatable items, the line with the arrow returning to the left shows the separator character you must specify.
, repeatable_item2


Where it makes the syntax diagram easier to read, a section or fragment of the syntax is sometimes shown separately.


. . . fragment_name:

Using LookAt to look up message explanations

LookAt is an online facility that lets you look up explanations for most of the IBM messages you encounter, as well as for some system abends and codes. Using LookAt to find information is faster than a conventional search because in most cases LookAt goes directly to the message explanation. You can use LookAt from these locations to find IBM message explanations for z/OS elements and features, z/VM, VSE/ESA, and Clusters for AIX and Linux: v The Internet. You can access IBM message explanations directly from the LookAt Web site at www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos/bkserv/lookat/. v Your z/OS TSO/E host system. You can install code on your z/OS systems to access IBM message explanations using LookAt from a TSO/E command line (for example: TSO/E prompt, ISPF, or z/OS UNIX System Services). v Your Microsoft Windows workstation. You can install LookAt directly from the z/OS Collection (SK3T-4269) or the z/OS and Software Products DVD Collection (SK3T-4271) and use it from the resulting Windows graphical user interface (GUI). The command prompt (also known as the DOS > command line) version can still be used from the directory in which you install the Windows version of LookAt.



v Your wireless handheld device. You can use the LookAt Mobile Edition from www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos/bkserv/lookat/lookatm.html with a handheld device that has wireless access and an Internet browser. You can obtain code to install LookAt on your host system or Microsoft Windows workstation from: v A CD in the z/OS Collection (SK3T-4269). v The z/OS and Software Products DVD Collection (SK3T-4271). v The LookAt Web site (click Download and then select the platform, release, collection, and location that suit your needs). More information is available in the LOOKAT.ME files available during the download process.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Chapter 1. ISPF messages

ISPA001 Allocation error message - ISPF system data set allocation error - press Enter to continue. error using the appropriate IBM documentation. Contact IBM support. ISPA006 EDITX allocate err msg - Edit backup data set cannot be allocated.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message precedes further messages for which ISPF system data received the allocation error. User response: Press Enter.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPA007 Open error message - Error trying to open aaaaaaaa.


List allocate err msg - List file allocation error - ISPF will operate without a list data set.

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to open aaaaaaaa. User response: Note the message and text. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Diagnose the open error for aaaaaaaa using the appropriate IBM documentation. Contact IBM support. ISPA107 Open error message - Error trying to open data set.

Explanation: A list data set allocation error occurred; ISPF will operate without a list data set. User response: Continue to use ISPF. Contact your system programmer if message recurs. System programmer response: Diagnose the allocation error. Contact IBM support. ISPA003 Log allocate err msg - Log file allocation error - ISPF will operate without a log data set.

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to open the ISPF system data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPA008 Invalid temp ds-qual. - The temporary data set qualifier is invalid. The log, list and temporary cntl data sets will be allocated without it.

Explanation: A log data set allocation error occurred; ISPF will operate without a log data set. User response: Continue to use ISPF. Contact your system programmer if message recurs. System programmer response: Diagnose the allocation error. Contact IBM support. ISPA004 LISTX allocate err msg - Temporary listing data set cannot be allocated.

Explanation: The ISPF temporary listing data set cannot be allocated. User response: Note the error message and text. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Diagnose the allocation error using the appropriate IBM documentation. Contact IBM support. ISPA005 CNTLX allocate err msg - Temporary control card data set cannot be allocated.

Explanation: The temporary data set qualifier, specified in the configuration utility, did not adhere to the qualifier naming convention. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the qualifier in the configuration utility. ISPA108 Error from DAIR routine - An error was encountered while running the TSO IKJDAIR routine.

Explanation: An error was encountered while running the TSO IKJDAIR routine. User response: Note the error message. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Diagnose the DAIR error codes. Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The ISPF temporary ISPCTLx or ISPWRKx data set cannot be allocated. User response: Note the error message and text. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Diagnose the allocation
Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2009

ISPA111 Invalid prefix length - Data set prefix length specified in exit must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 27. Programmer response: If the program function was valid, this may be a system error or an ISPF internal error. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is a possible system error or ISPF internal error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPA311 APL2 interface error - APL2 driver is unable to aaaaaaaa storage.

Explanation: An invalid prefix length has been specified by EXIT 16: Log, List, and Temporary Data Set Allocation Exit. User response: The data set prefix length specified in EXIT 16 must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 26. Refer to EXITS in the ISPF Planning and Customizing for information on EXIT 16. ISPA300 APL2 interface error - Invalid APL2 interface chain manager request: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: There was an error in either obtaining or freeing storage. User response: Contact the system programmer. Programmer response: This is a possible system error or an ISPF internal error. If the error occurred during a GET command, verify that the user region size is adequate for running the program. If the region size is adequate or the error occurred during a FREE command, contact IBM support. ISPA320 APL2 interface error - Invalid APL2 environment manager request: aaaaaaaa, direction: bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An invalid request was made to the storage chain manager. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: A request other than GET, FREE, or FREEALL was made to the storage chain manager. This could also be an ISPF internal error. If you feel that your program is not at fault, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This could be either a system error or an ISPF internal error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPA301 APL2 interface error - Unable to free APL2 environment chain.

Explanation: The program request is not a valid ISPF APL2 request. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: If the request is a valid program request, should contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This is a possible system or internal ISPF error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPA321 APL2 interface error - APL2 environment manager is unable to aaaaaaaa storage.

Explanation: There was an error while ISPF was attempting to free storage. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is a possible system or ISPF internal error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPA302 APL2 interface error - Unable to get block for APL2 environment chain.

Explanation: There was an error in an ISPF storage GET or FREE command. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is a possible system error or ISPF internal error. If the error is a GET command, verify that the user region size is adequate for running the program. If the region size is adequate or the error is a FREE, contact IBM support. ISPA322 ISPF/APL2 link error - The SELECT service request to initiate APL2 requires keyword: lang(APL).

Explanation: ISPF was unable to obtain additional storage. User response: Contact your system programmer. Programmer response: Verify that the users region size is adequate for running the program that failed. If the region size is adequate, contact IBM support. ISPA310 APL2 interface error - Invalid APL2 driver request: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The APL2 driver request was not a valid function. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.

Explanation: There was an invalid SELECT service request; lang(APL) was omitted. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the SELECT statement

z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

so that it includes lang(APL). ISPA323 ISPF/APL2 link ended - The APL2 side has ended, but there are ISPF service requests outstanding. coded correctly for use of the variable shown in the message. ISPA331 APL2 workspace error - Function: list all variables, return code: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: APL has ended prematurely. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that APL does not end until the ISPF service requests have completed. For additional information, read Interface between ISPF and APL2 in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference. ISPA324 Invalid APL2 selection - Outstanding APL2 workspace requests for ISPF services must be terminated.

Explanation: An error in the list all variables function caused a program failure. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify that the APL program is coded correctly for this function. If the list all variables function is coded correctly, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This is a possible system or ISPF internal error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPA332 APL2 interface error - APL2 variable services exit routine is unable to aaaaaaaa storage.

Explanation: The APL program has failed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Cleanup mode was active when an APL select was initiated. For more information, read Interface between ISPF and APL2 in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference. ISPA325 aaaaaaaa variable request - Outstanding APL2 workspace requests for ISPF services must be terminated.

Explanation: The program was unsuccessful because of a storage management problem. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is a possible system or ISPF internal error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPA333 Data truncation occurred - Data for APL2 variable list is too long.

Explanation: The APL program failed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Cleanup mode was active when an APL variable service was initiated. For more information, read Interface between ISPF and APL2 in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference . ISPA326 ISPF/APL2 link damaged - APL2 request has ended, but there are ISPF service requests outstanding.

Explanation: The program was unsuccessful because of variable list truncation. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. ISPA334 APL2 variable error - The value for variable aaaaaaaa is not a character scalar or vector.

Explanation: The APL program failed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The APL request was ended prematurely. For more information read, Interface between ISPF and APL2 in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference . ISPA330 APL2 workspace error - Function: aaaaaaaa, variable: bbbbbbbb, return code: cccccccc.

Explanation: The program was unsuccessful because of an incorrect variable value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the variable value. ISPA335 APL2 interface error - Invalid auxiliary processor variable services request: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The request name listed was not recognized. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the request. If the request is valid, this could be an internal error; contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This is a possible
Chapter 1. ISPF messages

Explanation: The variable service shown was unsuccessful. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify that the program is

system or internal error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPA336 Invalid variable name - aaaaaaaa is not a valid variable name for both ISPF and APL2. ISPC002 ISPCNT error: RC =aaaaaaaa - The input data set is a partitioned data set. Specify a member name.

Explanation: An existing member of the SPF PARMS partitioned data set must be specified. User response: Verify that the name of the SPF PARMS data set is correct and that an existing member is specified. Refer to ISPF Planning and Customizing for more information on the ISPCNT program. ISPC003 ISPCNT error: RC =aaaaaaaa - SPF parm data must have the keyword TKV in the 3-5 or 4-6 position.

Explanation: The variable name is invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the variable name. ISPA337 APL2 function limit - An ISPF service may retrieve up to 64k bytes of APL2 workspace data.

Explanation: Storage for the program has been exhausted. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the program to prevent the storage error. ISPA400 ISPAPTT dialog error - No parameter input was passed.

Explanation: The specified member is not a valid PARMS data set if the keyword TKV is missing or not in the correct location. User response: Verify that the specified member exists in the SPF PARMS data set. Browse the specified member to see if the TKV keyword is missing or in the wrong position. Refer to ISPF Planning and Customizing for more information on the ISPCNT program. ISPC004 ISPCNT error: RC =aaaaaaaa - Open failure, allocate ISPPARM ddname to a SPF parms member.

Explanation: The parameter did not include all of the necessary inputs. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the parameters for the terminal type. ISPA401 ISPAPTT dialog error - Unexpected return code aaaaaaaa from service bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The OPEN FAILURE is issued for not having allocated the SPF PARMS data set to the ddname ISPPARM prior to invoking ISPCNT. User response: Allocate the fully-qualified SPF PARMS data set to the ddname ISPPARM. Refer to ISPF Planning and Customizing for more information on the ISPCNT program. ISPC010 ISPC010W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc=dddddddd attribute specification is not valid when the eeeeeeee conversion option has been specified. cccccccc=dddddddd will not be used.

Explanation: The APL program was unsuccessful. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The service shown failed with the return code shown. Verify that the service is coded correctly. If it is correct, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This is a possible system or internal error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPC001 ISPCNT error: RC =aaaaaaaa - Open failure, member does not exist in data set.

Explanation: The eeeeeeee conversion option is in conflict with the use of attribute cccccccc specified for value dddddddd. The cccccccc attribute specification is ignored. User response: Change the attribute value or change the conversion utility option. ISPC011 ISPC011W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Previous cccccccc tag attribute was missing or not valid. dddddddd tag will be ignored.

Explanation: The SPF PARMS member specified does not exist in the SPF PARMS data set User response: Verify that the spelling of the SPF PARMS member is correct. Ensure that the member exists in the SPF PARMS data set allocated to ddname ISPPARM. Refer to ISPF Planning and Customizing for more information on the ISPCNT program.

Explanation: The previous tag cccccccc has a missing or invalid attribute. The current dddddddd tag cannot be processed and will be ignored.

z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Review the ISPDTLC log to determine the problem with the cccccccc tag. Correct the problem and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC012 ISPC012W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc attribute has already been defined for the dddddddd tag. cccccccc = eeeeeeee will be ignored and the first setting will be used. User response: Provide only 1 specification for attribute cccccccc=dddddddd. ISPC015 ISPC015W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc attribute is not valid when the dddddddd attribute is also specified. cccccccc=eeeeeeee will not be used.

Explanation: The cccccccc attribute has been previously defined on the current dddddddd tag. Duplicate attribute specifications are ignored. User response: Provide only 1 specification for attribute cccccccc. ISPC013 ISPC013W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc=dddddddd attribute is not defined for the eeeeeeee tag and will be ignored.

Explanation: There is a conflict in the specification of attributes cccccccc and dddddddd. The dddddddd attribute will be used. The cccccccc attribute is ignored. User response: Remove the cccccccc attribute specification from the DTL source file. ISPC015A ISPC015AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc attribute is not valid when the dddddddd attribute is also specified. cccccccc will not be used.

Explanation: The cccccccc attribute is not valid for the eeeeeeee tag. User response: Remove the cccccccc attribute specification from the DTL source file. ISPC013A ISPC013AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc attribute is not defined for the dddddddd tag and will be ignored.

Explanation: There is a conflict in the specification of attributes cccccccc and dddddddd. The dddddddd attribute will be used. The cccccccc attribute is ignored. User response: Remove the cccccccc attribute specification from the DTL source file. ISPC016 ISPC016E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag can only be coded within a text string. The previous tag has not been properly closed.

Explanation: The cccccccc attribute is not valid for the dddddddd tag. User response: Remove the cccccccc attribute specification from the DTL source file. ISPC014 ISPC014W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc attribute has already been defined for the dddddddd tag. This duplicate attribute specification will be ignored.

Explanation: The cccccccc tag can be used only within the text part of the tag syntax following the > close tag delimiter. User response: Make sure that the previous tag has been closed with the > tag delimiter. Correct the DTL source and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC017 ISPC017W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc=dddddddd attribute value is not supported in the conversion process. The default value eeeeeeee will be used.

Explanation: The cccccccc attribute has been previously defined on the current dddddddd tag. Duplicate attribute specifications are ignored. User response: Provide only 1 specification for attribute cccccccc. ISPC014A ISPC014AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc=dddddddd attribute has already been defined. This duplicate attribute specification will be ignored.

Explanation: The invalid value dddddddd has been specified for the cccccccc attribute. The conversion utility will use the default value eeeeeeee. User response: Correct the DTL source and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC018 ISPC018E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A required tag was not coded under the cccccccc tag. One of these tags is required to be coded under the cccccccc tag: dddddddd.

Explanation: The cccccccc=dddddddd attribute has been previously defined on another tag. Duplicate attribute specifications are ignored.

Explanation: The cccccccc tag requires the use of at least one of the nested tags dddddddd.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages

User response: Correct the DTL source and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC019 ISPC019E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Required cccccccc attribute was not specified or was not valid on the dddddddd tag. ISPC025 ISPC025I: Profile processing has been changed. The entries for DTLMIN will be ignored. Conversion Utility messages are now part of the standard ISPF message library. Please remove all DTLMIN entries from your profile.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC026 ISPC026I: Profile processing has been changed. The entries for DTLNLS will be ignored. The multicultural support literals are now provided through an ISPF facility. Please remove all DTLNLS entries from your profile.

Explanation: The dddddddd tag requires the specification of attribute cccccccc tags dddddddd. User response: Correct the DTL source and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC020 ISPC020W: Warning. ISPDTLC Release aaaaaaaa. for bbbbbbbb. is being run on ISPF Release cccccccc. for dddddddd.. Results are not predictable.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC027 ISPC027I: Source file name aaaaaaaa ignored (not found) during member selection processing.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Review the file allocations to make sure that ISPDTLC is being run from the SYSEXEC or SYSPROC data set for the correct ISPF release. ISPC020A ISPC020AI: ISPF Dialog Tag Language Conversion Utility for ISPF aaaaaaaa.. Current APAR level: bbbbbbbb.. Current PTF number: cccccccc..

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC028 ISPC028I: aaaaaaaa message(s) have been suppressed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC028A ISPC028AI: Total of aaaaaaaa message(s) have been suppressed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is second log record for batch mode. ISPC021 ISPC021I: aaaaaaaa ISPF bbbbbbbb Dialog Tag Language Conversion Utility

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC029 aaaaaaaa warning(s) and bbbbbbbb error(s) found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is first log record. ISPC022 ISPC022I: Converting source file aaaaaaaa...

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC029A ISPC029AI: Total of aaaaaaaa warning(s) and bbbbbbbb error(s) found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC023 ISPC023W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Duplicate source file name cccccccc ignored during DTLLST processing.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC030 ISPC030W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc end-tag does not end any open tag and is ignored. The current open-tag is dddddddd..

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC024 ISPC024I: Duplicate source file name aaaaaaaa ignored during member selection processing.

Explanation: The end tag cccccccc is not matched to any open tag. User response: Check tag syntax, especially from tag dddddddd through the error line containing cccccccc. Correct the DTL source and rerun the conversion utility.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC031 ISPC031E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc has missing end-tag and was ended by dddddddd tag. the coding can be specified as %amp;S3. to avoid this message. Correct the DTL source file and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC039 ISPC039E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc ended prematurely by dddddddd start-tag.

Explanation: The cccccccc tag requires an end tag. The dddddddd tag has been found in the DTL source before the required end-tag for cccccccc. User response: Check tag nesting, especially from tag cccccccc through the error line containing dddddddd. Correct the DTL source and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC032 ISPC032E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc tag ended prematurely by the end of the file.

Explanation: A tag nesting error has caused the dddddddd tag to end processing of the open cccccccc tag. User response: Correct the DTL source file and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC040 ISPC040E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc tag cannot be coded after previously coded dddddddd tag.

Explanation: The DTL source file does not have an end-tag for cccccccc. User response: Make sure the DTL source file includes an end-tag for cccccccc. Review the source file for an open quoted string. Correct the DTL source file and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC035 ISPC035W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No declaration found for ENTITY cccccccc. The variable cannot be substituted. (ENTITY definitions are case sensitive. Verify that the entity-name definition matches the entity reference.)

Explanation: A tag was found that is not allowed after the previously coded tag. Programmer response: Verify the valid nesting conditions and update the DTL source file. ISPC041 ISPC041W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc tag cannot be coded after previously coded dddddddd tag. cccccccc and its nested tags will be ignored.

Explanation: Variable substitution cannot be completed for variable cccccccc. User response: If the entity is defined, make sure that the entity-name reference is the same case as the entity declaration. If the variable cccccccc is a run-time substitution variable, the coding can be specified as &S3. to avoid this message. Correct the DTL source file and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC036 ISPC036W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. During SOURCE tag processing, no ENTITY declaration found for cccccccc. The variable cannot be substituted. If cccccccc is a TSO command or other panel logic value, this message may be removed by coding %amp;dddddddd. If cccccccc is a variable to be substituted, review the DTL source file. (ENTITY definitions are case sensitive. Verify that the entity-name definition matches the entity reference.)

Explanation: A tag was found that is not allowed after the previously coded tag. The tag, and any tags nested within, are ignored during the continuation of the conversion. Programmer response: Verify the valid nesting conditions and update the DTL source file. ISPC042 ISPC042E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Document type is unknown.

Explanation: The document-type declaration (DOCTYPE) was not found in the file to be converted. Programmer response: Update the DTL source file to include the !DOCTYPE DM SYSTEM document-type declaration and reconvert the file. ISPC043 ISPC043E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Multiple DOCTYPE records.

Explanation: More than one DOCTYPE record was found within a single GML source file. Programmer response: Update the DTL source file so it contains a single DOCTYPE record. ISPC044 ISPC044W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc and its nested tags will be ignored in the conversion process.

Explanation: Variable substitution cannot be completed for variable cccccccc. User response: If the entity is defined, make sure that the entity-name reference is the same case as the entity declaration. If the variable cccccccc is a TSO command,

Explanation: The cccccccc tag coded is not supported

Chapter 1. ISPF messages

by ISPF. The tag and all tags nested within will be ignored by the conversion utility. Programmer response: No response is required. ISPC051V ISPC045 ISPC045E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Unable to format data. Reason code was cccccccc. Variable length output message libraries must have a minimum record length of 84 bytes. User response: Use a message library with a record length of 80.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC046 ISPC046W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Multiple nested REGION tags with the DIR=HORIZ attribute are not allowed. All tags nested within this REGION tag will be syntax checked and then ignored during panel formatting.

Explanation: The record length of the specified message library is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a message library with a record length of 84. ISPC052F Fixed length output log files must have a minimum record length of 80 bytes.

Explanation: The record length of the specified log file is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a log file with a record length of 80. ISPC052V Variable length output log files must have a minimum record length of 84 bytes.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC047 ISPC047W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The use of the DEPTH attribute to create a scrollable area on the cccccccc tag is not valid because DEPTH has been specified on an enclosing tag. The DEPTH attribute is ignored. ISPF does not support nested scrollable areas.

Explanation: The record length of the specified log file is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a log file with a record length of 84. ISPC053F Fixed length output list files must have a minimum record length of 80 bytes.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the DEPTH attribute from the cccccccc tag. ISPC050F Fixed length output panel libraries must have a record length of 80, 132, or 160 bytes.

Explanation: The record length of the specified list file is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a list file with a record length of 80. ISPC053V Variable length output list files must have a minimum record length of 84 bytes.

Explanation: The record length of the specified panel library is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a panel library that has one of the specified record lengths. ISPC050V Variable length output panel libraries should have a record length of 84, 136, or 164 bytes. The minimum record length is 84 and the maximum is 164.

Explanation: The record length of the specified list file is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a list file with a record length of 84. ISPC054F Fixed length output script files must have a minimum record length of 80 bytes.

Explanation: The record length of the specified panel library is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a panel library that has one of the specified record lengths. ISPC051F Fixed length output message libraries must have a minimum record length of 80 bytes.

Explanation: The record length of the specified script file is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a script library with a record length of 80.

Explanation: The record length of the specified message library is not supported by ISPF.

z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC054V Variable length output script files must have a minimum record length of 84 bytes. member, or enter RENEW to clear all line commands. ISPC068A Select members to be converted. (Enter S * to select all members.)

Explanation: The record length of the specified script file is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a script library with a record length of 84. ISPC055 Tables files must have a record length of 80 bytes.

Explanation: Select members from the ISPF member selection list by placing an asterisk (*) in front of each member to convert. If all the members are to be converted, enter S * on the command line and press the Enter key. User response: Make appropriate selection of members to be converted. ISPC068B Select members to be converted or END to start conversion processing.

Explanation: The record length of the specified tables file is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a tables library with a record length of 80. ISPC059 Record format aaaaaaaa is not valid for file bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The record format of the specified file is not supported by ISPF. User response: Table file format must be Fixed. DTL source, panels, messages, and script file format may be either Fixed or Variable. Log file and List file format may be either Fixed or Variable, with or without print control. ISPC060 Press Enter to start conversion.

Explanation: Select members to be converted by placing an S in front of the member or members to convert. When all members to convert have been selected, enter END and press the Enter key, or press the F3 key to start the conversion process. User response: Make additional selections, cancel conversion process, or enter END to start the conversion process. ISPC068C Only members from the first 16 data sets are included in this list. Select members to be converted. (Enter S * to select all members.)

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Press Enter to continue the conversion process. ISPC061 Verify panel settings and press Enter to start conversion.

Explanation: Select members from the ISPF member selection list by placing an asterisk (*) in front of each member to convert. If all the members are to be converted, enter S * on the command line and press the Enter key. User response: Make appropriate selection of members to be converted. ISPC069A No members match the specified pattern or the input data set(s) are empty.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Press Enter to continue the conversion process. ISPC062 Verify panel settings and press Enter to submit conversion job.

Explanation: The input DTL Source GML data set(s) were empty, or no members in the data set(s) match the pattern specified. User response: Check the data sets or the member pattern or both. ISPC069B No members have been selected.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Press Enter to continue the conversion process. ISPC067 Select code not valid - Use S or / to select, E to Edit, V to View, B to Browse, or primary command DESELECT to deselect all entries and erase all line command notation entries.

Explanation: No members have been selected for conversion. User response: To convert a DTL source file, enter the member name and invocation options and press the Enter key.

Explanation: An invalid line command was entered on a member list. User response: Enter a valid line command for the
Chapter 1. ISPF messages

ISPC069C DTL conversion in process for aaaaaaaa. ISPC076 Enter up to 4 positions for application id. First position must be alpha.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Conversion of the member is currently in progress. ISPC071 You may select either the option for KANA or NOKANA, or you may leave both options blank.

Explanation: The value entered for the Keylist Application ID was invalid. Valid values are 0-4 positions; the first position, if used, must be alphabetic. User response: Enter a valid Keylist Application ID. ISPC077 The KANA option is valid only with the JAPANESE language selection.

Explanation: KANA and NOKANA are optional selections. KANA and NOKANA are mutually exclusive options, only one can be chosen. User response: Leave both the KANA and NOKANA options blank, or select either the KANA or NOKANA option and press ENTER to continue the conversion process. ISPC072 Select option for Display converted panels or Display converted panels in a window, but not both.

Explanation: KANA is only valid when the JAPANESE language is used for the conversion. User response: Select the JAPANESE language, or deselect the KANA option, and restart the conversion process. ISPC078 The DBCS option is valid only for JAPANESE, CHINESES, CHINESET or KOREAN language selection.

Explanation: Display converted panels and Display converted panels in a window are mutually exclusive options. Only one can be chosen. User response: Select only one of the Display converted panels or Display converted panels in a window options and restart the conversion process. ISPC073 Select option for KANA or NOKANA, but not both.

Explanation: DBCS is only valid when the selected language used for the conversion is JAPANESE, CHINESES, CHINESET, or KOREAN. User response: Select one of the valid languages if the DBCS option is needed, or deselect the DBCS option and restart the conversion process. ISPC079 Choose a language from the ISPF supported languages. Use the Help option for a list of languages.

Explanation: KANA and NOKANA are mutually exclusive options, only one can be chosen. User response: Select only one of the KANA or NOKANA options and restart the conversion process. ISPC074 Select option for Generate List file or Generate List file with substitution, but not both.

Explanation: Generate List file and Generate List file with substitution are mutually exclusive options, only one can be chosen. User response: Select option for Generate List file or Generate List file with substitution, and restart the conversion process. ISPC075 The aaaaaaaa language requires that the DBCS option be selected. Either select the DBCS option or specify a non-DBCS language.

Explanation: The language specified is not one of the valid ISPF supported languages. Valid languages are: English German Swiss German Danish Spanish Portuguese French Italian Japanese Korean Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) User response: Specify a valid ISPF language and restart the conversion process. ISPC080 Enter a valid DTL source file member name.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: The DBCS option is not selected but the current language is a DBCS language. The language and DBCS option selection are in conflict. User response: Either select the DBCS option or specify a non-DBCS language.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC081 Enter a valid DTL source library name. ISPC092 Enter a valid output list file name.

Explanation: The DTL source library name specified was invalid. For example, the library name may not conform to valid naming conventions, or unmatched quotes were detected. User response: Enter a valid DTL source library name and restart the conversion process. ISPC082 Enter a valid output panel library name.

Explanation: The output list file name specified was invalid. For example, a list file name may not conform to valid naming conventions, or unmatched quotes were detected. User response: Enter a valid output list file name and restart the conversion process. ISPC093 Enter a valid list file member name.

Explanation: The output panel library name specified was invalid. For example, a library name may not conform to valid naming conventions, or unmatched quotes were detected. User response: Enter a valid output panel library name and restart the conversion process. ISPC083 Enter a valid output message library name.

Explanation: The list file member name entered contains invalid characters, or does not conform to valid TSO member naming conventions. User response: Enter a valid member name for the list file. ISPC094 Enter a valid output SCRIPT library name.

Explanation: The output message library name specified was invalid. For example, a library name may not conform to valid naming conventions, or unmatched quotes were detected. User response: Enter a valid output message library name and restart the conversion process. ISPC084 Enter a valid output log file name.

Explanation: The SCRIPT library name specified was invalid. For example, a library name may not conform to valid naming conventions, or unmatched quotes were detected. User response: Enter a valid output SCRIPT library name and restart the conversion process. ISPC095 Enter a valid TABLES library name.

Explanation: The output log file name specified was invalid. For example, a log file name may not conform to valid naming conventions, or unmatched quotes were detected. User response: Enter a valid output log file name and restart the conversion process. ISPC086 Enter a valid DTL source filename.

Explanation: The TABLES library name specified was invalid. For example, a library name may not conform to valid naming conventions, or unmatched quotes were detected. User response: Enter a valid TABLES library name and restart the conversion process. ISPC100 ISPC100E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The DBCS control byte SO has been detected in your source file, but the DBCS option has not been specified. The conversion results are unpredictable. The conversion utility has automatically enabled the DBCS option to allow formatting of your source file to continue. Reconvert your source file specifying the DBCS option.

Explanation: The DTL source member list can not be displayed. This may occur when LMINIT or LMOPEN has not completed successfully. User response: Exit from the conversion utility. Enter ISPDTLC and restart the conversion process. ISPC091 Enter a valid log file member name.

Explanation: The log file member name entered contains invalid characters, or does not conform to valid TSO member naming conventions. User response: Enter a valid member name for the log file.

Explanation: The conversion utility encountered a DBCS control shift-out byte when the DBCS option was not specified for the conversion. The DBCS option has been enabled at this point, but text formatting may be unpredictable. User response: Restart the conversion process with the DBCS option specified.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC101 ISPC101E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. DBCS SO byte encountered before required DBCS SI byte. ISPC106 ISPC106W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No room to format data.

Explanation: A DBCS shift-out byte was encountered in the GML source file prior to a DBCS shift-in byte. Programmer response: Correct the GML source file to contain matched shift-in and shift-out bytes and restart the conversion process. ISPC102 ISPC102W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. At least 4 byte field widths are required to format DBCS strings. There is not enough room to format the cccccccc on the dddddddd tag.

Explanation: No room was left on the panel to format the given data. User response: Check the GML source file for spacing requirements for depth and width, then restart the conversion process. ISPC107 ISPC107W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The VARCLASS type cccccccc has no meaning for dddddddd entry fields and is ignored by the conversion utility.

Explanation: The field width for the DBCS field must be 4 bytes or greater to accommodate the shift-in/shift-out bytes along with the double-byte character. Programmer response: Update the GML source file to allow at least 4 bytes for the field width and restart the conversion process. ISPC103 ISPC103E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Cannot end string without DBCS SI byte.

Explanation: A VARCLASS tag was specified with a TYPE that does not have meaning when specified for the entry field. User response: Update the GML source file and restart the conversion process. ISPC108 ISPC108E: Error. The specified or default language aaaaaaaa has been changed to bbbbbbbb to allow formatting of your source file to continue. Reconvert your source file specifying a DBCS supported language.

Explanation: A string containing a DBCS shift-out byte ended before the matching DBCS shift-in byte was found. User response: Check the GML source file and match DBCS shift-in and shift-out bytes, then restart the conversion process. ISPC104 ISPC104E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Cannot end DBCS string on odd byte boundary.

Explanation: The language specified for the conversion does not support DBCS. The formatting of the source file requires DBCS, and the language has been changed to a DBCS-supported language. User response: Check that your GML source file is correct and restart the conversion process specifying a DBCS-supported language. ISPC109 ISPC109W: Warning. The use of the aaaaaaaa language requires that the DBCS option be specified for the conversion. The conversion utility has automatically enabled the DBCS option.

Explanation: A DBCS string was encountered with an odd number of bytes, which is not acceptable for a pure DBCS string. User response: Update the GML source file for the correct DBCS data and restart the conversion process. ISPC105 ISPC105E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. DBCS SI byte encountered without matching beginning DBCS SO byte.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The language specified for the conversion requires the DBCS option. The DBCS option has been automatically enabled for the conversion. ISPC110 ISPC110W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. String constant exceeds 253 characters and will be truncated.

Explanation: A DBCS shift-in byte was encountered in the GML source file without a matching DBCS shift-out byte. Programmer response: Correct the GML source file to contain matched shift-in and shift-out bytes and restart the conversion process.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC112 ISPC112W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The key value cccccccc is not valid. Valid values are F1-F24 only.

Explanation: The KEY= value on the KEYI tag was coded incorrectly. Valid values are F1-F24.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: Update the GML to reflect a valid KEY value on the KEYI tag, and restart the conversion process. ISPC114 ISPC114W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Odd length DBCS substring encountered. Beginning of string padded with a single-byte blank. When the CANCEL command is specified in a keylist, it must be assigned to the F12 or F24 key. User response: Use the appropriate key for the HELP, EXIT, or CANCEL command. ISPC126 ISPC126W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Duplicate cccccccc key was encountered and will be ignored.

Explanation: DBCS substring must contain an even length. A single-byte blank has been added at the beginning of the string to correct the length. Programmer response: Verify the DBCS substring. ISPC115 ISPC115W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No keys were defined for cccccccc.

Explanation: Only 1 definition of the cccccccc key is allowed in each keylist. User response: Remove the duplicate definition for the cccccccc key. ISPC127 ISPC127W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The key value cccccccc is not supported by the conversion utility as a valid key assignment. Valid values are F1-F24 only.

Explanation: No KEYI (Key Item) tag was found for processing within the KEYL (Key List) tag. Programmer response: Update the KEYL tag to include at least one KEYI. ISPC120 ISPC120E: Error. ISPF Keylist was not created. Possible reasons may be that the conversion tool was not run as a dialog on ISPF or ISPF was not active.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Use a key value in the F1-F24 range. ISPC128 ISPC128E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Key list Application ID required. cccccccc must be specified as an invocation option in order to write dddddddd.

Explanation: An invalid return code was received from the SELECT service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. ISPC121 ISPC121W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Key Description exceeds allowable length of cccccccc characters.

Explanation: No application ID is available to identify the keylist. User response: Specify the application ID on the invocation panel, or use the KEYLAPPL=xxxx keyword from the invocation syntax to specify the application ID for this keylist. ISPC129A ISPC129AE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Return code of 12 (Attributes are not valid) from the SELECT service attempting to create an ISPF Keylist.

Explanation: The maximum key description allowed by the Dialog Tag Language is 64. The first 8 bytes of description are used by ISPF. User response: Reduce the length of the key description to 64. ISPC122 ISPC122W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The internal-command-name cccccccc is not valid. When dddddddd, eeeeeeee must be ffffffff.

Explanation: The keylist update program has detected an invalid key attribute. User response: Provide a valid value for the FKA attribute of the KEYI tag. ISPC129B ISPC129BE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Return code of 16 (Key defined is not valid) from the SELECT service attempting to create an ISPF Keylist.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC123 ISPC123W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Internal-command-name cccccccc is not valid for the dddddddd function key.

Explanation: When the HELP command is specified in a keylist, it must be assigned to the F1 or F13 key. When the EXIT command is specified in a keylist, it must be assigned to the F3 or F15 key.

Explanation: The keylist update program has detected an invalid key name. User response: Provide a valid value for the KEY attribute of the KEYI tag.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC129C ISPC129CE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Return code of cccccccc (Severe Error) from the SELECT service attempting to create an ISPF Keylist. ISPC130 ISPC130W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Unknown numeric value found processing DTL source string cccccccc. Check for sequence numbers in the DTL source file.

Explanation: The keylist update program has detected a severe error while attempting to update the keylist. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you are not running mixed levels of ISPF code, you may need to contact IBM support. ISPC129D ISPC129DE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Return code of 24 (Syntax Error) from the SELECT service attempting to create an ISPF Keylist.

Explanation: During source file processing, an 8 character numeric value string was found. This value might be a file sequence number. DTL source file records can not contain sequence numbers. User response: Check the GML source file. Remove any sequence numbers and restart the conversion process. ISPC131 ISPC131W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Text string cccccccc found in source file where tag is expected. Text string is ignored.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC129E ISPC129EE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Return code of 28 (Keylist entry not found) from the SELECT service attempting to create an ISPF Keylist.

Explanation: While scanning the source file for the next tag, an extraneous text string was found, possibly an unclosed tag or a missing end-tag. User response: Check the GML source file and restart the conversion process. ISPC132 ISPC132W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Undefined cccccccc start-tag. cccccccc is ignored.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC129F ISPC129FE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Return code of 32 (Keylist table open) from the SELECT service attempting to create an ISPF Keylist. (The keylist update program received a return code of 12 from the TBOPEN service.)

Explanation: The start-tag specified is not valid. Programmer response: Update the GML to contain a valid start-tag, and restart the conversion process. ISPC133 ISPC133E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The first character in keyword cccccccc is not valid. cccccccc must start with characters A-Z and the > must be used as the closing tag delimiter. One possible cause is that a previous tag was not closed with the > delimiter.

Explanation: The keylist update program received a return code of 12 from the TBOPEN service. The keylist update cannot be performed on the currently active application ID. User response: ISPDTLC must be run with a different application ID. ISPC129G ISPC129GE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Return code of 36 (ISPTABL file not allocated) from the SELECT service attempting to create an ISPF Keylist. (The keylist update program received a return code of 16 from the TBCLOSE service.)

Explanation: A keyword was detected with invalid syntax. The keyword must begin with an alphabetic character and must contain a closing tag delimiter of >. This error could occur if the previous tag did not contain the closing tag delimiter. Programmer response: Update the GML to contain a valid keyword and restart the conversion process. ISPC134 ISPC134E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Pending quote was not closed and caused all records in the file to be read in an attempt to find the closing quote.

Explanation: The keylist update program received a return code of 16 from the TBCLOSE service. The output table library is not allocated. User response: Verify that the ISPTABL file has been allocated before running ISPDTLC.

Explanation: A single quote was encountered and the closing quote was not found in the rest of the file.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: Update the GML to contain matching opening and closing quotes and restart the conversion process. ISPC135 ISPC135W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Unmatched quotes in entity value: cccccccc.. Panel formatting may be affected. ISPC141 ISPC141W: The JAPANESE language is required when KANA has been specified. The conversion utility has automatically set the language to JAPANESE.

Explanation: A single() or double() quote was encountered within cccccccc that is the same kind of quote character found immediately before or after the symbolic variable. Programmer response: Update the GML to contain matching opening and closing quotes and restart the conversion process. ISPC136 ISPC136E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Incorrect tag syntax with multiple close tag delimiters found on the cccccccc tag.

Explanation: The KANA keyword has been specified without specification of the JAPANESE language. The conversion utility requires the use of the JAPANESE language when processing KANA. The conversion utility has automatically set the language specification to JAPANESE. User response: If KANA is not to be used, restart the conversion process without the KANA and JAPANESE options. ISPC142 ISPC142W: The DBCS option has been specified, but either no language has been specified or the language selected is not a DBCS language. The conversion utility has automatically set the language to JAPANESE.

Explanation: Multiple close tag delimiters found when processing the cccccccc tag. User response: Check the GML source file and restart the conversion process. ISPC137 ISPC137E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Incorrect tag syntax. The cccccccc tag must follow the preceding tag with no intervening blanks or text. Only one cccccccc tag is allowed within a LI, LP or P tag.

Explanation: The DBCS keyword has been specified. However, either no language was selected, or the language specified does not support DBCS. The conversion utility has automatically set the language specification to JAPANESE. User response: If DBCS is not to be used, restart the conversion process without the DBCS and JAPANESE options. ISPC149 ISPC149E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Line contains DBCS data which is not valid. Hex value of data string =cccccccc.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: If any blanks precede the CAUTION or WARNING tag, remove the blanks and reconvert the DTL source file. If multiple CAUTION or WARNING tags are present, remove the multiple occurrence of the tag. ISPC140 ISPC140W: The DBCS option is required when KANA has been specified. The conversion utility has automatically enabled the DBCS option.

Explanation: Line contains DBCS data which is not valid. Check for proper use of shift out and shift in control bytes, and make sure the DBCS data is an even number of bytes. User response: Correct the DTL source file and rerun the conversion process. ISPC150 ISPC150W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. When cccccccc, dddddddd on the eeeeeeee tag does not conform to the CUA Architecture definition and will therefore not be CUA compliant.

Explanation: The KANA keyword has been specified without specification of the DBCS option. DBCS is required when processing with KANA. The conversion utility has automatically enabled the DBCS option. User response: If KANA is not to be used, restart the conversion process without the KANA and DBCS options.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC151 ISPC151W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The use of cccccccc=dddddddd on the eeeeeeee tag does not conform to the CUA Architecture definition and will therefore not be CUA compliant.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC160 Enter F for fixed length panels or V for variable length panels. ISPC202 ISPC202W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Panel title has been truncated.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Enter either F or V and restart the conversion process. ISPC161 Enter a valid panel record length (80, 132, or 160).

Explanation: The panel title is too long for the specified panel width. User response: Reduce the length of the title text or increase the specified panel width, as appropriate. ISPC203 ISPC203W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Panel title cannot be centered within the available panel width.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Enter one of the lengths listed and restart the conversion process. ISPC162 Enter a valid file name for an output panel MACLIB.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC204 ISPC204W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd maximum length is eeeeeeee character(s). cccccccc will be truncated to ffffffff. Multiple output panels are being created to simulate tutorial scrolling. The truncated name will be the name of the first panel created. Subsequent panels will have an eighth character suffix of 0-1 and A-Z for a maximum of 37 total panels.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Enter a valid file name and restart the conversion process. ISPC163 Enter a valid file name for an output message MACLIB.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Enter a valid file name and restart the conversion process. ISPC164 Enter a valid file name for an output log file.

Explanation: Help panel text has exceeded the number of lines available for one help panel. Because the panel does not have a scrollable area defined, the default is to create multiple help panels. User response: Update the DTL source. If the panel depth is less than 22 lines or the width is less than 76 bytes, and the help text will fit within these limits, increase the depth to a maximum of 22 lines, or increase the width to a maximum of 76 bytes. If the text exceeds these limits, you can add an <AREA depth=n> tag to the DTL source (where n is the number of display lines for the scrollable area). This will cause all of the help text to be formatted in one panel. If multiple panels are desired, change the name specified on the <HELP> tag to a seven character name to eliminate this message. ISPC205 ISPC205E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Unable to create any more cccccccc panels dynamically to simulate scrolling. The maximum of 37 panels has been exceeded.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Enter a valid file name and restart the conversion process. ISPC165 Enter a valid file name for an output list file.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC166 Enter a valid file name for an output SCRIPT MACLIB.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC201 ISPC201E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No help panel title specified after Help Tag.

Explanation: A Help panel tag requires a panel title. User response: Update the DTL source file to add a panel title and rerun the conversion utility.

Explanation: Help panel text has exceeded the number of panels that can be created by the conversion utility. User response: Increase the width or depth (or both) of the help panels to allow more text on each panel, convert the DTL source to generate a scrollable panel, or divide the help text into multiple HELP tags.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC230 Enter the seven character FMID for the SMP/E USERMOD. delimiter on the dddddddd tag. This tag does not allow a tag text field. User response: Remove the invalid text string. ISPC244 ISPC244W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No text found during the format process for the cccccccc tag. Panel formatting may be affected.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC231 Enter DDDEF name - Enter the DDDEF name to be used as the SYSLIB for the keyword source in the SMP/E USERMOD.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC232 Enter DDDEF name - Enter the DDDEF name to be used as the SYSLIB for the load modules in the SMP/E USERMOD.

Explanation: No text was provided for the cccccccc tag. This tag should have a text field for proper panel formatting. User response: Place text between the cccccccc tag and the cccccccc end-tag. ISPC245 ISPC245W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Panel width too small to include LSTCOL DATAVAR=cccccccc.. cccccccc will not be written to the panel.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC233 Enter DDDEF name - Enter the DDDEF name to be used as the DISTLIB for the keyword source in the SMP/E USERMOD.

Explanation: There is insufficient room for the cccccccc table column. User response: Adjust table column width specifications. ISPC246 ISPC246W: Warning. Panel width too small to include aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC234 Error Building USERMOD - An error occurred building the SMP/E USERMOD. Correct errors reported and retry the function.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC240 ISPC240W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Lines that are wider than the current INFO width have been truncated.

Explanation: Formatting of panel fields extends beyond the available panel width. Data on the right side of the panel is not formatted. User response: Adjust horizontal field formatting to permit formatting within the available panel width. ISPC247 ISPC247W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Panel width too small to include LSTCOL text cccccccc.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC241 ISPC241W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Lines that are longer than the current PANEL record length have been truncated.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC248 ISPC248W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Unable to format a divider line for the LSTFLD tag because all 8 available model lines have been used by nested LSTCOL tags.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC242 ISPC242W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Lines that are wider than the current PANEL width have been truncated.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC249 ISPC249W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. LSTCOL tag column-heading extends beyond right panel boundary and will be truncated to cccccccc.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC243 ISPC243W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Extraneous text cccccccc found during the format process of dddddddd tag. Text is ignored.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: Text was present following the close tag

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC250 Keyword file saved - The updated keyword file was successfully saved to aaaaaaaa.. ISPF configuration table assembler member (member ISPCNFIG from SAMPLIB). ISPC257 Member name not allowed - Member name is not allowed on the load and object data sets. Specify the member name in the Configuration Member and VSAM Member fields.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC251 Keyword file verified - Keyword file aaaaaaaa was verified and is correct.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC252 Keyword file errors - Errors were found during verification of keyword file aaaaaaaa and were previously displayed.

Explanation: The keyword verification function found errors in the keyword file being processed. A listing showing the errors was previously displayed to the user. User response: Correct the errors in the keyword file and reprocess it. ISPC253 Load module built - The configuration table load module and VSAM load module were successfully saved to aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: A data set name string that included a member name was specified for either the Output Configuration Table Load Module Data Set or Object data set field of the Build Configuration Table Load Module panel. Member names for these data set should be specified in the Configuration Member and VSAM member fields if you wish to use names other than the defaults of ISPCFIGU and ISPCFIGV. ISPC258 Assemble failed - The assemble of the configuration table source failed, see the assembly listing below for details.

Explanation: The assembler of the generated assembler used to create the ISPF Configuration Table load module failed. The user is placed in View on the assembly listing. User response: Contact IBM service. ISPC259 Link Edit failed - The link edit of the configuration table failed, see the link edit listing below for details.

Explanation: The specified keyword file contained keywords for both the configuration table and the VSAM Edit/View/Browse support. Both load modules have been successfully built. ISPC254 Load module build error - An error was encountered creating load module aaaaaaaa from keyword file bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: The link edit to create the ISPF Configuration Table load module failed. The user is placed in View on the link edit listing. User response: Contact IBM service. ISPC260 Rename needed - The configuration load modules were successfully saved to aaaaaaaa., but using names bbbbbbbb. and cccccccc.. These members must be named ISPCFIGU and ISPCFIGV to be used as ISPF configuration modules.

Explanation: An error was encountered converting the specified file to a load module. An assembler or link edit listing should have been displayed to indicate the error. User response: If the error can be corrected by a change to the keyword file make the change and reprocess. If the problem cannot be corrected, contact your system programmer. ISPC255 Conversion successful - Conversion of assembler file aaaaaaaa to keyword file bbbbbbbb was successful.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC256 Conversion error - Conversion of assembler source file aaaaaaaa to keyword file bbbbbbbb failed.

Explanation: The configuration load module and VSAM load module were successfully built using the names specified in the Configuration member and VSAM member fields. These load module members must be renamed to ISPCFIGU and ISPCFIGV and placed in a load library accessible to ISPF for them to be used by ISPF. ISPC261 Allocation error - An error was encountered allocating Keyword data set aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: An error was encountered converting the specified assembler source file to the keyword file. User response: Verify the input assembler file is an

Explanation: The TSO ALLOCATE command file failed when attempting to allocate the specified keyword file to a DDNAME.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Verify the data set is not in use by another user. ISPC262 EXECIO error - An error was encountered reading Keyword data set aaaaaaaa.. User response: Enter the selection for the type of build you want: 1 to build the Configuration Table into a load module. 2 to build the Configuration Table into an SMP/E USERMOD. ISPC268 Incorrect attributes - The keyword data set must be a partitioned data set with a record length of at least 251 for fixed data sets and 255 for variable data sets.

Explanation: An EXECIO error was received attempting to read the specified keyword file. User response: Check if the data set is the correct data set and readable by other functions. ISPC263 Allocation error - An error was encountered allocating the temporary assembler data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC269 Allocation error - An error was encountered allocating assembler input data set aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: ISPF was unable to create the temporary SYSIN data set that will be used in building the configuration table load module. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISPC264 Rename needed - The configuration load module was successfully saved to aaaaaaaa., but using name bbbbbbbb.. This member must be named ISPCFIGU to be used as an ISPF configuration module.

Explanation: The TSO ALLOCATE command file failed when attempting to allocate the specified assembler data set file to a DDNAME. User response: Verify the data set is not in use by another user. ISPC270 EXECIO error - An error was encountered reading assembler input data set aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: An EXECIO error was received attempting to read the specified assembler input file. User response: Check if the data set is the correct data set and readable by other functions. ISPC271 Keyword file saved - Updated keyword file has been saved to aaaaaaaa and verified as correct.

Explanation: The configuration load module was successfully built using the name specified in the Configuration member field. This load module member must be renamed to ISPCFIGU and placed in a load library accessible to ISPF for it to be used by ISPF. ISPC265 Load module built - The configuration table load module was successfully saved to aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC272 Verification failed - Updated keyword file has been saved to aaaaaaaa but failed verification. Verification messages were previously displayed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC266 Allocation error - An error was encountered allocating the temporary object data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC273 Keyword file saved - Updated keyword file has been saved to aaaaaaaa but not verified.

Explanation: ISPF was unable to create the temporary SYSLIN data set that will be used in building the configuration table load module. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISPC267 Entered required field - Enter the selection for the type of build you want: 1 to build the Configuration Table into a load module. 2 to build the Configuration Table into an SMP/E USERMOD.

Explanation: The edited keyword file has been successfully updated, but the verification step was bypassed as requested. ISPC275 Function required - The function letter of B(rowse) E(dit) or V(iew) is required.

Explanation: The Select build type field must not be blank.

Explanation: When specifying a data set or pattern to be restricted from the ISPF VSAM Edit/View/Browse, you must specify to which function the data set name or pattern applies.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC276 Defaults loaded - Keyword file aaaaaaaa was not found, default values have been set for all configuration options. table load module. The file tailoring process failed. User response: Use the service name and return code in the message to diagnose the error and take corrective action. ISPC284 Invalid data set name - Remove the quotes from the data set name or pattern entered.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC277 Keyword file loaded - Defaults have been initialized from keyword file aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC278 Block size value of aaaaaaaa is not a multiple of bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: The specified name must be an unquoted data set name or pattern. User response: Correct the data set name or pattern entered. ISPC285 Invalid combination - At least one data set must be specified for each restriction field selected.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC279 Block size value of aaaaaaaa is not a multiple of record length value bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC280 Assemble failed - The assemble of the configuration table VSAM module source failed, see the assembly listing below for details.

Explanation: Both a data set name or pattern and a VSAM restriction field must be selected. It is not valid to specify only one or the other. ISPC286 Input file empty - The input data set or member specified for conversion is empty.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC287 Invalid input file - The input file specified is not an ISPF Configuration Table assembler source module, no ISRCONFG CSECT found.

Explanation: The assembler of the generated assembler used to create the ISPF Configuration Table VSAM load module failed. The user is placed in View on the assembly listing. User response: Contact IBM service. ISPC281 Link Edit failed - The link edit of the configuration table VSAM module failed, see the link edit listing below for details.

Explanation: The link edit to create the ISPF Configuration Table VSAM load module failed. The user is placed in View on the link edit listing. User response: Contact IBM service. ISPC282 Invalid data set name - The data set name specified is invalid. Enter the data set name and member for the keyword file in the separate fields provided.

Explanation: The source file specified as input to the Conversion option does not appear to be an ISPF Configuration Table assembler module. ISPF looks for the string ISRCONFG CSECT on the first line not containing an asterisk in column 1 and the string was not found in the file specified. User response: Specify the correct input file. ISPC288 Invalid member name - The same member name cannot be specified for both the Configuration member and the VSAM member, ISPCFIGV cannot be specified for the Configuration member, and ISPCFIGU cannot be specified for the VSAM member.

Explanation: The data set name entered is syntactically incorrect. User response: Correct the data set name. ISPC283 File Tailoring Failed - The aaaaaaaa service returned a code of bbbbbbbb processing skeleton ISPCSKEL.

Explanation: One of these errors has occurred: v The same member name has been specified for both the Configuration member and VSAM member fields. v ISPCFIGV was specified for the Configuration member v ISPCFIGU was specified for the VSAM member

Explanation: ISPF skeleton ISPCSKEL is used to create the assembler source that is built into the configuration


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

This could result in ISPF overlaying the Configuration member with the VSAM member. User response: Specify a different name for one of the members. ISPC289 Write error - An error was encountered writing the keyword file to the output data set. Data set may be full, compress the library and retry the function. ISPC293 EXECIO error - An error was encountered writing the USERMOD to the output data set. Data set may be full, compress the library and retry the function.

Explanation: When building the ISPF configuration table into an SMP/E USERMOD an EXECIO error was encountered writing the USERMOD to the output data set. ISPC294 USERMOD built - The SMP/E USERMOD was successfully saved to aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: A nonzero return code was returned by EXECIO when writing the keyword file to the specified output data set. The most common reason for this is the data set being out of space. User response: Compress the data set and retry the function. If the write still fails, contact you systems programmer. ISPC290 GIMDTS error - An error was encountered with GIMDTS converting the keyword source file to the SMP/E output data set. See the following GIMDTS listing.

Explanation: The ISPF configuration table was successfully built into an SMP/E USERMOD. ISPC295 Enter DDDEF name - Enter the DDDEF name to be used as the DISTLIB for the load modules in the SMP/E USERMOD.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC296 Enter the seven character name of a prior USERMOD to be superseded by this SMP/E USERMOD. The fields must be filled from top to bottom.

Explanation: When building the ISPF Configuration table into an SMP/E USERMOD an error was encountered with GIMDTS converting the keyword source file to the SMP/E output data set. See the generated GIMDTS listing for details. ISPC291 IEBCOPY error - An error was encountered with IEBCOPY unloading the load module aaaaaaaa. to a temporary sequential file. See the IEBCOPY listing.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC297 Invalid data set name - The data set name specified is invalid. The SMP/E data set name must not contain a member name.

Explanation: When building the ISPF Configuration table into an SMP/E USERMOD an error was encountered with IEBCOPY unloading the load module for either the configuration table, module ISPCFIGU, or the VSAM restrictions table, module ISPCFIGV to a temporary sequential file. See the generated IEBCOPY listing for details ISPC292 GIMDTS error - An error was encountered with GIMDTS converting the IEBCOPY unloaded load module aaaaaaaa. to the SMP/E output data set. See the GIMDTS listing.

Explanation: The data set name entered is syntactically incorrect. It must not contain a member name. User response: Correct the data set name. ISPC298 Incorrect attributes - The SMP/E data set must be a partitioned data set with a record length of 80 and a record format of FB.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC299 Enter a seven character identifier for the SMP/E USERMOD.

Explanation: When building the ISPF Configuration table into an SMP/E USERMOD an error was encountered with GIMDTS converting the IEBCOPY unloaded data set to the SMP/E output data set. See the generated GIMDTS listing for details.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC301 ISPC301W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Duplicate MSG tag SUFFIX found. This MSG tag will be ignored.

Explanation: Message SUFFIX must be unique for each message within a MSGMBR.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


User response: Remove the duplicate suffix specification and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC302 ISPC302W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Message text is longer than cccccccc characters and will be truncated. ISPC309 ISPC309W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. There is a conflict in the use of WIDTH=cccccccc on the MSGMBR tag and FORMAT=ASIS on the MSG tag. The message may not display as intended.

Explanation: The message text provided exceeds the ISPF maximum message length. User response: Reduce the length of the message text and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC303 ISPC303W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. MSGMBR has no messages. No message file will be written.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC310 ISPC310W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The first line of the message created by MSG tag formatting is longer than 80 characters. Message cannot be created.

Explanation: No valid MSG tags were formatted within the current MSGMBR tag. User response: Correct reported problems or include MSG tag(s) within the MSGMBR tag, as appropriate, and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC304 ISPC304W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. MSG tag contains no text. Message cannot be created.

Explanation: A combination of short message and message attributes for the first line of a message has exceeded the width of the message file. User response: Remove the short message specification or reduce the length of variable names used for message attributes HELP, MSGTYPE, and LOCATION, as appropriate. ISPC311 ISPC311W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. NAME on MSGMBR tag is not valid. No message file will be written.

Explanation: MSG tag must include the message text. User response: Add the required message text and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC305 ISPC305W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Conflict on VARSUB tag between attributes VAR and FIELD. FIELD cannot be specified if VAR is used. FIELD is ignored for this conversion.

Explanation: The name provided does not follow the ISPF message member name format. User response: Change the name to match the ISPF name format and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC320 Invalid Application ID - Enter 1 to 4 alphanumeric characters (first cannot be numeric). Alternatively, use the special form *m:n to use from character m to n of the system name (ZSYSID)

Explanation: DTL does not allow both VAR and FIELD attributes on the same VARSUB tag. FIELD is not supported by ISPF. User response: Remove the FIELD attribute and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC307 ISPC307W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The SUFFIX value cccccccc is not valid because the resulting message number would be more than 8 characters in length. This MSG tag will be ignored.

Explanation: A valid Application ID consists of 1 to 4 alphanumeric characters. The first character must be alphabetic (not numeric). Alternatively, use the special form *m:n to obtain the application ID from the system name (ZSYSID) when ISPF is initialized. m and n are the start and end positions used to sub-string the system name. The default start position(m) is 1 and the default end position(n) is the start position + 3, to a maximum value of 8. User response: Specify a valid application ID. ISPC321 Invalid Application ID - The start position for obtaining the application ID from the system name (ZSYSID) must be numeric and in the range 1 to 8.

Explanation: A combination of a 7 character MSGMBR name and a 2 character SUFFIX is invalid. User response: Change either the MSGMBR name or the SUFFIX and rerun the conversion utility.

Explanation: The specification of the start position for the special form of the application ID is invalid. The


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

start position, if specified, must be in numeric and in the range 1 to 8. The default start position is 1. User response: Correct the start position ISPC322 Invalid Application ID - The colon(:) before the end position has been omitted ISPC331 Invalid Qualifier - Characters not associated with a system symbolic variable must be valid alphanumeric characters (first cannot be numeric).

Explanation: Any text characters used around any system symbolic variables must be valid alphabetic characters and the first must be alphabetic (not numeric). User response: Specify valid alphanumeric characters around any system symbolic variables. ISPC332 Symbol Name Invalid - Enter up to 8 alphanumeric characters, following the & sign (first cannot be numeric).

Explanation: The specification of the end position for the special form of the application ID must be preceded by a colon(:) User response: Insert a colon(:) before the end position. ISPC323 Invalid Application ID - The end position for obtaining the application ID from the system name (ZSYSID) must be numeric and in the range 1 to 8. It must also be greater than or equal to the start position, and not more than start position + 3

Explanation: A valid symbol name consists of an & sign followed by 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters and the first character must be alphabetic (not numeric). A symbol name may optionally include a start position and length to substring the symbolic variable, and may include a terminating period (eg: &SYSNAME(1:4). to use the first 4 characters of &SYSNAME). User response: Specify a valid symbol name Refer to z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for details on using system symbolic variables ISPC333 Start Position Invalid - The Start Position for Symbol aaaaaaaa must be non-zero numeric value in the range -bbbbbbbb to +bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: The specification of the end position for the special form of the application ID is invalid. The end position, if specified, must be preceded by a colon(:) and be in range 1 to 8. It must also be greater than or equal to the start position and not more than the start position plus 3. The default end position is the start position + 3 to a maximum value of 8. User response: Correct the end position. ISPC330 Invalid Qualifier - Enter up to 8 alphanumeric characters (first cannot be numeric), or enter a qualifier containing system symbolic variables.

Explanation: The starting substring position for a system symbolic variable must be numeric and in the range from 1 to 1 more than the length of the system symbolic variable name, to a maximum value of 8. The number may be negative to indicate the indicate a start position relative to the end of the symbolic variable. User response: Specify a valid start position Refer to z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for details on using system symbolic variables ISPC334 Substring Length Invalid - The Substring Length for Symbol aaaaaaaa must be a positive numeric value in the range 1 to bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: The Temporary Data Set Qualifier consists of either 1. a valid name of 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters and the first character must be alphabetic (not numeric), or 2. a valid name consisting of one or more system symbolic variables (eg: &SYSNAME) that resolve to a valid name of alphanumeric characters and the first characters must be alphabetic (not numeric). Where the resolved qualifier exceeds 8 characters, it will be truncated to 8 characters. User response: Specify a valid data set qualifier Refer to z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for details on using system symbolic variables

Explanation: The substring length for a system symbolic variable must be a positive (non-zero) numeric value. The Start position plus the length must not exceed the length of the system symbolic variable. User response: Specify a valid substring length Refer to z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for details on using system symbolic variables

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC335 Substring Parms Missing - Specify both substring start position and length separated by : and enclosed in (). ISPC404 ISPC404W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. An error occurred while processing a command table. Processing of command table has been canceled after a return code of cccccccc from table service dddddddd.

Explanation: One or more substring parameters for a system symbolic symbol is missing. Specify the substring start position and length separated by a : eg: &SYSNAME(1:4) User response: Specify both the substring start position and length in brackets and separated by a : or omit the parameter completely to use the entire symbol value. Refer to z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for details on using system symbolic variables ISPC400 ISPC400W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. External-command-name must be one word. It cannot contain any blanks. The external-command-name is ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Services Guide for explanations of table services return codes. ISPC405 ISPC405E: Error. ISPF Command Table was not created. An error occurred while opening a command table. Refer to your ISPF documentation on TBOPEN for a Return Code of aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Services Guide for explanations of table services return codes. ISPC406 ISPC406E: Error. ISPF Command Table was not created. Possible reasons may be that the conversion tool was not run as a dialog on ISPF or ISPF was not active.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Enter a valid command name and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC401 ISPC401W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The RUN option for the ACTION tag was specified without a command. The ACTION tag is ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Rerun the conversion utility from the ISPF command line. ISPC407A ISPC407AE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Return code of 16 (ISPTABL file not allocated) from the TBCLOSE service attempting to create an ISPF Command Table.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add a command name to the RUN attribute on the ACTION tag and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC402 ISPC402W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Internal-command-name must be equal to the external-command-name in order to allow command truncation when the T tag is used. There will be no minimum command name in this command.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Services Guide for explanations of table services return codes. ISPC407B ISPC407BE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Return code of cccccccc (Severe Error) from the TBCLOSE service attempting to create an ISPF Command Table.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the DTL source so the internal-command-name and external-command-name match, and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC403 ISPC403W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Command table was not written because the required APPLID keyword was not specified.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Services Guide for explanations of table services return codes. ISPC408 ISPC408E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The dynamic area identifier cccccccc is longer than the dddddddd characters of dynamic area width.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Specify the APPLID attribute on the CMDTBL tag

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Increase the width of the dynamic area to at least the number of characters shown in the area identifier. ISPC409 ISPC409E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The graphic area identifier cccccccc is longer than the dddddddd characters of graphic area width. ISPC414 ISPC414W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Only one keyword from this list can be specified on an ACTION tag: RUN, CLASS, SETVAR, TOGVAR.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the DTL source to specify only one of the attributes listed and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC415 ISPC415W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. ISPF will support a Command Action up to 240 characters in length. The Command Action will be truncated.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Increase the width of the graphic area to at least the number of characters shown in the area identifier. ISPC410 ISPC410W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The ALIAS for command cccccccc was found after the command. The ALIAS entry must precede the command it references. The ALIAS will be unavailable to ISPF. Please update your tag source file to move the ALIAS before the referenced command.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the command action to the stated length limit and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC416 ISPC416W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. ISPF does not support the ACTION=cccccccc coded on the dddddddd tag. The Command Action will be set to NOP.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Move the ALIAS reference in the DTL source as indicated and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC411 ISPC411W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc is longer than dddddddd characters, will be truncated.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Replace the invalid action and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC417 ISPC417E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Additional parameters must follow cccccccc and will affect processing.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Adjust cccccccc to be equal to dddddddd characters and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC412 ISPC412W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A LSTGRP heading must include at least one field from the first model line to be displayed. This heading cannot be formatted and is being reset to blanks.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add the additional command parameters and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC418 ISPC418W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No parameters are valid following cccccccc..

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: At least one LSTCOL tag from the first model line should be included within the LSTGRP tag. ISPC413 ISPC413W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. External command string cannot be less than 2 characters in length and will be set to .

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the indicated invalid parameters and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC419 ISPC419W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No commands were specified within the CMDTBL tag. No command table will be written.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the command name to be a minimum of 2 characters in length and rerun the conversion utility.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add the required CMD tag definitions and rerun the conversion utility.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC420 ISPC420W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A valid CMDACT ACTION was not specified for cccccccc. ISPC424 ISPC424E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. An error occurred during the completion of processing for command table cccccccc. Processing of the command table has been canceled after a return code of dddddddd from ISPF service eeeeeeee. A temporary command table member ffffffff has been created on table file gggggggg.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide a valid command action and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC421 ISPC421W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc exceeds the maximum length of dddddddd text characters that can be placed on the current panel command line. cccccccc will be truncated to fit on the command line.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Services Guide for explanations of table services return codes. ISPC425 ISPC425W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc tag field name dddddddd exceeds the maximum field width of eeeeeeee characters available for the name. The NOZVARS option is ignored for field name dddddddd.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Shorten the command prompt text or increase the panel width, as appropriate, and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC422 ISPC422W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. This panel contains a )MODEL line generated by the LSTFLD and LSTCOL tags but not a required CMDAREA command line to accompany it. A command line is being added to the panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Shorten the field name to be less than or equal to the field width and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC426 ISPC426E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. LINE=cccccccc is not valid because a previous variable model line definition exists for this line.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide a CMDAREA tag to eliminate this message. ISPC423 ISPC423W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The requested SCROLL amount field will not fit on the command line for this panel. The SCROLL amount field is ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Specify a different line number for this variable model line definition and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC427 ISPC427E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. LINE=cccccccc is not valid because a standard model line definition exists for this line.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Shorten the command prompt text or increase the panel width, as appropriate, and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC423A ISPC423AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The point-and-shoot text as specified by the PSBUTTON attribute will not fit on the command line for this panel. The point-and-shoot text is not added to the command line.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Specify a different line number for this variable model line definition and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC430 ISPC430W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. This is a selection panel and requires a command line, but no CMDAREA tag was present. A command line is being added to the panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Shorten the command prompt text, shorten the point-and-shoot text or increase the panel width, as appropriate, and rerun the conversion utility.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide a CMDAREA tag to eliminate this message.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC431 ISPC431W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The default name ZCMD was used to generate )INIT and )PROC section panel statements. These panel statements are not correct because the CMDAREA tag name has been specified as cccccccc. Move the CMDAREA tag so that it is placed before the SELFLD tag that defines the menu choices and reconvert the panel. ISPC435 ISPC435W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. If an ACTION tag within a SELFLD tag defined as TYPE=TUTOR is coded with the TYPE attribute, the TYPE value must be specified as PANEL. The ACTION tag attribute TYPE=cccccccc is ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Place each set of option menu selections on a separate panel. ISPC436 ISPC436W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. If an ACTION tag within a SELFLD tag is coded as TYPE=VAR, the RUN attribute must be specified as %varname. The ACTION tag will be processed as TYPE=CMD.

Explanation: The CMDAREA tag was placed in the DTL source file following the SELFLD tag. The specified CMDAREA name cccccccc was not available when the panel statements were generated. User response: Move the CMDAREA tag so that it is placed before the SELFLD tag that defines the menu choices. The specified name cccccccc will be used in the panel statements. ISPC432 ISPC432W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. ACTION tags following an ACTION tag with the RUN attribute specified are not valid and will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Place each set of option menu selections on a separate panel. ISPC500 ISPC500W: Warning. Multicultural support language literals could not be obtained by ISPF for the requested language. The values for the current session language will be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Place the ACTION tag with the RUN attribute after the other ACTION tags for this PDC or CHOICE tag and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC433 ISPC433W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. TYPE=cccccccc on the SELFLD tag is not valid on a panel when the MENU keyword is not specified on the PANEL tag. This tag will be formatted as TYPE=SINGLE.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Make sure that all multicultural support modules have been made available to ISPF. Verify that the user is running with enough virtual storage to allow ISPF to load the requested language module. If the error persists, contact IBM support. ISPC501 ISPC501W: Warning. Multicultural support language literals could not be obtained by ISPF for the requested language. The default English literals will be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add the MENU attribute to the PANEL tag and rerun the conversion utility. ISPC434 ISPC434W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Only one occurrence of a SELFLD tag with a TYPE attribute value of MENU, MODEL or TUTOR can be specified on a panel. This tag will be formatted as TYPE=SINGLE.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Make sure that all multicultural support modules have been made available to ISPF. Verify that the user is running with enough virtual storage to allow ISPF to load the requested language module. If the error persists, contact IBM support.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Place each set of option menu selections on a separate panel.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC502 ISPC502W: Warning. ISPDTLC received a nonzero return code from EXECIO while processing aaaaaaaa. Refer to the bbbbbbbb documentation for an EXECIO Return code = cccccccc. in the ISPDTLC profile. If the interactive ISPDTLC invocation panel is being used, then the log file name is entered on the panel. ISPC505 ISPC505E: Error. File was not preprocessed by ISPF. Possible reasons may be the Conversion was not successful resulting in no generated output for preprocessing, or the ISPF Preprocessing Utility was unable to successfully preprocess a generated file. Preprocessor input is on work file aaaaaaaa.. Refer to the ISPF log file for more information about the ISPPREP error.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the condition causing return code cccccccc. ISPC503 ISPC503W: Warning. Data will not replace the aaaaaaaa file because NOREPLACE was specified on invocation.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: To replace the data on the aaaaaaaa file, change the invocation option to REPLACE or select the Replace Panel/Message/Script option on the invocation panel. ISPC503A ISPC503AW: Warning. Data will not replace the aaaaaaaa file because NOLOGREPL was specified on invocation.

Explanation: A nonzero return code was returned from ISPPREP. User response: Correct the error described in the ISPF log. ISPC506 ISPC506E: Error. File aaaaaaaa was not found or was empty.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide a file that contains DTL source records. ISPC507 ISPC507E: Error. Data cannot be written to disk because a name conflict exists between input aaaaaaaa file bbbbbbbb and output file cccccccc dddddddd.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: To replace the data on the aaaaaaaa file, change the invocation option to LOGREPL or select the Replace Log File Members option on the invocation panel. ISPC503B ISPC503BW: Warning. Data will not replace the aaaaaaaa file because NOLISTREPL was specified on invocation.

Explanation: The input file dddddddd will be overwritten. User response: Provide a unique output member name. The input and output file names may be the same, but the member name for the output file must be different than the member name for the input file to avoid overwriting the source data. cccccccc identifies the output file type where the conflict was found. ISPC508 ISPC508W: Warning. Data cannot be written to the file name aaaaaaaa. There is a name conflict with active ISPF files.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: To replace the data on the aaaaaaaa file, change the invocation option to LISTREPL or select the Replace List File Members option on the invocation panel. ISPC504 ISPC504E: Error. Log file output is directed to the ISPF log file. The ISPF log file is not allocated. Change ISPF Option 0 to allocate the log file or provide an ISPDTLC log file.

Explanation: The ISPF log file is not allocated and cannot be used by ISPDTLC. User response: If the user intends to direct the log file to the ISPF log and no ISPF log can be allocated, then the Option 0 (ISPF Settings) update is required to allow ISPF to allocate the log file. Alternatively, the user can create a private log file and provide this log file name to ISPDTLC. If the ISPDTLC command syntax invocation is being used, the log file name is provided

Explanation: The output name specified for the ISPDTLC log or list file conflicts with the ISPF log or list name. User response: Provide a unique output log or list name.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC508A ISPC508AE: Error. You cannot specify the same file name for both the LOG and LIST files. User response: Remove the specification of option aaaaaaaa unless you are running in ISPF test mode. ISPC514 ISPC514W: Warning. Invocation option aaaaaaaa has been removed.

Explanation: The output file names specified for the LOG and LIST file are the same. User response: Provide a unique output log or list name. The input and output file names may be the same, but the member name for the LOG file must be different than the member name for the LIST file. ISPC509 ISPC509E: Error. Incorrect syntax: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Invocation option aaaaaaaa has been removed from ISPDTLC. User response: Remove the specification of option aaaaaaaa from the command syntax invocation. ISPC515 ISPC515W: Warning. Option is not valid: aaaaaaaa changed to bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: ISPDTLC parameters provided as command invocation syntax are in error. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference for an explanation of the command syntax. ISPC510 ISPC510E: Error. Incorrect syntax: Option must be aaaaaaaa or bbbbbbbb but not both.

Explanation: Option aaaaaaaa is not valid for batch processing and is changed to bbbbbbbb. User response: Remove the specification of option aaaaaaaa from the batch invocation. ISPC516 ISPC516W: Warning. ISPF option 0 log file disposition is set to aaaaaaaa. Log file messages cannot be written to the ISPF log. The DISK option is ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the log file disposition or place log messages on an ISPDTLC log file. ISPC517 ISPC517E: Error. Unable to gain exclusive allocation of aaaaaaaa. The file aaaaaaaa will not be written.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Specify either option aaaaaaaa or option bbbbbbbb. ISPC511 ISPC511E: Error. Incorrect syntax: aaaaaaaa=bbbbbbbb. Keylist Application ID must be from 1 to 4 characters in length.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Use a private output file instead of file aaaaaaaa. ISPC518 ISPC518E: Error. Conversion Utility message number aaaaaaaa is missing in message file: bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide a 1 to 4 character application ID. ISPC512 ISPC512E: Error. Incorrect syntax: aaaaaaaa=bbbbbbbb contains character(s) which are not valid. The first character of the Keylist Application ID must be ccccccccor dddddddd. Characters 2 - 4, if entered, must be cccccccc, dddddddd or eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Make sure that all messages provided for ISPF have been properly installed. If the error persists, contact IBM support. ISPC519 ISPC519E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The ISPF LIBDEF service for cccccccc has ended with return code: dddddddd. eeeeeeee will not be updated.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide a correct 1 to 4 character application ID. ISPC513 ISPC513W: Warning. Conversion option aaaaaaaa is valid only when running ISPDTLC under ISPF Option 7 (Dialog Test). aaaaaaaa changed to bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Services Guide for a description of LIBDEF return codes.

Explanation: Option aaaaaaaa is valid only for ISPF test mode processing and is changed to bbbbbbbb.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC521 ISPPREP is being called to preprocess aaaaaaaa panel(s) from the work file bbbbbbbb to the panel file cccccccc.. ISPC526 The aaaaaaaa file was specified as a sequential format file. All records have previously been written.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPC522 ISPC522W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A panel with the cccccccc option specified cannot be preprocessed. Panel dddddddd will be saved in ISPF source format.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Issue the SAVELOG, SAVELIST, or SAVEALL commands only when a log or list file member is to be written to a partitioned data set. ISPC527 The aaaaaaaa file was defaulted to the ISPF aaaaaaaa file. All records have previously been written.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: If ISPDTLC was invoked with command syntax, specify the NOPREP conversion option. If the invocation was from the interactive panel, deselect the Preprocess Panel Output option. ISPC523 ISPC523W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The ISPF LIBDEF service for cccccccc has ended with return code: dddddddd. Panel eeeeeeee will not be displayed.

Explanation: The option to write the ISPDTLC log or list file to disk has been selected, but no log or list name was provided. ISPDTLC has placed the log or list output on the ISPF log or list file, respectively. User response: Issue the SAVELOG, SAVELIST, or SAVEALL commands only when a log or list file member is to be written to a partitioned data set. ISPC528 There are no records available to be saved to the aaaaaaaa file.

Explanation: The ISPDTLC DISPLAY option has attempted a LIBDEF service in order to display panel eeeeeeee. The LIBDEF service ended with return code dddddddd. Panel eeeeeeee cannot be displayed. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Services Guide for a description of LIBDEF return codes. ISPC524 ISPC524W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The ISPF DISPLAY service has ended with return code: cccccccc. The error text is: dddddddd. Panel eeeeeeee will be displayed using the VIEW service.

Explanation: No log or list records have been created since the last SAVELOG, SAVELIST, or SAVEALL command was issued. User response: Issue the SAVELOG, SAVELIST, or SAVEALL commands only when a log or list file member is to be written to a partitioned data set. ISPC529 The output library aaaaaaaa is being updated with member bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A pending log or list file is being written to the specified output file. ISPC530 ISPC530W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The record length for output panels is not for fixed length records of 80 bytes. The output MACLIB cannot be used. The panel will be written to cccccccc.

Explanation: The ISPDTLC DISPLAY option has encountered an error trying to display panel eeeeeeee. The DISPLAY service ended with return code dddddddd. The DISPLAY service error description is: dddddddd. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Services Guide for a description of DISPLAY return codes. ISPC525 The aaaaaaaa file cannot be saved because no aaaaaaaa file records have been created.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC533 Member processing is supported only for filetype MACLIB.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Issue the SAVELOG, SAVELIST, or SAVEALL commands only when a log or list file member is to be written to a partitioned data set.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC534 Table for gml MACLIB members not created.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC535 Gml MACLIB member not added to member table. bytes, or increase ffffffff. to gggggggg.. Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC565 ISPC536 Selection code entered is not valid. ISPC565W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Tag cccccccc and its attributes will be ignored in the conversion process.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC537 No members match the specified pattern.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The cccccccc tag is not supported by ISPF. ISPC566 ISPC566W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Keyword cccccccc=dddddddd found on the eeeeeeee tag will be ignored in the conversion process but will be syntax checked.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC560 ISPC560W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. There is a conflict in the use of cccccccc with dddddddd. dddddddd is being reset to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change either the cccccccc or the dddddddd value to remove the conflict. ISPC561 ISPC561W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag and its attributes have been removed from the tag language. cccccccc will be ignored for this conversion and will be syntax checked only. The cccccccc tag should be removed from the tag source as it is no longer required.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The attribute cccccccc is not supported by ISPF. ISPC568 ISPC568W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Comment ending delimiter cccccccc should be changed to -->.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC569 ISPC569W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc attribute is missing for the dddddddd tag. The conversion process will use a default value. Please update the tag source file.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the obsolete tag from the DTL source file. ISPC562 ISPC562W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd is not defined. Default values will be set.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add the cccccccc attribute definition to the dddddddd tag. ISPC570 ISPC570W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Keyword cccccccc found on the dddddddd tag will be ignored in the conversion process but will be syntax checked.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide the missing attribute. ISPC563 ISPC563W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag and its attributes will be ignored during the conversion process and syntax checked only. Text following the cccccccc tag will appear as normal text.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The cccccccc attribute cannot be used and will be ignored. ISPC571 ISPC571W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The attribute value cccccccc is not valid when the dddddddd tag is found in this nesting context.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The cccccccc tag is not supported by ISPF. ISPC564 ISPC564W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. There is a conflict in the use of cccccccc with dddddddd. There is not enough space to format the text dddddddd. Reduce the text to eeeeeeee

Explanation: The cccccccc attribute cannot be used and will be ignored. User response: Remove the cccccccc attribute on this use of the dddddddd tag.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC572 ISPC572W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The attribute PMTWIDTH=cccccccc does not provide enough space to format the ISPF prompt indicator ===>. PMTFMT=ISPF will be ignored. v For panel attributes, pad characters, or expand characters, the dddddddd character has been previously used and another character should be specified. v For CHECKI tag processing of the PICT attribute, the dddddddd character(s) are invalid for the VER (xxx,PICT,string) panel statement. v For MSGMBR tag processing of the NAME attribute, the dddddddd character(s) do not follow the rules for message member names. v For MSG tag processing of the SUFFIX attribute, the dddddddd character(s) are invalid or the SUFFIX is more than two characters in length. v For processing of the MSG attribute, the dddddddd character(s) do not follow the rules for message names. v For other NAME (or %varname) validation processing, the dddddddd character(s) do not follow the rules for variable names. User response: Correct the dddddddd character(s). ISPC580 ISPC580E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd must be an integer.

Explanation: The combination of the length of the prompt text plus the length of the ISPF prompt indicator will not fit within the prompt width specified. User response: Increase the PMTWIDTH attribute value. ISPC573 ISPC573W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. There is not enough space to format: cccccccc.

Explanation: The combination of the length of the current text plus the width of the previously formatted portions of the panel will not fit within the current region, area, or panel width specified. User response: Increase the appropriate WIDTH attribute value, if possible, or adjust the width of previously formatted parts of the panel to provide additional space for the current text. ISPC574 ISPC574W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. There is a conflict in the use of cccccccc with dddddddd. There is not enough space to format the text eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change dddddddd to an integer value. ISPC581 ISPC581W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd must be an integer. cccccccc will be set to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC577 ISPC577W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd maximum length is eeeeeeee character(s). cccccccc will be truncated to ffffffff.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change dddddddd to an integer value. ISPC583 ISPC583W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd must be an integer eeeeeeee.. cccccccc will be set to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Update the DTL source to the appropriate maximum length. ISPC578 ISPC578W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd minimum length is eeeeeeee character(s). cccccccc will be set to ffffffff.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change dddddddd to an integer value. ISPC584 ISPC584E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd must be an integer within a range of eeeeeeee to ffffffff..

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Update the DTL source to the appropriate minimum length. ISPC579 ISPC579W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd contains character(s) which are not valid. cccccccc will be set to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the value dddddddd to be within the specified range.



z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC585 ISPC585W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd must be an integer within a range of eeeeeeee to ffffffff.. cccccccc will be set to gggggggg. ISPC601 ISPC601E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No Action Bar Choices defined within AB Tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the value dddddddd to be within the specified range. ISPC586 ISPC586E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Incorrect value cccccccc specified for dddddddd=cccccccc.

Explanation: A minimum of one ABC tag must be specified within the AB tag. User response: Add ABC tag definitions to the AB tag. ISPC602 ISPC602W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag dddddddd attribute value cannot be used without a eeeeeeee attribute value.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the cccccccc value to a valid choice. ISPC587 ISPC587W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Incorrect value cccccccc specified for dddddddd=cccccccc. dddddddd will be set to default eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the dddddddd attribute or add an eeeeeeee attribute, as appropriate. ISPC603 ISPC603W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The RUN option for the ACTION tag can only be nested within the PDC tag or within the CHOICE tag when a TYPE of MENU, MODEL or TUTOR has been specified on the SELFLD tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the cccccccc value to a valid choice. ISPC588 ISPC588W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Duplicate field names are not permitted by ISPF. cccccccc=dddddddd has already been defined as a panel field name. cccccccc will be set to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the RUN option for this ACTION tag. ISPC604 ISPC604W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Required cccccccc dddddddd was not provided and may affect processing.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Choose a different dddddddd value for the cccccccc attribute. ISPC589 ISPC589W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Duplicate field names are not permitted by ISPF. cccccccc has already been defined as a panel help field name. cccccccc will be ignored.

Explanation: The cccccccc tag text described as dddddddd is missing. User response: Provide the appropriate description. ISPC605A ISPC605AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The ABC tag limit of cccccccc has been exceeded. Remaining action bar choices will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Choose a different name for this panel help reference. ISPC600 ISPC600E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Multiple Action Bars not allowed in panel definition.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the extra ABC tags from the DTL source. ISPC605B ISPC605BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The PDC tag limit of cccccccc has been exceeded. Remaining pull-down choices will be ignored.

Explanation: Only one AB tag group is allowed in a panel definition. User response: Remove the multiple AB tag(s).

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the extra PDC tags from the DTL source.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC605C ISPC605CW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The ASSIGNI tag limit of cccccccc has been exceeded. Remaining ASSIGNI tags will be ignored. ISPC610 ISPC610W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc dddddddd larger than the maximum allowed. dddddddd will be truncated to eeeeeeee bytes.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the extra ASSIGNI tags from the DTL source. ISPC605D ISPC605DW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The XLATI tag limit of cccccccc has been exceeded. Remaining XLATI tags will be ignored.

Explanation: dddddddd is longer than the maximum allowed length of eeeeeeee. User response: Reduce the length of dddddddd to eeeeeeee. ISPC611 ISPC611W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cursor field cccccccc specified on the PANEL tag was not matched to any field found on the panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the extra ASSIGNI tags from the DTL source. ISPC606 ISPC606W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Cursor Position cccccccc exceeds the length (dddddddd) of the eeeeeeee field on the ffffffff tag. The conversion utility will not use the Cursor Position. ISPF will default the position to 1.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the field name specified on the PANEL tag. ISPC612 ISPC612W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cursor row will be set to cccccccc as requested on the dddddddd tag. cccccccc may not be a valid value. The Cursor Index will be checked by ISPF for valid position.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the cursor position to a value within the length of the eeeeeeee field. ISPC607 ISPC607W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A panel has been defined with either a Width > 80 and/or a Depth > 24 and will require a device larger than 24x80 for display of the panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC613 ISPC613W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The attribute cccccccc=dddddddd will be ignored by the conversion utility because the CURSOR attribute has not been specified.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add the CURSOR attribute to the PANEL definition. ISPC614 ISPC614W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cursor position cccccccc specified on the PANEL tag was not set for any field found on the panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC608 ISPC608W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No text encountered following the cccccccc tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add a description to the cccccccc tag definition following the close tag delimiter. ISPC609 ISPC609W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No text encountered following the TOPINST tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC615 ISPC615W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cursor index to table row cccccccc specified on the PANEL tag was not set for any field found on the panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add a description to be placed at the top of the panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC616 ISPC616W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Duplicate Action Bar Choice description is not allowed. ABC will not be included on Action Bar. Guide and Reference for an explanation of the Document Type and Entity declarations. ISPC621 ISPC621E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Parentheses or brackets are required for enclosing ENTITY definition(s).

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide a unique action bar choice description. ISPC617 ISPC617W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No pull-down choice(s) found for Action Bar Choice being processed. ABC will not be included on Action Bar.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference for an explanation of the Document Type and Entity declarations. ISPC622 ISPC622E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No ending comment delimiter (-->) found during ENTITY processing of source file record cccccccc.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide at least one pull-down choice for each ABC tag. ISPC618 ISPC618W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Undefined value cccccccc specified for dddddddd=cccccccc. cccccccc has not been defined in a dddddddd tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference for an explanation of the Document Type and Entity declarations. ISPC623 ISPC623E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. ENTITY Symbol name expected.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide an cccccccc definition using an dddddddd tag. ISPC618A ISPC618AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Undefined value cccccccc specified for dddddddd=cccccccc. cccccccc has not been defined in a eeeeeeee tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference for an explanation of the Document Type and Entity declarations. ISPC624 ISPC624E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Illegal ENTITY symbol value encountered.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide an cccccccc definition using an eeeeeeee tag. For a CHOICE tag, cccccccc can be either a system generated selection choice number or a value specified using the SELCHAR attribute. ISPC619 ISPC619W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Duplicate cccccccc ID dddddddd specified for eeeeeeee=dddddddd. Only one cccccccc entry is accepted for each ID name. This entry is rejected and the first one processed will be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference for an explanation of the Document Type and Entity declarations. ISPC625 ISPC625E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Each ENTITY definition must be enclosed within either single() or double() quotes and must be ended with >. Check for missing or mismatched quote delimiters and verify that each ENTITY is ended with >.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the duplicate cccccccc ID. ISPC620 ISPC620E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The format for the DOCTYPE statement is not valid.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference for an explanation of the Document Type and Entity declarations.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC626 ISPC626E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No <!ENTITY or <:ENTITY definition encountered or ENTITY definition(s) not ended with a close parenthesis or close bracket character. ISPC631A ISPC631AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The maximum number of Tutorial choices allowed within the ISPF limit of 100 has been exceeded. The remaining CHOICE tags will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference for an explanation of the Document Type and Entity declarations. ISPC627 ISPC627E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Recursive use of ENTITY file cccccccc.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: The ISPF limit of 100 Tutorial choices has been exceeded. Additional Tutorial choices must be placed on a different panel. Remove the excess CHOICE tags from the current DTL source file. ISPC632 ISPC632W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd will not fit within the remaining space available of eeeeeeee character(s). cccccccc will be set to ffffffff.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Review the ENTITY file includes and remove the recursive use of file cccccccc. ISPC628 ISPC628W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Duplicate ENTITY name cccccccc found. This entry will be ignored and the first use of name cccccccc for value dddddddd will be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Reduce the cccccccc value to eeeeeeee. ISPC633 ISPC633W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd is not valid unless the eeeeeeee attribute is also specified. dddddddd=ffffffff will not be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the duplicate ENTITY name. ISPC629 ISPC629W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The CDATA keyword cannot be used with a parameter entity definition and will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the dddddddd attribute or include the eeeeeeee attribute as part of the cccccccc tag definition. ISPC634 ISPC634W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd is not valid unless the eeeeeeee attribute is also specified. dddddddd will not be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference for an explanation of the Document Type and Entity declarations. ISPC630 ISPC630W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The ENTITY cccccccc will override the system defined entity value dddddddd with the new value eeeeeeee..

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the dddddddd attribute or include the eeeeeeee attribute as part of the cccccccc tag definition. ISPC635 ISPC635W: Warning. The aaaaaaaa option is not valid unless the bbbbbbbb option is also specified. aaaaaaaa will not be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC631 ISPC631W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The maximum number of single choices allowed within the limit of ENTWIDTH=cccccccc has been exceeded. The remaining sequentially numbered CHOICE tags will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the aaaaaaaa option or add the bbbbbbbb option.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Increase the ENTWIDTH value, if possible, or remove the excess CHOICE tags.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC636 ISPC636W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc=dddddddd attribute specification on the eeeeeeee tag conflicts with the ffffffff conversion option. The attribute value is accepted but may cause inconsistent results when the panel is displayed. tags. A separator cannot be placed before the first pull-down choice. User response: Remove the PDSEP tag which is coded before the first PDC tag for this action bar item. ISPC641 ISPC641W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A PDSEP tag has been found in the DTL source after the last PDC tag has been processed. The PDSEP tag is ignored.

Explanation: The ffffffff conversion option is in conflict with the use of attribute cccccccc specified for value dddddddd on the eeeeeeee tag. User response: To eliminate the message either change the attribute value or change the conversion utility option. ISPC637 ISPC637W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc=dddddddd attribute specification on the eeeeeeee tag is a reserved keyword. The attribute value cannot be used and is reset to blank.

Explanation: PDSEP tags are valid only between PDC tags. A separator cannot be placed after the last pull-down choice. User response: Remove the PDSEP tag which is coded after the last PDC tag for this action bar item. ISPC642 ISPC642W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Multiple PDSEP tags have been found in the DTL source between PDC tags. The first PDSEP tag is accepted. Additional PDSEP tags are ignored.

Explanation: The specified dddddddd attribute value is a reserved keyword. User response: Specify a different value for the cccccccc attribute. ISPC638 ISPC638W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd is not valid unless the eeeeeeee conversion option is also specified. dddddddd=ffffffff will not be used.

Explanation: Only one PDSEP tag is valid between PDC tags. User response: Remove the multiple PDSEP tags which are coded between PDC tags. ISPC643 ISPC643W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The combined specification of accelerator key values for ACC1, ACC2, and ACC3 exceed the implementation limit of 30 bytes. The accelerator key description cccccccc will be discarded.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Remove the dddddddd attribute or include the eeeeeeee conversion option on the ISPDTLC interactive panel or as part of the ISPDTLC command invocation syntax. ISPC639 ISPC639W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd is not valid unless the eeeeeeee conversion option is also specified. dddddddd will not be used.

Explanation: The accelerator key description is limited to 20 bytes. User response: Revise the selection of ACCn values to reduce the number of bytes in the accelerator key description. ISPC644 ISPC644W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc is not a valid single accelerator key. Valid values are: INSERT, DELETE, BACKSPACE, and F1 through F12. The accelerator key description cccccccc will be discarded.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Remove the dddddddd attribute or include the eeeeeeee conversion option on the ISPDTLC interactive panel or as part of the ISPDTLC command invocation syntax. ISPC640 ISPC640W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A PDSEP tag has been found in the DTL source before the first PDC tag has been processed. The PDSEP tag is ignored.

Explanation: CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, A-Z and 0-9 cannot be used as a single accelerator key. User response: Revise the accelerator key selection to use only valid key combinations.

Explanation: PDSEP tags are valid only between PDC

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC645 ISPC645W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc is a duplicate of a previously specified accelerator key. The accelerator key description cccccccc will be discarded. v v Increase the specified panel depth, if possible. Remove some of the fields or text included in this panel. ISPC701W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Panel width has been exceeded. cccccccc field data will be truncated.


Explanation: Do not specify the same accelerator key value for attributes ACC1, ACC2, and ACC3. User response: Revise the accelerator key attributes ACC1, ACC2, and ACC3 to remove duplicate key specifications. ISPC646 ISPC646W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc is not a valid accelerator key combination. The accelerator key description cccccccc will be discarded.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: v Increase the panel width, if possible. v Review the generated ISPF panel source result and adjust field widths or spacing as necessary. ISPC702 ISPC702W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc tag was specified without the NAME or DATAVAR keyword and will cause the absence of the field on the panel.

Explanation: Combinations of keys such as SHIFT and A-Z or 0-9 are not valid. User response: Revise the accelerator key selection to use only valid key combinations. ISPC647 ISPC647W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc attribute has been specified without the previous dddddddd attribute(s). The accelerator key description will be created using the available ACCn attributes in numerical order.

Explanation: The field could not be formatted because no field identifier was provided. User response: Add the DATAVAR attribute to the DTL source file. ISPC703A ISPC703AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Entry width cccccccc will not fit within the Panel width and will be changed to dddddddd.

Explanation: The ACC3 attribute was present without ACC1 or ACC2, or the ACC2 attribute was present without ACC1. The accelerator will be created using the available attributes in numerical order. User response: Specify accelerator key selection in numerical order. ISPC648 ISPC648W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc is a duplicate of a previously specified accelerator key combination. The accelerator key description cccccccc will be discarded.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: v Increase the panel width, if possible. v Review the generated ISPF panel source result and adjust field widths or spacing as necessary. ISPC703B ISPC703BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Prompt width cccccccc will not fit within the Panel width and will be changed to dddddddd.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: v Increase the panel width, if possible. v Review the generated ISPF panel source result and adjust field widths or spacing as necessary. ISPC703C ISPC703CW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Choice width cccccccc will not fit within the Panel width and will be changed to dddddddd.

Explanation: The accelerator key combination cannot be duplicated within the panel. User response: Revise the accelerator key specifications to remove the duplicate accelerator key combinations. ISPC700 ISPC700E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Displayable lines have been exceeded. Panel will not be saved.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: v Increase the panel width, if possible. v Review the generated ISPF panel source result and adjust field widths or spacing as necessary.

Explanation: More lines have been formatted for the panel body than will fit within the specified panel depth. User response:


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC703D ISPC703DW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Description width cccccccc will not fit within the Panel width and will be changed to dddddddd. ISPC705B ISPC705BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The SELWIDTH value of the SELFLD tag is not large enough to contain the choice field.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: v Increase the panel width, if possible. v Review the generated ISPF panel source result and adjust field widths or spacing as necessary. ISPC706 ISPC706W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Both ENTWIDTH and COLWIDTH were specified on the LSTCOL tag. The value of cccccccc will be used as the column width.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: v Increase the panel width, if possible. v Review the generated ISPF panel source result and adjust field widths or spacing as necessary. ISPC704A ISPC704AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc tag entry width value is 0 and may affect the display of the entry field.

Explanation: There is insufficient space for the entry field. User response: v Increase the panel width, if possible. v Review the generated ISPF panel source result and adjust field widths or spacing as necessary. ISPC704B ISPC704BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc tag prompt width value is 0 and may affect the display of the prompt field.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the ENTWIDTH attribute to COLWIDTH. ISPC707 ISPC707W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Conflict between REQUIRED=NO with a MSG specified.

Explanation: The MSG attribute is valid only when REQUIRED=YES. User response: Remove the MSG attribute from the DTL source. ISPC708 ISPC708W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Conflict between REQUIRED keyword value or MSG keyword value specified for an output field. These keywords should not be used with USAGE=OUT.

Explanation: There is insufficient space for the field prompt. User response: v Increase the panel width, if possible. v Review the generated ISPF panel source result and adjust field widths or spacing as necessary. ISPC704C ISPC704CW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc tag description width value is 0 and may affect the display of the description field.

Explanation: The REQUIRED and MSG attributes are not valid for an output field. User response: Remove the REQUIRED and/or MSG attributes from the DTL source. ISPC710 ISPC710W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd default is set to a width of eeeeeeee and may affect the display of fields.

Explanation: There is insufficient space for the field description. User response: v Increase the panel width, if possible. v Review the generated ISPF panel source result and adjust field widths or spacing as necessary. ISPC705A ISPC705AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The SELWIDTH value of the SELFLD tag is not large enough to contain the entry field.

Explanation: The conversion utility has changed the indicated width. User response: The conversion utility has set a width in one of these contexts: v A DTAFLD defined without an ENTWIDTH attribute, either on the DTAFLD or DTACOL tag, that has a length specified on an associated VARCLASS tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: v Increase the panel width, if possible. v Review the generated ISPF panel source result and adjust field widths or spacing as necessary.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


v A DTAFLD tag for which no entry width can be determined is set to zero. v A DTAFLD tag defined without a PMTWIDTH attribute is set to the length of the prompt text, or to zero if no space is available to format the prompt. v A DTAFLD tag defined without a DESWIDTH attribute is set to the length of the description text on the associated DTAFLD tag, or to zero if no space is available to format the description. v A DTAFLD or LSTCOL tag that has an associated VARCLASS specified as one of the VEDIT keywords is forced to the defined display length. v A SELFLD defined without an SELWIDTH attribute, either on the SELFLD or DTACOL tag, is set to the remaining available width. v A SELFLD defined with an SELWIDTH value larger than the remaining available width is set to the remaining available width. v A SELFLD tag defined without a PMTWIDTH attribute is set to the length of the prompt text, or to zero if no space is available to format the prompt. v A VARCLASS tag with a TYPE of VMASK specified with a length greater than 20 is reset to 20. ISPC711 ISPC711W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc tag dddddddd attribute value is less than the ISPF defined minimum allowable width of 20 characters for a scrollable area. The scrollable area will not be formatted. ISPC714 ISPC714E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. NAME attribute must be specified on CHOICE tag if SELFLD TYPE=MULTI.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Review the CHOICE tags defined within the SELFLD and make sure each has a NAME attribute specified. ISPC715A ISPC715AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Duplicate CHECKVAR name cccccccc found on a CHOICE tag. The cccccccc variable name cannot be repeated for more than one CHOICE if SELFLD TYPE=MULTI. This name will be accepted but results are unpredictable.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: For a multi-choice selection list, each CHECKVAR name should be unique. ISPC715B ISPC715BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Duplicate MATCH value cccccccc used on a CHOICE tag. The cccccccc value cannot be repeated for more than one CHOICE if SELFLD TYPE=SINGLE. This value will be accepted but results are unpredictable.

Explanation: The minimum width for a scrollable area is 20. User response: Set the width of the scrollable area to 20 or more. ISPC712 ISPC712E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Keyword NAME must be specified with TYPE=SINGLE.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC716 ISPC716W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Inconsistent CHECKVAR value found on CHOICE tag. The CHECKVAR variable name must be the same for all CHOICE tags if SELFLD TYPE=SINGLE. This name will be accepted but results are unpredictable.

Explanation: The NAME attribute is required on a SELFLD tag with TYPE=SINGLE. User response: Add the NAME attribute to the SELFLD tag. ISPC713 ISPC713W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc attribute will be ignored in context of SELFLD TYPE=dddddddd..

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: For a single choice selection list, each CHECKVAR name should be unique. ISPC717 ISPC717W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Inconsistent use of MENU keyword on the PANEL tag. No selection choice list was created on panel cccccccc.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Remove the indicated attribute from the SELFLD tag.

Explanation: A PANEL specified with MENU keyword should include a SELFLD tag specified as TYPE=MENU. User response: Remove the MENU attribute from the PANEL tag, or add an option menu selection list with the SELFLD tag.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC718 ISPC718E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. More than one cccccccc tag found within dddddddd. Only 1 cccccccc tag can be used within each dddddddd tag. Explanation: The mnemonic character must be in the range A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. User response: Change the M tag to specify a valid character. ISPC719E ISPC719EW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A unique mnemonic could not be generated for the cccccccc tag description dddddddd. Use the Mnemonic tag to provide a unique mnemonic character.

Explanation: The cccccccc tag can only be specified one time within the dddddddd tag. User response: Update the DTL source to remove the multiple use of the cccccccc tag. ISPC719A ISPC719AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Inconsistent use of Mnemonics within cccccccc entries. CUA requires that all cccccccc entries must have a Mnemonic or none can.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC719F ISPC719FW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A duplicate mnemonic value has been found during processing of a cccccccc tag. The conversion utility will attempt to automatically select a mnemonic character to replace the specified value. Review the generated panel and if the resulting mnemonic selection is unsatisfactory, add Mnemonic tags to remove the duplicate condition.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: ISPF supports the Mnemonic tag only within the ABC and PDC tags. If this message is the result of providing a Mnemonic tag within a CHOICE tag, consider removing the tag from the DTL source file. If this message relates to ABC or PDC tag processing, consider adding a Mnemonic tag to the ABC or PDC tag identified within the message. ISPC719B ISPC719BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A duplicate mnemonic value has been found during processing of a cccccccc tag. Only one mnemonic may be specified for each cccccccc. Mnemonic characters used within a set of tags (ABC, PDC or CHOICE) must be unique.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add additional Mnemonic tag(s) as required to prevent the automatic mnemonic character selection from generating a mnemonic which conflicts with your choice for the current item. ISPC720 ISPC720W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The tag language has been changed for the cccccccc tag. The attribute dddddddd has been replaced by eeeeeeee. The conversion utility will use the value of dddddddd as eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the duplicate use of the M (Mnemonic) tag coded on the cccccccc tag. ISPC719C ISPC719CW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A DBCS mnemonic value has been found within a cccccccc tag. Mnemonic characters must be single byte format. The specified mnemonic character will not be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the DTL source value dddddddd to eeeeeeee. ISPC721 ISPC721W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The tag language has been changed for the cccccccc tag. The attribute value dddddddd has been replaced by eeeeeeee. The conversion utility will accept the entry ffffffff=dddddddd. However, you should change your source to use the new attribute value (ffffffff=eeeeeeee).

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Specify a single byte character for the mnemonic. ISPC719D ISPC719DW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The mnemonic cccccccc specified for the dddddddd tag description is not valid and will not be used. The mnemonic character must be in the range A-Z, a-z, or 0-9.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the DTL source value dddddddd to eeeeeeee.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC722 ISPC722W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The tag language has been changed for the cccccccc tag. The attribute value dddddddd has been removed from the cccccccc tag and will be ignored in this conversion. You should update your source file to remove the eeeeeeee=dddddddd entry. ISPC731 ISPC731W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Both DATAVAR and NAME are specified on the DTAFLD tag, but they have different values. The DATAVAR value will become the panel field name. It is recommended that you code both attributes with the same value.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the DTL source to remove the entry eeeeeeee=dddddddd. ISPC723 ISPC723W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The tag language has been changed for the cccccccc tag. The attribute dddddddd has been removed from the cccccccc tag and will be ignored in this conversion. You should remove the dddddddd reference from your tag source.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the NAME attribute to the same value as the DATAVAR attribute. ISPC732 ISPC732W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The AUTOTAB=YES attribute is in conflict with USAGE on the cccccccc tag. AUTOTAB will be changed to NO.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change AUTOTAB=YES to AUTOTAB=NO, or remove the AUTOTAB attribute from the DTL source. ISPC733 ISPC733W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc attribute is not valid without a valid DEPTH value. The cccccccc attribute will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the DTL source to remove the entry dddddddd. ISPC729 ISPC729W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc attribute has been specified on a dddddddd tag but the attribute eeeeeeee was not specified (or is not valid). The cccccccc attribute will be reset to blank.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the cccccccc attribute from the DTL source. ISPC734 ISPC734W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The EXTEND attribute has already been specified for this panel or EXTEND is not valid in this tag nesting configuration. The EXTEND attribute will be ignored.

Explanation: The use of cccccccc depends on the specification of eeeeeeee. User response: Either add the eeeeeeee attribute to the DTL source or correct other related coding to make the eeeeeeee attribute valid. ISPC730 ISPC730W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The required attribute DATAVAR is missing from the DTAFLD tag. The NAME value will become the panel field name. You should add the DATAVAR attribute to your tag source. (It is recommended that you code both attributes with the same value.)

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the EXTEND attribute from the DTL source. ISPC735 ISPC735W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The SCROLL attribute has already been specified for this panel either on an enclosing AREA tag or on another DA tag. The SCROLL attribute for this DA tag will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add the DATAVAR attribute using the same name value specified for the NAME attribute.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the SCROLL attribute from the DTL source.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC736 ISPC736E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc attribute has been specified for this panel and is in conflict with table display. The panel will not be saved. ISPC738D ISPC738DW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The EXTEND=FORCE attribute specification is coded on a cccccccc tag formatted horizontally. The resulting panel will not display unless the extendable portion of the panel is below all other fields or text on the panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the cccccccc attribute from the DTL source. ISPC737 ISPC737W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Both PAD and PADC attributes have been specified on the cccccccc tag. The value of PADC will be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Verify the panel by displaying it using ISPF Dialog Test. ISPC739 ISPC739W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc attribute has been specified on a previous tag. The cccccccc attribute value dddddddd will be reset to blank.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove either the PAD or PADC attribute from the DTL source. ISPC738A ISPC738AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The EXTEND=ON attribute specification is not valid on a cccccccc tag within a horizontal region. The EXTEND attribute will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the cccccccc attribute from the DTL source or change the dddddddd value to remove the conflict. ISPC740 ISPC740W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag PMTWIDTH value is too small to allow for leader dots.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the EXTEND attribute from the DTL source. ISPC738B ISPC738BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The EXTEND=ON attribute specification is not valid on a cccccccc tag formatted horizontally. The EXTEND attribute will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Increase the value for prompt width so that a minimum of two leader dots can be formatted following the prompt text. ISPC741 ISPC741W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A DIVIDER within a horizontal region with GUTTER=1 must specify TYPE=NONE. TYPE is reset to NONE.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the EXTEND attribute from the DTL source. ISPC738C ISPC738CW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The EXTEND=FORCE attribute specification is coded on a cccccccc tag within a horizontal region. The resulting panel will not display unless the extendable portion of the panel is below all other fields or text on the panel.

Explanation: A divider which specifies TYPE=SOLID requires a minimum of two spaces to provide for the divider attribute byte and the divider character. User response: Either increase the GUTTER value to 2 or change the TYPE value to NONE. ISPC742 ISPC742W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The NOENDATTR attribute on the DIVIDER tag is valid only when the GUTTER value is 2 or more. NOENDATTR is ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Verify the panel by displaying it using ISPF Dialog Test.

Explanation: When NOENDATTR is specified, the ending attribute for the divider is not included. The starting attribute for a divider is always used. A divider must be more than one character in width to use NOENDATTR. User response: Either increase the GUTTER value or
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


remove the NOENDATTR attribute from the DIVIDER tag. ISPC743 ISPC743W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. DEPTH=cccccccc will exceed the remaining panel depth due to prompt text formatting. DEPTH will be reset to dddddddd. ISPC747 ISPC747W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The CHOICECOLS=cccccccc value of the SELFLD tag specified more columns than the CHOICEDEPTH=dddddddd value could create from the number of CHOICE tags processed.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: The source file can to changed to either: v Reduce the choice depth so that the available choices are distributed to all of the specified choice columns. v Reduce the choice columns so that at least one choice is formatted for each choice column. ISPC748 ISPC748W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The panel line cccccccc contains EXPAND characters which cannot operate due to horizontal region formatting.

Explanation: The prompt text provided has been formatted on more than one line causing the remaining available panel depth to be reduced. User response: Either increase the prompt width to format the prompt on one line or change the panel depth to compensate for the multiple line prompt. ISPC744 ISPC744W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. There is insufficient remaining depth to format a scrollable area.

Explanation: A scrollable area requires a minimum of two panel body lines. User response: If possible, increase the panel depth. ISPC745 ISPC745W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The CHOICECOLS=cccccccc value of the SELFLD tag does not provide enough columns to sub-divide all of the CHOICE tags. The remaining CHOICE tags will be placed in the last column available for the current SELFLD tag.

Explanation: The expand processing of display cannot operate when attribute bytes are found on a line following the expand characters. Panel lines formatted as part of horizontal regions contain attribute bytes for limiting the region width and for alignment of horizontal data. User response: Remove the EXPAND characters from line cccccccc or revise the panel to use only vertical region formatting. ISPC749 ISPC749W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The NOENDATTR attribute on the DIVIDER tag is valid only when the DIVIDER tag is placed within a horizontal region. NOENDATTR is ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Increase the specified number of choice columns. ISPC746 ISPC746E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The CHOICECOLS=cccccccc value of the SELFLD tag specified more scrollable columns than the CHOICEDEPTH=dddddddd value could create from the number of CHOICE tags processed. This condition results in a mismatch between defined scrollable areas in the panel )BODY section and )AREA sections generated. The panel will not be saved.

Explanation: The NOENDATTR attribute only applies to DIVIDER tag formatting within a horizontal region. NOENDATTR does not apply in vertical regions or when DIVIDER is used outside of the REGION tag. User response: Remove the NOENDATTR attribute from this use of the DIVIDER tag. ISPC749A ISPC749AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc attribute on the DIVIDER tag is valid only when the DIVIDER tag is placed within a vertical region. cccccccc is ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: The source file can to changed to either: v Reduce the choice depth so that the available choices are distributed to all of the specified choice columns. v Reduce the choice columns so that at least one choice is formatted for each choice column.

Explanation: The cccccccc attribute only applies to DIVIDER tag formatting within a vertical region. User response: Remove the NOENDATTR attribute from this use of the DIVIDER tag.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC750 ISPC750W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The special ENTITY cccccccc requires dddddddd bytes of space. The DTL source file has specified PMTWIDTH as eeeeeeee bytes. User response: Correct the ENTITY name to follow the listed rules. ISPC760 ISPC760W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Unable to create a new cursor group for the specification of CSRGRP=YES. CSRGRP is reset to NO.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Increase the value for prompt width to dddddddd to provide adequate prompt formatting space. ISPC751 ISPC751W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The ENTITY name cccccccc maximum length is dddddddd byte(s). cccccccc will be truncated to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: The total number of cursor groups is limited to 99. Each specification of CSRGRP=YES causes ISPDTLC to create a new cursor group. All of the available cursor group numbers from 1 to 99 have been used and no additional group numbers are available. User response: Reduce the number of occurrences of CSRGRP=YES or combine fields currently specified as separate cursor groups. ISPC761 ISPC761W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The )LIST section entries referenced by LISTREF=cccccccc are not found. The LISTREF attribute is ignored. Panel formatting may be affected.

Explanation: ENTITY names must follow these rules for name length: v Parameter entities: 1-7. v System entities: 1-8. v Other entities: 1-17. User response: Correct the ENTITY name to follow the listed rules. ISPC752 ISPC752W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The ENTITY name cccccccc minimum length is dddddddd character(s). cccccccc will be set to blank.

Explanation: ENTITY names must follow these rules for name length: v Parameter entities: 1-7. v System entities: 1-8. v Other entities: 1-17. User response: Correct the ENTITY name to follow the listed rules. ISPC753 ISPC753W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The ENTITY name cccccccc contains character(s) which are not valid. cccccccc will be set to blank. Parameter and System entity names must be from 1 to 8 bytes. Other entity names can be from 1 to 17 bytes. One or more underscore (_) bytes must be included in names longer than 8 bytes.

Explanation: The )LIST section name specified by the LISTREF attribute must be created by a previous SELFLD tag which includes CHOICE tags to define the )LIST section entries. User response: Correct the LISTREF specification to refer to a previously defined SELFLD tag group, or include CHOICE tags within the current SELFLD tag to define a new )LIST section. ISPC762 ISPC762W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The )LIST section name specified by LISTREF=cccccccc is a duplicate of a previous name. cccccccc is changed to dddddddd. Panel formatting may be affected.

Explanation: The )LIST section name specified by the LISTREF attribute on a SELFLD tag which includes CHOICE tags is a duplicate of a previously defined )LIST section name. User response: Correct the LISTREF specification to specify a unique name, or remove the LISTREF attribute from the current SELFLD tag. ISPC763 ISPC763W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The CHOICE text cccccccc is too long to display as one line. ISPF does not support multiple lines of panel text for LISTTYPE=dddddddd. The LISTTYPE attribute is ignored. This SELFLD tag group will be formatted as a numbered single-choice list.

Explanation: ENTITY names must follow these rules: v Length. Parameter entities: 1-8. System entities: 1-8. Other entities: 1-17. v The first character must be A-Z, a-z, @, #, or $. v Remaining characters, if any, can be A-Z, a-z, 0-9, @, #, or $. v When an other entity name is longer than 8 bytes, one or more of the remaining characters must be an underscore (_). v Entity-names are case-sensitive.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Explanation: Multiple lines of text for a CHOICE tag are not supported for GUI mode panel display. The LISTTYPE attribute on the associated SELFLD tag is ignored. A numbered single-choice selection list is created by default. User response: Reduce the CHOICE text length to fit within the available SELFLD width, or increase the SELFLD width to allow for longer CHOICE text. ISPC764 ISPC764W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The CHOICE text formatting width of cccccccc exceeds the ISPF maximum for LISTTYPE=dddddddd. The formatting width is reset to 99. ISPC767A ISPC767AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A CHOICE tag that specified the UNAVAIL attribute has also specified the RP (Reference Phrase) tag as part of the CHOICE tag text. ISPF does not support Reference Phrases on unavailable choices. The UNAVAIL (and UNAVAILMAT) attribute specifications are ignored.

Explanation: ISPF does not support Reference Phrases on unavailable choices. The conversion utility will format the Reference Phrase and will ignore the UNAVAIL (and UNAVAILMAT) attribute specifications. User response: If unavailable choice support is required for this CHOICE, remove the RP (Reference Phrase) tag specification from the choice text and reconvert the panel. If unavailable choice support is not required, remove the UNAVAIL (and UNAVAILMAT) attributes from this CHOICE tag. ISPC767B ISPC767BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A CHOICE tag that specified the UNAVAIL attribute has also specified the HP (Emphasized Text) tag as part of the CHOICE tag text. ISPF does not support Emphasized Text on unavailable choices. The UNAVAIL (and UNAVAILMAT) attribute specifications are ignored.

Explanation: The CHOICE text formatting width is calculated based on the SELWIDTH value, allowing for the entry width and required panel attribute bytes. User response: No action is necessary. To eliminate this message, reduce the SELWIDTH attribute value on the enclosing SELFLD tag. ISPC765 ISPC765W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The specified LISTDEPTH=cccccccc value may cause part of the listbox choices or the horizontal scroll bar for the listbox to overlay other panel fields. Review the resulting panel for proper format.

Explanation: ISPF displays a listbox in GUI mode with an additional panel line for a horizontal scroll bar. The LISTDEPTH value cccccccc will place part of the listbox section below the last line of CHOICE description. These lines may overlay subsequent panel fields. User response: Review the resulting panel by displaying it in GUI mode. If other panel fields are affected, reduce the LISTDEPTH value in the DTL source file and reconvert the panel. ISPC766 ISPC766W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. There is only one formatted CHOICE text line which may cause the horizontal scroll bar for the listbox to overlay other panel fields. Review the resulting panel for proper format.

Explanation: ISPF does not support Emphasized Text on unavailable choices. The conversion utility will format the Emphasized Text and will ignore the UNAVAIL (and UNAVAILMAT) attribute specifications. User response: If unavailable choice support is required for this CHOICE, remove the HP (Emphasized Text) tag specification from the choice text and reconvert the panel. If unavailable choice support is not required, remove the UNAVAIL (and UNAVAILMAT) attributes from this CHOICE tag. ISPC768 ISPC768W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A CHOICE tag that is used to build a COMBO list cannot have user defined cccccccc tag text. The cccccccc tag is ignored.

Explanation: ISPF displays a listbox in GUI mode with an additional panel line for a horizontal scroll bar. The listbox display will place the horizontal scroll bar below the line of CHOICE description. This may overlay subsequent panel fields. User response: Review the resulting panel by displaying it in GUI mode. If other panel fields are affected, provide an additional blank line in the DTL source file (possibly adding a DIVIDER tag) and reconvert the panel.

Explanation: The conversion utility automatically generates Point-and-Shoot entries for CHOICEs that are part of a COMBO list. User response: Remove any Emphasized Text (HP), Reference Phrase (RP), or Point-and-Shoot (PS) tag definitions within the CHOICE tag.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC769 ISPC769W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The number of SELFLD tags containing unavailable choices has exceeded the maximum of 36. Remaining SELFLD tags will use the ZS# prefix for variable names used for unavailable choice text fields. If duplicate field names result, the panel cannot be displayed. CHOICEDIR=HORIZ specification formats the choice numbers in sequence from left to right, top-to-bottom. Divider lines can only be used within choice lists formatted vertically (top-to-bottom, left-to-right). User response: Remove the CHDIV tag from the selection list. ISPC774 ISPC774W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd is not valid when the cccccccc tag is used with the eeeeeeee tag. dddddddd=ffffffff will not be used.

Explanation: The number of SELFLD tags containing unavailable choices has exceeded the maximum that can be successfully created by the conversion utility. User response: Revise the panel to limit the number of SELFLD tags with unavailable choices to 36. ISPC770 ISPC770W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag text dddddddd is not valid when the TYPE=NONE attribute is either specified or defaulted. The text is ignored.

Explanation: The dddddddd attribute of the cccccccc tag is restricted. The dddddddd attribute is not valid with the eeeeeeee tag. User response: Remove the dddddddd attribute from the cccccccc tag definition. ISPC775A ISPC775AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd is not valid when the cccccccc tag is used within a horizontal region. dddddddd will not be used.

Explanation: Text on the cccccccc tag is in conflict with the TYPE=NONE attribute which is defined as creating a blank divider line. User response: Remove the text from the cccccccc tag, or change the TYPE attribute. ISPC771 ISPC771W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag text dddddddd is not valid unless the FORMAT attribute is specified. The text is ignored.

Explanation: The dddddddd attribute of the cccccccc tag is restricted. The dddddddd attribute is not valid when the cccccccc tag is used within a horizontal region. User response: Remove the dddddddd attribute from the cccccccc tag definition. ISPC775B ISPC775BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd is not valid when the cccccccc tag is used within a scrollable area. dddddddd will not be used.

Explanation: Text on the cccccccc tag is not accepted unless the FORMAT attribute is also specified. User response: Remove the text from the cccccccc tag, or add the FORMAT attribute. ISPC772 ISPC772W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag text dddddddd is not valid within a horizontal region. The text is ignored.

Explanation: The dddddddd attribute of the cccccccc tag is restricted. The dddddddd attribute is not valid when the cccccccc tag is used within a scrollable area. User response: Remove the dddddddd attribute from the cccccccc tag definition. ISPC776 ISPC776W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The definition for IMAPNAME=cccccccc specifying a blank text string is not valid. Image cccccccc will not be used.

Explanation: Text on the cccccccc tag is not accepted within a horizontal region. User response: Remove the text from the cccccccc tag. ISPC773 ISPC773W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The CHDIV tag is not supported for selection lists that specify cccccccc. The tag is syntax checked but will be ignored during panel formatting.

Explanation: Each image definition must map to a unique text string. User response: Remove the image definition attributes from the tag definition, or change the PS tag to enclose a non-blank text string.

Explanation: The LISTTYPE=COMBO specification creates a single input field in the panel )BODY section. Divider lines can only be used within choice lists formatted in the panel )BODY section. The
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC777 ISPC777W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The definition for IMAPNAME=cccccccc specifying the text dddddddd is a duplicate of a previously defined image text string. Image cccccccc will not be used. ISPC782 ISPC782W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The column is not wide enough to display both the fields associated with the cccccccc tag attributes dddddddd and eeeeeeee. dddddddd=ffffffff and eeeeeeee=gggggggg will not be used.

Explanation: Each image definition must map to a unique text string. User response: Remove the image definition attributes from the tag definition, or change the text enclosed by the PS tag. ISPC778 ISPC778W: Warning. There is a conflict in the use of aaaaaaaa as a panel data set with bbbbbbbb. bbbbbbbb is being reset to cccccccc.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Either remove the dddddddd and eeeeeeee attributes or make the column wider. ISPC783 ISPC783W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The column is not wide enough to display the field associated with the cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd. dddddddd=eeeeeeee will not be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Either remove the dddddddd attribute or make the column wider. ISPC784 ISPC784W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Only a single SCRFLD tag can be nested in a cccccccc tag. This SCRFLD tag definition will not be used.

Explanation: The converted panel can be displayed only after it has been written to the output panel file. User response: Either provide a valid panel file name in place of aaaaaaaa or remove the selection for the Display converted panels or Display converted panels in a window option. conflict. ISPC779 ISPC779W: Warning. The invocation option NODSNCHK has been changed to DSNCHK because an EXECIO error occurred.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the extra SCRFLD tag definition. ISPC785 ISPC785W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The SCRFLD tag attribute cccccccc cannot be specified for a field defined immediately within a horizontal region. cccccccc=dddddddd will not be used.

Explanation: DSNCHK will cause a full validation of all input and output file names to assist in correcting the EXECIO error. User response: Use the NODSNCHK option again after the EXECIO error is resolved. ISPC780 ISPC780W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd is not valid unless the cccccccc tag is nested within a eeeeeeee tag. dddddddd=ffffffff will not be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Either remove the cccccccc attribute or define the field immediately within a vertical region. ISPC786 ISPC786W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The variable cccccccc specified with the SCRFLD tag attribute LCOLIND will not be displayed for the dddddddd field because LCOLIND=cccccccc has already been specified on an SCRFLD tag nested in another LSTCOL or DTAFLD tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the dddddddd attribute. ISPC781 ISPC781W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc tag attribute dddddddd is not valid when the eeeeeeee attribute is also specified. dddddddd=ffffffff will not be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Either change the variable name on the LCOLIND attribute or remove LCOLIND=cccccccc from the SCRFLD tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove either the dddddddd attribute or the eeeeeeee attribute.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC787 ISPC787W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Region width is too small to include indicator cccccccc on the same line as the DTAFLD field. FLDSPOS is set to BELOW. User response: When TSIZE is specified as TSIZE=s1 s2..sn, make sure that a term tag is coded for each entry defined by TSIZE. ISPC801C ISPC801CE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A description tag is missing in a multiple term group. Check for a missing cccccccc tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Increase the width of the region or set FLDSPOS to BELOW on the SCRFLD tag. ISPC801 ISPC801E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc and dddddddd tags were not matched, or the number of cccccccc tags does not match the number of entries specified by the TSIZE attribute.

Explanation: This message is issued during processing of a DL (definition list) or PARML (parameter list) tag set when the nested term and description tags are not matched. When TSIZE is specified as TSIZE=s1 s2..sn, this message is issued if cccccccc (description) tag is missing. User response: Make sure that each term group has a matching cccccccc tag. ISPC802 ISPC802E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Processing for tag cccccccc has generated attribute dddddddd which is outside of the range of attribute values available to ISPDTLC. Panel will not be saved.

Explanation: This message is issued during processing of a DL (definition list) or PARML (parameter list) tag set when the nested term and description tags are not matched. When TSIZE is specified as TSIZE=s1 s2..sn, this message is also issued if the number of nested term tags does not match the number of entries specified by TSIZE. User response: Make sure that each cccccccc tag has a matching dddddddd tag. When TSIZE is specified as TSIZE=s1 s2..sn, make sure that a term tag is coded for each entry defined by TSIZE. ISPC801A ISPC801AE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The number of cccccccc tags does not match the number of entries specified by the TSIZE attribute. Check for a missing cccccccc tag.

Explanation: Scrollable areas, dynamic areas, graphic areas, and ISPDTLC generated expand characters use characters in the range of X'00'through X'2f'. The panel in process requires more characters than are available. User response: Reduce the number of special formatting areas on the panel. ISPC803 ISPC803E: Error. The list nesting level exceeds the maximum allowed (aaaaaaaa) for the bbbbbbbb tag.

Explanation: This message is issued during processing of a DL (definition list) or PARML (parameter list) tag set when the nested term and description tags are not matched. When TSIZE is specified as TSIZE=s1 s2..sn, this message is issued if the number of nested term tags does not match the number of entries specified by TSIZE. User response: When TSIZE is specified as TSIZE=s1 s2..sn, make sure that a term tag is coded for each entry defined by TSIZE. ISPC801B ISPC801BE: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The number of cccccccc tags does not match the number of entries specified by the TSIZE attribute. Check for an extra cccccccc tag.

Explanation: ISPDTLC allows nesting of UL, SL, and OL to a maximum of 10 levels. The current tag source exceeds the maximum nesting allowed. User response: Reduce the nested tags to a maximum of 10 levels. ISPC804 ISPC804E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The maximum number (cccccccc) of panel attributes has been exceeded. Panel will not be saved.

Explanation: ISPF allows a maximum of cccccccc attributes on this panel. User response: Reduce the number of requested attributes to a maximum of cccccccc. ISPC805 ISPC805W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Multiple LSTFLD tag (and nested tags) will be syntax checked only and will be discarded by the conversion utility.

Explanation: This message is issued during processing of a DL (definition list) or PARML (parameter list) tag set when the nested term and description tags are not matched. When TSIZE is specified as TSIZE=s1 s2..sn, this message is issued if the number of nested term tags does not match the number of entries specified by TSIZE.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Explanation: ISPDTLC allows only one LSTFLD tag group on a panel. The first group found will be used; remaining groups will be discarded. User response: Provide only one LSTFLD tag group for each panel. ISPC806 ISPC806E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Conflict between attribute being generated for the cccccccc tag and a previously defined attribute. Panel will not be saved. ISPC809 ISPC809E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A scrollable area has been defined without any lines. A null )AREA section is not valid for ISPF. Panel will not be saved.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Review the log for other errors that may have caused data for the scrollable area to be discarded. ISPC810 ISPC810E: Error. The maximum number of current files (aaaaaaaa) has been exceeded.

Explanation: There is a duplicate of the current attribute specified on an ATTR or DA tag, or as the EXPAND characters for the panel. User response: Review the use of the ATTRCHAR attribute (ATTR tag), USERMOD and DATAMOD attributes (DA tag) and panel expand characters. Choose values above X'2F' for these items. ISPC807 ISPC807E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Conflict between the cccccccc attribute specified on the dddddddd tag and either a previously defined attribute or a reserved attribute. Panel will not be saved.

Explanation: ISPDTLC keeps multiple input files in memory to minimize file I/O for file embed processing. The limit of aaaaaaaa files has been exceeded. User response: Revise the structure of the DTL source files to reduce the number of required active embed files. (This might be achieved by limiting the number of nested embed files.) ISPC811 ISPC811W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The CHOFLD tag can not be used within CHOICE text for LISTTYPE=cccccccc. The LISTTYPE attribute is ignored. This SELFLD tag group will be formatted as a numbered single-choice list.

Explanation: ISPDTLC uses characters in the range of X'00'through X'2f'as panel attribute bytes. An attribute specified in the DTL source on the dddddddd tag is either: v v in conflict with an attribute required by ISPDTLC, or a duplicate of an attribute previously specified.

User response: 1. If the message is issued during conversion of an ISPF product panel (FLMxxxxx, ISPxxxxx, or ISRxxxxx), specify the keylist application id as ISR and rerun the conversion. 2. In other cases, make one of these changes and rerun the conversion. v Change the indicated attribute to a different character. v Specify ATTRUSE=YES or ATTRUSE=ALL on the PANEL tag. ISPC808 ISPC808E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A scrollable area which contains a LSTFLD tag grouping cannot contain any other tags. Panel will not be saved.

Explanation: Data fields can not be used within CHOICE text formatted within a )LIST panel section. The LISTTYPE attribute on the associated SELFLD tag is ignored. A numbered single-choice selection list is created by default. User response: Modify the DTL source in one of these ways: v v v Remove the CHOFLD tag from the current CHOICE text Change the LISTTYPE to RADIO Remove the LISTTYPE attribute. ISPC851W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A help panel has been defined with either a Width > 76 and/or a Depth > 22 and will require a device larger than 24x80 for display of the panel. The width must allow for 4 bytes and the depth must allow 2 lines for pop-up borders on help panels.


Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC852 ISPC852W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. When a panel is defined with width = cccccccc, the panel depth must be less than dddddddd. Panel depth is reset to eeeeeeee. User response: This message is issued when the LSTFLD tag group is followed by other panel tags. ISPC865 ISPC865W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The comment cccccccc does not conform to DTL rules for the use of the - character. This comment is accepted for the conversion. Please update the tag source file to DTL comment syntax standards.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC853 ISPC853W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. When a panel is defined with width = cccccccc, the maximum panel depth must be 3 lines less than the terminal screen size to prevent an ISPF display error.

Explanation: The rules for DTL comments allow only single - (dash) characters within the comment text. Multiple contiguous - (dash) characters indicate comment continuation text. User response: Revise the comment to use only single - (dash) characters within the comment text. ISPC866 ISPC866W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The GML source cccccccc does not conform to DTL rules for comment continuation. This syntax is accepted for the conversion. Please update the tag source file to DTL comment syntax standards.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPC854 ISPC854W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The AUTOTYPE=cccccccc definition is not valid unless you have also used AUTOTYPE to define dddddddd. AUTOTYPE=cccccccc will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add missing AUTOTYPE definitions for PROJECT, GROUP1 and TYPE. ISPC856 ISPC856W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The panel width cccccccc will not fit within the output file record length of dddddddd. The WIDTH of panels being converted with the NOPREP option must be less than or equal to the record length of the output panel file.

Explanation: Each line of a continued comment should begin with the characters --. ISPDTLC treats all lines following an open comment delimiter () is encountered. User response: Correct the comment syntax by placing the comment continuation characters -- at the start of each comment continuation line. ISPC868 ISPC868E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The use of the cccccccc tag is limited to the first 99 scrollable areas. Panel will not be saved.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Reduce the value of the WIDTH attribute or specify an output panel file with a larger record length. ISPC857 ISPC857W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The panel width cccccccc will not fit within the specified output file record length of dddddddd. The WIDTH of panels being converted with the NOPREP option must be less than or equal to the specified record length of the output panel file.

Explanation: The naming structure for Reference Phrases is ZRPxxyyy, and the naming structure for point-and-shoot entries is ZPSxxyyy, where xx is 00 for the panel body, or 01 - 99 for the number of the scrollable area, and yyy is the number of the entries within area xx. The maximum number of scrollable areas that can contain Reference Phrases or point-and-shoot entries is 99. User response: Remove any RP or PS tags found in the scrollable areas that are beyond the defined limit. ISPC869 ISPC869E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The maximum of 999 uses of the cccccccc tag for a dddddddd panel section has been exceeded. Panel will not be saved.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC859 ISPC859W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The LSTFLD tag (and nested LSTCOL tags) will be formatted at the bottom of the panel for use by ISPF table display.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory.

Explanation: The naming structure for Reference Phrases is ZRPxxyyy, and the naming structure for point-and-shoot entries is ZPSxxyyy, where xx is 00 for
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


the panel body, or 01 - 99 for the number of the scrollable area, and yyy is the number of the Reference Phrase or point-and-shoot entry within area xx. The maximum number of entries within any area xx is 999. User response: Remove any RP or PS tags found in the dddddddd section that are beyond the defined limit. ISPC890A ISPC890AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The PARM1 attribute must be specified to provide the mask-character for the PICTCN verify statement. n, X, x, 9, left parenthesis, right parenthesis, comma, single quote () or double quote () as the mask-character. User response: Provide the PARM1 attribute with a valid mask-character. ISPC892A ISPC892AW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The PARM1 attribute contains the reserved picture string character cccccccc. DTL does not allow characters C, c, A, a, N, n, X, x, or 9 as the mask-character.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires a mask-character to represent a picture character in the field-mask. DTL does not allow characters C, c, A, a, N, n, X, x, 9, left parenthesis, right parenthesis, comma, single quote () or double quote () as the mask-character. User response: Provide the PARM1 attribute with a valid mask-character. ISPC890B ISPC890BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The PARM2 attribute must be specified to provide the field-mask for the PICTCN verify statement.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires a mask-character to represent a picture character in the field-mask. DTL does not allow characters C, c, A, a, N, n, X, x, 9, left parenthesis, right parenthesis, comma, single quote () or double quote () as the mask-character. User response: Provide the PARM1 attribute with a valid mask-character. ISPC892B ISPC892BW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The PARM1 attribute contains the DTL restricted character cccccccc. DTL does not allow characters left parenthesis, right parenthesis, comma, single quote () or double quote () as the mask-character.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires a field-mask to describe the format of the field to be verified. The field-mask is a combination of character constants and the mask-character specified with attribute PARM1. User response: Provide the PARM2 attribute with a valid field format. ISPC890C ISPC890CW: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The PARM3 attribute must be specified to provide the verification string for the PICTCN verify statement.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires a mask-character to represent a picture character in the field-mask. DTL does not allow characters C, c, A, a, N, n, X, x, 9, left parenthesis, right parenthesis, comma, single quote () or double quote () as the mask-character. User response: Provide the PARM1 attribute with a valid mask-character. ISPC893 ISPC893W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The PARM1 supplied mask-character cccccccc is not found as part of the PARM2 supplied field-mask dddddddd.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires a verification string to specify the verification for the field to be verified. The verification string is a combination of the character constants as specified with PARM2 and the picture string characters C, A, N, X and 9. User response: Provide the PARM3 attribute with a valid field format. ISPC891 ISPC891W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The PARM1 attribute containing the mask-character must be only 1 character.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires a mask-character to represent a picture character in the field-mask. The mask-character must appear within the field-mask. User response: Provide the PARM2 attribute with a valid field-mask. ISPC894 ISPC894W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The field-mask position cccccccc (character dddddddd) cannot be a reserved picture string character.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires a mask-character to represent a picture character in the field-mask. DTL does not allow characters C, c, A, a, N,

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires a mask-character to represent a picture character in the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

field-mask. The mask-character must appear within the field-mask in those positions to be verified by a picture string character. Picture string characters C, c, A, a, N, n, X, x, and 9 are not valid within the field-mask. User response: Provide the PARM2 attribute with a valid field-mask. ISPC895 ISPC895W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The field-mask cccccccc length is not equal to the verification string s4 length. valid verification string that contains a matching character constant for each character constant found within the field-mask. ISPC901 ISPC901W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Horizontal AREA formatting has reached the panel width. Tags following this AREA will be formatted below the current AREA(s), beginning at the left edge of the panel.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires the field-mask to represent each character in the verification string. The length of the field-mask must be equal to the length of the verification string. User response: Provide the PARM3 attribute with a valid verification string that matches the length of the field-mask. ISPC896 ISPC896W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. No picture string characters found in verification string cccccccc.

Explanation: An AREA tag specifying DIR=HORIZ is in process, and the width of the AREA matches or exceeds the PANEL width. ISPDTLC will format the current AREA as specified. The next AREA or other tag will continue formatting at the left edge of the panel. User response: Review the WIDTH and DIR attributes on the AREA tags. The combined width of horizontally formatted AREAs cannot exceed the PANEL width. ISPC908 ISPC908W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. CHECKI tag syntax error. CHECKI tag will be discarded.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires that the verification string contain at least one of the picture string characters. User response: Provide the PARM3 attribute with a valid verification string that contains at least one picture string character. ISPC897 ISPC897W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Position cccccccc (character dddddddd) of field-mask eeeeeeee does not correspond to a valid picture string character in verification string ffffffff.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to previous log messages for more information about the syntax errors. ISPC909 ISPC909W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. CHECKI can be specified only once. First specification will be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: ISPDTLC supports only one CHECKI tag within each CHECKL definition. ISPC910 ISPC910W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Variable by the same name cccccccc was already defined.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires that each mask-character within the field-mask correspond to a valid picture string character in the relative position of the verification string. User response: Provide the PARM3 attribute with a valid verification string that contains a picture string character for each mask-character found within the field-mask. ISPC898 ISPC898W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The constant in position cccccccc (character dddddddd) of field-mask eeeeeeee does not correspond to the constant in the relative position of verification string ffffffff.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Each VARCLASS name and VARDCL name must be unique. ISPC911 ISPC911W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The VARCLASS attribute cccccccc requires a dddddddd value. The conversion process will continue but defaults may be affected. Please update your tag source file to contain a valid dddddddd value.

Explanation: The PICTCN verify statement requires that each character constant within the field-mask correspond to the relative position of the verification string. User response: Provide the PARM3 attribute with a

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add the missing information to the TYPE=cccccccc attribute.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC912 ISPC912W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc is a required attribute when TYPE=dddddddd.. CHECKI tag will be ignored. ISPC919 ISPC919W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The NAME = cccccccc keyword has not been defined by the dddddddd tag.

Explanation: The required attribute cccccccc is not present. User response: Add the required attribute information. ISPC913 ISPC913W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc attribute value does not correspond with dddddddd.. CHECKI tag will be ignored.

Explanation: A VARDCL tag has referenced an undefined VARCLASS tag. User response: Provide the missing VARCLASS definition. ISPC920 ISPC920W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Double quote within CHECKI TYPE=values will be treated as character data and not as an item enclosure.

Explanation: The PARM2 data is not valid for TYPE=CHARS. User response: Specify one of the listed character strings as documented in z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and Reference . ISPC914 ISPC914W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. PARM1 is larger than PARM2. CHECKI tag will be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC921 ISPC921W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. More than 100 items found in PARM2 attribute value for TYPE=VALUES on the CHECKI tag. First 100 items will be used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Reduce the number of values to a maximum of 100. ISPC922 ISPC922W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The attributes PARM2 and PARM3 contain duplicate values on the CHECKI tag. The PARM3 value is ignored.

Explanation: PARM2 specifies the high bound of a RANGE check and must be larger than the low bound specified by PARM1. User response: Adjust the range values so that PARM2 is larger than PARM1. ISPC915 ISPC915W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Attribute ignored, not needed for TYPE=cccccccc..

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the extra attribute and value. ISPC916 ISPC916W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The cccccccc=dddddddd attribute value is not supported in the conversion process. Attribute cccccccc will be set to the default eeeeeeee.

Explanation: TYPE=INCLUDE on the CHECKI tag must have a different value for PARM3 than the value provided for PARM2. User response: Provide unique PARM2 and PARM3 values. ISPC930 ISPC930W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A VARLIST tag has been found within the PANEL tag. The VARLIST found within the PANEL tag will be accepted for this conversion. You should update your tag source file to change the VARLIST tag to occur outside the PANEL tag. VARLIST within PANEL is not a valid coding structure.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change dddddddd to a valid value. ISPC918 ISPC918W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc keyword was not specified. cccccccc will be set to dddddddd..

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Move the VARLIST tag group outside of the PANEL definition.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide the cccccccc attribute with an appropriate value.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC931 ISPC931W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A VARDCL tag has been found both under the scope of !DOCTYPE and within the PANEL tag for variable cccccccc. The VARDCL found within the PANEL tag will be ignored. You should update your tag source file to remove the VARDCL for cccccccc located within the PANEL tag as this is not a valid coding structure. ISPC936 ISPC936W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. VARDCL was not found for variable cccccccc specified on the dddddddd tag. Each variable should be specified by a VARDCL tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Add a VARDCL tag for each panel variable. ISPC937 ISPC937W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A VARLIST tag has been found both outside and within the PANEL tag. The conversion utility does not support a mixed occurrence of VARLIST. The VARLIST found within the PANEL tag will be ignored for this conversion. You should update your tag source file to remove the VARLIST tags found within the PANEL tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the VARLIST tag group within the PANEL definition. ISPC932 ISPC932W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A VARDCL tag has been found within the PANEL tag for variable cccccccc. The VARDCL(s) found within the PANEL tag will be accepted for this conversion. You should update your tag source file to change all VARDCL(s) to occur outside the PANEL tag. VARDCL within PANEL is not a valid coding structure.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the VARLIST tag group within the PANEL definition. ISPC938 ISPC938W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. A VARDCL tag has been found within the PANEL tag for variable cccccccc. The VARDCL found within the PANEL tag will be ignored because a VARLIST was found outside the PANEL tag. You should update your tag source file to remove the complete VARLIST/VARDCL tag group located within the PANEL tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Move the VARLIST tag group outside of the PANEL definition. ISPC934 ISPC934W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. TYPE=NUMERIC has been specified both on the CHECKI tag and the VARCLASS tag. The entry on the CHECKI tag will be ignored for this conversion. TYPE=NUMERIC should be removed from the CHECKI tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the VARLIST tag group within the PANEL definition. ISPC939 ISPC939W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The VARCLASS attribute specified on a VARDCL tag found within the PANEL tag will be ignored. VARDCL within the panel tag is supported for prior release level attributes only. The VARCLASS attribute is valid only on VARDCL tags found outside the PANEL tag. You should update your tag source file to remove the complete VARLIST/VARDCL tag group located within the PANEL tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the TYPE=NUMERIC coding from the CHECKI tag. ISPC935 ISPC935W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. USAGE has been specified on the XLATL tag. This attribute has been removed from the tag language. USAGE should be determined by the referencing tag (explicit or implied). USAGE should be removed from the XLATL tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the USAGE coding from the XLATL tag.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the VARLIST tag group within the PANEL definition.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPC940 ISPC940E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. The VARCLASS tag to define cccccccc must precede the VARDCL tag which references cccccccc. User response: Reallocate the data set name with more space or with additional directory blocks. ISPC972 ISPC972W: Warning. File space allocated = file space used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Place the VARCLASS tag for cccccccc before the VARDCL tag which references it. ISPC941 ISPC941E: Error. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. All VARCLASS tags must precede any VARLIST tag in the source file.

Explanation: This message follows message ISPC971 if space allocated is equal to space used. User response: Reallocate the data set name with more space. ISPC973 ISPC973W: Warning. Directory blocks allocated = directory blocks used.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Place all VARCLASS tags before any VARLIST tag group. ISPC943 ISPC943W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. Length=cccccccc must be an even number for TYPE=DBCS. cccccccc has been changed to dddddddd.

Explanation: This message follows message ISPC971 if directory blocks allocated is equal to directory blocks used. User response: Reallocate the data set name with additional directory blocks. ISPC974 ISPC974W: Warning. Data has been truncated during DISKW operation.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the cccccccc value to an even number. ISPC944 ISPC944W: Warning. Line aaaaaaaa of file bbbbbbbb. cccccccc=dddddddd must be an even number for field eeeeeeee which is specified as DBCS. dddddddd has been changed to ffffffff.

Explanation: The length of the output record exceeds the LRECL of the output file. User response: Verify that the record length of the file is correct. ISPC975 ISPC975W: Warning. End of file reached before the specified number of records have been read.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: If message recurs, notify IBM service. ISPC976 ISPC976E: Error. EXECIO completed unsuccessfully.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change the dddddddd value to an even number. ISPC970 ISPC970W: Warning. ISPDTLC received a nonzero return code from EXECIO while processing aaaaaaaa. Refer to the bbbbbbbb documentation for an explanation of EXECIO return code cccccccc.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. Review any immediately previous messages for additional information. User response: If message recurs, notify IBM service. ISPC978 ISPC978W: Warning. ISPDTLC received a nonzero return code from ISPF service aaaaaaaa while processing bbbbbbbb. The ISPF error message is cccccccc. Please refer to the ISPF documentation for an explanation of aaaaaaaa return code dddddddd.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the condition causing return code cccccccc. ISPC971 ISPC971E: Error. Check file allocation for aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to the ISPF documentation for a more complete description of aaaaaaaa return codes.

Explanation: The ISPDTLC EXECIO write routine has encountered an error on data set aaaaaaaa. This message will be followed by message ISPC972 if space allocated is equal to space used. This message will be followed by message ISPC973 if directory blocks allocated is equal to directory blocks used.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPC979 ISPC979W: Warning. Refer to the aaaaaaaa. documentation for a more complete description of EXECIO return codes. member name is the same as the input GML member name. User response: No action is required. You can eliminate this message by updating the profile entry to provide a member name for data set bbbbbbbb referenced on DDNAME DTLaaaaaaaa. ISPC982 ISPC982E: Error. The aaaaaaaa file bbbbbbbb is not available. The TSO function SYSDSN has returned the message: cccccccc.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Refer to the aaaaaaaa. documentation for a more complete description of EXECIO return codes. ISPC980A ISPC980AE: Error. Do not specify a member name for the aaaaaaaa file sequential data set bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the specified file name. ISPC983 ISPC983E: Error. aaaaaaaa profile not found.

Explanation: A sequential data set name has been entered with a member name on the ISPDTLC invocation panel for the log file or list file. User response: Correct the data set name by removing the member name. ISPC980B ISPC980BE: Error. Do not specify a member name for the aaaaaaaa file partitioned data set bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The ISPDTLC profile aaaaaaaa was not found. User response: Specify a correct profile data set name. ISPC984 ISPC984E: Error. Bad aaaaaaaa structure for bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A partitioned data set name has been entered with a member name on the ISPDTLC invocation panel. User response: Correct the data set name by removing the member name. ISPC981 ISPC981E: Error. The aaaaaaaa file bbbbbbbb is a partitioned data set and must be specified with a member name. You may use an asterisk (*) as the member name to specify that the aaaaaaaa member name is the same as the input GML member name.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: The response to this message depends on the error information in the message as returned to ISPDTLC from TSO. ISPC985 ISPC985E: Error. Bad profile structure. DDNAME aaaaaaaa in profile bbbbbbbb is not valid.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the DDNAME values within profile data set bbbbbbbb. ISPC986 ISPC986E: Error. The aaaaaaaa file bbbbbbbb record format cccccccc is not valid. This file must have a dddddddd format.

Explanation: A log or list partitioned data set provided in the ISPDTLC profile must be specified with a member name. The member name can be an asterisk (*) to specify that the aaaaaaaa member name is the same as the input GML member name. User response: Correct the profile entry by providing a member name for data set bbbbbbbb referenced on DDNAME DTLaaaaaaaa. ISPC981A ISPC981AI: Notify. The aaaaaaaa file bbbbbbbb is a partitioned data set specified without a member name. An asterisk (*) is assumed as the member name to specify that the aaaaaaaa member name is the same as the input GML member name.

Explanation: All referenced aaaaaaaa files must have the same record format. User response: Change the record format for file bbbbbbbb as indicated. ISPC987 ISPC987E: Error. The allocation for file aaaaaaaa has failed. The TSO ALLOC function has returned the message: bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A log or list partitioned data set provided in the ISPDTLC profile may be specified with a member name. If no member name is provided, an asterisk (*) is assumed to specify that the aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The TSO allocation for file aaaaaaaa failed. User response: Make sure the aaaaaaaa file is available. If the allocation failure is caused by a previous error,
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


you may have to log off from TSO to correct the problem. ISPC988 ISPC988E: Error. The SCRIPT option has been specified, but no SCRIPT output file name has been provided. ISPC993 ISPC993E: Error. Incorrect syntax: aaaaaaaa=bbbbbbbb contains character(s) which are not valid. All characters must be A-Z, #, $, @ or 0-9.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC994 ISPC994E: Error. Option is not valid: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide a file for SCRIPT output. ISPC989 ISPC989E: Error. Incorrect syntax: Option aaaaaaaa conflicts with option bbbbbbbb. You cannot specify both options for the same invocation of the conversion utility.

Explanation: The invocation syntax aaaaaaaa is not valid. User response: Remove the invalid value aaaaaaaa from the invocation syntax. ISPC995 ISPC995E: Error. Undefined error.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Specify only one of the listed options. ISPC989A ISPC989AE: Error. Incorrect syntax: Option aaaaaaaa conflicts with option bbbbbbbb. You cannot specify both options on the same COMPOPT tag.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPC996 ISPC996E: Error. Duplicate option: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The invocation syntax aaaaaaaa is a duplicate value. User response: Remove the duplicate value aaaaaaaa from the invocation syntax. ISPC997 ISPC997E: Error. Option is not valid: aaaaaaaa=bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Specify only one of the listed options. ISPC990 ISPC990E: Error. Incorrect syntax: Option must be aaaaaaaa or bbbbbbbb but not both.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove either option aaaaaaaa or option bbbbbbbb from the invocation syntax. ISPC991 ISPC991E: Error. Incorrect syntax: aaaaaaaa=bbbbbbbb. The value for aaaaaaaa must be from 1 to cccccccc characters in length.

Explanation: The invocation syntax aaaaaaaa=bbbbbbbb is invalid. User response: Remove the invalid value aaaaaaaa=bbbbbbbb from the invocation syntax. ISPC998 ISPC998E: Error. The ISPDTLC invocation syntax is: ISPDTLC source-filespec ( invocation options. The ( is required to identify the invocation options.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Change bbbbbbbb to a maximum of cccccccc characters. ISPC992 ISPC992E: Error. Incorrect syntax: aaaaaaaa=bbbbbbbb contains character(s) which are not valid. The first character of bbbbbbbb must be A-Z or #, $, @. Remaining characters must be A-Z, #, $, @ or 0-9.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: The invocation syntax requires that the source-filespec and invocation options be separated by the character (. Respecify the invocation command, including the ( delimiter. ISPC999 ISPC999E: Conversion terminated due to severe error.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: This message follows one or more other errors in the log. Refer to the other error messages for the problem explanation.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the invalid characters from the invocation syntax.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPD001 Allocation failed - DAIR RC = aaaaaaaa dec, DARC = bbbbbbbb hex. ISPD006 VTOC full on vol aaaaaaaa - No room in volume table of contents for more data sets.

Explanation: A TSO allocation failed. The Dynamic Allocation Interface Return Code (DAIR) and the Dynamic Allocation Return Code have been supplied. For more information on these return codes, see the System Programmer response. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The DAIR and DARC codes are listed in the ISPF tutorial. Enter HELP to get the first tutorial panel, then enter INDEX on the command line. Enter D on the command line to get to the topics screen, and select D1 to get the listing of the DAIR and DARC codes. ISPD002 Data set not found - aaaaaaaa not on volume bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) on this volume is full. Another data set cannot be added to the VTOC. User response: Provide this information to the system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the DASD space problem. ISPD007 No space on vol aaaaaaaa - Insufficient space for data set bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The volume specified has insufficient space for the data set specified. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the DASD space problem. ISPD008 Invalid index structure - Dsname aaaaaaaa index conflict.

Explanation: The data set specified was not found on the volume specified. User response: Verify the data set name, and the volume. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify the data set name and the volume. If the data set name is valid, determine its volume location. ISPD003 Catalog or VTOC error - I/O, insufficient storage, or unrecoverable error with volume aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The TSO DAIR routine has reported a problem with this data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the DASD index problem. ISPD009 DDNAME not found - DDNAME aaaaaaaa not allocated.

Explanation: The return code from TSO DAIR indicates one of the three problems listed. Contact your system programmer with the information in this error message. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you are unable to determine the problem with the listed volume, contact IBM support. ISPD004 Volume aaaaaaaa not avail - Volume not mounted or not authorized for your use.

Explanation: The ddname has not been allocated. User response: Allocate the ddname or contact the responsible programmer. ISPD010 File name in use - File name (DDNAME) aaaaaaaa is allocated to another data set.

Explanation: The volume you requested is not mounted, or you are not authorized to use this volume. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine why this user is unable to use the volume. ISPD005 Data set in use - Data set aaaaaaaa in use by another user, try later.

Explanation: The ddname is not available for your use at this time. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. System programmer response: Correct the allocations. ISPD011 Syntax error in DDNAME - File name (DDNAME) aaaaaaaa contains invalid special character.

Explanation: Another user has the use of this data set. Try to access this data set later. User response: Try to access the data set at a later date.

Explanation: An invalid special character was found in the DDNAME. User response: Correct the syntax of the ddname.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPD012 Syntax error member name - Member name aaaaaaaa contains invalid special character. ISPD019 Catalog error - Already cataloged, VSAM protected, or other - aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Catalog attempt was unsuccessful. User response: Use another name or contact the system programmer. ISPD020 Data set already open - Data set aaaaaaaa is already in use on your behalf.

Explanation: The member name specified contains an invalid special character. User response: Correct the syntax of the member name. ISPD013 Invalid data set name - Syntax error in data set name aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the syntax of the data set name. ISPD014 Data set not cataloged - aaaaaaaa was not found in catalog.

Explanation: You are already using the data set and you cannot open it again. User response: Complete the other task that uses the data set, and then this task can use it. ISPD021 Allocation denied - Data set aaaaaaaa request denied by installation exit.

Explanation: The data set was not found in the catalog. User response: Enter a valid data set name. ISPD015 Dd dynams exhausted - Data set aaaaaaaa cannot be allocated.

Explanation: Your installation will not allow you to use this data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISPD022 Allocation failed - DAIR RC = aaaaaaaa dec, CTRC = bbbbbbbb hex.

Explanation: You will be unable to allocate additional ddnames. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISPD016 Duplicate data set name - Data set aaaaaaaa already exists.

Explanation: Allocation failed, the return codes listed will be required to determine why the allocation failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The DAIR and DARC codes are listed in the ISPF tutorial. Enter HELP to reach the first tutorial panel, then enter INDEX on the command line. Enter D on the command line to get to the topics screen. Select D1 for the listing of the DAIR and DARC codes. ISPD023 Tape not supported - ISPF does not support data sets on tape.

Explanation: You cannot create a data set with this name. User response: Create your data set using another name. ISPD017 Data set not partitioned - Member aaaaaaaa was specified for data set bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: Allocation failed for a data set on tape. ISPF does not support data sets on tape. ISPD101 Invalid panel name - aaaaaaaa - 8 char limit

Explanation: This data set is not a partitioned data set. User response: Store this member in a partitioned data set or store it as a sequential data set. ISPD018 Multivolume data set - Data set aaaaaaaa occupies more than one volume.

Explanation: The panel name must be 8 characters or fewer. Programmer response: Use a shorter panel name. ISPD102 Invalid PGM name - aaaaaaaa - 8 char limit

Explanation: You do not have multivolume support. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: The program name must be 8 characters or fewer. Programmer response: Retry with a shorter program name.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPD103 Invalid keyword given - aaaaaaaa invalid ISPD108 Conflicting parameters - PANEL conflicts with another parameter.

Explanation: A keyword name is invalid for one of these reasons: v The keyword name is longer than 10 characters. v The keyword name is not one of the valid keyword names. v The MODE keyword is not used with PGM or CMD. Programmer response: Correct the keyword and try again. ISPD104 Invalid parameter given - aaaaaaaa invalid

Explanation: A keyword was found that is inconsistent with the PANEL keyword. For example, the PANEL and PARM keywords cannot both be used in the same command. Programmer response: Check the usage of the PANEL keyword and remove the conflict. ISPD109 Invalid command - Parentheses are not paired correctly.

Explanation: A keyword is invalid for one of these reasons: v A value is given in parentheses with no name before it. v The keyword does not have an expected value. v The keyword is longer than 10 characters. v The value of the MODE keyword is not FSCR or LINE. Programmer response: Correct the keyword and try again. ISPD105 Insufficient storage - Unable to process command.

Explanation: Each left parenthesis must be matched with a right parenthesis. The command has a left or right parenthesis that is unpaired. Programmer response: Correct the syntax to make sure parentheses are paired correctly. ISPD110 CMD abended - aaaaaaaa terminated abnormally.

Explanation: The ISPF command aaaaaaaa has abnormally terminated. If this was a system abend, message ISPG075 was issued with the system abend code. If this was a user abend, message ISPG073 was issued with the user abend code. Programmer response: Review the other messages that explain the abend. ISPD111 CMD did not complete - aaaaaaaa was terminated with an ATTENTION.

Explanation: A GETMAIN command for main storage failed while analyzing ISPF command syntax, or while creating internal file control tables. The command was not processed. Programmer response: Try running the program in a larger region. ISPD106 Conflicting parameters - CMD conflicts with another parameter.

Explanation: The command or CLIST did not complete because an ATTENTION was signalled. This probably happened because the PA1 key was pressed. User response: No response is required. ISPD112 Invalid PGM name - Link to aaaaaaaa failed.

Explanation: A keyword was found that is inconsistent with the CMD keyword. For example, PGM and CMD cannot both be used in the same command. Programmer response: Check the usage of the CMD keyword, and eliminate the conflict. ISPD107 Conflicting parameters - PGM conflicts with another parameter

Explanation: An MVS LINK to the program named aaaaaaaa has failed. The reason could be: v The program was not found. v The program was not authorized. Programmer response: Check the name and authorization of aaaaaaaa for errors. ISPD113 Invalid panel - aaaaaaaa is not a valid selection panel.

Explanation: A keyword was found which is inconsistent with the PGM keyword. For example, PGM and PANEL cannot both be used in the same command. Programmer response: Check the usage of the PGM keyword, and eliminate the conflict.

Explanation: The panel that was asked to display is not a valid menu panel. This is probably because it does not have a ZSEL variable. User response: Be sure that the panel name is that of a menu panel. Programmer response: If necessary, add a ZSEL
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


variable to the panel definition. ISPD114 Invalid NEWAPPL ID - aaaaaaaa is not a valid NEWAPPL ID. Length exceeds 4 characters. ISPD119 Required parm missing - A select parameter requires one of PGM, CMD, or PANEL.

Explanation: The NEWAPPL keyword requires a 1 to 4 character application ID. The supplied ID was greater than 4 characters. Programmer response: Retry the command with a 1 to 4 character NEWAPPL keyword value. ISPD115 Option conflict - An OPT keyword conflicts with a previously specified option.

Explanation: A required SELECT parameter was omitted. If the OPT parameter was specified, PANEL was omitted. If the LANG parameter was specified, CMD was omitted. If the PARM parameter was specified, PGM was omitted. Programmer response: Add the required parameter and retry the request. ISPD120 Invalid CLIST name - aaaaaaaa - name greater than 8 characters.

Explanation: The OPT keyword specifies an option on the first menu. This keyword cannot be used more than once. Programmer response: Retry the command with only a single OPT keyword. ISPD116 Option too long - Maximum option length supported is 24 characters.

Explanation: The CLIST name specified in the CMD parameter cannot be longer than 8 characters. Programmer response: Correct the CLIST name so that it is fewer than or equal to 8 characters. ISPD121 Specified option invalid - aaaaaaaa contains invalid opt selection.

Explanation: The OPTION value has a length limit and this limit has been exceeded. Programmer response: Use a shorter OPTION length. ISPD117 The initially invoked CLIST ended with a return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The SELECT service request used an OPT keyword but the keyword value was invalid for the panel selected. For example, on panel XYZ, options 1 to 5 are valid and OPT(6) was specified. Programmer response: Change the panel name or OPT value on the SELECT request. ISPD122 Command not allowed - aaaaaaaa command not allowed within ISPEXEC select service request.

Explanation: A CLIST or REXX procedure was selected at ISPSTART time that ended with a return code that was not 0 or 4. These are the only valid values. Programmer response: If you wish to return a value to the calling program or procedure, consider using the ZISPFRC variable. See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for details. ISPD118 The initially invoked module ended with a return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: A nested command, probably ISPEXEC, was found within an ISPEXEC command request. Programmer response: Avoid the use of nested ISPEXEC commands. ISPD123 Invalid command - Command aaaaaaaa not found or contains invalid syntax.

Explanation: A program module was selected at ISPSTART time that set a return code value other than 0 or 4. These are the only valid values. Programmer response: If you wish to set a return code for the program or procedure that invoked ISPSTART, consider using the ZISPFRC variable to return this value. See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for details.

Explanation: The command was not found, was otherwise not executable, or the exit routine returned an invalid return code. Programmer response: The command was not found in the assumed library. ISPD124 Invalid command - Command name aaaaaaaa contains invalid syntax.

Explanation: The command name is invalid. Command names must start with an alphabetic character or @, #, or $. The remaining characters must be alphanumeric. In MVS, the remaining characters (but not the initial character) can be X'C0'(left brace). Programmer response: Correct the command name


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

syntax to conform to these rules. ISPD126 Invalid command - Commands such as LOGON, LOGOFF, SPF, ISPF, etc. are not permitted. conform to the rules in the message explanation. ISPD135 Select string truncated - Substituted select string exceeded allowable length of 32767.

Explanation: Special commands that may harm the ISPF environment are not permitted. These commands include LOGON, LOGOFF, SPF, ISPF, test authorized commands, and commands invoking an authorized program. CLISTs cannot invoke these commands either. Programmer response: Remove the unauthorized command and continue. ISPD130 Recursion error - Recursive use of an ISPF function ( aaaaaaaa ) is not allowed.

Explanation: The ISPF command text length exceeded 32 767 bytes after substitution of variables. Programmer response: Correct the substituted variables so the command text is less than 32 767 bytes after substitution. System action: The command is not executed. ISPD136 Language parm invalid - aaaaaaaa specified in LANG parameter is not valid.

Explanation: A non-recursive ISPF function was already active and an attempt was made to link to another program. This is not allowed. Programmer response: Correct the application so that ISPF is not entered recursively. ISPD131 PDF subs load error - Unable to load the subroutines for the PDF component of ISPF.

Explanation: The value of the LANG parameter must be APL, COBOL, PL1, or PLI. The value specified was not valid. Programmer response: Change the command to use one of the allowed LANG values. ISPD137 Language parameter error - Syntax error in language parameter value aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD132 Insufficient storage - Insufficient storage to load the subroutines for the PDF component of ISPF.

Explanation: The language parameter value has some kind of syntax error. There may be extra characters after the language name, embedded blanks in the name, or an invalid delimiter. Programmer response: Correct the language parameter to remove the syntax error. ISPD139 Language size error - Language size contains nonnumeric characters or too many digits.

Explanation: Not enough main storage is available to load PDF. Programmer response: Increase ISPFs region size as necessary. ISPD133 Invalid application ID - Appl ID aaaaaaaa is reserved for system use by the dialog manager.

Explanation: The language size parameter has a nonnumeric character or has more than 8 digits. Programmer response: Correct the language size parameter. ISPD140 Enter option - Enter one of the listed options.

Explanation: Any application ID that starts with ISP and whose fourth character is non-blank is an invalid ID. Programmer response: Use an application ID that does not violate the rule in the message explanation. ISPD134 Invalid application ID - Appl ID aaaaaaaa starts with or contains an invalid character.

Explanation: No option value was entered on a menu panel. This applies to all menu panels except the primary option menu. User response: Key one of the options highlighted on the menu panel and press Enter. ISPD141 Invalid option - The option that was entered was not valid.

Explanation: The application ID must start with an alphabetic character or with @, #, or $ and the remaining characters must be alphanumeric. The MVS X'C0'(left brace) character may be used in any character except the first. Programmer response: Correct the application ID to

Explanation: The option entered was not one of the options defined in the menu panel. The menu panel definition replaced an invalid option selection with a
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


? character that caused this message to display. User response: Enter a valid option value for this menu. ISPD142 Nesting limit exceeded - The nesting limit for dialog EXECs in user area has been exceeded. ISPD148 BLDL error - Error processing LIBDEF search for program aaaaaaaa. BLDL return code = bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A LIBDEF was specified for ISPLLIB and BLDL encountered an error trying to locate a program while invoking the SELECT service. A return code of 8 would normally indicate an I/O error. User response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation for an explanation of the BLDL macro return codes. ISPD150 Invocation error - System error encountered invoking authorized command aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD143 EXEC not found - The EXEC named aaaaaaaa was not found in the search order.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD144 Panel definition error - 100 panels processed. No return key stop found. ZPARENT causing loop.

Explanation: ISPF cannot invoke an authorized command, such as LOGON. It is also possible that the TSO command start exit routine rejected the command. Programmer response: Avoid usage of authorized commands in ISPF. ISPD151 Language qualifier error - The only value valid for the APL language is START.

Explanation: After executing the RETURN command, ISPF tries to display the primary option menu in the hierarchy or explicit panel chain. If more than 100 panels are in the chain, ISPF assumes that there is an error in the specification of ZPARENT that is causing an infinite loop in the panel chain. Processing stops. Programmer response: Look for errors in the specification of ZPARENT in panel definitions or in the application. ISPD145 Invalid logo panel name - aaaaaaaa name greater than 8 characters.

Explanation: Some value other than START was specified for the APL language qualifier. Or START was followed by something else, which is invalid. Programmer response: Correct the syntax of the APL language qualifier. ISPD152 Invalid PGM name - Load of PGM aaaaaaaa failed.

Explanation: The LOGO keyword on the ISPSTART command specifies a panel name whose length is greater than 8 characters. No more than 8 are allowed. Programmer response: Correct the LOGO keyword value to use a shorter panel name. ISPD146 Keyword conflict - BARRIER and NEST are only allowed with the CMD keyword.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD153 PASSLIB spec invalid - NEWAPPL must be specified to specify PASSLIB.

Explanation: The PASSLIB keyword was used but NEWAPPL was omitted. Programmer response: Correct the syntax and retry the command. ISPD154 Storage release error - Error occurred when releasing application library blocks.

Explanation: Use BARRIER and NEST only in a TSO environment. Programmer response: Remove the BARRIER or NEST keyword unless a CMD function is being invoked. These keywords are only valid when used with the CMD parameter. ISPD147 Wrong environment - BARRIER and NEST keywords are only valid in the TSO environment.

Explanation: A severe error occurred while doing FREEMAIN of LIBDEF control blocks. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: Use BARRIER and NEST only in a TSO environment. Programmer response: Only use BARRIER and NEST in a TSO environment.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPD155 Deallocation failure - Deallocation failure - check allocated data sets. ISPD174 Conflicting parameters - DCSS or PGM was specified more than once.

Explanation: The deallocation of LIBDEF data sets failed during the termination of ISPEXEC. User response: Contact your system programmer. Programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPD156 Authorization failure - Request rejected by exit routine for select service start.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD175 IKJADTAB interface error - RC = aaaaaaaa from TSO routine IKJADTAB, function = bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The exit routine rejected the request because it lacked authority to use the exit. Programmer response: Correct the authorization failure. ISPD157 Severe error - Select service start exit routine returned invalid code aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: During NEWAPPL processing of the SELECT service, TSO routine IKJADTAB was invoked to set up or free an ALTLIB table for the new select level. IKJADTAB set return code aaaaaaaa, which is an internal error. The service function bbbbbbbb is what was passed to IKJADTAB. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPD176 Interface error - RC = aaaaaaaa from TSO routine IRXSTK, function = DROPTERM.

Explanation: The select service start exit routine returned an unexpected return code, which is shown in the message. Programmer response: Examine the exit routine to see where the unexpected return code was generated. ISPD158 Invocation error - System error encountered invoking command aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: During NEWAPPL processing for the SELECT service, TSO routine IRXSTK is called to remove a barrier (DROPTERM) from the REXX data stack. IRXSTK set return code aaaaaaaa, which is an internal error. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPD177 Interface error - RC = aaaaaaaa from TSO routine IRXSTK, function = MARKTERM.

Explanation: Routine IKJTBLS abended while starting this command. Programmer response: Examine the abend information to determine cause of abend. ISPD170 Conflicting parameters - DCSS conflicts with another parameter.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD171 Storage error - A storage error occurred in the SELECT DCSS service.

Explanation: During NEWAPPL processing for the SELECT service, routine IRXSTK is called to place a barrier (MARKTERM) on the REXX data stack. IRXSTK set return code aaaaaaaa, which is an internal error. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPD178 Invalid screen name - A screen name must be more than one character, and all alphanumerics, and cannot be LIST, PREV, or NEXT.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD172 DCSS name too long - The segment name aaaaaaaa is greater than 8 characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD173 Wrong environment - The SELECT DCSS service is only valid in a CMS environment.

Explanation: A screen name must contain from 2 to 8 alphanumeric characters. It cannot be LIST, PREV, or NEXT. Programmer response: Correct the screen name specified on the SELECT service.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPD180 Invalid control parm - An attention interrupt has already been established for this session. ISPD193 Invalid CONTROL parm - The start line-number is invalid for CONTROL DISPLAY service request.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD181 Invalid control parm - There is no current attention to CANCEL.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD194 Missing CONTROL parm - A required parameter is missing from the CONTROL service request.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD182 Invalid environment - This service does not exist in this environment.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD195 Missing CONTROL parm - A required parameter missing from CONTROL DISPLAY service request.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD183 Invalid interface - This service can only be invoked from the module interface.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD196 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL ABEND service request.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD187 Key display forced off - Current application does not allow ISPF to display function keys.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD197 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL CRETURN service request.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD188 Key display forced on - Current application does not allow the function key display to be removed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD198 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL NONDISPL service request.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD189 Mismatched quotes - The string contains an uneven number of quotes.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD201 Panel name is invalid - aaaaaaaa - name greater than 8 characters.

Explanation: Unmatching quotes were found in a parenthesized keyword value for an ISPF service request. Programmer response: Correct the command syntax so there are no unmatched quotation marks. ISPD190 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid as request type parameter to the CONTROL service.

Explanation: The panel name must be 8 characters or fewer. Programmer response: Use a shorter panel name. ISPD202 PGM name is invalid - aaaaaaaa - name greater than 8 characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD191 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL errors service request.

Explanation: The program name must be 8 characters or fewer. Programmer response: Use a shorter program name. ISPD203 Invalid keyword - aaaaaaaa contains unrecognized keyword.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD192 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL display service request.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: A keyword name is invalid for one of these reasons: v The name is longer than 10 characters. v The name is not one of the valid keyword names. v The MODE keyword is not used with PGM or CMD.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: Correct the keyword and try again. ISPD204 Invalid parameter - aaaaaaaa contains unrecognized parameter. ISPD209 Incorrect parameters - Parentheses are not paired correctly.

Explanation: Each left parenthesis must be matched with a right parenthesis. The command had a left or right parenthesis that was unpaired. Programmer response: Correct the syntax to make sure parentheses are paired correctly. ISPD210 CMD abended - aaaaaaaa terminated abnormally.

Explanation: A keyword is invalid for one of these reasons: v A value was given in parentheses with no name before it. v The keyword did not have an expected value. v The keyword was longer than 10 characters. v The value of the MODE keyword was not FSCR or LINE. Programmer response: Correct the keyword and try again. ISPD205 Insufficient storage - Unable to continue processing.

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa command has abnormally terminated. Programmer response: Use the provided error message and log information to determine the cause of the abend. Consider using the ENVIRON command and the Dialog Test facility to aid in problem determination. See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for further help. ISPD211 CMD did not complete - aaaaaaaa was terminated with an ATTENTION.

Explanation: A GETMAIN for main storage failed while analyzing ISPF command syntax or while creating internal file control tables. The command was not executed. Programmer response: Try running the application in a larger region. For further assistance, contact IBM support. ISPD206 Conflicting parameters - CMD conflicts with another keyword.

Explanation: The command or CLIST did not complete because an ATTENTION was received, probably because the PA1 key was pressed. User response: No response is required. ISPD212 Invalid PGM name - Link to aaaaaaaa failed, abend code = xbbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A keyword was found that is inconsistent with the CMD keyword. For example, PGM and CMD cannot both be used in the same command. Programmer response: Check the usage of the CMD keyword and eliminate the conflict. ISPD207 Conflicting parameters - PGM conflicts with another keyword.

Explanation: An MVS LINK to the program named aaaaaaaa has failed. The reason could be: v The program was not found. v The program was not authorized. Programmer response: Check the name and authorization of aaaaaaaa for errors. ISPD213 Invalid panel - aaaaaaaa is not a valid selection panel.

Explanation: A keyword was found that is inconsistent with the PGM keyword. For example, PGM and PANEL cannot both be used in the same command. Programmer response: Check the usage of the PGM keyword and eliminate the conflict. ISPD208 Conflicting parameters - PANEL conflicts with another keyword.

Explanation: The panel you asked to display is not a valid menu panel. This is probably because it does not have a ZSEL variable. User response: Be sure that the panel name is that of a menu panel. Programmer response: If necessary, add a ZSEL variable to the panel definition. ISPD214 Invalid NEWAPPL ID - aaaaaaaa is not a valid NEWAPPL ID. Length exceeds 4 characters.

Explanation: A keyword was found that is inconsistent with the PANEL keyword. For example, the PANEL and PARM keywords cannot both be used in the same command. Programmer response: Check the usage of the PANEL keyword and remove the conflict.

Explanation: The NEWAPPL keyword requires a 1 to 4 character application ID. The supplied ID was greater than 4 characters.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Programmer response: Retry the command with a 1 to 4 character NEWAPPL keyword value. ISPD215 Option conflict - An OPT keyword conflicts with a previously specified option. ISPD220 CLIST name is invalid - aaaaaaaa name greater than 8 characters.

Explanation: The CLIST name specified in the CMD parameter cannot be longer than 8 characters. Programmer response: Correct the CLIST name so that it is less than or equal to 8 characters. ISPD221 Specified option invalid - aaaaaaaa contains invalid OPT selection.

Explanation: The OPT keyword specifies an option on the first menu. This keyword cannot be used more than once. Programmer response: Retry the command with only a single OPT keyword. ISPD216 Option too long - Maximum option length supported is 24 characters.

Explanation: The selected option is invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the option selected with the SELECT service. ISPD222 Command not allowed - aaaaaaaa not allowed from command line or nested in SELECT CMD request.

Explanation: The OPTION value has a length limit and this limit has been exceeded. Programmer response: Use a shorter OPTION length. ISPD217 Initial CLIST RC > 4 - The initially invoked CLIST ended with a return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: A nested command, probably ISPEXEC, was found within an ISPEXEC command request. Programmer response: Avoid the use of nested ISPEXEC commands. ISPD223 Invalid command - Command aaaaaaaa not found or contains invalid syntax.

Explanation: A CLIST or REXX procedure was selected ending with a return code that was not 0 or 4. These are the only valid values. Programmer response: If you wish to return a value to the calling program or procedure, consider using the ZISPFRC variable. See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for details. ISPD218 Initial program RC > 4 - The initially invoked module ended with a return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The command was not found, was otherwise not executable, or the exit routine returned an invalid return code (0, 4, or 16). Programmer response: Verify that the command is in the assumed library, that it is executable, and that any user exit routine for commands is returning a valid return code. ISPD224 Invalid command - Command name aaaaaaaa contains invalid syntax.

Explanation: A program module was selected with a return code value other than 0 or 4. These are the only valid values. Programmer response: If you wish to set a return code for the program or procedure, consider using the ZISPFRC variable to return this value. See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for details. ISPD219 Required parm missing - A select parameter requires one of PGM, CMD, or PANEL.

Explanation: The command name is invalid. Command names must start with an alphabetic character, or @, #, or $. The remaining characters must be alphanumeric. In MVS, the remaining characters (but not the initial character) can be X'C0'(left brace). Programmer response: Correct the command name syntax to conform to these rules. ISPD226 Invalid command - Commands such as LOGON, LOGOFF, SPF, ISPF, etc. are not permitted.

Explanation: A required SELECT parameter was omitted. If the OPT parameter was specified, then PANEL was omitted. If the LANG parameter was specified, then CMD was omitted. If the PARM parameter was specified, then PGM was omitted. Programmer response: Add the required parameter and retry the request.

Explanation: Special commands that may harm the ISPF environment are not permitted. These commands include LOGON, LOGOFF, SPF, ISPF, test authorized commands, and commands invoking an authorized program. CLISTs cannot invoke these commands either.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: Remove the unauthorized command and continue. ISPD230 Recursion error - Recursive use of an ISPF function is not allowed. ISPD236 LANG parm invalid - aaaaaaaa specified in LANG parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The value of the LANG parameter must be APL, COBOL, PL1, or PLI. The value specified was not valid. Programmer response: Change the command to use one of the allowed LANG values. ISPD237 Language parameter error - Syntax error in language parameter value aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: A non-recursive ISPF function was already active and an attempt was made to link to another program. This is not allowed. Programmer response: Correct the application so that ISPF is not entered recursively. ISPD231 PDF subs load error - Unable to load the subroutines for the PDF component of ISPF.

Explanation: The language parameter value had a syntax error. There may be extra characters after the language name, embedded blanks in the name, or an invalid delimiter. Programmer response: Correct the language parameter to remove the syntax error. ISPD239 Language size error - Language size contains nonnumeric characters or too many digits.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD232 Insufficient storage - Insufficient storage to load the subroutines for the PDF component of ISPF.

Explanation: Not enough main storage was available to load PDF. Programmer response: Increase the region size for ISPF as necessary. ISPD233 Invalid application ID - Application ID aaaaaaaa is reserved for system use by the dialog manager.

Explanation: The language size parameter has a nonnumeric character or has more than 8 digits. Programmer response: Correct the language size parameter. ISPD240 Enter option - Enter one of the listed options.

Explanation: Any application ID that starts with ISP and whose fourth character is non-blank is an invalid ID. Programmer response: Use an application ID that does not violate the rule in the message explanation. ISPD234 Invalid application ID - Application ID aaaaaaaa starts with or contains an invalid character.

Explanation: No option values were entered on a menu panel. This applies to all menu panels except the primary option menu. User response: Key one of the options highlighted on the menu panel and press Enter. ISPD241 Invalid option - The option that was entered was not valid.

Explanation: The application ID must start with an alphabetic character or with @, #, or $ and the remaining characters must be alphanumeric. The MVS X'C0'(left brace) character may be used in any character position except the first. Programmer response: Correct the application ID to conform to the rules in the message explanation. ISPD235 Select string truncated - Substituted select string exceeded allowable length of 32767.

Explanation: The option entered was not one of the options defined in the menu panel. The menu panel definition replaced an invalid option selection with a ? character which caused this message to display. User response: Enter a valid option value for this menu. ISPD242 Nesting limit exceeded - The nesting limit for dialog EXECs in user area has been exceeded.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: The ISPF command text length exceeded 32 767 bytes after substitution of variables. Programmer response: Correct the substituted variables so the command text is less than 32 767 bytes after substitution.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPD243 EXEC not found - The EXEC named aaaaaaaa was not found in the search order. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation for an explanation of the BLDL macro return codes. ISPD250 Invocation error - System error encountered invoking authorized command aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD244 Panel definition error - 100 panels processed. No return key stop found. ZPARENT causing loop.

Explanation: After executing the RETURN command, ISPF tries to display the primary option menu in the hierarchy or explicit panel chain. If more than 100 panels are in the chain, ISPF assumes that there is an error in the specification of ZPARENT that is causing an infinite loop in the panel chain. Processing stops. Programmer response: Look for errors in the specification of ZPARENT in panel definitions or in the application. ISPD245 Invalid logo panel name - aaaaaaaa name greater than 8 characters.

Explanation: ISPF cannot invoke an authorized command, such as LOGON. It is also possible that the TSO command start exit routine rejected the command. Programmer response: Avoid usage of authorized commands in ISPF. ISPD251 Language qualifier error - The only value valid for the APL language is START.

Explanation: Some value other than START was specified for the APL language qualifier. Or START was followed by something else, which is invalid. Programmer response: Correct the syntax of the APL language qualifier. ISPD252 Invalid PGM name - Load of PGM aaaaaaaa failed.

Explanation: The LOGO keyword on the ISPSTART command specifies a panel name with a length greater than 8 characters. No more than 8 characters are allowed. Programmer response: Correct the LOGO keyword value to use a shorter panel name. ISPD246 Keyword conflict - BARRIER and NEST are only allowed with the CMD keyword.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD253 PASSLIB spec invalid - NEWAPPL must be specified to specify PASSLIB.

Explanation: The BARRIER and NEST keywords are only valid when coded with the CMD keyword. Programmer response: Remove the BARRIER or NEST keyword unless a CMD function is being invoked. These keywords are only valid when used with the CMD parameter. ISPD247 Wrong environment - BARRIER and NEST keywords are only valid in the TSO environment.

Explanation: The PASSLIB keyword was used but NEWAPPL was omitted. Programmer response: Correct the syntax and retry the command. ISPD254 Storage release error - Error occurred when releasing application library blocks.

Explanation: A severe error occurred while processing a FREEMAIN of LIBDEF control blocks. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPD255 Deallocation failure - Deallocation failure - check allocated data sets.

Explanation: Use BARRIER and NEST only in a TSO environment. Programmer response: Only use BARRIER and NEST in a TSO environment. ISPD248 BLDL error - Error processing LIBDEF search for program aaaaaaaa. BLDL return code = bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: Deallocation of LIBDEF data sets failed during termination of ISPEXEC. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: A LIBDEF was specified for ISPLLIB, and BLDL encountered an error trying to locate a program while invoking the SELECT service. A return code of 8 normally indicates an I/O error.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPD256 Authorization failure - Request rejected by exit routine for select service start. to set up or free an ALTLIB table for the new select level. IKJADTAB set return code aaaaaaaa which is an internal error. The service function bbbbbbbb is what was passed to IKJADTAB. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPD276 Interface error - RC = aaaaaaaa from TSO routine IRXSTK, function = dropterm

Explanation: The exit routine rejected the request because it lacked authority to use the exit. Programmer response: Correct the authorization failure. ISPD257 Severe error - Select service start exit routine returned invalid code aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The select service start exit routine returned an unexpected return code, which is shown in the message. Programmer response: Examine the exit routine to see where the unexpected return code was generated. ISPD258 Invocation error - System error encountered invoking command aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: During NEWAPPL processing for the SELECT service, TSO routine IRXSTK is called to remove a barrier (DROPTERM) from the REXX data stack. IRXSTK set return code aaaaaaaa which is an internal error. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPD277 Interface error - RC = aaaaaaaa from TSO routine IRXSTK, function = markterm

Explanation: Routine IKJTBLS abended while starting this command. Programmer response: Examine the abend information to determine the cause of the abend. ISPD270 Conflicting parameters - DCSS conflicts with another parameter.

Explanation: During NEWAPPL processing for the SELECT service, routine IRXSTK is called to place a barrier (MARKTERM) on the REXX data stack. IRXSTK set return code aaaaaaaa which is an internal error. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD271 Storage error - A storage error occurred in the SELECT DCSS service.


Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD272 DCSS name too long. - The segment name aaaaaaaa is greater than 8 characters.

Invalid screen name - A screen name must be more than one character, satisfy the rules for a member name, and cannot be LIST, PREV or NEXT.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD273 Wrong environment - The SELECT DCSS service is only valid in a CMS environment.

Explanation: A screen name must contain from 2 to 8 alphanumeric characters and satisfy the rules for a member name. It cannot be LIST, PREV or NEXT. Programmer response: Correct the screen name specified on the SELECT service. ISPD280 Invalid CONTROL parm - An attention interrupt has already been established for this session.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD274 Conflicting parameters - DCSS or PGM was specified more than once.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD281 Invalid CONTROL parm - There is no current attention to CANCEL.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD275 IKJADTAB interface error - RC = aaaaaaaa from TSO routine IKJADTAB, function = bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: During NEWAPPL processing of the SELECT service, TSO routine IKJADTAB was invoked
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPD282 Invalid environment - This service does not exist in this environment. ISPD289 Mismatched quotes - The string contains an uneven number of quotes

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD283 Invalid interface - This service can only be invoked from the module interface.

Explanation: Unmatched quotes were found in a parenthesized keyword value for an ISPF service request. Programmer response: Correct the keyword value so there are no unmatched quotation marks. ISPD290 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid as request type parameter to the CONTROL service.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD284 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL ATTN service request.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD285 Missing CONTROL parm - A required parameter missing from CONTROL ATTN service request.

Explanation: The CONTROL service has been called with a parameter that is not valid. The valid request type parameters for the CONTROL service in MVS are DISPLAY, NONDISPL, ERRORS, SPLIT, NOCMD, and SUBTASK. Programmer response: Correct the CONTROL parameter and retry. ISPD291 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL ERRORS service request.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD286 Invalid PFSHOW parm - Valid PFSHOW parameters are ON, OFF, TAILOR, or blank.

Explanation: An incorrect parameter was specified on the PFSHOW command. Correct parameters are ON, OFF, TAILOR, or no parameter. User response: Correct the parameter and retry the command. ISPD287 Key display forced off - Current application does not allow ISPF to display function keys.

Explanation: The CONTROL ERRORS service has been called with an option that is not valid. The valid options are CANCEL and RETURN. CANCEL is the default. Programmer response: Specify a valid option for CONTROL ERRORS. ISPD292 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL DISPLAY service request.

Explanation: The application that is running has set the ZPFCTL system variable so that you cannot use PFSHOW to view the function key area. User response: Try to use the application to do what you want. For example, the application may allow you to select a Help function on the screen rather than by pressing a function key. ISPD288 Key display forced on - Current application does not allow function key display to be removed.

Explanation: The CONTROL DISPLAY service request has been called with an option that is not valid. The valid options are LOCK, LINE, SM, REFRESH, SAVE, RESTORE, and ALLVALID. Programmer response: Change aaaaaaaa to one of the options listed. ISPD293 Invalid CONTROL parm - The start line-number is invalid for CONTROL DISPLAY service request.

Explanation: The application that is running has set the ZPFCTL system variable so that you cannot use PFSHOW to remove the function key area. User response: This application is dependent on function keys. Contact your system programmer for application information.

Explanation: The starting line number specified with the CONTROL DISPLAY service request is invalid, probably because it is a negative number. Programmer response: Specify a valid start line number.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPD294 Missing CONTROL parm - A required parameter is missing from the CONTROL service request. ISPD299 SPLIT not supported - The ISPF batch environment does not support SPLIT.

Explanation: The CONTROL service request requires a parameter but none was specified. Valid parameters are DISPLAY, NONDISPL, ERRORS, SPLIT, NOCMD, and SUBTASK. Most of these parameters require other parameters which are described in z/OS ISPF Services Guide. Programmer response: Supply a valid parameter for the CONTROL request. ISPD295 Missing CONTROL parm - A required parameter missing from CONTROL DISPLAY service request.

Explanation: The CONTROL SPLIT ENABLE service request is not allowed while running in the ISPF batch display environment. Programmer response: Avoid using this request if the application is to be run in batch. ISPD301 Invalid FKA parm - Valid FKA parameters are ON, OFF, PREFIX, NOPREFIX, or blank. PREFIX and NOPREFIX are only valid when running in GUI mode.

Explanation: The CONTROL DISPLAY service request requires another parameter. Valid parameters are LOCK, LINE, SM, REFRESH, SAVE, RESTORE, and ALLVALID. One of these must be specified. Programmer response: Supply a valid parameter for CONTROL DISPLAY. ISPD296 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL ABEND service request.

Explanation: The parameter for the FKA command must be ON, OFF, PREFIX, NOPREFIX, or blank. PREFIX and NOPREFIX are only valid when running in GUI mode. Something else was used, which is incorrect. User response: Correct the parameter to the FKA command and retry. ISPD302 Invalid upload target - The target of the upload must be a specific member of a PDS or a sequential data set.

Explanation: In CMS, the CONTROL ABEND service request requires another parameter, either ON or OFF. Another value aaaaaaaa was specified, which is incorrect. Programmer response: Change aaaaaaaa to ON or OFF.

Explanation: When uploading a workstation file to the host, the host file specified must be either a sequential data set or a member of a PDS. Something else was used, which is incorrect. User response: Correct host data set name and retry. ISPD303 Member name not allowed - You cannot specify a member name for a sequential data set.


Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL CRETURN service request.

Explanation: In CMS, the CONTROL RETURN service request requires another parameter, either CSTART or CSTOP. An invalid value aaaaaaaa was used instead. Programmer response: Change aaaaaaaa to CSTART or CSTOP. ISPD298 Invalid CONTROL parm - aaaaaaaa is invalid option for CONTROL NONDISPL service request.

Explanation: When uploading a workstation file to the host, the host file specified must be either a sequential data set or a member of a PDS. Something else was used, which is incorrect. User response: Correct host data set name and retry. ISPD801 TBOPEN failure - Return code aaaaaaaa from TBOPEN for table bbbbbbbb. (1+)

Explanation: The CONTROL NONDISPL service request requires another parameter, which can be either ENTER or END. An incorrect value aaaaaaaa was used instead. Programmer response: Change aaaaaaaa to ENTER or END.

Explanation: The ISPPUP panel update utility could not open the input table using the TBOPEN service due to a severe error. The return code value and the table name are given in the message. Processing is terminated. System programmer response: Use the return code value to determine the reason for the severe error.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPD802 Table not found - Table aaaaaaaa not found in ISPTLIB, or ISPTLIB not allocated. (1+) ISPD807 No asterisk found - The ZSEL = in panel aaaaaaaa has no asterisk translation. (bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: The input table for the ISPPUP panel update utility was not found. This could be because the table name was misspelled, or the table library was not allocated. The return code from TBOPEN is 8 or 16. Processing is terminated. System programmer response: Make sure the desired table is in the table library and that the correct library is allocated. ISPD803 ISPPLIB error - The panel input library ISPPLIB is not open. (aaaaaaaa+)

Explanation: While the selection panel update utility, ISPPUP, was updating panel aaaaaaaa, no asterisk (*) translation was found in the TRANS statement. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: It is desirable to have an asterisk selection in all selection panel TRANS statements. ISPD808 Model section found - Panel aaaaaaaa is an invalid selection panel (model section found).(bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: The panel being updated for the ISPPUP panel update utility could not be found because the ISPPLIB panel library is not open. The modified panel output library (ISPPMOD) was searched and the panel was not there. Processing is terminated. System programmer response: Make sure that the proper panel input library is allocated before running ISPPUP. ISPD804 Panel not found - Panel aaaaaaaa not found in panel input library ISPPLIB. (bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: A )MODEL section should be used only in table display panels. The selection panel update utility (ISPPUP) found a )MODEL section in a selection panel. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: Check to make sure this panel is a selection panel. ISPD809 GETMAIN error - Return code aaaaaaaa from common subroutine CSM. (1+)

Explanation: The ISPPUP panel update utility could not find the input panel aaaaaaaa in the panel input library ISPPLIB. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: Correct the name of the input panel, or make sure it is in a data set allocated to ISPPLIB. ISPD805 BLDL error - I/O error during BLDL for ddname aaaaaaaa. (bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: While the panel update utility (ISPPUP) was initializing, it attempted to get storage for a panel buffer or internal control blocks. The GETMAIN failed and processing has terminated. System programmer response: Check to make sure adequate main storage is allocated to the job. ISPD810 Read error - I/O error reading panel aaaaaaaa from bbbbbbbb. (cccccccc)

Explanation: An I/O error occurred in the Select Panel Update Utility, ISPPUP, while reading panel definition aaaaaaaa from the library file defined by bbbbbbbb. Processing has terminated. System programmer response: Determine the reason for the I/O error, if possible. Contact IBM support for further help if needed. ISPD811 Panel too large - Definition for panel aaaaaaaa will exceed bbbbbbbb lines. (cccccccc)

Explanation: The panel update utility, ISPPUP, had a severe error from the BLDL request when trying to find a panel member in the ISPPLIB or ISPPMOD library. The return code in the message indicates a severe error for BLDL. Processing is terminated. System programmer response: Analyze the reason why the BLDL failed. Contact IBM support if further help is needed. ISPD806 aaaaaaaa error - The panel output library aaaaaaaa has not been allocated. (1+)

Explanation: The Selection Panel Update utility cannot handle a selection panel that has more than bbbbbbbb lines. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: Remove unnecessary lines from the panel and run the utility again.

Explanation: The ISPPUP panel update utility could not continue because the ISPPMOD panel output library was not allocated. Processing is terminated. System programmer response: Make sure the correct library is allocated to ISPPMOD before running ISPPUP.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPD812 Body size error - Body of panel aaaaaaaa is empty or larger than bbbbbbbb lines. (cccccccc) ISPD817 Long select string - Select string specified for panel aaaaaaaa is too long. (bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: The Selection Panel Update utility, ISPPUP, was processing panel aaaaaaaa which has either zero lines or more than bbbbbbbb lines in the body section. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: Correct the body section of the panel so that it can be handled by the utility, or update the panel by hand. ISPD813 Missing )END stmt - End of file found before )END statement for panel aaaaaaaa. (bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: The Selection Panel Update utility, ISPPUP, tried to add the selection string text to the )PROC section of a panel but the text would not fit into the logical record (80 characters). The limit on selection string text is 30 characters. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: Shorten the selection panel text. ISPD818 Duplicate option - Option aaaaaaaa already exists in panel bbbbbbbb. (cccccccc)

Explanation: The Selection Panel Update utility, ISPPUP, reached the end of the current panel, aaaaaaaa, unexpectedly. The utility expects an )END statement to complete the panel definition. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: Correct the incomplete panel so that it contains an )END statement. ISPD814 No PROC section - aaaaaaaa is an invalid selection panel (no PROC section found). (bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD819 Invalid option - Option aaaaaaaa for bbbbbbbb has blanks, commas, or periods. (cccccccc)

Explanation: The Selection Panel Update utility, ISPPUP, found the OPTION field in the input table to have a faulty value. The field is faulty because it contains an embedded blank, comma, or period character. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: Correct the option field in the input table that drives the ISPPUP. ISPD820 Invalid keyword - aaaaaaaa for bbbbbbbb has blanks, commas, or periods. (cccccccc)

Explanation: The Selection Panel Update utility, ISPPUP, did not find a )PROC section in panel aaaaaaaa. Selection panels must have a )PROC section. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: Correct the panel so that it has a )PROC section. ISPD815 No ZSEL assignment - No ZSEL assignment found in PROC section of panel aaaaaaaa. (bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD821 Write error - I/O error writing panel aaaaaaaa to bbbbbbbb. (cccccccc+)

Explanation: The Selection Panel Update utility, ISPPUP, did not find any statement in the )PROC section of panel aaaaaaaa that assigns a value to ZSEL. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: Ensure that all panels processed by ISPPUP have ZSEL assignment statements. ISPD816 Invalid option - Existing option aaaaaaaa in panel bbbbbbbb is too long. (cccccccc)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD822 STOW error - Rc aaaaaaaa, reason code bbbbbbbb for member cccccccc. (dddddddd+)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD823 FREEMAIN error - Return code aaaaaaaa from common sub CSM. (all rows processed.)

Explanation: The Selection Panel Update utility, ISPPUP, has found an option value in an input panel (panel being updated) that is too long. Processing continues with the next panel. System programmer response: Make sure the option value is no more than 4 characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPD824 Cdsn failure - Return code aaaaaaaa from common sub CDSN for bbbbbbbb. (1+) ISPD834 No panel name keyword - Input file does not start with PANEL keyword.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD825 Open error - Return code aaaaaaaa from common sub CDO for bbbbbbbb. (1+)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD835 Table failure - Create of temporary table failed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD826 Invalid data - Invalid data in row aaaaaaaa of table bbbbbbbb. row ignored. (aaaaaaaa)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD836 DMSCSL invocation error - Routine DMSCSL return code = aaaaaaaa. Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD827 Invalid text count - aaaaaaaa text lines specified; must be between 0 and bbbbbbbb..(cccccccc)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPE000 Invalid return code (aaaaaaaa) received from ISPF reserve exit.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD828 Missing keyword - Keyflag set but no keyword given in row aaaaaaaa of table bbbbbbbb.(aaaaaaaa)

Explanation: The Reserve installation exit has returned a return code other than 0 or 16. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: See ISPF Planning and Customizing to determine which exit is the Reserve installation exit, then determine the reason the exit is returning a return code other than 0. ISPE001 ISPF reserve exit, RC=16, resource not available.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD829 Blank panel name - Panel name in row aaaaaaaa of table bbbbbbbb is blank. (aaaaaaaa)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD830 aaaaaaaa error - The sequential input library aaaaaaaa has not been allocated. (1+)

Explanation: The requested resource is not available. This is determined by the Reserve installation exit. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: See ISPF Planning and Customizing to determine which exit is the Reserve installation exit, then determine which resource is not available. ISPE002 Severe error - Display service exit routine returned invalid return code aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD831 aaaaaaaa error - The sequential output library aaaaaaaa has not been allocated. (1+)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD832 Seq write error - I/O error writing panel aaaaaaaa data tobbbbbbbb. (cccccccc+)

Explanation: The Display Service installation exit routine has returned a return code other than 0 or 4. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: See ISPF Planning and Customizing to determine which exit is the DISPLAY installation exit, then determine why the exit returned a return code other than 0 or 4. ISPE003 Authorization failure - Command aaaaaaaa rejected by exit routine for TSO command start.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPD833 Keyword required - Keyword string required for file input was not found. (aaaaaaaa)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: A TSO command has been rejected by the TSO Command installation exit. User response: Contact your system programmer for a


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

list of commands that are not allowed by your TSO Command installation exit. System programmer response: See ISPF Planning and Customizing to determine which exit is the TSO Command installation exit then determine why the exit rejected the command. ISPE004 TSO command error - Exit routine for command aaaaaaaa returned invalid code bbbbbbbb. ISPE101 ENVIRON parm error - aaaaaaaa is an invalid parameter for ENVIRON command

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPE102 ENVIRON aaaaaaaa error - bbbbbbbb is an invalid parameter for ENVIRON aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: The TSO Command installation exit has returned a return code other than 0, 4, or 16. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: See ISPF Planning and Customizing to determine which exit is the TSO Command installation exit, then determine why the exit returned an invalid return code. ISPE005 Resource not available - Reserve exit, RC=16, resource not available.

Explanation: The second parameter used with the ENVIRON command is invalid. User response: Enter one of the correct parameters as shown here:


Explanation: The requested resource is not available, as determined by the Reserve installation exit. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: See ISPF Planning and Customizing to determine which exit is the Reserve installation exit, then determine the resource that is not available. ISPE006 Invalid return code - Invalid return code received from reserve exit - valid RC=0,16. TERMSTAT


Ddname not specified - A ddname must be specified for ENVIRON TERMTRAC aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The Reserve installation exit has returned a return code other than 0 or 16. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: See ISPF Planning and Customizing to determine which exit is the Reserve installation exit, then determine the reason for the exit returning a return code other than 0 or 16. ISPE007 Severe error - Panel input exit routine aaaaaaaa returned invalid return code bbbbbbbb for panel cccccccc.

Explanation: For TERMTRAC ON, ERROR, or DUMP, a ddname is required for the output of the terminal tracing. User response: Enter a ddname using the ENVIRON panel selection. ISPE104 TERMTRAC not activated - Storage could not be obtained for the TERMTRAC buffer.

Explanation: Insufficient storage is available to obtain a buffer for TERMTRAC. Programmer response: Allocate additional storage and retry the TERMTRAC command. ISPE105 TERMTRAC activated - TERMTRAC has been activated.

Explanation: The panel input exit routine has returned a return code other than 0, 2, 4, or 8. The return code could have been 20 for a severe error or some other return code that was not recognized by ISPF. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: Terminal tracing is active. Output will be written to the requested ddname.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPE106 TERMTRAC not active - ENVIRON TERMTRAC dump requested when TERMTRAC is not active. ISPE113 Invalid TERMSTAT value - YES or QUERY must be specified to invoke ENVIRON TERMSTAT.

Explanation: TERMTRAC with DUMP parameter cannot be executed until TERMTRAC has been activated using the ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON command. Programmer response: Start TERMTRAC by issuing the ENVIRON TERMTRAC command. See this example. ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON ISPE107 TERMTRAC turned off - TERMTRAC has been turned off.

Explanation: The value entered for TERMSTAT is invalid. User response: Enter one of the correct values. Programmer response: Enter YES or QUERY to invoke ENVIRON TERMSTAT. ISPE114 aaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE115 aaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbb - xcccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE108 ENVIRON ENBLDUMP on - ENVIRON ENBLDUMP has been turned on.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE116 aaaaaaaa = xbbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE109 ENVIRON ENBLDUMP off - ENVIRON ENBLDUMP has been turned off.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE117 aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE118 ENVIRON parm error - The parameter is longer than 8 characters.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE110 Invalid ENBLDUMP value - An ENBLDUMP value of ON or OFF must be specified.

Explanation: A parameter entered with the ENVIRON command exceeds 8 characters. User response: Enter the ENVIRON command using correct parameters. ISPE200 Command not allowed - Recursive entry to ISPF is not permitted.

Explanation: To enable a dump for subtask abend when not in ISPF TEST mode, set ENBLDUMP to ON. To disable the dump, set ENBLDUMP to OFF. User response: Enter one of the correct values. ISPE111 Invalid TERMTRAC value - A TERMTRAC value of ON, OFF, or ERROR must be specified.

Explanation: A second ISPF session may not be started while an ISPF session is active. User response: Use the current ISPF session, or use ISPF split screen to start another ISPF session. ISPE203 Parameter missing - A parameter is required with the TSO command.

Explanation: To turn terminal tracing on, specify ON. To turn terminal tracing off, specify OFF. To turn terminal tracing on and initiate an MVS SNAP dump if a TPUT or TGET error occurs, specify ERROR. User response: Enter one of the correct values. ISPE112 Invalid ddname - Ddname must be alphanumeric with first character alphabetic.

Explanation: It is invalid to specify TSO without following it with a valid TSO command. User response: Enter a valid TSO command after the word TSO. ISPE208 Command not allowed - This command is not intended to be executed from option 6.

Explanation: The ddname must follow the given naming conventions. User response: Enter an alphanumeric ddname with an alphabetic first character.

Explanation: Commands containing the ISPF NONDISPL keyword cannot be executed from option 6. User response: Correct the command and then reenter.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPE300 SHRPROF unavailable - The SHRPROF command is unavailable when the Shared Profile support is inactive. ISPE310 SHRPROF aaaaaaaa error - Required second parameter missing for SHRPROF aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPE301 SHRPROF parm error - A parameter is longer than 8 characters.

Explanation: The second parameter used with the SHRPROF command is missing. User response: Enter one of the correct parameters as shown in this list: SHRPROF RESET WAIT [n] RETRY [n] PROMPT | NOPROMPT CONFLICT SYSTEM | ISPF | APPLID | REFLIST | EDIT | BATCH | OTHER [Keep | Discard | Prompt] ISPE311 SHRPROF aaaaaaaa error - bbbbbbbb is an invalid parameter for SHRPROF aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: A parameter entered with the SHRPROF command exceeds 8 characters. User response: Enter the SHRPROF command using correct parameters. ISPE302 SHRPROF parm error - Too many parameters specified on the SHRPROF command

Explanation: The second parameter used with the SHRPROF command is invalid. User response: Enter one of the correct parameters as shown in this list: SHRPROF RESET WAIT [n] RETRY [n] PROMPT | NOPROMPT CONFLICT SYSTEM | ISPF | APPLID | REFLIST | EDIT | BATCH | OTHER [Keep | Discard | Prompt] ISPE312 SHRPROF aaaaaaaa error - bbbbbbbb is an invalid parameter for SHRPROF aaaaaaaa cccccccc command.

Explanation: Too many parameters have been specified on the SHRPROF command. User response: Enter the SHRPROF command using correct parameters as shown in this list: SHRPROF RESET WAIT [n] RETRY [n] PROMPT | NOPROMPT CONFLICT SYSTEM | ISPF | APPLID | REFLIST | EDIT | BATCH | OTHER [Keep | Discard | Prompt] ISPE303 SHRPROF aaaaaaaa error - Too many parameters specified on the SHRPROF aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: The third parameter used with the SHRPROF aaaaaaaa cccccccc command is invalid. User response: For SHRPROF CONFLICT BATCH, the third parameter should be either KEEP or DISCARD. ISPE313 SHRPROF aaaaaaaa error - bbbbbbbb is an invalid parameter for SHRPROF aaaaaaaa cccccccc command.

Explanation: Too many parameters have been specified on the SHRPROF command. User response: Enter the SHRPROF command using correct parameters as shown in this list: SHRPROF RESET WAIT [n] RETRY [n] PROMPT | NOPROMPT CONFLICT SYSTEM | ISPF | APPLID | REFLIST | EDIT | BATCH | OTHER [Keep | Discard | Prompt] ISPE304 SHRPROF WAIT error - aaaaaaaa must be numeric and in the range 0 to 9999.

Explanation: The third parameter used with the SHRPROF aaaaaaaa cccccccc command is invalid. User response: For SHRPROF CONFLICT, the third parameter should be either KEEP, DISCARD, or PROMPT. ISPE314 SHRPROF parm error - aaaaaaaa is an invalid parameter for SHRPROF command

Explanation: The second parameter used with the SHRPROF command must be numeric and within the range 0 to 9999 inclusive. User response: Enter the correct parameter or leave blank to default to the configuration default. ISPE305 SHRPROF RETRY error - aaaaaaaa must be numeric and in the range 0 to 99.

Explanation: The first parameter used with the SHRPROF command is invalid. User response: Enter one of the correct parameters as shown in this list: SHRPROF RESET WAIT [n] RETRY [n] PROMPT | NOPROMPT CONFLICT SYSTEM | ISPF | APPLID | REFLIST | EDIT | BATCH | OTHER [Keep|Discard|Prompt]

Explanation: The second parameter used with the SHRPROF command must be numeric and within the range 0 to 99 inclusive. User response: Enter the correct parameter or leave blank to default to the configuration default.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPE320 SHRPROF Settings reset - Shared Profile settings have been reset to ISPF configuration defaults. ISPF103 No imbed file - Imbed file aaaaaaaa does not exist, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE321 SHRPROF Canceled - Shared Profile settings have been canceled

Explanation: During file tailoring, an imbed statement named an input file, aaaaaaaa, that was not found. The imbed statement was in bbbbbbbb. The record number of the imbed statement is cccccccc. Programmer response: Correct the skeleton file name in the imbed statement, or create the skeleton file named in the imbed statement. ISPF104 )SEL error - )ENDSEL has no matching )SEL, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE322 SHRPROF Settings Updated - Shared Profile settings have been updated

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE323 SHRPROF aaaaaaaa set to bbbbbbbb

Explanation: In file tailoring, an )ENDSEL was found before a matching )SEL statement. The control file is aaaaaaaa, the error is found in record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the control statements so that each )ENDSEL has a matching )SEL. ISPF105 Output overflow - Line to be written greater than data set LRECL (aaaaaaaa), bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE324 SHRPROF aaaaaaaa reset to bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE325 SHRPROF aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb set to cccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE326 SHRPROF aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb reset to cccccccc

Explanation: During file tailoring, the substitution of variables has created a record that is greater than the logical record length (aaaaaaaa) of the output file. The name bbbbbbbb and record number (cccccccc) of the input file are also given. Programmer response: Increase the logical record length of the output file, or restructure the input file so that output record is not exceeded due to variable substitution. ISPF106 Control word error - Invalid control word, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPE327 SHRPROF aaaaaaaa set - SHRPROF aaaaaaaa has been set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPF101 Router service error - Unknown file tailoring service.

Explanation: An incorrect File Tailoring service request was used. Valid requests are FTOPEN, FTINCL, FTERASE, and FTCLOSE. Programmer response: Correct the request to use one of the valid names shown. ISPF102 No work file - Work file not open.

Explanation: An unexpected control word was found in the file tailoring control file. The file name is aaaaaaaa; the error was found at record bbbbbbbb in the file. Programmer response: Correct the control word error in the control file. ISPF107 Control word error - Invalid control word parameter, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: During file tailoring, the output is written to a temporary data set. For some reason, the temporary data set could not be opened. Programmer response: Check the log for other errors that explain the open failure.

Explanation: One of the parameters in a file tailoring control statement is invalid. The control file is aaaaaaaa; record number bbbbbbbb is where the error was found. Programmer response: Correct parameter in the file tailoring control statement.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPF108 Variable name error - Invalid variable name, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb. ISPF113 ENQUEUE error - Error occurred on ENQUEUE for file aaaaaaaa RC-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A file tailoring variable name is invalid, perhaps because it is too long, or because it contains only a single ampersand character. The tailoring input file is aaaaaaaa; the record number is bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the variable in record bbbbbbbb of control file aaaaaaaa. ISPF109 )IM error - Exceeds maximum )IM level of 15, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPF114 )IM error - )IM ends in wrong )SEL, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an internal error in ISPF. The stack pointers for )SEL and )IM have become inconsistent and processing cannot continue. Programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF115 )IM error - )IM ends in wrong )DOT, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The file tailoring control file aaaaaaaa has more than fifteen levels of imbeds (imbed within imbed). Only fifteen are allowed. The error was discovered at record bbbbbbbb of the control file. Programmer response: Correct the control file so that no more than 15 imbed levels are used. ISPF110 aaaaaaaa. error - Exceeds maximum )IF and )SEL levels of 32, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc.

Explanation: This is an internal error in ISPF. The stack pointers for )DOT and )IM have become inconsistent and processing cannot continue. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF116 )SEL error - )SEL has no matching )ENDSEL, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: In file tailoring, up to 32 levels of nesting are allowed when doing )IF or )SEL within an )IF or )SEL. This limit was exceeded in record cccccccc of member bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the file tailoring dialog so that only 32 nesting levels are used. ISPF111 Record missing - Continuation card missing, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A )SEL was in progress and the end of file was reached on either the main skeleton file or an imbedded file. ISPF was expecting to see the matching )ENDSEL before the end of the imbed or main file and didnt find it. The member name is aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb is the record number where the error was detected. Programmer response: Examine the file and provide the matching )ENDSEL. ISPF117 )SEL error - )SEL ends in wrong )DOT, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The end of file was reached on a data file or imbedded file, but the last record was marked as continued because it had a ? at the end. It is assumed that the continuation record is missing and processing stops. The error was detected at record bbbbbbbb in member aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Remove the ? character from the last record, or supply the missing record to complete the continuation. ISPF112 Substitution error - Invalid cond. sub. string, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an internal error in ISPF. The internal stack pointers for )IF/)SEL and )DOT have become inconsistent and processing cannot continue. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF118 Too many tables - Table stack is full, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The conditional substitution string in record bbbbbbbb of member aaaaaaaa has incorrect syntax. Programmer response: See ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for help with the syntax. Correct the syntax of the conditional substitution string.

Explanation: More than 4 levels of )DOT nesting was attempted during file tailoring. Only 4 levels are allowed. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa while processing record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Change the file tailoring skeleton so that no more than 4 nesting levels are used.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPF119 )DOT error - )ENDDOT has no matching )DOT, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb. ISPF124 Invalid operator - Invalid Boolean operator, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A )ENDDOT statement was found in the file tailoring input and there is no corresponding )DOT. )ENDDOT must be preceded by a )DOT. The error was discovered in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the file so that )ENDDOT is preceded by )DOT. ISPF120 )DOT error - )DOT has no matching )ENDDOT, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A Boolean operator was expected in the file tailoring )SEL statement. What was found was neither or nor and. The error was found at record bbbbbbbb in member aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Correct the Boolean operator in the )SEL statement. ISPF125 Invalid operation - Invalid operation code in aaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc

Explanation: File tailoring reached the end of the current imbed or input file without finding an )ENDDOT to match a previous )DOT. The error is in member aaaaaaaa at record bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Provide an )ENDDOT statement in the same input file or imbed to match the previous )DOT. ISPF121 )DOT error - )DOT ends in wrong aaaaaaaa., bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc

Explanation: An arithmetic operator other than + (plus) or - (minus) was found in the )DO, )SET, or )SETF statement of a file tailoring file. The error is found in record cccccccc of member bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the )DO, )SET, or )SETF statement to use a valid arithmetic operator. ISPF126 )DOT error - Table being processed via )DOT, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an internal error in ISPF. The internal pointers for )DOT and )IF/)SEL have become inconsistent and processing cannot continue. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF122 Service error - RC aaaaaaaa from bbbbbbbb, cccccccc record-dddddddd

Explanation: In file tailoring, the same table is being processed recursively via )DOT. The same table cannot be used more than once in nested )DOT statements. The error was discovered at record bbbbbbbb in member aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Correct the nested )DOT statements so that no table name is used more than once. ISPF127 )DEFAULT error - Invalid character in )DEFAULT, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An error occurred in table processing for file tailoring, related to )DOT or )ENDDOT. The table service is bbbbbbbb and the return code from the service is aaaaaaaa. The error was discovered while processing record dddddddd of member cccccccc. Programmer response: Use the return code value to help determine the nature of the problem. ISPF123 Invalid operator - Invalid relational operator, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: More than 7 characters were specified in the )DEFAULT statement for file tailoring. Exactly 7 must be specified. The error was found in record bbbbbbbb of member aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Correct the )DEFAULT statement so that no more than 7 characters are specified. ISPF128 )DEFAULT error - Character missing in )DEFAULT, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A relational operator in the file tailoring )SEL statement is invalid, or the relational expression is incomplete. Relational operators are things like (=) or GE. See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a description of relational expressions. The error was found in record bbbbbbbb of member aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Correct the relational operator in the )SEL statement.

Explanation: Fewer than 7 characters were specified in a )DEFAULT statement for file tailoring. Exactly 7 characters must be specified. The error was found in record bbbbbbbb of member aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Correct the )DEFAULT statement so that exactly 7 characters are specified.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPF129 DEQUEUE error - Error occurred on DEQUEUE for file aaaaaaaa RC-bbbbbbbb. ISPF133 DEQUEUE error - Module aaaaaaaa received RC-bbbbbbbb from ISPCDQ.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPF130 GETMAIN error - Module aaaaaaaa received RC-bbbbbbbb from ISPCSM.

Explanation: An unexpected error return code appeared while getting or freeing storage. The storage routine is ISPCSM, the code it returned is bbbbbbbb, and calling module is aaaaaaaa. The error occurred during file tailoring. If the return code is 4, a conditional GETMAIN was unsuccessful. If 8, then an invalid request code was used, or an error was returned from GETMAIN or FREEMAIN. User response: The region size may not be large enough. Check your region size, then contact IBM support. ISPF131 Build TFD error - Module aaaaaaaa received RC-bbbbbbbb from ISPCBTFD.

Explanation: An internal error occurred in ISPF while trying to dequeue a data set or member during file tailoring. Module ISPCDQ, which is a dequeue service module, returned unexpected return code bbbbbbbb to module aaaaaaaa. If the return code is 4, DEQ was unable to remove the task from wait state. If 8, DEQ got a Resource Not Found return code. If 12, there is an invalid input parameter. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF134 FIND error - Module aaaaaaaa received RC-bbbbbbbb from ISPCFI.

Explanation: An internal error occurred in ISPF during file tailoring. Module aaaaaaaa called ISPCFI to FIND a Partitioned Data Set member and received an unexpected return code, bbbbbbbb. If the return code is 4, then a member was not found. If the return code is 8, an I/O error occurred during BLDL. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF135 I/O error - Unrecoverable I/O error on aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An unexpected internal error occurred in ISPF while trying to build an internal control block for file tailoring. The return code and the module name that received the return code are given in the message. Programmer response: If the message shows module ISPFITLR received a return code of 8 from ISPCBTFD, ensure that all these conditions are true: v Both the SISPSLIB and SISPSxxx (where xxx is the language, such as ENU) data sets are allocated to DDNAME ISPSLIB. v For the data sets allocated to DDNAME ISPSLIB, the data set with the largest blocksize is first in the concatenation. v There is not a mix of record format VB and FB data sets allocated to DDNAME ISPSLIB. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF132 Data set name error - Module aaaaaaaa received RC-bbbbbbbb from ISPCDSN.

Explanation: An input I/O error occurred during file tailoring. The error may have occurred on the main skeleton file, on a )DOT file, an )IM file, or while reading a temporary file. aaaaaaaa. is the member name that was being processed. User response: Check the input files for obvious incompatibilities with the ISPF recommended values, such as wrong record length. Also make sure that variable and fixed record types have not been mixed in the concatenation of input data sets. ISPF136 I/O error - Unrecoverable I/O error on output data set.

Explanation: An internal error occurred in ISPF during file tailoring. Module aaaaaaaa called ISPCDSN to get a data set name but ISPCDSN set return code bbbbbbbb, which was unexpected. If the return code is 4, ISPCDSN found no DD statement or the DDNAME in the DCB was blank. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred writing the output data set for file tailoring. User response: Check the output data set for possible incompatibilities, such as wrong data set organization. If further help is needed, call IBM support. ISPF137 Ftopen error - Required files not open

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPF138 STOW error - Module aaaaaaaa received decimal return code bbbbbbbb, decimal reason code cccccccc from the STOW macro. Programmer response: Analyze the variables to see which one may have been truncated. Look at the data files to see if there are lines that can be shortened to provide extra room for expansion. ISPF143 STAE error - Module aaaaaaaa received RC-bbbbbbbb from STAE.

Explanation: An internal error occurred in ISPF while doing file tailoring. An unexpected error code was returned from the common STOW module (ISPCST). The module that received the code is aaaaaaaa; the value of bbbbbbbb is the decimal return code, the value of cccccccc is the decimal reason code returned from the MVS STOW macro. Possible STOW errors are directory out of space or I/O error. For a more complete list of possible error conditions refer to the appropriate system documentation on the STOW macro. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation on the STOW macro. ISPF139 Output error - Output file is not a PDS.

Explanation: An internal error occurred in ISPF while file tailoring was trying to establish or cancel an STAE exit. The return code from the STAE macro is bbbbbbbb. aaaaaaaa is the name of the module where the STAE macro was called. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF144 System abend - Module aaaaaaaa intercepted system abend bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: One of these occurred: v An FTCLOSE was attempted with a specified member name and the output file was not a partitioned data set, v An FTCLOSE was attempted on a data set that was not a library, or v An FTERASE was attempted on a data set that was not partitioned. Programmer response: Correct the error. ISPF140 Data set not allocated - aaaaaaaa data set is not allocated.

Explanation: A system abend occurred during file tailoring. The system abend code is bbbbbbbb and the STAE exit routine which generated this message is in module aaaaaaaa. Data sets have been closed and dequeued. Programmer response: Use the abend code to help discover the reason for the abend. Contact IBM support if further help is needed. ISPF145 Output data conflict - Generated data in last output column, last input column cannot be moved.

Explanation: The input data set or an imbed data set for file tailoring was not allocated. The ddname is aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Allocate the input data sets and retry file tailoring. ISPF141 ENQUEUE failed - Data set aaaaaaaa in use, ENQUEUE failed.

Explanation: Column 72 in the skeleton data file already has data in it, and there is generated data that would replace it. This existing data might be a sequence number which cannot be moved. Programmer response: Avoid generating data in column 72 of the skeleton if the file contains sequence numbers. ISPF147 FSSTATE error - RC-aaaaaaaa received from FSSTATE.

Explanation: During file tailoring the input, output, or a temporary data set could not be enqueued. aaaaaaaa is either the ddname or data set name that could not be enqueued. The data set is in use by another task, and file tailoring cannot continue. Programmer response: Using aaaaaaaa as a guide, resolve the conflicting use of the data set. ISPF142 Variable truncation - Variable truncation has occurred.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPF151 Invalid tab position - Tab (aaaaaaaa) out of range (1-255), bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc.

Explanation: One of the tab values in the file tailoring )TB or )TBA statement is not in the correct range of 1 through 255. The incorrect value is aaaaaaaa, and the error was discovered in record cccccccc of member bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the )TB or )TBA statement to use tab values in the range 1 to 255.

Explanation: During file tailoring, a file tailoring variable was replaced with a value that was truncated.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPF152 Invalid tab position - Tab (aaaaaaaa) must exceed previous tab, bbbbbbbb rec-cccccccc. ISPF160 FTP errors have occurred - Review the FTP output for the error that has occurred. See the TCP/IP User Guide for FTP return code explanations. Enter the HELP command for a list of FTP installation requirements. After determining the cause of the error, return to the install dialog and rerun the ISPF C/S INSTALL command.

Explanation: The numeric tab positions in the )TB or )TBA statement for file tailoring are not in increasing sequence. aaaaaaaa is the value of the offending tab value; it was found in record cccccccc of member bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the )TB or )TBA statement so each tab value is higher than the previous one. ISPF153 Too many tab stops - Tab control word has more than 16 tab stops, aaaaaaaa rec-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is issued by the FTP ISPF C/S INSTALL command. These are the requirements to download the ISPF Client/Server Component using FTP: v TCP/IP must be installed and running. v FTP must be installed and running. v The path specified must have write access (Review TRUSERS file). v You must have read access to the MVS data set where ISPF Client/Server Component resides. v The directory where ISPF Client/Server Component is being copied must exist or you must have selected the Create directory choice field. v If you have asked to create the workstation directory, you must be able to change directory to the parent of the specified directory. ISPF161 FTP command not found. - The ISPF C/S INSTALL program received a severe error running the FTP command, probably due to not being able to find the FTP command.

Explanation: The )TB or )TBA statement in file tailoring has more than 16 tab stops specified. No more than 16 are allowed. The error was found in record bbbbbbbb of member aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Correct the )TB or )TBA statement so no more than 16 tab stops are specified. ISPF154 Invalid LRECL - The limit of input/output data set logical record length is 255.

Explanation: File tailoring data sets cannot have a logical record length greater than 255. This applies to both input and output data sets. Programmer response: Check logical record length of input and output data sets for file tailoring, including temporary data sets. Make sure none has a logical record length greater than 255. ISPF155 STOW password error - File tailoring does not support password protected members.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is issued by the FTP ISPF C/S INSTALL command. ISPF162 EXE not found - The workstation executable part was not found in the data set specified.

Explanation: FTCLOSE or FTERASE is being attempted on a file tailoring output data set member and the member is password protected. File tailoring output to password protected members is not supported. Programmer response: Select an output data set for file tailoring that is not password protected. ISPF156 Output overflow - Line to be written greater than data set LRECL aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The EXE was not found in the data set specified on the panel. User response: Ask your system programmer for the correct data set name in which the workstation executables reside. Enter the correct data set name. ISPF163 DLL not found - The workstation dynamic link library (DLL) part was not found in the data set specified.

Explanation: During a file tailoring FTCLOSE, the last non-blank character of the tailored output data would not fit within the logical record length of the output data set. The data set logical record length is aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Increase the logical record length of the output data set or ensure that data will fit within the output data set logical record.

Explanation: The dynamic link library was not found in the data set specified on the panel.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPF164 Allocation failed - File allocation in preparation for invoking FTP failed. FTP was not invoked and the download was aborted. Programmer response: Correct the variable names on the SCAN parameter of the )DOT statement. ISPF174 )DOT SCAN error - Invalid SCAN condition value on )DOT statement, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This message is issued by the FTP ISPF C/S INSTALL command. User response: Retry the download or download the workstation agent with a method other than FTP. System programmer response: Capture any additional messages from TSO/E. Make sure the WTPMSG and MSGID options are in effect in the users TSO/E profile. ISPF170 Service error - Status2 aaaaaaaa returned from bbbbbbbb, cccccccc record-dddddddd

Explanation: A condition operator on the SCAN parameter is invalid. The error was found in record bbbbbbbb of member aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Correct the condition values on the SCAN parameter of the )DOT statement. ISPF175 Too many DOs - DO stack is full, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an internal error in ISPF. A bbbbbbbb service returned an unexpected value of aaaaaaaa for status2. Processing cannot continue. The table in error is used in member cccccccc at record dddddddd. Programmer response: Use the status2 value to help determine the nature of the problem. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF171 )DOT SCAN error - Incomplete SCAN parameter on )DOT, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: More than 16 levels of )DO nesting was attempted during file tailoring. Only 16 levels are allowed. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa while processing record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Change the file tailoring skeleton so that no more than 16 nesting levels are used. ISPF176 )DO error - )DO has no matching )ENDDO, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an internal error in ISPF. The internal pointers for )DOT and )SEL have become inconsistent and processing cannot continue. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the SCAN parameter of the )DOT statement. ISPF172 )DOT SCAN error - Too many SCAN parameters on )DOT statement, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A )DO was in progress and the end of file was reached on either the main skeleton file or an imbedded file. ISPF was expecting to see the matching )ENDDO before the end of the imbed or main file and didnt find it. The member name is aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb is the record number where the error was detected. Programmer response: Examine the file and provide the matching )ENDDO. ISPF177 )DO error - )ENDDO has no matching )DO, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: In file tailoring, an )ENDDO was found before a matching )DO statement. The control file is aaaaaaaa, the error is found in record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the control statements so that each )ENDDO has a matching )DO. ISPF178 )SEL error - )SEL ends in wrong )DO, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A maximum of 50 name-cond-pairs can be specified for the SCAN parameter on the )DOT statement. The error was found in record bbbbbbbb of member aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Reduce the number of name-cond-pairs on the SCAN parameter of the )DOT statement. ISPF173 )DOT SCAN error - Invalid SCAN variable name on )DOT statement, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an internal error in ISPF. The internal stack pointers for )SEL and )DOT have become inconsistent and processing cannot continue. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: A variable name on the SCAN parameter is invalid. The error was found in record bbbbbbbb of member aaaaaaaa.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPF180 )DO error - )DO ends in wrong )IF or )SEL, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb Programmer response: Correct the )DO control statement ISPF185 Invalid )DO syntax - Invalid numeric value in )DO control statement, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an internal error in ISPF. The internal pointers for )DO and )IF/)SEL have become inconsistent and processing cannot continue. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF181 )DO error - )DO ends in wrong )DOT, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The )DO control statement contains an invalid numeric value. Numeric values must be in the range -2147483647 to 2147483646. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the )DO control statement ISPF186 Invalid )DO syntax - Syntax of )DO control statement is invalid, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an internal error in ISPF. The internal pointers for )DO and )DOT have become inconsistent and processing cannot continue. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The syntax of the )DO control statement is incorrect. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the )DO control statement ISPF187 Invalid )DO syntax - )DO control statement contains duplicate aaaaaaaa keyword, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc


aaaaaaaa error - aaaaaaaa outside a )DO structure, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc

Explanation: This is an logic error in ISPF skeleton. The aaaaaaaa control statement can only be used within an active )DO structure. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The syntax of the )DO control statement is incorrect. Duplicate aaaaaaaa keyword specified. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Correct the )DO control statement ISPF188 Invalid )DO syntax - )DO control statement contains UNTIL and WHILE keywords, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb


)DO aaaaaaaa error - )DO aaaaaaaa internal logic error, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc

Explanation: This is an internal error in ISPF. The internal pointers for )DO have become inconsistent and processing cannot continue. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF184 Invalid )DO syntax - Invalid )DO Control variable name, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The syntax of the )DO control statement is incorrect. Only one UNTIL or WHILE keyword permitted on a )DO control statement, but not both. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the )DO control statement ISPF189 Invalid )DO aaaaaaaa syntax - Syntax of )DO aaaaaaaa control statement is invalid, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc

Explanation: The control variable name specified on a )DO control statement is too long or contains invalid characters. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The syntax of the )DO aaaaaaaa control statement is incorrect. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Correct the )DO control statement

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPF190 )ELSE error - )ELSE has no matching )IF, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb ISPF195 Mismatched Parentheses - Parentheses are not paired correctly, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An )ELSE was found that does not have a corresponding )IF. The member name is aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb is the record number where the error was detected. Programmer response: Examine the file and provide the matching )IF. ISPF191 )IF error - )IF missing THEN keyword, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: Each left parenthesis in the )SETF control statement must be matched with a right parenthesis. The statement has a left or right parenthesis that was unpaired. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the syntax to make sure parentheses are paired correctly. ISPF196 )ENDREXX error - )ENDREXX has no matching )REXX, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An )IF statement does not include the THEN keyword. The THEN keyword is a required parameter on the )IF control statement. The member name is aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb is the record number where the error was detected. Programmer response: Examine the file and provide the THEN keyword on the )IF. ISPF192 )IF error - )IF has no statement, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: In file tailoring, an )ENDREXX was found before a matching )REXX statement. The )ENDREXX statement is only required where inline rexx statements are included in the skeleton. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Correct the control statements so that each )ENDREXX has a matching )REXX. ISPF197 )REXX error - )REXX has no matching )ENDREXX, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An )IF was in progress and the end of file was reached on either the main skeleton file or an imbedded file. ISPF was expecting to see a statement for the )IF before the end of the imbed or main file and didnt find it. The member name is aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb is the record number where the error was detected. Programmer response: Examine the file and provide the required )IF statement. ISPF193 )ELSE error - )ELSE has no statement, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A )REXX was in progress and the end of file was reached on either the main skeleton file or an imbedded file. ISPF was expecting to see the matching )ENDREXX before the end of the imbed or main file and didnt find it. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and provide the matching )ENDREXX ISPF198 System abend - REXX processing has generated a system abend aaaaaaaa, intercepted by bbbbbbbb, cccccccc record-dddddddd.

Explanation: An )ELSE was in progress and the end of file was reached on either the main skeleton file or an imbedded file. ISPF was expecting to see a statement for the )ELSE before the end of the imbed or main file and didnt find it. The member name is aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb is the record number where the error was detected. Programmer response: Examine the file and provide the required )ELSE statement. ISPF194 aaaaaaaa error - aaaaaaaa outside a )DOT structure, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc

Explanation: A system abend occurred processing a REXX exec during file tailoring. The system abend code is aaaaaaaa and the STAE exit routine which generated this message is in module bbbbbbbb. The error was detected in member cccccccc at record number dddddddd. File tailoring is terminated. Programmer response: Use the abend code to help discover the reason for the abend processing the REXX exec. Contact IBM support if further help is needed. ISPF199 ESTAE error - Module aaaaaaaa received RC-bbbbbbbb from ESTAE.

Explanation: This is an logic error in ISPF skeleton. The aaaaaaaa control statement specifying the DOT parameter can only be used within an active )DOT structure. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the )LEAVE statement.

Explanation: An internal error occurred in ISPF while file tailoring was trying to establish or cancel an ESTAE exit. The return code from the ESTAE macro is


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

bbbbbbbb. aaaaaaaa is the name of the module where the STAE macro was called. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPF200 Invalid aaaaaaaa Syntax - Function statement syntax not recognised on aaaaaaaa statement, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the function subparameters. ISPF205 Symbol name error - Invalid aaaaaaaa. symbol name, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc.

Explanation: A symbol name is invalid, or contains a null value. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the symbol name. ISPF206 Invalid aaaaaaaa Value - The bbbbbbbb function contains an invalid aaaaaaaa parameter that is Out of Range, cccccccc record-dddddddd.

Explanation: The syntax of a function statement was found to be invalid. This includes mismatched parentheses. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the statement syntax. ISPF201 Invalid Function - Unsupported function call, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A subparameter contains an numeric value that is not within the valid range for the function. The error was detected in member cccccccc at record number dddddddd. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the subparameter value. ISPF210 Invalid Expression - Expression contains too many levels of nesting, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A function call is unsupported. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the function call. ISPF202 Invalid Function Syntax - Too many subparameters specified for aaaaaaaa function, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc.

Explanation: The expression was found to contain more than 32 levels of nested parentheses. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and simplify the expression. ISPF211 Invalid Expression - Length of expression exceeds 255 characters, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A function call contains too many subparameters. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the function call syntax. ISPF203 aaaaaaaa Parm Missing - The bbbbbbbb function is missing the required aaaaaaaa parameter, cccccccc record-dddddddd.

Explanation: The length of an expression was found to exceed 255 characters. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and reduce the overall length of the expression. ISPF212 Mismatched parentheses - Parentheses are not paired correctly, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The syntax of a function call is incomplete. One or more required subparameters are missing, or contain a null value. The error was detected in member cccccccc at record number dddddddd. Programmer response: Examine the file and provide the missing subparameter(s). ISPF204 Invalid aaaaaaaa Value - The bbbbbbbb function contains an invalid aaaaaaaa parameter value, cccccccc record-dddddddd.

Explanation: A mismatch in the parentheses has been detected. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the syntax to ensure parentheses are paired correctly.

Explanation: A subparameter value on a function call is invalid. The error was detected in member cccccccc at record number dddddddd.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPF213 Invalid numeric - Expression contains an invalid numeric value, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb. ISPF220 Invalid Dialog Variable - Dialog Variable name for REXX processing is invalid, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An expression contains an invalid numeric value. Numeric values must be an integer in the range -2147483647 to 2147483646. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the syntax of the expression. ISPF214 Invalid Operator - Expression contains an invalid operator, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A dialog variable specified on a )REXX statement is invalid, perhaps because it is too long, or because it contains invalid characters. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the dialog variable name ISPF221 REXX not found - Unable to locate REXX routine aaaaaaaa required for File Tailoring, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc

Explanation: Expression contains an invalid operator. Valid operators are +, -, *, /, **, and //. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the syntax of the expression. ISPF215 Invalid Expression - Expression contains invalid characters, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A File Tailoring )REXX statement specifies the name of an external routine that can not be located. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Examine the skeleton and check the name of the file tailoring REXX routine. Ensure the REXX routine is available in your SYSPROC or SYSEXEC allocation. ISPF222 REXX-defined error - File Tailoring REXX routine-defined error. ZFTXRC=aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The expression contains an invalid or unexpected syntax. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the syntax of the expression. ISPF216 Divide by Zero - An expression has attempted to divide by zero, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A File Tailoring Rexx routine set a return code of 8 in variable ZFTXRC but did not store a Message ID to describe the failure in variable ZFTXMSG. This generic message is provided by ISPF. File Tailoring processing continues. Programmer response: If appropriate, provide a meaningful message for the user. ISPF223 REXX Termination - File Tailoring terminated by REXX routine setting ZFTXRC=aaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbb record-cccccccc.

Explanation: An attempt was made to divide by zero. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and correct the syntax of the expression. ISPF217 Arithmetic Overflow - An expression has resulted in an overflow condition, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An intermediate or final result of an expression exceeds the allowed number range, resulting in an arithmetic overflow. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Examine the file and modify the expression to ensure that the overflow condition does not occur.

Explanation: A File Tailoring REXX routine set a return in the dialog variable ZFTXRC that was not 0 or 8. This generic message is provided by ISPF. File Tailoring processing is terminated with a severe error. The error was detected in member bbbbbbbb at record number cccccccc. Programmer response: Check the REXX routine to determine the cause of error. If appropriate, provide a meaningful error message for the user. ISPF224 REXX Failure - Severe error encountered processing a File Tailoring Rexx routine, aaaaaaaa record-bbbbbbbb, cccccccc return code-dddddddd

Explanation: A severe error was encountered while executing a File Tailoring Rexx routine. The error was detected in member aaaaaaaa at record number bbbbbbbb.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: Examine the REXX routine to determine the cause of the REXX routine failure. ISPF300 Trace complete - The Trace output has been written to SYSOUT allocated to the DDname ISPFTTRC. (all), or a screen id in the range 1-9, A-W. User response: Correct the parameter value. ISPF306 Invalid parameter value - The SERVICE() parameter value is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, DETAIL.

Explanation: The output to the File Tailoring Trace has been written to a SYSOUT class allocated to the DDname ISPFTTRC and can not be viewed by the ISPFTTRC command. ISPF301 Parameter Invalid - Parameter #aaaaaaaa is invalid. Valid parameters are: END, VIEW, LIST, QUIET, DISPLAY(), READ(), SKELETON(), SCREEN(), SERVICE(), and DEBUG.

Explanation: The value specified for the SERVICE() parameter is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, DETAIL. User response: Correct the parameter value. ISPF307 Invalid parameter value - The READ() parameter value is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, SUMMARY, DETAIL.

Explanation: A parameter specified for the ISPDPTRC command is invalid. Valid parameters are: END, VIEW, LIST, QUIET, DISPLAY(), READ(), SKELETON(), SCREEN(), SERVICE(), and DEBUG. User response: Correct the command parameters. ISPF302 Invalid skeleton name - The skeleton name specified for the SKELETON() parameter is invalid.

Explanation: The value specified for the READ() parameter is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, SUMMARY, DETAIL. User response: Correct the parameter value. ISPF308 Invalid parameter value - The TBVARS() parameter value is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, DETAIL.

Explanation: The value specified for the TBVARS() parameter is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, DETAIL. User response: Correct the parameter value. ISPF310 LIST substituted - File tailoring trace data set aaaaaaaa not found. List of file tailoring trace data sets displayed

Explanation: The skeleton name specified must be either a valid member name or member name pattern. User response: Correct the supplied skeleton name. ISPF303 aaaaaaaa value missing - The value for aaaaaaaa parameter was omitted.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Correct the command subparameters.

Explanation: ISPFTTRC attempted to VIEW a trace data set that could not be found. A data set list of possible file tailoring trace data sets was displayed ISPF311 No trace data sets found - No ISPF file tailoring trace data set names were found matching aaaaaaaa


Invalid parameter value - The RECORDS() parameter values are invalid. Valid values are either *, NONE, or a combination of: DATA, CNTL, SOURCE, or NODATA, NOCNTL, NOSOURCE.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPG001 Invalid option number - Select an option and enter the option number or code.

Explanation: The values specified for the RECORDS() parameter are invalid. Valid values are either *, NONE, or a combination of: DATA, CNTL, SOURCE, or NODATA, NOCNTL, NOSOURCE. User response: Correct the parameter value. ISPF305 Invalid parameter value - The SCREEN() parameter value is invalid. Valid values are: * (current), 0 (all), or a screen id in the range 1-9, A-W.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG002 Enter project name - Project name is missing or invalid.

Explanation: The Project name field is blank or invalid in the ISPF library data set input fields. User response: A valid Project name must be entered for the ISPF library. An ISPF library is a cataloged partitioned data set with a three-level data set name in this format: project.group.type.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages

Explanation: The value specified for the SCREEN() parameter is invalid. Valid values are: * (current), 0


ISPG003 Enter group name - Group name is missing or invalid. ISPG010 Data set is open - Data set is currently being used by ISPF.

Explanation: The Group name field is blank or invalid in the ISPF library data set input fields. User response: A valid Group name must be entered for the ISPF library. An ISPF library is a cataloged partitioned data set with a three-level data set name in this format: project.group.type. ISPG004 Enter type qualifier - Type is missing or invalid.

Explanation: The specified data set is open and currently being used by ISPF. User response: This message is issued when one of the data sets LIST, LOG, TEMPLIST, TEMPCNTL, or EDIT RECOVERY is specified and ISPF is currently using the data set. The LOG and LIST data sets are controlled by the LOG and LIST commands. These two commands can keep the current data set and continue with a new data set so that keep data set can be used. The TEMPLIST, TEMPCNTL, and EDIT RECOVERY data sets need to be saved and closed in order to be used. ISPG011 Jump function disabled - The NOJUMP attribute keyword has disabled the jump function for this field.

Explanation: The Type name field is blank or invalid in the ISPF library data set input fields. User response: A valid Type name must be entered for the ISPF library. An ISPF library is a cataloged partitioned data set with a three-level data set name in this format: project.group.type ISPG005 Enter member name - The specified data set is partitioned. A member name is required.

Explanation: The field has the jump function disabled. It was disabled by the attribute keyword NOJUMP(ON). Programmer response: To enable the jump function for this field the attribute keyword NOJUMP(ON) should be set to NOJUMP(OFF) or remove the NOJUMP attribute keyword from the attribute type. ISPG020 I/O error during write - Unable to write data.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG006 Enter volume serial - A volume serial is needed for this operation.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG007 Vol serial not allowed - Use Other data set name field when specifying volume serial.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG021 Member not found - The requested member was not found in the PDS directory(s).

Explanation: The Volume Serial input field invalidly contains a value when not specifying Other Data Set Name field. User response: When using the ISPF Library input fields for entering the data set name, do not put any value in the Volume Serial input field. Only when using the Other Data Set Name input field may the Volume Serial input field contain a valid value. ISPG008 Invalid required parm - Select the required parameter from the options shown.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG024 Invalid scroll amount - Valid: M (MAX), P (PAGE), H (HALF), C (CSR), D (DATA) or aaaaaaaa to bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An invalid scroll amount has been specified. User response: Enter one of the valid responses listed in the Help message, either - M (MAX), P (PAGE), H (HALF), C (CSR), D (DATA), or a value in between the minimum and maximum scroll amount defined in the configuration table. ISPG026 No top panel defined - The ZHTOP dialog variable is not set to a panel name.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG009 Enter data set name - Use standard TSO format for data set name.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: The dialog variable ZHTOP does not contain the name of the first tutorial panel. User response: The variable ZHTOP must contain the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

name of the first tutorial panel. The variable can be set in the beginning of the application to ensure that the user can always display the tutorial panel regardless of how the tutorial was entered. ZHTOP can also be set on the primary option menu. ISPG027 Option not implemented - Try another option. ISPG031 No space in directory - PDS directory is full, allocate more directory blocks.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG032 I/O error during STOW - Permanent I/O error occurred updating directory block.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG033 Invalid command - Valid commands are SELECT (s) and LOCATE (l).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG028 Invalid selection - Valid codes are B, S, U, T or I, or a number if selection list present.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG034 I/O error during STOW - Permanent I/O error occurred writing EOF mark after member.

Explanation: An invalid code or selection number entered on a tutorial panel. User response: You can view the tutorial sequentially by leaving the command/option field blank and repeatedly pressing the Enter key. Alternatively, you can select topics from lists displayed on many of the tutorial pages. For example, enter OPTION ===> 3 to select topic number three. You can also enter one of these commands on any tutorial page: BACK or B to back up to the previously viewed page. SKIP or S to skip the current topic and go on to the next topic. UP or U to display a higher level list of topics. TOC or T to display the table of contents. INDEX or I to display the tutorial index. ISPG029 No index panel defined - The ZHINDEX dialog variable is not set to a panel name.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG035 Invalid select code - Type s for select in front of the member desired.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG036 Compress data set - STOW error. STOW rc was r15=x10 r0 was not 1 or 2. See sys programmer

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG037 I/O error - I/O error while reading PDS directory.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG038 I/O error - I/O error return from BLDL (reading PDS directory).

Explanation: The dialog variable ZHINDEX does not contain the name of the first INDEX panel. User response: The variable ZHINDEX must contain the name of the first INDEX panel. The variable can be set in the beginning of the application to ensure that the user can always display the INDEX panel regardless of how tutorial was entered. ZHINDEX can also be set on the primary option menu. ISPG030 Invalid member name - Member name specified contains invalid characters.

Explanation: A permanent I/O error was detected when the system attempted to search the directory of the specified data set. User response: Ensure that the specified data set is the correct data set. Note message number and text, then contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Restore the specified data set from backup, if possible. Contact IBM support if further assistance is required. ISPG039 Specify member name - Command specified requires a member name.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPG040 Invalid DSORG - Data set organization must be partitioned or sequential. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If the users action was correct, contact IBM support. ISPG048 TSO interface error - - Abend aaaaaaaa dec, reason code bbbbbbbb in TSO routine IKJTBLS

Explanation: The data set organization was entered incorrectly. User response: Correct the data set organization. ISPG041 Interface error - Rc = aaaaaaaa from TSO routine IKJADTAB, function = ENDTABLE

Explanation: An abend occurred while searching for a program name in the authorization tables. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the user has the ability to run authorized programs. Contact IBM support to determine why IKJTBLS returned an error code of 20. ISPG049 TSO interface error - - Abend aaaaaaaa hex, reason code bbbbbbbb in TSO routine IKJTBLS

Explanation: An error occurred on return from link to IKJADTAB. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine what the user was doing when the error occurred, then contact IBM support. ISPG044 Concatenation failed - Unable to concatenate the specified libraries.

Explanation: Concatenation failed, ISPCDAIR did not return with RC=0. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If the users action was correct, contact IBM support. ISPG045 STAE macro error - Unable to obtain storage for STAE macro, subpool 0 full.

Explanation: An abend while searching for a program name in the authorization tables. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the user has the ability to run authorized programs. Contact IBM support to determine why IKJTBLS returned an error code of 20. ISPG050 aaaaaaaa is not active - The command or function key entered is not defined.

Explanation: Storage has been exhausted, there was a previous error that could have used all of the available storage. User response: Verify that your region size is large enough to run the task that just failed. If you still have a problem, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the task is not looping and that the storage is sufficient to execute the failing function. ISPG046 IKJTBLS interface error - Authorized table name aaaaaaaa not recognized.

Explanation: Either an invalid command was entered or the function key is not defined. User response: Correct the command. ISPG051 aaaaaaaa command error - The command or function key entered is defined incorrectly.

Explanation: The command or function key action was unsuccessful. User response: Correct the command. ISPG052 Invalid PANELID parm - Valid panelid parameters are ON, OFF, or blank.

Explanation: An error has occurred between the ISPF and TSO interface. User response: Contact your system programmer. Programmer response: Verify that the program has been properly authorized. ISPG047 IRXTERMA interface error - ISPF received return code aaaaaaaa from TSO routine IRXTERMA

Explanation: The PANELID command should be followed by ON, OFF, or nothing. User response: Correct the PANELID command. ISPG053 Command is not active - The command or function key entered is not defined.

Explanation: An error occurred while initializing the REXX environment.

Explanation: The command entered or the function entered is not defined. User response: Correct the command.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPG054 Command parm is missing - The entered command requires a parameter. ISPG061 Invalid command name - The command entered or contained in a CLIST is null (all blanks).

Explanation: Additional data must follow this command. User response: Enter a complete command. If additional information is needed, use the ISPF documentation that defines the command. ISPG055 Invalid MSGID parm - Valid MSGID parameters are ON, OFF or blank.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the CLIST by entering a valid command name. ISPG062 Invalid command - Unable to process command. IKJSCAN return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The MSGID command requires the additional information shown. User response: Correct the command. ISPG056 The message ID of the last message was aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The command entered is unauthorized. User response: Enter the correct command name. If the command is correct, contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify that the command name is an authorized command. ISPG063 Command rejected - Command rejected - aaaaaaaa command not supported under ISPF.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPG057 Line command error - A command is already in the line command field.

Explanation: There is a line command conflict. A command is already in the line command field. User response: Correct the line commands. ISPG058 Line command error - The line with the cursor does not contain a line command field.

Explanation: This command name cannot be used while using ISPF. User response: Enter the name correctly, or contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the command name to avoid conflict with ISPF. ISPG064 Command abend - User abend aaaaaaaa dec occurred processing command bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: There is not a field designated to accept line commands in the line that contains the cursor. User response: Correct the attempted use of the line command. ISPG059 Data truncated - Command input string larger than command input buffer for this panel.

Explanation: The subtask abended during execution of the command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Determine why the subtask abended. Contact IBM support, if necessary. ISPG065 Attach error - Unable to attach command aaaaaaaa. Attach return code=bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The command string entered is too large and will be truncated. User response: Correct the command input string. ISPG060 Invalid command name - A command entered or contained in a CLIST has invalid syntax.

Explanation: The command cannot be executed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the ATTACH macro documentation to determine why the ATTACH command failed.

Explanation: The command entered or used within a CLIST has invalid syntax. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the CLIST syntax at the failing line.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPG066 Command abend - Abend aaaaaaaa hex occurred processing command bbbbbbbb. ISPG072 Attention termination - Authorized program aaaaaaaa was terminated by an attention.

Explanation: The command cannot be processed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: If you are unable to determine why the abend occurred, contact IBM support. ISPG067 PUTGET error - PUTGET return code aaaaaaaa hex. Notify your system programmer.

Explanation: If an attention key was pressed, this is an informational message only. User response: If the attention key was not pressed, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If the user did not press an attention key, contact IBM support. ISPG073 Command abended - User abend aaaaaaaa dec occurred processing authorized command bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A system failure occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: An unexpected return code was received while executing a command. Refer to the PUTGET documentation for additional information about this return code. ISPG068 Member name too long - Member name must be less than or equal to 8 characters.

Explanation: The command being processed has failed. User response: Report this message to the responsible programmer. Programmer response: IKJEFTSR, the TSO/E Service Routine, has returned the user abend code specified to assist in problem determination. ISPG074 BLDL error message - Error processing aaaaaaaa command. BLDL return code was greater than 4.

Explanation: The member name of the data set exceeds the 8 character limit. User response: Correct the member name. ISPG069 No members in data set - The PDS specified contains no members.

Explanation: The BLDL failed while running the dialog. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPG075 Command abended - Abend aaaaaaaa hex occurred processing authorized command bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPG070 IKJEFTSR interface error - Authorized command aaaaaaaa. Return code = bbbbbbbb.. Reason code = cccccccc..

Explanation: The command that was processing has failed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: IKJEFTSR, the TSO/E Service Routine, has returned the listed return and reason codes. Use these codes to determine the reason for the failure. ISPG071 IKJEFTSR interface error - Authorized program aaaaaaaa. Return code = bbbbbbbb.. Reason code = cccccccc..

Explanation: A system failure occurred during execution of the command. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: A subtask dump may help to determine where the failure occurred. ISPG076 Attention message - Command terminated due to attention.

Explanation: If an attention was entered, this message is informational only. User response: If an attention was not entered, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The authorized program that was processing has failed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: IKJEFTSR, the TSO/E Service Routine, has returned the listed return and reason codes. Use these codes to determine the reason for the failure.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPG077 Abend 806 - Command aaaaaaaa abended with code 806000. Load module not found. ISPG082 Data set not partitioned - Only partitioned data sets may be concatenated.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify that both your concatenations and the LIBDEF concatenations are correct. ISPG078 Program abend - User abend aaaaaaaa dec occurred processing authorized program bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A non-partitioned data set has been entered in the concatenation sequence. User response: Enter the correct data set names, or delete any data sets that are not partitioned. ISPG083 Deconcatenation failed - Unable to deconcatenate the specified libraries.

Explanation: One of the libraries cannot be deconcatenated; it is probably still in use. User response: End the job that is using one of the libraries. ISPG084 Reallocation failed - DAIR RC = aaaaaaaa dec, DARC = bbbbbbbb hex, dsn = cccccccc

Explanation: The program was unsuccessful. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use the abend code returned from IKJEFTSR (the TSO/E Service Routine) to determine the reason for the abend. ISPG079 Program abend - Abend aaaaaaaa hex occurred processing authorized program bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The data set could not be reallocated as old. User response: Use the return codes shown to determine why the operation failed. Contact the system programmer, if necessary. Following are the DAIR return codes: CODE MEANING 0 DAIR completed successfully. Secondary error code in DARC field. 4 Invalid parameter list passed to DAIR. 8 Catalog Management error. Error code in CTRC field. 12 Dynamic Allocation error. Error code in DARC field. 16 No TIOT entries were available for use. 20 The DDNAME requested in unavailable. 24 The DSNAME requested is a member of a concatenated group. 28 DDNAME or DSNAME not allocated, or ATTR list name not found. 32 DISP=NEW specified for previously permanently allocated data set. 36 Catalog information routine error. 40 More index blocks exist than the program provided room for. 44 DISP=OLD, MOD, or SHR for data set previously allocated for delete. 48 Reserved. 52 Request denied by Installation Exit. ISPG085 Deallocation failed - DAIR RC = aaaaaaaa dec, DARC = bbbbbbbb hex, dsn = cccccccc

Explanation: The program that was processing has failed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: A subtask dump may be necessary to determine the reason for the failure. Contact IBM support if additional assistance is needed. ISPG080 Inconsistent data sets - Data set organizations are not the same.

Explanation: An incorrect data set name may have been entered. User response: Verify that all data set names are entered correctly. If the data set names are correct, contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the DSORG of the data sets entered. Sequential and partitioned data sets cannot be mixed. ISPG081 Data set not partitioned - Member name specified, but the data set is not a partitioned data set.

Explanation: You have specified a member name for a non-partitioned data set. User response: Enter the correct data set name.

Explanation: The deallocation of the data set failed. User response: See message ISPG084.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPG086 Delete data set failed - aaaaaaaa is open, cannot be deleted. User response: Reenter the data set name following the correct syntax. ISPG094 Data set not cataloged - Generation data set not found. Check catalog of generation group.

Explanation: The data set is in use and cannot be deleted. User response: End the task that is using the data set. ISPG087 Data set in use - The data set is currently in use by you.

Explanation: The data set specified was not found. User response: Check the data set name entered. ISPG095 Inconsistent block size - The first library must have the largest block size.

Explanation: The data set is being used in another task. User response: End the other task before starting this task. ISPG088 Dsn ALLOC check failed - Unable to check if data set is already allocated.

Explanation: The first library of the concatenation must have the largest block size of the libraries within the concatenation. System programmer response: Update the concatenation so that the largest block size data is first in the concatenation. ISPG096 Inconsistent record size - All libraries must have the same record length.

Explanation: The allocation check failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPG090 Invalid data set name - Data set name contains unbalanced apostrophes.

Explanation: All libraries within a concatenation must have the same record length. System programmer response: Update the concatenation and library allocations to have consistent record lengths. ISPG097 Inconsistent record type - All libraries must be the same record type.

Explanation: The data set name entered contains unbalanced apostrophes. User response: Reenter the data set name with the correct apostrophes. ISPG091 Invalid data set name - Data set name must be 1-44 characters in length counting prefix (if any).

Explanation: All libraries within a concatenation must be defined with the same record type. Programmer response: Review the libraries within the concatenation for the correct record type. ISPG098 Inconsistent record size - The first library must have the largest record length.

Explanation: The data set name you entered had an invalid length. It must be no more than 44 characters including the TSO prefix, if used. User response: Check the data set name, and reenter it correctly. ISPG092 Invalid member name - Member name must be 1-8 characters and enclosed in parentheses.

Explanation: The first library within a concatenation must be defined with the largest record length. Programmer response: Review the libraries within the concatenation for the correct record length and concatenation sequence. ISPG099 Not generation data set - Data set is not a generation data set.

Explanation: The member name that was entered was invalid. The member name must be 1 to 8 characters, enclosed in parentheses. User response: Reenter the member name using the correct syntax. ISPG093 Invalid data set name - Embedded blanks, parentheses, or apostrophes in data set name are invalid.

Explanation: Data set specified is not a generation data set. Programmer response: Check the data set name specified.

Explanation: The data set name that was entered contained blanks, apostrophes, or parentheses, which are invalid in a data set name.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPG100 Invalid data set org - Data set is not sequential or partitioned. ISPG105 Invalid block size - Block size of data set must not be zero.

Explanation: The data set referenced does not have an organization of either sequential or partitioned. The data set organization must be either sequential or partitioned. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Update the data set referenced, or reallocate the data set so that it is either sequential or partitioned. ISPG101 STAE failed - Unable to open data set. Possibly insufficient storage for STAE.

Explanation: The block size of the data set specified must not be equal to zero. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Specify a data set with a valid block size, or reallocate the data set so that it does not have a block size of zero. ISPG106 Invalid record length - Record length exceeds maximum (aaaaaaaa) allowed for this function.

Explanation: There is insufficient storage available to open the data set. User response: Make sure you have sufficient storage and retry the function. ISPG102 Invalid DSORG - Data set specified is a PDS, which is not allowed for this function.

Explanation: The data set specified contains an invalid record length for this function. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Specify a data set with a valid record length for this function, or reallocate the data set. ISPG107 Invalid record format - Fixed length records not supported for this function.

Explanation: The data set referenced for this function is a partitioned data set (PDS). A PDS is not allowed for this function. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Update the function so that it references a data set with the correct organization. ISPG103 Invalid record format - S type partitioned data sets are not supported by ISPF.

Explanation: The data set specified contains an invalid record format for this function. The function does not support fixed length records. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Specify a data set with a valid record format, or reallocate the data set referenced. ISPG108 Invalid record length - LRECL must be 0 or equal to block size for unblocked RECFM=F.

Explanation: The data set referenced is an S type partitioned data set, which is not supported by ISPF. User response: Select a data set that is not an S type partitioned data set. ISPG104 Invalid DSORG - Data set is sequential, which is not allowed for this function

Explanation: The record length for an unblocked RECFM=F data set must be either zero or equal to the block size. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Reallocate the data set so that it has a valid record length for the block size specified. ISPG109 Invalid block size - Data set block size is not a multiple of LRECL for RECFM=FB.

Explanation: The data set referenced for this function is a sequential data set. Sequential data sets are not allowed for this function. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Update the function so that it references a data set with the correct organization.

Explanation: The block size of a fixed block data set must be a multiple of the record length. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Reallocate the data set so that is has a valid block size for the record format specified.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPG110 Invalid record format - Variable length records invalid for this function. ISPG115 Invalid record format - Data set has record format not supported by ISPF. Must be F, V, or U.

Explanation: The data set specified for this function contains an invalid record format. The function does not support variable length records. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Either specify a valid data set for the function or reallocate the data set with a valid record format. ISPG111 Invalid block size - Data set block size must be > 8 for RECFM=V.

Explanation: The data set specified has a record format that is not supported by ISPF and its services. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Specify a valid record format for the data set. Valid formats are F, V, and U. ISPG116 Open failed - Unable to open data set. DCB open flag is not set.

Explanation: The data set could not be opened. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPG117 Open failed - Open for data set aaaaaaaa abended with abend code bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The data set specified for the function contains an invalid block size. The data set block size must be greater than 8 for a data set with a RECFM=V. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Update the data set allocation to a valid block size. ISPG112 Invalid record length - Data set LRECL must be > 4 for RECFM=V.

Explanation: The data set could not be opened. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPG118 Obtain failed - Unable to open data set. Obtain returned nonzero return code.

Explanation: The data set specified for the function contains an invalid record length. The data set record length must be greater than 4 for a data set with a RECFM=V. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Update the data set allocation to a valid record length. ISPG113 Invalid record length - LRECL and block size are inconsistent for RECFM=V data set.

Explanation: The DSCB for this data set could not be found, and the data set could not be opened. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPG119 Invalid record format - ISPF does not support spanned records.

Explanation: The record length and block size specified are inconsistent for data sets with RECFM=V. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Update the data set allocation so that it has a valid block size and LRECL. ISPG114 Invalid record format - RECFM=U is not allowed for this function.

Explanation: The data set referenced uses spanned records and so is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use a data set that does not contain spanned records. ISPG120 Empty data set or member - Empty PDS member or sequential data set has been requested.

Explanation: Data sets that have RECFM=U are not allowed for the specified function. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Update the data set allocation so that it has a valid record format.

Explanation: The partitioned data set member or sequential data set requested is empty. User response: Verify the data set or member specified.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPG121 I/O error - An I/O error was encountered reading the first record requested. ISPG131 Unable to open data set - The dd that should be in the tiot cannot be found.

Explanation: The data set cannot be read. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If this error is not caused by a defective DASD, contact IBM support. ISPG122 Insufficient storage - Not enough storage is available for browse to proceed.

Explanation: The data set could not be opened. User response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPG132 Authorization failed - You may not use this protected data set. Open 913 abend.

Explanation: Storage has been exhausted. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the user has sufficient storage to meet the minimum ISPF requirements. Contact IBM support if the storage is sufficient. ISPG123 Invalid type of data set - Data set has nonzero key. This data set is not supported by ISPF.

Explanation: You are not authorized to use this data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Authorize the user, if required. ISPG133 Insufficient storage - Not enough storage for buffer. Log on with larger SIZE parameter.

Explanation: The data set specified is not a type that is supported by ISPF. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISPG124 Invalid SYSNAME parm - Valid sysname parameters are ON, OFF, or blank.

Explanation: OPEN tried to obtain a buffer to contain the I/O requested. Not enough storage was available for the GETMAIN. ISPG140 Error generating command - Proc contains invalid statement type.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG142 Error generating command - Unable to FIND proc member in ISPSLIB library.

Explanation: The SYSNAME command should be followed by ON, OFF, or nothing. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG143 I/O error - I/O error FINDing proc. Notify system programmer.


Invalid USERID parm - Valid USERID parameters are ON, OFF, or blank.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG144 Error generating command - Proc contains command continuation before COMMAND statement.

Explanation: The USERID command should be followed by ON, OFF, or nothing. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISPG130 Reserve failed - Abend occurred during reserve processing. Unable to open data set.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG145 I/O error - I/O error reading proc. Notify system programmer.

Explanation: ISPF was unable to reserve and open the data set for your use. User response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG146 Error generating command - Command generated exceeds command buffer length.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPG149 Specify required parm - The cursor is positioned at the blank or invalid parameter. ISPG162 Error generating command - Menu contains action statement with invalid name or key.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG150 Error generating command - Invalid keyword in PROC.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG166 I/O error - I/O error finding input data set member. Data set should be a PDS.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG151 Error generating command - Invalid data set name on PROC ALLOC statement.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG200 GDDM load failed. - Attempt to load GDDM was not successful.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG152 Error generating command - PROC contains more than one COMMAND statement.

Explanation: The attempt to load GDDM was not successful. One possible reason is that the GDDM libraries were not found within the users concatenations. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the allocations for the proper GDDM libraries. ISPG201 Device not supported. - The ISPF/GDDM interface does not support the current device.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG153 Error generating command - PROC contains invalid dsname on FREEDSN statement.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG155 Error generating command - PROC contains invalid ddname on ALLOC statement.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The current device is not supported while the ISPF/GDDM interface is active. For example, GDDM is not available on devices with a primary width different from the alternate width, such as a 3278 model 5. ISPG202 SPLIT not supported. - The ISPF/GDDM interface does not support SPLIT on the current device.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG156 Error generating command - PROC contains too many ALLOC statements. Max is 10.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG157 Open error - Unable to open input data set. SCANLIB PROC statement may be in error.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The use of SPLIT is not supported on the current device while the ISPF/GDDM interface is active. For example, on 3290 terminals, the vertical split function is disabled. Panels are displayed with a larger-size character set, and the partition jump key is not functional. ISPG203 GDDM terminated. - The user selected to terminate the GDDM initialization.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG158 Input member not found - The member specified cannot be found in the input data set(s).

Explanation: This is an informational message. The user selected to terminate initialization of GDDM. The GRINIT service ended with return code 20. ISPG204 GRINIT failure - GDDM cannot be initialized since a specified ISPSTART GUISCRD or GUISCRW value is different than the actual host screen size.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPG159 Error generating command - PROC contains invalid dsname on SCANLIB statement.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: GDDM cannot be initialized because the user specified on the ISPSTART statement a GUISCRD or GUISCRW value different than the actual host screen


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

size. The GRINIT service ended with return code 20. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The user should reinvoke ISPF without the GUISCRD and GUISCRW parameters in order to run this GDDM application. ISPG205 GRINIT failure - GDDM cannot be initialized when running GUI in Batch Mode. ISPH002 TRANS parameter error TOCCSID(aaaaaaaa) is not the required 5 numeric digits.

Explanation: The TRANS service required to-CCSID-number parameter TOCCSID(aaaaaaaa) must be composed of 5 numeric digits. User response: Ensure that the correct 5-digit decimal number that specifies the CCSID to be used has the TOCCSID parameter. Refer to TRANS service in z/OS ISPF Services Guide for more information. ISPH003 TRANS parameter error LENGTH(aaaaaaaa) must be a numeric value from 0 to 32767.

Explanation: GDDM cannot be initialized because the user is running in batch mode within the Client/Server environment (GUI mode). User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The user should reinvoke ISPF outside of a batch environment in order to run this GDDM application. ISPG208 ISPG208 GDDM error - function = Return code =

Explanation: The TRANS service LENGTH parameter contains an integer value greater than 32 767. User response: Enter a correct value for the LENGTH parameter that is an integer value between 0 and 32 767. Refer to TRANS service in z/OS ISPF Services Guide for more information. ISPH004 CCSID TRANSlate error - Translate tables do not support aaaaaaaa to bbbbbbbb, (cccccccc).

Explanation: GDDM had an error. The GDDM Function and Return code is posted to assist the user. User response: Contact the Application Programmer Programmer response: The reported function should be examined for proper GDDM usage. ISPG209 ISPG209 GDDM error message -

Explanation: The translate tables do not support or are not available to support from CCSID aaaaaaaa to bbbbbbbb. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that the correct CCSID translate tables exist. Contact IBM support. ISPI001 ISPI001 Invalid screen size. The width cannot exceed 160 and the depth cannot exceed 62

Explanation: GDDM has detected an error and posted an error message. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: GDDM documentation should be used to determine the source of the error. ISPG213 Invalid value - Valid values are: 0 or 1

Explanation: An invalid value was supplied for the variable. Valid values for the variable are 0 and 1 User response: Enter either 0 or 1 into the variable. ISPH001 TRANS parameter error FRMCCSID(aaaaaaaa) is not the required 5 numeric digits.

Explanation: The terminal is configured for a screen size that is not within the ISPF supported configuration. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the terminal configuration screen size. ISPI002 ISPI002 Following file could not be opened:

Explanation: The TRANS service required from-CCSID-number parameter FRMCCSID(aaaaaaaa) must be composed of 5 numeric digits. User response: Ensure that the correct 5-digit decimal number that specifies the CCSID to be used has FRMCCSID parameter. Refer to TRANS service in z/OS ISPF Services Guide for more information.

Explanation: A DDNAME is posted with this message and a file within that DDNAME is probably entered incorrectly and is not found. User response: Check the user specified allocations. If correct, contact the system programmer for assistance with the Logon proc. System programmer response: Check for correct allocations
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPI003 ISPI003 Following file was not preallocated: ISPI011 ISPI011 Invalid environment, ISPF version 4 requires TSO/E 2.1 or later

Explanation: The DDNAME that follows this message had an invalid data set name or a name was missing. User response: Check your allocations and if correct contact the system programmer. ISPI004 ISPI004 Unidentified ISPF system error specified.

Explanation: The NOREXX keyword is required for this release of TSO. User response: Correct your clist or exec. ISPI012 ISPI012 Invalid IP address

Explanation: IPV6 is not supported. User response: The message is issued by WSCON service. Either do not use WSCON in your environment, or logon to a system that still uses IPV4. ISPI021 ISPI021 Unrecoverable error in initialization of

Explanation: During initialization an error was encountered. It was not one of the common initialization errors. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine why ISPF cant initialize. Problem determination: Does any logon proc work? What is different about the one that fails. ISPI005 ISPI005 User character translation discontinued

Explanation: A problem exists with the initialization of the function listed with this message. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Possible bad data set in the allocations shown in the message. If initialization continues to fail, contact IBM for assistance. ISPI022 ISPI022 ISPF cannot continue. ISPF abending.

Explanation: Control Characters for Line Deleting and Character Deleting has been turned off. ISPI006 ISPI006 Following file has invalid data set characteristics

Explanation: The DDNAME that follows this message contains a data set that has invalid characteristics. User response: Check the allocations for the DDNAME in the message. ISPI007 ISPI007 ISPF command not allowed. You are already under ISPF

Explanation: A severe error occurred when ISPF was initializing. This message follows ISPI021 and can be eliminated when the problem described by the first message is corrected. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the problem described by ISPI021. ISPI023 ISPI023 ENVIRON TERMTRAC definition OFF, buffer could not be obtained

Explanation: You can not execute the ISPF command when ISPF is already running. User response: Correct the command. ISPI009 ISPI009 Following required module for selected language could not be loaded:

Explanation: Storage was not available for creating the buffer and thus ENVIRON TERMTRAC is not available. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine why storage is not available. ISPI024 ISPI024 TSO module IRXECUSP could not be loaded

Explanation: The translate table module could not be loaded. User response: Assure the module can be loaded and that there is enough storage to load the module. ISPI010 ISPI010 Invalid environment, TSO/E 2.1 or later required.

Explanation: REXX could not be initialized. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine if IRXECUSP exists and why the load fails. Contact IBM support for further assistance.

Explanation: Wrong release of TSO installed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check for the correct version of TSO.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPI025 ISPI025 TSO routine IRXINIT severe error - REXX environment could not be initialized. ISPL011 Variable not found - LIST service dialog variable, aaaaaaaa, does not exist.

Explanation: A severe error occurred while initializing the REXX environment. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine who the REXX environment can not be initialized. Contact IBM support for further assistance. ISPJ001 Load error - aaaaaaaa load module not found.

Explanation: The specified LIST service dialog variable aaaaaaaa was not found. User response: Check the specified dialog variable name for incorrect spelling, and verify that the dialog variable name exists. ISPL012 Invalid line length - Minimum LIST service line length is one when CC is specified.

Explanation: The translation table load module aaaaaaaa for the parameter used when invoking ISPTTDEF was not found. User response: Check the parameter for correct spelling and that the terminal type is listed on the option 0.1 panel. If the parameter is correct, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that the translate table load module exists and that the load module is correctly allocated. Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for related information on invoking ISPTTDEF. ISPJ002 Load error - aaaaaaaa translate table load module not found or in error

Explanation: The specified LINELEN value for the LIST service is incorrect. User response: Verify that the LINELEN value contains 1 byte for the carriage control character when using the LIST service with CC specified. ISPL013 Invalid variable value - LIST service variable, aaaaaaaa, cannot be null when CC is specified.

Explanation: The specified LIST service dialog variable aaaaaaaa contains a null value and CC option has been specified for the LIST service. User response: Ensure that the specified dialog variable contains a value other than null when specifying the LIST service with the CC option. ISPL014 Invalid line length - LIST service line length must be greater than or equal to 0.

Explanation: The translation table load module aaaaaaaa specified for a terminal type of OTHER was not found or validation failed when checking that the module consisted of translation tables. User response: Check the value entered for correct spelling. If the value is correct, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that the translate table load module exists and that the load module is correctly allocated. ISPL010 Invalid variable name - LIST service variable name, aaaaaaaa, is syntactically incorrect.

Explanation: The LINELEN value for the LIST service contains a value less than zero. User response: Ensure that the line length is greater than zero. The LINELEN value specifies the length of each line in the buffer being passed to ISPF. ISPF truncates these lines if the line length specified is greater than the truncation value in system variable ZLSTTRUN. The line length must have an unsigned integer value and, for a call, must be a full word fixed integer. ISPL015 LIST data set error - Severe error occurred when allocating/opening the LIST data set.

Explanation: Specified variable name aaaaaaaa is syntactically incorrect. User response: Enter a syntactically correct variable name. Dialog variables are referred to symbolically by a name composed of 1 to 8 characters (6, for FORTRAN). Alphanumeric characters A-Z, 0-9, #, $, or @ can be used in the name, but the first character cannot be numeric. APL variable names cannot contain #, $, or @.

Explanation: An error occurred when allocating or opening the LIST data set. User response: Notify system programmer of the message and the return code. System programmer response: Verify the correct allocation of the LIST data set. Contact IBM support for further assistance.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPL016 LIST not available - Error previously encountered when allocating the LIST data set. have been processed. The user can preallocate the LOG or LIST data sets prior to invoking ISPF. More information on ISPF log and list data sets can be found in ISPF Users Guide. ISPL032 Command not active - The aaaaaaaa data set cannot be processed when it has been preallocated.

Explanation: A previous allocation error exists for the LIST data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify the correct allocation of the LIST data set. Contact IBM support for further assistance. ISPL017 LIST not available - Error previously encountered when opening/writing to the LIST data set.

Explanation: The LOG or LIST commands are not active if the LOG or LIST data sets are preallocated. User response: The user may preallocate both the LOG and LIST data sets; however, the LOG and LIST commands cannot be issued to process a preallocated LOG or LIST data set. Refer to ISPF Planning and Customizing for further information on preallocated data sets. ISPL033 aaaaaaaa job not submitted - aaaaaaaa print job cannot be submitted while file tailoring is active.

Explanation: A previous error exists for opening or writing to the LIST data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: A previous OPEN/PUT DCB abend exists and needs to be corrected. Verify the correct allocation and status of the LIST data set. Contact IBM support for further assistance. ISPL018 LIST data set error - Severe error occurred when writing to the LIST data set.

Explanation: The LOG or LIST print job cannot be submitted while file tailoring is active. User response: Reissue LOG or LIST print command when file tailoring is complete. ISPL034 aaaaaaaa data set in use - aaaaaaaa data set cannot be processed while data set is in use.

Explanation: A severe error occurred when attempting to WRITE to the LIST data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The LIST data set may be closed or a DCB abend may have occurred against the LIST data set. Ensure that the LIST data set allocation is correct. Contact IBM support for further assistance. ISPL030 Command not allowed - aaaaaaaa not allowed while aaaaaaaa disposition or termination panel is active.

Explanation: The LOG data set is currently in use and cannot be processed. User response: The LOG cannot be processed when using option 7.5 Dialog Test to display the LOG data set. Exit option 7.5 to process the LOG data set. ISPL035 Invalid aaaaaaaa command - Valid aaaaaaaa parameters are PRINT, KEEP, DELETE, or blank.

Explanation: The LOG/LIST command cannot be issued on the active LOG/LIST disposition panel, or when the TERMINATION panel is active. User response: The user must exit from the panel in order to perform the specified command. ISPL031 Data set not active - The aaaaaaaa data set is not allocated or has not been used this session.

Explanation: An invalid LOG or LIST command parameter was issued. User response: Enter a valid LOG or LIST command parameter. Valid parameters are PRINT, KEEP, DELETE, or BLANK. ISPL036 Invalid command - First parameter to ISPLLP must be LOG or LIST.

Explanation: An invalid ISPLLP command parameter was issued. User response: The first parameters to ISPLLP must be either LOG or LIST.

Explanation: The LOG or LIST data set is not allocated, or has not been used this session. User response: ISPF will allocate the LOG or LIST data set when log or list information is first generated during a session, or first generated after the data sets


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPL101 LIBDEF display error - The ISPLIBD utility detected an unexpected decimal return code aaaaaaaa from the bbbbbbbb service. ISPL106 ISPLIBD recursion - The ISPLIBD command may not be issued recursively within the same logical screen.

Explanation: The dialog utility, ISPLIBD, received an error from the interface routine between dialog modules and ISPF. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the return codes to determine the error. ISPL102 Enter aaaaaaaa parameter - Enter a specific library name for the aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: You entered the ISPLIBD command more than once within the same logical screen. The ISPLIBD command may not be issued more than once within the same logical screen. User response: Issue the ISPLIBD command only once per logical screen. ISPLO999 Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Explanation: You must enter a library name when issuing the LOCATE command for the LIBDEF display utility. User response: Enter the name of the library you wish to locate. The library name must be 1 to 8 characters in length and cannot be ISPPROF. ISPL103 Invalid library name - aaaaaaaa is not a valid LIBDEF library name. The library name must be 1 to 8 characters long and cannot be ISPPROF.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPN101 Storage release error - Error occurred when releasing application library blocks.

Explanation: An error occurred trying to FREEMAIN the skeleton library block with the ddname, ISPSLIB. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Diagnose the FREEMAIN error that occurred when releasing storage for the skeleton library block, ISPSLIB. Contact IBM support. ISPN102 Storage obtain error - Error occurred when obtaining storage for application library blocks.

Explanation: The LOCATE command of the LIBDEF Display Utility requires a valid LIBDEF library name of 1 to 8 characters in length, and it cannot be ISPPROF. User response: Reenter the LOCATE command with a valid LIBDEF library name. ISPL104 Invalid command - aaaaaaaa is not a valid command for the ISPLIBD utility.

Explanation: An invalid command was entered. The LIBDEF Display Utility supports the LOCATE command, and two abbreviations, LOC and L. The LOCATE command is used to locate a specific library name. For example, LOCATE ISPPLIB locates the LIBDEF definition for ISPPLIB. User response: Reenter the command using LOCATE, LOC, or L and the library name. ISPL105 Library name invalid - aaaaaaaa is not a valid LIBDEF library name. The library name must be 1 to 8 characters long and cannot be ISPPROF. The value is ignored.

Explanation: An error occurred when obtaining storage for application library blocks. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Diagnose the GETMAIN error which occurred when obtaining storage. Contact IBM support. ISPN103 Invalid LIBDEF type - ISPPROF is not a valid LIBDEF type.

Explanation: An application-level definition for ISPPROF, the ISPF profile library, is not permitted, because ISPPROF contains user-related data. User response: ISPPROF is an invalid LIBDEF type. Enter a valid LIBDEF type such as the ISPF ddname libraries: ISPMLIB, ISPPLIB, ISPSLIB, ISPTLIB, ISPTABL, ISPFILE, ISPLLIB, or a valid generic library name.

Explanation: The ISPLIBD command of the LIBDEF Display Utility requires a valid LIBDEF library name of 1 to 8 characters in length, and it cannot be ISPPROF. User response: Reenter the ISPLIBD command with a valid LIBDEF library name.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPN104 Invalid dsname list - Data set name(s) incorrectly specified. ISPN109 Invalid dsname length - Data set name specification cannot exceed 44 characters.

Explanation: The data set name or names are incorrectly specified. User response: Correct spelling and statement format errors. ISPN105 Multiple ddnames - Only one ddname may be specified when LIBRARY is specified.

Explanation: The data set name specified is longer than 44 characters. Data set names must conform to TSO data set naming conventions. User response: Verify the spelling of the specified data set name. If the spelling is correct, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Rename the specified data set if the name exceeds 44 characters. Contact IBM support. ISPN110 Invalid library ddname - EXCLDATA or EXCLLIBR must be specified with ISPLLIB.

Explanation: The LIBRARY keyword on a LIBDEF service request associates a allocated ddname with an ISPF lib-type. This is a one-to-one correspondence, thus only one ddname can be specified using the LIBRARY keyword on a LIBDEF service request. User response: Remove all but one of the specified ddnames from the LIBDEF statement. ISPN106 Ddname not allocated - Ddname aaaaaaaa specified on LIBDEF service not allocated.

Explanation: EXCLDATA or EXCLLIBR keyword must be specified with ISPLLIB library type. User response: Only ISPLLIB library type may be used for the EXCLDATA or EXCLLIBR LIBDEF keywords. ISPN111 Deallocation failure - Deallocation failure - check allocated data sets.

Explanation: Ddname aaaaaaaa is not allocated. User response: Ensure correct spelling of the ddname. Allocate the specified ddname prior to entering ISPF. ISPN107 Member name specified - Data set member specification is invalid.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPN112 Invalid volume serials - Volume serials operand incorrectly specified.

Explanation: The LIBDEF service provides a data set-list parameter. It does not support specifying member names of data sets. You can specify a single data set or a list of data sets. User response: Remove the member name specification from the data set name specified on the LIBDEF service statement. ISPN108 Invalid dsname framing - Dsname specification contains inconsistent framing characters.

Explanation: An invalid volume serial number was specified on the ISPPREP command. User response: Correct the specified volume serial number. ISPN113 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified on the LIBDEF service.

Explanation: Too many parameters are specified on the LIBDEF service. User response: Correct the specified parameters for the ISPPREP service call or the LIBDEF service call, or both. ISPN114 Authorization failure - Authorization failure from LIBDEF exit point.

Explanation: The data set-list parameter on the LIBDEF service has been coded incorrectly. The data set name should be specified with a starting and ending single quote. For example: DATASET('PROJECT.LEVEL.USER1') A list of data set names must be separated by blanks or commas. For example:

Explanation: There is an authorization failure from user LIBDEF service exit point. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the authorization failure for LIBDEF service exit.

User response: Correct the quotation marks for the specified data set name.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPN115 Severe error - Severe error from LIBDEF exit point. ISPO003 Invalid pad character - Input field pad character and command delimiter may not be the same.

Explanation: A severe error was returned from the users LIBDEF service exit. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the LIBDEF service exit error. ISPN116 Severe error - Maximum number of 15 data set names has been exceeded by aaaaaaaa when using LIBDEF STKADD parameter.

Explanation: The input field pad character will be used to fill input fields on a panel. It must be different than the command delimiter and it cannot be a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or /, except N and B can be used to indicate nulls and blanks respectively. User response: Enter a character that is different than the command delimiter character. ISPO004 Invalid value - Press Help for tutorial page giving valid options.

Explanation: A severe error was returned from the LIBDEF service. The number of data sets exceeded the maximum of 15 when issuing the LIBDEF DATASET service with the STKADD parameter. User response: Contact your system programmer. Programmer response: Reduce the number of data set names in the list on the LIBDEF DATASET service using the STKADD parameter. Reduce the data set names by the exceeded by number supplied in the message. ISPN117 Severe error - The LIBDEF STKADD parameter is invalid when used with the EXCLDATA, LIBRARY, or EXCLLIBR parameters. STKADD is only valid with the DATASET parameter.

Explanation: Valid values for the number of PFKEYS are 12 or 24. For more information about PFKEYS review the Help information. User response: Enter a valid value after reviewing the Help information. ISPO005 Inconsistent parameters - Part may not be specified with 3278T.

Explanation: The screen format of PART (format using hardware partitions) cannot be used for terminal type 3278T. The screen format of PART is valid only for the 3290 terminal type. Formats valid for 3278T terminal types are: STD and MAX. User response: Enter a screen format other than Part for terminal type 3278T. ISPO006 Display format invalid - Display format must be NO, SHORT, or LONG.

Explanation: A severe error was returned from the LIBDEF service. The parameter STKADD is for use with the DATASET parameter only. User response: Contact your system programmer. Programmer response: Correct the LIBDEF service call that incorrectly used the STKADD parameter with the parameter LIBRARY, EXCLDATA, or EXCLLIBR parameter. ISPO001 Selection panel error - aaaaaaaa. is invalid parameter for program ISPOPT on panel bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: For a keylist, the display format options are: 1.)LONG - indicates that the key label should be displayed in the function key area when the FKA command is toggled to the first cycle after OFF. 2.)SHORT - indicates that the key label should be displayed in the function key area when the FKA command is toggled to the first or second cycle after OFF. 3.) NO - indicates that the key label should never be displayed in the function key area. User response: Enter one of the correct Display Format values: NO, SHORT, or LONG. ISPO007 F key value required - A function key must be assigned a value in order to have a display format.

Explanation: There is an invalid parameter, aaaaaaaa, for program ISPOPT on panel bbbbbbbb. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the parameter on the selection panel. ISPO002 Inconsistent parameters - 24 function keys are valid only for 3278, 3278CF, 3278KN, 3290 terminal types.

Explanation: When working with keylists, if a display format or a label is specified a definition must also be specified. Any definition is valid. User response: Assign a value to the function key.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPO008 F key value required - A function key must be assigned a value in order to have a label. ISPO014 Keylist does not exist - The keylist selected does not exist; therefore, it cannot be browsed.

Explanation: When defining or changing keylists, if a label or a display format is specified for the function key, the function key must have a definition. Any definition is valid. User response: Assign a value (definition) to the function key. ISPO009 Invalid selection - Enter a keylist name or select an existing keylist.

Explanation: The keylist does not exist for this application ID. User response: Either create the required keylist, or select the application ID under which the keylist exists. ISPO015 Keylist in use - The selected keylist is currently being updated by you.

Explanation: You have selected a keylist that you are currently updating. User response: Finish updating the keylist and save it before performing another action on the specified keylist. ISPO016 Delete Warning - This keylist belongs to a currently running application. If this keylist is deleted, a dialog error can occur if a current application panel references this keylist.

Explanation: You must enter a new keylist name or an existing keylist name and then select the action. User response: Enter or select a keylist, then select an action. ISPO010 Keylist does not exist - The keylist selected does not exist; therefore, it cannot be changed.

Explanation: The selected keylist does not exist for this application ID User response: Create a new keylist for this application ID, or select the application ID that contains the required keylist. ISPO011 Keylist already exists - The keylist name entered already exists; therefore, it cannot be created.

Explanation: A keylist for a currently running application cannot be deleted. User response: To delete the keylist, press Enter on the confirmation panel. If you do not want to delete the keylist, press the Cancel key. ISPO017 Keylist tables in use - The internal tables used by keylist are presently in use.

Explanation: When creating a keylist, you have entered a keylist that already exists. To create a keylist, enter the name of a keylist that is not in the displayed list. User response: Enter a valid keylist name that does not already exist. ISPO012 Keylist not saved - The keylist changes were not saved or the keylist was not created.

Explanation: The KEYLIST command may not be issued from the Keylist Utility. However, you can split the screen and issue the KEYLIST command on the other screen. User response: The KEYLIST command may not be issued while actions are being performed on keylist from a previous KEYLIST command. Splitting the screen allows the user to access the KEYLIST command on the other screen. ISPO018 Invalid Action - The action selected is not defined for the keylist utility.

Explanation: Either the changes to the keylist were not saved, or the keylist was not created. User response: Either select the Save action to save the keylist changes, or create a new keylist. ISPO013 Keylist not selected - Enter a keylist name or select one from the list and select an action.

Explanation: An invalid action was selected. Select one of the valid actions displayed on the informational line of the keylist panel. User response: Enter a valid selection from the action bar or enter N, E, V, or D as the selection character to perform a New, Edit, View, or Delete action.

Explanation: To create, change, delete, or browse a keylist from the Keylist Utility, enter the keylist name or select a keylist name from the displayed list. Next, select create, change, delete, or browse from the Functions pull-down.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPO019 Keylist saved - The keylist changes were saved or the keylist was created. ISPO025 Keylist not deleted - The keylist selected is not a private copy of the keylist.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPO020 Invalid keylist name - The specified keylist name is invalid.

Explanation: The keylist selected is a shared keylist, not a private copy, and cannot be deleted using KEYLIST. User response: Only private copies of the keylist can be deleted using KEYLIST. ISPO026 Profile not created - The profile table could not be created and is required for keylist. **** aaaaaaaa ****

Explanation: The keylist name that was specified is invalid. User response: Enter a valid keylist name. ISPO021 Updates not allowed - No modifications will be accepted while editing or browsing a keylist.

Explanation: No modifications to the profile will be accepted while editing or browsing a keylist. Updates are only allowed if private keylists are enabled in the function keys settings. This can be determined by going to ISPF option 0 - settings, selecting the function keys action bar, and seeing whether the choice Use private and shared or the choice Use only shared has an * in front of it, designating it as the active option. User response: Finish editing or browsing the keylist before updating the profile. Change the function keys settings (ISPF option 0, function keys action bar) to both private and shared if a modified version of a keylist is wanted. This will enable a private version of a keylist to be created when modifications are made. ISPO022 Input command error - Command entered is not recognized.

Explanation: The Keylist Utility could not create a profile table, ISPPROF. A profile table is necessary when working with keylists. User response: Note message ID and text. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine the reason the profile was not created. Contact IBM support. ISPO027 Keylist not saved - Internal error code aaaaaaaa resulted in the keylist not being saved. **** bbbbbbbb ****

Explanation: ISPFs attempt to save the keylist resulted in an error and the keylist was not saved. User response: Note the error message and text. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPO028 Invalid Help name - The specified keylist Help panel name is invalid.

Explanation: When updating a command table from the Command Table Utility, you entered a command which was not recognized. User response: Enter a valid command. Enter HELP for a list of valid commands, or refer to ISPF Users Guide . ISPO023 Keylist not altered - The keylist was not altered, therefore it is not saved.

Explanation: The specified keylist Help panel name is invalid. User response: Check the GML source code for the ISPDTLC generated keylist, and correct the Help panel name. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check and correct the GML source code as needed. Contact IBM support. ISPO029 Keylist deleted - The selected keylist was deleted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The keylist was not altered. ISPO024 Keylist not deleted - The keylist was not found so it cannot be deleted.

Explanation: The keylist was not found under this application ID. User response: Select the appropriate application ID from which to delete the keylist.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A request was made to delete a keylist and the delete was performed. ISPO030 Invalid color - Enter valid color of: BLUE, RED, PINK, GREEN, TURQ, YELLOW, or WHITE.

Explanation: An invalid COLOR was entered. User response: Enter one of the correct COLOR
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


responses as listed in the message. ISPO031 Invalid intensity - Enter valid intensity value of: LOW or HIGH. ISPO036 IPV6 session - WSCON was invoked on a Telnet session that is IPV6 enabled. WSA does not support an IPV6 address.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Logon using an IPV4 session. . ISPO900 Invalid codepage and character set values were specified.

Explanation: An invalid INTENSITY value was entered. User response: Enter one of the correct INTENSITY responses as listed in the message. ISPO032 Invalid highlighting - Enter valid highlight value of: BLINK, REVERSE, NONE, or USCORE.

Explanation: An invalid HIGHLIGHT value was entered. User response: Enter one of the correct HIGHLIGHT responses as listed in the message. ISPO033 Invalid ISPFVAR parm - The ISPFVAR command only accepts the ABTAB, PSTAB, JUMP, EDPRT, SESM, LMSG, and SPLTLINE parameters. The values may be set by specifying (ON) or (OFF) immediately after the parameter. For example, ISPFVAR ABTAB(ON).

Explanation: Invalid codepage and character set values were specified either on the ISPSTART statement or on the Settings GUI invocation panel. Refer to the Extended Code Page Support topic in the z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for valid codepage and character set values. User response: Enter valid values for the codepage and character set. ISPO901 Enter required field - Enter required field at the cursor position.

Explanation: The Terminal type field was left blank. User response: Enter a valid choice for terminal type. ISPO902 Valid input field pad values are anything but A-Z, 0-9 and /, except N which indicates nulls and B which indicates blanks. It must also be different than the command delimiter.

Explanation: The ISPFVAR command was entered with an invalid parameter. User response: The only values accepted are ABTAB PSTAB, JUMP, EDPRT, SESM, LMSG, and SPLTLINE. If the user specifies a value of (ON) or (OFF), the option is turned on or off. If no value is specified, the current return code is set to 0 if the value is off and 1 if the value is on. ISPO034 Keylist not deleted - The keylist was not deleted due to users request.

Explanation: An invalid pad value was entered. User response: Enter one of the correct values shown. ISPO903 Valid command delimiters are anything but A-Z and 0-9 and = or .

Explanation: This is an informational message. On the confirmation dialog prompt, the user requested that the keylist not be deleted. That request was honored. ISPO035 Select a file action - Select a file action bar item to set a default / action. The default action will remain set until a different file action is selected, the keylist view is changed, or keylist utility is terminated.

Explanation: An invalid command delimiter has been entered. User response: Enter one of the values listed. ISPO904 Invalid value - When running in GUI mode, you must select Panel display CUA mode.

Explanation: When running in GUI mode, you must select Panel display CUA mode. User response: Enter a / in the Panel display CUA mode field. ISPO905 Starting a GUI session when running in split screen mode or 3290 partition mode is not supported.

Explanation: A default / was entered, but no file action was selected. User response: Select a file action bar item, to set a default action to perform.

Explanation: You cannot start a GUI session if you are in split screen mode or 3290 partition mode on your host session.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: If you are in split screen mode, terminate the other screen and select the Start GUI session field. If you are in 3290 partition mode, go back to the main Settings panel, select a screen format other than PART, and exit ISPF. Then, to start a GUI session, invoke ISPF with the GUI parameter, or initiate it from the ISPF Settings GUI option. ISPO906 Cannot connect to the workstation. Ensure that the communications from z/OS to the workstation are functioning and that the correct level of the ISPF Client/Server component is running on the workstation. Also, make sure that you entered the correct machine address. ISPO909 Connected - A connection has been successfully made to the workstation (aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: The connection to the workstation at the address specified in the message has been established. ISPO910 The address for the workstation display must be the same as the address already established for the workstation connection (aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: You cannot start a GUI session at an address other than the one in which the workstation connection has been established. User response: Do not change the workstation address on the panel. ISPO911 Connecting to a workstation when running 3290 partition mode is not supported.

Explanation: ISPF cannot make a connection to your workstation. User response: Verify that the communications from z/OS to your workstation are functioning and that the correct level of the ISPF Client/Server component is running on your workstation. Also, verify that you specified your correct machine address. ISPO907 GUI mode cannot be invoked recursively. Either you are currently in GUI mode or at least one of your logical screens has been displayed in GUI mode prior to a SWITCH 3270 command. If you do not have an active workstation agent (WSA), enter the WSDISCON command, restart your WSA, and then enter the WSCON command to initiate a workstation connection.

Explanation: You cannot start a GUI session if you are in 3290 partition mode on your host session. User response: If you are in 3290 partition mode, go back to the main Settings panel, select a screen format other than PART, and exit ISPF. Then, to start a GUI session, invoke ISPF with the GUI parameter, or initiate it from the ISPF Settings GUI option. ISPO912 Enter required field - Enter user ID default at the cursor position.

Explanation: The user ID default was left blank. User response: Enter a valid choice for the user ID default. ISPO913 Valid values: FBA or VBA

Explanation: Invoking GUI mode recursively is not supported. Either you are currently in GUI mode or at least one of your logical screens has been displayed in GUI mode prior to a SWITCH 3270 command. User response: If you do not have an active workstation agent (WSA), enter the WSDISCON command, restart your WSA, and then enter the WSCON command to initiate a workstation connection. ISPO908 Already connected - This session is already connected to the workstation (aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: An invalid value has been entered. User response: Enter a correct value as shown. ISPO914 Valid values: 1 to 999 for FBA and 5 to 999 for VBA

Explanation: An invalid value has been entered. User response: Enter a correct value as shown. ISPO915 Valid values: 80 to 160

Explanation: You are already in connected to the workstation at the address specified in the message. User response: If the user would like to be connected to a different workstation, then the user must exit ISPF before connecting to a new workstation address.

Explanation: An invalid value has been entered. User response: Enter a correct value as shown.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPO916 Changing the Always show split line setting has no effect in partition mode. defaulted at the workstation. If you are using APPC and a transaction program name was specified, verify that the specified transaction program name matches the transaction program name specified or defaulted at the workstation. Problem determination: NETWORK DATA shows the TCP/IP socket or SNA APPC function invoked, and numeric code returned, that indicated the failing condition. A complete explanation of MVS TCP/IP socket return codes can be found in z/OS Communications Server: IP Sockets Application Programming Interface Guide and Reference. A complete explanation of MVS APPC return codes can be found in z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS. ISPO921 Unable to communicate with workstation at the specified network address. Probable causes: (1) the specified network address does not exist or cannot be accessed; (2) if specified, the SNA network address does not support APPC communication. Network data:aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The user changed a setting that has no effect in partition mode. ISPO917 You cannot initiate a GUI display while in split screen mode. Exit all but one screen and try again or select option 2 to connect to the workstation without a GUI display.

Explanation: ISPF cannot initiate a GUI display while in split screen mode. User response: Exit all but one screen and attempt the connection again or select option 2 to connect to the workstation without a GUI display. ISPO918 Changing the CUA colors will have no effect in GUI mode unless you have selected to use host colors on all fields in the Global Color utility available from the COLOR command or the Color action bar choice on the ISPF Settings panel.

Explanation: ISPF allows a user to choose whether to map host colors to the workstation or not. If the user has chosen to not map host color for CUA fields (the default), the user will be warned with this message that changes made in the CUA Attribute Utility will not be seen. The setting for using host colors is in the Global Color utility available from the COLOR command or the Color action bar choice on the ISPF Settings panel. ISPO919 Valid number of keys are: 12 or 24

Explanation: ISPF cannot make a connection to your workstation. User response: Verify that the specified network address represents the workstation on which the ISPF Client/Server component is active. If you are using TCP/IP verify that a dotted decimal IP address (for example, was specified. If you are using APPC verify that a fully qualified SNA network name (for example, USIBMNR.NRI41H00) was specified. Also, for APPC remember that the specified network address must represent a SNA independent logical unit type 6.2. SNA logical unit type 2 used for 3270 terminal or emulator connectivity will not support APPC communication. Problem determination: NETWORK DATA shows the TCP/IP socket or SNA APPC function invoked, and numeric code returned, that indicated the failing condition. A complete explanation of MVS TCP/IP socket return codes can be found in z/OS Communications Server: IP Sockets Application Programming Interface Guide and Reference. A complete explanation of MVS APPC return codes can be found in z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS. ISPO922 Unable to utilize local communications subsystem. Probable causes: (1) the communications interface modules could not be loaded; (2) the communications subsystem did not provide an acceptable response to the initialization request. Network data:aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An invalid value has been entered. User response: Enter a correct value as shown. ISPO920 Unable to communicate with ISPF workstation agent at specified network address. Probable causes: (1) the workstation agent is not active at the specified network address; (2) the APPC transaction program names or TCP/IP port numbers specified are not identical on the host and on the workstation. Network data:aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: ISPF can communicate with the TCP/IP or APPC subsystem at the workstation but is unable to communicate with the ISPF Client/Server component at the workstation. User response: Verify that you specified the network address of a machine on which the ISPF Client/Server component is active. If you are using TCP/IP and a port number was specified, verify that the specified port number matches the port number specified or


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Explanation: ISPF cannot make a connection to your workstation. User response: Notify your MVS system support personnel regarding the failure. System programmer response: Verify that the TCP/IP or APPC/MVS communications subsystem has been properly installed, configured, and activated on the MVS system. Consult the ISPF installation documentation for ISPF requirements. This message may also be received for TCP/IP if z/OS Unix support is not installed or is not active. If you are using APPC verify that the data set containing the APPC/MVS callable services modules is in the MVS linklist concatenation. Problem determination: NETWORK DATA shows the TCP/IP socket or SNA APPC function invoked, and numeric code returned, that indicated the failing condition. A complete explanation of MVS TCP/IP socket return codes can be found in z/OS Communications Server: IP Sockets Application Programming Interface Guide and Reference. A complete explanation of MVS APPC return codes can be found in z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS. ISPO923 Unable to connect to the workstation. Ensure that the communications from MVS to the workstation are functioning and that the correct level of the ISPF Client/Server component is running on the workstation. Network data:aaaaaaaa. User response: Verify that the specified network address represents the workstation with which you intended to establish communication. ISPO925 You have already connected to the workstation with codepage aaaaaaaa and character set bbbbbbbb. The new values you specified will be ignored on your GUI display.

Explanation: Once ISPF has made a connection to the workstation using a particular codepage and character set, you cannot switch to GUI mode using a different codepage and character set. User response: To run in GUI mode using the codepage and character set you just specified, you must first disconnect from the workstation and then reconnect specifying these values. ISPO926 Enter required field - Enter system name default at the cursor position.

Explanation: The system name default was left blank. User response: Enter a valid choice for the system name default. ISPO927 Unable to connect to the workstation. ISPDTPRF DDNAME is not allocated or the profile data file allocated to ISPDTPRF cannot be opened.

Explanation: ISPF cannot make a connection to your workstation. User response: An unanticipated failure has occurred. Retry the attempt to connect to the workstation and if the failure persists notify your MVS system support personnel regarding the failure. System programmer response: Use the error message NETWORK DATA, if any, to diagnose the failure. Problem determination: NETWORK DATA shows the TCP/IP socket or SNA APPC function invoked, and numeric code returned, that indicated the failing condition. A complete explanation of MVS TCP/IP socket return codes can be found in z/OS Communications Server: IP Sockets Application Programming Interface Guide and Reference. A complete explanation of MVS APPC return codes can be found in z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Transaction Programs for APPC/MVS. ISPO924 Unable to connect to the workstation because the user at the workstation rejected the connection request.

Explanation: You have requested to connect to the workstation using an address for your user ID defined in a profile data file allocated to ISPDTPRF DDNAME. However, ISPDTPRF has not been allocated or the allocated file cannot be opened. User response: Make sure that a file containing the WORKSTAT keyword for your user ID is allocated to ISPDTPRF DDNAME and try the workstation connection again. ISPO928 Unable to connect to the workstation. The profile data file allocated to ISPDTPRF DDNAME cannot be read.

Explanation: You have requested to connect to the workstation using an address for your user ID defined in a profile data file allocated to ISPDTPRF DDNAME. However, there is a problem reading the file allocated to ISPDTPRF. User response: Make sure that a readable file containing the WORKSTAT keyword for your user ID is allocated to ISPDTPRF DDNAME and try the workstation connection again.

Explanation: ISPF cannot make a connection to your workstation.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPO929 Unable to connect to the workstation. A WORKSTAT keyword defining an address for your user ID was not found in the profile data file allocated to ISPDTPRF DDNAME. download the workstation agent manually. Problem determination: If problem persists, record the return code reported in the message and contact IBM Support. ISPO934 Download error RC=aaaaaaaa: An error related to the workstation or workstation file caused the download of the workstation agent to fail. Check the directory or try another directory.

Explanation: You have requested to connect to the workstation using an address for your user ID defined in a profile data file allocated to ISPDTPRF DDNAME. However, there was no WORKSTAT keyword for your user ID found in the data file. User response: Make sure that a WORKSTAT keyword entry defining an address for your user ID is in the profile data file allocated to ISPDTPRF and try the workstation connection again. System programmer response: If your system programmer is maintaining the profile data file, make sure it contains a WORKSTAT keyword for your user ID with your correct workstation address. ISPO930 Enter required field - Enter message identifier default at the cursor position.

Explanation: The download failed. There are several possible causes to the problem, including but not limited to: v out of space on disk v insufficient permission to write to or create directory or file v directory cannot be found v disk drive does not exist User response: Correct the directory name, try another workstation directory, retry the download, or use the Client/Server Component Download function of the ISPF Utilities panel to download the workstation agent manually. Problem determination: If problem persists, record the return code reported in the message and contact IBM Support. ISPO935 Download error RC=aaaaaaaa: An unexpected error caused the download of the workstation agent to fail. Retry the download or use the Client/Server Component Download function of the ISPF Utilities panel to download the workstation agent manually.

Explanation: The message identifier default was left blank. User response: Enter a valid choice for the message identifier default. ISPO931 Enter required field - Enter panel identifier default at the cursor position.

Explanation: The panel identifier default was left blank. User response: Enter a valid choice for the panel identifier default. ISPO932 Enter required field - Enter screen name default at the cursor position.

Explanation: The download failed. User response: Retry the download or use the Client/Server Component Download function of the ISPF Utilities panel to download the workstation agent manually. Problem determination: If problem persists, record the return code reported in the message and contact IBM Support. ISPO936 Terminal type warning - The terminal type you have selected may be incompatible with the current ISPF language setting and can lead to unpredictable results.

Explanation: The screen name default was left blank. User response: Enter a valid choice for the screen name default. ISPO933 Download error RC=aaaaaaaa: An unexpected error related to the host or host data set, causing the download of the workstation agent to fail. Verify the host data set, retry the download, or use the Client/Server Component Download function of the ISPF Utilities panel to download the workstation agent manually.

Explanation: The download failed. User response: Verify the host data set, retry the download, or use the Client/Server Component Download function of the ISPF Utilities panel to

Explanation: The terminal type selected might not apply to your installation. To assure correct operation of ISPF, the terminal type must be correct as it determines the character set for your terminal. User response: Make sure the terminal type is correct.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPO937 Agent not downloaded - The new workstation agent was not downloaded. You may download the agent manually using the Client/Server Component Download function of the ISPF Utilities panel. ISPP002 End of ISPF Log - - - - - Session # aaaaaaaa -------------------------------------------------------

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is placed at the end of the ISPF log file when the ISPF session is ended. ISPP003 ISPF Log continued - - - Session # not available ----------------------------------------------

Explanation: The component was not downloaded User response: The user may wish to download the component themselves. ISPO938 You are using a downlevel version of the ISPF workstation agent. Use the Client/Server Component Download function from the ISPF Utilities panel to download the latest version.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is placed at the beginning of a continued ISPF log file when the session number is not available. ISPP004 ***** Dialog Error ***** Application(aaaaaaaa); Function bbbbbbbb (cccccccc); Service(dddddddd)

Explanation: The workstation agent should be upgraded to the new level. User response: The user should use the Client/Server Component Download function of the ISPF Utilities panel to download a new agent and then install the agent. ISPO939 Unable to establish a pre-initialized Language Environment for use by the Client/Server application or the z/OS UNIX directory list utility. Possible causes: (1) The LE run-time library data set CEE.SCEERUN is not in STEPLIB or LNKLST. (2) Insufficient virtual storage to initialize LE and C/C++.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is placed in the ISPF log file when a dialog error occurs. ISPP005 Line from panel: - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is added to the ISPF log file when a dialog error is found in the panel syntax. aaaaaaaa contains the panel line where the error is found. ISPP006 Line from cmd: - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: ISPF attempted to load and call CEEPIPI to pre-initialize the Language Environment for the use of a C or C++ application. The pre-initialization process failed. User response: Check to see if the LE run-time library data set CEE.SCEERUN is in STEPLIB or LNKLST. If so, try logging on to TSO with a larger region size. ISPP000 ISPF Log continued - - - Session # aaaaaaaa -------------------------------------------------------

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is added to the ISPF log file when a dialog error pertains to the command syntax. aaaaaaaa contains the line where the error is found. ISPP007 Line from skeleton: - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is added to the ISPF log file when a dialog error occurs in skeleton processing. aaaaaaaa contains the skeleton line where the error is found. ISPP008 Trace: Command line - 2ND LEVEL MSG NOT USED!!!, INSERTED DIRECTLY IN TLD BY SEP

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is placed at the beginning of a continued ISPF log file when the session number is available. ISPP001 Start of ISPF Log - - - - Session # aaaaaaaa -------------------------------------------------------

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP009 Start of ISPF Log - - - - Session # not available ----------------------------------------------

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is placed at the beginning of a new ISPF log file when the session number is available.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is placed at the beginning of a new ISPF log file when the session number is not available.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP011 ISPF subtask abend - Completion code = aaaaaaaa (No other information available.) ISPP021 aaaaaaaa data set deleted - bbbbbbbb cccccccc has been deleted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP022 aaaaaaaa print job submitted - bbbbbbbb cccccccc will be printed/deleted by job dddddddd.

Explanation: The subtask failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPP012 ISPF subtask abend - VS aaaaaaaa ISPF bbbbbbbb System abend code = cccccccc (HEX) PSW dddddddd eeeeeeee

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP022B aaaaaaaa print job submitted - bbbbbbbb cccccccc will be printed and kept by job dddddddd.

Explanation: The task failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPP023 ISPP013 Name aaaaaaaa EPA bbbbbbbb ISPSUBS EPA cccccccc ISPTSI addr dddddddd

Explanation: This is an informational message. aaaaaaaa data set printed - bbbbbbbb cccccccc has been queued to dddddddd and deleted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP014 Registers at - R0 aaaaaaaa R1 bbbbbbbb R2 cccccccc R3 dddddddd

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP023B aaaaaaaa data set printed - bbbbbbbb cccccccc has been queued to dddddddd and kept.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP015 Entry to - R4 aaaaaaaa R5 bbbbbbbb R6 cccccccc R7 dddddddd

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP024 aaaaaaaa print job error - bbbbbbbb cccccccc has been kept because of submit error.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP016 Abend - R8 aaaaaaaa R9 bbbbbbbb R10 cccccccc R11 dddddddd

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPP025 aaaaaaaa not printed. - ISPP025 - ISPF Print RC = bbbbbbbb. See ISPF Messages and Codes. cccccccc dddddddd has been kept.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP017 R12 aaaaaaaa R13 bbbbbbbb R14 cccccccc R15 dddddddd

Explanation: Possible return codes are: 2 4 The user canceled local print. ISPF issued the TSO PRINTDS command, but the user pressed ATTENTION during PRINTDS. Local print has been disabled by the system programmer. Your system programmer has set the LOCALPRT field in ISRCNFIG to blank, which disables local print. ISPF issued the TSO PRINTDS command, but TSO PRINTDS abended. Further information may be available from TSO PRINTDS by setting WTPMSG and MSGID in your TSO profile. TSO PRINTDS had a return code greater than zero. Further information may be available from TSO PRINTDS by setting WTPMSG and MSGID in your TSO profile.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP018 Reason code associated with abend = aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP019 ISPF subtask abend - VS aaaaaaaa ISPF bbbbbbbb User abend code = cccccccc (DECIMAL) PSW dddddddd eeeeeeee

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP020 aaaaaaaa data set kept - bbbbbbbb cccccccc has been kept.


Explanation: This is an informational message.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

16 Unexpected RC from local print. set name. By default, this qualifier is set to ISP&&aaaaaaaa when the Profile Sharing facility is active and will be different for each TSO session. User response: Either disable the Profile Sharing facility or make sure the additional qualifier allows for reallocation of the same Log/LIST datasets in the next session. ISPP034 ISPP027 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb was preallocated (no free was done). Check qualifier - The Multi-Logon Profile Sharing feature is enabled and an additional qualifier for ISPF temporary data sets was specified. Make sure that this qualifier is unique within the sysplex, else unpredictable results might occur.

User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the local print function is set up correctly. ISPP026 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb has been kept.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP028 Print utility exit - The print utility exit produced a return code of aaaaaaaa when processing bbbbbbbb cccccccc.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP028B Print utility exit - The print utility exit produced a return code of aaaaaaaa on request for batch job bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: In order to keep the temporary data sets, including the Log/List and trace data sets unique when Profile Sharing is active, an additional qualifier which is unique within the sysplex should be used. By default, this qualifier is set to ISP&&&SEQ which will be different for each TSO session. User response: Specify an additional temporary data set qualifier which is unique within the sysplex or use the default ISP&&&SEQ. ISPP040 .ALARM not set - ALARM keyword specified on short message but it was not set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPP031 Specify required field - Specify either the batch sysout class or the printer ID or the writer-name.

Explanation: In order for ISPF to determine the destination of the output, the batch sysout class OR the printer ID OR the writer-name is required. User response: Specify either the batch sysout class or the printer ID or the writer-name. ISPP032 Duplicate specification - For Batch output, specify the batch sysout class. For local output, specify either the printer ID or the writer-name.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a description of ISPF message syntax and keywords. ISPP041 .HELP has no panel name - The HELP keyword was specified on short message but with no panel name.

Explanation: In order for ISPF to determine the destination of the output, the batch sysout class OR the (printer ID or writer-name) is required. User response: Specify either the batch sysout class or the (printer ID or writer-name), not both. ISPP033 Profile sharing active - The additional qualifier for ISPF temporary data sets, by default set to ISP&aaaaaaaa by the Profile Sharing facility, might prevent the reallocation of the same Log/List data sets in the next session.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a description of ISPF message syntax and keywords. ISPP043 No message ID was found - The message ID was blank.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a description of ISPF message syntax and keywords.

Explanation: In order to keep the temporary data sets, including the Log and List data sets unique, ISPF will insert the additional temporary data set qualifier, specified in the ISPF Configuration Utility, in the data

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP044 Member not found - The member that should contain the message was not found. Developers Guide and Reference for a description of ISPF message syntax and keywords. ISPP100 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel not found.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a description of ISPF message syntax and keywords. ISPP045 Invalid message ID - The last character of the message ID was invalid.

Explanation: The requested panel is not found in the ISPPLIB libraries. When modified or copied panels from prior ISPF releases are used with a newer ISPF release, an unpredictable error may occur. Programmer response: Verify that: v The panel name is spelled correctly. v The expected libraries are allocated. v The requested panel is in the expected library. Only those panels shipped with a particular release should be modified and used under that release. This is because processing of the panel as defined in the )PROC sections may have changed significantly between releases. ISPP101 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Old style menu format found.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a description of ISPF message syntax and keywords. ISPP046 Invalid message ID - The message ID contains more than 5 characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP102 Panel aaaaaaaa error - I/0 error or other BLDL error in retrieving panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a description of ISPF message syntax and keywords. ISPP047 Invalid member name - The member name does not end in two numerics.

Explanation: An I/0 error from BLDL occurred while attempting to find the panel name. User response: Retry retrieving the panel. If another BLDL error occurs, consult your system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that the data set containing the panel is usable. Contact IBM support for additional assistance. ISPP103 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Attribute character found has already been defined.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a description of ISPF message syntax and keywords. ISPP048 I/O error or end-of-file - An I/O error or end-of-file was encountered before message was found.

Explanation: A specific attribute character has been defined more than once in the attribute section. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Examine the panel attribute section and determine which attribute character is defined more than once. Ensure that each attribute character is defined only once. ISPP104 Panel aaaaaaaa error - More than bbbbbbbb attribute characters are defined.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a description of ISPF message syntax and keywords. ISPP049 Leading quote missing - The leading quote was missing from either the long or short message.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog

Explanation: The number of attribute characters defined exceeds the maximum allowed, 127. This limit includes the three default characters, attribute overrides, and TBDISPL dual defaults. For action bar panels or panels with scrollable areas, you can specify a maximum of 110 attribute characters. This is because ISPF uses some attribute characters internally for action


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

bar panels or panels with scrollable areas. Programmer response: Limit the number of defined attribute characters to a maximum of 127. ISPP105 Panel aaaaaaaa error - DEFAULT keyword out of order in )ATTR section of panel. ISPP110 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Attribute keyword found before an attribute character.

Explanation: Each statement in the panel attribute section, )ATTR, must begin with a single character or 2-digit hexadecimal code. The remainder of the statement can contain keyword parameters. Programmer response: Look for a keyword preceding the attribute. For example, this statement produces this error: PAD( ) @ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(HIGH) The keyword, PAD( ), should not precede the single character attribute, @. ISPP111 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Illegal characters or statement type found in )ATTR section.

Explanation: The DEFAULT keyword is not specified correctly on the )ATTR section heading. Programmer response: Check the DEFAULT keyword on the )ATTR header statement. The )ATTR header statement allows only one DEFAULT keyword. ISPP106 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid attribute keyword value.

Explanation: The keyword value specified for an attribute keyword is not one of the valid keyword values. For example, the attribute keyword INTENS has three valid keyword values, HIGH, LOW, and NON. Programmer response: Check the defined attribute keyword values, and determine if they are valid for the specified keyword. ISPP107 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid attribute keyword value type (not a literal or dialog var).

Explanation: An attribute statement contains illegal characters. For example, this statement produces this error: @ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(HIGH)) The keyword parameters should be enclosed in single parentheses. In the previous example, the keyword parameter HIGH is followed by a double right parenthesis. Programmer response: Check the panel attribute section statements for illegal characters or invalid keywords. ISPP112 Panel aaaaaaaa error - 3 distinct, legal attribute characters not found with DEFAULT keyword

Explanation: The panel )ATTR section contains an invalid attribute keyword value. The keyword value entered is not a literal or a dialog variable. Programmer response: Check the attribute keyword values for an invalid value. ISPP108 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Right parenthesis not found where expected for keyword.

Explanation: A closing parenthesis (right parenthesis) is missing from the keyword value of an attribute. Programmer response: Check for a missing right parenthesis on attribute keyword values in the attribute section. ISPP109 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid keyword found within the )ATTR section.

Explanation: The DEFAULT keyword on the )ATTR or )BODY header statement must specify exactly three distinct, legal attribute characters. Programmer response: Check the DEFAULT keyword characters on either or both of the )ATTR and )BODY header statements for missing or illegal characters. ISPP113 Unable to get save area - Additional storage needed is unavailable for display processing.

Explanation: A keyword that was not valid was found in the )ATTR section of a panel definition. The valid keywords for the )ATTR section are: AREA, ATTN, CAPS, COLOR, DATAMOD, EXTEND, FORMAT, HILITE, INTENS, JUST, NUMERIC, OUTLINE, PAD, PADC, REP, SCROLL, SKIP, TYPE, USERMOD Programmer response: Check the )ATTR section for invalid or missing keywords.

Explanation: An attempt by ISPF to get storage for display processing failed. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP114 Panel aaaaaaaa error - REFRESH is not permitted for a graphic area. Programmer response: Correct the error that prevented ISPF from creating the panel. ISPP120 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )BODY section of panel not found when expected.

Explanation: The contents of fields within a graphic area cannot be retrieved prior to a redisplay. On redisplay, the variables within the graphic area are displayed as the user last saw them. Programmer response: The REFRESH statement is not valid for fields within the graphic area. Remove the REFRESH statement, or refresh only those fields outside the graphic area. ISPP115 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Ampersand (&), blank, or null is invalid as an attribute character.

Explanation: The attribute section contains one of the invalid attributes. Programmer response: Choose special (non-alphanumeric) characters for attribute characters so they do not conflict with the panel text. An ampersand (&), blank (hexadecimal 40), shift-out (hexadecimal 0E), shift-in (hexadecimal OF), or null (hexadecimal 00) cannot be used as an attribute character. ISPP116 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Unable to process redisplay request, last thing displayed not a panel.

Explanation: The panel definition sections must be used in this order: )CCSID )PANEL )ATTR )ABC )ABCINIT )ABCPROC )BODY )MODEL )AREA )INIT )REINIT )PROC )HELP )END Programmer response: Check the order in which you use the panel definition sections. Ensure that they match the order described in the explanation. ISPP121 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel definition too large, greater than screen size.

Explanation: A valid previous panel does not exist, thus ISPF is unable to process the redisplay request. Programmer response: Check the previous panel definition for possible errors. ISPP117 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The maximum of bbbbbbbb nested panel definitions has been exceeded.

Explanation: The panel defined by the )BODY definition section contains more lines than can be displayed on your current terminal screen. Programmer response: Reduce the number of lines in the )BODY definition section to the maximum screen size. For example, if your maximum terminal screen size is 25 lines, reduce the number of lines in the )BODY definition section to 25 lines. ISPP122 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid statement or keyword on )BODY heading statement.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP118 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid cursor field/area specified as a parameter.

Explanation: An invalid field or area was specified for cursor position. Programmer response: Check for an invalid field specified for cursor position. For example, you cannot set the cursor to a dynamic area name in the panel body. ISPP119 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Attempting to redisplay a panel that was never successfully created.

Explanation: The panel contained an error that prevented ISPF from creating the panel image. You cannot redisplay a panel that was never created.

Explanation: The )BODY header statement of a panel definition contains a keyword or statement that is not valid. The valid keywords for the )BODY header statement are: ASIS CMD DEFAULT EXPAND FORMAT KANA LMSG OUTLINE SMSG WIDTH WINDOW Programmer response: Check the )BODY header statement for an invalid keyword or statement.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPP123 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The command field length is greater than 255. Programmer response: Define a shadow variable, placing it after the dynamic area name. The two names must be separated by a comma only, and the shadow variable name must be followed by a blank. ISPP129 Panel aaaaaaaa error - String of CLEAR name values exceeds maximum size of 255 characters.

Explanation: The defined command field length on the panel is greater than 255 characters. The maximum command field length is 255 characters. Programmer response: Redefine the command field length on the panel to be less than or equal to 255 characters. ISPP124 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel record longer than given (or defaulted) screen width to be used.

Explanation: The )MODEL header statement keyword, CLEAR, identifies the dialog variable names that are to be cleared to blank before each row of the table is read. This string of variable names, exceeds the maximum size of 255 characters. Programmer response: Ensure that the string of variable names does not exceed the maximum size of 255 characters. ISPP130 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A panel section is out of order or has already been defined.

Explanation: The length of a panel record exceeds the defined screen width. Programmer response: Adjust any panel records that exceed the screen width. ISPP125 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Duplicate panel field (or area) name defined.

Explanation: The panel contains two fields or areas with the same name. Programmer response: Ensure that all the defined panel fields and areas have unique variable names. ISPP126 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel field name (or area name) exceeds maximum length of bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: A panel field (or area name) is longer than the maximum length allowed for panel field names (or area names). Programmer response: Ensure that the panel field names (or area names) do not exceed the maximum length allowed. ISPP127 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Field or area name missing following identifying attribute character.

Explanation: The panel definition sections must be used in this order: 1. )CCSID 2. )PANEL 3. )ATTR 4. )ABC 5. )ABCINIT 6. )ABCPROC 7. )BODY 8. )MODEL 9. )AREA 10. )INIT 11. )REINIT 12. )PROC 13. )HELP 14. )END Duplicate panel sections are not allowed. Programmer response: Verify the panel definitions, checking for out-of-order panel sections or duplicate names. ISPP131 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Required )BODY records not found following heading.

Explanation: The panel contains a defined area or field that does not have a name following the attribute character for that area or field. Programmer response: Check for defined areas or fields with missing field or area names following the identifying attribute character. ISPP128 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Shadow variable name must follow area name.

Explanation: A panel must have at least one line in the )BODY section. Programmer response: Check the )BODY section of your panel and verify that the )BODY section has at least one line (record). ISPP132 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid keyword found in )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section.

Explanation: If a dynamic area is to contain character attributes, a shadow variable must be defined. The shadow variable is associated with the dynamic area by placing the shadow variable name after the dynamic area name in the panel definition.

Explanation: An invalid keyword was found in the )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC sections of the panel.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Programmer response: Check that valid keywords are being used appropriately in the )INIT, )REINIT, and )PROC sections of the panel. ISPP133 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid statement found within )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section. )MODEL section from the panel definition. ISPP138 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid clear keyword value (not a literal or dialog variable).

Explanation: The header CLEAR keyword value in the )MODEL section must be literal or a dialog variable. Programmer response: Verify that the section header CLEAR keyword values in the )MODEL section are literals or dialog variables. ISPP139 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Something other than CLEAR or ROWS keyword found on )MODEL header statement.

Explanation: The )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section contains an invalid statement. The valid statements for these panel sections are: v Assignment v EXIT v GOTO v IF/ELSE v REFRESH v TOG v VER v VEDIT v VGET v VPUT v PANEXIT v *REXX/*ENDREXX Programmer response: Verify that the panel statements in the )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section are valid statements as shown in the list shown. ISPP134 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid statement or keyword found on section heading.

Explanation: The )MODEL section header contains an invalid keyword. Programmer response: Use only the CLEAR or ROWS keywords on the )MODEL header statement. ISPP140 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Built-in function in the assignment statement is not recognized.

Explanation: One of section headings on the panel contained an invalid statement or keyword. Programmer response: Verify panel section heading statements for valid keywords. ISPP135 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid statement type. Name may need to be enclosed in apostrophes.

Explanation: A built-in function defined in an assignment statement is in error. Only the 4 built-in functions listed here are valid: v TRUNC (truncate) v TRANS (translate) v PFK (PF key) v LVLINE (last visible line). Programmer response: Change the built-in function in error to one of the 4 valid built-in functions. ISPP141 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid assignment statement.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP136 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Something other than an = operator found in an assignment statement.

Explanation: The )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section contains an invalid assignment statement. Programmer response: Verify that all assignment statements follow the assignment statement format: variable = value ISPP142 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid statement type.

Explanation: An assignment statement in the )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section contains something other than an = operator. Programmer response: Correct the assignment statements operator. ISPP137 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Table display panel, duplicate )MODEL statement found.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP143 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid statement type.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: Only one )MODEL section is allowed per panel. Programmer response: Remove the duplicate


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPP144 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The max of bbbbbbbb levels of nested built-in functions has been exceeded. ISPP149 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The REFRESH statement is invalid within the )INIT section.

Explanation: The TRUNC and TRANS built-in functions exceed the maximum level (2) of nesting. Programmer response: The TRUNC and TRANS built-in functions allow only 2 levels of nesting. Limit the TRANS and TRUNC statements to 2 levels of nesting. ISPP145 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid nested keyword used within a built-in function.

Explanation: The panel section statement, REFRESH, is not valid in the )INIT section. The REFRESH statement can appear within the )PROC or )REINIT section of a panel definition. Programmer response: Remove the REFRESH statement from the )INIT section. Place the REFRESH statement in the appropriate section, )PROC or )REINIT. ISPP150 Panel aaaaaaaa error - No )END found before reaching end of file.

Explanation: An invalid keyword was used within a nested built-in function. For example, in this statement the PFK built-in function keyword is invalid within the built-in function, TRANS. &ESER = TRUNC(PFK(1),H) Programmer response: Remove the invalid nested keyword used within a built-in function. ISPP146 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid built-in function variable specified.

Explanation: No )END statement was found on the last line of the panel definition. An )END statement is required as the last line of each panel definition. ISPF ignores any data that appears on lines following the )END statement. Programmer response: Update the panel definition to contain an )END statement on the last line. ISPP151 Panel aaaaaaaa error - I/O error in retrieving panel (CDG).

Explanation: The variable used within the built-in function is invalid. Programmer response: Check for invalid variables within the TRUNC and TRANS built-in functions. ISPP147 RESTORE request error - A CONTROL service request, for which there was no matching SAVE.

Explanation: An attempt to retrieve the panel to read a logical record of the panel has failed. User response: Try to display the panel again. If this fails, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPP152 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid CDG return code, system error.

Explanation: For each CONTROL service Restore request, there should be a matching CONTROL service Save request. Programmer response: Verify that the CONTROL service Restore requests have matching Save requests. ISPP148 Panel aaaaaaaa error - At least one of the CLEAR names listed is not a panel field name.

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read a panel record. User response: Try to display the panel again. If this fails, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPP153 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid quoted string, end quote or continuation (+) missing.

Explanation: The keyword, CLEAR(var-name, varname ...) within the )MODEL section contains a variable name that is not a panel field name. Programmer response: Correct the )MODEL sections keyword, CLEAR, to contain variable names that are panel fields.

Explanation: The ending quotation mark is missing from a quoted string, or a continuation character, + is missing. Programmer response: Add the missing ending quotation mark or continuation character (+) to the statement in error.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP154 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Illegal use of = operator. Its value cannot be a character that matches a scrollable AREA name, but it can be a character string that matches a field name within the scrollable area. ISPP159 ISPP155 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A dialog variable name must have a minimum length of bbbbbbbb. and must not exceed a maximum length of cccccccc. characters. Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid response value assigned to the .RESP control variable.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: A dialog variable name must follow minimum or maximum length as specified in this message. Programmer response: Change the dialog variable name to meet the minimum or maximum length. ISPP156 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Unrecognized keyword.

Explanation: An invalid response value was assigned to the .RESP panel control variable. Valid values are END and ENTER. Programmer response: Set the .RESP control variable to the appropriate valid value, END or ENTER. ISPP160 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid variable name, (may need to be enclosed in apostrophes)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP161 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid variable name, (may need to be enclosed in apostrophes).

Explanation: An invalid panel keyword has been detected. Programmer response: Check the panel definition for invalid or misspelled keywords and correct the keyword. ISPP157 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Unrecognized control variable.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP162 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid variable name, (may need to be enclosed in apostrophes)

Explanation: An invalid panel control variable was found. The ISPF panel control variables are: .ALARM .ATTR .ATTRCHAR .AUTOSEL .CSRPOS .CSRROW .CURSOR .HELP .HHELP .MSG .NRET .PFKEY .RESP .TRAIL .ZVARS Programmer response: Ensure all the panel control variables used are valid. ISPP158 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid field/area name assigned to the .CURSOR control variable.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP163 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid TRANS value (not a literal or dialog variable).

Explanation: The TRANS value must be a literal or a dialog variable. Programmer response: Correct the appropriate TRANS value to a literal or a dialog variable. ISPP164 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid TRANS msg= value (not a literal or dialog variable).

Explanation: The MSG=value option specified on the TRANS built-in function statement has an invalid value for the message ID. Programmer response: Correct the MSG=value option on the TRANS built-in function to a valid dialog variable or literal. ISPP165 Panel aaaaaaaa error - TRUNC value is not a numeric or single character.

Explanation: The .CURSOR control variable is set to an invalid panel field name or to a scrollable area name. Programmer response: Set the .CURSOR control variable to valid field/area name. Its value must be a character string that matches a field name or a DYNAMIC or GRAPHIC area name in the panel body.

Explanation: The TRUNC built-in function value must be either a numeric quantity indicating the length of the truncated result or any special character indicating truncation at the first occurrence of that character.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: Correct the TRUNC built-in function value to either the appropriate numeric quantity or to the appropriate special character needed to achieve the expected truncation results. ISPP166 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid TRUNC value (not a literal or dialog variable). Programmer response: Examine the IF statement for invalid syntax. ISPP170 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid ATTR keyword value (dialog var) found while initializing panel.

Explanation: The value used in the TRUNC built-in function is invalid. The value must be a literal or a dialog variable. Programmer response: Correct the value in the TRUNC built-in function to be a literal or a dialog variable. ISPP167 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid IF keyword value (not a literal, dialog or control variable).

Explanation: The dialog variable used for an )ATTR section keyword value is invalid. The dialog variable is substituted after processing the )INIT section. Programmer response: Check the dialog variables used in the )ATTR section for keyword values. Ensure that the dialog variables are set to valid values. ISPP171 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid value for TYPE keyword found while initializing panel.

Explanation: The IF statement keyword value is invalid. The IF statement keyword values must be literals, dialog variables, or control variables. Programmer response: Check the IF statements keyword values and verify that they are literals, dialog variables, or control variables. ISPP168 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid IF keyword operator found.

Explanation: A dialog variable was used for a TYPE keyword value and that TYPE keyword value must be coded explicitly. These TYPE values must be coded explicitly. It is invalid to assign any of these values to dialog variables. The TYPE values are: AB NT Programmer response: Verify that the TYPE values in the list shown have been coded explicitly and not as dialog variables. ISPP172 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid TRUNC value (dialog var) found while processing panel.

Explanation: The operator used in the IF statements basic value test expression is invalid. Valid operators are: = EQ = NE < LT > GT > NG < NL >= GE <= LE Character symbol operators must be specified in uppercase. If character symbols are used (for example, EQ or NE), use a blank to delimit them. Blanks cannot appear inside a compound operator (for example, >=, <) or character symbol. Programmer response: Examine the IF statement for invalid syntax. ISPP169 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid IF logical expression (not a dialog or control variable or VER statement construct).

Explanation: The TRUNC built-in function value (a dialog variable) is neither a numeric quantity indicating the length of the truncated result, nor any special character indicating truncation at the first occurrence of that character. Programmer response: Check that the dialog variable for the TRUNC value is a numeric quantity or a special character, whichever is appropriate. ISPP173 Panel aaaaaaaa error - More than bbbbbbbb entries specified for a tutorial TRANS function.

Explanation: The maximum number of entries allowed is 100. Programmer response: Limit the number of entries specified for a tutorial TRANS function to 100. ISPP174 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid value for a verify PICT string found while processing panel.

Explanation: The IF statement syntax is invalid. The IF statement may contain dialog variables, control variables, or the VER statement construct.

Explanation: A PICT string in a VER statement in the )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section of a panel definition is incorrect.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


The valid syntax is VER (xxx,PICT,string), where xxx is a variable. The string parameter can be composed of any of these: C Any character A Any alphabetic character (A-Z, #, @, $) N Any numeric character (0-9) 9 Any numeric character (same as N) X Any hexadecimal character (0-9, A-F) In addition, the string can contain any special characters (except #, @, $) or lowercase alphabetic characters. For example: VER(xxx, PICT,A/NNN) The value of the variable must start with an alphabetic character followed by a slash, followed by 3 numeric characters. Programmer response: Correct the invalid value for the verify PICT string. ISPP175 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid value for a verify RANGE limit found while processing panel. ISPP178 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Conversion or truncation problem found while attempting to store variable bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A conversion or truncation problem was found when attempting to store the variable. The format or length of the variable value may be in error. Programmer response: Verify the length and format of the variable. ISPP179 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Shadow variable name exceeds maximum length of bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The shadow variable name exceeds the maximum length specified. Programmer response: Shorten the shadow variable name to the maximum length allowed. ISPP180 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Verification TYPE unrecognized.

Explanation: A RANGE limit in a VER statement in the )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section of a panel definition is not valid. The valid syntax is: VER (xxx,RANGE,lowerlimit,upperlimit) where: xxx is a variable Lowerlimit and upperlimit must be numeric characters (0-9) of no more than 16 digits each. Negative values can be specified. Programmer response: Correct the invalid value for a verify RANGE limit. ISPP176 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid .CURSOR value found while processing panel.

Explanation: The VER (verify) statement keyword is invalid. Valid keywords are: v ALPHA v ALPHAB v NUM v INCLUDE v ENUM v HEX v BIT v LEN v FILEID v PICT v NAME v DSNAME v RANGE v LIST v LISTV v DBCS v EBCDIC v MIX Programmer response: Verify that the keyword in the VER statement is one of the valid keywords. ISPP181 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VERIFY value (not a literal or dialog variable).

Explanation: The control variable .CURSOR value must be a character string that matches a field name, a DYNAMIC or GRAPHIC area name, or a field name within a scrollable AREA. It cannot be a character string that matches a scrollable AREA name. Programmer response: Verify that .CURSOR is set to a valid value. ISPP177 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid .RESP value found while processing panel.

Explanation: The keyword value in the VER (verify) statement is invalid. This value must be a literal or dialog variable. Programmer response: Correct the invalid keyword value in the VER statement.

Explanation: An invalid response (.RESP) value was found when processing the panel. Valid values are ENTER or END. Programmer response: Set the value of the .RESP control variable to ENTER or END.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPP182 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VERIFY msg= value (not a literal or dialog variable). xxx is a variable lowerlimit and upperlimit are numeric characters (0-9) of no more than 16 digits each. Negative values can be specified. Programmer response: Correct the RANGE limit, following the guidelines. ISPP186 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VERIFY type given (second parameter must be a literal).

Explanation: The value in the VER (verify) statement msg=value parameter must be a literal or dialog variable. Programmer response: Correct the value to be a literal or a dialog variable. ISPP183 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Incorrect # of VERIFY values for verification type indicated.

Explanation: An incorrect number of verify values is specified for the verification type that is indicated. Programmer response: Check the syntax for the VER statement that uses your keyword type for verification. ISPP184 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VERIFY picture string given.

Explanation: The VER statement second parameter, NONBLANK, is a literal. The literal, NB, may be used as an abbreviation of NONBLANK. Programmer response: Update the second parameter of the VER statement to either NONBLANK or NB. ISPP187 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VERIFY variable (must be a dialog variable).

Explanation: A PICT string in a VER statement in the )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section of a panel definition is incorrect. The valid syntax is VER (xxx,PICT,string), where xxx is a variable and the string parameter can be composed of any of these: C Any character A Any alphabetic character (A-Z, #, @, $) N Any numeric character (0-9) 9 Any numeric character (same as N) X Any hexadecimal character (0-9, A-F) In addition, the string can contain any special characters (except #, @, or $) or lowercase alphabetic characters. Example:

Explanation: The first parameter of the VER statement inside the parentheses specifies the name of the variable to be checked. This first parameter must be a dialog variable. Programmer response: Check the first parameter specified and verify that this parameter is a dialog variable. ISPP188 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Maximum of 100 list values exceeded on VER statement.

Explanation: In the VER statement construct LIST,value1,value2,..., the list of values cannot exceed 100. Programmer response: Limit your list of values in the VER statement to fewer than or equal to 100. ISPP189 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Control variable compare value too long, maximum length is 8 bytes.

VER(xxx, PICT,A/NNN) The value of the variable must start with an alphabetic character followed by a slash, followed by 3 numeric characters. Programmer response: Correct the VER statement picture string. ISPP185 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VERIFY range value given.

Explanation: An error was found in the IF statement processing comparing a control variable to a value that exceeds the maximum length of 8 bytes. Programmer response: Verify that the IF statement processing is comparing the control variable to a valid value. ISPP190 Enter required field - Enter required field at the cursor position.

Explanation: A RANGE limit in a VER statement in the )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section of a panel definition is not valid. The valid syntax is: VER (xxx,RANGE,lowerlimit,upperlimit) where:

Explanation: A VER statement containing the NONBLANK keyword failed. The field is blank. User response: Enter the appropriate data into the field at the cursor position.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP190A Missing field definition - The field definition aaaaaaaa is missing in the panel )BODY section. When the field definition is missing, the cursor position is unpredictable. ISPP196 Must be a bit string - Enter all 0s or 1s.

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a BIT verification failure. User response: Enter a binary value into the field pointed to by the cursor. ISPP197 Invalid fileid - Variable must contain a fileid (CMS syntax), valid with a LISTFILE command.

Explanation: A VER statement containing the NONBLANK keyword failed. The field is not defined in the panel )BODY section. Programmer response: If the field is not defined in the panel )BODY section, define the field in the panel )BODY section. ISPP191 Must be alphabetic - Enter alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z, #, $, or @).

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of an alphabetic verification failure. User response: Enter the appropriate data into the field pointed to by the cursor. ISPP192 Must be hexadecimal - Enter hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F, a-f).

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a FILEID verification failure. The file name and type, if given, must be 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, including A-Z, 0-9, $, #, @, +, - (hyphen), : (colon), and _ (underscore). The filemode must be a single letter (A-Z), optionally followed by a single digit (0-9). In addition, one or more fields of the file ID can be an asterisk (*) or a string of characters followed by an asterisk. User response: Enter a valid file ID in CMS syntax. ISPP198 Must be numeric - Enter a numeric value between aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a hexadecimal verification failure. User response: Enter the appropriate data into the field pointed to by the cursor. ISPP193 Must be numeric - Enter numeric characters (0-9).

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a RANGE verification failure. User response: Enter a valid numeric value within the range specified. ISPP199 Invalid value - Field has failed verification. Reenter or press the End key.

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a numeric verification failure. User response: Enter the appropriate data into the field pointed to by the cursor. ISPP194 Value out of range - Enter a numeric value between aaaaaaaa. and bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a verification failure. User response: Reenter data or press the END key. ISPP200 Invalid name - Enter up to 8 alphanumeric chars (first must be alphabetic).

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a RANGE,lower limit,upper limit verification failure. User response: Enter the appropriate data into the field pointed to by the cursor. ISPP195 Invalid value - Enter one of the listed values.

Explanation: The variable must contain a valid name, following the rules of member names, using up to eight alphanumeric characters (A-Z, #, $, @, 0-9). The first character must be alphabetic (A-Z, #, $, @). User response: Reenter the name, following the rules for member names. Programmer response: None ISPP200A Invalid member name - The member name entered as part of the data set name is invalid. Enter up to 8 alphanumeric chars (first must be alphabetic) or valid GDG suffix.

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a LIST,value1,value2,... verification failure. User response: Enter one of the listed values into the field pointed to by the cursor.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Explanation: The variable must contain a valid name, following the rules of member names, using up to eight alphanumeric characters (A-Z, #, $, @, 0-9). The first character must be alphabetic (A-Z, #, $, @). Examples of valid Generation Data Group suffixes are: xxxxxx.yyyy.zzzz(-1) or xxxxxx.yyyy.zzzz(+2) User response: Reenter the member name, following the rules for member names. Programmer response: None ISPP201 Invalid name - Enter a name of 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters. ISPP203 Invalid delimiter - Press the Help key for additional information.

Explanation: The delimiter notation entered within a numerical field is incorrect. You do not have to use delimiters, but once you do, you must continue using them throughout the field. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the delimiter notation within the numerical field. Follow these rules when using delimiters: v Proceeding from the left of the field, specify three digits between delimiters. 7999,345,789. is a valid number since there are three digits between delimiters after finding the first delimiter. is an incorrectly-specified number since there are only two digits between delimiters.

Explanation: A verification failed on the VER statement with the NAME keyword. The variable being verified does not follow the rule of member names, using up to 8 alphanumeric characters (A-Z, #, $, @, 0-9). The first character must be alphabetic (A-Z, #, $, @). User response: Reenter a valid member name, following the rule of member names, using up to 8 alphanumeric characters (A-Z, #, $, @, 0-9). The first character must be alphabetic (A-Z, #, $, @). Programmer response: Check the variable in the VER statement with the keyword NAME. The variable must contain a valid member name following the rule of member names, using up to 8 alphanumeric characters (A-Z, #, $, @, 0-9). The first character must be alphabetic (A-Z, #, $, @). ISPP202 Invalid sign - Press the Help key for additional information.


v If you use a decimal, you cannot use any other delimiter to the right of the decimal. 345,789.0005 45,879.531,20 ISPP204 is correct. is incorrect.

Invalid decimal - Press the Help key for additional information.

Explanation: The decimal notation that was entered is incorrect. Enter only one decimal indicator in a field. If numerical delimiters were also used, there must be three digits between the delimiters and the decimal. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the decimal notation. Follow these rules when entering decimal notation: 999,765.800 999,7658.00 is correct. is incorrect (4 digits between the numerical indicator and the decimal). Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VERIFY length operator.

Explanation: The correct sign notation was not used. Sign notation for a number is not required, but if you do use it, remember these rules: v Indicate a negative number by a leading minus sign, -695; a trailing minus sign, 695-; or a number enclosed in parentheses, (695). v If the number is negative, you cannot use blanks between the sign indicator and the number unless the numerical delimiter is a blank. v Indicate a positive number by a leading plus sign, +695; or a number with no sign, 695. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the sign notation. Refer to the discussion in ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference under the VER statements keyword, ENUM, for correct sign notation.


Explanation: The length of the variable (number of characters) must satisfy the condition expressed by the relational operator and expected length. You have used an invalid relational operator. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the invalid relational operator. Valid relational operators are: = or EQ = or NE < or LT > or GT > or NG < or NL
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


>= <= or GE or LE must be a positive number having a maximum of 5 numeric characters. ISPP209 Invalid length - The length of the data must be aaaaaaaa. bbbbbbbb..

These character symbols must be expressed in uppercase. ISPP206 Panel aaaaaaaa error - VERIFY length must be numeric.

Explanation: The expected-length operand on the VER statement is invalid. The expected-length operand should be a positive number having a maximum of 5 numeric characters. If the expected-length operand exceeds the maximum of 5 numeric characters, ISPF truncates the operand to 5. The expected-length operand can be expressed as a literal or as a dialog variable containing the value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the expected-length operand to be a positive number that has a maximum of 5 numeric characters. ISPP207 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VERIFY length operator found while processing panel.

Explanation: The length of the variable (number of characters) does not satisfy the condition expressed by the relational operator and expected length in the VER statement using the LEN keyword. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the length of the variable to satisfy the condition expressed by the relational operator and expected length in the VER statement, or adjust the expected length in the VER statement. ISPP210 Invalid DSN - quotes - Data set name contains unbalanced apostrophes; reenter dsname.

Explanation: The VER statement with the DSNAME keyword has detected an invalid TSO data set name. The quotation marks enclosing the data set name are unbalanced. User response: Check the quotation marks enclosing the data set name. The quotation marks should be balanced. For example, xxxxx.yyy.zzz has balanced quotation marks and xxxxx.yyy.zzz has unbalanced quotation marks. Reenter the data set name, enclosing it in balanced quotation marks. ISPP211 Invalid DSN - member - Member name of data set name must be 1-8 chars and enclosed in ( ).

Explanation: The value of the dialog variable used in the VER statement as the relational operator is invalid. Programmer response: Correct the value of the dialog variable used in the VER statement as the relational operator to one of these valid relational operators: = or EQ = or NE < or LT > or GT > or NG < or NL >= or GE <= or LE These character symbols must be expressed in uppercase. ISPP208 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VERIFY numeric length found while processing panel.

Explanation: The VER statement with the DSNAME keyword has detected an invalid TSO data set name. The member name of the data set must be 1-8 characters and enclosed in parentheses. User response: Check that the member name of the data set contains 1-8 characters and is enclosed in parentheses and reenter. Programmer response: Verify that the member name assigned to the variable in the VER statement complies with the data set member name length of 1-8 characters and is enclosed in parentheses. ISPP212 Invalid DSN - length - Dsname must be 1-44 chars in length, including prefix. Reenter dsname.

Explanation: The expected-length operand on the VER statement is invalid. The expected-length operand should be a positive number having a maximum of 5 numeric characters. If the expected-length operand exceeds the maximum of 5 numeric characters, ISPF truncates the operand to 5. The expected-length operand can be expressed as a literal or as a dialog variable containing the value. Programmer response: Correct the value of the dialog variable used in the VER statement as the expected-length operand. This dialog variables value

Explanation: The VER statement with the DSNAME keyword has detected an invalid TSO data set name.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

The data set name must be 1-44 characters in length, including prefix. User response: Reenter the data set name. The data set name must be 1-44 characters in length, including prefix. Programmer response: Verify that the data set name assigned to the variable in the VER statement complies with the data set name length of 1-44 characters. ISPP213 Invalid DSN - syntax - Dsname must not end with a period. Reenter dsname. ISPP216 Invalid DSN - qualifier - Each qualifier must be 1-8 alphanumeric characters, the first alphabetic.

Explanation: The VER statement with the DSNAME keyword has detected an invalid TSO data set name. The data set name qualifiers must contain from 1-8 characters and the first character of each qualifier must be alphabetic. User response: Reenter the data set name. The data set name qualifiers must contain from 1-8 characters and the first character of each qualifier must be alphabetic. Programmer response: Verify that the data set name assigned to the variable in the VER statement does not contain qualifiers greater than eight characters or less than one character. Also, verify that the first character of each qualifier is alphabetic. ISPP217 Invalid number - A valid number contains at least one digit (0-9).

Explanation: The VER statement with the DSNAME keyword has detected an invalid TSO data set name. The data set name must not end with a period. User response: Reenter the data set name. Do not end the data set name with a period. Programmer response: Verify that the data set name assigned to the variable in the VER statement does not end with a period. ISPP214 Invalid DSN - syntax - Dsname contains embedded blanks, parentheses or apostrophes. Reenter.

Explanation: A VER statement expected a valid number. A valid number contains at least one digit (0-9). User response: Enter a valid number. ISPP218 Invalid name - Enter up to 8 alphanumeric characters (first cannot be numeric).

Explanation: The VER statement with the DSNAME keyword has detected an invalid TSO data set name. The data set name must not contain embedded blanks, parentheses, or apostrophes. User response: Reenter the data set name. The data set name must not contain embedded blanks, parentheses, or apostrophes. Programmer response: Verify that the data set name assigned to the variable in the VER statement does not contain embedded blanks, parentheses, or apostrophes. ISPP215 Invalid DSN - qualifier - A data set name qualifier must contain from 1-8 characters. Reenter.

Explanation: A VER statement expected a valid name of 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters and the first character must be alphabetic (not numeric). User response: Use a valid variable naming convention. ISPP219 DSN too long - The field aaaaaaaa does not have enough space defined for ISPF to add a closing quote and/or closing parenthesis to the data set name.

Explanation: The VER statement with the DSNAME keyword has detected an invalid TSO data set name. The data set name qualifiers must contain from 1-8 characters. User response: Reenter the data set name. The data set name qualifiers must contain from 1-8 characters. Programmer response: Verify that the data set name assigned to the variable in the VER statement does not contain qualifiers greater than 8 characters or less than one character.

Explanation: The VER statement with the DSNAMEQ or DSNAMEPQ keyword resulted in the variable value being longer than the length specified on the VDEFINE for the variable in question. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the correct length was specified on the VDEFINE service. Keep in mind when using the VDEFINE service that the panel VERIFY statement keywords DSNAMEQ and DSNAMEPQ add the closing quotation mark if the starting quotation mark exists, and DSNAMEPQ adds the closing member name parenthesis if the starting member name parenthesis exists.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP220 Invalid string - Character number aaaaaaaa must be alphabetic (A-Z, a-z, #, $, or @). numeric characters. If the variable value was B1123, you would receive the error message: CHARACTER NUMBER 2 MUST BE /. User response: Reenter the character string data using characters that match the corresponding type of characters in the picture string. Programmer response: Verify that the data assigned to the variable in the VER statement with the PICT or PICTCN keyword contains characters that match the corresponding type of characters in the picture string. ISPP224 Invalid string - aaaaaaaa characters are required in the format, bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The VER statement with the PICT or PICTCN keyword, has found characters within the variable that do not match the corresponding type of character in the picture string. In this case, the picture string characters are alphabetic. User response: Reenter the character string data using alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z, #, $, @). Programmer response: Verify that the data assigned to the variable in the VER statement with the PICT or PICTCN keyword contains alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z, $, #, @). ISPP221 Invalid string - Character number aaaaaaaa must be numeric (0-9).

Explanation: The VER statement with the PICT or PICTCN keyword has found characters within the variable that do not match the corresponding type of character in the picture string. In this case, the picture string characters are numeric. User response: Reenter the character string data using numeric characters (0-9). Programmer response: Verify that the data assigned to the variable in the VER statement with the PICT or PICTCN keyword contains numeric characters (0-9). ISPP222 Invalid string - Character number aaaaaaaa must be hexadecimal (0-9, A-F, a-f).

Explanation: The VER statement with the PICT or PICTCN keyword has found a character within the variable that does not match the corresponding format of characters in the picture string. For example, this VER statement, VER(&variable,PICT,A/NN), requires that the variable start with an alphabetic character, followed by a slash, followed by 2 numeric characters. If the variable was B/123, you would receive this error message: 4 CHARACTERS ARE REQUIRED IN THE FORMAT, A/NN. User response: Reenter the character string data using characters that match the format and the corresponding type of characters in the picture string. Programmer response: Verify that the data assigned to the variable in the VER statement with the PICT or PICTCN keyword contains characters that match the corresponding type of characters in the picture string and the picture string format. ISPP225 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Specify 1 compare value for IF when operator is bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The VER statement with the PICT or PICTCN keyword has found characters within the variable that do not match the corresponding type of character in the picture string. In this case, the picture string characters are hexadecimal. User response: Reenter the character string data using hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F, a-f). Programmer response: Verify that the data assigned to the variable in the VER statement with the PICT or PICTCN keyword contains hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F, a-f). ISPP223 Invalid string - Character number aaaaaaaa must be bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The operator you specified does not support comparison against multiple values. You can specify comparison against up to 255 values for the EQ (=) and NE (=) operators. For the remaining operators, you can specify comparison against only one value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify only one compare value for the IF statement when using the operator specified in the error message. ISPP226 Panel aaaaaaaa error - An ELSE in column bbbbbbbb did not match a previous IF statement.

Explanation: The VER statement with the PICT or PICTCN keyword has found a character within the variable that does not match the corresponding type of character in the picture string. For example, this VER statement, VER(&variable,PICT,A/NNN), requires that the variables value start with an alphabetic character followed by a slash, followed by 3

Explanation: The ELSE statement is not column-aligned with the matching IF statement. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.


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Programmer response: Column-align the ELSE statement with the matching IF statement. ISPP227 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Specify 255 or less IF compare values for operator bbbbbbbb. ISPP233 Invalid variable name - Variable aaaaaaaa could not be retrieved by ISPDVCGT.

Explanation: The name of the variable which contains the command stack could not be retrieved from the ISPF variable pool. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the specified variable is spelled correctly. Check the command chain in the specified user variable. Contact IBM support. ISPP234 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The IF statement has an illegal format. A Boolean operator is specified with no following logical expression.

Explanation: More than 255 compare values are specified for the IF statement with the operator EQ (=) or NE (=). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Limit the compare values to 255 values for the IF statement with the operator EQ (=) or NE (=). ISPP228 Panel aaaaaaaa error - MSG= parameter is illegal in IF statement VER logical expression.

Explanation: The IF statement has a Boolean operator but no following logical expression. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Redefine the IF statement following IF statement syntax: IF (logical-expression Boolean operator logical-expression) ISPP235 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid LISTV value given for VERIFY statement (must be a dialog variable).

Explanation: The IF statement conditional-expression supports the VER statement construct coded without the MSG=parameter. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Remove the MSG=parameter from the IF statements VER statement construct. ISPP229 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The IF statement has an illegal format. More than 255 logical expressions have been specified.

Explanation: The IF statement supports Boolean operators and allows you to combine up to 255 logical expressions. You have exceeded the limit of 255 expressions. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Limit the number of logical expressions specified on the IF statement to 255. ISPP230 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Scroll input field not second input field or not 4 chars long.

Explanation: The LISTV value is not a dialog variable. The keyword LISTV on a VER statement allows the use of a dialog variable containing a list of values to be used for the variable field verification. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Place the list of values to be used for variable field verification into a dialog variable. This example verifies an area code field. In the )INIT section, the LISTV value &varlist is set to these area codes: &varlist = 919 805 312. In the )PROC section, this VER statement is coded: VER (&areacode,NONBLANK,LISTV,&varlist,MSG=NSL011) ISPP236 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid syntax on IF statement. Right parenthesis or Boolean operator is missing.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP231 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Command input field not first input field or less than 8 chars long.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP232 Invalid length - Command chain length exceeds the allowable maximum of 255.

Explanation: The IF statement syntax is invalid. A closing right parenthesis or Boolean operator is missing. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the IF statement syntax for the missing right parenthesis or Boolean operator.

Explanation: The command chain length is larger than the maximum of 255 bytes. User response: Limit the command chain length to the maximum of 255 bytes.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP237 Panel aaaaaaaa error - No *ENDREXX statement found to terminate inline Rexx. one-to-one correspondence between the Z variables in the )BODY section and the field names defined and assigned to the control variable, .ZVAR, in the )INIT section. ISPP242 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The .ZVARS value contains invalid variable name (1-8 alphanumeric chars)

Explanation: The *REXX statement is used in a panel procedure to run inline Rexx but the corresponding *ENDREXX statement to terminate the inline Rexx is missing. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: When using the *REXX statement to code inline Rexx in a panel procedure ensure there is a corresponding *ENDREXX statement to terminate the inline Rexx.

Explanation: The field name defined and assigned to the control variable, .ZVAR, is invalid. Dialog variable names can be composed of 1-8 characters. Alphanumeric characters A-Z, 0-9, #, $, or @ can be used in the name, but the first character cannot be numeric. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Follow the naming convention described here for variable names. ISPP243 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A Z variable replacement name within .ZVARS is a duplicate field name.

| ISPP238 | | | | | |

Panel aaaaaaaa error - Default keyword must contain only 3 characters or a right parenthesis is missing.

Explanation: There may be more than 3 characters defined or a closing parenthesis (right parenthesis) is missing from the DEFAULT keyword of the ATTR section.

| Programmer response: Check for too many values or | a a missing right parenthesis on the DEFAULT | keyword values in the attribute section.
ISPP240 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .ZVARS value, with Z replacement names, not found when expected.

Explanation: This message indicates that there is a duplicate field name defined and assigned to the control variable .ZVARS. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the .ZVAR assignment statement for duplicate names and ensure all names in the list are unique. ISPP244 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The constructed bbbbbbbb string exceeds 255 characters.

Explanation: In the body and area sections of a panel definition and in the model lines for a table display panel, the name of an input or output field can be represented by the single character Z. This serves as a placeholder; the actual name of the field is defined in the initialization section of the panel definition and assigned to the control variable, .ZVARS. This error message indicates that the actual name of a field has not been defined and assigned to the control variable .ZVARS. Programmer response: Define and assign the actual name of the field (represented by the Z placeholder) to the control variable .ZVARS in the panel initialization section. ISPP241 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Number of .ZVARS field names does not equal number of Z in/out fields.

Explanation: The constructed VPUT or VGET string has exceeded the VPUT or VGET string length of 255 characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Limit the constructed string to the maximum of 255 characters. ISPP245 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid bbbbbbbb variable name (not a literal or dialog variable).

Explanation: The VPUT or VGET statement contained an invalid variable name or a missing right parenthesis. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: VERIFY the VGET or VPUT statement contains valid variable names and VERIFY that there is no missing right parenthesis.

Explanation: There is a one-to-one correspondence between the placeholder Z variables and the corresponding field names for the Z variables defined and assigned in the initialization section to the control variable .ZVAR. For example, if the )BODY section contains 3 Z variables, the )INIT section must define and assign 3 field names to the control variable .ZVAR. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: VERIFY that there is a


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ISPP246 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Unexpected ) delimiter found in bbbbbbbb. statement. ISPP251 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid ROWS keyword value given on model line (not SCAN or ALL)

Explanation: A closing right parenthesis was found in an unexpected position in a VGET or VPUT statement. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the VPUT or VGET statement for the misplaced right parenthesis. ISPP247 Panel aaaaaaaa error - bbbbbbbb pool TYPE or copy destination is not a literal value.

Explanation: The )MODEL statement supports the optional keyword ROWS(value), where value can be ALL, SCAN, or a dialog variable that is assigned the value ALL or SCAN. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the ROWS keyword value to SCAN or ALL. ISPP252 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid ROWS keyword value (dialog var) found while initializing panel.

Explanation: The variable pool TYPE or copy destination on the VGET or VPUT statement is not a literal value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The variable pool TYPE or copy destination on the VGET or VPUT statement must be a literal value. Valid literal values are: ASIS, SHARED, or PROFILE. ISPP248 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .ZVARS name list begins with ( but does not end with ).

Explanation: The dialog variable used as the value for ROWS keyword on the )MODEL statement is set to an invalid value. A valid value for the ROWS keyword is SCAN or ALL. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the ROWS keyword value to SCAN or ALL. ISPP253 Panel aaaaaaaa error - SKIP(ON) or ATTN(ON) attributes are not valid for input fields.

Explanation: If a list of names is assigned to .ZVARS, the name list must be enclosed in parentheses. The .ZVARS name list is missing a right parenthesis. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Supply the missing right parenthesis to the .ZVARS statement name list. ISPP249 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VEDIT variable name

Explanation: The attribute section of the panel contains an attribute character with an attribute TYPE of input and the attribute keyword SKIP(ON) or ATTN(ON). The attribute keyword SKIP is valid only for text fields or output (protected) fields. The attribute keyword ATTN is valid only for text fields. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Remove the attribute keyword SKIP(ON) or ATTN(ON) from the attribute defined with the TYPE value of input. ISPP254 Panel aaaaaaaa error - ATTN(ON) attribute is valid for only protected text fields.

Explanation: The name of the dialog variable specified in the VEDIT statement is invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: VERIFY the name of the dialog variable specified in the VEDIT statement follows variable naming conventions. A name is composed of 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9, #, $, or @). The first character of the variable name cannot be numeric. ISPP250 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid ROWS keyword value (not a literal or dialog variable).

Explanation: The attribute ATTN(ON) is valid only on fields with the attribute TYPE of protected text. . User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Remove the attribute keyword ATTN(ON) from the attribute where attribute TYPE is not protected text. ISPP255 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A blank or null designator character must immediately follow light pen attribute.

Explanation: Table display panels contain a )MODEL section with the optional keyword ROWS(value). The value for the ROWS keyword can be either a dialog variable or a literal but the ROWS keyword value found is neither a dialog variable nor a literal. Programmer response: Correct the ROWS keyword value to be a literal or a dialog variable.

Explanation: The ATTN(ON) keyword specifies that the field can be selected by using a light pen or cursor
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


select key. This attribute is valid only for fields with the TYPE protected text. The panel designer must provide an adequate number of blank characters before and after the single character or 2-digit hexadecimal code that defines this TYPE of field, as required by 3270 hardware. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Provide an adequate number of blank characters before and after the single character or 2-digit hexadecimal code that defines this TYPE of field, as required by 3270 hardware. ISPP256 Panel aaaaaaaa error - NUMERIC(ON) attribute is valid only for unprotected fields. EE. For providing the option of unavailable selection fields, the output field type, SC, accepts the CKBOX(ON) keyword used in conjunction with the UNAVAIL(ON) keyword. ISPP259 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The attribute keyword, PAS, is valid only for input or output field types.

Explanation: The attribute keyword, PAS(ON/OFF), was specified on a text field. The attribute keyword PAS(ON/OFF) is valid for input and output fields only. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify that the panel definition has the PAS attribute keyword defined on input or output field types only. The PAS attribute keyword can be defined in the )ATTR section or used in attribute override statements. ISPP260 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid alternate field keyword value (not a literal or dialog variable).

Explanation: The attribute keyword NUMERIC(ON) is valid only for fields with the TYPE of unprotected input. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Remove the NUMERIC(ON) attribute keyword from the field that does not have the TYPE of unprotected input. The NUMERIC(ON) keyword is valid only for fields with the TYPE of unprotected input. ISPP257 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Cannot specify both SKIP(ON) and NUMERIC(ON) attributes.

Explanation: The )BODY statement allows you to specify alternate locations for the system-defined (default) fields for messages and the command field. The keywords are: CMD(field-name) SMSG(field-name) LMSG(field-name) The field-name can be a literal or a dialog variable. This error indicates an invalid keyword value (not a literal or a dialog variable) has been coded for one of the three keywords. Programmer response: Change the keyword value to a literal or a dialog variable. ISPP261 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid alternate command field name given (must be a panel field name).

Explanation: NUMERIC(ON) and SKIP(ON) attribute keywords cannot be specified for the same field. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use either the NUMERIC(ON) attribute keyword or the SKIP(ON) attribute keyword but not both for the same field. ISPP258 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The attribute keyword, CKBOX, is valid on these type of input fields: INPUT, DATAIN, CEF, LEF, NEF, and EE. It is also valid on output field type, SC.

Explanation: The attribute keyword, CKBOX, was specified on an invalid attribute type. CKBOX(ON|OFF) is valid on these attribute types: INPUT, DATAIN, CEF, LEF, NEF, and EE. CKBOX(ON|OFF) is also valid on output field type, SC, to allow for an unavailable selection field. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The CKBOX attribute keyword allows a one character input field followed by an output field to be processed as a check box in GUI mode. To code for check boxes, code the keyword, CKBOX(ON), on an input field type. The valid input field types are: INPUT, DATAIN, CEF, LEF, NEF, and

Explanation: The )BODY statement keyword CMD has an invalid field-name value. The field-name value must be a panel field name. Programmer response: Correct the CMD field name value to a valid panel field name. The field-name value can be a literal or a dialog variable. ISPP262 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid alternate short message field name given (must be a panel field).

Explanation: The )BODY statement keyword SMSG has an invalid field-name value. The field-name value must be a panel field name. Programmer response: Correct the SMSG field name value to a valid panel field name. The field-name value


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can be a literal or a dialog variable. ISPP263 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid alternate long message field name given (must be a panel field). of the )BODY statement identifies the panel field (variable name) to be treated as the long message field or the short message field. The field the LMSG or SMSG identifies must be TYPE(OUTPUT). Programmer response: Correct the LMSG keyword field name or SMSG keyword field name to identify a panel field which has the TYPE(OUTPUT). ISPP268 Enter required field - Enter data or make a selection for the required field which has the focus.

Explanation: The )BODY statement keyword LMSG has an invalid field-name value. The field-name value must be a panel field name. Programmer response: Correct the LMSG field name value to a valid panel field name. The field-name value can be a literal or a dialog variable. ISPP264 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Alternate command or message field name given is invalid (no panel fields).

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a verification failure when running in GUI mode. User response: Enter the appropriate data into the field at the cursor position, or for radio button groups select one of the radio buttons. ISPP270 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid double digit hex character given for attribute character or keyword code.

Explanation: The )BODY statement keyword CMD, SMSG, or LMSG has an invalid field-name value because there are no fields in the panel. Programmer response: If the panel is to remain as is with no field names, remove the CMD, SMSG, or LMSG keyword from the )BODY statement. Otherwise, add a field to the panel and set the corresponding field name value to the panel field name you created. ISPP265 Panel aaaaaaaa error - There must be exactly two EXPAND characters, enclosed in parentheses.

Explanation: An invalid 2-digit hexadecimal code has been given for an attribute character or keyword code. Programmer response: Choose special (non-alphanumeric) characters for attribute characters that will not conflict with the panel text. An ampersand (&), blank (hexadecimal 40), shift-out (hexadecimal 0E), shift-in (hexadecimal 0F), or null (hexadecimal 00) cannot be used as an attribute character. ISPP271 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The area-related keyword value must be explicitly stated (not a dialog variable)

Explanation: The )BODY statement keyword EXPAND(xy) contains the repetition delimiter characters. You must specify exactly 2 delimiter characters; the starting delimiter character (x) and the ending delimiter character (y). The starting and ending delimiter can be the same character. The delimiter characters cannot be specified with a dialog variable. Programmer response: Correct the starting and ending delimiter characters in the EXPAND keyword of the )BODY statement. ISPP266 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The alternate command field name given is not an input field.

Explanation: The area related keywords EXTEND(ON|OFF), SCROLL(ON|OFF) do not allow keyword values to be specified as a dialog variable. Programmer response: Do not specify a dialog variable as the value for the area keywords EXTEND and SCROLL. Valid values for each keyword are ON or OFF. The default for each keyword is OFF. ISPP272 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .ALARM value was not YES or NO or blank.

Explanation: The CMD keyword field name of the )BODY statement identifies the panel field (variable name) to be treated as the command field. The field name it identifies must be TYPE(INPUT). Programmer response: Correct the CMD keyword field name to identify a panel field which has the TYPE(INPUT). ISPP267 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The alternate short or long message field name given is not an output field.

Explanation: The control variable .ALARM is set to an invalid value. Valid values are YES, NO, blank, or null. Programmer response: Set the .ALARM value to one of the four valid values: YES, NO, blank, or null. ISPP273 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Multiple graphic areas have been defined on the panel, only 1 allowed.

Explanation: The LMSG or SMSG keyword field name

Explanation: ISPF supports only one graphic area in a panel definition.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Programmer response: Limit the number of defined graphic areas to one per panel. ISPP274 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Overlapping AREAS have been defined on the panel. ISPP279 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Area cannot be extended, other fields/areas would be extended also.

Explanation: Several AREAS have been defined that overlap on the panel. Programmer response: Ensure that the areas defined on the panel do not overlap. ISPP275 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Multiple extend/scroll areas defined on the panel, only 1 allowed.

Explanation: An invalid field or area extension was entered. Other fields could be duplicated or areas could be inadvertently extended if this extension is implemented. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that field and area panels are defined properly. Contact IBM support. ISPP280 Panel aaaaaaaa error - AREA attribute keyword given for something other than AREA definition.

Explanation: You can define only one area in the )BODY section with EXTEND(ON). This rule applies to scrollable areas, dynamic areas, and graphic areas. For example, if two scrollable areas are defined in the )BODY section, only one can be defined with EXTEND(ON). Programmer response: Define only one area in the )BODY section with the EXTEND(ON) keyword. ISPP276 Panel aaaaaaaa error - SCROLL keyword is valid for only dynamic areas.

Explanation: An area-specific keyword was given for an attribute other than the area attribute. For example, EXTEND(ON) was used on something other than the graphic, dynamic, or scrollable area definition. Another example, SCROLL, USERMOD, or DATAMOD keyword was used on something other than a dynamic or graphic area definition. Programmer response: Verify that your attribute keywords in the )ATTR sections are used with the correct attribute definitions. ISPP281 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid attribute keyword given as part of an AREA definition.

Explanation: The keyword SCROLL is valid only for dynamic areas. It specifies that the dynamic area can be treated as a scrollable area. Programmer response: Use the SCROLL keyword only on dynamic areas that are defined by the keyword AREA(DYNAMIC). ISPP277 Panel aaaaaaaa error - First line of an area must identify the left and right boundaries.

Explanation: An invalid attribute keyword was given as part of an area definition. For example, the attribute keyword JUST(LEFT) is invalid on the dynamic area (AREA(DYNAMIC)) definition. Programmer response: Verify that all the attribute keywords used on the scrollable, dynamic, or graphic area definitions are valid for that specific area definition. ISPP282 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A panel field overlaps the boundary of a dynamic or scrollable area.

Explanation: Scrollable, graphic, and dynamic areas require that the areas attribute (defined in the attribute section) must designate the right and left boundaries of the areas first line. Programmer response: Use the areas attribute character (defined in the attribute section) to designate the left and right boundaries of the areas first line. ISPP278 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A panel field overlaps the boundary of a dynamic or scrollable area.

Explanation: A panel field may not be defined to overlap a dynamic or scrollable area. Programmer response: Ensure that no panel fields overlap a dynamic or scrollable area. ISPP283 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .CSRPOS or .CSRROW value was not a valid numeric value.

Explanation: A panel field cannot overlap the boundary of a dynamic or scrollable area. Programmer response: Ensure that panel fields do not overlap the attribute-defined boundary of dynamic or scrollable areas.

Explanation: The .CSRPOS and .CSRROW value must be an integer. Programmer response: Verify that the .CSRPOS and .CSRROW values are integers.


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ISPP284 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid .CSRPOS or .CSRROW value found while processing panel. ISPP288 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid WIDTH keyword value type (not a literal or dialog variable).

Explanation: The .CSRPOS and .CSRROW value must be an integer. Programmer response: Verify that .CSRPOS and .CSRROW values are integers. ISPP285 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid LVLINE keyword value type (not a literal or dialog variable).

Explanation: An invalid WIDTH keyword value has been found. The WIDTH keywords value on the )BODY header statement can be a literal or a dialog variable. The WIDTH value must be numeric, not less than 80 or greater than the width of the terminal on which the panel is to be displayed. Programmer response: Verify that the WIDTH keyword value on the )BODY header statement is a literal or a dialog variable. ISPP289 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid WIDTH value, (must be numeric chars, >= 80, <= screen width).

Explanation: The LVLINE keyword value must be a literal or a dialog variable. The line number of the final visible line within a dynamic or graphic area on a screen is available through the use of the LVLINE built-in function on an assignment statement in the )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section panel. The value parameter of the LVLINE function is the name of the graphic or dynamic area. Programmer response: Assign the LVLINE keyword value a literal or a dialog variable that is (or contains the name of) the graphic or dynamic area. ISPP286 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The area referenced by the LVLINE function is not a dynamic or graphic area on the panel.

Explanation: An invalid WIDTH keyword value has been found. The value of the WIDTH keyword on the )BODY header statement can be a literal or a dialog variable. The WIDTH value must be numeric, not less than 80 or greater than the width of the terminal on which the panel is to be displayed. Programmer response: Verify that the WIDTH keyword value is numeric and not less than 80 or greater than the width of the terminal on which the panel is to be displayed. ISPP290 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The EXPAND designation is improperly used within the panel record.

Explanation: The LVLINE built-in function provides the line number of the last visible line within a graphic or dynamic area on the currently displayed panel. The value parameter of the LVLINE function is the name of the graphic or dynamic area. This function is valid for dynamic or graphic areas only. Programmer response: Verify that the value of the LVLINE function is a literal that is the name of the graphic or dynamic area, or a dialog variable that contains the name of the graphic or dynamic area. ISPP287 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid LVLINE area name found while processing panel.

Explanation: Within the panel body, the expand delimiters have been used improperly. The format of the EXPAND keyword on the )BODY statement is: EXPAND(xy). The value, xy, represents the repetition delimiter characters. Once defined, these delimiters can be used on any line within the panel body to enclose a single character that is to be repeated to expand the line to the required width. A missing right or left delimiter around the single character to be expanded could cause this error. Programmer response: Verify that the expand character in the panel body record is enclosed by both a starting and an ending delimiter. ISPP291 Panel aaaaaaaa error - EXPAND keyword value may not be blank, &, or an attribute character.

Explanation: The LVLINE built-in function provides the line number of the last visible line within a graphic or dynamic area on the currently displayed panel. The value parameter of the LVLINE function is the name of the graphic or dynamic area. This function is valid for dynamic or graphic areas only. Programmer response: Verify that the value of the LVLINE function is a literal that is the name of the graphic or dynamic area or a dialog variable that contains the name of the graphic or dynamic area.

Explanation: The format of the EXPAND keyword on the )BODY statement is: EXPAND(xy). The value, xy, represents the repetition delimiter characters. The delimiter characters cannot be blanks, dialog variables (&xx), or attribute characters. Programmer response: Verify that the delimiter characters are not blanks, dialog variables, or attribute characters.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP292 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid field/area name specified on REFRESH statement. It must be less than or equal to 8 characters. ISPP297 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .ATTR or .ATTRCHAR may appear only on left side of assignment stmt.

Explanation: The field or area name specified on the REFRESH statement had an invalid length. The field or area name must be fewer than or equal to 8 characters. Programmer response: Correct the field or area name to be fewer than or equal to 8 characters. ISPP293 Panel aaaaaaaa error - REFRESH is specified for a field or area that is not on the panel.

Explanation: The .ATTR or .ATTRCHAR keyword may appear only on the left side of the assignment statement. For example: .ATTR(field1) = COLOR(RED) Programmer response: Verify that the .ATTR or .ATTRCHAR keywords appear only on the left side of the assignment statement. ISPP298 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .ATTRCHAR argument must be a literal or a dialog variable.

Explanation: ISPF searched the fields in the panel body to find a match for the field area name specified on the REFRESH statement and could not find a match. Programmer response: Verify that the field or area name specified on the REFRESH statement in the )PROC or )REINIT section is spelled correctly or is actually the name of a field or area as defined in the panel body. ISPP294 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The .ATTR or .ATTRCHAR argument must be enclosed in parentheses.

Explanation: An invalid .ATTRCHAR argument was used. The .ATTRCHAR argument must be a dialog variable or a literal. Programmer response: Verify that all .ATTRCHAR arguments are either dialog variables or literals. ISPP299 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .ATTRCHAR is specified for an invalid attribute character.

Explanation: The .ATTRCHAR argument specified is not an attribute character defined on the panel. Programmer response: Ensure that all .ATTRCHAR arguments specified are attribute characters defined in the )ATTR section of the panel. ISPP300 Panel aaaaaaaa error - ATTR override keyword value not given, or not enclosed in parentheses.

Explanation: An invalid format for the .ATTR or .ATTRCHAR statement was found. The format is: .ATTR(field) or .ATTRCHAR(char). Programmer response: Enclose the .ATTR or .ATTRCHAR argument in parentheses. ISPP295 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .ATTR argument must be a literal, a dialog variable, or .CURSOR.

Explanation: The ATTRIBUTE statement is entered incorrectly. Programmer response: Correct the TYPE or VALUE on the ATTRIBUTE statement. ISPP301 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A value is not specified for one of the attribute override keywords.

Explanation: The .ATTR argument must be a literal, a dialog variable, or the control variable .CURSOR. Programmer response: Correct the .ATTR argument to be either a literal, a dialog variable, or the control variable .CURSOR. ISPP296 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .ATTR is specified for a field that is not on the panel.

Explanation: An attribute override statement is missing a keyword required for that field type. Programmer response: Check the panel for attribute overrides and ensure that all field types have the required keywords. ISPP302 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid attribute keyword or value is specified for attribute override.

Explanation: The .ATTR argument specified does not match any field on the panel. Programmer response: Verify that the .ATTR argument is set to a valid field on the panel.

Explanation: The attribute override keyword is invalid, or the value used with the keyword is invalid. Programmer response: Check the attribute override


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

statements on the panel. Ensure that all field types have valid keywords, and all values following the keywords are valid. ISPP303 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Attribute override may not be specified for area delimiter keywords. ISPP308 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid PAD character specified in .ATTR or .ATTRCHAR statement.

Explanation: An .ATTR or .ATTRCHAR statement used an invalid PAD character. Programmer response: Correct the .ATTR or .ATTRCHAR statement in the panel. ISPP309 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .AUTOSEL value was not YES or NO or blank.

Explanation: The panel has improperly used one of these in an attribute override: v Area v Rep v Extend v Scroll v Usermod v Datamod. Programmer response: Correct the panel so that it does not use any of the previous list in an attribute override. ISPP304 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Duplicate keywords were specified on an ATTRIBUTE override statement.

Explanation: Set .AUTOSEL to YES to retrieve the CSRROW, even if the user did not explicitly select the row. Set .AUTOSEL to NO if the row is to be retrieved only if the user explicitly selects the row. Programmer response: Correct the .AUTOSEL statement in the panel. ISPP310 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Maximum allowable number of attributes exceeded by attribute override.

Explanation: An attribute override statement has used the same keyword twice. Programmer response: Correct the attribute override statement in your panel. ISPP305 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid attribute TYPE change attempted in an ATTR override statement.

Explanation: Attribute overrides plus attributes exceed 255. Programmer response: Correct the panel. ISPP311 Panel aaaaaaaa error - String of attribute override keywords exceeds maximum size of 255 characters.

Explanation: There is an invalid type attribute override. Programmer response: For more information about the .ATTR and .ATTRCHAR override conditions, see z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference ISPP306 Panel aaaaaaaa error - .ATTRCHAR defines a new character that is not DATAIN or DATAOUT.

Explanation: The string of keywords on a .ATTR or .ATTRCHAR statement exceeds 255 characters. Programmer response: Correct the panel. ISPP312 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Scrollable or extendable area not allowed in a table display panel.

Explanation: The SCROLL and EXTEND keywords are not valid when defining an area in a TBDISPL panel. Programmer response: Correct the panel. ISPP313 Panel aaaaaaaa error - An AREA definition is not permitted within the )MODEL section.

Explanation: A new attribute character must be used on DATAIN or DATAOUT field. Programmer response: Do not use a new attribute character unless it is for a DATAIN or DATAOUT field. ISPP307 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid override of cmd field or scroll amt field to TYPE(OUTPUT)

Explanation: Any attribute except those associated with dynamic, graphic, or scrollable areas (AREA, EXTEND, SCROLL, USERMOD, and DATAMOD) can be used with any fields in the model lines. Programmer response: Correct the panel )MODEL section.

Explanation: TYPE(OUTPUT) cannot be used to override the command field or the scroll amount field. Programmer response: Correct the override on the panel.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP314 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid to specify both PAD and PADC attributes for one field. Programmer response: Correct the )MODEL section by removing the command field. ISPP320 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel control variable bbbbbbbb;PFKEY cannot be set by a dialog.

Explanation: You cannot specify both a pad character (PAD) and a conditional pad character (PADC) for the same field. Programmer response: Correct the attribute in the panel. ISPP315 Invalid MODEL definition - A variable model line may not be defined as a variable itself.

Explanation: bbbbbbbb;PFKEY cannot be set to a value, it is read only. Programmer response: Remove the panel statement that attempts to set bbbbbbbb;PFKEY. ISPP321 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The INIT, REINIT, AREA, or PROC section is too long.

Explanation: If a variable begins in column 1 of any model line, the value of that variable defines the model line. The variable can contain any character string that is a valid panel definition model line, except that the variable cannot define a variable model line. Programmer response: Correct the model line in the panel. ISPP316 Model line not defined - The variable model line has not been initialized before the display.

Explanation: There is a potential 64K internal table overflow because of the number of statements in the panel. Programmer response: Either reduce the number of statements in the panel or use more than one panel. ISPP322 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A panel must have at least one line in the )BODY section.

Explanation: All model line variables must be initialized before the table display service is called with a nonblank panel name. Programmer response: Define a model line in the panel. ISPP317 Invalid model definition - The variable model is the only information allowed coded on the line.

Explanation: The body section defines the format of the panel as seen by the user. A valid panel must have at least one line in the )BODY section. Programmer response: Add at least one panel line into the )BODY section. ISPP323 Panel aaaaaaaa error - More than 126 pairs have been specified for the TRANS function.

Explanation: For variable model lines, the variable must be the only information on the model line. Programmer response: Correct the model line on the panel. ISPP318 Invalid model definition - The variable model line width is greater than the panel width.

Explanation: TRANS logic has exceeded the maximum pairs allowed. Programmer response: The TRANS function of the panel must use fewer than 126 pairs. ISPP324 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A panel cannot be preprocessed when WIDTH is specified as dialog variable.

Explanation: The value of the variable is greater than the panel width. Programmer response: Correct the model section of the panel. ISPP319 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The command field may not be located within the )MODEL section.

Explanation: The preprocessor will not preprocess panels that use a dialog variable with the WIDTH keyword. Programmer response: See Restrictions for using ISPPREP in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference . ISPP325 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A panel cannot be preprocessed with areas defined as extendable.

Explanation: The command field is identified as either the first input field in the panel, or by the CMD keyword of the )BODY statement. If the command field is within the )MODEL section, an error occurs.

Explanation: The specification of EXTEND(ON) will


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cause ISPPREP to bypass the panel during preprocessing. Programmer response: Determine if EXTEND(ON) is needed. If it is needed, the panel cannot be preprocessed. ISPP326 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A panel cannot be preprocessed when model lines are specified as variables. ISPP331 BREDIMAX exceeded - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb;msg redisplays exceeded in batch mode.

Explanation: The Batch redisplay value in BREDIMAX on the ISPSTART command or the default value of 2 has been exceeded. Programmer response: Verify that the Batch job is not looping on a redisplay and, if not, increase the value of BREDIMAX. See Message processing in the Batch environment in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference . ISPP332 Panel aaaaaaaa message - In batch, this message was displayed on the panel.

Explanation: Model lines cannot be defined as variables if the panels are to be preprocessed. Programmer response: If the panel must be preprocessed, the model lines must not be specified as variables. ISPP327 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Variable name or name-list not coded for bbbbbbbb statement.

Explanation: A panel was displayed while in batch mode. This message was displayed. Programmer response: This is an informational message. The message following this one may contain important information. Refer to that message number in this documentation for additional information, if needed. ISPP334 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Unable to locate REXX routine bbbbbbbb required for panel REXX processing.

Explanation: The panel statement requires additional data. Programmer response: Complete the panel statement by adding a variable or a name-list. ISPP328 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Required keylist bbbbbbbb in applid cccccccc was not found.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. Programmer response: Create the proper named keylist or use an existing keylist. ISPP329 Panel aaaaaaaa error - LVLINE function can only be used in an )INIT, )REINIT or )PROC panel section.

Explanation: A panel *REXX statement specifies the name of an external routine that can not be located. Programmer response: Examine the panel and check the name of the panel REXX routine. Ensure the REXX routine is available in your SYSPROC or SYSEXEC allocation. ISPP335 Rexx-defined failure - Panel Rexx routine-defined failure.

Explanation: The LVLINE built-in function was coded in an invalid section of the panel. Programmer response: Delete or move the LVLINE function from the section. ISPP330 BDISPMAX exceeded - aaaaaaaa displays exceeded in batch mode on panel bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The panel Rexx routine set a return code of 8 in variable ZRXRC but did not store a MSGID to describe the failure in variable ZRXMSG. This generic message is provided by ISPF. Programmer response: If appropriate, provide a meaningful error message for the user. ISPP336 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Severe error encountered during panel Rexx routine.

Explanation: Either the maximum number of displays set in variable BDISPMAX on the ISPSTART command, or the default value of 100 has been exceeded. Programmer response: Verify that the batch job is not looping and, if not, increase the value of BDISPMAX. See Avoiding panel loop conditions in the Batch environment in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference .

Explanation: A severe error was encountered while executing the panel Rexx routine. Programmer response: The return code set in variable ZRXRC by the panel Rexx routine was not 0 or 8. The return code could have been 20 for severe error or some other return code that was not recognized by ISPF. Verify that your Rexx routine set valid data in ZRXRC. If the data is valid, contact IBM support for assistance.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP337 REXX failure - Severe error encountered processing a panel REXX routine. ISPP344 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid dialog variable name length on panel exit statement.

Explanation: A severe error was encountered while executing the panel Rexx routine. Programmer response: Examine the REXX routine to determine the cause of the REXX routine failure. ISPP338 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid dialog variable name encountered on *REXX panel statement.

Explanation: The variable name length on the panel exit statement exceeds 8 characters. Programmer response: Use a variable name with a length not exceeding 8 characters. ISPP345 Exit-defined failure - Panel exit routine exit-defined failure.

Explanation: A dialog variable name specified on a *REXX panel statement is invalid. Either it is too long or contains invalid characters. Programmer response: Ensure that the dialog variable names to be passed to the REXX routine are valid and do not exceed the maximum length allowed. ISPP340 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel exit address must be dialog variable.

Explanation: The exit routine returned RC=8 but did not provide a MSGID to describe the failure. This generic message is provided by ISPF. Programmer response: If appropriate, provide a meaningful error message for the user. ISPP346 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Severe error encountered during panel exit routine.

Explanation: The panel exit cannot be processed because the address is not a variable. Programmer response: Correct the panel exit to include a variable for exit-add. See Invoking the panel exit user routine in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference . ISPP341 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel exit message ID must be literal or dialog variable.

Explanation: A severe error was encountered while executing the panel exit routine. Programmer response: The return code from exit processing was not 0 or 8. The return code could have been 20 for severe error or some other return code that was not recognized by ISPF. Verify that your exit returned valid data. If the data is valid, contact IBM support for assistance. ISPP347 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Dialog variable value length changed by panel exit.

Explanation: If the MSG keyword of the PANEXIT statement is specified, the message id must be either a literal value or a dialog variable. Programmer response: Correct the panel exit routine, MSGID must be a dialog variable or a literal value. ISPP342 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel exit type must be a literal.

Explanation: The panel exit has changed the variable length from the length that was set on the panel exit statement. Programmer response: Your panel exit cannot change the variable length that was used on the panel exit statement. ISPP348 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Exit data or message field defined incorrectly for panel exit.

Explanation: The exit type must be PGM or LOAD. Programmer response: Use the literal PGM or LOAD as the exit type. ISPP343 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Valid panel exit type is PGM or LOAD.

Explanation: The panel exit statement is incorrectly formatted. Programmer response: Reformat the panel exit statement using the format defined under Invoking the Panel User Exit Routine in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference . ISPP349 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid panel exit address or panel exit name specified.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. Programmer response: Use PGM or LOAD for exit type.

Explanation: The panel exit statement has invalid syntax. Programmer response: The panel exit-add or exit-mod


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

entry in the panel exit statement does not conform to the syntax defined in Invoking the Panel User Exit Routine in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference . ISPP350 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid WIDTH keyword value type (not a literal or dialog var). error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Make sure all of the panel definition statements are no longer than the value specified (or defaulted) for the width of the WINDOW keyword on the )BODY section panel statement. A common cause for this error is data past column 72; scroll right to see the data. ISPP354 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Number of body records > specified (or defaulted) window depth.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP351 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid window width value (must be numeric, >= 8, less than screen width).

Explanation: The value specified for the width on the WINDOW keyword on the )BODY section panel statement is invalidtf68 must be a numeric value that is greater than or equal to 8 and less than the screen width. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the width coded in the panel definition. ISPP352 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid window depth value (must be numeric, > 0, less than screen depth).

Explanation: The number of records in the )BODY section is greater than the depth specified on the WINDOW keyword on the )BODY section panel statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: You can either delete some of the records in the )BODY section or create a scrollable area out of the information in the )BODY section. ISPP355 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel field exceeds the specified (or defaulted) window width.

Explanation: The value specified for the depth on the WINDOW keyword on the )BODY section panel statement is invalid. It must be a numeric value that is greater than 0 and less than the screen depth. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the depth coded in the panel definition. ISPP353 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel record longer than specified (or defaulted) window width.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP356 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel in window cannot exceed the current physical screen width.

Explanation: The panel you are attempting to display is wider than the panel currently being displayed in the pop-up or is wider than the physical width of the screen. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify either the width of the widest panel to be displayed or the width of the widest physical display as the window width.

Explanation: A record in the panel definition is longer than the width specified on the WINDOW keyword on the )BODY section panel statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP357 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Number of pull-down choices is greater than screen depth - 2. exit, then you might be specifying the name of the module incorrectly on the PANEXIT statement. ISPP360 Panel aaaaaaaa error - VER statement syntax error on LISTV keyword parameter. Specification of the varlist subparameter is invalid or missing.

Explanation: The number of pull-down choices defined in the panel is too large to display on the screen. The number must be less than or equal to the depth of the screen, less 2. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. You might be able to make the panel display if you change to a display device that has more lines per screen. Programmer response: Reduce the number of pull-down choices for the action bar in which they appear. ISPP358 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel exit name to load must be literal or dialog variable.

Explanation: The LISTV keyword was specified on a VER statement, but the variable that defines the list of values (the varlist) is missing or specified incorrectly. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correctly specify the varlist. The varlist is the name of a variable, preceded with an ampersand, that contains a list of values that will be compared to the value contained in the verify variable. ISPP361 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Specification error found for VER statement LISTV keyword parameter. The dialog variable specified in the varlist subparameter is undefined or cannot be accessed.

Explanation: The name of the panel exit is not valid. The panel exit name, specified on the PANEXIT statement, must be a dialog variable or a literal. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a dialog variable or literal after LOAD on the PANEXIT statement. ISPP359 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Load of panel exit routine failed.

Explanation: The dialog variable specified as the varlist on the LISTV keyword in the VER panel statement is undefined or cannot be accessed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the specification. Perhaps the variable has not been defined to the dialog using VDEFINE. ISPP362 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Specification error found for VER statement LISTV keyword parameter. The dialog variable specified in the varlist subparameter contains invalid data.

Explanation: ISPF attempted to load the panel exit named, but received an error and could not continue. User response: There was a programming error running the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. It is possible that you do not have all of the data sets allocated that the application expects. In this case, contact your system administrator. Programmer response: It is possible that you are not allocating all of the data sets that are required for your application. If you think you should be able to load the

Explanation: The dialog variable specified as the varlist on the LISTV keyword in the VER panel statement is has invalid data. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the definition of the varlist. ISPP363 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Specification error found for VER statement LISTV keyword parameter. The dialog variable specified in the varlist subparameter contains more than 100 values. Programmer response: Correct the error by specifying at least one of these values: ALPHA, ALPHAB, or NUM. ISPP366 Panel aaaaaaaa error - VER statement syntax error on INCLUDE keyword parameter. An invalid value has been specified for value1 and/or value2.

Explanation: Too many values were specified for a varlist. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Reduce the number of values in the varlist to 100 or less. ISPP364 Panel aaaaaaaa error - VER statement syntax error on INCLUDE keyword parameter. Specification of the IMBLK and VALUEN subparameters are out of order.

Explanation: The only valid values for INCLUDE are ALPAH, ALPHAB, and NUM. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the error by specifying ALPAH, ALPHAB, and/or NUM. ISPP367 Panel aaaaaaaa error - VER statement syntax error on INCLUDE keyword parameter. More than two values have been specified.

Explanation: Only two values may be specified on the INCLUDE keyword on the VER statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the error by specifying only two of the valid values: ALPHA, ALPHAB, or NUM. ISPP368 Panel aaaaaaaa error - ALPHAB keyword invalid on VER statement. No pointer to translate table.

Explanation: The IMBLK optional positional subparameter must be specified before the VALUEN subparameters. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the error by specifying IMBLK before ALPHA, ALPHAB, or NUM on the VER statement. ISPP365 Panel aaaaaaaa error - VER statement syntax error on INCLUDE keyword parameter. Subparameter value1 must be specified.

Explanation: No translate table exists for the lowercase letters. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. System programmer response: Ensure that the translate tables for your language have been properly installed for ISPF.

Explanation: ALPHA, ALPHAB, or NUM were not specified after INCLUDE (or IMBLK) on the VER statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP370 Must be alphabetic - Enter alphabetic characters only (A-Z or a-z). ISPP376 Invalid chars entered - Enter numeric and/or alphabetic characters (0-9, A-Z, a-z, #, $, or @). The value entered may also contain blank characters.

Explanation: Only alphabetic characters are accepted in the field where the error occurred. Letters A-Z and a-z are accepted, but blanks are not allowed. User response: Enter a response with valid characters. ISPP371 Invalid chars entered - Enter numeric and/or alphabetic characters (0-9, A-Z, a-z, #, $, or @).

Explanation: Only alphabetic and selected special characters are accepted in the field where the error occurred. Letters A-Z, a-z, #, $, and @ are accepted as well as blanks. User response: Enter a response with valid characters. ISPP377 Invalid chars entered - Enter numeric and/or alphabetic characters only (0-9, A-Z, or a-z). The value entered may also contain blank characters.

Explanation: Only alphabetic and selected special characters are accepted in the field where the error occurred. Letters A-Z, a-z, #, $, and @ are accepted, but blanks are not allowed. User response: Enter a response with valid characters. ISPP372 Invalid chars entered - Enter numeric and/or alphabetic characters only (0-9, A-Z, or a-z).

Explanation: Only alphabetic and numeric characters are accepted in the field where the error occurred. Letters A-Z, a-z, #, $, @, and digits 0-9 are accepted as well as blanks. User response: Enter a response with valid characters. ISPP378 Unavailable choice - An unavailable choice was selected. Enter one of the available values.

Explanation: Only alphabetic and numeric characters are accepted in the field where the error occurred. Letters A-Z, a-z, and digits 0-9 are accepted, but blanks are not allowed. User response: Enter a response with valid characters. ISPP373 Must be alphabetic - Enter alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z, #, $, or @). The value entered may also contain blank characters.

Explanation: An unavailable choice was selected. Enter one of the available choices. User response: Enter one of the available choices. The unavailable choices cannot be entered. ISPP380 Panel aaaaaaaa error - COLOR, INTENS, or HILITE keywords cannot be specified on CUA panel element attributes.

Explanation: Only alphabetic characters are accepted in the field where the error occurred. Letters A-Z, a-z, #, $, and @ are accepted as well as blanks. User response: Enter a response with valid characters. ISPP374 Must be alphabetic - Enter alphabetic characters only (A-Z or a-z). The value entered may also contain blank characters.

Explanation: Either COLOR, INTENS, or HILITE was specified on an attribute assignment that has a CUA panel element as a TYPE. This is not allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Either remove the COLOR, INTENS, or HILITE keyword, or do not use a CUA panel element for the TYPE. ISPP381 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The CAPS keyword value cannot be overridden on the CUA panel element attributes AB or RP.

Explanation: Only alphabetic characters are accepted in the field where the error occurred. Letters A-Z and a-z are accepted as well as blanks. User response: Enter a response with valid characters. ISPP375 Must be numeric - Enter numeric characters (0-9). The value entered may also contain blank characters.

Explanation: Only numeric characters are accepted in the field where the error occurred. User response: Enter a response with valid characters.

Explanation: Action bar and Reference phrase CUA panel element attributes cannot have the CAPS keyword specified in the )ATTR section.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Remove the CAPS keyword. ISPP382 Panel aaaaaaaa error - TYPE(EE) valid for overrides on input fields only. ISPP385 Panel aaaaaaaa error - TYPE(RP) attribute valid only on a panel displayed by ISPF help.

Explanation: Reference Phrase CUA panel element attributes are only allowed on panels being displayed by ISPF Help (Tutorial). User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Do not use TYPE(RP) in panels that are not displayed by ISPF Help. ISPP386 Panel aaaaaaaa error - TYPE(RP) attribute usage requires )HELP section definition.

Explanation: The dialog attempted to override an attribute with an Error Emphasis (EE) CUA panel element TYPE. This is only valid when the field being overridden is an input field. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Do not override the attribute with TYPE(EE). ISPP383 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid label on GOTO statement.

Explanation: If a reference phrase attribute is used in the )BODY section, an accompanying statement in the )HELP section must exist to tell which panel is to be displayed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Write a corresponding reference phrase statement in the )HELP section for each reference phrase field in the )BODY section. ISPP387 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The RADIO keyword is only valid on CEF or SACR fields.

Explanation: The label for a GOTO statement is syntactically incorrect. Labels can only be 1 to 8 characters long and must start with A-Z or a-z. The remaining characters can be A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a correct label. ISPP384 Panel aaaaaaaa error - GOTO label bbbbbbbb not found.

Explanation: The RADIO keyword is only valid on CEF or SACR fields, if the RADIO keyword is used for any other attribute types this error message will be displayed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Only use the RADIO keyword for CEF or SACR attribute types.

Explanation: The label specified on a GOTO statement was not found in the section in which the GOTO is specified. A label must be followed by a colon. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the label on the GOTO or the label itself.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP388 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The bbbbbbbb keyword only allows numbers in the range 1-99. defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a keylist-name on the KEYLIST keyword, or remove the KEYLIST keyword and its parameters to use the default keylist. ISPP393 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A keylist-name value must be 1-8 characters. The first character must be A-Z or a-z, and any remaining characters can be A-Z, a-z, or 0-9.

Explanation: The CSRGRP keyword only allows numbers in the range 1-99, a CSRGRP value was used that was not in the range 1-99. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Change the CSRGRP value to be in the valid range from 1-99. ISPP390 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid )PANEL statement syntax. Keyword found not the KEYLIST keyword.

Explanation: The keylist-name specified on the KEYLIST keyword on the )PANEL statement has an invalid character. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a valid keylist-name on the KEYLIST keyword. ISPP394 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid )PANEL statement syntax. Missing expected right parenthesis.

Explanation: The only keyword that is valid after the )PANEL statement is KEYLIST. Anything else is an error. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct or remove the existing keyword on the )PANEL statement. ISPP391 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Illegal )PANEL statement keylist-name parameter (must be a literal).

Explanation: The KEYLIST keyword requires a closing parenthesis that was not found. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a closing parenthesis. ISPP395 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Illegal )PANEL statement keylist-applid parameter (must be a literal).

Explanation: The keylist-name on the KEYLIST keyword on the )PANEL statement must be a literal. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the keylist-name. ISPP392 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid )PANEL statement syntax. The keylist-name parameter is missing.

Explanation: The keylist-applid on the KEYLIST keyword on the )PANEL statement must be a literal. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application.

Explanation: The keylist-name on the KEYLIST keyword on the )PANEL statement was not specified. It is required. User response: There was a programming error


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: Correct the keylist-applid. ISPP396 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A keylist-applid value must be 1-4 characters. The first character must be A-Z or a-z, and any remaining characters can be A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. ISPP399 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid row or column value for )PANEL IMAGE(image-name,row,col) keyword. The row and column values can be dialog variables, or numeric(0-9).

Explanation: The row or column specified is not a dialog variable, or is not numeric. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the row and column to dialog variables, or numeric values. ISPP400 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid or missing keyword on )ABC section heading.

Explanation: The keylist-applid specified on the KEYLIST keyword on the )PANEL statement has an invalid character. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a valid keylist-applid on the KEYLIST keyword. ISPP397 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid )PANEL statement syntax. Valid keywords are KEYLIST and IMAGE.

Explanation: The only keyword allowed on the )ABC panel statement is DESC and it is required. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct or add the DESC keyword and its parameters to the )ABC panel statement. ISPP401 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )ABCINIT section heading statement has an invalid format.

Explanation: The only keywords that are valid after the )PANEL statement are KEYLIST and IMAGE. Anything else is an error. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct or remove the existing keyword on the )PANEL statement. ISPP398 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A )PANEL section statement error has occurred. The IMAGE(image-name) keyword value is greater than 8 characters. The image-name must be less than or equal to 8 characters and follow TSO data set member naming conventions.

Explanation: The )ABCINIT panel statement does not accept any keywords or parameters. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Only specify )ABCINIT on the panel statement. ISPP402 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )ABCPROC section heading statement has an invalid format.

Explanation: The image-name is greater than 8 characters. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the length of the image-name to be less than or equal to 8 characters.

Explanation: The )ABCPROC panel statement does not accept any keywords or parameters.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Only specify )ABCPROC on the panel statement. ISPP403 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid statement or keyword found within )ABC section. ISPP406 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid value found for DESC keyword in section )ABC heading.

Explanation: The value specified for the description text in the DESC keyword on the )ABC was not a literal. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the text on the DESC keyword. ISPP407 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Action bar field text in )BODY section not found in matching )ABC descriptive text keyword.

Explanation: A statement in the )ABC section was not a valid panel statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the panel statement. ISPP404 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid statement or keyword found within )ABCINIT section.

Explanation: The text of the action bar in the )BODY section did not match the text in the DESC keyword on the )ABC panel statement. They must match exactly. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the text either in the )BODY section or in the )ABC section. ISPP408 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Action bar text field requires leading blank in )BODY section.

Explanation: A statement or keyword in the )ABCINIT section was not a valid panel statement or keyword. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the panel statement. ISPP405 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid statement or keyword found within )ABCPROC section.

Explanation: At least one blank must exist between the action bar attribute character and the text of the action bar in the )BODY section. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Add at least one blank between the action bar attribute character and the text of the action bar.

Explanation: A statement or keyword in the )ABCPROC section was not a valid panel statement or keyword. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the panel statement.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPP409 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )ABC text description keyword value does not match description value on )ABC heading. are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Add a statement to the )ABCINIT section. ISPP413 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid value for PDC name keyword found within )ABC section.

Explanation: The text of the action bar in the )BODY section did not match the text in the DESC keyword on the )ABC panel statement. They must match exactly. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the text in either the )BODY section or in the )ABC section. ISPP410 Panel aaaaaaaa error - An )ABC section must contain at least one statement.

Explanation: The keyword specified on the PDC statement was not DESC. DESC is the only keyword accepted. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the PDC statement. ISPP414 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid value for PDC descriptive text keyword found within )ABC section.

Explanation: An )ABC section must contain at least an ACTION statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Add at least an ACTION statement to the )ABC section. ISPP411 Panel aaaaaaaa error - An )ABCINIT section must contain at least one statement.

Explanation: The value specified in parentheses following the DESC keyword is invalid. It must be no longer than 64 characters and, if the value contains blanks or special characters, it must be enclosed in single quotes. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the PDC statement. ISPP415 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid RUN() value found on ACTION statement.

Explanation: There must be at least one statement in the )ABCINIT section. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Add a statement to the )ABCINIT section. ISPP412 Panel aaaaaaaa error - An )ABCPROC section must contain at least one statement.

Explanation: The value specified in the parentheses on the RUN keyword of the ACTION statement in the )ABC section is invalid. The command name must be 2 to 8 characters. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application.

Explanation: There must be at least one statement in the )ABCPROC section. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Programmer response: Correct the ACTION statement. ISPP416 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid PARM() value found on ACTION statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify only one ACTION statement per PDC statement. ISPP420 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid ACC keyword value - text must be less than bbbbbbbb characters, and contain only 3 keys. If there are blanks between the key values and the plus sign (+), then the ACC value text string must be enclosed in single quotes.

Explanation: The value specified in parentheses on the PARM keyword of the ACTION statement in the )ABC section is invalid. If parameters contain special characters or blanks, they must be enclosed in quotes. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the ACTION statement. ISPP417 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Maximum number of )ABC sections exceeded.

Explanation: The accelerator text specified as the ACC keyword value in the PDC statement is longer than the maximum allowed length, more than three keys were specified, or a string with intervening blanks is not enclosed in single quotes. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the accelerator text value in the ACC keyword on the PDC statement. ISPP421 Cursor not on choice - The cursor was not positioned on an action bar choice.

Explanation: A maximum of 40 action bars are allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Limit the panel to 40 action bars. ISPP418 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The action bar pull-down area is too long.

Explanation: Too many pull-downs have been defined to display the panel. The maximum number of pull-down choices is the depth of the screen less 2. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Reduce the number of pull-down choices for the action bar. ISPP419 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Multiple ACTION statements found after a PDC statement.

Explanation: The cursor was not on an action bar choice when the Enter key was pressed. This usually occurs when the cursor is in the first row of the first column of the action bar or after the last action bar choice. User response: Move the cursor to the text of an action bar choice and press Enter. ISPP422 Select a choice - Select a choice by entering a value or positioning the cursor on the choice.

Explanation: The cursor was not on a pull-down choice when the Enter key was pressed. The cursor was probably on the pull-down menu border. User response: Move the cursor to a pull-down selection and press Enter.

Explanation: Only one action statement is allowed per PDC statement.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPP423 Conflicting selection - Choice number entered and cursor positioned on different choice. name for the UNAVAIL keyword. ISPP429 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid MNEM keyword value - must be between 1 and bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: A pull-down choice was selected both by the selection field and by positioning the cursor on a pull-down choice. You can only select a pull-down choice using one of these methods at a time. User response: Select a pull-down choice by either entering a number in the select field or by positioning the cursor and pressing Enter, not both. ISPP424 Invalid value - Enter one of the listed choices.

Explanation: The MNEM keyword value must be a position within the action bar or pull-down choice text. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value for the mnemonic position in the MNEM keyword. ISPP430 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid or missing parameter on TOG statement.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP425 Choice value error - The pull-down choice value length is not between 1 and 8 characters.

Explanation: The selection for the pull-down choice was invalid. It cannot be more than 8 digits. User response: Enter a valid pull-down choice selection. ISPP426 Choice value error - The pull-down choice value must be numeric.

Explanation: A syntax error was found on the TOG statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the TOG statement. ISPP431 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Too many tokens given on TOG statement.

Explanation: A nonnumeric value was entered for the pull-down choice. The value must be a number. User response: Enter a valid pull-down choice selection. ISPP427 Choice value error - The pull-down choice value must equal an available choice number.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified on the TOG statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the TOG statement. ISPP432 Panel aaaaaaaa error - No dialog variable specified on TOG statement.

Explanation: The only values that are acceptable for a pull-down choice are those listed in the pull-down menu. User response: Enter a valid pull-down choice selection. ISPP428 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid UNAVAIL variable name found on PDC statement.

Explanation: The UNAVAIL variable name is not a valid dialog variable name. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose to not override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the dialog variable

Explanation: The third parameter, the dialog variable, was omitted from the TOG statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the TOG statement. ISPP433 Panel aaaaaaaa error - No mode specified on TOG statement. defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the TOG statement by specifying S or M for the mode. ISPP437 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Multiple choice TOG valid only in )PROC section.

Explanation: The first parameter, the mode, was omitted from the TOG statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the TOG statement. The mode, field name, and dialog variable are all required parameters. ISPP434 Panel aaaaaaaa error - No field specified on TOG statement.

Explanation: The multiple choice (M) mode of the TOG statement is only allowed in the )PROC section. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Either use the S mode of the TOG command or move the TOG statement to the )PROC section. ISPP438 Panel aaaaaaaa error - TOG statement valid only in )PROC or )ABCPROC section.

Explanation: The second parameter, the field, was omitted from the TOG statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the TOG statement. The mode, field name, and dialog variable are all required parameters. ISPP435 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Field specified on TOG statement is not a valid field.

Explanation: The TOG statement was found in a section other than the )PROC or )ABCPROC sections. It is only valid in these two sections. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Move the TOG statement to the )PROC section or an )ABCPROC section. ISPP439 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid value found on the PDSEP keyword. Valid values are ON and OFF.

Explanation: The field specified on the TOG statement does not exist in the panel definition. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the TOG statement by specifying a field that exists. ISPP436 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Mode must be S or M.

Explanation: The PDSEP keyword on the PDC statement must be followed with a valid value of ON or OFF. Programmer response: Code a valid value on the PDSEP keyword. ISPP440 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid FIELD() value in )HELP section.

Explanation: The only valid values for the mode are S (single) and M (multiple). User response: There was a programming error

Explanation: The FIELD keyword requires the name of a field on the panel. The field value must be a literal.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a literal that is the name of a field on the panel within the parentheses of the FIELD keyword. ISPP441 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid PANEL() value in )HELP section. are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Delete the duplicate FIELD keywords. ISPP445 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Missing FIELD() keyword in )HELP section.

Explanation: The FIELD keyword is required for field level help statements. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Add the FIELD keyword along with the field name to the field level help statement. ISPP446 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Missing PANEL() keyword in )HELP section.

Explanation: The PANEL keyword requires the name of a panel to be displayed. The panel value must be a literal. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a literal that is the name of a panel within the parentheses of the PANEL keyword. ISPP442 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Exceeded maximum number of entries in )HELP section.

Explanation: The PANEL keyword, required on the field level Help statement, was not found. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Add the PANEL keyword with the name of the panel to be displayed on the field level Help statement. ISPP447 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid keyword found in )HELP section.

Explanation: More than the maximum of 25 field level helps have been coded. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Reduce the number of field level helps coded in the )HELP section. ISPP443 Missing field - Field level help requested for missing field.

Explanation: The only valid keywords on a field level Help statement are FIELD and PANEL or MSG or PASSTHRU. PANEL, MSG, and PASSTHRU are mutually exclusive. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the field level Help statement.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP444 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Duplicate field name found in )HELP section.

Explanation: A field was specified more than once in the )HELP section. Only one field level help per field is allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP448 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid EXITADDR() value in )HELP section. Programmer response: Add a DESC keyword and text to the PDC statement. ISPP453 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Missing RUN() keyword on ACTION statement.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP449 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid EXITDATA() value in )HELP section.

Explanation: The RUN keyword is required on the ACTION statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Add the RUN keyword to the ACTION statement. ISPP454 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Duplicate action bar field text found in )BODY section.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP450 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )ABCINIT section of panel not found when expected.

Explanation: The )ABCINIT section should appear after the )ABC section and before the )ABCPROC section. It was out of order. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Move the )ABCINIT section to the correct location. ISPP451 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )ABCPROC section of panel not found when expected.

Explanation: The text for the action bar coded in the )BODY section is repeated. Each action bar coded in the )BODY section must be unique for the panel. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Remove the duplicate action bar coded in the )BODY section, or correct the text to match an action bar choice. ISPP455 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid accelerator key, bbbbbbbb, found in the ACC value. Valid values are Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Backspace, Insert, Delete, F1-F12, A-Z, a-z, and 0-9.

Explanation: The )ABCPROC section should appear after the )ABCINIT section and before a new the )ABC section. It was out of order. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Move the )ABCPROC section to the correct location. ISPP452 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Missing descriptive text keyword on PDC statement.

Explanation: The text for an accelerator key with the ACC text value string is invalid. Valid keys are Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Backspace, Insert, Delete, F1 - F12, A-Z, a-z, and 0-9. Key combinations must be separated by a plus sign with no embedded blanks. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a valid accelerator key within the ACC text string.

Explanation: The DESC keyword is required for the PDC statement. It was not found. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPP456 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid single accelerator key, bbbbbbbb, found in the ACC value. This key must be used in combination with some other valid key(s). defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the key combination within the ACC text string. ISPP459 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid key combination found in the ACC value. A single number 0-9 cannot be used in any combination with the SHIFT key.

Explanation: These single keys cannot be assigned as an accelerator key: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, A-Z, a-z, and 0-9. These must be used in combination with some other key(s). User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Add an additional accelerator key(s) within the ACC text string. ISPP457 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid key combination found in the ACC value. A single character cannot be used in combination with the SHIFT key.

Explanation: A single number 0-9 cannot be used in any combination with the SHIFT key. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the key combination within the ACC text string. ISPP460 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Two consecutive field names without panel name in )HELP section.

Explanation: A single character A-Z, a-z, or 0-9 cannot be used in combination with the SHIFT key. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the key combination within the ACC text string. ISPP458 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid key combination found in the ACC value. If two keys are specified, one key must be Ctrl, Alt, or Shift, and the other must be Insert, Delete, Backspace, F1-F12, A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. If three keys are specified, two keys must be Ctrl, Alt, or Shift, and the other must be Insert, Delete, Backspace, F1-F12, A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. No two keys within the ACC text string can contain the same value.

Explanation: The FIELD keyword appeared twice without an intervening PANEL keyword being specified. This is not allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a PANEL keyword between the two FIELD keywords, or remove one of the FIELD keywords. ISPP461 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Two consecutive panel names without field name in )HELP section.

Explanation: An invalid key combination has been found in the ACC value text string. If two keys are specified, one key must be Ctrl, Alt, or Shift, and the other must be Insert, Delete, Backspace, F1-F12, A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. If three keys are specified, two keys must be Ctrl, Alt, or Shift, and the other must be Insert, Delete, Backspace, F1-F12, A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. No two keys within the ACC text string can contain the same value. User response: There was a programming error

Explanation: The PANEL keyword appeared twice without an intervening FIELD keyword specified. This is not allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Programmer response: Specify a FIELD keyword between the two PANEL keywords, or remove one of the PANEL keywords. ISPP462 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Two consecutive MSG keywords without a FIELD keyword in the )HELP section. Programmer response: Check the )INIT, )PROC, and )REINIT sections for invalid use of an bbbbbbbb;ATTRCHAR control statement which overrides a group box type attribute. ISPP465 Panel aaaaaaaa error - An invalid keyword following the application id was found on the KEYLIST keyword of the )PANEL statement. The only valid keyword is SHARED.

Explanation: The MSG keyword appeared twice without an intervening FIELD keyword specified. This is not allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a FIELD keyword between the two MSG keywords, or remove one of the MSG keywords. ISPP463 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Two consecutive PASSTHRU keywords without a field name in the )HELP section.

Explanation: The only valid parameter specified after the application id on the KEYLIST keyword on the )PANEL statement is SHARED. Anything other than SHARED will result in this error. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Either specify the SHARED keyword or do not. ISPP466 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A LISTBOX, DDLIST, or COMBO name is invalid. A LISTBOX, DDLIST, or COMBO name is composed of 1-8 characters. Alphanumeric characters A-Z, 0-9, #, $, OR @ can be used in the name, but the first character cannot be numeric.

Explanation: The PASSTHRU keyword appeared twice without an intervening FIELD keyword specified. This is not allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a FIELD keyword between the two PASSTHRU keywords, or remove one of the PASSTHRU keywords. ISPP464 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A group box attribute character cannot be overridden with the bbbbbbbb;ATTRCHAR statement.

Explanation: The LISTBOX, DDLIST or COMBO name either exceeds the 8 character limit, contains an invalid character, or starts with a numeric character. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Verify your LISTBOX, DDLIST, or COMBO names are composed of 1-8 characters. Alphanumeric characters A-Z, 0-9, #, $, or @ can be used in the name, but the first character cannot be numeric. ISPP467 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The name value for the LISTBOX, DDLIST, or COMBO attribute section keyword is valid only on input type fields.

Explanation: The width and depth of a group box attribute cannot be overridden with the bbbbbbbb;ATTRCHAR control variable. To override the width and depth of a group box, use the bbbbbbbb;ATTR(field), where field is the dialog variable name for the group box as specified in the )BODY section. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application.

Explanation: The name value for LISTBOX, DDLIST or COMBO keyword specified in the )ATTR section has been coded on an output or text attribute type. The name value for the LISTBOC, DDLIST or COMBO keyword is valid only on input type fields.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Check the panel attribute section for LISTBOX(name), DDLIST(name) or COMBO(name) specified on a text or output attribute type. LISTBOX(name), DDLIST(name), or COMBO(name) is not valid on text or output attribute types. The valid keyword values for LISTBOX or DDLIST on text or output attribute types are LISTBOX(ON/OFF) or DDLIST(ON/OFF). ISPP468 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The WIDTH and DEPTH keywords only allow numbers in the range 0-99. defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )CCSID statement. ISPP472 Panel aaaaaaaa error - NUMBER keyword does not exist in the )CCSID section.

Explanation: The NUMBER keyword is required on the )CCSID statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )CCSID statement. ISPP473 Variable not found - Variable specified for VEDIT not found on panel.

Explanation: The WIDTH and DEPTH keywords for group boxes, list boxes and drop-down lists only allow numbers in the range 0-99, a WIDTH or DEPTH value was used that was not in the range 0-99. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Verify the WIDTH or DEPTH value on any group boxes, list boxes, or drop down lists are within the valid range from 0-99. If a WIDTH or DEPTH value is out of this range, correct it. ISPP470 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )CCSID value must be 5 numeric digits.

Explanation: A variable that exists on the panel must be specified on the VEDIT statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the VEDIT statement by adding a variable name that exists on the panel. ISPP474 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The name parameter is missing from the )LIST statement.

Explanation: The number specified on the NUMBER keyword on the )CCSID section statement must be five numeric digits, even if they are preceding zeros. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )CCSID statement. ISPP471 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Illegal token in )CCSID section.

Explanation: The name parameter is required on the )LIST statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: The name parameter on the )LIST statement is required and should match the appropriate DDLIST(name), LISTBOX(name) or COMBO(name).

Explanation: The only valid keyword on the )CCSID statement is NUMBER. A keyword other than NUMBER was found. User response: There was a programming error

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP480 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A )PNTS section statement contains two FIELD() keywords or the statements VAR() or VAL() keyword is missing. ISPP483 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid FIELD() value found in the )PNTS section statement.

Explanation: The )PNTS statement contains invalid keywords. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS section statement, ensuring that the statement contains only one of each keyword FIELD(), VAR() and VAL(). The keywords must be in this order: FIELD(field-name) VAR(variable-name) VAL(value). ISPP481 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A )PNTS section statement contains two VAR() keywords or the statements VAL() keyword is missing.

Explanation: The FIELD() keyword contains an invalid value. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the FIELD() keyword for the )PNTS section statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling. ISPP484 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Duplicate FIELD(name) found in PNTS section.

Explanation: The )PNTS statement contains a valid FIELD(), VAR() and VAL() keyword followed by a duplication of the FIELD() keyword. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS statement, ensuring that the statement contains only one of each keyword FIELD(), VAR() and VAL() per statement. ISPP485 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VAR() value in )PNTS section.

Explanation: The )PNTS statement contains an invalid number of VAR() keywords or the VAL() keyword is missing. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS section statement, ensuring that the statement contains only one of each keyword FIELD(), VAR() and VAL(). The keywords must be in this order: FIELD(field-name) VAR(variable-name) VAL(value). ISPP482 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VAL(value) found in the )PNTS section statement.

Explanation: The value for the VAR() keyword is invalid. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: The value for the VAR() keyword is incorrect. Ensure that the variable name conforms to ISPF variable naming conventions. ISPP486 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VAL() value in )PNTS section.

Explanation: The VAL() keyword contains an invalid value. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the VAL() keyword for the )PNTS section statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling.

Explanation: The value for the VAL() keyword is invalid. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: The value for the VAL() keyword is incorrect. The value must be a dialog variable or a literal. ISPP487 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid keyword found in )PNTS section. error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS statement, ensuring that the statement contains only one of each keyword FIELD(), VAR() and VAL() per statement. The keywords must be specified in this order: FIELD(field-name) VAR(variable-name) VAL(value). ISPP490 Panel aaaaaaaa error - No VAR() variable-name found in )PNTS section.

Explanation: One of the keywords used in the )PNTS statement is incorrect. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS statement, ensuring that the statement contains only one of each keyword FIELD(), VAR(), VAL(), BITMAP(), BITMAPD(), TEXT(), PLACE(), DEPTH() per statement. The keywords must be specified in this order: FIELD(field-name) VAR(variable-name) VAL(value) DEPTH(n) BITMAP(bitmap-name) BITMAPD(bitmapname) TEXT(text) PLACE(n). ISPP488 Panel aaaaaaaa error - No FIELD() field-name found in )PNTS section.

Explanation: The VAR keyword variable-name was not found or was blank. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS section entry to contain each of these keywords in the order given here: FIELD(field-name) VAR(variable-name) VAL(value). Ensure that the variable-name is supplied. ISPP491 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Keywords in )PNTS section missing or out of order.

Explanation: The keywords in the )PNTS section must be in this order: FIELD(field-name) VAR(variable-name) VAL(value). User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS section entry to contain each of these keywords in the order given here: FIELD(field-name) VAR(variable-name) VAL(value). ISPP492 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid VAL() value found on )PNTS section entry.

Explanation: A )PNTS section entry is missing a FIELD() field-name. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS statement, ensuring that the statement contains only one of each keyword FIELD(), VAR() and VAL() per statement. The keywords must be specified in this order: FIELD(field-name) VAR(variable-name) VAL(value). Verify that the FIELD keyword has a field-name specified. ISPP489 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A )PNTS section statement contains two VAL() keywords.

Explanation: The length of the VAL(value) found in the )PNTS section is too large. If the value is a literal, the length must be less than 255. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages

Explanation: The point-and-shoot section of a panel definition can only have one VAL keyword. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the


Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS section entry to contain the acceptable length for the value of the VAL keyword. ISPP493 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Keywords in )LIST section missing or out of order. error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Check the )LIST sections for duplicate list-names. When the duplicate list-names are found, rename one the list-names to a unique list-name. ISPP496 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A list-name specified on this )LIST section has no corresponding list-name defined in the )ATTR section.

Explanation: For drop-down lists and list boxes the keywords in the )LIST section must be in this order: VAL(value) CHOICE(choice). For combination boxes only the CHOICE(choice) keyword is used. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: If working with list boxes or drop-down lists, correct the )LIST section entry to contain each of these keywords in the order given here: VAL(value) CHOICE(choice). If working with combination boxes, correct the )LIST section entry to contain this keyword: CHOICE(choice). ISPP494 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid CHOICE() value found in the )LIST section statement.

Explanation: The list-name on the )LIST section statement must have a corresponding name (either DDLIST(name), LISTBOX(name), or COMBO(name) defined. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Check the )LIST sections for list-names that have no corresponding name defined with the LISTBOX, DDLIST, or COMBO keywords. Verify the spelling of the names on the keywords and on the )LIST section heading. ISPP497 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The value in the )PNTS section parameter VAR(value) is a variable whose length exceeds the limitation of a leading ampersand plus 7 characters.

Explanation: The CHOICE() keyword contains an invalid choice value. The choice value can be a dialog variable or a literal. The error occurred while scanning the choice value. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the CHOICE() keyword for the )LIST section statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling. The choice value can be a dialog variable or a literal. ISPP495 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The list-name specified on this )LIST section is a duplicate of another )LIST sections list-name. Each )LIST section must have a unique list-name.

Explanation: The variable value for the )PNTS section VAR(value) exceeds the ding limitation of a leading ampersand plus 7 characters. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: When the value of the )PNTS section parameter VAR(value) is a g name variable it must consist of a leading ampersand plus 7 characters. The g variable specified exceeded the 7 character limit. Change the variable name to a variable name containing a leading ampersand and no more than 7 characters.

Explanation: The panel contains two )LIST sections which have the same list-name. Each )LIST section specified must have a unique list-name. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPP498 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The value in the )PNTS section parameter VAL(value) is a variable whose length exceeds the limitation of a leading ampersand plus 7 characters. ISPP506 Extended Help panel is not defined for the application panel.

Explanation: EXHELP was requested, but no extended help panel has been defined for the application panel displayed. Programmer response: Define a help panel with the .help variable if a help panel is desired. ISPP507 Extended Help panel is currently displayed.

Explanation: The variable value for the )PNTS section VAL(value) exceeds the limitation of a leading ampersand plus 7 characters. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: When the value of the )PNTS section parameter VAL(value) is a g name variable it must consist of a leading ampersand plus 7 characters. The g variable specified exceeded the 7 character limit. Change the variable name to a variable name containing a leading ampersand and no more than 7 characters. ISPP500 Exit address error - The panel help exit address is zero.

Explanation: EXHELP was requested, but the user was already in extended Help. User response: Do not request EXHELP once you are in extended Help. ISPP508 Keys Help panel is currently displayed.

Explanation: KEYSHELP was requested while the KEYSHELP panel was displayed. User response: Do not issue the KEYSHELP command while in a Help panel for the current keylist. ISPP509 RP help not defined - )HELP section definition for reference phrase aaaaaaaa missing.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP501 Exit variable error - The panel help exit address variable is not defined.

Explanation: No Help panel was defined for a reference phrase field. Programmer response: Make sure an entry is coded in the )HELP section for the reference phrase field in question. ISPP510 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The DEPTH keyword in a )PNTS section statement is missing or out-of-order.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP502 Exit variable error - An error occurred retrieving the panel help exit address variable.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP503 Exit variable error - The panel help exit data variable is not defined.

Explanation: The DEPTH keyword must be coded before the TEXT, PLACE, IMAGE, and IMAGEP keywords and after the FIELD VAR and VAL keywords in a )PNTS section statement. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS section statement, ensuring that the DEPTH keyword immediately follows the VAL() keyword.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP504 Exit variable error - An error occurred retrieving the panel help exit data variable.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP505 Keys Help not available - Application has not set system variable ZKEYHELP.

Explanation: No help panel was defined for the current keylist. Programmer response: Either identify a keys help panel in the keylist definition or set variable ZKEYHELP to an appropriate help panel.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP511 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The image-name specified with the IMAGE or IMAGEP keyword contains an invalid character, or is greater than 8 characters. ISPP514 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid )PNTS statement syntax. The depth-value is incorrect on the DEPTH keyword. Valid values are 0 - 62 or a dialog variable containing one of these values.

Explanation: An image-name must be 1-8 characters. The first character must be A-Z or a-z, and any remaining characters can be A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a valid image-name for the IMAGE keyword. An image-name must be 1-8 characters. The first character must be A-Z or a-z, and any remaining characters can be A-Z, a-z, or 0-9. ISPP512 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid )PNTS statement syntax. The image-name parameter is missing or defined as blank for the IMAGEP keyword.

Explanation: The value for the DEPTH() keyword is not a value from 0 - 62 or a dialog variable containing one of these values. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: The value for the DEPTH() keyword is incorrect. Supply a correct numeric value or a dialog variable set to a correct numeric value. ISPP515 The image from the host is being downloaded to the default path, where ISPFs client/server resides. To set an image path from ISPFs Settings panel, select the Workstation action bar choice, select the option GUI panel settings, and set an image path. Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid )PNTS statement syntax. The place-value is incorrect on the PLACE keyword. Valid values are: A (above) B (below), L (left), R (right) or a dialog variable containing one of these values.

Explanation: The image-name for the IMAGEP keyword on the panel statement was not specified, or is blank. An image-name is required. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify an image-name for the IMAGEP keyword, or remove the IMAGEP keyword. ISPP513 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid panel statement syntax. The image-name is not defined for the IMAGE keyword on a )PANEL statement or on a )PNTS statement. ISPP516

Explanation: The value for the PLACE() keyword is incorrect. Valid User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: The value for the PLACE() keyword is incorrect. Valid values are: A (above), B (below) L (left) R (right) or a dialog variable containing one of these values. ISPP517 ISPILIB, the image data set, is not allocated. ISPILIB must be preallocated in order for ISPF to download images to your workstation. Images will not display on your panel unless they already exist on your workstation.

Explanation: The image-name for the IMAGE keyword on a )PANEL or )PNTS statement was not specified. An image-name is required. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify an image-name on the IMAGE keyword.

Explanation: The image data set was not preallocated. You must preallocate the image data set with the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ddname of ISPILIB. ISPF downloads the images to your workstation. Images will not display on your panel unless they already exist on your workstation. User response: The image data set must be preallocated before attempting to display a panel with images. Programmer response: Preallocate the ISPILIB data set. ISPP517A The host member aaaaaaaa could not be found in any of the concatenated ISPILIB data sets. checkbox after you have verified the image path specified is valid. The target disk should not be read only and should exist. ISPP517D Enter image path field - When Make Path for Images has been selected, you must enter a workstation path in the Path for Images field. If you do not want an image path made, do not check Make path for Images.

Explanation: The user selected the option to make a workstation path for images, but failed to enter the path in the Path for Images field. User response: Enter the workstation path in the Path for Images field. If you do not want a path made, do not select the Make Path for Images checkbox, and leave the Path for Images field blank. ISPP518 Panel aaaaaaaa error - No text found following the TEXT keyword.

Explanation: The host member was not found in any of the image data sets associated with the ddname of ISPILIB. Programmer response: Put the missing member in the host data set associated with ddname, ISPILIB. ISPP517B An I/O error occurred while attempting to find a member of an image data set (ddname ISPILIB).

Explanation: In the )PNTS section the TEXT keyword was used but no text was supplied. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Supply the text required by the TEXT keyword. It must match the text for that particular point and shoot text field. Text of more than one word must be enclosed within single quotes. Text containing variables must allow room for expansion, if needed. ISPP519 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A )PNTS section statement contains a point-and-shoot text field with only the DEPTH keyword specified. If the DEPTH keyword is coded, the TEXT keyword must also be coded.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to find a member of an image data set. Programmer response: Check the allocation and data set specifications for the image library, ddname ISPILIB. The image data sets must be partitioned data sets. ISPP517C An attempt to download images from the host failed. ISPF has disabled Download Images. To reactivate, select the option GUI panel settings from the Workstation action bar choice on the Settings panel. Enable the Download Images checkbox and verify your Path for images is correctly specified and is available on the workstation. See the messages documentation for other possible errors.

Explanation: An attempt to download images from the host to the workstation failed. ISPF has disabled the Download Images checkbox on the GUI settings panel. To reset the disabled Download Images checkbox and verify the image path, select Settings, select the option GUI panel settings from the Workstation action bar choice. Verify your Path for images exists on the workstation and is correctly specified on the GUI settings panel and enable the Download Images checkbox. Other possible errors are that the target disk is read only, the target disk does not exist, or the file could not be opened. User response: From the Settings menu, select the Workstation action bar choice, then select the GUI panel settings option. Verify that your image path exists on the workstation and is correctly specified on the GUI settings panel. Enable the download image

Explanation: If the DEPTH keyword is used on a point-and-shoot text field, the TEXT keyword must also be coded. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )PNTS statement, ensuring that the statement contains both a DEPTH

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


and a TEXT keyword, or contains neither the DEPTH or the TEXT keyword. ISPP520 PICTCN syntax error - VER statement syntax error on PICTCN keyword parameter. The field-mask parameter does not contain the mask-character specified. 9 X Any numeric character (same as N) Any hexadecimal character (0-9, A-F, a-f)

For example: VER(xxx, PICTCN,*,V**R**M**,VNNRNNMNN) The value of the variable must start with the constant V followed by 2 numeric characters, the constant R followed by 2 numeric characters, the constant M followed by 2 numeric characters. Programmer response: Correct the invalid value for the verify PICTCN string. ISPP524 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid value for a verify PICTCN string found while processing panel.

Explanation: The PICTCN keyword was specified on a VER statement with a mask-character, but that mask-character was not found in the field-mask parameter. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Change the field-mask parameter to contain the mask-character specified in the VERify statement. ISPP521 DSN syntax error - Verification failure using keyword DSNAMEF. Consecutive asterisks (*) are not allowed.

Explanation: A PICTCN string in a VER statement in the )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section of a panel definition is incorrect. The valid syntax is VER (xxx,PICTCN,mask-char,fieldmask,string) where xxx is a variable. The string parameter can be composed of constants and any of these values: C Any character A Any alphabetic character (A-Z, #, @, $) N Any numeric character (0-9) 9 Any numeric character (same as N) X Any hexadecimal character (0-9, A-F) For example: VER(xxx, PICTCN,*,V**R**M**,VNNRNNMNN) The value of the variable must start with the constant V followed by 2 numeric characters, the constant R followed by 2 numeric characters, the constant M followed by 2 numeric characters. Programmer response: Correct the invalid value for the verify PICTCN string. ISPP525 PICTCN mask-char error - VER statement syntax error on PICTCN mask-char parameter. The mask-character parameter cannot be one of the picture string characters (C,A,N,9,X, or c,a,n,x)

Explanation: The DSNAMEF keyword verification failed because consecutive asterisks (*) were found in the data set name qualifier. User response: Ensure each data set name qualifier contains no more than one asterisk. ISPP522 Name syntax error - Verification failure using keyword NAMEF. Consecutive asterisks (*) are not allowed.

Explanation: The NAMEF keyword verification failed because consecutive asterisks (*) were found in the member name. User response: Ensure that the member name contains only one asterisk. ISPP523 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid value for a verify PICTCN string found while processing panel.

Explanation: The PICTCN mask-character used is invalid. It cannot be one of these picture string characters (C,A,N,9,X, or c,a,n,x). User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Change the mask-char parameter to contain a valid mask-character for the VERify PICTCN statement.

Explanation: A PICTCN string in a VER statement in the )INIT, )REINIT, or )PROC section of a panel definition is incorrect. The valid syntax is VER (xxx,PICTCN,mask-char,fieldmask,string) where xxx is a variable. The string parameter can be composed of your defined constants and any of these values: C Any character A Any alphabetic character (A-Z, a-z, #, @, $) N Any numeric character (0-9)


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPP526 VERify JSTD error - VER statement failed for Julian standard date (JSTD) when verifying the year. The value for the year must be numeric. The date is expressed in a 4-digit year (YYYY) and a 3-digit day (DDD). The format is YYYY.DDD. Valid values for YYYY are 0000-9999. Valid values of DDD are 001-365 or 001-366 if the year is a leap year. User response: Enter the correct national language date delimiter character. ISPP529A VERify error - VER statement failed for Julian date or Julian standard date delimiter. A period should be used as the delimiter. For example: YY.DDD is the Julian date format and YYYY.DDD is the Julian standard date format.

Explanation: One of the first four values entered was not a numeric. The first four values of the date must be numeric. The date is expressed in a 4-digit year (YYYY) and a 3-digit day (DDD). The format is YYYY.DDD. User response: Enter the Julian standard date in the correct numeric format YYYY.DDD. Valid values for YYYY are 0000-9999. VALID values for DDD are 001-365 or 001-366 if the year is a leap year. ISPP527 VERify JSTD error - VER statement failed for Julian standard date (JSTD) when verifying the day. The value for the day must be numeric. The date is expressed in a 4-digit year (YYYY) and a 3-digit day (DDD). The format is YYYY.DDD. Valid values for YYYY are 0000-9999. Valid values of DDD are 001-365 or 001-366 if the year is a leap year.

Explanation: The date delimiter character is not a period (.). The format for Julian date is YY.DDD. The format for Julian standard date is YYYY.DDD. User response: Use the period (.) as the date delimiter character in the Julian date or Julian standard date. ISPP530 Verify IDATE error - VER statement failed for IDATE. The year, day, or month is not numeric. The date must be expressed as a 2-digit year (YY), 2-digit month (MM) and 2-digit day (DD). The year, month and day 2-digit values are separated by the national language date delimiter character. Valid year values are 00-99, valid month values are 01-12, and valid day values are 01-31.

Explanation: The date was not numeric. Enter numeric data for the 2-digit year (00-99), the 2-digit month (01-12), and the 2-digit day (01-31). The format for the U.S. is YY/MM/DD. User response: Enter numeric data for the 2-digit year (00-99), the 2-digit month (01-12), and the 2-digit day (01-31). ISPP531 Verify IDATE error - VER statement failed for IDATE. The 2-digit month is not within the range 01-12. The date must be expressed in a 2-digit year (YY), 2-digit month (MM) and 2-digit day (DD). The year, month and day 2-digit values are separated by a delimiting character.

Explanation: One of the values for day was not a numeric. The 3-digit day must be numeric. The date is expressed in a 4-digit year (YYYY) and a 3-digit day (DDD). The format is YYYY.DDD. User response: Enter the Julian standard date in the correct numeric format YYYY.DDD. Valid values for YYYY are 0000-9999. VALID values for DDD are 001-365 or 001-366 if the year is a leap year. ISPP528 VERify JSTD error - VER statement failed for Julian standard date (JSTD) when verifying the day. The day was outside of the range 001-365 or 001-366 for leap years.

Explanation: The day was not within the range 001-365 or 001-366 for leap years. Enter a day within the range and in the format DDD. User response: Enter the day within the range and in the format DDD. ISPP529 VERify error - VER statement failed for the national language date delimiter character.

Explanation: The month was not within the range 01-12. Enter numeric data for the 2-digit month within the range 01-12. User response: Enter the month as a 2-digit month within the range 01-12. ISPP532 Verify IDATE error - VER statement failed for IDATE. The 2-digit year is not within the range 00-99. The date must be expressed in a 2-digit year (YY), 2-digit month (MM) and 2-digit day (DD). The year, month and day 2-digit values are separated by a delimiting character.

Explanation: The date delimiter character does not match the national language date delimiter character. For the U.S., the date delimiter is a slash (/).

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Explanation: The year was not within the range 00-99. Enter numeric data for the 2-digit year within the range 00-99. The date must be expressed in a 2-digit year (YY), 2-digit month (MM) and 2-digit day (DD). The year, month and day 2-digit values are separated by a delimiting character. User response: Enter the year as a 2-digit year within the range 00-99. ISPP533 Verify IDATE error - VER statement failed for IDATE. The 2-digit day entered is not within the 01-31 range for the months of January, March, May, July, August, October or December, or the 2-digit day entered is not within the 01-30 range for the months of April, June, September or November. ISPP535 Verify STDDATE error - VER statement failed for standard date (STDDATE). The 4-digit year (YYYY) or 2-digit month (MM) or 2-digit day (DD) was not numeric. Valid year values are 0000-9999, valid month values are 01-12, and valid day values are 01-31.

Explanation: The STDDATE format represents a date expressed in a 4-digit year (YYYY), a 2-digit month (MM), and a 2-digit day (DD). For the U.S. the format is YYYY/MM/DD. Valid year values are 0000-9999, valid month values are 01-12, and valid day values are 01-31. User response: Enter the date as a 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and 2-digit day as numeric values. Valid year values are 0000-9999, valid month values are 01-12, and valid day values are 01-31. ISPP536 Verify IPADDR4 error - VER statement failed for IPADDR4. Two consecutive dot delimiters were found in the IP version 4 address. The format for a valid IP version 4 address in dotted decimal notation is: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. For example, or are in valid IP version 4 address notation.

Explanation: The day entered was not a valid day of the month. The 2 digit day must fall within the 01-31 range for the months of January, March, May, July, August, October, and December, or within the 01-30 range for the months of April, June, September, and November. User response: Enter the day as a 2-digit day within the ranges for the appropriate months. Refer to the explanation section. ISPP533A Verify IDATE error - VER statement failed for IDATE. The 2-digit day specified exceeds the days in the month of February. February has a range of 01-29 in leap years and a range of 01-28 in non-leap years.

Explanation: The invalid IP version 4 address contains consecutive dot delimiters. The format for a valid IP version 4 address consists of a decimal value representing each of the 4 bytes (octets) that make up the address and is represented in the dotted decimal notation: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn For example, or are in valid IP version 4 address notation. User response: Enter the IP version 4 address using the dotted decimal notation. ISPP537 Verify IPADDR4 error - VER statement failed for IPADDR4. One of the 4 bytes (octets) that make up the IP version 4 address is greater than 3 decimal digits. The format is: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

Explanation: The day specified exceeds the number of days in the month of February. In non-leap years the range is 01-28 and in leap years the range is 01-29. User response: Enter a valid 2-digit day for February. In non-leap years the range is 01-28 and in leap years the range is 01-29. ISPP534 Verify JDATE error - VER statement failed for Julian date (JDATE) day. The day was outside of the range 001-365 or 001-366 for leap years.

Explanation: The day was not within the range 001-365 or 001-366 for leap years. Enter a day within the range and in the format DDD. User response: Enter the day in the DDD format within the range 001-365 for non-leap years and 001-366 for leap years.

Explanation: The invalid IP version 4 address contains a byte (octet) consisting of more than 3 decimal digits. The IP version 4 address is represented in dotted decimal notation with a decimal value in each of the 4 bytes (octets) that make up the address. For example or User response: Enter the IP version 4 address using the dotted decimal notation.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPP538 Verify IPADDR4 error - VER statement failed for IPADDR4. The IP version 4 address is not in the correct dotted decimal notation. Either 1) Too few or too many dot delimiters were found or 2) The address started or ended with a dot delimiter. The correct format is: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn ISPP540 Verify STDDATE error - VER statement failed for STDDATE. The 2-digit month was not within the range of 01-12.

Explanation: The month entered was not a valid month. A valid 2-digit month falls in the range of 01-12. User response: Enter a valid 2-digit month in the range of 01-12. ISPP541 Verify STDDATE error - VER statement failed for STDDATE. The 2-digit day entered is not within the 01-31 range for the months of January, March, May, July, August, October or December OR the 2-digit day entered is not within the 01-30 range for the months of April, June, September or November.

Explanation: The invalid IP version 4 address has either too few (less than 3) or too many (more than 3) dot delimiters OR the address started or ended with a dot delimiter. This is a valid example of dotted decimal notation for an IP version 4 address: User response: Enter the IP version 4 address using the dotted decimal notation. ISPP539 Verify IPADDR4 error - VER statement failed for IPADDR4. The first byte (octet) of the IP version 4 address is not in the range of 0-223 decimal.

Explanation: The first byte (octet) of the IP version 4 address exceeds the decimal range of 0-223. User response: Enter an IP version 4 address in which the first byte (octet) falls within the 0-223 decimal range. ISPP539A Verify IPADDR4 error - VER statement failed for IPADDR4. The second, third or fourth byte (octet) of the IP version 4 address is not in the range of 0-255 decimal.

Explanation: The day entered was not a valid month. The 2 digit day must fall within the 01-31 range for the months of January, March, May, July, August, October, and December, or within the 01-30 range for the months of April, June, September, and November. User response: Enter the day as a 2-digit day within the ranges for the appropriate months. Refer to the explanation section. ISPP542 Verify STDDATE error - VER statement failed for STDDATE. The 2-digit day specified exceeds the days in the month of February. February has a range of 01-29 in leap years and a range of 01-28 in non-leap years.

Explanation: Either the second, third or fourth byte (octet) of the IP version 4 address exceeds the decimal range of 0-255. User response: Enter an IP version 4 address in which the second, third and fourth bytes (octets) of the IP address fall within the 0-255 decimal range. ISPP539B Verify IPADDR4 error - VER statement failed for IPADDR4. The IP version 4 address contains an invalid digit or delimiter. Valid digits can range from 0-9, and a dot (.) is the only valid delimiter. The format is: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

Explanation: The day specified exceeds the number of days in the month of February. In non-leap years the range is 01-28 and in leap years the range is 01-29. User response: Enter a valid 2-digit day for February. In non-leap years the range is 01-28 and in leap years the range is 01-29. ISPP543 Verify JDATE error - VER statement failed for JDATE. The year was not expressed as a 2-digit year. The date must be expressed as 2-digit year in the range of 00-99 and 3-digit day of the year in the range of 001-365 or 001-366 for a leap year. The format is YY.DDD with a period as the delimiter.

Explanation: The IP version 4 address contains either an invalid decimal digit or an invalid delimiter. Valid digits can range from 0-9 and the delimiter must be a dot (.). The format for the IP version 4 address in dotted decimal notation is: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn User response: Enter a valid IP version 4 address in dotted decimal notation with the digits ranging from 0-9 and the dot delimiter. For example,

Explanation: The format for JDATE is YY.DDD. Enter numeric data for the 2-digit year within the range 00-99. The date must be expressed as a 2-digit year (YY) and 3-digit day of the year (DDD). The year and day of the year values are separated by the delimiting character, a period (.). User response: Enter the year as a 2-digit year within the range 00-99 and a 3-digit day of the year within the range 001-365 or 001-366 for leap years.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP544 Verify JDATE error - VER statement failed for JDATE. The day of the year was not expressed as a 3-digit day of the year (DDD). The date must be expressed as 2-digit year in the range of 00-99 and 3-digit day of the year in the range of 001-365 or 001-366 for a leap year. The format is YY.DDD with a period as the delimiter. ISPP548 Verify STDTIME error - VER statement failed for standard time (STDTIME). The national language time delimiter is invalid or position 3 and 6 do not contain the national language time delimiter.

Explanation: The national language time delimiter is invalid for the national language or is not in character position 3 and position 6. User response: Enter the correct national language time delimiter in positions 3 and 6. For the U.S. the time delimiter is a colon (:). ISPP549 Verify STDTIME error - VER statement failed for standard time (STDTIME). The hour, minute, or second value is not numeric. Valid values are 00-23 for hour, 00-59 for minute, and 00-59 for second. For the U.S., the format is HH:MM:SS.

Explanation: The format for JDATE is YY.DDD. Enter numeric data for the 3-digit day of the year within the range 001-365 or 001-366 for leap years. The date must be expressed as a 2-digit year (YY) and 3-digit day of the year (DDD). The year and day of the year values are separated by the delimiting character, a period (.). User response: Enter the year as a 2-digit year within the range 00-99 and a 3-digit day of the year within the range 001-365 or 001-366 for leap years. ISPP545 Verify ITIME error - VER statement failed for International time (ITIME). The national language time delimiter is invalid or position 3 does not contain the national language time delimiter.

Explanation: The hour, minute, or second specified was not numeric. Valid values for hour fall in the range of 00-23. Valid values for minute and second in the range of 00-59. User response: Enter valid values for hour in the range of 00-23 and for minute and second in the range of 00-59. ISPP549A Verify STDTIME error - VER statement failed for standard time (STDTIME). The hour, minute, or second value is not within the valid range. Valid ranges are 00-23 for hour and 00-59 for minute and second. For the U.S., the format is HH:MM:SS.

Explanation: The national language time delimiter is invalid for the national language or is not in position 3. User response: Enter the correct national language time delimiter in the third position. For the U.S. the time delimiter is a colon (:). ISPP546 Verify ITIME error - VER statement failed for International time (ITIME). The hour or minute value is not numeric. Valid values are 00-23 for hour and 00-59 for minute.

Explanation: The hour or minute specified was not numeric. The value range for hour is 00-23 and for minute is 00-59. User response: Enter valid values for hour in the range of 00-23 and for minute in the range of 00-59. ISPP547 Verify ITIME error - VER statement failed for international time (ITIME). The hour or minute entered is outside of the valid range. The value range for hour is 00-23 and for minute is 00-59.

Explanation: The hour, minute, or second specified is outside of the valid range. The valid ranges are 00-23 for hour, 00-59 for minute and second. User response: Enter valid values for hour in the range of 00-23 and for minute and second in the range of 00-59. ISPP550 Panel aaaaaaaa error - An invalid keyword was found in the )FIELD section.

Explanation: The )FIELD statement contains invalid keywords. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )FIELD statement,

Explanation: The value entered for hour or minute falls outside of the valid range for hour or minute. The value range for hour is 00-23 and for minute is 00-59. User response: Enter valid values for hour in the range of 00-23 and for minute in the range of 00-59.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ensuring that the statement contains a FIELD keyword and optionally any of these keywords: LEN,LCOL,RCOL,IND,LIND,RIND and SCROLL ISPP551 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid FIELD() value found in the )FIELD statement. ISPP554 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid LCOL() value found in the )FIELD statement.

Explanation: The LCOL() keyword contains an invalid value - it should be a valid dialog variable name that is referred to only as an LCOL value in the )FIELD section. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the LCOL() keyword for the )FIELD statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling. ISPP555 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid IND() value found in the )FIELD statement.

Explanation: The FIELD() keyword contains an invalid value. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the FIELD() keyword for the )FIELD statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling. ISPP552 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid LEN() value found in the )FIELD statement.

Explanation: The LEN() keyword contains an invalid value. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the LEN() to be a value between 1 and 32767 or a valid field name. ISPP553 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid RCOL() value found in the )FIELD statement.

Explanation: The IND() keyword contains an invalid value. Either the first parameter specifies an invalid dialog variable name or the second parameter does not specify 2 non-blank bytes as a literal enclosed in quotes. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the IND() keyword for the )FIELD statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling. ISPP556 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid keyword found in the )FIELD statement.

Explanation: The RCOL() keyword contains an invalid value - it should be a valid dialog variable name that is referred to only once in the )FIELD section. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the RCOL() keyword for the )FIELD statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling.

Explanation: The )FIELD statement contains invalid keywords. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the keyword for the )FIELD statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP557 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid LIND() value found in the )FIELD statement. ISPP560 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid field name specified on the LENGTH() built-in function

Explanation: The LIND() keyword contains an invalid value. Either the first parameter specifies an invalid dialog variable name or the second parameter does not specify a non-blank 1 byte literal. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the LIND() keyword for the )FIELD statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling. ISPP558 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid RIND() value found in the )FIELD statement.

Explanation: The LENGTH() keyword contains an invalid field name. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the LENGTH() built-in function. ISPP561 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid field name specified on the UPPER() built-in function

Explanation: The RIND() keyword contains an invalid value. Either the first parameter specifies an invalid dialog variable name or the second parameter does not specify a non-blank 1 byte literal. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the RIND() keyword for the )FIELD statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling. ISPP559 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid SCROLL() value found in the )FIELD statement.

Explanation: The UPPER() keyword contains an invalid field name. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the UPPER() built-in function. ISPP562 End of field - You have scrolled to the end of the current field.

Explanation: You cannot scroll any further right because you are positioned at the end of the field. ISPP563 Start of field - You are positioned at the start of the current field.

Explanation: The SCROLL() keyword contains an invalid value - it should be either a valid variable name that is referred to only on the SCROLL keyword in the )FIELD section or the fixed values ON or OFF. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the SCROLL() keyword for the )FIELD statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling.

Explanation: You cannot scroll any further left because you are positioned at the start of the field. ISPP564 Input truncated - You have typed data beyond the end of the field or you have replaced DBCS characters with single byte character resulting in truncation of input.

Explanation: When DBCS characters are displayed in a scrollable field the displayed field may contain inserted shift-out and shift-in characters. Hence you can enter more single byte characters than the editable characters displayed. The input will be truncated to the editable portion of the variable and the truncated input will be redisplayed ignoring any scroll commands. Programmer response: None.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPP565 Invalid command - The command you have entered is not valid for the expand field function. ISPP569 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid field name specified on the VSYM() built-in function

Explanation: An invalid command was specified to the expand field function. User response: Clear the command or enter a valid EXPAND window primary command. See help. ISPP566 Invalid parameter - ON/OFF are the only valid parameters HEX command parameters.

Explanation: The VSYM() keyword contains an invalid field name. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the VSYM() built-in function. ISPP600 No window to move - There is no active pop-up window to move.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on invocation of the expand hex command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the HEX command and reissue the command. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters for the hex command. ISPP567 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid SIND() value found in the )FIELD statement.

Explanation: The WINDOW command was entered, but no pop-up window was displayed in the logical screen from which the command was entered. User response: Use the WINDOW command only when a pop-up window is displayed. ISPP601 Cannot move window - Pop-up window cannot be moved while pull-down is displayed.

Explanation: The SIND() keyword contains an invalid value. Either the first parameter specifies an invalid dialog variable name or the second parameter does not specify 3 non-blank bytes as a literal enclosed in quotes. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the SIND() keyword for the )FIELD statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling. ISPP568 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid SCALE() value found in the )FIELD statement.

Explanation: The WINDOW command was entered while a pull-down menu was displayed. ISPF does not allow a pop-up window to be repositioned while a pull-down menu is displayed. User response: Close the pull-down window and then reposition the window. ISPP602 Invalid command - WINDOW MOVE is an invalid command in GUI mode.

Explanation: The WINDOW command was entered while running in GUI mode. ISPF does not support this command on the workstation. User response: Using the mouse, click on the title bar of the window and drag the window to a new position. ISPP603 Invalid command - PRINT, PRINT-HI, PRINTL, PRINTLHI, and PRINTG are invalid commands in GUI mode.

Explanation: The SCALE() keyword contains an invalid value - it should be a valid dialog variable name that is referred to only once in the )FIELD section. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the value contained in the SCALE() keyword for the )FIELD statement. Check for the correct value and the correct spelling.

Explanation: One of the PRINT commands was entered while running in GUI mode. ISPF does not support these commands on the workstation.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP604 No connection - The WS command is only valid when a connection with the workstation has been established. User response: You must close a screen first and then issue the SPLIT command. ISPP609 Not enough storage - There is not enough storage to safely start another screen. The SPLIT command is nullified.

Explanation: No connection to a workstation exists. The user must identify the workstation by specifying the GUI parameter on ISPSTART or by selecting the Workstation connection pull-down choice on the Workstation action bar on the ISPF Settings panel before using the WS command. ISPP605 No Connection - The SELECT WSCMD and SELECT WSCMDV services are only valid when a connection with the workstation has been established.

Explanation: ISPF requires more storage than is available in your region to perform the SPLIT request. Increasing your user region will provide additional storage. User response: Log on to TSO with a larger region size. ISPP610 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Width of line in the )AREA section is wider than allowed in the )BODY section definition.

Explanation: No connection to a workstation exists. The user must identify the workstation by specifying the GUI parameter on ISPSTART or by selecting the Workstation connection pull-down choice on the Workstation action bar on the ISPF Settings panel before using the SELECT WSCMD service. ISPP606 Enter an application name at the cursor position. Any application name and parameters that are valid for the ISPF START command are valid in this field. If additional space is needed, press the Expand PF key and a pop-up window will be displayed containing a longer input field.

Explanation: The line shown in the error box is longer than the line in the )BODY section that marks the scrollable area. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Either shorten the line in the )AREA section, or increase the width of the definition of the scrollable area in the panel definition. ISPP611 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A scrollable area cannot be defined within an )AREA section.

Explanation: The user has selected the Start a new application option, but the Application Name input field is blank. User response: Enter an application name at the cursor position. ISPP607 The Expand PF key is not active unless the cursor is in the Application Name input field.

Explanation: An attempt was made to define a scrollable area within a scrollable area. This is not allowed. User response: There is a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: A scrollable area cannot have another scrollable area defined within it. You may move all but one of the scrollable areas to the )BODY section, but be aware that you can only define one area in the )BODY section with EXTEND(ON). This includes scrollable areas, dynamic areas, and graphic areas.

Explanation: The user has pressed the Expand PF key, but the cursor must first be in the Application Name input field. User response: Put the cursor in the Application Name input field and then press the Expand PF key to display a pop-up window containing a longer input field. ISPP608 No more screens - There are no more screens available. You have the maximum number of available screens.

Explanation: There is a maximum of 32 logical screens in ISPF, or less if your installation has specified less. You must close a screen before attempting another SPLIT command.


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ISPP612 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A graphic area cannot be defined within an )AREA section. ISPP615 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )AREA section defined out of order, It must appear after the )BODY section and before the )INIT, )REINIT, )PROC, or )HELP sections if coded.

Explanation: An attempt was made to define a graphic area within a scrollable area. This is not allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: A scrollable area cannot have a graphic area defined within it. Move either the scrollable areas or the graphic area to the )BODY section. ISPP613 Panel aaaaaaaa error - An action bar cannot be defined within an )AREA section.

Explanation: An attempt was made to define a scrollable area, but the )AREA section was specified out of order in the panel definition. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Move the )AREA section after the )BODY section and before the )INIT, )REINIT, )PROC, or )HELP sections if they are coded in the panel definition. ISPP616 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid keyword for the )AREA section.

Explanation: An attempt was made to define an action bar within a scrollable area. This is not allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: A scrollable area cannot have an action bar defined within it. Move the action bar to the )BODY section. ISPP614 Panel aaaaaaaa error - An area defined with SCROLL(ON) or EXTEND(ON) cannot be defined within an )AREA section.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP617 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )AREA section is not defined for an area section defined in the )BODY or an empty )AREA section was defined.

Explanation: The )BODY section contains a field with an attribute that indicates the field is scrollable, but no )AREA section exists or it has no lines defined in it. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: You must code an )AREA section for the field in the )BODY section that has the attribute AREA(SCRL). That area must contain at least one line. ISPP618 Panel aaaaaaaa error - An )AREA section is defined without a section defined in the panel )BODY section.

Explanation: An attempt was made to define an area with SCROLL(ON) or EXTEND(ON) within a scrollable area. This is not allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: A panel with a scrollable area cannot have another area within it that has EXTEND(ON) or SCROLL(ON) specified. Change the EXTEND or SCROLL value to OFF.

Explanation: The )BODY section contains a field with an attribute that indicates the field is scrollable, but no )AREA section exists with that fields name. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: You must code an )AREA section for the field in the )BODY section that has the attribute AREA(SCRL). ISPP619 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid keyword for AREA of type SCRL. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: The depth of the scrollable area specified on the DEPTH() parameter on the )AREA section panel statement must be numeric. ISPP624 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )MODEL not allowed in )AREA section

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP620 Panel aaaaaaaa error - )MODEL cannot be defined in an )AREA that has other information already defined.

Explanation: A )MODEL statement cannot be specified in a scrollable area. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: A )MODEL section cannot be defined in an )AREA section. You could make the )MODEL section part of the )BODY section or use uniquely named variables instead of table variables and put them in the scrollable area. ISPP621 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Area name must be 1 to 8 characters in length.

Explanation: A )MODEL statement cannot be specified in a scrollable area. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: A )MODEL section cannot be defined in an )AREA section. Make the )MODEL section part of the )BODY section or use uniquely named variables instead of table variables and put them in the scrollable area. ISPP625 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Scrollable area must be defined at least 20 wide in the )BODY section definition.

Explanation: The name specified on the )AREA section panel statement is too long. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: The name on the )AREA section must exist and must be 8 characters or fewer in length. ISPP622 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Scrollable area name must be specified correctly

Explanation: The scrollable area as defined is too narrow. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: A scrollable area must be at least 20 characters wide, defined by the starting and ending scrollable attribute characters. The width includes the attribute characters. ISPP626 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Depth defined on the area section must be less than or equal to the number of lines defined in the )AREA section.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPP623 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The depth must be specified as a number

Explanation: The depth specified on the )AREA section panel statement contains a nonnumeric character.

Explanation: For a scrollable area with EXTEND(ON) specified on the scrollable attribute, the depth specified on the DEPTH() parameter of the )AREA section panel statement must be less than or equal to the number of lines defined in the )AREA section. User response: There was a programming error


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defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the specification in the DEPTH() parameter or change the number of lines in the )AREA section. ISPP627 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Depth defined on the area section must be equal to or greater than the number of lines defined for the scrollable area in the )BODY section. ISPP629 Panel aaaaaaaa error - EXTEND(OFF) scrollable area must be a depth of at least 2 lines in the )BODY section definition.

Explanation: When EXTEND(OFF) is specified for a scrollable area, the scrollable area defined in the )BODY section must have at least 2 lines. The scroll indicator takes one line and you must have at least one line of data to scroll. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: You must add a line to the scrollable area defined in the )BODY section or change the attribute of the scrollable area to EXTEND(ON). ISPP650 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Depth specified will not fit on the screen.

Explanation: The depth specified on the DEPTH() parameter must be equal to or greater than the number of lines defined for the scrollable area in the )BODY section. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: You must either change the number of lines defined in the panel section or change the depth specified in the DEPTH() parameter on the )AREA section panel statement. This number specifies the minimum number of lines in the scrollable area (not including the scroll indicator). It must be greater than or equal to the number of lines defined for the area in the )BODY section and less than or equal to the number of lines in the )AREA section. ISPP628 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Variable cannot be used for depth specification.

Explanation: The depth specified on the DEPTH() parameter, added to the depth of the rest of the panel, is too large to fit on the display. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Try changing to a display device that has more lines per screen. Programmer response: Either reduce the depth specified on the DEPTH() parameter of the )AREA section panel statement or change the number of non-scrollable area lines defined in the )BODY section. ISPP651 The cursor must be within a scrollable area to perform the requested scroll.

Explanation: A variable was specified on the DEPTH() parameter of the )AREA section panel statement. This is not allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: You must code a number for the depth of the scrollable area. This number specifies the minimum number of lines in the scrollable area (not including the scroll indicator). It must be greater than or equal to the number of lines defined for the area in the )BODY section and less than or equal to the number of lines in the )AREA section.

Explanation: The cursor was not in a scrollable area when a command to scroll the screen was received. User response: Place the cursor in the scrollable area you wish to scroll before pressing the scroll function key. ISPP652 End of data - There is no additional information below this line.

Explanation: This is an informational message. You have scrolled to the end of the scrollable information.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP653 Top of data - There is no additional information above this line. ISPP659 Any application name and parameters that are valid for the ISPF START command are valid in this field. If additional space is needed, press the Expand PF key while the cursor is in this field and a pop-up window will be displayed containing a longer input field.

Explanation: This is an informational message. You have scrolled to the beginning of the scrollable information. ISPP654 The scrollable area must be visible to perform the requested scroll.

Explanation: There is a scrollable area defined on the panel, but it does not fit on the display. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. You might be able to make the scrollable area visible by using a display device with more lines per screen. Programmer response: Too many lines have been defined outside the scrollable area so that the scrollable area does not appear on the panel. Reduce the number of non-scrollable lines in the )BODY section or move some of them to the scrollable area. ISPP655 End of data - There is no additional information below this line. Press Enter or RIGHT again to display the next panel, if one has been defined.

Explanation: This message is field level help text for the Application Name input field. ISPP700 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The exit name on the )INEXIT statement is invalid. An exit name is composed of 1-8 characters. Alphanumeric characters A-Z, 0-9, #, $, OR @ can be used in the name, but the first character cannot be numeric.

Explanation: The exit name on the )INEXIT statement either exceeds the 8 character limit, contains an invalid character, or starts with a numeric character. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Verify your INEXIT name is composed of 1-8 characters. Alphanumeric characters A-Z, 0-9, #, $, or @ can be used in the name, but the first character cannot be numeric. ISPP701 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Illegal token in )INEXIT section.

Explanation: This is an informational message. You have scrolled to the end of the scrollable information. ISPP656 Top of data - There is no additional information above this line. Press LEFT again to display the previous panel, if one has been defined.

Explanation: This is an informational message. You have scrolled to the beginning of the scrollable information. ISPP657 Panel aaaaaaaa error - A graphic area cannot be defined within a group box.

Explanation: An invalid keyword was found on the )INEXIT statement. The only valid keywords on the )INEXIT statement are LOAD, PGM, CACHE, and the exit name. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Correct the )INEXIT statement.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Graphic areas are not supported within group boxes. Programmer response: There are three options: remove the group box definition from the panel, remove the graphic area from the group box, code the graphic area outside of the group box. ISPP658 Invalid screen name - A screen name must be more than one character, and all alphanumerics, and cannot be LIST, PREV or NEXT.


Panel aaaaaaaa error - Panel input exit type is invalid - must be PGM or LOAD.

Explanation: The screen name entered was invalid. User response: Specify a valid screen name.

Explanation: The exit type specified on the )INEXIT statement must be PGM or LOAD. User response: Use the literal PGM or LOAD as the panel input exit type.


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Programmer response: Correct the )INEXIT statement. ISPP703 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The exit name parameter is missing from the )INEXIT statement. ISPP707 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The input exit address variable contains and invalid address value.

Explanation: The exit name parameter is required on the )INEXIT statement when an exit type of LOAD is specified. User response: Provide the name of the panel input exit when an exit type of LOAD is specified on the )INEXIT statement. Programmer response: Correct the )INEXIT statement. ISPP704 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Load of panel input exit routine failed.

Explanation: The dialog variable specified on the )INEXIT section statement contains an invalid address value. Programmer response: Ensure that the dialog variable specified on the )INEXIT statement contains the address of a panel input exit routine. ISPP900 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid ADDSOSI value (not a dialog variable).

Explanation: Only a dialog variable may be specified in the ADDSOSI built-in function. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify a dialog variable for the parameter to the ADDSOSI built-in function. ISPP901 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid DELSOSI value (not a literal or dialog variable).

Explanation: The exit name parameter is required on the )INEXIT statement. User response: Ensure the name of the panel input exit on the )INEXIT statement is correct. It is possible that you do not have all of the load module data sets allocated that the application expects. In this case, contact your system administrator. Programmer response: If necessary, correct the )INEXIT statement or ensure all required data sets are allocated. ISPP705 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The exit address variable parameter is missing from the )INEXIT statement.

Explanation: Something other than a literal or a dialog variable was specified as a parameter on the DELSOSI built-in function; for example, omitting the parameter to the function. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify only a literal or a dialog variable on the DELSOSI built-in function. ISPP902 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid ONEBYTE value (not a dialog variable).

Explanation: The exit address variable parameter is required on the )INEXIT statement when an exit type of PGM is specified. User response: Provide the name of a variable containing the address of the exit when an exit type of PGM is specified on the )INEXIT statement. Programmer response: Correct the )INEXIT statement. ISPP706 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The name of the exit address variable specified on the )INEXIT statement is invalid.

Explanation: The dialog variable name specified on the )INEXIT section statement is invalid. Either it is too long or contains invalid characters. Programmer response: Ensure that the name of the dialog variable containing the address of the exit is specified on the )INEXIT statement with valid characters and does not exceed the maximum length allowed.

Explanation: Something other than a literal or a dialog variable was specified as a parameter on the ONEBYTE built-in function; for example, omitting the parameter to the function. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Programmer response: Specify only a literal or a dialog variable on the ONEBYTE built-in function. ISPP903 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid TWOBYTE value (not a dialog variable). ISPP912 Must be EBCDIC - Enter EBCDIC characters.

Explanation: The field for which you are entering data accepts only EBCDIC (single-byte) characters. User response: Enter only single-byte characters in the field. ISPP913 ADDSOSI error - Invalid ADDSOSI value (dialog var) found while INIT/PROC panel.

Explanation: Something other than a literal or a dialog variable was specified as a parameter on the TWOBYTE built-in function; for example, omitting the parameter to the function. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Specify only a literal or a dialog variable on the TWOBYTE built-in function. ISPP904 Panel aaaaaaaa error - x0E or x0F is invalid as an attribute character.

Explanation: The variable name specified in the ADDSOSI built-in function resolved to a value in the )INIT section or the )PROC section that cannot have shift-out and shift-in characters added. Programmer response: Verify the panel logic to ensure that valid data for the ADDSOSI function is being passed. An example of data that could result in this error is a solitary shift-out or shift-in character or unbalanced shift-out and shift-in characters in a DBCS or mixed string. ISPP914 DELSOSI error - Invalid DELSOSI value (dialog var) found while INIT/PROC panel.

Explanation: A shift-in or shift-out character was used as an attribute character on the panel being displayed. They are not valid attribute characters on display devices that support the shift-in and shift-out characters. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Use any character other than X'00', X'0E', X'0F', X'40'(blank), or ampersand as an attribute character. ISPP910 Must be DBCS - Enter DBCS characters.

Explanation: The literal or variable name specified in the DELSOSI built-in function resolved to a value in the )INIT section or the )PROC section that cannot have shift-out and shift-in characters added. Programmer response: Verify the panel logic to ensure that valid data for the DELSOSI function is being passed. An example of data that could result in this error is data that does not contain a shift-out/shift-in character pair. ISPP915 TWOBYTE error - Invalid TWOBYTE value (dialog var) found while INIT/PROC panel.

Explanation: The field for which you are entering data requires DBCS (double-byte character set) characters. User response: Enter only double-byte characters in the field. ISPP911 Must be mixed - Enter correct mixed form characters.

Explanation: The literal or variable name specified in the TWOBYTE built-in function resolved to a value in the )INIT section or the )PROC section that cannot have shift-out and shift-in characters added. Programmer response: Verify the panel logic to ensure that valid data for the TWOBYTE function is being passed. An example of data that could result in this error is a solitary shift-out or shift-in character or unbalanced shift-out and shift-in characters in a DBCS or mixed string. ISPP916 ONEBYTE error - Invalid ONEBYTE value (dialog var) found while INIT/PROC panel.

Explanation: The field for which you are entering data accepts both DBCS (double-byte character set) characters and EBCDIC (single-byte) characters. You must, therefore, enclose DBCS character strings in shift-out and shift-in characters. User response: Enter the double-byte characters strings in the field with shift-out and shift-in characters surrounding them.

Explanation: The literal or variable name specified in the ONEBYTE built-in function resolved to a value in the )INIT section or the )PROC section that cannot have


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

shift-out and shift-in characters added. Programmer response: Verify the panel logic to ensure that valid data for the ONEBYTE function is being passed. An example of data that could result in this error is a solitary shift-out or shift-in character or unbalanced shift-out and shift-in characters in a DBCS or mixed string. ISPP917 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Invalid attribute FORMAT change attempted in an attribute override statement. alternate command line field. A FORMAT(MIX) specification is recommended since FORMAT(EBCDIC) does not display DBCS characters properly. ISPP921 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The alternate short or long message field name given is DBCS format.

Explanation: The alternate short or long message field cannot have a format of DBCS. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Change the FORMAT specification of the attribute being used to define the short or long message field. A FORMAT(MIX) specification is recommended since FORMAT(EBCDIC) does not display DBCS characters properly. ISPP940 Trace complete - The Trace output has been written to SYSOUT allocated to the DDname ISPDPTRC.

Explanation: The attribute override attempted to change the format from EBDCID to DBCS or vice versa. This is not allowed. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: You cannot change the FORMAT in an attribute override statement. ISPP918 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Exceeds maximum number of attributes allowed (127).

Explanation: Only 127 attributes are allowed in the definition of a panel. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Reduce the number of attributes being used on the panel. ISPP920 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The alternate command field name given is a DBCS format field.

Explanation: The output to the Panel Trace has been written to a SYSOUT class allocated to the DDname ISPDPTRC and can not be viewed by the ISPDPTRC command. ISPP941 Parameter Invalid - Parameter #aaaaaaaa is invalid. Valid parameters are: END, VIEW, LIST, QUIET, DISPLAY(), PANEL(), READ(), SCREEN(), SECTION(), SERVICE(), and DEBUG.

Explanation: A parameter specified for the ISPDPTRC command is invalid. Valid parameters are: END, VIEW, LIST, QUIET, DISPLAY(), PANEL(), READ(), SCREEN(), SECTION(), SERVICE(), and DEBUG. User response: Correct the command parameters. ISPP942 Invalid panel name - The panel name specified for the PANEL() parameter is invalid.

Explanation: The alternate command field (CMD() on the )BODY section panel statement) cannot have a format of DBCS. User response: There was a programming error defining the panel that you attempted to display. If you are running in TEST mode, you can either override the error and attempt to continue running the dialog, or you can choose not to override the error. If you select the latter, the dialog will end and you will be returned to the initial panel for the application. Programmer response: Change the FORMAT specification of the attribute being used to define the

Explanation: The panel name specified must be either a valid member name or member name pattern. User response: Correct the supplied panel name. ISPP943 aaaaaaaa value missing - The value for aaaaaaaa parameter was omitted.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Correct the command subparameters.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPP944 Invalid parameter value - The DISPLAY parameter value is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, IN, OUT, BOTH. ISPP951 No trace data sets found - No ISPF panel trace data set names were found matching aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The value specified for the DISPLAY() parameter is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, IN, OUT, BOTH. User response: Correct the parameter value. ISPP945 Invalid parameter value - The SCREEN() parameter value is invalid. Valid values are: * (current), 0 (all), or a screen id in the range 1-9, A-W.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPR000 CONTROL service error - An unexpected error received from the CONTROL service (RC=aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: The CONTROL service executed with a return code of aaaaaaaa. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPR001 Invalid specification - From and To data sets cannot be the same when all members specified.

Explanation: The value specified for the SCREEN() parameter is invalid. Valid values are: * (current), 0 (all), or a screen id in the range 1-9, A-W. User response: Correct the parameter value. ISPP946 Invalid parameter value - The SECTION() parameter values are invalid. Valid values are either *, NONE, or a combination of: INIT, REINIT, PROC, or NOINIT, NOREINIT, NOPROC.

Explanation: ISPPREP does not allow the same data set name to be specified for both input and output when the *(asterisk) notation is used to process all members. User response: Change the name of the output data set. ISPR002 Parameters missing - The invocation parameters are required for batch execution.

Explanation: The values specified for the SECTION() parameter are invalid. Valid values are either *, NONE, or a combination of: INIT, REINIT, PROC, or NOINIT, NOREINIT, NOPROC. User response: Correct the parameter value. ISPP947 Invalid parameter value - The SERVICE() parameter value is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, DETAIL.

Explanation: A batch execution has been requested, but no invocation parameters were specified. User response: Correct the invocation syntax to specify the required parameters. ISPR003 Variable service error - An unexpected error received from variable services (RC=aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: The value specified for the SERVICE() parameter is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, DETAIL. User response: Correct the parameter value. ISPP948 Invalid parameter value - The READ() parameter value is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, SUMMARY, DETAIL.

Explanation: One of the variable services executed with a return code of aaaaaaaa. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPR004 Display service error - An unexpected error received from the display service (RC=aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: The value specified for the READ() parameter is invalid. Valid values are: NONE, SUMMARY, DETAIL. User response: Correct the parameter value. ISPP950 LIST substituted - Panel trace data set aaaaaaaa not found. List of panel trace data sets displayed

Explanation: ISPDPTRC attempted to VIEW a trace data set that could not be found. A data set list of possible panel trace data sets was displayed

Explanation: The DISPLAY service executed with a return code of aaaaaaaa. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPR006 Member list error - An internal member list service error (RC=aaaaaaaa). ISPR012 Panel not processed - Panel aaaaaaaa not converted. See ISPF log for explanation.

Explanation: The member list function executed with a return code of aaaaaaaa. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPR008 LIBDEF service error - An unexpected error was received from the LIBDEF service (RC=aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: The panel aaaaaaaa could not be converted. Refer to the ISPF log for another message with the specific problem encountered. User response: Correct the reported problem and reprocess the panel. ISPR013 Utility - ISPPREP - Panel aaaaaaaa in use by you or another user.

Explanation: The LIBDEF service executed with a return code of aaaaaaaa. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPR009 FIND service error - An unexpected error received from the FIND service (RC=aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: ISPPREP cannot process panel aaaaaaaa because it is already in use by you or another user. User response: Free the aaaaaaaa panel from use and reprocess it. ISPR014 Panel in use - Panel aaaaaaaa in use by you or another user.

Explanation: ISPPREP cannot process panel aaaaaaaa because it is already in use by you or another user. User response: Free the aaaaaaaa panel from use and reprocess it. ISPR015 DEQUEUE service error - An unexpected error was received from the DEQUEUE service (RC=aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: The find function executed with a return code of aaaaaaaa. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPR010 ENQUEUE service error - An unexpected error was received from the ENQUEUE service (RC=aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPR016 STOW service error - An unexpected error was received from the STOW service (RC=aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPR011 Utility - ISPPREP - Panel aaaaaaaa not converted. See previous log message.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPR017 I/O error on output - An unexpected error was received from the put service (RC=aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: The panel aaaaaaaa could not be converted. The previous log message refers to the specific problem encountered. User response: Correct the reported problem and reprocess the panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPR018 Output service error - An unexpected error was received from the output service (RC=aaaaaaaa). ISPR024 Utility - ISPPREP - Data set aaaaaaaa contains no members.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: If the error continues, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPR019 Enter new member name - Member must be renamed when From and To data sets are the same.

Explanation: The data set aaaaaaaa(44) specified as the input to ISPPREP has no members. User response: Verify the data set name. ISPR025 No members in data set - Data set aaaaaaaa contains no members.

Explanation: The data set aaaaaaaa(44) specified as the input to ISPPREP has no members. User response: Verify the data set name. ISPR026 Utility - ISPPREP - Panel aaaaaaaa was not found in the PDS directory.

Explanation: ISPPREP does not allow the output member name to be the same as the input member name when the output data set name is the same as the input data set name. User response: Specify a different member name for the output member. ISPR020 Conversion of aaaaaaaa panels in progress - bbbbbbbb panels processed.

Explanation: ISPPREP could not find member aaaaaaaa in the input data set directory. ISPR027 Member not found - Panel aaaaaaaa was not found in the PDS directory.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is a status message issued every 50 panels when more than 50 panels are processed in a single ISPPREP cycle. ISPR021 Utility - ISPPREP - Panel aaaaaaaa already exists in output data set.

Explanation: ISPPREP could not find member aaaaaaaa in the input data set directory. ISPR028 Invalid output LRECL - ISPPREP output data set has an invalid LRECL, valid LRECL is between 80 160 for FB and 84 and 164 for VB.

Explanation: The output panel aaaaaaaa already exists in the output data set, and member replace was not specified. User response: Specify member replace, or choose a different output panel name. ISPR022 Panel not processed - Panel aaaaaaaa already exists in output data set.

Explanation: The record length of the output data set is not supported by ISPF. User response: Use an output data set with a record length between 80 and 160 for fixed blocked data sets, and 84 and 164 for variable blocked data sets. ISPR030 Utility - preprocess - Panel aaaaaaaa has been successfully converted.

Explanation: The output panel aaaaaaaa already exists in the output data set, and member replace was not specified. User response: Specify member replace, or choose a different output panel name. ISPR023 Conversion of aaaaaaaa panels in progress.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPR031 Panel aaaaaaaa converted - Panel aaaaaaaa has been successfully converted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPR032 Utility - preprocess - aaaaaaaa panels have been successfully converted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is a status message issued at the start of an ISPPREP processing cycle.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPR033 Panels converted - aaaaaaaa panels have been successfully converted.

Explanation: This is an informational message.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPR034 Utility - preprocess - Unable to convert aaaaaaaa panels. Successfully converted bbbbbbbb panels. User response: Specify a different data set name for input and output. ISPR042 Input parameter error - Input string aaaaaaaa contains syntax error or invalid keyword.

Explanation: Some of the panels could not be converted. User response: Refer to previous ISPF log messages for information about the conversion failure for each panel not converted. ISPR035 Panels not converted - Unable to convert aaaaaaaa panels. Successfully converted bbbbbbbb panels.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the syntax aaaaaaaa and reprocess. ISPR043 Input parameter error - Input string aaaaaaaa contains duplicate or conflicting keyword.

Explanation: Some of the panels could not be converted. User response: Refer to the ISPF log messages for information about the conversion failure for each panel not converted. ISPR037 From data set aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the syntax aaaaaaaa and reprocess. ISPR044 Input parameter error - Output member name is invalid when entire input library selected.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is a part of the ISPF log messages written at the end of the ISPPREP conversion cycle. ISPR038 to data set aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Remove the output member name. ISPR045 Input parameter error - Required keyword parameter OUTPAN is missing.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is a part of the ISPF log messages written at the end of the ISPPREP conversion cycle. This message is issued when either all members of the input data set have been converted, or a single member is converted and the output member name is the same as the input member name. ISPR039 to data set aaaaaaaa, newname = bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide the OUTPAN keyword and the output data set name. ISPR050 System abend aaaaaaaa - Abend aaaaaaaa encountered while processing panel bbbbbbbb.. The panel output library cccccccc is full.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is a part of the ISPF log messages written at the end of the ISPPREP conversion cycle. This message is issued in place of message ISPR038 when a single member is converted and the output member name is different from the input member name. ISPR040 Input parameter error - Required keyword parameter INPAN is missing.

Explanation: A system abend D37 occurred while processing the indicated panel. Programmer response: Increase the size of the output panel library and compress if necessary. Problem determination: Ensure that the TSO profile is set to WTPMSG and MSGID so that the system abend messages are seen for this error and additional information can then be obtained from system documentation. ISPR051 System abend aaaaaaaa - Abend aaaaaaaa encountered while processing panel bbbbbbbb.. The panel output library cccccccc or the panel output volume is full.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Provide the INPAN keyword and input data set name. ISPR041 Input parameter error - The INPAN and OUTPAN data set names must be unique.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory.

Explanation: A system abend B37 or E37 was encountered while processing the panel output library.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Programmer response: Refer to system documentation on these abend codes. The data set may be out of extents and need a larger allocation. Also the pack may be full, leaving no room to write additional records. System programmer response: Point to a different pack, or make space available on the existing pack if the pack is currently full. Problem determination: Ensure that the TSO profile is set to WTPMSG and MSGID so that the system abend messages are seen for this error. Additional information can then be obtained from system documentation. ISPR053 ESTAE error - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from ESTAE. Developers Guide and Reference for a listing of the screen errors. ISPS003 Trace - TPUT - - Tldaaaaaaaa length=bbbbbbbb option=cccccccc last 4 bytes=dddddddd

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPS004 Trace - TGET - - Tldaaaaaaaa length=bbbbbbbb option=cccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPS006 Terminal TPUT error - ** ISPF screen output error - code = aaaaaaaa - TPUT RC = bbbbbbbb **

Explanation: An error occurred on the ESTAE macro. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation for the ESTAE macro to check the return code issued by the ESTAE macro. ISPR054 System abend aaaaaaaa - Abend aaaaaaaa encountered while processing panel bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: There was an error in the screen display data stream. User response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a listing of the screen errors. ISPS007 Terminal TGET error - ** ISPF screen input error - code = aaaaaaaa - TGET RC = bbbbbbbb **

Explanation: A system abend occurred while processing a panel. User response: Refer to your system documentation to discover the cause of the problem, or contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If the abend code indicates insufficient space in the panel output data set, try either deleting unneeded members or compress the data set or both. If necessary, contact IBM support. ISPS001 Terminal output error - ** ISPF screen output error - code = aaaaaaaa **

Explanation: There was an error in the screen display data stream. User response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a listing of the screen errors. ISPS008 Data: hex=aaaaaaaa, EBCDIC=bbbbbbbb

Explanation: There was an error in the screen display data stream. User response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for a listing of the screen errors. ISPS002 Terminal input error - ** ISPF screen input error - code = aaaaaaaa **

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPS009 Tutorial test line - aaaaaaaa Cur panel = bbbbbbbb Prev panel = cccccccc Last msg = dddddddd

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPS011 32K not available for attach of PMD - ** Logical screen request failed insufficient storage.**

Explanation: There was an error in the screen display data stream. User response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: See z/OS ISPF Dialog

Explanation: Storage obtain failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that the users region size satisfies the ISPF minimum storage requirement.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPS012 User action for ISPS011 - ** Log on with larger SIZE parameter ** ISPS018 Invalid ZISPFRC value (aaaaaaaa), nonnumeric character found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPS013 Attach of PMD failed - ** Logical screen request failed - ATTACH RC= aaaaaaaa **

Explanation: The value in ZISPFRC must contain a numeric value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that your dialog returns a numeric value to ZISPFRC. ISPS019 Invalid ZISPFRC value (aaaaaaaa), out of allowable range.

Explanation: The task could not be processed. User response: Contact your system programmer. Programmer response: The ATTACH macro failed, contact IBM support. ISPS014 Immediate PMD termination after ATTACH - ** Logical screen request failed - abend aaaaaaaa **

Explanation: The value returned to ZISPFRC exceeds 16777215. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the value returned to ZISPFRC. ISPS100 Invalid service name - aaaaaaaa exceeds the allowable length of 8.

Explanation: The task could not be processed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If the abend code is an ISPF user abend code, assume that the failure is caused by the user environment. If the abend is a system abend, take a subtask dump to determine the reason for the abend. ISPS015 User action for ISPS013 and ISPS014 - ** Contact your system programmer or dialog developer.**

Explanation: The user invoked an ISPF service and the service names length exceeded the 8 character limit. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISPF service name. ISPS101 Service name missing - No dialog service request name found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPS016 No abend recovery till P.O.M PROC section processed ok - No dialog error recovery until a primary option menu is fully processed.

Explanation: ISPF does not know what service to execute. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the dialog to provide an ISPF service name. ISPS102 Invalid service name - aaaaaaaa is not a recognized dialog service name.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPF error recovery is not available until you have processed an Enter on a primary option menu. ISPS017 Error before error-free primary option menu known to DM - A dialog error has occurred before the dialog manager is initialized.

Explanation: The ISPF service name is not valid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the dialog to provide a valid ISPF service name. ISPS103 Too many parameters - Unexpected parameters were found on the dialog service statement.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPF error recovery is not available until you have processed an Enter on a primary option menu. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Determine why the dialog fails. You may code a primary option menu to enable ISPF error recovery.

Explanation: The user invoked an ISPF service with too many parameters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the parameters passed with the ISPF service.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPS104 Error in subfield - An error was encountered in the subfield of the aaaaaaaa keyword. Programmer response: Correct the syntax of the ISPF service that was being run. ISPS110 Too many items in list - The number of names in the list exceeds aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An ISPF service was invoked and an error was found in the service keywords numeric token. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the use of the ISPF service, the keyword (as displayed in the message), and the accompanying subfield. ISPS105 Invalid keyword - aaaaaaaa is not a valid keyword for this service.

Explanation: An ISPF service was invoked with a name-list parameter and the number of names in the list exceeds the value given in the message. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the syntax of the ISPF service. ISPS111 Service string too long - Exceeds maximum length of 32767 bytes after variable substitution.

Explanation: An invalid keyword was used when invoking an ISPF service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Enter a keyword that is valid for this ISPF service. ISPS106 Subfield missing - aaaaaaaa requires a subfield. None found.

Explanation: The string to invoke the ISPF service exceeded the maximum buffer size of 32767 bytes after variable substitution. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the syntax of the ISPF service. ISPS112 Var substitution error - Severe error while resolving symbolic variables in ISPEXEC statement.

Explanation: A keyword on an ISPF service call requires a subfield, but none was found. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Provide the required subfield. ISPS107 Required parm missing - Not all required parameters were found for the aaaaaaaa service.

Explanation: A variable on the ISPEXEC statement could not be resolved. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISPEXEC statement in the dialog. ISPS113 Invalid name list - A name list must begin with a left parenthesis.

Explanation: The ISPF service cannot run until all the required parameters are provided. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Provide the parameters required for this service. ISPS108 Invalid length - Parameter aaaaaaaa exceeds the allowable length.

Explanation: An ISPF services name-list parameter is missing a left parenthesis. If the ISPF services name-list parameter consists of more than one name, it must be enclosed in parentheses. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISPEXEC statement in error. ISPS114 Conflicting keywords - Keyword aaaaaaaa conflicts with a previously specified keyword.

Explanation: The ISPF service cannot be run because the parameter exceeds the length allowed for that service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the length of the parameter. ISPS109 Unexpected list found - A list of names was found where a list was not expected.

Explanation: The ISPF service could not execute because of an error in the keyword coding. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISPEXEC statement in error.

Explanation: The ISPF service cannot be run. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPS115 Invalid keyword - aaaaaaaa is not valid in the specified parameter position. ISPS118S SERVICE NOT INVOKED - A VALID ISPF ENVIRONMENT DOES NOT EXIST.

Explanation: The ISPF service could not be executed because of a syntax problem. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISPEXEC statement in error. ISPS116 PDF services unavailable - Insufficient storage to load the PDF component of ISPF.

Explanation: ISPF will find the ISPTASK TCB and check to see if the requesting task is at the same task level as ISPTASK. If the application is not at the same level ISPF will attempt to POST the applications ECB. If there is not an ECB that ISPF knows about then message ISPS118S is issued. For ISPF to know about the ECB the SELECT CMD service is required to set up the POST/WAIT interface. Additionally the SELECT CMD must be against a command processor. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the ISPF SELECT services commands are issued correctly. ISPS119 INVALID SERVICE - aaaaaaaa service not supported in the batch environment.

Explanation: An error occurred attempting to load the PDF component of ISPF. The error indicates insufficient storage for the PDF component. User response: Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the users region size meets the minimum requirements for ISPF. If the problem continues, contact IBM support. ISPS117 Invalid service request - The aaaaaaaa service is not allowed via the ISPEXEC interface.

Explanation: The service listed in the message is not supported in the batch environment. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the erroneous ISPEXEC statement. ISPS190 No ADDPOP specified - The FRAME or BKGRND keyword was specified before an ADDPOP keyword was found on a SELECT statement.

Explanation: There are several services not available when you use the ISPEXEC interface, but are available when you use the ISPLINK interface. The service given in the message is one that is not allowed with the ISPEXEC interface. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the dialog to use only valid ISPF services via the ISPEXEC interface. ISPS118L SERVICE NOT INVOKED - A VALID ISPF ENVIRONMENT DOES NOT EXIST.

Explanation: You must code an ADDPOP keyword before specifying FRAME or BKGRND. Programmer response: Correct the SELECT service parameters. ISPS191 Invalid frame type - An invalid FRAME value was specified on a SELECT service. The only valid values are STD, FIX or DLG.

Explanation: ISPS118L is issued when ISPLINK does not find the ISPTASK TCB present on the TCBOTC chain. This can happen if ISPLINK is called from native TSO and ISPF was never started. This can also occur if ISPLINK is called from an authorized program even though ISPF is active. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Make sure ISPF is active prior to issuing ISPLINK requests. If the error is a result of a call from an authorized program then remove this call to ISPLINK from the authorized program. Authorized programs cannot make ISPF service requests.

Explanation: The FRAME keyword only accepts these values: FRAME(STD), FRAME(FIX), FRAME(DLG). Programmer response: Correct the SELECT service parameters. ISPS192 Invalid background - An invalid BKGRND value was specified on a SELECT service. The only valid values are STD or DLG.

Explanation: The BKGRND keyword only accepts these values: BKGRND(STD), BKGRND(DLG). Programmer response: Correct the SELECT service parameters.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPS193 Conflicting parameters - WSCMD conflicts with another keyword. Programmer response: Check the usage of the WSCMD keyword and eliminate the conflict. ISPS291 WSCMD string too long - The parameter specified on SELECT WSCMD is too long.

Explanation: A keyword was found that is inconsistent with the WSCMD keyword. For example, WSCMD and PANEL cannot both be used in the same command. Programmer response: Check the usage of the WSCMD keyword and eliminate the conflict. ISPS200 SNAP macro error - SNAP macro error aaaaaaaa ddname is not allocated.

Explanation: The text in the WSCMD parameter on the SELECT service is longer than the 255 maximum allowed. Programmer response: The text may fit if placed in a variable and the SELECT WSCMDV . parameter is used. ISPS292 WSCMDV variable error - The variable specified in the SELECT WSCMDV is either not defined or its contents are blank, or longer than 255 characters.

Explanation: The ddname must be allocated before the SNAP macro can execute. User response: The ddname selected for use during execution of the SNAP macro must be allocated. ISPS201 SNAP macro error - Error from SNAP macro, return code = aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The SNAP macro was not executed successfully. User response: If the failure continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If the failure continues, contact IBM support. ISPS202 SNAP dump generated - A SNAP dump has been generated.

Explanation: ISPF tried to resolve the variable specified in the SELECT WSCMDV service and encountered an error. The variable may not be defined. If the variable is defined, its contents may be blank or longer than the 255 character maximum allowed. Programmer response: Verify the contents of the variable and correct it. ISPS300 Name too long - Variable name supplied to the QTABOPEN service must be less than 8 characters in length

Explanation: The MVS SNAP macro has been issued and has produced a dump of the internal ISPF terminal trace buffer. ISPS203 SNAP macro error - SNAP macro error no ddname has been specified for the SNAP macro.

Explanation: QTABOPEN service returns a list of variables and needs at least one character length to return some data. Programmer response: Provide a variable name that is shorter than 8 characters. ISPS301 List truncated - More data was available to return by the QTABOPEN service, however no more space is available to construct a valid variable name. aaaaaaaa instances of the list variable have been created.

Explanation: A ddname must be specified to allow a successful execution of the SNAP macro. User response: See the ENVIRON command in z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for an explanation of how to specify the ddname. ISPS204 SNAP dump in progress - A SNAP dump is currently being processed.

Explanation: More data was available to return by the QTABOPEN service, however no more space is available to construct a valid variable name. Programmer response: Shorten the name of the variable passed to QTABOPEN to allow more space for the suffix to be constructed. ISPS310L COMMAND NOT INVOKED - A VALID ISPF ENVIRONMENT DOES NOT EXIST.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPS290 Conflicting parameters - WSCMD conflicts with another keyword.

Explanation: A keyword was found that is inconsistent with the WSCMD keyword. For example, WSCMD and PANEL cannot both be used in the same command.

Explanation: ISPS318L is issued when an ISPF Command does not find the ISPTASK TCB present on the TCBOTC chain. This can happen if the ISPF


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Command is called from native TSO and ISPF was never started. This can also occur if the command is called from an authorized program even though ISPF is active. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Make sure ISPF is active prior to issuing the ISPF command. If the error is a result of a call from an authorized program then remove this call to the command from the authorized program. Authorized programs cannot make ISPF service requests. ISPT001 Internal table error - aaaaaaaa detected an invalid DTA or DTB control block. System programmer response: Try restoring the table from a backup and retry the application. If the problem still persists, contact IBM support. ISPT005 Internal table error - aaaaaaaa detected an invalid name value work area.

Explanation: An error was encountered with an internal table control block. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. System programmer response: Try restoring the table from a backup and retry the application. If the problem still persists, contact IBM support. ISPT006 Variable services error - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from ISPDVCGT.

Explanation: ISPF detected an invalid table control block. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. System programmer response: An internal table control block is invalid. This could be a possible storage overlay problem. If this fails in a specific application, check that application for destructive move statements or other possible overlay problems. If the failure still continues, force a dump and contact IBM support. ISPT002 Internal table error - aaaaaaaa detected an invalid service request or RDA.

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to retrieve variable for a table row. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This error should not occur. It could be caused by a storage overlay situation. Contact IBM support. ISPT007 Router service error - aaaaaaaa is unknown table service.

Explanation: ISPF detected an invalid table control block. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. System programmer response: An internal table control block is invalid. This could be a possible storage overlay problem. If this fails in a specific application, check that application for destructive move statements or other possible overlay problems. If failure still continues, force a dump and contact IBM support. ISPT003 Internal table error - Row data area not large enough to contain the updated row.

Explanation: An invalid internal table service request was issued. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: ISPF issued an invalid table service request through an internal interface. This should never occur. Obtain a dump at the time of the error and contact IBM support. ISPT008 GETMAIN error - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from GETMAIN.

Explanation: The GETMAIN macro failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation on the GETMAIN macro for the return code information. ISPT009 FREEMAIN error - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from FREEMAIN.

Explanation: The RDA control block is not large enough for the row being modified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. System programmer response: Try restoring the table from a backup and retry the application. If the problem still persists, contact IBM support. ISPT004 Internal table error - aaaaaaaa detected error during SAWA construction.

Explanation: The FREEMAIN macro failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation on the FREEMAIN macro for the return code information.

Explanation: An error was encountered building an internal table control block. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPT010 Internal table error - aaaaaaaa detected an invalid name list work area. appropriate system documentation on the BLDL/FIND macro for the return code information. ISPT016 I/O error on PUT - aaaaaaaa received I/O error indication from common PUT.

Explanation: An error was encountered building an internal table control block. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Try restoring the table from a backup and then retry the application. If the problem persists, contact IBM support. ISPT011 DEQUEUE error - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from DEQUEUE.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while trying to write a table member. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the ISPTABL, ISPPROF and any other appropriate table output libraries for these possible causes: v The table output library must not have concatenated libraries. v A real I/O error may have occurred. Try to browse the table output library in PDF Browse to see if an I/O error occurs outside of table services. v The table library allocation may have bad DCB parameters. The table library must be a partitioned data set with fixed block 80 byte records. ISPT017 I/O error on GET - aaaaaaaa received I/O error indication from common GET.

Explanation: An error occurred on the DEQUEUE macro. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation on the DEQUEUE macro for the return code information. ISPT012 ENQUEUE error - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from ENQUEUE.

Explanation: An error occurred on the ENQUEUE macro. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation on the ENQUEUE macro for the return code information. ISPT013 Internal table error - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from TFD build.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while trying to read a table member. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the ISPTLIB (or appropriate table input library) for these possible causes: v The table input library may have inconsistent DCB information for the concatenated data sets. v A real I/O error may have occurred. Try to browse the table input library in PDF Browse to see if an I/O error occurs outside of table services. ISPT018 STOW error - aaaaaaaa received decimal return code bbbbbbbb, decimal reason code cccccccc from the STOW macro.

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to build an internal control block. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPT014 Error on RDJFCB - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from RDJFCB.

Explanation: An error occurred on the STOW macro when updating a partitioned data set directory or PDSE directory. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation on the STOW macro for the return code and reason code information. ISPT019 Internal table error - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from table delete.

Explanation: An error occurred on the RDJFCB macro. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation on the RDJFCB macro for the return code information. ISPT015 BLDL/FIND error - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from BLDL/FIND.

Explanation: An error occurred on the BLDL/FIND macro User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the

Explanation: An error occurred while removing the DTB control block from the active chain. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: A possible storage overlay occurred. Examine any user programs for


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

possible storage overlay problems and rerun the dialog. If the problem persists, contact IBM support. ISPT020 Internal table error - Table information record (TIR) cannot fit into block. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPT025 Library format error - First table record read does not have TIR: as identifier.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT021 Parameter conflict - TBSKIP service request specifies row number and row ID.

Explanation: The table member being read is missing a required header. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The table member is not usable. Restore the table member from a backup copy. ISPT026 ESTAE error - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from ESTAE.

Explanation: Mutually exclusive parameters for the TBSKIP service were issued. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The parameter that causes the error is not an external parameter. This error message should only be generated as a result of an internal call that is in error. Determine the steps necessary to recreate the failure and contact IBM support. ISPT022 Unexpected EOF - Unexpected end-of-file received while reading table member.

Explanation: An error occurred on the ESTAE macro. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate system documentation for the ESTAE macro to check the return code issued by the ESTAE macro. ISPT027 System abend aaaaaaaa - Abend aaaaaaaa encountered while processing table bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The end of file was reached unexpectedly, while reading a table member. More records should have been in the table. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The table is unusable and needs to be restored from a backup. ISPT023 WRITE/NOWRITE conflict - TBOPEN for table aaaaaaaa specifies conflicting WRITE/NOWRITE option.

Explanation: A system abend occurred while processing a table. User response: Refer to your system documentation to discover the cause of the problem, or contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If the abend code indicates insufficient space in the table output data set, try either deleting unneeded members or compress the data set or both. If necessary, contact IBM support. ISPT028 Internal table error - aaaaaaaa detected an invalid scan argument work area.

Explanation: A table was being opened with the SHARE parameter, but the WRITE/NOWRITE option conflicted with the option already in use by the other screen. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: If the SHARE parameter is used with TBOPEN, the same WRITE/NOWRITE option must be used for each screen that shares the table. Ensure that dialogs that plan to share a table across split screens all use WRITE or all use NOWRITE for the same shared table. ISPT024 Error on input/output - Unexpected return code aaaaaaaa from CDG/CDP. RC=13 implies disk full.

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to clean up an internal ISPF control block during the processing of a TBSAVE, TBEND, TBCLOSE, or TBCREATE (with REPLACE) service. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is either a storage overlay problem caused by a user program, or an internal ISPF problem. If necessary, contact IBM support. ISPT029 Table not in write mode - TBSAVE issued for table aaaaaaaa that is not in write mode.

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during I/O to a table member. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: A TBSAVE was issued, but the NOWRITE parameter was used for the TBOPEN or TBCREATE that opened the table.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that a TBSAVE is not issued when the table is not open in write mode. ISPT030 Error opening aaaaaaaa - Error occurred attempting to open input table library. ISPT034 Table is not open - aaaaaaaa issued for table bbbbbbbb that is not open.

Explanation: A table service was issued for a table that was not open. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify that the table is open before any table services are issued. ISPT035 Library not allocated - aaaaaaaa library is not allocated.

Explanation: An error occurred during the open for the input table library. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the table input library allocation for possible problems with the allocation. Ensure that a valid DCB is used if the code supplies its own DCB macro for a library pointed to by the LIBRARY parameter on the TBOPEN or TBCREATE, or pointed to by a LIBDEF service. ISPT031 Error opening aaaaaaaa - Error occurred attempting to open output table library.

Explanation: A LIBRARY parameter was supplied for a table service such as TBOPEN, but the referenced ddname was not allocated. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that any ddnames referenced by the LIBRARY parameter on a table service have been allocated. ISPT036 Table in use - aaaaaaaa issued for table bbbbbbbb that is in use, ENQUEUE failed.

Explanation: An error occurred during the open for the table output library. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the table output library allocation for possible problems with the allocation. Check the ISPTABL allocation for a valid DCB. If a LIBDEF is used, check the DCB associated with the LIBDEF. Also, the LIBRARY parameter could be used on the TBCREATE or TBOPEN to point to a different DDNAME. If so, then check that allocation. ISPT032 No scan arguments - No arguments established for TBSCAN of table aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The table has an existing enqueue against it already. Another user may be updating the table at the same time. User response: Try again later or contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The RNAME used for the enqueue is the first data set name in the ISPTLIB concatenation sequence padded to 44 characters with blanks, followed by the table name for 8 characters padded with blanks. Since the enqueue is done on the input library at open time, it may be desirable to put the data set pointed to by the table output library (normally ISPTABL) as the first data set in the ISPTLIB concatenation sequence. ISPT037 Library format error - Invalid record: Table=aaaaaaaa TTRN=bbbbbbbb Offset=cccccccc.

Explanation: No scan argument has been established for the TBSCAN service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that either a TBSARG has been issued for the table, or that an ARGLIST parameter is used with the TBSCAN service. The ARGLIST parameter on the TBSCAN service is optional, but if it is omitted then an argument must have been established by a previous TBSARG service. ISPT033 Table already open - aaaaaaaa issued for table bbbbbbbb that is already open.

Explanation: An invalid record was detected while reading the table. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The table is not usable. Try to restore the table member from a backup copy. If necessary, contact IBM support. ISPT038 Table structure error - aaaaaaaa for table bbbbbbbb detected an invalid internal table structure.

Explanation: An attempt was made to open a table that is already open. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Logic may be missing to close a table in error conditions. If the open error is expected then use CONTROL ERRORS RETURN to mask the error from the user.

Explanation: An invalid table structure was detected by ISPF. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: A TBCREATE that specifies the same field in both the KEY and NAMES parameters will cause this error. Ensure that all variable names are specified for either the KEY or NAMES parameter, but not both. If this does not resolve the problem, the table is not usable and should be restored from a backup copy. System programmer response: Restore the table member from a backup copy if necessary. (See programmer response.) ISPT039 PAD value invalid - PAD value specified on aaaaaaaa command is invalid. ISPT046 Filemode not supported - Filemode of * is not supported for output file aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT047 Library allocation error - Error occurred during the allocation of library aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT048 Read-only disk - Write failed for aaaaaaaa, disk read only.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT050 Table panel unavailable - Unable to process reinvocation. Enter HELP for more information.

Explanation: The value specified in the PAD parameter is invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: This error is probably caused by a bad value in the storage pointed to by the TBCLOSE parameters. The PAD parameter on a program call should be a fullword fixed binary integer. ISPT040 File not found. - File aaaaaaaa was not found

Explanation: The TBDISPL service was called without the panel name and the request could not be processed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The TBDISPL request could not be processed for one of these reasons: v TBDISPL has never been called with the panel-name parameter specified during the session for this application. To correct this, make sure that the first call to TBDISPL in the application uses the panel name. v The last panel displayed was by a service other than TBDISPL and the CONTROL service was not used to save and restore the panel environment. The CONTROL service should be used to save and restore the panel environment when nesting display requests under the TBDISPL command. Use of the ADDPOP service performs the equivalent of a CONTROL DISPLAY SAVE prior to creating the pop-up window. The REMPOP service performs the equivalent of a CONTROL DISPLAY RESTORE after removing the current pop-up window. A dialog should not issue its own CONTROL DISPLAY SAVE/RESTORE around an ADDPOP/REMPOP sequence. ISPT051 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The body of a TBDISPL panel must have a command field.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT041 File not accessed. - File aaaaaaaa is not accessed

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT042 FSSTATE error - Return code aaaaaaaa received from FSSTATE.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT043 VMSPF error - Code xaaaaaaaa from VMSPF virtual machine for file bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT044 ENQUEUE error - Error occurred on ENQUEUE for file aaaaaaaa rc=bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT045 DEQUEUE error - Error occurred on DEQUEUE for file aaaaaaaa rc=bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: No command field was coded on the TBDISPL panel. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the TBDISPL panel has a command field coded in the )BODY section of the panel.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPT052 Panel aaaaaaaa error - The model line(s) must contain 1 or more input/output fields. ISPT057 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Unable to fit at least 1 table entry on screen, due to panel format.

Explanation: No input or output fields were defined in the )model section. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the TBDISPL panel in question to have at least 1 input/output field defined in the model line(s). ISPT053 Invalid VARS value - Vars=aaaaaaaa is invalid or missing.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT058 Panel aaaaaaaa error - Table display panel must have )MODEL and 1-8 model lines

Explanation: The TBDISPL panel is either missing model lines or has more than 8 model lines specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the TBDISPL panel to have at least 1 and no more than 8 model lines. ISPT060 Table display loop - No more selections to process (End key pressed or panel never given)

Explanation: The TBDISPL panel has an invalid or missing VARS variable. If Z variables are used as name placeholders in the model line(s), a .ZVARS or VARS variable must be defined so that the real variable names can be associated with the name placeholders. If neither variable is defined, this error occurs. This error can also occur if the VARS variable is null or has no names within a name list. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the TBDISPL panel to use .ZVARS to define the name list associated with the Z variables defined. VARS can be used due to compatibility with older releases of ISPF, but .ZVARS is recommended. ISPT054 Invalid VARS value - A Z variable replacement name within is a duplicate field name.

Explanation: A TBDISPL service was issued with no panel name, but no selections remained to be processed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: This error is a protection against a loop and should not normally occur. Check the dialog to see if CONTROL ERRORS RETURN is active. If so, check all error conditions that might cause this loop. Problem determination: Dialog Test can be used to set breakpoints on the TBDISPL as well as any services within the TBDISPL loop. The return codes can then be checked from the Breakpoint panel. Also, the Variables selection can be chosen from the Breakpoint panel to examine error conditions for return codes of 12 and higher. Variables ZERRMSG, ZERRSM, and ZERRLM would be the main variables to examine for error information. ISPT061 Table aaaaaaaa error - Attempt to process a table row that no longer exists.

Explanation: A duplicate name exists within the name list for the VARS variable value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the TBDISPL panel so it does not specify duplicate names within the name list for the VARS variable value. If possible, use the .ZVARS control variable instead of the VARS variable. ISPT056 Invalid VARS value - The # of field names does not match # of Z in/out fields on model line(s)

Explanation: The number of names in the name list for the VARS variable value does not match the number of Z variables. There should be a one to one correspondence between the field names in the VARS variable value and the Z variable placeholders. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the TBDISPL panel so that the VARS variable value match the Z variables. If possible, use the .ZVARS control variable instead of the VARS variable.

Explanation: The row selected for processing in a TBDISPL panel no longer exists. This could happen while processing a table display with multiple rows selected. An error could occur on a selected row which causes the table display panel to be redisplayed before all the selected rows have been processed. The display will reflect the table as it was prior to any updates. If a user reselects a row that was deleted, this error will occur. User response: Do not try to reprocess a deleted row.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPT062 Table display error - Scroll return variable ZTDSCRP does not exist in the function pool. ISPT070 System abend aaaaaaaa - Abend aaaaaaaa encountered while processing table bbbbbbbb.. The table output library cccccccc is full.

Explanation: Scrolling was attempted, but variable ZTDSCRP does not exist in the function pool. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Make sure that variable ZTDSCRP is defined in the function pool if the dialog uses dynamic table display processing. ISPT063 Table display error - The value of scroll return variable ZTDSCRP, aaaaaaaa, is invalid.

Explanation: A system abend D37 occurred while processing the indicated table. Programmer response: Increase the size of the output table library and compress if necessary. If the abend continues to occur, check for a user error, such as a loop writing to the table output library. Problem determination: In the case of a possible user error (such as a loop), use Dialog Test to trace the table services such as TBADD, TBOPEN, and TBCLOSE. The dialog could be in a loop on these services causing the output library to grow larger until a space abend terminates the loop. Also, ensure that the TSO profile is set to WTPMSG and MSGID so that the system abend messages are seen for this error and additional information can then be obtained from system documentation. ISPT071 System abend aaaaaaaa - Abend aaaaaaaa encountered while processing table bbbbbbbb.. The table output library cccccccc or the table output volume is full.

Explanation: The value of variable ZTDSCRP is invalid. This variable must be numeric. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that a numeric value is in variable ZTDSCRP. A length of zero or a value of all blanks is invalid. ISPT064 DMSCSL invocation error - aaaaaaaa received csl return code bbbbbbbb from cdsn.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT065 DMSCSL invocation error - aaaaaaaa received csl return code bbbbbbbb from CFI.

Explanation: A system abend B37 or E37 was encountered while processing the table output library. Programmer response: Refer to system documentation on these abend codes. Make sure the dialog is not in a loop causing the out of space condition. The data set may be out of extents and need a larger allocation. Also the pack may be full, leaving no room to write additional records. System programmer response: Point to a different pack, or make space available on the existing pack if the pack is currently full. Problem determination: In the case of a possible user error (such as a loop), use Dialog Test to trace the table services, such as TBADD, TBOPEN, and TBCLOSE. The dialog could be in a loop on these services causing the output library to grow larger until a space abend terminates the loop. Also, ensure that the TSO profile is set to WTPMSG and MSGID so that the system abend messages are seen for this error. Additional information can then be obtained from system documentation. ISPT072 Directory full - aaaaaaaa received return code bbbbbbbb from STOW. The table output library cccccccc directory is full.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT066 Invalid parameter - AUTOSEL parameter was not YES, NO, or blank. It was aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An invalid AUTOSEL value was specified on the TBDISPL service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the AUTOSEL parameter has a value of YES, NO, or blank. There should also be at least 1 trailing blank after the YES or NO value. ISPT067 SFS directory full - SFS directorys space limit exceeded a rollback has occurred.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPT068 No authority for file - Not authorized to write to file on directory accessed as aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The table output library cccccccc directory is full. Programmer response: Increase the number of directory blocks for the table output library.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Problem determination: If the problem persists after increasing the number of directory blocks, use Dialog Test to trace TBOPEN, TBCREATE, TBSAVE, and TBCLOSE. A loop may be occurring on these services causing the directory full condition. ISPT073 Cannot process table - The table cannot be processed by the ISPF Table Utility because it contains a variable named aaaaaaaa.. Variable names with a prefix of ZTD or ZTB are reserved for use by the ISPF table processing and the ISPF Table Utility. ISPT082E ISPT082I ISPT082O ISPT082P ISPT082R ISPT082S ISPT083 Edit Profile ISPF Profile Other Profile Table Application Profile Reference List System Profile Data set in use - Data set aaaaaaaa in use by another user, try later or enter HELP for a list of jobs and users allocated to aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The table variables with names commencing with ZTD or ZTB could conflict with variables used internally by the ISPF Table Utility. Attempting to use the ISPF Table Utility to process the table could cause either the utility to fail or the table data to be corrupted. Programmer response: Rename any table variables with a name commencing with ZTD or ZTB. ISPT074 Cannot process table - The table cannot be processed by the ISPF Table Utility because it contains an extension variable named aaaaaaaa. in row bbbbbbbb.. Variable names with a prefix of ZTD or ZTB are reserved for use by the ISPF table processing and the ISPF Table Utility.

Explanation: ISPF received a non zero return code attempting to enqueue the data set aaaaaaaa indicating the data set is currently allocated to another job or user and is, therefore, unavailable to satisfy your request. User response: If the data set is in use by another job, wait for that job to finish, or have the submitter of the job cancel it, then retry your request. If the data set is in use by another user, have that user free it, then retry the request. ISPT101 Storage release error - Error encountered during storage release by TBSORT service.

Explanation: The table variables with names commencing with ZTD or ZTB could conflict with variables used internally by the ISPF Table Utility. Attempting to use the ISPF Table Utility to process the table could cause either the utility to fail or the table data to be corrupted. Programmer response: Rename any table variables with a name commencing with ZTB. ISPT080 aaaaaaaa Conflict - bbbbbbbb(cccccccc) Table processing conflict.

Explanation: An error occurred on the FREEMAIN macro trying to release storage obtained by TBSORT. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPT102 No storage available - Insufficient storage available to perform TBSORT service.

Explanation: An conflict has been detected in an ISPF profile table that has been updated since it was last accessed by the ISPF session. ISPF configuration options define the default action to be taken when a conflict is detected. The action can be Keep, Delete, or Prompt. ISPT081 aaaaaaaa - Table last accessed bbbbbbbb cccccccc., last modified dddddddd eeeeeeee..

Explanation: The GETMAIN macro could not obtain the necessary storage to perform the TBSORT. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that the users region is sufficient to run the failing dialog. If the error continues, contact IBM support. ISPT103 Invalid sort key - The name aaaaaaaa is not a column name of this table.

Explanation: This message is written to the ISPF log data set in conjunction with message ISPT080. Refer to message ISPT080 for an explanation.

Explanation: The specified name is not a column name within the table being sorted. Programmer response: Specify a field name that is either a NAME or KEY field in the table.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPT104 Invalid direction code - The given sort direction code of aaaaaaaa must be an A or a D. ISPT200 Invalid name-op pair - The given name aaaaaaaa is not a valid search argument.

Explanation: The sort direction code must be either A (ascending) or D (descending). Programmer response: Supply an A or D for the sort direction code. ISPT105 Invalid sort type aaaaaaaa - The valid table sort types are B, C, N, or Y.

Explanation: The given name does not match the name of a key field, name field, or name of an extension variable for the table. Programmer response: Specify a valid name in the TBSARG NAMECOND parameter. ISPT201 Too many operators - More operators than arguments were specified

Explanation: Only B for binary, C for character, Y for year, owed or N for numeric are all as valid sort types. Programmer response: Enter B, C, N, or Y for the sort type. ISPT106 Value too large - The sort field aaaaaaaa was too large to convert to binary.

Explanation: The condition-value-list for the CONDLIST parameter has more operators than there are names in the name-list of the ARGLIST parameter. Programmer response: Compare the names in the ARGLIST parameter to the operators in the CONDLIST parameter. The CONDLIST operators correspond one-to-one with the names in the ARGLIST parameter. Extra operators cause the error. If there are fewer values in the CONDLIST than there are names, EQ is used as the default for the remaining names in the ARGLIST. ISPT202 Invalid number of rows - The number of rows must be a positive number less than 32768

Explanation: The sort field was too large for a numeric type sort. The largest value that can be sorted with type numeric is plus or minus 2 147 483 647. Programmer response: Ensure that none of the variable values being sorted with type numeric exceed plus or minus 2 147 483 647. ISPT107 Invalid sort digit - The digit aaaaaaaa found in the sort field cannot be converted.

Explanation: The number of rows specified in the MULT parameter of the TBADD service is greater than or equal to 32 768. Programmer response: Specify a number for the MULT parameter that is less than 32 768. ISPT203 Table row too long - aaaaaaaa was requested for a row bbbbbbbb bytes long. Maximum length is 65536.

Explanation: A numeric type sort was specified and a value was found that was not numeric. Programmer response: Ensure that all variable values for the field being sorted are valid numeric (0-9) values if a numeric type sort is specified. ISPT108 Sort value too large - A string greater than 16 characters is too long to convert.

Explanation: The requested table service request would cause the table row to exceed 65 536 bytes. Programmer response: Decrease the size of the table row. Problem determination: The length of a table row can be computed as follows: Row size = 22 + 4a + b + 9c where: a Total number of variables in the row, including extensions b Total length of variable data in the row c Total number of extension variables in the row ISPT204 Invalid LIBDEF usage - A LIBDEF definition for ISPTABL cannot be used for table input processing

Explanation: The numeric value being sorted cannot exceed a total of 16 characters. This length includes any plus or minus signs, blanks, or decimal points. Programmer response: Ensure that no variable values for the field being sorted exceed a total of 16 characters if a numeric type sort is specified. ISPT109 Invalid scan operator - The given operator aaaaaaaa is not a valid scan operator.

Explanation: An invalid operator was specified in the condition value list for the CONDLIST parameter of the TBSCAN service. Programmer response: Ensure that a valid operator is used in the condition value list. The valid operators are EQ, NE, LE, LT, GE, and GT.

Explanation: A TBOPEN or TBCREATE was issued

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


that used a LIBDEF definition for ISPTABL. ISPTABL is intended for output only. Programmer response: Do not use the ISPTABL LIBDEF definition for TBOPEN or TBCREATE. Use LIBDEF for ISPTLIB instead. ISPT205 Invalid LIBDEF usage - A LIBDEF definition for ISPTLIB cannot be used for table output processing ISPU331 Input command error - Command entered is not recognized.

Explanation: An invalid command was entered. User response: Enter a valid command, or erase the invalid command from the command line. ISPU332 Invalid appl ID - Application IDs ISP and ISR are not allowed.

Explanation: A TBSAVE, TBERASE, or TBCLOSE was issued that used a LIBDEF definition for ISPTLIB. ISPTLIB is intended for input only. Programmer response: Do not use the ISPTLIB libdef definition for table output processing. Use LIBDEF for ISPTABL instead. ISPT206 File recall failed - File aaaaaaaa is migrated and implicit recall failed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPU333 Appl ID too long - Application IDs have a maximum length of four characters.

Explanation: A user cannot enter more than 4 characters for the application ID field. User response: Enter no more than 4 characters for the application ID. System programmer response: This error requires a user to have modified the supplied panel, ISPUCMA. The supplied panel has only 4 physical positions available. Check the panel source for ISPUCMA to see how the user could be entering more than 4 characters. ISPU334 Invalid line command - D, I, R, and E are the only valid line commands.

Explanation: An FSREAD was issued for a table member in VM that resulted in a return code of 50 or 51. These return codes indicate that a file is migrated and recall failed. ISPT207 Invalid year offset - The year offset must be a value from 1 to 7.

Explanation: The year sort only accepts a variable value with a maximum value of 8 characters where part of the value is a 2 digit year. Hence the offset to the beginning of the year can only be a value from 1 to 7. Programmer response: Specify a valid offset for the year parameter. ISPU330 Invalid command table - The command table has keys, and therefore cannot be processed.

Explanation: An invalid line command was entered. User response: Either correct the invalid line command, or blank it out. ISPU335 Starter line substituted - To delete a table, delete all lines and enter END command.

Explanation: This message is issued if all lines in a command table are deleted. A dummy line is added to allow input if more commands are to be entered. User response: Enter END to delete the table, or add new entries as needed. ISPU336 Verb too short - Command table verbs must be at least two characters long.

Explanation: The command table being read by the Command Table utility has variables defined as keys. System programmer response: Check the ISPTLIB concatenation for the table being read. The table name is xxxxCMDS, where xxxx is the application ID entered by the user. ISPF command tables should not have keys. This condition could occur if users created their own command tables with the TBCREATE service. The Display Status selection of Tables under Dialog Test can be used to get status information on the table, which may be helpful in determining how the invalid table was created.

Explanation: The command verb must be from 2 to 8 characters long, and must begin with an alphabetic character. User response: Enter a valid name for the verb. ISPU337 Invalid verb - Command table verbs must begin with an alphabetic character.

Explanation: The command verb must be from 2 to 8 characters long, and must begin with an alphabetic character. User response: Enter a valid name for the verb.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPU338 Invalid T or Trunc value - Command table truncation values must be within the length of the verb. User response: Either correct the invalid line command, or blank it out. ISPU343 Entry updated - The change to command was updated, but has not been saved in the command table yet. You must exit (save) from the Command Table Utility to make the change permanent.

Explanation: A truncation value was specified that is greater than the length of the command verb. User response: Use a truncation value that is less than or equal to the verb length. ISPU339 Invalid action field - Incorrect data entered for the action field.

Explanation: An invalid ACTION value was specified for the command verb. User response: Enter a valid ACTION value. See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for information on the valid actions allowed. ISPU339A Severe error - A severe error occurred on the TBOPEN for the command table.

Explanation: An entry in the command table was changed. It will be made permanent if the user exits from the Command Table Utility or will be ignored if the user cancels from the Command Table Utility. ISPU344 Entry unchanged - The change to command was ignored.

Explanation: An entry in the command table made, but canceled. ISPV000 Invalid variable name - Variable aaaaaaaa in list bbbbbbbb is syntactically incorrect.

Explanation: A severe error occurred while processing the TBOPEN for the command table. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the ISPTLIB allocation for a possible allocation error. ISPU340 Invalid appl ID - Enter up to 4 alphanumeric characters. The first must be alphabetic.

Explanation: The dialog specified an invalid variable name. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that proper ISPF naming conventions are followed for variable names. A dialog variable name is composed of 1 to 8 characters (6, for FORTRAN). Alphanumeric characters A-Z, 0-9, #, $, or @ can be used in the name, but the first character cannot be numeric. APL variable names cannot contain #, $, or @. ISPV001 Variable not modifiable - Variable aaaaaaaa is reserved by the system.

Explanation: An invalid value was entered for the application ID field. From 1 to 4 characters can be entered with the first position being alphabetic and the remaining positions alphanumeric. User response: Enter a valid value. ISPU341 Table in use - The command table specified is already open and cannot be opened again.

Explanation: An attempt was made to update a non-modifiable variable. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the dialog so it does not update the reserved ISPF variable. ISPV002 Insufficient storage - Not enough main storage was available to satisfy request.

Explanation: You have specified a command table that has already been specified for the Command Table Utility, and you have not exited from the utility yet. You may have specified the command table from another screen, or you may have hidden the utility from view by going to another function using the action bars. User response: Close the other invocation of the Command Table Utility for that command table. ISPU342 Invalid line command - V is the only valid line command.

Explanation: Variable services needed more storage to process variable requests, but the system was unable to obtain more storage. User response: Log on with a larger region size. Programmer response: Make sure that any user programs are managing storage properly. Check VDEFINE requests for incorrect length values. Also, a loop on VDEFINE requests without a corresponding VDELETE could cause storage to grow.

Explanation: An invalid line command was entered. D, I, E, and R are only valid on a table that can be updated.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPV003 Invalid variable blocks - Pool initialization must be matched with pool termination. variable being updated. The data was not valid for the format specified on the VDEFINE for the variable. For example, a value other than 0 or 1 was supplied for a variable with a format of BIT specified on the VDEFINE service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. ISPV004 Descriptor already used - Variable aaaaaaaa in list bbbbbbbb is already defined. Programmer response: Ensure that the data being used to update a variable is valid for the format specified on the VDEFINE for that variable. ISPV008 Invalid data length - Length of aaaaaaaa is bbbbbbbb - valid lengths are 0 to 32767.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: An invalid variable control block was encountered. The variable control block chain had a duplicate entry which would have caused a loop. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the VDEFINE in error for possible coding problems. Also, ensure that the use of Control Errors Return did not allow a previous error condition to be improperly handled or to go undetected. Use Dialog Test to trace ISPF services and set breakpoints on the appropriate services, such as VDEFINE and CONTROL. For further help, contact IBM support. ISPV005 Destructive move - Source and target overlap destructively. No data was moved.

Explanation: An invalid length was encountered on a VREPLACE or VCOPY service. The length must be between 0 and 32 767. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that a valid length is specified on the VCOPY or VREPLACE service. Use Dialog Test to trace or set breakpoints on the VCOPY and VREPLACE service. ISPV009 Invalid variable name - Variable aaaaaaaa is syntactically incorrect.

Explanation: An update of a variable would cause a destructive move. The target data overlaps the source data. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check for a VDEFINE with an incorrect length or an incorrect variable storage pointer. Use Dialog Test to trace the VDEFINE service. ISPV006 Data truncation occurred - Data for aaaaaaaa format variable bbbbbbbb was too long.

Explanation: The dialog specified an invalid variable name. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that correct ISPF naming conventions are followed for variable names. A dialog variable name is composed of 1 to 8 characters (6, for FORTRAN). Alphanumeric characters A-Z, 0-9, #, $, or @ can be used in the name, but the first character cannot be numeric. APL variable names cannot contain #, $, or @. ISPV010 Profile not loaded - Profile table aaaaaaaa not read. Table service RC=bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The variable value being updated is longer than the length specified on the VDEFINE for the variable in question. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the correct length was specified on the VDEFINE service. The length should have been specified as a fullword binary value. If this variable is being updated from a panel, make sure that the field length on the panel is not larger than the length specified on the VDEFINE service. Dialog Test can be used to trace the variable and the VDEFINE service. ISPV007 Invalid data characters - Data for aaaaaaaa format variable bbbbbbbb was not aaaaaaaa characters.

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to open a profile table for a new application. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check out the ISPTLIB allocations for possible problems. Possible return codes are: 8 The profile table was not found. Check the ISPTLIB concatenation for allocation errors. ISPTLIB will be used for default profile tables when the profile table is not found in ISPPROF. 12 An enqueue error occurred. Check the ISPPROF and ISPTLIB allocations for contention problems. 20 A severe error was encountered. The user may

Explanation: Invalid data was supplied for the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

have a bad profile table. Restore the table or delete the profile in question and retry. ISPV011 Profile table not found - Unable to access aaaaaaaa table for variable bbbbbbbb. System programmer response: Make sure the variable being added does not have a length definition problem. The table could be fine, but the variable being added is too large. If the table is very full, the VERASE service should be used to clean up the profile by deleting variables that are not needed. Use dialog trace to trace the variable being added. An incorrect length on a VDEFINE or a loop on VPUT could cause this. ISPV016 R/O profile not loaded - R/O profile table aaaaaaaa not read. Table service RC=bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The variable cannot be accessed because the profile table is not found. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The active profile table can no longer be located. Check to make sure there are no prior errors causing the profile table to be closed prematurely. Check ISPF log for additional messages. Use dialog test to trace all ISPF services to get an idea of where the problem may be. ISPV012 Invalid VDEFINE keyword - aaaaaaaa is not valid. Use COPY, NOBSCAN, or LIST.

Explanation: Variable ZPROFAPP specified a read-only extension profile existed; however, the R/O table could not be read. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the ISPTLIB allocation. These return codes may apply: 8 The table is not found. Either variable ZPROFAPP has a bad value or the ISPTLIB allocation does not point to the data set that contains this profile table. 20 A severe error occurred. The table may need to be restored from a backup copy. ISPV017 Invalid format - Invalid VDEFINE format aaaaaaaa found for variable bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An options-list parameter other than COPY, NOBSCAN, or LIST was specified. Programmer response: Specify a valid options-list parameter. ISPV013 Variable exit error - Exit routine at aaaaaaaa gave error code bbbbbbbb for cccccccc of dddddddd.

Explanation: A variable service exit encountered an unexpected return code. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check to see if a user defined exit is active for the VDEFINE service. If so, contact the owner of the exit for additional information. Dialog Test can be used to trace or breakpoint the VDEFINE service to see if a VDEFINE exit has been specified. If the variable exit is an ISPF exit, contact IBM support. ISPV014 Required parm missing - User-data block is required with USER format VDEFINEs.

Explanation: The format parameter supplied on the VDEFINE service was not a valid value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use a valid format with the VDEFINE service. ISPV020 Variable access invalid - A valid CLIST environment does not exist.

Explanation: ISPF tried to access a variable through TSO, but a CLIST environment did not exist. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: This error is a result of a zero ECTIOWA value in the ECT. Check the dialog for any code that could affect the ECT control block. Contact the system programmer, if necessary. System programmer response: Check for any code that could affect the ECT control block. Contact IBM support, if necessary. ISPV021 Invalid aaaaaaaa request - Variable name bbbbbbbb is not a valid REXX variable name.

Explanation: A VDEFINE format of USER was specified, but no user-data value was supplied. Programmer response: Correct the VDEFINE service in error. ISPV015 Profile full - Profile variable aaaaaaaa not saved. bbbbbbbb table is full.

Explanation: The profile variable cannot be added because it will cause the profile table row to exceed 64K. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: An invalid variable name was passed to IKJCT441 to be processed as a result of an ISPF service request while in a REXX environment.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the variable in question for valid syntax. Use the REXX trace command or Dialog Test to trace ISPF services. ISPV022 Invalid variable name - Variable name aaaaaaaa is syntactically incorrect. ISPV027 Invalid GET request - CLIST variable aaaaaaaa not retrieved because it is a label element.

Explanation: The variable is a CLIST label and was not retrieved. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Do not use CLIST variables defined as labels as ISPF variables as well. ISPV028 IKJCT441 interface error - The caller is not in a CLIST or REXX environment. Return code = 40. This could be a result of not having the function pool flag set in the ISPTCM table for the command being executed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPV023 Data has been truncated - The maximum length of CLIST variable data is 32767 characters.

Explanation: ISPF tried to retrieve a CLIST variable using IKJCT441 but the length of the variable was greater than 32 767. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that CLIST and REXX variables do not exceed 32 767 bytes in length. ISPV024 Invalid SET request - CLIST variable aaaaaaaa is a system variable. Not modifiable.

Explanation: ISPF called IKJCT441 to process a CLIST/REXX variable and got a return code of 40. This normally means that there was an invalid environment. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The probable cause of this error is that a command was invoked with the SELECT service and the command was in the ISPTCM table with a flag byte X'02'instead of X'42'. Any command processor that is in the ISPTCM table that uses ISPF services should have the function pool flag set. ISPV029 IKJCT441 interface error - Severe error accessing CLIST variables. Return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: ISPF was used to attempt to modify a TSO system variable. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Do not use ISPF services to modify TSO system variables. ISPV025 Invalid SET request - CLIST variable aaaaaaaa not updated because it is a label element.

Explanation: ISPF attempted to update a variable that is a label element. This is not allowed through the IKJCT441 interface. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Do not code variables that are label elements as variables that can be updated by ISPF. For example, do not use a variable that is a CLIST label element as an input field in an ISPF panel. ISPV026 Invalid GET request - CLIST variable aaaaaaaa requires evaluation. Not supported.

Explanation: A severe error occurred while processing CLIST variables. Refer to the appropriate TSO documentation for an explanation of the IKJCT441 error code. System programmer response: Contact IBM support, if necessary. ISPV030 Too Many Symbol Names - VGET service specifies more symbol names than dialog variables.

Explanation: There are more symbol names than Dialog variables specified for the VGET SYMDEF service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the number of symbol names and dialog variables specified for the VGET service.

Explanation: The variable is a CLIST built-in function, such as &STR, that requires evaluation. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Do not use CLIST built-in function variables within an ISPF service call such as VGET.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPV040 Invalid PACK(N) - N value of PACK(N) must be between 0 and 18. ISPV045 Invalid data length - Length of aaaaaaaa is bbbbbbbb - valid lengths are 4 and 8.

Explanation: The value of N must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 18. Programmer response: Ensure a valid value is specified with the PACK keyword. ISPV041 Incompatible pack length - PACK(N) format specified requires a length greater than was specified.

Explanation: A variable with a format of FLOAT must have a length of either 4 or 8 bytes. Programmer response: Make sure that the length supplied on the VDEFINE service has a value of either 4 or 8 when the format value is FLOAT. ISPV046 Invalid data length - Length of aaaaaaaa is bbbbbbbb - valid lengths are 1 to 10.

Explanation: The length specified on the VDEFINE service was not large enough to to contain the number of digits to the right of the decimal point as specified by the N value. Programmer response: Ensure that the length specified with the VDEFINE service is large enough to contain the packed number. The value of N cannot be greater than twice the length minus one. ISPV042 Invalid VDEFINE syntax - A format of * must have an * in the corresponding name position in the VDEFINE parameters.

Explanation: A variable with a format of PACK must have a length from 1 to 10 bytes. Programmer response: Make sure that the length supplied on the VDEFINE service has a value from 1 to 10 when the format value is PACK. ISPV047 Invalid data length - Length of aaaaaaaa is bbbbbbbb - valid lengths are 2 to 32767.

Explanation: Using the LIST option, an * (asterisk) was found in the format field array and the corresponding entry in the variable name array was not an * (asterisk) also. Programmer response: Make sure that the format field array and name list array are paired properly. ISPV043 Invalid VDEFINE syntax - An * format must be specified with at least one other valid format and the list option specified.

Explanation: A variable with a format of BINSTR must have a length greater than 1 and less than 32 768. Programmer response: Ensure that the length specified on the VDEFINE for a variable with a format of BINSTR is greater than 1 and less than 32 768. ISPV048 Invalid data string - Variable aaaaaaaa must contain a null terminator.

Explanation: The last byte of a variable that has a format of BINSTR must be a null terminator (X'00'). Programmer response: Ensure that the length supplied on the VDEFINE service for a BINSTR format variable allows for a null terminator (binary zero) to be placed in the last position of the variable value. ISPF will store up to length - 1 of significant data and then place a null terminator in the last position. ISPV050 Invalid mask format - Format aaaaaaaa is not a valid mask format.

Explanation: A value of * (asterisk) is only valid with the LIST option. Also, there must be at least one valid format other than * (asterisk) in the format array. Programmer response: Do not code all values in the format array as * (asterisk). ISPV044 Invalid format data - Data contains invalid hex character for packed format

Explanation: An invalid mask format was specified on the VMASK service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the VMASK service for valid mask formats. ISPV051 Invalid mask length - Invalid length aaaaaaaa specified for the VMASK service

Explanation: The data for a format of PACK must be a numeric value (0-9). Programmer response: Ensure that valid numeric data is supplied for a variable with a format of PACK.

Explanation: An invalid length was specified for a USER format on the VMASK service.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The length of the mask must be a fullword binary integer greater than 0 and less than or equal to 20. ISPV052 Invalid variable mask - The specified mask contains invalid format characters. uses the VDEFINE service with one of the supported formats for the VMASK service, or does not use the VMASK. ISPV057 Invalid user mask - A mask should contain at least one of these characters: A, 9, H, N, or X.

Explanation: An invalid mask symbol was used in the mask parameter of the VMASK service with a USER type of mask. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the mask so it contains valid mask symbols as described by the VMASK service in z/OS ISPF Services Guide . ISPV053 Invalid variable data - The specified variable contains invalid data for the specified variable mask.

Explanation: The specified mask must contain at least one of the symbols A, 9, H, N, or X. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the code so it supplies a valid user mask. ISPV058 Variable not VDEFINEd - The specified variable has not been VDEFINEd.

Explanation: A VDEFINE has not been issued for the variable associated with the VMASK. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that a VDEFINE is done for any variable that has a VMASK associated with it. ISPV059 Invalid variable mask - B can only be embedded. Blanks cannot begin or end a variable mask.

Explanation: The variable value had data that did not match the mask pattern. For example, if the mask pattern was AAA and numeric data was supplied, this error would occur. User response: Correct the variable value to fit the mask pattern. ISPV054 Invalid variable length - The specified variable value is an invalid length.

Explanation: A VMASK was issued with a B at the beginning or end of the mask pattern. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the code so it does not specify a mask pattern with a B in the first or last position of the mask. ISPV200 Bad service code - The service code passed to ISPDVCLX was not a valid one.

Explanation: The length of the variable value does not match the length of the mask pattern. User response: Correct the variable value to match the mask pattern. ISPV055 Variable not masked - The specified variable in the VEDIT is not a masked variable.

Explanation: A VEDIT was specified for a variable that did not have a VMASK associated with it. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Make sure that any variable that has a VEDIT defined also has a VMASK associated with it. ISPV056 Invalid variable format - The specified variables VDEFINE format is invalid for the VMASK service.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPV201 Truncation occurred - A variable was truncated on return from the EXECCOMM interface.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPV202 Bad variable name - A bad variable name was requested from the EXECCOMM interface.

Explanation: An invalid VDEFINE format was specified for the variable associated with VMASK. The VMASK service only supports a format of CHAR, FIXED, or PACK. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the code so it either

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPV203 Bad variable value - The value of the variable was too long. ISPW003 REMPOP service error - There are no active pop-up windows at the current select level.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPV204 Bad EXECCOMM func. code - The function code passed to EXECCOMM was invalid.

Explanation: A REMPOP service was issued, but there were no pop-ups active. Programmer response: Ensure that all POPUP and REMPOP services are paired properly. Use dialog test to trace the ADDPOP and REMPOP services. Problem determination: Use dialog test to trace the ADDPOP and REMPOP services. ISPW004 Windowing error - Request to resume windowing however windowing not suspended.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPV300 Trace complete - The Trace output is has been written to SYSOUT allocated to the DDname ISPVCALL.

Explanation: The output to the ISPVCALL Trace has been written to a SYSOUT class allocated to the DDname ISPVCALL and can not be viewed by the ISPVCALL command. ISPV301 LIST substituted - ISPVCALL trace data set aaaaaaaa not found. List of ISPVCALL trace data sets displayed

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPW005 Windowing error - Unable to ADDPOP due to previous panel display error.

Explanation: ISPVCALL attempted to VIEW a trace data set that could not be found. A data set list of possible ISPVCALL trace data sets was displayed ISPV302 No trace data sets found - No ISPVCALL trace data set names were found matching aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The ADDPOP request failed due to a previous display request error. The display request error could be something like a panel not found or an error in panel logic. This error will not normally be seen unless the user is using Control Errors Return in order to see and handle errors personally. Programmer response: Correct the error on the display request so that the ADDPOP request will be honored. ISPW008 Windowing error - MSGLOC field aaaaaaaa is not defined on the panel.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPW001 ADDPOP service error - ADDPOP service issued before first panel display.

Explanation: At least one panel must have been displayed before an ADDPOP can be issued. Programmer response: ISPF normally displays panel ISPBLANK as a dummy panel prior to an ADDPOP if no previous panel exists. Make sure that this panel is in the ISPPLIB concatenation sequence to ensure that ADDPOP will work if the first panel to be displayed by ISPF is in a pop-up window. ISPW002 ADDPOP service error - Consecutive ADDPOP services without a panel display.

Explanation: A MSGLOC field name was specified, but the field is not defined on the panel. Programmer response: Specify a field name that exists on the panel. ISPW009 Internal error - Service request to module ISPWIN specified invalid name.

Explanation: This is an internal service call and should not fail. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPWS000 Invalid CODEPAGE and CHARSET values were specified on the WSCON service. Both parameters must be specified in order to be used.

Explanation: Two consecutive ADDPOP services have been issued without an intervening display. Programmer response: Make sure that a panel display is done in between ADDPOP requests.

Explanation: Invalid CODEPAGE and CHARSET values were specified on the WSCON service. Both parameters must be specified in order to be used. User response: If PANEL(YES) or PANEL(ONERROR) is specified, then the user should enter the codepage
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


and character set in the appropriate panel field. Programmer response: Correct the parameters specified on the WSCON service call. ISPWS001 A conflict in parameters was specified on the WSCON service. Only one of these parameters can be specified: IP, LU, or FI. service call, or make sure the variable and value is available. ISPWS005 A conflict in parameters was specified on the WSCON service. Only one of these parameters can be specified: IP, LU, or FI. Select the appropriate network protocol and specify the machine address where needed.

Explanation: Some type of conflict in parameters was specified on the WSCON service. For example, both an IP and LU address may have been specified. Programmer response: Correct the parameter specified on the WSCON service call. ISPWS002 Not connected - A request has been made to disconnect from the workstation, but there is currently no connection.

Explanation: Some type of conflict in parameters was specified on the WSCON service. For example, both an IP and LU address may have been specified. User response: Select the appropriate network protocol and specify the machine address where needed. Programmer response: Correct the parameters specified on the WSCON service call. ISPWS006 The variable specified in the WSCON TITLE parameter cannot be found.

Explanation: A request has been made to disconnect from the workstation, but there is currently no connection. User response: Only issue WSDISCON when you have a connection to the workstation. ISPWS003 Cannot disconnect - Your GUI session was invoked with GUISCRD and/or GUISCRW sizes different from your actual 3270 screen size. Therefore, you cannot disconnect and begin displaying screens in 3270 mode.

Explanation: The variable specified to contain the TITLE for the GUI windows could not be found. User response: If PANEL(YES) or PANEL(ONERROR) is specified, then the user should enter a title in the appropriate panel field to be used when ZWINTTL and ZAPPTTL are not defined for the GUI window. Programmer response: Correct the variable name specified on the TITLE parameter on the WSCON service call, or make sure the variable is available. ISPWS007 No connection - The user hit end, exit, or cancel from the Initiate Workstation Connection panel before attempting a connection.

Explanation: Your GUI session was invoked with GUISCRD and/or GUISCRW sizes different from your actual 3270 screen size. Therefore, you cannot disconnect and begin displaying screens in 3270 mode. User response: Only issue WSDISCON when you are running an ISPF GUI session with the same screen size as your ISPF 3270 session. ISPWS004 The variable specified in the WSCON IP or LU parameter cannot be found or has a blank value. A value is required in order to make a connection to the workstation.

Explanation: The variable specified to contain the TITLE for the GUI windows ISPWS008 An invalid value has been specified for the aaaaaaaa parameter on the WSCON service.

Explanation: The variable specified to contain either the IP or LU machine address could not be found or has a blank value. A value is required in order to make a connection to the workstation. User response: If PANEL(YES) or PANEL(ONERROR) is specified, then the user should enter the workstation address in the appropriate panel field. Programmer response: Correct the variable name specified on the IP or LU parameter on the WSCON

Explanation: A value other than STD, FIX, or DLG was specified for the FRAME parameter or a value other STD or DLG was specified for the BKGRND paramenter on the WSCON service. User response: If PANEL(YES) or PANEL(ONERROR) is specified, then the user should select the appropriate GUI Window frame value or the Default Window Background color if the defaults from the system profile are not the preferred values. Programmer response: Correct the value specified for the FRAME parameter on the WSCON service call.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPWS009 An invalid value has been specified for the aaaaaaaa parameter on the WSCON service. The panel field has been initialized with the value from the system profile. Select an appropriate value if this default is not the preferred value. User response: Make sure that you have specified your machine address and selected the appropriate network protocol when requesting a connection to the workstation. ISPWS013 Cannot disconnect - You cannot disconnect from the workstation while running the Workstation Tool Integration Configuration Program. Exit the tool first, and then invoke WSDISCON.

Explanation: A value other than STD, FIX, or DLG was specified for the FRAME parameter or a value other STD or DLG was specified for the BKGRND paramenter on the WSCON service. User response: If PANEL(YES) or PANEL(ONERROR) is specified, then the user should select the appropriate GUI Window frame value or the Default Window Background color if the defaults from the system profile are not the preferred values. Programmer response: Correct the invalid value specified for the FRAME or BKGRND parameter on the WSCON service call. ISPWS010 Cannot disconnect - You cannot disconnect from the workstation while running in batch GUI mode.

Explanation: A request has been made to disconnect from the workstation, but you are currently running the Workstation Tool Integration Configuration Program. You must exit this tool first, and then invoke WSDISCON to disconnect from the workstation. User response: Exit the Workstation Tool Integration Configuration program and then invoke WSDISCON. ISPWS014 Not disconnected - You selected to not disconnect from the workstation at this time.

Explanation: A request has been made to disconnect from the workstation, but you are running in batch mode. There is no 3270 session to return to. User response: User must continue running in GUI mode. ISPWS011 You must specify one of the parameters IP, LU, or FI, or make sure that there is a valid network protocol value saved in the system profile.

Explanation: The user chose to not disconnect from the workstation at this time. ISPWS015 Disconnected - You have successfully disconnected from the workstation.

Explanation: If you were running in GUI mode, you have been disconnected from the workstation and your ISPF session continues in 3270 mode. If you were running in 3270 mode, you have been disconnected from the workstation. ISPWS016 Cannot switch - You cannot switch this logical screen to your 3270 emulator session while running in batch mode.

Explanation: A request has been made to connect to the workstation, but your machine address was not specified or found in your system profile, or a valid network protocol value was not found in your system profile. User response: Make sure that you have specified your machine address and selected the appropriate network protocol when requesting a connection to the workstation. ISPWS012 An IP, LU, or FI parameter was not specified on the WSCON service and there was no valid network protocol value saved in the system profile. Select a network protocol and specify a valid machine address where appropriate.

Explanation: A request has been made to switch this logical screen to your 3270 emulator session. You are running in batch mode, therefore, there is no 3270 session to return to. User response: User must continue running this logical screen in GUI mode. ISPWS017 Cannot change format - You cannot change the screen format when running in GUI mode and at least one session is running in 3270 mode.

Explanation: A request has been made to connect to the workstation, but your machine address was not specified or found in your system profile, or a valid network protocol value was not found in your system profile.

Explanation: A request has been made to change the screen format, but this is not allowed when at least one of your logical screen sessions is running in 3270 mode while others are running in GUI mode. User response: User must continue running with the current screen format or switch all screens back to GUI mode and then change the screen format.
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPWS018 Cannot switch - Your GUI session was invoked with GUISCRD and/or GUISCRW sizes different from your actual 3270 screen size. Therefore, you cannot switch and display screens in 3270 mode. ISPX002 Transfer completed - Transfer of host data set to workstation completed successfully.

Explanation: Informational message. ISPX007 Transfer error - The HOST or WS variable was not specified properly in the FILEXFER service.

Explanation: Your GUI session was invoked with GUISCRD and/or GUISCRW sizes different from your actual 3270 screen size. Therefore, you cannot switch this logical session to display in 3270 mode. User response: Only issue SWITCH 3270 when you are running an ISPF GUI session with the same screen size as your ISPF 3270 session. ISPWS019 Cannot switch - You cannot switch to GUI mode if you do not have a workstation connection and this logical screen has not previously been in GUI mode.

Explanation: You must specify a HOST and a WS variable name for the FILEXFER service. The variable must be defined and the value in the variable must not be longer than 255 characters. Programmer response: Correct the specification of the HOST or WS variable on the FILEXFER service. ISPX008 Transfer error - The TO direction on the FILEXFER service is not valid. The value must be HOST or WS .

Explanation: You must have a workstation connection and have previously been running in GUI mode before you can issue SWITCH GUI from a screen that is now displaying in 3270 mode. User response: Only issue SWITCH GUI from a logical screen that has previously been displayed in GUI mode. ISPWS022 Required parm missing - Not all required parameters were found for the TSOGUI service. While running GUI mode with TSO line mode support, TSOGUI OFF specifies that the ISPF/TSO window is suspended and all fullscreen and line mode data appears in the 3270 window. TSOGUI ON specifies that the ISPF/TSO window is resumed and all TSO line mode output and input is directed to the ISPF/TSO window.

Explanation: The only valid values for the TO parameter are HOST and WS. Programmer response: Correct the file specification on the FILEXFER service. ISPX009 Transfer error - The host data set name is longer than 56 characters.

Explanation: The host data set name specified on the FILEXFER service is longer than the maximum of 56 characters. Programmer response: Correct the host data set specification on the FILEXFER service. ISPX010 Transfer failed - The FILEXFER service failed because there is no connection to the workstation.

Explanation: You must be connected to a workstation before the file FILEXFER service will function. User response: Connect to a workstation from the ISPF Settings panel GUI pull-down or by specifying the GUI parameter on the ISPSTART command. ISPX011 Transfer failed - An error occurred while transferring the file with the FILEXFER service. The file was not transferred.

Explanation: The TSOGUI command has been entered either without parameters or with parameters other than the valid ON and OFF values. User response: Enter the TSOGUI command again specifying either ON or OFF. ISPX001 Internal error - Service request to module ISPXFR specified invalid name.

Explanation: This is an internal service call and should not fail. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The file transfer failed. The FILEXFER service is syntactically correct, but the transfer did not complete. The host data set attribute had a null object handle. Programmer response: Make sure that the file names are properly specified in the variables.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPX012 Transfer failed - An error occurred while transferring the file with the FILEXFER service. The file was not transferred. The user may have disallowed file transfer. ISPX016 Transfer failed - An error occurred while transferring the file with the FILEXFER service. There was an error reading the workstation file. The file was not transferred.

Explanation: The file transfer failed. The FILEXFER service is syntactically correct, but the transfer did not complete. The user may have disallowed file transfer. Programmer response: Make sure that the file names are properly specified in the variables. ISPX013 Transfer failed - An error occurred while transferring the file with the FILEXFER service. The host data set or member could not be opened or found. The file was not transferred.

Explanation: The file transfer failed. The FILEXFER service is syntactically correct, but the transfer did not complete. There was an error reading the workstation file. User response: Make sure that the workstation disk is able to be read. Programmer response: Make sure that target workstation disk is able to be read. ISPX017 Transfer failed - An error occurred while transferring the file with the FILEXFER service. There was an error writing the host data set or member. There may not be sufficient space to write the data set or member. The file was not transferred.

Explanation: The file transfer failed. The FILEXFER service is syntactically correct, but the transfer did not complete. The host data set or member could not be opened or found. Programmer response: Make sure that the host data set or member exists. ISPX014 Transfer failed - An error occurred while transferring the file with the FILEXFER service. The workstation file could not be opened or found. The file may be specified wrong, the path may be specified wrong, the path may not exist, the target disk may be read-only, or the target drive may not exist. The file was not transferred.

Explanation: The file transfer failed. The FILEXFER service is syntactically correct, but the transfer did not complete. There was an error writing the host data set or member. User response: Make sure that you have write access to the data set to which you are transferring data and that there is sufficient space to write the data set or member. Programmer response: Make sure that the user has write access to the data set and that there is sufficient space to write the data set or member. ISPX018 Transfer failed - An error occurred while transferring the file with the FILEXFER service. There was an error writing the workstation file. The disk may be full. The file was not transferred.

Explanation: The file transfer failed. The FILEXFER service is syntactically correct, but the transfer did not complete. The workstation file could not be opened or found. The file may be specified wrong, the target disk may be read-only, or the target drive may not exist. Programmer response: Make sure that the workstation file exists. ISPX015 Transfer failed - An error occurred while transferring the file with the FILEXFER service. There was an error reading the host data set or member. The file was not transferred.

Explanation: The file transfer failed. The FILEXFER service is syntactically correct, but the transfer did not complete. There was an error writing the workstation file. User response: Make sure that you have write access to the disk to which you are transferring data and that the disk has enough space to write the file. Programmer response: Make sure that the user has write access to the disk and that there is sufficient space on the disk to write the file. ISPX019 Transfer failed - An error occurred while closing the host data set. The directory may be full. The file was not transferred.

Explanation: The file transfer failed. The FILEXFER service is syntactically correct, but the transfer did not complete. There was an error reading the host data set or member. Programmer response: Make sure that the user has read access for the data set or member.

Explanation: The file transfer failed. ISPF was not able

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


to close the data set. One of the possible causes is that the directory may be full. User response: Re-allocate the data set with more directory blocks. ISPX020 LMMSTATS failed - The file was successfully transferred, but ISPF was unable to create the statistics for the file. the file transfer to the host. The receiving host file is in use or is open. User response: Wait for the host file to be available. Programmer response: The host file is enqueued. Wait for the host file to be available and then try the filexfer service. Problem determination: Check to see who has data set / member enqueued ISPX100 FILESTAT failed - The FILESTAT service failed because there is no connection to the workstation.

Explanation: There is not sufficient directory space to create statistics. User response: Re-allocate the data set with additional directory blocks. ISPX021 Transfer failed - An error occurred while closing the workstation file. The file was not transferred.

Explanation: You must be connected to a workstation before the file FILESTAT service will function. User response: Connect to a workstation from the ISPF Settings panel GUI pull-down or by specifying the GUI parameter on the ISPSTART command. ISPX101 FILESTAT error - The file variable was not specified properly in the FILESTAT service.

Explanation: The file transfer failed. ISPF was not able to close the workstation file. The file may be locked by another process. User response: Make sure that no other processes are currently using the file you are attempting to transfer. ISPX022 Transfer rejected - The user refused file access when accepting the workstation connection.

Explanation: You must specify a file variable name for the FILESTAT service. The value in the variable must not be longer than 255 characters. Programmer response: Correct the specification of the file variable on the FILESTAT service. ISPX102 FILESTAT error - LRECL, DATE, or both LRECL and DATE must be specified on the FILESTAT service.

Explanation: When the user is presented with choice to accept or reject a workstation connection, he or she is allowed to grant access to files or not. In this case, the user accepted the connection, but refused file access. User response: End the ISPF session and start it again granting file access. ISPX023 File transfer service error occurred while transferring the host image file from the data set allocated to DD ISPILIB. The host data set or member could not be opened or found. The file was not transferred.

Explanation: The FILESTAT service requires at least one of these parameters to be specified: LRECL, DATE. Programmer response: Correct the file specification on the FILESTAT service. ISPX103 Internal error - Service request to module ISPWFS specified invalid name.

Explanation: This is an internal service call and should not fail. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISPYB011 Command not recognized - Valid line commands are: I (insert), D (delete), R (repeat).

Explanation: The file transfer failed. The FILEXFER service is syntactically correct, but the transfer did not complete. The host data set or member could not be opened or found. Programmer response: Make sure that the host data set or member exists. ISPX024 File transfer failed - A file transfer error occurred while attempting to transfer a workstation file to the host. The receiving host file is in use or is open.

Explanation: These line commands are valid: Inn to insert nn lines, Dnn to delete nn lines, and Rnn to repeat nn lines. User response: Enter one of these valid line commands: I (insert), D (delete), R (repeat).

Explanation: The filexfer service could not complete


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPYB012 Invalid service name - aaaaaaaa is not a valid ISPF service. ISPYB021 aaaaaaaa failed - bbbbbbbb request is not recognized by aaaaaaaa service routine.

Explanation: Breakpoints are set before or after ISPF services. A valid ISPF service name is required to set a breakpoint. User response: Enter a valid ISPF service as defined in z/OS ISPF Services Guide . ISPYB013 Invalid WHEN condition - WHEN not recognized, specify BEFORE, AFTER, or Rnn

Explanation: There was a failure in the breakpoint routines. Programmer response: This is possibly an internal error caused by either a system error or mixed levels of ISPF code. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYB022 aaaaaaaa failed - Breakpoint not set, bbbbbbbb is not a valid dialog management service name.

Explanation: The WHEN condition tells Dialog Test at what point to interrupt dialog execution. The valid conditions are: BEFORE to stop before the service receives control, AFTER to stop after the service completes, Rnn to stop after the service completes if the return code is the integer nn, and (blank) to stop both before and after the service. ISPYB014 Invalid function name - The function name specified does not follow ISPF naming convention.

Explanation: There was a failure in the breakpoint routines. Programmer response: This is possibly an internal error caused by either a system error or mixed levels of ISPF code. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYB023 ISPYBI failed - aaaaaaaa returned rc(bbbbbbbb) request(cccccccc failed during setup)

Explanation: The function name must follow ISPF naming conventions. User response: Enter a valid program or command name. ISPYB015 Invalid active status - Active status type not recognized. Specify YES or NO

Explanation: There was a failure in the breakpoint routines. Programmer response: This is possibly an internal error caused by either a system error or mixed levels of ISPF code. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYB024 ISPYBI failed - aaaaaaaa returned rc(bbbbbbbb) request(cccccccc failed during create table)

Explanation: The active status type field specifies whether the breakpoint is active or not. User response: To activate the breakpoint, specify YES. To deactivate the breakpoint, specify NO. ISPYB017 Invalid command - aaaaaaaa is not a valid breakpoints command.

Explanation: Valid commands are CANCEL, RESUME, QUAL, and LOCATE. User response: Enter a valid breakpoints command. ISPYB018 aaaaaaaa not found - The service name does not exist in the breakpoints list.

Explanation: There was an error in creating the breakpoint table. Programmer response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: An internal TBCREATE failed. If the failure continues, contact IBM support. ISPYB025 ISPYBI failed - aaaaaaaa returned rc(bbbbbbbb) request(cccccccc failed during initialize table)

Explanation: The LOCATE command was unable to locate the requested service. User response: Enter a valid service name. ISPYB019 aaaaaaaa found - Service name was located, and appears on the first line.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: The breakpoint routines failed while initializing the table.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Programmer response: This is possibly an internal error caused by either a system error or mixed levels of ISPF code. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYB026 ISPYBI failed - aaaaaaaa returned rc(bbbbbbbb) request(cccccccc failed during edit control) System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYB031 Service name not entered - The service name is required to establish a breakpoint.

Explanation: ISPF breakpoints occur at ISPF service invocation or exit. A service name is required to establish a breakpoint. Programmer response: Enter a valid ISPF service name. ISPYB032 Command conflict - aaaaaaaa is within range of the D command. Correct either one.

Explanation: The breakpoint routines failed while the tables were being initialized for editing. Programmer response: This is possibly an internal error caused by either a system error or mixed levels of ISPF code. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYB027 ISPYBI failed - aaaaaaaa returned rc(bbbbbbbb) request(cccccccc failed during build chain)

Explanation: The second line command would be deleted because it is within the range of the D (DELETE) command. Programmer response: Correct the conflicting line commands. ISPYB033 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for this command.

Explanation: There was a failure while building the breakpoint chain. Programmer response: This is possibly an internal error caused by either a system error or mixed levels of ISPF code. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYB028 aaaaaaaa failed - Breakpoint not set, function bbbbbbbb is not a valid function name.

Explanation: Parameters are not allowed with this command. Programmer response: The data following the command must be removed from the command line. ISPYB034 Enter service name - Enter the name of the service to be located.

Explanation: The LOCATE command requires the ISPF service name that you want to locate. Programmer response: Enter an ISPF service with the LOCATE command. ISPYB035 Too many parameters - A service name is the only valid parameter for the LOCATE command.

Explanation: There was a failure in the breakpoint routines. Programmer response: This is possibly an internal error caused by either a system error or mixed levels of ISPF code. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYB029 aaaaaaaa failed - Breakpoint not set, bbbbbbbb is not a valid WHEN condition.

Explanation: There should not be any data following the ISPF service name when a LOCATE command is entered. Programmer response: Clear the command line of the data that follows the LOCATE command and the ISPF service name. ISPYB036 Invalid service name - A service name must not be longer than 8 characters.

Explanation: There was failure in the breakpoint routines. Programmer response: This is possibly an internal error caused by either a system error or mixed levels of ISPF code. If the error continues, contact the system programmer.

Explanation: The ISPF service name following the LOCATE command is longer than allowed. Programmer response: Correct the ISPF service name used with the LOCATE command.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPYB037 Test mode not active - You must be running an application from Dialog Test, but not in Dialog Test to issue the DTEST command. Programmer response: Enter a function such as a panel, command, or program. ISPYF012 Panel select complete - Select of the requested panel is complete.

Explanation: The DTEST command was issued while not under Dialog Test or while in Dialog Test, but not running an application (Dialog Test option 1). User response: The DTEST command is only valid while running an application invoked from option 1 in Dialog Test (Functions). ISPYB038 Invalid parameter - You specified an invalid parameter on the DTEST command. The only valid parameters are 1 through 8.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYF013 Function rc = aaaaaaaa - The specified function completed with a return code of aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYF014 Invalid value - Enter YES or NO at the cursor position.

Explanation: The user entered an invalid parameter on the DTEST command. The valid parameters are a number 1 through 8 corresponding to the Dialog Test options. User response: The user should specify a valid parameter. ISPYB039 Switch to Test failed - ISPF was not able to switch from the users environment to the Dialog Test environment.

Explanation: When NEWAPPL is selected, the PASSLIB field must have an entry. Programmer response: Enter YES or NO in the field that contains the cursor. ISPYF015 Enter one name only - More than one name was entered for a panel, command, program, or request.

Explanation: When running the DTEST command, ISPF needs to switch from the users environment to the Dialog Test environment. This switch failed and therefore ISPF cannot continue processing the DTEST command. Programmer response: Try establishing the test environment again and issue the DTEST command again or try logging onto TSO with a large region size and then try establishing the test environment again and issue the DTEST command again. If problem persists, contact IBM service. ISPYF010 aaaaaaaa failed - bbbbbbbb returned return code cccccccc request(dddddddd).

Explanation: This panel allows execution of a panel, a command, program, or a request. Only one name can be entered for processing. Programmer response: Enter only one panel, command, program name, or request for processing. ISPYF016 Language invalid - Language must be APL, CREX, or blank.

Explanation: When entering a command for processing, set the LANG field to APL, CREX, or blank. Programmer response: Correct the LANG field. ISPYF017 No parms specified - Enter YES or NO for extended plist only if PARM specified.

Explanation: The dialog failed; the message defines the failing function. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: This is either a system error or an ISPF internal error. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed code, contact IBM support. ISPYF011 Enter function name - The name of a panel, command, or program must be entered.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYF018 MODE invalid - MODE must be either LINE, FSCR, or blank.

Explanation: Enter LINE for line mode, FSCR for full screen mode, or blank. Programmer response: Correct the entry for the MODE field.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPYF019 Conflicting values - Selecting PASSLIB is valid only when NEWAPPL is also specified. User response: Terminate ISPF and allocate more region storage before running ISPF again. If the error still occurs, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If the region size satisfies the ISPF requirements, contact IBM support. ISPYL016 Invalid browse panel - Panel ISPYLP1 is invalid. Contact the system programmer.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. Programmer response: Enter the correct value for the PASSLIB and NEWAPPL fields. ISPYL011 ISPYLI failed - ISPYXEM returned rc(aaaaaaaa) request(entry failed).

Explanation: There was an error on an internal ISPF call. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYL012 ISPYLI failed - ISPYLS returned rc(aaaaaaaa), more details precede this message in the log.

Explanation: The ISPYLP1 panel being referenced cannot be used by the BROWSE service. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the problem with ISPYLP1. If you cannot determine the error in the panel, contact IBM support. ISPYL017 Recursion error - Recursive use of ISPF functions (in this case browse) is not allowed.

Explanation: There was a failure in the browse log routine. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you have preallocated your log data set, verify that it is allocated correctly. A preallocated log data set with a disposition of new or old cannot be browsed. If the disposition is correct, this error could be caused by mixed levels of ISPF code. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYL013 Log data set empty - Log data is empty. Browse cannot be performed.

Explanation: BROWSE is already active, you cannot activate BROWSE again. User response: End one of the BROWSE sessions. ISPYL018 Browse severe error - Severe error occurred in module ISRCBR.

Explanation: Browse has returned an RC=20. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If BROWSE functions correctly using the BROWSE option, contact IBM support. ISPYP011 Parameter missing - Either panel name or message must be entered.

Explanation: This is an informational message. There are no entries in the log. ISPYL014 I/O error - An I/O error was encountered reading the first record requested.

Explanation: This panel requires either a panel name or message ID. Programmer response: Enter a panel name or message ID. ISPYP012 aaaaaaaa failed - bbbbbbbb returned return code cccccccc request(dddddddd)

Explanation: There was an error reading the log data set. User response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This may be a DASD problem. Attempt to delete the log data set and then try to recreate the log entry. If the error continues, contact IBM support. ISPYL015 Insufficient storage - Not enough storage is available for browse to proceed.

Explanation: There was an internal ISPF error. Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYP013 .RESP=ENTER reset - The panel contained a .RESP=ENTER statement. The value has been ignored for this display request.

Explanation: There was an error while attempting to browse the log data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. When displaying a panel from option 2 of Dialog Test, a .RESP=ENTER statement will cause an infinite loop. To


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

avoid this looping situation, ISPF will ignore the .RESP=ENTER for the display from this option. ISPYP014 .RESP=ENTER changed - The panel contained a .RESP=ENTER statement. This value was overridden in order to exit this display request. ISPYR016 Invalid function name - The function name specified does not follow ISPF naming convention.

Explanation: The function name entered is invalid. Programmer response: Enter a correct function name. ISPYR021 aaaaaaaa failed - bbbbbbbb request is not recognized by aaaaaaaa service routine.

Explanation: This is an informational message. When displaying a panel from option 2 of Dialog Test, a .RESP=ENTER statement will cause an infinite loop. To avoid this looping situation, ISPF will alter a .RESP=ENTER in the )PROC or )REINIT section to .RESP=END in order to exit the display request. ISPYR011 Command not recognized - Valid line commands are: I (insert), D (delete), R (repeat).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYR022 ISPYRFI failed - aaaaaaaa returned rc (bbbbbbbb) request (cccccccc failed during setup).

Explanation: The function failed to initialize properly. Programmer response: This is a system error or an ISPF internal error. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYR023 ISPYRFI failed - aaaaaaaa returned rc (bbbbbbbb) request (cccccccc failed during create table).

Explanation: An invalid line command was entered. Programmer response: Enter one of the correct line commands. ISPYR012 Command conflict - aaaaaaaa is within range of the D command. Correct either one.

Explanation: There is a line command that is within the range of the D command. The delete routine would delete the line when the DELETE completed. Programmer response: Correct the line commands. ISPYR013 Invalid active status - Active status type not recognized, specify YES or NO.

Explanation: The table used for the trace could not be created. Programmer response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the TBCREATE works outside of the dialog test option. If the TBCREATE only fails in dialog test, and you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYR024 ISPYRFI failed - aaaaaaaa returned rc (bbbbbbbb) request (cccccccc failed during initialize table).

Explanation: The Active field must be YES or NO. Programmer response: Correct the Active field status to YES or NO. ISPYR014 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for this command.

Explanation: The trace function did not initialize. Programmer response: If the problem continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This could be a system error or an ISPF internal error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYR025 ISPYRFI failed - aaaaaaaa returned rc (bbbbbbbb) request (cccccccc failed during edit control).

Explanation: Parameters are allowed with this command. Programmer response: Correct the command. Parameters are only allowed with the LOCATE command. ISPYR015 Invalid command - aaaaaaaa is not a valid trace command.

Explanation: The command used is not valid for the trace function. Programmer response: Use the HELP command if you are not sure what commands are valid for the trace function.

Explanation: The trace routines failed while the tables were being initialized for editing. Programmer response: This is possibly an internal error caused by either a system error or mixed levels of

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPF code. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYR026 ISPYRFI failed - aaaaaaaa returned rc (bbbbbbbb) request (cccccccc failed during build chain). ISPYR037 Enter function name - Enter the name of the function to be located.

Explanation: A function name must be entered with the LOCATE command. Programmer response: Enter a function name to be used with the LOCATE command. ISPYR038 Too many parameters - A function name is the only valid parameter for the LOCATE command.

Explanation: There was a failure while building the breakpoint chain. Programmer response: This is possibly an internal error caused by either a system error or mixed levels of ISPF code. If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYR031 Function name required - Enter a function name or ALL for all functions.

Explanation: Data was entered beyond the function name when the LOCATE command was entered. Programmer response: Remove any data following the function name. ISPYR039 Invalid function name - A function name must not be longer than 8 characters.

Explanation: A function name is required. Programmer response: Either enter a function name or enter HELP for additional information. ISPYR032 Invalid service name - aaaaaaaa is not a valid dialog management service.

Explanation: The function name exceeds 8 characters. Programmer response: Enter a valid function name with the LOCATE command. ISPYR041 Variable name required - Enter a variable name or ALL for all variables.

Explanation: The service name entered is invalid. Programmer response: Enter a valid ISPF service name. ISPYR033 Invalid service name - A service name must not be longer than 8 characters.

Explanation: The TRACE panel requires a variable name or ALL for tracing. Programmer response: Enter ALL or a variable name in the variable field. ISPYR042 Enter variable name - Enter the name of the variable to be located.

Explanation: The service name exceeds 8 characters. Programmer response: Enter a valid ISPF service name. ISPYR034 aaaaaaaa not found - The function name does not exist in the trace list.

Explanation: No variable name was entered with the LOCATE command. Programmer response: Enter a variable name with the LOCATE command. ISPYR043 Too many parameters - A variable name is the only valid parameter for the LOCATE command.

Explanation: The function name entered with the LOCATE command does not exist. Programmer response: Enter another function name with the LOCATE command. ISPYR035 aaaaaaaa found - Function name was located, and appears on the first line.

Explanation: The LOCATE command does not allow data after the variable name. Programmer response: Remove the data following the variable name. ISPYR044 Invalid variable name - A variable name must not be longer than 8 characters.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: The variable name exceeds 8 characters. Programmer response: Correct the variable name.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPYR045 Invalid operation - Valid operations are GET, PUT, CHG, or ALL. Programmer response: Do not attempt to invoke ISPF CONTROL service from this panel. ISPYS014 aaaaaaaa failed - bbbbbbbb returned return code cccccccc request (dddddddd).

Explanation: Valid entries for the Operation field are GET, PUT, CHG, or ALL. Programmer response: Correct the entry in the Operation field. ISPYR046 Invalid pool specified - Enter F (function), S (shared), P (profile).

Explanation: The requested function has failed with a severe error. Programmer response: Verify that the requested function will work correctly outside of Dialog Test before contacting IBM support. ISPYS015 Data will be saved - Data entered on this screen will be saved upon exit.

Explanation: The entry in the Pool field must be F, S, or P. Programmer response: Correct the entry in the Pool field. ISPYR047 aaaaaaaa not found - The variable name does not exist in the trace list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Data that the user enters on this panel will be saved when the user exits the panel. ISPYS016 Data will be cleared - Data entered on this screen will not be saved upon exit.

Explanation: The variable was not found in the trace list. Programmer response: Enter another variable name with the LOCATE command. ISPYR048 aaaaaaaa found - Variable name was located, and appears on the first line.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Data that the user enters on this panel will not be saved when the user exits the panel. ISPYT010 Table is not open - Function requires an open table, open via option 6.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYR049 Invalid variable syntax - Variable name must be alphanumeric and the first character cannot be numeric.

Explanation: The table must be open using Dialog Test option 6 before you can perform the requested function against the table. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use Dialog Test option 6 and the TBOPEN service to open the table. ISPYT011 Table not found - The specified table could not be found.

Explanation: There is a syntax violation in the variable name. Programmer response: Correct the variable name. ISPYS011 Enter dialog service - The desired dialog service and its parameters must be entered.

Explanation: The table could not be found in the ISPTLIB allocations. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the allocations to ISPTLIB, or create the table. ISPYT012 Invalid command - aaaaaaaa is not a valid command for this table operation.

Explanation: You must enter an ISPF service and any required parameters. Programmer response: Enter an ISPF service and any required parameters. ISPYS012 Service rc = aaaaaaaa - The specified dialog service completed with a return code of aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The command entered is invalid for this panel. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Enter a valid command, such as LOCATE.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYS013 CONTROL not allowed - The dialog CONTROL service cannot be invoked from this panel.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPYT013 aaaaaaaa not found - The key or name bbbbbbbb was not found in the table. ISPYT021 Row not added - Blank row was not added, operation was canceled.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT014 aaaaaaaa was found - The key or name bbbbbbbb was found in the table.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The operation was canceled; the blank row was not added. ISPYT022 Invalid hex data - Enter valid hex characters in multiples of two.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT015 Table in use - The specified table is in use by another user, it cannot be opened.

Explanation: Hexadecimal characters must be entered in multiples of two. Programmer response: Correct the hexadecimal entry. ISPYT024 Table aaaaaaaa opened - Table aaaaaaaa opened in bbbbbbbb mode by dialog test.

Explanation: This table is being used by another user and cannot be used by you now. Programmer response: The other user must close the table before you can use it. ISPYT016 Library not allocated - The input table library is not allocated.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT025 Table aaaaaaaa closed - Table aaaaaaaa closed by dialog test.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT031 No argument specified - A search argument is necessary for the LOCATE command.

Explanation: The library that contains the table has not been allocated. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: If the table is required, the library must be allocated. ISPYT017 Enter table name - The name of the table is required.

Explanation: Before the LOCATE command can be run, a value to be searched for must be entered. Programmer response: Enter a value following the LOCATE command. ISPYT032 Row number invalid - Row number must be greater than zero.

Explanation: You must enter a table name. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Enter a table name to continue. ISPYT018 Enter option - A valid option must be entered.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPYT033 aaaaaaaa was found - Variable aaaaaaaa was found in the row.

Explanation: One of the listed options must be entered. Programmer response: Enter one of the numerical options that is listed. ISPYT019 Invalid option - Your selection is not valid.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT034 aaaaaaaa not found - Variable aaaaaaaa was not found in the row.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT035 Command conflict - A line command is within the range of the D command. Correct either one.

Explanation: You must enter one of the numeric options that is listed. Programmer response: Enter one of the numeric options that is listed. ISPYT020 Name too long - Variable names are eight characters maximum.

Explanation: There is a line command that would not be processed because that line would be deleted when the DELETE line command is completed. Programmer response: Correct the conflicting line commands.

Explanation: The variable name is too long. Programmer response: Correct the variable name.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPYT036 Invalid name - Variable name characters/syntax is not valid. ISPYT043 Row not identified - Enter a search argument or a row number.

Explanation: The variable name syntax is in error. Programmer response: Correct the variable name. ISPYT037 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for the CANCEL command.

Explanation: This option requires a row number or a search argument. Programmer response: Enter a row number or search argument. ISPYT044 Function invalid - The function code is not valid.

Explanation: The CANCEL command does not allow parameters. Programmer response: Remove the data following the CANCEL command. ISPYT038 Too many parameters - Only one argument may be entered with the LOCATE command.

Explanation: The function code is invalid. Programmer response: If a valid option was entered, this could be an internal error. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYT045 Row not found - No row matches the search argument.

Explanation: Only one name can be used with the LOCATE command. Programmer response: Correct the LOCATE command. ISPYT039 Use TOP - Use TOP for adding row 1.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPYT046 Row found - A row matching the search argument was found.

Explanation: Enter TOP to add a new row as the first row. Programmer response: Enter TOP for row number.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT047 Row not deleted - The specified row was not deleted from the table.


Key/name protected - Key and name variables may not be deleted.

Explanation: The DELETE command is not allowed on key and name variables. Programmer response: Do not attempt to delete protected variables. ISPYT041 Row exceeds table size - The specified row number is greater than the table size.

Explanation: This is an informational message. END was entered, and the DELETE command was ignored. ISPYT048 Row aaaaaaaa deleted - Row aaaaaaaa was deleted from the table.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT049 Row not deleted - No match searching keyed table, or CRP was at top.

Explanation: The row number entered exceeds the number of rows in the table. Programmer response: Display the structure to determine the number of rows, or enter a correct row number. ISPYT042 Invalid row identity - The table row must be specified as a number.

Explanation: The row could not be deleted because no match was found. Programmer response: Enter another search argument for the DELETE command. ISPYT050 Key/name not modifiable - Key and name variables may not be changed.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory.

Explanation: The key and names variable names cannot be changed. Programmer response: Do not attempt to change key or names variable names.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


ISPYT051 Keys are not unique - Another row in the table has the same key values. User response: Enter WRITE or NOWRITE. ISPYT061 Enter YES or NO - Replace option is specified as YES or NO.

Explanation: You cannot have two key variables with the same value. Programmer response: Provide another value for the key variable. ISPYT052 Row modified - The specified row has been modified.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYT062 Table not created - The specified table was not created due to error.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYT063 Table created - The table was created. If WRITE, it is closed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT053 Row added - A new row has been added following the current row.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYT064 Enter names - The names of keys or names is required.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT054 Operation canceled - No rows have been added or modified.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYT065 Table create canceled - The table create function was canceled.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT055 Row not added - A row has not been added to the table.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYT066 Invalid command - Only the CANCEL command is valid now.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYT056 Table is at top - Display, modify and CANCEL are not valid when the table is at top.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYT067 Enter table name - Table name is a required field.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. Programmer response: Use a row number when the table is at top. ISPYT057 Invalid line command - Valid table commands are I (insert), R (repeat), and D (delete).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYT068 Use TOP - Use TOP for adding row 1.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYT069 Save/name not deleted - Only save names can be deleted.

Explanation: An invalid line command was used. Programmer response: Use only valid line commands. ISPYT058 Top is not valid - Top is only valid for adding a row.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYT070 Windowed panel - The panel or panels for the selected option will appear in a pop-up window.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPYT059 New row added - The keys did not match an existing row.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISPYT060 Enter WRITE or NOWRITE - Save option is specified as WRITE or NOWRITE.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The user selected a pull-down menu that changed the display of an option from a full screen display to a windowed display.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPYT071 Full screen panel - The panel or panels for the selected option will appear in a full screen display. ISPYV005 No argument specified - A search argument is necessary for the LOCATE command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The user selected a pull-down menu that changed the display of an option from a windowed display to a full screen display. ISPYT072 Retrieved - The command has been retrieved.

Explanation: The LOCATE command requires that you enter the data to use for the search. Programmer response: Enter a search argument with the LOCATE command. ISPYV006 Variable name found - The specified variable appears at the top of the display.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The command in the retrieve area of the panel has been retrieved to the command area. ISPYV000 No LOCATE string - In order to use the RFIND command, you must have previously issued a LOCATE command. Invalid pool specified - Enter F, I, S, or P.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYV007 Bottom of Data Reached - The specified variable was not found in the list of variables. Press RFIND to continue searching from the top of the list.


Explanation: The specified variable does not exist in the variables list. Programmer response: Enter another variable, or enter HELP for additional information. ISPYV008 Non-modifiable variable - This is a system variable and may not be altered/deleted by the user.

Explanation: An incorrect variable pool was entered. Programmer response: Enter one of the correct variable pools. ISPYV002 Command not recognized - The valid line commands are I (insert) and D (delete).

Explanation: This is an informational message. Type Z system variables may not be altered or deleted. ISPYV009 Variable name required - A variable name is required if data is entered for pool or value.

Explanation: An incorrect line command was entered. Programmer response: Enter one of the correct line commands. ISPYV003 Duplicate variable - Variables within each pool must have unique names.

Explanation: The variable name already exists within the pool. Variable names must be unique. Programmer response: Enter a unique variable name.

Explanation: Variable pool information or a variable value was entered, but the variable name was not entered. Programmer response: Enter a variable name. ISPYV011 Invalid hex data - Enter valid hex characters in multiples of two.


Invalid command - The command entered is not a valid variables command. Valid commands are LOCATE variable, SORT, SORT NAME and SORT VALUE. Valid abbreviations are L, LOC, SORT N, SORT V, and SORT VAL. The default SORT command sorts the list by variable pool and variable name.

Explanation: Hexadecimal characters must be entered in multiples of two. Programmer response: Correct the hexadecimal character entry. ISPYV012 aaaaaaaa failed - bbbbbbbb returned return code cccccccc request (dddddddd).

Explanation: An invalid command was entered. Programmer response: Enter a valid command, or enter HELP for a list of valid commands.

Explanation: The service and request did not complete processing. Programmer response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This could be an
Chapter 1. ISPF messages


internal error or a system error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYV013 Invalid variable syntax - Variable name must be alphanumeric and the first character cannot be numeric. ISPYV304 Invalid function request - Request aaaaaaaa is undefined.

Explanation: The request is not valid in ISPF, and did not complete processing. Programmer response: If the problem continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This is a system or internal error. If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYV305 Invalid pool name - Variable pool aaaaaaaa is undefined.

Explanation: The variable name violates variable name syntax. Programmer response: Enter a valid variable name. ISPYV014 Delete not allowed - The indicated line may not be deleted.

Explanation: The DELETE command is not valid for this line. Programmer response: Do not attempt to delete variables that are not modifiable. ISPYV015 Delete not allowed - Multiple DELETE line command not allowed.

Explanation: The variable pool that was entered is invalid. Programmer response: Enter a valid variable pool, or enter HELP for additional information. ISPYV306 Invalid hex data - Variable (aaaaaaaa) value (bbbbbbbb).

Explanation: The DELETE line command is limited to one line for each D. Programmer response: Enter a D for each line to be deleted. ISPYV016 Sort completed - The table was sorted by variable name within profile pools. The specified variable name does not exist in the list. The list has been positioned at the next nearest match. Press RFIND to locate the nearest match in the next variable pool. Internal test error - Unable to aaaaaaaa storage for variable bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The hexadecimal data could not be converted. Programmer response: Correct the hexadecimal data. If the error continues, contact IBM support. ISPYV307 End quote missing - Variable (aaaaaaaa) value (bbbbbbbb).


Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPYX001 Test severe error - Details precede this message in the ISPF log.

Explanation: The function failed to complete. Programmer response: Check the ISPF log for additional information about this error. ISPYX002 Recursive Dialog Test - Dialog Test may only be entered once in each screen.


Explanation: A storage problem prevented the function from ending. Programmer response: If the problem continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYV303 Invalid variable name - Variable name aaaaaaaa is syntactically incorrect.

Explanation: You attempted to enter Dialog Test for a second time in one screen. You may only enter Dialog Test once per screen. User response: Either split the screen and enter Dialog Test from the new screen or back out of the panels being displayed in the current screen until you reach Dialog Test again. ISPYX200 Dialog trace ----------- Application(aaaaaaaa.) Function(bbbbbbbb.) Screen(cccccccc.)

Explanation: The variable name failed the ISPF syntax check. Programmer response: Correct the variable name.

Explanation: This is an informational message.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISPYX201 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc;cccccccc;cccccccc; dddddddd - eeeeeeee ISPYX322 Not in Dialog Test - The Dialog Test option must be used to select a Test suboption.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYX202 aaaaaaaa

Explanation: You cannot directly call the Dialog Test suboptions. The Dialog Test option must be entered before Test suboptions can be selected. Programmer response: Do not attempt to select Test suboptions outside of the Dialog Test option. ISPYX323 Not in Test mode - A Dialog Test suboption may not be selected in user mode.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYX203 ..Return code (aaaaaaaa.) - bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYX211 aaaaaaaa Pool (bbbbbbbb.) cccccccc dddddddd

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYX212 ..aaaaaaaa by bbbbbbbb - cccccccc

Explanation: A Dialog Test suboption was selected while in user mode. User mode is entered when a breakpoint returns control to the user. Programmer response: Do not attempt to enter Dialog Test mode or select Test suboptions while in user mode. ISPYX351 Internal test error - Invalid test chain manager aaaaaaaa request bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYX213 ..aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPYX301 aaaaaaaa failed - bbbbbbbb returned return code cccccccc. Request (dddddddd).

Explanation: There was an error while the test chain manager was processing. Programmer response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: A system or internal error has occurred. Contact IBM support. ISPYX352 Internal test error - Unable to free test chain aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The function did not complete. Programmer response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This is a system error or internal error. Verify that the users region is large enough for ISPF minimum requirements. If the error continues, contact IBM support. ISPYX302 aaaaaaaa failed - bbbbbbbb returned return code cccccccc. Request (Get test common area).

Explanation: An error occurred while the test chain manager was attempting to free some event areas. Programmer response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: A system or internal error has occurred. Contact IBM support. ISPYX353 Internal test error - Unable to get block for test chain aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: There is an error in storage management. The function was not completed. Programmer response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: This is a system error or internal error. Verify that the users region size is large enough for ISPF minimum requirements. If the error continues, contact IBM support. ISPYX321 Dialog Test recursion - Invocation of the Dialog Test option may not occur while in that option.

Explanation: An error has occurred while attempting to get storage for the test chain manager. Programmer response: If the error continues, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If the region size meets ISPF minimum requirements, contact IBM support. ISPYX361 Internal test error - Invalid test trace routine caller aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory.

Explanation: The function was not completed because of an ISPF internal error.

Chapter 1. ISPF messages


Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYX371 Internal test error - Invalid test main routine caller aaaaaaaa. ISPZZ100 Row aaaaaaaa of bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is the text used for the top-row-displayed indicator on table display panels with CUA Mode set to OFF. ISPZZ101 aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The function was not completed because of an ISPF internal error. Programmer response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYX381 Internal test error - Invalid test environment manager request aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is a null message used for the top-row-displayed indicator on table display panels when no rows are being displayed. ISPZZ102 Row aaaaaaaa to bbbbbbbb of cccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is the text used for the top-row-displayed indicator on table display panels with CUA Mode set to ON and ROWS set to ALL in the panel model section. ISPZZ103 Row aaaaaaaa from bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The function could not be completed. Programmer response: This may be an ISPF internal error. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If you do not have mixed levels of ISPF code, contact IBM support. ISPYX401 aaaaaaaa has no effect - Select an option and press the Enter key to leave this panel. Explanation: This is an informational message. This is the text used for the top-row-displayed indicator on table display panels with CUA Mode set to ON and Rows set to SCAN in the panel model section.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISPZ000 aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPZ001 Invalid command - aaaaaaaa is undefined.

Explanation: An invalid command was entered on the panel. User response: Enter a command that is valid for the corresponding panel. ISPZ002 Invalid command - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb is undefined.

Explanation: The command entered is not defined. User response: Enter a command that is valid for the corresponding panel. Programmer response: Ensure that the proper commands are in the command table under the correct application ID.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Chapter 2. PDF messages

ISRB000 Parameter missing - BROWSE service requires either DATASET or DATAID parameter. ISRB005 Incomplete string - Put a quote to indicate the end of the string.

Explanation: The BROWSE service requires either the DATASET or DATAID parameter. Programmer response: Include either the DATASET or DATAID parameter on the BROWSE service. ISRB001 Data ID not found - Data ID parameter passed to browse is not defined. Use LMINIT.

Explanation: A quotation mark was found indicating the beginning of a quoted string but no matching quotation mark was found to indicate the end of the string. User response: Use a quotation mark to end the quoted string. ISRB006 Insufficient storage - BROWSE will continue, using as much of the display screen as possible.

Explanation: The DATAID specified on the BROWSE service has not been initialized using LMINIT. Programmer response: Use LMINIT to initialize the dataid prior to issuing the BROWSE service. ISRB002 Invalid parameter - BROWSE service parameters are specified in an invalid combination.

Explanation: There is insufficient virtual storage to read the entire data set into storage. Browse will continue, displaying as much of the data as will fit into virtual storage. ISRB007 Member not found - The requested member was not found in the PDS directory(s).

Explanation: An invalid combination of parameters was specified on the BROWSE service. MEMBER or DATAID cannot be used with DATASET. VOLUME or PASSWORD cannot be used with DATAID. Programmer response: Correct the BROWSE service parameters. ISRB003 OPEN error - An error occurred while trying to open the PDS.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB008 BLDL error - I/O error, insufficient virtual storage, or other BLDL error.

Explanation: An I/O error, insufficient virtual storage to process the BLDL, or other problems were encountered processing a BLDL. User response: Try the operation again. If the error recurs, contact your system programmer for assistance. System programmer response: Determine what is wrong with the data set and correct the problem. ISRB009 No members in data set - The PDS specified contains no members.

Explanation: An error occurred opening the partitioned data set for input. User response: Try the operation again. If the error reoccurs, contact your system programmer for assistance. System programmer response: Determine why the input data set cannot be opened and correct the problem. ISRB004 I/O error - I/O error while trying to build the member list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB010 Invalid command - The command entered is not valid for BROWSE.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading the partitioned data set directory. User response: Try the operation again. If the error recurs, contact your system programmer for assistance. System programmer response: Determine why the partitioned data set is getting I/O errors and correct the problem.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2009

Explanation: You entered something that is not a valid command for BROWSE. User response: Enter a valid command. Valid primary commands in BROWSE are BROWSE, COLUMNS, DISPLAY, FIND, HEX, LOCATE, RESET, SUBMIT, EDIT and VIEW. ISRB011 Severe error - Unexpected return code from ISRCBR.


Explanation: An unexpected return code was received from module ISRCBR. User response: Retry the operation. If the error recurs, contact your system programmer for assistance. System programmer response: Record what the user was doing when the error occurred. Try to reproduce the error using a different userid and data set. If the error persists, contact IBM support. ISRB012 Bad directory - Directory block size exceeds maximum of 256. ISRB017 Label aaaaaaaa located - Label aaaaaaaa (line bbbbbbbb) was located.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB018 Label aaaaaaaa assigned - Label aaaaaaaa is assigned to line bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB019 Label aaaaaaaa reassigned - Label aaaaaaaa is reassigned to line bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The partitioned data set directory has an incorrect blocksize. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Reproduce the partitioned data set with a directory blocksize of 256. ISRB013 Enter label or number - Enter the line number or the label of the line to be displayed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB100 Panel error - The data display panel to be used does not exist or is not usable.

Explanation: The panel specified for use to display the data does not exist or is unusable. Programmer response: Correct the BROWSE or BRIF service to use a valid data display panel. ISRB101 Enter character string - Enter the string of characters to be displayed.

Explanation: The LOCATE command was entered with no parameter. User response: Enter the LOCATE command followed by either a relative line number or a previously defined label. ISRB014 Invalid parameter - A number or label (.xxxx) is the only valid parameter.

Explanation: You entered the FIND command with no character string to find. User response: Enter the FIND command followed by the string of characters that you want to find. ISRB102 Invalid keyword - Check spelling of keywords used with the FIND command.

Explanation: The LOCATE command was entered with an invalid parameter. A valid parameter is either a previously defined label or a relative line number. The maximum length of the parameter is 8 characters. User response: Enter the LOCATE command with a valid parameter. ISRB015 Label not defined - The label specified has not yet been defined.

Explanation: The FIND command has an unrecognizable keyword parameter. You may have entered a FIND command with quotes that do not correctly delimit the string that you want to find and BROWSE is attempting to interpret the remainder of the string as a keyword. User response: Correct the spelling of the FIND keywords, or correct the use of quotes to delimit the string. ISRB103 Enter a FIND command - The RFIND key works only after a FIND character string is entered.

Explanation: The LOCATE command was entered with a label that has not been defined. User response: Use a previously defined label or a relative line number as the parameter for the LOCATE command. ISRB016 Invalid label - A label must be 1 to 8 chars long including the initial period.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB104 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be displayed.

Explanation: The LOCATE command was entered with a label that is greater than 8 characters long. User response: Enter the LOCATE command with a valid label or a relative line line number as the parameter.

Explanation: The FIND command was entered followed by two or more words (strings of characters delimited by blanks) that are not recognized keywords of FIND. To find these words, you must enclose them


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

in single quotation marks to indicate that they are a single string. User response: Enclose the string for FIND in single quotation marks. ISRB105 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc - bbbbbbbb dddddddd found aaaaaaaa times within cols eeeeeeee to ffffffff. ISRB112 Packed data error - Invalid packed data format. Data set possibly corrupted.

Explanation: The data set that you are attempting to Browse or Edit has data that appears to be packed but is not in the format that is valid for ISPF packed data. The data set may be corrupted. System programmer response: Determine whether the data set should be ISPF packed or not. Investigate possible corruption of the data set. ISRB113 Volume not allowed - Option 1 BROWSE does not support browsing a single volume of a multivolume GDG data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB106 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found - Search for aaaaaaaa cccccccc in cols dddddddd to eeeeeeee was successful.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB107 Empty data set or member - Empty PDS member or sequential data set has been requested.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB114 Partial data displayed - This is a multivolume data set. If you did not specify a volume, the data on all volumes will be displayed. Otherwise, only the data on the volume that you specified will be displayed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB108 I/O error - An I/O error was encountered reading the first record requested.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB115 Invalid data set - Data set for SUBMIT command cannot contain packed data.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred reading the first record of the data set. User response: Retry the operation. If the error recurs, contact your system programmer for assistance. System programmer response: Determine why the data set is getting I/O errors and correct the problem. ISRB109 Insufficient storage - Not enough storage is available for BROWSE to proceed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB116 SUBMIT not allowed - Your installation does not allow the SUBMIT command from Browse.

Explanation: There is insufficient virtual storage for BROWSE to continue processing. User response: Reduce your use of virtual storage by ending panels that you are not using, such as recursive BROWSE or EDIT sessions or other ISPF panels that you are using in pull-downs and so forth. Retry the operation. ISRB110 Invalid data set - Data set for SUBMIT command must be fixed 80.

Explanation: Your installation has indicated in the configuration table that the Browse SUBMIT command should be disabled. ISRB117 SUBMIT not executed - The member you are browsing has changed. If you exit from Browse and reenter, you will see the changes that have been made.

Explanation: The Browse SUBMIT command is not allowed if the member being browsed has been modified by another user since the start of the browse session. User response: Exit the browse session for that member and reenter. You will then be browsing the member as it currently exists and can determine if it should be submitted. ISRB118 SUBMIT not allowed - Your installation does not allow the SUBMIT command from View.

Explanation: The record format or LRECL of the data set you are browsing is not fixed 80. Only fixed 80 data sets can be processed by the SUBMIT command. ISRB111 SUBMIT not supported - SUBMIT command is not supported for BRIF service

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: Your installation has indicated in the

Chapter 2. PDF messages


configuration table that the View SUBMIT command should be disabled. ISRB119 Empty file - Empty z/OS UNIX file has been requested. ISRB156 Invalid keyword - The keyword aaaaaaaa is only valid for a character FIND. Enter the FIND string as cstring or remove the aaaaaaaa keyword.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRB150 FIND string too long - The FIND string cannot be longer than 40 characters in browse.

Explanation: The find of non EBCDIC strings is restricted to character finds. User response: Use the UTF8, ASCII or USASCII keyword only when entering the string in the format cstring ISRB157 Invalid boundary number - Only two numbers (left and right bounds) can be part of a FIND command.

Explanation: The FIND string must be less than or equal to 40 characters in length. User response: Enter a FIND string of 40 characters or less. ISRB151 Invalid character string - The FIND string cannot be a null () string.

Explanation: More than two numbers were entered as part of a FIND command. Only two numbers (left and right bounds) are allowed as parameters for the FIND command. ISRB158 Invalid left boundary - The left boundary exceeds the record length (LRECL).

Explanation: The FIND string cannot be a null string. User response: Enter a valid FIND string. ISRB152 Invalid character - Invalid special character for a picture (Pxxx) string.

Explanation: The value entered is invalid for Pxxx is invalid as a picture string. User response: Enter a valid FIND string. ISRB153 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be displayed.

Explanation: The left boundary used in the FIND command cannot exceed the record length (LRECL) of the data set. ISRB159 Invalid boundary number - The left boundary must come first and must be smaller than the right.

Explanation: A string of characters was entered that must be enclosed in single quotation marks to specify it as a string to be found. User response: Enclose the string in single quotation marks. ISRB154 Invalid keyword - The keywords aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be used. Delete one.

Explanation: The boundary parameters of the FIND command must be specified with the left boundary first and the left boundary must be smaller than the right boundary. ISRB160 *Limit of Data* - The data set contains more than the supported number of records. Data beyond this limit will not be displayed.

Explanation: The number of records in the data set extends past the limit currently supported by Browse. Any data beyond this point will not be displayed. User response: Either reduce the size of the data set, split into multiple data sets or use an alternative browse utility. ISRB161 Enter character string - A character string for FIND has not been entered (so * is invalid).

Explanation: Two mutually exclusive keywords were entered. User response: Use only one of the keywords. ISRB155 Invalid parameter - The string will not fit within columns aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The string that was entered to be found is longer than the LRECL of the data set or will not fit between the columns specified. User response: Enter a FIND string that is shorter than or equal in length to the LRECL of the data set, or correct the columns specified.

Explanation: A character string must be entered as a parameter to the FIND command. User response: Enter the character string that you want to find in the displayed file.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRB162 Invalid hex string - The hex string must have an even number of hex digits. ISRB168 BROWSE terminated - I/O error was detected while processing a BROWSE command.

Explanation: A hex string entered as a parameter to the FIND command must have an even number of digits. User response: Correct the hex FIND string. ISRB163 No aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found within cols cccccccc to dddddddd.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading data to process the BROWSE command. User response: Try the operation again. If the error recurs, contact your system programmer for assistance. System programmer response: Determine the cause of the I/O error, and correct the problem. ISRB169 STAE macro error - Unable to obtain storage for STAE macro, subpool 0 full.

Explanation: No occurrence of the FIND string was found within the boundaries specified on the FIND command. ISRB164 Invalid hex string - The hex string must contain only hex digits (0-9, A-F).

Explanation: ISPF was unable to obtain storage for the STAE macro. Storage subpool 0 is full. User response: Retry the operation. If the error recurs, contact your system programmer for assistance. Programmer response: Determine why subpool 0 storage is full and correct the problem. ISRB180 Invalid BROWSE parameter - Member name aaaaaaaa must be alphanumeric chars, starting with alpha.

Explanation: Only hex digits (0-9, A-F) are valid when specifying a hex FIND string (xnnnn). User response: Correct the FIND string. ISRB165 * Top of data reached * - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb not found. Press RFIND key to continue from bottom.

Explanation: No occurrence of the FIND string was found from the point of the beginning of the search to the beginning of the data. User response: Press RFIND to continue the FIND from the end of the data. ISRB166 *Bottom of data reached* - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb not found. Press RFIND key to continue from top.

Explanation: ISPF requires a member name that consists of alphanumeric characters with the first character being alpha. User response: Enter a valid member name. ISRB181 Invalid member name - aaaaaaaa exceeds 8-character allowable member name length.

Explanation: Member names cannot be greater than 8 characters in length. User response: Enter a valid member name. ISRB182 Member name invalid - A member name cannot be specified when browsing sequential data set.

Explanation: No occurrence of the FIND string was found from the point of the beginning of the search to the end of the data. User response: Press RFIND to continue the search from the beginning of the data. ISRB167 I/O error encountered - I/O error was detected while performing the FIND command.

Explanation: Sequential data sets do not contain members. User response: Enter only the data set name in order to browse a sequential data set. Do not enter a member name. ISRB183 Recursion error - Recursive use of BROWSE is not allowed while browsing the ISPF log.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading data to process the FIND command. User response: Try the operation again. If the error recurs, contact your system programmer for assistance. System programmer response: Determine the cause of the I/O error, and correct the problem.

Explanation: Recursive BROWSE is not allowed when browsing the ISPF log data set. User response: Do not use the BROWSE primary command when browsing the ISPF log.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRB184 Invalid mixed mode - Specify either YES or NO for the mixed mode. Explanation: No occurrence of the FIND string was found from the point of the beginning of the search to the end of the data. The number of records in the data set extends past the limit currently supported by Browse. Any further instances of the search string past this point will not be located or displayed. User response: Either reduce the size of the data set, split up the data set or use an alternative search utility. ISRB500 Too many parameters - For the aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: YES and NO are the only valid entries for mixed mode. User response: Enter either YES or NO for the mixed mode. ISRB185 Invalid format name - Specified format name contains invalid characters.

Explanation: The format name entered contains invalid characters. Format names must be alphanumeric with the first character alpha. User response: Use a valid format name. ISRB186 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter specified with this command.

Explanation: Too many parameters were entered for the command. User response: Correct the parameters. ISRB501 Invalid parameter - aaaaaaaa is not a valid parameter for the bbbbbbbb command.

Explanation: Too many parameters or an invalid parameter was entered. User response: Correct the parameters. ISRB187 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found cccccccc times within cols dddddddd to eeeeeeee.. Dataset contains more than the supported number of records. Data beyond this limit will not be searched or displayed.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was entered for this command. User response: Correct the parameters. ISRB502 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb are inconsistent with cccccccc command.

Explanation: The parameters entered were inconsistent or conflicting. User response: Correct the parameters. ISRB503 String too long - The invalid character for the DISPLAY command can only be a length of one.

Explanation: The number of records in the data set extends past the limit currently supported by Browse. Any further instances of the search string past this point will not be located or displayed. User response: Either reduce the size of the data set, split up the data set or use an alternative search utility. ISRB188 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found within cols cccccccc to dddddddd.. Dataset contains more than the supported number of records. Data beyond this limit will not be searched or displayed.

Explanation: The character parameter of the DISPLAY command can only be one character in length. User response: Correct the parameter. ISRB504 Inconsistent parameters - The DISPLAY command may have 2 formats. For the first format A single character and/or (CC or NOCC) are the only parameters allowed. The 2nd format is DISPLAY LINE X Y COLS A B CCSID N. LINE and COLS parameters are optional. Acronyms UTF8, UTF16, UTF32, UCS2, ASCII, USASCII, EBCDIC and UNICODE can be used instead of CCSID N

Explanation: No occurrence of the FIND string was found within the boundaries specified on the FIND command. The number of records in the data set extends past the limit currently supported by Browse. Any further instances of the search string past this point will not be located or displayed. User response: Either reduce the size of the data set, split up the data set or use an alternative search utility. ISRB189 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb not found. Dataset contains more than the supported number of records. Data beyond this limit will not be searched or displayed. Press RFIND key to continue from top.

Explanation: For the first format the DISPLAY command accepts parameters of only a single character (the character for non-displayable codes) and CC or NOCC to designate whether or not to show carriage control characters. For the second format the DISPLAY


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

command accepts parameters of CCSID and a number, LINE and 1 or 2 numbers, and COLS and 1 or 2 numbers in where CCSID, LINE and COLS may be specified in any order. Also CCSID and the following number may be replaced by one of the acronyms UTF8, UTF16, UTF32, UCS2, ASCII, USASCII, EBCDIC or UNICODE. At least the CCSID and a number or a valid acronym must be provided. User response: Correct the parameters. ISRB505 Too many parameters - A single character and/or (CC or NOCC) are the only parameters allowed. One is required. ISRB509 Conversion failed - Conversion of data from CCSID aaaaaaaa to CCSID bbbbbbbb using search technique ER has not been defined to MVS Conversion Services. Some of the data may be shown unconverted.

Explanation: MVS Conversion Services needs to be configured for the CCSIDS involved using search technique ER in order for the conversion to be done. Refer to Support for Unicode : Using Conversion Services, topic 3. User response: Check that the conversion table is defined. ISRB510 Converted data shown - Data specified in a DISPLAY command has been converted from CCSID aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The DISPLAY command accepts parameters of only a single character (the character for non-displayable codes) and CC or NOCC to designate whether or not to show carriage control characters. You must enter at least one parameter. User response: Correct the parameters. ISRB506 Data set FREE error - An error was encountered trying to free the data set(s) being browsed

Explanation: The user has used the DISPLAY command to specify that some of the data shown on the screen was stored in a different CCSID and requiring conversion prior to display. User response: Correct the parameters. ISRB511 Conversion failed - Conversion of the FIND string from terminal CCSID aaaaaaaa to the data CCSID bbbbbbbb using search technique ER has not been defined to MVS Conversion Services.

Explanation: An error prevented freeing the allocation for the data set being browsed. This data set may still be allocated to your user ID. The allocation will be freed when you log off. User response: If the allocation interferes with the use of the data set by other users, log off and log back on. ISRB507 Parameter missing - A single character and/or (CC or NOCC) are the only parameters allowed. One is required.

Explanation: MVS Conversion Services needs to be configured for the CCSIDS involved using search technique ER in order for the conversion to be done. Refer to Support for Unicode : Using Conversion Services, topic 3. User response: Check that the conversion table is defined.

Explanation: The DISPLAY command accepts parameters of only a single character (the character for non-displayable codes) and CC or NOCC to designate whether or not to show carriage control characters. You must enter at least one parameter. User response: Correct the parameters. ISRB508 Conversion failed - A call to MVS conversion services failed with return code = aaaaaaaa and reason code = bbbbbbbb . Some of the data may be shown unconverted.

| ISRB512

Terminal CCSID not set

| Explanation: The DISPLAY command is rejected | because the terminal has not provided character set | information to ISPF. | User response: Check with the communications | system programmer.
ISRB600 Command not supported - BROWSE command not supported by the dialog supplied command routine.

Explanation: The DISPLAY command was used to specify that some of the data needs to be converted, but MVS was unable to convert some of the data specified. The return and reason codes are documented in Support for Unicode : Using Conversion Services Appendix D User response: Check the return and reason code to determine the error.

Explanation: The command routine used by your dialog does not support BROWSE as a command.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRB601 Invalid record format - Record format must be F, FA, FM, V, VA, VM, or U. If the record format is other than U it may also be blocked (FB, VBA, etc.). ISRB607 Invalid data format - Browse is not allowed on a packed multivolume data set.

Explanation: The data set selected for browsing has an unsupported record format. You cannot browse this data set. ISRB602 Record length too large - Maximum record length is 32760.

Explanation: Browse does not handle packed multivolume data sets. User response: Enter a volume name. ISRB608 Browse successful - Not enough storage was available to edit or view the data. Data browsed successfully.

Explanation: The data set selected for browsing has a record length greater than 32 760. You cannot browse this data set. ISRB603 No data to browse - Empty data file has been requested.

Explanation: When not enough storage is available to edit or view a data set, browse is automatically substituted. Data was browsed successfully. User response: info. ISRB609 Browse failed - Not enough storage was available to edit or view the data. Browse was attempted, but failed.

Explanation: The data set you are attempting to BROWSE contains no data. ISRB604 Severe error - Unexpected return code from ISRCBR or dialog supplied routine.

Explanation: When not enough storage is available to edit or view a data set, browse is automatically substituted. Data was not browsed successfully. User response: Attempt to browse the data set using Browse, instead of view or edit, to determine if there is a problem with the data. Check the ISPF log for any errors. ISRC600 Command not allowed - Recursive entry to ISPF is not permitted.

Explanation: An unexpected return code was received from ISRCBR or from a dialog supplied routine. User response: If the error recurs, contact the programmer for assistance. Programmer response: Determine what return codes are being returned by dialog supplied routines. Correct them to return only the expected, documented return codes. ISRB605 Member name not allowed - A member name cannot be specified when browsing with BRIF service.

Explanation: A second ISPF session may not be started while an ISPF session is active. User response: Use the current ISPF session, or use ISPF split screen to start another ISPF session. ISRC602 Enter TSO command - Enter command in TSO format.

Explanation: The BRIF service does not allow the use of a member name. Programmer response: Invoke the BRIF service without a member name. ISRB606 Severe error - Severe error occurred in ISRCBR or dialog supplied routine.

Explanation: A TSO command is required as input on the TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR panel. User response: Enter a TSO command. ISRC603 Parameter missing - A parameter is required with the TSO command.

Explanation: A return code 20 was received from ISRCBR or a dialog supplied routine. User response: If the error recurs, contact the programmer for assistance. Programmer response: Determine what return codes are being returned by dialog supplied routines. If a return code 20 is being returned, determine the cause of the return code 20 and correct the problem. Consider modifying the dialog supplied routine to issue an informational message describing the cause of the failure.

Explanation: It is invalid to specify TSO without following it with a valid TSO command. User response: Enter a valid TSO command after the word TSO.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRC605 Invalid password - The password field contains invalid characters. Valid characters are (0-9, A-Z, #, $, or @). v Enter the Dialog Test Variables option (ISPF option 7.3) and issue LOCATE PSWD from the command line. If the variable is found, use the D line command to delete the variable. v Use the VERASE service to remove the variable by invoking a CLIST or REXX exec that contains the command ISPEXEC VERASE PSWD BOTH. ISRCP000 Invalid command - Module ISRCINVC received an invalid command as a parameter.

Explanation: A password was entered that contained invalid characters. An MVS password must: v Be 1-8 characters in length v Contain only alphabetic, numeric, and special characters. User response: Correct the password and reenter. If you did not specify a password on this panel and this is a recurring problem, you may have a variable in your ISPF profile pool that is being used by ISPF. If you suspect this is the case, you should perform one of these tasks: v Enter the Dialog Test Variables option (ISPF option 7.3) and issue LOCATE xxx from the command line. If the variable is found, use the D line command to delete the variable. v Use the VERASE service to remove the variable by invoking a CLIST or REXX exec that contains the command ISPEXEC VERASE xxx BOTH. The variable names used by PDF (symbolized by xxx) are PSWD2, SCENP, SCEOP, SF4SPSW, ZCRPSWD, ZECPSWD, ZMCPSWD, ZPSWD, ZQPSWD2, ZSSCNPSW, ZSSCOPSW, and ZSSFNPSW ISRC608 Command not allowed - This command is not intended to be executed from option 6.

Explanation: The command passed to ISRCINVC is not BROWSE, EDIT, or VIEW. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is a programming error. Contact IBM support. ISRCP001 Command completed - The EDIT command completed successfully.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRCP002 Invalid data set name - The data set name has too many characters.

Explanation: The data set name parameter exceeds 44 characters. User response: If this error is the result of input to a dialog, enter a valid data set name. Otherwise, see the dialog developer. Programmer response: Correct the data set name. ISRCP003 Invalid member name. - The member name has too many characters.

Explanation: Commands containing the ISPF NONDISPL keyword cannot be executed from option 6. User response: Correct the command and then reenter. ISRC609 Invalid password - The password field contains invalid characters. Valid characters are (0-9, A-Z, #, $, or @). If you did not enter a password, and if this is a recurring problem, you may have a variable called PSWD in your profile variable pool. You can use the dialog test Variables option (ISPF option 7.3) or the VERASE service to delete the variable from your profile pool.

Explanation: The member name parameter embedded within the data set name exceeds 8 characters. User response: If this error is the result of input to a dialog, enter a valid data set name. Otherwise, see the dialog developer. Programmer response: Correct the member name. ISRCP004 Command completed - The VIEW command completed successfully.

Explanation: A password was entered that contained invalid characters. An MVS password must: v Be 1-8 characters in length v Contain only alphabetic and numeric characters. User response: Correct the password and reenter. If you did not specify a password on this panel and this is a recurring problem, you may have a variable named PSWD in your ISPF profile pool that is being used by ISPF. If you suspect this is the case, perform one of these tasks:

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRCP005 Command completed - The BROWSE command completed successfully.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRCP006 Invalid parameter - Module ISRCPREC received an invalid parameter. Explanation: This is an informational message. The shared personal list was not found in library ISPTLIB. Referral list will default to user profile data set. User response: Contact your systems programmer. Programmer response: Create a common personal list that is concatenated to the users ISPTLIB library. ISRCS005 List selection error - Mark a list with a / and then select a file action.

Explanation: The parameter passed to ISRCPREC is not EDIT or VIEW. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is a programming error. Contact IBM support. ISRCP007 Recovery successful - VIEW recovery completed successfully.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Mark a list, then select a file action. ISRCS006 Required parm missing - Required personal list name is blank or invalid. A personal list name is required for this action. The list name must begin with an alphabetic character followed by any valid alphanumeric character for a total length of up to eight characters.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRCP008 Recovery successful - Edit recovery completed successfully.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRCS000 Invalid INTENS - Invalid INTENS Enter HIGH, LOW, or NON.

Explanation: An invalid INTENS value has been entered. User response: Enter HIGH, LOW, or NON for INTENS value. ISRCS001 Invalid COLOR - Invalid COLOR Enter - BLUE, GREEN, TURQ, YELLOW, RED, PINK, or WHITE.

Explanation: An invalid command was entered for this function. User response: Enter a personal list name as a parameter for command. ISRCS007 Reference list inactive - A reference list has not been created yet. Enter command REFLISTx, where x is either a L for library, or a D for data set reference list. To set list to update mode, select action update on from action bar List. Data sets and libraries that are referenced in your ISPF session will now be added to the reference list.

Explanation: An invalid COLOR has been entered. User response: Enter BLUE, GREEN, TURQ, YELLOW, RED, PINK, or WHITE for color value. ISRCS002 Invalid HILITE - Invalid HILITE - Enter - REVERSE, USCORE, BLINK, or NONE.

Explanation: There is no reference list active for this user. User response: Activate reference list via the list pull-down on the Reflist main panel. ISRCS008 List updated - The most recently referenced data set/library in the reference list has been successfully added to your personal list.

Explanation: An invalid HILITE has been entered. User response: Enter REVERSE, USCORE, BLINK, or NONE for Hilite value. ISRCS003 The pull-down choice you have selected is unavailable.

Explanation: The user attempted to select a choice that is unavailable. User response: Select an available choice. ISRCS004 List not found - Shared personal list not found in library ISPTLIB. Defaulting to private list in library ISPPROF. Shared personal list tables ISRPLSHR (personal data set lists) or ISRLLSHR (personal library lists), was not found in library ISPTLIB.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Personal list was updated successfully with the most recent Reference List entry. ISRCS009 Invalid routing request - A call to program ISRRCL passed an invalid parameter. This is most likely the result of a panel that has an action bar choice defined with ACTION(ISRROUTE) and an invalid parameter.

Explanation: The most likely explanation for this


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

message is that a panel was created with an action bar choice which has an ACTION RUN(ISRROUTE) statement but which specifies an invalid action on the run statement. ISPF uses a set of predefined parameters, but a SELECT statement may also be used as a parameter. An example of a SELECT statement which may be coded on an action bar is: PDC DESC(User List...) ACTION RUN(ISRRCL) PARM(SELECT PGM(USERLIST) NEWAPPL(USR)) Programmer response: If the problem occurs using an unmodified copy of an IBM supplied panel, contact IBM support. Otherwise, check the value of the PARM keyword in the PDC section of the panel to ensure that it is a valid SELECT statement. ISRCV000 Invalid DSN - quotes - Data set name contains unbalanced apostrophes; reenter dsname. ISRCV003 Invalid DSN - member - Member name contains invalid characters.

Explanation: A member name must: v Be 1-8 characters in length v Start with an alphabetic or special character v Contain only alphabetic, numeric, or special characters. User response: Correct the member name and reenter it. ISRCV004 Invalid DSN - syntax - Dsname must not end with a period. Reenter dsname.

Explanation: An MVS data set name uses periods to separate its qualifiers, but it cannot start or end with a period. User response: Correct the data set name and reenter it. ISRCV005 Invalid DSN - syntax - Dsname contains embedded blanks, parentheses, or apostrophes. Reenter.

Explanation: A data set was specified that did not both start and end with an apostrophe. User response: If the data set is a fully-qualified MVS data set, place an apostrophe at both the beginning and end of the name. If the data set is an unqualified data set, remove all apostrophes. ISRCV001 Invalid DSN - length - Dsname must be 1-44 chars in length, including prefix. Reenter dsname.

Explanation: A data set name may not: v Contain embedded blanks v Contain embedded parentheses unless they are being used to specify a member name v Contain apostrophes unless they are being used to indicate a fully-qualified MVS data set. User response: Correct the data set name and reenter it. ISRCV006 Invalid DSN - qualifier - A data set name qualifier must contain from 1-8 characters. Reenter.

Explanation: The data set name entered was either: v A fully-qualified MVS data set name that contained more than 44 characters. v An unqualified MVS data set name that, when combined with your TSO prefix, results in a name greater than 44 characters. User response: Correct the data set name and reenter it. ISRCV002 Invalid DSN - member - The name of a data set member must be 1-8 chars and enclosed in ( ).

Explanation: A data set name was entered having one or more qualifiers that contained more than 8 characters or that contained no characters. Each qualifier of an MVS data set must: v Be 1-8 characters in length v Start with an alphabetic or special character. v Contain only alphabetic, numeric, special, dash, or left brace characters. User response: Correct the data set name and reenter it. ISRCV007 Invalid DSN - qualifier - Each qualifier must be 1-8 alphanumeric characters, the first alphabetic.

Explanation: When specifying a data set and member, the member name must be 1 to 8 characters in length, and must be contained within parentheses. For example: USER1.PRIVATE.SOURCE(MEMBER1) User response: Correct the data set name or member name or both, and reenter.

Explanation: A data set name was entered that contained an invalid qualifier. Each qualifier of an MVS data set must: v Be 1-8 characters v Start with an alphabetic or special character. v Contain only alphabetic, numeric, special, dash, or left brace characters.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


User response: Correct the data set name and reenter it. ISRCV008 Selected entry blank - The Reflist data set entry must be defined before it can be selected. data sets. If you need assistance in modifying your ISPPLIB concatenation: v If you are using a locally written dialog, contact the dialog owner to report the problem. v If you are attempting to invoke a selection under PDF option 9, contact your system programmer to have the problem reported to IBM support. Programmer response: Verify that the specified panels are in the proper library, and that the library is specified in the ISPPLIB concatenation either through a setup clist, LIBDEF or LOGON PROC. System programmer response: If the IBM Products Option panel (PDF option 9, panel ISRDIIS) has been customized, verify that the specified panels are in the proper library, and that the library is specified in the ISPPLIB concatenation either through a setup CLIST, LIBDEF, or LOGON PROC. If the option 9 panel has not been customized, verify the proper product libraries for the option selected are specified in the ISPPLIB concatenation. If the ISPPLIB concatenation appears to be correct, contact IBM support. ISRD002 Dialog selection error - The alternate dialog selection processor could not find panel aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: A Reflist data set entry was selected, but the entry does not contain a data set name. User response: Correct the data set entry and reselect it. ISRCV009 Selected entry blank - The Reflist library entry must have the Project, Group, and Type defined before it can be selected.

Explanation: The Reflist library entry was selected, but the entry does not contain either a Project, Group, or Type. User response: Correct the library entry and reselect it. ISRD000 Dialog selection error - Invalid parameters were passed to routine ISRALTDI. See system programmer.

Explanation: The PDF Alternate Dialog processor (ISRALTDI) detected an invalid input parameter. User response: If you were attempting to invoke a selection under PDF option 9, contact your system programmer to have the problem reported to IBM support. If you are using a locally written dialog, contact the dialog owner to report the problem. Programmer response: Examine the parameters your dialog is passing to program ISRALTDI and compare them to the parameters listed in ISPF Planning and Customizing under IBM Products Option. System programmer response: If the IBM Products Option panel (PDF option 9, panel ISRDIIS) has been customized, examine the parameters that are being passed to program ISRALTDI and compare them to the parameters listed in ISPF Planning and Customizing under IBM Products Option. If the option 9 panel has not been customized, contact IBM support. ISRD001 Dialog selection error - The alternate dialog selection processor could not find panels aaaaaaaa or bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The PDF Alternate Dialog Processor was invoked specifying that alternate panel aaaaaaaa was to be used, but the panel could not be found in the ISPPLIB concatenation. User response: Check to make sure your ISPPLIB concatenation contains the specified panel. If not, change your ISPPLIB allocation to include the proper data set. If you need assistance in modifying your ISPPLIB concatenation: v If you are using a locally written dialog, contact the dialog owner to report the problem. v If you are attempting to invoke a selection under PDF option 9, contact your system programmer to have the problem reported to IBM support. Programmer response: Verify that the specified panel is in the proper library, and that the library is specified in the ISPPLIB concatenation either through a setup clist, LIBDEF or LOGON PROC. System programmer response: If the IBM Products Option panel (PDF option 9, panel ISRDIIS) has been customized, verify that the specified panel is in the proper library, and that the library is specified in the ISPPLIB concatenation either through a setup CLIST, LIBDEF, or LOGON PROC. If the option 9 panel has not been customized, verify that the proper product libraries for the option selected are specified in the ISPPLIB concatenation. If the ISPPLIB concatenation appears to be correct, contact IBM support.

Explanation: The PDF Alternate Dialog Processor was invoked specifying panels aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb as the primary and secondary panels to be used, but neither panel could be found in the ISPPLIB concatenation. User response: Check to make sure your ISPPLIB concatenation contains the specified panels. If not, change your ISPPLIB allocation to include the proper


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRD003 Max displays exceeded - Panel aaaaaaaa may be forcing non-display mode. ISRD008 Invalid SVC99 req. code - Module ISRSVCBD was passed a request code of aaaa. Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The PDF Alternate Dialog processor detected a loop in the display of input panel aaaaaaaa, and stopped after 120 calls to the ISPF DISPLAY service. The panel may be forcing non-display mode by having .RESP=ENTER coded in its )INIT section. User response: If you are attempting to invoke a selection under PDF option 9, contact your system programmer to have the problem reported to IBM support. If you are using a locally written dialog, contact the dialog owner to report the problem. Programmer response: Examine the panel to see if .RESP=ENTER is coded in the )INIT section and, if so, ensure there is proper logic to bypass it when the proper conditions are met. Also, examine the dialog invoked to ensure that when the proper condition is met, it is communicated back to the panel through the appropriate ISPF dialog variables. System programmer response: If the IBM Products Option (PDF option 9) has been customized, examine the new and changed panels to see if .RESP=ENTER is coded in the )INIT section and, if so, ensure there is proper logic to bypass it when the proper conditions are met. Also, examine the dialog invoked to ensure that when the proper condition is met, it is communicated back to the panel through the appropriate ISPF dialog variables. If the option 9 panel has not been customized, contact IBM support. ISRD005 Catalog or VTOC error - I/O, insufficient storage, or unrecoverable error. RC=aaaa.

Explanation: The PDF SVC99 interface module (ISRSVCBD) was invoked with an invalid DAIR request code of aaaa. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRD010 File name in use - File name (ddname) aaaaaaaa is allocated to another data set.

Explanation: PDF attempted to allocate a data set to ddname aaaaaaaa, but the ddname was already allocated. User response: Free the existing allocation using the TSO FREE FI(ddname) command. ISRD011 Data set not allocated - aaa(44) was not allocated like bbb(44). The return code from SVC 99 was cccccccc.

Explanation: The data set being moved/copied to could not be allocated like the data set being moved/copied from. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRD012 No data to compare - SuperC returned a return code of 28. This means that either both data sets being compared are empty, or after input filtering there is no data to compare. Input filtering causes SuperC to not compare data such as comments or blank lines. You can check your filtering options by issuing the COMPARE command with no arguments.

Explanation: PDF received a return code of aaaa from the LOCATE macro. User response: Contact your system programmer for assistance. System programmer response: Consult the appropriate DFP documentation for problem determination. ISRD007 Data set in use - Data set is being updated by you.

Explanation: The COMPARE command was entered in the editor but both the file being edited and the data set or member it is being compared to are empty or they have no data to be used for the comparison after filtering is completed. The input filtering is defined by the panel which is displayed when the COMPARE command is entered without any operands. User response: Check to see if both files are empty. If not, enter the COMPARE command on the edit command line and uncheck the filtering options. ISRD014 Data set not cataloged - aaa(44) was not found in catalog.

Explanation: The PDF Data Set List utility could not get an exclusive ENQ on the target data set for the SAVE command (userid.list-id.DATASETS) because you are currently using it. User response: If you are using the data set on another logical screen through a PDF function or local dialog, exit the function or dialog to free the data set. If you cannot determine why the data set is in use, exit and reenter ISPF and retry the function. If this doesnt work, log off, log back on, and retry.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 4, error code X'1708'from SVC 99 indicating that the data set aaa(44) specified does not exist. User response: If the data set name was supplied to
Chapter 2. PDF messages


PDF by you, correct the name and retry. If you were running a local dialog, contact the responsible programmer for assistance. Programmer response: If the data set name was supplied to PDF by you, correct the name and retry. If further help is needed, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRD016 Duplicate data set name - Data set aaa(44) already exists. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRD021 Unit is undefined - Unit name aaaaaaaa is not defined.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 4, error code X'021C'from SVC 99 indicating that the unit name specified (aaaaaaaa) is not defined to your MVS system. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRD022 Volume error - Error obtaining the device name for the data set or volume entered, for one of these reasons: volume not mounted, device table not found, device table empty, or the UCB for the volume could not be found.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 4, error code X'4704'from SVC 99 indicating that the data set aaa(44). specified for creation already exists. User response: If the data set name was supplied to PDF by you, choose a new name and retry. If you were running a local dialog, contact the responsible programmer for assistance. Programmer response: If the data set name was supplied to PDF by you, choose a new name and retry. If further help is needed, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRD018 Volume error - Volume name must contain only alphanumeric characters and characters $,#, @ or -, that is, X5B,X7B,X7C or X60.

Explanation: There is an error in obtaining the data set volume that was entered. The volume entered was not mounted, the device table was not found, the device table was empty or the UCB for the volume could not be found. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the volume to see if it has been mounted, or verify the device table to see if it exists. ISRD023 Tape not supported - ISPF does not support data sets on tape.

Explanation: A valid volume serial has not been entered. User response: Correct volume name ISRD019 Catalog error - Already cataloged, VSAM protected, or other - aaa(44).

Explanation: The data set specified as input to a PDF function or service resides on TAPE, not on DASD. PDF does not support the processing of TAPE data sets. User response: Specify a different data set (one that does not reside on TAPE), or use an alternate method to process the data set. If the data set name was not specified by you but by a dialog, contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Have your tool or dialog specify a different data set (one that does not reside on TAPE). System programmer response: If the data in the TAPE data set needs to be processed by PDF, copy the data set to DASD using IEBCOPY, then process the DASD copy. ISRD024 Request failed - Allocation/deallocation failed. Press Help for more information.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 4, error code X'5708'from SVC 99 indicating that a return code 8 was received from the CATALOG macro during processing of data set aaa(44). User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to system message IDC3009I for assistance. ISRD020 Data set is open - The ddname or dsname specified is associated with an open data set.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 4, error code X'0420'from SVC 99 indicating that the data you are trying to process is currently open by you or another user. User response: Contact your system programmer for assistance in determining who has the data set open. The data set must be closed before you can successfully complete the function you requested.

Explanation: PDF received an SVC 99 return code/error code combination for which there is no specific PDF message. Entering the HELP command when this message is displayed will provide a tutorial panel with the error messages generated by the system, as well as the SVC 99 return code, error code, and information code.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Read the detailed message provided via the tutorial, and address the problems indicated. ISRD025 Recalled canceled - The LOCATE macro returned RC=38, reason code 50 indicating the user canceled recall of a data set. programmer to determine your RACF authority level, or have someone with higher authority uncatalog the data set using PDF option 3.2.U. System programmer response: Determine whether the user has the proper RACF authority to perform the uncatalog request. If yes, there may be a problem with the catalog itself and you should refer to the appropriate DFP manuals for assistance in problem determination. If the user does not have the proper RACF authority, you can raise the RACF level (if appropriate) or have someone with the proper authority level uncatalog the data set using PDF option 3.2.U. ISRD030 No space available - Insufficient space for data set aaa(44).

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRD026 Invalid index structure - Dsname aaa(44) index conflict.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 12 or 16 from the LOCATE macro, indicating a problem with the index or generation data group specified (aaa(44)). User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the proper DFP documentation for information on debugging catalog problems. ISRD027 Invalid data set name - Syntax error in data set name aaa(44).

Explanation: PDF received a return code 4, error code X'4714'from SVC 99 indicating that there is insufficient space for the data set specified (aaa(44)) on the volume selected by the system. User response: Retry the allocation. The system may pick a different volume that has sufficient space to satisfy the request. If you know of a specific volume that has enough space, you may specify that volume name on the Allocate New Data Set panel in PDF option 3.2. ISRD031 Member in use - The member is being updated by you or by another user.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 20 from the LOCATE macro indicating the data set name specified (aaa(44)) was syntactically incorrect. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRD028 Data set not cataloged - aaa(44) was not found in catalog.

Explanation: The member specified is being updated by you on another logical screen or by another user. User response: Find out if the member is in use by another user, or release the member from another logical screen. ISRD032 Data set not found - aaa(44) not on volume bbbbbb.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 8 from the LOCATE macro indicating the data set specified was not found in the catalog. User response: If the data set name was mistyped, correct the name and retry the function. If the data set name is specified by a dialog, contact the dialog author for assistance. If the data set name is correctly entered, have your system programmer contact IBM support. Programmer response: Check the data set name specified and correct it if necessary. If the data set name is correctly entered, have your system programmer contact IBM support. System programmer response: If the data set name specified is correct, contact IBM support. ISRD029 Uncatalog error - aaa(44) could not be uncataloged.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 8 from the OBTAIN macro, indicating that data set aaa(44) does not exist on volume bbbbbb. User response: If you specified both the data set name and the volume, determine the correct volume for the data set and retry the request. If you did not supply a volume, the data set is not on the volume indicated by the catalog. This may indicate that there is a catalog entry only but no data set, or it may indicate a catalog error. Contact your system programmer for assistance in determining the correct action to take. System programmer response: Consult the appropriate DFP documentation for problem determination.

Explanation: PDF received a nonzero return code when attempting to uncatalog a data set (aaa(44)) during a data set deletion request. User response: You may not have authority to uncatalog the data set. Contact your system

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRD033 Catalog or VTOC error - I/O, insufficient storage, or unrecoverable error with volume aaaaaa. specify a specific volume on the Allocate New Data Set panel in PDF option 3.2. If the problem persists, contact your system programmer. ISRD037 No space on vol aaaaaa - Insufficient space for data set bbb(44).

Explanation: PDF received one of these return codes while processing volume aaaaaa, indicating an error in processing the VTOC for that volume, or the catalog: v Return code > 8 from the OBTAIN macro v Return code 24 from the LOCATE macro v Return code 12 from DADSM allocate. User response: Contact your system programmer for assistance in problem determination. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate IBM manuals for problem determination. ISRD034 Volume not available - Volume aaaaaa not mounted or not authorized for your use.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 4, error code X'4714'(return code 20 from DADSM allocate) indicating that volume aaaaaa does not have sufficient space available to satisfy your create request for data set bbb(44). User response: Specify a different volume on the Allocate New Data Set panel, or leave the volume field blank to take the system default. If the problem persists, contact your system programmer. ISRD038 Data set in use - Data set aaa(44) in use by another user, try again later.

Explanation: PDF received one of these return codes while processing volume aaaaaa, indicating that the volume specified is not available for your use: v Return code 4 from the OBTAIN macro v SVC 99 return code 4 with one of these error codes: X'0214', X'0218', X'0220', X'0248', X'0498', X'049C', or X'6704'. User response: Verify that the correct data set name and volume were specified to PDF, and correct them if necessary. If the data specified looks correct, contact your system programmer. ISRD035 Data set in use - Data set aaa(44) in use by another user, try later or enter HELP for a list of jobs and users allocated to aaa(44).

Explanation: PDF received a return code 4, error code X'020C'or X'0210'from SVC 99 indicating data set aaa(44) is currently allocated to another job or user and is, therefore, unavailable to satisfy your request. User response: If the data set is in use by another job, wait for that job to finish, or have the submitter of the job cancel it, then retry your request. If the data set is in use by another user, have that user free it, then retry the request. ISRD039 Data set in use - The specified data set in use by another user, try again later.

Explanation: Someone (you or another user) is using the data set specified as the target data set in a MOVE, COPY, CREATE, or REPLACE command. User response: Either choose another data set as the target or wait until the data set is not being used by someone. ISRLD040 Invalid EXDATE value - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 4, error code X'020C'or X'0210'from SVC 99 indicating data set aaa(44) is currently allocated to another job or user and is, therefore, unavailable to satisfy your request. User response: If the data set is in use by another job, wait for that job to finish, or have the submitter of the job cancel it, then retry your request. If the data set is in use by another user, have that user free it, then retry the request. ISRD036 VTOC full on vol aaaaaa - No room in volume table of contents for more data sets.

Explanation: The only valid values for the EXDATE parameter of LMDDISP are YES or NO. User response: Enter YES to have the expiration date of the data set displayed on the TOTAL view of the data set list. Enter NO or omit the parameter, to have the referred date displayed. ISRLD041 Invalid REFLIST value - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 4, error code X'4708'(return code 8 from DADSM allocate) indicating that the volume table of contents for volume aaaaaa is full; therefore, the entry needed to satisfy your request cannot be added. User response: If you are attempting to create a data set, reissue the request and the system may choose a different volume as the target for the create, or you can

Explanation: The only valid values for the REFLIST parameter of LMDDISP are YES or NO. User response: Enter YES to have the supplied Dsname level added to the ISPF REFLIST. Enter NO or


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

omit the parameter if the ISPF REFLIST should not be updated. ISRD220 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for the UNDO command. ISRD227 No more to UNDO - There are no interactions to be undone.

Explanation: Parameters were entered on the UNDO edit primary command. The UNDO command does not accept any parameters. User response: Remove the parameters from the UNDO command and try the command again. ISRD222 UNDO not allowed - UNDO is not allowed when line commands are pending.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Either no changes have been made to the data since the beginning of the session or since the data was last saved, or all of the changes have already been undone. ISRD228 UNDO not available - UNDO is not available when Edit Recovery is suspended.

Explanation: The UNDO function is not available because Edit Recovery has been suspended. User response: Turn Recovery off and back on. If Edit Recovery is suspended again, you may be able to use recovery from storage instead of the recovery file. This is done by issuing the SETUNDO STORAGE command. ISRD230 -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change

Explanation: The UNDO command was issued while there were pending line commands. The UNDO command cannot proceed because it is unclear exactly what is to be undone. User response: Remove the UNDO command from the command line and press Enter to process the pending changes. You may need to issue the RESET primary command to clear any pending line commands. After the changes have been processed by the editor, try the UNDO command again. ISRD223 UNDO not allowed - UNDO is not allowed when data changes are pending.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRD231 your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD000 Compress failed - IEBCOPY return code was aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The UNDO command was issued while there were changes in the data area that the editor has not yet processed. The UNDO command cannot proceed because it is unclear exactly what is to be undone. User response: Remove the UNDO command from the command line and press Enter to process the pending changes. You may also need to issue the RESET primary command to clear any pending line commands. After the changes have been processed by the editor, try the UNDO command again. ISRD226 UNDO not available - UNDO is not available when Edit Recovery is OFF.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD001 First 16 Data Sets - Only the first sixteen datasets are shown in this list. ISRDDN uses ISPF services to process DD names and these services are limited to concatenations of sixteen or fewer data sets.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD002 FREE invalid - The F (FREE) line command is only valid next to a DD name.

Explanation: The UNDO command is not available because you do not have Edit Recovery turned on and your site has not installed the storage recovery function. User response: Turn Recovery on using the RECOVERY primary command. System programmer response: If you want to enable the storage edit recovery option, you must modify the PDF Configuration table.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD003 INFO invalid - The I (INFO) line command is only valid for real (non-VIO) data sets.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRDD004 Compress successful - The data set was compressed successfully. ISRDD013 List would be empty - The list was reset because an ONLY, EXCLUDE or Free command caused the list to be empty.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD005 Compress is invalid - The data set to be compressed must be a partitioned data set.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD014 LLA Library - LLA is active against a LINKLIST dataset so compress is not permitted

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD006 Invalid line command - Invalid line command: The only valid line commands are B, E, V, M, F, C, I, and Q. You may also use S or a slash (/) as a synonym for B and a Z as a synonym for C.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD015 Load failed - The load module was not browsed because it could not be loaded into storage.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD016 Query invalid - The Q (Query) line command is only valid for data sets.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD007 String not found - The string was not found in the display area. Press RFIND to continue the search from the beginning of the list.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD017 Storage unavailable - The storage was not browsed because storage at that address is not accessible.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD008 Missing operand - The FIND and LOCATE commands require a search string as a parameter.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD018 Missing operand - The BROWSE command requires a module name or an absolute address terminated by a period or an indirect addressing string which follows TSO TEST syntax.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD009 Member was found - The member, or at least one member name matching the pattern, was found in at least one data set.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD019 Missing operand - The SELECT command requires a module name.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD010 Member not found - The member was not found in any allocated data set.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD020 Limited ENQ data - This system is running with SETGRS MODE=STAR. ENQ information will not be collected from other systems. As a result, ENQ displays may not reflect all of the ENQs which are known to GRS.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD011 Missing operand - The MEMBER command requires a member name. You may also specify a partial DD name as a second parameter.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD021 Syntax error - The command entered contains an invalid indirect addressing string.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD012 Invalid command - FIND, LOCATE, EXCLUDE, ONLY, MEMBER, COUNT, ENQ, CON, BROWSE, LOAD, SELECT, LPA, LINKLIST, PARMLIB, APFLIB, CLIST, DUPLICATES and RESET are the only valid primary commands.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRDD022 Missing operand - The LOAD command requires a module name. ISRDD031 *** Searching data sets not shown on the screen ***

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD023 Module not loaded - The load module was not browsed because it is not loaded into storage. You may be able to explicitly load it using the LOAD command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD032 Invalid parameter - Valid parameters for the CHECK command are ON and OFF.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD033 Mixed check disabled - ISRDDN will not check for mixed concatenations when it starts or when the RESET command is entered. Use CHECK ON to enable automatic checking.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD024 Storage unavailable - Some storage within one or more links in the chain is unavailable and is not shown.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD034 Mixed check enabled - ISRDDN will automatically check for mixed concatenations when it starts and when the RESET command is entered. Use CHECK OFF to disable automatic checking.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD025 Module not loaded - The SELECT command did not find the load module loaded in the link pack or job pack areas (via CSVQUERY).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD026 Module unknown - The specified storage location aaaaaaaa is not part of a currently loaded module.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD035 Unable to load ASMADOP - ISRDDN needs to load module ASMADOP to support the disassembly function, but the load of this module failed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD027 *** Scanning for duplicate members ***

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD036 Insufficient storage - ISRDDN needs to obtain an amount of storage to support the disassembly function, but failed to obtain the storage.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD028 aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD029 Warning: ISRDDN has detected that one or more concatenations, including DD name aaaaaaaa contain mixed record formats, organizations, or fixed record lengths. Reading from allocations containing different types of data sets can cause I/O errors, ABENDs, or other unpredictable results. For further information, see the z/OS documentation on using data sets. Enter CHECK OFF to disable this check.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD037 Information incomplete - CSVQUERY ended with RC=4. Not all information displayed is accurate.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDS000 Save As canceled - The name you entered already exists as a personal list name.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDD030 Unavailable option - The ENQ displays have been disabled by your system programmer.

Explanation: A save-as list name already exists as a current list. User response: Enter a list name that is not a duplicate.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRDS001 New list - This list is temporary until Save or Save As action is performed. If you enter any data, you will be prompted to save it when you exit this panel. ISRDS008 Personal list saved - The personal list has been successfully saved in your personal table.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A save action has been completed successfully. ISRDS009 Invalid action - The command or action requested is invalid.

Explanation: The currently displayed list is not permanent until a save action is performed. User response: Issue a save request if the list is to be defined. ISRDS002 Personal list added - Reference list copy has been added to your personal list table.

Explanation: An invalid primary command/action was detected. User response: Correct the command and retry the operation. ISRDS010 Library names unchanged - No SCLM library names have been saved. NRETRIEV will be available after an SCLM function is used which uses a library name or concatenation on a panel.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRDS003 List entry retrieved - Personal list entry has been successfully retrieved.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRDS004 Error adding reference list to personal data set list.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDS011 Library names unchanged - Either there is no active personal library reference list or the active list (aaaaaaaa) contains no entries. To create a new library reference list or to mark an existing list active, use the REFOPENL command and create or open a list.

Explanation: An error was encountered while saving a personal data set list. Contact IBM service. User response: Retry the operation. If it continues to fail, contact IBM service. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRDS005 Select an action - Select an action to continue, EXIT or CANCEL to leave Reflist.

Explanation: The NRETRIEV command was entered but the current library reference list contains no entries. The ISPF library names on the panel were not changed. ISRDS012 Data set name unchanged - Either there is no active personal data set reference list or the active list (aaaaaaaa) contains no valid entries. To create a new data set reference list or to mark an existing list active, use the REFOPEND command and create or open a list.

Explanation: A choice was selected that does not contain a data set entry. User response: Select a choice with a data set name entry. ISRDS006 Multiple list actions - Only a single list can be processed. Multiple lists cannot be selected for updates or actions.

Explanation: Multiple lists were selected by the user. User response: Select a single list from the name list. ISRDS007 Delete not allowed - The currently active list cannot be deleted unless it is first opened. Perform an Open action and then select action D to delete the currently active list.

Explanation: The NRETRIEV command was used to retrieve a data set name, workstation file name, or data set name level and either the current personal data set list is empty, or NRETRIEV verification is enabled and none of the data sets in the list exist. For data set list name levels, this message may be shown if all of the entries in the personal data set list are determined to be workstation file names. NRETRIEV verification is not used for the data set list utility (data set name levels), but work station file names are not retrieved to the data set list entry panel.

Explanation: A list that is active cannot be deleted. User response: Select a list and use the file action Delete to delete list.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRDS013 Retrieved from aaaaaaaa - The library names were retrieved from the personal library list named aaaaaaaa.. Use the REFOPENL or REFACTL command if you want to change the current personal library list. ISRDS019 Service is unavailable - The services associated with reference and personal lists are unavailable because the required tables could not be initialized when ISPF was started.

Explanation: The NRETRIEV command retrieved a library name from the personal library list named aaaaaaaa.. If you want to use a different personal list, use the REFOPEND command and open the personal list which you would like the NRETRIEV command to use when retrieving library names. ISRDS014 Retrieved from aaaaaaaa - The data set name (and possibly volume) was retrieved from the personal data set list named aaaaaaaa.. Use the REFOPEND or REFACTD command if you want to change the current personal data set list.

Explanation: The tables used for ISPF reference lists could not be created or opened when ISPF was started. One of the tables may be damaged. The table names are ISRPLIST and ISRLLIST. To determine which table is corrupted, rename each table individually and restart ISPF. When a table is deleted, ISPF will recreate it when ISPF is started. ISRDS020 Invalid pathname - An absolute pathname must be specified. Absolute pathnames begin with /.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDS021 Invalid selection - The current panel does not support the processing of z/OS UNIX files or directories.

Explanation: The NRETRIEV command retrieved a data set name from the personal data set list named aaaaaaaa.. If you want to use a different personal list, use the REFOPEND command and open the personal list which you would like the NRETRIEV command to use when retrieving data set names. ISRDS015 Library names retrieved - The SCLM library name or concatenation has been retrieved from the saved list of SCLM libraries.

Explanation: The pathname for a z/OS UNIX file or directory was selected from the list but the panel to which the pathname will be returned does not support the processing of z/OS UNIX files or directories. ISRDS022 Personal list not found - The personal data set list aaaaaaaa does not exist.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRDS016 Invalid command - Available commands are NEW (to create a new list), MORE (to view the list of existing lists), and LISTVIEW (to toggle the list display mode).

Explanation: The personal data set list name specified with the UDLIST command was not found in the personal data set list table ISRPLIST. ISRDS023 UDLIST processed - UDLIST has been successfully processed.

Explanation: The UDLIST action has completed successfully. ISRDS024 No files matched - No z/OS UNIX files matched the entries in the referral list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRDS017 Invalid command - Available commands are, Locate, Select, NEW (to create a new list), and LISTVIEW to toggle the list display mode.

Explanation: The UDLIST action has completed successfully. ISRDS025 List updated - The pathname for the selected file or directory has been successfully added to your personal list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRDS018 No list is active - There is no currently active list. The list of available lists has been displayed instead. To activate a list, select one of the lists with the O (open) command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Personal list was updated successfully with the pathname for the selected file or directory.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE000 Invalid profile name - The profile name must be blank, or be valid as part of a data set name. ISRE008 Edit - Create - aaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbb) member created.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE009 Edit - Replace - aaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbb) member replaced.

Explanation: The profile name entered is not a valid data set group name. User response: Correct the profile name and retry. ISRE001 View disabled - The View function has been disabled via the configuration table.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE010 Edit - Move - aaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbb) member deleted.

Explanation: Your system programmer has disabled the View function through the ISPF Configuration table. ISRE002 Invalid hex character - The character at the cursor is not a valid hex digit (0123456789ABCDEF).

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE011 Edit - Move - aaaaaaaa deleted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE012 Member aaaaaaaa exists - aaaaaaaa already exists. The CREATE command will not replace a member.

Explanation: You have typed an invalid hex character into the hex portion of the edit session display. User response: Correct the character at the cursor position. ISRE003 Invalid reason code - The reason code must be blank, --, or two alphanumeric characters.

Explanation: The member the user is trying to create already exists in the TO library. User response: Enter a new CREATE member name. ISRE013 aaaaaaaa not deleted - Member aaaaaaaa was not deleted by move because of I/O errors.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the reason code and retry. ISRE004 Enter valid reason code - The reason code must be blank, --, or two alphanumeric characters.

Explanation: An I/O error was encountered during a move operation. The FROM member was not deleted. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRE014 aaaaaaaa not deleted - Member aaaaaaaa was not in the first library of the concatenation sequence.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Correct the reason code and retry. ISRE005 Enter text - Enter text paragraphs using continuous typing. SCROLL UP to continue.

Explanation: The FROM member was not deleted. MOVE will not delete the FROM member unless it is the first library in the concatenation. User response: In order to delete the member from a data set at a higher level in the concatenation, use the delete (D) function of the data set utility (option 3.2). ISRE015 Edit - Replace - aaaaaaaa replaced.

Explanation: You are in text entry mode. You may type text without regard to end of line considerations. Press enter to return to normal edit mode. ISRE006 Edit - Save - aaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbb) - member saved.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE007 Edit - Save - aaaaaaaa - data set saved.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE016 Member aaaaaaaa saved - aaaaaaaa was saved in bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: This is an informational message.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE017 Data set saved - aaaaaaaa was replaced. ISRE025 RESERVE failed - A RESERVE has been issued for a volume for which a RESERVE has already been issued. Please wait a few seconds and retry.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE018 Member aaaaaaaa created - aaaaaaaa was added to bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE019 Member aaaaaaaa replaced - aaaaaaaa was replaced in bbbbbbbb

Explanation: In order to write out data, PDF edit attempted to issue a RESERVE on a volume that already had a RESERVE issued against it. User response: Contact your system programmer. Report the name of the data set being edited and the volume it resides on. System programmer response: Determine what job or user has a RESERVE on the volume, and take the appropriate action to ensure the pack is released. ISRE025A A RESERVE failed when attempting to save aaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbb). Edit will retry a maximum 4 times.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE020 Data saved - The data has been saved.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Data saved from the EDIF session. ISRE021 Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - Member aaaaaaaa was bbbbbbbb and cccccccc exists in library.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE026 Recovery suspended - after data compression, the combined length of the MASK and TABS lines exceeds the record length of the recovery file. Turn Recovery off to continue editing.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The requested MOVE or COPY action was completed successfully. ISRE022 Data changed-SAVE/CANCEL - To save changes enter SAVE then END commands otherwise enter CANCEL.

Explanation: The MASK and TABS lines together are longer than the record length of the recovery file. User response: Turn Recovery off to continue editing, or delete part of the data MASK or TABS lines or both. ISRE027 Recovery suspended - After data compression, at least one data line is too large to save in the recovery file. Turn Recovery off to continue editing.

Explanation: AUTOSAVE mode has been turned to AUTOSAVE OFF PROMPT. User response: A request was made to end the edit session while AUTOSAVE was set to AUTOSAVE OFF PROMPT. Please respond SAVE or END to this prompt. ISRE023 Duplicate member created - aaaaaaaa also exists in a higher level library.

Explanation: At least one data line is too large to save in the recovery file. User response: Turn Recovery off to continue editing. ISRE028 Invalid LRECL - Data length must be greater than 0 and less than 32761 for fixed record length data sets and less than 32757 for variable length data sets.

Explanation: WARNING: A member has been created in the first library in the ISPF library concatenation that has the same name as a member in one of the other groups in the concatenation. The data in the members is NOT necessarily the same. User response: Compare the members that have the same name in the two groups and decide if one needs to be deleted. ISRE024 Duplicate member created - aaaaaaaa created in low level library. Member not replaced in higher level.

Explanation: The ISPF editor only supports data lengths from 1 to 32 760 for fixed length data sets (Record format F or FB) and from 1 to 32 756 for variable length data sets (Record format V or VB) inclusive. User response: You may want to copy the data from the data set you are trying to edit into a data set that has a logical record length supported by ISPF edit. Edit the temporary copy, then copy the temporary data set back into the original data set.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE029 Truncation error - The combined length of the TABS and MASK lines is too large. ISRE036 Invalid right bound - Right bound was invalid as entered and was reset to its default column.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A USER_STATE edit macro command was issued but the combined length of the TABS and MASK lines is too large to save so they have been truncated. ISRE030 SUBMIT failed - SUBMIT abended or gave nonzero return code, or attention occurred.

Explanation: The right bound entered was invalid. User response: Enter a valid right bound. A valid right boundary is usually the record length or the record length minus 8, depending on the type of sequence numbering in effect and the record format of the data set being edited. ISRE037 Some input data ignored - Data typed into number fields is ignored while numbering mode is on.

Explanation: SUBMIT processing ended abnormally. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRE031 SUBMIT failed - Unable to allocate temporary CNTL data set used to contain JCL.

Explanation: The data entered into the number field is ignored. User response: Reenter the data on a new line. ISRE038 Some input data ignored - Data to be moved outside of the data area of the record was ignored.

Explanation: The temporary control file used to contain the submit job could not be allocated. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRE032 SUBMIT failed - I/O error writing JCL to temp CNTL data set.

Explanation: The data entered outside the record field is ignored. User response: Reenter the data within the bounds of the data area. ISRE039 Invalid/undefined label - Label aaaaaaaa used in SUBMIT range is undefined or has bad syntax.

Explanation: An I/O error was encountered while writing to the temporary control data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRE033 Job not submitted - No lines were found to submit.

Explanation: An undefined label was used. User response: Reenter a defined label. ISRE040 Block command incomplete - Enter a matching aaaaaaaa command to complete the block command pair.

Explanation: An incomplete block command was found. User response: Enter a matching aaaaaaaa line command to complete the block command pair. ISRE041 Command not recognized - aaaaaaaa is not a valid line command. Correct it or blank it out.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The temporary JCL data set was empty. ISRE034 Edit - SUBMIT - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE035 Invalid left bound - Left bound was invalid as entered and was reset to its default column.

Explanation: aaaaaaaa is not a valid line command. User response: Correct the aaaaaaaa line command or blank it out.

Explanation: The left bound entered was invalid. A valid left boundary is usually 1, 7, or 9 depending on the type of sequence numbering in effect and the record format of the data set being edited. User response: Enter a valid left bound.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE042 Number is invalid - A number is not allowed with the aaaaaaaa line command. Blank it out. ISRE048 Command conflict - aaaaaaaa command conflicts with prior bbbbbbbb specification. Delete one.

Explanation: A number was found with the aaaaaaaa line command. User response: Blank out the number. ISRE043 Invalid on this line - aaaaaaaa is not valid on the line that it was entered. Blank it out.

Explanation: Two destination line commands have been specified. User response: Blank out one of the conflicting destination line commands. ISRE049 Command conflict - aaaaaaaa is within the range of the bbbbbbbb command. Correct one.

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa line command entered is not valid on the line where it was entered. User response: Blank out the aaaaaaaa line command. ISRE044 Command conflict - aaaaaaaa conflicts with bbbbbbbb range specification. Blank it out.

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa line command is within the range of the bbbbbbbb line command. User response: Blank out one of the conflicting line commands. ISRE050 Command conflict - A text entry area is within the range of the aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa line command conflicts with the bbbbbbbb range specification for the CREATE/REPLACE macro command. User response: Blank out the aaaaaaaa line command. ISRE045 Command conflict - aaaaaaaa is within the range of the bbbbbbbb command. Correct one.

Explanation: A TE line command was issued along with another line command, such as Dn. The number of lines affected by the second line command overlapped the text entry area. User response: Remove the offending line command. ISRE051 MOVE/COPY is pending - Enter A, B, or O line command, or a CREATE or REPLACE command

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa line command is within the range of the bbbbbbbb line command. User response: Blank out one of the conflicting line commands. ISRE046 Command conflict - aaaaaaaa conflicts with a previous bbbbbbbb command. Delete one.

Explanation: A C, CC, M, or MM line command was entered without a destination (A, B, or O) line command or a CREATE or REPLACE primary command. User response: Enter an A, B, or O line command, or a CREATE or REPLACE primary command. ISRE052 MOVE/COPY is pending - Enter M, C, MM, or CC line commands, or COPY or MOVE

Explanation: Both of the edit aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb line commands require a destination command. They cannot be used simultaneously. User response: Blank out one of the conflicting line commands. ISRE047 Command conflict - Macro aaaaaaaa conflicts with the bbbbbbbb line command. Delete one.

Explanation: An A or B destination line command was entered without a corresponding MOVE/COPY line or primary command. User response: Enter an M, C, MM, or CC line command, or a COPY or MOVE primary command. ISRE053 Data shifting incomplete - Data shifting was incomplete on aaaaaaaa line(s) (marked with =ERR=>).

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa command conflicts with the bbbbbbbb line command. User response: Blank out one of the conflicting commands.

Explanation: The requested data shift was not completed. User response: Check to make sure that the requested

Chapter 2. PDF messages


data shift did not go beyond the LRECL or boundaries of the data set or member. ISRE054 Command conflict - A text entry area is within the range of the aaaaaaaa block command. ISRE059 Specified data in use - Specified data is being updated by you or another user. Enter HELP for a list of users using the data.

Explanation: Text entry was begun (that is, a TE line command was issued), but one half of a block command (such as CC) was entered while the TE was in effect. User response: Remove the offending block line command or enter the RESET command. ISRE055 Move/copy is pending - Enter M, C, MM, or CC line commands

Explanation: Someone (you or another user) is using the data set specified as the target data set in a MOVE, COPY, CREATE, or REPLACE command. User response: Either choose another data set as the target or wait until the data set is not being used by someone. ISRE060 Incomplete string - Put an ending quote at the end of the string.

Explanation: An end quotation mark is missing at the end of the string. User response: Put an end quotation mark at the end of the string. ISRE061 Too many parameters - LOCATE to a line using a label or line number or keywords with range.

Explanation: An O destination line command was entered without a corresponding MOVE/COPY line command. User response: Enter an M, C, MM, or CC line command. ISRE056 aaaaaaaa is pending - An M, C, a set of MM or CC commands, or a label range is missing

Explanation: Too many parameters were entered for the LOCATE primary command. User response: Specify either a label, a line number, or keywords with range for the LOCATE command. ISRE062 Line not located - LOCATE unsuccessful for the aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb line.

Explanation: A CREATE or REPLACE command was entered with no MOVE/COPY line command(s) or label range. User response: Enter an M or C line command, a pair of MM or CC line commands, or a label range. ISRE057 Conflicting numbers - Different numbers modify the pair of aaaaaaaa block line commands.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The line was not located. ISRE063 Invalid parameter - The parameter must be a relative line number (6 digits or fewer).

Explanation: A pair of block line commands that allow numbers (such as ))n) was entered with different numbers modifying each member of the pair. User response: Remove the number from one member of the pair or make both numbers the same. ISRE058 CREATE not allowed - Cannot CREATE a sequential data set that already exists. REPLACE may be used.

Explanation: The relative line number specified for the LOCATE macro command must be a number with 6 digits or fewer. User response: Correct the relative line number. ISRE064 Enter LOCATE parameter - Enter either a line number, label, or keyword: X/CMD/SPECIAL/ERR/CHG/LABEL.

Explanation: While in Edit, a CREATE command was issued. The target data set indicated on panel ISRECRA1 was a sequential data set. The target data set for a CREATE must be a PDS or a PDSE. If the target data set is intended to be sequential, Replace must be used instead. User response: Use Replace or choose another target data set.

Explanation: The LOCATE command is expecting a parameter. User response: Enter either a line number, label, or one of the keywords.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE065 Invalid parameter - The parameter must be a line number (8 digits or fewer). ISRE072 Too many parameters - ON and OFF are the only valid parameters for the SCAN command.

Explanation: The line number specified for the LOCATE primary command must be a number with 8 digits or fewer. User response: Correct the line number parameter for the LOCATE primary command. ISRE066 Invalid parameter - Invalid line number or label or LOCATE keyword.

Explanation: Too many parameters are specified for the SCAN macro command. User response: Specify either the ON or OFF parameter for the SCAN macro command. ISRE073 Invalid parameter - ON and OFF are the only valid parameters for the SCAN command.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified for the LOCATE command. User response: Correct the invalid parameter. For further information on the LOCATE command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE067 Invalid parameter - The parameter must be a COBOL line number (6 digits or fewer).

Explanation: An invalid parameter is specified for the SCAN macro command. User response: Specify either the ON or OFF parameter for the SCAN macro command. ISRE074 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be entered with SCAN command.

Explanation: The COBOL line number specified for the LOCATE primary command must be a number with 6 digits or fewer. User response: Correct the line number. ISRE068 Insufficient storage - Insufficient storage to perform the TF line command that was entered.

Explanation: Inconsistent parameters are specified for the SCAN macro command. User response: Specify either the aaaaaaaa or bbbbbbbb parameter. ISRE075 Parameter unrecognized - ON and OFF are the only valid parameters for the SCAN command.

Explanation: The TF line command requires more storage than is currently available. User response: Try to log on with a bigger region size. ISRE069 COBOL renumbered - COBOL numbers were reset to keep them synchronized with standard numbers

Explanation: An invalid parameter is specified for the SCAN macro command. User response: Specify either the ON or OFF parameter for the SCAN macro command. ISRE076 aaaaaaaa pending - An A or B line command or a valid label has not been specified.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE070 Invalid macro name - aaaaaaaa macro was not found. Define was not done.

Explanation: Destination for the MOVE or COPY command is missing. User response: Use an A or B line command or a valid label to specify the destination for the MOVE or COPY command. ISRE077 Macro does not exist - Initial or recovery macro aaaaaaaa could not be executed.

Explanation: The macro name aaaaaaaa specified in the DEFINE primary command was not found. User response: Correct the macro name. ISRE071 Invalid command - aaaaaaaa is not a valid edit command.

Explanation: Initial or recovery macro aaaaaaaa could not be executed because it does not exist. User response: Correct the name of the macro.

Explanation: The command name aaaaaaaa specified in the DEFINE primary command is not a valid edit command. User response: Correct the command name.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE078 ESTAE macro error - ESTAE macro failed during SUBMIT. ISRE085 Lines not deleted - MOVE changed to COPY. Source lines have data outside of the bounds.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred in the ESTAE macro during the SUBMIT command. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE079 Too many parameters - Invoke the end command without any parameters

Explanation: Data outside the bounds was found in the lines to be moved. The MOVE operation was changed to COPY so that the source lines would not be deleted. User response: Correct either the source lines or the bounds and try the MOVE operation again. ISRE086 Not all data copied - There were more COPY lines than OVERLAY lines. Extra lines were ignored.

Explanation: The END command was invoked with too many parameters. User response: Invoke the END command without any parameters. ISRE080 Line not deleted - MOVE changed to COPY. There were more MOVE lines than OVERLAY lines.

Explanation: There were more lines to be copied than lines to be overlaid. Extra lines were ignored. User response: Specify the same number of lines to be copied as lines to be overlaid. ISRE087 Not all data moved - There were more COPY lines than OVERLAY lines. Extra lines were ignored.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE081 Lines not deleted - MOVE changed to COPY. There were more MOVE lines than OVERLAY lines.

Explanation: There were more lines to be moved than lines to be overlaid. Extra lines were ignored. User response: Specify the same number of lines to be moved as lines to be overlaid. ISRE088 Workstation file saved - aaaaaaaa was saved on workstation.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE082 Line not deleted - MOVE changed to COPY. Data on receiving line(s) prevented complete move.

Explanation: A non-blank character(s) was found in the overlay lines. The MOVE operation was changed to COPY so that the source line would not be deleted. User response: Correct the source or the target lines so that they do not overlap each other. ISRE083 Lines not deleted - MOVE changed to COPY. Data on receiving line(s) prevented complete move.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE089 Edit - Save - aaaaaaaa - file saved on workstation.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE090 Invalid member name - Member name aaaaaaaa not valid for partitioned data sets.

Explanation: A non-blank character(s) was found in the overlay lines. The MOVE operation was changed to COPY so that the source lines would not be deleted. User response: Correct the source or the target lines so that they do not overlap each other. ISRE084 Line not deleted - MOVE changed to COPY. Source line has data outside of the bounds.

Explanation: The member name aaaaaaaa specified is not valid for partitioned data sets. User response: Specify a member name that does not exceed 8 characters, begins with an alphabetic or national character, and contains only alphanumeric or national characters. ISRE090A Invalid member name - Member name aaaaaaaa is not valid for workstation edit or view.

Explanation: Data outside the bounds was found in the move lines. The MOVE operation was changed to COPY so that the source line would not be deleted. User response: Correct either the line to be moved or the bounds.

Explanation: The member name aaaaaaaa specified is not valid for workstation edit. User response: Specify a member name that does not exceed 8 characters, begins with an alphabetic or


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

national character, and contains only alphanumeric or national characters. ISRE091 Data set in use - Data set is being updated by you or another user. Enter HELP for a list of users using the data set. ISRE095A Old style recovery file - A recovery file from an old release of PDF cannot be processed.

Explanation: A recovery file from an old release of PDF cannot be processed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: An edit recovery table from an earlier version may not be compatible with the current version. Refer to the Program Directory for restrictions. ISRE096 Severe error - DSORG is not PO or PS. This message should never occur.

Explanation: The data set specified is being updated by another user or by you on another logical screen. Enter HELP for a list of users using the data set. User response: Find out if the data set is in use by another user, or release the data set from another logical screen. ISRE092 BLDL error - I/O error, insufficient virtual storage, or other BLDL error.

Explanation: A severe internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE097 Severe error - VDEFINE returned unexpected return code to ISREDS.

Explanation: A severe error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE093 Member in use - Member is being updated by you or another user. Enter HELP for a list of users using the data set.

Explanation: A severe internal error has occurred. An unexpected return code from VDEFINE service has been received by ISREDS. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE098 Bad directory - Directory block size exceeds maximum of 256.

Explanation: The member specified is being updated by you on another logical screen or by another user. Enter HELP for a list of users using the member. User response: Find out if the member is in use by another user, or release the member from another logical screen. ISRE094 Vol serial not allowed - Use Other data set name field when specifying volume serial.

Explanation: Directory block size exceeding 256 bytes is not supported. The data set may be corrupted. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the integrity of the data set. Reallocate the data set if the data set is corrupted. ISRE099 Severe error - Display service return code was not 0 or 8.

Explanation: The volume serial is only allowed along with a data set name in the Other data set name field. User response: Blank out the volume serial, or enter a data set name in the Other data set name field. ISRE095 Severe error - Error processing edit recovery table (ISREDRT). ISREBQ RC = 0,4.

Explanation: A severe internal error has occurred. An unexpected return code from the display service has been received. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE100 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the FIND command.

Explanation: There was an error in processing the edit recovery table. The edit recovery table may be corrupted. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the integrity of the edit recovery table. An edit recovery table from an earlier version may not be compatible with the current version. Refer to the Program Directory for restrictions.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE101 Enter character string - Enter the string of characters to be displayed. ISRE110 Recovery failed - Unable to allocate backup data set aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE102 Invalid keyword - Check spelling of keywords used with the FIND command.

Explanation: The attempt to allocate the backup data set aaaaaaaa was unsuccessful. The data set may have been deleted, or the volume on which it resides may be offline. Another user may have an exclusive enqueue on the data set. User response: If the data set has been deleted, you will not be able to recover the changes made since the last SAVE of the interrupted edit session. If the volume is offline, contact your system support personnel to have the volume made available. If another user has exclusive use of the data set, try again later. ISRE111 Recovery failed - Unable to open backup data set aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE103 Enter a FIND command - The RFIND key works only after a FIND character string is entered.

Explanation: The user pressed a function key defined as RFIND before entering a FIND command. User response: Enter a FIND command before attempting to use RFIND. ISRE104 Parameter not recognized - Check for misspelled keywords or too many bounds or range parameters.

Explanation: An attempt to open backup data set aaaaaaaa was unsuccessful. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine why data set aaaaaaaa cannot be opened. Correct the problem. ISRE112 Recovery failed - Error reading backup data set aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE105 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc - bbbbbbbb cccccccc - found aaaaaaaa times within columns dddddddd to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred while reading backup data set aaaaaaaa. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine the cause of the read error, and correct the problem. ISRE113 Recovery failed - Unable to allocate target data set aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND ALL command was issued with columns specified. This message tells the user how many occurrences of the string were found. ISRE106 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found - Search for aaaaaaaa cccccccc in columns dddddddd to eeeeeeee was successful.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message tells the user the string was found. ISRE107 Required string missing - The FIND command requires specification of a target string.

Explanation: The attempt to allocate the target data set aaaaaaaa was unsuccessful. The data set may have been deleted, or the volume on which it resides may be offline. Another user may have an exclusive enqueue on the data set. User response: If the volume is offline, contact your system support personnel to have the volume made available. If another user has exclusive use of the data set, try again later. ISRE114 Recovery failed - Backup data set information and target data set attributes conflict.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE108 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for FIND CMD.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE109 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be displayed.

Explanation: The attributes (LRECL, record format, and so on) of the target and backup data sets are not the same. It is probable that the target data set has been deleted or renamed and reallocated using different attributes. User response: Determine why the attributes of the target data set have changed. Rename the target data

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

set, recreate the target using the attributes of the backup data set, and retry recovery. ISRE115 Recovery failed - Unexpected return code from ISREBP. ISRE120 Invalid command format - This command only returns information: ISREDIT (var) = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An expected return code was received from module ISREBP. User response: Retry the operation. If the failure continues, contact your system programmer for assistance. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE116 Severe error - Data ID specified in EDIT or VIEW service is undefined.

Explanation: The command specification is syntactically incorrect. The only valid form is (variable) = keyword User response: Consult ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for the correct command syntax, correct the command, and retry. ISRE121 Invalid variable name - Name may be 1-8 alphanumeric characters long; first character not numeric.

Explanation: The EDIT or VIEW service was requested using a data ID but the data ID was not previously defined using LMINIT. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that LMINIT successfully establishes the data ID prior to requesting the EDIT or VIEW service. ISRE117 Edit failed - Edit or View target data set has unsupported DSORG, RECFM, LRECL, or BLKSIZE. ISPF attempted to substitute Browse for Edit/View, but either an error was encountered, or the target data set or member is empty.

Explanation: All variables must be from 1 to 8 characters long. User response: Correct the variable name and retry. ISRE122 Keyphrase syntax error - A value that is not a variable name precedes = on aaaaaaaa get statement.

Explanation: The value to the left of the = sign must be a variable. User response: Consult ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for the correct keyphrase syntax, correct the syntax, and retry. ISRE123 Too many variable names - aaaaaaaa has a maximum of bbbbbbbb var names. cccccccc parms preceded =.

Explanation: The data set that you are attempting to Edit or View has attributes that are not supported by ISPF. ISRE118 Open error - Unable to open edit or view target data set.

Explanation: You have specified an excess number of variable names to the left of an assignment statement. User response: Consult ISPF Edit and Edit Macros, correct the statement, and retry. ISRE124 Invalid command syntax - Command keyword not found. Missing = preceding command name.

Explanation: An attempt to open the edit or view target data set was unsuccessful. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine why the data set cannot be opened, and correct the problem. ISRE119 Severe error - ISREAL returned unexpected return code.

Explanation: The command specification is syntactically incorrect. The only valid form is (variable) = keyword The equal sign (=) is missing. User response: Consult ISPF Edit and Edit Macros, correct the syntax, and retry. ISRE125 Too many keyphrase words - Macro get assignment statement has too many words after the keyphrase.

Explanation: An unexpected return code was received from module ISREAL. User response: Retry the operation. If the failure continues, contact your system programmer for assistance. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The command specification is syntactically incorrect. The only valid form is (variable) = keyword User response: Consult ISPF Edit and Edit Macros,
Chapter 2. PDF messages


correct the command syntax, and retry. ISRE126 Bad keyphrase syntax - Get assignment statement must use syntax ISREDIT (var) = aaaaaaaa. User response: Specify a variable name that is 1 to 8 characters long. ISRE132 Invalid variable format - The ending ) was not found for a variable name format.

Explanation: The command specification is syntactically incorrect. The only valid form is (variable) = keyword User response: Consult ISPF Edit and Edit Macros, correct the syntax, and retry. ISRE127 Bad keyphrase syntax - Get assignment stmt must use syntax ISREDIT (var) = aaaaaaaa lptr.

Explanation: The command requires that variables be enclosed in parentheses. User response: Add the closing parenthesis at the end of the variable string. ISRE133 Invalid variable format - The ending ) for a variable name is missing within a template phrase.

Explanation: The command specification is syntactically incorrect. User response: Consult ISPF Edit and Edit Macros, correct the syntax, and retry. ISRE128 Invalid template format - Template data incomplete: column number is not followed by data.

Explanation: Variable names within a template must be enclosed in parentheses. User response: Add the closing parenthesis after the variable name. ISRE134 Invalid template format - The ending > to indicate the end of a template was not found.

Explanation: The command specification is syntactically incorrect. The template must be in the form <col,string> User response: Consult ISPF Edit and Edit Macros, correct the syntax, and retry. ISRE129 Label name is invalid - aaaaaaaa is an invalid label in keyphrase: bbbbbbbb aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: A template must be enclosed by less than (<) and greater than (>) signs. User response: Add the greater than sign at the end of the template. ISRE135 Invalid template format - A template number was not found when expected.

Explanation: A column number is needed to indicate where the variable or string is to be substituted. ISRE136 Invalid aaaaaaaa - The requested line was not found.

Explanation: The command specification is syntactically incorrect. Labels must start with a period and be from 1 to 8 alphabetic characters in length, the first of which must not be Z. User response: Consult ISPF Edit and Edit Macros, correct the syntax, and retry. ISRE130 aaaaaaaa label invalid - Label aaaaaaaa is not currently assigned to a line.

Explanation: The line indicated in the line pointer could not be found. User response: Correct the line pointer. ISRE137 No variable name coded - No variable name found between starting ( and ending ).

Explanation: The label specified in the command cannot be found. User response: Specify a label that is currently assigned. ISRE131 Variable name invalid - Variable name aaaaaaaa has a length greater than 8 or a 0 length.

Explanation: A variable name is needed between the parentheses. User response: Add a variable name between the parentheses. ISRE138 Invalid reset parameter - Enter a aaaaaaaa range and/or X, ERR, CHG, CMD, SPE, FIND, LAB, H.

Explanation: All variable names must be 1 to 8 characters long.

Explanation: Either a partial range was entered, or a range was entered with an invalid type of lines to reset.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: If you have specified a partial range, then enter the beginning or ending range value. If you have specified a type of line to reset, be sure it is a valid type for the reset command. ISRE139 Inconsistent parameters - NOTE command has one parameter: Specify either ON or OFF. ISRE145 Deactivated command - aaaaaaaa command name has been deactivated.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The command name specified in the message has been defined as not operational (NOP). ISRE146 Invalid = in command - aaaaaaaa keyphrase name is invalid from terminal, only allowed in a macro.

Explanation: The only valid parameters for the NOTE command are ON or OFF. User response: Specify the NOTE command with either ON or OFF. ISRE140 Invalid/too many parms - ON or OFF are the only valid parameters on the NOTE command.

Explanation: The equal sign is not valid in a command issued from the command line of an edit session. It is only valid in an edit macro. User response: Correct the command. ISRE147 Reset range is invalid - A aaaaaaaa is invalid, two are required to specify a range for reset.

Explanation: The NOTE command requires only one parameter. ON or OFF are the only valid parameters. User response: Correct the parameter on the NOTE command. ISRE141 Syntax is incorrect - Assignment statement must use syntax ISREDIT aaaaaaaa = value.

Explanation: In order to reset a range of lines, two pointers are required. Specify a line pointer for both the beginning line and the ending line. User response: Specify a second line pointer. ISRE148 Inconsistent keywords - Both aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot be specified with LOCATE. Eliminate one.

Explanation: This assignment statement is a single value phrase. User response: Correct the assignment statement. ISRE142 Syntax is incorrect - Assignment stmt must use syntax ISREDIT aaaaaaaa lptr = value.

Explanation: Two keywords were specified for the LOCATE command where only one is valid. An example would be LOCATE FIRST LAST CMD. User response: Select a single keyword. ISRE149 Too many parameters - Reset allows a aaaaaaaa range with X, CMD, CHG, ERR, SPE, and LAB keywords.

Explanation: This assignment statement requires a line pointer argument. User response: Correct the assignment statement. ISRE143 Invalid = in command - aaaaaaaa keyphrase name is invalid as a set assignment command.

Explanation: Only use ranges with one of the reset keywords. Using a range for more than one keyword is invalid. User response: Remove one of the keywords from the reset command. ISRE150 Too many parameters - Too many parameters were specified for aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: The string specified and the keyphrase are invalid in this SET assignment command. User response: Correct the command. ISRE144 Invalid GET command - aaaaaaaa keyphrase name is invalid as a GET value assignment command.

Explanation: There are too many parameters specified for the edit command. User response: Eliminate unneeded parameters. ISRE151 Invalid character string - The first string in a FIND command cannot be a null () string.

Explanation: The string specified and the keyphrase name are invalid in this GET assignment command. User response: Correct the command.

Explanation: A quoted string that contains no characters was entered with a FIND command.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


User response: Enter the string of characters to be found. ISRE152 DEFINE is not allowed - aaaaaaaa command name has been disabled. ISRE158 Invalid left boundary - aaaaaaaa (left bound) + bbbbbbbb (string size) greater than cccccccc (LRECL).

Explanation: The left boundary plus the size of the find string exceeds the record length. User response: Change the left boundary. ISRE159 Invalid column range - The aaaaaaaa column range attempts a search beyond the last data column.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Once you have defined a command as disabled, you cannot define the command as MACRO, ALIAS, or NOP. ISRE153 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be displayed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE154 * Top of range reached * - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found from cccccccc to dddddddd. Press RFIND to continue.

Explanation: This message is issued when a FIND, CHANGE, or SEEK command is used in an edit macro and the column range is greater than the last column of data. User response: Correct the column range. ISRE160 Disabled command - aaaaaaaa command name has been disabled.

Explanation: The find previous string entered was not found in the range of lines specified. User response: Use the RFIND command to continue searching. ISRE155 *** Bottom of range *** - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found from cccccccc to dddddddd. Press RFIND to continue.

Explanation: The command called aaaaaaaa has been disabled by the DEFINE aaaaaaaa DISABLED command. Most likely this was done in order to prevent you from causing damage to some application data. You cannot enable the aaaaaaaa command. User response: If you feel that you received this message in error, contact the authors of macros you are using, or your system administrator. Attempt to execute the aaaaaaaa command in a new edit session before issuing any commands. If it is disabled, check for an initial macro to see if the command is disabled there. Otherwise, check other macros you are using for the DEFINE aaaaaaaa DISABLED command. ISRE161 Enter character string - A character string for FIND has not been entered (so * is invalid).

Explanation: The find string entered was not found in the range of lines specified. User response: Use the RFIND command to continue searching. ISRE156 No lines searched - No aaaaaaaa lines from bbbbbbbb-cccccccc were found for the FIND command to search.

Explanation: This message is issued when you try to find a string in either excluded or non-excluded lines in an empty data set or member. User response: Enter data before using the FIND command. ISRE157 No aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found on any cccccccc lines from dddddddd to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: A FIND command was entered using an asterisk (*) as the first string operand (the FROM string), but no previous FIND, CHANGE, SEEK, or EXCLUDE command was issued during this edit session. User response: Reissue the FIND command with a valid FROM string. If you are trying to find an asterisk character, put the asterisk in quotation marks. ISRE162 No lines searched - No aaaaaaaa lines were found for the FIND command to search.

Explanation: The find string was not found on any excluded or non-excluded lines between the specified labels. User response: Use RFIND to search other areas for the string.

Explanation: No excluded or unexcluded lines exist in the file for the FIND command to search. User response: Change the FIND command to remove the X or NX specification.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE163 Invalid character - Invalid special character for a picture (Pxxx) string. ISRE168 Invalid hex string - The hex string must have an even number of hex digits.

Explanation: An invalid character exists in a picture string specification on a FIND command. The character may be an unusual hexadecimal code such as X'01'if the command is issued from a macro. User response: Change the FIND command to specify valid picture string characters. ISRE164 No aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found on any cccccccc lines (cols ddddd to eeeee).

Explanation: A hexadecimal string was specified on a FIND command that did not have an even number of hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F). User response: Reissue the FIND command with a valid hexadecimal string. ISRE169 Invalid hex string - The hex string must contain only hex digits (0-9,A-F).

Explanation: The search string was not found by the FIND command on any excluded or non-excluded lines between columns ddddd and eeeee. User response: No action is required, but you may want to check the string you are specifying, the current bounds, or the column numbers on the command for accuracy. ISRE165 *Bottom of data reached* - aaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found. Press RFIND key to continue from top.

Explanation: A hexadecimal string was specified on a FIND command that contained an invalid hexadecimal digit. User response: Reissue the FIND command with a valid hexadecimal string. Valid hexadecimal digits are 0-9 and A-F. ISRE170 No members in data set - The PDS specified contains no members.

Explanation: There are no members in the PDS specified, so a member list cannot be displayed. User response: Select another data set to edit or specify a member name. ISRE171 I/O error - An I/O error occurred while reading the PDS directory.

Explanation: The search string was not found by the FIND command on any excluded or non-excluded lines, but part of the file has not been searched. User response: Press RFIND to search the beginning of the file. You may want to check the string you are specifying, the current bounds, or the column numbers on the command for accuracy. ISRE166 * Top of data reached * - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found. Press RFIND key to continue from bottom.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading the PDS directory to build a member list. The member list cannot be built. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRE172 Open error - Open failed during member list processing.

Explanation: The search string was not found by the FIND PREVIOUS command on any excluded or non-excluded lines, but part of the file has not been searched. User response: Press RFIND to search from the end of the file. You may want to check the string you are specifying, the current bounds, or the column numbers on the command for accuracy. ISRE167 Invalid parameters - The string will not fit between the specified columns.

Explanation: There was an error opening the PDS directory. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRE173 Invalid EDIT/VIEW parm - When data set parameter is specified, do not code DATAID, member, workstation file name, or z/OS UNIX file pathname.

Explanation: A string was specified on a FIND command that would not fit between the specified boundary columns. User response: Reissue the FIND command with a new string or different boundaries.

Explanation: To invoke the EDIT or VIEW service, you may specify either a data set name, DATAID, workstation file name, or z/OS UNIX file pathname. If a data set parameter is used, a member name can be specified in the data set name. If a DATAID is specified, the member parameter is used to specify a member name. User response: Specify either data set, DATAID, workstation file, or z/OS UNIX file pathname.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE174 Invalid EDREC option - EDREC option is invalid. ISRE180 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for LINE_AFTER command. Is data quoted?

Explanation: Valid options for the EDREC service are INIT, QUERY, PROCESS, CANCEL, and DEFER. User response: Specify a valid option for the EDREC service. ISRE175 Invalid CANCEL request - EDREC CANCEL request issued before query for recovery pending.

Explanation: The valid parameters for the LINE_AFTER command are: the line pointer, the line type, the data for the line, or a label or pointer to a line to be placed after the line pointed to by the line pointer. If the data for a line is not in quotation marks, the data may be considered to be extra parameters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the LINE_AFTER command. ISRE181 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for LINE_AFTER command.

Explanation: The EDREC service must be invoked with the QUERY option before being invoked with the CANCEL option. User response: Invoke EDREC with the QUERY option before invoking EDREC with the CANCEL option. ISRE176 Invalid command - Command aaaaaaaa is undefined.

Explanation: This is an informational message. An incorrect line type may have been specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the LINE_AFTER command. ISRE182 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for LINE_AFTER command.

Explanation: There are no valid commands from this panel. User response: Correct the command specified. ISRE177 Missing EDIT/VIEW parm - Either data set, DATAID, workstation file, or z/OS UNIX file pathname parameter is required.

Explanation: The EDIT or VIEW service was invoked without a data set, DATAID, workstation file, or z/OS UNIX file pathname parameter. User response: Specify either a data set, DATAID, workstation file, or z/OS UNIX file pathname parameter. ISRE178 Invalid EDIT/VIEW parm - VOLUME parameter is invalid for DATAID request.

Explanation: Either an extra parameter or an invalid parameter was specified for the LINE_AFTER command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the LINE_AFTER command. ISRE183 Line number omitted - Required relative line number not specified (correctly) for LINE_AFTER command.

Explanation: A line number or a label must be specified as the target for a LINE_AFTER command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the line number or label. ISRE184 Data value is omitted - You must specify non-blank data for the LINE_AFTER command.

Explanation: You may specify a volume for the EDIT or VIEW service only if you use the data set parameter. For a request with a DATAID, the volume is specified on the LMINIT service. User response: Remove the volume parameter. ISRE179 Invalid EDREC parameter - EDREC option specified contains conflicting parameter.

Explanation: The CMD parameter is only valid with INIT; password and DATAID are only valid with PROCESS. User response: Correct the EDREC request.

Explanation: The LINE_AFTER command requires that data be specified for the for the line being added. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify the data to be inserted by the LINE_AFTER command.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE185 Data value is invalid - A line pointer must follow line keyword to set aaaaaaaa from a data line. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the parameter(s). ISRE190 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for LINE_BEFORE command. Is data quoted?

Explanation: When the LINE keyword is used with the MASKLINE or TABSLINE command, a line pointer must follow the LINE keyword. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Add a line pointer to the command. ISRE186 Invalid aaaaaaaa - The aaaaaaaa specified in the line command does not exist.

Explanation: The valid parameters for the LINE_BEFORE command are: the line pointer, the line type, the data for the line, or a label or pointer to a line to be placed after the line pointed to by the line pointer. If the data for a line is not in quotes, the data may be considered to be extra parameters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the parameter or put the data in quotes. ISRE191 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for LINE_BEFORE command.

Explanation: The line pointed to by the line pointer does not exist in the data. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the line pointer. ISRE187 aaaaaaaa cmd failure - aaaaaaaa command could not continue due to invalid input. Check data length.

Explanation: This is an informational message. An incorrect line type may have been specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the LINE_BEFORE command. ISRE192 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for LINE_BEFORE command.

Explanation: The data pointer or length is invalid for the LINE, ADDLINE, MASKLINE, or TABSLINE command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the pointer or length of the data. ISRE188 Variable process error - Error occurred processing a variable in the aaaaaaaa assignment command.

Explanation: Either an extra parameter or an invalid parameter was specified for the LINE_BEFORE command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the LINE_BEFORE command. ISRE193 Line number omitted - Required relative line number not specified (correctly) for LINE_BEFORE command.

Explanation: An error occurred while processing a variable in the assignment statement specified in the error message. One possible cause is that the variable is too small to hold the value. If the value being returned is a line number or column number and the variable is VDEFINEd in character format, it should be defined as 8 characters for line numbers and 5 characters for column numbers. The returned value is left padded with zeros. For compatibility with previous releases of ISPF, column number variables of 3 or 4 characters and line number variables of 6 or 7 characters are allowed in cases where no data loss will occur. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the variable in the assignment statement. ISRE189 Inconsistent parameter - Inconsistent parameters specified for the aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: A line number or a label must be specified as the target for a LINE_BEFORE command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the line number or label. ISRE194 Data parm omitted - You must specify a non-blank data parameter for the LINE_BEFORE command.

Explanation: Inconsistent parameters were specified for the given commands.

Explanation: The LINE_BEFORE command requires that non-blank data be specified for the line being added.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify the data to be inserted by the LINE_BEFORE command. ISRE195 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the EXCLUDE command. ISRE201 Enter from string - Enter the string of characters to be found.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE202 Enter to string - Enter the replacement string of characters.

Explanation: The EXCLUDE command may contain 1 string, 1 direction keyword, and 1 type keyword. User response: Remove extraneous EXCLUDE parameters. ISRE196 Inconsistent parameters - Inconsistent keyword parameters specified for the EXCLUDE command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE203 Invalid keyword - Check spelling of keywords used with the CHANGE command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE204 Put strings(s) in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the from and/or to character strings.

Explanation: Two directional or two type keywords were specified. User response: Remove one of the keywords. ISRE197 Invalid parameter - Check for misspelled keywords or too many bounds (numeric) parameters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE205 Enter to string - Enter the replacement string of characters.

Explanation: An invalid parameter has been entered for the EXCLUDE command. Check the parameters. User response: Correct the command.

Explanation: A FROM string was entered for the CHANGE command but no TO string was entered. User response: Enter the TO string. ISRE206 Enter a CHANGE command - The RCHANGE command only works when you have already used the CHANGE command or when you have a CHANGE command on the command line.


Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters sought for exclusion.

Explanation: The EXCLUDE command contains more than one string. Put the string in quotes. User response: Enclose the string in single or double quotation marks. ISRE199 Required string missing - The EXCLUDE command requires the specification of a target string.

Explanation: The RCHANGE command can only be used after a CHANGE command has been entered or when a CHANGE command is on the command line. User response: Enter a CHANGE command. ISRE207 Enter a CHANGE command - Command with a to string must be entered before using the RCHANGE command.

Explanation: A string was not specified for the EXCLUDE command. User response: Add a target string to the EXCLUDE command. ISRE200 HIDEX not enabled - The edit panel has not been configured to support the HIDEX command.

Explanation: The RCHANGE command has been used following a FIND command. Enter a CHANGE command with a TO string to use the RCHANGE command. User response: Enter a CHANGE command. ISRE208 Put strings(s) in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the from and/or to character strings.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. Programmer response: Consult z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference to provide for the HIDEX command

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE209 Invalid strings - Blanks ( ) cannot be changed to nulls() while using format or mix. ISRE214 Invalid to string - The to picture string must be the same length as the from string.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE210 COMPARE unavailable - The COMPARE command is not available from edit sessions created by the EDIF, VIIF or EDIREC services when the NEXT or SESSION keyword is specified.

Explanation: When using the edit CHANGE command and specifying a picture (p) string as both the source (or from) and target (or to) string, the two strings must be of the same length. User response: Modify the CHANGE command to specify source and target strings of equal length, and retry the command. ISRE215 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc - bbbbbbbb dddddddd - found aaaaaaaa times within range eeeeeeee to ffffffff.

Explanation: The COMPARE edit command was issued with the NEXT or SESSION keyword from an edit session which was initiated through the EDIF, VIIF or EDIREC service. The COMPARE command is not supported from this environment because the EDIF and VIIF interface edits data in storage, and the compare program requires a physical data set and a catalogued data set name. User response: If you want to compare the data, use the CREATE or REPLACE primary commands to save the data to a real data set and use the compare utility (SuperC) to compare the data. ISRE211 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb changed - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - changed to cccccccc dddddddd times on eeeeeeee line(s).

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE216 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found - Search for aaaaaaaa cccccccc from dddddddd to eeeeeeee was successful.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE217 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb changed - aaaaaaaa cccccccc - changed to dddddddd eeeeeeee times from ffffffff to gggggggg.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE218 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb changed - aaaaaaaa cccccccc - changed to dddddddd from eeeeeeee to ffffffff.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE212 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb changed - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - changed to cccccccc.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE219 Too many parameters - The COMPARE command only allows a name or NEXT and the EXCLUDE, SAVE, and SYSIN parameters.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE213 Invalid to string - The to string must be specific or equal length generic string; not text.

Explanation: When using the CHANGE edit command and specifying a special string (picture (p), hex (x), text (t) or character (c)) as the source (or from) string, the target (or to) string cannot be a text (t) string of a different length. For example, the command CHANGE P## TABCD is invalid because the target text string (TABCD) is not the same length as the source picture string. User response: If you need to change the length of the string, use a generic string as the target string, such as: CHANGE P## ABCD

Explanation: A COMPARE edit primary command was entered which had too many parameters. The COMPARE command can specify a member name or NEXT when you are editing a partitioned data set, or a data set name. Additional parameters may be SYSIN, EXCLUDE, or SAVE. User response: Insure that there are not extra or invalid parameters on the COMPARE command and issue the command again. ISRE220 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc - bbbbbbbb dddddddd - excluded aaaaaaaa times within columns eeeeeeee to ffffffff.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE221 Error - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - aaaaaaaa cccccccc could not be changed dddddddd times on eeeeeeee line(s). ISRE228 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb excluded - Successfully excluded of aaaaaaaa cccccccc in range dddddddd to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE222 Error - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - aaaaaaaa cccccccc could not be changed to dddddddd.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE229 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb excluded - Successfully excluded aaaaaaaa cccccccc in columns dddddddd to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE223 Invalid left boundary - aaaaaaaa is the first column that is not part of a sequence number.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE230 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for MASKLINE command. Is data quoted?

Explanation: An edit CHANGE command was entered that specified a left boundary within the range of the edit line numbers. A CHANGE command cannot be used to change the sequence numbers of a file. The minimum value that can be used as the left boundary is aaaaaaaa. User response: Correct the left boundary specified on the CHANGE command and retry the request. ISRE224 Invalid right boundary - aaaaaaaa is the last column that is not part of a sequence number.

Explanation: An invalid MASKLINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the MASKLINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros. ISRE231 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for MASKLINE command.

Explanation: An invalid MASKLINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the MASKLINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros. ISRE232 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for MASKLINE command.

Explanation: An edit CHANGE command was entered that specified a right boundary within the range of the edit line numbers. A CHANGE command cannot be used to change the sequence numbers of a file. The maximum value that can be used as the right boundary is aaaaaaaa. User response: Correct the right boundary specified on the CHANGE command, and retry the request. ISRE225 Error - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - aaaaaaaa cccccccc could not be changed dddddddd times from eeeeeeee to ffffffff.

Explanation: An invalid MASKLINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the MASKLINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros. ISRE233 Data parm omitted - Required data parameter not specified for the MASKLINE command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE226 Error - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - aaaaaaaa cccccccc could not be changed to dddddddd from eeeeeeee to ffffffff.

Explanation: An invalid MASKLINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the MASKLINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros. ISRE234 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for TABSLINE command. Is data quoted?

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE227 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc - bbbbbbbb dddddddd - excluded aaaaaaaa times within range eeeeeeee to ffffffff.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: An invalid TABSLINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the TABSLINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE235 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for TABSLINE command. User response: Review documentation for the INSERT command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE241 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for INSERT command.

Explanation: An invalid TABSLINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the TABSLINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros. ISRE236 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for TABSLINE command.

Explanation: An invalid INSERT command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the INSERT command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE242 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for INSERT command.

Explanation: An invalid TABSLINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the TABSLINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros. ISRE237 Data parm omitted - Required data parameter not specified for the TABSLINE command.

Explanation: An invalid INSERT command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the INSERT command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE243 Required parm omitted - Required line pointer parameter not specified for the INSERT command.

Explanation: An invalid TABSLINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the TABSLINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros. ISRE238 Profile overridden - At least one profile attribute was overridden by the site wide defaults which were established when ISPF was installed.

Explanation: An invalid INSERT command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the INSERT command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE244 Invalid line pointer - The line pointer given to the INSERT command is invalid.

Explanation: Some edit profile attributes can be forced to values by settings in the ISPF configuration table. These values include RECOVERY, the recovery warning message, PACK, STATS, and SETUNDO. User response: If you need to have these settings changed, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Review the settings in ISRCONFG to see if they should be changed. This message does not necessarily indicate an error since there are legitimate reasons you may have set the force attribute on for some edit profile settings. ISRE239 Data set created - aaaaaaaa created with specified data.

Explanation: An invalid INSERT command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the INSERT command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE245 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for TENTER command.

Explanation: An invalid TENTER command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the TENTER command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE246 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for TENTER command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set is sequential and has been created using the data that was specified. ISRE240 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for INSERT command.

Explanation: An invalid TENTER command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the TENTER command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros .

Explanation: An invalid INSERT command was entered.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE247 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for TENTER command. ISRE253 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be displayed.

Explanation: An invalid TENTER command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the TENTER command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE248 Line pointer omitted - Required line pointer parameter not specified for the TENTER command.

Explanation: The command requires you to put single quotation marks around the characters to be displayed. User response: Add single quotation marks and retry the command. ISRE254 * Top of range reached * - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found in range. (cccccccc) Press RCHANGE to continue.

Explanation: An invalid TENTER command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the TENTER command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE249 Invalid line pointer - The line pointer given to the TENTER command is invalid.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE255 *** Bottom of range *** - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found in range. (cccccccc) Press RCHANGE to continue.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE256 No lines searched - No aaaaaaaa lines in range bbbbbbbb were found for the CHANGE command to search.

Explanation: An invalid TENTER command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the TENTER command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE250 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for SOURCE command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE257 No aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found on any cccccccc lines in range dddddddd.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE258 Invalid left boundary - aaaaaaaa (left bound) + bbbbbbbb (string size) greater than cccccccc (LRECL).

Explanation: An invalid SOURCE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the SOURCE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE251 Invalid character string - The first string in a CHANGE command cannot be a null () string.

Explanation: A command specifying an invalid left boundary has been entered. User response: Reissue the command using a valid left boundary. ISRE259 Invalid column range - The aaaaaaaa column range attempts a search beyond the last data column.

Explanation: An invalid CHANGE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the CHANGE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE252 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for SOURCE command.

Explanation: A command with an invalid column range has been entered. User response: Reissue the command using a valid column range. ISRE260 String too long - FIND, CHANGE, SEEK, and EXCLUDE strings cannot be longer than 256 bytes.

Explanation: An invalid SOURCE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the SOURCE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros.

Explanation: An edit FIND, CHANGE, SEEK, or EXCLUDE was attempted with a string longer than 256 characters. The maximum length for the strings on these commands is 256.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Since this can only be done with an edit macro, contact the macro author. Programmer response: Ensure that the edit macro issuing the FIND, CHANGE, SEEK, or EXCLUDE is not using strings greater than 256 bytes (not including quotes and the type identifier, such as X, P, C, or T). ISRE261 Enter character string - A character string for CHANGE does not exist (the * is invalid). User response: Press RCHANGE to search the beginning of the file. You may want to check the string you are specifying, the current bounds, or the column numbers on the command for accuracy. ISRE266 * Top of data reached * - aaaaa bbbbbbbb not found. Press RCHANGE key to continue from bottom.

Explanation: A CHANGE command was entered using an asterisk (*) as the first string operand (the FROM string), but no previous FIND, CHANGE, SEEK, or EXCLUDE command was issued during this edit session. User response: Reissue the CHANGE command with a valid FROM string. If you are trying to find an asterisk character, put the asterisk in quotation marks. ISRE262 No lines searched - No aaaaaaaa lines were found for the CHANGE command to search.

Explanation: The search string was not found by the CHANGE PREVIOUS command on any excluded or non-excluded lines, but part of the file has not been searched. User response: Press RCHANGE to search from the end of the file. You may want to check the string you are specifying, the current bounds, or the column numbers on the command for accuracy. ISRE267 Inconsistent parameters - The string to be found will not fit between the specified columns.

Explanation: No excluded or unexcluded lines exist in the file for the change command to search. User response: Change the CHANGE command to remove the X or NX specification. ISRE263 Invalid character - Invalid special character for a picture string.

Explanation: A string was specified on a CHANGE command that would not fit between the specified boundary columns. User response: Reissue the CHANGE command with a new string, or different boundaries. ISRE268 Invalid hex string - The hex string does not contain an even number of hex digits.

Explanation: An invalid character exists in a picture string specification on a CHANGE command. The character may be an unusual hexadecimal code such as X'01'if the command is issued from a macro. User response: Change the CHANGE command to specify valid picture string characters. ISRE264 No aaaaaaaa bbbbb found - aaaaaaaa bbbbb not found on any cccccccc lines (cols ddddd to eeeee).

Explanation: A hexadecimal string was specified on a CHANGE command that did not have an even number of hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F). User response: Reissue the CHANGE command with a valid hexadecimal string. ISRE269 Invalid hex string - The hex string contains invalid characters (only hex digits allowed).

Explanation: The search string was not found by the CHANGE command on any excluded or non-excluded lines between columns ddddd and eeeee. User response: No action is required, but you may want to check the string you are specifying, the current bounds, or the column numbers on the command for accuracy. ISRE265 *Bottom of data reached* - aaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found. Press RCHANGE key to continue from top.

Explanation: A hexadecimal string was specified on a CHANGE command that contained an invalid hexadecimal digits. User response: Reissue the CHANGE command with a valid hexadecimal string. Valid hexadecimal digits are 0-9 and A-F. ISRE270 Too many parameters - Too many parameters were specified for the MOVE command

Explanation: An invalid MOVE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the MOVE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros .

Explanation: The search string was not found by the CHANGE command on any excluded or non-excluded lines, but part of the file has not been searched.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE271 Parameter unrecognized - An extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for the MOVE command. ISRE277 Recovery failed - Invalid file format, possibly created by a previous version of PDF.

Explanation: An invalid MOVE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the MOVE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE272 Invalid parameter - An extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for the MOVE command.

Explanation: The editor was unable to process a pending edit recovery because the format of the recovery data set is incorrect. The most likely explanation for this condition is that you are trying to process a recovery data set created during an edit session run on a previous release of ISPF. User response: If you recently converted to a new release of ISPF, try to process the recovery using the old release. If this does not work, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE278 REPLACE not allowed - REPLACE is not allowed on members of SCLM controlled data sets, use the SREPLACE command from within SCLM Edit to replace an SCLM controlled member.

Explanation: An invalid MOVE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the MOVE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE273 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the LINENUM command.

Explanation: An invalid LINENUM command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the LINENUM command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE274 Invalid line number - Relative line number specified in aaaaaaaa command does not exist.

Explanation: The member you are trying to replace is SCLM controlled. User response: Update the member using the SCLM editor. ISRE279 Conversion failed - Conversion of data from/to EBCDIC/ASCII using search technique ER has not been defined to MVS Conversion Services. The data will not be shown as ascii.

Explanation: The command could not be executed because the line number entered is invalid. User response: Enter the command with a valid line number. ISRE275 Invalid aaaaaaaa - Specification for LINENUM command exceeds actual length of member.

Explanation: MVS Conversion Services needs to be configured for the CCSIDS involved using search technique ER in order for the conversion to be done. Refer to Support for Unicode : Using Conversion Services, topic 3. User response: Check that the conversion table is defined. ISRE280 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the CREATE command.

Explanation: An invalid LINENUM command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the LINENUM command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE276 Edit not allowed - Edit not allowed on members of SCLM controlled data sets.

Explanation: An invalid CREATE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the CREATE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE281 Parameter unrecognized - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for the CREATE command.

Explanation: The member you are trying to edit is SCLM controlled. User response: Edit the member using the SCLM editor.

Explanation: An invalid CREATE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

CREATE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE282 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for the CREATE command. ISRE289 extended ISPF statistics already exist for this member.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE290 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the CHANGE command.

Explanation: An invalid CREATE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the CREATE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE283 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the LINE command. Is data quoted?

Explanation: An invalid CHANGE command was entered. ISRE291 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for CHANGE command.

Explanation: An invalid LINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the LINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE284 Unrecognized parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for the LINE command.

Explanation: An invalid CHANGE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the CHANGE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE292 Invalid parameter - Check for misspelled keywords or too many bounds (numeric) parameters.

Explanation: An invalid LINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the LINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE285 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for the LINE command.

Explanation: An invalid parameter has been entered. User response: Correct the invalid parameter. ISRE293 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the source and target character strings.

Explanation: An invalid LINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the LINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE286 Line pointer invalid - Required line pointer not correctly specified for LINE command

Explanation: In order for the command to run, the source and target character strings must be enclosed in single quotation marks. User response: Enclose both the source and target character strings in single quotation marks. ISRE294 Required string missing - The CHANGE command requires the specification of a target string.

Explanation: An invalid LINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the LINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE287 Data parm omitted - Required data parameter not specified for LINE command.

Explanation: An invalid CHANGE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the CHANGE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE295 Required string missing - The CHANGE command requires a second string of source data.

Explanation: An invalid LINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the LINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE288 -CAUTION- Profile changed to STATS EXT (from STATS ON) because

Explanation: An invalid CHANGE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the CHANGE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros .

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE296 Too many parameters - You may specify: COPY member name or data set name or z/OS UNIX file name AFTER aaaaaaaa ISRE304 Recovery failed - Read of the backup data set failed, recovery of data canceled.

Explanation: An invalid command has been entered. User response: Review documentation for the command entered in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE297 Missing label - You must specify a label after the BEFORE or AFTER keyword.

Explanation: PDF was unable to open the recovery data set. User response: CANCEL will cancel recovery of the data set and allow you to proceed. However, if you want to report this problem to your system programmer, do so BEFORE you enter CANCEL so that the appropriate diagnostics may be taken. System programmer response: Check the users ISPF log for the recovery data set name and make a copy of: v The data set being edited. v The recovery data set. v Any ISPF log entries relating to the failed edit session. v Make note of all information given under OPT32 I for the data set being edited. ISRE305 Edit - Recovery - Of aaaaaaaa failed from bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The command entered requires a label. User response: Reissue the command with a label. ISRE298 Invalid parameter - An extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for the copy command.

Explanation: An invalid COPY command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the COPY command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE299 Disabled - Extended statistics are not available due to a site configuration setting.

User response: Contact the System Programmer System programmer response: Use the ISPF configuration dialog (ISPCCONF) to enable Extended Statistics to be stored. ISRE300 Recovery canceled - Recovery of data canceled as requested.

Explanation: This informational message appears in the users ISPF log data set when PDF is unable to open the recovery data set. Message ISRE304 will also appear on the users terminal. User response: CANCEL will cancel recovery of the data set and allow you to proceed. However, if you want to report this problem to your system programmer, do so BEFORE you enter CANCEL so that the appropriate diagnostics may be taken. System programmer response: Check the users ISPF log for the recovery data set name and make a copy of: v The data set being edited. v The recovery data set. v Any SPF log entries relating to the failed edit session. v Take note of all information given under OPT32 I for the data set being edited. ISRE306 Recovery error - Initialization of backup data set failed, recovery suspended. This error can occur when the edit recovery table (aaaaaaaa.EDRT or aaaaaaaa.EIRT) can not be initialized or when the backup data set can not be created or written. If this error happens again, delete the recovery tables and backup data sets.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE301 Edit - Recovery - Of aaaaaaaa canceled from bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE302 Edit - Recovery - Of aaaaaaaa completed from bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is sent to the users log data set when the user presses Enter from panel ISREDM02 (the Edit Automatic Recovery panel) to continue editing the data set. ISRE303 Recovery failed - Initialization of the backup data set failed, recovery of data canceled

Explanation: PDF was unable to process the recovery data set. Suspend code = X'02' User response: CANCEL will cancel recovery of the data set and allow you to proceed. However, if you want to report this problem to your system programmer, do so BEFORE you enter CANCEL so the appropriate diagnostics may be taken. System programmer response: Check the users ISPF

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

log for the recovery data set name and make a copy of: v The data set being edited. v The recovery data set. v Any ISPF log entries relating to the failed edit session. v Take note of all information given under OPT32 I for the data set being edited. ISRE307 Recovery error - Write to backup data set failed or data set too small, recovery suspended. ISRE312 UNDO suspended - There is not enough storage to save the current copy.

Explanation: There is not enough storage available for the editor to retain a complete original copy of the data set or member being edited. UNDO from storage is no longer available. User response: If you reduce the size of the data being edited, you may be able to restart UNDO with the SETUNDO STORAGE edit primary command. ISRE313 UNDO from recovery - UNDO is still available, but will use the recovery file.

Explanation: PDF was unable to write to the recovery data set. Suspend code = X'00'or X'03'. User response: Either turn Recovery off and continue editing, or end the edit session and reenter edit to create a new recovery file. ISRE308 Recovery suspended - Write to backup data set failed.

Explanation: There is not enough storage available for the editor to retain a complete original copy of the data set or member being edited. UNDO from storage is not available. However, since recovery is active, UNDO will continue to be available from the recovery file. User response: If you reduce the size of the data being edited, you may be able to restart UNDO from storage with the SETUNDO STORAGE edit primary command. ISRE314 UNDO not available - UNDO is suspended. Type SETUNDO ON to reinitialize it.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE309 Recovery suspended - Turn recovery off to continue editing.

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to write to the recovery data set. User response: Either turn Recovery off and continue editing, or end the edit session and reenter edit to create a new recovery file. ISRE310 Initial macro error - The macro command entered is not allowed from an initial macro.

Explanation: There is not enough storage available for the editor to retain a complete original copy of the data set or member being edited. UNDO from storage is no longer available. User response: If you reduce the size of the data being edited, you may be able to restart UNDO with the SETUNDO STORAGE edit primary command. ISRE316 Recovery suspended-error Initialization of backup data set aaaaaaaa failed - invalid attributes. The backup data set must be sequential, record format U, must have a block size of at least bbbbbbbb, and cannot be a striped data set. In some cases, you can fix this problem by typing RECOVERY OFF followed by RECOVERY ON.

Explanation: An edit macro command that cannot be used in an initial macro was used in an initial macro. Commands referencing display values (DISPLAY_COLS, DISPLAY_LINES, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, LOCATE) are invalid in an initial macro because no data has been displayed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the initial macro specification to use another macro, or remove the invalid command from the macro. ISRE311 UNDO recycled - UNDO will be available after the next data change.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Not enough storage was available for the editor to save the current transaction in storage. The record of edit changes has been reset so that subsequent changes may be undone; however, changes made before this message is displayed cannot be undone.

Explanation: The edit backup data set, also called the recovery file, has been allocated incorrectly and cannot be used for saving edit session changes. This may be due to an existing recovery data set which has incorrect attributes. In some cases, edit recovery will delete that data set, so turning recovery off and back on will fix this problem. User response: Try turning recovery off and then turning recovery on again. If this does not fix the problem, delete the file aaaaaaaa and try recovery again. If the message occurs again, contact the person responsible for installing PDF.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


System programmer response: Change the edit backup data set allocation parameters in the ISPF/PDF configuration table to increase the minimum edit recovery data set block size. ISRE317 No more to UNDO - There are no interactions to be undone due to one of these reasons: No changes have been made since the data was last saved, UNDO has recycled, UNDO has been suspended or all changes have already been undone. ISRE321 Invalid parameter - An invalid parameter was specified for the SHIFT command.

Explanation: A SHIFT edit macro command was issued with at least one invalid parameter. The shift type and a line pointer must be specified. A shift amount is optional. Programmer response: Change the SHIFT command in the macro to have a maximum of three parameters (shift type, line pointer and shift amount). ISRE322 Invalid parameter - An invalid parameter was specified for the SHIFT command.

Explanation: An UNDO command was entered but there are no more interactions to be undone. This can be for any of these reasons: v No changes were made since the data was last saved. v No changes were made since the beginning of the edit session. v UNDO is suspended. v UNDO recycled after the last change was made. v All recorded edit interactions have already been undone. ISRE318 RENUM recommended - RENUM is recommended to avoid excessive automatic renumbering.

Explanation: A SHIFT edit macro command was issued with at least one invalid parameter. The shift type and a line pointer must be specified. A shift amount is optional. Programmer response: Change the SHIFT command in the macro to have a maximum of three parameters (shift type, line pointer and shift amount). ISRE323 Line pointer required - A line pointer parameter must be specified for the SHIFT command.

Explanation: The editor has been forced to renumber a large number of records and the sequence numbers of successive records are so close that future changes may cause excessive renumbering of the data. User response: Issue the RENUM command. ISRE319 UNDO not available - UNDO not available when both SETUNDO and RECOVERY are OFF or suspended.

Explanation: A SHIFT edit macro command was issued without a line pointer value. The shift type and a line pointer must be specified, a shift amount is optional. Programmer response: Change the SHIFT command in the macro to include a line pointer. ISRE324 Shift type required - (-cols left; )-cols right; <-data left; or >-data right

Explanation: The UNDO command is not available because both SETUNDO STORAGE and RECOVERY are off or suspended. User response: Turn Recovery or Setundo on (RECOVERY ON or SETUNDO STORAGE). If they are already on, turn them off and back on again. ISRE320 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the SHIFT command.

Explanation: A SHIFT edit macro command was issued without a shift type. The shift type, (, ), <, or >, and a line pointer must be specified; a shift amount is optional. Programmer response: Change the SHIFT command in the macro to include a shift type. Valid shift types are: ( Left column shift ) Right column shift < Left data shift > Right data shift. ISRE325 Invalid line pointer - The line pointer given to the SHIFT command is invalid.

Explanation: A SHIFT edit macro command was issued with too many parameters. A maximum of 3 parameters is allowed: shift type, line pointer, and shift amount. Programmer response: Change the SHIFT command in the macro to have a maximum of three parameters (shift type, line pointer and shift amount).

Explanation: A SHIFT edit macro command was issued an invalid line pointer. The line pointer must be a valid, existing line number, or a valid, existing label. User response: Correct the SHIFT command in the macro to reference a valid line. The line pointer can be


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

either a label or a relative line number. Verify that the line number or label exists. It is possible that deletions or label changes have caused the line that is referenced by the macro to be logically renumbered or relabeled. ISRE327 Probable label error - aaaaaaaa recognized as invalid or undefined label in bbbbbbbb cmd. Programmer response: Correct the USER_STATE command to include only the name of a variable in parentheses. ISRE332 Invalid parameter - An invalid parameter was specified for the USER_STATE command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE333 Invalid USER_STATE var - The variable specified for a USER_STATE restore contains invalid data.

Explanation: The bbbbbbbb command has an operand that looks like a label, but either the label does not exist in the file, or it is syntactically incorrect. Programmer response: Correct the command or the macro to insure that it is using a valid, existing label. Labels may not have numbers or non-alphabetic characters in them except for the period at the beginning. ISRE328 System table error - Unknown parameter type defined in edit command definition table (TED).

Explanation: An edit macro statement issued a USER_STATE = (var) assignment statement using a variable that contained invalid data. The variable must be set with data saved from a previous (var) = USER_STATE command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the USER_STATE command to use a variable that was set by a previous USER_STATE command. ISRE334 Invalid USER_STATE parm - A variable (var) is the only valid parameter to the USER_STATE command.

Explanation: An error has occurred due to an incorrectly defined internal PDF table. User response: If this problem is reproducible, contact IBM support. ISRE329 System table error - A message ID is missing from the edit command definition table (TED).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE335 Parm must be variable - To restore edit environment, the command form is: USER_STATE = (var)

Explanation: An error has occurred due to an incorrectly defined internal PDF table. User response: If this problem is reproducible, contact IBM support. ISRE330 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the USER_STATE command.

Explanation: An edit macro issued a USER_STATE command with an invalid parameter or invalid syntax. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the USER_STATE command to use a valid variable name in parentheses. ISRE336 Required parm missing - In command form: USER_STATE = (var) , parameter (var) is required.

Explanation: An edit macro issued the USER_STATE command with too many parameters. The user state command allows only a variable name as a parameter. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the USER_STATE command to include only the name of a variable in parentheses. ISRE331 Invalid parameter - An invalid parameter was specified for the USER_STATE command.

Explanation: An edit macro issued a USER_STATE command with no parameters. A variable name is required. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the USER_STATE command to use a valid variable name in parentheses. ISRE337 aaaaa requires name - The aaaaa operand of COMPARE is only valid when a data set name or NEXT is also specified.

Explanation: An edit macro issued the USER_STATE command with an invalid parameter. The user state command allows only a variable name as a parameter. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.

Explanation: The SAVE and SYSIN operands of the COMPARE command may only be used when a
Chapter 2. PDF messages


compare data set or member name is also supplied on the COMPARE command. The SAVE operand saves the SuperC listing to a data set named prefix.ISPFEDIT.COMPARE.LIST. The SYSIN operand allows SuperC to obtain Process Statements from an existing allocation to DD name SYSIN. If SYSIN is not specified, the DD name SYSIN is freed before SuperC is invoked. User response: Specify a compare data set name when using the SAVE or SYSIN operands on the edit COMPARE command. ISRE338 -CAUTION- Profile is set to STATS EXT. Statistics did not exist for ISRE346 Invalid specification - SET assignment type unrecognized for the DISPLAY_LINES command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE347 Invalid specification - SET assignment type unrecognized for the DISPLAY_COLS command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE348 Invalid specification - SET assignment type unrecognized for the FIND_COUNTS command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE339 this member, but will be generated if data is saved.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE349 Invalid specification - SET assignment type unrecognized for the CHANGE_COUNTS command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE340 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for the DATA_WIDTH command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE350 Auto-conversion used - z/OS UNIX automatic codeset conversion has been used to convert the data in the file from the tagged CCSID to EBCDIC.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE341 Missing parameter - At least one variable name parameter required for DISPLAY_LINES command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE342 Missing parameter - At least one variable name parameter required for DISPLAY_COLS command.

Explanation: Automatic codeset conversion is enabled for this file. Therefore low-level I/O handles conversion of the data between the files tagged CCSID and EBCDIC. The data in the edit display area is in EBCDIC. The ISPF editor has not attempted to convert the data from ASCII to the CCSID of the terminal. ISRE351 Invalid character string - The first string in a EXCLUDE command cannot be a null () string.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE343 Missing parameter - At least one variable name parameter required for FIND_COUNTS command.

Explanation: An EXCLUDE command was issued that had a null string as the string to be excluded. User response: Change the EXCLUDE command to specify a string that has at least one character. ISRE353 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be excluded.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE344 Missing parameter - At least one variable name parameter required for CHANGE_COUNTS command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE345 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the DATA_WIDTH command.

Explanation: The string to be excluded by an EXCLUDE command could not be determined from the command. This usually occurs when the string is a valid keyword on the command, or the string is a comma. User response: Change the EXCLUDE command by placing the string to be excluded in single or double quotes.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE354 * Top of range reached * - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found in range. Press RFIND to continue. conditions so that the string fits within the specified bounds. Use the DATA_WIDTH command to search the maximum data column. ISRE361 Enter character string - A char string for FIND/EXCLUDE has not been entered (so * is invalid).

Explanation: The string to be excluded by an EXCLUDE command was not found between the labels specified on the EXCLUDE command. The original EXCLUDE command specified that the search be from the bottom of the range to the top of the range. The top of the range was reached without finding the string. User response: Press RFIND to continue the search from the bottom of the range, or change the string or label range on the EXCLUDE command. ISRE355 *** Bottom of range *** - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found in range. Press RFIND to continue.

Explanation: A FIND or EXCLUDE command was entered using an asterisk (*) as the first string operand (the FROM string), but no previous FIND, CHANGE, SEEK, or EXCLUDE command was issued during this edit session. User response: Reissue the FIND or EXCLUDE command with a valid FROM string. If you are trying to find or exclude an asterisk character, put the asterisk in quotation marks. ISRE362 No lines searched - No aaaaaaaa lines were found for the EXCLUDE command to search.

Explanation: The string to be excluded by an EXCLUDE command was not found between the labels specified on the EXCLUDE command. The original EXCLUDE command specified that the search be from the top of the range to the bottom of the range. The top of the range was reached without finding the string. User response: Press RFIND to continue the search from the top of the range, or change the string or label range on the EXCLUDE command. ISRE356 No lines searched - No aaaaaaaa lines in range bbbbbbbb were found for the EXCLUDE command to search.

Explanation: No excluded or unexcluded lines exist in the file for the FIND command to search. User response: Change the FIND command to remove the X or NX specification. ISRE363 Invalid character - Invalid special character for a picture (Pxxx) string.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE357 No aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found on any cccccccc lines in range dddddddd

Explanation: An invalid character exists in a picture string specification on a FIND command. The character may be an unusual hex code such as X'01'if the command is issued from a macro. User response: Change the FIND command to specify valid picture string characters. ISRE364 No aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found on any cccccccc lines (cols ddddd to eeeee).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE358 Invalid left boundary - aaaaaaaa (left bound) + bbbbbbbb (string size) greater than cccccccc(LRECL)

Explanation: The left boundary plus the size of the exclude string exceeds the record length. User response: Change the string or boundary conditions so that the string fits within the specified bounds. ISRE359 Invalid column range - The aaaaaaaa column range attempts a search beyond the last data column.

Explanation: The search string was not found by the FIND or EXCLUDE command on any excluded or non-excluded lines between columns ddddd and eeeee. User response: No action is required, but you may want to check the string you are specifying, the current bounds, or the column numbers on the command for accuracy. ISRE365 *Bottom of data reached* - aaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found. Press RFIND key to continue from top.

Explanation: An EXCLUDE command in an edit macro attempted to find a string outside of the current data columns. Programmer response: Change the boundary

Explanation: The search string was not found by the FIND or EXCLUDE command on any excluded or non-excluded lines, but part of the file has not been searched. User response: Press RFIND to search the beginning
Chapter 2. PDF messages


of the file. You may want to check the string you are specifying, the current bounds, or the column numbers on the command for accuracy. ISRE366 * Top of data reached * - aaaaa bbbbbbbb not found. Press RFIND key to continue from bottom. ISRE371 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for TFLOW command.

Explanation: An ISREDIT TFLOW edit macro command was incorrectly issued from an edit macro. Possibly the line pointer was correctly specified, but the column number was invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISREDIT TFLOW command to have a line pointer and, optionally, a valid column number. ISRE372 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for TFLOW command.

Explanation: The search string was not found by the FIND PREVIOUS or EXCLUDE PREVIOUS command on any excluded or non-excluded lines, but part of the file has not been searched. User response: Press RFIND to search from the end of the file. You may want to check the string you are specifying, the current bounds, or the column numbers on the command for accuracy. ISRE367 Inconsistent parameters - The string will not fit between the specified columns.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE373 Required parm omitted - Required aaaaaaaa parm omitted or invalid for the TFLOW command.

Explanation: A string was specified on a FIND or EXCLUDE command that would not fit between the specified boundary columns. User response: Reissue the FIND or EXCLUDE command with a new string or different boundaries. ISRE368 Invalid hex string - The hex string must have an even number of hex digits.

Explanation: An ISREDIT TFLOW edit macro command was incorrectly issued from an edit macro. Most likely, the line pointer operand is invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISREDIT TFLOW command to have a valid line pointer and, optionally, a valid column number. ISRE374 Invalid aaaaaaaa - The aaaaaaaa given to the TFLOW command is invalid.

Explanation: A hexadecimal string was specified on a FIND or EXCLUDE command that did not have an even number of hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F). User response: Reissue the FIND or EXCLUDE command with a valid hexadecimal string. ISRE369 Invalid hex string - The hex string must contain only hex digits (0-9,A-F).

Explanation: A hexadecimal string was specified on a FIND or EXCLUDE command that contained an invalid hexadecimal digits. User response: Reissue the FIND or EXCLUDE command with a valid hexadecimal string. Valid hexadecimal digits are 0-9 and A-F. ISRE370 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for TFLOW command.

Explanation: An ISREDIT TFLOW edit macro command was incorrectly issued from an edit macro. The line pointer references a line that does not exist in the edit data. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the edit macro to insure that the line number exists in the edit data before it issues the TFLOW command. ISRE375 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for TSPLIT command.

Explanation: An ISREDIT TFLOW edit macro command was incorrectly issued from an edit macro. The TFLOW command allows only 2 parameters: a line pointer and a column number. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISREDIT TFLOW command to have only a line pointer and, optionally, a column number.

Explanation: An ISREDIT TSPLIT edit macro command was incorrectly issued from an edit macro. The TSPLIT command allows only 2 parameters: a line pointer and a column number. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISREDIT TSPLIT command to have only a line pointer and a column number.


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ISRE376 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for TSPLIT command. or ISREDIT (var) = XSTATUS line-pointer ISRE382 Required parm omitted - Required line number parm omitted or invalid for the XSTATUS command.

Explanation: An ISREDIT TSPLIT edit macro command was incorrectly issued from an edit macro. The line pointer or column number is invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISREDIT TSPLIT command to a valid line pointer and column number. ISRE377 Invalid aaaaaaaa - The aaaaaaaa given to the TSPLIT command is invalid.

Explanation: The edit macro command XSTATUS was issued without a line number parameter. Programmer response: Correct the XSTATUS command using the syntax ISREDIT XSTATUS line-pointer = status-indicator or ISREDIT (var) = XSTATUS line-pointer ISRE383 Required parm omitted - Status indicator X or NX is required for XSTATUS command.

Explanation: An ISREDIT TSPLIT edit macro command was incorrectly issued from an edit macro. The line pointer refers to a line that is not in the edit data. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISREDIT TSPLIT command to insure the line pointer refers to an existing line before issuing the TSPLIT command. ISRE378 Invalid TSPLIT parms - Specify two parameters or no parameters for the TSPLIT command.

Explanation: The edit macro command XSTATUS was issued without a status indicator. Programmer response: Correct the XSTATUS command using the syntax ISREDIT XSTATUS line-pointer = status-indicator or ISREDIT (var) = XSTATUS line-pointer ISRE384 Invalid line number - The relative line number given to the XSTATUS command is invalid.

Explanation: An ISREDIT TSPLIT edit macro command was incorrectly issued from an edit macro. Only one parameter was specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ISREDIT TSPLIT command to have either no parameters or to have a line pointer and a column number. ISRE380 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for XSTATUS command.

Explanation: The edit macro command XSTATUS was issued with an invalid line number. In this case, the line number is a type of line-pointer. The relative line number may not exist in the file. Programmer response: Correct the XSTATUS command using the syntax ISREDIT XSTATUS line-pointer = status-indicator or ISREDIT (var) = XSTATUS line-pointer Also check to see that the line number you are passing exists in the file. You may want to use the LINENUM command to get the relative line number of the last line (.ZLAST). ISRE385 Error freeing data ID - An error was encountered in LMFREE service, trying to free a generated data ID.

Explanation: The edit macro command XSTATUS was issued with too many parameters. Programmer response: Correct the XSTATUS command using the syntax ISREDIT XSTATUS line-pointer = status-indicator or ISREDIT (var) = XSTATUS line-pointer ISRE381 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for XSTATUS command.

Explanation: An internal error occurred trying to free a data ID for edit macro execution. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The edit macro command XSTATUS was issued with invalid parameters. Programmer response: Correct the XSTATUS command using the syntax ISREDIT XSTATUS line-pointer = status-indicator

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ISRE386 DISPLAY_LINES cmd failed - The DISPLAY_LINES command was issued before any data was displayed. ISRE391 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the (scroll) RIGHT command.

Explanation: The DISPLAY_LINES edit macro command was used in an initial macro. DISPLAY_LINES cannot be used until the data is actually displayed at least once, and, therefore, cannot be used in an initial macro. User response: If the macro must be run without change, issue it manually after the first display, rather than using it as an initial macro. Programmer response: Remove the DISPLAY_LINES command from the initial macro. ISRE387 Error creating data ID - An error was encountered in LMINIT service, trying to generate a data ID.

Explanation: There were too many parameters specified for the RIGHT command. User response: Review documentation for the RIGHT command. For further information on the RIGHT command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE392 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for (scroll) RIGHT command.

Explanation: Both parameters cannot be specified for the RIGHT command. User response: Review documentation for the RIGHT command. For further information on the RIGHT command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE393 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for (scroll) RIGHT command.

Explanation: An internal error occurred trying to create a data ID for edit macro execution. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE388 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the (scroll) UP command.

Explanation: An incorrect parameter was specified for the RIGHT command. User response: Review documentation for the RIGHT command. For further information on the RIGHT command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE394 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the (scroll) LEFT command.

Explanation: The UP command was specified with too many parameters. User response: Reissue the UP command using only one parameter (MAX, DATA, HALF, PAGE, CSR, or a number). ISRE389 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for (scroll) UP command.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified for the LEFT command. User response: Review documentation for the LEFT command. For further information on the LEFT command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE395 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for (scroll) LEFT command.

Explanation: The UP command was specified with invalid parameters. User response: Reissue the UP command using only one parameter (MAX, DATA, HALF, PAGE, CSR, or a number). ISRE390 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for (scroll) UP command.

Explanation: Both parameters cannot be specified for the LEFT command. User response: Review documentation for the LEFT command. For further information on the LEFT command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE396 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for (scroll) LEFT command.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was used with the UP command. User response: Review documentation for the UP command. For further information on the UP command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros .

Explanation: A parameter was incorrect for the LEFT command. User response: Review documentation for the LEFT


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command. For further information on the LEFT command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE397 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the (scroll) DOWN command. member the data was copied from still exists. ISRE403 Data set aaaaaaaa - Data set was aaaaaaaa.. Data set bbbbbbbb exists.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified for the DOWN command. User response: Review documentation for the DOWN command. For further information on the DOWN command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE398 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for (scroll) DOWN command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data from a sequential data set was either copied or moved into the member of a partitioned data set. The data that was copied still exists, but the data that was moved no longer exists in the sequential data set. ISRE404 Data set aaaaaaaa - Data set was aaaaaaaa.. Data set bbbbbbbb exists.

Explanation: Both parameters cannot be specified for the DOWN command. User response: Review documentation for the DOWN command. For further information on the DOWN command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE399 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for (scroll) DOWN command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set was copied or moved. The data in the data set that the data was copied from still exists, or the data set that the data was moved from no longer exists. ISRE405 Enter parameter - If any line number parameter is entered, all three must be entered.

Explanation: Using the extended copy command and setting any of the line number parameters (First line, Last line or Number type) requires that all three parameters are set. User response: Set all three line number parameters when using the extended copy command and have selected the line number parameters. ISRE406 Invalid number type - Enter one of the indicated number types.

Explanation: An incorrect parameter was specified for the DOWN command. User response: Review documentation for the DOWN command. For further information on the DOWN command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE400 Last line not found - End-of-file encountered before requested last line (aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: The number type entered is incorrect. User response: Enter one of the listed number types adjacent to the number type field on the extended copy panel. ISRE407 First greater than last - The first line number is greater than the last line number.

Explanation: The requested last line was not found for the extended copy command. The end-of-file was reached before the copy was completed. User response: Verify the last line number that you specified for the extended copy command. ISRE401 Enter member name - Enter a member name or end.

Explanation: The value entered in the first line number field is greater than the value entered in the last line number field on the extended copy panel. User response: Correct the first line number field value so that it is less than the last line number value. ISRE408 Invalid line number - Only decimal integers greater than zero are valid for line numbers.

Explanation: A member list is not supported with the COPY command. A member name must be provided. User response: Enter the member name for the COPY command. For further information on the COPY command, refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE402 Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - Member aaaaaaaa was bbbbbbbb and cccccccc exists in library.

Explanation: One of the values entered for the first line or last line number is not a positive decimal number greater than zero on the extended copy panel. User response: Correct the value that was entered into the first line or last line number field. This value must
Chapter 2. PDF messages

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data from the member selected was copied. The


be a positive decimal number greater than zero. ISRE409 First line not found - End-of-file encountered before requested first line (aaaaaaaa). ISRE416 aaaaaaaa not printed - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb but error encountered opening DCB for input for printing.

Explanation: The member was not printed due to an error in opening the DCB for print. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the data set member to see why the DCB did not open. ISRE417 Data set replaced - aaaaaaaa replaced by specified data.

Explanation: The first line number entered on the extended copy panel is not valid. The data set the data was to be copied from does not contain a record for that line. The end-of-file was reached in the from data set. User response: Verify the number of lines in the FROM data set and correct the value for the first line number. ISRE410 Requested line(s) copied - Lines aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb of member cccccccc were copied.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set is sequential and has been replaced by the data that was specified. ISRE418 File attributes changed - Reallocation after abend revealed different file attributes. Data not saved.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The requested lines were copied. ISRE411 Requested line(s) copied - Lines aaaaaaaa through bbbbbbbb of data set were copied.

Explanation: The data set file attributes have changed and no data has been saved. User response: Check for a cause for the abend and the data set attributes. Problem determination: An abend occurred and the reallocation of the data set contains different file attributes. ISRE419 Data set in use - Reallocation after abend failed. Cancel the edit session or use the extended CREATE or REPLACE command to save the member to another data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The requested lines were copied. ISRE412 Requested line(s) copied - Lines aaaaaaaa through bbbbbbbb of data set were copied.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The requested lines were copied. ISRE413 Requested line(s) copied - Lines aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb of member cccccccc were copied.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The requested lines were copied. ISRE414 No lines found in range - No lines were found within the specified range of sequence numbers.

Explanation: The data set is still in use after the abend. To save the data, use the extended CREATE or REPLACE command to save the data into another data set. If you do not want to save the data, cancel the edit session. User response: Either cancel the edit session (which will not save your data), or use the extended CREATE or REPLACE command to save the data. ISRE420 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for the DATAID command.

Explanation: The range specified contained no lines for the COPY command. User response: Verify the range for the lines and reenter the command. ISRE415 Enter member name - A member list is not supported with the aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: The DATAID assignment statement is missing the required variable name for the data set currently allocated for editing. User response: Correct the DATAID assignment statement so that it includes the required variable name for the data set currently allocated for editing.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A member list is not supported for this command.


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ISRE421 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for MEMBER command. ISRE426 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the MEMBER command.

Explanation: The Member assignment statement is missing the required variable name for the member currently being edited. User response: Correct the Member assignment statement so that it includes the required variable name for the member currently being edited. ISRE422 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for LRECL command.

Explanation: Either the MEMBER assignment statement contains an invalid variable name or a parameter is missing. User response: Verify that the MEMBER assignment statement contains no syntax errors or missing parameters. ISRE427 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the LRECL command.

Explanation: The LRECL assignment statement is missing the required variable name for the maximum space in bytes available for data. User response: Correct the LRECL assignment statement to include the required variable name for the maximum space allowed in bytes for data. ISRE423 Missing parameter - At least one variable name parameter required for FLOW_COUNTS command.

Explanation: Either the LRECL assignment statement contains an invalid variable name or a parameter is missing. User response: Verify that the LRECL assignment statement contains no syntax errors or missing parameters. ISRE428 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the FLOW_COUNTS command.

Explanation: The FLOW_COUNTS assignment statement is missing a variable name for the most recently entered TFLOW command. At least one FLOW_COUNTS assignment statement variable must be coded. User response: Correct the FLOW_COUNTS assignment statement so that it contains at least one variable name parameter. ISRE424 Missing parameter - At least one variable name parameter required for EXCLUDE_COUNTS command.

Explanation: Either the FLOW_COUNTS assignment statement contains an invalid variable name or a parameter is missing. User response: Verify that the FLOW_COUNTS assignment statement contains no syntax errors or missing parameters. ISRE429 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the EXCLUDE_COUNTS command.

Explanation: The EXCLUDE_COUNTS assignment statement is missing a variable name for the most recently processed EXCLUDE command. At least one EXCLUDE_COUNTS assignment statement variable must be coded. User response: Correct the EXCLUDE_COUNTS assignment statement so that it contains at least one variable name parameter. ISRE425 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the DATAID command.

Explanation: Either the EXCLUDE_COUNTS assignment statement contains an invalid variable name or a parameter is missing. User response: Verify that the EXCLUDE_COUNTS assignment statement contains no syntax errors or missing parameters. ISRE430 Invalid keyword - Either X (excluded) or NX (non-excluded) can be specified.

Explanation: The SORT command only allows X or NX to be specified. You cannot use both in the same command. User response: Change the SORT command to use either X (excluded) or NX (non-excluded).

Explanation: Either the DATAID assignment statement contains an invalid variable name or a parameter is missing. User response: Verify that the DATAID assignment statement contains no syntax errors or missing parameters.

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ISRE431 Invalid SORT parameter - The only valid parameters are X, NX, A, D and/or aaaaaaaa range. User response: Change the sort column fields to use either Ascending, Descending, or Blank, but not a combination of all three. ISRE437 Invalid SORT parameters - Specify A or D for all fields (or for none of the fields.)

Explanation: The SORT parameter that was entered is invalid. User response: Correct the SORT parameter. The valid SORT parameters are X, NX, A, D, or a valid label range. ISRE432 Too many sort fields - A maximum of 5 sort fields may be specified.

Explanation: The SORT command accepts either A (ascending), D (descending), or blank (default ascending). You cannot specify Ascending and blank or Descending and blank in the same SORT command. User response: Change the sort column fields to use either Ascending, Descending, or Blank, but not a combination of all three. ISRE438 Enter start and end cols - Both start and end cols must be specified for all sort fields.

Explanation: Too many sort field parameters have been entered. SORT allows a maximum of five sort fields. User response: Change the number of sort fields to less than or equal to five. ISRE433 Invalid column - Sort columns must be between the left and right bounds (aaaaaaaa-bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: The SORT command requires a starting column field and an ending column field. Both must be specified. User response: Change the SORT command to include both the starting column and ending column range. ISRE439 Columns overlap - Sort field columns must not overlap.

Explanation: One of the sort columns entered is not within the left or right data boundaries. User response: Change the sort boundary that is not within the data bounds. ISRE434 Too many sort fields - A maximum of 5 sort fields may be specified.

Explanation: One of the sort column fields that was entered overlaps with another of the sort column fields. User response: Change the sort column fields so that none of the column fields overlap. ISRE440 Columns overlap - Sort field columns must not overlap.

Explanation: Too many sort field parameters have been entered. SORT allows a maximum of five sort fields. User response: Change the number of sort fields to less than or equal to five. ISRE435 Col 1 less than col 2 - Sort columns must be in pairs with the start column first.

Explanation: The columns specified for the SORT command overlap. The columns cannot overlap for the Sort command. User response: Change the columns that have been specified for the SORT command so that they do not overlap. ISRE441 Insufficient storage - Not enough storage to perform sort.

Explanation: The starting column number is greater than the ending column number for the SORT command. The starting column number must be less than the ending column number. User response: Change the starting column number so that it is less than the ending column number for the SORT command. ISRE436 Invalid SORT parameters - Specify A or D for all fields (or for none of the fields.)

Explanation: There is not enough storage available for the SORT command as you have it specified. User response: Change the SORT command fields to sort a smaller area, contact your system programmer to give you more available storage, or find out why you are running out of storage. System programmer response: Either give the user more personal storage or find out why the user is running out of storage.

Explanation: The SORT command accepts either A (ascending), D (descending), or blank (default ascending). You cannot specify Ascending and blank or Descending and blank in the same SORT command.


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ISRE442 No records to sort - No records were found to sort. interface, enter the HILITE command with no parameters. User response: Reissue the HILITE command with valid parameters. ISRE448 Search not allowed - HILITE SEARCH is only allowed when HILITE is on and the language is not DEFAULT.

Explanation: The SORT command was given a range but no records were found to sort. User response: Verify your sort range for the SORT command. ISRE443 Records in sort order - No data was moved because records were already in order.

Explanation: HILITE SEARCH is only supported when highlighting is on and the language being edited is not DEFAULT. User response: Use HILITE SEARCH ON to turn highlighting on and use the SEARCH operand. If this is unsuccessful, use the PROFILE command to determine the language being used by the edit highlighting. If the language is DEFAULT, use the HILITE command to specify a specific language. ISRE449 LOGIC not supported - HILITE LOGIC is only supported for languages BOOK, C, DTL, HTML, OTHER, PASCAL, PLI, REXX, and SKEL.

Explanation: The SORT command was given a range and sort order to sort by, but the data was already in the correct sort order. User response: Verify the sort range that you provided to order the data. ISRE444 Invalid label specified - Label aaaaaaaa specified in SORT command does not exist.

Explanation: The SORT command was given a label that does not exist. User response: Correct the sort label to a label that exists. ISRE445 Sort label range invalid - Specify exactly two labels to indicate the range of lines to sort.

Explanation: HILITE LOGIC is only supported for languages BOOK, C, DTL, HTML, OTHER, PASCAL, PLI, REXX, and SKEL. The current language does not support logic highlighting and thus does not allow the LOGIC operand on the HILITE command. ISRE450 DEFINE name invalid - The name specified in the DEFINE command is greater than 8 characters.

Explanation: One of the label ranges that was entered does not exist or is invalid. User response: Verify that the labels being used for the SORT command exist. Correct the label that is invalid. ISRE446 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for the HILITE command.

Explanation: A name was specified on the DEFINE command that was too long. Names on the DEFINE command can be no longer than 8 characters. User response: Reissue the DEFINE command with a valid name. ISRE451 DEFINE syntax invalid - Specify: DEFINE new-alias-name ALIAS alias-of-name.

Explanation: The HILITE command was specified with an invalid combination of parameters. You may not specify ON and OFF together, and you may not specify LOGIC, IFLOGIC, and DOLOGIC together. User response: Remove the incorrect parameter and reissue the HILITE command. ISRE447 Invalid parameter - Valid parameters for the HILITE command are: ON, OFF, LOGIC, IFLOGIC, DOLOGIC, NOLOGIC, RESET, PAREN, FIND, CURSOR, SEARCH, MARGINS, DISABLED, AUTO or a valid language name.

Explanation: Invalid syntax was detected on an edit macro DEFINE command that was issued to define an alias. The correct syntax is: DEFINE new-alias-name ALIAS alias-of-name. User response: Reissue the command using the syntax described. ISRE452 DEFINE is invalid - A macro may not be defined to override macro only commands.

Explanation: The valid HILITE parameters are listed. To change the HILITE settings through a menu

Explanation: An edit macro tried to override a macro only command. The DEFINE edit macro command cannot be used in a macro to override commands that
Chapter 2. PDF messages


are edit macro commands and not interactive primary commands. Programmer response: Remove or change the DEFINE command. If you want to define a macro name, choose another name for the macro. ISRE453 Command not found - aaaaaaaa is not an edit command or macro. DEFINE new-alias-name ALIAS alias-of-name. User response: Reissue the command using the syntax described. ISRE458 DEFINE too many parms - DEFINE MACRO/NOP/RESET/DISABLED command has unrecognized parameter: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: A command was issued in the editor that is not a valid edit command. Valid edit commands may be: v Built-in edit commands v Macro only commands (valid only in edit macros) v CLISTs in SYSPROC v REXX EXECs in SYSPROC or SYSEXEC v Program macros. CLISTs and EXECs can also reside in libraries specified with the TSO ALTLIB command. ISRE454 Command name is invalid - The name aaaaaaaa is invalid. Not an edit command / macro name.

Explanation: The DEFINE command was issued with an unrecognized parameter. User response: Reissue the define command with correct syntax. For a description of DEFINE command syntax, enter the HELP command after this message is displayed. ISRE459 BLDL error - I/O error, insufficient virtual storage, or other BLDL error.

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to access the directory of a PDS or PDSE. User response: If the problem recurs, log off, log back on, and try the operation again. If the error still occurs, try another program such as IEBCOPY to see if there is a permanent problem with the data set. For further assistance, contact the system programmer. ISRE460 Too many parameters - The DEFINE command can have a maximum of three parameters.

Explanation: The command aaaaaaaa is not valid for a macro name. Valid macro names have 8 characters or fewer, start with an alphabetic or national character, and may have alphabetic characters, national characters, or numeric digits after the first character. In addition, program macros may be preceded by an exclamation point. User response: Retype the command using a valid name for an edit command. ISRE455 DEFINE name not found - aaaaaaaa was not previously defined for NOP or DISABLED request.

Explanation: The DEFINE macro command contains too many parameters. The DEFINE macro command can use up to three parameters, but the number of parameters has been exceeded. User response: Change the DEFINE command to use three or fewer parameters. ISRE461 Inconsistent keywords - Only one of the keywords allowed: MACRO, ALIAS, NOP, RESET or DISABLED.

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa command is not currently known to the editor as a built-in or defined command, and therefore cannot be disabled. User response: If the command to disable was mistyped, reissue the DEFINE command specifying the correct command name to disable. ISRE456 Alias-to name invalid - aaaaaaaa is not known to edit: It is not an edit command or macro name

Explanation: The DEFINE macro command allows the use of only one of these keywords: MACRO, ALIAS, NOP, RESET, or DISABLED. User response: Correct your macro to use only one of the DEFINE macro keywords. ISRE462 Invalid parameter - A parameter is invalid on the DEFINE command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE457 DEFINE alias-to name - The alias-to name was omitted, it is a required value.

Explanation: Invalid syntax was detected on an edit macro DEFINE command that was issued to define an alias. The correct syntax is:

Explanation: The DEFINE macro command allows the use of only one of these keywords: MACRO, ALIAS, NOP, RESET, or DISABLED. Your DEFINE macro is using an invalid keyword. User response: Correct your macro so that it uses only one of the DEFINE macro keywords.


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ISRE463 Specify required keyword - Specify only one of these keywords: MACRO, ALIAS, NOP, RESET or DISABLED. ISRE468 Invalid BUILTIN command - Name following BUILTIN does not resolve to a built-in edit command.

Explanation: The DEFINE macro command requires one of these keywords: MACRO, ALIAS, NOP, RESET, or DISABLED. User response: Correct the DEFINE macro so that it uses one of the required keywords. ISRE464 DEFINE name is required - Specify command name to be defined as a MACRO, ALIAS, NOP, RESET DISABLED.

Explanation: The BUILTIN macro command being used has a command name that does not resolve to a built-in edit command. User response: Correct the BUILTIN macro command to use or resolve a built-in edit command. ISRE470 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the CURSOR command.

Explanation: The DEFINE macro command requires one of these keywords: MACRO, ALIAS, NOP, RESET, or DISABLED. User response: Use the DEFINE macro with one of the required keywords. ISRE465 Range is required - aaaaaaaa requires a range to be specified when command issued from a macro.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the CURSOR macro command. The label that you attempted to use has not been assigned. User response: Correct the edit macro so that all line labels are correctly set before using them as a parameter to the CURSOR command. ISRE471 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the AUTOLIST command.

Explanation: The command that was issued requires a range to be specified when used. User response: Set the necessary range when using the macro command that is being used. ISRE466 Invalid parameter - An extra or invalid parameter was specified for the Process command.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the AUTOLIST macro command. The assignment type used with the AUTOLIST command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses the correct assignment type for the AUTOLIST command. ISRE472 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the AUTONUM command.

Explanation: The PROCESS macro command passed either an invalid parameter or an extra parameter while being used. User response: Either change the PROCESS macro command to use the correct parameters, or check the parameters to verify that the correct number of parameters is being passed. ISRE467 Too many parameters - Process may have keywords dest and range. Range is followed by 1 or 2 names.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the AUTONUM macro command. The assignment type used with the AUTONUM command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses the correct assignment type for the AUTONUM command. ISRE473 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the BOUNDS command.

Explanation: The PROCESS macro command keywords RANGE and DEST are using too many parameters in their syntax. The DEST keyword allows one parameter and the RANGE keyword allows up to two parameters. User response: Correct the PROCESS macro command so that it uses the correct number of parameters for the keywords DEST or RANGE.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the BOUNDS macro command. The assignment type used with the BOUNDS command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses
Chapter 2. PDF messages


the correct assignment type for the BOUNDS command. ISRE474 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the CAPS command. ISRE479 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the SETUNDO command.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the CAPS macro command. The assignment type used with the CAPS command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses the correct assignment type for the CAPS command. ISRE475 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the USER_STATE command.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the SETUNDO macro command. The assignment type used with the command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses the correct assignment type for the SETUNDO command. ISRE480 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the MASKLINE command.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the USER_STATE macro command. The assignment variable used with the command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses the correct assignment variable for the USER_STATE command. ISRE476 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the HEX command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command MASKLINE, but the editor could not determine whether the statement was intended to be a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable) or a SET type request (a request for the editor to change a value for an editor setting based on a dialog specified value). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the MASKLINE command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE481 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the NULLS command.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the HEX macro command. The assignment type used with the command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses the correct assignment type for the HEX command. ISRE477 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the LINE command.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the LINE macro command. The assignment type used with the command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses the correct assignment type for the LINE command. ISRE478 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the LINENUM command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command NULLS, but the editor could not determine whether the statement was intended to be a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable) or a SET type request (a request for the editor to change a value for an editor setting based on a dialog specified value). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the NULLS command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE482 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the NUMBER command.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the LINENUM macro command. The assignment type used with the command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses the correct assignment type for the LINENUM command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command NUMBER, but the editor could not determine whether the statement was intended to be a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor


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setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable) or a SET type request (a request for the editor to change a value for an editor setting based on a dialog specified value). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the NUMBER command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE483 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the RECOVERY command. ISRE486 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the TABS command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the STATS command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command RECOVERY, but the editor could not determine whether the statement was intended to be a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable) or a SET type request (a request for the editor to change a value for an editor setting based on a dialog specified value). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the RECOVERY command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE484 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the STATUS command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command TABS, but the editor could not determine whether the statement was intended to be a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable) or a SET type request (a request for the editor to change a value for an editor setting based on a dialog specified value). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the TABS command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE487 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the TABSLINE command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command STATUS, but the editor could not determine whether the statement was intended to be a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable) or a SET type request (a request for the editor to change a value for an editor setting based on a dialog specified value). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the STATUS command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE485 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the STATS command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command TABSLINE, but the editor could not determine whether the statement was intended to be a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable) or a SET type request (a request for the editor to change a value for an editor setting based on a dialog specified value). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the TABSLINE command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE488 NEXT is invalid - NEXT is not allowed when editing or viewing a sequential data set or z/OS UNIX file.

Explanation: NEXT was specified on the COMPARE command while editing or viewing sequential data set or z/OS UNIX file. NEXT is only supported for concatenated partitioned data sets. User response: Issue the command using an explicit data set name. ISRE489 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa could not be found at a higher level of the hierarchy of data sets which was used to invoke this edit or view session.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command STATS, but the editor could not determine whether the statement was intended to be a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable) or a SET type request (a request for the editor to change a value for an editor setting based on a dialog specified value).

Chapter 2. PDF messages


Explanation: NEXT was specified on the COMPARE command but a member of the same name does not exist at a higher level of the edit or view hierarchy. If this is an SCLM session, you should be aware that the editor may not be able to allocate all of the groups in the SCLM hierarchy at one time. User response: Determine the name of the data set to which you want to compare the current member and issue the COMPARE command using the explicit data set name. ISRE490 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for the RECFM command. specified to indicate where the editor should put the value of the current setting. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the DATA_CHANGED command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE495 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the RECFM command.

Explanation: The RECFM edit macro command was invoked, but no variable name was specified to indicate where the editor should put the value of the current setting. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the RECFM command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE491 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for MACRO_LEVEL command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command RECFM, but the editor could not recognize the statement as a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable). A GET type request is the only valid request type for the RECFM macro command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the RECFM command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE496 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the MACRO_LEVEL command.

Explanation: The MACRO_LEVEL edit macro command was invoked, but no variable name was specified to indicate where the editor should put the value of the current setting. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the MACRO_LEVEL command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE492 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for RANGE_CMD command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command MACRO_LEVEL, but the editor could not recognize the statement as a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable). A GET type request is the only valid request type for the MACRO_LEVEL macro command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the MACRO_LEVEL command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE497 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the RANGE_CMD command.

Explanation: The RANGE_CMD edit macro command was invoked, but no variable name was specified to indicate where the editor should put the value of the current setting. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the RANGE_CMD command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE493 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for DATA_CHANGED command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command RANGE_CMD, but the editor could not recognize the statement as a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable). A GET type request is the only valid request type for the RANGE_CMD macro command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the RANGE_CMD command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to

Explanation: The DATA_CHANGED edit macro command was invoked, but no variable name was


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ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE498 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the DATA_CHANGED command. reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the AUTONUM command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE503 Too many parameters - ON or OFF are the only valid parameters for the AUTONUM command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command DATA_CHANGED, but the editor could not recognize the statement as a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable). A GET type request is the only valid request type for the DATA_CHANGED macro command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the DATA_CHANGED command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE500 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for the ASIS command (see CAPS OFF)

Explanation: The PDF edit AUTONUM command was invoked with more than one parameter. Only one parameter (either ON or OFF) may be specified for the AUTONUM command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the AUTONUM command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the AUTONUM command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE504 Line number invalid - Specification of relative line number 0 is invalid in the CURSOR command.

Explanation: The ASIS edit command was invoked with a parameter specified. The ASIS command (equivalent to the CAPS OFF command) does not take any parameters. User response: Remove any parameters from the ASIS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to remove any parameters from the ASIS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE501 Parameter missing - Line number and/or column number must be specified on the SET CURSOR command.

Explanation: When invoking the PDF edit macro CURSOR command, the minimum value allowed for the row number is 1, the maximum value allowed for the row number is the relative line number of the last line of your data. Programmer response: Change the CURSOR command to specify a valid value for the row. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for the proper invocation of the CURSOR macro command. ISRE505 Invalid specification - The specified line/column number for CURSOR command exceeds data length.

Explanation: When invoking the PDF edit macro command CURSOR to set the cursor position, you must specify either a row value or a column value (or both). User response: Contact the system programmer. Programmer response: Change the CURSOR command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE502 Invalid parameter - ON or OFF are the only valid parameters for the AUTONUM command.

Explanation: When invoking the PDF edit macro CURSOR command, the maximum value allowed for the row number is the relative line number of the last line of your data. The maximum value allowed for the column number is the logical record length of your data. User response: Contact the system programmer. Programmer response: Change the CURSOR command to specify a valid value for the row or the cursor or both. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for the proper invocation of the CURSOR macro command.
Chapter 2. PDF messages

Explanation: The PDF edit AUTONUM command was invoked with a parameter other than ON or OFF. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the AUTONUM command and


ISRE506 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for the CANCEL command. macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter to the SOURCE command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE510 Too many parameters - ON/OFF are the only valid parameters for the CAPS command.

Explanation: The CANCEL edit command was invoked with a parameter specified. The CANCEL command does not take any parameters. User response: Remove any parameters from the CANCEL command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to remove any parameters from the CANCEL command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE507 Line number invalid - Specification of relative line number beyond the data, invalid for CURSOR command.

Explanation: The PDF edit CAPS command was invoked with more than one parameter. Only one parameter (either ON or OFF) may be specified for the CAPS command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the CAPS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the CAPS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE511 Invalid parameter - ON/OFF are the only valid parameters for the CAPS command.

Explanation: When invoking the PDF edit macro CURSOR command, the minimum value allowed for the row number is 1, the maximum value allowed for the row number is the relative line number of the last line of your data. User response: Contact the system programmer. Programmer response: Change the CURSOR command to specify a valid value for the row. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for the proper invocation of the CURSOR macro command. ISRE508 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for the LF command.

Explanation: The PDF edit CAPS command was invoked with a parameter other than ON or OFF. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the CAPS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the CAPS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE512 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be entered with CAPS command.

Explanation: The LF edit command was invoked with a parameter specified. The LF command does not take any parameters. User response: Remove any parameters from the LF command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to remove any parameters from the LF command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE509 Required parm missing - ASCII is required as a parameter on the SOURCE primary command.

Explanation: Mutually exclusive parameters (aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb) were specified on invocation of the CAPS command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the CAPS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the CAPS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.

Explanation: The SOURCE command did not indicate in which CCSID the data was stored. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameter for the SOURCE command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the


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ISRE513 Too many parameters - ON/OFF, VERT/DATA are the only valid HEX command parameters. User response: Remove any parameters from the NONULLS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to remove any parameters from the NONULLS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE517 System abend aaaa - SUBMIT failed due to abendaaaa on bbb(44)

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified on invocation of the edit HEX command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the hex command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters for the hex command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE514 Invalid parameter - ON/OFF, VERT/DATA are the only valid HEX command parameters.

Explanation: A system abend code of aaaa was encountered while attempting to process the edit SUBMIT command for data set bbb(44). This indicates that insufficient data set or volume space exists to create the temporary data set used by edit to submit the data from your edit session. User response: Contact your system programmer for assistance in freeing sufficient space to submit the data set. You may be able to resubmit the request successfully, depending on normal space usage on your system. ISRE518 Parameter unrecognized - EXCLUDE is the only valid parameter for the HIDE command.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on invocation of the edit hex command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the HEX command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters for the hex command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE515 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be entered with HEX command.

Explanation: The PDF edit HIDE command was invoked with a parameter other than EXCLUDE. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameter for the HIDE command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the HIDE command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE519 Parameter unrecognized - ON/OFF are the only valid parameters for the CAPS command.

Explanation: Mutually exclusive parameters (aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb) were specified on invocation of the HEX command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the HEX command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the HEX command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE516 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for the NONULLS command. (see NULLS OFF).

Explanation: The PDF edit CAPS command was invoked with a parameter other than ON or OFF. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the CAPS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the CAPS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.
Chapter 2. PDF messages

Explanation: The NONULLS edit command was invoked with a parameter specified. The NONULLS command (equivalent to the NULLS OFF command) does not take any parameters.


ISRE520 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for the NONUM command. (see NUM OFF) ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE524 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the PROFILE command.

Explanation: The NONUM edit command was invoked with a parameter specified. The NONUM command (equivalent to the NUM OFF command) does not take any parameters. User response: Remove any parameters from the NONUM command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to remove any parameters from the NONUM command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE521 NUM/RENUM is invalid - NUMBER mode cannot be turned on when the record length of the data being edited is less than 10.

Explanation: The PROFILE edit command was invoked with more parameters than the allowed maximum. User response: Remove any extra parameters from the PROFILE command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to remove any extra parameters from the PROFILE command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE525 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for PROFILE command.

Explanation: The STATS command is only valid for data with a record length greater or equal to 10. User response: Only issue the STATS command when editing data with a record length of 10 or greater. ISRE522 Command not available - The SOURCE ASCII command is not supported for use with z/OS UNIX files. Invoke the editor with the ASCII option.

Explanation: Mutually exclusive parameters (aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb) were specified on invocation of the PROFILE command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameter for the PROFILE command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters to the PROFILE command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE526 Too many parameters - ON/OFF, STD/ALL are the only valid NULLS command parms

Explanation: The SOURCE ASCII primary command is not supported when editing a z/OS UNIX file. User response: To edit ASCII data in a z/OS UNIX file, select the Edit/View ASCII data option on the entry panel. Programmer response: Invoke the EDIT or VIEW service with the ASCII parameter specified. ISRE523 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for the NOTABS command. (see TABS OFF)

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified on invocation of the edit NULLS command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the NULLS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters to the NULLS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.

Explanation: The NOTABS edit command was invoked with a parameter specified. The NOTABS command (equivalent to the TABS OFF command) does not take any parameters. User response: Remove any parameters from the NOTABS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to remove any parameters from the NOTABS command. Refer to


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ISRE527 Invalid parameter - ON/OFF, STD/ALL are the only valid NULLS command parms ISRE530 Too many NUMBER parms - Too many parameters were specified for the NUMBER command.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on invocation of the edit NULLS command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the NULLS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters to the NULLS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE528 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for NULLS command.

Explanation: The NUMBER edit command was invoked with more parameters than the allowed maximum. User response: Remove any extra parameters from the NUMBER command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to remove any extra parameters from the NUMBER command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE531 Invalid NUMBER cmd parm - Valid NUMBER parms: ON/OFF, STD/NOSTD, NOCOB/COBOL, NODISPL/DISPLAY

Explanation: Mutually exclusive parameters (aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb) were specified on invocation of the NULLS command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameter for the NULLS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters to the NULLS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE529 Parameter usage invalid - An invalid parm or combination of parms was specified for TABS command.

Explanation: A parameter was specified to the edit command NUMBER other than one of the allowed values (ON, OFF, STD, NOSTD, COBOL, NOCOB, NODISPL and DISPLAY). User response: Correct the parameters to the NUMBER command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to correct the parameters to the NUMBER command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE532 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for NUMBER command.

Explanation: Two parameters were passed to the PDF edit command TABS, but ON was not one of them. There are no valid 2 parameter combinations to TABS that do not include ON. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the TABS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters to the TABS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.

Explanation: Mutually exclusive parameters (aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb) were specified on invocation of the NUMBER command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameter for the NUMBER command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters to the NUMBER command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE533 Too many parameters - ON or OFF are the only valid parameters for the AUTOLIST command. Programmer response: Change the macro to correct the parameters to the RECOVERY command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE537 Invalid parameter - Only ON, OFF, WARN and NOWARN are valid for the RECOVERY command.

Explanation: The AUTOLIST edit command was invoked with more than one parameter. User response: Correct the parameters to the AUTOLIST command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to correct the parameters to the AUTOLIST command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE534 Invalid parameter - ON or OFF are the only valid parameters for the AUTOLIST command.

Explanation: A parameter was specified to the edit command RECOVERY other than one of the allowed values (ON, OFF, WARN, and NOWARN). User response: Correct the parameters to the RECOVERY command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to correct the parameters to the RECOVERY command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE538 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for RECOVERY command.

Explanation: The AUTOLIST edit command was invoked with a parameter other than ON or OFF. User response: Correct the parameters to the AUTOLIST command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to correct the parameters to the AUTOLIST command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE535 Command not available - The LF command is not supported for use with z/OS UNIX files. Invoke the editor with the ASCII option.

Explanation: Mutually exclusive parameters (aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb) were specified on invocation of the RECOVERY command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameter for the RECOVERY command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters to the RECOVERY command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE539 Required parm missing - EXCLUDE is required as a parameter on the HIDE primary command.

Explanation: The LF primary command is not supported when editing a z/OS UNIX file. User response: To have the data realigned based on the ASCII linefeed character (x0A), select the Edit/View ASCII data option on the entry panel. Programmer response: Invoke the EDIT or VIEW service with the ASCII parameter specified. ISRE536 Too many parameters - Only ON, OFF, WARN and NOWARN are valid for the RECOVERY command.

Explanation: The HIDE command did not indicate which special lines were to be hidden. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameter for the HIDE command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter to the HIDE command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.

Explanation: More parameters were specified to the edit command RECOVERY then the allowed maximum. User response: Correct the parameters to the RECOVERY command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error.


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ISRE540 Too many parameters - ON, DISPLAY, STD, COBOL are the only valid RENUM parameters. ISRE543 No data lines exist - There are no standard lines for the DELETE command to process.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified on invocation of the edit RENUM command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the RENUM command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters for the RENUM command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE541 Invalid parameter - ON, DISPLAY, STD, COBOL are the only valid RENUM parameters.

Explanation: The edit command DELETE was entered, but no lines were found within the scope of the command that were eligible for deletion. User response: Verify any line labels or X/NX keywords that were entered are correct and rerun the macro. If all parameters were specified as you wanted, then no lines meeting your criteria exist. Either change your criteria or continue on with the next logical step in your edit session. ISRE544 aaaa lines deleted - aaaa lines were deleted as a result of the DELETE command.

Explanation: The PDF edit RENUM command was invoked with a parameter other than ON, DISPLAY, STD, or COBOL. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the RENUM command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameters for the RENUM command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE542 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be entered with the RENUM command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. An edit command DELETE was issued for which the editor found aaaa lines meeting the criteria specified. All such lines were successfully deleted. ISRE545 LRECL not large enough - LRECL is not large enough for COBOL and standard numbers.

Explanation: The edit command equivalent to NUMBER ON STD COBOL was entered which requests that the editor maintain both standard line numbers and COBOL line numbers. This requires that the record length of the data set be at least 15. The data set you are editing is less than 15 bytes wide, making it impossible for the editor to maintain both types of line numbers. The editor will maintain COBOL line numbers only. User response: If COBOL line numbers only are sufficient for your needs, no action is required. If not, issue the NUM ON STD, NUM OFF, or UNNUM command to set the line numbering to meet your needs. ISRE546 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for the SAVE command.

Explanation: Mutually exclusive parameters (aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb) were specified on invocation of the RENUM command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the RENUM command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the RENUM command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.

Explanation: The SAVE edit command was invoked with a parameter specified. The SAVE command does not take any parameters. User response: Remove any parameters from the SAVE command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to remove any parameters from the SAVE command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE547 Invalid name - A member name or data set name qualifier must not be longer than 8 characters. macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the STATS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE552 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for STATS command.

Explanation: A member name or data set name qualifier greater than 8 characters in length was passed to the edit MOVE, COPY, CREATE, or REPLACE command. User response: Correct the member name or data set name qualifier to 8 characters or fewer and reissue the command. ISRE548 -WARNING- Extended statistics exist for this member but will be

Explanation: Mutually exclusive parameters (aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb) were specified on invocation of the STATS command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the STATS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the STATS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE553 Too many parameters - Range values are the only parameters defined for the SUBMIT command.

Explanation: The site does permit extended statistics to be recorded in the PDS directory but they already exist. User response: Contact the Systems Programmer System programmer response: Use the ISPF configuration dialog (ISPCCONF) to enable Extended Statistics to be stored. ISRE549 -WARNING- lost if the member is saved.

Explanation: See ISRE549 System programmer response: See ISRE548 ISRE550 Too many parameters - ON/OFF are the only valid STATS command parameters.

Explanation: The PDF edit SUBMIT command was invoked with more than 2 parameters. Only 2 parameters, the labels marking the beginning and end of the range of line to be submitted, may be specified for the SUBMIT command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the SUBMIT command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the SUBMIT command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE554 Invalid SUBMIT parm - Probable invalid/undefined label or other range specification error.

Explanation: The PDF edit STATS command was invoked with more than one parameter. Only one parameter (either ON or OFF) maybe specified for the STATS command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the STATS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the STATS command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE551 Invalid parameter - ON/OFF are the only valid STATS command parameters.

Explanation: The PDF edit SUBMIT command was invoked specifying a line label or line number that does not exist within the current edit session. User response: Change the command to specify the proper line range for the SUBMIT command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify

Explanation: The PDF edit STATS command was invoked with a parameter other than ON or OFF. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the STATS command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the


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the proper line range for the SUBMIT command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE555 Invalid parameter - Range values are the only parameters defined for the SUBMIT command. ISRE558 Range incomplete - A single-label range specification is invalid for the SUBMIT command.

Explanation: The PDF edit SUBMIT command was invoked specifying a parameter other than a valid line label or line number. The only valid parameters for the SUBMIT command are a beginning and ending line label or line number that specifies that range of lines to be submitted. User response: Change the command the specify the proper range for the SUBMIT command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper line range for the SUBMIT command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE556 Too many parameters - No parameters are defined for the UNNUM command.

Explanation: The PDF edit SUBMIT command was invoked with only 1 line label or line number. Either 2 labels or line numbers, marking the beginning and end of the range of lines to be submitted, must be specified to submit a range of lines, or no parameters specified to submit all lines from the edit session. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the SUBMIT command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the SUBMIT command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE559 Range invalid - An invalid line pointer (label) was specified for the SUBMIT command.

Explanation: One of the 2 line labels specified for the edit SUBMIT command was invalid. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the SUBMIT command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the SUBMIT command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE560 Invalid parameters - A COMPARE edit primary command was entered which had too many parameters. You may supply a data set name or z/OS UNIX file name or member name or NEXT or SESSION. If a name, NEXT, or SESSION are specified, you may also specify EXCLUDE, SYSIN and SAVE. You may enter the COMPARE command with no parameters to change the label, exclude, and comparison settings.

Explanation: The UNNUM edit command was invoked with a parameter specified. The UNNUM command does not take any parameters. User response: Remove any parameters from the UNNUM command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to remove any parameters from the UNNUM command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE557 System abend aaaa - SUBMIT failed due to abend.

Explanation: A system abend code of aaaa was encountered attempting to process the edit SUBMIT command. User response: Refer to z/OS MVS System Codes for debugging information on the abend or contact your system programmer for assistance. Programmer response: Refer to z/OS MVS System Codes for debugging information on the abend or contact your system programmer for assistance.

Explanation: A COMPARE edit primary command was entered which had too many parameters. You may supply a data set name or z/OS UNIX file name or member name or NEXT or SESSION. If a name, NEXT, or SESSION are specified, you may also specify EXCLUDE, SYSIN and SAVE. You may enter the COMPARE command with no parameters to change the label, exclude, and comparison settings.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


User response: Insure that there are not extra parameters on the COMPARE command and issue the command again. ISRE561 Invalid member name - A member name must not be longer than 8 characters. Explanation: Only a member name was provided to the COMPARE command while editing a sequential data set or z/OS UNIX file. When comparing a sequential data set or z/OS UNIX file, specify a file pathname or an explicit data set, and if needed, a member name. User response: Specify a file pathname or an explicit data set, and if needed, a member name. ISRE565 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa can not be found in this data set or concatenation.

Explanation: A member name greater than 8 characters in length was passed to the edit MOVE, COPY, CREATE, or REPLACE command. User response: Correct the member name to 8 characters or fewer and reissue the command. ISRE562 Too many parameters - Valid format: COPY member-name line #1 line #2 AFTER line pointer.

Explanation: A member name was specified on the COMPARE command, but the member can not be found in the edit concatenation. User response: Issue the COMPARE command with an explicit data set name or use the name of a member that does exist in the concatenation. ISRE566 Undefined aaaaaaaa - The keywords AFTER or BEFORE must be followed by a valid aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The PDF edit COPY command was invoked with more than the allowed maximum number of parameters. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the COPY command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the COPY command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE563 Invalid line range - Only one aaaaaaaa was specified, bbbbbbbb requires two for range.

Explanation: When using the AFTER or BEFORE keywords to indicate to the editor where it should place data, you must specify a valid line pointer or line number following AFTER or BEFORE. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE567 Member name required - When comparing sequential to partitioned, specify member name.

Explanation: A PDF edit command (bbbbbbbb) was invoked with only 1 line label or line number. Either two labels or line numbers (marking the beginning and end of the range of lines to be submitted) must be specified to process a range of lines, or no parameters specified to process all lines from the edit session. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE564 Member name not allowed - Only a member name was provided to the COMPARE command while editing a sequential data set or z/OS UNIX file. When comparing a sequential data set or z/OS UNIX file, specify a file pathname or an explicit data set, and if needed, a member name.

Explanation: A partitioned data set name was passed to the COMPARE command while editing a sequential data set. You must supply a member name. User response: To compare a sequential data set to a member of a partitioned data set, issue the COMPARE command with a data set name and member name. ISRE568 Member name not allowed - Do not specify a member name when comparing to a sequential data set.

Explanation: The name of a sequential data set was passed to the COMPARE command but a member name was also specified. User response: Remove the member name from the


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operand and issue the COMPARE command again. ISRE569 aaaa invalid - The specified aaaa does not exist in member bbbbbbbb. User response: Specify valid parameters for the TABS command. The first parameter is either ON or OFF; the second parameter is either STD, ALL, or a tab character. ISRE575 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for TABS command.

Explanation: An edit command was invoked specifying a line label or line number as a destination for the command, but that label or line number does not exist in the edit data. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE570 Invalid parameters given LOCK/UNLOCK parameter is mutually exclusive with profile name or number.

Explanation: The combination of the parameters aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb is not allowed on the TABS command. User response: Specify a valid combination of parameters for the TABS command. ISRE576 Invalid profile parm - Line-count, profile-name, or LOCK/UNLOCK are the only valid parameters.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on the PROFILE command. The valid parameters are LOCK, UNLOCK, a profile name, or the number of profile lines to display. User response: Use valid parameters on the PROFILE command. ISRE577 Invalid profile name - The name must be 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters starting with an alpha.

Explanation: The LOCK or UNLOCK parameters cannot be specified at the same time as a profile name or number on the PROFILE command. User response: Use separate commands to specify the LOCK or UNLOCK parameters and the name or number parameters. ISRE571 Invalid member name - A member name must not be longer than 8 characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE572 Too many parameters - A member name is the only valid parameter for the REPLACE command.

Explanation: An invalid name was specified for the profile on the PROFILE command. Profile names must be valid member names that start with an alpha character followed by up to 7 alphanumeric characters. User response: Specify a valid member name on the PROFILE command. ISRE578 Required parm missing - A variable name was not specified for the get profile name command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE573 Too many parameters - ON/OFF, STD/ALL/? are the only valid TABS command parms.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE579 New edit profile - aaaaaaaa (bbbbbbbb-cccccccc) has now been defined as an edit profile.

Explanation: A maximum of 2 parameters can be specified on the TABS command. The first parameter is either ON or OFF; the second parameter is either STD, ALL, or a tab character. User response: Specify the correct number of parameters for the TABS command. ISRE574 Invalid parameter - ON/OFF, STD/ALL(any)/? are the only valid TABS command parms.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A new edit profile, aaaaaaaa, has been created. ISRE580 STATS is invalid - STATS mode cannot be turned on for a sequential file.

Explanation: The STATS command is only valid for members of a partitioned data set. User response: Only issue the STATS command when editing a partitioned data set.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on the TABS command.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE581 COBOL numbering invalid - COBOL numbering is not valid with variable records (RECFM = V). ISRE587 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for DELETE command.

Explanation: COBOL numbering was specified for a data set that has variable length records. COBOL numbering can only be performed for data sets with fixed length records (RECFM = F). User response: Verify that the data set is allocated with fixed length records (RECFM = F) to use COBOL numbering. ISRE582 Not in number mode - UNNUM is valid only when you are in number mode.

Explanation: The parameters aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot be specified at the same time on the DELETE command. User response: Change the DELETE command to specify a valid combination of parameters. ISRE588 Invalid parameter - Valid parameters for DELETE command are: ALL X/NX, lptr-1, lptr-2.

Explanation: The UNNUM command is only valid when numbering is turned on. User response: Only issue the UNNUM command when editing a member or data set with line numbers. ISRE583 Not in STATS mode - VERSION or LEVEL commands are valid only when you are in STATS mode.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified for the DELETE command. User response: Ensure that the DELETE command is using valid parameter names. ISRE589 Invalid parameter - Valid parameters for DELETE command are: ALL X/NX and a label range.

Explanation: The VERSION or LEVEL commands are only valid when in stats mode. User response: Specify STATS ON to get stats for a member of a partitioned data set. The STATS command cannot be specified for sequential data sets. ISRE584 Invalid in hex mode - TE is not valid when you are in hexadecimal mode.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified for the DELETE command. User response: Ensure that the DELETE command is using valid parameter names. ISRE590 Required parms missing - Specify: DELETE ALL X/NX or DELETE X/NX aaaaaaaa;A aaaaaaaa;B or DELETE ALL aaaaaaaa;A aaaaaaaa;B

Explanation: The TE line command is not valid in hexadecimal mode. User response: Specify HEX OFF to turn off hexadecimal mode before using the TE line command. ISRE585 Invalid command - Hexadecimal mode is not valid when you are in text enter mode.

Explanation: Not enough parameters were specified on the DELETE command. User response: Ensure that parameters are specified on the DELETE command. The parameters must include a range. For example: v ALL v aaaaaaaa;A aaaaaaaa;B v ALL .A .B Unless ALL .A .B is specified, one of the parameters must be X or NX to indicate how excluded lines are to be processed. ISRE591 Delete parameter omitted - If ALL is specified, then X, NX, or a label range is required.

Explanation: Hexadecimal mode cannot be entered while in text enter mode. User response: Press Enter to exit text enter mode before entering the HEX command. ISRE586 Too many parameters - Valid parameters for DELETE command are: ALL X/NX, lptr-1, lptr-2.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified on the DELETE command. User response: Specify the correct number of parameters for the DELETE command.

Explanation: When the ALL parameter is specified on the DELETE command, one of these parameters must be specified: X, NX, or a label range. User response: Update the command to specify one of the missing parameters.


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ISRE592 Delete parameter omitted - If X or NX is specified, then ALL or a label range is required. ISRE598 Range incomplete - A single-label range specification is invalid for the DELETE command.

Explanation: When the X or NX parameter is specified on the DELETE command, one of these parameters must be specified: ALL, or a label range. User response: Update the command to specify one of the missing parameters. ISRE593 No lines deleted - No excluded lines existed to delete.

Explanation: A range must be specified with a beginning label and an ending label for the DELETE command. User response: Specify two labels on the delete command. The first label is the first line to be deleted, the second is the last line to be deleted. If a single line is to be deleted, specify the label for that line as the start and end of the range. ISRE599 Invalid line pointer - 0, specified for the starting line of a DELETE range is invalid.

Explanation: The X parameter was specified on the DELETE command but no lines were excluded. User response: Exclude the lines to be deleted prior to issuing a DELETE command with the X parameter. ISRE594 No lines deleted - No non-excluded lines existed to delete.

Explanation: One or both of the labels for the DELETE command was set to 0 (zero). User response: Update or change the label used for the DELETE command to indicate a data line. ISRE600 Invalid bounds parameter - aaaaaaaa is invalid as a parameter to the BOUNDS command.

Explanation: The NX parameter was specified on the DELETE command but all lines had been excluded. User response: Do not exclude the lines to be deleted prior to issuing a DELETE command with the NX parameter. ISRE595 No parameters specified - The DELETE command has no defaulted parameters.

Explanation: The value aaaaaaaa specified on the BOUNDS command is not a valid parameter. User response: Ensure that all parameters are valid when entering BOUNDS command. Information for the BOUNDS command can be obtained by using Help. ISRE601 Too many parameters - Left and right column numbers (or *) are only valid BOUNDS command parms.

Explanation: The DELETE command was issued, but no parameters were specified to indicate what to delete. User response: Specify parameters on the DELETE command to indicate which lines are to be deleted. ISRE596 Invalid line pointer - The DELETE command cannot locate the specified line(s).

Explanation: One or both of the labels specified to the DELETE command had not been defined. User response: Define both labels to be used on the DELETE command prior to issuing the command. Labels can be assigned by typing the label over the line number that is displayed by Edit. ISRE597 No lines deleted - Top of data and Bottom of data are invalid relative line numbers.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified on the BOUNDS command. The BOUNDS command should be entered with no parameters or 2 parameters. The 2 parameters are the left column number and the right column number. ISRE602 Invalid specification - Either specify both left and right BOUNDS operands or specify neither.

Explanation: Only one parameter was specified on the BOUNDS command. The BOUNDS command requires either no parameters or 2 parameters. User response: Specify no parameters on the BOUNDS command to use the default bounds, or specify both left and right columns. An * (asterisk) can be used as either the left or right column parameter, indicating that the current value for that bounds should be retained.

Explanation: No lines were within the deletion criteria. User response: Change the parameters specified for DELETE to delete the desired lines.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE603 Invalid left bound - Left bound was invalid as entered and was reset to its default column. ISRE608 Invalid parameter - Invalid line number, column number, label, or cursor command keyword.

Explanation: The left bound that was specified is either before the first data column or after the last data column. User response: Specify a left bound that is within the data columns. ISRE604 Invalid right bound - Right bound was invalid as entered and was reset to its default column.

Explanation: A parameter specified on the CURSOR command is not valid. This may be due to an invalid line number, column number, or label. User response: Ensure that the line number and column number specified on the cursor command have valid values. ISRE609 Parameter unrecognized - Invalid line number, column number, label, or cursor command keyword.

Explanation: The right bound that was specified is either before the first data column or after the last data column. User response: Specify a right bound that is within the data columns. ISRE605 Left bound exceeds right - Invalid for left bound specification to exceed right bound specification.

Explanation: A parameter specified on the CURSOR command was not recognized as a valid parameter. This may be due to an invalid line number, column number, or label. User response: Ensure that the cursor command has the correct number of parameters and that they are all valid. ISRE610 Changes not saved - Changes to data are not saved within View sessions. Use Create or Replace commands to save changes.

Explanation: The first value specified, which is the left bound, is greater than the value specified for the right bound. The value specified for the left bound must be smaller than the value for the right bound. User response: Specify a value for the left bound that is smaller than the value specified for the right bound. ISRE606 Both bounds invalid - Both bounds were invalid as entered and were reset to their default columns.

Explanation: A SAVE or END command has been requested from within an edit macro running in VIEW. View does not save changes to data. User response: In order to save the changes, use the primary CREATE or REPLACE command. Programmer response: If your macro is designed to run from within View, and your macro makes data changes, use the cancel command to leave the view session. ISRE611 Cmd not valid for ascii - The TE (text entry) and TF (text flow) commands are not supported when editing ascii data.

Explanation: The left bound that was specified is either before the first data column or after the last data column and the right bound that was specified is either before the first data column or after the last data column. User response: Specify bounds values within the data columns. ISRE607 Too many parameters - Invalid line number, column number, label, or cursor command keyword.

Explanation: A TE or TF line command has been entered but the user is editing ascii data. User response: Remove the TE or TF line command. ISRE612 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD COB (from NUMBER ON COB).

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified on the CURSOR command. This may be due to an invalid line number, column number, or label. User response: Ensure that the cursor command has the correct number of parameters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE613 Data has valid COBOL numbers and valid standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE614 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD COB (from NUMBER ON STD). ISRE625 Data has valid COBOL numbers but not valid standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE626 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON COB (from NUMBER OFF).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE615 Data has valid COBOL numbers and valid standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE616 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD COB (from NUMBER ON OFF).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE627 Data has valid COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE628 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON COB

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE617 Data has valid COBOL numbers and valid standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE629 to match the previous profile.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE618 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD COB

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE630 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON COB (from NUMBER ON STD COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE619 to match the previous profile.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE631 Data has valid COBOL numbers but not ascending standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE620 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON COB (from NUMBER ON STD COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE632 Changes are shown - The differences between the files are now highlighted. This file was compared to aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE621 Data has valid COBOL numbers but not valid standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE622 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON COB (from NUMBER ON STD COB).

Explanation: The compare command completed successfully and the differences between the files are now highlighted. The file with which the edited data set was compared is shown in the long message (aaaaaaaa). User response: If some differences are not shown, or you would like to modify the comparison methods, use the COMPARE command with no operands to change the comparison settings. ISRE633 Files are the same - This file was compared to aaa(56). The compared files have no differences.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE623 LRECL is not large enough for COBOL and standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE624 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON COB (from NUMBER ON STD).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: The compare command completed successfully and no differences were found. The file with which the edited data set was compared is shown in the long message (aaa(56)). User response: If some differences are not shown, or you would like to modify the comparison methods, use
Chapter 2. PDF messages


the COMPARE command with no operands to change the comparison settings. ISRE634 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON COB (from NUMBER ON STD). ISRE641 Data has valid standard numbers but not valid COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE642 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD (from NUMBER ON COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE635 Data has valid COBOL numbers but not ascending standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE643 Data has valid standard numbers but not valid COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE636 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON COB (from NUMBER OFF).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE644 Files Compared - No differences were found, but some differences may exist which are not shown. Options were selected on the Edit Compare Settings panel which may cause some data to be ignored during the comparison. This file was compared to aaa(56).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE637 Data has valid COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE638 SuperC error - SuperC ended with a return code of aa.

Explanation: The SuperC compare program, which is used to compare the files specified with the COMPARE command, ended with a return code (aa), which indicates that the comparison failed. Possible reasons for the failure may include I/O errors, unsupported data set types, allocation errors or other failures. User response: Use the SuperC dialog in the utilities section to compare the files. If there is a failure there, you may be able to find the cause in the SuperC listing. ISRE639 Delta file error - An unrecognized control card was found in the delta file. Use the SuperC dialog in the utilities section to compare the files.

Explanation: The COMPARE edit command detected no differences. However options were selected on the Edit Compare Settings Panel which filtered the input to the compare program. As a result, some differences may have been ignored during the compare and may not be highlighted in the editor. ISRE645 No matches - Files have been compared and they are completely different. Edit has reset the display.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE646 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD (from NUMBER OFF).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE647 Data has valid standard numbers.

Explanation: An unrecognized control card was found in the delta file which was produced by SuperC during the comparison. This may result if the temporary delta file created by the editor was too small to hold all of the records written by SuperC, or it may be the result of a SuperC error. User response: Use the SuperC dialog in the utilities section to compare the files. ISRE640 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD (from NUMBER ON STD COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE648 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE649 to match the previous profile.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE650 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON STD COB). ISRE662 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE651 Data does not have valid standard or valid COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE663 Data does not have valid COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE652 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE664 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON STD).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE653 Data does not have valid COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE665 Data does not have ascending standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE654 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON STD).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE668 Changes are shown - The differences between the files are now highlighted. This file was compared to aaaaaaaa. The SuperC listing is saved in data set bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE655 Data does not have valid standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE656 ASCII already set - The ASCII option was already set.

Explanation: The compare command completed successfully and the differences between the files are now highlighted. The file with which the edited data set was compared is shown in the long message (aaaaaaaa). The SuperC listing was saved in data set bbbbbbbb as a result of the SAVE option being specified. User response: If some differences are not shown, or you would like to modify the comparison methods, use the COMPARE command with no operands to change the comparison settings. ISRE669 Files are the same - This file was compared to aaa(56). The compared files have no differences. The SuperC listing is saved in data set bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE658 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE659 to match the previous profile.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE660 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON STD COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE661 Data does not have ascending standard or valid COBOL numbers.

Explanation: The compare command completed successfully and no differences were found. The file with which the edited data set was compared is shown in the long message (aaa(56)). The SuperC listing was saved in data set bbbbbbbb as a result of the SAVE option being specified. User response: If some differences are not shown, or you would like to modify the comparison methods, use the COMPARE command with no operands to change the comparison settings.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE670 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD (from NUMBER ON STD COB). ISRE685 Data does not have valid standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE690 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON STD COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE671 Data has valid standard numbers but not ascending COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE672 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD (from NUMBER ON COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE691 Data does not have ascending standard or ascending COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE692 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE673 Data has valid standard numbers but not ascending COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE676 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER ON STD (from NUMBER OFF).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE693 Data does not have ascending COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE694 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON STD).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE677 Data has valid standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE680 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON STD COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE695 Data does not have ascending standard numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE681 Data does not have valid standard or ascending COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE696 -CAUTION- Profile changed to CAPS OFF (from CAPS ON)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE682 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON COB).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE697 to match the previous profile.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE698 -CAUTION- Profile changed to CAPS ON (from CAPS OFF)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE683 Data does not have ascending COBOL numbers.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE699 to match the previous profile.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE684 -CAUTION- Profile changed to NUMBER OFF (from NUMBER ON STD).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE700 -CAUTION- Profile changed to STATS ON (from STATS OFF) because ISRE712 -CAUTION- Profile changed to PACK OFF (from PACK ON) because

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE701 ISPF statistics already exist for this member.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE713 data was not in packed format.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE714 -CAUTION- Profile changed to PACK ON (from PACK OFF) because

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE702 -CAUTION- Profile is set to STATS ON. Statistics did not exist for

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE715 data was in packed format.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE703 this member, but will be generated if data is saved.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE716 -CAUTION- Profile changed to STATS OFF (from STATS ON)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE704 -CAUTION- Data contains invalid (non-display) characters. Use command

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE717 to match the previous profile.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE705 ===> FIND P. to position cursor to these characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE718 -CAUTION- Profile changed to STATS ON (from STATS OFF)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE706 -CAUTION- Profile changed to CAPS OFF (from CAPS ON) because data

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE719 to match the previous profile.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE707 contains lower case characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE720 Too many parameters - You may specify a member name and AFTER or BEFORE aaaaaaaa with MOVE command

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE708 -CAUTION- Profile changed to CAPS ON (from CAPS OFF) because the

Explanation: Too many parameters are specified for the MOVE command. User response: Remove the invalid parameter. ISRE721 Invalid parameter - You may specify a member name and AFTER or BEFORE followed by a aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE709 data does not contain any lower case characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE710 -CAUTION- Profile changed to STATS OFF (from STATS ON) because

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified. User response: Remove the invalid parameter and try again. ISRE722 ISRE711 ISPF statistics cannot be collected for sequential data sets. Destination is required - aaaaaaaa requires AFTER/BEFORE lptr. Member name is also required.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: The destination parameter was omitted. User response: Specify either AFTER or BEFORE and the member name.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE723 Member name is required - In a macro a member name, data set name and member, sequential data set name, or z/OS UNIX file pathname are required by aaaaaaaa command User response: Remove the invalid parameter and try the command again. ISRE730 STAE macro error - Unable to obtain storage for STAE macro, subpool 0 full.

Explanation: The member name was omitted. User response: Specify a valid member name.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE731 Invalid block size - Specified data set has zero block size.


Too many parameters - You may specify a member name, data set name and member, sequential data set name, or z/OS UNIX file pathname and aaaaaaaa range on a CREATE command.

Explanation: The specified data set has a block size of zero; this is invalid. User response: Either choose a different data set or change the block size. ISRE732 BLDL error - I/O error, insufficient virtual storage, or other BLDL error.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified. User response: Remove the invalid parameter. ISRE725 Invalid parameter - You may specify a member name, data set name and member, sequential data set name, or z/OS UNIX file pathname and aaaaaaaa range on a CREATE command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Request additional virtual storage. If the error recurs, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is a probable system failure. Isolate the reason for the failure. ISRE733 I/O error during read - Unable to read data.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified. User response: Remove the invalid parameter and try the CREATE command again. ISRE726 -CAUTION- Profile changed to STATS ON (from STATS EXT) because

Explanation: A failure occurred while attempting to read a data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is probably a system error. Isolate the error, contact IBM support. ISRE734 Member not found - The requested member was not found in the PDS directory(s).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE727 extended ISPF statistics do not exist for this member.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE728 Too many parameters - You may specify a member name, data set name and member, sequential data set name, or z/OS UNIX file pathname and an aaaaaaaa range with REPLACE command

Explanation: The member you specified was not found in the data set directory. User response: Verify that the member exists. ISRE735 Data set not partitioned - Member name specified, but the data set is not a partitioned data set.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified for the REPLACE command. User response: Remove the excess parameters and try the operation again. ISRE729 Invalid parameter - You may specify a member name, a data set name and member, sequential data set name, or z/OS UNIX file pathname and an aaaaaaaa range with REPLACE command

Explanation: If you specify a member name, the data set must be partitioned. User response: Either remove the member name or correct the data set name. ISRE736 Member list update error - Member name not added to member list. An error occurred during update.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified for the REPLACE command.

Explanation: The attempt to update the member list failed.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is likely the result of a system failure. Isolate the cause of the failure. ISRE737 Invalid member name - Member name aaaaaaaa not valid for partitioned data sets. operation again or correct the command. ISRE743 Command name invalid - aaaaaaaa is an invalid macro name; invalid SYSPROC member name.

Explanation: Either you entered an invalid command or macro name. User response: Correct the command or macro name. ISRE744 Error accessing macro - BLDL error accessing SYSPROC member aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An invalid member name was entered. User response: Correct the member name. ISRE738 Member aaaaaaaa created - aaaaaaaa was added to bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE739 Too many parameters - Too many parameters were entered with the scrolling command.

Explanation: A BLDL error was received when attempting to access the specified macro. User response: Contact your systems programmer. System programmer response: Isolate the system failure. ISRE745 Invalid command name - aaaaaaaa is not a valid edit command or macro name

Explanation: Too many parameters were entered for the SCROLL command. User response: Remove the invalid parameters. ISRE740 Command is not a macro - aaaaaaaa does not contain an ISREDIT MACRO statement.

Explanation: An invalid macro name or edit command was entered. User response: Correct the command or macro name. ISRE746 No command name found - ISREDIT was not followed by a command name

Explanation: The command you entered is not a valid edit macro. User response: Determine the correct edit macro name. If the edit macro name is correct, contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify the macro name, add an ISREDIT MACRO statement to the macro. ISRE741 Command not executed - An ISREDIT MACRO statement must precede any executable statements.

Explanation: The ISREDIT command was entered without the required command parameter. User response: Reenter the ISREDIT command with the correct command name. ISRE747 Invalid macro command - Parameter found outside parentheses and is not PROCESS/NOPROCESS.

Explanation: The macro name you entered does not have the ISREDIT MACRO statement as the first executable instruction. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify that the first executable instruction in the macro is the ISREDIT MACRO instruction. ISRE742 System error, no SYSPROC - Command is invalid or a macro. Macros require an allocated SYSPROC.

Explanation: PROCESS or NOPROCESS is probably misspelled. User response: Correct the macro command. ISRE748 Parameters are invalid - The aaaaaaaa macro command must be specified without parameters.

Explanation: Additional parameters were specified that are not allowed for this service. User response: Remove the invalid parameters. ISRE749 MACRO command is invalid - The MACRO command must be specified only once in a macro.

Explanation: Either you entered an invalid command or you requested that a macro be run but did not first allocate a SYSPROC. User response: Allocate a SYSPROC and attempt the

Explanation: The macro that was specified has multiple MACRO statements.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the macro logic. ISRE750 No space in directory - PDS directory is full, allocate more directory blocks. ISRE755 System abend aaaaaaaa - Data was not saved due to abend. Press Help key for further information.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: See MVS Message Library: System Codes for an explanation of the abend code if the tutorial panel was not sufficient help. ISRE756 Invalid command - The only valid command is LOCATE (L).

Explanation: The data set you specified has no more directory space for entries. User response: Reallocate the data set with additional directory entries. ISRE751 I/O error during STOW - Permanent I/O error occurred updating directory block.

Explanation: An invalid command was entered for this panel. User response: Change the command to LOCATE member or L member. ISRE757 Either the member name was not found in the PDS directory(s) or the data set name is not cataloged.

Explanation: An attempt to write directory information resulted in an error. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This likely is the result of a system failure. Isolate the cause for the STOW error. ISRE752 I/O error during STOW - Permanent I/O error occurred writing EOF mark after member.

Explanation: The member or data set requested for the copy could not be found. User response: Change the member name or data set name. ISRE758 Insufficient storage - Not enough storage is available to update directory (using STOW).

Explanation: An attempt to write the end-of-file marker resulted in an error. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This likely is the result of a system failure. Isolate the cause of the error. ISRE753 Truncation warning. The data you are editing is variable length data with at least one record that ends with a blank. Saving the data will result in removal of any trailing blanks from all records. You can issue the PRESERVE ON command if you dont want the blanks removed.

Explanation: STOW failed due to insufficient virtual memory. User response: Try this operation again later. If the error recurs, contact your systems programmer. System programmer response: If this is a recurring error, verify that a system failure is not occurring. ISRE759 aaaaaaaa input error - VPUT failed to set variable bbbbbbbb to value cccccccc

Explanation: The data being edited contains variable length records, and one or more of these records ends with a blank. If you use the Edit SAVE or END command to save the data, the editor will remove any trailing blanks from each record prior to writing the record. Blanks will be removed regardless of whether an individual record was modified during the edit session. Issuing the PRESERVE ON command will tell the editor not to strip the blanks off the records. ISRE754 I/O error during write - Unable to write data.

Explanation: An ISPF internal VPUT failed to set variable bbbbbbbb in an edit macro. Possible causes for this in a program macro are: v The value is longer than the variable VDEFINEd in the program. v The value cannot be stored as the type VDEFINEd in the program. Additional possibilities, applicable to all types of macros, are: v The length of all variables in the variable pool exceeds 32K. v There is an error in your profile table (I/O or internal format). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check for the problems shown. If none of these problems exists, contact IBM service.

Explanation: STOW with replace failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This likely is the result of a system failure. Isolate the cause of the failure.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE760 Too many parameters - The member name is the only valid parameter for the EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE commands. ISRE765 Member name not allowed - A member name cannot be specified when editing, viewing, or browsing a sequential data set.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified for the EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE commands. The EDIT, VIEW, and BROWSE commands allow only the member name as a parameter. User response: Remove the extraneous parameters and try the command again. ISRE761 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for the EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE command.

Explanation: The EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE command cannot be invoked with a member name when a sequential data set is being edited, viewed, or browsed. User response: Specify EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE with no member name and try again. ISRE766 Variable process error - Error occurred processing a variable in the EDIT or VIEW command.

Explanation: An extra or invalid parameter was specified for the EDIT VIEW, or BROWSE command. The EDIT, VIEW, and BROWSE commands allow only the member name as a parameter. User response: Remove the invalid parameter and try the command again. ISRE762 Member/filename omitted - Required member/filename parameter not specified for EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE command.

Explanation: A severe internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE767 EDIT or VIEW not allowed - Recursive entry to edit or view is not allowed when recovery session is active.

Explanation: The member name or file name is required to use the EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE command. User response: Specify a member name or file name when using the EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE command. ISRE763 Invalid member name - Member name aaaaaaaa must be alphanumeric chars, starting with alpha.

Explanation: The EDIT and VIEW commands are not allowed because recovery is being processed on this screen. The recovery process needs to be completed before creation of a new recovery data set. User response: End edit or view recovery before using the EDIT or VIEW command. ISRE768 EDIT or VIEW table error - A table error was encountered while processing EDIT or VIEW command.

Explanation: A severe internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE769 Message line error - An error was encountered while trying to format a message line.

Explanation: The member name is invalid for the EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE command. User response: The member name must contain alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character. Correct the member name and try the command again. ISRE764 Invalid member name - Member name aaaaaaaa exceeds 8-character allowable length.

Explanation: The message line could not be formatted. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE770 Too many parameters - The edit primary NOP command allows no parameters.

Explanation: The member name is invalid for the EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE command. User response: The member name may not exceed 8 characters. Correct the member name and try the command again.

Explanation: Parameters are not allowed for the edit primary NOP command. User response: Remove the parameters and try the command again.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE771 Too many parameters - The edit primary MACRO command allows no parameters. ISRE777 Error updating directory - STOW failed. Return code=aaaaaaaa Reason code=bbbbbbbb (xcccccccc).

Explanation: Parameters are not allowed for the edit primary MACRO command. User response: Remove the parameters and try the command again. ISRE772 No parameters - The edit scrolling macro requires MAX/CSR/PAGE/HALF/ DATA or amount.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Increase the size of the directory. ISRE778 System abend aaaaaaaa - An abend occurred while attempting to save the data. The previous information in the target sequential data set has been overwritten. The CANCEL command will not restore the data in the data set. Press Help for further information.

Explanation: The parameter for the macro was invalid. User response: Valid parameters are MAX, CSR, PAGE, HALF, DATA, or the actual amount. ISRE773 Data panel error - A severe error occurred trying to process data display panel through PQUERY.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE774 Storage allocation error - A severe error occurred trying to GETMAIN storage for edit data display.

Explanation: An abend has occurred while attempting to save data. If the ABEND code specified was B37, D37, or E37, there is no space on the disk pack or there is no space in the data set to store the data. If an x37 ABEND occurred writing to a sequential data set, that data set has been overwritten. The CANCEL command will not restore the original contents. If UNDO is available, you may be able to undo all of your changes and SAVE the data set to restore its original contents. User response: From within the edit session (the edit data display screen) you may: v Split the screen and reallocate the data set. v Enter the CREATE or REPLACE command to save into another data set. v Enter the CANCEL primary command to exit from EDIT without saving. From the create or replace menus you may: v Split the screen and reallocate the data set v Use END from the create or replace menu to exit without saving the data. ISRE779 Panel not found - The panel name specified in the PANEL field for EDIT/VIEW could not be found.

Explanation: Storage could not be obtained to display the edit data. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE775 Severe display error - A severe error occurred in trying to display the edit data

Explanation: A severe error has occurred while trying to display the edit data. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE776 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter specified with this command.

Explanation: The EDIT service was invoked, passing the name of a panel to be used when displaying the edit data. The panel does not exist in the current ISPPLIB concatenation. User response: Determine what data set the panel exists in, then modify your ISPF allocation CLIST or logon proc to contain that data set. ISRE780 Too many parameters - Do not specify parameters with the RFIND command.

Explanation: An extraneous or invalid parameter was specified with this command. User response: Remove the extraneous parameter or correct the invalid parameter and try the command again.

Explanation: Parameters were specified with the RFIND command, but parameters are not allowed. User response: Remove the parameters and try the command again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE781 Too many parameters - Do not specify parameters with the RCHANGE command. ISRE787 extended ISPF statistics already exist for this member.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE788 Member name required - Member name is required for this partitioned data set.

Explanation: Parameters were specified with the RCHANGE command, but parameters are not allowed. User response: Remove the parameters and try the command again. ISRE782 Issue a change command - RCHANGE command works only after a valid CHANGE command is issued.

Explanation: Add a member name to complete the specification of the partitioned data set indicated by the cursor. User response: Specify the member name and retry. Browse the data set if you are uncertain which member is correct. ISRE789 Invalid data ID request - Only one data ID can be automatically generated per edit recursion level.

Explanation: The RCHANGE command was issued, but no CHANGE command was issued previously. User response: Issue a CHANGE command before issuing the RCHANGE command. ISRE783 Issue a FIND command - RFIND command works only after a valid FIND command is issued.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE790 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the LABEL command.

Explanation: The RFIND command was issued, but no FIND command was issued previously. User response: Issue a FIND command before issuing the RFIND command. ISRE784 Level out of range - The level parameter must be a positive number from 0 to 255.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified for the LABEL command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify the correct number of parameters for the LABEL command. ISRE791 Invalid label name - aaaaaaaa is an invalid label name specified in the LABEL command.

Explanation: The level parameter specified was not in the range 0 to 255. User response: Enter a value for the LEVEL parameter from 0 to 255 and try the command again. ISRE785 Invalid data sets - When comparing any data set to a one which does not have a fixed record length, neither data set can have a record length greater than 32756.

Explanation: The label name is invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify a valid label name in the LABEL command. The label name must begin with a period followed by 1 to 8 alphabetic characters, the first of which must not be Z. ISRE792 No label found - No label is associated with the line specified in the LABEL command.

Explanation: The Edit Compare command does not allow comparisons of files when one or both of the files has a logical record length greater than 32756 and at least one of the files has a record format of variable(V) or unblocked(U). User response: If you need to compare the files, use the SuperC utility to produce a listing instead of using the edit COMPARE command. ISRE786 -CAUTION- Profile changed to STATS EXT (from STATS OFF) because

Explanation: There is no label associated with the line specified in the LABEL command. User response: Specify a label for the line. ISRE793 Invalid label name - Name started with reserved character Z

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: The label name started with the character Z, which is reserved for editor-defined labels. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


Programmer response: Specify a valid label name that does not start with Z. ISRE794 Label name missing - Required label name parm not correctly specified for LABEL command. Programmer response: Specify a number from 0 to 255 for the level parameter. ISRE800 Edit profile unavailable - Edit profile table member aaaaaaaa could not be created or read. It may already be in use by you or another user. Edit will run with a default profile. Changes made to the edit profile will not be saved.

Explanation: The label name is missing. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify a label name for the LABEL command. ISRE795 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for LABEL command.

Explanation: The edit profile table could not be read or created. User response: Exit the application and try again. If this message still appears, attempt to compress the profile data set, or delete the edit profile table. ISRE801 Edit table not open - Table aaaaaaaa is not open. Table service RC=bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE796 Invalid line pointer - The line pointer specified for the LABEL command does not exist.

Explanation: The edit profile table is not open. User response: Exit the application and try again. If this message still appears, attempt to compress the profile data set, or delete the edit profile table. ISRE802 Invalid edit table - Table aaaaaaaa contains invalid variable(s). Table service RC=bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The line number specified on the LABEL command does not exist. ISRE797 Required parm missing - Too few parameters were specified for the LABEL command.

Explanation: The edit profile table contains invalid variables. User response: Delete the edit profile table from the profile data set. ISRE803 Edit profile error - Changes to any edit profile will not be saved on disk this edit session.

Explanation: There were too few parameters specified for the LABEL command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify all required parameters for the LABEL command. ISRE798 Invalid keyphrase - The LABEL command requires the keyphrase: LABEL LINE-POINTER.

Explanation: There was an error in the edit profile. Any changes to the edit profile will not be saved in this edit session. User response: Exit the application and try again. If this message still appears, attempt to compress the profile data set, or delete the edit profile table. ISRE804 Invalid label - A label name assigned to level 0 has more than 5 characters following the period.

Explanation: The LABEL command must contain the phrase LABEL LINE-POINTER. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the LABEL command to contain the phrase LABEL LINE-POINTER. ISRE799 Invalid parameter - The optional level parameter of the LABEL command must be numeric.

Explanation: A label name assigned to level 0 must have only 5 characters following the period. The label name being assigned has more than 5 characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the label statement to assign a label name of 5 characters or fewer following the period.

Explanation: The level parameter was not numeric. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.


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ISRE805 Label not allowed - Label names can only be entered on data lines. User response: Contact the System Programmer System programmer response: Insure that the PDFCUNIT field in the configuration table ISRCONFG points to a valid unit which can allocate a 50 track temporary data set. ISRE810 ISRE806 Member not allowed - Specifying a member is only allowed for a partitioned data set. Internal error - Contact your systems developer for the reason for this error.

Explanation: A label name was entered on a line other than a data line. User response: Enter the label name on a data line.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE811 Label missing - Two labels must be entered to indicate a range for the aaaaaaaa command.

| | |

Explanation: A member name was specified for the CREATE, REPLACE, MOVE, or COPY command, but the data set is not partitioned, or a member name was specified for the SYSIN file for the COMPARE command when the data set is sequential. User response: Specify the command without a member name. ISRE807 Error: File changed - This member has changed since the edit session began. Save the data and reissue the COMPARE function. If you do not want to save the data, use the CREATE or REPLACE command to save it to a temporary location and use the COMPARE command while editing that temporary file.

Explanation: Two labels are required to indicate a range for this command. User response: Specify two labels for the range and try the command again. ISRE812 Some lines not xd - Line(s) were not excluded that contained pending line command(s).

Explanation: The COMPARE service was issued in an edit session where the data was changed. The data in the edit session must exist on disk the same as it does in the edit session for the COMPARE command to function. Therefore, compare is only valid before the data is changed in the editor. User response: Save the data and reissue the COMPARE function. If you do not want to save the data, use the CREATE or REPLACE command to save it to a temporary location and use the COMPARE command while editing that temporary file. ISRE808 Parameters required - The COMPARE macro command requires parameters.

Explanation: Lines that contained pending line commands were not excluded. User response: Execute the line commands before excluding the lines. ISRE813 Open error - An error occurred while trying to open the PDS.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE814 I/O error - I/O error while trying to build the member list.

Explanation: The COMPARE edit macro command was issued without parameters. In an edit macro, the COMPARE parameter requires parameters since edit macro commands do not display panels. User response: Contact the author of the edit macro. Programmer response: Change the edit macro to include parameters on the COMPARE macro command. ISRE809 File allocation error - The temporary SuperC delta file could not be allocated.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE815 All lines excluded - aaaaaaaa lines were excluded

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE816 Range excluded - aaaaaaaa lines were excluded in range bbbbbbbb to cccccccc.

Explanation: An allocation error occurred creating the SuperC delta file.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE817 No lines excluded - aaaaaaaa lines met EXCLUDE criteria parameter for the PACK command and try the command again. ISRE824 Required parm missing - NOWARN parameter not accepted without OFF keyword being specified.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE818 BLDL error - I/O error, insufficient virtual storage, or other BLDL error.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE819 No members in data set - The PDS specified contains no members.

Explanation: The OFF keyword must be specified with the NOWARN parameter. User response: Specify the OFF keyword with the NOWARN parameter and try the command again. ISRE825 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) not recognized for the PACK command.

Explanation: There are no members in the data set being accessed. User response: Specify a data set that has members and try the command again. ISRE820 Too many parameters - ON/OFF are the only valid parameters for the PACK command.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE826 Required parm missing - WARN parameter not accepted without OFF keyword being specified.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified for the PACK command. User response: Specify ON or OFF as the parameter for the PACK command and try the command again. ISRE821 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be entered with PACK command.

Explanation: The OFF keyword must be specified with the WARN parameter. User response: Specify the OFF keyword with the WARN parameter and try the command again. ISRE827 Inconsistent parameters - ON and PROMPT cannot both be specified for the AUTOSAVE command.

Explanation: The parameters entered for the PACK command are not consistent. User response: Enter either ON or OFF as the parameter for the PACK command and try the command again. ISRE822 Parameter unrecognized - ON/OFF are the only valid parameters for the PACK command.

Explanation: The parameters specified for the AUTOSAVE command were not consistent. User response: Specify either ON or PROMPT as parameters for the AUTOSAVE command and try the command again. ISRE828 Required parm missing - NOPROMPT parameter not accepted without OFF keyword being specified.

Explanation: The parameter specified for the PACK command is invalid. User response: Specify either ON or OFF as the parameter for the PACK command and try the command again. ISRE823 Invalid parameter - ON/OFF are the only valid parameters for the PACK command.

Explanation: The OFF keyword must be specified with the NOPROMPT parameter. User response: Specify the OFF keyword with the NOPROMPT parameter and try the command again. ISRE829 Data not saved by END - AUTOSAVE OFF NOPROMPT: Data changes not saved automatically by END command.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: The parameter specified for the PACK command is invalid. User response: Specify either ON or OFF as the


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ISRE830 aaaaaaaa label invalid - Labels must be alphabetic characters only. area that contains a data line. ISRE836 Invalid process request - End user input previously processed. Specify NOPROCESS on macro command.

Explanation: The label aaaaaaaa must be alphabetic characters only. User response: Respecify the label to contain only alphabetic characters. ISRE831 aaaaaaaa label invalid - Labels starting with .Z are reserved for system use.

Explanation: Input was previously processed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify NOPROCESS on the macro command before using the PROCESS macro command. ISRE837 Missing variable name - Information cannot be returned in a variable: no variable name found.

Explanation: The label name started with the character Z, which is reserved for editor-defined labels. User response: Specify a valid label name that does not start with Z. ISRE832 aaaaaaaa name invalid - Command name is greater than 6, the length of the line command area.

Explanation: No variable name was specified in which to return information. User response: Supply a variable name with the command and try again. ISRE838 Member not replaced - The Replace command was not confirmed.

Explanation: The line command name used in the PROCESS macro command is greater than six characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the line command name used in the PROCESS macro command. ISRE833 Range name is missing - Process RANGE keyword requires one line command name to be specified.

Explanation: The Confirm Replace panel was displayed at the users request. The user chose not to Replace the member by entering the End command. ISRE839 Member not created - Member already existed. The Create command was not confirmed.

Explanation: No line command name was specified with the RANGE keyword in the PROCESS macro command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify a line command name for the RANGE keyword in the PROCESS macro command. ISRE834 Unrecognized parameter - PROCESS parm is not RANGE or DEST keyword: PROCESS <DEST> <RANGE cmdname>

Explanation: The Confirm Create panel was displayed at the users request. The user chose not to replace the member by entering the END command. The Confirm Create panel is only displayed if there is a member in the lowest level library with the same name requested by the create command, and if confirm replace was chosen. ISRE840 Too many parameters - A version number is the only valid parameter for the VERSION command.

Explanation: An unrecognized parameter was entered for the PROCESS macro command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the PROCESS macro command to use the RANGE and DEST keywords. ISRE835 Command on invalid line - Place aaaaaaaa line command in command area associated with a data line.

Explanation: The VERSION command allows only a version number as a parameter. User response: Specify only a version number for the VERSION command and try the command again. ISRE841 Parameter unrecognized - A version number is the only valid parameter for the VERSION command.

Explanation: The parameter specified for the VERSION command is invalid. User response: Specify a version number as a parameter for the VERSION command and try the command again.
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Explanation: The command is on an invalid line. User response: Place the line command in a command


ISRE842 Invalid parameter - A version number is the only valid parameter for the VERSION command. and try the command again. ISRE848 Parameter unrecognized - ON/OFF and PROMPT/NOPROMPT are the only valid AUTOSAVE parameters.

Explanation: The parameter specified for the VERSION command is invalid. User response: Specify a version number as the parameter for the VERSION command and try the command again. ISRE843 Required parm missing - A version number parameter is required for the VERSION command.

Explanation: The parameter specified for the AUTOSAVE command is not valid. User response: Specify ON/OFF and PROMPT/NOPROMPT for the AUTOSAVE command and try the command again. ISRE849 Invalid parameter - ON/OFF and PROMPT/NOPROMPT are the only valid AUTOSAVE parameters.

Explanation: The version number parameter is required for the VERSION command. User response: Specify a version number as the parameter for the VERSION command and try the command again. ISRE844 Invalid version number - The specified version number must be in the range: 1-99.

Explanation: The parameter specified for the AUTOSAVE command is not valid. User response: Specify ON or OFF and PROMPT or NOPROMPT for the AUTOSAVE command and try the command again. ISRE850 Too many parameters - A modification level number is the only valid parm for the LEVEL command.

Explanation: The version number specified for the VERSION command is invalid. User response: Specify a version number from 1 to 99 for the VERSION command and try the command again. ISRE845 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) is unrecognized for the AUTOSAVE command.

Explanation: The LEVEL command has too many parameters. Only one parameter in the range 0-99 is accepted. User response: Issue the LEVEL command with one parameter in the range 0-99. ISRE851 Invalid modlevel number - A valid specification for LEVEL is in the range 0-99.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRE846 Too many parameters - ON/OFF and PROMPT/NOPROMPT are the only valid AUTOSAVE parameters.

Explanation: The LEVEL command parameter is out of range. It must be in the range 0-99. User response: Issue the LEVEL command with one parameter in the range 0-99. ISRE852 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) not recognized for the LEVEL command.

Explanation: Too many parameters were specified for the AUTOSAVE command. User response: Specify ON or OFF and PROMPT or NOPROMPT for the AUTOSAVE command and try the command again. ISRE847 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified on the AUTOSAVE command.

Explanation: The setting of the modification level or the retrieval of the modification level for assignment to a variable failed. The LEVEL macro command may not have been properly used. User response: Contact programmer of the dialog that uses the LEVEL macro command. Programmer response: Check the syntax of the LEVEL macro command for errors.

Explanation: Inconsistent parameters were specified for the AUTOSAVE command. User response: Specify one but not both of the inconsistent parameters for the AUTOSAVE command


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ISRE853 Invalid parameter - The only valid parameter for the LEVEL command is a number (0-99). ISRE859 Data set not replaced - The Replace command was not confirmed.

Explanation: The LEVEL command parameter is invalid. It must be a number in the range 0-99. User response: Issue the LEVEL command with one parameter in the range 0-99. ISRE854 Required parm missing - The LEVEL command requires a numeric parameter in the range 0-99. Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) not recognized for the VERSION command.

Explanation: The Confirm Replace panel was displayed at the users request. The user chose not to Replace the data set by entering the End command. ISRE860 Too many parameters - The only valid parameter for the IMACRO command is a name or NONE.

Explanation: More than one parameter was entered for the IMACRO command. The only valid parameter for the IMACRO command is a name or NONE. User response: Reissue the IMACRO command with a name or NONE as the only parameter. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an ISREDIT macro command that assigns too many parameters to IMACRO. ISRE861 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) not recognized for the IMACRO command.


Explanation: The setting of the version number or the retrieval of the version number for assignment to a variable failed. The VERSION macro command may not have been properly used. User response: Contact programmer of the dialog that uses the VERSION edit macro. Programmer response: Check the syntax of the VERSION macro command for errors. ISRE856 Invalid macro command CTL_LIBRARY is no longer a valid Edit macro command with the removal of LMF.

Explanation: Assignment type (GET/SET) was not recognized for an ISREDIT macro command. The value of IMACRO was being retrieved to a variable (GET) or being assigned a value (SET). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an incorrect ISREDIT macro command that references IMACRO. System programmer response: Examine the invocation of the edit macro for a possible read (GET) or write (SET) error. ISRE862 Invalid parameter - The only valid parameter for the IMACRO command is a name or NONE.

Explanation: The Library Management Facility (LMF) has been removed from ISPF. The CTL_LIBRARY Edit macro command supported LMF and has been removed as well. ISRE858 Command not found - The aaaaaaaa program macro could not be loaded.

Explanation: The load module was not found or the load module was marked not executable. User response: Make sure the load module name was spelled correctly. Contact the load module programmer if the load module name was spelled correctly. Programmer response: The load module may need to be relinked if it was marked not executable. The load module may need to be added to the proper library if it was not located by the system. System programmer response: The load module may be in a library that is not concatenated in the user environment. In this case, the library concatenation for the user may need to be changed in order to find the appropriate library.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE863 Required parm missing - The IMACRO command requires an initial macro name as a parameter.

Explanation: No parameter was specified for a macro name. User response: Reissue the IMACRO command with a macro name or NONE. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an ISREDIT macro command that is not assigning any parameter to IMACRO.

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ISRE864 Invalid macro name - aaaaaaaa specified for the IMACRO command is an invalid macro name. ISRE868 Some data not processed - The files are different, but additional differences may not be shown. Options were selected on the Edit Compare Settings panel which may cause some data to be ignored during the comparison. This file was compared to aaa(56).

Explanation: An invalid macro name was specified. Valid parameters are a valid macro name or NONE. User response: Reissue the IMACRO command with a valid macro name or NONE. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an ISREDIT macro command that assigns an invalid macro name to IMACRO. ISRE865 Invalid macro name - The length of name aaaaaaaa specified for the IMACRO command is invalid.

Explanation: The number of characters in the macro name for the IMACRO command exceeds the maximum length for a name. User response: Reissue the IMACRO command with a macro name of the appropriate length. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an ISREDIT macro command that is assigning a macro name of inappropriate length to IMACRO. ISRE866 Imacro name not accepted - A new IMACRO name will not be accepted while the profile is locked.

Explanation: The COMPARE edit command detected differences. However options were selected on the Edit Compare Settings Panel which filtered the input to the compare program. As a result, some differences may have been ignored during the compare and may not be highlighted in the editor. Comments on the current file may not be marked as different. Reformatted lines may not be marked as different. Comments in the compared file may not be shown at all. Case differences may not be shown at all. User response: No action is required unless you are using the COMPARE command to merge changes from another file. If you are using the COMPARE command to merge changes from another file, you may want to deselect all of the dont process options on the Edit Compare Settings panel and run the COMPARE command again. To deselect the dont process options, type COMPARE with no parameters on the command line and press Enter. ISRE869 Data set not allocated - In a macro the target data set must be allocated for the aaaaaaaa command

Explanation: IMACRO command is not permitted when the edit profile is locked. User response: Unlock the profile and issue the IMACRO command again. Contact the responsible programmer if the IMACRO command is in an edit macro and the profile will not unlock. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro. The profile must be unlocked in order to issue the IMACRO command successfully. ISRE867 SETUNDO unavailable - The SETUNDO command has not been enabled by your system programmer.

Explanation: The data set name specified is not allocated. User response: Specify a data set that has been allocated. ISRE870 Too many parameters - The only valid parameter for the RMACRO command is a name or NONE.

Explanation: The SETUNDO command is only available if the function has been enabled by your system programmer. SETUNDO is enabled by way of the PDF configuration table. User response: Turn Recovery on to enable UNDO support. System programmer response: To enable the SETUNDO command, change the value UNDOSIZE to a nonzero value in the PDF configuration table.

Explanation: More than one parameter was entered for the RMACRO command. The only valid parameter for the RMACRO command is a name or NONE. User response: Reissue the RMACRO command with a name or NONE as the only parameter. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an ISREDIT macro command that assigns too many parameters to RMACRO. ISRE871 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) not recognized for the RMACRO command.

Explanation: Assignment type (GET/SET) is not recognized for an ISREDIT macro command. The value of RMACRO is being retrieved to a variable (GET) or


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being assigned a value (SET). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an incorrect ISREDIT macro command that references RMACRO. System programmer response: Examine the invocation of the edit macro for a possible read (GET) or write (SET) error. ISRE872 Invalid parameter - The only valid parameter for the RMACRO command is a name or NONE. ISRE876 Too many parameters - You may specify one or two labels on the FLIP command.

Explanation: The FLIP command was issued with more than two labels. User response: Reissue the FLIP command with zero, one, or two labels. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for a FLIP command with more than two labels. ISRE877 Invalid parameter - You may specify one or two labels on the FLIP command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE873 Required parm missing - The RMACRO command requires a recovery macro name as a parameter.

Explanation: The FLIP command may be specified with zero, one, or two labels. One of the parameters specified with the FLIP command is not a valid label. User response: Reissue the FLIP command with zero, one, or two valid labels. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for a FLIP command with an invalid label. ISRE878 Member not moved - The Move command was not confirmed.

Explanation: No parameter is specified for a recovery macro name or NONE. User response: Reissue the RMACRO command with a recovery macro name or NONE. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an ISREDIT macro command that is not assigning any parameter to RMACRO. ISRE874 Invalid macro name - aaaaaaaa specified for the RMACRO command is an invalid macro name.

Explanation: The Confirm Move panel was displayed at the users request. The user chose not to move the member by entering the END command. The Confirm Move panel is only displayed if there is a member in the lowest level library with the same name requested by the move command, and if confirm move was chosen. ISRE879 Data set not moved - The Move command was not confirmed.

Explanation: An invalid macro name was specified. Valid parameters are either a valid macro name or NONE. User response: Reissue the RMACRO command with a valid macro name or NONE. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an ISREDIT macro command that assigns an invalid macro name to RMACRO. ISRE875 Invalid macro name - The length of name aaaaaaaa specified for the RMACRO command is invalid.

Explanation: The Confirm Move panel was displayed at the users request. The user chose not to move the data set by entering the END command. The Confirm Move panel is only displayed if confirm move was chosen. ISRE880 Model class error - Too many parameters entered. The correct format is: MODEL CLASS NAME.

Explanation: The number of characters in the macro name for the RMACRO command exceeds the maximum length for a name. User response: Reissue the RMACRO command with a macro name of the appropriate length. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an ISREDIT macro command that is assigning a macro name of inappropriate length to RMACRO.

Explanation: The MODEL macro command was issued with too many parameters. The correct syntax is MODEL CLASS NAME. User response: Reissue the MODEL command with the correct syntax. ISRE881 Member not found - Model member aaaaaaaa. was not found in ISPSLIB skeleton library.

Explanation: The name of a member in a skeleton library was not found. The name may be misspelled or the member may not be present in the skeleton library.
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User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the panel member for a misspelled name and the skeleton library for a missing member. Problem determination: The skeleton member name may be misspelled in the panel member or be missing from the skeleton library. ISRE882 Member selection failed - Error received during selection panel process to determine a model. ISRE886 DVPUT returning error - DVPUT to set a variable for model function fails.

Explanation: An ISPF system error, installation error, or unrecoverable I/O error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRE887 DVDEF returning error - When defining variables for model function fails.

Explanation: An ISPF system error, installation error, or unrecoverable I/O error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRE888 DVGET returning error - Attempt to retrieve variable for model function fails.

Explanation: The MODEL command was issued with a member name for the message class. Since there is only one model for messages, the concatenation of the class and the specified member name resulted in the error. User response: Reissue the MODEL command without specifying a member name. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for a MODEL command that specifies a member name for the message class. ISRE883 I/O error reading member - Error received during read for requested model.

Explanation: An ISPF system error, installation error, or unrecoverable I/O error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRE889 Invalid model class name - Name is too long; it may contain a maximum of eight characters.

Explanation: An I/O error was received during read for the requested model. User response: Reissue the MODEL command. Contact the system programmer if the error persists. System programmer response: Examine the model data set for corruption. Use data set recovery techniques if the model data set is not usable. Problem determination: The model data set may be corrupted. Use standard I/O error problem determination techniques. ISRE884 Model command pending - An A or B line command or a valid label has not been specified.

Explanation: A model class name was entered that exceeds 8 characters in length. User response: Reissue the MODEL command with a class name of the proper length. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for ISREDIT MODEL CLASS name where name is greater than 8 characters in length. ISRE890 Probable macro loop - Macros are nested 255 levels deep. Check recursive invocations.

Explanation: Each macro operates on a separate level. A person at the keyboard always operates at level 0. Macros started by that person operate at level 1. Macros started by macros at level n will operate at level n+1. The limit on the number of levels is 255. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the macro or macros to remove repetitive starts of the same macro. A design change is required if there are more than 254 macro starts. Problem determination: This statement may be added to the macro (or macros): ISREDIT (varname) = MACRO_LEVEL A WRITE statement to display varname may assist in monitoring macro levels for problem determination.

Explanation: A MODEL command was issued without specifying where to place the model. An A or B line command or a valid label has not been specified. User response: Specify an A or B line command or a valid label. ISRE885 Model class changed - Model class is now set to aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message indicating that the model class has been changed. This message may appear after issuing the MODEL CLASS command and selecting a different class.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE891 aaaaaaaa macro error - aaaaaaaa macro set a return code of bbbbbbbb incorrect command syntax, execution of the wrong version of the command, or errors in the command itself. Problem determination: Examine the edit macro for incorrect parameters specified by the user, incorrect command specification in the edit macro, and incorrect version of the command to be executed. ISRE895 aaaaaaaa macro error - Command after an END or CANCEL or a severe error was not executed.

Explanation: The EDIT macro set a return code greater than 11. Return codes greater than 11 are considered error codes. User response: Determine the cause of the error. Contact the programmer if the error code should be less than 12. Programmer response: The code may be changed if the return code should be less than 12. ISRE892 Macro command error PROCESS/NOPROCESS keywords specified more than once on macro command.

Explanation: An ISREDIT or ISPEXEC statement follows and END, CANCEL or a severe error, and was not executed. User response: Reissue the edit macro after removing the cause of the severe error. Contact the responsible programmer if there was no severe error. Programmer response: In the situation of no severe error, the edit macro may be changed so that the macro exits after the END or CANCEL. ISRE896 Invalid define request - It is invalid to assign an alias for a command/macro that is NOPed.

Explanation: Multiple PROCESS/NOPROCESS keywords have been recognized on the macro command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The edit macro MACRO command must have only one PROCESS/NOPROCESS keyword. Change the MACRO command so that there is only one PROCESS/NOPROCESS keyword. Problem determination: Multiple PROCESS/NOPROCESS keywords are recognized when they are separated by a parameter string. Without a parameter string separation the first keyword will be used and the others will be ignored without an error message. ISRE893 Macro command error - No ending parenthesis found to delimit macro parameters.

Explanation: The DEFINE command may be used to make a name inoperable (NOP). The DEFINE command may not be used to identify a name as an alias of a name that is inoperable (NOP). User response: The DEFINE command may be used to make inoperable names operable through the use of RESET. The DEFINE command may then be used to assign an alias to an operable name. ISRE897 Model member missing - The model member desired must be specified on the MODEL macro command.

Explanation: The MACRO command parameters are not delimited by an ending parenthesis. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the MACRO command in the edit macro so the parameters have an ending parenthesis. ISRE894 aaaaaaaa macro error - Command as entered: bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The MODEL macro command requires the name of the model to be copied. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The edit macro may contain a MODEL macro command that does not specify the name of the model to be copied. The edit macro code may be changed so that the name of a model is specified as part of the MODEL macro command. Problem determination: Examine the edit macro for MODEL commands that do not specify the name of a model. ISRE898 Member not found - Model aaaaaaaa was not found in ISPSLIB skeleton library.

Explanation: A command in an edit macro ended in error. User response: Examine the parameters (if any) specified for the edit macro. Invalid parameters passed to commands in the edit macro may cause an error. Contact the edit macro programmer for additional assistance. Programmer response: A command in an edit macro ended in error. If the parameters passed to the command are correct then the problem may be with

Explanation: The name of the model specified on the MODEL macro command was not found in the ISPSLIB
Chapter 2. PDF messages


skeleton library. The model may be missing from the library or the model name may be misspelled. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The edit macro may need to be corrected with a proper spelling of the model name, or the model may need to be added to the ISPSLIB skeleton library. Problem determination: Examine the edit macro for a misspelled model name. If the model name is spelled properly, then the model may need to be added to the ISPSLIB skeleton library. ISRE899 Class name not specified - The class name desired must be specified on the MODEL macro command. be a problem with the data being read. ISRE902 aaaaaaaa too large - Insufficient storage to read in bbbbbbbb at this time.

Explanation: An out of storage situation has been detected. There is insufficient storage for a GETMAIN. User response: The region size may need to be increased. Contact the system programmer if increased region size does not solve the problem, or if the region size is already at the maximum limit. System programmer response: Examine the data set or z/OS UNIX file to see if it is too large for the user environment. A larger region size may solve the problem. ISRE903 I/O error reading data - I/O error occurred reading the edit data.

Explanation: The MODEL macro command class syntax requires specification of a class name. There was no class name specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The edit macro may contain a MODEL command that does not specify a class name as per the macro command class name syntax. Change the macro so a class name is specified on the MODEL CLASS command. Problem determination: Examine the edit macro for a missing class name on the MODEL CLASS command. ISRE900 Invalid IMACRO name - Name must follow member name rules or start with ! followed by a valid name

Explanation: An I/O error with a return code of 16 was encountered. This is an ISPF system error, installation error, or unrecoverable I/O error. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Investigate the cause of the I/O error. ISRE904 I/O error reading data - I/O error occurred reading the edit data. Check data set block sizes.

Explanation: An error occurred while reading the edit data. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Investigate the cause of the I/O error. Problem determination: This should not be a packed data problem as errors from packed data result in a different message. The data set block sizes may be causing the error. ISRE905 Invalid EDIT/VIEW parm - Password is not allowed when DATAID is specified.

Explanation: The IMACRO command saves the name of an initial macro in the current edit profile. A value of NONE specifies that no macro is to be run at the beginning of each edit session. The name must follow the rules for a member name or start with an exclamation mark ! followed by a valid name. User response: Reissue the IMACRO command with NONE or a valid name. Contact the edit macro programmer if the IMACRO command is issued in an edit macro. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for an IMACRO command with an invalid name. Replace the invalid name with a valid name. ISRE901 Severe error - Unexpected return code from the dialog supplied read routine.

Explanation: A password and DATAID are present. A password is not allowed with a DATAID. User response: Contact the programmer of the dialog that invokes the EDIT or VIEW service. Programmer response: Correct the dialog so that a password is not present with a DATAID. ISRE906 Invalid EDIT/VIEW parm - Data set specified is sequential, but member parm has been coded.

Explanation: An unexpected return code was received from the dialog supplied read routine. Expected return codes are 0, 8, 16, and 20. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: The dialog supplied read routine should be examined for errors. There may

Explanation: A member is specified for a sequential data set. This is not correct.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Contact the programmer of the dialog that invokes the EDIT or VIEW service. Programmer response: Correct the dialog so that a member is not specified with a sequential data set. ISRE907 EDREC service error - EDREC PROCESS, CANCEL or DEFER issued, but Recovery is not pending. ISRE913 Invalid DEFINE request - RESET was attempted for a name not currently defined.

Explanation: A DEFINE name RESET command was issued for an undefined name. User response: Examine the command syntax for a misspelled name or a name that is not defined. Contact the edit macro programmer if the DEFINE command is in an edit macro. Programmer response: Examine DEFINE name RESET commands for misspelled name or name not previously defined in the edit macro. ISRE914 Parameter not recognized - Check for misspelled keywords or too many BOUNDS or RANGE parameters.

Explanation: The dialog is attempting to issue an edit recovery PROCESS, CANCEL, or DEFER without first issuing a query. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The dialog may be issuing two consecutive edit recovery PROCESS, CANCEL, or DEFER functions. Examine the dialog that invokes the edit service. The dialog code may need to be corrected. ISRE908 EDREC service error - EDREC QUERY or INIT is not allowed because recovery is pending.

Explanation: The SEEK macro command in an edit macro was issued with a misspelled keyword or too many BOUNDS or RANGE parameters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for a SEEK macro command that has a misspelled keyword or too many BOUNDS or RANGE parameters. The edit macro code may need to be corrected. Problem determination: Compare the SEEK macro command in the edit macro with the syntax of the SEEK macro command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . The keywords or bound and range parameters may be incorrect at run time. ISRE915 Missing parameter - At least one variable name parameter required for SESSION command.

Explanation: The dialog is attempting to perform an edit recovery QUERY or INIT while a recovery is pending. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The dialog may be issuing two consecutive edit recovery queries. Examine the dialog that invokes the edit service. The dialog code may need to be corrected. ISRE909 Invalid macro name - aaaaaaaa is not a valid macro name. Must be 1-8 alphanumeric characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE910 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the SEEK command.

Explanation: The SESSION assignment statement is missing the required variable name used to return the requested data. User response: Correct the SESSION assignment statement so that it includes the required variable name. ISRE916 Model data truncated - Model command has detected data in the model which could not be inserted into the edit data because NUMBER mode is on.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE911 Missing parameter - At least one variable name parameter required for SEEK_COUNTS command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE912 Invalid specification - get assignment type unrecognized for the SEEK_COUNTS command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: Model member contains data in the columns used by sequence numbers in the data currently being edited and number mode is ON. Model command is terminated at the point the problem occurs. User response: Use NUM OFF command and retry the MODEL command or contact your system programmer if sequence numbers are required.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


System programmer response: Edit the model so that all data is no longer overlaid by sequence numbers. ISRE917 Required string missing - The SEEK command requires specification of a target string. ISRE922 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for DATASET command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE923 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the DATASET command.

Explanation: The SEEK macro command in an edit macro was issued without a search string. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for a SEEK macro command that does not have a search string. The edit macro code may need to be corrected. Problem determination: Compare the SEEK macro command in the edit macro with the syntax of the SEEK macro command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . The search string for the SEEK command may be null at run time which may also be the cause of the error. ISRE918 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be specified for SEEK command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE924 Label does not exist - The label was deleted before LOCATE could be performed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE925 Too many parameters - Valid parameters for the SETUNDO command are ON, OFF, STG, KEEP and REC.

Explanation: The SETUNDO command was entered with too many parameters. User response: Reissue the SETUNDO command with a correct parameter. Contact the responsible programmer if the SETUNDO command is in an edit macro. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for a SETUNDO command with too many parameters. The valid parameters are ON, OFF, STG, KEEP and REC. The edit macro code may require changes to the SETUNDO command invocation. ISRE926 Invalid parameter - ON, OFF, STG, KEEP and REC are the only valid parameters for SETUNDO.

Explanation: The SEEK macro command in an edit macro was issued with inconsistent parameters such as LAST and PREV. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for a SEEK macro command with inconsistent parameters. The edit macro code may need to be corrected. Problem determination: Compare the SEEK macro command in the edit macro with the syntax of the SEEK macro command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRE919 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be displayed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE927 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be entered with SETUNDO command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE920 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for BLKSIZE command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE928 Parameter unrecognized - Valid parameters for the SETUNDO command are ON, OFF, STG, KEEP and REC.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE921 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the BLKSIZE command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: The SETUNDO command was entered with a parameter that was not recognized. The parameter may be misspelled or invalid. User response: Reissue the SETUNDO command with a correct parameter. Contact the edit macro programmer if the SETUNDO command is in an edit macro. Programmer response: Examine the edit macro for a


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SETUNDO command with an incorrect parameter. The valid parameters are ON, OFF, STG, KEEP and REC. The edit macro code may require changes to the SETUNDO command invocation. ISRE929 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the SESSION command. ISREDIT (var) = LINE_STATUS line-pointer ISRE933 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for LINE_STATUS command.

Explanation: The edit macro command LINE_STATUS was issued with invalid parameters. Programmer response: Correct the LINE_STATUS command using the syntax ISREDIT (var) = LINE_STATUS line-pointer ISRE934 Required parm omitted - Required line number parm omitted or invalid for the LINE_STATUS command.

Explanation: Either the SESSION assignment statement contains an invalid variable name or a parameter is missing. User response: Verify that the SESSION assignment statement contains no syntax errors or missing parameters. ISRE930 Invalid line number - The relative line number given to the LINE_STATUS command is invalid.

Explanation: The edit macro command LINE_STATUS was issued without a line number parameter. Programmer response: Correct the LINE_STATUS command using the syntax ISREDIT (var) = LINE_STATUS line-pointer ISRE935 Data parm omitted - Required data parameter not specified for LINE_STATUS command.

Explanation: The edit macro command LINE_STATUS was issued with an invalid line number. In this case, the line number is a type of line-pointer. The relative line number may not exist in the file. Programmer response: Correct the LINE_STATUS command using the syntax ISREDIT (var1,var2) = LINE_STATUS line-pointer Also check to see that the line number you are passing exists in the file. You may want to use the LINENUM command to get the relative line number of the last line (.ZLAST). ISRE931 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the LINE_STATUS command.

Explanation: An invalid LINE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the LINE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . Programmer response: Correct the LINE_STATUS command using the syntax ISREDIT (var) = LINE_STATUS line-pointer ISRE938 Missing parameter - Variable name parameter required for VOLUME command.

Explanation: The PDF editor encountered an edit macro statement involving the command LINE_STATUS, but the editor could not recognize the statement as a GET type request (a request for PDF to get the value for a current editor setting and place it into a dialog-specified variable). A GET type request is the only valid request type for the LINE_STATUS macro command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the LINE_STATUS command to specify the proper parameters. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRE932 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for LINE_STATUS command.

Explanation: The VOLUME assignment statement is missing the required variable name for the volume of the edit data set. User response: Correct the VOLUME assignment statement so that it includes the required variable name for the volume of the current edit data set. ISRE939 Invalid specification - GET assignment type unrecognized for the VOLUME command.

Explanation: Either the VOLUME assignment statement contains an invalid variable name or a parameter is missing. User response: Verify that the VOLUME assignment statement contains no syntax errors or missing parameters.

Explanation: The edit macro command LINE_STATUS was issued with too many parameters. Programmer response: Correct the LINE_STATUS command using the syntax

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE940 Dialog unavailable - The HILITE dialog cannot be started from an edit macro. See Planning and Customizing . ISRE945 HILITE unavailable - The HILITE command is not available when an edit format is used.

Explanation: The edit command HILITE without operands was specified in an edit macro. The HILITE dialog is not available from edit macros. User response: Specify at least one operand on the HILITE command in the edit macro. ISRE941 Invalid line number - The relative line number of a line to be copied cannot be zero.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE946 Parameters ignored - Enhanced coloring is now enabled. When enhanced coloring is disabled and the HILITE command is entered with the RESET, ON, or one of the LOGIC keywords, enhanced coloring is enabled, but the parameters on the HILITE command are ignored. You may need to enter the HILITE command again.

Explanation: A relative line number for a copy operation was specified as zero. The relative line number must be one or greater. User response: Respecify the relative line number(s). ISRE942 HILITE unavailable - The HILITE command is not available in mixed mode edit sessions.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE943 Option unavailable - The only HILITE services available when editing data sets with data lengths greater than 255 characters are FIND and CURSOR. All language sensitive hilighting is disabled.

Explanation: Enhanced coloring was changed from DISABLED to ON by using the HILITE command with the RESET, ON, LOGIC, IFLOGIC, or DOLOGIC keyword. The only effect of the command was to turn highlighting on. The parameters on the HILITE command were ignored and the specific HILITE settings which were in effect before enhanced coloring was disabled are restored. When HILITE is disabled, the editor does not have enough information to fully initialize the enhanced coloring environment. Therefore, it cannot process the parameters on the HILITE command. User response: If you used any parameters on the HILITE command which change the way the data is highlighted, you may need to enter the HILITE command again. ISRE947 Invalid terminal - Enhanced coloring is not available on this terminal because the terminal does not support extended highlighting.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE944 HILITE unavailable - The HILITE command is not available when enhanced edit color is not enabled. Enhanced edit color is either disabled in the PDF configuration table, or the edit panel in use does not support enhanced edit color or you issued the HILITE disable command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRE948 HI DISABLE unavailable - Enhanced coloring cannot be disabled with the current edit panel. Only panels ISREDDE2, ISREDDE3 and FLMEDDE support the HILITE DISABLE command.

Explanation: Enhanced edit color is not available because it is disabled for one of these reasons: v The edit panel in use is not enabled for enhanced color. v The enhanced color capabilities were disabled when ISPF was installed. v The HILITE DISABLE command was entered on the command line or was run from an edit macro. User response: If enhanced color is unavailable because the panel you are using is not enabled for it, change the edit panel you are using to enable it. The panel must have a dynamic area called ZDATA, a shadow variable called ZSHADOW, and special attributes in the )ATTR section. See the panel ISREDDE2 which is shipped with ISPF for an example. System programmer response: If you decide to enable enhanced coloring, update the ISPF configuration table.

Explanation: Only panels ISREDDE2, ISREDDE3, and FLMEDDE support the HILITE DISABLE command. These are the default panels shipped with ISPF for option 2 and SCLM edit. Extended highlighting cannot be disabled when you are using customized (user) panels that support extended highlighting.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRE949 HILITE unavailable - The HILITE command is not available when the editor is used in GUI mode. ISRE958 Invalid left boundary - aaaaaaaa(left bound) + bbbbbbbb(string size) greater than cccccccc(LRECL)

Explanation: Edit highlighting is not available when you are using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) component of ISPF. ISRE950 Too many parameters - Too many parameters were specified for aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE959 Invalid column range - The aaaaaaaa column range attempts a search beyond the last data column.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE960 Disabled command - aaaaaaaa command name has been disabled.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE951 Invalid character string - The search string in an IGNORE command cannot be a null () string.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE961 Enter character string - A character string for ignore has not been entered (so * is invalid).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE952 Define is not allowed - aaaaaaaa command name has been disabled.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE962 No lines searched - No aaaaaaaa lines were found for the ignore command to search.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE953 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be ignored.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE963 Invalid character - Invalid special character for a picture (Pxxx) string.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE954 * Top of range reached * - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found from cccccccc to dddddddd.. Press RFIND to continue

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE964 No aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb found - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found on any cccccccc lines (cols dddddddd to eeeeeeee).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE955 *** Bottom of range *** - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found from cccccccc to dddddddd.. Press RFIND to continue.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE965 *Bottom of data reached* - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found. Press RFIND key to continue from top.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE956 No lines searched - No aaaaaaaa lines from bbbbbbbb-cccccccc were found for the ignore command to search.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE966 * top of data reached * - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found. Press RFIND key to continue from bottom.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE957 No aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb ignored - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - not found on any cccccccc lines from dddddddd to eeeeeeee

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE967 Invalid parameters - The string will not fit between the specified columns.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE968 Invalid hex string - The hex string must have an even number of hex digits. ISRE973 Severe error - Unexpected return code from the dialog supplied command routine.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE969 Invalid hex string - The hex string must contain only hex digits (0-9,A-F).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE970 Read-only member - You do not have update authority to the PDSE you selected. Use the View function to access the member in an editor environment.

Explanation: The command routine specified on an Edit Interface (EDIF) or View Interface (VIIF) service call made by the dialog set an unexpected return code. The supported return codes for the command routine are 0, 4, 12, and 20. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Update the command routine to use one of the supported return codes. Provide the user with an explanation and response to the error condition. ISRE974 Severe error - Severe error occurred in the dialog supplied read routine.

Explanation: You do not have update authority to the PDSE you selected. Edit cannot be used to access the member. User response: Use the View function to access the member. ISRE971 Command not supported - aaaaaaaa command not supported by the dialog supplied command routine.

Explanation: A severe error occurred in the read routine specified on an Edit Interface (EDIF) or View Interface (VIIF) service call. A return code of 20 was passed back by the routine. This message is issued as the default because an error message was not set by the routine. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Provide the user with an explanation and response for the error condition, and update the read routine to set a more specific error message. ISRE975 HILITE unavailable - The HILITE command was issued from an initial macro, but the edit panel being used does not support highlighting.

Explanation: The Edit Interface (EDIF) service and View Interface (VIIF) service use a dialog-supplied command routine to process the MOVE, COPY, CREATE (EDIF only), REPLACE (EDIF only), EDIT (EDIF only) and VIEW (VIIF only) primary commands. The command routine considers the command you entered invalid and set the return code to 12. This message is issued as a default when one is not set by the routine. User response: Enter one of the commands supported by the dialog. Contact the responsible programmer for a list of supported commands. Programmer response: Provide the user with a list of supported commands, and update the command routine to set a more specific error message. ISRE972 Severe error - Severe error occurred in the dialog supplied command routine.

Explanation: An edit initial macro issued the HILITE command to enable edit color highlighting, but the panel being used for edit can not support edit highlighting for one of these reasons: v The panel does not have a dynamic area v The panel has a dynamic area, but does not have a shadow variable named ZSHADOW User response: If edit highlighting is desired, refer to ISPF Planning and Customizing for an explanation of customizing edit panels. A set of ISPF edit panels are shipped that support highlighting and these panels may be used as the basis for modification. ISRE976 Severe error - Unexpected return code from the dialog supplied write routine.

Explanation: A severe error occurred in the command routine specified on an Edit Interface (EDIF) service or View Interface (VIIF) service call made by the dialog. The routine set a return code of 20. This message is issued as the default when an error message was not set by the routine. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Provide the user with an explanation and response for the error condition, and update the command routine to set a more specific error message.

Explanation: The write routine specified on an Edit Interface (EDIF) service call made by the dialog set an unexpected return code. The supported return codes for the write routine are 0, 16, and 20. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: Update the write routine so that it uses one of the supported return codes. Provide the user with an explanation and response to the error condition. ISRE977 Severe error - Severe error occurred in the dialog supplied write routine. User response: If you are using the LOCATE primary command, reenter the command using two valid labels to define the group of lines to be searched. If you are using an Edit macro, contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Update the LOCATE macro command so that it uses either two valid labels or two valid line numbers to specify the range. ISRE981 Invalid line number - Line number aaaaaaaa does not exist. Invalid range for LOCATE.

Explanation: A severe error occurred in the write routine specified on an Edit Interface (EDIF) service call. A return code of 20 was passed back by the routine. This message is issued as the default because an error message was not set by the routine. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Provide the user with an explanation and response for the error condition, and update the write routine to set a more specific error message. ISRE978 I/O error writing data - I/O error occurred writing the edit data.

Explanation: One or both of the line numbers used to specify a range on the generic form of the LOCATE Edit macro command are invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Update the LOCATE macro command in the Edit macro so that it uses two valid line numbers to specify the range of lines to be searched. ISRE982 Invalid LOCATE syntax - A range is only valid with a keyword: X/ERR/CHG/SPECIAL/CMD/LABEL.

Explanation: An output error occurred in the write routine specified on an Edit Interface (EDIF) service call. A return code of 16 was set by the routine. This message is issued as the default because an error message was not set by the routine. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Provide the user with an explanation and response for the error condition, and update the write routine to set a more specific error message. ISRE979 Member name not allowed - A member name cannot be specified when editing data with the EDIF or VIIF service.

Explanation: A range is only valid on the generic form of the LOCATE primary and macro commands. This command is used to locate a particular kind of line. A range was specified without specifying the kind of line to be searched for. User response: If you are using the LOCATE primary command, reenter the command, specifying the kind of line to be located. If you are using an Edit macro, contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Update the LOCATE macro command so that it includes the kind of line to be located. ISRE983 No records to LOCATE - File is empty. LOCATE cannot position display to a record in the file.

Explanation: The dialog is using the Edit Interface (EDIF) or View Interface (VIIF) service to edit or view data. A member name cannot be specified when using the EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE primary command from an EDIF or VIIF session. User response: Reenter the EDIT, VIEW, or BROWSE command without specifying a member name. ISRE980 Invalid LOCATE range - Specify two valid aaaaaaaa.s to indicate search range for LOCATE command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. An attempt is being made to locate a line in an empty file. ISRE984 Command name missing - BUILTIN must be followed by a valid edit command name.

Explanation: Two valid labels must be used to specify the range on the generic form of the LOCATE primary edit command. Either relative line numbers or labels may be used to specify the range on the generic form of the LOCATE Edit macro command. Either only one range parameter was specified, or one or both of the parameters entered were not valid labels or line numbers.

Explanation: The BUILTIN command was entered without specifying the name of the command you wish to execute. User response: Reenter the command with the Edit command name specified.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRE985 Invalid line pointer - LPTR not numeric or label in syntax ISREDIT (varname) = aaaaaaaa LPTR. ISRE990 -CAUTION- Profile changed to STATS OFF (from STATS ON) because

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE991 ISPF statistics cannot be collected for EDIF service data sets.

Explanation: An assignment statement of the form shown requires that the line pointer be either a valid label or line number. The line pointer used was invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Update the assignment statement in the Edit macro to specify a valid label or line number. ISRE986 Invalid line pointer - LPTR not numeric or label in syntax ISREDIT aaaaaaaa LPTR = value.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE992 -CAUTION- Profile changed to PACK OFF (from PACK ON) because

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE993 PACK ON is ignored by EDIF service.

Explanation: An assignment statement of the form shown requires that the line pointer be either a valid label or line number. The line pointer used was invalid. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Update the assignment statement in the Edit macro to specify a valid label or line number. ISRE987 Macro/text mode invalid - Macros cannot be executed when in text entry mode

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE994 Inconsistent parameters - Inconsistent keyword parameters specified for the RESET command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE995 -CAUTION- Saving this member will invalidate the SCLM accounting

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE996 information. Refer to the edit tutorial for further details.

Explanation: An Edit macro cannot be executed when you are in text entry mode. User response: Complete the text entry before invoking the macro. ISRE988 Command string too long - Exceeds maximum length of 512 bytes after variable substitution.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRE998 SCLM warning - The member being edited may belong to an SCLM controlled project.

Explanation: An Edit macro command resolved to more than 512 bytes after variable substitution. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Rework the macro command so that it resolves to a length less than 512 bytes after variable substitution. ISRE989 Var substitution error - Severe error while resolving symbolic variables in ISREDIT statement.

Explanation: The member being edited may belong to an SCLM controlled project. If so, editing the member outside of SCLM will invalidate the members accounting information. User response: Verify that the member does not belong to an SCLM controlled project before saving any changes. ISRE999 Refer to the ISPF edit tutorial for further details.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISREI001 Missing record format - Specify the record format F or V for EDIF.

Explanation: One of the variables used in an Edit macro command cannot be resolved. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that values are being assigned correctly to all variables used in your Edit macro commands.

Explanation: The required record format parameter for the EDIF is not specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify either F or V for the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

record format parameter for the EDIF service. ISREI002 Missing record length - Specify a record length greater than 9 and less than 32761 for fixed record length data sets and less than 32757 for variable length data sets. ISREI007 Invalid edit length - The value of data to be edited must have a length between 10 and 32760.

Explanation: An invalid edit length is specified for the EDIF service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify the edit length with a value between 10 and 32760 for the EDIF service. ISREI008 aaaaaaaa name not allowed - aaaaaaaa name not allowed when processing Edit Recovery.

Explanation: The required record length parameter for the EDIF service is not specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify a record length greater than 9 and less than 32761 for fixed record length data sets and less than 32757 for variable length data sets. ISREI003 Missing profile name - Specify the profile name for EDIF.

Explanation: aaaaaaaa name is specified for the EDIF service. This is not allowed when processing Edit Recovery. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Blank out the aaaaaaaa name from the EDIREC service. ISREI009 Mixed mode not allowed - Mixed mode not allowed when processing Edit Recovery.

Explanation: The required profile name parameter for the EDIF service is not specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify the profile name for the EDIF service. ISREI004 Invalid aaaaaaaa name - The name must be 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters starting with an alphabetic character.

Explanation: An invalid format name is specified for the EDIF service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify a format name with 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters starting with an alphabetic character for the EDIF service. ISREI005 Invalid mixed mode - Specify either YES or NO for the mixed mode parameter.

Explanation: Mixed mode is specified for the EDIF service. This is not allowed when processing edit recovery. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Blank out mixed mode from the EDIREC service. ISREI010 Edit length not allowed - Data to be edited length not allowed when processing Edit Recovery.

Explanation: An invalid mixed mode is specified for the EDIF service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify either YES or NO for the mixed mode parameter for the EDIF service. ISREI006 Invalid record format - Specify either F or V for the record format parameter.

Explanation: Edit length is specified for the EDIF service. This is not allowed when processing edit recovery. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Blank out the edit length from the EDIREC service. ISREI011 Invalid recovery option - Specify either YES or NO for the recovery option.

Explanation: An invalid record format is specified for the EDIF service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify either F or V for the record format parameter for the EDIF service.

Explanation: An invalid recovery option is specified for the EDIF service User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify either YES or NO for the recovery option.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISREI012 Invalid edit length - The edit length must be less than or equal to the record length. ISREI023 EDIREC service error - EDIREC QUERY or INIT is not allowed because recovery is pending.

Explanation: An invalid edit length is specified for the EDIF service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify an edit length less than or equal to the record length. ISREI013 Conflicting options used - The edit length and the format are mutually exclusive.

Explanation: The QUERY or INIT option for the EDIREC service is not allowed when recovery is pending. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Invoke the EDIF service with recovery-request = YES to recover the data, or invoke the EDIREC service with the CANCEL or DEFER options to dispose of the pending recovery condition. ISREI024 Invalid CANCEL request - EDIREC CANCEL request issued before query for recovery pending.

Explanation: Conflicting options are specified for the EDIF service. The edit length and the format cannot be used simultaneously. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Blank out one of the conflicting options. ISREI020 Invalid EDIREC option - Only one of these options is allowed : QUERY, CANCEL, DEFER or INIT.

Explanation: An invalid CANCEL request is issued for the EDIREC service before the query for recovery pending. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use the QUERY option for the EDIREC service before issuing a CANCEL request to scan the EDIF recovery table for an entry containing a recovery pending condition. ISREI025 Data in use - Data is being updated by another user or on other logical screen.

Explanation: An invalid option is specified for the EDIREC service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify one of the allowed options (QUERY, CANCEL, DEFER, or INIT) for the EDIREC service. ISREI021 Invalid EDIREC parameter - The COMMAND parameter may only be specified with the INIT option.

Explanation: The data set requested is being updated by another user or by you on another logical screen. User response: Check the data set name, find out if another user is using the data set, or release the data set on another logical screen. ISREI026 Recovery is not pending - The edit recovery cannot proceed when recovery is not pending.

Explanation: An invalid parameter is specified for the EDIREC service. The COMMAND parameter may only be specified with the INIT option. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Either correct the option to INIT or blank out the COMMAND parameter out. ISREI022 EDIREC service error - EDIREC CANCEL or DEFER issued, but recovery is not pending.

Explanation: An edit recovery is requested while recovery is not pending. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the recovery-request option for the EDIF service. ISREV000 Browse substituted - Browse was substituted for View or Edit, since not enough storage was available.

Explanation: The CANCEL or DEFER option is specified for the EDIREC service, but recovery is not pending. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use the QUERY option for the EDIREC service to scan the EDIF recovery table for an entry containing a recovery pending condition.

Explanation: This is an informational message. There was not enough storage available for the VIEW or EDIT command to process correctly. Therefore Browse was substituted.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISREV001 Browse substituted - Browse was substituted for View or Edit, since neither data sets with a record length less than 10 nor data sets with RECFM=U can be Viewed or Edited. ISREV005 VSAM browse rc = aaaaaaaa. - A VSAM browser ended with return code aaaaaaaa.. It was substituted for Browse because of configuration table settings.

Explanation: This is an informational message. You can only edit or view data that has certain record formats and record lengths. If Edit cannot process the data, Browse is substituted. ISREV002 Return ignored - The return command was preempted to allow the View Warning panel to display.

Explanation: If you try to browse a VSAM data set and a VSAM browser has been specified in the configuration table, the VSAM browser is automatically invoked by ISPF. ISREV006 VSAM View rc = aaaaaaaa.. - A VSAM viewer ended with return code aaaaaaaa.. It was substituted for View because of configuration table settings.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Changes were made from within a view session. In order to inform users that the changes will not be saved, the RETURN command has been preempted. ISREV003 Browse substituted - Browse was substituted for View or Edit because the amount of storage required to edit or view the data set exceeded the maximum value allowed by your ISPF system configuration or your editor settings (aaaaaaaa.Kb). You can use the EDITSET command to change this limit. However, the limit you set in the editor settings panel cannot be used to increase limits set in the ISPF configuration table.

Explanation: If you try to view a VSAM data set and a VSAM viewer has been specified in the configuration table, the VSAM viewer is automatically invoked by ISPF. ISREV007 VSAM rc = aaaaaaaa. - ISPF attempted to invoke a VSAM processor on bbbbbbbb.. The VSAM editor, viewer, or browser exited with return code aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: If you try to edit, view, or browse a VSAM data set, ISPF looks at the configuration table to determine if there is a VSAM editor, viewer, or browser requested. If so, it is automatically invoked by ISPF. The return code variable is the value returned by the processor, or the return code for the select service. System programmer response: Install the VSAM processor on your system, or change the configuration table values to correctly invoke the VSAM processor. ISREV008 VSAM processing unavail. - aaaaaaaa is a VSAM data set. An attempt was made to invoke a VSAM editor, viewer, or browser, but it is not allowed due to configuration table settings.

Explanation: The amount of storage required to read in the data to be edited or viewed exceeds the amount allowed by the ISPF configuration table or the editor settings. When the amount of storage needed to edit a data set exceeds the system defined limits, browse is substituted for edit or view. You can change your editor settings by using the EDITSET command from within an edit session. The value you set in the editor settings panel will not permit you to use more storage for edit or view than the ISPF configuration table allows. User response: If you need to have this value increased, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: To increase the amount of storage allowed for the initial loading of data into edit or view, modify the value of EDITSTOR in the ISPF configuration table. ISREV004 VSAM editor rc = aaaaaaaa. - A VSAM editor ended with return code aaaaaaaa.. It was substituted for Edit because of configuration table settings.

Explanation: If you try to edit, view, or browse a VSAM data set, ISPF looks at the configuration table to determine if the VSAM data set is allowed to be processed. System programmer response: Determine if this user should be allowed to change this data set. If so, update the configuration table. ISREV009 Config. table error - The list of data sets to disallow for VSAM processing has an invalid data set name pattern.

Explanation: If you try to edit a VSAM data set and a VSAM editor has been specified in the configuration table, the VSAM editor is automatically invoked by ISPF.

Explanation: The configuration table list of data set names has a data set name or pattern that is not allowed. Possible reasons are that the qualifier is more than 8 characters, the qualifier is less than 1 character, and there are invalid characters. System programmer response: Update the
Chapter 2. PDF messages


configuration table to have valid data set name or pattern. ISREV010 Session not canceled - The Cancel command was not confirmed. to the file. View has been substituted for Edit to allow you to look at the data in the file, but not modify it. ISRF000 aaaaaaaa - to bbbbbbbb..cccccccc..OBJ(dddddddd)

Explanation: This is an informational message. The Confirm Cancel panel was displayed at the users request. The user chose not to cancel the edit session by entering the END command. ISREV011 Data changes cannot be saved in a View session. Use Edit if you want to be able to save your changes. Using the REPLACE command to write data from a VIEW session can overwrite changes which were made to the data set after the VIEW session began because VIEW does not provide ENQ protection at the beginning of the VIEW session.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The short message identifies the foreground compiler language. The long message identifies the ISPF library member into which the compiled output object code is stored. ISRF001 aaaaaaaa - to bbbbbbbb..OBJ(cccccccc)

Explanation: This is an informational message. The short message identifies the foreground compiler language. The long message identifies the partitioned data set member into which the compiled output object code is stored. ISRF002 aaaaaaaa - to bbbbbbbb..OBJ

Explanation: This is an informational message. The user is in a View session but has changed data. The SAVE command is unavailable in View. If the changes are intended to be saved then Edit should be used. View does not ENQ the data set or member during the session. Therefore, the file may be changed by another user or on another split screen after the view session starts. If the data is saved using the REPLACE command from within VIEW, changes made to the data set after the VIEW session began will be overwritten. ISREV012 ISPF/VSAM error - The ISPF Configuration Table indicates that VSAM data set restrictions are in place, but the ISPF VSAM Restriction module (ISPCFIGV) could not be found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The short message identifies the foreground compiler language. The long message identifies the sequential data set into which the compiled output object code is stored. ISRF003 aaaaaaaa - of bbbbbbbb..cccccccc.(dddddddd)

Explanation: This is an informational message. The short message identifies a FORTRAN interactive debug session. The long message identifies the partitioned data set against which the FORTRAN interactive debug session is run. ISRF004 aaaaaaaa - of bbbbbbbb..cccccccc

Explanation: When restricting VSAM processing through the ISPF Configuration Table, The ISPF Configuration Table Utility creates a load module called ISPCFIGV which contains the restriction information. The ISPF Configuration Table currently in use indicates that VSAM restrictions are present, but load module ISPCFIGV cannot be found. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Module ISPCFIGV may not have been moved into a library in the ISPF search sequence, or may have been renamed or deleted. The module can be recreated if necessary through the ISPF Configuration Table utility and must be reside in a library in the ISPF search sequence. ISREV013 View substituted - View was substituted for Edit, since the file does not have permissions allowing you to update the file.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The short message identifies a FORTRAN interactive debug session. The long message identifies the sequential data set against which the FORTRAN interactive debug session is run. ISRF005 aaaaaaaa - to bbbbbbbb..cccccccc..LOAD(dddddddd)

Explanation: This is an informational message. The short message identifies a foreground linkage edit or bind. The long message identifies the ISPF load library member into which the linkage editor or binder output is stored. ISRF006 aaaaaaaa - to bbbbbbbb..LOAD(cccccccc)

Explanation: The permissions defined for this z/OS UNIX file do not provide you with WRITE permission

Explanation: This is an informational message. The short message identifies a foreground linkage edit or bind. The long message identifies the other partitioned load data set member into which the linkage editor or binder output is stored.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRF007 aaaaaaaa - of bbbbbbbb..LOAD(cccccccc) ISRF015 TBDISPL error RC=aaaaaaaa - Table display service return code was aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The short message identifies a COBOL interactive debug session. The long message identifies the partitioned data set against which the COBOL interactive debug session is run. ISRF009 aaaaaaaa - to bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A severe internal error has occurred. An unexpected return code was received from the table display service. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRF016 Need field definition - At least one field definition is required.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The short message identifies the foreground script language. The long message identifies the data set into which the scripted output is stored. ISRF010 VDEFINE error RC=aaaaaaaa - VDEFINE service return code was aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: At least one field definition is required in a format definition. User response: Enter at least one field definition. ISRF017 Field overlap - A field is overlapped with other field.

Explanation: A severe internal error has occurred. An unexpected return code was received from the VDEFINE service. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRF011 DISPLAY severe error - DISPLAY service severe error occurred.

Explanation: One field definition is overlapped with another field definition. User response: Correct the overlapping field definition. ISRF018 Operation canceled - The requested function was canceled.

Explanation: A severe internal error has occurred. An unexpected returned code was received from the DISPLAY service. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRF012 Duplicate format aaaaaaaa - Format name aaaaaaaa already exists.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The requested function was canceled. ISRF019 Normal completion - Requested function successfully completed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The requested function was completed successfully. ISRF020 Field length error - Zero length field is defined.

Explanation: The format name specified, aaaaaaaa, already exists in the format table. User response: Correct the format name. ISRF013 aaaaaaaa does not exist - Format name aaaaaaaa does not exist.

Explanation: An invalid field length of zero is specified. User response: Specify a field length between 1 and 71. ISRF021 Odd length DBCS field - Odd length DBCS field is defined.

Explanation: The format name specified, aaaaaaaa, does not exist in the format table. ISRF014 Table service error - Table service severe error occurred.

Explanation: An odd field length is specified. User response: Specify an even number for the DBCS field length. ISRF022 Invalid command - aaaaaaaa is an invalid command.

Explanation: A severe internal error has occurred. An unexpected return code was received from a table service. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: An invalid format selection list command is entered.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


User response: Correct the invalid format selection list command. ISRF023 Too many parameters - Too many parameters are specified in the command area. ISRF030 RECFM must be fixed - Variable length records may not be used for the formatted file.

Explanation: Variable RECFM formatted data sets are not supported. User response: Specify a fixed RECFM formatted data set or blank out the format name. ISRF031 No format table - Format table ISRFORM does not exist.

Explanation: Too many parameters are specified in the command area. User response: Blank out the extra parameters. ISRF024 Invalid parameter - Invalid parameter is specified in the command area.

Explanation: A format name is specified, but the format table does not exist. User response: Use the Format Specification utility (option 3.11) to add the new format. ISRF032 Format table is in use - Format table is in use by another user or by you.

Explanation: An invalid parameter is specified for the format selection list command. User response: Correct the invalid parameter. ISRF025 aaaaaaaa does not exist - From format name aaaaaaaa does not exist.

Explanation: The FROM format specified, aaaaaaaa, for the copy operation in the Format Specification utility does not exist. User response: Correct the FROM format name. ISRF026 Format name missing - This command requires a format name.

Explanation: The format table is in use by another user or by you on another logical screen. User response: Find out if another user is using the format table, or release the format table on another logical screen. ISRF033 Library is not allocated - The table library is not allocated.

Explanation: The FROM format name for the copy operation in the Format Specification utility is missing. ISRF027 Duplicate name - Same format in same TABLE(ISRFORM) is specified for copy.

Explanation: The table library for ISPF is not allocated. User response: Refer to the Program Directory for details on allocating the table library for ISPF. ISRF034 Table service error - Severe table service error occurred.

Explanation: The same format in the same format table is specified for copy. User response: Correct the format names. ISRF028 * is invalid - * cannot be specified when the From table is ISRFORM.

Explanation: A severe table service error has occurred. The table data set may be corrupted. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the integrity of the table data set. Reallocate or restore from a backup if the table data set is corrupted. Otherwise, contact IBM support. ISRF035 Format not found - The specified format does not exist.

Explanation: An asterisk (*) cannot be specified when the FROM table is ISRFORM. User response: Specify a valid FROM format name, or specify a FROM table name other than ISRFORM. ISRF029 Duplicate format name - Format name specified already exists.

Explanation: The specified format does not exist in the format table. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the spelling of the format name, or add the new format using the Format Specification utility (option 3.11).

Explanation: The format name specified already exists. User response: Correct the format name.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRF036 Invalid format - The maximum column position in format exceeds record length. Programmer response: Check the integrity of the FROM table. Reallocate or restore from a backup if the table is corrupted. Otherwise, contact IBM support. ISRF043 Invalid selection code - Valid codes are: S (select), U (update), R (rename), or D (delete).

Explanation: The maximum column position in the format exceeds the record length of the data set. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use the Format Specification utility (option 3.11) to update the format so that the maximum column position in the format does not exceed the record length of the data set. ISRF037 LRECL limit exceeded - LRECL plus formatted attribute bytes exceeds edit/browse lrecl limit.

Explanation: An invalid selection code is specified. User response: Enter one of the valid selection codes (S, U, R, or D) for the format selection list. ISRF044 Invalid selection code - Valid code is: S (select).

Explanation: An invalid selection code is specified. User response: Enter the valid selection code (S) for the copy format selection list. ISRF900 Function ended RC=Xaaaa - The selected function completed with return code of Xaaaa..

Explanation: The record length of the data set plus the formatted attribute bytes exceeds the Edit or Browse record length limit. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Divide the format into two smaller formats and Edit or Browse the data set in two steps. ISRF038 No formats found - No format table entries were found to process.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The selected foreground function is complete with a return code of aaaa hex. ISRF901 ISRLEMX ended RC=aaaa - Member expansion completed with return code of aaaa.

Explanation: No format table entries were found to process. User response: Use option A to add a new format. ISRF040 Table does not exist - From table aaaaaaaa does not exist.

Explanation: The FROM table aaaaaaaa specified for the copy operation in the Format Specification utility does not exist. User response: Correct the FROM table name. ISRF041 Table is in use - From table aaaaaaaa is in use.

Explanation: The PDF Member Expansion routine (ISRLEMX) failed with a return code of aaaa. The ISRLEMX return codes are: 1-15 Parameter n was too long, where n is the return code. 16 Too many parameters specified. 17 Too few parameters specified. 20 Severe error. Refer to the data set allocated to DDNAME ISRLMSG for details on the failure. User response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference and ISPF Planning and Customizing for further information on the ISRLEMX routine. ISRF902 No list file found - Unable to locate list file for aaaaaaaa or the file was empty.

Explanation: The FROM table aaaaaaaa specified for the copy operation in the Format Specification utility is in use by another user or by you on another logical screen. User response: Find out if another user is using the table, or release the table on another logical screen. ISRF042 Table service error - Severe table service error occurred with from table.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The processing (indicated by variable aaaaaaaa) is complete, but the expected listing data set was not found. ISRF903 Invalid ZSEL variable - The ZSEL panel variable must start with CMD or PGM.

Explanation: A severe table service error has occurred with the FROM table. The FROM table may be corrupted. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.

Explanation: The PDF foreground processor (ISRFPR) is invoked passing the name of a panel to display. The )PROC section of this panel must set variable &ZSEL to an CMD(...) or PGM(...) string that PDF can pass to the ISPF SELECT service. A ZSEL string was encountered
Chapter 2. PDF messages


that does not start with CMD or PGM. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ZSEL string and retry the function. ISRF904 Nonzero return code - The selected function terminated with return code of Xaaaa.. ISRF910 aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRF911 Specify list ID - Specify a list ID for sequential file.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The selected foreground function is complete with a return code of aaaa hex. If aaaa is X63 this indicates a clist error, probably caused by entering an arithmetic operator (*, /, +, -, etc.) in one of the panel input fields. Any other return code is the return code returned by the selected language processor. ISRF905 Invalid organization - Only partitioned and physical sequential data sets processed.

Explanation: The list ID, used as one of the qualifiers for the listing data set name, normally defaults to the name of the PDS member being processed. When a sequential data set is specified, no default name is used and the list ID must be specified. User response: Specify a list ID and retry the function. ISRF912 Invalid ZSEL2 variable - The ZSEL2 panel variable must start with CMD or PGM

Explanation: The PDF foreground option was invoked specifying a data set that was other than partitioned or sequential. User response: Change the input data set to one that is partitioned or sequential and retry. ISRF906 Invalid organization - Only partitioned data sets processed.

Explanation: The PDF foreground processor (ISRFPR) is invoked passing the name of a panel to display. The )PROC section of this panel must set variable &ZSEL and may optionally set variable &ZSEL2 to an CMD(...) or PGM(...) string that PDF can pass to the ISPF SELECT service. A ZSEL2 string was encountered that did not start with CMD or PGM. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ZSEL2 string and retry the function. ISRF914 BLDL error - I/O error, insufficient virtual storage or other BLDL error

Explanation: The PDF foreground Binder/Linkage Editor and VS COBOL II Interactive Debug options only support partitioned data sets as input. User response: Change the input data set to one that is partitioned and retry. ISRF907 Processor failed, RC=20 - The aaaaaaaa language processor ended with a return code of 20, possibly indicating that it could not be found by ISPF.

Explanation: PDF received an error from the BLDL macro processing the data set specified for foreground processing. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check your MVS console for messages caused by this error and refer to the System Messages and Codes for problem determination. If further assistance is needed, contact IBM support. ISRF915 No members in data set - The PDS specified contains no members.

Explanation: The PDF foreground processor attempted to invoke the language processor you requested, but the ISPF SELECT service returned a return code 20. This could be a return code 20 from the processor, or it could be indicate that ISPF could not find the language processor. User response: Verify that your MVS search sequence includes the load module data set containing the processor requested is included, then retry the request. If the same message is returned, the language processor is returning the 20 and you should refer to the documentation supplied with that processor for problem determination.

Explanation: A member list was requested from the PDF foreground processor, but no members exist in the specified data set. User response: Either add the appropriate members to the data set you are using, or specify a different data set.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRF916 I/O error - An I/O error occurred while reading the PDS directory. ISRF922 Bad directory - Directory block size exceeds maximum of 256.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 8 from the BLDL macro while attempting to gather member statistics while building a foreground member list. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRF917 I/O error - An I/O error occurred during member list processing.

Explanation: The PDF common member list routine detected a data set that had a directory block greater than 256 bytes, the maximum supported by PDF. User response: Copy the data into a new data set and retry the request. ISRF923 Function terminated - Processing was terminated by user request (end).

Explanation: PDF member list routine received an I/O error while attempting to read the PDS directory of the data set specified for foreground processing. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check your MVS console for messages caused by this error and refer to the System Messages and Codes for problem determination. If further assistance is needed, contact IBM support. ISRF918 Member list error - Unexpected error from member list display routine

Explanation: This is an informational message. The user entered the END command to terminate the current function. ISRF924 Select formatting style - Select a formatting style to process script input.

Explanation: Enter was pressed on the Select Script/VS Formatting Style panel (panel ISRFP09T) while a style was being selected. User response: Select a style using the S line command, delete a style using the D line command, or enter the END command to exit without a selection. ISRF925 Invalid line command - Enter either S to select a style or D to delete one.

Explanation: The PDF foreground processor (ISRFPR) received an unexpected return code from the PDF member list processor (ISRCML). User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check your MVS console for messages caused by this error and refer to the System Messages and Codes for problem determination. If further assistance is needed, contact IBM support. ISRF919 Member not found - The requested member was not found in the PDS directory(s).

Explanation: A line command other than S or D was entered on the Select Script/VS Formatting Style panel (panel ISRFP09T). S and D are the only valid line commands. User response: Select a style using the S line command, delete a style using the D line command, or enter the END command to exit without a selection. ISRF926 Select one style - Select only one style for the SCRIPT/VS processor to use.

Explanation: The member specified for foreground processing does not exist in the library specified. User response: Correct the data set name and member name to specify an existing member and retry the function. ISRF920 Style deleted - Selected style(s) deleted from style table.

Explanation: Multiple selections were made (using the S line command) on the Select Script/VS Formatting Style panel (panel ISRFP09T). Only one style may be selected from this panel. User response: Remove the extra selections and press Enter to continue the request, or enter the END command to exit without processing. ISRF927 Table not found - System style table aaaaaaaa. was not found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The selected style was deleted successfully from the Select Script/VS Formatting Style panel (panel ISRFP09T). ISRF921 Style table deleted - A new table will be created with the next script invocation.

Explanation: The PDF style table, used to hold the various default and user defined styles for processing script documents, could not be found in any of the data sets concatenated to ISPTLIB. User response: Check your ISPTLIB allocation to see if it is complete, or contact your system programmer for assistance.
Chapter 2. PDF messages

Explanation: This is an informational message. All styles were deleted from the existing style table, so the table was deleted.


System programmer response: Check the users ISPTLIB concatenation to see if it is complete. If not, make the necessary corrections to the logon proc or CLIST/REXX exec used. If the ISRSTLYE member cannot be located, a default copy of table ISRSTYLE can be found in the PDF product libraries shipped on the ISPF install tape. ISRF928 Internal dialog error - aaaaaaaa received a return code of Xbbbb.. ISRF934 Text not moved aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..TEXT could not be accessed for text move.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRF935 No list file found - Unable to locate list file for member parts list, or the file was empty.

Explanation: The PDF Script/VS CLIST (CLIST ISRFC09) received a return code bbbb hex from an ISPEXEC aaaaaaaa service call. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to z/OS ISPF Services Guide for return code explanations. ISRF929 Style table in use - Style table aaaaaaaa. is currently in use by another user.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The member parts list processor is complete, but the expected listing data set was not found for PDF to browse. ISRF936 DSN unavailable - DSN for input aaa(12) is unavailable or does not exist.

Explanation: The aaa(12) data set specified on the Script/VS Options for Style: xxxxx (panel ISRFP09O) does not exist, or may be in use by another user. User response: If the data set was specified incorrectly, correct the data set name and retry the function. If the name is correct, contact your system programmer of assistance. ISRF937 Additional lib error - The aaaaa of additional library bbb(44) and the aaaaa of the input library are incompatible.

Explanation: PDF received a return code 12 from the TBOPEN service for table aaaaaaaa, indicating that the table is in use by you or another user. User response: Wait until the table is free, then retry the request. ISRF930 Expand failed - Error during execution of member expansion, return code aaaa.

Explanation: A failure was encountered while an attempt was being made to unpack members that are packed. User response: Refer to ISPF Users Guide under Member Expansion ISRLEMX Return Codes for further information. ISRF931 Foreground - process - Member expansion error for aaaaaaaa file bbbbbbbb, rc = cccccccc

Explanation: PDF detected an inconsistency in either the RECFM or LRECL (indicated by aaaaa) of one of the additional input libraries specified when compared against your primary input library. User response: Enter a correct data set in the additional input library field and retry the function. ISRF938 Additional lib error - Additional library aaa(44) was not found in catalog.

Explanation: Data set aaa(44), specified in the additional input libraries field, does not exist. User response: Either create the library, or specify an existing library and retry the request. ISRF939 Invalid data set name - The data set must be fully qualified and enclosed in apostrophes.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRF932 Data not unpacked - Temporary data set cannot be generated for packed data.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRF933 Processor error - The aaaaaaaa language processor could not be found.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: A data set name was entered in the additional input libraries field that was not enclosed in apostrophes. User response: Correct the data set name and retry the request.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRF940 Additional lib error - Additional input library aaa(44) is not partitioned. All libraries specified in the additional input libraries fields must be partitioned. ISRG006 Enter volume serial - A volume serial is needed for this operation.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRG007 Vol serial not allowed - Use Other data set name field when specifying volume serial.

Explanation: Data set aaa(44), specifies as one of the additional input libraries specified at the bottom of one of the compiler interface data entry panels is not partitioned. Only partitioned data sets may be specified in these fields. User response: Specify a partitioned data set and retry the request. ISRG001 Invalid option number - Select an option and enter the option number or code.

Explanation: The Volume Serial input field invalidly contains a value when not specifying Other Data Set Name field. User response: When using the ISPF Library input fields for entering the data set name, do not put any value in the Volume Serial input field. Only when using the Other Data Set Name input field can the Volume Serial input field contain a valid value. ISRG008 Invalid required parm - Select the required parameter from the options shown.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRG002 Enter project name - Project name is missing or invalid.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRG009 Enter data set name - Use standard TSO format for data set name.

Explanation: The Project name field is blank or invalid in the ISPF library data set input fields. User response: A valid Project name must be entered for the ISPF library. An ISPF library is a cataloged partitioned data set with a three-level data set name in this format: project.group.type ISRG003 Enter group name - Group name is missing or invalid.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRG010 Data set is open - Data set is currently being used by ISPF.

Explanation: The specified data set is open and currently being used by ISPF. User response: This message is issued when one of the data sets LIST, LOG, TEMPLIST, TEMPCNTL, or EDIT RECOVERY is specified and ISPF is currently using the data set. The LOG and LIST data sets are controlled by the LOG and LIST commands. These two commands can keep the current data set and continue with a new data set so that keep data set can be used. The TEMPLIST, TEMPCNTL, and EDIT RECOVERY data sets need to be saved and closed in order to be used. ISRG011 Unsupported data type - HFS data sets are supported for data set creation, data set information, data set rename and data set delete only.

Explanation: The Project name field is blank or invalid in the ISPF library data set input fields User response: A valid Project name must be entered for the ISPF library. An ISPF library is a cataloged partitioned data set with a three-level data set name in this format: project.group.type ISRG004 Enter type qualifier - Type is missing or invalid.

Explanation: The Type name field is blank or invalid in the ISPF library data set input fields. User response: A valid Type name must be entered for the ISPF library. An ISPF library is a cataloged partitioned data set with a three-level data set name in this format: project.group.type ISRG005 Enter member name - The specified data set is partitioned. A member name is required.

Explanation: An attempt was made to perform a PDF function other than data set creation, data set information, data set rename, or data set delete against an HFS data set. User response: Use a supported data set type.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRG040 Invalid DSORG - Data set organization must be partitioned or sequential. ISRG073 Load failed - The attempt to load the installation allocation exit failed.

Explanation: The data set organization was entered incorrectly. User response: Correct the data set organization. ISRG044 Concatenation failed - Unable to concatenate the specified libraries.

Explanation: The allocation exit specified in the Configuration Table could not be loaded. User response: Contact your system programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the exit listed in the Configuration Table is available to the user, and that is not marked non-executable. ISRG074 Unknown return code - The installation allocation exit returned an unknown return code of aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The concatenation failed, ISPCDAIR did not return with RC=0. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: If the users action was correct, contact IBM support. ISRG045 STAE macro error - Unable to obtain storage for STAE macro, subpool 0 full.

Explanation: Your installation is using an allocation exit that is specified in the Configuration table. That exit returned a return code (aaaaaaaa) which is not defined to ISPF. There is probably an error in the exit. Programmer response: Verify that the exit is operating properly and ensure that the exit returns only return codes for which ISPF is prepared. ISRG075 Inconsistent block size - The first library must have the largest block size.

Explanation: Storage has been exhausted; there was a previous error that could have used all of the available storage. User response: Verify that your region size is large enough to run the task that just failed. If you still have a problem, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the task is not looping and that the storage is sufficient to execute the failing function. ISRG070 OBTAIN failed - Unable to open data set. OBTAIN returned nonzero return code.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRG076 Inconsistent record size - All libraries must have the same record length.

Explanation: An attempt was made to concatenate data sets with different record lengths. This action is not supported by ISPF. User response: Check to be sure that the correct data sets are being allocated and that the record lengths and record formats are the same for all of the data sets. You may need to reallocate the data sets or copy the contents to temporary data sets which you allocate instead. ISRG077 Inconsistent record type - All libraries must be the same record type.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRG071 Concatenation failed - Unable to concatenate the specified libraries.

Explanation: The allocation of a concatenated set of libraries failed because the concatenation could not be completed. User response: Verify that the libraries to be concatenated can, in fact, be concatenated for allocation. Try using the TSO ALLOCATE command to perform the allocation and see if it produces messages. Also check for incompatible data set attributes among the data sets to be concatenated. ISRG072 Tape not supported - ISPF does not support data sets on tape.

Explanation: An attempt was made to concatenate data sets with different record formats (fixed, variable, etc). This action is not supported by ISPF. User response: Check to be sure that the correct data sets are being allocated and that the record lengths and record formats are the same for all of the data sets. You may need to reallocate the data sets or copy the contents to temporary data sets which you allocate instead.

Explanation: An allocation request was made for a data set which resides on tape. This action is not supported by ISPF. User response: Copy the data from the tape to a direct access storage device (DASD) and work with the data from the disk instead of the tape.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRG078 Inconsistent record size - The first library must have the largest record length. ISRG082 Data set not partitioned - Only partitioned data sets may be concatenated.

Explanation: An attempt was made to concatenate two data sets with variable record lengths where one data set has a larger record length than the first data set. This action is not supported by ISPF. User response: Check to be sure that the correct data sets are being allocated and that the first data set has the largest record length among the data sets. You may need to reallocate the data sets or copy the contents to temporary data sets which you allocate instead. ISRG079 LOCATE failed - The LOCATE for aaaaaaaa failed, RC = bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An attempt was made to concatenate data sets that are not partitioned. ISPF does not support concatenated sequential data sets. User response: Check to be sure that the correct data sets are being allocated and that the data set organizations are all partitioned. ISRG083 Deconcatenation failed - Unable to deconcatenate the specified libraries.

Explanation: An attempt was made to unallocate a set of concatenated libraries but the deconcatenate operation failed. User response: Since this is probably due to another allocation that uses the same ddname needed by the deconcatenation operation, you may need to use the TSO FREE command to free ddnames. If it does not matter if you have the data sets allocated, you may be able to ignore this message. However, if other users may need the data sets, it may be a good idea to free the data sets manually with the TSO FREE command, or to log off and back on. Problem determination: Determine what activity has occurred between the allocation and freeing of the failing concatenation. It is possible that some other allocation attempt failed and did not free all of its allocations. These allocations may or may not have been done by ISPF. ISRG084 Reallocation failed - Reallocation failed for data set aaaaaaaa

Explanation: A return code which ISPF does not recognize was received from the LOCATE macro. The return code is specified in bbbbbbbb and is NOT one of these: Data set not catalogued Invalid index structure Invalid data set name I/O error on catalog Volume error User response: Verify that the data set exists and is located on the volume specified by the catalog. If it exists, there may be other problems with the system, volume, or catalog. Contact your system programmer. ISRG080 Inconsistent data sets - Data set organizations are not the same.

Explanation: An attempt was made to concatenate data sets with different data set organizations. This action is not supported by ISPF. User response: Check to be sure that the correct data sets are being allocated and that the data set organizations (sequential or partitioned) are the same for all of the data sets. You may need to reallocate the data sets or copy the contents to temporary data sets which you allocate instead. ISRG081 Data set not partitioned - Member name specified, but the data set is not a partitioned data set.

Explanation: The attempt to allocate a data set exclusively before deleting it failed. The data set may be in use by other users. User response: Try the operation again later. ISRG085 Deallocation failed - Deallocation failed for data set aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The attempt to deallocate a data set in order to delete it failed. The data set may be in use by other users or by you. User response: Use the TSO FREE command to free all your allocations of the data set, and retry the operation. ISRG086 Delete data set failed - aaaaaaaa is in use, it cannot be deleted.

Explanation: A member name was specified with a data set which is not partitioned. User response: Remove the member name, or verify that the data set was correctly specified and correctly allocated.

Explanation: The attempt to delete a data set failed. The data set may be in use by other users or by you, or you may not have authority to delete the data set.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


User response: Use the TSO FREE command to free all your allocations of the data set and retry the operation. If other users are not using the data set and you are authorized to delete the data set, contact your system programmer. ISRG087 Data set in use - The data set is currently in use by you. ISRG093 Invalid DSN - syntax - Embedded blanks, parentheses, or apostrophes in data set name are invalid.

Explanation: The data set name that was entered contained blanks, apostrophes, or parentheses, which are invalid in a data set name. User response: Reenter the data set name following the correct syntax. ISRG094 Data set not cataloged - Generation data set not found. Check catalog of generation group.

Explanation: An operation on a data set failed because you are already allocated to the data set. User response: Return to the primary option menu on all screens and retry the operation again. If that does not fix the problem, use the TSO FREE command to free the data set and retry the operation. ISRG088 DSN alloc check failed - Unable to check if data set is already allocated.

Explanation: The data set specified was not found. User response: Check the data set name entered. ISRG095 Inconsistent block size - The first library must have the largest block size.

Explanation: An internal error occurred. User response: Log off the system and log back on. Then retry the operation that failed. ISRG089 Multivolume data set - Data sets on multiple volumes are not supported.

Explanation: The first library of the concatenation must have the largest block size of the libraries within the concatenation. System programmer response: Update the concatenation so that the largest block size data is first in the concatenation. ISRG096 Inconsistent record size - All libraries must have the same record length.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRG090 Invalid DSN - quotes - Data set name contains unbalanced apostrophes.

Explanation: The data set name entered contains unbalanced apostrophes. User response: Reenter the data set name with the correct apostrophes. ISRG091 Invalid DSN - length - Data set name must be 1-44 characters in length counting prefix (if any).

Explanation: All libraries within a concatenation must have the same record length. System programmer response: Update the concatenation and library allocations to have consistent record lengths. ISRG097 Inconsistent record type - All libraries must be the same record type.

Explanation: The data set name you entered had an invalid length. It must be no more than 44 characters including the TSO prefix, if used. User response: Check the data set name, and reenter it correctly. ISRG092 Invalid member name - Member name must be 1-8 characters and enclosed in parentheses.

Explanation: All libraries within a concatenation must be defined with the same record type. Programmer response: Review the libraries within the concatenation for the correct record type. ISRG098 Inconsistent record size - The first library must have the largest record length.

Explanation: The member name that was entered was invalid. The member name must be 1 to 8 characters, enclosed in parentheses. User response: Reenter the member name using the correct syntax.

Explanation: The first library within a concatenation must be defined with the largest record length. Programmer response: Review the libraries within the concatenation for the correct record length and concatenation sequence.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRG099 Not generation data set - Data set is not a generation data set. available and executable in your load libraries or system libraries before entering PDF. ISRG104 Load failed - The attempt to load the data set list exit failed.

Explanation: The data set specified is not a generation data set. Programmer response: Check the specified data set name. ISRG100 Vol serial not allowed - Use Other data set name field when specifying volume serial.

Explanation: PDF attempted to load the data set list exit specified in the PDF configuration table but was unable to do so. The exit may not have been found, may have been non-executable, or you may not be authorized to load it. User response: Ensure that the data set list exit is correctly specified in the configuration table and is available and executable in your load libraries or system libraries before entering PDF. ISRG105 Load failed - The attempt to load the member list filter exit failed.

Explanation: A volume serial was specified on a panel when the Project/Group/Type fields were used for the data set name. The volume serial may only be specified when you use the Other Data Set Name field for the data set. User response: If you are trying to access a data set on a particular volume, type the data set name in the Other Data Set Name field and place the volume name in the Volume Serial field before pressing the Enter key. ISRG101 Load failed - The attempt to load the data set allocation exit failed.

Explanation: PDF attempted to load the member list filter exit specified in the PDF configuration table but was unable to do so. The exit may not have been found, may have been non-executable, or you may not be authorized to load it. User response: Ensure that the member list filter exit is correctly specified in the configuration table and is available and executable in your load libraries or system libraries before entering PDF. ISRG106 Load failed - The attempt to load the data set name change exit failed.

Explanation: PDF attempted to load the allocation exit specified in the PDF configuration table but was unable to do so. The exit may not have been found, may have been non-executable, or you may not be authorized to load it. User response: Ensure that the allocation exit is correctly specified in the configuration table and is available and executable in your load libraries or system libraries before entering PDF. ISRG102 Load failed - The attempt to load the print utility exit failed.

Explanation: PDF attempted to load the data set name change exit specified in the PDF configuration table but was unable to do so. The exit may not have been found, may have been non-executable, or you may not be authorized to load it. User response: Ensure that the data set name change exit is correctly specified in the configuration table and is available and executable in your load libraries or system libraries before entering PDF. ISRG107 Load failed - The attempt to load the data set list line command exit failed.

Explanation: PDF attempted to load the print utility exit specified in the PDF configuration table but was unable to do so. The exit may not have been found, may have been non-executable, or you may not be authorized to load it. User response: Ensure that the print utility exit is correctly specified in the configuration table and is available and executable in your load libraries or system libraries before entering PDF. ISRG103 Load failed - The attempt to load the compress exit failed.

Explanation: PDF attempted to load the data set list line command exit specified in the PDF configuration table but was unable to do so. The exit may not have been found, may have been non-executable, or you may not be authorized to load it. User response: Ensure that the data set list line command exit is correctly specified in the configuration table and is available and executable in your load libraries or system libraries before entering PDF.

Explanation: PDF attempted to load the compress exit specified in the PDF configuration table but was unable to do so. The exit may not have been found, may have been non-executable, or you may not be authorized to load it. User response: Ensure that the compress exit is correctly specified in the configuration table and is

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRG108 Load failed - The attempt to load the installation accounting exit failed. ISRJ002 aaaaaaaa - from bbb(44)

Explanation: PDF attempted to load the installation accounting exit specified in the PDF configuration table but was unable to do so. The exit may not have been found, may have been non-executable, or you may not be authorized to load it. User response: Ensure that the installation accounting exit is correctly specified in the configuration table and is available and executable in your load libraries or system libraries before entering PDF. ISRH020 ISRCMD aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. The message logged upon successful building of the job step to invoke the aaaaaaaa language processor against data set bbb(44). ISRJ003 aaaaaaaa - to bbbbbbbb..LOAD(cccccccc)

Explanation: This is an informational message. The message logged upon successful building of the job step to invoke the aaaaaaaa language processor, placing the output in data set bbbbbbbb.LOAD, member cccccccc. ISRJ004 Job step generated - aaaaaaaa ------- from bbb(56).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRH021 ISRCMD aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRI001 ISPF load error - The subroutine table for the PDF component of ISPF could not be loaded, probably due to an installation error. Please contact your system programmer.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Indicates a JCL job step has been successfully generated for the aaaaaaaa language processor, using input from data set and member bbb(56). ISRJ005 Job step generated - aaaaaaaa ------- from bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: ISPF received an error attempting to load the Subroutine Table for the PDF component, load module ISRTSP. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the load library concatenation sequence (ISPLLIB, STEPLIB, and so forth) to ensure that the library containing ISRTSP is included. ISRI003 Incorrect DM version - The PDF component of ISPF for z/OS 01.09.00 requires the DM component of ISPF for z/OS 01.09.00, probable installation error. Please contact your system programmer.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Indicates a JCL job step has been successfully generated for the aaaaaaaa language processor, using input from data set bbbbbbbb. ISRJ006 Job step generated - aaaaaaaa ------- to bbbbbbbb..LOAD(cccccccc).

Explanation: This is an informational message. Indicates a JCL job step has been successfully generated for the aaaaaaaa language processor, sending output from data set and member bbbbbbbb.LOAD(cccccccc). ISRJ007 Job - aaaaaaaa - Canceled.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The user entered the CANCEL command on the Batch Termination panel to exit batch without submitting the generated JCL. ISRJ008 Job - aaaaaaaa - Submitted.

Explanation: The PDF component of ISPF for z/OS 01.09.00 was invoked with a version of ISPF that is not for z/OS 01.09.00. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the load library concatenation sequence (ISPLLIB, STEPLIB, and so forth) to ensure that the proper ISPF libraries for z/OS are specified. ISRJ001 aaaaaaaa - from bbb(56)

Explanation: This is an informational message. The user entered the END command on the Batch Termination panel to exit batch after submitting the generated JCL. ISRJ009 Submit job ERROR1 - Error submitting job from aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The message logged upon successful building of the job step to invoke the aaaaaaaa language processor against data set and member bbb(56).

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to use the TSO SUBMIT command to submit the generated JCL (allocated to ddname aaaaaaaa) for processing. User response: Regenerate the JCL and resubmit the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

job. If problems persist, contact your system programmer for assistance. ISRJ010 aaaaaaaa - from bbb(56) ISRJ902 Skeleton not found - Skeleton aaaaaaaa or imbedded skeletons in aaaaaaaa not found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is logged on the successful building of the job step to invoke the aaaaaaaa language processor against data set and member bbb(56). ISRJ011 aaaaaaaa - to bbbbbbbb..cccccccc..LOAD(dddddddd).

Explanation: PDF issued an ISPEXEC FTINCL for skeleton aaaaaaaa, but received a nonzero return code, indicating the skeleton could not be found. User response: Check your ISPSLIB concatenation to ensure the proper skeleton libraries are specified. After correcting your concatenation, retry the request. ISRJ903 Invalid ZSEL variable - The ZSEL panel variable must start with CMD or PGM.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is logged on the successful building of the job step to invoke the aaaaaaaa language processor against ISPF library bbbbbbbb.cccccccc.LOAD(dddddddd). ISRJ012 Job step generated - aaaaaaaa ------- from bbb(56).

Explanation: The PDF batch processor (ISRJB2) is invoked, passing the name of a panel to display. The )PROC section of this panel must set variable &ZSEL to a CMD(...) or PGM(...) string that PDF can pass to the ISPF SELECT service. A ZSEL string was encountered that did not start with CMD or PGM. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the ZSEL string and retry the function. ISRJ904 BLDL error - I/O error, insufficient virtual storage or other BLDL error

Explanation: This is an informational message. Indicates a JCL job step has been successfully generated for the aaaaaaaa language processor, using input from data set and member bbb(56). ISRJ013 Job step generated - aaaaaaaa ------- to bbbbbbbb..cccccccc..LOAD(dddddddd).

Explanation: This is an informational message. Indicates a JCL job step has been successfully generated for the aaaaaaaa language processor, sending output to the ISPF library and member bbbbbbbb.cccccccc.LOAD(dddddddd). ISRJ014 Enter option - Enter one of the listed options.

Explanation: PDF received an error from the BLDL macro processing the data set specified for batch processing. User response: Contact your system programmer for assistance in problem determination. System programmer response: Check the MVS console for messages and refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for problem determination steps. ISRJ905 Invalid organization - Only partitioned and physical sequential data sets processed.

Explanation: The Enter key was pressed on either the Batch Selection panel (ISRJPA) or the Batch Termination panel (ISRJPB) without an option being selected. User response: Specify the option desired on the command line and press Enter. ISRJ015 Invalid option - The option that was entered was not valid.

Explanation: The PDF batch option was invoked, specifying a data set that was other than partitioned or sequential. User response: Change the input data set to one that is partitioned or sequential and retry. ISRJ906 Invalid organization - Only partitioned data sets processed.

Explanation: An invalid option was entered on either the Batch Selection panel (ISRJPA) or the Batch Termination panel (ISRJPB). User response: Specify a valid option and press Enter. ISRJ901 aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The PDF batch Binder/Linkage Editor option only supports partitioned data sets as input. User response: Change the input data set to one that is partitioned and retry.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRJ907 Batch: aaaaaaaa ------------------------------------------------------ISRLD001 Insufficient storage - Not enough main storage was available to satisfy request for LMDINIT.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRJ908 Job skeleton not found - Job skeleton file ISRJSJC not found.

Explanation: There is not enough storage available to build the control block for processing LMDINIT. User response: Increase your region size and retry the request. ISRLD002 Free storage failed - Free main storage request failed.

Explanation: PDF batch skeleton ISRJSJC, used to set up the job cards for batch job submission, could not be found in your ISPSLIB concatenation. User response: Check your ISPSLIB concatenation to ensure the proper skeleton libraries are specified. After correcting your concatenation, retry the request. ISRJ909 File tailoring error - File tailoring is already in progress.

Explanation: The LMDINIT service was unable to free the storage used to build the control block. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRLD003 Invalid data set level - Data set level must not have quotes.

Explanation: The PDF batch option uses ISPF file tailoring to create its jobstream; therefore, it cannot be invoked when another file tailoring request is in progress. User response: Finish the in-process file tailoring request, then retry the batch request. ISRLA120 No unit description - Must specify the unit description for the outlist data set. No block size - Must specify the block size for the outlist data set. No logical record length - Must specify the logical record length for the outlist data set. No lines per page - Must specify the lines per page for the outlist data set. No primary/secondary - Must specify primary/secondary space quantity for outlist data set. No primary space - Must specify primary space quantity for partitioned outlist data set. Missing parameters - One or both of level and volume must be specified for LMDINIT.

Explanation: The data set name level does not need to be included in quotes. User response: Remove the quotes from the data set name level. ISRLD004 Invalid DSname level - Two or more adjacent asterisks within a DSname level qualifier is invalid. A single asterisk indicates 0 or more letters may occupy that position in the qualifier.



Explanation: Two or more adjacent asterisks means 0 or more qualifiers may occupy that position. This is invalid within a single qualifier. Double asterisks may be used as a qualifier with no other characters. User response: Change the adjacent asterisks to a single asterisk. ISRLD005 Invalid DSname level - In order to list catalog entries, you must specify at least one partial qualifier. Any DSname level that contains only asterisks is invalid.




Explanation: If you specify only asterisks for a DSNAME level, a search will be made of all the catalogs on the system. This is detrimental to performance, so at least one partial qualifier is required. User response: Partially qualify at least one dsname level qualifier. ISRLD006 Invalid data set level - Qualifiers cannot be longer than 8 characters.


Explanation: Either a data set name level or a volume or both must be specified for the data set list service. User response: Correct the LMDINIT command.

Explanation: This is an informational message.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRLD007 Invalid data set level - Qualifiers must be at least one character long. ISRLD015 Cannot save list - A save cannot be performed when a list already exists for a list ID

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLD008 Invalid data set level - A data set level cannot have more than 8 qualifiers.

Explanation: When a LMDLIST command has been issued with the LIST option, an LMDFREE must be issued before an LMDLIST with option SAVE is executed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Issue an LMDFREE command for the list before using LMDLIST with the save option. ISRLD016 Data set not specified - The data set parameter is required for the list option.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLD009 Invalid data set level - The specified data set level is invalid.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLD010 Invalid option - Specify one of LIST, FREE, SAVE, SAVEC or TOTALS.

Explanation: The data set parameter is required for the list option to establish the position of the list. User response: Specify a data set parameter. ISRLD017 Invalid STATS parameter - Specify either YES, NO or PRT.

Explanation: Valid options for the LMDLIST service are LIST, FREE, SAVE, SAVEC and TOTALS. User response: Specify a valid option. ISRLD011 List ID not initialized - The list ID was not initialized successfully by the LMDINIT service.

Explanation: The only valid parameters for the STATS parameter of LMDLIST are YES, NO or PRT. User response: Enter YES or NO to have STATS saved in the function pool. Enter PRT to add the Total Tracks header line to the data set list printed to the ISPF List data set. ISRLD018 Invalid data set level - The DSname level cannot contain embedded blanks.

Explanation: The LMDINIT service failed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the parameters of the LMDINIT service. ISRLD012 Volume error - The volume specified for this list ID is invalid

Explanation: An invalid volume was specified for the LMDINIT command. User response: Specify a valid volume. ISRLD013 No data set names found - No data set names were found to satisfy the search argument(s).

Explanation: Blanks are not allowed in the DSname level for the LMDINIT service. User response: Remove the blanks from the DSname level. ISRLD019 Invalid STATUS parameter - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLD014 Cannot free list - No data set list has been built by the LMDLIST service for this list ID

Explanation: The only valid parameters for the STATUS parameter of LMDLIST are YES or NO. User response: Enter YES or NO to have a progress status panel displayed during data collection. ISRLD020 List ID not initialized - The list ID was not initialized successfully by the LMDINIT service.

Explanation: An invalid dslist ID was specified for the LMDFREE command. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the list ID specified for the LMDFREE command.

Explanation: An LMDFREE service was requested for a data set list ID that was not initialized by the LMDINIT service. Programmer response: Initialize the data set list ID before trying to free it.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRLD030 Internal error - The LDB was not properly initialized. Contact system programmer. ISRLD035 Data set not partitioned - The MEMLIST service requires the data set to be a partitioned data set.

Explanation: The control block for this data set list has not been initialized. The control block is initialized by the LMDINIT service. Programmer response: Use the LMDINIT service to initialize the control block for the LMDDISP service. ISRLD031 Invalid VIEW value - Specify either VOLUME, SPACE, ATTRIB or TOTAL.

Explanation: The data set is not partitioned; the MEMLIST service requires a partitioned data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRLD036 Invalid CONFIRM value - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: For the MEMLIST service, the only valid values for the CONFIRM parameter are YES or NO. Programmer response: Use YES or NO with the CONFIRM parameter. ISRLD037 Invalid CATALOG value - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: When the VIEW parameter is specified for the LMDDISP service, the parameter must be VOLUME, SPACE, ATTRIB, or TOTAL. Any other specification for VIEW is invalid. Programmer response: Specify a valid view parameter. ISRLD032 Invalid CONFIRM value - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: For the LMDDISP service, the only valid values for the CATALOG parameter are YES or NO. Programmer response: Use YES or NO with the CATALOG parameter. ISRLD038 Invalid TOTALS parameter - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: For the LMDDISP service, the only valid values for the CONFIRM parameter are YES or NO. Programmer response: Use YES or NO with the CONFIRM parameter. ISRLD033 Load failed for ISRUDL - The load of the data set list utility load module (ISRUDL) failed.

Explanation: The only valid parameters for the TOTALS parameter of LMDDISP are YES or NO. User response: Enter YES or NO to have an additional header line with the total tracks of all data sets and the number of all data sets in the list displayed above the column description for the TOTAL and SPACE view. ISRLD039 Invalid STATUS parameter - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: The LMDDISP service was unable to load module ISRUDL. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the load library concatenation sequence (ISPLLIB, STEPLIB, and so forth) to ensure that the library containing ISRUDL is included. ISRLD034 Load failed for ISRUDA - The load of the Library Utility load module (ISRUDA) failed.

Explanation: The only valid parameters for the STATUS parameter of LMDDISP are YES or NO. User response: Enter YES or NO to have a progress status panel displayed during data collection. ISRLE000 Enter project name - Project name is missing or invalid.

Explanation: The MEMLIST service was unable to load module ISRUDA. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the load library concatenation sequence (ISPLLIB, STEPLIB, and so forth) to ensure that the library containing ISRUDA is included.

Explanation: Either no project name was entered on the Member Parts List panel or the project name entered was syntactically incorrect. User response: Correct the project value and retry the request. ISRLE001 Enter group name - Group name is missing or invalid.

Explanation: Either no group name was entered on the Member Parts List panel or the group name entered was syntactically incorrect.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Correct the group value and retry the request. ISRLE002 Enter type qualifier - Type is missing or invalid. User response: There may be no available data set names for Member Parts List to use, or an existing data set that Member Parts List is trying to use may have incorrect characteristics. Delete all existing data sets that follow the Member Parts List naming convention, and retry the request. The data set names generated by Member Parts List have one of these forms: userid.SPFnnn.OUTLIST or prefix.userid.SPFnnn.OUTLIST ISRLE009 ISRLE003 DSN required - Output data set name required for option 2. Enter valid LANG value - Minimum valid values are: ASM, COB, FOR/FTN, PAS, PL1/PLI, SCR.

Explanation: Either no type name was entered on the Member Parts List panel or the type name entered was syntactically incorrect. User response: Correct the type value and retry the request.

Explanation: When using Member Parts List option 2 (Write Member Parts Data Set), the output data set must be specified. User response: Specify a data set name in the Output Data Set field and retry the request. ISRLE004 Invalid DSORG - Input data set must be partitioned.

Explanation: The value entered in the language field was not valid. The supported values and languages are: ASM Assembler COB COBOL FOR or FTN FORTRAN PAS Pascal PL1 or PLI PL/I SCR Script User response: Enter a valid language value, and retry the request. ISRLE010 No valid job card found - Enter a valid job card from option 5 (Batch).

Explanation: Input to the Member Parts List function must be a partitioned data set or a concatenation of partitioned data sets. User response: Correct the input data set name to specify one or more partitioned data sets, and retry the request. ISRLE005 Library allocation error - ISPF input library cannot be allocated to the input ddname.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLE011 Skeleton not found - Skeleton aaaaaaaa not found in ISPSLIB concatenation.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLE012 Member name not allowed - A member name was specified for a sequential data set.

Explanation: The Member Parts List processor attempted to allocate the input data sets specified to ddname ISRLCODE. This allocation failed, must likely because the ddname is already in use. User response: Free ddname ISRLCODE and retry the request. ISRLE006 Output DSN error - The output data set could not be allocated.

Explanation: The data set specified in the Output Data Set field is a sequential data set, but a member name was specified. Member name is not valid for a sequential data set. User response: Either specify a sequential data set without a member name or specify a partitioned data set and member in the Output Data Set field, then retry the request. ISRLE013 Member name is required - A partitioned data set was specified with no member name.

Explanation: The Member Parts List processor could not successfully allocate the data set specified in the Output Data Set field. User response: The data set may be in use by another user. Verify that the data set is available and usable, then retry the request. ISRLE007 Allocate temp DSN failed - A temporary output data set could not be allocated.

Explanation: Member Parts List attempted to create a temporary data set to hold the listing requested, but the allocation failed.

Explanation: The data set specified in the Output Data Set field is a partitioned data set, but no member name was specified. A member name is required for a partitioned data set. User response: Either specify a sequential data set
Chapter 2. PDF messages


without a member name, or specify a partitioned data set and member in the Output Data Set field, then retry the request. ISRLE014 Error: SPFnnn.OUTLIST - Please delete all unneeded SPFnnn.OUTLIST data sets. ISRLE023 Invalid DSORG - Data set organization must be partitioned (PO).

Explanation: Input to the Member Parts List function must either be a partitioned data set or a concatenation of partitioned data sets. User response: Correct the input data set name to specify one or more partitioned data sets and retry the request. ISRLE024 Skeleton not found - Skeleton for aaaaaaaa not found in skels data set.

Explanation: Member Parts List attempted to create a temporary data set to hold the listing requested, but could not find a name available to use for the temporary data set. User response: Delete all existing data sets that follow the Member Parts List naming convention, and retry the request. The data set names generated by Member Parts List have one of these forms: userid.SPFnnn.OUTLIST or prefix.userid.SPFnnn.OUTLIST ISRLE015 Invalid output data set - The output data set must be record format fixed with record length >= 17.

Explanation: A skeleton needed for batch processing (aaaaaaaa) could not be found by the ISPF file tailoring program. User response: Verify that the proper ISPF skeleton library is allocated to ddname ISPSLIB, then retry the request. ISRLE025 DSN required - Data set name is required for option 2.

Explanation: The Member Parts List output data set must have a record format for Fixed or Fixed-Blocked and a logical record length of 17. User response: Reallocate the data set with the correct characteristics, then retry the request. ISRLE020 Enter project name - Project name is missing or invalid.

Explanation: When using Member Parts List option 2 (Write Member Parts Data Set), the output data set must be specified. User response: Specify a data set name in the Output Data Set field and retry the request. ISRLE026 Member name not allowed - A member name was specified for a sequential data set.

Explanation: Either no project name was entered on the Member Parts List panel or the project name entered was syntactically incorrect. User response: Correct the project value and retry the request. ISRLE021 Enter group name - Group name is missing or invalid.

Explanation: The data set specified in the Output Data Set field is a sequential data set, but a member name was specified. Member name is not valid for a sequential data set. User response: Either specify a sequential data set without a member name or a partitioned data set and member in the Output Data Set field, then retry the request. ISRLE027 Member name is required - A partitioned data set was specified with no member name.

Explanation: Either no group name was entered on the Member Parts List panel or the group name entered was syntactically incorrect. User response: Correct the group value and retry the request. ISRLE022 Enter type qualifier - Type is missing or invalid.

Explanation: The data set specified in the Output Data Set field is a partitioned data set, but no member name was specified. A member name is required for a partitioned data set. User response: Either specify a sequential data set without a member name or a partitioned data set and member in the Output Data Set field, then retry the request.

Explanation: Either no type name was entered on the Member Parts List panel or the type name entered was syntactically incorrect. User response: Correct the type value and retry the request.


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ISRLE029 Enter valid LANG value - Minimum valid values are: ASM, COB, FOR/FTN, PAS, PL1/PLI, SCR. ISRLS001 Incomplete specification - Must specify project, group1, and type for an ISPF library.

Explanation: The value entered in the language field was not valid. The supported values and languages are: ASM Assembler COB COBOL FOR or FTN FORTRAN PAS Pascal PL1 or PLI PL/I SCR Script User response: Enter a valid language value and retry the request. ISRLI003 Region size too small - Insufficient virtual storage from module aaaaaaaa. Free main storage failed - Free main storage failed in module aaaaaaaa. Close failed - Close failed in moduleaaaaaaaa. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Explanation: The LMINIT service was incorrectly invoked. An incomplete ISPF library name (Project, Group(s), and Type) was specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the project, group, and type are all correctly specified. If you are using a compiled language, check to see that values shorter than the maximum possible length are terminated with at least one blank. ISRLS002 Invalid ENQ requirement - Specify either SHR, EXCLU, SHRW, or MOD.


Explanation: An LMINIT service was issued with an invalid or missing value for the ENQ parameter. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the LMINIT service specifies either SHR, EXCLU, SHRW, or MOD for the ENQ parameter. In compiled languages, it is a good idea to pad the SHR parameter with a blank. ISRLS003 Invalid data set org - Data set is not sequential or partitioned. Not supported by ISPF.



Explanation: An LMINIT service was issued for a data set that has an organization not supported by ISPF. User response: Specify another data set, or contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the data sets used by your application are either sequential data sets or partitioned data sets. ISRLS004 Insufficient storage - Not enough main storage was available to satisfy request.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLS000 No data set specified - Must specify either an ISPF library, data set, or ddname for LMINIT.

Explanation: The LMINIT service was incorrectly invoked. Either a complete ISPF library name (Project, Group(s), and Type), a data set name, or a ddname must be specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: If you are using the ISPF library keywords, insure that the project, group, and type are all correctly specified. If you are using the data set or ddname keywords, insure that the values you are passing to the service are complete and correct. If you are using a compiled language, check to see that values shorter than the maximum possible length are terminated with at least one blank.

Explanation: An LMINIT service was unable to obtain the storage it needed to complete. User response: Try to reduce the number of programs already running while this program is running. If that is not feasible, try logging on with a larger region size. ISRLS005 Free storage failed - Free main storage request failed.

Explanation: Storage obtained by an ISPF service could not be freed. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that your program is not incorrectly freeing storage that it did not obtain. If this does not solve the problem, contact IBM support.

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ISRLS006 Invalid data set status - Only sequential data sets can be allocated mod for LMINIT. ISRLS010 Ddname not found - Ddname aaaaaaaa not found.

Explanation: An LMINIT service was issued to allocate a data set for disposition MOD but the data set is not sequential. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the application is allocating only sequential data sets with disposition MOD. ISRLS007 Member name not allowed - Member name not allowed in the specification of data set parameter.

Explanation: An LMINIT by ddname was requested, but the ddname specified is not currently allocated. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: If the ddname specified is correct, use the TSO ALLOCATE command to allocate the correct data sets to that ddname. If the ddname specified is not correct, make the necessary corrections. ISRLS011 Invalid data set status - Data set is not allocated as NEW, OLD, SHARED, or MOD.

Explanation: An LMINIT service was issued with the member name specified in the data set parameter. This is not supported by ISPF. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the application to specify only the data set name on the LMINIT service. Then use the LMMFIND service before the LMGET service, or use the MEMBER keyword of the EDIT or BROWSE services. ISRLS008 Member name not allowed - Ddname allocated to member of partitioned data set is not allowed.

Explanation: An LMINIT by ddname was requested, but the ddname was allocated with a status other than NEW, OLD, SHARED, OR MOD. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Reallocate the ddname using a correct status value and retry the LMINIT request. ISRLS012 Invalid concatenation - More than 16 concatenated data sets not supported by ISPF.

Explanation: An LMINIT by ddname was requested, but the ddname specified has more than 16 data sets allocated to it. PDF only supports up to 16 concatenated data sets. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Reallocate the ddname using 16 or fewer data sets, and retry the LMINIT request. ISRLS013 Invalid data set - Multivolume data sets are not supported by LMINIT by DDNAME.

Explanation: An LMINIT service was issued to use a preallocated ddname that was allocated to a member of a partitioned data set. This is not supported. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: If you know the name of the data set and member to be allocated, use the LMINIT service in combination with other services to allocate the data set as a whole, then to access the member. ISRLS009 Invalid data set status - Only partitioned data sets can be allocated shrw for LMINIT.

Explanation: An LMINIT by ddname was requested, but the data set allocated to the specified ddname is a multivolume data set. User response: Reallocate the ddname to a single volume data set, and retry the LMINIT request. ISRLS014 Invalid device - Data sets not on direct access device are not supported by ISPF.

Explanation: An LMINIT service was issued to allocate a data set for disposition SHRW but the data set is not partitioned. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the application is allocating only partitioned data sets with disposition SHRW.

Explanation: An LMINIT by ddname was requested, but one of the data sets allocated to the specified ddname does not reside on a direct access device. ISPF and PDF only support direct access devices. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Reallocate the ddname using data sets on direct access devices, and retry the LMINIT request.


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ISRLS015 Obtain failed - Unable to obtain data set organization. disposition of NEW, but the value for directory blocks is zero. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Reallocate the ddname, specifying a nonzero value for directory blocks, then retry the LMINIT request. ISRLS020 Data ID not found - Data ID aaaaaaaa not found.

Explanation: An LMINIT by ddname was requested, but a failure was encountered when issuing the OBTAIN macro to retrieve the data set characteristics. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS016 Inconsistent data sets - Data sets with inconsistent aaaaaaaa cannot be concatenated.

Explanation: An LMINIT by ddname was requested, but the data sets allocated to the specified ddname did not all have the same data set organization, record format, or record length (as indicated by aaaaaaaa). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Reallocate the ddname using data sets with consistent attributes and retry the LMINIT request. ISRLS017 Data set not partitioned - Only partitioned data sets may be concatenated under ISPF.

Explanation: The data ID specified in the library access service request does not exist. A previous LMINIT service was not successfully issued before the current service request was made. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Check the application to verify that the LMINIT service was issued and that it was successful. You may want to add logic to bypass subsequent service requests if the LMINIT fails. ISRLS021 No information available - No information available for field aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An LMINIT by ddname was requested, but the specified ddname represented a concatenation of sequential data sets. PDF only supports concatenations of partitioned data sets. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Reallocate the ddname using either one sequential data set or a concatenation of partitioned data sets, and retry the LMINIT request. ISRLS018 Missing aaaaaaaa - Must specify DSORG, RECFM, BLKSZ, LRECL for ddname allocated new.

Explanation: The LMQUERY service was issued for a data ID that was not allocated in a manner that LMQUERY supports. LMQUERY only supports the allocations made with the ISPF library qualifiers (Project, Group(s), and Type) on the LMINIT service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the LMQUERY service is only used for data IDs that are allocated using the Project, Groups, and Type fields on the LMINIT service. ISRLS022 Unexpected severe error - Severe error occurred trying to free data ID.

Explanation: An internal error occurred while trying to free a control block called the LSB. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS023 Unrecoverable I/O error - An unrecoverable read I/O error occurred while freeing data set.

Explanation: An LMINIT by ddname was requested for a ddname representing a data set with a disposition of NEW, but valid values had not been specified for one of more of these items: data set organization, record format, block size, or logical record length. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Reallocate the ddname, specifying all the appropriate information, then retry the LMINIT request. ISRLS019 No directory blocks - Must specify number of directory blocks for new partitioned data set.

Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error occurred while trying to free a data set that was open for reading. User response: Since the data set may not be usable, you may need to obtain a backup copy of it. Try to use other programs to read the data set before replacing it with an older backup copy.

Explanation: An LMINIT by ddname was requested for a ddname representing a partitioned data set with a

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ISRLS024 Unrecoverable I/O error - An unrecoverable write I/O error occurred while freeing data set. ISRLS029 Invalid disposition - An enqueue disposition of MOD is invalid for standard format records.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS025 Unrecoverable error - An unrecoverable error occurred while freeing member list.

Explanation: You cannot do an LMINIT with the ENQ(MOD) on data sets with a record format of FS or FBS. Writing to an FS or FBS data set using a disposition of MOD will corrupt the data set. User response: Either use a disposition of OLD, or copy the data into a record format F or FB data set and that process the data set MOD. ISRLS030 Invalid open option - aaaaaaaa is an invalid option. Specify either INPUT or OUTPUT.

Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred while freeing a member list during the execution of the LMFREE service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Before issuing the LMFREE service, issue the LMMLIST service with the free option. If this does not solve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRLS026 Unrecoverable error - An unrecoverable error occurred while closing data set.

Explanation: An LMOPEN service was invoked with an invalid parameter for the OPTION keyword. Programmer response: Verify that the OPTION value on the LMOPEN service is either INPUT or OUTPUT. The default is INPUT. ISRLS031 Data set already opened - The data set identified by data ID aaaaaaaa is already open.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS027 Members not found - No members were found in the specified data set.

Explanation: The LMPROM service was issued to promote members out of a data set that does not contain the members requested. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify that the members you want to promote exist in the data set from which you are promoting. ISRLS028 Members not found - No members were found in the data set to match pattern aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An LMOPEN service was invoked for a data ID that was already open. Programmer response: Check to see if LMOPEN is being called twice without an intervening LMCLOSE or LMFREE. If this is not the error, check to see if the data ID is open on entry to your program (if it was supplied by another program). For example, the edit macro DATAID statement will return a data ID that is already open and should not be closed by an edit macro. ISRLS032 OUTPUT not allowed - OUTPUT option is not allowed with data set allocated SHR.

Explanation: No members were found in the data set to match pattern aaaaaaaa, which was supplied to the LMPROM service. User response: Depending on the application, this may not be a problem. However, if you supplied the pattern, check to see if the pattern specified was correct. Programmer response: Verify that the pattern specified on the LMPROM service was correct. If this situation does not signify an error the application user needs to be aware of, you may want to ensure that LMPROM return codes are appropriately handled.

Explanation: An LMOPEN service attempted to open a data set for output when the data set was allocated by LMINIT with ENQ(SHR). Programmer response: Change the LMINIT ENQ option to EXCLU or SHRW. ISRLS033 OUTPUT not allowed - OUTPUT option is not allowed with concatenated data sets.

Explanation: An LMOPEN service attempted to open a data ID for output when the data ID was allocated to more than one data set. Concatenated libraries cannot be opened for output by the LMOPEN service. Programmer response: Change the logic of your program to create a separate data ID for the specific data set you need to write to, then use that data ID for writes. You may find the LMQUERY service helpful in


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this effort, or you may need to use another method (such as trapping the output of the TSO LISTALC STATUS command, or examining MVS control blocks) to determine the name of the data set to allocate. ISRLS034 Invalid data set status - Data set can only be allocated shared, old, shared/write, mod, or new. for the data ID used in the LMMFIND service. System action: LMMFIND ends with a return code of 12. ISRLS042 Data set not partitioned - The LMMFIND service only works with partitioned data sets.

Explanation: An LMOPEN service was attempted for a data ID that had an invalid allocation status. Programmer response: Verify that the LMINIT service that created the data ID has an ENQ value of SHR, SHRW, EXCLU, or MOD. If it does, then an internal control block was altered. Check your program for incorrect storage references. If none are found, contact IBM support. ISRLS035 INPUT not allowed - Only OUTPUT option is allowed with data set allocated MOD.

Explanation: The LMMFIND service is used to find a member of a partitioned data set. The data set represented by the given data ID is not partitioned. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the DATAID parameter to the DATAID for the partitioned data set to find the member name. System action: LMMFIND ends with return code 12. ISRLS043 Member not found - Specified member aaaaaaaa not found in data set(s).

Explanation: An LMOPEN service attempted to open a data ID for input when the data ID was allocated with the LMINIT service with a ENQ value of MOD. Programmer response: Change the LMINIT service that created the data ID to specify an ENQ value of SHR, SHRW, or EXCLU. The MOD value should only be used for writing to the end of a sequential data set. ISRLS036 Operation not supported - Statistics reset on an alias of a member of a PDSE is not supported.

Explanation: The given member was not found in the data set(s) specified by the given data ID. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: The response depends upon the design of the dialog. This may be an expected response. System action: LMMFIND ends with return code 8. ISRLS044 Severe error - Unexpected return code aaaaaaaa from common data set BLDL routine ISPCDB.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS040 Invalid STATS option - Specify either YES or NO for the STATS parameter for LMMFIND.

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during BLDL processing. The return code may be one of these: 24 OPEN was unsuccessful. 28 OBTAIN was unsuccessful. 32 Other BLDL error. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify the input parameters to LMMFIND. Try accessing the member through Browse (option 1) to verify that the member exists as expected in the data set(s). System programmer response: Recover the data set, if necessary. System action: LMMFIND ends with return code 20. ISRLS045 Severe error - I/O error trying to close out on read.

Explanation: STATS parameter must be YES or NO. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify the STATS parameter as YES if you want the LMMFIND service to return statistics. Otherwise, specify the STATS parameter as NO. System action: LMMFIND ends with a return code of 12. ISRLS041 Data set not opened - LMMFIND service requires the previous successful completion of LMOPEN.

Explanation: No LMOPEN was done prior to invoking LMMFIND. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Add an LMOPEN invocation

Explanation: This is an informational message. System action: LMMFIND ends with return code 20.

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ISRLS046 Not open for input - LMMFIND service requires the data set to be opened for input.

| ISRLS055 | |

Invalid statistics value - Current number of records must be a positive number greater than 0.

Explanation: The data ID for the LMMFIND service must be opened for input before invoking the LMMFIND service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Change the OPTION to INPUT on the LMOPEN service for the specified data ID. System action: LMMFIND ends with return code 12. ISRLS047 I/O error finding member - A permanent I/O error was detected when searching the directory.

| Explanation: The LMMSTATS current number of | records parameter contains an invalid value. | User response: Contact the responsible programmer. | Programmer response: Set the current number of | records to be a positive integer greater than 0. | System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with | return code 12. | ISRLS056 | |
Invalid statistics value - Initial number of records must be a positive number greater than 0.

Explanation: BLDL ended with return code 8. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify the input parameters to LMMFIND. Try accessing the member through Browse (option 1) to verify that the member exists as expected in the data set(s). System programmer response: Recover the data set, if necessary. System action: LMMFIND ends with return code 8. ISRLS048 Insufficient storage - Insufficient virtual storage was available to search the directory.

| Explanation: The LMMSTATS initial number of | records parameter contains an invalid value. | User response: Contact the responsible programmer. | Programmer response: Set the current number of | records to be a positive integer greater than 0. | System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with | return code 12. | ISRLS057 | |
Invalid statistics value - Number of modified records must be a positive number greater than 0.

| Explanation: The LMMSTATS number of modified | records parameter contains an invalid value. | User response: Contact the responsible programmer. | Programmer response: Set the current number of | records to be a positive integer greater than 0. | System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with | return code 12.
ISRLS060 Invalid mode specified - Specify either MOVE, LOCATE, INVAR OR MULTX for mode parameter.

Explanation: There is not enough virtual storage for ISPF to be able to read the directory. User response: Increase virtual storage.

| ISRLS051 |

Invalid EXT option - The EXT parameter value must be NO or omitted.

| Explanation: The System Programmer has not enabled | the recording of extended statistics. | User response: Contact your System Programmer. | System programmer response: Modify the ISPF | Configuration table to enable extended statistics. | ISRLS052 | | | | | | |
Invalid EXT option - The EXT parameter value must be NO or YES

Explanation: The valid modes for the LMGET service are: MOVE Moves the data to the address specified by the DATALOC parameter LOCATE Stores the address of the data into the DATALOC parameter INVAR Stores the data in an ISPF dialog variable specified by the DATALOC variable. MULTX Stores the data in an ISPF dialog variable specified by the DATALOC variable. The variable contains a 32K block of data with multiple segments. Each segment contains a

Explanation: The value passed for the LM service parameter EXT was invalid. The valid values are: v OFF - Extended statistics are not created. v ON - A line count number greater than 32,756 will cause extended statistics to be created. v YES - Extended statistics are created unconditionally.

| User response: Correct the parameter value and | reissue the service call


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

2-byte length prefix followed by the data. The last segment contains zero in the prefix followed by no data. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify the MODE parameter as MOVE, LOCATE, INVAR or MULTX. System action: LMGET service ends with return code 12. ISRLS061 Data set not opened - Data set is not opened for LMGET service. ISRLS064 Invalid DATALOC variable - For MOVE mode, DATALOC variable must have a positive numeric value.

Explanation: For the LMGET MOVE mode, the value specified by the DATALOC variable must be a valid address. All of the characters must be numeric and have a positive value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the DATALOC variable to a valid address. System action: LMGET service ends with return code 12. ISRLS065 DATALOC var out of range - For MOVE mode, DATALOC variable must have value <= (2**31)-1.

Explanation: The data set(s) represented by the DATAID parameter of LMGET must be open. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Open the data set(s) for the data ID, using the LMOPEN service, before calling LMGET. System action: LMGET service ends with return code 12. ISRLS062 Find member not done - For partitioned data sets, LMGET requires previous successful LMMFIND.

Explanation: For the LMGET service, the DATALOC variable must have a value of at least 1 but less than 2 147 483 647. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the DATALOC variable to a valid address. System action: LMGET service ends with return code 12. ISRLS066 I/O error on read - I/O error encountered while reading data set.

Explanation: In order for LMGET to process the correct member, the LMMFIND service must be invoked before the LMGET service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Find the member to be read by calling the LMMFIND service before calling LMGET. System action: LMGET service ends with return code 12. ISRLS063 Null DATALOC variable - For MOVE mode, DATALOC variable must contain a value.

Explanation: A severe error occurred while attempting to read the data set(s) represented by the DATAID parameter on the LMGET service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Browse the data set to verify that it is not damaged. System programmer response: Recover data, if necessary. System action: LMGET service ends with return code 12. ISRLS067 Invalid record length - Maximum record length must be greater than 0.

Explanation: For the LMGET MOVE mode, the DATALOC variable must contain a binary virtual storage address where the data read by LMGET is to be stored. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the variable, specified by the DATALOC parameter, to an address to store the data read by LMGET. System action: LMGET service ends with return code 12.

Explanation: For LMGET, the MAXLEN parameter is negative or zero. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the MAXLEN parameter to a valid data length. System action: LMGET service ends with return code 12.

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ISRLS068 Not opened for input - Data set must be opened for input for LMGET service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: On the LMOPEN service for the specified data ID, specify the OUTPUT option. System action: LMPUT service ends with return code 12. ISRLS073 Null DATALOC variable - DATALOC variable must either be an address or the data for LMPUT.

Explanation: The LMGET service requires that the data set(s) represented by the DATAID parameter be open for input. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: On the LMOPEN service for the specified data ID, specify the INPUT option. System action: LMGET service ends with return code 12. ISRLS070 Invalid mode specified - Specify either MOVE, INVAR or MULTX for mode parameter.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS074 Invalid DATALOC variable - For MOVE mode, DATALOC variable must have a positive numeric value.

Explanation: The valid modes for the LMPUT service are: MOVE Moves the data from the address specified by the DATALOC parameter INVAR Stores the data from an ISPF dialog variable specified by the DATALOC variable. MULTX Stores the data from an ISPF dialog variable specified by the DATALOC variable. The variable contains a 32K block of data with multiple segments. Each segment contains a 2-byte length prefix followed by the data. The last segment contains zero in the prefix followed by no data. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify the MODE parameter as MOVE, INVAR or MULTX System action: LMPUT service ends with return code 12. ISRLS071 Data set not opened - Data set is not opened for LMPUT service.

Explanation: For the LMPUT MOVE mode, the value specified by the DATALOC variable must be a valid address. All of the characters must be numeric, and must be a positive value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the DATALOC variable to a valid address. System action: LMPUT service ends with return code 12. ISRLS075 DATALOC var out of range - For MOVE mode, DATALOC variable must have value <= (2**31)-1.

Explanation: For the LMPUT service, the DATALOC variable must have a value of at least 1 but less than 2 147 483 647. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the DATALOC variable to a valid address. System action: LMPUT service ends with return code 12. ISRLS076 I/O error on write - I/O error encountered while writing data set.

Explanation: The data set represented by the DATAID parameter of LMPUT must be open. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Open the data set for the DATAID using the LMOPEN service before calling LMPUT. System action: LMPUT service ends with return code 12. ISRLS072 Not opened for output - Data set is not opened for output for LMPUT service.

Explanation: A severe error occurred while attempting to write to the data set represented by the DATAID parameter on the LMPUT service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Browse the data set to verify that it is not damaged. System programmer response: Recover data, if necessary. System action: LMPUT service ends with return code 12.

Explanation: The LMPUT service requires that the data set represented by the DATAID parameter be open for output.


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ISRLS077 Invalid record length - Record length must be positive and between 1 and (2**15)-1. ISRLS083 Member not found - The specified member name aaaaaaaa not found in the directory.

Explanation: For LMPUT, the DATALEN parameter must not be negative, zero, or greater than 32 767. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the DATALEN parameter to a valid data length. System action: LMPUT service ends with return code 12. ISRLS080 Invalid member name - Member name aaaaaaaa is invalid.

Explanation: The requested member does not exist for the LMMDEL or LMMREN service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the correct member name is requested. No action is usually necessary for LMMDEL. System action: Service ends with return code 8. ISRLS084 Member added - Member added to the data set. It did not previously exist.

Explanation: Member name parameter contains invalid characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Enter a valid member name in the member name parameter. System action: Service ends with return code 12. ISRLS081 Invalid STATS parameter - STATS parameter is invalid. Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The LMMREP service could not find a member to replace. The member is added to the data set. ISRLS085 Not partitioned data set - Data set must be partitioned for LMMADD, LMMREP, LMMDEL or LMMREN.

Explanation: The LMMADD, LMMREP, LMMDEL, and LMMREN services all operate on members of partitioned data sets. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Either ensure that the data set for the requested data ID is partitioned, or use the appropriate service to operate on sequential data sets. For example, to rename an entire data set, use the LMRENAME service. System action: Service ends with return code 8. ISRLS086 Data set is not open - The data set must be open for LMMADD, LMMREP, LMMDEL or LMMREN.

Explanation: The STATS parameter must be YES, NO, or blank. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Enter a valid STATS parameter. System action: Service ends with return code 12. ISRLS082 Member already exists - Directory already contains the specified member name.

Explanation: Either the LMMADD service or the LMMREN service failed because a member with the requested name already exists in the library. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: For the LMMADD service, either: v Select a member name that is not already being used, or v Use the LMMREP service to replace the member that has the same name. For the LMMREN service, either: v Select a member name that is not already being used, or v Use the LMMDEL service to delete the member that has the same name before calling LMMREN. System action: Service ends with return code 4.

Explanation: The data set represented by the requested data ID is not open. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use the LMOPEN service to open the data set before calling LMMADD, LMMREP, LMMDEL, or LMMREN. System action: Service ends with return code 12. ISRLS087 Data set not for output - Must open data set for output for LMMADD, LMMREP, LMMDEL, or LMMREN.

Explanation: The data set represented by the requested data ID must be open for output. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use the OUTPUT option of the LMOPEN service for the requested data ID.
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System action: Service ends with return code 12. ISRLS088 No record is written - LMMADD and LMMREP requires previous successful LMPUT service. ISRLS093 Not enough storage - Insufficient virtual storage is available to perform STOW function.

Explanation: STOW ended with return code 24. User response: Verify that the data set is not damaged. System programmer response: Recover the data set, if necessary. System action: Service ends with return code 20. ISRLS094 Invalid new member name - New member name aaaaaaaa is invalid.

Explanation: The LMMADD and LMMREP services are designed to add or replace a member of a partitioned data set. The LMPUT service writes the records to be used by LMMADD and LMMREP. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use the LMPUT service to write records to the member before calling the LMMADD or LMMREP service to create or replace the member. System action: Service ends with return code 14. ISRLS089 I/O error - Unexpected write error encountered.

Explanation: The new member name parameter for the LMMREN service contains invalid characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Enter a new member name parameter with valid characters. System action: LMMREN service ends with return code 12. ISRLS095 Variable not found - Variable not found for member statistic aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS090 No space in directory - No space left in the directory of the data set.

Explanation: There is no space left in the directory for the LMMADD, LMMREN, or LMMREP service to add the member. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Reallocate the data set with more directory blocks. System action: Service ends with return code 20. ISRLS091 Permanent I/O error - A permanent input or output error is detected.

Explanation: Variable requested was not found in any of the ISPF variable pools. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the variable name is typed correctly. System action: Service ends with return code 12. ISRLS096 No member name - A non-blank member name must be supplied

Explanation: STOW ended with return code 16. User response: Verify that the data set is not damaged. System programmer response: Recover the data set, if necessary. System action: Service ends with return code 20. ISRLS092 DCB not opened - The specified data control block is not open or is open for input.

Explanation: The requested service operates on member(s). No member specification was given. User response: Supply a member specification System action: Service ends with return code 12. ISRLS097 Member list error - Error building member list.

Explanation: An error was encountered when building a member list. System action: Service ends with return code 12. ISRLS100 Data set is not open - The data set identified by data ID aaaaaaaa is not open.

Explanation: STOW ended with return code 20. User response: Verify that the data set is not damaged. System programmer response: Recover the data set, if necessary. System action: Service ends with return code 20.

Explanation: The LMCLOSE service requires that the data set or sets represented by the requested data id be opened by the LMOPEN service.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: If no LMOPEN is required by the dialog, remove the LMCLOSE service from the dialog. System action: The LMCLOSE service ends with return code 8. ISRLS101 Close failed - Close failed for data set identified by DATAID aaaaaaaa. System programmer response: Back up the data sets if necessary. System action: Service ends with return code 20. ISRLS111 I/O error - I/O error freeing data set represented by data ID aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An error occurred attempting to free the data set, or attempting to free internal storage. User response: Verify that the data set is not damaged. Try the function again. If problem persists, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Back up the data set if necessary. System action: Service ends with return code 20. ISRLS112 Severe error - Directory block size exceeds maximum of 256.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS102 Unrecoverable I/O error - An unrecoverable read I/O error occurred while closing data set.

Explanation: LMCLOSE failed attempting to close the read buffer. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the data set or sets represented by the requested data ID are not damaged. System programmer response: Recover the data sets if necessary. System action: The LMCLOSE service ends with return code 20. ISRLS103 Unrecoverable I/O error - An unrecoverable write I/O error occurred while closing data set.

Explanation: The PDF common member list routine detected a data set that had a directory block greater than 256 bytes, the maximum supported by PDF. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Reallocate or recover the data set as necessary. ISRLS113 Cant save member list - The SAVE option is valid only when no member list exists for the data ID.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS104 Unrecoverable error - An unrecoverable error occurred while freeing member list.

Explanation: The LMMLIST service has already been invoked with the LIST option. The SAVE option cannot be used when there is already an active member list for a data ID. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: If you need to write the member list to a data set and process members within the member list, invoke the LMMLIST service with the SAVE option either v Before invoking LMMLIST with the LIST option to process the members, or v After processing the member list and invoking LMMLIST with the FREE option. System action: LMMLIST ends with return code 8. ISRLS120 Invalid option - Specify either LIST, FREE, or SAVE.

Explanation: LMCLOSE encountered a severe error while attempting to free a member list. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the data set or sets represented by the requested data ID are not damaged. System programmer response: Recover the data sets if necessary. System action: The LMCLOSE service ends with return code 20. ISRLS110 I/O error - I/O error closing data set represented by data ID aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to close the data set. User response: Verify that the data set is not damaged.

Explanation: The Option parameter of the LMMLIST service must be LIST, FREE, SAVE, or blank. Blank defaults to LIST. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Enter a valid value for the OPTION parameter.

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System action: LMMLIST service ends with return code 12. ISRLS121 Invalid STATS parameter - Specify either YES or NO. ISRLS126 No member list - Member list does not exist for this data set.

Explanation: The LMMLIST service attempted to free a member list that does not exist. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify that you are attempting to FREE a member list that was previously built. System action: LMMLIST service ends with return code 8. ISRLS127 Severe error - Open error occurred while building member list.

Explanation: The STATS parameter of the LMMLIST service must be YES, NO, or blank. Blank defaults to NO. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Enter a valid value for the STATS parameter. System action: Service ends with return code 12. ISRLS122 Data set not open - LMMLIST requires prior successful completion of LMOPEN.

Explanation: An ABEND occurred during open processing. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the data set or sets represented by the requested data ID have not been damaged. System programmer response: Recover the data sets, if necessary. System action: LMMLIST service ends with return code 20. ISRLS128 Severe error - I/O error occurred while building member list.

Explanation: The LMOPEN service must be invoked against the requested data ID before invoking the LMMLIST service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use the LMOPEN service to open the requested data ID, before calling the LMMLIST service. System action: LMMLIST service ends with return code 12. ISRLS123 Data set not partitioned - LMMLIST requires the data set to be a partitioned data set.

Explanation: An error occurred reading directory blocks. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the data set or sets represented by the requested data ID have not been damaged. System programmer response: Recover the data sets, if necessary. System action: LMMLIST service ends with return code 20. ISRLS129 Severe error - BLDL error occurred while building member list.

Explanation: The LMMLIST service gets a list of members for partitioned data sets only. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Use the LMMLIST service on the correct partitioned data set. System action: LMMLIST service ends with return code 12. ISRLS124 Empty member list - There are no members in this data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. LMMLIST service ends with return code 4. ISRLS125 End of member list - No more members in this data set.

Explanation: BLDL failed during member list processing. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the data set or sets represented by the requested data ID have not been damaged. System programmer response: Recover the data sets, if necessary. System action: LMMLIST service ends with return code 20.

Explanation: This is an informational message. LMMLIST service ends with return code 8.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRLS130 Free member list failed - Error occurred while freeing member list. Programmer response: Set the modification level to be a positive integer between 0 and 99, inclusive. System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS135 Invalid statistics value - Current number of records must be a positive number from 0 to 65535.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to free storage for the member list. System action: LMMLIST service ends with return code 20. ISRLS131 Invalid member name - Member name aaaaaaaa is invalid or has not been initialized to blanks.

Explanation: The LMMSTATS current number of records parameter contains an invalid value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the current number of records to be a positive integer between 0 and 65 535, inclusive. System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS136 Invalid statistics value - Initial number of records must be a positive number from 0 to 65535.

Explanation: The MEMBER parameter of the LMMLIST service contains invalid characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the member name variable contains either blanks or a valid member name. System action: The LMMLIST service ends with return code 12. ISRLS132 Member name too long - Member name must be 1 to 8 characters long.

Explanation: The LMMSTATS initial number of records parameter contains an invalid value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the initial number of records to be a positive integer between 0 and 65 535, inclusive. System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS137 Invalid statistics value - Number of modified records must be a positive number from 0 to 65535.

Explanation: The member name variable must be able to contain a value with a length of 8 characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: If you are using a program interface, declare the member name variable to be 8 characters long. If you are using a command interface, ensure that the member name variable contains 8 characters. Pad the member name with blanks if necessary. System action: The LMMLIST service ends with return code 8. ISRLS133 Invalid statistics value - Version number must be a positive number from 1 to 99.

Explanation: The LMMSTATS number of modified records parameter contains an invalid value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the number of modified records to be a positive integer between 0 and 65 535, inclusive. System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS138 Invalid statistics value - Creation date or last modified date aaaaaaaa is out of range.

Explanation: The LMMSTATS version number parameter contains an invalid value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Set the version number to be a positive integer between 1 and 99, inclusive. System action: LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS134 Invalid statistics value - Modification level must be a positive number from 0 to 99.

Explanation: The creation date does not exist. Either the month value is greater than 12, or the day value exceeds the number of days for the given month. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Enter a valid creation date.

Explanation: The LMMSTATS modification level parameter contains an invalid value. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.

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System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS139 Invalid statistics value - Last modified time aaaaaaaa is out of range. ISRLS143 Invalid date aaaaaaaa - Created and last modified dates must be in format YY/MM/DD or YYYY/MM/DD. Use the CREATED AND MODDATE parameter for YY/MM/DD format and the CREATED4 and MODDATE4 parameter for YYYY/MM/DD format.

Explanation: The last modified time does not exist. Either the hours are not between 00 and 23 inclusive, or the minutes are not between 00 and 59 inclusive. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Enter a valid creation date. System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS140 Missing ZLCDATE/ZLMDATE - Must specify creation date and last update date for member statistics.

Explanation: The creation date or modification date passed to the LMMSTATS service was either of incorrect length or contained incorrect data. The date must be 8 characters if the 2 character year format is used (YY/MM/DD, for example) or 10 characters if the 4 character year format is used (YYYY/MM/DD, for example). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the dates passed to LMMSTATS via the CREATED, CREATED4, MODDATE and MODDATE4 parameters are of correct length and contain valid dates. System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS144 Invalid date aaaaaaaa - Created and last modified dates must be in format YY/MM/DD or YYYY/MM/DD. Use the ZLCDATE and ZLMDATE dialog variables for YY/MM/DD format and the ZLC4DATE and ZLM4DATE dialog variables for YYYY/MM/DD format.

Explanation: The LMMSTATS service requires that the ZLCDATE and ZLMDATE variables be set to valid dates. These variables must be in an ISPF variable pool. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the ZLCDATE and the ZLMDATE variables are in ISPF variable pool and contain valid dates. System action: LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS141 Invalid statistics value - Version number (aaaaaaaa) must be positive number from 1 to 99.

Explanation: Either the version number value is too long, or it contains nonnumeric characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the ZLVERS variable is in an ISPF variable pool and contains a valid version number. System action: LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS142 Invalid statistics value - Modification level (aaaaaaaa) must be positive number from 0 to 99.

Explanation: The creation date or modification date passed to an ISPF service via the ZLCDATE, ZLC4DATE, ZLMDATE or ZLM4DATE had either an incorrect length or contained incorrect data. The date must be 8 characters if the 2 character year format is used (YY/MM/DD, for example, via variable ZLMDATE or ZLMDATE) or 10 characters if the 4 character year format is used (YYYY/MM/DD, for example, via variable ZLC4DATE or ZLM4DATE). User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the dates passed to ISPF via the ZLCDATE, ZLC4DATE, ZLMDATE and ZLM4DATE variables are of correct length and contain valid dates. System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS145 Invalid statistics value - Last modified time (aaaaaaaa) must be in format HH:MM or HH:MM:SS

Explanation: Either the modification level value is too long, or it contains nonnumeric characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the ZLMOD variable is in an ISPF variable pool and contains a valid version number. System action: LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12.

Explanation: Either the ZLMTIME value does not have 5 or 8 characters or does not have a colon (:) as the third character in the 5 character format and/or as the sixth character in the 8 character format. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: Ensure that the ZLMTIME variable is in an ISPF variable pool and contains a valid time. System action: LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS146 Invalid statistics value - Current number of records (aaaaaaaa) must be positive number from 0 to 65535. System action: LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS160 Close data set failed - Close the control file unsuccessfully.

Explanation: The close of the control file failed. User response: If the problem persists, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that the control file is not damaged and can be accessed from the system. ISRLS161 Free storage failed - Free the storage of TFD for the control file unsuccessfully.

Explanation: Either the ZLCNORC variable value is too long, or contains nonnumeric characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the ZLCNORC variable is in an ISPF variable pool and contains a valid number between 0 and 65 535. System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS147 Invalid statistics value - Initial number of records (aaaaaaaa) must be positive number from 0 to 65535.

Explanation: The storage for the TFD of the control file could not be freed. User response: If the problem persists, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If the problem persists, contact IBM support. ISRLS162 Close data set failed - Close from data set failed.

Explanation: Either the ZLINORC variable value is too long, or contains nonnumeric characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the ZLINORC variable is in an ISPF variable pool and contains a valid number between 0 and 65 535. System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS148 Invalid statistics value - Number of modified records (aaaaaaaa) must be positive number from 0 to 65535.

Explanation: The close of the FROM data set was not successful. User response: If the problem persists, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that the FROM data set is not damaged and can be accessed from the system. ISRLS163 Free data set failed - Free from data set failed.

Explanation: Either the ZLMNORC variable value is too long, or contains nonnumeric characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the ZLMNORC variable is in an ISPF variable pool and contains a valid number between 0 and 65 535. System action: The LMMSTATS service ends with return code 12. ISRLS149 Invalid statistics value - User ID (aaaaaaaa) must be 1 to 7 characters.

Explanation: The allocation of the FROM data set could not be completed successfully. User response: If the problem persists, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that the FROM data set is not damaged and can be accessed from the system. ISRLS170 Alias name not supported - LMERASE service does not support erasing alias data sets.

Explanation: The ZLUSER variable value contains 8 or more characters. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the ZLUSER variable is in an ISPF variable pool and contains a valid user ID.

Explanation: The name that was specified is an alias. LMERASE does not support alias names. User response: Use the data set name instead of the alias name. System action: The alias and data sets are not deleted.

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ISRLS171 Data set not expired yet - The PURGE(YES) keyword must be used to delete the data set. User response: Either specify PROJECT, GROUP and TYPE, or use the DATASET parameters to specify the data set name. System action: The data set is not deleted. ISRLS176 Invalid statistics value - Last modified second (ZLMSEC) must be a number between 0 and 59.

Explanation: The data set has an expiration date that has not yet been reached. The PURGE(YES) keyword must be specified to delete this data set. User response: Specify the PURGE(YES) keyword to delete the data set. System action: The data set is not deleted. ISRLS172 Obtain macro failed - Obtain format 1 data set control block failed.

Explanation: Either the ZLMSEC value is not numeric or it is out of range. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Ensure that the ZLMSEC variable is in an ISPF variable pool and contains a valid value. System action: The second value is not accepted. ISRLS190 No new name specified - Must specify either NEWPROJ, NEWGROUP, or NEWTYPE for LMRENAME.

Explanation: LMERASE was not able to access the format 1 data set control block. User response: Verify that the data set name is valid and available. System programmer response: Verify that the device containing the data set is online and can be accessed. Verify that the catalog containing the data set is also available. System action: The data set is not deleted. ISRLS173 Invalid PURGE value - The PURGE keyword must have a value of YES or NO.

Explanation: A new name was not supplied for the LMRENAME command. One or more of these parameters must be supplied: NEWPROJ, NEWGROUP, NEWTYPE. User response: Specify at least one of the values used to form the new data set name. System action: The name of the data set is not changed. ISRLS191 Invalid new name - aaaaaaaa specified for bbbbbbbb is an invalid name.

Explanation: The value specified for PURGE was not YES or NO. User response: Specify either YES or NO for the PURGE value, or allow the value to default. System action: The data set is not deleted. ISRLS174 Invalid parameter - You must specify either PROJECT/GROUP/TYPE or DATASET for the LMERASE service.

Explanation: The value aaaaaaaa for the bbbbbbbb parameter forms an invalid data set name. User response: Change the value for the bbbbbbbb parameter to specify a value that will create a valid data set name. System action: The data set is not renamed. ISRLS192 New name same as old - New ISPF library name specified for LMRENAME is the same as old name.

Explanation: When invoking the LMERASE service to delete a data set, you must specify either a three-level qualified data set via the PROJECT, GROUP, and TYPE parameters, or an MVS partitioned or sequential data set via the DATASET parameter. Neither was specified. User response: Specify either PROJECT/GROUP/ TYPE or DATASET on the LMERASE call. System action: The data set is not deleted. ISRLS175 Invalid parameter - For the LMERASE service, If PROJECT is specified, GROUP and TYPE must also be specified.

Explanation: The values specified for LMRENAME results in the new data set name being the same as the old data set name. User response: If the data set is to be renamed, specify values that will result in a name different from the original data set name. System action: The data set is not renamed.

Explanation: The LMERASE service was invoked with the PROJECT parameter specified, but either the GROUP or TYPE parameter was missing.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRLS193 Alias name not supported LMRENAME does not support renaming alias data sets. User response: Contact the system programmer to check that the catalog for the new data set name is properly set up. System programmer response: Ensure that the index structure is set up for the catalog that will contain the new data set name. System action: The data set is not renamed. ISRLS198 ISRLS194 Catalog unavailable - Catalog does not exist, is not open, or do not allocate bit is on. No space in catalog - There is insufficient space on the catalog data set.

Explanation: The data set name specified for renaming using LMRENAME must not be an alias. User response: Specify a non-alias data set name. System action: The data set is not renamed.

Explanation: LMRENAME could not get access to the catalog. One of these conditions may exist: v The catalog does not exist. v The catalog is not open. v The do not allocate bit is on. User response: Verify that both data sets specified to the LMRENAME service can be accessed through the catalog. Notify the system programmer of any catalog problems. System programmer response: Ensure that the catalog for the data sets specified to the LMRENAME service exists, is open, and that the do not allocate bit is not set. System action: The data set is not renamed. ISRLS195 Authorization failed - The user is not authorized to perform the operation.

Explanation: There is not enough space in the catalog that would contain the new data set name to add it to the catalog. User response: Notify the system programmer that the catalog does not have enough space. System programmer response: Ensure that the catalog for the new data set name is large enough. System action: The data set is not renamed. ISRLS199 Uncatalog error - Uncatalog failed for data set aaa(44).

Explanation: The old data set name aaa(44) could not be uncataloged because it could not be found in the catalog. User response: Verify that the old data set name was specified correctly. System programmer response: Ensure that there are no problems with the catalog for the old data set name. ISRLS200 Data set not catalogued - Catalog error, Rtn code=aaaaaaaa (dec), r0=bbbbbbbb (hex), r1=cccccccc (hex).

Explanation: The user is not authorized to update the catalog with a new data set name. User response: Verify that you have authority to update the data set name in the catalog. Programmer response: Ensure that the user has authority to update the data set name in the catalog. System action: The data set is not renamed. ISRLS196 Name already catalogued - Entire or partial name already catalogued.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to catalog or uncatalog a data set. User response: Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that the catalogs for both the new and old data set names are available to users for both read and update accesses. ISRLS201 DSCB not on VTOC - The VTOC does not contain the format-1 DSCB for data set to be renamed

Explanation: The new name for the data set already exists in the catalog. User response: Change the parameters to the LMRENAME service to specify a new name that is unique. System action: The data set is not renamed. ISRLS197 Index does not exist - The index structure necessary to catalog the data set does not exist.

Explanation: The format-1 DSCB for the old data set name could not be found in VTOC of the volume where the catalog indicated that the data set exists. User response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the catalog information for the data set is correct, and that the VTOC for the volume containing the data set is correct.

Explanation: The needed index structure to catalog the new data set name does not exist.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRLS202 Data set pswd protected - Rename failed. Data set is password protected. set allocated to a ddname and that other users are not using the data set. ISRLS208 Authorization failed - Data set is RACF protected. The user is not alter authorized.

Explanation: The data set is password protected and cannot be renamed without the password. User response: Use option 3.2 or another utility that supports specifying the password of the old data set to rename the data set. ISRLS203 New name already exists - A data set with the new name already exists on the volume.

Explanation: The user does not have sufficient authority to rename the data set. ALTER authority is required for data sets that are RACF protected. User response: Ensure that you are given sufficient authority to rename the data set. Authority is required for both the old and new data set names. ISRLS209 Rename error - Rename error, Rtn code=aaaaaaaa (dec), status code=bbbbbbbb (dec).

Explanation: A data set with the same name as the new data set name already exists on the same volume. The existing data set may be uncataloged. User response: Either remove the existing data set with the same name as the new data set name, or specify a different new name. ISRLS204 Permanent I/O error - Permanent I/O error, invalid format-1 DSCB found, or error from CVAF.

Explanation: The rename service failed with return code aaaaaaaa and status code bbbbbbbb. User response: Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the catalog for the new and old data set names and the VTOC for the volume containing the data set can be read and updated. ISRLS210 Device code not found - DEVTYPE macro failed. Return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: A permanent I/O error occurred when accessing the format-1 DSCB in the VTOC of the volume of the data set that is being renamed. User response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Check the volume for I/O errors. ISRLS205 Volume not mounted - Volume not mounted or no device available to mount the volume.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS211 Invalid ISPF libraries - Concatenated libraries must have same project and type values.

Explanation: The volume that contains the data set being renamed is not mounted to the system. User response: Mount the volume containing the data set. ISRLS206 Volume not mounted - The operator is unable to mount the volume.

Explanation: All data sets in the ddname concatenation must have the same project (high level qualifier) and type (last qualifier). User response: Ensure that the data sets concatenated to the ddname all have the same project and type values. ISRLS212 Members not replaced - aaaaaaaa members not replaced, bbbbbbbb members cccccccc.

Explanation: The volume that contains the data set being renamed is not mounted to the system. The mount request failed. User response: Contact the system operator to determine the reason that the volume could not be mounted. ISRLS207 Data set in use - Data set not renamed because it is being used.

Explanation: Members of the same name exist in the source and target data sets. The members with the same name as those in the target data set were not replaced since the REPLACE option was not specified. User response: Either specify the REPLACE option or specify a TOMEM name that does not match an existing member in the target data set.

Explanation: The data set is currently allocated to a ddname. User response: Ensure that you do not have the data


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ISRLS213 To member in use - aaaaaaaa members not bbbbbbbb, cccccccc members bbbbbbbb packs. If you are unable to discern the reason for the close abend, contact IBM support. ISRLS302 Unrecoverable I/O error - An unrecoverable I/O error was detected during a write request.

Explanation: Target members of the copy or move were in use. User response: Ensure that you or another user are not editing or in some other way using the member that is the target of the operation. ISRLS214 From member in use - aaaaaaaa members not bbbbbbbb, cccccccc members bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An I/O error occurred during a write to data set request. User response: If this is as a result of a PDF service request, contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Determine the PDF service and the data set(s) in use. Attempt to write to the data set without using the service. If you are able to do this, try the service again. If the failure recurs, contact IBM support. ISRLS303 STOW failed with abend - Abend code of aaaaaaaa during STOW. See system message for details.

Explanation: Members were not copied or moved since they were in use. User response: Ensure that the members in the FROM data set are not in use by edit or another utility. ISRLS291 Data set is a PDSE - A PDSE does not need to be compressed.

Explanation: A compress was issued against a PDSE data set. PDSE data sets do not require a compress. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Before issuing the LMCOMP service, determine if the data set is a PDSE. ISRLS300 Write failed with abend - Abend code of aaaaaaaa during write. See system message for details.

Explanation: A STOW procedure resulted in an abend. User response: Follow the recommendations in System Messages. ISRLS304 Write failed RECFM error - Invalid record format specified for output data set.

Explanation: A write to a data set failed because the output data set is of an invalid record format. User response: If you can identify the output data set, reallocate it with an acceptable record format; otherwise, contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Reallocate the data set with the correct record format. ISRLS305 Write failed on pack - Invalid to pack undefined records.

Explanation: A data set full condition caused an abend. User response: This message is most likely the result of a PDF service invocation. Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Determine the service call that was invoked when the abend occurred. Possible services are: LMPUT, LMCOPY, LMPROM, and LMACT. Check the data sets used by the service for space. Reallocate the data sets with more space, if possible. ISRLS301 Close failed with abend - Abend code of aaaaaaaa during close. See system message for details.

Explanation: An attempt was made to pack a data set that was allocated as a undefined record format. User response: If this message is a result of a PDF service call, contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Determine the record format of the data set before issuing the service call. ISRLS306 Write failed on pack - Records already in packed format.

Explanation: A data set close resulted in an abend. User response: This error is most likely the result of an PDF service call that issued a close data set command. Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Determine the PDF service call that resulted in the abend. Check the data set. If you are unable to discover the reason for the close abend, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the data set and
Chapter 2. PDF messages

Explanation: The data set is already packed. User response: If this message is the result of a service call, contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Eliminate unnecessary pack requests.


ISRLS307 Started task ISPLOG fail - Previous write to started tasks ISPLOG failed. Programmer response: Validate the compress exit. ISRLS314 Reserve failed - Unable to reserve the DASD volume at this time.

Explanation: The started task attempted to write to the ISPLOG but could not. User response: Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Determine if the started task has authority to write to the ISPLOG data set. ISRLS308 Started task ISPLOG fail - Write to started task isplog abended with aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Try this operation again at a later time. ISRLS315 Error on write - Error writing IEBCOPY control cards.

Explanation: An attempt at writing IEBCOPY control cards has failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine cause for IEBCOPY failure. ISRLS316 Open error - Data set is already opened. It cannot be opened during compression.

Explanation: An abend occurred on the write to the started tasks ISPLOG. User response: Follow the recommendations in System Messages. ISRLS309 Internal program error. - STAE failed during initialization in module aaaaaaaa

Explanation: Another task has opened the data set. User response: Try again later. ISRLS317 Invalid disposition - Data set must be allocated exclusively. Use ENQ(EXCLU) in LMINIT service.

Explanation: An internal error occurred within an PDF module. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS310 IEBCOPY interface failed - The listing data set aaa(44) could not be allocated, opened or written to.

Explanation: The data set was not allocated exclusively as required by the LMINIT service. User response: Contact the programmer responsible for coding the LMINIT service. Programmer response: Validate the program issuing the LMINIT service. ISRLS318 Data set unmovable - Unmovable data sets cannot be compressed. Compress aborted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLS311 Data set not partitioned - Data set for the compress is not a partitioned one.

Explanation: The compress command is allowed only for partitioned data sets. ISRLS312 Service not available - Authorized IEBCOPY service not available.

Explanation: An attempt to attach IEBCOPY resulted in failure. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that IEBCOPY exists and that the user has proper authority. ISRLS313 Compress not done - Exit return code indicates data set not eligible for compression.

Explanation: Compress alters the location of members within PDS storage. Because your PDS is unmovable, the compression cannot take place. ISRLS319 Concatenation exists - Concatenated libraries are not allowed with the LMCOMP service.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLS320 Authorization failed - You are not authorized to use the IEBCOPY service.

Explanation: Your site-developed compress exit determined the data set was not eligible for compression. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: If you feel you require authorization, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Give the user the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

necessary authorization, if appropriate. ISRLS321 IEBCOPY interface failed - Control card data set could not be allocated or opened. Programmer response: Verify that all data sets used by the exit exist and are cataloged, if applicable. ISRLS326 Compress exit error - Error in compress exit, ISPF will attempt to continue.

Explanation: ISPF was unable to allocate or open the temporary data set that holds IEBCOPY control cards. User response: Reissue the compress or MOVE or COPY request. If the problem recurs, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is most likely either an authorization failure or a system failure. Verify the users authorization. Verify that a system failure did not occur. System action: If a system failure occurred, correct the failure. ISRLS322 LMCOMP recursion error - Error attempting to use LMCOMP in a recursive fashion.

Explanation: Your installation-defined compress exit issued an error. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Determine the compress exit failure. ISRLS327 Compress exit error - Bad return from compress exit. Error unknown.

Explanation: Your installation-defined compress exit issued an unknown return code. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Determine the reason for the failure. ISRLS328 Compress exit error - Unable to execute compress exit.

Explanation: Your installation-defined compress user exit routine identified a recursion error. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify the compress exit logic. ISRLS323 Compress failed - ISPF was unable to compress specified data set.

Explanation: ISPF was unable to execute your installation-defined compress exit. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify the user exit exists and can be accessed. ISRLS329 Severe error - Unable to continue LMCOMP service. Compress aborted.

Explanation: ISPF received a nonzero return code from IEBCOPY when attempting to compress a data set through the LMCOMP service. User response: The IEBCOPY messages were written to DDNAME ISPLSTx (where x is the logical screen number that the request was issued from) if the ISPLSTx DDNAMEs were preallocated before entering ISPF, or to a data set named user ID.SPFLISTx.CNTL. Refer to these messages for details on the IEBCOPY failure. ISRLS324 Compress exit error - Unable to allocate data set while using the compress exit.

Explanation: A severe error caused the compress to be aborted. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is likely to be the result of a system failure. Isolate the cause of the error. ISRLS330 IEBCOPY warning - IEBCOPY warning messages were issued and previously displayed for member aaaaaaaa.. IEBCOPY messages may be found in data set bbb(44).. If you are running from a member list you can press Enter to process any other selected members or enter END command to exit member list.

Explanation: Your installation-defined user exit issued a data set allocation error. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify the data set allocation logic in your compress exit. ISRLS325 Compress exit error - Data set specified not cataloged.

Explanation: A return code 4 was returned from IEBCOPY during the Move or Copy operation. The IEBCOPY listing was previously displayed. User response: Refer to the IEBCOPY listing and documentation for assistance. System programmer response: Check for a system
Chapter 2. PDF messages

Explanation: Your installation-defined compress exit indicated a data set catalog error. User response: Contact the responsible programmer.


failure, such as a faulty pack. ISRLS331 Directory error - Directory error on member aaaaaaaa. ISRLS336 Invalid parameters - The DELETE keyword must be specified alone.

Explanation: Only the keyword DELETE is allowed. Programmer response: Specify only the DELETE keyword. ISRLS337 Invalid open - Data set not opened for input.

Explanation: An attempt to STOW the member failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check for a system failure, such as a faulty pack. ISRLS332 IEBCOPY failed - IEBCOPY failed during copy. The IEBCOPY error listing was previously displayed and may be found in data set aaa(44)..

Explanation: The data set was opened but not for input. Programmer response: If the LMMOPEN service was used, verify that the data set was opened for input. ISRLS338 Data set not partitioned - Sequential data sets are not valid with the LMMSTATS service.

Explanation: A return code 8 or greater was returned from IEBCOPY during the Move or Copy operation. The IEBCOPY listing was previously displayed and may be found in data set aaa(44).. User response: Refer to the IEBCOPY listing and documentation for assistance in debugging the error. ISRLS333 Directory full - Directory full; unable to STOW member aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The LMMSTATS service requires that the data set be partitioned. User response: Reallocate the data set as partitioned. ISRLS339 Compress failed - Compress done by the compress exit failed.

Explanation: The directory entries for the data set have been filled. User response: If you are able: v Copy the allocation attributes of the data set. v Allocate a new data set. v Copy the members. v Delete or rename the old data set. v Name the new data to the previous name of the old data set. ISRLS334 RECFM = U not supported - Undefined record formats are not supported in the aaaaaaaa service.

Explanation: The installation-written compress exit failed. User response: Attempt the compress again. If the failure recurs, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that no system failures occurred. ISRLS340 Invalid record format - An undefined record format can only exist as a partitioned data set.

Explanation: Record format U (undefined) is not allowed for the aaaaaaaa. service. User response: Determine the correct record format for this data set. ISRLS335 IEBCOPY failed - IEBCOPY failed during copy. An IEBCOPY listing was created and is in data set aaa(44)..

Explanation: A record format of U is only valid for partitioned data sets. User response: Verify that the number of directory entries is greater than 0. ISRLS341 Open error - FROM sequential data sets cannot be open prior to using LMMOVE.

Explanation: A nonzero return code was returned from IEBCOPY during the Move or Copy operation. The IEBCOPY SYSPRINT listing can be found in data set aaa(44).. User response: Refer to the IEBCOPY listing and documentation for assistance in debugging the error.

Explanation: The FROM data set was opened prior to the LMMOVE service call. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Verify that a previous service did not leave the FROM data set open.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRLS342 Data set open for output - From data set must be opened for input. ISRLS351 Data set unmovable - Input data set cannot be moved.

Explanation: The FROM data set was opened for output instead of input. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the service call.

Explanation: Unable to move this data set. User response: Check that the data set you are attempting to move is not the input data set. ISRLS352 Output blksize too small - Output data set block size must be equal or greater than input.


DISP=MOD invalid - Disposition of mod not allowed for packed data sets.

Explanation: Packed data sets are not allowed a disposition of MOD. User response: Either change the disposition or remove the pack request. ISRLS344 Pack failed - Specifying DISP=MOD is invalid if to data set has packed data.

Explanation: A MOVE or COPY has been requested in which the TO data set has a smaller block size than the FROM data set. User response: Reallocate the TO data set or choose another data set. ISRLS353 Invalid SCLM setting - The SCLM parameter value must be ON, OFF or ASIS

Explanation: When using LMCOPY and LMMOVE services and appending data to a sequential data set by using a TO data set disposition of MOD, the target output data set cannot be an existing data set that contains packed data. User response: Either unpack the data in the target sequential data set, or specify a different target data set that is not packed. ISRLS345 Read error on get - Unable to read the first record from the target sequential file.

Explanation: The value passed for the LMMSTATS parameter SCLM was invalid. The valid values are: v OFF - Turn the SCLM bit in the directory off. This is the default v ON - Turn the SCLM bit in the directory on. v ASIS - Leave the current setting of the bit unchanged User response: Correct the parameter value and reissue the service call ISRLS354 aaaaaaaa terminated - aaaaaaaa has been terminated due to truncation continue processing.

Explanation: When copying to a sequential data set, PDF reads the first record of that data set to see if it contains packed or unpacked data. PDF encountered an I/O error while attempting to read that first record and cannot continue your request. User response: Contact your system programmer for assistance determining the cause of the I/O error. ISRLS348 Invalid record format - The from or to data set has RECFM = U. They must both be U.

Explanation: Some records may be truncated in the TO data set due to block size incompatibility. User response: Either accept the truncation or cancel the action. ISRLS355 Member name is blank - Input member name must be specified for partitioned data sets.

Explanation: If either the FROM or TO data set has a record format of U (undefined), then both data sets must have record format U. User response: Reallocate one of the data sets or forgo the MOVE/COPY. ISRLS349 Pack error - Packing is not allowed with undefined record formats.

Explanation: An input data set member name must be specified. User response: Specify the member to MOVE or COPY. ISRLS356 Member name is required - A new member name must be specified when from data set is sequential and to data set is partitioned.

Explanation: A pack option cannot be requested for data sets whose record format is U (undefined). User response: Remove the pack request from the service.

Explanation: An output member name for partitioned data sets must be specified. User response: Specify the output member to MOVE or COPY.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRLS357 Member name not allowed - Member name aaaaaaaa not allowed with a sequential file. ISRLS363 Concatenation is invalid - Concatenated libraries are not allowed with the aaaaaaaa service.

Explanation: A sequential file does not contain members. User response: Blank out the member name. ISRLS358 Invalid data sets - Same data sets not allowed when processing aaaaaaaa service.

Explanation: The specified service does not allow concatenated libraries. User response: Specify a library that is not part of a concatenation. ISRLS364 Output name not allowed - Output name aaaaaaaa not allowed when using member lists.

Explanation: The TO and FROM data set names are identical. User response: Correct one of the data set names. ISRLS359 Concatenation is invalid - The to data ID contains concatenated libraries. This is not allowed.

Explanation: The TO member name is not allowed when using member lists. User response: Remove the TO member name. ISRLS365 I/O error or BLDL - I/O error or BLDL on member build.

Explanation: Concatenated libraries are not allowed for the TO data set. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the concatenation error.

Explanation: A severe internal error has occurred. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS366 RECFM=U not supported - Undefined record formats are only supported with INDEX parameter of the LMPRINT service.


New output name required - TO data set name and FROM data set name are the same. Enter a different TO data set name, or enter a member name (the FROM member will be copied/moved and renamed to the new member name).

Explanation: The TO data set name is the same as the FROM data set name or blank. User response: Specify a TO data set name that is different from the FROM data set name. Or enter a member name (the member will be renamed). ISRLS361 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa not found in specified input library.

Explanation: Record format U (undefined) can only be used with the INDEX parameter of the LMPRINT service. LMPRINT does not support printing individual load module members. User response: Specify either the INDEX parameter, or a data set that is not record format U. ISRLS367 Invalid keyword - LMF is no longer supported in this release of ISPF, the LOCK keyword is not valid. For ISPEXEC calls, remove the LOCK keyword. For ISPLINK calls, pass a blank for the LOCK parameter value.

Explanation: The member does not exist in the input library. User response: Make sure the specified member name is correct. ISRLS362 Open error - aaaaaaaa service requires the to data IDs not to be opened.

Explanation: A dialog invoked the LMCOPY, LMMFIND or EDIT service with the LOCK option specified indicating an LMF lock should be performed. LMF is no longer supported by ISPF. Programmer response: For ISPEXEC calls, remove the LOCK keyword. For ISPLINK calls, pass a blank for the LOCK parameter value. ISRLS369 No members in data set - The partitioned data set specified contains no members.

Explanation: The specified service requires that the TO data set be closed when the service is invoked. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Issue an LMFREE for the TO data ID before invoking the service.

Explanation: There are no members in the partitioned data set.


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User response: Specify a partitioned data set that contains members. ISRLS370 Seq. data set invalid - Use partitioned data set, if from side has multiple members. ISRLS376 No members match pattern - Pattern aaaaaaaa contains no matching members.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLS377 Print failed - Unable to write to the listing data set.

Explanation: The TO data set must be partitioned if the FROM data set has multiple members. User response: Specify a partitioned data set for the TO data set. ISRLS371 Invalid format parameter - Format value aaaaaaaa is not valid. Specify YES, NO, or blank.

Explanation: The print failed because it was unable to write to the listing data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS378 Print failed - Unable to allocate listing data set.

Explanation: The value specified for the FORMAT parameter is not valid. User response: Specify YES, NO, or blank for the value of the FORMAT parameter. ISRLS372 Member name not allowed - Member name not allowed when processing index print request.

Explanation: The print failed because the listing data set could not be allocated. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS379 Member(s) empty - aaaaaaaa member(s) processed contained no records.

Explanation: Do not specify a member name when printing an index listing. User response: Remove the member name and retry.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLS440 Data set is empty - Data set contains no records to print.


Sequential not supported - Sequential data sets are not supported with the index option.

Explanation: The data set requested for printing contains no records. User response: Specify a data set that contains records. ISRLS441 Data set(s) not open - A call to LMOPEN must be made before LMMDISP can be invoked.

Explanation: The index option does not support sequential data sets. User response: Use the index option with a partitioned data set. ISRLS374 Member name not allowed - A member name or pattern is invalid with sequential data sets.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS442 Invalid data-id - No data set is associated with the specified data-id.

Explanation: A member name or pattern cannot be specified for sequential data sets. User response: Either remove the member name or specify a partitioned data set. ISRLS375 Member must be specified - A member, pattern or * must be specified with partitioned data sets.

Explanation: There is no data set associated with the specified data-id. User response: Issue an LMINIT and an LMOPEN to associate the data set with the data-id, and open the data set. ISRLS443 Severe error - The PDS directory block size exceeds a maximum of 256.

Explanation: A member name, pattern, or an asterisk must be specified if the data set is partitioned. User response: Either specify a member name, pattern, or an asterisk, or specify a sequential data set.

Explanation: A severe error occurred because the PDS directory block size is greater than 256. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS444 Data set not partitioned - LMMDISP requires the data set to be a partitioned data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS451 Empty member list - The LMMDISP or MEMLIST service was called using a data set or concatenation which contains no members. No member list was displayed.

Explanation: The data set is not partitioned; LMMDISP requires a partitioned data set. User response: Specify a partitioned data set. ISRLS445 Severe error - An open error occurred while building the member list.

Explanation: An open error occurred while building the member list. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The LMMDISP or MEMLIST service was called using a data-id which refers to an empty partitioned data set or a concatenation of empty partitioned data sets. The requested member list was not displayed. User response: Specify a data set that contains members. ISRLS452 No member list - A member list does not exist for this data set.


Severe error - An I/O error occurred while building the member list.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while building the member list. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS447 Severe error - A BLDL error occurred while building the member list.

Explanation: The data set does not have a member list. User response: Specify a data set that contains members. ISRLS453 End of selections - No more members were selected from this member list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLS454 End of display - END or RETURN was entered to terminate the member list display.

Explanation: A BLDL error occurred while building the member list. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS448 Severe error - A severe BLDL error occurred while getting the next selection.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLS455 Member exists - The specified member already exists in the member list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRLS456 Member not found - The specified member cannot be found in the data set concatenation.

Explanation: A severe BLDL error occurred while getting the next selection. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS449 Invalid in batch mode - The LMMDISP service may not be invoked in batch mode.

Explanation: The specified member cannot be found in the concatenation of data sets. User response: Specify a member that exists in the data set concatenation. ISRLS457 No matches found - No members matched the specified pattern.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS450 Severe error - A translation or truncation error occurred while accessing dialog variables.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: A translation or truncation error occurred while accessing dialog variables.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRLS460 Keyword missing - Keyword MEMBER is required for use with option ADD|DELETE|PUT. ISRLS467 Invalid CURSOR value - The valid values for keyword CURSOR are ZCMD, ZLLCMD, and ZLUDATA.

Explanation: A member name must be specified with the ADD|DELETE|PUT option of the LMMDISP service. User response: Specify a member name for the ADD|DELETE|PUT option of the LMMDISP service. ISRLS461 Keyword missing - Keyword MEMBER is required for use with option PUT.

Explanation: The value specified for the CURSOR keyword of the LMMDISP service is invalid. User response: Specify ZCMD, ZLLCMD, or ZLUDATA for the CURSOR keyword. ISRLS468 Invalid COMMANDS value - The valid values for keyword COMMANDS are S and ANY.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS462 Invalid OPTION value - The valid values for keyword OPTION are DISPLAY, GET, ADD, PUT, DELETE and FREE.

Explanation: The value specified for the COMMANDS keyword of the LMMDISP service is invalid. User response: Specify S or ANY for the COMMANDS keyword. ISRLS469 Invalid STATS value - The valid values for keyword STATS are YES and NO.

Explanation: An invalid value was specified for the OPTION keyword of the LMMDISP service. User response: Specify DISPLAY, GET, ADD, PUT, DELETE or FREE for the OPTION keyword. ISRLS463 Invalid panel width - The member list panel ZDATA area requires a width of 80 characters.

Explanation: The value specified for the STATS keyword of the LMMDISP service is invalid. User response: Specify YES or NO for the STATS keyword. ISRLS470 Invalid member list - You may not use a member list created by LMMDISP with the LMMLIST service.

Explanation: The ZDATA area of the member list panel must be 80 characters. User response: Specify a member list panel with a ZDATA area that is 80 characters. ISRLS464 Invalid pattern - The member name pattern specified contains invalid characters.

Explanation: Member lists generated by LMMDISP cannot be used with LMMLIST. User response: Free the member list using OPTION(FREE) when switching between LMMLIST and LMMDISP with the same data-id. ISRLS471 Invalid member list - You may not use a member list created by LMMLIST with the LMMDISP service.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS465 Panel not found - Panel aaaaaaaa could not be found.

Explanation: Member lists generated by LMMLIST cannot be displayed by LMMDISP. User response: Free the member list using OPTION(FREE) when switching between LMMLIST and LMMDISP with the same data-id. ISRLS472 Data set not open - LMMDISP requires prior successful completion of LMOPEN.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS466 No ZDATA area - The member list display panel must contain a ZDATA area.

Explanation: There is no ZDATA area specified on the member list display panel. User response: Specify a member list display panel that contains a ZDATA area.

Explanation: The data set is not open. LMOPEN must be issued for the data set before calling the LMMDISP service. User response: Call the LMOPEN service for the data set before calling LMMDISP.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRLS473 Invalid MEMBER name - The value for keyword MEMBER contains invalid characters. ISRLS480 Member not found - The specified member was not found in the member list.

Explanation: There are invalid characters in the value specified for the MEMBER keyword. User response: Specify a valid pattern for the member name. Asterisk and percent are allowed in the pattern. ISRLS474 Invalid PANEL name - The value for keyword PANEL contains invalid characters.

Explanation: The PUT option of LMMDISP attempted to store data for a member that was not found in the list. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the incorrect member name. ISRLS481 Member not found - The specified member was not found in the member list.

Explanation: There are invalid characters in the value specified for the PANEL keyword. User response: Correct the invalid characters. ISRLS475 Invalid FIELD value - The valid values for keyword FIELD are 1 and 9.

Explanation: The DELETE option of LMMDISP attempted to delete a member that was not found in the list. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the incorrect member name. ISRLU110 Dynamic allocation error - Unavailable resource with error code aaaaaaaa, press Help key for detail. Dynamic allocation error - Invalid parameter list with error code aaaaaaaa, press Help key for detail. Dynamic allocation error Environmental error with error code aaaaaaaa, press Help key for detail. Dynamic allocation error - System routine error with error code aaaaaaaa, press Help key for detail. No dynamic allocation - Installation validation routine deny dynamic allocation/unallocation. Catalog error - Already cataloged, VSAM protected, or other reason aaaaaaaa Specify name or pattern - Command requires a member name or pattern be specified.

Explanation: The value specified for the FIELD keyword is invalid. User response: Specify either 1 or 9 for the FIELD keyword. ISRLS476 ZLLCMD value too long - The value for ZLLCMD must be one character long if field(1) was used.


Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRLS477 PQUERY error - A PQUERY error occurred. Contact your system programmer.


Explanation: An error occurred while using PQUERY. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRLS478 Panel not found - The specified member list display panel was not found. ISRLU113


Explanation: The specified member list display panel was not found. User response: Specify a display panel that exists. ISRLS479 Invalid member name - The value for keyword TOP contains invalid characters. ISRLU115


Explanation: The value specified for the TOP keyword is invalid. User response: Correct the value specified for the TOP keyword.

Explanation: The SELECT command requires that a member name or pattern be specified. User response: Reenter the SELECT command with a member name or pattern, or choose another command.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRM001 Member not found - The requested member was not found in the PDS directory(s). ISRM007 Invalid select code - Use S to select or primary command RESET to erase all line commands.

Explanation: PDF was unable to locate the member specified. User response: Check that the member name was spelled correctly. If the member is known to exist, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: PDF received an RC=4 from a BLDL. Run the appropriate diagnostics against the PDS (or PDSE) directory to verify that the member does exist. If directory problems are found, contact IBM support for the DFP component. ISRM002 Invalid member name - Member name specified contains invalid characters.

Explanation: A line command other than S was entered on a BROWSE or EDIT member list. User response: Make sure that BROWSE or EDIT is where you want to be. If so, enter S next to the member(s) to be selected, or enter RESET to clear all line commands. ISRM008 Invalid panel width - ISRCML requires a panel that is 80 characters wide.

Explanation: The member list panel specified has a width of fewer than 80 characters. User response: Verify that the member list panel being used has a width of 80 characters. System programmer response: Check users //ISPPLIB concatenation and any LIBDEFs to any panel libraries to ensure that the correct panel is being picked up and that it has a width of 80 characters. ISRM009 Pattern too long - Pattern must be less than or equal to 8 characters.

Explanation: One or more invalid characters were entered in the member name. User response: Check that the member name entered is a character string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters, the first of which is either alphabetic or $, #, or @. ISRM003 Invalid command - Valid member list commands are SELECT, SORT, LOCATE, RESET, REFRESH, SAVE, MLC, CONFIRM, FIND and SRCHFOR.

Explanation: The pattern specified has more than 8 characters. User response: Reduce the pattern specified to 8 or fewer characters. ISRM010 Invalid sort field - Valid sort fields are NAME, LIB, VV, MM, CRE, CHA, SIZE, INIT, MOD and ID.

Explanation: A command other than SELECT, SORT, LOCATE, RESET, REFRESH, SAVE, MLC, CONFIRM, FIND or SRCHFOR was entered. User response: Check the spelling of the command entered. Valid member list commands are SELECT, SORT, LOCATE, RESET, REFRESH, SAVE, MLC, CONFIRM, FIND and SRCHFOR. ISRM004 Invalid command - The only valid member list command is LOCATE (L).

Explanation: An invalid sort field type was specified. User response: Enter one of valid listed sort fields. ISRM011 Invalid sort field - Valid sort fields are NAME, LIB, SIZE, TTR, ALIAS, AC, AM, RM, ATTR and SSI.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRM005 Specify member name - Command specified requires a member name.

Explanation: An invalid sort field type was specified. User response: Enter one of valid listed sort fields. ISRM012 List in sorted order - The member list is already sorted in the specified order.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRM006 Member name too long - Member name must be less than or equal to 8 characters.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRM012B Invalid sort direction - The sort field direction must be A (for ascending) or D (for descending).

Explanation: A member name of more than 8 characters was entered. User response: Verify the member name entered and ensure it is less than or equal to 8 characters.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRM013 Panel not found - The specified member list panel could not be found. ISRM020 Invalid command syntax - The primary command you entered contains invalid syntax.

Explanation: The panel specified for the LMMLIST service could not be found. System programmer response: Verify that the panel specified for the LMMLIST service exists in a library that is concatenated to ISPPLIB. ISRM014 Invalid PDS directory - The directory block size exceeds a maximum of 256.

Explanation: A syntax error was detected for a primary member list command. User response: Valid member list commands are SELECT, SORT, LOCATE, RESET, REFRESH, and SAVE. ISRM021 I/O error - An I/O error was encountered while saving the member list.

Explanation: The directory for the specified library exceeds the maximum of 256. System programmer response: Allocate a data set with a directory that is less than the maximum of 256. ISRM015 Member deleted - The member you selected has been deleted. Please select again.

Explanation: An I/O error was detected while writing the member list to the ISPF list data set. System programmer response: Verify that the ISPF list data set is allocated and functional. ISRM022 List saved - The member list was saved in the ISPF list data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRM023 List saved - The member list was saved in aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The user has selected a new action for a member which has been deleted by a previous action. User response: No further actions can be performed against a deleted member. ISRM016 Members deleted - The members you selected have been deleted. Please select again.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRM024 Authorization failed - You may not use this protected data set. Open 913 abend.

Explanation: You have selected a new action for a group of members which has been deleted by a previous action. User response: No further actions can be performed against a deleted member. ISRM017 Invalid pattern - The specified pattern contains invalid characters.

Explanation: You do not have write authority to the list data set. Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Update the users authority level to the allocated list data set. ISRM025 Too many sort fields - You may specify up to two fields for use with the SORT command.

Explanation: An invalid character was used as part of a pattern. User response: Refer to the ISPF Users Guide, under Using Member Selection Lists for an explanation of member pattern usage. ISRM018 No matches - The specified pattern produced no matching members.

Explanation: Too many parms were entered for the SORT primary command. User response: Enter up to two sort fields on the SORT primary command. ISRM026 Enter aaaaaaaa string - The LOCATE command requires you to enter a aaaaaaaa string.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRM019 Invalid select code - Use select code s to select a member.

Explanation: The LOCATE primary command was entered with no parameter. User response: Enter one parameter with the LOCATE primary command.

Explanation: A selection code other than S was entered. User response: The member list for this function only supports the selection code of S.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRM027 Invalid list-id - aaaaaaaa contains invalid characters. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRM033 No members left - All members have been deleted from the PDS(s).

Explanation: The supplied list-id is invalid. The list-id is the third qualifier in the data set the member list is to be written to. The format is as follows: prefix.userid.list-id.MEMBERS If the data set does not exist, ISPF will create the data set. If the data set exists, it will be written over with the new list. User response: Enter a valid data set qualifier. ISRM028 Invalid created date - aaaaaaaa is invalid as a Created date.

Explanation: This is an informational message. All the current members of the PDS have been deleted by a previous action. ISRM034 LOCATE command invalid - The member list must be sorted again before you can use the LOCATE command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRM035 Invalid locate string - NX, DATA, OVLY, RU, RN, RF and TEST are the valid LOCATE parameters when a member list is sorted by ATTRIBUTES.

Explanation: The member list has been sorted by date created and a locate command has been entered that is not a numeric value. User response: Enter a valid date. ISRM029 Invalid changed string - aaaaaaaa is invalid as a Changed date/time

Explanation: The member list has been sorted by date changed and a locate command has been entered that is not a numeric value. User response: Enter a valid date/time ISRM030 I/O error - An I/O error occurred while processing the member list SORT command.

Explanation: The valid LOCATE parameters are based upon the most recent sort command. When a member list is sorted by attributes, use one of the LOCATE parameters listed. ISRM036 Allocation error - An error occurred allocating aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An error was encountered in allocating the List data set while processing the SAVE primary command. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRM037 Invalid sort field - Valid sort fields are NAME, LIB, VV, MM, CHA, SIZE, INIT, MOD, CRE and ID.

Explanation: An I/O error was detected during BLDL processing against the member list data set. User response: Retry the operation. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRM031 BLDL error - A BLDL error occurred while processing the member list SORT command.

Explanation: An invalid SORT primary command parameter was entered. User response: Retry the operation with a valid SORT parameter. ISRM038 Invalid sort field - Valid sort fields are NAME, LIB, ALIAS, SIZE, TTR, AC, AM, RM, ATTR and SSI.

Explanation: A BLDL error was detected against the member list data set. User response: Retry the operation. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRM032 OPEN error - An OPEN error occurred while processing the member list SORT command.

Explanation: An invalid SORT primary command parameter was entered. User response: Retry the operation with a valid SORT parameter.

Explanation: An OPEN error was detected against the member list data set. User response: Retry the operation.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRM039 I/O error - An I/O error occurred while saving the member list. ISRM044 Invalid sort field - Valid sort fields are NAME, ALIAS, SIZE, TTR, AC, AM, RM, ATTR and SSI.

Explanation: An I/O was encountered while processing the SAVE primary command. User response: Retry the operation. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRM039A Confirm forced on - Confirm member delete is forced on for default action Delete.

Explanation: An invalid SORT primary command parameter was entered. User response: Retry the operation with a valid SORT parameter. ISRM045 No members selected - None of the members in the member list matched the specified pattern.

Explanation: Informational only ISRM039B Initial edit macro set - An initial edit macro is defined for actions Edit and View. Enter a / in the prompt field for Edit or View Actions to display or change Edit/View entry fields.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRM046 Locate string too long - Locate string aaaaaaaa must be less than or equal to bbbbbbbb characters.

Explanation: The LOCATE parameter contains too many characters. User response: Retry the operation with correct number of characters. ISRM047 Invalid LRECL - Data set logical record length must be greater than or equal to 80.

Explanation: Informational only ISRM040 Invalid data set name - The specified data set name contains invalid syntax.

Explanation: A data set qualifier syntax is invalid. User response: Correct and reenter the data set name. ISRM041 Invalid sort field - Valid sort fields are NAME, VV, MM, CRE, CHA, SIZE, INIT, MOD, and ID.

Explanation: The list-id data set must have a LRECL that is equal to or greater than 80. User response: Correct the list-id data set and retry the SAVE operation. ISRM048 Error freeing data set - Error freeing the list data set.

Explanation: An invalid SORT primary command parameter was entered. User response: Retry the operation with a valid SORT parameter. ISRM042 Invalid sort field - Valid sort fields are NAME, SIZE, TTR, ALIAS, AC, AM, RM, ATTR and SSI.

Explanation: The list data set encountered an error while processing a FREE command. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRM049 Error closing data set - Error closing the data set in which the member list was saved.

Explanation: An invalid SORT primary command parameter was entered. User response: Retry the operation with a valid SORT parameter. ISRM043 Invalid sort field - Valid sort fields are NAME, VV, MM, CHA, SIZE, INIT, MOD, CRE PROMPT and ID.

Explanation: An error was encountered while closing the list data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional.

Explanation: An invalid SORT primary command parameter was entered. User response: Retry the operation with a valid SORT parameter.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRM050 List-id too long - The list-id must be less than or equal to 8 characters in length. ISRM057 Locate string too long - Changed date must have a length less than or equal to 8.

Explanation: The SAVE member list primary command allows a list-id as a parameter. The list-id must have 8 or fewer characters. ISRM051 Invalid locate string - Enter numeric characters (0-9) for locate string.

Explanation: The LOCATE command requires that the month, day, and year be two digit numbers, separated by one character. User response: Reissue the LOCATE command with a valid parameter. ISRM058 Locate string too long - Changed time must have a length less than or equal to 5.

Explanation: The locate parameter must be a valid number, if the list is sorted by LIB, VV, or MM. User response: Reissue the LOCATE command with a valid parameter. ISRM052 Invalid locate string - Enter hexadecimal characters (0-9,A-F) for locate string.

Explanation: The LOCATE command requires that the hour and minute be two digit numbers, separated by one character. User response: Reissue the LOCATE command with a valid parameter. ISRM059 Date incomplete - Enter complete date in format YY/MM/DD.

Explanation: The locate parameter must be a valid hex number, if the list is sorted by SIZE, TTR, or AC. User response: Reissue the LOCATE command with a valid parameter. ISRM053 * not supported. - The * pattern is not supported for this action.

Explanation: The LOCATE command requires a fully specified date. User response: Reissue the LOCATE command with a valid parameter. ISRM060 No aaaaaaaa bbb(44) found - aaaaaaaa bbb(44) - not found in specified field.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISRM054 Select code too long - Only 1 character select codes are valid.

Explanation: The select primary command allows a member name and a select code as parameters. For normal member list panels, only 1 character select codes are valid. ISRM055 Date not numeric - Enter numeric characters for month, day, and year.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND or RFIND command was entered to cause the member list processor to search the specified field in the member list for the specified target string. The search was completed, but the target string was not found. ISRM061 Enter character string - Enter the string of characters to be found.

Explanation: The LOCATE command requires that the month, day, and year be expressed as numbers. User response: Reissue the LOCATE command with a valid parameter. ISRM056 Time not numeric - Enter numeric characters for hour, minute and second.

Explanation: The FIND command was entered on a member list, but no parameter was specified to indicate what the search target was. User response: Specify a target string on the FIND command. ISRM062 FIND string too long - The FIND string cannot be longer than 20 characters.

Explanation: The LOCATE command requires that the hour, minute and second be expressed as numbers. User response: Reissue the LOCATE command with a valid parameter.

Explanation: The FIND command searches for the specified target string within the specified field. Since the maximum length of a field in the member list is 20 characters, the target string may not exceed 20 characters. User response: Retry the command, entering a target string that is equal to or less than 20 characters in length.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRM063 aaaa - bbbbbbbb ccc(20) - bbbbbbbb ccc(20) found on aaaa line(s) ISRM068 Invalid keyword - The keywords aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be used. Delete one.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND ALL command was entered on a member list, and the specified target string was successfully located. ISRM064 aaaaaaaa bbb(20) found - Search for aaaaaaaa bbb(20) was successful.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND command was entered on a member list, and the string was successfully located. ISRM065 *Bottom of list reached* - aaaaaaaa bbb(20) not found. Press the RFIND key to continue the search from the top of the member list.

Explanation: The FIND command was entered, passing conflicting keywords. Only one of these keywords may be specified. Two types of keywords are supported by the FIND command: direction keywords and type keywords. No more than one of each type of keyword may be specified on the FIND command. The keywords are: Direction ALL, FIRST, NEXT, PREV, and LAST Type CHARS, PREFIX, SUFFIX, and WORD The defaults are NEXT and CHARS User response: Correct the keywords specified and retry the command. ISRM069A Invalid find field - Valid find fields are NAME, ALIAS, SIZE, TTR, AC, AM, RM, ATTR and SSI.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The member list FIND command searches from the top of the displayed data to the bottom of the list to find the target string. FIND has searched and reached the bottom of that list without finding the target string. Entering the RFIND command continues the search, starting from the top of the member list. ISRM066 * Top of list reached * - aaaaaaaa bbb(20) not found. Press the RFIND key to continue the search from the bottom of the member list.

Explanation: An invalid find primary command parameter was entered. User response: Retry the operation with a valid find parameter. ISRM069B Invalid find field - Valid find fields are NAME, VV, MM, CRE, CHA, SIZE, INIT, MOD, and ID.

Explanation: This is an informational message. When the PREV keyword is specified, the member list FIND command searches from the top of the displayed data to the top of the list to find the target string. FIND has searched and reached the top of that list without finding the target string. Entering the RFIND command continues the search, starting from the bottom of the member list. ISRM067 Invalid string type - Member list FIND command does not process picture (P...), hex (X...), text (T...) or char (C...) strings.

Explanation: An invalid find primary command parameter was entered. User response: Retry the operation with a valid find parameter. ISRM070 SUPERC error - SUPERC error, return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Informational ISRM071 String(s) found - String(s) found in the member list.

Explanation: The member list FIND command does not support all of the keywords supported by the editor FIND command. These are not supported: v Picture strings (P...) v Hex strings (X...) v Text strings (T...) v Character strings (C...) All FIND commands are treated as text strings (T...), meaning that strings are matched regardless of case. User response: Remove the unsupported keyword and reenter the command.

Explanation: Informational ISRM072 String(s) not found - String(s) not found in any of the members in the list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A SRCHFOR command was entered to search all the members in the member list for the string(s). The search was completed, but the string was not found in any of the members.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRM073 Inconsistent member list - SRCHFOR detected inconsistencies in the member list. Try a REFRESH ISRP000 There are no keywords defined for language aaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A SRCHFOR command was entered to search all the members in the member list for the string(s). The search was completed, but the member list in storage did not match the member list on DASD and a REFRESH should be issued to resolve this. ISRM080A Invalid field - Invalid member list field specified on Filter command

Explanation: This is an informational message. Language aaaaaaa has no keywords which the editor specifically highlights, so you cannot look at the keyword list. ISRP001 Settings for language aaaaaaa were reset to their original values.

Explanation: Informational ISRM080B Unsupported field - Member list field aaaaaaaa is not supported by the Filter command

Explanation: This is an informational message. All of the settings for language aaaaaaa, including colors, highlighting, intensity, and special characters to highlight were reset to the values they had when the HILITE command was invoked. ISRP002 Settings for language aaaaaaa were reset to their default values.

Explanation: Informational ISRM080C Invalid operator - Invalid operator specified on Filter command

Explanation: Informational ISRM080D Unsupported operator - Operator aaaaaaaa is not supported for bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. All of the settings for language aaaaaaa, including colors, highlighting, intensity, and special characters to highlight were set to the default values defined by ISPF. The default settings will be saved when you exit the HILITE dialog unless you make further changes or use the CANCEL command or pull-down choice. ISRP003 No changes were made to language aaaaaaa.

Explanation: Informational ISRM080E Wrong no. parms - Specify FILTER or FILTER <field> <oper> <value>

Explanation: This is an informational message. The language dialog for language aaaaaaa was exited without any changes. ISRP003A No changes were made to the FIND string color.

Explanation: Informational ISRM080F Field Unavailable - Member list field aaaaaaaa is not available on the current display

Explanation: Used to indicate that LIB selected when only single lib ISRM081A Invalid value - Invalid value aaaaaaaa specified on Filter command

Explanation: This is an informational message. The FIND string color dialog was ended with the CANCEL command. No changes were made to the FIND string color. ISRP003B No changes were made to the Cursor phrase color.

Explanation: Informational ISRM082A Canceled - The Member List Filter command was canceled

Explanation: This is an informational message. The cursor phrase color dialog was ended with the CANCEL command. No changes were made to the cursor phrase color. ISRP003C No changes were made to the overtype color.

Explanation: Informational ISRM082B No matches - No members matched the Filter criteria

Explanation: Informational

Explanation: This is an informational message. The overtype color dialog was ended with the CANCEL command. No changes were made to the overtype color.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRP004 Values for language aaaaaaa were updated. They will be saved when this application is ended. ISRP006 All settings have been reset to their original values.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The settings for language aaaaaaa, including colors, highlighting, intensity, and special characters to highlight were changed. The changes will be saved when you exit the HILITE dialog unless you make further changes or use the CANCEL command or pull-down choice. ISRP004A Values for the overtype color were updated. They will be saved when this application is ended.

Explanation: This is an informational message. All enhanced edit coloring settings, including colors, highlighting, intensity, and special characters to highlight were reset to the values they had when the HILITE command was invoked. ISRP007 You must enter a valid color (RED, GREEN, BLUE, WHITE, YELLOW, PINK, TURQ) or blank for the default color.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRP007A You must enter a valid highlight specification (NORMAL, REVERSE, USCORE, BLINK) or blank for the normal highlighting.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The settings for overtype color were changed and will be saved when you exit HILITE dialog unless you make further changes to the overtype color, or use the CANCEL command or pull-down choice. ISRP004B Values for the FIND string highlight color were updated. They will be saved when this application is ended.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRP007B You must enter a valid intensity specification (HIGH, or LOW) or blank for the default intensity.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The settings for FIND string highlight color were changed and will be saved when you exit HILITE dialog unless you make further changes to the FIND string highlight color, or use the CANCEL command or pull-down choice. ISRP004C Values for the cursor phrase highlight color were updated. They will be saved when this application is ended.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRP007C Invalid Margin - Specify either * or a valid numeric value

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRP008 All settings have been set to the defaults.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The settings for cursor phrase highlight color were changed and will be saved when you exit HILITE dialog unless you make further changes to the cursor phrase highlight color, or use the CANCEL command or pull-down choice. ISRP005 Color, symbol and margin settings have been saved in the aaaa application profile. All other HILITE settings were saved in the edit profile.

Explanation: This is an informational message. All of the settings, including colors, highlighting, intensity, and special characters to highlight, were set to the default values defined by ISPF. The default settings will be saved when you exit the HILITE dialog unless you make further changes or use the CANCEL command or pull-down choice. ISRP009 Cancel requested. No changes were saved.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The HILITE command was used to update the behavior of ISPF enhanced edit coloring. The color, symbol and margin settings for the languages have been saved in the current application profile (aaaa). Other settings which affect highlighting, such as ON, OFF, LOGIC, PAREN and the current language determination method were saved in the edit profile.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The HILITE command dialog was exited with the CANCEL command. No changes to the enhanced coloring settings were saved. ISRP009A The settings for ALL LANGUAGES were set. These changes will be saved when this application is ended. Use Cancel to avoid saving these changes.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The settings for all of the supported languages were


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

changed. Cancel out of the HILITE dialog if you do not want to save the changes. ISRP010 MARGINS not allowed - The HILITE MARGINS parameter is not supported for the current HILITE language. everything you remember about the edit session that originally created the recovery file or that you were in when the UNDO failed. Useful information includes messages you saw, what types of commands and macros you used, and any unusual data or system conditions. ISRP021 ISRP021 - INCOMPLETE RECOVERY OR UNDO If you are currently in an edit session, DO NOT SAVE THE DATA WITHOUT CHECKING IT FIRST. This message may not indicate a data loss error. Press HELP for more information and instructions. (Error Cause: Invalid data or length in recovery file or chain)

Explanation: The HILITE command was specified with the MARGINS parameter. This parameter is only supported if the HILITE language is C, PL/I, or PL/X. User response: Remove the incorrect parameter and reissue the HILITE command. ISRP011 Invalid left margin - Specify a value for the left margin in the range aaaaaaaa. to bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The value specified for the left margin is out of range for the current HILITE language. User response: Reissue the HILITE command with valid parameters. ISRP012 Invalid right margin - Value specified for the right margin must be in the range aaaaaaaa. to bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An error occurred processing an edit recovery or undo request. This error indicates that the record of changes that is kept by PDF was corrupted. User response: If you are in an edit session, do not save the data; it may have been corrupted. Since this problem may indicate that the recovery record may have been built incorrectly, you may want to save the recovery data set (if one exists), and contact IBM support. In addition, please write down everything you remember about the edit session that originally created the recovery file or that you were in when the UNDO failed. Useful information includes messages you saw, what types of commands and macros you used, and any unusual data or system conditions. ISRP022 ISRP022 - EDIT RECOVERY OR UNDO FAILED. If you are currently in an edit session, DO NOT SAVE THE DATA. Press HELP for more information and instructions. (Error Cause: Error reading recovery file or chain)

Explanation: The value specified for the right margin is out of range for the current HILITE language. User response: Reissue the HILITE command with valid parameters. ISRP013 Parameter conflict - AUTO and MARGINS parameters conflict. Remove one.

Explanation: The language AUTO and MARGINS parameters conflict and can not be specified together on the HILITE command. User response: Reissue the HILITE command with valid parameters. ISRP020 ISRP020 - EDIT RECOVERY OR UNDO FAILED. If you are currently in an edit session, DO NOT SAVE THE DATA. Press HELP for more information and instructions. (Error Cause: Error writing ignore record)

Explanation: An error occurred processing an edit recovery or undo request. This error indicates that the record of changes which is kept by PDF was corrupted. User response: If you are in an edit session, do not save the data; it may have been corrupted. Since this problem may indicate that the recovery record may have been built incorrectly, you may want to save the recovery data set (if one exists), and contact IBM support. In addition, please write down everything you remember about the edit session that originally created the recovery file or that you were in when the UNDO failed. Useful information includes messages you saw, what types of commands and macros you used, and any unusual data or system conditions.

Explanation: An error occurred processing an edit recovery or undo request. This error indicates that the record of changes that is kept by PDF was corrupted. User response: If you are in an edit session, do not save the data; it may have been corrupted. Since this problem may indicate that the recovery record may have been built incorrectly, you may want to save the recovery data set (if one exists), and contact IBM support. In addition, please write down

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRP023 ISRP023 - EDIT RECOVERY OR UNDO FAILED. If you are currently in an edit session, DO NOT SAVE THE DATA. Press HELP for more information and instructions. (Error Cause: Invalid verb in recovery file or chain (case 1)) save the data; it may have been corrupted. Since this problem may indicate that the recovery record may have been built incorrectly, you may want to save the recovery data set (if one exists), and contact IBM support. In addition, please write down everything you remember about the edit session that originally created the recovery file or that you were in when the UNDO failed. Useful information includes messages you saw, what types of commands and macros you used, and any unusual data or system conditions. ISRP026 ISRP026 - EDIT RECOVERY OR UNDO FAILED. If you are currently in an edit session, DO NOT SAVE THE DATA. Press HELP for more information and instructions. (Error Cause: Invalid verb in recovery file or chain (case 1))

Explanation: An error occurred processing an edit recovery or undo request. This error indicates that the record of changes which is kept by PDF was corrupted. User response: If you are in an edit session, do not save the data; it may have been corrupted. Since this problem may indicate that the recovery record may have been built incorrectly, you may want to save the recovery data set (if one exists), and contact IBM support. In addition, please write down everything you remember about the edit session that originally created the recovery file or that you were in when the UNDO failed. Useful information includes messages you saw, what types of commands and macros you used, and any unusual data or system conditions. ISRP024 ISRP024 - EDIT RECOVERY OR UNDO FAILED. If you are currently in an edit session, DO NOT SAVE THE DATA. Press HELP for more information and instructions. (Error Cause: Nonexistent record referenced in recovery file or chain)

Explanation: An error occurred processing an edit recovery or undo request. This error indicates that the record of changes which is kept by PDF was corrupted. User response: If you are in an edit session, do not save the data; it may have been corrupted. Since this problem may indicate that the recovery record may have been built incorrectly, you may want to save the recovery data set (if one exists), and contact IBM support. In addition, please write down everything you remember about the edit session that originally created the recovery file or that you were in when the UNDO failed. Useful information includes messages you saw, what types of commands and macros you used, and any unusual data or system conditions. ISRP100 No connection - This action requires a connection with the workstation to be established. A workstation connection can be established from ISPF Settings panel or enter WSCON from any command line.

Explanation: An error occurred processing an edit recovery or undo request. This error indicates that the record of changes which is kept by PDF was corrupted. User response: If you are in an edit session, do not save the data; it may have been corrupted. Since this problem may indicate that the recovery record may have been built incorrectly, you may want to save the recovery data set (if one exists), and contact IBM support. In addition, please write down everything you remember about the edit session that originally created the recovery file or that you were in when the UNDO failed. Useful information includes messages you saw, what types of commands and macros you used, and any unusual data or system conditions. ISRP025 ISRP025 - EDIT RECOVERY OR UNDO FAILED. If you are currently in an edit session, DO NOT SAVE THE DATA. Press HELP for more information and instructions. (Error Cause: Invalid verb in recovery file or chain (case 1))

Explanation: No connection to a workstation exists. The user must identify the workstation by specifying the GUI parameter on ISPSTART, by selecting the Workstation pull-down choice from ISPF Settings panel or entering WSCON from any command line. User response: Start a session with a workstation before performing this action. Programmer response: None

Explanation: An error occurred processing an edit recovery or undo request. This error indicates that the record of changes which is kept by PDF was corrupted. User response: If you are in an edit session, do not


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRP101 Configuration error - Distributed View/Edit is only valid when Workstation Tool Integration is configured for the View/Edit actions. Select the Workstation Tool Integration pull-down choice from the Workstation action bar pull-down on the View/Edit Entry Panel to configure the Workstation Tool Integration or enter the ISPF command INT on the command line. ISRP105 File transfer failed - Error returned by FILEXFER service, FILEXFER return code aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The FILEXFER service failed with a return code of aaaaaaaa.. Refer to the ISPF Services book for an explanation of the return code. ISRP106 Function not supported - Distributed Browse is not a supported function. Try Distributed View.

Explanation: ISPF Workstation Tool Integration not configured. The user must configure the Workstation Tool Integration by issuing the INT ISPF command or by selecting the Workstation Tool Integration pull-down choice from the Workstation action bar pull-down on the View/Edit Entry Panel to configure the Workstation Tool Integration. User response: Issue the INT ISPF command or select the Workstation Tool Integration pull-down choice from the Workstation action bar pull-down on the View/Edit Entry Panel to configure the Workstation Tool Integration. Programmer response: None ISRP102 Invalid VIEW/EDIT parm - When workstation file parameter is specified, do not code DATAID or member.

Explanation: Distributed Browse is not a supported function. User response: Try Distributed View. ISRP107 Conflicting options - View on Workstation and Browse Mode options cannot be selected simultaneously. De-select one of the conflicting options.

Explanation: View on Workstation and Browse Mode options cannot be selected simultaneously. User response: De-select one of the conflicting options. ISRP108 No file access - File transfer failed. File access on workstation rejected by ISPF Client/Server. File not saved - File not saved on workstation. Default configuration - ISPF Workstation Tool Integration was not configured for the View/Edit actions. Default configuration will be used. You may modify or save the default configuration.

Explanation: To invoke the VIEW or EDIT service, you may specify either a data set name, DATAID or workstation file. When workstation file parameter is specified, do not code DATAID or member. User response: Remove the DATAID and member parameters. ISRP103 File unavailable - File transfer failed, the workstation file could not be opened or the file does not exist.



Explanation: The requested workstation file could not be accessed for one of these reasons: v The workstation file could not be opened ISRP104 Error writing file - File transfer failed. Error writing workstation file: aaaaaaaa.. The workstation disk drive is full or the subdirectories do not exist. Create the subdirectories if they do not exist and try the action again.

Explanation: ISPF Workstation Tool Integration was not configured for the View/Edit actions. Default configuration will be used. User response: Modify or save the default configuration. Programmer response: None ISRP111 Edit not confirmed - The edit session canceled at your request. Member cannot be promoted with requested authcode.

Explanation: Error writing workstation file. Workstation disk drive is full or the subdirectories do not exist. User response: Check the workstation disk drive and retry.

Explanation: Entering END or EXIT on the SCLM Edit Authcode Confirmation panel cancels the edit session. User response: If you want to promote the member, try editing with a different authcode. If you need to change the authcode, use the SCLM library utility.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRP112 WS command failed - Workstation command failed. Return code = aaaaaaaa.. Error saving data set - File transfer failed. Error saving the workstation work file: aaaaaaaa into host data set: bbbbbbbb.. The host data set may be RACF protected. The workstation work file is kept on the workstation. ISRP121 Command not allowed - Remote execution of the workstation command was not allowed by the workstation.


Explanation: Remote execution of the workstation command was not allowed by the workstation. Programmer response: None ISRP122 No ISPF statistics - aaaaaaaa was saved in bbbbbbbb, but no space in PDS directory for ISPF statistics.

Explanation: Error saving the workstation work file: aaaaaaaa into host data set: bbbbbbbb. The host data set may be RACF protected. User response: Request RACF access to the data set and upload the workstation work file manually. ISRP114 Data set packed - File transfer does not support packed data sets. Unpack the data set and try the action again. File in use - The ISPF generated workstation work file name aaaaaaaa is in use. Try the action again later. Member aaaaaaaa viewed - Member aaaaaaaa in bbbbbbbb was viewed in View mode. The workstation work file was saved in cccccccc.. Data set viewed - aaaaaaaa was viewed in View mode. The workstation work file was saved in bbbbbbbb.. Member aaaaaaaa edited - Member aaaaaaaa in bbbbbbbb was edited in modeless Edit mode. The workstation work file was saved in cccccccc.. Data set edited - aaaaaaaa was edited in modeless Edit mode. The workstation work file was saved in bbbbbbbb.. Command not started - ISPF was not able to start the command at the workstation.

Explanation: There is not sufficient directory space to create statistics. User response: Re-allocate the data set with additional directory blocks. Programmer response: None ISRP123 Device not ready - The requested device is not ready or available. Please verify that the device has the correct media and that it is available or select a different device.



Explanation: The device that was requested is not ready, available or found. Please check the device that was requested. User response: Check the device and verify that it is available and working. If needed place the proper media in the device or select a different device. Programmer response: None. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRP124 Macro parameter error - The parameter specified by PARM keyword of the aaaa service could not be resolved. Either the variable name bbbbbbbb is invalid, or a VCOPY for the variable failed.




Explanation: The variable specified in the PARM parameter of the EDIT, VIEW, EDIF or VIIF service could not be resolved. User response: Contact the author of the program. Programmer response: Check the program which invokes EDIT or VIEW to insure that the variable name is valid and that the variable does contain data. ISPF uses the VCOPY service to get the value of the variable, so you should be sure that the variable exists in the same application id as the one in which the EDIT or VIEW service is invoked. System programmer response: The EDIT or VIEW session is not started.


Explanation: ISPF was not able to start the command at the workstation. User response: Make sure you are able to start the workstation command in the workstations native environment. Programmer response: None


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRP125 Build not allowed - An SCLM Workstation Build can not be performed from the ISPF Java environment. ISRP129 Parameter too long - The value of the variable used in the PARM parameter for the aaaa service was greater than 200 characters.

Explanation: SCLM Workstation Build uses the ISPF FILEXFER and WSCMDV services. These services are not valid when used for a Workstation Build in the Java environment. Programmer response: None. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRP126 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the PRESERVE command.

Explanation: The EDIT, VIEW, EDIF, or VIIF service was issued with a variable name containing the initial macro parameters (PARM keyword) but variable contained a value longer than 200 bytes. User response: Contact programmer of the dialog that uses the specified service. Programmer response: Check the variable specified to contain parameters to insure that the value does not exceed 200 characters. If you need to pass more information, use the VPUT service in the calling program to save values in the shared variable pool and the VGET service in the macro to retrieve those values. ISRP130 Insufficient storage - CUT failed because not enough virtual storage was available for saving the records being cut. aaaaaaaa bytes were required, but only bbbbbbbb bytes were available in the requested clipboard. Clipboard cccccccc was not changed.

Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the PRESERVE macro command. The assignment type used with the PRESERVE command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses the correct assignment type for the PRESERVE command. ISRP127 PASTE data truncated - The Paste operation was successfully completed, but some data may have been truncated. The data that was pasted into the current edit session was CUT from a data set with a longer logical record length. Data past the end of the current record length was not copied into this edit session.

Explanation: The ISPF editor reserves a certain amount of space to save CUT lines and the cut request would use more than that reserved amount of space. User response: Reduce the number of lines being cut, use the REPLACE parameter or specify a different clipboard on the CUT request. Programmer response: None ISRP131 aaaaaaaa lines cut to bbbbbbbb - aaaaaaaa lines were saved in clipboard bbbbbbbb for later retrieval by the paste command.

Explanation: The data that was pasted into the current edit session was CUT from a data set with a longer logical record length. Some data may have been truncated during the PASTE operation. ISRP128 PARM without MACRO - The PARM value of the aaaa service is not allowed without the MACRO parameter.

Explanation: The CUT command was successfully completed. The clipboard contains only the lines that were most recently cut. Programmer response: None ISRP132 aaaaaaaa lines added to bbbbbbbb aaaaaaaa lines were saved in clipboard bbbbbbbb for later retrieval by the paste command. These lines were added to lines that were already saved by one or more CUT commands.

Explanation: The EDIT, VIEW, EDIF, or VIIF service was issued with a value for the initial macro parameters (PARM keyword) but without an initial macro specified. User response: Contact programmer of the dialog that uses the specified service. Programmer response: Check the syntax of the service call to insure that either an initial edit macro name is specified, or that the edit macro parameter value is blank.

Explanation: The CUT command was successfully completed. The clipboard contains the lines that were most recently cut in addition to lines that were already in the clipboard. Programmer response: None

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRP133 Use CUT before PASTE - No lines exist in the clipboard named aaaaaaaa or the clipboard does not exist. The CUT command must be used before the PASTE command. ISRP138 DISPLAY is invalid - DISPLAY is not a valid operand on the CUT edit macro command.

Explanation: The edit macro form of the CUT command was specified incorrectly. User response: Contact the author of the edit macro. Programmer response: Change the edit macro to remove the DISPLAY keyword of the CUT command. CUT DISPLAY is not supported from a macro. ISRP139 aaaaaaaa is empty - The requested clipboard (aaaaaaaa) contains no lines to browse or edit.

Explanation: A PASTE request was issued using the name of an empty or nonexistent clipboard. User response: Use the CUT DISPLAY command to see the names of existing clipboards. Insure that you are using a clipboard that has had data placed in it by a previous CUT command. Programmer response: None ISRP134 Clipboard limit reached - The maximum number of clipboards have been created. No new clipboards may be created. Use the CUT DISPLAY command to see the names of existing clipboards.

Explanation: A browse or edit request was made for a clipboard that has no lines. Only clipboards containing lines may be browsed or edited. User response: Use the CUT command to add lines to the clipboard. Programmer response: None ISRP140 Invalid clipboard name - The clipboard name entered is not a valid name. Clipboard names follow the same rules as PDS member names within ISPF.

Explanation: Use the CUT DISPLAY command to see the names of existing clipboards. You may want to rename or reuse an existing clipboard. Programmer response: None ISRP135 Invalid clipboard name - The clipboard name was greater than eight characters long. Reenter the command using a different clipboard name or use the CUT DISPLAY command to view existing clipboard names.

Explanation: A CUT or PASTE command was entered with an invalid clipboard name. Clipboard names are 1 to 8 alphameric characters starting with a alphabetic character. User response: Enter the command with a valid clipboard name. Programmer response: None ISRP141 aaaaaaaa exists - A clipboard named aaaaaaaa already exists. Choose a different name.

Explanation: Clipboard names are 1 to 8 characters long, contain alphanumeric characters and start with an alphabetic character. User response: Reenter the command using a valid clipboard name. Programmer response: None ISRP136 No Clipboards - No Clipboards are available to list by the CUT DISPLAY command.

Explanation: When renaming a clipboard, the name of an existing clipboard was used. User response: Choose a different name for the clipboard or reenter the original name. Programmer response: None ISRP142 Name change invalid - You may not change the name of the ISPF default clipboard.

Explanation: No clipboards exist. This condition should only occur when your userid can not create data spaces. Programmer response: None System action: Cut/paste services are not available. ISRP137 No more clipboards - No clipboards are available to use. Use the CUT DISPLAY command to display the available clipboard names.

Explanation: An attempt was made to rename the ISPF default clipboard. This is not allowed because ISPF reserves the name DEFAULT for the first clipboard. User response: If you need additional clipboards, use the CUT command to create them and specify the clipboard name on the CUT command.

Programmer response: None


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Programmer response: None ISRP143 Invalid command - Valid commands are B (Browse), E (Edit), C (Clear), D (Delete), R (Rename), and O (Toggle read only) v Otherwise use the description of DSPSERV in z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP to determine the response for the R15/R0 combination. v Insure that data spaces can be created by users by checking IEFUSI. System action: CUT/PASTE services are not allowed in the edit session. ISRP147 aaaaaaaa lines pasted - aaaaaaaa lines were moved or copied into this edit session from clipboard bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An invalid letter or symbol was placed next to a clipboard name. Only the listed commands are valid. User response: Enter one of the listed commands. Programmer response: None ISRP144 Invalid parameter - You must specify a aaaaaaaa range on a bbbbbbbb command and you may also specify a clipboard name and the REPLACE or APPEND keyword.

Explanation: The contents of clipboard bbbbbbbb were inserted into the current edit session. If the KEEP keyword was used on the PASTE command, the contents of the clipboard were not changed. Otherwise, the clipboard was emptied. ISRP148 aaaaaaaa is read-only - Clipboard aaaaaaaa can not be changed using the CUT command because it was marked read-only by using the O line command on the CUT DISPLAY panel. If you want to change this clipboard, use the O line command in the CUT DISPLAY entry panel to change the read-only status to read-write.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on a CUT command. User response: Remove the invalid parameter and try the CUT command again. ISRP145 Invalid parameter - You must specify a aaaaaaaa destination on a bbbbbbbb command using the BEFORE or AFTER keyword. You may also specify a clipboard name and the DELETE or KEEP keywords.

Explanation: The contents of clipboard aaaaaaaa were not changed. User response: If you want to change this clipboard, use the O line command in the CUT DISPLAY entry panel to change the read-only status to read-write. ISRP149 Delete not allowed - The default ISPF edit clipboard can not be deleted.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on a PASTE command. User response: Remove the invalid parameter and try the PASTE command again. ISRP146 CUT/PASTE unavailable - ISPF could not create a data space in which to keep information about the editor clipboards. CUT/PASTE services are not available. R15= aaaaaaaa. R0= bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The default ISPF edit clipboard can not be deleted. User response: You can clear the contents of the default clipboard using the C line command. ISRP150 Invalid Environment - ISREMSPY must be run as a TSO command within an edit macro or from within an edit session.

Explanation: ISPF uses z/OS data spaces to store information about editor clipboards and ISPF was unable to create the data space required. If this is the first invocation of CUT then the system may not allow you to create data spaces. User response: Remove the invalid parameter and try the CUT or PASTE command again. System programmer response: v If R0 and R15 are both zero then the Configuration Table does not allow clipboards. v If R0=0 use the description of ALESERV in z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP to determine the response from the R15 value.

Explanation: The ISREMSPY program must be invoked from within an edit session. ISRP151 Data View Reset - The data display and cursor location were reset to reflect the current state of the editor.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRP152 This is not an edit or view session. This display is generated by the ISREMSPY program. All commands except END, CANCEL, RESET and FIND are ignored. Press END to return to the edit macro or edit session which started ISREMSPY. ISRP281 Invalid parameter - ON/OFF are the only valid parameters for the PRESERVE command.

Explanation: The PDF edit PRESERVE command was invoked with a parameter other than ON or OFF. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the PRESERVE command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the PRESERVE command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRP282 Inconsistent parameters - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be entered with PRESERVE command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRP153 Status Line - Line aaaaaaaa of bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRP154 String found - The FIND command found the string you were searching for.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRP155 String not found - The FIND command did not find the string you were searching for. The FIND command on ISREMSPY only searches the first 256 characters on each line. Press RFIND to begin searching from the beginning of the data.

Explanation: Mutually exclusive parameters (aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb) were specified on invocation of the PRESERVE command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the PRESERVE command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the PRESERVE command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. ISRP283 Too many parameters - Too many parameters specified for the SAVE_LENGTH command. Is data quoted?

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRP156 Invalid clipboard name - The CUT command does not accept K, KEEP, DEL or DELETE as a clipboard name because those are keywords on the PASTE command. Choose a different clipboard name.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRP280 Too many parameters - ON/OFF are the only valid parameters for the PRESERVE command.

Explanation: The PDF edit PRESERVE command was invoked with more than one parameter. Only one parameter (either ON or OFF) may be specified for the PRESERVE command. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the PRESERVE command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the PRESERVE command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.

Explanation: An invalid SAVE_LENGTH command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the SAVE_LENGTH command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRP284 Unrecognized parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for the SAVE_LENGTH command.

Explanation: An invalid SAVE_LENGTH command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the SAVE_LENGTH command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros .


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRP285 Invalid parameter - Extraneous or invalid parameter was specified for the PRESERVE command. ISRP300 Invalid table name - The QUERYENQ service requires a valid table name matching ISPF naming conventions. Table exists - QUERYENQ could not create table aaaaaaaa because it already exists. Table in use - QUERYENQ could not create table aaaaaaaa because it is in use. Table creation error - QUERYENQ could not create table aaaaaaaa due to a severe error. Table creation error - QUERYENQ was unable to add a row to table aaaaaaaa. Variable GET error - QUERYENQ was unable to read variable aaaaaaaa. No ENQs found - No ENQs were found that matched the criteria passed in to the QUERYENQ service. Service unavailable - The QUERYENQ service is not available due to an installation restriction. Invalid list-id - The parameter on the SAVE operand of the QUERYENQ service specified an invalid data set name qualifier. Open Error - The QUERYENQ service was unable to open the save data set aaaaaaaa. Data Set Exists - The QUERYENQ service was unable to allocate the SAVE data set because a data set of the same name (aaaaaaaa) already exists but is not a sequential, variable blocked data set with a record length of bbbbbbbb.. Abend aaaaaaaa from QUERYENQ - The QUERYENQ service ended with an abend code of aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: An invalid PRESERVE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the PRESERVE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRP286 Line pointer invalid - Required line pointer not correctly specified for PRESERVE command



Explanation: An invalid PRESERVE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the PRESERVE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros .


ISRP304 ISRP287 Data parm omitted - Required data parameter not specified for PRESERVE command.


Explanation: An invalid PRESERVE command was entered. User response: Review documentation for the PRESERVE command in ISPF Edit and Edit Macros . ISRP288 Assignment command error Assignment type (GET/SET) unrecognized for the SAVE_LENGTH command. ISRP306


Explanation: A severe error (return code 20) has been received using the SAVE_LENGTH macro command. The assignment type used with the command is invalid. User response: Correct the edit macro so that it uses the correct assignment type for the SAVE_LENGTH command. ISRP289 Parameter unrecognized - ON/OFF are the only valid parameters for the PRESERVE command.




Explanation: The PDF edit PRESERVE command was invoked with a parameter other than ON or OFF. User response: Change the command to specify the proper parameters for the PRESERVE command and reissue the command or rerun the macro. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax. If the macro was supplied by someone else, contact the writer for assistance in correcting the error. Programmer response: Change the macro to specify the proper parameter for the PRESERVE command. Refer to ISPF Edit and Edit Macros for editor command syntax.


Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRP309D Invalid XSYS keyword - The value of the XSYS parameter on the QUERYENQ service must be XSYS or blank. Record length too small - The file contains a record that is larger than the specified record length aaaaaaaa.. ISRP507 Enter file name - A directory list is not supported with the aaaaaaaa command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A directory list is not supported for this command. User response: Include a file name with the specified directory path name ISRP508 File in use - z/OS UNIX file is being updated by you or another user. Enter HELP for a list of users using the file.


Explanation: Record length aaaaaaaa was specified to have the file records loaded into the editor as fixed-length records. However the editor found a record that was larger than aaaaaaaa bytes in length. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify a larger record length. ISRP501 File replaced - aaaaaaaa replaced by specified data.

Explanation: The z/OS UNIX file specified is being updated by another user or by you on another logical screen. Enter HELP for a list of users using the file. User response: Find out if the file is in use by another user, or release the file from another logical screen. ISRP509 Specified data in use - Specified data is being updated by you or another user. Enter HELP for a list of users using the data.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data in the z/OS UNIX file has been replaced by the data that was specified. ISRP502 File created - aaaaaaaa created with specified data.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The z/OS UNIX file has been created using the data that was specified. ISRP503 File not replaced - The Replace command was not confirmed.

Explanation: Someone (you or another user) is using the z/OS UNIX file specified as the target file in a MOVE, COPY, CREATE, or REPLACE command. User response: Either choose file as the target or wait until the file is not being used by someone. ISRP510 File in use - The specified z/OS UNIX file is in use by another user, try again later.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The Confirm Replace panel was displayed at the users request. The user chose not to Replace the file by entering the End command. ISRP504 Edit - Create - aaaaaaaa - data set created.

Explanation: Someone (you or another user) is using the z/OS UNIX file specified as the target data set in a MOVE, COPY, CREATE, or REPLACE command. User response: Either choose another file as the target or wait until the file is not being used by someone. Programmer response: Specify a larger record length. ISRP511 Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to search the z/OS UNIX directory or some component of the pathname prefix.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRP505 Edit - Create - aaaaaaaa - file created.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRP506 CREATE not allowed - Cannot CREATE a z/OS UNIX file set that already exists. REPLACE may be used.

Explanation: While in Edit, a CREATE command was issued. The target specified was a z/OS UNIX file that exists. If the target z/OS UNIX file exists, REPLACE must be used instead. User response: Use REPLACE or specify another z/OS UNIX file.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The permissions defined for the z/OS UNIX directory do not allow you to search the directory or some component of the directory pathname. User response: Contact the directory owner or the z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if the directory permissions can be altered to allow you to search the directory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRP512 Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to read the z/OS UNIX file. editing of z/OS UNIX files using a workstation editor. User response: Do not select the Edit on Workstation option when editing a z/OS UNIX file. ISRP519 File not edited - The request to edit a z/OS UNIX file with authorized extended attributes was not confirmed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The permissions defined for the z/OS UNIX file do not allow you to read the file or search some component of the pathname prefix. User response: Contact the file owner or the z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if the file permissions can be altered to allow you to read the file. ISRP513 Recovery failed - Unable to allocate target z/OS UNIX file aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The user requested to edit a z/OS UNIX file which has one or more authorized extended attributes set. Editing such a file can cause the authorized extended attributes to be reset. ISPF displayed a confirmation panel to allow the user to proceed with the edit or not. The user chose not to proceed. ISRP520 PACK is invalid - PACK mode cannot be turned on for a z/OS UNIX file.

Explanation: The attempt to allocate the target z/OS UNIX file &ZEPATH; was unsuccessful. The file may have been deleted, or another user may have an exclusive enqueue on the file. User response: If another user has exclusive use of the file, try again later. ISRP514 File aaaaaaaa - File was aaaaaaaa.. File bbbbbbbb exists.

Explanation: Packed format data is not supported for z/OS UNIX files. User response: Do not issue the PACK ON command when editing a z/OS UNIX file. ISRP521 Record too large - The z/OS UNIX file contains a record with a length greater than 32752. Records of this size are not supported by the ISPF editor.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data from a z/OS UNIX filet was either copied or moved into the member of a partitioned data set. The data that was copied still exists, but the data that was moved no longer exists in the file. ISRP515 File aaaaaaaa - File was aaaaaaaa.. File bbbbbbbb exists.

Explanation: ISPF found the z/OS UNIX file contained a record greater than 32752 bytes in length. This is larger than the record length supported by the ISPF editor. User response: If you want to look at the data in the file, use ISPF BROWSE and specify a appropriate record length. ISRP522 Invalid line command - The valid line commands for this directory selection list are S (Select), B (Browse), and L (List subdirectory).

Explanation: This is an informational message. The z/OS UNIX file was copied or moved. The data in the file that the data was copied from still exists, or the file that the data was moved from no longer exists. ISRP516 Requested line(s) copied - Lines aaaaaaaa through bbbbbbbb of file were copied.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The requested lines from the z/OS UNIX file were copied. ISRP517 File not moved - The Move command was not confirmed.

Explanation: The z/OS UNIX directory selection list displayed for the edit MOVE and COPY commands only supports the S (Select), B (Browse), and L (List subdirectory) line commands. User response: Only use the S, B, or L line commands on this directory selection list. ISRP523 Invalid pathname - Using + (plus) to represent the current directory pathname is only valid when currently processing a z/OS UNIX file.

Explanation: The Confirm Move panel was displayed at the users request. The user chose not to move the z/OS UNIX fie set by entering the END command. The Confirm Move panel is only displayed if confirm move was chosen. ISRP518 WS edit not supported - Editing of a z/OS UNIX file using a workstation editor is not supported.

Explanation: You can only specify a relative pathname with a primary command when you are currently editing, viewing, or browsing a z/OS UNIX file.

Explanation: ISPF does not provide support for the

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User response: Specify the absolute pathname for the z/OS UNIX file. ISRP524 No home directory - A call to BPX1GPN (getpwnam) failed to resolve your home or initial working directory. ISRP528 Load failed for ISRUUDL - The load of the z/OS UNIX directory list utility load module (ISRUUDL) failed.

Explanation: ISPF was unable to load module ISRUUDL. User response: Check the load library concatenation sequence (ISPLLIB, STEPLIB, and so forth) to ensure that the library containing ISRUUDL is included. ISRRS000 aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb - Member or Member pattern - aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: You specified the ~ (tilde) character at the start of a pathname to represent you home or initial work directory. ISPF called BPX1GPN to obtain information about your user ID but it was unable to determine your working directory. User response: Contact your security administrator to see if your user information is correctly recorded in the security database. ISRP525 Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to remove the directory entry for the file being moved.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The member or pattern named in the message was Browsed, Printed, Renamed, Deleted, Moved, Copied, Edited, Reset, Viewed, or a command executed as specified. ISRRS001 Action mismatch - aaaaaaaa organization must be partitioned to perform this action.

Explanation: One of these conditions exist: v You do not have search permission for some component of the files path v You do not have write permission for the directory that contains the file to be moved v The S_ISVTX flag is set for the parent directory of the file that is to be moved, and you are not the owner of the file or of the parent directory; nor do you have appropriate privileges. User response: Check with your z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if the file permissions can be altered to allow you to move the file. ISRP526 Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to write to the file to be created or replaced.

Explanation: The option or line command selected requires a partitioned data set. ISRRS002 Personal List not found - Personal list is not defined as one of your personal data set lists.

Explanation: Informational only. ISRRS003 Personal list not found - The Personal list was not found.

Explanation: The personal list name was not found in the list of personal lists. User response: Retry, with a different list name Programmer response: none ISRRS004 Data Set - aaaaaaaa - Data set - bbbbbbbb - aaaaaaaa. No data sets matched - No data sets matched the entries in the referral list. Workstation file aaaaaaaa - Workstation file aaaaaaaa successfully.

Explanation: The permissions defined for the target file do not allow you to write data to the file. User response: Contact the filw owner to see if the file permissions can be changed to allow you to write to the file. ISRP527 Invalid FILE parameter - The variable specified with the FILE parameter was not found or is invalid.


Explanation: Either the variable was not found, a value was not specified for the variable, the value was too large for a pathname, or the name of the variable is invalid. User response: Specify the name of a variable containing a pathname with the PATH parameter.


Explanation: Informational only ISRRS007 No default set - No default open action has been defined, or open action requested from enhanced member list which does not support action OPEN.

User response: Select a default for the Open action on the workplace settings panel.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRRS008 Open not supported - The Open action is not supported from LIBRARY or DSLIST utility. List aaaaaaaa of bbbbbbbb - List aaaaaaaa of bbbbbbbb No differences found - Normal completion (RC=0). Files compare equally. data set (OLDDD) and the compare was not performed. For example, if you modified the JCL and inadvertently omitted the OLDDD allocation, SuperC would return code 8. This error is also received if the old data set fails to open, perhaps because of an I/O error. User response: Check the SuperC listing data set for specific information describing the error. Correct the JCL and resubmit. ISRS005 Bad grouping - Abnormal completion (RC=12). See listing for details.



Explanation: This is an informational message. No differences were found by SuperC. User response: See the SuperC listing data set for further information. ISRS001 Differences found - Normal completion (RC=1). Files are not the same.

Explanation: This message indicates inconsistent data set organizations. The new and old data sets are not both PDSs or sequential data sets. The compare was not run. User response: Mixed compares of PDS to sequential data sets are not permitted. The dialog interface prevents this, but you may have incorrectly modified or submitted JCL that attempts to allocate OLDDD to a PDS and NEWDD to a sequential (or vice versa). Correct the allocations and retry. ISRS006 New input file error - Abnormal completion (RC=16). See listing for details.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Differences were found by SuperC. User response: See the SuperC listing data set for the differences and further information. ISRS002 Invalid input detected - Abnormal completion (RC=4). See listing for warning.

Explanation: This is a warning message. The compare was performed; however, erroneous or conflicting input options have been detected by SuperC and reported in the SuperC listing data set. User response: Check the SuperC listing data set for explanations of the invalid input. The compare results may not be consistent with your expectations. ISRS003 Bad sequence numbers - Abnormal completion (RC=6). See listing for warning.

Explanation: There is an error involving the new input data set (NEWDD). The compare was not performed. For example, if you modified the JCL and inadvertently omitted the NEWDD allocation, SuperC would return code 16. This error is also received if the new data set fails to open, perhaps because of an I/O error. User response: Check the SuperC listing data set for specific information describing the error. Correct the JCL and resubmit. ISRS007 Bad update data set - Abnormal completion (RC=20). See listing for details.

Explanation: This is a warning message. The old data set (OLDDD) does not contain proper sequence numbers, or the sequence number intervals are not large enough to contain insert activity. This applies only to UPDCMS8 or UPDMVS8 process options. User response: Verify that the old data set name is correct. Verify that sequence numbers exist in the old data set; create them if necessary. The NUMBER ON command in EDIT may be used. Use the RENUM command in EDIT to expand the sequence number intervals if necessary. ISRS004 Old input file error - Abnormal completion (RC=8). See listing for details.

Explanation: There has been an error involving the update output data set (DELDD). Typically, the cause is a space abend writing to the data set, although an I/O error is also possible. If you modified the JCL and inadvertently omitted the DELDD allocation, then SuperC would also return code 20. User response: Check the SuperC listing data set for specific information describing the error. Correct the JCL and resubmit. If the problem is a space abend, delete the update data set and preallocate larger with option 3.2 or specify larger default allocation parameters using option 3.13.A.D.

Explanation: There is an error involving the old input

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ISRS008 Listing file error - Abnormal completion (RC=24). Listing empty/incomplete. ISRS013 No differences found - Normal completion (rc=0). Files compare equally.

Explanation: Error occurred during open or while writing to the SuperC listing output data set (OUTDD). This error can also be returned due to a NEW or OLD input data set simultaneously being used as the listing data set. The listing data set may or may not contain further information. User response: Verify that the name of the listing data set is not the same as any of the input data sets. Delete the listing data set and retry. ISRS009 No data compared - Abnormal completion (RC=28). See listing for details.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS014 Differences found - Normal completion (rc=1). Files are not the same.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS015 No update file created - No differences found. No update file created.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS016 Display Output conflict - Display Output UPD specified with no update process option.

Explanation: No data was compared because the old and new data sets were empty, member names were invalid, or nothing was left to compare after input filtering (such as DPPLCMT on a data set containing only comments). If you attempted a search, strings were not found due to empty input data sets, or nothing was left to search after input filtering. User response: Verify that the correct old and new data sets were specified. Verify that the SELECT process statements designate members that exist in the input data sets. Modify the input filtering statements and options so that something is left to compare or search. ISRS010 Insufficient storage - Abnormal completion (RC=32). See listing for error.

Explanation: Setting the Display Output field to UPD implies that you are creating an update data set as output from your compare job. SuperC has detected that you have neglected to supply a process option (such as UPDPDEL) that would result in an update data set. Consequently, the request to Browse or View the UPD output is an error. User response: Either supply an update process option using option P, or change your Display Output field to YES, NO, or COND instead of UPD. ISRS017 ***** SuperC aaaaaaaa compare invoked. *****

Explanation: Insufficient storage is available for the SuperC program to run. The region size is either too small or storage is too fragmented. User response: Consider submitting the SuperC job to batch, specifying a REGION= keyword and sufficient storage on the job card for the job to run. If batch is unavailable, consult your system programmer for instructions on how to temporarily increase your available region size at session logon. ISRS011 No UPDATE option - UPD Display Output options inconsistent with no update process selected.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The foreground SuperC compare is executing. The message specifies which type of compare it is (LINE, WORD, FILE, or BYTE). ISRS018 Append to PDS invalid - Data set organization and append option conflict.

Explanation: It is not valid to attempt to append to a SuperC listing that is a member of a partitioned data set. This action is only valid for sequential data sets. SuperC only replaces the content of PDS members. It will not add to them. User response: Verify that the list data set is sequential, or remove the APNDLST process option from the input to SuperC. ISRS019 Bad ds organizations - Concatenated data sets must have consistent DS organizations.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS012 Member list error - Member list not applicable.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: SuperC cannot search or compare a mixture of partitioned and sequential data sets. All data sets in the NEW and OLD concatenation must be of the same organization. MVS concatenation rules will not


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

permit the allocation of a mixture. User response: Verify that all data sets within the NEW and OLD concatenation (DS1-DS4) are all sequential or all partitioned. This may be done using option 3.4 ATTRIB view and inspecting the DSORG field. All data sets need to be PS or PO, unmixed. ISRS020 Mutually exclusive - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb are mutually exclusive. ISRS024 Return (aaaaaaaa) - No description of return code value.

Explanation: SuperC has returned an undefined return code. User response: This is a SuperC programming error or possible installation problem. Please write down the return code captured in the short message field and contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is a possible ISPF installation problem. Verify that ISRSUPC is at the correct release level and that no other level of release exists on your system. Have your user check the header in his SuperC output. It should contain the current release of ISPF installed on your system. If no mixed release or wrong version of SuperC is evident, contact IBM support. ISRS025 DS organization mismatch - New/old data set organizations are not compatible.

Explanation: An invalid combination of process options was specified. The two process options substituted into the message are an either/or pair and are not meaningful in conjunction. User response: Remove one (or both) of the mutually exclusive options. Consult the tutorials and documentation for detailed explanations of the meaning and usage of each option. ISRS021 Unrecognizable keyword - aaaaaaaa is an unrecognizable process option.

Explanation: The process option substituted into your message is unknown to SuperC. User response: Verify that the option is spelled correctly. Use option P in 3.13 or 3.13.S to select available process options. Remove the invalid option from the PROCESS OPTION input field before SuperC will continue. Consult the tutorials and documentation for a list of valid process options, some options are only valid for certain compare types. ISRS022 Keyword conflict - aaaaaaaa is invalid for bbbbbbbb compare type.

Explanation: You are attempting to compare one or more partitioned data sets to one or more sequential data sets. This is not supported by SuperC. SuperC requires that all data sets be of the same organization, either all partitioned or all sequential. A partitioned data set specified with a member name PDS(MEMBER) - is treated as a sequential for purposes of this requirement. User response: Correct the old and new data sets specified to comply with the data set organization matching rule. ISRS026 Too many process options - Unable to assemble all selected options on panel line(s).

Explanation: The process option you are specifying is not applicable for the compare type you are requesting. User response: Either remove the invalid process option from process options field on the panel or change the compare type to one valid for the process option. Use option P for a selection list of valid options for the current compare type. ISRS023 Inconsistent keyword - APNDUPD without update options are specified.

Explanation: The maximum number of process options that will fit on the 2 lines available for them has been exceeded. Those that will fit have been carried forward to the panel, but one or more specified in option P are missing. User response: Eliminate any redundant, conflicting, or unnecessary process options. It may be possible to squeeze in a few more by using option B to submit a batch compare, editing the JCL, and adding them to the PARM string to SuperC. Be aware that MVS limits the overall length of the PARM string to 255. If this limit is exceeded, a JCL error occurs. ISRS027 Password not accepted - Password only valid when used with Other data set name. Cleared.

Explanation: You have specified the APNDUPD process option, implying you wish to append output to an update file. However, you have not specified an option that will cause update file output to be created. User response: Either add an update file creation option (such as UPDMVS8), remove the APNDUPD, or change it to APNDLST, if you want to append compare output to an existing SuperC listing. Option P may be used to get a selection list of process options.

Explanation: Input has been entered in the Password field, perhaps inadvertently. This is only accepted when the corresponding Data Set Name is filled in. Passwords are not accepted for the DS1-4 fields.
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SuperC has cleared the password field. User response: No action is required unless you intend to compare a password protected data set, in which case you are restricted to using the Data Set Name field and Password field. ISRS028 Invalid option - Only 3.13.S (SRCHFOR) and 3.13.A (Activate/Create) are valid. any process statements, it has replaced the Statements Dsn name on the panel. User response: The compare options contained in the profile data set are now transferred to the panel. You may now specify the compare data sets and run the compare. ISRS034 ****** SuperC Search-for invoked. ******

Explanation: You have attempted to jump into option 3.13 (SuperCE) with an invalid option, =3.13.X, for example. User response: You may jump directly into Searchfor or profile manager using =3.13.S or =3.13.A; otherwise, you must use =3.13 to jump to SuperCE. From there you may specify the individual option you want (for example, E), for editing statements data sets. ISRS029 No strings searched - Abnormal completion (RC=28). See listing for details.

Explanation: The search is now in progress. Depending on the amount of input to be searched, this may take some time. Typically, the next thing you see is a browse session of a listing data set that contains the results of the search. If no strings are found, you receive only a message, but the listing data set has been created and may be browsed by you outside of the SuperC dialog. User response: Consider submitting a batch search to avoid tying up your session during lengthy searches. This may be done using either option 3.14 or 3.13.S.B. ISRS035 * Search-for invoked. String(s) used from statements data set *

Explanation: No string search was attempted because the search data set or members were empty. This may have resulted from filtering. For example, DPLINE or DPPLCMT statements may have eliminated all candidate lines from the input. User response: See the Searchfor listing data set for details. You may need to adjust input filtering statements to exclude fewer lines from the search set. Verify that the search data set is not empty. ISRS030 Required field - First concatenation or Other data set name must be specified.

Explanation: The search is in progress. However, since SRCHFOR or SRCHFORC statements are specified in a statements data set, they are used to specify the strings to be searched instead of the strings specified on the panel. The strings in the statements data set override the strings on the panel. User response: None, unless you wanted to use the panel strings, in which case blank out the Statements Dsn field, or remove the SRCHFOR statements from the statements data set. ISRS036 No strings found - Search-for completed with no strings found. See listing for details.

Explanation: At a minimum, either the DS1 field or the Other Data Set field must be filled in for the new and old (or search) data sets. If both are filled in, the Other Data Set field will be used. User response: Fill in either required field and retry. ISRS032 Profile created - Profile DS aaaaaaaa is created.

Explanation: The search is complete with no strings found. There may be further information in the search listing data set, which may be browsed outside of Searchfor. Input filtering (DPLINE, for example) may have hidden strings that otherwise would be found. User response: If this result is unexpected, consider editing the statements data set (if one was specified) and investigating the filtering options. Also browse the listing data set. ISRS037 Strings found - Search-for completed. Strings were found.

Explanation: The profile data set or member named in the message, which did not previously exist, has been created for you. User response: Use the created profile in option 3.12 or option 3.13 to specify compare options. ISRS033 Profile activated - Profile DS aaaaaaaa is activated.

Explanation: The profile data set in the message has been read and its process and compare options written to the panel for your use. If the profile data set contains

Explanation: This is an informational message. The search was completed successfully with strings found. Other possible outcomes are no strings found, no strings searched, or errors.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRS038 Edit error - Severe error detected on call to editor. message is not valid in combination with the specified compare type. User response: Eliminate the offending process option or change the compare type and retry. Use option P for a selection of process options valid with the current compare type. ISRS045 Profile not created - APNDUPD without update options are specified.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS039 Profile replaced - Profile DS aaaaaaaa is replaced.

Explanation: The profile data set or member named in the message has been replaced for you. It previously existed. User response: Use the profile in option 3.12 or option 3.13 to specify compare options. ISRS040 Profile not created - Invalid compare type: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The attempt to create a profile was unsuccessful because the APNDUPD process option implies that you are creating an update file but no UPD process option is specified. User response: Specify a UPD process option to create an update file, or use APNDLST instead of APNDUPD to specify append to the listing data set. Retry. ISRS046 Profile not created - Invalid browse option: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The attempt to create a profile was not successful because the Compare Type field is invalid. Valid types are LINE, FILE, BYTE, and WORD. User response: Correct the invalid compare type and retry. ISRS041 Profile not created - Invalid listing type: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The attempt to create a profile was unsuccessful because the Browse output field is invalid. Valid types are YES, NO, COND, and UPD. User response: Correct the invalid browse output selection and retry. ISRS047 Statements DS saved - Edit session for process statements DS is complete. changes saved.

Explanation: The attempt to create a profile was not successful because the Listing Type field is invalid. Valid types are OVSUM, DELTA, CHNG, LONG, and NOLIST. User response: Correct the invalid listing type and retry. ISRS042 Profile not created - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb are mutually exclusive.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message confirms that you made changes to the statements data set using option E. These changes were saved in the data set or member. ISRS048 Job submitted - JCL generated and submitted to the job scheduler.

Explanation: The attempt to create a profile was not successful because the two Process options named in the message are not valid in combination. User response: Eliminate either (or both) of the process options and retry the operation. ISRS043 Profile not created - aaaaaaaa is an unrecognizable process option.

Explanation: This message confirms that your batch compare or search job was submitted. It is still possible that there may be JCL errors and the job will fail, but the process of creating and submitting the JCL succeeded. User response: Monitor the job for completion. You need not remain in the SuperC dialog. ISRS049 Listing not generated - Abnormal completion (RC=25). Existing list DS attribute conflict.

Explanation: The attempt to create a profile was unsuccessful because the process option named in the message is not valid. User response: Correct the spelling of the process option and retry. Use option P for a selection of process options. ISRS044 Profile not created - aaaaaaaa is invalid for bbbbbbbb compare type.

Explanation: The attempt to create a profile was unsuccessful because the process option named in the

Explanation: The listing data set was not allocated due to a conflict with the LRECL, RECFM, or DS organization. A listing may only be saved in a PDS with identical DS attributes (that is, LRECL or RECFM); an APNDLST may never be done to a PDS; and an APNDLST may only be made to a sequential DS with identical attributes. No output was generated.
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User response: Use a new name for the listing data set that is not the same as an existing data set, or delete the existing data set (if it is not one you want to keep) so that SuperC can reallocate it with the proper attributes. ISRS050 Listing data set full - Listing data set or volume is full. Delete and preallocate larger using option 3.2 or delete and increase default space parms using option 3.13.A.D ISRS053 Invalid profile - Profile contains an invalid Display Output parameter: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The profile data set or member contains the invalid Display Output parameter indicated in the message. This is most likely the result of a manual edit of the profile that has corrupted it. Profiles normally should be modified only using option 3.13.A CREATE profile. User response: Edit the profile and correct the invalid Display Output parameter in the first PROF PREFIX statement at line 1. The syntax is BRW=YES/NO/ COND/UPD. Alternatively, use the option 3.13.A CREATE function to replace the invalid profile with new values taken from the 3.13 panel. ISRS054 Invalid profile - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb are mutually exclusive.

Explanation: The listing data set or the volume on which it resides is out of space and could not hold all the output that SuperC attempted to generate. User response: If the data set is sequential, you may delete it and preallocate it larger using option 3.2, or use option 3.13.A.D to increase the default space allocation parameters. If the data set is partitioned, you may attempt to compress it using option 3.1. If the volume is out of space, you may need to consult your system programmer for advice on where to allocate the listing data set. ISRS051 Invalid profile - Profile contains an invalid compare type: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The profile data set or member contains the invalid combination of process options indicated in the message. This is most likely the result of a manual edit of the profile that has corrupted it. Profiles normally should be modified only using the option 3.13.A CREATE profile. User response: Edit the profile and correct the PROF PREFIX statements at lines 2 and 3 by specifying a valid combination of process options. Alternatively, use the option 3.13.A CREATE function to replace the invalid profile with new values taken from the 3.13 panel. ISRS055 Invalid profile - aaaaaaaa is an unrecognizable process option.

Explanation: The profile data set or member contains the invalid compare type indicated in the message. This is most likely the result of a manual edit of the profile that has corrupted it. Profiles normally should be modified only using option 3.13.A CREATE profile. User response: You may edit the profile and correct the invalid compare type in the first PROF PREFIX statement at line 1. The syntax is CTYP=FILE/LINE/ WORD/BYTE. Alternatively, you may use the option 3.13.A CREATE function to replace the invalid profile with new values taken from the 3.13 panel. ISRS052 Invalid profile - Profile contains an invalid listing type: aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The profile data set or member contains the invalid process option indicated in the message. This is most likely the result of a manual edit of the profile that has corrupted it. Profiles normally should be modified only using the option 3.13.A CREATE profile. User response: Edit the profile and correct the PROF PREFIX statements at lines 2 and 3 by specifying a valid combination of process options. Alternatively, use the option 3.13.A CREATE function to replace the invalid profile with new values taken from the 3.13 panel. ISRS056 Invalid profile - aaaaaaaa is invalid for bbbbbbbb compare type.

Explanation: The profile data set or member contains the invalid listing type indicated in the message. This is most likely the result of a manual edit of the profile that has corrupted it. Profiles normally should be modified only using option 3.13.A CREATE profile. User response: Edit the profile and correct the invalid listing type in the first PROF PREFIX statement at line 1. The syntax is LTYP=OVSUM/DELTA/CHNG/ LONG/NOLIST. Alternatively, use the option 3.13.A CREATE function to replace the invalid profile with new values taken from the 3.13 panel.

Explanation: The profile data set or member contains the invalid process option and compare type combination indicated in the message. This is most likely the result of a manual edit of the profile that has corrupted it. Profiles normally should be modified only using option 3.13.A CREATE profile. User response: Edit the profile and correct the PROF


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

PREFIX statements at lines 1, 2, and 3 by specifying a valid combination of process options and compare type. Alternatively, use the option 3.13.A CREATE function to replace the invalid profile with new values taken from the 3.13 panel. ISRS057 Invalid profile - APNDUPD without update options are specified. ISRS060 Error in SUBMIT - SUBMIT error.

Explanation: The TSO SUBMIT command returned a nonzero return code. The job was not submitted successfully. This is either an MVS system problem or an internal ISPF processing failure. User response: Save or print the ISPF LOG data set for your system programmer. This may be done by temporarily exiting ISPF. Write down the circumstances of the failure and contact your system programmer. System programmer response: ISPF selects the TSO SUBMIT command passing a temporary data set. There may be information in the users ISPF LOG data set or in the system log. Attempt to run the TSO SUBMIT command from option 6 to see if there is a TSO problem. If the SUBMIT only fails from within ISPF, contact IBM support. ISRS061 FTOPEN error - Error using FTOPEN.

Explanation: The profile data set or member contains the invalid combination indicated in the message. This is most likely the result of a manual edit of the profile that has corrupted it. Profiles normally should be modified only using the option 3.13.A CREATE profile. User response: Edit the profile and correct the invalid combination by specifying a valid update process option in the PROF PREFIX line 2. Alternatively, use the option 3.13.A CREATE function to replace the invalid profile with new values taken from the 3.13 panel. ISRS058 Invalid ds RECFM/LRECL - Profile and statements data sets must be fixed 80.

Explanation: Verify that the name of the data set that you are attempting to use for a SuperC profile data set is not mistyped. Alternatively, you may have created the data set yourself to be used as a SuperC profile but with an incorrect LRECL. User response: Check the spelling of the data set name. If you are using option 3.13.A CREATE to create a data set for use as a SuperC profile data set, you may need to specify another name because the name you have chosen already exists. If you allocated the data set yourself, verify that the LRECL is FIXED 80. If it is not, correct it and retry. Always browse the data set to check the contents before deleting it. ISRS059 Invalid profile prefix - Profile prefix record is incorrect or missing.

Explanation: This is a probable ISPF internal processing failure. ISPF was unable to open a temporary data set for file tailoring the JCL statements to be submitted. User response: Save or print your ISPF LOG data set for your system programmer. This may be done by temporarily exiting ISPF. Write down the circumstances of the failure and contact your system programmer. System programmer response: An ISPF FTOPEN TEMP call has failed. There may be information in the users ISPF LOG data set or in the system log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS062 File tailor failure - File include.

Explanation: This is a probable ISPF internal processing failure. ISPF was unable to file tailor JCL statements into the temporary data set to be submitted. User response: Save or print your ISPF LOG data set for your system programmer. This may be done by temporarily exiting ISPF. Write down the circumstances of the failure and contact your system programmer. System programmer response: An ISPF FTINCL SKELNAME call has failed. There may be information in the users ISPF LOG data set or in the system log. Make sure the ISPF SKELS data set (ISPSLIB) is properly allocated by the users logon proc. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS063 File tailor failure - File close.

Explanation: The profile data set or member does not contain valid prefixes to the first 3 records. It is probable that a data set was specified that is not a SuperC profile. SuperC profiles contain .* PROF PREFIX in the first 14 positions of the first 3 records and are FIXED 80 LRECL. User response: Verify that the name of the data set is correct. Otherwise, you may need to edit the profile to correct the invalid prefix. Alternatively, use the option 3.13.A CREATE function to replace the invalid profile with new values taken from the 3.13 panel. Be certain this is data that does not need to be preserved. A backup copy might be a good idea.

Explanation: This is a probable ISPF internal processing failure. The JCL to be submitted was not successfully generated. User response: Save or print your ISPF LOG data set for your system programmer. This may be done by temporarily exiting ISPF. Write down the circumstances
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of the failure and contact your system programmer. System programmer response: An ISPF FTCLOSE call has failed. There may be information in the users ISPF LOG data set or in the system log. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS064 Invalid search-string - Matching end quote around string missing. User response: Correct the hexadecimal string and retry. For example: Use X'F0F0' Not X'F1F' ISRS068 Invalid hex string - The hex string has an invalid character within the specified string

Explanation: Unbalanced quotation marks were detected in the search string(s). If you are attempting to enter a DBCS string that contains a x7D as part of a DBCS pair you must use the Enhanced SearchFor option (option 3.15) specifying the MIXED process option. User response: Correct and retry. Two consecutive quotation marks may be used to specify one searchable quotation mark. For example, DONT is a correct specification to find the string dont. ISRS065 Invalid search-qualifier - Must be WORD, PREFIX, SUFFIX or C (continued).

Explanation: Hexadecimal characters must be in the range 0-9 or A-F. User response: Correct the hexadecimal string and retry. For example: Use X'F123' Not X'ZZZZ' ISRS069 Null string invalid - A null string is an unacceptable search argument.

Explanation: SuperC has detected an invalid operand outside of the search string itself. This may be because a quotation mark intended to be part of the search string has prematurely terminated the string. Data to the right of the quotation mark is treated as a search qualifier. User response: Enclose the entire string in single quotation marks and double any embedded data quotation marks. For example: DONT RUN Alternatively, correct the spelling of the search qualifier and retry. ISRS066 Search string required - The search string must be specified or be in statements input.

Explanation: SuperC cannot search for a null string. One blank is the minimum valid string. User response: Correct the search string and retry. For example: Use Not to search for one blank character on a line. ISRS070 No member in PDS - PDS has no members. Invalid selection candidate.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS071 LMMLIST error - Error return from LMMLIST is aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: No search string was specified from option 3.13.S Search-For, either on the panel or in a statements data set. User response: Either specify one or more of the 5 search string fields on the panel (CAPS or ASIS fields), or specify one or more SRCHFOR statements in the statements data set. The statements data set specification will override the strings specified on the panel. ISRS067 Hex character not paired - The hex string has an uneven pair of hex characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS072 List canceled by user - User entered a CANCEL command during member list processing.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS073 Specify member name - Command specified requires a member name.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS074 Member name too long - Member name must be less than or equal to 8 characters.

Explanation: The hexadecimal string you have specified is incorrect. There must be an even number of hexadecimal characters for a valid string.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRS075 No members with pattern - The data set has no members with pattern aaaaaaaa. User response: Retry the process. The condition causing the failure may be transient and may have resolved. You may also receive a more helpful error message the second time, if, for example, the data set was deleted before the allocation could succeed. If the problem persists, write down the circumstances of the failure and contact your system programmer. The ISPF log may contain useful information and can be printed or saved by temporarily exiting ISPF. It may be useful for your system programmer to know whether you are running SuperC in CLIST or PROGRAM mode. This can be determined by going to option 3.13.A.D and checking whether Invoke SuperC via program interface is selected. System programmer response: Determine whether the user is running the CLIST or PROGRAM interface to SuperC. Users option 3.13.A.D and the PDF configuration table will determine this. If the user is in CLIST mode, verify that the user is running an uncorrupted version of ISRSFORG (or ISRSSRCH) CLIST by checking his SYSPROC allocation. Mixed level of code is possible, and the user could be picking up an old copy of the CLIST. Also, be sure that you are at current maintenance levels. There have been problems in the past with allocations of exotic data sets (aliases, uncataloged data sets with same name as cataloged data sets). Try to recreate the problem yourself. There may be some reasonable and correctable explanation for why the allocation is failing. If not, contact IBM support. ISRS081 Allocation error - Allocation error on old data set.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS076 Invalid command - Valid commands are LOCATE (L), CANCEL (C) and ALL (A).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS077 Selections canceled - User request cancellation of new process option selections.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message confirms that you have canceled out of the process option selection dialog. The options are not changed. ISRS078 Data set in use - The data set or member is in use by you or another user.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS079 Invalid embedded quote - A quote may be used as a delimiter or specified as two quotes.

Explanation: The search string contains an ambiguous quotation mark. Quotation marks are used in pairs to delimit the beginning and end of the search string if it contains embedded blanks. They may also be used to specify a searchable quotation mark, in which case two consecutive quotation marks are understood to be one and are taken as data instead of as a delimiter. If you are attempting to enter a DBCS string that contains a x7D as part of a DBCS pair you must use the Enhanced SearchFor option (option 3.15) specifying the MIXED process option. User response: Correct and retry. Two consecutive quotation marks may be used to specify one searchable quotation mark. For example: DONT is the correct specification to find the string dont. ISRS080 Allocation error - Allocation error on new data set.

Explanation: The TSO allocation of the specified data set to the OLDD DDNAME requested by SuperC was unsuccessful, an unexpected result. See ISRS080. ISRS082 Allocation error - Allocation error on listing data set.

Explanation: The TSO allocation of the specified data set to the OUTDD DDNAME requested by SuperC was unsuccessful, an unexpected result. See ISRS080. ISRS083 Allocation error - Allocation error on statements/profile data set.

Explanation: The TSO allocation of the specified data set to the NEWDD DDNAME requested by SuperC was unsuccessful, an unexpected result. This is probably either a SuperC internal processing failure or an ISPF installation problem. It is also possible that the data set has been deleted or exclusively allocated by another job or user between the time SuperC checks for the availability of the data set and the time the allocation is attempted.

Explanation: The TSO allocation of the specified data set to the SYSIN DDNAME requested by SuperC was unsuccessful, an unexpected result. See ISRS080. ISRS084 Allocation error - Allocation error on member names data set.

Explanation: The TSO allocation of the specified data set to the SYSIN2 DDNAME requested by SuperC was unsuccessful, an unexpected result. See ISRS080.

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ISRS085 Allocation error - Allocation error on update data set. receive this message if you have neglected to enclose a search string of several words in quotation marks. Example: This is just a test User response: Correct the search string and retry the search. Note that WORD, SUFFIX, and PREFIX are mutually exclusive. Only one may be specified for each string. C (for continuation) may be used with or without the other three operands to indicate that 2 or more strings must be found on the same line to constitute a find. ISRS092 Incorrect operands used - aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb are mutually exclusive or redundant.

Explanation: The TSO allocation of the specified data set to the DELDD DDNAME requested by SuperC was unsuccessful, an unexpected result. See ISRS080. ISRS086 Allocation error - Allocation error on search data set.

Explanation: The TSO allocation of the specified data set to the NEWDD DDNAME requested by SuperC was unsuccessful, an unexpected result. See ISRS080. ISRS087 aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS088 Invalid member name - Member name not valid for a partitioned data set.

Explanation: WORD, PREFIX, and SUFFIX may not be used together to qualify the same search string, they must stand alone. WORD means delimited by blanks, PREFIX means starting a word, SUFFIX means ending a word. User response: Correct the search string specification and retry the search. ISRS093 Concatenation disallowed - All data set logical record lengths (LRECL) must be identical to concatenate.

Explanation: One or more invalid characters were entered in the member name. User response: Check that the member name entered is a character string of up to 8 alphanumeric characters, the first of which is either alphabetic or $, #, or @. Alternatively, you may enter a pattern (example: ABC* for a list of all members starting with ABC) or no member name and select members from a list. ISRS089 Old-mem not found - The member aaaaaaaa, selected for the old data set, was not found.

Explanation: An attempt has been made to concatenate 2 or more data sets with different logical record lengths. This is not allowed by MVS. Possibly one of the data set names is misspelled, or you are inadvertently attempting to concatenate different types of data, such as source and listings. User response: Check that the list of concatenated data sets is the one you need. Use option 3.2 or 3.4 data set information functions to find the LRECLs of the data sets. Correct and retry. ISRS094 Concatenation disallowed - All data set record formats (RECFM) must be identical to concatenate.

Explanation: A single member was selected from the selection list panel for the New DS Name partitioned data set and ended from the panel. SuperC attempted to compare this single member to a member of the same name in the Old DS Name partitioned data set, but the member did not exist. User response: Check that the Old DS Name is specified correctly. If it is correct, consider specifying an alternative old DS member name in the OLDMEM field on the member selection list panel, and compare a member in the list to a member of a different name. ISRS090 Volume serials required - Both volume serials required for different new/old data set with same name.

Explanation: You have attempted to concatenate 2 or more data sets with different record formats, such as Fixed and Variable. This is not allowed by MVS. One of the data set names may be misspelled or you are inadvertently attempting to concatenate different types of data, such as source and listings. User response: Check that the list of concatenated data sets is the one you need. Use option 3.2 or 3.4 data set information functions to find the RECFMs of the data sets. Correct and retry. ISRS095 Concatenation disallowed - Largest logical record length (LRECL) must be first to concatenate.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS091 Too many operands - Only WORD, SUFFIX, or PREFIX and/or C are allowed.

Explanation: The search argument specified is invalid because it contains more than the maximum of two keywords in addition to the search string. You may

Explanation: For RECFM Variable data sets, the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

largest LRECL must be the first in the concatenation, according to MVS rules. User response: Reorder the data sets and retry the compare. Use the data set information function of options 3.2 or 3.4 to learn which data set has the largest LRECL. ISRS096 C invalid for string one - Continuation operand valid on any or all subsequent search strings. ISRS100 Invalid command - Command aaaaaaaa is undefined.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS101 Vol serial not allowed - Use Other data set name field when specifying volume serial.

Explanation: The continuation operand (C) was specified on the first search string. This is not allowed. Continuation means that the string with the C, the continued string, must be found on the same line as the previous string to make a match. There is no previous string for string one. User response: Remove the continuation operand (C), from string one and put it on string 2 for continuation. Ensure that the search string is enclosed in quotes. The string (for example, Vitamin C) may have been interpreted as an invalid continuation attempt. Try Vitamin C instead. ISRS097 Concatenation specified - Select options and press Enter to display the concatenation panel.

Explanation: A volume serial was specified on a panel when the Project/Group/Type fields were used for the data set name. The volume serial may only be specified when you use the Other Data Set Name field for the data set. User response: If you are trying to access a data set on a particular volume, type the data set name in the Other Data Set Name field and place the volume name in the Volume Serial field before pressing the Enter key. ISRS102 Password not allowed - Password not allowed for batch job. Use foreground mode.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS103 Member name required - Member name is required for this partitioned data set.

Explanation: The user has requested either Extended SuperC or Extended SearchFor from the Workplace and has passed an ISPF library concatenation. The project, groups and type fields have been filled in on the concatenation panel. User response: Enter options and press Enter to get the concatenation panel. ISRS098 Volume specified - Select options and press Enter to display the uncataloged data set panel.

Explanation: Add a member name to complete the specification of the partitioned data set indicated by the cursor. User response: Specify the member name and retry. Browse the data set if you are uncertain which member is correct. ISRS104 Enter old PDS name - Cannot compare new PDS to old sequential data set or PDS member.

Explanation: The user has requested either Extended SuperC or Extended SearchFor from the Workplace and has passed a volume field along with the Other Data Set. It is assumed that the data set is uncataloged. User response: Enter options and press Enter to get the uncataloged data set panel. ISRS099 Invalid command - Specify B, S, P, E or A for Batch, Srchfor, Process options, Edit statements or Activate profiles, or use the Options pulldown.

Explanation: Because the New data set is partitioned (contains members), the Old data set must also be partitioned. Valid combinations are PDS to PDS, Sequential to Sequential, PDS(member) to PDS(member), or Sequential to PDS(member). In other words, SuperC compares one to one or many to many, but not one to many. User response: Specify a valid combination and retry. ISRS105 Enter old member name - Cannot compare new sequential data set or PDS member to old PDS.

Explanation: These are the valid fast path commands for additional SuperC functions.

Explanation: Because the New data set is a sequential or a member of a PDS, the Old data set requires a member. Valid combinations are PDS to PDS, Sequential to Sequential, PDS(member) to PDS(member), or Sequential to PDS(member). In other words, SuperC compares one to one or many to many, but not one to many.
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User response: Specify a valid combination and retry. ISRS106 Member name not allowed - Member name not allowed for sequential data set. ISRS110 File tailor failure - File tailoring of member selections failed.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing error while attempting to file tailor statements into the SYSIN2 data set. User response: Write down the circumstances of the error and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this error. Perhaps there is a problem with the users ISPTABL or ISPTLIB allocation. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS111 LMINIT failure - LMINIT of specified data set failed with return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The sequential data set indicated by the cursor is incorrectly specified with a member name. Only partitioned data sets can accept member names. User response: Remove the member name and retry. ISRS107 TBCREATE failure - Creating the table of member selections failed.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing failure. User response: Write down the circumstances of the failure and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this failure. Perhaps there is a problem with the users ISPTABL or ISPTLIB allocation. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS108 TBPUT failure - TBPUT or TBADD to table of member selections failed.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing error. User response: Write down the circumstances of the error and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this error. You might also try looking up the LMINIT return code in z/OS ISPF Services Guide . It is possible there is something wrong with the data set itself. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS112 LMMFIND failure - LMMFIND of specified data set failed with return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing failure. User response: Write down the circumstances of the failure and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this failure. Perhaps there is a problem with the users ISPTABL or ISPTLIB allocation. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS109 LMMDISP(get) failure - Internal ISPF error processing member list.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing error. User response: Write down the circumstances of the error and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this error. You might also try looking up the LMMFIND return code in z/OS ISPF Services Guide . It is also possible there is something wrong with the data set itself. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS113 LMOPEN failure - LMOPEN of specified data set failed with return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing failure. User response: Write down the circumstances of the failure and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this failure. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing error. User response: Write down the circumstances of the error and contact your system programmer. It may be


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this error. You might also try looking up the LMOPEN return code in z/OS ISPF Services Guide . It is also possible there is something wrong with the data set itself. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS114 LMCLOSE failure - LMCLOSE of specified data set failed with return code = aaaaaaaa. possible there is something wrong with the data set itself. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS117 LMMDISP failure - LMMDISP of member list failed with return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing error. User response: Write down the circumstances of the error and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this error. You might also try looking up the LMMDISP return code in z/OS ISPF Services Guide . It is also possible there is something wrong with the data set itself. If you are unable to resolve the problem Contact IBM support. ISRS118 Canceled - Member selection canceled at your request.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing error. User response: Write down the circumstances of the error and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this error. You might also try looking up the LMCLOSE return code in z/OS ISPF Services Guide . It is also possible there is something wrong with the data set itself. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS115 LMFREE failure - LMFREE of specified data set failed with return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS119 No members found - No members matched member list pattern or new data set empty.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing error. User response: Write down the circumstances of the error and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this error. You might also try looking up the LMFREE return code in z/OS ISPF Services Guide . It is also possible there is something wrong with the data set itself. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS116 LMMREP failure - LMMREP of specified data set failed with return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: No member selection list was created because no members matched the selection criteria established by the specified pattern. If no pattern was specified, the New data set is empty. User response: Modify the pattern to include one or more members of the New data set if you want to select from a list. Blank for member pattern allows you to select from a list of all members. ISRS120 No members selected - End key was pressed with no members selected.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRS121 LMMDISP(PUT) failure - Creating the table of member selections failed.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing error. User response: Write down the circumstances of the error and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this error. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing error. User response: Write down the circumstances of the error and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this error. You might also try looking up the LMMREP return code in z/OS ISPF Services Guide . It is also

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ISRS122 Browse substituted - Browse has been substituted for View because View has been disabled via the configuration table. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log data set. Try to edit and save the profile data set outside of SuperC to determine if something is wrong with it. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS128 ISRS123 Invalid profile - Too many options - no room to insert sequence option. Not all strings found - Search-for completed with FINDALL specified and one or more strings not found. See listing for details.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: The profile you are using contains so many options that there is no room to add the sequence number option (SEQ, NOSEQ, or COBOL) specified from the panel without exceeding the maximum string size for parameters passed to SuperC. User response: You, or the creator of the profile, need to modify the profile to remove 1 or possibly 2 process options to free additional space. This may be done by using option 3.13.A ACTIVATE and CREATE functions. Consider specifying the sequence option in the profile so there is no need to override it in option 3.12. ISRS124 ******Search in progress******

Explanation: The search is complete with not all strings found. There may be further information in the search listing data set, which may be browsed outside of Searchfor. Because you specified FINDALL there may be some strings found, or Input filtering (DPLINE, for example) may have hidden strings that otherwise would be found. User response: If this result is unexpected, consider editing the statements data set (if one was specified) and investigating the filtering options. Also browse the listing data set. Consider removing FINDALL if you wish the search to be satisfied with some but not all strings found. ISRS129 All strings found - Search-for completed. FINDALL was specified and all strings were found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Your input has been validated successfully, and SuperC is invoked to process your search request. ISRS125 GDG-use Other DSN field - GDG data sets are permitted only in the Other data set name field.

Explanation: A Generation Data Group data set was entered in the Project-Group-Type fields. This is not supported. User response: Use the Data Set Name field for the GDG and retry. ISRS126 Error browsing listing - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This is an informational message. The search was completed successfully with all strings found. Other possible outcomes are not all strings found, no strings searched, or errors. ISRS130 Invalid command - Specify B, P, or E for Batch, Process options, or Edit statements, or use the Options pulldown.

Explanation: This is an ISPF internal processing error. User response: This condition may be temporary. Retry. If the error persists, contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to save or print the ISPF log data set when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log data set. Try to browse the list data set outside of SuperC to determine if something is wrong with it. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRS127 Error updating profile - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: These are the valid fast path commands for additional SuperC functions. ISRT000 No matching names - There were no data set names matching the specified pattern (aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRT000A Quotes Required - AUTOTYPE can not process unquoted data set names when you are running without a TSO prefix. To use AUTOTYPE without a TSO PREFIX, use fully qualified data set names within single quotes.

Explanation: This is an ISPF internal processing error. User response: This condition may be temporary. Retry. If the failure persists, contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to save or print the ISPF log data set when you exit ISPF.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRT000B Member name not allowed AUTOTYPE will not retrieve a member name for this field because this field requires a data set name without a member name. ISRT007 Allocation failed - No member name was returned because the data set could not be allocated.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRT008 Invalid Cursor position - The AUTOTYPE function requires that the cursor be on an enabled library or data set name field. Open failed - The AUTOTYPE function was not able to open the data set in order to read the directory.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRT000C Internal error - An internal error has occurred because too many names are being returned by catalog search. This can happen when a GDG name forms part of the pattern. Retry the AUTOTYPE request with a different pattern.


Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRT001 Retrieved - The name aaaaaaaa was retrieved using pattern bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU000 Invalid option - Select one of the listed options.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRT002 No more names - There were no additional data set names matching the specified pattern (aaaaaaaa).

Explanation: No option was entered on the primary option panel. User response: Select one of the options available on this panel. ISRU001 Data set not printed - Print control characters exist, press Help for additional information.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRT003 Invalid pattern - A pattern is not allowed in the data set name when a member name or pattern is also present.

Explanation: The data set being printed contains print control characters. User response: Use the Hardcopy Utility, option 3.6, to print the data set. ISRU002 Prompt not valid - Prompt is entered only for the rename, move, copy, TSO command, WS command, edit, or view actions.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRT004 Authorization error - The data set could not be opened to scan for members matching your specified pattern. An ABEND 913 occurred.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRT005 No members match - No member names match your specified pattern. The data set may not contain members which match the pattern, or an error occurred reading the directory.

Explanation: A Prompt is only allowed when the option entered supports a prompt. User response: Clear the Newname field. ISRU003 Enter new member name - Rename member option specified for member aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRT006 Not partitioned - No member name was returned because the data set is not partitioned.

Explanation: A new member name is required for the Rename option. User response: Enter a new name for the member being renamed. ISRU004 Invalid DSORG - aaaaaaaa organization must be partitioned.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: The option or line command selected requires a partitioned data set.

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User response: Enter a valid command for the data set selected. ISRU005 Invalid DSORG - aaaaaaaa organization must be partitioned or sequential. cataloged or uncataloged, contact your systems programmer or RACF administrator for assistance. Programmer response: Catalog or uncatalog the data set as requested. ISRU012 Rename failed - Rename return code aaaaaaaa decimal, status code bbbbbbbb decimal, diagnostic information cccccccc hex.

Explanation: Data set with this DSORG cannot be printed. User response: Specify a data set to be printed that is partitioned or sequential. ISRU006 Not real data set name - The selected option cannot process an alias data set name.

Explanation: The return code, status code and diagnostic information indicate that one of several errors occurred. For more information, check the DADSM RENAME return, status, and diagnostic information. ISRU013 Data set not on volume - aaaaaaaa not on volume bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: Rename and Delete are not allowed for alias names. User response: Use the real name to rename or delete a data set. ISRU007 Enter member name - The selected option requires a member name.

Explanation: The data set being renamed does not exist. User response: Enter a data set name that exists. ISRU014 Request failed - Data set is password protected or is of unsupported organization.

Explanation: Commands B, D, E, P, R, and V are member commands and require a member name. User response: Enter a member name. ISRU008 Pattern/name not allowed - The selected option applies to the entire data set.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Enter the data set password. ISRU015 New name already on vol - Volume aaaaaaaa contains data set bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: Commands C, I, L, S, and X apply to the whole data set and a member name is not required. User response: Do not use a pattern or a member name. ISRU009 SYSCTLG not allowed - aaaaaaaa not valid for the selected option.

Explanation: The data set already exists on the volume. User response: Change the new data set name. ISRU016 Invalid record unit - Average record unit must be M, K, U, or blank.

Explanation: A CVOL catalog is not allowed for the option selected. User response: Change the data set name specified. ISRU010 Invalid data set name - Syntax error in data set name aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: When selecting space units of records, an allocation unit of M for megabytes, K for kilobytes, or U for bytes must be used. If a blank is entered the default is U for bytes. User response: Enter a valid average record unit. ISRU017 Vol aaaaaaaa not mounted - Contact computer center if this volume is required.

Explanation: A valid TSO data set name qualifier begins with an alphabetic character (A-Z, $, @, or #). The remaining characters must be alphanumeric or a hyphen (-). User response: Correct the data set name. ISRU011 Request failed - Catalog authorization failed for aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The data set specified is on a volume that is not currently mounted. User response: Contact a computer operator to have the volume mounted.

Explanation: RACF authorization failed for cataloging or uncataloging the data set. User response: If you need this particular data set


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU018 Rename data set failed - aaaaaaaa is open, cannot be renamed. ISRU023 Data set renamed - Oldname: aaaaaaaa, newname: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The data set cannot be renamed because it is currently open. User response: Rename the data set after it has been closed. ISRU019 aaaaaaaa not allowed - aaaaaaaa only allowed for first library of concatenation.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is displayed when a data set is successfully renamed. The message gives both the old and the new name of the data set. ISRU023A Data set renamed:WARNING - Dataset aaaaaaaa has been renamed to bbbbbbbb on volume cccccccc and the catalog option has not been selected. Therefore the catalog entry for aaaaaaaa has not been deleted or altered.

Explanation: The member must be in the first library of a concatenation for the Rename, Delete, Reset, Move, TSO Command, and WS command Member options. User response: Enter the library containing the member as the first library in the concatenation. ISRU020 Utility - Delete - aaaaaaaa deleted from volume bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is displayed when a data set is successfully renamed. The message gives both the old and the new name of the data set and volume information for rename of a non-SMS data set. The catalog option has not been used the user is warned that a catalog entry remains. ISRU024 Utility - Rename - Old name: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is written to the ISPF log data set when a data set is successfully deleted. ISRU021 Data set deleted - aaaaaaaa deleted from volume bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is written to the ISPF log data set when a data set is successfully renamed. It contains the old name of the data set. ISRU025 New name: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is displayed when a data set is successfully deleted. ISRU022 The data set was successfully renamed and cataloged, but the catalog entry for the old name could not be removed from the catalog. The uncatalog return code was aaaaaaaa. Enter the HELP command for further information.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is written to the ISPF log data set when a data set is successfully renamed. It contains the new data set name. ISRU026 Member not printed - Unable to use aaaaaaaa

Explanation: A data set is renamed in a 3 step process: 1. The new data set name is cataloged. 2. The data set is renamed. 3. The old data set name is uncataloged. PDF successfully cataloged the new data set name and successfully renamed the data set itself, but could not uncatalog the old data set name. The current status of your system: Catalog entries exist for both the old and new names, the data set itself has the new name. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Remove the catalog entry.

Explanation: An error occurred either allocating, opening, or writing to the SPF list data set. User response: Check the characteristics of your list data set in using option 0. ISRU027 Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - In data set cccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message. The member or pattern named in the message was Browsed, Printed, Renamed, Deleted, Moved, Copied, Edited, Reset, Viewed, or a command executed as specified. ISRU028 aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb processed - In data set cccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU029 Data set deleted - Multivolume data set aaaaaaaa was deleted ISRU035 Request failed - STOW aaaaaaaa error with member bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A multiple volume data was deleted ISRU030 Invalid selection code - Valid codes: P (Print), D (Delete), R (Rename), B (Browse), E (Edit), V (View), M (Move), C (Copy), G (Reset), J (Submit), T (TSO Command), W (WS Command), S (Select - If default select set), or O (Open - If ISPF Workplace).

Explanation: A stow error occurred while trying to rename a member. The return code indicates an I/O or directory error. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU036 Request failed - Unable to read member aaaaaaaa directory entry or data.

Explanation: Either the member list command is not a valid PDF member list command or the command length is too long. User response: Correct the command. ISRU031 Member not found - aaaaaaaa was not found in the directory for bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A directory error occurred while trying to read the directory entry for the member named. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU037 Utility - Rename - aaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbb) renamed (cccccccc).

Explanation: This message indicates that a member was not found by a BLDL command. The BLDL was issued by a member list command to Print, Rename, or Delete a member. User response: Use member list to determine what members are in the partitioned data set selected. ISRU032 Member not printed - aaaaaaaa invalid for printing or could not be read.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is recorded in the ISPF log and specifies the member renamed and the new name. ISRU037A Utility - Rename - Alias aaaaaaaa updated to reference member bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is recorded in the ISPF log and specifies the alias member name updated to reference a renamed member. ISRU038 Utility - Delete - aaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbb) deleted.

Explanation: This message is issued as a result of a BLDL for an error other than member not found. This may be the result of an I/O error or a directory error. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU033 Invalid member name - Member name aaaaaaaa not valid for partitioned data sets.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is recorded in the ISPF log and specifies the member deleted. ISRU038A Utility - Delete - Alias aaaaaaaa deleted.

Explanation: The new name selected for a Rename operation is not a valid member name. User response: Select a valid member name. ISRU034 aaaaaaaa already exists - Invalid to rename member to an existing name.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is recorded in the ISPF log and specifies the alias member is also deleted. ISRU038B Utility - Delete - All members deleted from aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The member name selected for this rename operation already exists in the directory for this data set. User response: Select another member name for the Rename Member operation.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is recorded in the ISPF log and specifies that all members of the data set were deleted. ISRU039 Conflicting selections - Enhanced member list must be selected when Display Edit/View panel is selected.

Explanation: Enhanced member list must be selected for prompt Edit/View setting. User response: Select enhanced member lists, or de-select prompt Edit/View settings.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU039A Partial list displayed - Referral library list contained more than 30 data set entries. Only the first 30 entry matches are shown. ISRU045 Data set not printed - aaaaaaaa has invalid RECFM/LRECL, index printed.

Explanation: Referral list DSLIST supports up to 30 data set name/filters. The referral library list contained greater then 30 data set entries. The first 30 entry matches are shown. User response: None, informational only. ISRU040 Index printed - Index of aaaaaaaa placed in bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The record format is spanned, or the LRECL is not between 0 and 300. The index is printed, but the data set could not be printed. User response: To print the data set, reformat it with an LRECL of 300 or less. ISRU046 Data set not printed - aaaaaaaa is empty, index printed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU041 Index not printed - Index of aaaaaaaa not placed in bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is an empty sequential data set, or a partitioned data set with no members. The index is printed but the data set is not printed. ISRU047 Data set not printed - aaaaaaaa had a directory error, index printed.

Explanation: Error opening temporary data set or error writing line to ISPF list data set. ISRU042 Member is empty - aaaaaaaa contains no records.

Explanation: An error occurred while reading the directory or opening a data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU048 Part of data set printed - aaaaaaaa partially placed in bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A PRINT command was issued for an empty member. ISRU043 Data set printed - Listing of aaaaaaaa placed in bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: There was an error when printing the data set. Messages are in the list data set. User response: Check the list data set to determine what the error was. ISRU049 OBTAIN failed - aaaaaaaa has unknown attributes, OBTAIN RC = bbbbbbbb hex.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU044 Internal service failed - An internal service failed with return code = aaaaaaaa decimal, reason code Xbbbbbbbb. ISPF may be unable to obtain information about an HFS file because the HFS is not mounted on the current system or you do not have an OMVS segment.

Explanation: The DSCBs for this data set could not be read. There is either an error in the VTOC or an I/O error occurred. Information about the data set could not be obtained. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU050 Utility - Allocate - aaaaaaaa allocated on volume bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: ISPF invoked the a macro to retrieve the number of pages allocated, the number of pages used and the number of members for the data set specified. The internal service failed with the return code listed in the message. This message commonly occurs when the HFS is mounted on a different system than the one you are running on or when the user does not have an OMVS segment. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine the cause of the problem by referring to the appropriate DFSMS documentation and correct the problem.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This is a message written to the ISPF log data set. ISRU051 Data set allocated - aaaaaaaa allocated on volume bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU052 Print failed - Unable to write to the list data set. The logical record length of the list data set must be greater than 8.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


User response: Increase the logical record length of the list data set. ISRU053 Invalid record format - The record format value is other than F, V, U or D. ISRU059 OBTAIN failed - aaaaaaaa has unknown attributes, OBTAIN RC = bbbbbbbb hex.

Explanation: Information about the source data set could not be obtained in order to create the target data set. User response: If you were editing a temporary data set and used the CREATE command to create a new data set, you cannot have the data set created using the characteristics of the source data set. ISRU060 Invalid combination - The input and output data sets cannot be the same if the ISPF IEBCOPY interface is being used.

Explanation: Either an invalid record format was entered on the Allocate New Data Set panel, or the record format field was left blank and the resulting data set was created with a record format other than F, V, U or D. User response: Specify the record format you want on the Allocate New Data Set panel. ISRU054 Invalid record format - aaaaaaaa conflicts with another code.

Explanation: Two codes for the same attribute, such as Fixed and Variable, have been entered for the record format. User response: Correct the record format. ISRU055 Invalid record format - Record format F, V, or U required.

Explanation: The IEBCOPY interface used by ISPF to copy load modules does not support specifying the same data set as both input and output. User response: If the function requested is Move, use option 3.1 to rename the member. If the function requested is Copy, the member must first be copied to a second library, then back to the first. ISRU061 Invalid combination - One data set has undefined record format, and the other does not.

Explanation: The record format must have a type of Fixed, Variable, or Undefined. User response: Correct the record format. ISRU056 Invalid record length - Record length is inconsistent with block size for this record format.

Explanation: Record format U data sets can only be moved or copied to another record format U data set. User response: Specify two format U data sets. ISRU062 Invalid block sizes - To block size is less than from block size with record format U.

Explanation: The record length is greater than the block size or is inconsistent with the block size. For fixed records, the block size should be divisible by the record length. For variable records, the block size should be a multiple of the record length plus 4. User response: Correct the record length or the block size. ISRU057 Numeric out of range - The number entered must be greater than or equal to aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: For format U data sets, the block size of the TO data set must be equal to or greater than the block size of the FROM data set. User response: Specify a TO data set with a block size that is at least as large as the FROM data set. ISRU063 Invalid member name - Member name aaaaaaaa is not valid. First character must be alpha or national.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU058 Rename not allowed - Rename is not allowed for indirectly cataloged data sets on SYSRES volumes.

Explanation: Valid member names consist of 1-8 alphanumeric characters (A-Z, #, $, @, 1-9). The first character must be alphabetic. User response: Correct the member name. ISRU064 Invalid record format - Cannot move or copy record format U sequential data sets.

Explanation: Rename of data sets on system residence volumes is not allowed as this might effect IPL.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Use a partitioned data set to copy format U records.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU065 Invalid specification - From and to data sets cannot be the same for sequential data sets. ISRU071 Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - to data set cccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU071A Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - in data set cccccccc

Explanation: When copying from a sequential data set, a different data set must be the target of the COPY command. User response: Specify a different data set for the COPY command. ISRU066 Invalid load module - Cannot move or copy planned overlay load modules.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU071B Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - Primary member cccccccc and dddddddd alias members bbbbbbbb to data set eeeeeeee

Explanation: This is an informational message. Load modules that were created for planned overlay may not be moved or copied. ISPF does not support moving or copying data with note lists. ISRU067 Invalid specification - To member cannot be specified if from member is blank or *.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU071C Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - Primary member cccccccc and dddddddd alias members bbbbbbbb in data set eeeeeeee

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU072 Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - to data set cccccccc(dddddddd)

Explanation: When a member list is requested, the TO member name should not be specified on the TO panel. The TO member name can be specified in the rename field on the member list. User response: Erase the member name on the TO panel. ISRU068 Enter new member name - Member must be renamed when from and to data sets are the same.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU072A Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - in data set cccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU072B Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - Primary member cccccccc and dddddddd alias members bbbbbbbb to data set eeeeeeee., member aaaaaaaa renamed to ffffffff

Explanation: When copying a member of a PDS to the same PDS, a new member name must be specified. The member cannot be copied to itself. User response: Specify a new member name. ISRU069 Enter new member name - From data set is sequential and to is PDS. Enter to member name.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU072C Member aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb - Primary member cccccccc and dddddddd alias members bbbbbbbb in data set eeeeeeee., member ffffffff renamed to aaaaaaaa

Explanation: When copying a sequential data set to a PDS, a member name must be specified. User response: Specify a member name for the TO data set. ISRU070 aaaaaaaa members bbbbbbbb - to data set cccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU073 Data set aaaaaaaa - to data set bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU074 Data set aaaaaaaa - to data set bbbbbbbb(cccccccc)

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU070A aaaaaaaa members bbbbbbbb - cccccccc primary and dddddddd alias members bbbbbbbb to data set eeeeeeee

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU075 Utility - Move/Copy - aaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbb) cccccccc ISRU083 I/O error during write - Unable to write member aaaaaaaa. Move/Copy completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: This is an informational message written to ISPF log data set. ISRU076 Utility - Move/Copy - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. An I/O error occurred while writing the member named. The Move/Copy operation was completed for the number of members specified. ISRU084 No space on directory - Unable to STOW member aaaaaaaa.. Move/Copy completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: This is an informational message written to the ISPF log data set. ISRU077 to aaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: This is an informational message written to the ISPF log data set. ISRU078 to aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This is an informational message. There is no space in the directory to stow the member named. The Move/Copy operation is complete for the number of members specified. ISRU085 I/O error on STOW - STOW I/O error member aaaaaaaa. Move/Copy completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: This is an informational message written to the ISPF log data set. ISRU079 Utility - Move/Copy - aaaaaaaa -- bbbbbbbb members cccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message written to the ISPF log data set. ISRU080 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa not found in from data set.

Explanation: There was an I/O error when stowing the member named. The Move/Copy operation is complete for the number of members specified. ISRU086 STOW delete I/O error - Member aaaaaaaa not deleted in from data set. bbbbbbbb members processed.

Explanation: The member specified was not found in the input data set. User response: Specify a member of the input data set. ISRU081 I/O error on BLDL - BLDL I/O error member aaaaaaaa. Move/Copy completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: This is an informational message. An I/O error occurred while attempting to delete the member named from the directory. The Move/Copy operation is complete for the number of members specified. ISRU087 STOW delete I/O error - Member aaaaaaaa not deleted in from data set. Member copied, not moved.

Explanation: The Move/Copy operation was completed for the number of members specified. An I/O error occurred on the BLDL for the member named. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The member specified could not be deleted from the directory of the FROM data set. The member has been copied but not deleted. ISRU088 Unable to print - To data set not printed, but Move/Copy was successful.


I/O error during read - Unable to read member aaaaaaaa. Move/Copy completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU089 aaaaaaaa not replaced - Member aaaaaaaa already exists in the to data set.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred reading the member named. The Move/Copy operation was completed for the number of members specified. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: The member specified already exists and you specified no replace. User response: Specify a new member name or indicate that the member is to be replaced.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU090 Data set not printed - aaaaaaaa is an empty sequential data set. print function is set up correctly. ISRU096 Duplicate specification - Specify Batch SYSOUT class or printer id or writer-name.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU091 Enter Batch SYSOUT class - Batch SYSOUT class required for this print operation.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU097 Data set not cataloged - aaaaaaaa was not cataloged on volume bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU092 Enter printer id/writer - Printer id or writer-name is required, they are assigned by your installation.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is issued when an uncatalog line command is issued against an uncataloged data set. ISRU098 Data set not allocated - NULLFILE is a reserved system name and cannot be allocated.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU093 Sent to local printer - aaaaaaaa directed to local printer bbbbbbbbcccccccc.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set name specified was sent to the local printer specified. ISRU094 Utility - Hardcopy - aaaaaaaa directed to local printer bbbbbbbbcccccccc.

Explanation: NULLFILE is reserved by the system as a DUMMY data set name. It cannot be used for input or output. User response: Specify a data set name other than NULLFILE. ISRU099 OBTAIN failed - aaaaaaaa has unknown attributes, OBTAIN RC = bbbbbbbb hex.

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is added to the ISPF log data set. ISRU095 Data set not printed. - aaaaaaaa not printed. See the ISPF Messages and Codes or Help for ISPF Print RC = bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An attempt to read information about the data set to be printed was unsuccessful. The return code from the obtain macro is in the message. ISRU100 JCL generated - JCL to print aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb placed in cccccccc.

Explanation: Possible return codes are: 2 4 The user canceled local print. ISPF issued the TSO PRINTDS command, but the user pressed ATTENTION during PRINTDS. Local print has been disabled by the system programmer. Your system programmer has set the LOCALPRT field in ISRCNFIG to blank, which disables local print. ISPF issued the TSO PRINTDS command, but TSO PRINTDS abended. Further information may be available from TSO PRINTDS by setting WTPMSG and MSGID in your TSO profile. TSO PRINTDS had a return code greater than zero. Further information may be available from TSO PRINTDS by setting WTPMSG and MSGID in your TSO profile. Unexpected RC from local print.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU101 Error generating JCL - JCL to printaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb not placed in temp data set.

Explanation: The temporary data set used to build JCL could not be opened or closed. User response: Determine why a temporary data set cannot be opened or closed. ISRU102 Unexpected return code - Return code aaaaaaaa from the print utility exit. The data is kept.


Explanation: The print utility has returned a return code greater than 4 but not equal to 20. User response: Determine why the print utility exit returned the return code, correct the problem, and resubmit the job.


User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the local
Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU103 Job - aaaaaaaa - Printbbbbbbbb cccccccc on SYSOUT class dddddddd. ISRU112 I/O error on BLDL - BLDL error on member aaaaaaaa on to data set. bbbbbbbb members processed.

Explanation: This is an informational message put in the log data set. ISRU104 From data set is empty - LMCOPY or LMMOVE service invoked for empty from data set

Explanation: BLDL macro has failed. Open failed, Obtain failed, or there is insufficient virtual storage for the BLDL. User response: Increase virtual storage and retry. ISRU113 Members not replaced - aaaaaaaa members not replaced, bbbbbbbb members cccccccc.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU105 Job - aaaaaaaa - Submitted

Explanation: This is an informational message put in the log data set. ISRU106 Cancel - aaaaaaaa - Canceled

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Determine why the members were not replaced and retry. One possible explanation is that another user was accessing the member. ISRU114 to aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb members not replaced

Explanation: This is an informational message put in the log data set. ISRU107 Cancel - aaaaaaaa - Canceled because of error in temp data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Determine why the members were not replaced and retry. One possible explanation is that another user was accessing the member. ISRU115 aaaaaaaa not replaced - Like-named member already exists in to data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message put in the log data set. ISRU108 Sent to TSO/E ICF - aaaaaaaa printed via TSO/E ICF printer support bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU109 Utility - Hardcopy - aaaaaaaa printed via TSO/E ICF printer support bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU116 I/O error on BLDL - BLDL I/O error member aaaaaaaa on to data set. bbbbbbbb members complete.

Explanation: This is an informational message put in the log data set. ISRU110 Invalid specification - From and to data sets cannot be the same when all members specified.

Explanation: BLDL macro has failed. Open failed, Obtain failed, or there is insufficient virtual storage for the BLDL. User response: Increase virtual storage and retry. ISRU117 aaaaaaaa not bbbbbbbb - Cannot find member cccccccc on to data set.

Explanation: The TO and FROM data sets must be different if all the members are being copied. User response: Change the TO or FROM data set specification. ISRU111 I/O error on BLDL - I/O error on BLDL for member aaaaaaaa on to data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU118 aaaaaaaa not bbbbbbbb - Cannot find member cccccccc on to data set. dddddddd members processed.

Explanation: BLDL macro has failed. Open failed, Obtain failed, or there is insufficient virtual storage for the BLDL. User response: Increase virtual storage and retry.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU119 I/O error on BLDL - I/O error on BLDL for member aaaaaaaa on to data set.

Explanation: BLDL macro has failed. Open failed, Obtain failed, or there was insufficient virtual storage for the BLDL. User response: Increase virtual storage and retry.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU120 aaaaaaaa members reset - Reset statistics was completed successfully for aaaaaaaa members. ISRU127 Statistics deleted - Delete statistics was completed successfully for member aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU121 Member aaaaaaaa reset - Reset statistics was completed successfully.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU128 Utility - Reset - aaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU122 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa not found in data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message put in the log data set. ISRU128A Utility - Reset - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU123 I/O error during search - Directory error - member aaaaaaaa. Reset completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: This is an informational message put in the log data set. ISRU129 Utility - Reset - aaaaaaaa ---- All members

Explanation: BLDL macro has failed. Open failed, Obtain failed, or there is insufficient virtual storage for the BLDL. User response: Increase virtual storage and retry. ISRU124 No space on directory - Unable to STOW member aaaaaaaa.. Reset completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: This is an informational message put in the log data set. ISRU129A Utility - Reset - aaaaaaaa ---- All members

Explanation: This is an informational message put in the log data set. ISRU130 Data set cataloged - aaaaaaaa cataloged on volume bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: Statistics could not be set because there is no space in the directory to store the statistics. User response: Either delete members from the data set to free space in the directory, or reallocate the data set with more directory blocks. ISRU125 I/O error during STOW - Directory error processing member aaaaaaaa, data set may be out of space or directory blocks. Reset was completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU131 Utility - Catalog - aaaaaaaa cataloged on volume bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU132 Data set uncataloged - aaaaaaaa uncataloged.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU133 Utility - Uncatalog - aaaaaaaa uncataloged

Explanation: The MVS STOW system macro has failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is likely the result of an MVS system error. Correct the failure and retry. ISRU126 I/O error during read - Unable to read member aaaaaaaa. Reset completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU134 Catalog unavailable - The volume containing the requested catalog is not mounted.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. User response: Have your system programmer mount the volume. System programmer response: Mount the volume.

Explanation: The MVS GET system macro has failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: This is likely the result of an MVS system error. Correct failure and retry.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU135 No space in system ctlg - Contact system PGMer, rtn code = aaaaaaaa, r0 = bbbbbbbb, r1 = cccccccc (dec). ISRU143 Utility - Compress - aaaaaaaa compress failed, RC = bbbbbbbb hex

Explanation: There is no space in system volume to process request. User response: Give your system programmer the information in the message. ISRU136 Catalog request failed - Refer to MVS System Message IDC3009I for more information, Return Code = aaaaaaaa, Reason Code = bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message put in the log data set. ISRU144 aaaa may be incomplete - ISPF does not support copying aliases members to a PDSE load library. Your target library is a PDSE load library and one or more of the members you selected are aliases and have been marked with *ALIAS. These members were not copied.

Explanation: A severe error has occurred while processing a catalog request. User response: Give your system programmer the information in the message. ISRU137 Request failed - Catalog return code = aaaaaaaa, r0 = bbbbbbbb, r1 = cccccccc (dec).

Explanation: Alias members must be copied using the Binder or regenerated via the Binder. PDF cannot process the alias member. User response: Use the binder to process program object alias members. ISRU145 Incomplete aaaa - ISPF does not support copying aliases members to a PDSE load library. Your target library is a PDSE load library and one or more of the members you selected are aliases. These members were not copied.

Explanation: A severe error has occurred while processing a catalog request. User response: Give your system programmer the information in the message. System programmer response: Correct the catalog problem. ISRU138 Already cataloged - Entire or partial name cataloged, data set aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Alias members must be copied using the Binder or regenerated via the Binder. PDF cannot process the alias member. User response: Use the binder to process program object alias members. ISRU146 Member not aaaaa - ISPF does not support copying aliases members to a PDSE load library. Your target library is a PDSE load library and the member you selected is an alias. This member was not copied.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU139 Data set not cataloged - aaaaaaaa was not found in catalog.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU140 Compress successful - Compress listing is in aaaaaaaa

Explanation: Alias members must be copied using the Binder or regenerated via the Binder. PDF cannot process the alias member. User response: Use the binder to process program object alias members. ISRU147 Compress failed - Compress listing is in aaaaaaaa, RC = bbbbbbbb hex.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU141 Utility - Compress - aaaaaaaa compressed

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU142 Statistics deleted - Delete statistics was completed successfully for aaaaaaaa members.

Explanation: The compress has failed for one of these reasons: 4 8 12 Data set not eligible for compression. Set by user exit only. Data set could not be allocated. Set by user exit only. Data set is not catalogued. Set by user exit only.

Explanation: This is an informational message.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

16 17 18 19 20 ISRU148 Error in user exit; ISPF should continue. Set by user exit only. LMCOMP recursion error. Set by user exit only. Unknown return code from user exit. Error encountered invoking user exit. This is due to a Catalog nonzero return code. Severe error Uncatalog failed - The uncatalog request finished with a return code of 0, but the data set still exists in the catalog. User response: Use an alternate copy method, such as IEBCOPY. ISRU153 Print failed - Move/Copy operation encountered an error printing one or more members.

Explanation: The Move/Copy operation could not print all of the successfully copied members to the print data set. This may be due to an out-of-space condition on the print data set. User response: Reallocate the print data set with more space. ISRU154 Members may be copied - Only members from library aaaaaaaa will be moved, all else will be copied.

Explanation: The data set was not uncataloged, probably because is resides on a volume for which a CONVERTV was issued, but not successfully completed. PDF issued the uncatalog request, received a return code zero, but on further inspection discovered that the data set name still existed in the catalog. User response: Contact your system programmer for assistance in removing the data set from the datalog. System programmer response: Refer to the appropriate DFP documentation for assistance in removing the catalog entry. ISRU149 Operation not supported - Statistics reset on an alias of a member of a PDSE is not supported.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU155 Numeric out of range - The number entered is too large or too small.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU156 Invalid date - The date must be specified as one of the formats listed.

Explanation: The date has been entered in an unsupported format. User response: Enter the date in a format that is supported. ISRU157 Invalid date - The specified expiration date has passed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU150 BLDL error - I/O error, insufficient virtual storage, or other BLDL error.

Explanation: Either there was not enough storage to process BLDL, or another BLDL error has occurred. User response: Either add more virtual storage, or correct the other BLDL error. ISRU151 I/O error during read - Unable to read data.

Explanation: The expiration date entered has already passed. User response: Enter a future date. ISRU158 Delete failed - The expiration date for this data set has not passed.

Explanation: The member is unreadable due to an I/O error. User response: Retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the I/O error. ISRU152 Unable to copy data - Data contains user TTR, but is not a load module. ISPF cannot copy.

Explanation: This data cannot be deleted until the expiration date has passed. User response: Delete the data after the expiration date. ISRU159 Invalid field - This field is valid for Copy only.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: ISPF does not support the type of data being copied.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU160 Invalid selection code - Valid options are: PK or PD. ISRU167 Data set Open failed - Data set aaaaaaaa could not be opened to check if member existed.

Explanation: Only PK and PD are valid choices. User response: Enter either PK or PD. ISRU161 Empty member - Member aaaaaaaa is empty.

Explanation: The operation cannot continue because the data set could not be opened. User response: Determine why Open was unsuccessful, correct the problem, and retry the operation. ISRU168 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa was not found in data set bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU162 I/O error - Unable to read member aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The member is unreadable due to an I/O error. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Fix the I/O error.

Explanation: The member specified on the hardcopy Utility panel does not exist in the data set specified. User response: Correct the data set and/or member and retry thr print request. ISRU169 Invalid disposition - A member cannot be deleted using this function.


VSAM data set - VSAM data set organization is not supported for this function.

Explanation: The PD option cannot be used of the data to be printed is a member of a PDS. User response: Use the PK option to print the member. ISRU170 No data set names found - No data set names were found to satisfy the search argument(s).

Explanation: You cannot use the Rename, Catalog or Uncatalog functions of option 3.2 or option 3.4 against a VSAM data set. User response: Use IDCAMS to process the VSAM data set. ISRU164 Empty data set - Data set aaaaaaaa is empty.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU171 No data set names found - No data sets are cataloged that start with aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU165 Invalid DSORG - Data set organization must be partitioned or sequential.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU172 Dsname level error - Remove the quotes from the Dsname Level.

Explanation: The data set organization must be partitioned or sequential to process the operation you have requested. User response: Enter a valid DSORG and retry the operation. ISRU166 Data set not partitioned - Member aaaaaaaa was specified for data set bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The syntax of the Dsname Level is invalid. Quotation marks are not needed around the Dsname Level. User response: Enter a Dsname Level without quotation marks. ISRU172A Invalid DSN - quotes - Dsname level is missing within the quotes. Specify a dsname level or remove the quotes to display a list of personal data set lists.

Explanation: The requested operation requires a partitioned data set. User response: Enter a partitioned data set and retry the operation.

Explanation: The syntax of the Dsname Level is invalid. A Dsname Level has to be specified within the quotation marks. User response: Enter a Dsname Level within the quotation marks


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU172B Invalid DSN - quotes - Dsname level is missing within the quotes. Specify a dsname level or remove the quotes and enter a volume. ISRU178 Volume not mounted - Volume aaaaaaaa is not mounted or is unavailable.

Explanation: The volume you are trying to access is not mounted. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Mount the volume. ISRU179 Enter 2nd operand - A second operand is required for the LOCATE command.

Explanation: The syntax of the Dsname Level is invalid. A Dsname Level has to be specified within the quotation marks. Removing the quotes and entering a Volume serial will call up a list of all the data sets on the volume. User response: Enter a Dsname Level within the quotation marks or remove the quotes and enter a volume. ISRU173 Catalog search error - Locate return code for catalog search was aaaaaaaa decimal.

Explanation: The LOCATE command requires that a search string be entered. User response: Reissue the command with a search string. ISRU180 Invalid LOCATE operand - Table is sorted by aaaaaaaa. Operand is not a valid fixed value.

Explanation: A catalog error has occurred during a locate. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the catalog error. ISRU174 TBCREATE failure - Creating the table of data set names resulted in return code aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An invalid LOCATE string was entered. User response: Enter a valid search string. ISRU181 LOCATE search error - Return code aaaaaaaa - received while searching table.

Explanation: A return code greater than 4 was received from the TBCREATE service. User response: The error is probably due to the table being in use by another session. Free the table from that session and retry. ISRU175 Tbadd failure - Return code aaaaaaaa received adding bbbbbbbb to table.

Explanation: A return code greater than 8 was received from the TBSKIP service. User response: Log off, log back on, and retry. If the error persists, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRU182 Invalid command - The command entered is not valid for the Data Set List Utility.

Explanation: A return code greater than 8 was received from the TBADD or TBPUT service. User response: Log off and retry. If the error recurs, contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRU176 Data set list saved - The listing of data sets was placed in aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: A command was entered that is not supported by the Data Set List. User response: Enter a valid data set list primary command: CONFIRM, FIND, LOCATE, SAVE, SHOWCMD, or SORT. ISRU183 TBDISPL error - Return code - aaaaaaaa received when displaying table.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU177 VTOC information printed - The VTOC information for aaaaaaaa was placed in the ISPF List data set.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU184 Invalid selection code - aaaaaaaa is not a valid selection.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU185 Incomplete string - Put a quote to indicate the end of the string. ISRU192 VTOC list not displayed - VTOC listing of volume aaaaaaaa not displayed. Error in temp data set.

Explanation: A quote was found to indicate the argument of the FIND command is a literal string, but no ending quote was found to mark the end of the string. User response: Correct the FIND command string and retry. ISRU186 Invalid date - Specify a date in the format YYYY/MM/DD.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU193 Vol aaaaaaaa not mounted - Volume must be mounted to list the VTOC.

Explanation: The volume you are trying to get a VTOC list from is not mounted. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Mount the volume. ISRU194 Compress not allowed - The specified library is a PDSE and cannot be compressed.

Explanation: When the data set list is sorted by one of the date fields, the argument of the LOCATE command must be a valid date. User response: Correct the invalid date format as instructed and retry the LOCATE command. ISRU187 Enter required field - Dsname level and/or volume must be specified.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU195 VTOC error - OBTAIN return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Either dsname level, volume or both must be specified when requesting a data set list. User response: Specify a Dsname Level, a Volume serial, or both to indicate which data sets are to be included in the list. Entering a Volume serial with a blank Dsname level will call up a list of all the data sets on the volume. ISRU188 Duplicate data set name - Data set is cataloged on a volume other than aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An error was encountered reading a format 4 DSCB. Problem determination: See the appropriate DFP/DFSMS documentation for return code descriptions. ISRU196 Free space error - LSPACE return code = aaaaaaaa decimal.

Explanation: An error occurred when issuing the LSPACE macro to obtain VTOC free space information. Problem determination: See the appropriate DFP/DFSMS documentation for return code descriptions. ISRU197 VTOC error - CVAF macro (SVC139) return code = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An SMS data set with the same name is cataloged on another volume. Any attempt to allocate the uncataloged version of the data set will result in the SMS version of the data set being allocated. ISRU189 Edit not allowed - Edit recovery is pending, but not allowed from this option.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU190 aaaaaaaa VTOC printed - VTOC listing of volume aaaaaaaa placed in bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An error occurred when issuing a CVAF macro to obtain VTOC or data set information. Problem determination: See the appropriate DFP/DFSMS documentation for return code descriptions. ISRU198 Invalid order code - Valid codes are: A or P.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU191 VTOC listing not printed - VTOC listing of volume aaaaaaaa not printed. Error in listing data set.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Enter either A or P.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU199 Invalid record format - A record format of U is not valid when creating a PDSE. ISRU204A Block command invalid - An uneven number of block commands was entered.

Explanation: A record format of U is not supported when creating a PDSE. User response: Either enter a supported record format for a PDSE, or allocate as a PDS. ISRU200 Rename failed - RACF RC=8 for rename of aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Block commands can only be entered in pairs. Type a // at the start of a block of rows and another // at the end of the block of rows. Type the line command immeditately following the // either at the end or the beginning of the block. e.g. //e User response: Make sure that all block commands (//) are entered in pairs. ISRU204B Block command invalid - Line command missing. Specify a line command immediately following the // either at the beginning or end of the block.

Explanation: RACF has returned a return code of 8 on a data set rename. User response: Check your RACF authorization. Programmer response: Check the RACF authorization for the data set. ISRU201 GDG base - There are no valid built-in selections for a GDG base

Explanation: Type a // at the start of a block of rows and another // at the end of the block of rows. Type the line command immeditately following the // either at the end or the beginning of the block. e.g. //e User response: Make sure that a line command is specified either at the beginning or end of the block of rows. ISRU204C Block command invalid - Mismatching line commands specified. A different line command was specified at the beginning and end of the block. Block commands can not be nested.

Explanation: An attempt to use built-in functions on a GDG BASE is causing this error message. GDG Base entries are only entries in the catalog. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify the users action on the GDG Base to see what action the user was attempting. ISRU202 Bad directory - Directory block size exceeds maximum of 256.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU203 No member allowed - No member name or pattern allowed for this built-in command.

Explanation: Type the line command immeditately following the // either at the end or the beginning of the block. e.g. //e Block commands can not be nested. User response: If a line command is specified at the beginning and end of the block command, it has to be the same line command. ISRU204D Command conflict - A line command is within the range of a block command. Correct the conflicting command.

Explanation: A data set member name or pattern has been entered for a built-in command that does not support a data set member name or pattern. User response: Remove the data set member name or pattern, or check to see which built-in commands are valid for the data set member or pattern. ISRU204 Invalid line command - Valid line commands are B, D, E, P, R, or a TSO command/CLIST.

Explanation: Line commands can not be interleaved with block commands. Correct the conflicting command. Only one command can be applied to a dataset at any one time. User response: Remove the conflicting command. ISRU204E Block command invalid - A block command was entered on an excluded line. Only NX/NXL/NXF commands are allowed on excluded lines. To execute block commands for excluded lines, make sure the option Execute Block Commands for excluded Data Sets, is selected and the excluded lines are in between the start and end of the block command.
Chapter 2. PDF messages

Explanation: An invalid line command has been entered. User response: Enter one of these valid line commands: B, D, E, P, R, or a TSO command/CLIST.


Explanation: Block commands are only valid on unexcluded lines. To execute block commands for excluded lines, make sure the option Execute Block Commands for excluded Data Sets, is selected and the excluded lines are in between the start and end of the block command. User response: Move the block command to an unexcluded line. ISRU205 Invalid data set name - Enter a quoted, fully qualified data set name. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRU211 Invalid option specified - Select option 1 or 2.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU212 No members in data set - The PDS specified contains no members.

Explanation: The specified partitioned data set contains no members. User response: Verify that this is the correct data set for the member you are trying to locate. Problem determination: There are no members in the PDS. ISRU213 Severe error - Open, I/O, or BLDL error.

Explanation: The data set name is incorrect. User response: Correct the data set name. ISRU206 Extraneous parameters - Extraneous parameters for built-in command.

Explanation: An extraneous parameter has been entered for a built-in command. User response: Remove the extraneous parameter and reenter the built-in command. ISRU207 Invalid change - Data set name may not be changed for built-in commands.

Explanation: A severe error has occurred. Either an OPEN, I/O, or BLDL error has occurred on the data set. User response: Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Check the status of the data set that has caused this error. ISRU214 Option not implemented - Try another option.

Explanation: The data set name cannot be changed for the built-in command. User response: Do not change the data set name for the built-in command. ISRU208 Command failed - Command aaaaaaaa not found, invalid, or issued return code 20.

Explanation: The option entered is not available. User response: Try another option. ISRU215 No space in directory - PDS directory is full, allocate more directory blocks.

Explanation: The command that was issued did not process. Either the command was not found, the command was invalid, or the command issued a return code of 20. User response: Reenter a valid command. ISRU209 Command failed - Command aaaaaaaa issued return code bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: There is no more directory space for the partitioned data set. User response: The PDS is out of directory space. More directory space needs to be allocated. Programmer response: Allocate more directory space. ISRU216 I/O error during STOW - Permanent I/O error occurred updating directory block.

Explanation: The command failed with the issued return code. User response: Reenter a valid command. ISRU210 Data set is unmovable - Data set organization of from data set indicates it is unmovable.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred during an attempt to update the directory block. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Perform diagnostics on the data set that has failed. ISRU217 Invalid select code - Type S for select or B for browse in front of the member desired.

Explanation: The organization of the data set indicates that the data set cannot be moved. User response: Verify that the data set organization indicates that it cannot be moved. Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: An invalid selection code has been


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

entered. Valid selections are S for Select or B for Browse. User response: Enter one of the valid selection codes. ISRU218 I/O error during read - Unable to read data. ISRU224 Utility - Outlist - Delete issued job aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The job log has been deleted. ISRU225 Requeue issued - Output requeue attempted for job aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred during READ. The data cannot be read. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Perform diagnostics on the data set causing the error. ISRU219 BLDL error - I/O error, insufficient virtual storage, or other BLDL error.

Explanation: This is an informational message. An attempt to requeue the job listed will be made. ISRU226 Delete issued - Output delete attempted for job aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. An attempt to delete the job listed will be made. ISRU227 Print completed - Print function has completed

Explanation: A BLDL error occurred on the data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Perform diagnostics on the data set causing the error. ISRU220 Allocation failed - Allocation of print data set failed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The requested print function has ended. ISRU228 Invalid class - Class must be alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9).

Explanation: The allocation of the Print temporary data set has failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Find out why the temporary data set was not allocated. Make sure that the packs that the user has access to are not full and that a data set by the same name does not already exist. Problem determination: The data set that the output was allocated to may be full. ISRU221 No data to browse - Output command did not place any data in print data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. An invalid class has been entered. The class must be either A-Z or 0-9. ISRU229 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa not found, only library 1 searched for MOVE service.

Explanation: The member was not found in the specified library. Only one library was entered. User response: Check the data set concatenation to determine where the member is located. Programmer response: Only one library member was entered. ISRU230 Vol serial not allowed - A volume serial is not allowed for this operation.

Explanation: This is an informational message. There is no data to browse in the print data set. ISRU222 No data to print - Output command did not place any data in print data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. There is no data in the data set to print. The output command did not place any data into the print data set. ISRU223 Utility - Outlist - Requeue issued job aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The volume serial is not allowed for this operation on an SMS managed data set that is accessed using a non-VTOC data set list. User response: Access the data set using the data set list, and rerun the command. Problem determination: A command has been issued against an SMS data set that is not allowed. The data set was accessed using a non-VTOC data set list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The OUTPUT command to requeue the requested job has been issued.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU231 Record size too small - These sizes are allowed: RECFM=F 10-32760, RECFM=V 14-32752. partitioned data set. A partitioned data set requires a member name to continue. User response: Enter a member name. ISRU238 Option not implemented - Try another option.

Explanation: The logical record length is too small. The LRECL must be greater than or equal to 10 for fixed records and greater than or equal to 14 for variable records. User response: Reblock the data set record size. Problem determination: Check the data set LRECL. ISRU232 Vol serial not allowed - Use Other data set name field when specifying volume serial.

Explanation: The requested option not available. User response: Enter an available option. ISRU239 Enter required field - User ID and/or new version number must be specified with R option.

Explanation: The Other Data Set Name field is used when the volume serial is specified. User response: Enter the Other Data Set Name.

Explanation: The R option must be used with the user ID or NEW VERSION number or both. User response: Use the R option. ISRU240 Invalid SORT operand - aaaaaaaa is not a valid SORT operand.


Invalid unit - Generic unit must be blank if volume serial is specified.

Explanation: Generic Unit must be left blank when the volume serial is specified. User response: Leave Generic Unit blank. ISRU234 Insufficient storage - Not enough storage is available for Browse to proceed.

Explanation: An invalid SORT operand has been entered. User response: Correct the SORT operand and retry the command. Problem determination: Verify the sort operand. ISRU241 Too many sort fields - You may specify up to two fields for use with the SORT command.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU235 Invalid required parm - Select the required parameter from the options shown.

Explanation: Too many SORT operands have been entered for the SORT command. A maximum of two operands can be entered per SORT command. User response: Correct the number of SORT operands. ISRU242 SORT error - Error returned from table sort = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Enter one of the valid options listed to complete the command. User response: Enter a listed valid option. ISRU236 I/O error during write - Unable to write data.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. Problem determination: A table sort error has occurred on an internal sort routine. ISRU243 Invalid operand - Valid CONFIRM operands are ON and OFF.

Explanation: An error has occurred while writing data to a data set member. User response: Check the data set to see if the data set is corrupted, and that the DASD is available. System programmer response: Verify that the failing data set is not corrupted and that the DASD is available. ISRU237 Enter member name - The specified data set is partitioned. A member name is required.

Explanation: An invalid CONFIRM operand was entered. The valid operands are ON and OFF. User response: Use a valid CONFIRM operand, either ON or OFF.

Explanation: The data set that is specified is a


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU244 Data set saved - The data set was saved. ISRU251 Value too large - The maximum retention period allowed is 9999.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU245 Invalid command - Only ISPF system commands may be entered on this panel.

Explanation: The retention period that has been entered is greater than 9999. A retention period value must be less than or equal to 9999 days. User response: Enter a value for the retention period less than or equal to 9999 days. ISRU252 Invalid date - The date specified contains invalid values.

Explanation: An invalid command was entered on the command line. User response: Specify a valid command. Enter HELP when this message is displayed for command information. ISRU247 This list of data set names contains entries from a CVOL catalog. The list exceeded the maximum number of names allowed in the input area and may be incomplete.

Explanation: The date that has been entered into the expiration date field has invalid values. These values could be an invalid day or month, or a character entered into the day, month, or year field. User response: Correct the incorrect value that has been entered for the day, month, or year. ISRU253 Date not allowed - The date specified is only valid with 4 character year support.

Explanation: A data set list did not build completely using the qualifiers entered. User response: Verify the qualifiers, then consult your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that all DASD is operational and that valid qualifiers are being used. ISRU248 Incomplete list printed - The list of data set names exceeded the allocated input area.

Explanation: The date that was entered in Julian format is not supported on the level of MVS that is on your system. User response: Correct the Julian date, or enter the date in character form using a 2 character year. ISRU254 Compress successful - The data set was successfully compressed by the compress exit.

Explanation: An incomplete data set list was printed. User response: Verify the data set qualifiers. ISRU249 Error during list print - An error was encountered trying to put list into the ISPF List data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set that the compress was requested for has completed successfully. ISRU255 Compress failed - The compress done by the compress exit failed.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to print to the ISPF list data set. User response: Verify that the ISPF list data set is available and is large enough to retain your data. Problem determination: Check the ISPF list data set attributes. ISRU250 Four char. year invalid - The MVS system must be MVS/XA, level MVS/SP 2.2.0 or higher.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU256 Severe error - A severe error was returned by ISPF compress.

Explanation: ISPF ran a compress on a data set and a return code that was greater than or equal to 20 was returned. User response: See what data set the compress was done against and check the data set characteristics to see if there is any problem with the data set. ISRU257 Data set not partitioned - The data set for compress must be partitioned.

Explanation: This MVS system is not a level that will support the 4 character year that has been entered. User response: Enter a valid date that is supported by this MVS system.

Explanation: The data set that the compress was issued against is not a partitioned data set, so the compress cannot be executed. To do a compress, the data set must be partitioned.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


User response: Do not compress data sets that are not partitioned. ISRU258 Member aaaaaaaa saved - bbbbbbbb was edited and saved. ISRU265 Data set does not exist - aaaaaaaa was deleted or uncataloged.

Explanation: The data set requested is not cataloged, not uncataloged, not a GDG, or on a tape. It does not exist. User response: Check to see if the data set has been removed from the system. ISRU266 Member too long - A member name/pattern must be 8 or less characters in length.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set listed was saved. ISRU259 Data set not deleted - Delete request for aaaaaaaa was canceled by user.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set was not deleted. The confirmation of the data set delete was canceled. ISRU261 Invalid operand - Valid SHOWCMD operands are ON and OFF.

Explanation: The member name is greater than 8 characters. User response: Enter a valid member name or pattern that is 8 characters or fewer. ISRU267 Data set not found - aaaaaaaa not found on volume bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: An invalid operand has been entered with the SHOWCMD command. Valid operands are ON and OFF. User response: Enter the SHOWCMD command with an ON or OFF operand. ISRU262 Panel not found - The specified data set list panel could not be found.

Explanation: The requested data set is not on the specified volume. User response: Either enter the correct volume for the data set, or enter just the data set name. ISRU268 Command too long - Command expansion caused the command to exceed 255 characters.

Explanation: The data set list panel requested could not be found. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check to see that the specified data set list panel exists and can be displayed. ISRU263 Table processing error - An error occurred during control table processing.

Explanation: The command that was entered exceeds the maximum length of 255 characters. User response: Reenter the command with fewer than 255 characters. ISRU269 Invalid DSORG - Data set organization must be either partitioned or sequential.

Explanation: There is a problem in creating the table needed to store the program state. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check to see why the requested table was not created. ISRU264 No previous command - The = command cannot be used until a line command has been entered.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set organization is invalid. In order to execute a FREE command, the data set organization must be partitioned or sequential. ISRU270 Utility - Move/Copy - aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message written to the ISPF log data set. ISRU271 to aaaaaaaa

Explanation: A previous line command has not been issued so the = command cannot be used. User response: Enter the line command you were attempting to retrieve.

Explanation: This is an informational message written to the ISPF log data set.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU273 Delete confirmation on - A confirmation panel will be displayed for data set deletion requests. ISRU279 Invalid combination - Partitioned data sets require a value >0 for directory blocks.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Confirmation has been set to ON for data set deletion requests. A confirmation panel will be displayed for deletion requests unless confirmation is set to OFF. ISRU274 Delete confirmation off - Data set deletion requests will not be confirmed.

Explanation: A value of 0 was entered for the number of directory blocks for a partitioned data set. User response: Enter a value greater than 0 for the number of directory blocks. ISRU280 Recovery processed - Pending recovery processed, canceled, or deferred.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Confirmation has been set to OFF for data set deletion request. A confirmation panel will not be displayed for a deletion request. Set Confirm ON to display the delete confirmation panel. ISRU275 Commands will be shown - Line commands will be displayed before being processed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The pending error recovery has been processed. ISRU281 Job - aaaaaaaa - Submitted

Explanation: This is an informational message. The job has been submitted for processing. ISRU282 Listing deleted - aaaaaaaa has been deleted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. SHOWCMD is set to ON so line commands will be displayed before being processed. Set SHOWCMD to OFF to if you do not want to see the line commands before they are processed. ISRU276 SHOWCMD off - Line commands will be processed immediately.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The listing file is deleted. ISRU283 Listing kept - aaaaaaaa has been kept.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The listing file is being kept. ISRU284 aaaaaaaa will be printed and bbbbbbbb by job - cccccccc.

Explanation: This is an informational message. SHOWCMD is turned OFF so line commands will not be displayed before being processed. Issue the SHOWCMD ON command if you want to see line commands before they are processed. ISRU277 Numeric out of range - Partitioned data sets cannot have a primary quantity of 0.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The listing file is being printed, and will be deleted when the print function is finished. ISRU285 Data set not opened - aaaaaaaa is a compressed data set that has not been opened. The primary allocation is shown in tracks.

Explanation: A value of 0 was entered into the Primary Quantity field, but the Primary Quantity field of a partitioned data set cannot be set to 0. User response: Enter a value greater than 0 in the Primary Quantity field. ISRU278 Numeric out of range - Primary quantity cannot be 0 when secondary quantity is also 0.

Explanation: The data set that you have requested information on is a compressed data set that has not been opened. ISPF does not know the blocksize that will be used by DFSMS and therefore shows the primary quantity in tracks. ISRU286 Utility - Com print - SUBMIT failed aaaaaaaa has been kept

Explanation: The Primary Quantity field and the Secondary Quantity field are both set to 0. The Primary Quantity field cannot be 0 if the Secondary Quantity field is 0. User response: Change either the Primary Quantity or the Secondary Quantity field to a value greater than 0. The Primary Quantity field cannot be set to 0 for a partitioned data set.

Explanation: The job that was submitted has not processed, but the list file will be kept. User response: Check the job to determine what caused the error.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU287 Utility - Com print - aaaaaaaa directed to local printer bbbbbbbb and cccccccc ISRU291 Job skeleton not found - Job card skeleton ISRSCHPJ was not found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The list file is directed to the specified local printer ID or writer. ISRU288 SMS not active - SMS is not active. Enhanced data set allocation is unavailable.

Explanation: The job card skeleton, ISRSCHPJ, cannot be found. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that you have the PDF skeletons in your system concatenations. Problem determination: The ISPF/PDF skeletons are not in your system concatenations. ISRU292 Enter option - Enter one of the listed options.

Explanation: SMS is not active on your MVS system. User response: Use the A fastpath command, or the space pull-down to allocate the data set as a non-SMS data set. Programmer response: Informational ISRU289 20 or more volumes - The information displayed is for the first 20 volumes of this data set. If there are more than 20 volumes, the information may be incorrect. Data set not printed. - aaaaaaaa has been kept. See the ISPF Messages and Codes or Help for Local Print RC = bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: One of the highlighted options displayed on this panel should be entered. User response: Enter one of the highlighted options. ISRU293 Data set not printed - An uncataloged data set cannot be printed using option 3.6 with a print mode of LOCAL if there exists a cataloged data set by the same name.


Explanation: The attempt to print the data set on a local printer was unsuccessful. The listing data set will be kept. Possible return codes are: 2 4 The user canceled local print. ISPF issued the TSO PRINTDS command, but the user pressed ATTENTION during PRINTDS. Local print has been disabled by the system programmer. Your system programmer has set the LOCALPRT field in ISRCNFIG to blank, which disables local print. ISPF issued the TSO PRINTDS command, but TSO PRINTDS abended. Further information may be available from TSO PRINTDS by setting WTPMSG and MSGID in your TSO profile. TSO PRINTDS had a return code greater than zero. Further information may be available from TSO PRINTDS by setting WTPMSG and MSGID in your TSO profile. Unexpected return code from local print.

Explanation: The hardcopy utility cannot process an uncataloged data set if a cataloged data set by the same name exists on the system. User response: Use another method to print the data set. ISRU294 Unexpected return code - Return code aaaaaaaa from the print utility exit. The listing is kept.

Explanation: An unexpected return code was received while attempting to exit from the print utility. The listing data set will be kept. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Check the print utility exit. ISRU295 TSO/E ICF not installed - The TSO/E information center facility (TSO/E ICF) is not installed.


Explanation: The TSO/E Information Center Facility is not installed on your system. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the Information Center Facility (TSO/E ICF) is installed.


User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify that the local print function is set up correctly.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU296 Print utility exit - The print utility exit produced a return code of aaaaaaaa. ISRU304 TSO/E ICF msg not found - TSO/E ICF message variable not found. Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The print utility exit produced a return code that was received on the print utility exit. ISRU297 Submit error - An error occurred while submitting JCL generated by the print utility exit.

Explanation: TSO/E ICF encountered an error while processing the specified print request, but no message was found in ICF dialog variable QCPMSGID. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the ICF documentation for problem determination. ISRU305 Data set not deleted - Data set does not exist or not sufficient authority

Explanation: An error occurred when the JCL generated by the print utility exit was submitted. User response: Check the JCL for the error. ISRU298 Utility - TSO/E ICF - aaaaaaaa printed by TSO/E ICF and bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The TSO/E Information Center Facility print was invoked to print the list file. ISRU299 Data set not renamed - The data set rename request was canceled by the user

Explanation: PDF received a return code 8 from the SCRATCH macro, indicating that the data set to be deleted either does not exist, or you do not have sufficient RACF authority to delete the data set. User response: Verify that the data set exists. If it does not, it has already been deleted and no further action is needed. If the data set does exist, you do not have sufficient RACF authority to delete it. In this case, either have the data set deleted by someone that does have sufficient RACF authority, or contact your RACF administrator to have your authority level changed. ISRU306 RECFM not supported - Standard records are not supported for the FREE command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU300 Job skeleton not found - Job card skeleton ISRCHCJB was not found.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU301 List data set not found - List data set aaa(44) cannot be found.

Explanation: The PDF FREE command (the F line command from an option 3.4 data set list) is not supported for Fixed Standard record formats. User response: Find an alternate way to free the space in the data set. ISRU307 Rename failed. The data set could not be renamed, but the catalog entry for the new name could not be removed from the catalog. The uncatalog return code was aaaaaaaa. Enter the Help command for further information.

Explanation: The list data set specified for printing (aaa(44)) does not exist; therefore, it cannot be printed. User response: Regenerate the listing and resubmit the print job. ISRU302 JCL generated - JCL generated by the print exit was placed in aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The print utility exit successfully generated the JCL for the requested print operation. ISRU303 TSO/E ICF CLIST error - CLIST ICQCPC00 error. Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: When PDF renames a data set, a 3 step process is followed: 1. The new data set name is cataloged. 2. The data set is renamed. 3. The old data set name is uncataloged. PDF successfully cataloged the new data set name, but could not rename the data set from the old name to the new name. PDF then attempted to uncatalog the new data set name to restore the system to its original state, but the uncatalog failed as well. Currently, catalog entries exist for both the old and new names, and the data set itself has the old name. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: The CLIST used for processing ICF print requests (ICQCPC00) returned an error. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Refer to the ICF documentation for problem determination.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


System programmer response: Remove the catalog entry. ISRU308 Data set not deleted - Data set was copied, but was not deleted due to insufficient authority. ISRU314 ------ I/O error on STOW - STOW I/O error - member aaaaaaaa. Convert completed for bbbb members.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU315 Convert - Menus/Msgs - aaa(44)(bbbbbbbb) cccccccc

Explanation: You requested that the Move/Copy utility move a sequential data set. This involves 2 steps: 1. The data is copied. 2. The data set is deleted. PDF was unable to delete the data set because you do not have sufficient access authority to request the delete. User response: Have your system programmer either grant you authority to delete the data set, or delete the data set for you. ISRU309 List records truncated - The records written to the ISPF list data set by the data set list utility have a logical record length of 121. To avoid truncation, use the ISPF parms option, list data set characteristics, to change the record length to 121 or greater for RECFM F or 125 or greater for RECFM V.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU316 Convert - Menus/Msgs - aaa(44) bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU317 to aaa(44)(bbbbbbbb)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU318 to aaa(44)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU319 Severe error in exit - Severe error in user exit. Compress aborted.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU310 ------ I/O error on BLDL - BLDL I/O error - member aaaaaaaa. Convert completed for bbbb members.

Explanation: An unexpected return code was received from the compress exit, indicating a severe error has occurred. PDF will abort the compress request. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. System programmer response: Refer to ISPF Planning and Customizing for a discussion of the return codes expected from the compress exit, then modify the exit to return an appropriate return code. ISRU320 Function not available - Requested function not provided. Convert routine not available.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU311 -- I/O error during read - Unable to read member aaaaaaaa. Convert completed for bbbb members.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU312 - I/O error during write - Unable to write member aaaaaaaa. Convert completed for bbbb members.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU321 aaaaaaaa not converted - Convert routine returned with error indication. Member not converted.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU313 -- No space on directory - Unable to STOW member aaaaaaaa. Convert completed for bbbb members.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Convert the member by hand. ISRU322 Reset failed - Reset will not resequence packed data.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Expand the directory block size of the data set, and retry the request.

Explanation: The PDF reset utility cannot resequence data that is in packed format. User response: Use the edit RENUM command to resequence the data.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU323 ESTAE macro error - ESTAE macro failed with return code - aaaa ISRU328 GETMAIN failed - Unable to issue GETMAIN.

Explanation: The PDF Move/Copy processor (ISRUMCS) received a nonzero return code from the ESTAE macro. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Consult the appropriate MVS documentation for problem determination. ISRU324 System abend aaaa - A system abend occurred. Press Help key for further information.

Explanation: PDF received a return code greater than 4 from the GETMAIN macro while attempting to obtain a work area to process your Data Set List utility request. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Consult the appropriate MVS documentation for problem determination. ISRU329 Cannot pack data - ISPF will not pack data for RECFM=U.

Explanation: The PDF Move/Copy routine (ISRUMCS) received an abend aaaa when processing your request. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Consult the appropriate MVS documentation for problem determination. ISRU325 Reset failed - Member aaaaaaaa has packed data. Reset completed for bbbb members.

Explanation: ISPF and PDF do not support packed data for record format U data sets. Only record formats F and V are supported. User response: Either move the data to a record format F/V data set and pack it, or leave the data unpacked. ISRU330 Invalid record format - S is not valid if data set organization is partitioned.

Explanation: Partitioned data sets with Fixed Standard or Variable Spanned record formats are not supported. User response: Choose another record format and retry the function. ISRU331 Invalid record format - U is not valid with B or S.

Explanation: The PDF reset utility cannot process members that contain packed data; PDF will abort the reset request. bbbb members were successfully processed before the error was encountered. User response: If the members need to be processed, use the PDF editor to unpack them. ISRU326 Insufficient work space - Work area exceeded. Press Help key for additional information.

Explanation: Undefined format records cannot be Blocked, Standard, or Spanned. User response: Choose another record format and retry the function. ISRU332 Numeric out of range - Record length of zero is valid only if record format is U.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU327 GETMAIN failed - Cannot GETMAIN enough work area to proceed.

Explanation: PDF could not obtain the minimum size (64K) it needs to process a Data Set List utility request. User response: Try doing one of these: v Log off, log back on, and retry the request. v Increase your region size and retry the request. v Have your system programmer increase you maximum allowable region size and retry the request.

Explanation: When allocating a data set using Fixed or Variable format records, a nonzero record length is required. A zero record length is only valid for Undefined format records. User response: Specify a nonzero record length, or use record format U. ISRU333 aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU334 Invalid disposition - Packing data is invalid if DISP=MOD is specified. sequential data with a disposition of MOD, all PDS members must either be unpacked or copied with a pack option of NO. In addition, the target sequential data set must either be empty or contain unpacked data. ISRU338 Invalid member name - The member name is invalid for a partitioned data set.

Explanation: When copying to a sequential data set with disposition MOD (which appends the copied data to the existing data in the data set), the data being copied cannot be packed. If the data being copied is packed, data will be created that ISPF cannot process. User response: Either use a disposition of OLD, or specify a pack option of NO to have ISPF unpack the data before writing it to the target data set. ISRU335 aaaaaaaa failed - Specifying DISP=MOD is invalid if to data set has packed data.

Explanation: A member name containing invalid characters was specified for processing. User response: Correct the member name. A valid member name must be 1-8 characters in length, start with an alphabetic or special character, and contain only alphabetic, numeric, and special characters. ISRU339 From data set empty - Empty from PDS member or sequential data set has been requested.

Explanation: When copying to a sequential data set that already contains packed data, you cannot specify a disposition of MOD (which appends the copied data to the existing data in the data set) because data will be created that ISPF cannot process. User response: Either use a disposition of OLD, or unpack the target sequential data set before attempting the COPY command. ISRU336 Unable to read data set - An error was encountered while reading the to data set.

Explanation: A request was made to copy from a PDS member or sequential data set that does not contain any data. User response: Specify a member or data set that contains data. ISRU340 Error during list print - An error was encountered trying to put list into aaa(44).

Explanation: When copying to a sequential data set using a disposition of MOD, ISPF reads the first record of the target sequential to determine whether or not the data set contains packed data. An I/O error was encountered while attempting to read that first record. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU337 Invalid combination - Copy request incomplete due to invalid pack combination. When copying to a sequential data set with disposition of mod and pack option of asis, you cannot copy both packed and unpacked data, nor can you copy multiple packed members. aaaa members were successfully copied during this operation.

Explanation: ISPF encountered an internal table services error while processing the SAVE command. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRU341 List not printed - The list data set for the option 3.4 SAVE command must be a sequential data set with logical record length greater than or equal to 140 for RECFM F and greater than or equal to 144 for RECFM V.

Explanation: One of the two following conditions occurred during an attempt to copy multiple members of a PDS (or concatenation of PDSs) to a sequential data set, using a disposition of MOD: v Both packed and unpacked members were selected to be copied. v Multiple packed members were selected to be copied. Either of these cases results in data that cannot be processed by ISPF. User response: To copy multiple PDS members to a

Explanation: The option 3.4 SAVE command was issued, specifying a list-id to have the data set list information written to a data set named userid.list-id.DATASETS. If this data set already exists, it must be a sequential data set with logical record length greater than or equal to 140 for RECFM F and greater than or equal to 144 for RECFM V. User response: Use a different list-id to have ISPF write the data set list information to another data set, or delete and reallocate the existing data set to have the proper characteristics.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU342 Data set list printed - The listing of data sets was placed in the ISPF list data set. ISRU345 Free failed - aaaa failed for data set bbb(44).

Explanation: This is an informational message. The option 3.4 SAVE command was successfully processed and the requested information has been written to the ISPF list data set. ISRU342A The listing of data sets was placed in the ISPF list data set. Lines have been wrapped because the logical record length is less than 121 for RECFM F or 125 for RECFM V.

Explanation: ISPF could not free the unused space for data set bbb(44) due to a failure in either the OPEN or RDJFCB macro (as indicated by aaaa). User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Follow normal problem determination procedures. ISRU346 Utility - free - Any unused space freed for data set aaa(44).

Explanation: This is an informational message. The option 3.4 SAVE command was successfully processed and the requested information has been written to the ISPF list data set but has been wrapped. User response: Use option 0 - List data set characteristics - to increase the logical record length. System programmer response: Increase the value of the LIST_LOGICAL_RECORD_LENGTH configuration table keyword. ISRU343 Invalid list-id - aaaaaaaa contains invalid characters.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The ISPF data set list FREE command has been completed successfully. ISRU347 Free completed - Any unused space freed for data set aaa(44). Enter HELP for further information on when space may not be freed from the data set.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The ISPF data set list FREE command has been completed successfully. ISRU347A Free completed for PDSE - Space freed past the last block used for PDSE aaa(44). Enter HELP for further information on when space may not be freed from the data set. Refer to topic Allocating Space for a PDSE in the DFSMS/MVS Using Data Sets as a guide to PDSE space usage.

Explanation: The option 3.4 SAVE command was invoked with a list-id parameter, indicating that the data set list information should be written to a data set. The list-id parameter, used as the middle qualifier of the data set, did not conform to ISPF naming conventions. User response: Correct the specified parameter and reenter the command. The parameter specified must be 1-8 characters in length; start with an alphabetic character, or @, #, or $; and all remaining characters must be alphabetic, numeric, or @, #, $, or X'CO'(right brace). ISRU344 List-id too long - The list-id must be less than or equal to 8 characters in length.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The ISPF data set list FREE command has been completed successfully. ISRU348 Internal program error - ESTAE failed during initialization in module ISRUAF.

Explanation: The option 3.4 SAVE command was invoked with a list-id parameter, indicating that the data set list information should be written to a data set. The list-id parameter, used as the middle qualifier of the data set, did not conform to ISPF naming conventions. User response: Correct the specified parameter and reenter the command. The parameter specified must be 1-8 characters in length; start with an alphabetic character, @, #, or $; and all remaining characters must be alphabetic, numeric, @, #, $, or X'CO'(right brace).

Explanation: ISPF encountered an error from the ESTAE macro while processing the data set list FREE command. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRU349 Free failed with abend - Abend code of aaaa during open. See system message for details.

Explanation: ISPF encountered an abend while processing the data set FREE command. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU350 Member not found - Member was not found in the from data set(s). member(s) and request that they release them, or try again later. ISRU357 Data set not deleted - The data set was copied successfully but could not be deleted, possibly due to an authorization failure.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU351 Request failed - Unable to read member aaaaaaaa directory entry or data.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU352 aaaaaaaa issued - aaaaaaaa issued for bbb(44)

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU358 aaaaaaaa failed - From record length is greater than to block size for record format U.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The deletion of a migrated data set was requested. ISPF has issued the command specified in the configuration table to be used for deleting migrated data sets (aaaaaaaa). ISRU353 From data set in use - From data set is being updated by you or another user.

Explanation: When copying or moving members between 2 record format U libraries, the block size of the target library must be equal to or greater than that of the source data set. User response: Reallocate the target library so that it has an appropriate block size, or copy the member to a different library. ISRU359 Incomplete list - Insufficient work space. Press Help key for additional information.

Explanation: A Move, Copy, Copy/Lock, or Promote request was issued, but the data set specified as the source of the operation is currently in use by you or another user. User response: Identify the person using the data set and request that they release it, or try again later. ISRU354 To data set in use - To data set is being updated by you or another user.

Explanation: The work area required to process the current data set list request exceeds the area currently available. User response: Try doing one of these: v Reenter the %DSNAME LEVEL+ with an additional full qualifier before any defaulted or partial qualifiers. (As an example, specify ABC.XYZ instead of ABC.XYZ* or ABC.XY*.) v Increase the region size. ISRU360 SCLM warning - The project being updated is an SCLM controlled project.

Explanation: A Move, Copy, Copy/Lock, or Promote request was issued, but the data set specified as the target of the operation is currently in use by you or another user. User response: Identify the person using the data set and request that they release it, or try again later. ISRU355 From member in use - From member is being updated by you or another user.

Explanation: A Move, Copy, Copy/Lock, or Promote request was issued, but one or more of the members specified as the source of the operation are currently in use by you or another user. User response: Identify the person(s) using the member(s) and request that they release them, or try again later. ISRU356 To member in use - To member is being updated by you or another user.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISPF has identified the data set you are processing as a possible SCLM-controlled library. If the library is indeed SCLM-controlled and you continue with the request, you will invalidate the SCLM accounting information stored in its VSAM database. This will not result in a loss of data, but will require you to use either the SCLM Migrate utility (option 10.3.3) or SCLM Edit (option 10.2) to correct the accounting information before building or promoting the member. ISRU361 No changes made - No updates have been made to the member statistics.

Explanation: A Move, Copy, Copy/Lock, or Promote request was issued, but one or more of the members specified as the target of the operation are currently in use by you or another user. User response: Identify the person(s) using the

Explanation: This is an informational message. The user responded that no updates should be done after being prompted with a warning that the library being processed may be an SCLM-controlled data set.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU362 Duplicate data set - Requested data set was allocated and found to be cataloged on a volume other than aaaaaa. The subsequent attempt to free the data set failed with SVC 99 error code bbbb, information code cccc. ISRU366 Delete not supported - aaaaaaaa is an uncataloged SMS data set. The delete command is not supported for an uncataloged SMS data set.

Explanation: The user specified a data set and volume combination, but SVC 99 allocated a data set by the same name on a different volume. This usually indicates that a data set with the same name as the data set requested by the user exists on an SMS controlled disk. To protect data set integrity, ISPF will not allow the request to be completed. However, when attempting to free the incorrect allocation, an SVC 99 error was encountered. SVC 99 returned an error code of bbbb, information code of cccc. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU363 Recursion error - ISPF recursion error invoking the compress function.

Explanation: SMS data sets should always be cataloged. The scratch macro does not support uncataloged SMS data sets. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU367 CAMLST Locate Error - The CAMLST locate for one or more data sets returned by Catalog failed. The data set(s) are included in the list with the volume left blank.

Explanation: A catalog error occurred during a CAMLST locate. The data set name is listed without a volume. One reason for the failure may be an indirect volser being offline. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU368 Catalog error - SVC 26 CAMLST locate RC = aaaaaaaa dec., reason code bbbbbbbb dec.

Explanation: ISPF does not support the recursive invocation of functions that use file tailoring. An attempt was made to invoke the ISPF compress function while another file tailoring function is already active on a previous command nesting level. The other file tailoring functions monitored for recursion are: v Foreground (option 4) v Batch (option 5) v Hardcopy utility (option 3.6) v Outlist utility (option 3.8) v SuperC (options 3.12, 3.13 and 3.14). User response: Complete the previously nested file tailoring function, then retry the compress request. ISRU364 Unsupported data type - One or more PDSE load module libraries have been detected in the input to the Move/Copy utility, the LMCOPY service, or the LMMOVE service. Data sets of this type are not currently supported by these ISPF functions. Press Help for more information.

Explanation: A catalog error occurred during a CAMLST locate. The return code and reason code are specified in the message. System message IDC3009I documents return and reason codes for the CAMLST macro. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU369 Select options - Select the options needed for processing.

Explanation: Informational message for SuperC and Search-For issued from the ISPF Workplace ISRU370 aaaa failed - aaaa failed for member bbbbbbbb.. Failure in IEWBIND cccccccc, return code dddd reason code eeee.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU365 Unsupported data type - aaaaaaaa is a PDSE load module library. Data sets of this type are not supported for the Move/Copy utility, LMCOPY service or LMMOVE service.

Explanation: When processing a Move/Copy request for load data on a DFSMS 1.1 or later system, ISPF invokes the binder to do the actual copy. ISPF encountered an error during the cccccccc phase of the binder invocation. The following flow describes the binder calls made during a Move/Copy operation: v IEWBIND STARTD - Start a binder dialog v IEWBIND CREATEW - Create a binder workmod v For each member to be copied: IEWBIND INCLUDE - Specify the input member to be processed IEWBIND SAVEW - Save the member to the output library

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


IEWBIND RESETW - Reset the workmod for the next member v IEWBIND DELETEW - Delete the workmod v IEWBIND ENDD - End the binder dialog User response: Refer to the appropriate DFSMS documentation for an explanation of the return code and reason code from the binder, and follow the recommended diagnostic steps to correct the problem. ISRU371 Invalid input data - You cannot concatenate load and non-load data sets for Move/Copy. ISRU375 Dsname/volume modified. - The Data Set List Filter exit generated a return code of 4 indicating that the Dsname Level and/or the Volume Serial was modified.

Explanation: The Data Set List Filter exit specified in the ISPF Configuration Table returned a 4, indicating that it had modified either the Dsname Level or Volume Serial specified. The data set list presented was built using the modified data. ISRU376 List not displayed. - The Data Set List Filter exit generated a return code other than 0 or 4 resulting in the data set list not being displayed.

Explanation: Move/Copy does not support concatenating load and non-load data sets as input. A load data set is defined by ISPF as: v A PDS with record format U v A PDSE that contains program objects (as determined by invoking the DFP ISITMGD macro). All other data is considered non-load. User response: Correct the input data sets to specify either all load data, or all non-load data. ISRU372 Input/output mismatch - The input and output data sets for Move/Copy must either be all load data sets, or all non-load data sets.

Explanation: The Data Set List Filter exit specified in the ISPF Configuration Table returned a code other than 0 or 4. This causes ISPF to stop building the data set list and redisplay the Data Set List Utility panel. ISRU377 Partial list displayed. - The Data Set List Filter exit generated a return code of 4 for one or more data set names resulting in the display of a partial data set list.

Explanation: The Data Set List Filter exit specified in the ISPF Configuration Table returned a code of 4 for one or more data sets. These data sets are not added to the list. ISRU378 Empty list. - The Data Set List Filter exit generated a return code of 4 for all data set names, resulting in an empty data set list.

Explanation: The user specified input and output data sets that do not agree. If the input is a load data setm the output must be as well. If the input is a non-load data set, the output must also be a non-load data set. A load data set is defined by ISPF as: v A PDS with record format U v A PDSE that contains program objects (as determined by invoking the DFP ISITMGD macro). All other data is considered non-load. User response: Correct the input and output data sets to specify either all load data, or all non-load data. ISRU373 Incomplete aaaaaaaa - One or more aliases were not bbbbbbbb to the output data set because members by those names already existed in the target data set and Replace like-named members was not selected. Must be numeric. - The number of volumes must be a number in the range of 1-20.

Explanation: The Data Set List Filter exit specified in the ISPF Configuration Table returned a code of 4 for all of the data sets matching the Dsname Level and/or Volume Serial specified, resulting in no list to display. ISRU379 List terminated. - The Data Set List Filter exit generated a return code other than 0 or 4, resulting in termination of the list build process.

Explanation: The Data Set List Filter exit specified in the ISPF Configuration Table returned a code other than 0 or 4 for one of the data sets. This causes ISPF to stop building the data set list and to display the list as it currently exists. ISRU400 TBSKIP failure - Return code aaaa received from TBSKIP command.


Explanation: The data set list processor encountered an internal error while invoking the TBSKIP service. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU401 TBPUT failure - Return code aaaa received adding to data set name table. ISRU406 No aaaaaaaa bbb(44) found - aaaaaaaa bbb(44) - not found in any non Xed data set names.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU402 TBTOP failure - Return code aaaa received from TBTOP command.

Explanation: The data set list processor encountered an internal error while invoking the TBTOP service. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRU403 TBEND failure - Attempted to free data set name table. Return code=aaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND or RFIND command was entered to cause the data set li processor to search the entire data set list for the specified target string. The search was completed, but the target string was not found. ISRU407 No aaaaaaaa bbb(44) found - aaaaaaaa bbb(44) - not found in any data set names.

Explanation: The data set list processor encountered an internal error while invoking the TBEND service. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRU404 No data set names found. There is a possibility of matching entries that did not fit in the maximum allowed input area for CVOL catalogs.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND or RFIND command was entered to cause the data set list processor to search the entire data set list for the specified target string. The search was completed, but the target string was not found. ISRU408 Delete volume required. - The name of the volume that contains the entry to be deleted is required for a DELETE NVR or DELETE VVR.

Explanation: The DELETE NVR or DELETE VVR function requires the name of the volume that contains the entry (NVR or VVR) to be deleted. User response: Enter the name of volume that contains the entry (NVR or VVR) to be deleted. Programmer response: None. ISRU409 Volume not allowed. - Delete volume is allowed only for DELETE NVR or DELETE VVR.

Explanation: A data set list request was issued that required ISPF to search a CVOL catalog. Due to interface restrictions, ISPF may not be able to retrieve all the data sets in the CVOL. ISPF searched through the data sets that were retrieved, but found no data sets matching the dsname level specified. User response: ISPF retrieves data sets by passing any fully specified qualifiers to the system to retrieve a set of data sets. It then scans this set for data sets matching any partial qualifiers that were specified. Passing a more specific name will cause the system to retrieve a smaller initial set of data sets, increasing the likelihood that all possible data sets will be scanned. For example, specify SYS1.XYZ.* instead of SYS1.XYZ*. This causes the system to retrieve only those data sets starting with SYS1.XYZ, rather than all data sets starting with SYS1. ISRU405 Uncatalog failed - The uncatalog request finished with a return code of 0, but the data set still exists in the catalog.

Explanation: The delete volume is used only for the DELETE NVR or DELETE VVR functions. It is not allowed for any other VSAM DELETE function. User response: Blank the delete volume field. Programmer response: None. ISRU410 Enter character string - Enter the string of characters to be found.

Explanation: The FIND command was entered on an option 3.4 data set list, but no parameter was specified to indicate what the search target was. User response: Specify a target string on the FIND command. ISRU411 Invalid keyword - Check spelling of keywords used with the FIND command.

Explanation: A request was issued to uncatalog a data set that is SMS managed. PDF could not determine that the data set was SMS controlled, so the uncatalog request was issued. A return code 0 was received form the uncatalog, but upon further checking is was determined that the data set was still listed in the catalog.

Explanation: The FIND command was entered, passing a quoted string as the target string to find, but an additional parameter was specified that was not
Chapter 2. PDF messages


recognized at a valid FIND keyword. Valid keywords are: ALL, FIRST, LAST, NEXT, PREV, CHARS, PREFIX, SUFFIX, and WORD. User response: Correct the specified keyword and retry the command. ISRU412 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be found. characters, the target string may not exceed 44 characters. User response: Retry the command, entering a target string that is equal to or less than 44 characters in length. ISRU416 Invalid character string - The FIND string cannot be a null () string.

Explanation: The FIND command was entered, passing multiple words as parameters that were not recognized as valid keywords. It is assumed that the words were intended to be an argument to the FIND command and, if so, must be enclosed in quotation marks. User response: Add quotation marks around the string and retry the command. ISRU413 Invalid keyword - The keywords aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be used. Delete one.

Explanation: The FIND target string must be a minimum of 1 character in length. A target string of 0 characters was entered. User response: Retry the command, entering a target string that is equal to or greater than 1 character in length. ISRU417 Enter a FIND command - The RFIND key works only after a FIND character string is entered.

Explanation: The FIND command was entered, passing conflicting keywords. Only one of these keywords may be specified. Two types of keywords are supported by the FIND command: direction keywords and type keywords. No more than one of each type of keyword may be specified on the FIND command. The keywords are: Direction ALL, FIRST, NEXT, PREV, and LAST Type CHARS, PREFIX, SUFFIX, and WORD The defaults are NEXT and CHARS User response: Correct the keywords specified and retry the command. ISRU414 Enter character string - A character string for FIND has not been entered (so * is invalid).

Explanation: The RFIND command reissues the last FIND command that was entered. RFIND cannot be issued until at least one FIND command has been processed. User response: Enter a valid FIND command. Once entered, the RFIND command may be used to reissue the same FIND command. ISRU418 aaaa - bbbbbbbb ccc(44) - bbbbbbbb ccc(44) found on aaaa line(s)

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND ALL command was entered on a data set list, and the specified target string was successfully located. ISRU419 aaaaaaaa bbb(44) found - Search for aaaaaaaa bbb(44) was successful.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND command was entered on a data set list, and the string was successfully located. ISRU420 *Bottom of list reached* - aaaaaaaa bbb(44) not found. Press the RFIND key to continue the search from the top for the data set list.

Explanation: An asterisk (*) used as the target string of the FIND command indicates that the previous target string should be reused. An asterisk was entered but no previously entered a valid target string was found, making the use of the asterisk invalid. User response: Enter a valid target string. Once a target string is entered, the asterisk may then be used on subsequent FIND commands. ISRU415 FIND string too long - The FIND string cannot be longer than 44 characters.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set list FIND command searches from the top of the displayed data to the bottom of the list to find the target string. FIND has searched and reached the bottom of that list without finding the target string. Entering the RFIND command continues the search, starting from the top of the data set list.

Explanation: The FIND command searches for the specified target string within the list of data set names. Since the maximum length of a data set in the list is 44


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU421 * Top of list reached * - aaaaaaaa bbb(44) not found. Press the RFIND key to continue the search from the bottom for the data set list. should be written to the ISPF list data set. The information has been successfully written but has been wrapped. User response: Use option 0 - List data set characteristics - to increase the logical record length. System programmer response: Increase the value of the LIST_LOGICAL_RECORD_LENGTH configuration table keyword. ISRU425 Invalid line command - The data set list line command exit has restricted the entered command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. When the PREV keyword is specified, the data set list FIND command searches from the top of the displayed data to the top of the list to find the target string. FIND has searched and reached the top of that list without finding the target string. Entering the RFIND command continues the search, starting from the bottom of the data set list. ISRU422 No aaaaaaaa bbb(44) found - aaaaaaaa bbb(44) - not found in any Xed data set names.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND or RFIND command was entered to cause the data set list processor to search the entire data set list for the specified target string. The search was completed, but the target string was not found. ISRU423 Invalid string type - Data set list FIND command does not process picture (P...), hex (X...), text (T...) or char (C...) strings.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A data set list line command exit is specified in the configuration table you are currently using. This exit has returned a return code indicating that the command entered is a restricted command and should not be executed. ISRU426 Severe error occurred - The data set list line command exit issued a return code of 20.

Explanation: A data set list line command exit is specified in the configuration table you are currently using. This exit has returned a return code of 20, indicating a severe error has been encountered. User response: Contact the author of the exit for help in determining the cause of the error. ISRU427 Unknown return code - The data set list line command exit issued a return code of aaaa.

Explanation: The data set list FIND command does not support all of the keywords supported by the editor FIND command. These are not supported: v Picture strings (P...) v Hex strings (X...) v Text strings (T...) v Character strings (C...) All FIND commands are treated as text strings (T...), meaning that strings are matched regardless of case. User response: Remove the unsupported keyword and reenter the command. ISRU424 Data set list saved - The listing of data sets was placed in the ISPF list data set.

Explanation: A data set list line command exit is specified in the configuration table you are currently using. This exit has returned an unsupported return code of aaaa. Supported return codes from the exit are 0, 4, 8, and 20. User response: Contact the author of the exit for help in determining the cause of the unsupported return code. ISRU428 LOCATE failed - The LOCATE for aaa(44) failed, RC = bbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set list SAVE command was entered without any parameters, indicating that the data set list information should be written to the ISPF list data set. The information has been successfully written. ISRU424A The listing of data sets was placed in the ISPF list data set. Lines have been wrapped because the logical record length is less than 121 for RECFM F or 125 for RECFM V.

Explanation: The data set list processor issued a LOCATE macro to gather information on data set aaa(44), but the LOCATE failed with a return code of bbbb. User response: Contact your system programmer.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set list SAVE command was entered without any parameters, indicating that the data set list information
Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU429 Incomplete VTOC list - Index entry not included because VTOC entry does not exist. ISRU435 Request failed - Allocation/deallocation request failed. Press Help for more information.

Explanation: An entry was found in the VTOC index but the entry did not point to an actual DSCB, indicating that the data set does not actually exist on the volume. The name in the index has not been added to the data set list. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Correct the VTOC index. ISRU430 Severe error - Severe error occurred in subsystem request services.

Explanation: ISPF received an unexpected error from SVC 99 while trying to allocate or deallocate a data set. Any error messages generated by the system should have been written to the screen as TSO line messages. User response: If you did not see any messages, use the TSO PROFILE WTPMSG command to ensure your ID is set up to receive write to programmer messages, then retry the request. Once you get the messages, follow normal debugging steps for those messages. ISRU436 Invalid DSN type - Enter LIBRARY for a PDSE, PDS for a PDS, LARGE for large sequential or blank

Explanation: ISPF invoked the IEFSSREQ macro to determine whether the SMS subsystem is active on your system. The macro returned a return code of either 16 or 20, indicating that a severe error was encountered. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU431 Invalid space units - Must be TRKS, BLKS, CYLS, KB, MB, BYTES or RECORDS.

Explanation: When creating a data set under ISPF option 3.2, the space to be allocated must be specified as Tracks, Blocks, Cylinders, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Bytes or Records. An unsupported value was entered. User response: Correct the value for space units and retry the request. ISRU432 Invalid request - Managed data sets cannot be cataloged.

Explanation: The only supported values for the Data Set Name Type field are: LIBRARY Indicates a PDSE should be created PDS Indicates a PDS should be created LARGE Indicates a large format sequential data set should be created Blank Indicates either a PDS or sequential data set should be created, based on the value of the Directory Blocks field. User response: Correct the Data Set Name Type field and retry the command. ISRU437 Not all members aaaaaaaa - bbbb members not aaaaaaaa, cccc members aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Data sets managed by the SMS subsystem cannot be cataloged or uncataloged. User response: Verify that the data set name entered is correct. If not, correct it and retry the request. ISRU433 Invalid request - Managed data sets cannot be uncataloged.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The Move/Copy request is completed, but not all the members were successfully processed. cccc indicates the number of members successfully processed, bbbb indicates the number of members that could not be processed. aaaaaaaa indicates whether this was a Move or Copy request. ISRU438 Action not selected - Select an action or remove default (/).

Explanation: Data sets managed by the SMS subsystem cannot be cataloged or uncataloged. User response: Verify that the data set name entered is correct. If not, correct it and retry the request. ISRU434 VSAM data set alloc. - VSAM data set successfully allocated.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU439 Invalid DSN type - Enter LIBRARY for a PDSE, PDS for a pds, HFS for hfs, LARGE for large sequential, EXTREQ for Extended Required, EXTPREF for Extended Preferred or a blank.

Explanation: This is an informational message. You requested that a VSAM data set be created by ISPF, and the data set was successfully created.

Explanation: The only supported values for the Data Set Name Type field are: LIBRARY Indicates a PDSE should be created HFS Indicates an HFS data set should be created


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

PDS Indicates a PDS should be created LARGE Indicates a large format sequential data set should be created EXTREQ Indicates that the Extended attribute is required EXTPREF Indicates that the Extended attribute is preferred BASIC Indicates that the data set should be neither Extended or Large. Blank Indicates either a PDS or sequential data set should be created, based on the value of the Directory Blocks field. User response: Correct the Data Set Name Type field and retry the command. ISRU440 VSAM Utility - Delete - An IDCAMS delete command has completed with an RC=0. ISRU446 Enter decimal number between 1 and 16776704.

Explanation: The buffer space value must be a decimal number between 1 and 16776704. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU447 Enter a number between 3 and 255.

Explanation: The BUFND and BUFNI values must be a decimal number between 3 and 255. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU448 Enter a number between 2 and 255.

Explanation: The STRNO value must be a decimal number between 2 and 255. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU449 Enter one to six characters, beginning with a letter.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU441 IDCAMS delete completed - An IDCAMS delete command has completed with an RC=0.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU450 Enter one to eight characters.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU442 Enter a decimal percentage between 0 and 100.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU451 Enter one to eight characters.

Explanation: The CI-percent and CA-percent values must be a valid percentage between 0 and 100. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU443 Enter a decimal value between 1 and 32768.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU452 Enter one to eight characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU453 Enter one to eight characters.

Explanation: The control interval size must be a decimal number between 1 and 32768. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU444 Enter numeric characters (0-9).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU454 Enter one to eight characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU455 Command canceled - Profile command has been canceled.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU445 Enter 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Explanation: Valid share options are 1, 2, 3 or 4 for Region, 3 or 4 for System. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Changes made to the name of the profile data set have not been made because the CANCEL command was performed.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU456 Invalid Extended Attr - Enter NO or OPT or leave blank User response: Reallocate the profile data set with more space or directory blocks. ISRU462 Type mismatch - The request type of the member you are trying to get does not match the request type being defined.

Explanation: The only supported values for Extended Attribute field: NO No extended attributes. The data set cannot have extended attributes (format 8 and 9 DSCBs) or reside in EAS. This is the default for non-VSAM data sets. OPT Extended attributes are optional. The data set can have extended attributes and reside in EAS. This is the default for VSAM data sets. Blank Use default based on data type. User response: Correct the Extended Attribute field and retry the command. ISRU457 Enter a number 1 to 9999.

Explanation: You cannot get a member if the data in the member does not match the request being created. For example, if you are defining a cluster, the member you are getting must have been saved from a previous cluster define. ISRU463 Profile read error - A failure has occurred reading profile member.

Explanation: A LMGET call for data in the profile data set has failed. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRU464 Allocate error - Unable to allocate the profile data set: The data set must be a variable partitioned data set with an LRECL of 203.

Explanation: The file sequence field values must be a number between 1 and 9999. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU458 Member not found - The member you are trying to get does not exist.

Explanation: The member cannot be retrieved because it does not exist. User response: Enter a member that exists, or enter a GET command with no parameters and a list of existing members will be displayed. ISRU459 List action de-selected - You have erased a list action. Any actions on any other lists are ignored.

Explanation: The profile data set must be a variable partitioned data set with an LRECL of 203. User response: Enter an unallocated data set (PDF will allocate the data set) as the profile data set, or allocate a profile data set with the correct allocations. ISRU465 Enter a numeric value between 0 and 16777215.

Explanation: An invalid list action was de-selected and an action was requested against a different list entry. Only one list may be processed at a time. User response: Select a new list action or enter a list action to perform. System action: /* OW14268 - ISPF V4.2 development APAR */ ISRU460 Data ignored - Erroneous data has been ignored.

Explanation: The primary and secondary quantity values must between 1 and 16777215. ISRU466 Data saved - Data has been saved to profile.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU467 Get error - There are no members in the profile data set to get.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU468 Enter a decimal percentage between 0 and 100.

Explanation: This is an informational message. There are more parameters entered than the command requires. The extra parameters will be ignored. ISRU461 Severe error - A severe error has occurred saving profile member.

Explanation: The profile member could not be saved due to a system error. The most probable error is that the profile data set is full or has run out of directory blocks.

Explanation: The values for the CI-percent and CA-percent must be a decimal percentage between 0 and 100. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU469 Enter a decimal value between 1 and 32768. ISRU478 Enter one to eight characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU479 Enter a decimal number between 1 and 255.

Explanation: The value for control interval size must be a decimal number between 1 and 32768. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU470 Enter numeric characters (0-9).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU471 Enter 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Explanation: The length value of the Keys field must be between 1 and 255. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on this options. ISRU480 Enter one to eight characters.

Explanation: Valid Share Options for Region are 1, 2, 3 or 4. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on this options. ISRU472 Enter 3 or 4

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU481 Enter one to eight characters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU482 Enter one to six characters, beginning with a letter.

Explanation: Valid Share Options for System are 3 or 4. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on this options. ISRU473 Enter between 1 and 9999 days.

Explanation: This message is self-explanatory. ISRU483 Return Code 0 - aaaaaaaa was successfully deleted.

Explanation: Valid DAYS value is a decimal number of days between 1 and 9999. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on this options. ISRU474 Enter decimal number between 1 and 16776704.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU484 The information request has been completed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU485 Days cannot be specified as both a for number of days and a to date.

Explanation: Valid Buffer Space value is a decimal number between 1 and 16776704. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on this options. ISRU475 Enter a year between 1993 and 2099.

Explanation: The year value of the Days To field must be between 1993 and 2099. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on this options. ISRU476 Enter a day between 1 and 365.

Explanation: When specifying the Days option, you must specify either the retention period in days (the For value) or the ending data (the To value), but not both. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU486 IDCAMS has returned a nonzero return code.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: See IDCAMS output for details. ISRU487 Request canceled - Process request has been canceled.

Explanation: The day value of the Days To field must be between 1 and 365. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on this options. ISRU477 Return Code 0 - The IDCAMS command processed for aaaaaaaa was successful.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU488 Enter YES if you would like to edit the command data set. ISRU497 Enter Nonspanned or Spanned.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU489 Enter Noerase or Erase.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are SPANNED and NONSPANNED. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU499A Enter ICFCATALOG, VSAMCATALOG or VOLCATALOG

Explanation: Valid values for this field are ERASE or NOERASE. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on this options. ISRU490 Enter Noforce or Force.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are FORCE and NOFORCE. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU491 Enter Nopurge or Purge.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are ICFCATALOG, VSAMCATALOG and VOLCATALOG. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU500 Enter Norecatalog or Recatalog.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are PURGE and NOPURGE. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU492 Enter Norecovery or Recovery.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are RECATALOG and NORECATALOG. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU501 Enter Indexed, Nonindexed, Linear, or Numbered.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are RECOVERY and NORECOVERY. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU493 Enter Scratch or Noscratch.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are INDEXED, NONINDEXED, LINEAR and NUMBERED. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU502 Enter Noempty or Empty.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are SCRATCH and NOSCRATCH. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU494 Enter Unordered or Ordered.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are EMPTY and NOEMPTY. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU503 Enter Noscratch or Scratch.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are ORDERED and UNORDERED. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU495 Enter Recovery or Speed.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are SCRATCH and NOSCRATCH. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU504 Enter Noswap or Swap.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are RECOVERY and SPEED. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU496 Enter Noreuse or Reuse.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are SWAP and NOSWAP. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU505 Enter Nonuniquekey or Uniquekey.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are REUSE and NOREUSE. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are UNIQUEKEY and NOUNIQUEKEY. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU506 Enter Upgrade or Noupgrade. ISRU513 Invalid volume name - A generic volume name is not allowed when displaying VTOC information.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are UPGRADE and NOUPGRADE. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU507 Enter Y, N, or leave blank.

Explanation: A generic volume name is only allowed when displaying a VTOC list. It is not allowed when displaying VTOC information. User response: Enter a volume name. Programmer response: None. ISRU514 Enter one of the listed values.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. ISRU508 Enter All, Allocation, History, Name, Volume or leave blank.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are ALL, ALLOCATION, HISTORY, NAME, VOLUME or blank. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU509 Enter Unlock or Lock.

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a LIST,value1,value2,... verification failure. User response: Enter one of the listed values in the field pointed to by the cursor. Programmer response: None. ISRU515 Enter required field at the cursor position.

Explanation: Valid values for this field are LOCK and UNLOCK. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU510 CVOL and VSAM catalogs are no longer supported. Matching data sets cataloged in ICF catalogs are listed.

Explanation: This is an ISPF-supplied message displayed as the result of a verification failure. User response: Enter the appropriate data into the field at the cursor position. Programmer response: None. ISRU516 The choice selected is not valid for the request type selected.

Explanation: Data sets in VSAM or CVOL catalogs can no longer be listed. Matching entries in ICF catalogs are listed. Programmer response: None. ISRU511 No matching data sets were found in ICF catalogs.

Explanation: The VSAM Data Type selected is not valid for the Process Request entered. User response: Correct either the VSAM Data Type or the Process Request, then retry the request. ISRU517 No data set names found - No data sets are cataloged that match pattern aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: CVOL and VSAM catalogs are no longer supported. Programmer response: Change the data set name level used. ISRU512 List may be incomplete. - Entries in catalogs that the user has authority to are listed. There may be other entries that match the data set name level that are in catalogs the user has no authority to.

Explanation: The pattern entered for dsname level does not match any data sets in the catalog. User response: Change the dsname level. Programmer response: None. ISRU518 No data set names found - There were no entries in catalogs that the user has authority to that match the pattern aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The user does not have RACF or other authority to the master catalog and possibly some user catalogs. Data sets in catalogs that the user has authority to are listed. Programmer response: None.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The user does not have RACF or other authority to the master catalog and possibly some user catalogs. There are no matching entries for the pattern in catalogs that the user has access to.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


Programmer response: None. ISRU519 Invalid Dsname Level - In order to list catalog entries, you must specify at least one partial qualifier. Any Dsname Level that contains only asterisks is invalid. time. You have chosen to cancel this search. Continue by entering another dsname level. User response: Change the Dsname Level. Programmer response: None. Problem determination: Change the first level of the Dsname to some thing other than ** or *. ISRU524 RDJFCB failed - The RDJFCB macro failed for data set aaa(44).

Explanation: If you specify only asterisks for a dsname level, a search is made of all the catalogs on the system. This severely impairs performance, so at least one partial qualifier is required. User response: Partially qualify at least one dsname level qualifier. Programmer response: None. ISRU520 Invalid Dsname Level - Two or more adjacent asterisks within a Dsname Level qualifier is invalid. A single asterisk indicates 0 or more letters may occupy that position in the qualifier.

Explanation: An attempt to read the JFCB for the multivolume data set specified was not successful. User response: Contact your system programmer. Programmer response: None. Problem determination: Verify the sort operand. ISRU525 Data set aaaaaaaa - Data set bbb(44) aaaaaaaa to data set ccc(44)

Explanation: Two or more adjacent asterisks means 0 or more qualifiers may occupy that position. This is invalid within a single qualifier. Double asterisks may be used as a qualifier with no other characters. User response: Change the adjacent asterisks to a single asterisk. Programmer response: None. ISRU521 Invalid length qualifier - All Dsname Level qualifiers must be 1 to 8 characters in length.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Programmer response: None. ISRU526 Data set aaaaaaaa - Data set bbb(44) aaaaaaaa to data set ccc(56).

Explanation: This is an informational message. Programmer response: None. ISRU527 Data set aaaaaaaa - Data set bbb(44) aaaaaaaa to library cccccccc.

Explanation: There is a qualifier of 0 or more than 8 characters in the Dsname Level entered. User response: Correct the Dsname Level qualifier. Programmer response: None. Problem determination: Verify the Dsname levels, each must be 1 to 8 characters in length. ISRU522 Invalid VSAM delete - Delete is an invalid command for VSAM data and index components. Delete is only allowed on the cluster component.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Programmer response: None. ISRU528 Catalog search error - DFSMSdfp Catalog Search returned these details for a catalog search on aaaaaaaa: Return code was bbbbbbbb (decimal); Reason code was cccccccc (decimal); Module ID was dddddddd. (Note: Catalog Services only returns a 2-byte module ID.)

Explanation: If you want to delete a VSAM data set, issue the delete command against the VSAM cluster. Programmer response: None. ISRU523 Catalog search canceled - Enter a Dsname Level with a high level qualifier other than * or **.

Explanation: The catalog search to find the requested data set names failed. User response: Refer to the description of IDC3009I in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 6 (GOS-IEA) for more information about this error. Programmer response: None.

Explanation: A high level qualifier of * (asterisk) or ** (double asterisk) requires a search of all the catalogs on the system. This may require a great deal of


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU529 List may be incomplete. - Catalog search error. DFSMSdfp Catalog Search returned these details for a catalog search on aaaaaaaa: Return code was bbbbbbbb (decimal); Reason code was cccccccc (decimal); Module ID was dddddddd. (Note: Catalog Services only returns a 2-byte module ID.) User response: Remove member name from TO data set name. ISRU536 Settings saved - Workplace Settings have been saved to aaaaaaaa profile.

Explanation: Workplace settings were updated and saved to the ISPF profile. ISRU537 Settings canceled - Workplace settings canceled.

Explanation: The catalog search to find the requested data set names failed. User response: Refer to the description of IDC3009I in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 6 (GOS-IEA) for more information about this error. Programmer response: None. ISRU530 Data retrieved - The GET command completed. Data from the profile was retrieved and stored into the panel input fields.

Explanation: Workplace settings were not updated or saved. ISRU538 DSLIST processed - DSLIST has been successfully processed.

Explanation: The DSLIST action has completed successfully. ISRU539 List no longer defined - The personal list selected has been previously deleted by you or another user. Select another list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU531 Profile name set - The profile data set name has been set and the data set was allocated if it did not previously exist.

Explanation: The DSLIST action has completed successfully. ISRU540 Enter Command name - Enter command name to invoke in the Prompt action field. Invalid Value - Enter a number from 1 to 8 for direct selection of a library entry. Enter a / and press Enter to display Personal list. Enter DL to display a DSLIST based on Library entries. Invalid Value - Enter A (Save As), O (Open), D (Delete), E (Edit), L (DSLIST) or / (Prompt). Confirm delete aaaaaaaa - Confirm member delete has been set to aaaaaaaa. Action = invalid - The = (repeat) action is not valid when used with the primary select command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. ISRU532 Enter a decimal value between 0 and 32768. ISRU541

Explanation: Valid values for the Length value of the Keys option are a decimal number between 0 and 32768. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU533 Enter a decimal value between 1 and 32768.

Explanation: Valid values for Average Record Size are a decimal number between 0 and 32768. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU534 Enter Unique or Suballocation



Explanation: Valid values for this field are UNIQUE and SUBALLOCATION. Refer to the appropriate IDCAMS documentation for specific information on these options. ISRU535 Member name not allowed - Use NEW member name field to rename TO member.


Explanation: A member name is not allowed as part of the TO data set name.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU545 Welcome to the ISPF Workplace. Default view has been set to Data Set. Enter Action ListView to change view to ISPF Library. Default settings have been established for Applid aaaaaaaa. Select Workplace Settings from Option action bar to change Workplace settings at any time. Severe Exit Error - The member list line command exit issued a return code of 20. ISRU551 Invalid keyword - Check spelling of keywords used with the EXCLUDE command.

Explanation: The EXCLUDE command was entered, passing a quoted string as the target string to EXCLUDE, but an additional parameter was specified that was not recognized at a valid EXCLUDE keyword. Valid keywords are: ALL, FIRST, LAST, NEXT, PREV, CHARS, PREFIX, SUFFIX, and WORD. User response: Correct the specified keyword and retry the command. ISRU552 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be excluded.


Explanation: Account member list user exit returned a RC=20. ISRU547 Unknown Exit Error - The member list line command exit issued a unknown return code.

Explanation: Account member list user exit returned a RC that was not 0,8 or 20. ISRU548 Invalid Value - Enter a number from 1 to 30 to directly select a data set entry. Enter a / and press Enter to display personal list. Enter DL to display a DSLIST based on data set entries. aaaaaaaa new append(s) - The currently displayed DSLIST has been appended with aaaaaaaa additional data set(s).

Explanation: The EXCLUDE command was entered, passing multiple words as parameters that were not recognized as valid keywords. It is assumed that the words were intended to be an argument to the EXCLUDE command and, if so, must be enclosed in quotation marks. User response: Add quotation marks around the string and retry the command. ISRU553 Invalid keyword - The keywords aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be used. Delete one.


Explanation: Informational only ISRU541A No new appends - No additional data sets were appended to the DSLIST.

Explanation: Informational only ISRU541B Entry not defined - The list entry selected is blank or entry number is out of range.

Explanation: The EXCLUDE command was entered, passing conflicting keywords. Only one of these keywords may be specified. Two kinds of keywords are supported by the EXCLUDE command: direction keywords and type keywords. No more than one of each kind of keyword may be specified on the EXCLUDE command. The keywords are: Direction ALL, FIRST, NEXT, PREV, and LAST Type CHARS, PREFIX, SUFFIX, and WORD The defaults are NEXT and CHARS User response: Correct the keywords specified and retry the command. ISRU554 Enter character string - A character string for EXCLUDE has not been entered and * is invalid until a character string is entered.

Explanation: Informational only ISRU550 Enter character string - Enter the string of characters to be excluded.

Explanation: The EXCLUDE command was entered on an option 3.4 data set list, but no parameter was specified to indicate what the exclude target was. User response: Specify a target string on the EXCLUDE command.

Explanation: An asterisk (*) used as the target string of the EXCLUDE command indicates that the previous target string should be reused. An asterisk was entered but no previously entered valid target string was found, making the use of the asterisk invalid. User response: Enter a valid target string. Once a target string is entered, the asterisk may then be used on subsequent EXCLUDE commands.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU555 EXCLUDE string too long - The EXCLUDE string cannot be longer than 44 characters. ISRU561 * Top of list reached * - aaaaaaaa bbb(44) not found. Press the RFIND key to continue the search from the bottom of the data set list.

Explanation: The EXCLUDE command searches for the specified target string within the list of data set names. Since the maximum length of a data set in the list is 44 characters, the target string may not exceed 44 characters. User response: Retry the command, entering a target string that is equal to or less than 44 characters in length. ISRU556 Invalid character string - The EXCLUDE string cannot be a null () string.

Explanation: This is an informational message. When the PREV keyword is specified, the data set list EXCLUDE command searches from the top of the displayed data to the top of the list to find the target string. EXCLUDE has searched and reached the top of that list without finding the target string. Entering the RFIND command continues the search, starting from the bottom of the data set list. ISRU562 No aaaaaaaa bbb(44) found - aaaaaaaa bbb(44) - not found in any NON-XED data set names.

Explanation: The EXCLUDE target string must be a minimum of 1 character in length. A target string of 0 characters was entered. User response: Retry the command, entering a target string that is equal to or greater than 1 character in length. ISRU557 All data sets excluded - All data sets in the data set list have been excluded.

Explanation: This is an informational message. An EXCLUDE command was entered to cause the data set list processor to search the entire data set list for the specified target string. The search was completed, but the target string was not found in any unexcluded data set names. ISRU563 Invalid string type - Data set list EXCLUDE command does not process picture (P...), hex (X...), text (T...) or char (C...) strings.

Explanation: The command EXCLUDE ALL causes all data sets in the data set list A tarto be excluded. ISRU558 aaaa - bbbbbbbb ccc(44) - bbbbbbbb ccc(44) excluded on aaaa line(s)

Explanation: This is an informational message. An EXCLUDE ALL command was entered on a data set list, and the specified target string was successfully located. ISRU559 aaaaaaaa bbb(44) excluded - Search for aaaaaaaa bbb(44) was successful.

Explanation: The data set list EXCLUDE command does not support all of the keywords supported by the editor EXCLUDE command. The following are not supported: v Picture strings (P...) v Hex strings (X...) v Text strings (T...) v Character strings (C...) All EXCLUDE commands are treated as text strings (T...), meaning that strings are matched regardless of case. User response: Remove the unsupported keyword and reenter the command. ISRU564 Invalid line command - The only line commands that are valid on excluded lines are NX, NXF, and NXL.

Explanation: This is an informational message. An EXCLUDE command was entered on a data set list, and the string was successfully located. ISRU560 *Bottom of list reached* - aaaaaaaa bbb(44) not found. Press the RFIND key to continue the search from the top of the data set list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set list EXCLUDE command searches from the top of the displayed data to the bottom of the list to find the target string. EXCLUDE has searched and reached the bottom of that list without finding the target string. Entering the RFIND command continues the search, starting from the top of the data set list.

Explanation: Informational User response: Remove the line command from the excluded line. ISRU565 -

Explanation: This message is for the ISPF Workplace scrollable section and contains a X00 so no text will display with this message.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU566 Invalid parameter - Line command aaaaaaaa has an invalid parameter specified. not a load module, it issues message IEW2522S and returns an error code of 83000523 to ISPF. ISPF will reprocess these members using a read-write loop and the IEW2522S message should be ignored. ISRU573 Some entries not used - One or more names in the specified personal list could not be found. The data set list was built using the entries that do match existing data sets.

Explanation: The exclude (X) and unexclude (NX, NXF, NXL) do not accept any parameters. User response: Remove the extra parameter or change the command. ISRU567 Invalid Library Action - The selected action is not valid for ISPF Library view. Change View to Data Set to perform this action. Invalid Data Set Action - The selected action is not valid for Data set view. Change View to Library to perform this action. Volume not available - Volume aaaaaaaa not mounted or not authorized for your use.

Explanation: One or more of the data sets specified in the reference list passed to the DSLIST command do not exist and have therefore not been added to the data set list. ISRU574 Catalog error - Catalog/uncatalog request via SVC 26 failed, return code = aaaaaaaa, reason code = bbbbbbbb, module id = cccccccc.



Explanation: The catalog search to process the requested data set failed. User response: Refer to the appropriate DFP documentation for an explanation of the error. Programmer response: None. ISRU575 RACF error - The data set name is ineligible for RACF definition

Explanation: PDF received one of the following return codes while processing volume aaaaaaaa, indicating that the volume specified is not available for your use: v Return code 4 from the OBTAIN macro v SVC 99 return code 4 with one of the following error codes: X'0214', X'0218', X'0220', X'0248', X'0498', X'049C', or X'6704'. User response: Verify that the correct data set name and volume were specified to PDF, and correct them if necessary. If the data specified looks correct, contact your system programmer. ISRU570 Workstation file saved - The workstation file has been successfully saved.

Explanation: As the result of a DEFINE, IMPORT, or IMPORTRA command, VSAM attempted to define a RACF profile for the object. The profile could not be established because the user does not have sufficient authority for the specified data set characteristics User response: Check your RACF authorization. Programmer response: Check the installation security subsystem guidelines for defining a data set in the security subsystem. Modify the data set characteristics accordingly. ISRU576 to aaaaaaaa

Explanation: Informational only. ISRU571 Data Set Saved - Data set - aaaaaaaa Saved.

Explanation: Informational only. The sequential data set was saved. ISRU572 aaaaaaaa members bbbbbbbb - to data set cccccccc.. One or more members was passed to the Binder for processing but was found not to be a load module (Binder message IEW2522S). These members were successfully copied using an alternate method.

Explanation: This is an informational message written to the ISPF log data set. ISRU578 Copy failed - Copied failed for member aaaaaaaa.. Members whose directory entries contain user TTRs cannot be copied into a PDSE. Move/Copy completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: ISPF passes all members of a record format U PDS data set to the Binder for processing as a load module. If the Binder detects that the member is

Explanation: You attempted to copy a member that contained user TTRs into a PDSE data set. PDSEs do not support user-supplied TTRS in the user data field of the directory entry.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU579 Copy failed - Members whose directory entries contain user TTRs cannot be copied into a PDSE. ISRU584 IEBCOPY interface failed - The Move/Copy processor could not allocate the SYSPRINT data set needed for invocation of IEBCOPY.

Explanation: You attempted to copy a member that contained user TTRs into a PDSE data set. PDSEs do not support user-supplied TTRS in the user data field of the directory entry. ISRU580 IEBCOPY setup failed - The allocation of the IEBCOPY input data sets failed.

Explanation: The Move/Copy processor allocates a data set named prefix.SPFnnn.IEBCOPY to hold the IEBCOPY SYSPRINT output. ISPF will make 50 attempts to create a data set before failing. User response: Delete any unneeded zprefix.SPFnnn.IEBCOPY data sets. Programmer response: None. ISRU585 Catalog error - Generic Filter Locate (GFL) request via SVC 26 failed, return code = aaaaaaaa, reason code = bbbbbbbb, module id = cccccccc.

Explanation: The allocation of the specified input libraries to separate DDNAMEs needed for invocation of IEBCOPY failed. User response: Contact your system administrator for assistance System programmer response: Contact IBM service for assistance ISRU581 IEBCOPY setup failed - The allocation of the IEBCOPY output data sets failed.

Explanation: The catalog search to find the requested data set name failed. User response: Refer to the appropriate DFP documentation for an explanation of the error. Programmer response: None. ISRU585A Catalog error - Generic Filter Locate (GFL) request via SVC 26 failed because a CVOL or VSAM catalog was processed.

Explanation: The allocation of the specified output library to a separate DDNAMES needed for invocation of IEBCOPY failed. User response: Contact your system administrator for assistance System programmer response: Contact IBM service for assistance ISRU582 aaaaaaaa members bbbbbbbb - to data set cccccccc.. One or more members was passed to the Binder for processing but was found not to be a load module (Binder message IEW2522S). These members were successfully copied using an alternate method.

Explanation: The catalog search to find the requested data set name failed. CVOL and VSAM catalogs are no longer supported. User response: Catalog the data set in an ICF catalog. Programmer response: None. ISRU586 Mixed Copy - Copying a mixture of load and non-load data sets to a PDSE data set is not supported.

Explanation: ISPF passes all members of a record format U PDS data set to the Binder for processing as a load module. If the Binder detects that the member is not a load module, it issues message IEW2522S and returns an error code of 83000523 to ISPF. ISPF will reprocess these members using a read-write loop and the IEW2522S message should be ignored. ISRU583 List incomplete - One or more names in the specified reflist could not be found.

Explanation: The Move/Copy request involves moving both load module members and non-load module members to the same PDSE. A PDSE cannot contain both load and non-load data. User response: Determine which members are load and non-load and copy them to different libraries, or make your target data set a PDS. To find non-load members in a RECFM=U data set, bring up a member list, sort by SIZE and scroll to the bottom of the member list. Any members listed without statistics are not load modules. Programmer response: None.

Explanation: One or more of the data sets specified in the reference list passed to the DSLIST command do not exist and have therefore not been added to the data set list.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU587 Not found - Generic Filter Locate (GFL) request via SVC 26 failed to find the data set in the catalog. ISRU593 Invalid Dsname Level - The ISPF configuration table has been set to disallow the use of wild cards in the high level qualifier.

Explanation: The catalog search did not find the requested data set name. User response: Check that the data set is either cataloged in the master catalog or in a user catalog which is connected to the master catalog. Programmer response: None. ISRU588 Copy failed - Copied failed for member aaaaaaaa.. Members whose directory entries contain user TTRs cannot be copied into a PDSE. Move/Copy completed for bbbbbbbb members.

Explanation: The ISPF configuration table has a selection field to disallow the ability to enter a wild card in the high level qualifier. The wild cards are * and %. This field has been set to disallow the use of a wild card in the high level qualifier. User response: See you system programmer Programmer response: See your system programmer System programmer response: Remove the ISPF configuration table selection that disallows the use of a high level qualifier in ISPF option 3.4. ISRU594 Catalog error - Errors were returned from the search on one or more catalogs. Enter HELP for a list of catalog(s), return code(s), reason code(s), and module id(s). See message IDC3009I to interpret these codes.

Explanation: You attempted to copy a member that contained user TTRs into a PDSE data set. PDSEs do not support user-supplied TTRS in the user data field of the directory entry. ISRU589 Copy failed - Members whose directory entries contain user TTRs cannot be copied into a PDSE.

Explanation: The catalog search to find the requested data set names failed for one or more catalogs. User response: Refer to the appropriate DFP documentation for an explanation of the error, in particular message IDC3009I. Programmer response: None. ISRU595 Member name invalid - A qualifier in parentheses may only be specified as a GDG relative generation such as (0), (-1), or (+1).

Explanation: You attempted to copy a member that contained user TTRs into a PDSE data set. PDSEs do not support user-supplied TTRS in the user data field of the directory entry. ISRU590 File not replaced - Workstation file aaaaaaaa already exists and was not replaced.

Explanation: A file transfer request was issued from ISPF option 3.7.4 with the REPLACE option not selected. The target workstation file already exists and is therefore not replaced. Select the Replace existing member/file choice to replace the workstation file. ISRU591 Member not replaced - Member aaaaaaaa already exists and was not replaced.

Explanation: The data set list search is for data set names only; member names are not included. User response: Correct the DSname level by specifying a GDG relative generation or a valid DSNAME level. Programmer response: None. ISRU596 You have specified a volume serial for the data set you want renamed. The data set is also cataloged on that volume. In addition to renaming the data set, you should select the Catalog the new data set name selection field if you want the data set cataloged. If you do not, then the data set will be renamed and the catalog entry for the old data set will be not deleted or altered.

Explanation: A file transfer request was issued from ISPF option 3.7 with the REPLACE option not selected. The target data set member already exists and is therefore not replaced. Select the Replace existing member/file choice to replace the member. ISRU592 Data set not replaced - Sequential data set aaaaaaaa already exists and was not replaced.

Explanation: A file transfer request was issued from ISPF option 3.7 with the REPLACE option not selected. The target sequential data set already exists and is therefore not replaced. Select the Replace existing member/file choice to replace the data set.

Explanation: For non-managed data sets, if you enter the data set name in the OTHER DATA SET name field and the volume serial in the VOLUME SERIAL field, the new name will not be cataloged if the data set was


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

not cataloged previously. If the data set is cataloged on the volume specified, you will be given a choice of whether or not to recatalog the data set. If you choose not to recatalog the old catalog is not deleted or altered. User response: Select the Catalog the new data set name field if you want the data set cataloged. ISRU600 Enter member name - Enter member name or pattern to be searched for in the partitioned data sets in the data set list. ISRU605 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa was not found in any partitioned data set in the data set list.

Explanation: Informational. ISRU606 Invalid member name - The member name or pattern must be 8 characters or less.

Explanation: Informational. ISRU607 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa not found in any partitioned data sets. bbbbbbbb migrated data sets were not searched.

Explanation: The data set list MEMBER command searches the partitioned data sets in the data set list for an occurrence of a member that matches the member name or the pattern entered with the MEMBER command. ISRU601 Invalid parameter - Only one member name or pattern, only one limit (x, ex or nx) and only one recall parameter (recall1 or recall2) may be specified for the Member command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A MEMBER command was entered to cause the data set list processor to search all the partitioned data sets for the member name or pattern. The search was completed, but the member was not found. Some migrated data sets were not searched. ISRU608 Member(s) found - Member aaaaaaaa found in bbbbbbbb data sets. cccccccc migrated data sets were not searched.

Explanation: This is an informational message. More than one member name/pattern or more than one limit or more than one recall parameter was specified for the Member command. ISRU602 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa not found in any NON-XED partitioned data set names.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A MEMBER command was entered to cause the data set list processor to search all the partitioned data sets for the member name or pattern. The member or pattern was found in some of the data sets. Some migrated data sets were not searched. ISRU609 Put member in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the member name to be found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A MEMBER command was entered to cause the data set list processor to search all the unexcluded partitioned data sets for the member name or pattern. The search was completed, but the member was not found in any unexcluded data set names. ISRU603 Member not found - Member aaaaaaaa not found in any XED partitioned data set names.

Explanation: This is an informational message. More than one member name/pattern or more than one limit or more than one recall parameter was specified for the Member command. Please put the member name to be found in quotes. ISRU610 PDS List DS invalid - Partitioned list data set not allowed for SRCHFOR command

Explanation: This is an informational message. A MEMBER command was entered to cause the data set list processor to search all the excluded partitioned data sets for the member name or pattern. The search was completed, but the member was not found in any excluded data set names. ISRU604 Member(s) found - Member aaaaaaaa found in bbbbbbbb data sets.

Explanation: Searches of multiple data sets must list results in a sequential data set. User response: Specify a new or existing sequential ds and try again. ISRU611 Invalid parameter - Only one search string may be specified on this panel. Enter SRCHFOR with no operands for other options.

Explanation: Informational

Explanation: This is an informational message. Other parameters may be specified from a subsequent panel.
Chapter 2. PDF messages


Enter SRCHFOR alone or with one quoted search string. ISRU612 String(s) not found - String(s) not found in any of the aaaaaaaa unexcluded data sets searched. bbbbbbbb migrated data sets were not searched. cccccccc data sets were not searched for other reasons. Details in dddddddd. ISRU617 String(s) found - String(s) found in aaaaaaaa of the bbbbbbbb unexcluded data sets searched. cccccccc migrated data sets were not searched. dddddddd data sets were not searched for other reasons. Details in eeeeeeee.

Explanation: Informational ISRU618 Search not run - Unable to acquire ISPF temporary data set (DDNAME ISPCTLn). Possible installation error, or DD has been unexpectedly freed or deleted. Log off, log on and retry.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A SRCHFOR command was entered to cause the data set list processor to search all the unexcluded data sets for the string(s). The search was completed, but the string was not found in any unexcluded data set names. ISRU613 String(s) not found - String(s) not found in any of aaaaaaaa excluded data sets searched. bbbbbbbb migrated data sets were not searched. cccccccc data sets were not searched for other reasons. Details in dddddddd.

Explanation: See the information about preallocating ISPF temporary data sets in Planning and Customizing. System programmer response: Verify ISPCTLn data sets are properly allocated. ISRU619 Table aaaaaaaa not found - Table aaaaaaaa was not found in DD bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A SRCHFOR command was entered to cause the data set list processor to search all the excluded data sets for the string(s). The search was completed, but the string was not found in any excluded data set names. ISRU614 String(s) found - String(s) found in aaaaaaaa of the bbbbbbbb data sets searched. cccccccc migrated data sets were not searched. dddddddd data sets were not searched for other reasons. Details in eeeeeeee.

Explanation: ISPF was unable to find the table aaaaaaaa in the supplied table DD bbbbbbbb. User response: Use a tool such as ISRDDN to check if member aaaaaaaa exists in DD bbbbbbbb. ISRU620 Row already exists - Table aaaaaaaa already contains a row with the specified key

Explanation: A keyed table requires the rows to have unique key values. User response: Specify a unique key value for the row being added. ISRU621 Table aaaaaaaa not found - Table aaaaaaaa was not found in library bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: Informational ISRU615 String(s) not found - String(s) not found in any of the aaaaaaaa data sets searched. bbbbbbbb migrated data sets were not searched. cccccccc data sets were not searched for other reasons. Details in dddddddd.

Explanation: ISPF was unable to find the table aaaaaaaa in the supplied table data set bbbbbbbb. User response: Check if member aaaaaaaa exists in bbbbbbbb. ISRU622 Invalid command - Valid member list commands are S (SELECT) and L (LOCATE).

Explanation: Informational. ISRU616 String(s) found - String(s) found in aaaaaaaa of the bbbbbbbb excluded data sets searched. cccccccc migrated data sets were not searched. dddddddd data sets were not searched for other reasons. Details in eeeeeeee.

Explanation: A command other than S (SELECT) or L (LOCATE) was entered. User response: Check the command entered on the command line.

Explanation: Informational


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU623 Display length too short - The minimum display length is 7 characters. The display length is set to 7. ISRU631 aaaaaaaa already open - Table aaaaaaaa is already open in bbbbbbbb mode in this logical screen. Table is being processed in bbbbbbbb mode.

Explanation: The minimum length used to display the data for each column of the table is 7 characters. ISRU624 Changes canceled - Changes since the last SAVE were not applied to table aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The selected table aaaaaaaa was found to be already open in this logical screen. It can be processed in bbbbbbbb mode. User response: Check whether it is acceptable to process the table in bbbbbbbb mode. ISRU632 aaaaaaaa sorted - Table aaaaaaaa has been sorted as requested.

Explanation: Informational ISRU625 Table saved - All the latest changes have been applied to table aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Informational ISRU633 aaaaaaaa not sorted - Table aaaaaaaa has not been sorted because no sort fields were specified.

Explanation: Informational. ISRU626 Not in Edit - The aaaaaaaa command is only valid for Edit.

Explanation: Informational ISRU627 Not in Edit - E (Extension Variables) is the only line command allowed in Browse.

Explanation: Informational ISRU634 No parameters specified - The FIND command requires specification of a table variable name or column number and a target string.

Explanation: Informational ISRU628 Table in use - Table aaaaaaaa is in use by another user or on another logical screen.

Explanation: The syntax of the FIND command is F varname charstring or F column_no charstring. User response: Supply the required parameters on the FIND command. ISRU635 Target string required - The FIND command requires specification of a target string in addition to either a table variable name or column number.

Explanation: The ENQ at table open failed because the table is currently in use either by another user or by this user on another logical screen. User response: If you have the table open on another logical screen either close the table or ensure it is opened on both logical screens in SHARE mode. ISRU629 aaaaaaaa not allocated - Table input library DD aaaaaaaa is not allocated.

Explanation: The syntax of the FIND command is F varname charstring or F column_no charstring. User response: Supply the required parameters on the FIND command. ISRU636 aaaaaaaa found - Search found aaaaaaaa in table variable bbbbbbbb on line cccccccc

Explanation: The table input library DD was found not to be allocated to the user. User response: Use the TSO ISRDDN command to check if the DD is allocated. ISRU630 No table data sets - No table data sets (PDS/Es) were found allocated to table library DD aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Informational ISRU637 aaaaaaaa not found - Search did not find bbbbbbbb in table variable cccccccc

Explanation: No partitioned data sets were found allocated to the table library DD. User response: Use the TSO ISRDDN command to check that the data sets allocated to the table library DD are partitioned.

Explanation: Informational ISRU638 aaaaaaaa not in table - The variable aaaaaaaa does not exist in table bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The variable name aaaaaaaa specified on the FIND command is not defined for table bbbbbbbb.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


User response: Check the variable name specified on the FIND command. ISRU639 Invalid column number - The specified column number aaaaaaaa is not in the range 1 to bbbbbbbb ISRU645 Invalid command - The command aaaaaaaa entered is not valid for the Table Utility.

Explanation: Data was entered in the command line which was not recognized as one of the valid commands for the Table Utility. User response: Enter a valid command. Valid primary commands in the Table Utility are LEFT, RIGHT, CANCEL, SAVE, STRUCT, STATS, SORT, DUMP, FIND, and RFIND. ISRU646 Allocation failed - The request to allocate the table export data set aaaaaaaa failed. Check the export data set attributes defined on the panel display via the Options pulldown menu. Press help for more information.

Explanation: The column number specified on the FIND command is outside the range of column numbers for this table. User response: Check the column number specified on the FIND command. ISRU640 *Bottom of data reached* - aaaaaaaa not found. Press RFIND key to continue from top.

Explanation: Informational ISRU641 SAVE failed - SAVE failed - table input library DD aaaaaaaa not allocated.

Explanation: The table input library DD was found not to be allocated when the SAVE function was performed. User response: Use the TSO ISRDDN command to check if the DD is allocated. ISRU642 SAVE failed - SAVE failed - no data sets allocated to the input library DD aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: ISPF received an unexpected error from SVC 99 while trying to allocate the data set. Any error messages generated by the system should have been written to the screen as TSO line messages. User response: If you did not see any messages, use the TSO PROFILE WTPMSG command to ensure your ID is set up to receive write to programmer messages, then retry the request. Once you get the messages, follow normal debugging steps for those messages. ISRU647 Open failed - The OPEN issued for the table export data set aaaaaaaa failed.

Explanation: The table input library DD was found not to be allocated when the SAVE function was performed. User response: Use the TSO ISRDDN command to check the allocation for the table input library DD. ISRU643 aaaaaaaa failed - aaaaaaaa of table export data set bbbbbbbb failed, RC = cccccccc

Explanation: Unable to open for output the table export data set. ISRU648 Note - aaaaaaaa is open in NOWRITE mode, changes will not be saved

Explanation: Any changes made cannot be stored in the sort information record for the table because the table is open in NOWRITE mode. User response: If you want the sort changes saved, open the table in WRITE mode. ISRU649 Enter required field - Table data set or table DD must be specified to display a table list.

Explanation: The service invoked to display the table export data set bbbbbbbb failed with a return code of cccccccc. User response: Check the ISPF Service Guide for the return codes from the service. ISRU644 SAVE canceled - SAVE command has been canceled, no table data set was selected.

Explanation: To display a list of tables a table data set or DD for allocated table data set must be supplied. User response: Enter a table data set name or table DD name. ISRU650 Invalid select code - Use S to select a table for processing.

Explanation: A table data set into which the table was to be saved was not selected from the list of data sets allocated to the table library DD. User response: To save the table, select one of the data sets displayed in the list of data sets allocated to the table library DD.

Explanation: A line command other than S was entered on the table list.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Enter S against the table you wish to BROWSE or EDIT. ISRU651 Invalid select code - Use E (Edit) or B (Browse) to process the selected table. ISRU656 Import canceled - The import function was canceled because it would cause existing table aaaaaaaa in output library bbbbbbbb to be replaced using data from the import data set.

Explanation: Informational ISRU657 Export canceled - The export of the table data was canceled because the output data set aaaaaaaa already exists.

Explanation: A line command other than E or B was entered on the table list. User response: Enter E (Edit) or B (Browse) against the table you wish to process. ISRU652 aaaaaaaa created - Data was imported to create table aaaaaaaa in library bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: Informational ISRU658 Table will be saved in originating data set aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Informational ISRU653 Invalid import data set - The table import data set did not contain heading records in the correct format used to determine the keys and variables for the table.

Explanation: Informational ISRU659 No extension variables - There are no extension variables to view for the selected table row.

Explanation: The first record in the import data set must contain the names of the table variables. The second record must underline the table variable names with either plus signs (+) or dashes (-). A name underlined with plus signs indicates a table key. User response: Check whether the first two records in the import data set are in the correct format. ISRU654 I/O error reading file - Error occurred during read of the import data set.

Explanation: Informational ISRU660 Cannot process table - The table aaaaaaaa cannot be processed by the ISPF Table Utility because it uses a table of this name for internal processing.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading the import data set. User response: Contact your system programmer if the error persists. System programmer response: Examine the import data set for corruption. Use data set recovery techniques if the import data set is not usable. Problem determination: The import data set may be corrupted. Use standard I/O error problem determination techniques. ISRU655 Empty data set - The table import data set does not contain any data.

Explanation: The ISPF Table Utility uses these tables for internal processing: ISRTBSTR, ISRTBTMP, ISRTBEXT, ISRTBMEM, ISRTBDSN, and ISRTMTMV. Attempting to use the ISPF Table Utility to process a table with one of these names would cause the utility to fail. User response: Rename the table you wish to process. ISRU661 Variable not added - Variable names with a prefix of ZTD or ZTB are reserved for internal use by the ISPF table processing and the ISPF Table Utility. The utility cannot process user table variables with a name beginning with either ZTD or ZTB.

Explanation: No records were found in the table import data set. User response: Check you specified the correct table import data set.

Explanation: The table variables with names commencing with ZTD or ZTB could conflict with variables used internally by the ISPF Table Utility. Attempting to process these variable with the ISPF Table Utility could cause either the utility to fail or the table data to be corrupted. User response: Use another name for the extension variable.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU662 Invalid shift value - Valid values for left/right shift are P, PAGE, M, MAX, or a numeric value. User response: Contact your systems programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRU668 Invalid Data Set - The specified export or import data set must be a physical sequential (DSORG=PS) data set.

Explanation: The shift field defines the default scroll amount for left and right scrolling. The valid values are P (or PAGE), M (or MAX), or a numeric value representing the number of columns to horizontally scroll. User response: Supply a valid shift value. ISRU663 Changes canceled - Changes since the last SAVE were not applied to table aaaaaaaa because a table output data set was not selected.

Explanation: The ISPF Table Utility export and import functions only support output to or input from physical sequential data sets. PDS/E members are not supported. User response: Specify a physical sequential data set. ISRU669 Table aaaaaaaa is already open as SHARED on another logical screen. The display shows the table data currently loaded into virtual storage.

Explanation: A table data set into which the table was to be saved was not selected from the list of data sets allocated to the table library DD. User response: To save the table, select one of the data sets displayed in the list of data sets allocated to the table library DD. ISRU664 Command not recognized - aaaaaaaa is not a valid line command. Specify a valid line command.

Explanation: This message is to warn the user that data displayed for the shared table was already loaded into virtual storage and was not obtained by reading the table member in the table data set. Also if the shared table is being edited, any changes made to the table data will not be saved to the table data set but will only be applied to the virtual storage copy of the table. User response: If you need to browse or edit a version of a shared table that is already open and loaded into virtual storage, temporarily rename the table member so it does not match the open table. ISRU670 Tape not supported - The built-in command is not valid for a tape data set.

Explanation: aaaaaaaa is not a valid line command. User response: Correct the aaaaaaaa line command. ISRU665 Invalid command - The command entered is not valid for this Table Utility function.

Explanation: A command was entered that is not supported by this Table Utility function. User response: Enter a valid command for this Table utility function. ISRU666 Duplicate key found - Adding a row to the table for import data set record aaaaaaaa failed because a row with the same key already exists.

Explanation: An attempt to use a built-in command on a TAPE data set is causing this error message. Tape data sets are not supported for this command. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify the users action on the Tape data set to see what action the user was attempting. ISRU671 Tape interface error - Error invoking command for TAPE data set. Return Code = aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: ISPF does not support duplicate keys in tables. The table was not created. User response: Remove records with duplicate keys from the import data set. ISRU667 The Table Utility received unexpected return code aaaaaaaa for table service bbbbbbbb.. Table Utility processing is terminated.

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred calling the Tape/Removable Media interface for a TAPE data set. User response: Contact your system programmer. System programmer response: Verify the Tape/Removable media command as specified in the ISPF Configuration options.

Explanation: When processing an internal table service request, the ISPF Table Utility received an unexpected return code. The Table Utility processing is terminated.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU672 Table saved - The temporary table has been successfully saved in the specified data set and member. ISRU704 Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to aaaaaaaa the directory entry.

Explanation: The temporary table created by the Table Utility for a table currently in use has been successfully saved in the data set and member specified by the user. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU673 Processing a temporary copy of table aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The directory does not have the necessary read permission set. For the directory LIST function, the directory does not have the necessary read permission set. For the DELETE function, one of these situations exist: v You do not have write permission for the directory that contains the file to be removed. v The S_ISVTX flag is set for the parent directory of the file that is to be removed, and you are not the owner of the file or of the parent directory; nor do you have appropriate privileges. For the RENAME function, one of these situations exist: v You do not have have search permission on some component of the new pathname; or you do not have write permission on the parent directory of the file or directory that is to be renamed. v The S_ISVTX flag is set for the parent directory of the file that is to be renamed, and you are not the owner of that file or of the parent directory; nor do you have appropriate privileges. v The new name refers to an existing file. The S_ISVTX flag is set for directory containing that file, and you are not the owner of that file or of the parent directory; nor do you have appropriate privileges. For the CREATE (new) function, one of these situations exist: v If creating a new directory, you do not have write permission on the parent directory. User response: Check with your z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if the directory or file permissions can be altered to allow you to remove the file. ISRU705 Directory not found - The specified directory was not found in the file system. Not a directory - The target of the specified pathname is not a directory. Cannot use z/OS UNIX - The user ID is not authorized to use z/OS UNIX.

Explanation: Table aaaaaaaa is currently in use and you selected to process a temporary copy of this table. User response: Contact your system programmer. ISRU700 Unexpected error from aaaaaaaa; Error: bbbbbbbb Reason: cccccccc - Press HELP for more details.

Explanation: An unexpected error was returned by a z/OS UNIX system service aaaaaaaa. Programmer response: Refer to the z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manuals for descriptions of the error and reason codes. ISRU701 Home directory displayed - A pathname was not specified on the entry panel. The pathname has defaulted to your home directory.

Explanation: If a pathname is not specified on the entry panel, the directory list displayed defaults to your working directory. ISRU702 Time zone aaaaaaaa is used to calculate the displayed date and time values.

Explanation: The time zone aaaaaaaa was obtained from the TZ environment variable. This time zone setting is used to calculate all displayed date and time values. ISRU703 Unable to determine the TZ environment variable setting due to errors - Press HELP for more details. The GMT offset is used to calculate all displayed date and time values.



Explanation: The z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility was unable to obtain the setting for the TZ (time zone) environment variable. The GMT offset defined for the operating system is used to calculate all displayed date and time values.

Explanation: The user ID has not been defined to the system security product as a z/OS UNIX user. User response: Ask your z/OS UNIX system administrator to define this user ID to the system security product as a z/OS UNIX user.

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ISRU708 TBCREATE failure - Creation of the table used to display the z/OS UNIX Directory List column arrangement failed. ISRU714 Invalid pathname - An absolute or relative pathname must be specified. Absolute pathnames begin with /. Relative pathnames begin with .. File exists - The specified file already exists in the file system.

Explanation: This is an internal ISPF processing failure. User response: Write down the circumstances of the failure and contact your system programmer. It may be helpful to print or save the ISPF log when you exit ISPF. System programmer response: There may be information in the ISPF log that sheds light on this failure. Perhaps there is a problem with the users ISPTABL or ISPTLIB allocation. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM support. ISRU709 Not a directory - The L line command can only be used against a directory.


User response: Change the name of the file you are attempting to create. ISRU716 Not a directory - Either a node specified in the new pathname is not a directory, or the file to be renamed is a directory and the new file is not a directory.

Explanation: Either a node within the new pathname is for a directory that does not exist or it refers to a file that is not a directory and the file to be renamed is a directory. User response: Correct the new pathname to specify a directory that exists. ISRU717 File not found - The specified file or a directory in the pathname was not found.

Explanation: The L (List Directory) line command is only valid when entered against a directory. ISRU710 Invalid file type - Edit or browse is only valid for regular files and non-external symbolic links.

Explanation: The file you selected to edit or browse is not a regular file or non-external symbolic link. ISRU711 TBCREATE failure - Creating the table of entries for the z/OS UNIX directory list resulted in return cod aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The pathname specified a file or directory that does not exist. User response: Correct the pathname to specify an existing file or directory. ISRU718 Invalid command - The command entered is not valid for the z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility.

Explanation: A return code greater than 4 was received from the TBCREATE service. User response: The error is probably due to the table being in use by another session. Free the table from that session and retry. ISRU712 File created - The new file was successfully created in another directory.

Explanation: A command was entered that is not supported by the z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility. User response: Enter a valid directory list primary command: EDIT, FIND/RFIND, LEFT/RIGHT, LOCATE, REFRESH, RESET, SAVE, or SORT. ISRU719 File not deleted - The delete request for the file was canceled by the user.

Explanation: The specified file was successfully created in a directory not currently displayed by the z/OS UNIX Directory List utility. ISRU713 Enter a pathname - A pathname was not specified and your home directory could not be determined.

Explanation: The file was not deleted. The confirmation of the file delete was canceled. ISRU720 OGET failed, rc=aaaaaaaa - The call to OGET for the Copy command failed with return code aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: If a pathname is not specified on the entry panel it defaults to your home directory. ISPF was unable to determine your home directory. command. User response: Check if you have a home directory defined to z/OS UNIX.

Explanation: OGET experienced a problem processing the Copy command. Programmer response: Check for error messages issued by OGET. If you did not receive any messages, ensure you have your TSO environment set up to receive write-to-programmer messages by issuing the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

command TSO PROFILE WTPMSG. ISRU721 OPUT failed, rc=aaaaaaaa - The call to OPUT for the Replace command failed with return code aaaaaaaa.. set specified as the target for the copy. User response: Create the specified data set or specify an existing data set. ISRU728 Data set not partitioned - The data set specified as the target for the copy is not a partitioned data set.

Explanation: OPUT experienced a problem processing the Replace command. Programmer response: Check for error messages issued by OPUT. If you did not receive any messages, ensure you have your TSO environment set up to receive write-to-programmer messages by issuing the command TSO PROFILE WTPMSG. ISRU722 Invalid Member Name - The member name specified is invalid because it contains the pattern matching characters * or %.

Explanation: A non-partitioned data set has been specified as the target for the directory copy. A partitioned data set must be specified. User response: Specify a partitioned data set as the target for the directory copy. ISRU729 No members to copy - The specified partitioned data set does not contain any members to be copied to the selected directory. Directory list printed - The directory listing was written to the ISPF list data set.

Explanation: A fully qualified member name must be specified. Member name pattern matching is not supported for this field. User response: Remove the pattern matching characters * or % from the member name. ISRU723 File not copied - The request to copy the file to an existing target was canceled by the user.


Explanation: This is an informational message. Option P on the z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility entry panel or the directory list SAVE primary command was successfully processed and the requested information has been written to the ISPF list data set. ISRU731 List-id too long - The list-id must be less than or equal to 8 characters in length.

Explanation: The file was not copied to the target. The confirmation of the file copy was canceled. ISRU724 No files to copy - The selected directory does not contain any regular files eligible to be copied to the target data set.

Explanation: When copying the contents of a directory to a partitioned data set, only regular files with filenames less than 9 characters in length and valid as member names are copied into the data set. The selected directory did not contain any such regular files. ISRU725 No files copied - No files were selected for copying on the copy selection list display. Copy selection canceled - The cancel command was entered on the copy selection display. No files have been copied to the target data set. Target not found - The data set specified as the target for the copy does not exists.

Explanation: The z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility SAVE command was invoked with a list-id parameter, indicating that the directory list information should be written to a data set. The list-id parameter, used as the middle qualifier of the data set, did not conform to ISPF naming conventions. User response: Correct the specified parameter and reenter the command. The parameter specified must be 1-8 characters in length; start with an alphabetic character, @, #, or $; and all remaining characters must be alphabetic, numeric, @, #, $, or X'CO'(right brace). ISRU732 Invalid list-id - aaaaaaaa contains invalid characters.



Explanation: The z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility SAVE command was invoked with a list-id parameter, indicating that the data set list information should be written to a data set. The list-id parameter, used as the middle qualifier of the data set, did not conform to ISPF naming conventions. User response: Correct the specified parameter and reenter the command. The parameter specified must be 1-8 characters in length; start with an alphabetic character, or @, #, or $; and all remaining characters
Chapter 2. PDF messages

Explanation: A catalog search failed to find the data


must be alphabetic, numeric, or @, #, $, or X'CO'(right brace). ISRU733 Data set in use - Data set is being updated by you. ISRU737 Directory not deleted - The delete request for the directory was not completed. A confirmation of a file or subdirectory delete was cancel ed.

Explanation: The z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility could not get an exclusive ENQ on the target data set for the SAVE command (userid.list-id.DIRLIST) because you are currently using it. User response: If you are using the data set on another logical screen through a PDF function or local dialog, exit the function or dialog to free the data set. If you cannot determine why the data set is in use, exit and reenter ISPF and retry the function. If this doesnt work, log off, log back on, and retry. ISRU734 List not printed - The list data set for the z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility SAVE command must be a sequential data set with logical record length greater than or equal to 150 for RECFM F and greater than or equal to 154 for RECFM V.

Explanation: The directory was not deleted. The user canceled out of a panel displayed to confirm the deletion of a file or subdirectory. ISRU738 Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to remove the directory. Enter HELP to identify the directory that could not be removed.

Explanation: One of these conditions exist: v You do not have search permission for some component of the directorys path v You do not have write permission for the parent directory v The S_ISVTX flag is set for the parent directory of the directory that is to be removed, and you are not the owner of the directory or of the parent directory; nor do you have appropriate privileges. User response: Check with your z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if the directory permissions can be altered to allow you to remove the directory. ISRU739 Directory not empty - The directory could not be removed because it still contains files and subdirectories. Enter HELP to identify the directory that could not be removed.

Explanation: The z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility SAVE command was invoked with a list-id parameter, indicating that the data set list information should be written to a data set named userid.list-id.DIRLIST. If this data set already exists, it must be a sequential data set with logical record length greater than or equal to 150 for RECFM F and greater than or equal to 154 for RECFM V. User response: Use a different list-id to have ISPF write the data set list information to another data set, or delete and reallocate the existing data set to have the proper characteristics. ISRU735 I/O error - An I/O error was encountered while saving the directory list to data set aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: ISPF was unable to delete the files and subdirectories contained within the directory. The likely cause is that you do not have the necessary permission to work with this directory. User response: Check with your z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if the directory permissions can be altered to allow you to delete contained files and subdirectories. ISRU740 Enter character string - Enter the string of characters to be found.

Explanation: While processing the z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility SAVE command, an I/O error occurred writing a record to the requested data set aaaaaaaa.. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRU736 Directory list saved - The directory list has been successfully written to data set aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The FIND command was entered on a z/OS UNIX directory list, but no parameter was specified to indicate what the search target was. User response: Specify a target string on the FIND command. ISRU741 Invalid string type - z/OS UNIX directory list FIND command does not process picture (P...), hex (X...), text (T...) or char (C...) strings.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility SAVE primary command was entered specifyinga list-id. The command was successfully processed and the requested information has been written to the data set aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The z/OS UNIX directory list FIND command does not support all of the keywords


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

supported by the editor FIND command. These are not supported: v Picture strings (P...) v Hex strings (X...) v Text strings (T...) v Character strings (C...) User response: Remove the unsupported keyword and reenter the command. ISRU742 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be found. ISRU745 Put string in quotes - Put quotes ( ) around the string of characters to be found.

Explanation: The FIND command was entered, passing multiple words as parameters that were not recognized as valid keywords. It is assumed that the words were intended to be an argument to the FIND command and, if so, must be enclosed in quotation marks. User response: Add quotation marks around the string and retry the command. System programmer response: Verify that the data set is functional. ISRU746 Enter character string - A character string for FIND has not been entered (so * is invalid).

Explanation: The FIND command was entered, passing multiple words as parameters that were not recognized as valid keywords. It is assumed that the words were intended to be an argument to the FIND command and, if so, must be enclosed in quotation marks. User response: Add quotation marks around the string and retry the command. ISRU743 Invalid keyword - The keywords aaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbb cannot both be used. Delete one.

Explanation: An asterisk (*) used as the target string of the FIND command indicates that the previous target string should be reused. An asterisk was entered but no previously entered a valid target string was found, making the use of the asterisk invalid. User response: Enter a valid target string. Once a target string is entered, the asterisk may then be used on subsequent FIND commands. ISRU747 FIND string too long - The FIND string cannot be longer than 44 characters.

Explanation: The FIND command was entered, passing conflicting keywords. Only one of these keywords may be specified. Two types of keywords are supported by the FIND command: direction keywords and type keywords. No more than one of each type of keyword may be specified on the FIND command. The keywords are: Direction ALL, FIRST, NEXT, PREV, and LAST Type CHARS, PREFIX, SUFFIX, and WORD The defaults are NEXT and CHARS User response: Correct the keywords specified and retry the command. ISRU744 Invalid keyword - Check spelling of keywords used with the FIND command.

Explanation: The FIND command searches for the specified target string within the list of filenames. Since the maximum length of a filename in the list is 255 characters, the target string may not exceed 255 characters. User response: Retry the command, entering a target string that is equal to or less than 255 characters in length. ISRU748 Invalid character string - The FIND string cannot be a null () string.

Explanation: The FIND command was entered, passing a quoted string as the target string to find, but an additional parameter was specified that was not recognized at a valid FIND keyword. Valid keywords are: ALL, FIRST, LAST, NEXT, PREV, CHARS, PREFIX, SUFFIX, and WORD. User response: Correct the specified keyword and retry the command.

Explanation: The FIND target string must be a minimum of 1 character in length. A target string of 0 characters was entered. User response: Retry the command, entering a target string that is equal to or greater than 1 character in length. ISRU749 Enter a FIND command - The RFIND key works only after a FIND character string is entered.

Explanation: The RFIND command reissues the last FIND command that was entered. RFIND cannot be issued until at least one FIND command has been processed.
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User response: Enter a valid FIND command. Once entered, the RFIND command may be used to reissue the same FIND command. ISRU750 TBSKIP failure - Return code aaaa received from TBSKIP command. ISRU756 * Top of list reached * - aaa(255) not found. Press the RFIND key to continue the search from the bottom for the directory list.

Explanation: The z/OS UNIX directory list processor encountered an internal error while invoking the TBSKIP service. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. ISRU751 Invalid LOCATE operand - Table is sorted by aaaaaaaa. Operand is not a valid fixed value.

Explanation: This is an informational message. When the PREV keyword is specified, the z/OS UNIX directory list FIND command searches from the top of the displayed data to the top of the list to find the target string. FIND has searched and reached the top of that list without finding the target string. Entering the RFIND command continues the search, starting from the bottom of the directory list. User response: Enter a valid target string. Once a target string is entered, the asterisk may then be used on subsequent FIND commands. ISRU757 No aaa(255) found - aaa(255) - not found in any filenames.

Explanation: An invalid LOCATE string was entered. User response: Enter a valid search string. ISRU752 LOCATE search error - Return code aaaaaaaa - received while searching table.

Explanation: A return code greater than 8 was received from the TBSKIP service. User response: Log off, log back on, and retry. If the error persists, contact the system programmer. ISRU753 aaaa - bbb(255) - bbb(255) found on aaaa line(s)

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND or RFIND command was entered to cause the directory list processor to search the entire directory list for the specified target string. The search was completed, but the target string was not found. ISRU758 Mode fields changed - The requested modifications have been made to the mode fields for the z/OS UNIX file. Permission denied - You are not the owner of the file nor do you have the privileges to change the mode fields.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND ALL command was entered on a data set list, and the specified target string was successfully located. ISRU754 aaa(255) found - Search for aaa(255) was successful.


Explanation: You are not permitted to change the mode fields for the file as you are not the owner of the file nor do you have the appropriate privileges. User response: Request the owner of the file make the required changes to the mode fields or check with your z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if you can be granted the privileges required to update the mode fields. ISRU760 Extended attrs changed - The requested modifications have been made to the extended attributes for the z/OS UNIX file. Permission denied - You do not have the appropriate privileges required to change the extended attributes for the file.

Explanation: This is an informational message. A FIND command was entered on a data set list, and the string was successfully located. User response: Correct the specified keyword and retry the command. ISRU755 *Bottom of list reached* - aaa(255) not found. Press the RFIND key to continue the search from the top for the directory list.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The z/OS UNIX directory list FIND command searches from the top of the displayed data to the bottom of the list to find the target string. FIND has searched and reached the bottom of that list without finding the target string. Entering the RFIND command continues the search, starting from the top of the directory list.


Explanation: One of these is true: v You do not have write permission for the file. v You attempted to change the APF-authorized attribute but you do not have READ authority to the RACF FACILITY class profile BPX.FILEATTR.APF.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

v You attempted to change the program control attribute but you do not have READ authority to the RACF FACILITY class profile BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCT. v You attempted to change the shared library attribute but you do not have READ authority to the RACF FACILITY class profile BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB. User response: Check with the file owner or your z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if you can be granted the required privileges. ISRU762 Not a regular file - The MX (Modify Extended Attributes) line command can only be used against a regular file. User response: Correct the SORT operand and retry the command. ISRU768 Too many sort fields - You may specify up to two fields for use with the SORT command.

Explanation: Too many SORT operands have been entered for the SORT command. A maximum of two operands can be entered per SORT command. User response: Correct the number of SORT operands. ISRU769 SORT error - Error return from table sort = aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The MX (Modify Extended Attributes) line command is only valid when entered against a regular file. Extended attributes are only relevant for regular files. ISRU763 Invalid file type - The CO (Copy Out) and CI (Copy In) commands are only valid for regular files and directories.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. Problem determination: A table sort error has occurred on an internal sort routine. ISRU770 Source not found - The data set specified as the source for the copy does not exists.

Explanation: The file you selected to copy out or in is not a regular file or directory. ISRU764 Invalid file type - The MM (Modify Mode) line command cannot be entered against a symbolic link.

Explanation: A catalog search failed to find the data set specified as the source for the copy. User response: Ensure you specify an existing partitioned data set. ISRU771 Not a regular file - The file specified as the target of the copy exists but it is not a regular file.

Explanation: The MM (Modify Mode) line command cannot be used to change the mode fields for a symbolic link. ISRU765 Command failed - Command aaaaaaaa not found, invalid, or issued return code 20.

Explanation: When copying data from a regular file, the target can only be a sequential data set, a member of an existing partitioned data set, or a regular file. User response: Ensure you specify the pathname for a new or existing regular file. ISRU772 Incorrect file type - The new pathname specified is the pathname for an existing file but it is a different file type to the file being renamed.

Explanation: The command that was issued did not process. Either the command was not found, the command was invalid, or the command issued a return code of 20. User response: Reenter a valid command. ISRU766 Command failed - Command aaaaaaaa issued return code bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A file can be renamed to the pathname of an existing file but that file must have the same file type as the file being renamed. User response: Ensure you specify either a unique pathname or the pathname of a file that is of the same file type as the file being renamed. ISRU773 Invalid record length - The record length specified with the E (edit) or B (browse) line command is not a valid numeric value.

Explanation: The command failed with the issued return code. User response: Reenter a valid command. ISRU767 Invalid SORT operand - aaaaaaaa is not a valid SORT operand.

Explanation: An invalid SORT operand has been entered.

Explanation: The record length specified with the E (edit) or B (browse) line command must be a numeric value. For browse, it must be a value between 0 and
Chapter 2. PDF messages


32760. For edit, it must be a value between 0 and 8192. User response: Ensure you specify a valid record length value with the edit or browse line command. ISRU774 Invalid scroll amount - Valid: M (MAX), P (PAGE), or a numeric value for the number of columns to scroll. ISRU779 Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to process the z/OS UNIX file.

Explanation: One of these conditions may exist: v You do not have search permission for some component of the files pathname v You do not have permission to open the file in write mode v If trying to create the file, you do not have permission to write into files in the directory in which the file will be created. User response: Check with the file owner or your z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if you can be granted permission to search the directory. Problem determination: Follow the symbolic links for the Pathname to determine where the loop is defined. ISRU780 Unable to initialize Language Environment. Dates and times displayed in the directory list have been calculated using the operating system GMT offset rather than using the setting for the time zone environment variable.

Explanation: An invalid scroll amount has been specified. User response: Enter one of the valid responses listed in the Help message, either - M (MAX), P (PAGE), or a numeric value for the number of columns to scroll. ISRU775 Symbolic link loop - z/OS UNIX detected a loop while processing symbolic links for the pathname.

Explanation: A loop exists in symbolic links that were encountered during resolution of the Pathname. Problem determination: Follow the symbolic links for the Pathname to determine where the loop is defined. ISRU776 Pathname too long - Either the pathname is longer than 1023 characters, or a component of the pathname is longer than 255 characters.

Explanation: The specified pathname or a component of that pathname is too long and filename truncation is not supported. User response: Correct the specified pathname. Problem determination: Follow the symbolic links for the Pathname to determine where the loop is defined. ISRU777 File system is read-only - An attempt was made to modify a file on a file system that is read-only.

Explanation: ISPF uses C functions to calculate the directory list data and time values based on the time zone environment variable setting. Initialization of Language Environment and the C run-time failed so ISPF is unable to use these C functions. As an alternative, ISPF uses the operating system GMT offset to calculate the displayed dates and times. User response: Try to determine why the Language Environment and C run-time could not be initialized. Possible causes are: (1) The LE run-time library data set CEE.SCEERUN is not in STEPLIB or LNKLST. (2) Insufficient virtual storage to initialize LE and the C run-time. Check to see if the LE run-time library data set CEE.SCEERUN is in STEPLIB or LNKLST. If so, try logging on to TSO with a larger region size. ISRU781 Running shell command: aaaaaaaa. PID=bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: You are attempting to modify a file in a file system that has been mounted in read-only mode. User response: Check with the system programmer to determine why the file system is in read-only mode. Problem determination: Follow the symbolic links for the Pathname to determine where the loop is defined. ISRU778 Some component of the pathname is not a directory.

Explanation: This message is displayed while waiting on the completion of a process executing a z/OS UNIX Directory List line command within the z/OS UNIX login shell. The message identifies the command and the Id of the z/OS UNIX process. ISRU782 Running direct command: aaaaaaaa. PID=bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: A component of the pathname specified identifies a file that is not a directory. User response: Correct the pathname so it specifies the directory containing the file you want to process. Problem determination: Follow the symbolic links for the Pathname to determine where the loop is defined.

Explanation: This message is displayed while waiting on the completion of a process executing a z/OS UNIX Directory List line command directly within z/OS UNIX. The message identifies the command and the Id of the z/OS UNIX process.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU783 File not found - The file specified to be run could not be found. ISRU788 Cannot link to directory - A hard link cannot be created to a directory.

Explanation: One or more components of the pathname for the file to be run were not found. User response: Correct the pathname for the file to be run. ISRU784 Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to run the specified file.

Explanation: An attempt was made to create a hard link to directory. Hard links to directories are not supported. User response: Specify the pathname for a file that is not a directory. ISRU789 Invalid new pathname - The new pathname is invalid because the old pathname is in the prefix for the new pathname.

Explanation: One of these may be the cause: v You do not have permission to search a directory in the pathname for the file to be run v You do not have execute permission for the file to be run v The file to be run is not a regular file and the system cannot run files of its type. User response: Check with your z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if the directory or file permissions can be altered to allow you to run the file. ISRU785 Invalid file type - Running of z/OS UNIX commands, TSO commands, CLISTs, and REXX execs is only supported against regular files and directories.

Explanation: The old pathname cannot be part of the prefix of the new pathname when renaming a file. User response: Correct the new pathname so that it does not include the old pathname. ISRU790 UIDs changed - The real and effective UIDs have been changed.

Explanation: The request to change the real and effective UIDs was successful. ISRU791 Permission denied - You do not have the appropriate privileges required to switch to this UID.

Explanation: The file you selected to run a command against is not a regular file or directory. User response: Issue the command against a regular file or directory. ISRU786 Enter 2nd operand - A second operand is required for the LOCATE command.

Explanation: If attempting to switch to superuser mode (UID 0) then you do not have permission to the BPX.SUPERUSER RACF facility class. User response: Contact your security administrator to see if you can be granted permission to the BPX.SUPERUSER RACF facility class. ISRU792 Cannot resolve pathname - ISPF was unable to determine the pathname for the currently listed directory.

Explanation: The LOCATE command requires that a search string be entered. User response: Reissue the command with a search string. ISRU787 Not an executable file - The selected file is not in a format that allows it to be executed.

Explanation: A + (plus) was specified as the first character in a pathname to represent the pathname of the directory currently listed. ISPF was unable to obtain the pathname for the currently listed directory. ISRU800 Unexpected error from call to aaaaaaaa in bbbbbbbb; Error: cccccccc dddddddd Reason: eeeeeeee ffffffff

Explanation: The selected file has execute permission, but it is not in the proper format to be a process image file. User response: Reissue the command against an executable file.

Explanation: An unexpected error was returned by a call to z/OS UNIX system service aaaaaaaa from ISPF module bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Refer to the z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference and z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manuals for descriptions of the error and reason codes.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU801 Invalid PATH parameter - The variable specified with the PATH parameter was not found or is invalid. ISRU807 Duplicate column - The abbreviated column name aaaaaaaa has already been specified with the COLS parameter on the call to DIRLIST.

Explanation: Either the variable was not found, a value was not specified for the variable, the value was too large for a pathname, or the name of the variable is invalid. Programmer response: Specify the name of a variable containing a pathname with the PATH parameter. ISRU802 Invalid CONFIRM value - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: The abbreviated column name aaaaaaaa is specified more than once with the DIRLIST COLS parameter. Programmer response: Remove the duplicated column names. ISRU810 Column width too large - The column width aaaaaaaa specified with the COLS parameter on the call to DIRLIST is larger than the maximum value bbbbbbbb allowed for column cccccccc.

Explanation: For the DIRLIST service, the only valid values for the CONFIRM parameter are YES or NO. Programmer response: Use YES or NO with the CONFIRM parameter. ISRU803 Invalid CONFDRD value - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: The column width specified is larger tha the maximum column width supported for this column. Programmer response: Specify a column width that is not greater than the maximum supported value. ISRU811 Command name is invalid - The name aaaaaaaa specified as the line command processor with the LCMDS parameter on the call to DIRLIST is not valid as a command name.

Explanation: For the DIRLIST service, the only valid values for the CONFDRD parameter are YES or NO. Programmer response: Use YES or NO with the CONFDRD parameter. ISRU804 COLS values not paired - An odd number of values was specified with the COLS parameter on a call to DIRLIST. A column/width pair is not valid.

Explanation: The DIRLIST COLS parameter requires pairs of column and width values to be specified. An odd number of values was specified indicating a column/width pair was not specified correctly. Programmer response: Specify a valid column name. ISRU805 Invalid column name - The column name aaaaaaaa specified with the COLS parameter on the call to DIRLIST is not valid.

Explanation: The name specified is not valid for a command name. Valid command names have 8 characters or fewer, start with an alphabetic or national character, and may have alphabetic characters, national characters, or numeric digits after the first character. Programmer response: Correct the line command processor name specified with the LCMDS parameter on the call to DIRLIST. ISRU812 Line command failed - Line command processor aaaaaaaa issued return code bbbbbbbb for line command cccccccc.

Explanation: The abbreviated column name values that can be specified with the DIRLIST COLS parameter are: TY, PE, AU, EX, FM, OW, GR, LI, SZ, MO, CH, AC, and CR. Programmer response: Specify a valid column name. ISRU806 Invalid column width - The column width value aaaaaaaa is not a numeric value.

Explanation: The line command processor aaaaaaaa specified on the call to ISRLUDSP failed line command cccccccc with return code bbbbbbbb. Programmer response: Check the logic for the line command processor to determine the reason the freturn code was set for the line command. ISRU813 Invalid FIXCOLS value - Specify either YES or NO.

Explanation: A column width value specified with the DIRLIST COLS parameter is not numeric. Programmer response: Specify a valid column name.

Explanation: For the DIRLIST service, the only valid values for the FIXCOLS parameter are YES or NO. Programmer response: Use YES or NO with the FIXCOLS parameter.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRU814 Columns are fixed - The column arrangement cannot be altered for this directory list display. Programmer response: Check with the z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if you can be given the authority to change the UID of the file. ISRU824 Invalid user ID - The user ID is not defined to use z/OS UNIX.

Explanation: This directory list was invoked through a call to the DIRLIST service. The caller of DIRLIST specified a value of YES for the FIXCOLS parameter. This requests that the user be prevented from chaning the column arrangement. ISRU815 Panel name is invalid - The name aaaaaaaa specified as the directory list panel with the PANEL parameter on the call to DIRLIST is not valid as a panel name.

Explanation: The user ID specified has not be defined in your security data base to use z/OS UNIX. Programmer response: Check with the z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if the user ID should be defined in your security data base to use z/OS UNIX. ISRU825 File owner changed - The owner UID for the file has been successfully changed. Invalid GID - The owner GID specified is invalid or does not exist.

Explanation: The name specified is not valid for a panel name. Valid panel names have 8 characters or fewer, start with an alphabetic or national character, and may have alphabetic characters, national characters, or numeric digits after the first character. Programmer response: Correct the directory list panel name specified with the PANEL parameter on the call to DIRLIST. ISRU820 Invalid file type - The MO (Modify Owner) line command cannot be entered against a symbolic link.


Explanation: The value entered for the GID is not numeric, in the range 1 to 2147483647 or is not an existing GID. Programmer response: Enter the value of a valid GID. ISRU827 Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to change the owner of the file.

Explanation: The MO (Modify Owner) line command cannot be used to change the owning user for a symbolic link. ISRU821 Invalid file type - The MG (Modify Group) line command cannot be entered against a symbolic link.

Explanation: To change the GID of the file one of the following must be true: v You have superuser authority v You are the owner of the file and the resource name CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED is defined to the UNIXPRIV class in RACF. If you are the owner of the file, you can change the group to your group or to any of your supplementary groups. Programmer response: Check with the z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if you can be given the authority to change the GID of the file. ISRU828 Invalid group ID - The group ID is not defined to use z/OS UNIX.

Explanation: The MG (Modify Group) line command cannot be used to change the owning group for a symbolic link. ISRU822 Invalid UID - The owner UID specified is invalid or does not exist.

Explanation: The value entered for the UID is not numeric, in the range 1 to 2147483647 or is not an existing UID. Programmer response: Enter the value of a valid UID. ISRU823 Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to change the owner of the file.

Explanation: The group ID specified has not be defined in your security data base to use z/OS UNIX. Programmer response: Check with the z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if the group ID should be defined in your security data base to use z/OS UNIX.

Explanation: To change the UID of the file one of the following must be true: v You have superuser authority v You are the owner of the file and the resource name CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED is defined to the UNIXPRIV class in RACF.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


ISRU829 Owning group changed - The owning group ID for the file has been successfully changed. Invalid file type - The MF (Modify Format) line command cannot be entered against a symbolic link. Programmer response: Check with the z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if you can be given the authority to change the user auditing settings for the file. ISRU836 Auditing changed - The auditor auditing settings for the file were successfully changed. Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to change the auditor auditing settings for the file.


Explanation: The MF (Modify Format) line command cannot be used to change the format or file tag information for a symbolic link. ISRU831 Format changed - The file format and/or the file tag data was successfully changed. Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to change the format or tag data for the file.


Explanation: To change the auditor auditing settings you must be defined with AUDITOR authority in you security system. Programmer response: Check with the z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if you can be given AUDITOR authority. ISRU838 Invalid file type - The FS (File System) line command is not valid for a FIFO or character special file.


Explanation: To change the file format one of the following must be true: v You have superuser authority v You are the owner of the file. To change the tag data for a file one of the following must be true: v You have superuser authority v You are the owner of the file v You have write permission for the file. Programmer response: Check with the z/OS UNIX system administrator to see if you can be given the authority to change the file format and/or tag information. ISRU833 Invalid file type - The UA (User Auditing) and AA (Auditor Auditing) line commands cannot be entered against a symbolic link.

Explanation: File system information is not valid for FIFO and character special files. ISRV000 Invalid combination - You have selected Allocate Multiple Volumes. The directory blocks field must be zero and the data set name type must be blank to allocate a multivolume data set. Multivolume data sets are sequential data sets.

Explanation: The directory blocks field must be 0 to allocate a multivolume data set. Multivolume data sets are sequential data sets. User response: Either change the directory block field to 0, the data set name type field to blank, or blank out the field to allocate multivolume data sets. ISRV001 Duplicate volumes - Duplicate volumes have been entered for multivolume allocation. Correct or remove the duplicate volume.

Explanation: The UA (User Auditing) and AA (Auditor Auditing) line commands cannot be used to change the user auditing and auditor auditing options for a symbolic link. ISRU834 Auditing changed - The user auditing settings for the file were successfully changed. Permission denied - You do not have the necessary permission to change the user auditing settings for the file.

Explanation: An attempt to allocate a multivolume data set has been made using the volume name of a volume that has been already entered. User response: Correct or remove the duplicate volume name. ISRV002 More than 59 volumes - ISPF does not support multivolume data sets with more than 59 volumes. Information is displayed about the first 59 volumes.


Explanation: To change the user auditing settings one of the following must be true: v You have superuser authority v You are the owner of the file.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Explanation: This is an informational message. The multivolume data set contains more than 59 volumes. ISPF supports up to 59 volumes for a multivolume data set. The information displayed is for the first 59 volumes. ISRV003 Invalid multivolume cmd - The data set that this command has been issued against is a multivolume data set. The command is invalid for multivolume data sets. ISRV007 Volume ignored - The data set that is being viewed is a multivolume data set. The volume entered was ignored. All of the data set can be viewed, not just one volumes data. If you wish to see the data on one volume only, use browse instead of view.

Explanation: For a multivolume data set, view always allocates all volumes even when a specific volume is specified. The data presented begins with volume one. ISRV008 Volume ignored - This data set is an SMS managed multivolume data set. The volume entered was ignored. You cannot allocate just one volume of an SMS managed multivolume data set. The data displayed begins with volume one.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The data set that this command has been issued against is a multivolume data set. The command is invalid for multivolume data sets. ISRV004 Invalid multivolume cmd - The data set that this command has been issued against is a multivolume data set. The command is invalid for multivolume data sets that are displayed using a VTOC list.

Explanation: For an SMS managed multivolume data set, you cannot allocate just one volumes worth of data. The whole data set is allocated and the display begins with the data on volume one. ISRV009 More than 59 volumes - ISPF does not allow allocation of a multivolume data set to more than 59 volumes.

Explanation: The data set that this command has been issued against is a multivolume data set. The command is invalid for multivolume data sets that are displayed using a VTOC list. User response: Remove the volume name from the Volume Serial field and reissue the command. ISRV005 Invalid multivolume cmd - The data set that this command has been issued against is a multiple volume data set. The command is invalid for a multivolume data set using the volume serial.

Explanation: The maximum number allowed for the number of volumes is 59. ISRVI000 View length not allowed - View length not allowed when processing View Recovery

Explanation: The data set that this command has been issued against is a multivolume data set. The command is invalid for multivolume data sets using the volume serial. User response: Remove the volume name from the Volume Serial field and reissue the command. ISRV006 Multivolume data set - The data set that is being edited is a multivolume data set. Edit does not support the input of a volume in the Volume Serial field for multivolume data sets.

Explanation: View length is specified for the VIIF service. This is not allowed when processing view recovery. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Blank out the view length from the EDIREC service. ISRVI001 Missing record format - Specify the record format F or V for VIIF.

Explanation: The required record format parameter for the VIIF service is not specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify either F or V for the record format parameter for the VIIF service. ISRVI002 Missing record length - Specify a record length greater than 9 and less than 32761 for fixed record length data sets and less than 32757 for variable length data sets.

Explanation: The data set that is being edited is a multivolume data set. Edit does not support the ability to edit data on one volume of a multivolume data set. User response: Remove the volume name from the Volume Serial field when you are attempting to edit a multivolume data set.

Explanation: The required record length parameter for

Chapter 2. PDF messages


the VIIF service is not specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify a record length greater than 9 and less than 32761 for fixed record length data sets and less than 32757 for variable length data sets. ISRVI003 Missing profile name - Specify the profile name for VIIF. ISRVI008 aaaaaaaa not allowed - aaaaaaaa name not allowed when processing View Recovery. value between 10 and 32760 for the VIIF service.

Explanation: aaaaaaaa name is specified for the VIIF service. This is not allowed when processing View Recovery. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Blank out the aaaaaaaa name from the EDIREC service. ISRVI009 Mixed mode not allowed - Mixed mode not allowed when processing View Recovery.

Explanation: The required profile name parameter for the VIIF service is not specified. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify the profile name for the VIIF service. ISRVI004 Invalid view length - The view length must be less than or equal to the record length.

Explanation: Mixed mode is specified for the VIIF service. This is not allowed when processing view recovery. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Blank out mixed mode from the EDIREC service. ISRX000 Unknown return code - The installation accounting exit issued a return code of aaaa.

Explanation: An invalid view length is specified for the VIIF service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify an view length less than or equal to the record length. ISRVI005 Conflicting options used - The view length and the format are mutually exclusive.

Explanation: The only valid return code from the installation exit is 0. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the exit so that it returns a return code of 0. ISRYM012 Invalid class - Enter a valid class option. aaaaaaaa is invalid

Explanation: Conflicting options are specified for the VIIF service. The view length and the format cannot be used simultaneously. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Blank out one of the conflicting options. ISRVI006 Recovery is not pending - The view recovery cannot proceed when recovery is not pending.

Explanation: The value entered on the model class panel or on the edit primary MODEL CLASS command is not a valid model class. User response: Specify a valid model class and retry the request. ISRYM013 Invalid option - Enter a valid option. aaaaaaaa is invalid

Explanation: A view recovery is requested while recovery is not pending User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Correct the recovery-request option for the VIIF service. ISRVI007 Invalid view length - The value of data to be viewed must have a length between 10 and 32760.

Explanation: An invalid model (aaaaaaaa) was requested on one of the PDF edit language model panels. User response: Specify a valid model and press Enter.

Explanation: An invalid view length is specified for the VIIF service. User response: Contact the responsible programmer. Programmer response: Specify the view length with a


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

ISRZ000 aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message may be used if an error is returned from a PDF edit macro command. ISRZ001 aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message may be used if an error is returned from a PDF edit macro command. ISRZ002 aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message may be used if an error is returned from a PDF dialog service. Variable &ZERRMSG indicates the message ID that is the source of the message text for ISRZ002. ISRZ003 aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message may be used if an error is returned from a PDF dialog service. Variable &ZERRMSG will indicate the message id that is the source of the message text for ISRZ003.

Chapter 2. PDF messages


PDF messages


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Chapter 3. SCLM messages

This topic provides a complete listing and description of messages issued by the SCLM functions. Abend codes are issued with associated error messages. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs) are listed in Chapter 4, SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs), on page 619.
FLMA000 PROJDEF error - SCLM received an error attempting to load the project definition. allocated. Verify that the project definition data set exists and is not allocated exclusively by another user. For more information about allocating the PROJDEFS data sets, see the topic about Defining the project environment in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLMA001 Allocation error - Error allocating the SCLM control file specified in the SCLM project definition.

Explanation: When attempting to maintain the list of SCLM Administrators (Option A from the main menu) SCLM received an error initializing the SCLM project definition. User response: Possible return codes are: 4 The specified project definition load module is not RMODE(24). Generate the project definition load module again and specify the RMODE(24) parameter to the linkage editor. An error occurred while attempting to obtain the specified project definition or alternate project definition. Verify the project or alternate project definition. The project definition is out of date. Reassemble the project definition with new SCLM macros. Submit the job again. The project name specified does not match the project name in the project definition. Verify that the project name specified on the FLMABEG macro and the project name in the project definition are the same. Another possible explanation is that SCLM is being invoked with an alternate project definition name, and this alternate project definition has the same name as another alternate project definition name that is being used, but has different contents. This can occur only when two different primary project names are being invoked with the same alternate name from different sessions (such as from a split screen). To fix the problem, cancel out of one session and rename the alternate project definition. 20 An attempt to open or close the project definition failed. Browse the project definition data set (project_id.PROJDEFS.LOAD). Select the member whose name matches the alternate you are using, or the project ID, if the alternate is blank. If the member appears, close the Browse panel and submit the job again. The project definition data set could not be

Explanation: The VSAM data set specified on the CONTROL parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro could not be allocated. User response: Check that the VSAM data set specified on the CONTROL parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro exists and is able to be accessed. FLMA002 Option not available - The SCLM control file has not been specified in the project definition. Maintaining administrator user IDs is not possible.



Explanation: The VSAM data set specified on the CONTROL parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro has not been specified. The user will not be able to maintain SCLM administrators or to transfer ownership of member level locks until this data set is specified. User response: Specify a VSAM data set on the CONTROL parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro to contain a list of the SCLM administrators. FLMA003 Insufficient storage - Allocation of storage failed due to insufficient virtual storage.

Explanation: Allocation of storage failed due to insufficient virtual storage. User response: Increase the region size of the TSO address spaces. FLMA004 VSAM open failed - Opening of the VSAM control file failed.


Explanation: An error was encountered when opening the VSAM control file specified on the CONTROL

Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2009


parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro. User response: Determine if the VSAM data set is in use. FLMA005 VSAM read error - Reading of the VSAM control file failed. and Transfer Ownership line command are not available. User response: To enable member level locking, see the topic about Defining the project environment in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLMP000 Package in use - The package aaaaaaaa is currently being updated by another user so you cannot update or change the status of members.

Explanation: An error was encountered when reading a record from the VSAM control file specified on the CONTROL parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro. User response: Determine if the VSAM data set is in use. FLMA006 VSAM delete error - Deleting of a record on the VSAM control file failed.

Explanation: The package you are attempting to to update is currently being updated by another user. User response: Check to see why the user is updating the package. FLMP001 Package saved - The package aaaaaaaa has been updated to save the member selection changes you have made.

Explanation: An error was encountered when deleting an SCLM administrator from the VSAM control file specified on the CONTROL parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro. User response: Determine if the VSAM data set is in use. FLMA007 VSAM write error - Writing of a record to the VSAM control file failed.

Explanation: The package has been updated to save the member selection changes you have made. User response: None. FLMP002 Invalid selection - The member you have selected for member recovery is not available for recovery.

Explanation: An error was encountered when writing an SCLM administrator to the VSAM control file specified on the CONTROL parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro. User response: Determine if the VSAM data set is in use. FLMA008 aaaaaaaa added - SCLM administrator aaaaaaaa added.

Explanation: The member you have selected for member recovery is not available for recovery. User response: None. FLMP003 Restore Invalid - The package either contains obsolete references that have been superseded or the target members to be replaced have changed since this package was created or the package has already been restored.

Explanation: An SCLM administrator was added to the VSAM control file specified on the CONTROL parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro. User response: None. FLMA009 Option not available - You must be an SCLM administrator to use this option.

Explanation: The package cannot be restored for one of these reasons: v it contains references that have been superseded v The target members to be replaced have changed since this package was created v The package has already been restored User response: None. FLMP004 Selection(s) ignored - You have selected at least one member for restore that does not have a status of BACKEDUP.

Explanation: You must be an SCLM administrator to be able to maintain the list of SCLM administrators. User response: If you need this option, ask one of the existing SCLM administrators to add you as an SCLM administrator. FLMA010 Option not available - Member level locking is not active, this option is not available.

Explanation: Member level locking is not active. Therefore, the Maintain SCLM Administrator option

Explanation: While attempting to restore members of a backed up package you have selected at least one member that does not have a status of BACKEDUP. User response: Deselect any members that do not have a status of BACKEDUP.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLMP005 Restore ignored - You have requested a member level restore without selecting any members to be restored. FLMQ002 Initialization error - Error initializing VSAM file aaaaaaaa.. TSO messages should have been written to your screen describing the error. If TSO messages were not written to your screen, check the setting of WTPMSG in your TSO PROFILE.

Explanation: Restore ignored. You have requested a member level restore without selecting any members to be restored. User response: None. FLMP006 Invalid command - The command you have entered is invalid for this function

Explanation: An error occurred initializing the VSAM data base file for the sample SCLM project. TSO messages should have been written to the screen describing the error. User response: Correct the problem described in the TSO messages. FLMQ003 LMINIT error - Error for LMINIT of data set aaaaaaaa.. LMINIT Return Code = bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: The line command you entered is invalid for restoring a package backup member. User response: Enter L to locate a member or R restore the member. FLMP007 No matching packages - No packages were found to contain members matching the filter values you have entered.

Explanation: An error occurred on the ISPF LMINIT service for the data set listed in the message. User response: Consult the ISPF Services Guide for an explanation of the return code. Correct the problem and retry the operation. FLMQ004 LMCOPY error - Error for LMCOPY of member aaaaaaaa from data set bbbbbbbb.. LMCOPY Return Code = cccccccc..

Explanation: No packages were found that contain members matching the filter values you entered. User response: Modify the filter values. FLMQ000 Data set unavailable - Data set aaaaaaaa could not be found or is not available for your use. Correct the data set name and press Enter.

Explanation: The data set entered on the SCLM Sample Project Create panel does not exist or is not available for your use. The data set may be enqueued exclusively to another user or you may not have authority to use the data set. User response: Correct the data set name or determine why the data set is not available for your use. FLMQ001 Allocation error - Error allocating data set aaaaaaaa.. TSO messages should have been written to your screen describing the error. If TSO messages were not written to your screen, check the setting of WTPMSG in your TSO PROFILE. Names of data sets created for this project are in data set bbbbbbbb..PROJDEFS.DATASETS.

Explanation: An error occurred on the ISPF LMCOPY service for the data set and member listed in the message. User response: Consult the ISPF Services Guide for an explanation of the return code. Correct the problem and retry the operation. FLMQ005 A fully qualified data set name enclosed in quotes is required.

Explanation: You entered a data set name that is not fully qualified. The SCLM Sample Project Create function requires all data set names except the High Level Assembler Location be fully qualified and enclosed in single quotes. User response: Correct the data set name. FLMQ006 A fully qualified data set name enclosed in quotes or LINKLIB without quotes is required.

Explanation: An error occurred creating a data set for the sample SCLM project. TSO messages should have been written to the screen describing the error. User response: Correct the problem described in the TSO messages.

Explanation: You entered a data set name that is not fully qualified and is not LINKLIB without quotes. The SCLM Sample Project Create function requires the data set name for the High Level Assembler Location be a fully qualified data set name enclosed in quotes or the term LINKLIB. User response: Correct the entry.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLMQ007 Assembly error - Error assembling project definition aaaaaaaa..PROJDEFS.SOURCE(aaaaaaaa) with the ISPF Macros Data set and aaaaaaaa..PROJDEFS.SOURCE as SYSLIB. The output is in bbbbbbbb.. cccccccc..PROMOTE.REPORT. Explanation: Promote of the sample application failed. User response: Correct the errors in the messages and listings data sets. Complete the sample project using the instructions in the SCLM Project Managers Guide, Preparing the Example Project Data, by completing the PROMOTE steps. You may have to repeat the BUILD step. FLMQ012 Project deleted - Project aaaaaaaa was successfully deleted. All data sets for the project were deleted.

Explanation: Assembly of the project definition resulted in a nonzero return code. User response: Attempt to assemble the project definition member using the ISPF Macros data set and the project.PROJDEFS.SOURCE as SYSLIB. Use option 4.1 or batch. Correct the ISPF Macros data set name if it is incorrect. FLMQ008 Link error - Error linking project definition aaaaaaaa..PROJDEFS.OBJ(aaaaaaaa). The output is in bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: Deletion of the sample project was successful. FLMQ013 Incomplete delete - Errors occurred deleting data sets for project aaaaaaaa.. TSO messages should have been written to your screen describing the errors. If TSO messages were not written to your screen, check the setting of WTPMSG in your TSO PROFILE. Project not deleted - You did not confirm deletion of project aaaaaaaa.. Project aaaaaaaa was not deleted. Project delete failed - Errors occurred allocating or reading the data set aaaaaaaa..PROJDEFS.DATASETS that contains the list of data sets for project aaaaaaaa.. The project cannot be deleted without this data set.

Explanation: Link Edit of the project definition resulted in a nonzero return code. User response: Attempt to link edit the project definition member project.PROJDEFS.OBJ to project.PROJDEFS.LOAD. Use option 4.7 or batch. Correct any errors you find. FLMQ009 MIGRATE failed - Error migrating members into project aaaaaaaa.. Error messages are contained in aaaaaaaa..MIGRATE.MESSAGES.



Explanation: The SCLM MIGRATE of members into the project failed. User response: Correct the errors described by the messages in project.FLMMSGS. FLMQ010 BUILD failed - Error building the project aaaaaaaa.. Messages are in aaaaaaaa..BUILD.MESSAGES. Listings are in aaaaaaaa..BUILD.LISTINGS. The BUILD report is in aaaaaaaa..BUILD.REPORT.

Explanation: Data set aaaaaaaa..PROJDEFS.DATASETS contains the list of data sets for the project. It is required to delete the project. User response: Correct the project name or determine why the required data set is not available. FLMQ016 Duplicate project - Data set aaaaaaaa..PROJDEFS.DATASETS already exists. This data set is used to record the names of data sets in the project.

Explanation: Build of the sample project failed. User response: Correct the errors in the messages and listings data sets. Complete the sample project using the instructions in the SCLM Project Managers Guide, Preparing the Example Project Data, by completing the BUILD and PROMOTE steps. FLMQ011 PROMOTE failed - Error promoting the sample application from aaaaaaaa to bbbbbbbb.. Messages are in cccccccc..PROMOTE.MESSAGES. Listings are in cccccccc..PROMOTE.LISTINGS. The PROMOTE report is in

Explanation: Data set aaaaaaaa..PROJDEFS.DATASETS used to contain the list of data sets for the project already exists. This project was already created or the data set exists for some other purpose. User response: Delete or rename the aaaaaaaa..PROJDEFS.DATASETS data set.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLMS001 The next group in the hierarchy is aaaaaaaa.. It is bbbbbbbb.. FLMS008 Date required - If a time is requested, the date is required.

Explanation: The NEXTGRP service determined the next group in the hierarchy as requested. Whether the group is key or non-key is also returned. FLMS002 LMINIT failed - LMINIT for messages ddname failed with return code aaaaaaaa.. Make sure ddname is properly allocated before invoking service.

Explanation: Both the date and time must be specified if either one is specified. User response: Specify the date or blank out the time. FLMS009 Time required - If a date is requested, the time is required.

Explanation: LMINIT failed. The ddname may not be allocated. User response: Make sure ddname is allocated with the correct attributes before invoking service. FLMS003 Browse failed - Attempt to browse the messages data set failed. If you have pre-allocated the messages ddname make sure it is correctly allocated before invoking service.

Explanation: Both the date and time must be specified if either one is specified. User response: Specify the time or blank out the date. FLMS100 Project invalid - SCLM is unable to initialize project aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The search for the project failed. User response: Type the correct project name. FLMS100A Project invalid - SCLM is unable to initialize project aaaaaaaa or alternate project bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: Browse failed for the messages data set. User response: Make sure ddname is allocated with the correct attributes before invoking service. FLMS004 Group is top - The requested group is already the top group in the hierarchy. No next group is available.

Explanation: The search for the project or the alternate project failed. User response: Type the correct project name (and alternate, if one is needed). FLMS101 The authcode for aaaaaaaa is changed from bbbbbbbb to cccccccc..

Explanation: The group is already the top group of the hierarchy. FLMS005 Edit completed - The EDIT service completed normally. No data saved.

Explanation: The AUTHCODE service changed the authorization code for the requested member. FLMS102 Authcode not changed - The authcode did not need to be changed. Either the authcode was already as requested, or the from authcode did not match, or member was not editable.

Explanation: The edit session ended without a request to save data. FLMS006 aaaaaaaa allocated - The DSALLOC service completed successfully allocated aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The DSALLOC service completed successfully. FLMS007 Hierarchy requested - Group 2, group 3, and group 4 must be blank when Allocate Hierarchy is selected.

Explanation: The AUTHCODE service did not need to change the authorization code for the requested member. FLMS103 Member at lower level - Member exists at lower level with a different authcode. Current member may be overlayed during promotion.

Explanation: The DSALLOC service completed successfully.

Explanation: The AUTHCODE service changed the authcode, but there is a member at a lower group which has an authcode which is not the same as the to authcode. User response: Verify that the authcodes are correct at the lower level and at the current level.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLMS104 Group is top - The requested group is already the top group in the hierarchy. No next group is available. group and the found group are also returned. FLMS202 aaaaaaaa unlocked - Member aaaaaaaa successfully unlocked in group bbbbbbbb type cccccccc..

Explanation: The group is already the top group of the hierarchy. FLMS105 The authcodes for aaaaaaaa are changed from bbbbbbbb to cccccccc..

Explanation: The LOCK service locked the member with the requested parameters. FLMS203 aaaaaaaa warning - aaaaaaaa service complete with return code bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: The AUTHCODE service changed the authorization codes for the requested members. FLMS106 Authcodes not changed - At least one authcode did not need to be changed. Either the authcodes were already as requested, or the from authcodes did not match, or members were not editable.

Explanation: The service received a failing return code. FLMS204 aaaaaaaa saved - Member aaaaaaaa successfully saved in group bbbbbbbb type cccccccc.. The highest group it can be promoted to is dddddddd..

Explanation: The AUTHCODE service did not need to change the authorization code for the requested members. FLMS107 Authcodes displayed - The authcode report for aaaaaaaa was displayed.

Explanation: The SAVE service locked the member with the requested parameters. The maximum promote group and the found group are also returned. FLMS205 aaaaaaaa succeeded - aaaaaaaa service complete with return code 0.

Explanation: The AUTHCODE service either wrote the report to the screen or displayed the data set allocated to the report ddname. FLMS108 The authcode for aaaaaaaa is bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: The service completed successfully. FLMS206 Table empty - aaaaaaaa service completed with return code 0, but at least one requested table was empty.

Explanation: The AUTHCODE service determined the authcode for the member. FLMS109 Authcode not changed - The authcode did not need to be changed. Either the authcode was already as requested, or the from authcode did not match, or member was not editable.

Explanation: The service completed successfully. Either the user data, change code, or include table was empty and did not display. FLMS207 No information deleted - No audit record was found that matched the specified criteria. No audit or version information deleted.

Explanation: The AUTHCODE service did not need to change the authorization code for the requested member. FLMS200 aaaaaaaa failed - aaaaaaaa failed with return code bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: There was no audit record for the given data. Nothing was deleted. User response: Verify the SCLM library information, and use the VERINFO service to verify the date and time. Make sure the date and time are in the correct format. FLMS208 aaaaaaaa not found - Alternate project aaaaaaaa is not found in data set bbbbbbbb..PROJDEFS.LOAD.

Explanation: The service received a failing return code. FLMS201 aaaaaaaa locked - Member aaaaaaaa successfully locked in group bbbbbbbb type cccccccc.. The highest group it can be promoted to is dddddddd.. It was found in eeeeeeee..

Explanation: The project definition load library does not contain the requested alternate project. User response: Verify the SCLM alternate project has been assembled and link edited into the correct load library.

Explanation: The LOCK service locked the member with the requested parameters. The maximum promote


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLMS209 Project not found - Project definition data set aaaaaaaa..PROJDEFS.LOAD could not be allocated. FLMS304 Member required - Member is required for Search Type of Match or Search.

Explanation: The project definition load library allocation failed. User response: Verify the SCLM project name is correct. Verify that the data set can be allocated. FLMS210 User exits completed - VERCC and/or CCVFY have ran successfully for member aaaaaaaa in group bbbbbbbb type cccccccc..

Explanation: Match and Search must have type and member names. User response: Enter a member name. FLMS305 Type required - Type is required for Search Type of Backward or Match.

Explanation: Match and Search must have type and member names. User response: Enter a type name. FLMS306 Member required - Member is required for Search Type of Backward or Match.

Explanation: VERCC , CCVFY exits were called for the requested member. No locking, parsing, or storing SCLM accounting data. FLMS211 No user exits defined - No VERCC or CCVFY exits were defined for this project.

Explanation: Match and Search must have type and member names. User response: Enter a member name. FLMS307 Invalid value - Select one of the available services.

Explanation: Successful execution. VERCC and CCVFY exits were not found. FLMS300 aaaaaaaa invalid - Hundredths of a second value is invalid.

Explanation: The user entered an invalid option. User response: Specify one of the options listed. FLMU000A ISPF Service Error - Return code: aaaaaaaa from service: bbbbbbbb for cccccccc. ISPF Table Error - Return code: aaaaaaaa from table service: bbbbbbbb for table cccccccc. Could not allocate table library. Use the menu option 0 to set up the library name. Could not allocate table library. RC aaaaaaaa received from the bbbbbbbb service. Error opening table aaaaaaaa. - Table was not found. Run the batch extract job to populate the tables. Could not open table aaaaaaaa. - Table is in use.

Explanation: Hundredths of a second must be numeric. User response: Enter the correct value. FLMS301 aaaaaaaa invalid - Time must be in bbbbbbbb format.


Explanation: Time must have the national time delimiter at positions 3 and 6, and a decimal point at position 9. All other characters must be numeric. User response: Enter the time in the correct format. FLMS302 aaaaaaaa not found - Member aaaaaaaa is not found in bbbbbbbb..cccccccc..dddddddd..



Explanation: The member must exist in the controlled library for the SAVE service to work. User response: Enter the correct member name, or to lock a member that does not yet exist, use the LOCK service. FLMS303 Type required - Type is required for Search Type of Match or Search. FLMU000E


Explanation: Match and Search must have type and member names. User response: Enter a type name.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLMU001A Parameter error - Unknown parameter: aaaaaaaa Command error - Unknown command: aaaaaaaa Circular dependency - A circular dependency has been detected. End of chain - No dependent parts found Error determining account file name(s) LISTDSI rc=aaaaaaaa, rs=bbbbbbbb RC=aaaaaaaa, RS=bbbbbbbb from LISTDSI for cccccccc Dataset not cataloged - aaaaaaaa is not a cataloged dataset DSINFO rc aaaaaaaa - RC aaaaaaaa from DSINFO for bbbbbbbb Error accessing table library aaaaaaaa Canceled - Operation canceled FLMU009S FLMU008G Invalid table dataset - Table dataset does not exist or is blank FLMU009Z FLMU008H Extract tables invalid - The batch extract job to populate the tables did not complete successfully. Extract tables not built - The batch extract job needs to be run (option 1), to populate the tables. Invalid project tables - The tables that have been built are not for the current project. Run the Define SCLM project dependency information tables job (option 1) for this project. Invalid alternate table - The tables that have been built are not for the current alternate project. Run the Define SCLM project dependency information tables job (option 1) for this alternate project. FLM00000 Acctfile read error:aaaaaaaa on key bbbbbbbb Data extract ended. MESSAGE ID aaaaa IS NOT DEFINED FLMU008L Table dataset open error - The dataset containing the tables and control member has received an error during OPEN processing.



FLMU008M Specify table library - A SCLM Explorer table library has not been specified via option 0. Specify a table library containing data built for the current project. FLMU009A FLMU009B FLMU009C FLMU009E Starting data extract... Reading account file(s).... Writing ISPF tables........ Starting dependency processing... debug: aaaaaaaa - bbbbbbbb - cccccccc dddddddd Error: aaaaaaaa from bbbbbbbb cccccccc Error: RC=aaaaaaaa, REAS=bbbbbbbb from cccccccc dddddddd








Explanation: An attempt to display a message failed because the message ID does not exist. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Contact IBM support; this is an SCLM internal error. FLM090 Unable to display panel - Unable to display panel aaaaaaaa.



Explanation: The panel either does not exist in the linked panel libraries, or the panel contains an error. User response: Make sure the correct panel libraries are concatenated to ISPPLIB. Use the TSO LISTALC command to display concatenated libraries. If the panel exists in the library concatenation, see your system programmer. System programmer response: Determine if the panel has been altered at your site. If not, contact IBM support.



z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM090A An error has occurred. Enter HELP for a detailed description of the error. FLM090J SCLM - Build aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..cccccccc(dddddddd)MODE=eeeeeeee, ffffffff job submitted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090B SCLM - Promote aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..cccccccc(dddddddd)RC=eeeeeeee, MODE=ffffffff, gggggggg..

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090K Job submitted - Data set aaaaaaaa submitted for printing and deletion.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: See the promote messages for return codes greater than zero. FLM090C SCLM - Build aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..cccccccc(dddddddd)RC=eeeeeeee, MODE=ffffffff, gggggggg..

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090L Data set deleted - SCLM deleted data set aaaaaaaa without printing it.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090M Vol aaaaaaaa not found - Volume aaaaaaaa is not mounted or is not authorized for your use.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: For return codes greater than zero, see the build messages. FLM090D Volume should be blank - Leave VOLUME blank for command SUB and LISTINGS destination data set.

Explanation: The volume could not be found or an error occurred obtaining information about the volume. User response: Request that the volume be mounted if it is not. Otherwise, request the proper authorization. FLM090N Vol aaaaaaaa not mounted - Volume aaaaaaaa is not mounted or is not authorized for your use.

Explanation: Do not specify a volume name when submitting a batch build in SCLM. SCLM uses the default volume. User response: Blank out the volume name field. FLM090F SCLM - Utility aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..cccccccc(dddddddd) Deleted eeeeeeee.

Explanation: The volume could not be found or an error occurred obtaining information about the volume. User response: Request that the volume be mounted if it is not. Otherwise, request the proper authorization. FLM090O Browse failed - See SCLM systems support or project administrator.

Explanation: This is an informational message. SCLM completed the request to delete member aaaaaaaa. FLM090G SCLM - Saved aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..cccccccc(dddddddd) Member parsed and stored.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM090P Data set kept - Data set aaaaaaaa submitted for printing; data set kept.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090H SCLM - Utility aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..cccccccc(dddddddd) Auth code updated.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090Q Job submission error - Job submission error. Invalid request.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090I SCLM - Promote aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..cccccccc(dddddddd)MODE=eeeeeeee, ffffffff job submitted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090R Job submitted - SCLM submitted the job request to the specified output control.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM090S Promote completed - The return code from the Promote processor is aaaaaaaa.. Enter the HELP command for a description of common errors. FLM091 Arch report completed - The return code from the Architecture Report processor is aaaaaaaa.. Enter the HELP command for a description of common errors.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090T Build completed - The return code from the Build processor is aaaaaaaa.. Enter the HELP command for a description of common errors.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM091B I/O error on Xref - An I/O error occurred while retrieving a cross-reference record.

Explanation: SCLM could not read a record from the VSAM cross-reference file. User response: Contact your project administrator. Programmer response: Isolate the failure using IDCAMS after making sure the cross-reference file exists as defined for this project. FLM091C Xref not found - Cannot find the cross-reference record for selected Compilation Unit.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090U Job queued - The job request is queued for later submission as a batch job.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM090V Invalid option - The option you entered is invalid.

Explanation: An invalid option was specified on the command line. User response: Enter a valid option.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Save or migrate the member. FLM091D Xref mismatch - Mismatch of xref/dependency information or xref/code version.


Invalid value - You cannot select PRINTER for EXECUTE.

Explanation: You can only request output to be routed to the printer if you submit the job to batch. User response: Either submit the job to batch, or route the output to TERMINAL or data set. FLM090X Invalid value - You cannot select TERMINAL for SUBMIT.

Explanation: The member and dependency information are out of synch. User response: Parse the member and rebuild. FLM091E Xref file missing - The project definition does not include a Cross-reference file.

Explanation: You can only request output to be routed to the terminal if you execute the job in foreground. User response: Either route the output to PRINTER or data set, or execute the job in foreground. FLM090Y Enter option - Enter one of the listed options.

Explanation: The cross-reference file as specified by the project definition does not exist, or the project does not have a cross-reference file defined to it. User response: Contact your project administrator System programmer response: If the file does not exist, allocate it; otherwise, define the cross-reference file to the project. FLM091F Requested accounting record is not in the accounting file. Enter HELP for a detailed description.

Explanation: No option was selected. User response: Choose one of the options listed and press Enter. FLM090Z Invalid option - Enter one of the listed options.

Explanation: SCLM could not find the accounting record in the accounting VSAM file defined to this project. User response: You can generate the accounting record for the member using the SCLM migrate utility, or by editing the member and issuing the SPROF command.

Explanation: An invalid option was selected. User response: Choose one of the options listed and press Enter.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM091G Info/version mismatch - Mismatch of Acct/seg dependency info or acct rec/executing code version. cross-reference VSAM file for the project exists. If it does, use IDCAMS or a similar tool to isolate the I/O failure. If the cross-reference VSAM file is unrecoverable, consider replacing it with a previous backup version. FLM091L Acct. file I/O error - Error occurred while updating the accounting file. Return code = aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The accounting segment dependency information or accounting executing code version are mismatched. User response: Parse and rebuild the member to correct. FLM091H I/O error - An I/O error occurred while reading from the accounting file.

Explanation: A failure occurred on updating the accounting VSAM file. User response: Contact your project administrator. System programmer response: Check that the accounting VSAM file for the project exists. If it does, use IDCAMS or a similar tool to isolate the I/O failure. If the accounting VSAM file is unrecoverable, consider retrieving a backup file, or use the secondary accounting file, if one was specified for the project. FLM091M Parsing error - Source contains too many includes, compools, or change codes.

Explanation: A failure occurred either on OPEN or READ of the accounting VSAM file. User response: Contact your project administrator. System programmer response: Check that the accounting VSAM file for the project exists. If it does, use IDCAMS or a similar tool to isolate the I/O failure. If the accounting VSAM file is unrecoverable, consider retrieving a backup, or use the secondary accounting file if one was specified for the project. FLM091I Database I/O error - An I/O error occurred during a database operation.

Explanation: More information was found by the parser than the project allows to be stored. User response: If the member you are attempting to parse contains many include directives, consider dividing the member into two or more members. Otherwise, contact your project administrator. System programmer response: A restriction of the $list_info pointer parameter has been exceeded. See ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM) Reference for more information. FLM091N Parser not specified - Language definition does not include a parser or parser data set name.

Explanation: SCLM could not read or update one of the VSAM files defined to the project. User response: Contact your project administrator. System programmer response: Check all VSAM files defined to the project using the IDCAMS utility. If an alternate to the failing VSAM data set exists, use it. Otherwise, consider using a previous backup version. FLM091J Acct file I/O error - An I/O error occurred while writing to the accounting file.

Explanation: A failure occurred while writing to the accounting VSAM file. User response: Contact your project administrator. System programmer response: Verify that the accounting VSAM file for the project exists. If it does, use IDCAMS or a similar tool to isolate the I/O failure. If the accounting VSAM file is unrecoverable, consider retrieving a backup or use the secondary accounting file if one was specified for the project. FLM091K Xref file I/O error - An I/O error occurred while writing to the cross-reference file.

Explanation: Either SCLM could not locate the parser as specified in the language definition, or a parser was not specified in the language definition. User response: Contact your project administrator. System programmer response: If the parser was correctly specified by name, make sure the parser exists in one of the users concatenated libraries. Otherwise, specify the data set where the parser can be found using the DSNAME= parameter on the FLMTRNSL macro command. FLM091O Parsing error - Source contains too many compilation unit dependencies.

Explanation: A failure occurred while writing to the cross-reference VSAM file. User response: Contact your project administrator. System programmer response: Determine if the

Explanation: The source member exceeded the space available for associating a members compilation unit dependencies. User response: Consider breaking the member into two or more members.
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM091P Authorization code warning. Enter HELP for a detailed description. FLM092H Invalid option - Enter A, M, B, D, E, V, C, P, U or blank. Enter the HELP command for further information.

Explanation: WARNING. Member exists at a lower group with an authcode not equal to the new authcode which could overlay the current member. FLM091Q Data set kept - SCLM kept data set aaaaaaaa without printing it.

Explanation: The option entered is not a valid Library Utility command. User response: Choose one of the options listed or enter the HELP command for additional information. FLM092I Invalid command - Command aaaaaaaa is undefined. Enter END to cancel.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM092A Default job information - The cursor is placed at a default value. Verify the value as correct.

Explanation: An invalid command was entered on the command line. User response: Enter END to cancel and try again with a valid command. FLM092J Invalid command - Enter either EXECUTE or SUBMIT for a valid command or enter HELP.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM092B Invalid job information - The cursor is placed at the incorrect value. Enter a correct value.

Explanation: The value at the cursor location is not valid. User response: Update the value at the cursor location to be a valid value. FLM092C Batch - Submit - Job aaaaaaaa submitted.

Explanation: You are only allowed to enter EXECUTE, SUBMIT, or END here. User response: Choose a valid response. FLM092K Invalid member name - Enter a valid member name which consists of alphanumeric characters.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM092D Error retrieving SCLM ID - An error occurred while retrieving SCLM ID.

Explanation: An invalid member name was entered. User response: Enter a valid member name. FLM092L Enter option - Enter one of the option numbers listed or enter HELP.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM092E Invalid value - Enter one of the listed values, YES or NO.

Explanation: No option from the menu was selected. User response: Select an option to proceed. FLM092M Enter option - Enter A, B, D, M, U, V or blank, or enter HELP for more information.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM092F Enter required field - Enter CU Qualifier Name or enter HELP for more information.

Explanation: No option was entered. FLM092N Enter command - Command aaaaaaaa is undefined. Enter END to cancel.

Explanation: The CU Qualifier Name must be entered to proceed. User response: Enter a CU Qualifier Name. FLM092G Invalid option - Enter one of the option numbers listed or enter HELP.

Explanation: The command that was entered is not valid on this panel. User response: Correct the command. FLM092O Enter command - Enter either EXECUTE or SUBMIT for a valid command or enter HELP.

Explanation: No option from the menu was selected. User response: Select an option to proceed.

Explanation: Enter EXECUTE, SUBMIT, or END. User response: Choose the proper command.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM092P Invalid member - Accounting information for member not found. beginning of the message. The format of the message id is FLMxxxxx, where xxxxx is a five digit number. The message is described in ISPF Messages and Codes . FLM092Y NOPROM update invalid - The Accounting record you are attempting to update does not have an accounting status of EDITABLE, NOPROM-N or NOPROM-R. Updating the accounting record is not possible.

Explanation: SCLM could not find the accounting record in the accounting VSAM file defined to this project. User response: You can generate the accounting record for the member using the SCLM migrate utility, or by editing the member and issuing the SPROF command. FLM092Q Duplicate found - Duplicates are not allowed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM092R Invalid value - Enter S, I, D, R or press HELP for more information.

Explanation: An attempt is being made to update a member with accounting record which is not EDITABLE, NOPROM-N or NOPROM-R. Only members which are EDITABLE or if a member has previously set as being not promotable are able to be updated. FLM092Z REMOVE option invalid - Remove (option 3) is invalid against a member which has an EDITABLE accounting status. Only members which have previously been specified as been not promotable can use the remove option.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM092S Enter required field - Enter the data specified in the required field.

Explanation: Enter a value for the field where the cursor is positioned. User response: Enter a valid value. FLM092T Invalid promote to-group - Promote to-group must be a group in the project.

Explanation: An attempt is being made to update a member with accounting record which is not NOPROM-N or NOPROM-R. Only members which have previously been set as being not promotable can use remove (option 3). FLM093A Member not updated - You used the END or RETURN command to terminate the request. Panel display error - An error was encountered attempting to display the panel FLMUSN#P. SCLM - Utility aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..cccccccc(dddddddd) accounting status updated to eeeeeeee.

Explanation: The promote service was invoked with an invalid group name for the promote-to-group. User response: Correct the name of the promote-to-group and reissue the command. FLM092U Error opening table - Error opening ISPF table.


Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM092V Enter required field - Enter a valid member name which consists of alphanumeric characters.


Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM093D NOPROM update invalid - The NOPROM line command cannot be issued against an ARCHDEF member. An Archdef member is one with a language that has ARCH=Y specified on the FLMLANGL macro.

Explanation: An invalid member name was entered. User response: Enter a valid member name. FLM092W Member aaaaaaaa of bbbbbbbb - Member aaaaaaaa of bbbbbbbb aaaaaaaa


Explanation: An attempt is being made to update a ARCHDEF member. This is not possible.

Explanation: A single error occurred during SCLM processing. User response: For further information about the message, an SCLM message id appears at the
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM093E Build Map Error - Insufficient storage to review the build map. FLM093L Update not allowed - The SCLM administrator has restricted the use of the Change promote processing using the FLMNPROM macro. Please see the SCLM administrator if this is a problem.

User response: Increase the TSO region size. FLM093F Build Map Error - Error displaying panel FLMUSBRP. Error message:aaaaaaaa

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Determine why the panel FLMUSBRP failed to be displayed. FLM093G Build Map Error - Error calling FLMTERSE to restore backup member. RC=aaaaaaaa Error text:bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The SCLM Administrator coded FLMNPROM macros for the SCLM project definition. These macros tell SCLM which groups, types and languages the N line command in Library Utilities or utility of work can be issued against.

| | | | | | | | |


Noprom not allowed - Member aaaaaaaa must exist at the requested group bbbbbbbb to change promote processing.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Determine there was an error calling FLMTERSE. FLM093H Build Map Error - Error viewing the temporary file containing the NOPROM backup member. Error message:aaaaaaaa

Explanation: You have requested a change of promote processing at bbbbbbbb level, but SCLM found the members accounting information at a higher level. User response: Either draw down the member to the group specified, or specify the group the member accounting info exists in on the Library Utility panel. FLM290 aaa(24) - bbb(512)

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Determine there was an error calling FLMTERSE. FLM093I Build Map Error - Error retrieving data set information for aaaaaaaa to allocate a temporary data set to restore the NOPROM backup member into.

Explanation: An error occurred in a non-SCLM service. The text of this message contains the message returned by the failing service. User response: Refer to the text of the message to determine the cause of the failure. FLM290A Invalid macro parameter - Invalid macro parameter aaa(80)..

User response: Determine why there was an error retrieving the data set information. FLM093J Build Map Error - Error allocating temporary data set to restore the NOPROM backup member into.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified for an edit macro. The long description contains the parameter in error. User response: Correct the invalid parameter. FLM290B Parser error. Enter HELP for a detailed description of the error.

User response: Determine why there was an error retrieving the data set information. FLM093K No backup taken - The not promoted member was not backed up as a part of the promotion process. Check the promotion messages to see why this occurred.

Explanation: The parse of the member that occurs while saving the member was not successful. User response: Enter HELP to display a panel with any messages that were generated by the parser. System action: The member data is saved to the PDS data set and an accounting record with LOCKOUT state is saved, but accounting statistics and dependency information that may have been returned by the parser are not saved. Problem determination: Refer to the parser messages to determine the actions to be taken to correct the problem.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: Determine why the not promoted member was not backed up.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM290C Member in use - Either you or another user is updating member aaaaaaaa.. when you attempt to edit a particular member. User response: Verify that the groups entered on the edit panel are in the desired order. FLM290H aaaaaaaa saved - Member aaaaaaaa has been parsed and stored by SCLM.

Explanation: The member is currently being used in another operation. The member may be in use by: v Another user v The other section of a split screen v A recursive edit session. User response: The users action cannot be performed until the current operation using the member has been completed. FLM290D Recursion unavailable - SCLM View or Edit cannot be invoked while the current SCLM edit session is active. Use split screen or end the current SCLM edit session.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The edit, parse, and store of member aaaaaaaa were all completed successfully. FLM290I Invalid dev group - Group aaaaaaaa is not the lowest group in the hierarchy.

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter SCLM View or Edit while an SCLM edit session was active. User response: Return to the current edit session and end the edit, or use the View or Edit primary commands. Alternatively, use split screen to perform the intended operation. FLM290E Save warnings. aaaaaaaa has been stored. Enter HELP to display the warning messages.

Explanation: The operation being requested may result in the update of an SCLM-controlled member, but the specified group is not a development group in the project hierarchy. A development group is a group which has no other groups promoting into it. This operation can only be performed on members that are in a development group. User response: Specify a development group for the operation. FLM290J Library not specified - You must specify group aaaaaaaa on the SCLM Edit Entry panel.

Explanation: The member was saved but warning messages were generated while saving the member. User response: Enter HELP to display the warning messages and determine the actions to be taken based on the messages displayed. System action: The member aaaaaaaa was saved and the accounting information was updated. FLM290F aaaaaaaa macro error - Edit initial macro requested is unknown or returned a nonzero return code.

Explanation: The user requested to edit a member found in a group that was not specified on the edit panel. This can occur if: v The user has changed the groups listed on the edit panel. v The hierarchy is more than 4 groups in depth. SCLM uses the hierarchical view defined in the project definition when searching for members accounting information. If the accounting information is found in the hierarchical view but the group where it is found is not specified on the edit panel, this message is issued. The group aaaaaaaa is the group where the accounting information was found. User response: Update the groups listed on the edit panel to include group aaaaaaaa. FLM290K Invalid label - You must specify a label parameter no longer than 6 characters.

Explanation: The initial edit macro from the edit panel could not be found or invoked or the macro returned a nonzero return code. User response: Change the field on the edit panel to specify a valid edit macro name or leave the field blank. FLM290G Group warning - Group aaaaaaaa is not in the hierarchy view for group bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: The label specified for CREATE, REPLACE, or MOVE was longer than 6 characters in length. Edit labels must be 6 characters or fewer in length. User response: Enter the command specifying a valid edit label.

Explanation: The hierarchy view for group bbbbbbbb is the list of groups from bbbbbbbb to the top of the hierarchy as defined in the project definition. This message is a warning that the group aaaaaaaa is not in that list of groups. Specifying groups out of the hierarchy view may result in other error messages

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM290L Invalid group - This project does NOT include group aaaaaaaa.. operation. If the problem persists, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. System action: The macro is not run. FLM290Q Invalid parameter - Command format is SCREATE|SREPLACE member {label1 label2}.

Explanation: The group, aaaaaaaa, specified by the user is not a group defined in the project definition. User response: Specify a group defined in the project definition. FLM290M Invalid library order - Groups not in hierarchical order. Enter HELP to display group list.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on an SCREATE or SREPLACE macro command. User response: Make sure that a member name was specified. If labels are specified, then both label1 and label2 must be specified and the labels must have a . (period) as the first character. FLM290S Promotion restricted - Member can only be promoted to group aaaaaaaa with auth. code bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: A group higher in the hierarchy cannot be specified before a group lower in the hierarchy on the edit panel. At least one of the groups specified on the edit panel is not in hierarchical order. User response: Specify the groups in hierarchical order. Problem determination: Enter HELP to display up to 16 groups from the hierarchy in hierarchical order, beginning with the development group from the edit panel. FLM290N Invalid member name - The member name parameter is limited to 8 characters.

Explanation: The member being edited can only be promoted to group aaaaaaaa using authorization code bbbbbbbb. This is an informational message and no action needs to be taken unless there will be a need to promote the member past group aaaaaaaa. User response: If the member needs to be promoted past group aaaaaaaa, change the authorization code using the SCLM library management utility. FLM290T Command conflict - You entered incomplete or conflicting line commands.

Explanation: A member name was entered that is longer than 8 characters. User response: Enter a valid member name. FLM290O Authorization code aaaaaaaa is invalid for group bbbbbbbb.. Enter HELP to display an authorization code list.

Explanation: Authorization code aaaaaaaa was not defined as a valid authorization code for group bbbbbbbb in the project definition. The authorization code was specified on the SCLM edit panel. User response: Either specify a valid authorization code for the group, or leave the authorization code field blank on the edit panel. Problem determination: Enter HELP to display a list of 30 valid authorization codes for group bbbbbbbb. FLM290P Multicultural support table error - An error occurred while retrieving the multicultural support ID; code = aa.

Explanation: The current edit line commands are incomplete or conflicting. For example, an incomplete line command might have the beginning of a block to be copied specified by CC but no end line specified. An example of a conflicting edit line command is a block copy where the target of the copy is within the block being copied. User response: Ensure that the line commands in the current edit session are complete and do not conflict. The RESET edit command can be used to reset the line commands within the current edit session. Enter HELP when this message is displayed to get more information on the edit line commands. System action: The SCREATE, SMOVE, or SREPLACE operation is not performed. FLM290U No members found - The hierarchy contains no members, or no members match the pattern.

Explanation: The NLS ID could not be retrieved when running a macro. The error codes are: 4 8 12 The ID is not loaded. The ID is not valid. The ID is not initialized.

Explanation: If a pattern was specified on the panel, then no members were found in the hierarchy of groups from the panel that match the pattern. If no

User response: Exit SCLM and PDF then retry the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

pattern was specified, then no members were found in any of the groups. User response: To browse or edit an existing member, ensure that the groups, type, and pattern will find the desired member. To edit a new member in an empty data set, specify the member name on the edit entry panel. FLM290V The project definition does not include language aaaaaaaa.. FLM290Z Invalid parameter - Command format is SMOVE member {AFTER|BEFORE label}.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on an SMOVE macro command. User response: Make sure that a member name was specified. If AFTER or BEFORE was specified, then a label must be specified and the label must have a . (period) as the first character. Enter HELP for more information on the SMOVE macro command. FLM291 Allocation error - SCLM cannot allocate the libraries you requested on the Edit or View panel, or from the EDIT service.

Explanation: The language specified for the member being edited is not defined to the project. User response: Enter a language from the project definition. Enter HELP to display a list of 30 languages from the project definition. FLM290W Member already exists - aaaaaaaa exists at a higher group in the hierarchy.

Explanation: SCLM is unable to allocate or open the data set(s) associated with the hierarchy specified on the Edit or View panel. User response: Check that the data sets are not allocated exclusively to another user. System programmer response: Have the SCLM administrator ensure that the data sets are properly allocated and that the users have sufficient authority. FLM291A Change code unavailable - No previous change code exists for this member.

Explanation: The member aaaaaaaa exists at a higher group in the hierarchy but does not exist at the group where the edit is taking place. SCREATE requires that the member not exist, and SREPLACE requires that either the member not exist or that it exist at the group where the edit is taking place. User response: To use SCREATE to create a new SCLM member, make sure that the member name being specified does not exist. To use SREPLACE, ensure that either the member does not exist or that the member is at the group where the edit is taking place. FLM290X Recovery failed - Edit recovery failed for aaa(44)(bbbbbbbb).

Explanation: Either the member did not previously exist or the accounting information for the member does not contain any change codes. User response: Specify a change code instead of entering = to retrieve the previous change code. FLM291B Invalid command - Command aaa(65) is invalid.

Explanation: Edit recovery failed for member bbbbbbbb in data set aaa(44). User response: Review the Edit Recovery documentation for possible reasons that edit recovery has failed. FLM290Y You cannot use language aaaaaaaa for editable members.

Explanation: The command aaa(65) is not a valid command. User response: Enter a valid change code or language and press Enter to update the language or change code of the member. Enter CANCEL to cancel the update. Enter a valid command on the command line to have the command processed. FLM291C Command ignored - A RETURN or EXIT command was ignored in order to display the SCLM Edit Profile panel.

Explanation: Language aaaaaaaa is not defined as editable in the project definition. Members that are edited must be specified as editable in the project definition. User response: Specify a language that was defined as editable in the project definition. Enter HELP to display a selectable list of editable languages from the project definition.

Explanation: SCLM must have the language for a member in order to save it. The RETURN or EXIT command was ignored in order to obtain the language for the member. User response: Enter a valid language for the project.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM291D This member cannot be promoted using auth. code aaaaaaaa. FLM291K Group(s) unallocated - Unallocated groups specified. Press HELP for LIB number information.

Explanation: Authorization code aaaaaaaa is not allowed for the next group in the hierarchy. This member cannot be promoted using this hierarchy unless the authorization code is changed. User response: If the member needs to be promoted using this hierarchy, the authorization code needs to be changed prior to promoting the member. The SCLM library utility can be used to change the authorization code. FLM291E aaaaaaaa replaced - Member aaaaaaaa has been replaced, parsed, and stored by SCLM.

Explanation: At least one data set for a group in the hierarchy does not exist although the data set(s) for group(s) above it do exist. This will result in the LIB numbers not matching the group numbers from the panel where the hierarchy of groups was specified. User response: Do not use the LIB numbers to determine the position of a member in the hierarchy. Enter HELP when the message is displayed to receive more information. System programmer response: Have the SCLM administrator allocate all data sets if the LIB numbers need to match the members position in the hierarchy. FLM291L Selection Cancelled - CANCEL requested. No language was selected.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Member aaaaaaaa was replaced using the SREPLACE macro command. FLM291F aaaaaaaa moved - Member aaaaaaaa has been moved and associated accounting information deleted.

Explanation: Language selection was exited with the CANCEL command. No language was selected. User response: User must enter a valid language for the project. FLM291M All groups unallocated - At least one group must be allocated.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Member aaaaaaaa was moved using the SMOVE macro command. The new member has been created and the old member deleted. FLM291G aaaaaaaa created - Member aaaaaaaa has been created, parsed, and stored by SCLM.

Explanation: At least one group must have an allocated data set in order to perform this operation. User response: Contact the project administrator to allocate the needed data sets. System programmer response: Have the SCLM administrator ensure that all needed data sets are allocated. FLM291N Group1 not cataloged - The data set for the first group aaa(44) must be cataloged.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Member aaaaaaaa was created using the SCREATE macro command. FLM291H Member is empty - Member aaaaaaaa contains no data.

Explanation: View, SCREATE, or SREPLACE was attempted for an empty member. These operations require a non-empty member. User response: Enter data into the member prior to using View, SCREATE, or SREPLACE. FLM291I Member was not found - The specified member, aaaaaaaa, was not found.

Explanation: Edit requires that the data set for the first group in the hierarchy be allocated. The data set name is aaa(44). User response: Contact the project administrator to allocate the data set. System programmer response: Have the SCLM administrator ensure that development groups in the hierarchy have the proper data sets allocated. FLM291O Locate string too long - Locate string must be less that or equal to 10 characters.

Explanation: Member aaaaaaaa was not found in the specified hierarchy. Members must exist prior to viewing them. User response: Specify the name of an existing member for View.

Explanation: The string to be located was longer than 10 characters.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Specify a valid locate string of 10 characters or less in length. FLM291P Locate string too long - Locate string name must be less than or equal to 110 characters. FLM291W Parameter required - A locate string must be specified after the LOCATE command.

Explanation: The locate string parameter is required for LOCATE commands. User response: Specify the string you want to LOCATE in the member list. FLM291X Invalid command - Command aaa(65) is invalid.

Explanation: The name to be located was longer than a valid compilation unit name. User response: Specify a valid locate name of 110 characters or fewer in length. FLM291Q Type is too long - The type must be fewer than or equal to 8 characters.

Explanation: The command aaa(65) is not a valid command. User response: Specify a valid command. Enter HELP when this message is displayed for command information. FLM291Y Invalid authcode - Commas are not allowed in authorization codes.

Explanation: The type name specified is longer than 8 characters. User response: Either specify a type name pattern (that may be longer than 8 characters), or specify a valid type name of 8 characters or fewer. FLM291R Data set not cataloged - aaa(44) was not found in catalog.

Explanation: The authorization code specified contains one or more commas. The authorization code is not valid. User response: Specify a valid authorization code. Contact the project administrator to obtain valid authorization codes, if necessary. FLM291Z Invalid change code - Commas are not allowed in change codes.

Explanation: A non-SCLM controlled group was specified, but no data set exists for the group. User response: Either specify an SCLM group name, or allocate the data set aaa(44). FLM291T SCLM internal error - Contact IBM support for assistance.

Explanation: There was an error while allocating or opening a data set for View. User response: Contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The change code specified contains one or more commas. The change code is not valid. User response: Specify a change code that does not contain commas. FLM292A Invalid data set name - Member names are not allowed for retrieval data sets.


Data loss warning. aaaaaaaa has been locked. Enter HELP to display the warning messages.

Explanation: Member names are not allowed for non-SCLM controlled retrieval data sets. User response: Enter either a sequential data set name or a partitioned data set name without a member name. FLM292B Invalid sort field - The sort field name must match a heading on the panel.

Explanation: The accounting and PDS data for the member being edited are not in sync. User response: Enter HELP to display the panel with additional messages. System action: Edit continues. FLM291V Group name is too long - The group name must be fewer than or equal to 8 characters.

Explanation: The field name specified on the sort command must match one of the field headings displayed on the panel. User response: Specify a valid field heading from the panel.

Explanation: The group name is longer than 8 characters. User response: Either specify a group name pattern (that may be longer than 8 characters), or specify a valid group name of 8 characters or fewer.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM292C Invalid language - The language you are locating cannot be more than eight characters long. User response: Specify ON or OFF for the hierarchy view value. FLM292J Invalid parameter - The member name specified must be 8 characters or less.

Explanation: The language parameter of the locate command must have eight or fewer characters. User response: Specify a valid language on the locate parameter. FLM292D Enter a language - Enter a language to locate.

Explanation: The member name parameter for a Library Utility primary command must be less than or equal to 8 characters in length. User response: Specify a valid member name for the Library Utility command. FLM292K Parameter required - A member name must be specified after the Library Utility primary command.

Explanation: The locate command requires a language parameter. User response: Specify a valid language on the locate parameter. FLM292E Language not found - The language you are locating is not found.

Explanation: The member name parameter is required for these Library Utility member list primary commands: A, B, M, D, E, V, C, P or U. User response: Specify a member name for the Library Utility command. FLM292L Archdef not current - The archdef member has been saved but not built. SCLM generated the member list by parsing the archdef member instead of using the associated build map. This could cause poor response times.

Explanation: The language specified is not in the list of valid languages. User response: Verify that the language name was typed correctly. If not, retype the command with the correct language. If so, see your project administrator. FLM292F Invalid command - Valid commands are CANCEL, LOCATE, and END.

Explanation: The command is not valid. User response: Enter a valid command. FLM292G Select a language - One and only one language can be assigned to a member.

Explanation: Unit of work will normally use the build map to generating a list of members to display. However since the archdef member was updated the archdef member was used to generate the list of members. User response: Generate the archdef member to improve response times when generating the member list in unit of work. FLM292M Decode failed - An error occurred during the decoding of a member which belongs to the SCLM group aaaaaaaa while returning statistics for the dataset bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: More than one language was selected from the list. User response: Delete all but one S from the selection field. FLM292H No languages - There are no languages defined in the project. See your project administrator.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to retrieve statistics for the mentioned data set. FLM292N Encode failed - An error was received trying to allocate a temporary data set into which SCLM will encode the member associated with the SCLM group aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: SCLM must have the languages defined for a project in order to save members. User response: See your project administrator. Programmer response: Add a language definition for each programming language in the project. FLM292I Invalid parameter - The hierarchy view value must be ON or OFF.

Explanation: The hierarchy view value specified on the HIER command must be ON or OFF.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to allocate the mentioned data set.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM292O FLM293
FLM292O Decode failed - An error was received trying to decode the member in the SCLM group aaaaaaaa. The error message returned from the decode routine stated bbbbbbbb. User response: Make sure that the parameter were specified correctly. Enter HELP for more information on the SCOMPARE macro command. FLM292U Invalid type name - Name aaaaaaaa contains an invalid character or an * is not the last character.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to decode the mentioned member. FLM292P Invalid parameter - Command format is SCOPY member {AFTER|BEFORE label}.

Explanation: Invalid type name. User response: Correct the name. FLM292V Invalid member name - Name aaaaaaaa is invalid. Enter a valid member name. The first and the last characters can be an *, but ** is invalid.

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on an SMOVE macro command. User response: Make sure that a member name was specified. If AFTER or BEFORE was specified, then a label must be specified and the label must have a . (period) as the first character. Enter HELP for more information on the SCOPY macro command. FLM292Q aaaaaaaa copied - Member aaaaaaaa has been copied.

Explanation: Invalid member name. User response: Correct the name. FLM292W Extraneous search string - String aaaaaaaa is too long. Reduce combined length of the search strings at this screen. Additional search data can be entered using the Statements DSN.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Member aaaaaaaa was copied using the SCOPY macro command. FLM292R Allocation Error - Error allocating the temporary data set containing the decoded member.

Explanation: Total length of search strings is too high. User response: Reduce total length of the search strings FLM292X No members to display - No members matching to the specified pattern found.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The Member was encoded when saving the member the language was modified. This new language has ENCODE=N, when SCLM attempts to allocate the temporary data set containing the decoded member it received an error. FLM292S Allocation Error - Error allocating a temporary SYSPRINT data set that will be used to copy the member from the temporary data set containing the decoded member into the development data set.

Explanation: No members matching to the specified pattern found. User response: Enter a different member pattern. FLM292Y Table display error - Can not display member list.

Explanation: Can not display member list. User response: Notify IBM. FLM292Z Invalid search-string - Matching end quote around string missing.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Error allocating a temporary SYSPRINT data set that will be used to copy the member from the temporary data set containing the decoded member into the development data set. FLM292T Invalid parameter - Command format is SCOMPARE {dataset|member|NEXT|SESSION} eXclude

Explanation: Matching end quote around string missing. User response: Correct the search string. FLM293 No members were selected - No members were selected at any of the displayed selection lists.

Explanation: You did not make any selections or typed CANCEL at each single member list screen. User response: Start again

Explanation: An invalid parameter was specified on an SCOMPARE macro command.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM293A Invalid embedded quote - A quote may be used as a delimiter or specified as two quotes. User response: Correct the Statements Dsn field FLM293I Stmts Dsn invalid length - Length must be 1 to 44 characters including prefix.

Explanation: Invalid embedded quote User response: Correct the search string. FLM293B C invalid for string one - Continuation operand valid on any or all subsequent search strings.

Explanation: Length must be 1 44 characters including prefix. User response: Correct the Statements Dsn field FLM293J Stmts Dsn invalid attr. - aaa(44) has invalid attributes. Statements Dsn field must be blank or specify an existing sequential FIXED 80 LRECL dataset.

Explanation: C invalid for string one User response: Correct the search string. FLM293C Null string invalid - A null string is an unacceptable SUPERC search argument.

Explanation: Statements Dsn has invalid attributes. User response: Correct the Statements Dsn field FLM293K aaaaaaaa is in use. - Wait until your running SCLM SEARCH Jobs are finished and try again.

Explanation: Incorrect search string User response: Correct the search string. FLM293D Invalid search-qualifier - Must be WORD, PREFIX, SUFFIX or C (continued).

Explanation: Can not retrieve ZTEMPF variable. User response: Try later FLM293L Invalid group name - Name aaaaaaaa contains an invalid character or an * is not the last character. No * allowed when hierarchy search is selected.

Explanation: A search-qualifier Must be WORD, PREFIX, SUFFIX or C (continued). User response: Correct the search string. FLM293E Invalid hex string - The hex string has an invalid character within the specified string.

Explanation: Invalid group name. User response: Correct the name. FLM293M Search string required - Search string must be entered because your Statements dataset does not include any SRCHFOR.

Explanation: The hex string has an invalid character User response: Correct the search string. FLM293F Hex character not paired - The hex string has an uneven pair of hex characters.

Explanation: At least one Search string is required User response: Enter at least one Search string. FLM293N Invalid input - Additional Search strings panel will not be displayed because your Statements dataset includes at least one SRCHFOR.

Explanation: The hex string has an uneven pair of hex characters. User response: Correct the search string. FLM293G Invalid imbedded blank - Imbedded blanks. must be enclosed in quotes.

Explanation: Imbedded blanks. must be enclosed in quotes. User response: Correct the search string. FLM293H Stmts Dsn does not exist - aaa(56) was not found in catalog. Statements Dsn field must be blank or specify an existing sequential FIXED 80 LRECL dataset.

Explanation: Statements dataset includes at least one SRCHFOR. No Search string will be used. User response: De-select Additional search strings field. FLM293O Member name required - Member name is required for this partitioned data set.

Explanation: Member name required. User response: Enter member name.

Explanation: Statements Dsn does not exist.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM293P Invalid DSN - member - Member name of data set name must be 1-8 chars and enclosed in ( ). FLM293Y Search entry error - You must finish entry at your other SCLM Search first.

Explanation: Invalid member name. User response: Correct member name. FLM293Q Invalid member name - The member name entered as part of the data set name is invalid. Enter up to 8 alphanumeric chars (first must be alphabetic)

Explanation: The file which contains info from the SCLM Utility entry panel can not be allocated. User response: Submit search at your other SCLM session. FLM293Z Member list error - Error retrieving member list.

Explanation: No members were selected User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to retrieve member list for the mentioned data set. FLM294A Sub-project required - A RETURN or EXIT command was ignored in order to display the SCLM Edit Profile panel.

Explanation: Invalid member name. User response: Correct member name. FLM293R Invalid DSN - qualifier - Each qualifier must be 1-8 alphanumeric characters, the first alphabetic.

Explanation: Invalid DSN - qualifier User response: Correct invalid DSN qualifier FLM293S Invalid DSN - syntax - Dsname contains embedded blanks, parentheses or apostrophes. Reenter.

Explanation: SCLM must have the sub-project for a member in order to save it. The RETURN or EXIT command was ignored in order to obtain the sub-project for the member. User response: Enter a valid sub-project for the project. FLM294B Sub-project invalid - The sub-project aaaaaaaa. is not defined in the SCLM Project bbbbbbbb

Explanation: Invalid DSN - syntax User response: Correct invalid DSN. FLM293T Member not found - Specified member aaaaaaaa not found in data set.

Explanation: Sub-project aaaaaaaa is not defined in the project definition. Members that are edited must be specify a valid sub-project. User response: Specify a sub-project that was defined in the project definition. FLM294C Sub-project missing - This project has subprojects defined but the selected member has a blank subproject.

Explanation: Member not found User response: Specify an axisting member FLM293U Invalid DSN - syntax - Dsname must not end with a period. Reenter dsname.

Explanation: Member not found User response: Specify an axisting member FLM293V GDG not allowed - No GDG is allowed in this release.

Explanation: When sub-projects are defined all parts must be assigned a valid sub-project . User response: Assign a sub-project via EDIT (SPROF) or by the MIGRATE or STORE services. FLM294D Invalid parameter - The sub-project parameter must not be more than eight characters long.

Explanation: Statements DSN can not be a GDG in this release. User response: Reenter. FLM293W Invalid DSN - quotes - Data set name contains unbalanced apostrophes; reenter dsname.

Explanation: The sub-project parameter of the locate command must have eight or fewer characters. User response: Specify a valid sub-project on the locate parameter.

Explanation: Statements DSN can not be a GDG in this release. User response: Reenter.
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM294E Enter a sub-project - Enter a sub-project to locate. FLM294K Command ignored - A RETURN or EXIT command was ignored in order to display the SCLM Edit Profile panel.

Explanation: The locate command requires a sub-project parameter. User response: Specify a valid sub-project on the locate parameter. FLM294F Sub-project not found - The sub-project you are locating is not found.

Explanation: SCLM must have the sub-project for a member in order to save it. The RETURN or EXIT command was ignored in order to obtain the sub-project for the member. User response: Enter a valid sub-project for the project. FLM294L Selection Cancelled - CANCEL requested. No sub-project was selected.

Explanation: The sub-project specified is not in the list of valid sub-projects. User response: Verify that the sub-project name was typed correctly. If not, retype the command with the correct sub-project. If so, see your project administrator. FLM294G Invalid command - Valid commands are CANCEL, LOCATE, and END.

Explanation: Sub-project selection was exited with the CANCEL command. No sub-project was selected. User response: User must enter a valid sub-project for the project. FLM294M Sub-project changed - A new, valid subproject has been assigned.

Explanation: The command is not valid. User response: Enter a valid command. FLM294H Select a sub-project - One and only one sub-project can be assigned to a member.

Explanation: Sub-project selection completed successfully. User response: Just a notification. FLM294N Not Authorised - You are not authorised to access the service.

Explanation: More than one sub-project was selected from the list. User response: Delete all but one S from the selection field. FLM294I Not Authorised - You are not authorised to use sub-project aaaaaaaa. for this member.

Explanation: User is not authorised to use the service. User response: See your SCLM or Security administrator. FLM294O Sub-project required - A non-blank subproject must be assigned.

Explanation: The user is not authorized by the SCLM security interface to use the selected sub-project for this member. User response: Select another sub-project for which the user is authorised to use FLM294J Invalid command - Command aaa(65) is invalid.

Explanation: A non-blank subproject must be assigned when Subproject security is active. User response: See your SCLM or Security administrator. FLM294P Sub-project not defined - The subproject is not defined in this project.

Explanation: The command aaa(65) is not a valid command. User response: Enter a valid sub-project and press Enter to update the sub-project of the member. Enter CANCEL to cancel the update. Enter a valid command on the command line to have the command processed.

Explanation: A members subproject must be defined in the active project. User response: See your SCLM or Security administrator. FLM294Q Not Authorised - You are not authorised to change sub-project aaaaaaaa. for this member.

Explanation: The user is not authorized by the SCLM security interface to change the sub-project for this member.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: See your SCLM or Security administrator. FLM294R Not Authorised - You are not authorised to access member aaaaaaaa. place the information from the Initiate GUI Session panel into your profile. Once this is done, you will no longer need to be GUI connected in order to submit a batch build for the workstation. User response: Start a session with a workstation before performing this action. FLM390B Invalid selection - Use A, M, B, D, E, V, C, P, U, T, N or W.

Explanation: The user is not authorized by the SCLM security interface to access the member. User response: See your SCLM or Security administrator. FLM294S Not Authorised - You are not authorised to access aaaaaaaa.. bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The selection entered is not a valid Library Utility command. User response: Choose one of the selections listed, or enter the HELP command for further information. FLM390C View error - SCLM is unable to view requested member aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The user is not authorized by the SCLM security interface to access the service. User response: See your SCLM or Security administrator. FLM294T Not Authorised - You are not authorised to access aaaaaaaa.. Press PF3 to return to SCLM Main menu.

Explanation: The user is not authorized by the SCLM security interface to access the service. User response: See your SCLM or Security administrator. FLM294U Not Authorised - You are not authorised to access the member - subproject is blank.

Explanation: An error occurred in attempting to view the member. This message may be issued for any of these reasons: v A zero-length member of a partitioned data set was found. v A specified member was not found. v No members matched the specified pattern, or no members exist in the partitioned data set. v Severe error; unable to continue. User response: Verify that the member exists in the library specified. If the problem persists, contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. FLM390D Invalid selection - Text not available for member aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The user is not authorized by the SCLM security interface to access the member. User response: See your SCLM or Security administrator. FLM390 Invalid type - The project does NOT include type aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM390E Work completed - The Library Utility completed with a return code of aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The type specified by the user is not a type defined in the project definition. User response: Specify a type defined in the project definition. FLM390A No connection - This option requires the TCP/IP or APPC address of the workstation to be connected for the build. SCLM was unable to obtain this information from your profile. Select the Start GUI pull-down choice from the GUI action bar pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel to connect the ISPF session to a workstation.

Explanation: This is an informational message. The user has exited the library utility member list. FLM390F Empty type - Type aaaaaaaa contains no members, accounting records, or build maps.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM390G Member list error - A severe error occurred while retrieving member list.

Explanation: SCLM was unable to read the directory for the data set specified by the user. User response: Contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Contact IBM support.
Chapter 3. SCLM messages

Explanation: SCLM requires the TCP/IP or APPC address of the workstation to be connected for a workstation build. Establishing a GUI connection will


FLM390H Invalid group - The project does NOT include group aaaaaaaa.. FLM390Q Invalid command - aaaaaaaa is not a valid command.

Explanation: The group specified by the user is not a group defined in the project definition. User response: Specify a group defined in the project definition. FLM390I Invalid selection - Accounting record not available for specified member aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: Primary commands, scroll commands or the LOCATE command are the only commands that may be entered on the command line of this panel. The LOCATE command may be specified by L, LOC, or LOCATE followed by the name of the member to be located. User response: Specify a valid command on the command line. FLM390R Invalid selection - The only valid option is S.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM390J Invalid selection - Use S (only valid selection).

Explanation: The selection entered is not a valid Search Utility command. User response: Choose one of the selections listed, or enter the HELP command for further information. FLM390T No records found - SCLM cannot find any records for type aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The selection entered is invalid. The only valid selection is S. User response: Enter an S in the Select field for each compilation unit that you want to review. FLM390K Unable to access Bmap - SCLM cannot access build map record for member aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: No Ada intermediate records were found for the type specified. User response: Enter another type or * (asterisk) to view the Ada intermediate records for all types. FLM390U Invalid selection - Use D (only valid selection).

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM390L Invalid selection - Build map record not available for specified member aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM390M Unable to review - Data set aaaaaaaa is in use by another logical screen.

Explanation: Delete is the only valid selection on this panel. User response: Enter D in the selection field for the items to be deleted. FLM390W Verification error - Xref record type, member, date, or time does not match accounting record.

Explanation: The build map contents for the requested member are currently in use by another logical screen. User response: Exit the build map contents on the other logical screen. FLM390N Allocation failed - Data set aaaaaaaa already exists.

Explanation: The accounting and cross-reference records for the member are out of synch. User response: Edit and save or migrate the member. This will cause new accounting and cross-reference information to be generated for the member. FLM390X Unable to allocate - SCLM is unable to allocate data set. DYNALLOC return code = aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: SCLM is attempting to create a temporary data set to hold the build map contents. A data set with that name already exists. SCLM was unable to delete the existing data set. User response: Delete the existing copy of the specified data set. FLM390P Invalid selection - SCLM has already deleted the requested member aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM390Y Unable to delete member. Member does not exist or the user is not authorized to update it. Enter HELP for a detailed description.

Explanation: SCLM has already deleted the version and the audit information you selected. User response: Make another selection.

Explanation: An error occurred in deleting the text,


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM391 FLM391J
accounting, or build map for the member being moved or deleted. User response: Enter the HELP command for additional information on the cause of the error. FLM391 Delete failed - Delete of intermediate record was unsuccessful. FLM391F Acct list I/O error - A severe I/O error occurred while retrieving accounting member list.

Explanation: The intermediate code was successfully deleted, but the delete of the intermediate accounting record failed. This may have occurred for any of these reasons: v The record was not found. v SCLM was unable to purge the record from the cross-reference database. v The VSAM cross-reference database was enqueued. v The cross-reference database is not defined to the project. User response: Contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Verify that the VSAM database is operational and has been defined to the project currently in use. Determine whether the database has been enqueued. FLM391B Delete failed - Delete of intermediate form was unsuccessful. Browse aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message may be issued for any of these reasons: v The accounting information is not in synch with the member information. v An invalid group was specified. v A severe error occurred in accessing the VSAM database. User response: Exit SCLM and PDF then retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Verify that the VSAM database is operational. FLM391G Build map list I/O error - A severe I/O error occurred while retrieving build map list.

Explanation: The delete of the intermediate code failed. User response: Browse the file specified in the long message for additional information on the cause of the failure. FLM391C Invalid type - Specify a type other then * to delete intermediate form.

Explanation: This message may be issued for any of these reasons: v The map information could not be decoded and is in an invalid format. v An invalid group was specified. v A severe error occurred in accessing the VSAM database. User response: Exit SCLM and PDF then retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Verify that the VSAM database is operational and has not been corrupted. FLM391H Table error - An error occurred in the TBCREATE routine; return code = aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: A delete cannot be done when the type field on the Sublibrary Management Utility entry panel is * (asterisk). User response: Return to the Sublibrary Management Utility entry panel and specify the desired type. FLM391D Member not found - No text or accounting information found for the member specified.

Explanation: An error occurred when SCLM attempted to create a table to display the member list data. Programmer response: Contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Contact IBM support. FLM391I Delete not confirmed - You used the END or RETURN command to request termination.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM391E Update not confirmed - You used the END or RETURN command to request termination.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM391J Invalid auth. code - You must enter an authorization code; a blank is not valid.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: A blank value was entered in the New Authorization Code field. User response: Enter a valid authorization code.
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM391K Delete failed - SCLM cannot find any records at group aaaaaaaa for member bbbbbbbb.. FLM391Q Invalid value - Select one of the available utilities.

Explanation: The user entered an invalid option. User response: Specify one of the options listed. FLM391R Invalid value - Enter / for error listings only; leave blank for all listings.

Explanation: No text, accounting, or build map data was found for the requested member. The member does not exist at the group specified. When this message occurs while in the member list, the member selected has been deleted by another logical screen or user since the Library Utility member list was built or an attempt was made to delete a member that was not in the group specified when the member list was built. User response: Specify another member name. Exit and reenter the member list in order to display a more current list of members. Change the group name specified on the Library Utility panel to the group in which the member was found. FLM391L Records not found - SCLM cannot find any records at group aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM391S Enter required field - You must specify at least one group; all others are optional.

Explanation: The group field was left blank. At least one group must be specified. User response: Enter a valid group in the group field. FLM391T Invalid value - Enter the type name you want or enter * for all types defined.

Explanation: No records were found at the specified group. User response: Specify another group. FLM391M Records not found - SCLM cannot find any records for compilation unit qualifier aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The type field was left blank. User response: Enter a valid type in the type field. A pattern may be used. An asterisk (*) entered in this field will process all types defined to the project. FLM391U DB Utility completed - The return code from the DB Contents Utility is aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: No records were found for the specified CU Qualifier. User response: Specify another Compilation Unit Qualifier. FLM391N Compilation unit deleted - The compilation unit you requested has been deleted.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: See Database Contents Utility messages for return codes greater than zero. FLM391V Select an option - You must select at least one of the display options.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM391O Display failed - SCLM cannot find the panel, message, or cursor field.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM391W Select an option - You either have to enter the complete library type or the beginning of the type name followed by *.

Explanation: SCLM could not find panel FLMUA. User response: Verify that panel FLMUA exists in the panel library, and that this library appears in your data set concatenation. FLM391P Enter required field - Enter unique letters of member name followed by * for all remaining letters.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM391X Search failed. - The SUPERC Search failed with code aaaaaaaa.. Codes below 100 are documented SuperC error return codes. Other codes are internal processing errors which should be reported to IBM service.

Explanation: The member name field was blank. User response: Enter a member name or a pattern in the member field. An asterisk (*) entered in this field will process all members of the specified group and type.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM391Y Search completed - The return code from the Search Utility is aaaaaaaa.. Enter the HELP command for a description of common errors. Authorization codes are not valid for non-editable types. User response: Update an authorization code for an editable type. FLM392H Invalid value - You cannot select NONE for both TAILORED OUTPUT and REPORT.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: See Search Utility messages for return codes greater than zero. FLM392A Invalid value - Use IN, OUT, or NOT USED.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. User response: Specify a value other than NONE for either the tailored output or the report. FLM392I Report name invalid - Commas are not allowed in the tailored output report name.

Explanation: The value specified for architecture control is invalid. User response: Specify IN to select members controlled by the specified architecture definition, or OUT to select members not controlled by the architecture definition. Specify NOT USED if no architecture definition is to be used to select members. FLM392B Invalid arch cutoff - If you specify ARCH CUTOFF, you must specify all ARCH fields.

Explanation: Commas cannot be used in the tailored output report name. User response: Remove the commas from the report name. FLM393A Migrate completed - The return code from the Migration Utility is aaaaaaaa.. Enter the HELP command for a description of common errors.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM392C Canceled by user - Your request to use the additional selection criteria panel is canceled.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: See the Migration Utility messages for return codes greater than zero. FLM393B SUBLIB manager completed - The Sublibrary Management Utility completed with return code = aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM392D Invalid value - Use YES or NO.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM392E Canceled by user - Your request to use the customization panel has been canceled.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM393C Record not found - SCLM cannot find any record for compilation unit name aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM392F Invalid value - You cannot select TERMINAL for both TAILORED OUTPUT and REPORT.

Explanation: There is no intermediate accounting record for this compilation unit. User response: Regenerate the compilation unit using SCLM build. FLM393D Update not allowed - SCLM cannot find any record for member: aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: TERMINAL cannot be specified as the output destination for both the tailored output and the report. User response: Specify a different output destination for either the tailored output or the report. FLM392G Auth code update denied - You cannot update the authorization code in a non-editable acct. record.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM394A Export completed - The return code from the Export Utility is aaaaaaaa.. Enter the HELP command for a description of common errors.

Explanation: An attempt is being made to update an authorization code for a non-editable type.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


User response: See the Export Utility messages for return codes greater than zero. FLM395A Import completed - The return code from the Import Utility is aaaaaaaa.. Enter the HELP command for a description of common errors. Programmer response: See the version messages for an explanation and correct the problem if possible. Contact the project administrator for assistance. System programmer response: Assist the user in correcting the problem. FLM396G Compare Failed - The Compare was unsuccessful. See the listing data set for any messages.

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: See the Import Utility messages for return codes greater than zero. FLM396A Record not found - Specified record was not found in the audit VSAM database.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM396I No records selected - No records were selected for the specified choice.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM396B Delete failed - An error occurred while attempting to delete the Version / Audit VSAM record

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM396J Selection list error - A severe error occurred while retrieving selection list.

Explanation: The selection list could not be retrieved. User response: See the version messages for an explanation, and correct the problem if possible. Contact the project administrator for assistance. System programmer response: Assist the user in correcting the problem. FLM396K Invalid selection - Use A, C, D, or R.

Explanation: The Version / Audit VSAM record could not be deleted. User response: Contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Verify that the VSAM database is operational and has been defined to the project currently in use. Determine whether the database has been enqueued. FLM396C Member not found - The member was not found in the SCLM hierarchy

Explanation: An invalid selection was typed. User response: Type A, C, D, or R. FLM396L Invalid selection - C,H,R,V,X are not valid. No Version exists for selected member.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM396D Retrieval error - Versioned format was not FULL or DELTA.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM396E Retrieval error - An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the versioned member.

Explanation: An R was entered, but there is no version to retrieve for this member. User response: Specify C,H,R,V or X for a member which has a version. FLM396M Invalid date - The Year, Month, and/or Day is invalid for required date format.

Explanation: The versioned member could not be retrieved. Programmer response: See the version messages for an explanation and correct the problem if possible. Contact the project administrator for assistance. System programmer response: Assist the user in correcting the problem. FLM396F Display failed - An error occurred while attempting to display accounting information.

Explanation: An invalid date was entered. The year, month, or day is invalid. User response: Enter a valid date. Valid values are: year 01-99 month 01-12 day 01-31 FLM396N Invalid selection - No Retrieval Data Set Specified.

Explanation: The accounting information could not be displayed.

Explanation: Retrieve was selected, but no retrieval data set was specified.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Return to the Audit/Version panel and specify a retrieval data set. FLM396O Invalid dates - FROM date must be less than or equal to TO date Text will delete everything that is deleted when Account is specified plus any text members that match the pattern. Entering a value of Output will delete all build map records, intermediate records and code, and all non-editable accounting records, their cross-reference records, and associated text members that match the pattern. User response: Select either Build map, Account, Text, or Output. FLM396U FLM396P Invalid request - Auditing not defined for Group aaaaaaaa Type bbbbbbbb in Project cccccccc.. Enter required field - Enter one of the listed values: EXECUTE or REPORT.

Explanation: The FROM date is greater than the TO date. User response: Specify a FROM date that is less than or equal to the TO date.

Explanation: The DELETE MODE field is a required field. User response: Select EXECUTE or REPORT for the DELETE MODE field. FLM396W Invalid value - Enter one of the listed values: Build map, Account, Text, or Output.

Explanation: Auditing is not defined for the specified group and type in the project definition. User response: Verify that the group and type are correct. If auditing is needed for the group and type, contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Enable auditing for the group and type, then reassemble and link the project definition. FLM396Q Delete group completed - The return code from the Delete from Group Utility is aaaaaaaa.. Enter the HELP command for a description of common errors.

Explanation: The value entered for the DELETE FLAG field is invalid. User response: Select Build map, Account, Text, or Output for the Delete Flag field. FLM396X Invalid value - Enter one of the listed values: EXECUTE or REPORT

Explanation: This is an informational message. User response: See the Delete from Group Utility messages for return codes greater than zero. FLM396R Enter required field - Enter a valid TYPE name or pattern.

Explanation: The value entered for the DELETE MODE field is invalid. User response: Select EXECUTE or REPORT for the DELETE MODE field. FLM396Y VSAM I/O error - An error occurred trying to access the cross-reference database.

Explanation: The TYPE field is a required field. User response: Enter a name or pattern in the TYPE field. FLM396S Enter required field - Enter a valid MEMBER name or pattern.

Explanation: The MEMBER field is a required field. User response: Enter a name or pattern in the MEMBER field. FLM396T Enter required field - Select one of the listed values: Build map, Account, Text or Output.

Explanation: The cross-reference data set could not be accessed for one of these reasons: v No cross-reference data set was defined in the project definition. v User does not have read access to the data set. v The data set has the wrong key size. v The data set has not been initialized. Programmer response: Contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Verify that the cross-reference data set is defined in the project definition. If not, specify it and reassemble and relink the project definition. If it does exist, verify that the key size is correct and that the data set has been initialized. Verify that the user has read access to the data set.

Explanation: The Delete Flag field is a required field. Entering a value of Build map will delete all build map records that match the pattern. Entering a value of Account will delete all accounting records, cross-reference records, intermediate records, and build map records that match the pattern. Entering a value of

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM396Z Invalid value - Only a value of 3, for Text, is valid when deleting a Package. Programmer response: Verify that the group and type are correct. If auditing is needed for the group and type, contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Enable auditing for the group and type, then reassemble and link the alternate project definition. FLM398 FLM397A Invalid group - aaaaaaaa is not a valid group name. Update not allowed - Member must exist at the initial group aaaaaaaa. to update authcode.

Explanation: The value entered for the DELETE FLAG field is invalid. User response: Select Text only, for the Delete Flag field.

Explanation: The group name is not valid. User response: Enter a valid group name. FLM397B Total length too long - Combined length of authorization codes plus separators > 253.

Explanation: The member is not at the initial group specified. User response: Draw down the member to the group specified, or specify the group the member exists in on the Library Utility panel. FLM398A Delete completed - The return code from the Delete command is aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM397C Field should be blank - Field must not contain data when an external library is specified.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM398B Update completed - The return code from the Update command is aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM397D Project defn loaded aaaaaaaa..PROJDEF.LOAD(bbbbbbbb) loaded successfully.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM398C Acct record displayed - The return code from the Browse Accounting Record command is aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM397E Project generated aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..cccccccc.(dddddddd.) generated successfully.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM398D Member viewed - The return code from the View Text command is aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM397F Language generated aaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbb..cccccccc.(dddddddd.) generated successfully.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM398E Build map displayed - The return code from the Browse Build Map command is aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM397G Invalid value - Enter a valid command.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM398F Equal not allowed - The equal symbol = is not a supported pattern symbol.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM397H Invalid command - This command is not valid if an external library is specified.

Explanation: An equal symbol was specified in the pattern. The equal symbol is not valid for this function. User response: Specify an * (asterisk) or a (NOT) as the pattern symbol. FLM398G Command required - Enter A, B, C, D, E, M, or U.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM397I Invalid request - Auditing not defined for Group aaaaaaaa Type bbbbbbbb in Proj Def cccccccc..

Explanation: This message is self explanatory.

Explanation: Auditing is not defined for the specified group and type in the alternate project definition.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM398H Build completed - The return code from the Build command was aaaaaaaa.. FLM398O Invalid option string - String characters T, A, M. For example A, TA, and MAT are valid strings.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM398I Acct record not found - Accounting record not found for member aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The option string you entered was not valid. User response: Enter a valid combination of T (for text), A (for accounting records), and M (for build maps). FLM398P Processing terminated - You used the END or RETURN command to request termination.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM398J Build map not found - Build Map record not found for member aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: No build map record was found for the member at the specified group. FLM398K Build not allowed - Accounting record not found for group aaaaaaaa member bbbbbbbb..

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM398Q Accounting Record not found. Enter HELP for a detailed description.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM398L No data to display - There were no aaaaaaaa. to display.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM398R Allocation failed - SCLM is unable to allocate data set aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: There were no records of the type requested to display. If text (T) was requested, either the data set is empty or the data set does not exist. If accounting records (A) were requested, there are no accounting records to display. If build maps (M) were requested, there were no build maps to display. Programmer response: Make sure the data set exists and that it contains members if text was requested. Contact the project administrator for assistance, if necessary. System programmer response: Assist the user in determining that the data set exists and contains members. If the data set does not exist but is needed, then allocate it. FLM398M Edit completed - The return code from the Edit command was aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: Allocation failed for a data set in the hierarchy because a type name was not found in the hierarchy, or a group is undefined in the project definition. Programmer response: Contact the project administrator. System programmer response: Correct the project definition. FLM398S Build failed - Build failed for member aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The build did not complete successfully. User response: See the build messages for an explanation of the failure. FLM398T Enter processing mode - Enter EX or SU on the command line or select Execute or Submit in the Process field to invoke this function. If you enter a value in the Process field, it will be saved between sessions. Entering EX or SU on the command line overrides the Process field value.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM398N Library not specified - Specify / for Hierarchy view on the Library Utility Panel.

Explanation: The member you are attempting to edit has an accounting record at a higher level than the group specified on the Library Utility panel. The hierarchy must be specified in order to do the drawdown processing. User response: Specify / for hierarchy view on the Library Utility panel.

Explanation: This function requires a processing mode. Programmer response: Specify EX or SU on the command line, or select Execute or Submit in the Process field.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM398U FLM491
FLM398U Version Compare failed. - The Version Compare failed with code aaaaaaaa. Codes below 100 are documented SuperC error return codes. Press HELP now to see them. Code 122 indicates the Retrieve/New data set was not found. Create it and retry. Other codes are internal processing errors which should be reported to IBM service. Promote failed - Promote failed for member aaaaaaaa.. FLM399C No subentries - Row can not be expanded or collapsed.

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM399D List was truncated - The maximum nesting level was reached. Entries indicated by a > sign have parents but they will not be displayed. Invalid selection - Use A, M, B, D, E, V, C, P, U, S, T, N or X.



Explanation: The promote did not complete successfully. User response: See the promote messages for an explanation of the failure. FLM398W Promote completed - The return code from the Promote command was aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The selection entered is not a valid Library Utility command. User response: Choose one of the selections listed, or enter the HELP command for further information. FLM399F Circular reference - This object will not be expanded since it refers to itself either directly or indirectly.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM398X Select a Version. - Please select one and only one version to be compared

Explanation: X cmd cant be used on this row FLM399G Table error - RC > 8 from TBADD

Explanation: TBADD error occurred FLM399H Not found - Member was not found in the list

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM398Y Same Version - Compare is not possible against the same version. Please select a different Version.

Explanation: TBSCAN had non-zero return code. FLM490 Invalid environment - SCOMP can only be run in an SCLM Edit environment

Explanation: This message is self explanatory. FLM398Z No dependency info - Dependency record not found for member aaaaaaaa..

Explanation: The SCOMP command is only valid when run in an SCLM Edit environment. FLM491 Allocation Error - Error allocating retrieval data set aaa(44)

Explanation: No dependency record was found for the member at the specified group. FLM399A Dependency inactive - No Cross-Dependency database is defined in this project.

Explanation: SCLM could not allocate the temporary data set used to retrieve the version selected. User response: Contact your system programmer System programmer response: The failure may be due to the naming convention of the data set. If the name does not use your naming convention the PDF Data Set Name Change Exit can be used to modify the name of the data set. The naming convention for this data set is: userid.EDITVER.TEMPnnnn where userid is the user ID of the user requesting the function, and nnnn is a number between 0000 and 9999.

Explanation: A dependency database is not defined in the project. FLM399B Database error - An error occurred accessing the Cross Dependency database.

Explanation: An error occurred accessing the dependency database


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM492 FLM498I
FLM492 Allocation Error - Error allocating SCLM messages data set zdummyds,44 FLM497 Select one version - Only one version may be selected from the list.

Explanation: SCLM could not allocate the temporary messages data set used when calling the VERINFO and VERRECOV services. User response: Contact your system programmer System programmer response: The failure may be due to the naming convention of the data set. If the name does not use your naming convention the PDF Data Set Name Change Exit can be used to modify the name of the data set. The naming convention for this data set is: userid.EDITVER.DUMMnnnn where userid is the user ID of the user requesting the function, and nnnn is a number between 0000 and 9999. FLM493 Retrieval failed - The SCLM VERINFO service returned a zmodrc,4 when retrieving the versions for zevermem,8

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498A Version open error - Error opening the Version member aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498B Version read error - Error reading the Version member aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498C Version header error - The Version member aaaaaaaa did not have a header record as the first record in the file.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498D Allocate error - Error allocating the version history report dataset.

Explanation: SCLM could not retrieve all of the versions for the member you are editing User response: Contact your system programmer System programmer response: Refer to the SCLM Guide and Reference for information on the return codes from the VERINFO service. FLM494 Invalid select character - Use the S line command to select the version to be compared.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498E View error - Error viewing the version history report.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498F Write error - Error writing the version history report.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498G Version not found - The requested Version was not found in the Version member aaaaaaaa

Explanation: SCLM could not retrieve all of the versions for the member you are editing User response: Contact your system programmer System programmer response: Refer to the SCLM Guide and Reference for information on the return codes from the VERINFO service. FLM495 No versions found - No versions of member aaaaaaaa were found in the SCLM versioning file.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498H Archived Version - The requested Version was found in an archive data set that is not the current Versioning data set, not all the history is being displayed.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM496 Full source only - The only version of member zevermem,8 that exists is the full source version that is identical to the copy you are editing.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498I Retrieval Error - An error was encountered attempting to retrieve the data set statistics for the data set aaaaaaaa Return Code=bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Explanation: This is an informational message.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM498J Allocation - An error was encountered attempting to allocate a temporary data set to DECODE the member aaaaaaaa into. Return Code=rr from the VERRECOV service. FLM600 Invalid function type - The function type must be CMD, PGM or PANEL

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498K Decoding Error - An error was encountered attempting to DECODE the version PDS member. Return Code=aaaaaaaa Error Message: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The only valid function types are CMD, PGM, and PANEL. User response: Enter a valid function type. FLM601 Enter all fields - All fields must be specified for a line command entry

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498L Open Error - An error was encountered opening the version PDS member. Return Code=aaaaaaaa

Explanation: All the fields in a row must be entered for a line command entry. User response: Reenter the line command including all the fields. FLM601A User not Authorised - You are not authorised to access this member. Access is denied.

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498M Open Error - An error was encountered opening the version history report data set. Return Code=aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The user is not authorized by the SCLM security interface to access the selected member. FLM602 Cmd table not found - The user commands will not be available for this session

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498N Open Error - An error was encountered opening the member aaaaaaaa in the data set bbbbbbbb. Return Code=cccccccc

Explanation: This is an informational message. FLM498O Member not found - The member aaaaaaaa was not found in the data set bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The user commands will not be available for this session. FLM603 Unexpected error - An SCLM function aaaaaaaa returned an unexpected error at Call bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The given member was not found in the data set specified. FLM498P Data Already Encoded - The SAVE command found the data was already encoded. To see the decoded data please exit and re-edit the member.

Explanation: An unexpected ISPF error was encountered. FLM600A Cmd table not found - The command table is not allocated contact administrator

Explanation: SCLM detected that the data was encoded when saving possibly by ISPF COPY command on an encoded member. To view the decoded member exit and re-edit the member. FLM499 Retrieval failed - The SCLM VERRECOV service returned a zmodrc,4 when retrieving the versions for zevermem,8

Explanation: The SCLM command tables are not allocated to the ISPTLIB DDname. FLM600B Invalid Selection - Use one of the following aaaaaaaa

Explanation: Invalid line command. User response: Enter one of the line commands listed on the UOW Member List panel. FLM600C Invalid Prefix - Enter a valid RACF dataset prefix

Explanation: SCLM could not retrieve all of the versions for the member you are editing User response: Contact your system programmer System programmer response: Refer to the SCLM Guide and Reference for information on the return codes

Explanation: A data set prefix that is known to RACF must be entered.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM600D Invalid Element - Work elements flagged as invalid cannot be processed FLM600N No build map found - The selected component does not have a build map

Explanation: Correct or remove the work element from the Unit of Work. FLM600E Not eligible for update - Work elements Authcode can only be updated at your user level.

Explanation: Run the build command to create the build map FLM600O No Acct Info found - The selected component does not have any accounting information

Explanation: The work element must be in the development library to be updated. FLM600F Processing completed - The selected action was successfully completed.

Explanation: Either Migrate or edit and save the member in SCLM FLM600P Enter Member and Type - To add a new member you must enter the member name and type

Explanation: The selected action completed with return code 0. FLM600G Processing failed - The selected action did not complete successfully.

Explanation: Enter both the member and type parameters. FLM600Q Member already exists - The member and type you specified already exists in this UOW

Explanation: The selected action completed with a nonzero return code. FLM600H Unit of Work Saved - The Unit of Work member was automatically saved.

Explanation: You cannot create a duplicate entry in a Unit of Work FLM600R Type Unknown - The type does not exist in the project hierarchy

Explanation: The UOW item was saved to reflect changes. FLM600I Action Canceled - The selected action was canceled.

Explanation: Specify a valid data set type FLM600S Option not available - The Transfer option is only available to SCLM administrators or the user who has the member locked.

Explanation: The user canceled the selection action. FLM600J Job submitted - The Job was successfully submitted.

Explanation: The background job has been submitted. FLM600K Max recursions reached - Selection canceled, the maximum number of recursions was exceeded.

Explanation: The Transfer line command in SCLM option 3.1 is only available to SCLM administrators or the user who has the member locked. User response: Ask either an SCLM administrator or the user who has the member locked to transfer ownership of the member to you. FLM600T Transfer not possible - The accounting record either doesnt exist or exists at a higher level. Transferring of ownership for member level locking is not possible.

Explanation: searched FLM600L No build aaaaaaaa dataset - The selected output dataset for build aaaaaaaa does not exist

Explanation: Run the build command before viewing the output data sets FLM600M No promote aaaaaaaa dataset - The selected output dataset for promote aaaaaaaa does not exist

Explanation: Transfer of ownership for member level locking is not possible because the group at which you are issuing the Transfer Ownership line command does not have an accounting record. User response: None.

Explanation: Run the promote command before viewing the output data sets
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM600U FLM01001
FLM600U Transfer not possible - The accounting record is not for a development group. Transferring of ownership for member level locking is not possible. message is provided for information only. FLM00204 aaaaaaaa

Explanation: Transfer of ownership for member level locking is not possible as the accounting record you are issuing the line command against is not a development accounting record. Transfer of ownership is only possible against a development accounting record. User response: None. FLM00101 MEMBER NAME IS BLANK

Explanation: Change code aaaaaaaa has been processed. Refer to message FLM00201. This message is provided for information only. FLM01001 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION, CODE: aaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc STARTING AT GROUP: dddddddd Explanation: No accounting information exists or could be retrieved for member cccccccc within the hierarchy beginning at group dddddddd. User response: Possible return codes are:

Explanation: The Member field was left blank. User response: Verify that the member parameter was specified and is in the correct position. FLM00102 SCLM INTERNAL ERROR OCCURRED AT aaa CODE: bbb.

Explanation: An unexpected situation occurred during program execution. The message identifies the name of the SCLM routine that failed unexpectedly, and the return code. User response: Contact the project manager with aaa and bbb. This information will be needed by IBM support. Project manager response: Report this message (including the message ID, the aaa text field, and the bbb text field) to IBM support. FLM00201 PROCESSING BASED ON CHANGE CODE.

SCLM did not find the members accounting information at this level in the hierarchy, but it did find it at a higher level. SCLM did not find the members accounting information. Make sure member cccccccc exists starting at group dddddddd type bbbbbbbb. Register the member with SCLM using the SCLM editor, migration utility, or the SAVE service. Run the processor again. When received during a build or promote by change code, this message can indicate that a member excluded at the build or promote group based on change code does not exist at a higher group. In this case, update the change codes specified so that the required member is included.

Explanation: A build or promote by change code is in progress. This message will be followed by a message indicating whether the change codes processed will be included (FLM00202) or excluded (FLM00203) and a list of the change codes processed (FLM00204). This message is provided for information only. FLM00202 THE FOLLOWING CHANGE CODES WILL BE INCLUDED:


SCLM successfully retrieved the members accounting and dependency information. However, either the dependency information failed a verification check or the accounting record version does not match the members version. To determine the nature of the verification error, use the library utility to browse the members accounting and dependency information. To correct the problem, update the member by using the SCLM editor, migration utility, or the SAVE service.

Explanation: The change codes processed had a Y include flag value. Members with the listed change code(s) will be included from the build or promote group. Refer to messages FLM00201 and FLM00204. This message is provided for information only. FLM00203 THE FOLLOWING CHANGE CODES WILL BE EXCLUDED:


The specified group was not found in the project definition. This error can occur when you use alternate project definitions or when you modify a project definition. Contact the project manager. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. The type is not defined by the project definition being used.

20 28

Explanation: The change code(s) processed had a N include flag value. Members with the listed change code(s) will be excluded at the build or promote group. Refer to messages FLM00201 and FLM00204. This

Project manager response: If the return code is:


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM01002 FLM01003
16 Correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again, and verify that no errors occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set(s) starting at group dddddddd to determine the problem. Verify that the type specified is defined in the project definition. If necessary, add the type to the project definition and reassemble it. Submit the job again. ERROR UPDATING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to write the accounting information for member dddddddd. User response: Possible return codes are: 4 An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information to the secondary accounting data set. Because the primary accounting data set was correctly updated, SCLM will use the correct information for all references. However, the two accounting data sets are no longer identical. Contact the project manager. The number of dependent members (compools, included members, and compilation units) referenced in the source member plus the change codes and user data associated with the dependent members exceeds the SCLM maximum accounting record size of 32000 characters. Consequently, the accounting information was not written. Change the member so that the number of referenced dependents is decreased. Delete unnecessary change codes and user data in the accounting information. 12 20 SCLM internal error. Contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information to the primary accounting data set. The failure to create accounting information implies that SCLM will not be able to track the member. Submit the job again and if the error recurs, contact the project manager. 16 12 IDCAMS REPRO service to copy the accounting data from the primary accounting data set to the new secondary accounting data set. SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information to the primary accounting data set. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. ERROR PURGING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: A VSAM error occurred while attempting to purge accounting information for member dddddddd. User response: Possible return codes are: 4 The members accounting record was not found. The accounting record would have been deleted anyway, so no action is required. However, to determine why the accounting record was not found, view the audit record if audit information is available for the deleted record. Another SCLM user running a concurrent job might have deleted the record. An I/O error occurred while attempting to purge the accounting record from the secondary accounting data set. The record was successfully purged from the primary accounting data set, but the primary and secondary accounting data sets are no longer identical. Contact the project manager. Unable to purge the accounting record from the primary accounting data set or an error occurred during versioning. If a versioning error occurred, investigate the accompanying versioning message. Otherwise, submit the job again. If the problem occurs again, contact the project manager. Primary accounting VSAM data set enqueued. Submit the job again after the data set is no longer exclusively in use by another job. An I/O error occurred while purging the accounting record. Submit the job again. If the problem occurs again, contact the project manager.








Project manager response: If the return code is: 4 An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information to the secondary accounting data set. Run IDCAMS against the secondary accounting data set. If it is damaged, reallocate it and initialize it with data from the primary accounting data set. Use the 8

Project manager response: If the return code is: The primary and secondary accounting data sets are no longer identical. Reinitialize the secondary data set from the primary data set.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM01004 FLM01009
12 or 20 Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. FLM01004 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: No accounting record exists or could be retrieved for member dddddddd in group bbbbbbbb. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The members accounting information was not found. Introduce the member to SCLM using the SCLM editor, migration utility, or SAVE service. Run the processor again. The members accounting and dependency information was successfully retrieved; however, some of the dependency information failed a verification check. To determine the nature of the verification error, browse the members accounting and dependency information using the SCLM library utility. To correct the problem, edit and save the member. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. 20 Project manager response: For a return code of 20, verify that the VSAM data set for the specified group exists, or run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. FLM01006 ERROR RETRIEVING BUILD MAP INFORMATION, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb Explanation: An error occurred trying to access information from the VSAM accounting data set for group bbbbbbbb. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 An error occurred attempting to access the VSAM data set for group bbbbbbbb, because group bbbbbbbb could not be found. Verify that group bbbbbbbb is valid and that the accounting data set for that group has not become corrupted. The members accounting and dependency information was successfully retrieved; however, some of the dependency information failed a verification check. To determine the nature of the verification error, browse the members accounting and dependency information using the SCLM library utility. To correct the problem, edit and save the member. A severe I/O error occurred, or the VSAM data set for the specified group could not be opened. Contact the project manager.




Project manager response: For a return code of 20, run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. FLM01005 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb Explanation: An error occurred trying to access information from the VSAM accounting data set for group bbbbbbbb. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 An error occurred attempting to access the VSAM data set for group bbbbbbbb, because group bbbbbbbb could not be found. Verify that group bbbbbbbb is valid and that the accounting data set for that group has not become corrupted. The members accounting and dependency information was successfully retrieved; however, some of the dependency information failed a verification check. To determine the nature of the verification error, browse the members accounting and dependency information using the SCLM library utility. To correct the problem, edit and save the member. A severe I/O error occurred, or the VSAM data set for the specified group could not be opened. Contact the project manager.
z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Project manager response: For a return code of 20, verify that the VSAM data set for the specified group exists, or run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. FLM01009 ERROR, UNABLE TO RESTORE VERSIONED MEMBER FOR GROUP: aaaaaaaa CODE: bbb Explanation: An error occurred trying to restore a version of a member for group aaaaaaaa. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to update the accounting information for a member or an inconsistency in the accounting information was detected. User response: Possible return codes are: 4 An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information to the secondary accounting data set. Because the primary accounting data set was correctly updated, SCLM will use the correct information for all references. However, the two accounting data sets are no longer identical. Contact the project manager. The number of dependent members (compools,




FLM01011 FLM01012
included members, and/or compilation units) referenced in the source member plus the change codes and user data associated with the dependent members exceeds the SCLM maximum accounting record size of 32000 characters. Consequently, the accounting information was not written. Change the member so that the number of referenced dependents is decreased. Delete unnecessary change codes and user data in the accounting information. 12 20 SCLM internal error. Contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information to the primary accounting data set. The failure to create accounting information implies that SCLM will not be able to track the member. Submit the job again and if the error recurs, contact the project manager. retrieve the accounting or dependency information for member dddddddd. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The members accounting information was not found. Introduce the member to SCLM using the SCLM editor, migration utility, or SAVE service. Run the processor again. The members accounting and dependency information was successfully retrieved; however, some of the dependency information failed a verification check. To determine the nature of the verification error, browse the members accounting and dependency information using the SCLM library utility. To correct the problem, edit and save the member. The specified group was not found in the project definition. This error can occur when you use alternate project definitions or when you modify a project definition. Examine the project definition for the missing group. Contact the project manager. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. SCLM could not find the accounting or the cross-reference data set.



Project manager response: If the return code is: 4 An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information to the secondary accounting data set. Run IDCAMS against the secondary accounting data set. If it is damaged, reallocate it and initialize it with data from the primary accounting data set. Use the IDCAMS REPRO service to copy the accounting data from the primary accounting data set to the new secondary accounting data set. SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information to the primary accounting data set. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. accounting information does not match dependency information for the member version of the accounting record does not match version of the code 20 24

Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again, and verify that no errors occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting or cross-reference data set to determine the problem. ERROR UPDATING ACCOUNTING OR CROSS-REFERENCE DATA SET INFORMATION, CODE: aaa ERROR GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to write the accounting and dependency information for member dddddddd. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information and no attempt was made to write the dependency information. Errors can occur if SCLM attempts to reference this member. Submit the job again, and if the error recurs, contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred while writing dependency information for a compilation unit. Errors can occur if SCLM attempts to reference this member. Submit the job again, and if the error recurs, contact the project manager.
Chapter 3. SCLM messages





112 120

Project manager response: Return codes 112 and 120 indicate that the accounting records are not synchronized with the source code. An alternate project definition may be in use that references a different VSAM cluster for the accounting records. FLM01011 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING OR CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION, CODE: aaa ERROR GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to



FLM01013 FLM01501
Project manager response: For a return code of 20, run IDCAMS against the accounting and cross-reference data sets to determine the problem. FLM01013 ERROR PURGING ACCOUNTING OR CROSS-REFERENCE DATA SET INFORMATION CODE: aaa ERROR GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: A VSAM error occurred while attempting to delete the accounting or cross-reference information for member dddddddd. User response: Possible return codes are: 4 The members accounting record was not found. The accounting record would have been deleted anyway, so no action is required. To determine why the accounting record was not found, view the audit record if audit information is available for the deleted record. Another SCLM user running a concurrent job might have deleted the record. Unable to purge the cross-reference record or an error occurred writing an audit record. The accounting record is not deleted. If an error occurred writing an audit record, investigate the accompanying message. Unable to purge the accounting record or an error occurred during versioning. If a versioning error occurred, investigate the accompanying versioning message. Otherwise, submit the job again. If the problem occurs again, contact the project manager. FLM01030 BUILD BY CHANGE CODE COPY ERROR LMCOPY FAILED WITH RETURN CODE: aaa FOR GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc

Explanation: During change code processing, an attempt was made to copy members from the build group to a temporary data set. The LMCOPY service completed with return code aaa. User response: Try the build again. If it fails again, contact IBM support. FLM01072 ERROR UPDATING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc MEMBER MUST EXIST AT GROUP: dddddddd Explanation: The VERIFY translator indicates that the accounting information for the member must be updated, but the member has not been drawn down to the group at which the build or promote was invoked. User response: Draw the member down to a development group, rebuild and attempt the build or promote again. If the problem recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the data set(s) associated with group dddddddd. FLM01501 ERROR RETRIEVING BUILD MAP INFORMATION CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: No &bmap information could be retrieved for member dddddddd. User response: Possible return codes are:


Project manager response: If the return code is: 8 or 20 Run IDCAMS against the VSAM data sets to determine the problem. FLM01020 CHANGE CODE PROCESSING WARNING: MORE RECENT CHANGE CODES EXIST FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa

The specified build map record does not exist. Build the appropriate architecture member. Invoke the processor again. The format of the data retrieved was incorrect. Delete the build map using the SCLM DELETE or DELGROUP services, and build again to regenerate it. The specified group was not found in the project definition. This error can occur when you use alternate project definitions or when you modify a project definition. Examine the project definition for the missing group. Contact the project manager. A large architecture definition may cause this error. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager.

Explanation: The member has more than one change code. A request has been made to build or promote by a change code that is not the most recent. This is potentially a problem when processing architecture definitions that contain more than one member. The results might not be what you would expect. User response: If some of the parts for the most recent change code have not been built because they were not requested by this architecture definition, build more than one change code in the architecture definition.




Project manager response: If the return code is:


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM01502 FLM02000
16 Correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again, and verify that no errors occurred. If an architecture definition member was being built and the architecture definition member is large (exceeding 800 statements) then split the architecture definition member into two or more high level architecture definition members. These new architecture definition members may then be referenced by a high level architecture definition member. If this is not the problem, then run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. ERROR UPDATING BUILD MAP INFORMATION, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to write the build map information for member dddddddd. The build maps are stored in the accounting data set. User response: Possible return codes are: 4 An I/O error occurred while attempting to write the members build map information to the secondary accounting data set. Because the primary accounting data set was correctly updated, SCLM will use the correct information for all references. However, the two accounting data sets are no longer identical. Contact the project manager. The length of the &bmap exceeds the maximum size (113,660 entries on each build map) allowed by the accounting data set. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. 4 The members accounting record was not found. Determine why the accounting record was not found. An I/O error occurred while attempting to purge the build map record from the secondary accounting data set. The record was successfully purged from the primary accounting data set, but the primary and secondary accounting data sets are no longer identical. Unable to purge the build map record from the primary accounting data set. Submit the job again. If the problem occurs again, contact the project manager. Primary accounting VSAM data set enqueued. Submit the job again after the data set is no longer exclusively in use by another job. An I/O error occurred while purging the build map record. Submit the job again. If the problem occurs again, contact the project manager.






Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 or 20 Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. FLM02000 ERROR WRITING AUDITING INFORMATION, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd ACTION DATE: eeeeee ACTION TIME: ffffffff Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to write the auditing information for member dddddddd. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The accounting record portion of the auditing record exceeds the maximum amount of dependent members (compools, included members, and compilation units) allowed by SCLM. Consequently, the auditing record was not written. Change the member so that the number of referenced dependents is decreased below the maximum supported. Delete unnecessary change codes and user data. 16 An I/O error occurred while attempting to write the auditing record to the secondary auditing data set. The primary auditing data set was correctly updated, but the two auditing data sets are no longer identical. Contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred while writing the auditing record to the primary auditing data set. Submit the job again. If the problem occurs again, contact the project manager.
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


Project manager response: Possible return codes are: 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. A severe I/O error occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. ERROR PURGING BUILD MAP INFORMATION, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: A VSAM error occurred while attempting to delete the build map information for member dddddddd. User response: Possible return codes are:





FLM02001 FLM03001
Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Run IDCAMS against the auditing data set to determine the problem. If the secondary auditing data set has been damaged, reallocate it and initialize with data from the primary auditing data set. Run IDCAMS against the auditing data set to determine the problem. If the primary auditing data set has been damaged, reallocate it and initialize with data from the secondary auditing data set. If no secondary auditing data set exists, initialize the primary auditing data set with a backup copy of the primary auditing data set. ERROR RETRIEVING AUDITING INFORMATION, 8 CODE: aaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc ACTION DATE: dddddd ACTION TIME: eeeeeeee Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve auditing information for member cccccccc. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The members audit record was not found. Examine the information provided and determine if any values need to be modified (such as the action date). Submit the job again with the modified values. The members audit record was successfully retrieved, but the current version of the code does not match the code version of the retrieved audit record. Contact the project manager. The specified group was not found in the project definition. This error can occur when you use alternate project definitions or when you modify a project definition. Examine the project definition for the missing group. Contact the project manager. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. 12 FLM02002 ERROR PURGING AUDITING INFORMATION, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: ddddddd ACTION DATE: eeeeee ACTION TIME: ffffffff Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to purge auditing information for member dddddddd. User response: Possible return codes are: 4 The members audit record was not found. Examine the information provided and determine if any values need to be modified (such as the action date). Submit the job again with the modified values. an I/o error occurred while attempting to purge the auditing record from the secondary auditing data set. The record was successfully purged from the primary auditing data set, but the primary and secondary auditing data sets are no longer identical. An I/O error occurred while purging the auditing record from the primary auditing data set. Submit the job again. If the problem occurs again, contact the project manager. Primary audit VSAM data set enqueued. Submit the job again after the data set is no longer exclusively in use by another job. An I/O error occurred while purging the auditing record. Submit the job again. If the problem occurs again, contact the project manager.






Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 or 20 Run IDCAMS against the auditing data set to determine the problem. FLM03001 ERROR RETRIEVING CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION, CODE: aaa CU NAME: bbb(55)ccc(55) CU TYPE: dddd CU QUALIFIER: eeeeeeee GROUP: ffffffff Explanation: SCLM could not retrieve cross-reference information for compilation unit bbb(55) ccc(55). User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The accounting information for the compilation unit was not found. Register the member with SCLM using the SCLM editor, migration utility, or the SAVE service. Run the processor again. The members accounting and dependency information was successfully retrieved; however, some of the dependency information failed a



Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 The version data set could have been tampered with outside of SCLM or, an alternate project definition specifies the same audit VSAM data set but a different VERPDS to store member versions. Correct the project definition in use. Correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again, and verify that no errors occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem.





z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM03002 FLM03021
verification check. To determine the nature of the verification error, browse the accounting and dependency information for the compilation unit using the library utility. To correct the problem, edit and save the member. 16 The specified group was not found in the project definition. This error can occur when you use alternate project definitions or when you modify a project definition. Examine the project definition for the missing group. Contact the project manager. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager. 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. Define the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. More information on the FLMCNTRL macro can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. ERROR PURGING CROSSREFERENCE INFORMATION, CODE: aaa CU NAME: bbb(55) ccc(55) CU TYPE: dddd CU QUALIFIER: eeeeeeee GROUP: ffffffff Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to delete cross-reference information for compilation unit bbb(55) ccc(55) User response: Possible return codes are: 8 16 24 A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set is enqueued. Try the job again later. The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager.

20 24

20 24


Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again, and verify that no errors occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. Identify the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. More information on the FLMCNTRL Macro can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. ERROR UPDATING CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION CODE: aaa CU NAME: bbb(55) ccc(55) CU TYPE: dddd CU QUALIFIER: eeeeeeee GROUP: ffffffff Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to insert or update information for compilation unit bbb(55) ccc(55) in the cross-reference data set. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The length of the cross-reference information exceeds the maximum size allowed by the cross-reference data set. The maximum number of combined compilation unit dependencies (upward and downward) is 286. Reduce the number of dependencies for the compilation unit. SCLM internal error. Contact the project manager. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager.

20 24


Project manager response: If the return code is: 8 A VSAM error occurred. Run IDCAMS against the cross-reference data set to determine the problem. Define the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. More information on the FLMCNTRL macro can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. ERROR ACCESSING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR DEPENDENT COMPILATION UNIT, CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: dddd CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd CODE: 20 Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to retrieve accounting information for the dependent compilation unit aaa(55) bbb(55). User response: Submit the job again. If the problem recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the cross-reference data set to determine the problem.
Chapter 3. SCLM messages



12 20 24

Project manager response: If the return code is:


FLM03501 FLM03503
FLM03501 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR INTERMEDIATE FORM OF CU NAME: aaa.(55) bbb.(55) CU TYPE: ccc. CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd CODE: eee STARTING WITH GROUP: ffffffff TYPE: gggggggg MEMBER: hhhhhhhh Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve accounting information for the specified intermediate form, starting at group ffffffff and searching up through the hierarchy. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The accounting information for the intermediate form of the compilation unit was not found in any group in the hierarchy defined, starting with group ffffffff. This means that the compiled intermediate form is missing or out of date. The member containing the compilation unit needs to undergo an SCLM build. SCLM internal error. Contact the project manager. The specified group was not found in the project definition. This error can occur when you use alternate project definitions or when you modify a project definition. Examine the project definition for the missing group. Contact the project manager. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager. FLM03502 ERROR UPDATING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR INTERMEDIATE FORM OF CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd CODE: eee. STARTING WITH GROUP: ffffffff TYPE: gggggggg MEMBER: hhhhhhhh Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to update accounting information for the specified intermediate form. User response: Possible return codes are: 12 The record format of the members intermediate accounting data is incorrect for the current version of SCLM. Contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred while updating the members intermediate accounting data. Contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager.



12 16

Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 20 24 Verify that the cross-reference data set is compatible with the current release of SCLM. Run IDCAMS against the cross-reference data set to determine the problem. Define the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. More information on the FLMCNTRL Macro can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. ERROR PURGING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR INTERMEDIATE FORM OF CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd CODE: eee GROUP: ffffffff TYPE: gggggggg MEMBER: hhhhhhhh Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to purge accounting information for intermediate form aaa(55) bbb(55). User response: Possible return codes are: 8 An I/O error occurred while purging. Submit the job again and if the error recurs, contact the project manager. Target data set enqueued. Submit the job again after the data set is no longer exclusively in use by another job.

20 24

Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again, and verify that no errors occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. Define the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. More information on the FLMCNTRL Macro can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM03503


20 24



z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM03504 FLM04002
24 The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager. found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM03505 ERROR PURGING INTERMEDIATE FORM OF CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd CODE: eee GROUP: ffffffff TYPE: gggggggg MEMBER: hhhhhhhh Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to purge the intermediate code for the specified intermediate form. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 Unable to purge the intermediate code. Check to see if the sublibrary is missing or a data set security error occurred. Contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set was enqueued. Submit the job again after the data set is no longer exclusively in use by another job. The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager.

Project manager response: If the return code is: 8 24 Run IDCAMS against the cross-reference data set to determine the problem. Define the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. More information on the FLMCNTRL Macro can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR INTERMEDIATE FORM OF CU NAME: aaa (55) bbb (55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd CODE: eee GROUP: ffffffff TYPE: gggggggg MEMBER: hhhhhhhh Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve accounting information for intermediate form of aaa(55) bbb(55). User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The accounting information for the intermediate form of the compilation unit was not found in the specified group. This means that the compiled intermediate form is missing or is out of date. The member containing the compilation unit needs to be rebuilt. SCLM internal error. Contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred while retrieving the accounting information for the intermediate form of the compilation unit. Contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager.




Project manager response: If the return code is: 8 24 Run IDCAMS against the cross-reference data set to determine the problem. Define the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. More information on the FLMCNTRL Macro can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. GROUP: aaaaaaaa IS NOT DEFINED IN THE PROJECT DEFINITION.

12 20



Explanation: Group aaaaaaaa is not defined to the project definition. User response: Verify that aaaaaaaa is the intended group. Verify that the correct &libdef name was specified. Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Add the group to the project definition. More information on defining the project environment can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM04002 SPECIFIED GROUP: aaaaaaaa IS NOT A DEVELOPMENT GROUP

Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again, and verify that no errors occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. Define the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. More information on the FLMCNTRL Macro can be


20 24

Explanation: The specified group is not valid for the function requested and must be defined to SCLM as a development group. Contact the project manager for a list of valid groups.
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM04003 FLM04010
User response: Select a group that is defined in the project definition as a development group. FLM04003 TYPE: aaaaaaaa IS NOT DEFINED IN THE PROJECT DEFINITION. Contact the project manager for a list of valid languages. Project manager response: Check the project definition for valid language names. FLM04008 ACCOUNTING RECORD FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb IS IN STATE: INITIAL

Explanation: Type aaaaaaaa has not been defined in the current project definition. User response: Verify that aaaaaaaa is a type that is supposed to contain SCLM data. If so, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Add the type to the project definition. FLM04005 AUTHORIZATION CODE: aaaaaaaa IS NOT DEFINED TO GROUP: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The accounting record processing has not completed for this member. This error can occur when there is an active edit session for the member or when an active edit session terminates abnormally. This error can also occur when the LOCK or SAVE service terminates abnormally. User response: Use a new member name or have the owner of the specified member free it. If you have an active edit session for member aaaaaaaa, complete the session. If you do not have an active edit session, use SCLM option 3.1 to look at the accounting record for the member. If the Accounting Status is not INITIAL, accounting record processing has completed and the error will not occur again. If the Accounting Status is INITIAL, look at the Change User ID field in the accounting record to identify the person who created the record. Have the person who created the record complete the requested processing or delete the accounting record. FLM04009 ACCOUNTING RECORD FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb IS IN STATE: LOCKOUT

Explanation: Authorization code aaaaaaaa has not been defined to SCLM as a valid authorization code for group bbbbbbbb. User response: Use an &authcode that has been defined to the specified group. Contact the project manager for a list of valid authorization codes. If the specified authorization code is valid, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Check the project definition that defines the specified group. The valid authorization codes for the group are defined there. If authorization groups are used, reference the FLMAGRP macros in the &libdef as well. If the &authcode is valid, add it to the project definition. FLM04006 LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa IS NOT DEFINED IN THE PROJECT DEFINITION

Explanation: The member has been locked. User response: You must unlock the member before it can be edited. Also, it must not exist in another development library with an accounting record. You cannot lock a member in one library if the member has been drawn down to another library with an authorization code that allows it to be promoted into a group that is part of the first librarys hierarchical view. To correct the problem, change the authorization code of the existing member so that it cannot be promoted, or promote the member so that it can be drawn down. FLM04010 GROUP CONTROLLED BY LIBRARY aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: Language aaaaaaaa is not defined in the project definition used. User response: Verify that the language of the member is defined in the project definition. Specify a valid language and submit the job again. Contact the project manager for a list of valid languages. Project manager response: Check the project definition for valid language names. FLM04007 LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa IS NOT DEFINED FOR MEMBER: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc

Explanation: Language, aaaaaaaa, is not defined in the project definition used. If this message is received for an existing member, the &libdef has probably changed since the last time the source member was modified. User response: Verify that the language of the member is defined in the project definition. If it is not, specify a valid language and submit the job again.

Explanation: An attempt was made to access a group that is under control of an external library. The failure occurred because the group must be accessed via the external librarys services. User response: Specify a group that is under SCLM control.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM04011 FLM04031
FLM04011 DATA SET NAME: aaa(44) FOR GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc IS LONGER THAN ALLOWED. LENGTH: ddd mmmmmmmm macro (where mmmmmmmm is either *FLMCNTRL if the data set was defined on the FLMCNTRL macro, or the name of the FLMALTC macro referenced by group ggggggg). The reason for the failure is indicated by the code: 8 10 12 14 Unable to allocate the data set to a ddname Unable to open the data set Invalid key size for the data set Unable to read from the data set

Explanation: The sublibrary name created by concatenating the CU qualifier suffix with the physical data set name is too long. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Adjust the dsname parameter on the FLMGROUP or FLMALTC macro for the group specified. The parameter should be adjusted to reduce the size of the data set name pattern to allow for the Ada sublibrary suffix to be concatenated. FLM04016 UNABLE TO PROCESS INCLUDES FOR MEMBER. MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb

User response: Ensure that you have sufficient access to the VSAM data sets in the project and that the correct project definition is being used. Project manager response: Check the data set nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnnn.nnnnnnn to ensure that it has been properly allocated, initialized and protected and that the data set is not allocated exclusively to another user of the system. Check these items: Code 8 v Check that the data set exists and the name matches the name specified in the project definition. v Check that the data set is not allocated exclusively to another user. v Check that the device where the data set is allocated is online. 10 v Check that the user has sufficient access to the data set. v Check that the data set is a valid VSAM data set. v Check that the data set has been initialized. 12 Verify the key length of the data set with the key length required by SCLM. More information on the correct key lengths for the VSAM data sets can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. Check that the data set has been initialized with at least one VSAM record IMPORT/EXPORT DATA SET NAME DUPLICATES PREVIOUSLY DEFINED DATA SET NAME. DATA SET: nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn MACRO: mmmmmmmm DATABASE: dddddddd, Items to Check

Explanation: Member aaaaaaaa in Type bbbbbbbb had an accounting error. SCLM is unable to process includes for members with accounting errors. User response: Correct the accounting error. For example, make sure that the language and version are still valid for the project. FLM04029 PROJECT VSAM DATA SET NOT DEFINED GROUP gggggggg, DATABASE dddddddd, MACRO mmmmmmmm

Explanation: A VSAM data set of type dddddddd is needed to complete the operation requested by the user, but there is no data set of that type defined for the group gggggggg. The VSAM data sets for group gggggggg were defined on the mmmmmmmm macro in the project definition used by the user. The values for mmmmmmmm will be either *FLMCNTRL if the VSAM data sets from the FLMCNTRL macro were being used or the name specified on FLMALTC macro referenced by group gggggggg. User response: Verify that the operation is being run against the proper group and project definition. Project manager response: Update the project definition to specify a VSAM data set of type dddddddd for group gggggggg. FLM04030 ERROR OPENING PROJECT VSAM DATA SET GROUP: gggggggg, DATABASE: ddddddddd, INTENT: iiiiiiii, CODE: ccccc, MACRO: mmmmmmmm, DATA SET: nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn



Explanation: The VSAM data set nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn could not be opened for iiiiiii access (where iiiiiiii is either READ or UPDATE). The VSAM data set was defined on the

Explanation: The import/export data set nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn could not be used because it duplicates a VSAM data set that was defined for the dddddddd database on the mmmmmmmm macro
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM05001 FLM05010
(where mmmmmmmm is either FLMCNTRL if the data set was defined on the FLMCNTRL macro, or the name of the FLMALTC macro). User response: Select a unique name for the import/export data set name, specified in the mmmmmmmm macro. FLM05001 EXISTING MEMBERS AUTHORIZATION CODE IS NOT DEFINED TO THE GROUP GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc ERROR GROUP: dddddddd AUTHORIZATION CODE: eeeeeeee Explanation: The members authorization code, eeeeeeee, is not defined to group aaaaaaaa. The member exists at a higher level in the hierarchy, but it cannot be drawn down because the authorization code assigned to it is not allowed in group aaaaaaaa. You must change the members authorization code before drawing it down to that group. User response: It is possible that the function will succeed with a different authorization code. Contact the &dbc for a list of authorization codes that are valid for the group. If none of the authorization codes defined to the group work, try the same function at a different group. Contact the project manager if all attempts fail. Project manager response: The FLMGROUP macro lists the valid authorization codes defined for this group in the project definition. Do not attempt to add authorization codes to the project definition unless you are familiar with the risks associated with using authorization codes to control SCLM operations as outlined in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM05002 PREDECESSOR VERIFICATION FAILED INPUT GROUP : aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc ERROR GROUP1: dddddddd DATE: eeeeeeee TIME: ffffffff ERROR GROUP2: gggggggg DATE: hhhhhhhh TIME: iiiiiiii Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. For the promote processor, if gggggggg is not the group being promoted into, this message is a warning. However, the promote processor, in conditional mode, prevents the member in aaaaaaaa from replacing the member in gggggggg. This problem can also occur if the authorization codes are changed from other groups in the project definition. User response: For the promote processor, verify that the member in aaaaaaaa contains all of the required changes present in the member in gggggggg. If it does, and no other promote verification errors are present, promote again in unconditional mode. If other promote verification errors are present, either correct the errors or use an architecture member that controls as few members as possible. If you have tried to change the authorization code, and the member is in a development group, verify that all of the changes from the version in gggggggg have been incorporated in aaaaaaaa. Then delete and recreate the accounting information for the member using the SCLM editor or the SAVE service. If aaaaaaaa is not in a development group, the member must be drawn down to a development group, and you must delete the member in aaaaaaaa before using the procedure outlined here. If you are not able to correct the problem with the SCLM editor or SAVE service, contact the project manager. Project manager response: To locate and correct authorization code problems, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information. FLM05010 MEMBER LOCKED AT ANOTHER GROUP INPUT GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc ERROR GROUP: dddddddd AUTHORIZATION CODE: eeeeeeee

Explanation: The version of the member in error group1 dddddddd was not based on the member in error group2 gggggggg. During a promotion, this usually means that a version of the member between these two groups has been deleted. If the &authcode is being changed, changes to the member in gggggggg will be lost if the version in dddddddd is promoted. The predecessor Date and Time fields in the accounting information for the member in dddddddd should contain the last modified Date and Time fields for the next occurrence of the member within the hierarchy. For more information on specific contents of the predecessor Date and Time fields, see z/OS ISPF

Explanation: Member cccccccc has already been updated in another hierarchy. The changes reside in error group dddddddd, which is not in your hierarchy. You cannot update the member because you would not be working with the most current version of the member. User response: Have the member promoted into a group that is in your hierarchy (that is, one that appears on the SCLM Edit - Entry panel). If the member cannot be promoted, the member and its accounting information must be deleted in error group dddddddd using the SCLM library utility or the DELETE service. You can also change the authorization code to restrict promotion.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM05020 FLM06503

Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to allocate all data sets that compose the hierarchical view for the current SCLM function. The hierarchical view is for type aaaaaaaa, and begins with the corresponding data set at group bbbbbbbb Possible return codes are: 4 A certain number of groups in the group hierarchy was requested for allocation. The number of requested groups exceeds the number of available groups in the hierarchy starting with group bbbbbbbb. Type aaaaaaaa is not defined for the project. The SCLM type aaaaaaaa might not be defined in the project definition. The undefined type is usually generated by SCLM when an asterisk (*) is specified in the DFLTTYP parameter on an FLMALLOC macro in the language definition of the member being built. 12 16 20 A group in the requested hierarchy view is not defined for the project. No data sets are physically allocated for this hierarchical view. An error occurred during an attempt to dynamically allocate a data set in the hierarchy.

Explanation: This message identifies the return code received from translator aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. If the return code indicates success as defined on the FLMTRNSL macro, all output is saved in the hierarchy and no response is necessary. If the return code from the translator did not meet the GOODRC specified for the translator, SCLM saves translator output, such as compiler listings, in the listings data set for the processor if requested in the language definition. User response: Use the listings data set to locate and correct all errors identified by the translator. If the translator is supplied with SCLM, check the return codes for the translator. (See the SCLM Translators topic in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference.) If the return code from the translator is acceptable and the build function indicates that the translator failed, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Change the GOODRC parameter of the FLMTRNSL macro, which is defined in the project definition. Note: SCLM provides some translators and parsers for which return codes are documented in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM06502 ERROR INVOKING TRANSLATOR: aaaaaaaa, CODE: bbb

User response: For return codes: 4 No action is required. A hierarchical view was created starting at group bbbbbbbb, and continuing up through all the higher level defined in the current project definition. Determine if type aaaaaaaa has been incorrectly specified as input. Determine if type aaaaaaaa is not defined in the project definition (see the project manager). Determine if group bbbbbbbb has been incorrectly specified as input. Determine if group bbbbbbbb is not defined in the project definition (see the project manager). No data sets have been physically allocated in the hierarchy for type aaaaaaaa starting at group bbbbbbbb Determine if data sets should be allocated, and allocate them if necessary. See the project manager for assistance. An error occurred during an attempt to dynamically allocate a data set in the hierarchical view to a ddname. Verify that data sets in the hierarchical view are not allocated exclusively to another job, and resubmit the job again.

Explanation: SCLM could not invoke the aaaaaaaa translator. The load module containing the translator might be allocated exclusively to another job. There is a possible error in the language definition that defines the translator. User response: If the translator has been used successfully in the past and no changes were anticipated (for example, a new compiler release), invoke the processor again. If the translator is new or the problem recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the parameters of the FLMTRNSL macro, which are defined in the project definition, are correct. More information on the FLMTRNSL macro can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM06503 PROBABLE SYSTEM/USER ABEND FOR TRANSLATOR: aaaaaaaa HEXADECIMAL VALUE OF RETURN CODE: bbbbbbbb




Explanation: SCLM issues this message when an abend occurs for translator aaaaaaaa. User response: To determine the cause of the abend, look up the hexadecimal return code in the z/OS MVS
Chapter 3. SCLM messages

Project manager response: Allocate the necessary data sets.


FLM06504 FLM07001
System Codes. Check in the job log or system log for additional messages that may provide more information. Use the information provided in these messages to correct the cause of the abend, and submit the job again. FLM06504 NO TRANSLATORS DEFINED FOR SCLM EXECUTION LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa. FLM06511 ERROR INVOKING USER EXIT ROUTINE: aaa(16), CODE: 32

Explanation: SCLM could not invoke the user exit. The load module containing the user exit might be allocated exclusively to another job. There is a possible error in the project definition that defines the user exit. User response: If the user exit has been used successfully in the past, submit the job again. If the user exit is new or the problem recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the user exit executes correctly outside of SCLM. Verify that the user exit is defined correctly in the project definition. For more information on user exits, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM06512 VERIFICATION ERROR FROM USER EXIT ROUTINE: aaa(16), CODE: bbb

Explanation: The translators defined for the language definition do not contain any translators defined for SCLM. If any translators are defined, they are defined for use in external libraries. User response: Execute the function against languages defined with translators for SCLM execution. Project manager response: Define translators for the languages that are executable for SCLM. FLM06510 ERROR ALLOCATING DATA SET: aaa(44) FOR USER EXIT: bbbbbbbb CODE: ccc

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to allocate data set aaa(44) for user exit bbbbbbbb. This data set should contain the user exit routine to be invoked. Possible return codes are: 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message, including the message ID and all text fields, to IBM support. 16 Missing or incorrect data set name. 20 Invalid file attribute specified. 24 A member of a PDS was requested, but the data set was not partitioned. 28 The requested member could not be found. 32 The requested member was not available. 36 SCLM internal error (device unit missing). Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Xxxxx SVC 99 error code (in hexadecimal). If this is an SMS error code (X97xx) this will be followed by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: For return codes: <65 Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.

Explanation: The return code from user exit aaa(16) did not meet the acceptable criteria specified for the user exit. The output produced depends on the user exit routine. User response: Review the local software configuration management for information about the user exit. Project manager response: For more information on user exits, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM06513 PROBABLE SYSTEM/USER ABEND FOR USER EXIT ROUTINE: aaa(16) HEXADECIMAL VALUE OF RETURN CODE: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: SCLM issues this message when an ABEND (user exit return code greater than 4096) occurs. SCLM also provides the hexadecimal value of the user exit return code. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Use the information provided in this message to correct the cause of the ABEND. See z/OS MVS System Codes for complete information on the return codes. FLM07001 AUTHORITY CODE: aaa ON DATA SET: bbb(44) RESULTED FROM ATTEMPT TO UPDATE DATA. ATTR: c MACRO RC: ddd EXIT RC: eee EXIT REASON: fff

Xxxxx SVC 99 error codes are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide in the topic about the SVC 99 reason codes (or see Appendix A of the ISPF Tutorial). For SMS error codes, the IGD message can be located in the z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). The listing may have one or two leading zeros added to the ddddd value.

Explanation: An attempt was made to perform an SCLM function without the proper authority. Users cannot update SCLM control data, using SCLM functions, unless they have the authority to update the data set to which the control data is related.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM07002 FLM07005
DSNAME ATTR MACRO RC Data set being accessed. R: READ, U: UPDATE, C: CONTROL, A: ALTER. For a code of 8, either the LOCATE macro failed to find the data set, or the RACROUTE macro failed. Otherwise, the MACRO RC contains the return code from the LOCATE macro or the RACROUTE macro. For a MACRO RC of 8, this value contains the return code from a data set security or the SAF router exit routine. For RACF, this is the RACHECK return code. Otherwise it is set to zero. Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to allocate a temporary data set. Possible return codes (aaa) are: 4 12 Data set name omitted from input. SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Missing or incorrect data set name. Invalid file attribute specified. A member of a PDS was requested but the data set is not partitioned. The requested member could not be found. The requested member was not available. SCLM internal error (device unit missing). Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.

16 20 24 28 32 36


EXIT REASON For a MACRO RC of 8, this value contains the reason code from a data set security or the SAF router exit routine. For RACF, this is the RACHECK reason code. Otherwise it is set to zero. Note: For the INIT service call using a program, only the first line will appear, indicating the user does not have READ access to the project definition data set. User response: Verify that you specified the correct group and type for the function you are requesting. Also verify that the requested data set exists. If the request was valid, get update authority to the data set identified in the message. FLM07002 ERROR PERFORMING AN ENQUEUE CODE: aaa QNAME: bbbbbbbb RNAME LENGTH: ccc RNAME: ddd(60) Explanation: The requested resource was enqueued by another job. The enqueued resource, which is usually a data set, is identified by RNAME. The code refers to the return code from the enqueue macro. RNAME LENGTH identifies the size of RNAME in bytes because RNAME can contain trailing blanks. QNAME is the name of the queue used for the enqueue operation. User response: Try the job again later. FLM07004 ERROR ALLOCATING A TEMPORARY DATA SET CODE: aaa DDNAME: bbbbbbbb LRECL: cccccccc RECFM: dddddddd NUMRECS: eeeeee DISP: ffff DSNAME: ggg(44)

Xxxxx SVC 99 error, reason code (in hexadecimal). Some possible values are: X0210 Requested data set unavailable. The data set is allocated to another job and its usage attributes conflict with this request. X1708 Data set does not exist. X97xx SMS error code. This will be followed by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error. User response: Submit the job again. If the error recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that all data set names are correctly defined and exist. For return codes of the form Xxxxx, refer to the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the SVC 99 reason codes (or see Appendix A of the ISPF tutorial). For SMS error codes, the IGD message can be located in the z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). The listing may have one or two leading zeros added to the ddddd value. For additional assistance, contact IBM support. FLM07005 ERROR RETRIEVING DIRECTORY INFORMATION FOR TYPE: aaaaaaaa CODE: bbb

Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to retrieve the directory information for a member in type aaaaaaaa. Possible return codes are: 16 There are two possible reasons for this error: v The hierarchy is not defined.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM07006 FLM07007
v Data sets required by the current operation are not allocated. 20 A data set in type aaaaaaaa could not be opened, possibly because: v The hierarchy contains more than the maximum allowed 123 extents v A data set required by the current operation could not be opened, possibly because the data set is allocated exclusively to another job, or because of a data set security protection error. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 A hierarchy error might have occurred. Reassemble the project definition and make certain that a return code of 0 is returned. Determine if all data sets required by the current operation are allocated. If not, allocate them, exit, and reenter SCLM. Verify that data sets in type aaaaaaaa are not allocated exclusively to another job. Verify that the user has the appropriate data set security access. Check the number of extents used for all data sets allocated to type aaaaaaaa in the hierarchy. If the total number of extents used is greater than 123, some of the data sets must be reallocated with a larger block size. ERROR ACCESSING MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb, ACCOUNTING GROUP: cccccccc DATA SET NAME: ddd(44) CODE: eee 16 member should not exist in group cccccccc, use the SCLM Library Utility or the DELETE service to remove the accounting information for the member. Check the input parameters and verify that the type exists in the project definition. Verify that data set ddd(44) is not allocated exclusively to another job.

Project manager response: Determine if the data set should be allocated, and allocate it if necessary. After reallocating the data set, exit and reenter SCLM. Delete the accounting record for the member at that group and type. Be aware that an inconsistency in the hierarchy occurred because an accounting record existed for a member that does not exist. FLM07007 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION IS NOT ACCURATE FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb ACCOUNTING GROUP: cccccccc MEMBER GROUP: dddddddd


Explanation: One of these has occurred: v Member aaaaaaaa is out of date. The accounting information for the member does not match the contents of the member. If neither group is a development library, it is possible that the member has been updated outside of SCLM control. v The member exists in dddddddd and the accounting record exists in cccccccc, but the data set corresponding to cccccccc.bbbbbbbb does not exist. It is also possible that all groups in the hierarchy (for this type) are not of the same record format. User response: If the member is editable, register the member with SCLM using the SCLM editor, migration utility, or the SAVE service. If the member is non-editable, delete the member with the SCLM library utility or the DELETE service and regenerate the member with the SCLM build function. Verify that the data set for cccccccc.bbbbbbbb is allocated. If it is not, contact the project manager. If the groups are not all the same record format, have the project manager allocate all data sets with the same record format Project manager response: If the data set for cccccccc.bbbbbbbb is allocated verify that all groups associated with the type are of the same record format. If the data set is not allocated, allocate it, exit, and reenter SCLM. Delete the accounting record for the member at cccccccc.bbbbbbbb. Be aware that an inconsistency in the hierarchy occurred, because an accounting record existed for a nonexistent member.


Explanation: One of these has occurred: v The type bbbbbbbb is not defined in the project definition. v The accounting record for the member exists, but the corresponding data set for group cccccccc and type bbbbbbbb does not. v The data set ddd(44) might be allocated exclusively to another job. v The member aaaaaaaa does not exist in data set ddd(44). Possible return codes are: 8 The member is not registered with SCLM, the data set ddd(44) does not exist, or member aaaaaaaa does not exist within data set ddd(44). SCLM cannot retrieve the directory information for the member.


User response: If the return code is: 8 Verify that data set ddd(44) exists and contains member aaaaaaaa. If group cccccccc is a development group, you can use the SCLM Editor to add the member into the data set. If the
z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes


FLM07008 FLM07011
FLM07008 ERROR ACCESSING MEMBER: aaaaaaaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb, TYPE: cccccccc, DATA SET NAME: ddd(44) CODE: eee FLM07010 ERROR UPDATING DIRECTORY INFORMATION AT GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc DATA SET NAME: ddd(44) CODE: eee

Explanation: Member aaaaaaaa could not be retrieved. Data set ddd(44) might be empty, or could not be opened. Possible return codes are: 32 36 Member aaaaaaaa could not be found in the data set Type cccccccc could not be found

Explanation: SCLM could not update the data set directory for this member. Possible return codes are: 4 8 12 16 20-36 24 41 42 43 44 45 46 Unable to update the directory information of a data set allocated with RECFM=U. Unable to get member name from the directory. The file is not closed. The file control block is NIL. Indicates that an I/O error occurred. This can also indicate that the target data set could not be accessed. BINDER STARTDialog failed BINDER CREATEWorkmod failed BINDER INCLUDE failed BINDER SETOption failed BINDER SAVEWorkmod failed BINDER DELETEWorkmod failed

User response: For return codes: 32 The member is not registered with SCLM, or was deleted. Edit the member under SCLM, or use the Migrate or Save service. Contact the project manager for assistance.


Project manager response: Determine if the type is defined in the project definition. If not, determine if it must be defined and re-assemble the project definition if necessary. Provide other assistance as needed. FLM07009 ERROR ACCESSING MEMBER: aaaaaaaa, FOR GROUP: bbbbbbbb, TYPE: cccccccc, DATA SET NAME: ddd(44) CODE: eee

Explanation: A possible I/O error occurred for data set ddd(44) while attempting to access member aaaaaaaa, or data set ddd(44) does not exist. Possible return codes are: 8 12 20 Enqueue error for data set ddd(44). Type cccccccc not found in hierarchy or the data set is not allocated. An error occurred during an attempt to allocate data set ddd(44).

User response: Contact the project manager. For codes 41 through 46, refer to IEW messages for information on the failure and corrective response. Project manager response: Contact IBM support. For codes 41 through 46, refer to IEW messages for information on the failure and corrective response. FLM07011 ERROR ALLOCATING TEMPORARY DATA SET FOR TRANSLATOR: aaa. DATA SET NUMBER: bbb CODE: ccc

User response: Verify that the data set is not allocated exclusively to another job. Contact the project manager. Project manager response: For return code: 8 12 Verify that the data set is not allocated exclusively to another job. Determine if the type cccccccc is defined in the project definition. If not, determine if the type is required for the project and add it to the project definition if necessary. Determine if data set ddd(44) exists. If it does not, allocate it, exit, and reenter SCLM. Then attempt the operation again. Verify that the data set exists and that it is not allocated exclusively to another job. The unit was not specified

Explanation: An error occurred in allocating a temporary data set for translator aaa. The data set number identifies the relative position of the FLMALLOC macro used to allocate the data set for that translator. Possible return codes are: 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Missing or incorrect data set name. Invalid file attribute specified. A member of a PDS was requested but the data set is not partitioned. The requested member could not be found. The requested member was not available.
Chapter 3. SCLM messages

16 20 24 28 32

20 36


36 SCLM internal error (device unit missing). Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.. X1708 If a user supplied data set naming convention is used, try replacing the data set name for the FLMCPYLB macro with variable @@FLMDSN. FLM07012 ERROR SAVING MEMBER aaaaaaaa TO GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc, DATA SET NAME: ddd(44) CODE: eee

Xxxxx SVC 99 error, reason code (in hexadecimal). Some possible values are: X0210 Requested data set unavailable. The data set is allocated to another job and its usage attributes conflict with this request. X0410 Specified ddname unavailable. X0484 Not enough space on any available pack. X1708 Data set does not exist. X97xx SMS error code. This will be followed by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error. User response: This message indicates that an error occurred while allocating a data set to be used by a translator. If you receive a return code of 32 or Xxxxx, try the operation again. If the problem recurs or you receive any other return codes, contact the project manager. Project manager response: If the return code is : 12 SCLM internal error. Contact IBM support. Note: For the next set of codes, you should know that the data set number corresponds to an FLMALLOC macro associated with the specified translator (the first FLMALLOC is data set 1, the second is data set 2 and so on). 16 Check FLMALLOC to ensure that the data set name has been specified correctly. 20 Check FLMALLOC to ensure that all data set attributes have been specified correctly. 24 Check FLMALLOC to ensure that a sequential data set was not specified when a partitioned data set was expected. 28 Check FLMALLOC to ensure that the correct member name was specified. 32 Retry the operation. If the same problem occurs, contact IBM support. Xxxxx An error was received from SVC 99 during the allocation. The SVC 99 reason code is specified in the message (xxxx). Refer to the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the SVC 99 reason codes or see Appendix A of the ISPF Tutorial. For SMS error codes, the IGD message can be located in the z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). The listing may have one or two leading zeros added to the ddddd value. Some possible codes are: X0484 Decrease the value specified for the RECNUM parameter on the FLMALLOC macro and try again.

Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to copy member aaaaaaaa to data set ddd(44). This message can be preceded by an MVS system error message. Common errors are: D37 Primary space is full and secondary space is not requested for data set ddd(44). The directory is full, or the maximum number of extents (123) was exceeded, or the volume and VTOC of data set ddd(44) are full and secondary volumes are not available. RECFM of target data set not the same as RECFM as of source data set. Error accessing data set ddd(44) due to a data set security protection error.

B37 or E37

SVC99 error RACF error

Possible return codes: 12 A ddname is not allocated properly. A PDS was allocated without a member name, a sequential data set was allocated with a member name, or some other allocation error occurred. The output data set is full. RACF failed or the input member was not found. An input parameter was not valid. A member entry could not be created because the input member is an alias or has TTR notes. Open failed or TSOLNK failed.

16 20 24 28 32

User response: Refer to the z/OS MVS System Messages manuals for descriptions of the MVS error messages and how to resolve them. If this message was not preceded by an abend code, verify that the language definition in use does not contain a DDNAME that is used more than once. Verify that the language definition does not include member names on sequential data sets. Verify that partitioned data sets have member names where necessary. Project manager response: Provide assistance as needed.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM07013 FLM07016
FLM07013 COPY FAILED AT GROUP: aaaaaaaa, TYPE: bbbbbbbb, FOR DATA SET NAME: ccc(44) CODE: ddd extents (123) was exceeded; or the volume and VTOC of the data set ccc(44) are full and secondary volumes are not available. User response: Check for MVS system error messages for detailed information. Submit the job again after performing these operations: 1. Compress the data set ccc(44) or reallocate it with more space or directory blocks. 2. Verify that the volume and VTOC for the data set ccc(44) are not full. Move the data set if they are full. FLM07015 ERROR ACCESSING DATA SET aaa(44) FOR GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc RETURN CODE ddd.

Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to copy one or more members to data set ccc(44). Possible return codes are: 4 One or more members specified to be copied to data set ccc(44) were not present in the source data set(s), or the number of directory blocks allocated for data set ccc(44) is inadequate. The data set ccc(44) might be allocated exclusively to another job. The data set ccc(44) does not exist or is not allocated with the same attributes as data sets for type bbbbbbbb. Three possibilities exist: 1. IEBCOPY attention interrupt error 2. A member to copy could not be found 3. A member entry could not be created User response: For return codes: 4 Perform these actions: 1. Determine if all members that must be copied in the current operation are present in their source data sets. 2. Reallocate data set ccc(44) with more directory blocks. 8 Determine if the data set is allocated exclusively to another job. When the data set is available resubmit the job. Determine if the data set exists and is allocated with the correct attributes. Contact the project manager if needed. Make sure that all members to copy exist. Determine if the data set has free directory entries.

8 12, 16


Explanation: SCLM was attempting to access the data set aaa(44) for an operation at group bbbbbbbb and type cccccccc, and a system error occurred. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: The LOCATE/CAMLST macro is used to access the data set. The return code ddd is the value returned from that macro. For each return code only some of the reasons are given here; for a complete list and for additional information on LOCATE see z/OS DFSMSdfp Advanced Services. Possible return codes are: 12 16 20 24 A possible reason for this error is: v An alias data set name was found Data set does not exist at the lowest catalog index level specified. A syntax error exists in the data set name Possible reasons for this error are: v A permanent input/output error occurred. v An unrecoverable error occurred. 28 An input parameter address to LOCATE cannot be used MULTIPLE FLMCPYLBS CANNOT BE ALLOCATED WITH DISP: ddd FOR TRANSLATOR: aaa DATA SET NUMBER: bbb.

12, 16


Project manager response: Provide assistance as needed. FLM07014 COPY FAILED FOR GROUP: aaaaaaaa, TYPE: bbbbbbbb, AT DATA SET NAME: ccc(44) ABEND CODE: ddd


Explanation: SCLM was unable to update data set ccc(44) because of an ABEND during the copy operation. Common ABEND codes and their meanings are: D37 Primary space is full and secondary space is not requested in the data set ccc(44).

Explanation: The language definition contains an FLMALLOC with a disposition parameter ddd requesting allocation of multiple data sets. Multiple data set allocations must use disposition SHR. The disposition parameter is abbreviated as follows: S for SHR, M for MOD, O for OLD, and N for NEW. User response: Contact the project manager Project manager response: Find the language definition that is causing the problem. For this message, aaa represents the occurrence of the FLMTRNSL macro in the language definition and bbb represents the
Chapter 3. SCLM messages

B37 or E37 The directory is full; the maximum number of


FLM07020 FLM08501
occurrence of the FLMALLOC macro defined for that translator. Either remove all but one FLMCPYLB macro for the allocation or change the DISP parameter on the FLMALLOC macro. Then reassemble and relink the project definition. FLM07020 DATA SET aaa(44) DOES NOT EXIST FOR GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc group aaaaaaaa. The accounting information will be deleted. User response: Verify that no members involved in the promotion should have existed in GROUP aaaaaaaa. FLM07032 ERROR BUILDING IOTYPE=S INPUT DATA SET FOR TRANSLATOR:aaaaaaaa DATA SET NUMBER: bbb CODE: ccc

Explanation: The data set specified by aaa(44) does not exist. This data set is needed for an operation in group bbbbbbbb and type cccccccc. User response: Determine if data set aaa(44) should be allocated, and allocate it if necessary. Contact the project manager if you need the data set but are unable to allocate it. Project manager response: Determine whether data set aaa(44) is needed for the function that issued the error message. (More information about function usage of data sets can be found in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference.) Allocate the data set if necessary, or inform the user that the data set should not be used for the current function. FLM07030 PURGE FAILED FOR GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb DATA SET NAME: ccc(44) CODE: ddd

Explanation: SCLM was unable to build the input data set possibly due to an out of space condition. Possible return codes are: 16 20 Data set out of space. Data set access failed.

User response: If the return code is: 16 20 Compress the data set and resubmit the job. If the error persists, notify the project manager. Contact the project manager.

Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Increase the RECNUM size on the FLMALLOC macro. The data set number identifies the relative position of the FLMALLOC data set for that translator. Assign the appropriate data set access security level. ERROR PERFORMING VERSIONING


Explanation: An error occurred while purging members from the specified group and type in data set ccc(44) Possible return codes are: 8 12 16 20 The data set ccc(44) is allocated exclusively to another job. An I/O error occurred while accessing the data set ccc(44). SCLM is unable to allocate data set ccc(44). An SCLM internal error occurred or the user does not have the proper security access to the data set.


Explanation: A processing error occurred while performing versioning. User response: Examine the error messages printed with the current message to determine the cause of the problem. FLM08501 ERROR COPYING MEMBER TO VERSION DATA SET CODE aaa GROUP bbbbbbbb TYPE cccccccc MEMBER dddddddd VERSION DATA SET eeeeeeee

User response: Verify that the data set ccc(44) exists and that it is not allocated exclusively to another job. Ensure that you have the proper security access to the data set. Submit the job again. Project manager response: If the return code is 20 contact SCLM Program Support. FLM07031 WARNING, UNABLE TO PURGE MEMBER(S) BECAUSE MEMBER(S) ARE MISSING FROM GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An error occurred while copying an SCLM member to the versioning data set. The member was not versioned. Possible codes for aaa are: 8 The LRECL, DSORG, or RECFM of the version PDS is invalid, a member within the version PDS is corrupted, or a temporary version data set could not be allocated. See message FLM39203, FLM39222, or FLM39225. Note: If this message is not accompanied by message FLM39203 or message FLM39222, check that the member has not been modified in the versioning

Explanation: One or more members in TYPE bbbbbbbb are missing. Only accounting information exists in


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM08502 FLM20002
data set (VERPDS). If it has, create a new member by copying the text you want to save into the new member. Then cancel out of the edit session. The version data set has been tampered with. Point this out to your project manager, delete all versions associated with the member, and then recreate the member under its old name. 12 16 20 1xx Versioning PDS could not be opened. See message FLM39200. Source data set could not be opened. See message FLM39200. Version PDS could not be opened. See message FLM39225. SuperCU not successful (100 + SuperCU return code). See message FLM39220. See SuperCU documentation for the meaning of the SuperCU return code. FLM09004 THE aaaa MESSAGES WILL APPEAR IN bbbb

Explanation: Data set bbbb will contain the message output. This message is provided for information only. FLM09006 THE aaaa LISTING WILL APPEAR IN bbbb

Explanation: Data set bbbb will contain the listing output. This message is provided for information only. FLM09008 RETURN CODE = aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The return code for this function is aaaaaaaa. This message is provided for information only. FLM20001 IF PARSER LISTINGS WERE CREATED, THEY WILL APPEAR IN DSN: aaa(44).

In the message, bbbbbbbb is the GROUP being versioned, cccccccc is the TYPE being versioned, dddddddd is the MEMBER being versioned, and eeeeeeee is the fully qualified data set name of versioning PDS. User response: See the referenced message for each return code to determine the action to be taken. FLM08502 ERROR REBUILDING SOURCE FROM VERSION, CODE: aaa

Explanation: Any listings generated by the parser will appear in data set aaa(44). User response: If parser listings were created, review the parser listings for notification or error information and respond accordingly. If parser listings were not created but were expected, see your project manager. Project manager response: If the dsname (DSN) value is blank and parser listings should have been created, check the language definition to ensure that the parser listings are allocated with the PRINT=I or PRINT=Y option. FLM20002 THE VERSION OF THE MEMBER YOU ARE EDITING DOES NOT HAVE AN ACCOUNTING RECORD AT THE HIERARCHY LEVEL IN WHICH IT WAS FOUND. ANOTHER VERSION EXISTS IN THE SCLM-CONTROLLED HIERARCHY.

Explanation: The retrieval process for the specified version failed. Possible codes for aaa are: 8 32 48 1nn Version, member, or retrieval data set not found. Error freeing versioning data sets. Corrupt version data. Error processing delta data. See message FLM39220 for possible values of nn.

User response: Verify the data sets are allocated, cataloged, and accessible to SCLM; otherwise, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Allocate, catalog, or make the data sets accessible to SCLM. FLM09002 THE aaaa REPORT WILL APPEAR IN bbbb

Explanation: The member that you selected to edit exists in the hierarchy in two different places. The group at which the text of the member was found is not the same as the group at which the first occurrence of the accounting record was found. The version you are editing might be out of date. Someone might have copied a version of this member into a group in the hierarchy without doing a MIGRATE or a SAVE. User response: Verify that this is the correct version of the member that you wish to edit. If not, cancel from the current edit session, and use the Library Utility to delete the back-level version; then edit the member again. You should not promote the member without first checking to see whether the two versions need to be manually merged to prevent loss of data. Project manager response: Check the project definition FLMALTC parameters. It is possible that you have two groups using the same data set to store
Chapter 3. SCLM messages

Explanation: Data set bbbb will contain the report output. This message is provided for information only.


FLM20003 FLM32201
members, and accounting information. This could lead to data integrity problems. Either change the promote path for one of the groups so that they cannot affect each other, or change the dsname specified on the FLMALTC macro for one of the groups. FLM20003 MEMBER LEVEL LOCKING IS IN FORCE AND USER: aaaaaaaa HAS THE MEMBER LOCKED. PLEASE CONTACT THE SCLM ADMINISTRATOR TO UNLOCK THE MEMBER: bbbbbbbb. FLM20008 WARNING INPUT DSN/MEMBER WAS ALREADY ENCODED. INPUT MEMBER : nnnnnnn

Explanation: SCLM attempted to encode the member nnnnnnn but found that it was already encoded. FLM20009 WARNING INPUT DSN/MEMBER WAS ALREADY DECODED. INPUT MEMBER : nnnnnnn

Explanation: SCLM attempted to decode the member nnnnnnn but found that it was already decoded. FLM30001 CHANGE CODE DELETIONS NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS UTILITY

Explanation: The member that you selected to edit is owned by another user. While the member is locked only the user who last changed it or an SCLM administrator can make any changes. User response: Ask user aaaaaaaa or an SCLM administrator to transfer ownership of the member to you using option T on the SCLM Library Utility - Entry Panel, and then try again. FLM20004 ERROR CREATING THE ENCODING TEMPORARY DATA SET. Return Code=rr

Explanation: A delete change code request was specified from a utility that does not support this request. The change code was not deleted. FLM30002 USER ENTRY DELETIONS NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS UTILITY

Explanation: An error was encountered attempting to create a temporary data set into which SCLM will encode. User response: Determine why SCLM had a problem allocating a temporary data set. FLM20005 ERROR DECODING THE MEMBER nnnnnnn, Return Code=rr ERROR MSG: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Explanation: A delete user entry request was specified from a utility that does not support this request. The user entry was not deleted. FLM32101 MIGRATION UTILITY INITIATED aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The migration process has started. aaaaaaaa is the time of the message. bbbbbbbb is the date of the message. This message is provided for information only. FLM32102 INVALID MIGRATE MODE: X SPECIFIED. VALID VALUES ARE C (CONDITIONAL), U (UNCONDITIONAL), OR F (FORCED).

Explanation: SCLM encountered a problem attempting to decode the member nnnnnnn User response: Use the error message to determine the why SCLM was unable to decode the member nnnnnnnn. FLM20006 ERROR ENCODING THE MEMBER nnnnnnn, Return Code=rr ERROR MSG: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Explanation: The Migrate mode parameter on the FLMCMD service is not valid. User response: Verify that the proper number of parameters have been specified. Use one of these values, and try again. C Conditional (default) U Unconditional F Forced FLM32201 UNABLE TO READ DIRECTORY FOR DATA SET NAME: aaa(44) GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc CODE: ddd

Explanation: SCLM encountered a problem attempting to encode the member nnnnnnn User response: Use the error message to determine the why SCLM was unable to encode the member nnnnnnnn. FLM20007 WARNING MEMBER nnnnnnnn WAS ALREADY ENCODED.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to read the directory of the data set aaa(44). Possible return codes are: 16 SCLM is unable to open the data set

Explanation: SCLM attempted to encode the member nnnnnnn but found that it was already encoded. This is a warning message.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM32302 FLM32504
20 An internal error occurred while attempting to read the data set directory. FLM32310 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR MIGRATION MESSAGES IS NOT ALLOCATED

User response: Verify that the data set directory can be accessed by using the SCLM editor to browse the data set. If you cannot browse the data set, correct the problem and resubmit the job. Possible problems are that the data set is enqueued or the data set does not contain a valid directory. FLM32302 NO MEMBERS MATCHING SELECTION CRITERIA

Explanation: The ddname specified for the migration messages was not allocated. If the migration function is invoked using the services, the ddname for the migration messages is optional. If not specified, the migration report is defaulted to the terminal. If the ddname is specified it must be allocated. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for the migration messages is allocated. Resubmit the job. FLM32320 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR MIGRATION LISTING IS NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: The migration utility did not attempt to migrate any members into SCLM control because there are no members that match the input parameters supplied for PROJECT, GROUP, TYPE, and MEMBER. SCLM could not find anything to migrate. User response: Verify that the PROJECT, GROUP, TYPE, and MEMBER parameters specified are correct. Verify that the information you expected to migrate is in the proper data set according to the parameters specified. FLM32303 NO MEMBERS MATCHING SELECTION CRITERIA NEED MIGRATION

Explanation: The ddname specified for the migration listing was not allocated. If the migration function is invoked through the services, the ddname for the migration listing is optional. If not specified, the migration listing is defaulted to the terminal. If a ddname is specified it must be allocated. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for migration listing is allocated. Resubmit the job. FLM32401 MIGRATION UTILITY COMPLETED

Explanation: The migration utility did not attempt to migrate any members into SCLM control because there are no members that are not under SCLM control that match the PROJECT, GROUP, TYPE, and MEMBER parameters. Members are considered under SCLM control if SCLM has accurate accounting information for them. User response: Verify that the members to be migrated are not already under SCLM control and that they match the PROJECT, GROUP, TYPE, and MEMBER parameters. FLM32304 WARNING, A NEW ACCOUNTING RECORD WILL BE GENERATED FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc BASED ON THE ACCOUNTING RECORD AT GROUP: dddddddd. CHANGES MAY NEED TO BE MERGED BEFORE PROMOTING THE MEMBER.

Explanation: The migration utility finished processing. User response: See the accompanying messages that appear with this message on your screen for additional information regarding the status of this report. FLM32501 INVOKING MIGRATION UTILITY

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM32502 INVOKING EXPORT UTILITY

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM32503 INVOKING IMPORT UTILITY

Explanation: Migrate in forced mode will generate a new accounting record for the member aaaaaaaa at group bbbbbbbb and type cccccccc. The new accounting record will be based on this one. If the authorization code was changed by the migrate, ensure that any changes were merged with those at group dddddddd before promoting the member. User response: Check to see that any changes are merged before promoting the member.

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM32504 INVOKING DELETE GROUP UTILITY

Explanation: This message is provided for information only.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM32600 FLM33166

| FLM33001 |


Explanation: The date must be in the National Language format and have a 4-character year. User response: Correct the date parameter on the Migrate service and run the service again. FLM32605 TIME PARAMETER IS NOT IN A VALID FORMAT FOR THE MIGRATE UTILITY. DATE: aaaaaaaaaa

| Explanation: The search process has started. aaaaaaaa | is the time of the message. bbbbbbbbbb is the date of the | message. | User response: This message is for informational | purposes. | FLM33120 |

Explanation: The time must be in the National Language format. User response: Correct the time parameter on the Migrate service and run the service again. FLM32630 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaa FOR MIGRATE REPORT NOT ALLOCATED

| Explanation: Ddname aaaaaaaa, which was specified | for the messages, is not allocated. | User response: Verify that aaaaaaaa ddname for the | messages is allocated. Submit the job again. | FLM33130 |

Explanation: The report ddname of the Migrate service must be allocated before executing the Migrate service. The ddname can be left blank to allocate the ddname to the default output device (such as the terminal). User response: Either allocate the data set before invoking the Migrate service or set the ddname parameter to blank. FLM32635 DATE REQUIRED IF TIME REQUESTED

| Explanation: Ddname aaaaaaaa, which was specified | for the report, is not allocated. | User response: Verify that aaaaaaaa ddname for the | messages is allocated. Submit the job again. | FLM33164 | | | | | | |

Explanation: The time parameter was requested, but the date parameter was not. User response: To migrate with a date and time, add the date parameter to the service call. To migrate without a date and time, remove the time parameter from the service call. FLM32640 TIME REQUIRED IF DATE REQUESTED

Explanation: DATA SET aaaaaaaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc record format dddddddd is not valid. The record format must have a type of Fixed, Variable, or Undefined.

| User response: Correct the record format. | FLM33165 |


| Explanation: The search utility finished processing but | no output was generated. | User response: See the accompanying messages that | appear with this message for additional information | regarding the status of this report. | FLM33166 |

Explanation: The date parameter was requested, but the time parameter was not. User response: To migrate with a date and time, add the time parameter to the service call. To migrate without a date and time, remove the date parameter from the service call.

| FLM33000


| Explanation: The additional search strings were | written to a temporary data set. For some reason, the | temporary data set could not be accessed. | User response: Use the error messages to determine | why SCLM was unable to retrieve the specified search | strings.

| Explanation: This message is self explanatory. | User response: This message is for informational | purposes.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM33167 FLM33178
| FLM33167 |

| FLM33173 |


| Explanation: The count of valid types which exist for | the given project could not be retrieved. | User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to | retrieve the count. | FLM33168 | |

| Explanation: Group aaaaaaaa type bbbbbbbb will not be | searched if Editable types only field was selected at | the SCLM Search Entry panel. | User response: De-select the Editable types only if a | search of non-editable types is required. | FLM33174 | | | | | | | | |

| Explanation: There are no text members in the project | that match the input parameters supplied for group | bbbbbbbb, type cccccccc, and member pattern aaaaaaaa. | |
User response: Verify that the specified group, type, and member pattern are correct. ERROR RETRIEVING MEMBER LIST GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb

| FLM33169 |

Explanation: SCLM can perform hierarchy search if a data set is allocated for every possible PROJECT.aaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbb combination in the hierarchy.

| Explanation: A severe error occurred while reading | the directory for the SCLM controlled dataset specified | by GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb. | User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to | retrieve the member list. | FLM33170 |

| User response: To search all levels in the hierarchy | de-select the Search hierarchy field and place an * | in the group field. | FLM33175 | | |

| Explanation: A severe error occurred during an | attempt to allocate all data sets that compose the | hierarchical view for group aaaaaaaa, type bbbbbbbb. | User response: Contact IBM support. | FLM33171 |

| Explanation: An error occurred while deleting | SUPERC input dataset aaaaaaa created by member | encoding/decoding routine. rrrr is the return code. | User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to | delete the temporary dataset. | FLM33177

| Explanation: Group aaaaaaaa, type bbbbbbbb member | selection list was displayed at the SCLM Search Entry | panel, but no members were selected. | |
User response: This message is for informational purposes only. No action is required. NO ACCOUNT RECORDS MATCHING THE PATTERN: aaaaaaaa FOUND IN GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc.

| Explanation: SuperC error - SuperC ended with a | return code of rr. | User response: See the generated SUPERC listing for | details. | FLM33178 | | |

| FLM33172 | | |

| Explanation: There are no account members in the | project that match the input parameters supplied for | group bbbbbbbb, type cccccccc, and member pattern | aaaaaaaa. | |
User response: This message is for informational purposes only. No action is required.

| Explanation: An error occurred while allocating | SUPERC input dataset for group aaaaaaaa type bbbbbbbb. | rr is the return code. | User response: Determine why SCLM had a problem | allocating a temporary data set.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM33179 FLM39010
| FLM33179 | | | |

User response: For return code: 8 16 20 Verify that the member exists and is under SCLM control. If it is, contact the project manager. Specify a valid group on the SCLM Audit and Version Utility Entry Panel. Contact the project manager.

| Explanation: This message is self explanatory. | User response: Contact your SCLM administrator | FLM33181 | |

Project manager response: For return code: 8 Verify that the user has the proper access authority for the versioning data set. Also verify that the proper versioning data set is being accessed by the project definition in use. Run IDCAMS against the versioning data set to determine the problem. VERSION / AUDIT RECORD NOT FOUND AT SPECIFIED LEVEL, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd DATE: eeee TIME: ffff

| Explanation: An error occurred while deleting | SUPERC input dataset aaaaaaa created by member | encoding/decoding routine. rrrr is the return code. | User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to | delete the temporary dataset. | FLM33198 |



| Explanation: This message is self explanatory. | User response: Contact IBM support. | FLM33199

| Explanation: The Search utility ended with a return | code of rr. | User response: This message is for informational | purposes only. No action is required. | FLM33200 |

Explanation: This is a warning message indicating that the audit record was not found at the level specified on the SCLM Audit and Version Utility Entry Panel but was found at a higher level. Possible return codes are: 4 Record was found at higher level FLM39010 ERROR UPDATING DIRECTORY INFORMATION FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa DATA SET NAME: bbb(44) CODE: ccc

| Explanation: The search utility finished processing. | aaaaaaaa is the time of the message. bbbbbbbbbb is the | date of the message. | User response: See the accompanying messages that | appear with this message for additional information | regarding the status of this report.
FLM39002 VERSION / AUDIT RECORD NOT FOUND, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd DATE: eeee TIME: ffff

Explanation: SCLM could not update the data set directory for this member in the version retrieve to data set. Possible return codes are: 4 8 12 16 20-36 24 Unable to update the directory information of a data set allocated with RECFM=U. Unable to get member name from the directory. The file is not closed. The file control block is NIL. Indicates that an I/O error occurred. This can also indicate that the target data set could not be accessed.

Explanation: The audit record was either not found at the level specified on the SCLM Audit and Version Utility Entry Panel or the VSAM record could not be retrieved. Possible return codes are: 8 12 16 Versioning record for member dddddddd could not be found. VSAM record could not be properly decoded. Invalid group specified on the SCLM Audit and Version Utility Entry Panel.
z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Contact IBM support.


FLM39011 FLM39218
FLM39011 MEMBER DOES NOT EXIST IN VERSION DATA SET, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd DATE: eeee TIME: ffff PDS: gggggggggg SYSTEM: hhhhhhhh FLM39200 ERROR RETRIEVING STATISTICS FOR DATA SET: aaa(44) CODE: bbb

Explanation: Error retrieving the attributes for the specified data set, aaa(44). Possible values for CODE bbb, are: 4 8 12 16 20 Error freeing data set Error freeing DCB attributes list or getting directory block information Could not obtain DCB attributes Data set not found Severe internal error.

Explanation: The member dddddddd does not exist in the version gggggggggg data set. Code aaa will always be 8. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the Version PDS file has not been restored independently. The Version VSAM file and the Version PDS file must stay in sync at all times. If the Version PDS has not been restored or altered through manual manipulation, then the file has been corrupted. Data has been lost. FLM39012 ERROR RETRIEVING SELECTION LIST, CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd DATE: eeee TIME: ffff

User response: Verify that data set exists and is cataloged. FLM39203 ERROR RETRIEVING SYSTEM NAME FOR DDNAME: aaaaaaaa, CODE: bbb

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create the versioning member selection list. Possible return codes are: 8 12 Logical error occurred while reading the audit database. Physical I/O error occurred while reading the audit database.

Explanation: Cannot find ddname aaaaaaaa in system catalog. Possible values for CODE, bbb, are: 4 8 16 20 24 1xx Ddname incorrect or not allocated for first temporary version file Ddname incorrect or not allocated for second temporary version file Ddname incorrect or not allocated for temporary new version file Ddname incorrect or not allocated for temporary full source file Ddname incorrect or not allocated for temporary delta file An LM service failed (called by FLMVSDSS). Contact IBM support.

User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify the integrity of the audit VSAM database. If problems with the database are discovered, reallocate the database using IDCAMS. FLM39114 RECORD LENGTH OF THE VERSION RETRIEVAL DATA SET: aaa(44) INCOMPATIBLE WITH RECORD LENGTH OF SOURCE DATA SET: bbb(44)

User response: Attempt the operation again. If the error persists, contact your project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the user is allowed to allocate temporary data sets. This error could also be the result of DASD problems on the system. FLM39218 MATCHING DATE NOT FOUND IN VERSION PDS

Explanation: The retrieve to data set name specified on the SCLM AUDIT AND VERSION UTILITY ENTRY PANEL has a logical record length that is smaller than the logical record length of the original source data set of the member that was versioned. The retrieval is not allowed. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Change the name of the retrieve to sequential data set to one that has an LRECL greater than or equal to the LRECL of the source data set, or allocate a data set that has an LRECL greater than or equal to the LRECL of the source data set.

Explanation: A member with date/time specified on the version selection panel could not be found in the version data set. The version PDS is corrupted. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Ensure that the version data set is protected by some data set security product. Verify that no one has edited the version data set. Contact IBM support.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM39219 FLM39226
FLM39219 1ST RECORD IN VERSION PDS IS NOT A HEADER/SEPARATOR RECORD partitioned data sets, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM39225 ERROR ALLOCATING AN OLD VERSION DATA SET CODE: aaa

Explanation: The first record of the version data is not a header record. User response: Contact your project manager. Project manager response: The version data has been altered. Ensure that other version data sets are protected by some data set security product. FLM39220 ERROR in SUPERCU. CODE: aaa

Explanation: The member that contains the version does not exist or is corrupt in the version PDS. This can occur only if the version PDS has been corrupted manually. Possible values for CODE, aaa, are: 24 28 32 Data set organization is not PO Member not found. Versioning data set could not be opened.

Explanation: An error was received from SUPERCU. Possible values for CODE, aaa, are: 16 24 26 28 33 34 Error on temporary input data set Error on temporary output data set SVC 99 error Output data set (ABEND E37) Version data has been corrupted Error hashing output file. It is likely that the version data has been tampered with. The integrity of the VERPDS data set is questionable. Insufficient storage to perform compare. SEQNUM=STD|COBOL is specified for the project definition but the record is less than 8 (STD) or 6 (COBOL) characters in length. This means that the member cannot possibly have NUMBERS ON.

Xxxxx SVC 99 error reason code (in hexadecimal). Some possible reason code values are: X0210 Requested data set unavailable. The data set is allocated to another job and its usage attributes conflict with this request. X1708 Data set does not exist. X97xx SMS error code. This will be followed by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error User response: This message indicates that an error occurred while allocating a data set to be used by a translator. If you receive a return code of 32 or Xxxxx, try the operation again. If the problem recurs or you receive any other return codes, call the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the Version VSAM file or the version PDS has not been restored independently. They MUST stay in sync at all times. If one or the other has not been restored, then the file has been corrupted through manual manipulation. Data has been lost. If the return code is: Xxxxx An error was received from SVC 99 during the allocation. The SVC 99 reason code is specified in the message (xxxx). Refer to the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the SVC 99 reason codes. For SMS error codes, the IGD message can be located in the z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). The listing may have one or two leading zeros added to the ddddd value. FLM39226 ERROR ALLOCATING A TEMPORARY VERSION DATA SET CODE: aaa

48 49

User response: In the case of return code 49, either remove SEQNUM=STD|COBOL or turn NUMBER ON when editing the member. Otherwise, contact the project manager. Project manager response: In the case of return code 34, you may add the CHECKSUM=NO parameter to the FLMATVER macro definition for the affected version group and type, reassemble the project definition, and retry the retrieval of the version, thus overriding the checksum verification failure. Note that the validity of the retrieved version is not assured. This procedure is recommended for emergency use only. If the CODE does not help, contact IBM support. FLM39222 INVALID LRECL, DSORG, OR RECFM FOR VERSION PDS

Explanation: The version data set has been incorrectly allocated. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Check that the version PDS exists. Make sure that the version PDS is allocated properly. For more information about versioning

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to allocate a temporary data set. Possible return codes are:


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM39228 FLM39229
4 12 16 20 Data set name omitted from input. Parameter not valid. Volume not available, or data set name or member missing or not valid. Invalid file attribute specified. This can be something such as : expected numeric data not numeric, space not designated as tracks, kilobytes, blocks, etc, dsntype not specified as library, record format not valid. A member of a PDS was requested but the data set is not partitioned. The requested member could not be found. The requested data set could not be opened. SCLM internal error (device unit missing). Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.. 20 24 28 32 36 Invalid file attribute specified. A member of a PDS was requested but the data set is not partitioned. The requested member could not be found. The requested member was not available. SCLM internal error (device unit missing). Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.

24 28 32 36

Xxxxx SVC 99 error reason code (in hexadecimal). Some possible values are: X0210 Requested data set unavailable. The data set is allocated to another job and its usage attributes conflict with this request. X1708 Data set does not exist. X97xx SMS error code. This will be followed by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error User response: Verify that the name is specified correctly on the SCLM AUDIT AND VERSION UTILITY - ENTRY PANEL under the heading SCLM retrieve group and type or To other non-SCLM-controlled retrieve data set. If it is specified correctly verify that the data set is allocated and cataloged. For return codes in the form Xxxxx, refer to the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the SVC 99 reason codes (or see Appendix A of the ISPF Tutorial). For SMS error codes, the IGD message can be located in the z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). The listing may have one or two leading zeros added to the ddddd value. For additional assistance, contact IBM support. FLM39229 ERROR FREEING USER RETRIEVAL DATA SET CODE: aaa

Xxxxx SVC 99 error reason code (in hexadecimal). Some possible reason code values are: X0210 Requested data set unavailable. The data set is allocated to another job and its usage attributes conflict with this request. X1708 Data set does not exist. X97xx SMS error code. This will be followed by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error User response: Submit the job again. If the error recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that all data set names are correctly defined and exist. Verify that the FLMALLOC for the temporary data set is specified correctly. For return codes in the form Xxxxx, refer to the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the SVC 99 reason codes (or see Appendix A of the ISPF Tutorial). For SMS error codes, the IGD message can be located in the z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). The listing may have one or two leading zeros added to the ddddd value. For additional assistance, contact IBM support. FLM39228 ERROR ALLOCATING USER RETRIEVAL DATA SET CODE: aaa

Explanation: This indicates an operating system problem. While the data set was in use it became corrupted such that SVC 99 could not free it. While under exclusive control of SCLM Versioning, some other program gained access and renamed, erased, or otherwise defiled the retrieve to data set. Possible values for CODE, aaa, are: 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.

Explanation: The data set that is to contain the retrieved version cannot be allocated. Possible values for CODE, aaa, are: 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Missing or incorrect data set name, or not authorized to update.

Xxxxx SVC 99 error reason code (in hexadecimal). If this is an SMS error code (X97xx), this will be followed by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: For return codes of the
Chapter 3. SCLM messages



FLM39240 FLM40507
form Xxxxx, refer to the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the SVC 99 reason codes (or see Appendix A of the ISPF Tutorial). For SMS error codes, the IGD message can be located in the z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). The listing may have one or two leading zeros added to the ddddd value. Call Operating system support. FLM39240 ERROR CREATING TEMPORARY DATA SET TO DECODE THE VERSION MEMBER. MEMBER : nnnnnnn RETURN CODE : rr the why SCLM was unable to encode the member nnnnnnnn. FLM40501 NO TRANSLATOR INVOKED FOR LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: No translator was invoked for language aaaaaaaa. User response: If a translation was expected, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Examine the language definition to verify that a translation was expected for language aaaaaaaa. If the language contains translators, verify that at least one translator specifies the FUNCTN=BUILD parameter on the FLMTRNSL macro. FLM40507 ERROR ALLOCATING DATA SET: aaa(44) FOR TRANSLATOR: bbbbbbbb DATA SET NUMBER: ccc CODE: ddd

Explanation: SCLM encountered an error attempting to create a temporary data set to decode the member nnnnnnn into. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to allocate the temporary data set. FLM39241 ERROR DECODING THE VERSION MEMBER nnnnnnn, RETURN CODE= rr. ERROR MSG: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Explanation: SCLM encountered a problem attempting to decode the member nnnnnnn. User response: Use the error message to determine the why SCLM was unable to decode the member nnnnnnnn. FLM39242 ERROR CREATING TEMPORARY DATA SET TO DECODE THE SOURCE. MEMBER : nnnnnnn RETURN CODE : rr

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to allocate data set aaa(44) for translator bbbbbbbb. The data set is being allocated for the data set number ccc. The data set number refers to the position of the FLMALLOC statement being used to allocate this data set. For example, if ccc=5, the error message is associated with the fifth FLMALLOC statement for this translator. Possible problem: v More than one IOTYPE=I might have been specified in the FLMALLOC list for a translator. Possible return codes are: 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Missing or incorrect data set name. Invalid file attribute specified. A member of a PDS was requested but the data set is not partitioned. The requested member could not be found. The requested member was not available. SCLM internal error (device unit missing). Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.

Explanation: SCLM encountered an error attempting to create a temporary data set to decode the member nnnnnnn into. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to allocate the temporary data set. FLM39243 ERROR DECODING THE SOURCE MEMBER nnnnnnn, Return Code=rr. ERROR MSG: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16 20 24 28 32 36

Explanation: SCLM encountered a problem attempting to decode the member nnnnnnn. User response: Use the error message to determine the why SCLM was unable to decode the member nnnnnnnn. FLM39244 ERROR ENCODING THE VERSION MEMBER nnnnnnn, Return Code=rr. ERROR MSG: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Xxxxx SVC 99 error reason code (in hexadecimal). Some possible reason code values are: X0210 Requested data set unavailable. The data set is allocated to another job and its usage attributes conflict with this request. X1708 Data set does not exist. X97xx SMS error code. This will be followed

Explanation: SCLM encountered a problem attempting to encode the member nnnnnnn. User response: Use the error message to determine


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM40510 FLM40517
by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error. User response: This message indicates that an error occurred while allocating a data set to be used by a translator. If you receive a return code of 32 or Xxxxx, try the operation again. If the problem recurs or you receive any other return codes, call the project manager. Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 SCLM internal error. Contact IBM support. Note: For the next set of codes, you should know that the data set number corresponds to an FLMALLOC macro associated with the specified translator (the first FLMALLOC is data set 1, the second is data set 2 and so on). 16 Check FLMALLOC to ensure that the data set name has been specified correctly. 20 Check FLMALLOC to ensure that all data set attributes have been specified correctly. 24 Check FLMALLOC to ensure that a sequential data set was not specified when a partitioned data set was expected. 28 Check FLMALLOC to ensure that the correct member name was specified. 32 Retry the operation. If the same problem occurs, contact IBM support. Xxxxx An error was received from SVC 99 during the allocation. The SVC 99 reason code is specified in the message (xxxx). Refer to the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the SVC 99 reason codes (or see Appendix A of the ISPF tutorial). For SMS error codes, the IGD message can be located in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). The listing may have one or two leading zeros added to the ddddd value. FLM40510 ERROR ALLOCATING DATA SET: aaa(44) FOR TRANSLATOR: bbb(16) CODE: ccc 32 36 The requested member was not available. SCLM internal error (device unit missing). Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.

Xxxxx SVC 99 error reason code (in hexadecimal). Some possible values are: X0210 Requested data set unavailable. The data set is allocated to another job and its usage attributes conflict with this request. X1708 Data set does not exist. X97xx SMS error code. This will be followed by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that data set aaa(44) exists and is cataloged. For return codes of the form Xxxxx, refer to the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the SVC 99 reason codes (or Appendix A of the ISPF Tutorial). For SMS error codes, the IGD message can be located in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). The listing may have one or two leading zeros added to the ddddd value. FLM40516 MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb WAS UPDATED DURING THE BUILD

Explanation: The SCLM editor updated member aaaaaaaa during build processing. SCLM does not save translator output because it might have been created from the previous version of the member. User response: Submit the job again. FLM40517 DUPLICATE KEYREF=aaaaaaaa NOT ALLOWED FOR TRANSLATOR OUTPUTS

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to allocate data set aaa(44) for translator bbb(16). This data set should contain the translator to be invoked. Possible return codes are: 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Missing or incorrect data set name. Invalid file attribute specified. A member of a PDS was requested but the data set is not partitioned. The requested member could not be found.

Explanation: The translator invoked has two temporary output data sets, allocated with either IOTYPE=O or P, both targeted to the same output member (with the KEYREF parameter). The build processor cannot copy multiple output data sets produced by the translator to a single targeted member. User response: See the project manager. Project manager response: Verify in the language definition that no two FLMALLOC macro calls with either IOTYPE=O or P have the same KEYREF value for a single translator. Also verify in the language definition that two FLMTRNSL macros with the FLMTCOND macro and the same KEYREF values are not both executing in this particular situation.

16 20 24 28

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM40519 FLM42108
FLM40519 NUMBER OF ALLOCATED DATA SETS FOR HIERARCHY SEARCH AS SPECIFIED IN DATA SET ccc FOR TRANSLATOR ddd(16) HAS BEEN EXCEEDED (aaa DATA SETS WERE ALLOCATED, MAXIMUM ALLOWED IS bbb) If the build processor was invoked through the SCLM dialog panel, SCLM retrieves the user ID and prefix user ID input parameters from the ISPF shared and profile pools, respectively . User response: Verify that all input parameters are specified correctly and submit the job again. If the problem recurs, contact IBM support. FLM42100 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR BUILD MESSAGE NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: The number of data sets allocated for the translator hierarchy search has exceeded the maximum value for the system. This message is preceded by the call name of the translator in question. The ddname allocated for hierarchy search is specified by the FLMALLOC macro with IOTYPE=I. User response: For the translator in question, verify that all FLMALLOC macros with IOTYPE=I do not exceed the system limit for allocating data sets to a ddname. This error can be caused by: v Defining too many groups for the project v Using the extended type option (Extend field on the FLMTYPE macro) v Specifying too many FLMCPYLBs for the ddname. FLM41002 ERROR OCCURRED DURING INITIALIZATION

Explanation: The ddname aaaaaaaa, which was specified for the build messages, was not allocated. If the build function is called through the SCLM services, the ddname for the build messages is optional. If not specified, the build messages are defaulted to the terminal. If a ddname is specified, it must be allocated. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for build messages is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM42104 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR BUILD REPORT NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: An error occurred during the initialization phase of the build processor. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to this error. FLM42000 BUILD PROCESSOR INITIATED aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The ddname aaaaaaaa, which was specified for the build report, was not allocated. If the build function is invoked through the SCLM services, the ddname for the build report is optional. If not specified, the build report is defaulted to the terminal. If a ddname is specified, it must be allocated. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for build report is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM42106 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR BUILD LISTING NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: The build process has started. This message is provided for information only. FLM42004 INVALID INPUT PARAMETER GROUPaaaaaaaa TYPE bbbbbbbb MEMBER cccccccc USER ID dddddddd BUILD MODE e BUILD SCOPE f ERROR LISTINGS ONLY g REPORT REQUEST h PREFIX USER ID iii(17) Explanation: You specified an invalid input parameter to the build processor. The values of the parameters are listed. Only the first character is listed for build mode and build scope. Valid values for build mode are CONDITIONAL, UNCONDITIONAL, REPORT, and FORCED. Valid values for build scope are LIMITED, NORMAL, SUBUNIT, and EXTENDED. Valid values for report request are Y and N.

Explanation: The ddname aaaaaaaa, which was specified for the build listing, was not allocated. If the build function is invoked through the SCLM services, the ddname for the build listing is optional. If not specified, the build listing is defaulted to the terminal. If the ddname is specified, it must be allocated. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for build listing is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM42108 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR USER EXIT DATA SET NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: The ddname aaaaaaaa, which was specified for the user exit data set, was not allocated. If the build function is invoked through the SCLM services, the ddname for the user exit data set must be specified if a user exit routine has been specified. Otherwise the ddname is optional. If not specified, a user exit data set is allocated to NULLFILE. If a ddname is specified, it must be allocated.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM42109 FLM43001
User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for user exit file is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM42109 NO DDNAME SPECIFIED FOR USER EXIT FILE v Member was moved to another type after a previous successful build. v If member dddddddd is a build output, the scope of the current build does not encompass the creation of the output. It should be added to the architecture definition you are building or it should be created with another build before attempting the current build again. This type of problem is likely to occur when the LINK architecture definition statement is used or when include and compool dependencies are used to reference build outputs. v The accounting information for member eeeeeeee might not be accurate. This problem can be caused by making changes to SCLM data sets outside the SCLM environment. Alternatively, FLMSYSLB macros could have been added or removed from the project definition since the source members being built were last parsed or migrated. v A dynamic include (DYNI* in the build map) detected by a previous build of some member in the scope of this build has since been deleted from the referenced library. User response: v If the accounting information is not accurate for a single member, use the SCLM Editor or Migrate Utility to correct the problem. If FLMSYSLBs have been changed, draw down and migrate all of the members that are affected. v If member dddddddd is a build output, build the member that creates it before submitting this job again. v If the member is referenced by a dynamic include that is being intentionally deleted, ensure that all updates to other source members have been made to remove that reference. Use Edit to create the referenced member (content is unimportant, as long as it can be successfully parsed). Rerun the build and, on successful completion, examine the build map(s) to ensure that the dynamic include no longer exists. The member created for this purpose can now be deleted. If the return code is 8 Register both the specified member and the referencing source member with SCLM using the &sclm editor, SAVE service, or migration utility. Submit the job again. If member dddddddd was excluded based on change code, update the change codes specified so that the required member will be included in the build. 12 Register the specified member with SCLM using the SCLM editor, SAVE service, or migration utility. Submit the job again.

Explanation: A ddname was not specified to the build function for the user exit file but the project definition specifies a build user exit. (See the BLDEXT1 parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro). User response: Include the ddname to be used for the user exit file on the FLMCMD or FLMLNK call to invoke build. Project manager response: Remove the build user exit from the project definition if it is not needed. FLM43001 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd (REFERENCED BY MEMBER: eeeeeeee TYPE: ffffffff) Explanation: No accounting information exists or could be retrieved for member dddddddd. Member eeeeeeee is either an architecture definition or a compilable source member. Member dddddddd could have been referenced directly in an architecture definition statement or via a parsed dependency such as an include, compool, or compilation unit. Member dddddddd cannot be referenced directly by member eeeeeeee. For example, member dddddddd might be included by a member that is referenced with a SINC statement in member eeeeeeee. Possible return codes are: 8 12 16 20 24 28 The accounting information for the specified member could not be found. The accounting information for the specified member is out of date. The group is not defined in the project definition being used. A severe VSAM I/O error occurred. An internal SCLM error occurred. The type is not defined by the project definition being used.

Possible problems: v Member dddddddd has not been registered with SCLM. Use the SCLM Library Utility to verify that an accounting record exists for the member. v Member dddddddd was excluded at the build group because of change code processing and the member could not be found at a higher group.

Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Verify that the specified group is defined in the

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM43002 FLM43111
project definition. If necessary, add the group to the project definition and reassemble it. Submit the job again. 20 24 28 A VSAM error occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. Contact IBM support. Verify that the type specified is defined in the project definition. If necessary, add the type to the project definition and reassemble it. Submit the job again. Error retrieving member: aaaaaaaa Type: bbbbbbbb FLM43008 ERROR PROCESSING DEPENDENCIES FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb User response: You can specify these four scopes (in ascending order): LIMITED, NORMAL, SUBUNIT, and EXTENDED. Verify that the range specified as input to the build processor is of equal or greater range than the scope specified in the project definition for the language of the source member being built.


Explanation: Errors occurred while processing the dependencies for the specified member. Other messages preceding this one in the message data set provide more detail on the exact errors that occurred. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to this error. FLM43109 NO ACCOUNTING INFORMATION EXISTS FOR COMPILATION UNIT (CU): CU NAME: aaa.(55) bbb.(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd (ACCOUNTING INFORMATION EXISTS FOR INTERMEDIATE FORM) Explanation: Accounting information does not exist for the compilation unit; however, accounting information does exist for the associated intermediate form. This error can be caused when you delete a source member (using the library utility) but forget to delete the intermediate forms produced by the compiler for those compilation units contained in the deleted source member. User response: Delete the intermediate form from all groups in the hierarchy used in the build, then resubmit the build. FLM43111 SPECIFICATION MISSING FOR COMPILATION UNIT: CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd Explanation: The specified compilation unit has a dependency on an implicit specification. Implicit specifications are not allowed. For more information on implicit specifications, see the description of the IMPSPEC parameter on the FLMLANGL macro. User response: Create a specification for the compilation unit. Project manager response: Depending on the compiler being used, the IMPSPEC parameter of the FLMLANGL macro for the language might need to be

Explanation: Member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb could not be allocated. User response: Verify that the member exists and that the data set is not allocated exclusively to another job. FLM43003 Error processing Member: aaaaaaaa Type: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An error was encountered when processing member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb. The member contains an invalid statement. Message FLM44201 is issued to indicate the invalid statement. User response: Refer to the actions associated with message FLM44201. FLM43004 Copy loop detected member: aaaaaaaa Type: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The architecture member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb is involved in a recursive copy loop. Message FLM43005 will be issued for all members involved in the loop. User response: Remove one or more of the COPY statements in the listed architecture members to eliminate the recursive copy loop. FLM43005 Referenced by member: aaaaaaaa Type: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb referenced another architecture member that was in error. User response: Refer to the other messages to determine the cause of the error. FLM43007 LANGUAGE SCOPE: a FOR MEMBER: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc CONFLICTS WITH BUILD SCOPE SPECIFIED

Explanation: The scope a specified in project definition for member bbbbbbbb is of greater range than the scope specified on the Build panel. The first letter of the scope defined in the project definition is listed.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM43119 FLM44035
set differently. If IMPSPEC is changed, correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again. FLM43119 VERIFICATION ERROR OCCURRED FOR COMPILATION UNIT CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd Explanation: Accounting information for compilation unit aaa(55) bbb(55) does not match accounting information for the member that contains the source for the compilation unit. The member that contains the source for the compilation unit is indicated in a succeeding message in the message data set. User response: Register the member with SCLM by using the SCLM editor, the SAVE service, or the migration utility. Submit the job again. FLM43120 ERROR PROCESSING DEPENDENCIES FOR COMPILATION UNIT: CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd Explanation: Errors occurred while processing the dependencies for compilation unit aaa(55) bbb(55). User response: See the message data set for messages related to this error. FLM44005 ERROR - A CIRCULAR DEPENDENCY EXISTS IN THE CURRENT BUILD TRACE BACK OF DEPENDENCIES: MEMBER aaaaaaaa TYPE bbbbbbbb FLM44031 WARNING, INTERMEDIATES NOT GENERATED FOR COMPILATION UNITS REFERENCED BY MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb LANGUAGE: cccccccc

Explanation: The member being built contains the source for compilation units but no build translator is defined for the language being used to build the member. No intermediate members will be generated for the compilation units contained in the source. A build map will be created for the member and the build will continue, but no outputs are generated. The member name will be an architecture definition if the source members are being included by SINC statements; otherwise, the member name will be the source member. If the member name is an architecture definition then the language is the language of the source member that is being used for the build. If the member name is a source member, the language is the language of that source member. User response: Verify whether or not intermediates should be generated for this build. If intermediates are to be generated either change the language of the source members to a language with a build translator or inform the project manager. Project manager response: If intermediates are to be produced for the language then add a build translator to the language definition for the project. FLM44032 WARNING, COMP KEYWORD NOT SPECIFIED FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A circular set of dependencies exists in the scope of the current build. SCLM cannot complete the build because of the circular dependencies. The message contains a list of members and types containing the circular dependency. User response: Examine the list of specified members and remove the circular dependency. FLM44009 ERROR CHECKING FOR CIRCULAR DEPENDENCIES

Explanation: The message is a warning indicating that you have not specified a COMP keyword for a JOVIAL compool. This missing keyword (COMP) will result in the data dictionary not being updated for the compool. User response: Verify that the translator to be invoked for the member contains an FLMALLOC macro with IOTYPE=O and KEYREF=COMP. If the specified member is an architecture member, add a COMP keyword. FLM44035 FLMALLOC MACRO WITH KEYREF=aaaaaaaa DOES NOT EXIST FOR LANGUAGE bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This is an SCLM internal error checking for circular dependencies. User response: Notify project manager. Project manager response: Contact IBM support.

Explanation: The language definition for language bbbbbbbb does not contain an FLMALLOC macro with KEYREF aaaaaaaa. An architecture member contains the keyword aaaaaaaa and controls invocation of the translators for the language bbbbbbbb. User response: Verify that an FLMALLOC macro with a KEYREF=aaaaaaaa parameter exists for the language; otherwise, remove the keyword from the architecture member.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM44036 FLM44203
FLM44036 THE aaaaaaaa KEYWORD WAS SPECIFIED FOR MEMBER: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc BUT THERE WAS NO FLMALLOC MACRO WITH A MATCHING KEYREF FOR LANGUAGE dddddddd. The rebuilding of the subsystem can increase the scope of the build for the system. The building of the system might have proceeded too far to identify any more members within the scope. User response: Verify that no other builds or promotes are occurring within your hierarchy and submit the job again. as per RF comment 64505. FLM44201 INVALID ARCHITECTURE STATEMENT: aaa(80)

Explanation: This is an informational message. This message is issued if there is a CREF or SREF in the architecture definition or a DFLTCRF or DFLTSRF on the FLMLANGL but no FLMALLOC referencing the CREF or SREF. FLM44039 MULTIPLE "SINC" KEYWORDS MUST REFERENCE THE SAME TYPE SINCE COMPILATION UNIT DEPENDENCIES ARE PRESENT

Explanation: The statement aaa(80) is not a valid architecture statement. Refer to message FLM43003 to determine the name of the architecture member containing the invalid statement. Either an undefined keyword was found in the specified architecture member or there is a field missing on an architecture definition statement in the specified architecture member. For example: SINC MEMBER is incorrect because the TYPE field is missing from the statement. SINCX MEMBER TYPE is incorrect because SINCX is not a valid architecture definition statement. SINC VERYLONGNAME SOURCE is invalid because the member name is longer than 8 characters. Correct the contents of the architecture member, and submit the job again. User response: Correct the invalid architecture statement. FLM44202 ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb ALL CCODE STATEMENTS MUST CONTAIN THE SAME INCLUDE FLAG VALUE

Explanation: Multiple SINC statements with different types were specified in the architecture member in which compilation dependencies existed for the members specified on the SINC statement. SCLM requires that all source members referenced with the SINC keyword reside in the same type if any of the members contain compilation units. The message that appears after this message identifies the architecture member in question. User response: If you specify multiple source inputs with the SINC keyword, verify that they reside in the same type. FLM44050 ERROR, TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbbb EXCEEDS MAXIMUM INPUT LINES VALUE: ccc, CURRENT STATEMENT COUNT: ddd

Explanation: This message identifies that a single member exceeds the SLOCLMT value specified in the FLMLANGL macro. This member cannot be placed on any Input List for this language. User response: Modify the contents of the specified member to place it within the limits of the SLOCLMT or contact the project manager. Project manager response: Modify the SLOCLMT value of the FLMLANGL macro in the project definition. FLM44101 ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb NOT FOUND WITHIN SCOPE OF ARCHITECTURE DEFINITION BEING BUILT

Explanation: Member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb contains CCODE statements with conflicting include flag values. All of the change codes specified within an architecture definition must have the same include flag value. User response: Update the CCODE statements in the architecture definition so that all of the change codes are either included (INCLUDE or default include flag) or excluded (EXCLUDE include flag). FLM44203 MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb IS INCORRECTLY REFERENCED BY MEMBER: cccccccc TYPE: dddddddd

Explanation: Member aaaaaaaa is being referenced during the build; however, it was not predefined by build to be within the scope of processing. This error can occur if, for example, during the building of a system, a subsystem of that system is rebuilt by another build or promoted into the hierarchy (perhaps by another user).

Explanation: An incorrect dependency exists when


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM44204 FLM44208
this reference occurs. This error occurs when an LEC architecture member references a member that does not produce an output that matches the KREF keyword value. If no KREF was coded, the default KREF keyword values are OBJ and LOAD. Processing of member cccccccc cannot continue. User response: Verify that member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb produces an output that matches the coded KREF keyword, or the default KREF keywords object or load. If the default KREF value is used, an object module must be identified by the OBJ keyword. A load module must be identified by the LOAD keyword. Other outputs must be identified by the output keyword coded for the KREF keyword. FLM44204 MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb CONTAINS MULTIPLE cccccccc ARCHITECTURE DEFINITION KEYWORDS description of the ARCH parameter on the FLMLANGL macro in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information. FLM44206 ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MUST NOT CONTAIN BOTH SINC AND LOAD KEYWORDS

Explanation: Architecture member aaaaaaaa contains both a SINC and a LOAD keyword. These keywords are incompatible. User response: If the purpose of the architecture definition is to create a load module the SINC keyword should probably be replaced with an INCLD keyword. If the member referenced by the SINC keyword is correct, the LOAD keyword must be changed to a different output keyword (such as OBJ or OUTx). See z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information on architecture definition keyword usage. Project manager response: If the compile and linkedit translators are controlled by the same language, use one of the OUTx keywords in place of the LOAD keyword. Change the KEYREF=LOAD parameter on one of the FLMALLOC macros in the language definition to accomplish this. For more information on the FLMALLOC macro see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM44207 NO KEYWORD: aaaaaaaa SPECIFIED FOR ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc BUT ALLOCATION FOR TRANSLATOR: ddd(16) DATASET: eee SPECIFIES KEYREF=ffffffff

Explanation: Multiple architecture definition keywords have been used in the architecture definition referenced. These keywords cannot be used more than once in an architecture definition: OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, OUT4, OUT5, OUT6, OUT7, OUT8, OUT9, LOAD, LMAP, LIST, OBJ, COMPOOL, CREF, SREF, and LKED. User response: Examine the member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb and remove the extraneous architecture definition keywords referenced. FLM44205 ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb REFERENCES MEMBER: cccccccc TYPE: dddddddd WITH KEYWORD: eeeeeeee, USE: ffffffff INSTEAD

Explanation: Member cccccccc is referenced with the wrong architecture definition keyword. The architecture definition keyword INCL can only be used to reference a member that contains an architecture definition. The language of that architecture definition must be defined with the ARCH=Y parameter on the FLMLANGL macro. The referenced architecture definition must contain valid architecture definition keywords. The architecture definition keyword INCLD can only be used to reference source members that can be built by SCLM. The language of the member referenced with architecture definition keyword INCLD must be defined with the ARCH=N parameter on the FLMLANGL macro. User response: Verify that the correct language is assigned to member cccccccc. If the language is correct, change member aaaaaaaa to reference member cccccccc with keyword ffffffff. If changing the keyword will not produce the desired result, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the ARCH parm on the language definition for the language assigned to member cccccccc is correct. Refer to the

Explanation: The language definition being used for the build of member bbbbbbbb in type cccccccc contains an allocation referencing the ffffffff keyword but member bbbbbbbb does not contain that keyword. User response: Take one of these actions: v Add the aaaaaaaa keyword to the bbbbbbbb member. v Change the language being used to build the member to one that does not require the aaaaaaaa keyword. v Contact the project manager to remove the reference to the ffffffff keyword from the language definition. Project manager response: Update the FLMALLOC macro referred to in the message to remove KEYREF=ffffffff or have the user perform one of the actions described under User Response. FLM44208 ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MUST NOT CONTAIN BOTH CCODE AND COPY KEYWORDS

Explanation: Architecture definition aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb contains both CCODE and COPY statements.
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM44231 FLM44281
An architecture definition cannot contain both. User response: Create a new architecture definition to contain the CCODE statement and an include (INCL) of the architecture definition to contain the COPY statement. FLM44231 INVALID REFERENCE TO LOAD MODULE: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb 3. Create a new language definition that takes one of the actions listed. Change the name of the language. Rebuild the project definition. Instruct the user to change the language of one of the source members. FLM44241 ERROR: TWO ARCHITECTURES ARE PRODUCING THE INTERMEDIATE FORM OF: CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd ARCHITECTURE #1 TYPE: eeeeeeee MEMBER: ffffffff ARCHITECTURE #2 TYPE: gggggggg MEMBER: hhhhhhhh

Explanation: The load module referenced with the LINK keyword is a member that can be edited. User response: For the architecture member that contains the error, verify that the LINK keyword specifies a load module and not the architecture member that creates the link load module. FLM44240 ERROR: TWO BUILD MAPS ARE PRODUCING TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbb BUILD MAP 1 TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd KEYWORD: eeeee BUILD MAP 2 TYPE: ffffffff MEMBER: gggggggg KEYWORD: hhhhh

Explanation: The intermediate form of compilation unit aaa(55) bbb(55) is an output of two different architecture definitions within the scope of the build. This condition will cause the output of one of the architecture definitions to be overwritten by the output of the other architecture definition. This problem is generally caused when the source member that contains compilation unit aaa(55) bbb(55) is referenced with a SINC in one architecture definition and a SINC or an INCLD in another architecture definition. The problem could also occur if the source member is referenced as an include by one of the source members referenced with a SINC in an architecture definition. User response: Remove one of the references to the source member that contains compilation unit aaa(55) bbb(55). FLM44280 NO INPUT SPECIFIED IN ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: Member bbbbbbbb is referenced as an output of two different build maps within the scope of the Build or by two different output keywords from the same build map. This condition will cause the output of one of the build maps to be overwritten by the output of the other build map. If one of the build maps is for a source member, member bbbbbbbb is defined as a default output in the language definition for the source member. User response: If either dddddddd or gggggggg is an architecture definition, change the reference to member bbbbbbbb to resolve the conflict. The reference to member bbbbbbbb might be in a member that is copied into the architecture definition. If both dddddddd and gggggggg are source members, consider these actions: 1. Verify that the correct language was specified for both source members. 2. Change the name of one of the source members. 3. Contact your project manager. Project manager response: Use one of these techniques to resolve conflicting outputs within language definitions: 1. Remove the DFLTTYP=aaaaaaaa parameter from an FLMALLOC macro in one of the language definitions to prevent the output from being created by Build. If this is done, SCLM will no longer create output for type aaaaaaaa when members of this language are built. 2. Change the DFLTTYP=aaaaaaaa parameter to point to a different type. If dddddddd and gggggggg have the same language, consider using a pattern in the DFLTTYP parameter. See z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for a description of the DFLTTYP parameter.

Explanation: The architecture definition aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb was identified as an LEC or CC ARCHDEF but does not contain a keyword to identify the inputs. User response: Modify the architecture definition to contain input keywords such as INCL, INCLD, and SINC, and submit the job again. FLM44281 INVALID KEYWORD FOR ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb KEYWORD: cccccccc

Explanation: The architecture definition aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb contains the invalid keyword cccccccc. User response: Modify the architecture definition to correct or remove the invalid keyword. Refer to z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for a list of valid keywords for HL, LEC, CC and generic architecture members. Run the job again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM44304 FLM44315

Explanation: Build processor could not find the CREF type for member aaaaaaaa User response: If the member is an architecture member then verify that a CREF keyword exists. If the member is source, verify that the language definition (FLMLANGL macro) specifies the DFLTCRF parameter. FLM44306 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc COMPOOL: dddddddd Explanation: No accounting information exists or could be retrieved for the specified member within the hierarchy beginning in group bbbbbbbb. The member in question is a compool reference where type is defined either by the CREF keyword in an architecture member or the DFLTCRF parameter (FLMLANGL macro) in the language definition. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The members accounting information was not found. Build the member that creates the specified compool. The format of the members accounting information was incorrect. Delete the accounting information for the specified compool and build the member that creates the compool to regenerate the accounting information.

Explanation: A reference was made to a compilation unit contained in member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb at group dddddddd. However, a more current version of the member exists at group cccccccc. The member at group cccccccc does not contain the compilation unit nor does any other member in the hierarchy below group dddddddd. This problem can occur when the language of member aaaaaaaa is changed to one that has no compilation units or uses a different Ada sublibrary qualifier. Use the sublibrary utility to purge the intermediate form. Check error messages for additional information. If the intermediate form is deleted outside of SCLM control, use the sublibrary utility to delete accounting information for the intermediate form. User response: Change the language of member aaaaaaaa if appropriate. Add a new member with the compilation units contained in member aaaaaaaa at group dddddddd. Remove the references to the compilation units in member aaaaaaaa at group dddddddd. FLM44311 ERROR PROCESSING COMPILATION UNITS FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb


Explanation: An error occurred during processing of the compilation units for the specified member. Other messages are generated that describe the exact errors that occurred. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to this error. FLM44315 PURGE ROUTINE FOR INTERMEDIATE FORM IS BEING INVOKED CU NAME: aaa.(55) bbb.(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd OLD RECORD - TYPE: eeeeeeee MEMBER: ffffffff LANG: gggggggg NEW RECORD - TYPE: hhhhhhhh MEMBER: iiiiiiii LANG: jjjjjjjj Explanation: The intermediate form is no longer valid. It was previously created by another source member, or the language of the source member was changed. A routine is being invoked to purge the intermediate form. This message is provided for information only.

Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Verify that the specified group is in the project definition. If not, add it. Correct and reassemble the project definition. A VSAM error occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. ERROR REFERENCING COMPOOL: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb



Explanation: The referenced compool is a member that can be edited. It must be a member that was created by the build function. User response: Delete the compool from the hierarchy. Rebuild the member that created the compool member. Submit the job again.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM44319 FLM44503
FLM44319 UNABLE TO PURGE INTERMEDIATE FORM CODE: aaaa Explanation: The purge of the intermediate form was not successful. User response: Submit the job again. If the error recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the sublibrary containing the intermediate form is not corrupted. FLM44320 ERROR, ACCOUNTING RECORD DATA CHANGED DURING CURRENT BUILD FOR TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbbb FLM44324 ERROR PROCESSING DYNAMIC INCLUDE GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE:bbbbbbbb MEMBER:cccccccc.

Explanation: A build translator returned member cccccccc in type bbbbbbbb as a dynamic include dependency for the member being built. This member could not be found in the project hierarchy when searching up the hierarchy from the group aaaaaaaa. User response: Determine if a statement in the source is causing the include dependency to be generated. If it is and the statement is incorrect then update the statement. If all of the source statements are correct then contact the project manager. Project manager response: Check the build translator which is returning the list of dynamic includes to ensure that it only returns include names for members which exist in the hierarchy. Dynamic includes can be returned by build translators with @@FLMINC in the translators options. FLM44500 >> INVOKING aaaaaaaa TRANSLATOR(S) FOR TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc

Explanation: During the course of the build a user modified the source for member aaaaaaaa and type bbbbbbbb outside of SCLM. The SCLM accounting information did not match the new member. User response: Use the SCLM editor to create valid accounting information and restart the specified build. SCLM will continue where it left off. FLM44321 ERROR, NEW UPWARD DEPENDENCIES FOUND THAT ARE NOT IN THE CURRENT BUILD FOR TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa translators (where aaaaaaaa can be BUILD, COPY, PARSE, PURGE, or VERIFY) are being invoked for member cccccccc. This member can be either a source member or an architecture member. This message is provided for information only. FLM44501 REPORT: INVOKING aaaaaaaa TRANSLATOR(S) FOR TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc

Explanation: A user has modified member bbbbbbbb during the build process. SCLM has attempted to allow the build to continue, but has identified new dependencies that are outside the scope of the current build. User response: Restart the specified build, and SCLM will continue the build process where it left off. FLM44322 WARNING, TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbbb WAS MODIFIED DURING THE CURRENT BUILD

Explanation: The translators aaaaaaaa would be invoked for member cccccccc if the build mode were not report-only. FLM44502 >> INVOKING aaaaaaaa TRANSLATOR(S) FOR INPUT LIST LANGUAGE: bbbbbbbb.

Explanation: The user has modified member bbbbbbbb during the build. However, the user modification did not affect the current build process. This message is provided for information only. FLM44323 WARNING, MEMBER: aaaaaaaa IS SEPARATE DEPENDENCY THAT IS NOT IN THE CURRENT BUILD

Explanation: Translators are being invoked for input list language bbbbbbbb. The members of the input list will be specified by further messages. This message is provided for information only. FLM44503 >> INVOKING aaaaaaaa TRANSLATOR(S) FOR LANGUAGE: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: A user has modified member aaaaaaaa during the build process. SCLM has attempted to allow the build to continue but has identified new dependencies that are outside the scope of the current build. User response: Restart the specified build, and SCLM will continue the build process where it left off.

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa translators are being invoked for data related to members with language bbbbbbbb. This message is provided for information only.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM44504 FLM44510
FLM44504 ERROR PRINTING TO BUILD LISTING DATA SET FOR DATA SET NUMBER aa IN TRANSLATOR: bbb(16) CODE: ccc FLMALLOC macro used to allocate the data set for that translator (The data set is a sequential data set allocated with IOTYPE=O, or a PDS data set allocated with IOTYPE=P and a member name specified by the MEMBER parameter on the FLMALLOC macro.). User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to this error. FLM44507 ERROR SAVING DATA SET NUMBER aa FOR TRANSLATOR: bbb(16) TO MEMBER: cccccccc TYPE: dddddddd

Explanation: An error occurred during the printing of a translator data set to the build listing data set. The file number identifies the relative position of the FLMALLOC macro used to allocate the data set for that translator. Note: Only data sets allocated with IOTYPE=O, W, and S can be printed to the build listing data set. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 The ddnames are not allocated properly. Verify that the build listing data set and the translator data set are allocated. The problem can be caused by conflicting attributes between the two data sets. The build listing data set is full. Reallocate the data set with more storage. Data access failed or SCLM did not find the input member. Verify that the type of access is allowed. Verify that the translator data set still exists after all translator steps in the language definition have been completed. A user-created translator might have purposely deallocated the data set. An ABEND can occur during the printing if the translator data set is allocated smaller than the total space required to hold all listings for the build, or allocated with PRINT=Y on the FLMALLOC macro and the data set is never opened by the translator. In such cases, specify PRINT=I on the FLMALLOC macro. This attribute forces the data set to be opened before the translator is invoked, and the data set will be targeted for printing to the build listing data set. FLM44505 >> INVOKING aaaaaaaa TRANSLATOR(S) FOR TYPE: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An error occurred while copying a translator data set to member cccccccc. The data set number identifies the relative position of the FLMALLOC macro used to allocate the data set for that translator. The data set is a PDS allocated with IOTYPE=P. The messages from IEBCOPY are written to all build listing for errors, except 913 abends. This error can be caused by failure to specify the DCBS option on the FLMTRNSL macro. Refer to the IEBCOPY messages in the build listing to determine the reason for the failure. For more information on the FLMTRNSL macro, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. Note: The IBM linkage editor requires that the DCBS option parameter be passed in order for the SYSLMOD block size to be used in creating load modules. If the DCBS option is not specified, the linkage editor will create load modules using the maximum record size for the device type. Use the OPTIONS= variable on the FLMTRNSL macro to pass the DCBS option. Failure to do so can result in message FLM44507. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to this error. FLM44508 ERROR UPDATING STATISTICS OR ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR AN ALIAS OF LOAD MEMBER :aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb

16 20


Explanation: The aaaaaaaa translators (where aaaaaaaa can be COPY, PURGE, or VERIFY) are being invoked for the external dependencies that have a type of bbbbbbbb. This message is provided for information only. FLM44506 ERROR SAVING DATA SET NUMBER aaaaaaaa FOR TRANSLATOR: bbbbbbbb TO MEMBER: cccccccc TYPE: dddddddd

Explanation: An error occurred while updating the statistics or accounting information for an alias of load member aaaaaaaa. The alias member was copied successfully, but the SCLM control information could not be created or updated for the alias member. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to this error. FLM44510 >> DELETING OUTPUT(S) FOR TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The output member bbbbbbbb in type aaaaaaaa at the specified build group has been deleted.

Explanation: An error occurred while copying a translator data set to member cccccccc. The data set number identifies the relative position of the
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM44511 FLM44523
FLM44511 REPORT: DELETING OUTPUT(S) FOR TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbbb time and space. Only output found at the build group is considered for deletion. Complete details on the output deleted can be found in the build report. This message is provided for information only. FLM44521 FLM44512 TRANSLATOR ERROR FOR INPUT LIST LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa REPORT: DELETING OBSOLETE OUTPUT(S)

Explanation: The output member bbbbbbbb in type aaaaaaaa at the specified build group would have been deleted if the build was run in a non-report mode.

Explanation: A translator error occurred for input list language aaaaaaaa. The return code from the translator was not considered acceptable. The acceptable codes are specified on the FLMTRNSL macro with the GOODRC parameter. User response: Use the listings data set to locate and correct all errors identified by the translator. If the return code from the translator is acceptable and build indicated that the translator failed, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Change the GOODRC parameter of the FLMTRNSL macro, which is defined in the project definition. FLM44513 TRANSLATOR ERROR FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: SCLM has detected output from a previous build that is out of date. The version of the output that exists at a higher group in your hierarchical view is up to date. The output would be deleted if the build mode were not report-only. Only output found at the build group is considered for deletion. Complete details on the output deleted can be found in the build report. This message is provided for information only.

Explanation: A translator error occurred for member aaaaaaaa. The return code from the translator was not considered acceptable. The acceptable return codes are specified on the FLMTRNSL macro with the GOODRC parameter. User response: Use the listings data set to locate and correct all errors identified by the translator. If the return code from the translator is acceptable and build indicated that the translator failed, contact the project manager. FLM44514 TARGET OUTPUT MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb IS EDITABLE

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



Explanation: BUILD MAP: aaaaaaaa BMAP TYPE: bbbbbbbb which contains a NOPROM build map record was promoted. The NOPROM member was left behind but the build map was not rebuilt at the next level (NOPROM-N). Now when attempting a build of the build map at a level other than original build level containing the NOPROM member causes the build map to be rebuilt. This rebuild will generally be caused by members other than NOPROM member being promoted but the build map in error not being built and promoted. User response: For this build map you need to determine if the changes including the member causing the rebuild need to be incorporated with your NOPROM member. If this is the case, perform a build at the level containing the NOPROM member and re-promote the changes. If the changes including the member causing the rebuild supercede the NOPROM changes, delete the build map at the level getting the build error and rebuild the build map. FLM44523 NOPROM MEMBER HAS BEEN SET AS UP TO DATE. BMAP MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb. NOPROM MEMBER: cccccccc TYPE: dddddddd.

Explanation: The build processor cannot copy the translator output data set. Member aaaaaaaa was created by the SCLM editor or registered with the migration utility or SAVE service. The build processor only updates members that were created through the build process (non-editables). User response: If the specified member is no longer to be used as an editable component in the system, delete it from the hierarchy. Otherwise, specify a new target member. Submit the job again. FLM44520 >> DELETING OBSOLETE OUTPUT(S)

Explanation: SCLM has detected output from a previous build that is out of date. The version of the output that exists at a higher group in your hierarchical view is up to date. Deleting the output is being performed rather than regenerating the output to save

| Explanation: BUILD MAP: aaaaaaaa BMAP TYPE: | bbbbbbbb contains a NOPROM build map record for | NOPROM MEMBER: cccccccc TYPE: dddddddd. The | NOPROM member was left behind but the build map | was not rebuilt at the next level (NOPROM-N). Now


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM44600 FLM51001
| | | | | | | |
when attempting a build of the build map at a level other than original build level containing the NOPROM member, SCLM has determined that the accounting date/time does not match the NOPROM build record for this NOPROM member. To stop a rebuild of the member and remove the NOPROM member changes, SCLM has set the NOPROM member as up to date for this build map. FLM44609 >>>>> TOTAL MEMBERS ===> aaa TOTAL SLOC = bbb

Explanation: This message describes the total number of members and the total source lines of code (SLOC) in the preceding input list. This message is provided for information only. User response: Contact the project manager if you want more members or SLOC per input list. Project manager response: Change the MBRLMT parameter, the SLOCLMT parameter, or both parameters of the FLMLANGL macro for the desired translator. The FLMLANGL macro is located in the project definition. FLM45000 ERROR PROCESSING CURRENT BUILD

| User response: This message is for informational | purposes only. No action is required.

Explanation: The message is a header to the contents of an input list. The members of the input list will be specified by further messages. This message is provided for information only. FLM44601 TYPE aaaaaaaa MEMBER bbbbbbbb ===> ccc

Explanation: An error was encountered during the processing of the current build. User response: Examine the build messages file to determine the cause of the error during the build. FLM46000 BUILD PROCESSOR COMPLETED aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This message identifies the return code for each member in the input list. If the return code indicates success as defined in the FLMTRNSL macro, all outputs are being saved in the hierarchy, and no response is necessary. If the return code from the translator did not meet the MBRRC or GOODRC value specified for the translator, SCLM saves translator output, such as compiler listings, in the listings data set for the processor if requested in the language definition. User response: Use the listings data set to locate and correct all errors identified by the translator. If the return code from the translator is acceptable and build indicated that the translator failed, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Change the MBRRC parameter of the FLMTRNSL macro, which is defined in the project definition. FLM44602 TYPE aaaaaaaa MEMBER bbbbbbbb NOT BUILT

Explanation: The build processor completed. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to the build. FLM49000 INVOKING BUILD PROCESSOR

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM51000 PROMOTE PROCESSOR INITIATED aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM51001 BLANK USERID IS SPECIFIED AS AN INPUT TO THE PROMOTE PROCESSOR.

Explanation: This message identifies members of the current input list that were not built. Members of the input list will not be built when an error occurs when the translator encounters an error processing an earlier member of the Input List. This message is provided for information only. User response: Use the listings data set to locate and correct all errors identified by the translator. If the return code from the translator is acceptable and build indicated that the translator failed, contact the project manager.

Explanation: The promote process has started. A blank user ID was specified as an input parameter. If the processor was invoked through the SCLM Promote panel, SCLM retrieves the user ID from the ISPF variable pool. User response: Verify that the user ID specified in the input parameter is correct and non-blank. For more information about the promote input parameters, see the topic about the PROMOTE service in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM51002 FLM51011
FLM51002 INVALID SCOPE SPECIFIED. promote path or the dsname specified on the FLMALTC macro. FLM51008 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR PROMOTE MESSAGES NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: The promote scope specified is invalid. Valid promote scopes are NORMAL, SUBUNIT, and EXTENDED. User response: Verify that the input parameters specified for the promote processor are correct. FLM51003 INVALID PROMOTE MODE SPECIFIED.

Explanation: The promote mode specified is invalid. Valid promote modes are CONDITIONAL, UNCONDITIONAL, and REPORT. User response: Verify that the input parameters specified for the promote processor are correct. FLM51004 PROMOTE BYPASSED, GROUP: aaaaaaaa IS TOP GROUP.

Explanation: The ddname aaaaaaaa , which was specified for the promote messages, was not allocated. If the promote function is invoked through the SCLM services, the ddname for the promote messages is optional. If the ddname is not specified, the promote messages are sent to the terminal by default. If the ddname is specified, it must be allocated. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for promote messages is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM51009 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR PROMOTE REPORT NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: Group aaaaaaaa has no group defined to promote to in this project definition. The promote report is created as if this were a report-only promote. User response: Verify that the group specified as an input parameter to the promote processor is the group containing the data to be promoted. Also verify that you specified the correct project definition as an input to the promote processor. FLM51006 SPECIFIED GROUP: aaaaaaaa IS A PRIMARY NON-KEY GROUP

Explanation: DDname aaaaaaaa , which was specified for the report, was not allocated. If the promote function is invoked through SCLM services, the ddname for the promote report is optional. If the ddname is not specified, the promote report is sent to the terminal by default. If the ddname is specified, it must be allocated. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for promote report is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM51010 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR COPY ERROR MESSAGES NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: Group aaaaaaaa is a primary non-key group. Promoting from a primary non-key group is not allowed. For a definition of primary non-key groups, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. User response: Verify that the group and project definition specified as inputs to the promote processor are correct. For more information about primary non-key groups, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM51007 PROMOTE GROUP DATA SET NAMES NOT UNIQUE. GROUP 1: aaaaaaaa GROUP 2: bbbbbbbb DATA SET NAME: aaa(44)

Explanation: Ddname aaaaaaaa , which was specified for the promote copy error messages, was not allocated. If the promote function is invoked through SCLM services, the ddname for the copy error messages is optional. If the ddname is not specified, the copy error messages are sent to the terminal by default. If the ddname is specified, it must be allocated. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for copy error messages is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM51011 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR USER EXIT FILE NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: The two groups indicated have the same data set name specified for them in the project definition. Promote will not copy and/or purge data from the data sets because both of the data sets have the same name and the promote function could result in data loss. Project manager response: Check the project definition FLMALTC parameters on the two groups specified. For one of the groups, either change the

Explanation: DDname aaaaaaaa, which was specified for the user exit data set, was not allocated. If the promote function is invoked through the SCLM services, the ddname for the user exit data set is optional. If not specified, a user exit data set is allocated to NULLFILE. If the ddname is specified, it must be allocated. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM51103 FLM52106
for user exit data set is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM51103 NO KEY GROUP EXISTS BELOW GROUP: aaaaaaaa 20 A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager.

Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Reassemble the project definition. Verify that no errors occurred. Relink the project definition. For more information about linking the project definition, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. A VSAM error occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. See z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. ERROR PROCESSING BUILD MAP FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa IN TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER REFERENCED IN BUILD MAP: cccccccc TYPE OF MEMBER REFERENCED IN BUILD MAP: dddddddd BUILD MAP DATE: eeeeee BUILD MAP TIME: ffffff

Explanation: Group aaaaaaaa is a non-key group and is defined as one of the lowest groups in the hierarchy. No key group is defined below group aaaaaaaa in the hierarchy. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: The lowest groups of the project hierarchy (the development groups) must be key groups. Modify the project definition to make the lowest group key and resubmit the job. FLM52000 INITIATING VERIFICATION PHASE aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb 20


Explanation: Indicates that the promote verification phase has been initiated. In this phase, SCLM verifies all members within the scope of the architecture definition. All members must be up to date (for example, source matches object) and must have correct accounting information. This message is for information only. FLM52001 VERIFICATION PHASE FOR GROUP: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to process an undefined keyword in the Build Map for member aaaaaaaa. The undefined keyword is associated with member cccccccc, in type dddddddd, as referenced in the Build Map. The Build Map might have been generated by a prior version of SCLM. User response: Rebuild member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb to generate a new Build Map. FLM52105 VERSION MISMATCH FOR LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa BUILD MAP MEMBER: bbbbbbbb IN TYPE: cccccccc LANGUAGE VERSION IN BUILD MAP: dddddddd LANGUAGE DEFINITION VERSION: eeeeeeee

Explanation: Indicates that the promote verification phase has been initiated for group aaaaaaaa. This message is for information only. FLM52103 ERROR RETRIEVING BUILD MAP INFORMATION, CODE: aaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc REFERENCED BY BUILD MAP AT TYPE: dddddddd MEMBER: eeeeeeee Explanation: SCLM could not retrieve build map information for member eeeeeeee. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 Determine if the member and type specified are correct. If the member and type are correct, then build the architecture member used as input for this promotion again. Otherwise, specify the correct member and type and invoke the promote function again. Submit the job again. The format of the data retrieved was incorrect. Delete the build map and build again to regenerate it. An invalid group was found in the project definition. Contact the project manager.

Explanation: Since the last build, a new version of the translator for the language was installed. User response: Rebuild the member using the member and type specified for the current promote operation. Once the member has been successfully rebuilt, you can promote it again.


| FLM52106 | | | | | | | | | |



Explanation: This is an error message issued during the promote verification. Member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb contains both NOPROM-N and NOPROM-R members. NOPROM-N and NOPROM-R are mutually exclusive.

| User response: Ensure that all NOPROM members

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM52901 FLM53106
| have the same accounting status.

Explanation: Scope a requested for this promote has a smaller range than the scope b specified in the project definition for the language cccccccc of member dddddddd. Promote accepts three values for scope: NORMAL, SUBUNIT, and EXTENDED. NORMAL has the smallest range; EXTENDED has the greatest range. User response: Specify an equal or a larger range scope than the scope of the members language being promoted. If a non-Ada source is being promoted, NORMAL is usually sufficient for the promote scope. Otherwise, EXTENDED scope is always compatible with the languages. Verify that the architecture definition being promoted has been built with the scope used as input to the promote function. FLM52904 THE SOURCE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa IN TYPE: bbbbbbbb WAS COMPILED WITHOUT THE DEPENDENT COMPILATION UNIT: CU NAME: ccc(55) ddd(55) CU TYPE: eeeeeee CU QUALIFIER: ffffffff Explanation: The compilation unit ccc(55) ddd(55) was added since the last build of source member cccccccc. User response: Rebuild the architecture definition using the specified scope. Resubmit the job. FLM52905 ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa IN TYPE: bbbbbbbb IS NOT CURRENT THE DOWNWARD DEPENDENCY COMPILATION UNIT: CU NAME: ccc(55) ddd(55) CU TYPE: eeee CU QUALIFIER: ffffffff OF MEMBER: gggggggg TYPE: hhhhhhhh HAS NOT BEEN BUILT. Explanation: Compilation unit ccc(55) ddd(55) has never been built. This error could occur for one of these reasons: v The specified compilation unit was introduced to the product after the architecture member was built. v The specified member has never been built in EXTENDED scope. User response: Rebuild the specified architecture definition in EXTENDED scope, and submit the job again.

Explanation: Member aaaaaaaa will not be promoted. The build map for the member is not current. Possible causes: v An input has changed since the last build. v An output does not match the output produced by the build. v The build was not run with extended scope. User response: Rebuild the member being promoted, then restart the promote. If the build was not done with extended scope, rerun the build using extended scope. FLM53006 ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa IN TYPE: bbbbbbbb IS NOT CURRENT VERSION MISMATCH ON MEMBER: cccccccc IN TYPE: dddddddd BUILD MAP VERSION: eeeeeeee ACCOUNTING VERSION: ffffffff

Explanation: The version number of member or Build Map cccccccc has changed since the last time the architecture member was built. Also, the version number of member cccccccc or Build Map eeeeeeee has changed since the last time the architecture member was built. User response: Rebuild the architecture member being promoted and submit the job again. FLM53106 PREDECESSOR VERIFICATION FAILED INPUT GROUP : aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc ERROR GROUP1: dddddddd DATE: eeeeeeee TIME: ffffffff ERROR GROUP2: gggggggg DATE: hhhhhhhh TIME: iiiiiiii Explanation: The version of the member in dddddddd was not based on the member in gggggggg. This error usually means that a version of the member between the two groups has been deleted. The predecessor Date and Time fields in the accounting information for the member in dddddddd should contain the last modified Date and Time fields for the next occurrence of the member within the hierarchy. The promote processor, in CONDITIONAL mode, prevents the member in gggggggg from being replaced. User response: Verify that the member contains all of


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM53108 FLM53901
the required changes present in the member in gggggggg. If it does, and no other promote verification errors are present, promote again in UNCONDITIONAL mode. If other promote verification errors are present, either correct the errors or use an architecture member that controls as few members as possible. FLM53108 MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb AT GROUP: cccccccc IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR PROMOTION FLM53109 WARNING, PREDECESSOR VERIFICATION FAILED INPUT GROUP : aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc ERROR GROUP1: dddddddd DATE: eeeeeeee TIME: ffffffff ERROR GROUP2: gggggggg DATE: hhhhhhhh TIME: iiiiiiii Explanation: The version of the member in dddddddd was not based on the member in gggggggg. This error usually means that a version of the member between the two groups has been deleted. The predecessor date and time fields in the accounting information for the member in dddddddd should contain the last modified Date and Time fields for the next occurrence of the member within the hierarchy. This message is a warning. However, the promote processor, in CONDITIONAL mode, prevents the member from replacing the member in gggggggg. This message occurs if the NOPROM member with the authorization code that is not defined to the target group cannot be promoted using one of the authorization codes defined to the from group. User response: Usually for this promote, no action is required. An attempt to promote member cccccccc to group gggggggg will fail in CONDITIONAL mode. However, if member cccccccc has accounting status NOPROM-R, a manual build must be performed at the target level as the FLM53109 warning message ends the promote processing and the NOPROM rebuild step following the promote will not run. See the Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM) Guide and Reference for more information about NOPROM. FLM53901 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR INTERMEDIATE FORM OF: CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd CODE: eee GROUP: ffffffff

Explanation: One or more of the accounting information fields for member aaaaaaaa has an invalid value, which prevents SCLM from promoting the member. The fields are: v AUTHORIZATION CODE CHANGE v ACCESS KEY v ACCOUNTING RECORD TYPE. If the Authorization Code Change field is not blank, an attempt to change the &authcode of the member did not complete successfully. If the Access Key field is not blank, the member has been reserved for use outside the project hierarchy or blocked from promotion. If the ACCOUNTING RECORD TYPE is INITIAL or LOCKOUT, a lock has been placed on the member but changes to the member have not been registered with SCLM. The source for the member either does not exist or does not match the accounting information. User response: Use the SCLM library utility to review the contents of the specified fields. If the Authorization Code Change field is not blank, verify that the &authcode for the member is correct. If it is, use the update capability of the utility to reset the field. If the field should be changed, use the utility to complete the change in progress or assign a new authorization code. If the ACCESS KEY is not blank, refer to local &scm procedures to determine the cause of action based on the values of the access key. If the access key is eligible for removal, use the UNLOCK service to reset the access key to blanks. If the ACCOUNTING RECORD TYPE is initial or lockout and the member is not present in the group you are promoting from, delete the accounting information using the library utility (or use an equivalent function such as the UNLOCK service). If the member exists, use the SCLM editor or SAVE service to create correct accounting information. Rebuild the architecture member being promoted after the accounting information has been either deleted or updated.

| | | | |

| | | | | | |

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve accounting information for the specified intermediate form. The error code associated with the error message provides specifics regarding the nature of the error. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The accounting information for the intermediate form of the compilation unit was not found in the specified group in the hierarchical view. The compiled intermediate form might be missing or out of date. Build the member containing the compilation unit. SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.


Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM53902 FLM53905
16 The specified group was not found in the project definition. This error can occur when you use alternate project definitions or when you modify a project definition. Examine the project definition for the missing group. Contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred while retrieving the accounting information for the intermediate form of the compilation unit. Submit the job again. If the error recurs, contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager. FLM53903 WARNING, INTERMEDIATE FORM AND ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR THE FOLLOWING COMPILATION UNIT WILL BE PURGED FROM GROUP: aaaaaaaa CU NAME: bbb(55) ccc(55) CU TYPE: dddd CU QUALIFIER: eeeeeeee FROM-GROUP MEMBER: ffffffff TYPE: gggggggg LANGUAGE: hhhhhhhh ABOVE-GROUP MEMBER: iiiiiiii TYPE: jjjjjjjj LANGUAGE: kkkkkkkk



Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again, and verify that no errors occurred. A VSAM error occurred. Run IDCAMS against the cross-reference data set to determine the problem. Identify the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. For more information, about the FLMCNTRL macro, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa IN TYPE: bbbbbbbb IS NOT CURRENT VERIFICATION ERROR FOR COMPILATION UNIT: CU NAME: ccc(55) ddd(55) CU TYPE: eeee CU QUALIFIER: ffffffff BUILD MAP DATE/TIME: gggggggg hhhhhhhh ACCOUNTING DATE/TIME: iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj Explanation: A change has occurred since the last build of the &alist being promoted. The output of the build does not match the input. Build output for the specified compilation unit was based on the Build Map date and time indicated. The specified compilation unit has since been updated but the updates have not been built. User response: Rebuild the &alist being promoted and submit the job again.

Explanation: The source for compilation unit bbb(55) ccc(55) was moved to a different member. This move would cause the intermediate form of the compilation unit to exist in more than one sublibrary in the specified group unless the intermediate form is purged. SCLM does not allow multiple copies of a members compilation unit to exist in one group of the hierarchy; therefore, the old compilation unit is purged. User response: No action is necessary unless the promote fails to copy the compilation unit identified. If the copy failed, the group will not contain a copy of the compilation unit until the promote completes successfully. FLM53905 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR INTERMEDIATE FORM OF: CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd CODE: eee GROUP: ffffffff




Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve accounting information for the intermediate form aaa(55) bbb(55). User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The accounting information for the intermediate form of the compilation unit was not found at the specified group. This error indicates that the compiled intermediate form is missing or out of date. You need to build the member containing the compilation unit. SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. The specified group was not found in the project definition. This error can occur when you use alternate project definitions or when you modify a project definition. Examine the project definition for the missing group. Contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred retrieving the accounting information for the intermediate form of the compilation unit. Resubmit the job, and if the error recurs, contact the project manager.





z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM53906 FLM55150
24 The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager. FLM55120 UNABLE TO BUILD PACKAGE DETAILS MEMBER; ERROR DURING ffffffff PDS: pppp.pppp MEMBER: mmmmmmm LM FUNCTION RC: rr

Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again, and verify that no errors occurred. A VSAM error occurred. Run IDCAMS against the cross-reference data set to determine the problem. Identify the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. For more information on the FLMCNTRL macro see the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa IN TYPE: bbbbbbbb IS NOT CURRENT. THE BUILD MAP NO LONGER REFERENCES COMPILATION UNIT: CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd


Explanation: SCLM was unable to build the package details member due to an error running the LM function fffffffff against the member mmmmmmm in the PDS pppp.pppp. The return code from the LM function is rr. User response: Refer to the ISPF services guide to determine why the LM function failed with a return code rr. FLM55125 INVALID RETURN CODE FROM FLMLDATE ROUTINE PDS: pppp.pppp MEMBER: mmmmmmm LM FUNCTION RC: rr



Explanation: SCLM has encountered an error attempting to retrieve the load module date from the member mmmmmmm in the PDS pppp.pppp. The return code from the FLMLDATE routine is rr. User response: Contact IBM to determine the reason why the date in the load module has been corrupted. FLM55140 UNABLE TO PROCESS PACKAGE DETAILS MEMBER; ERROR DURING ffffffff PDS: pppp.pppp MEMBER: mmmmmmm LM FUNCTION RC: rr

Explanation: The Build Map specified no longer contains a reference to the compilation unit, although the compilation unit still exists. User response: If the compilation unit is outdated, then delete the compilation unit using the Sublibrary Management Utility (Option 3.2). Then perform another build at this group in EXTENDED mode. Otherwise, attempt a build in EXTENDED mode. FLM55000 INITIATING COPY PHASE - aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb

Explanation: SCLM encountered an error processing the package details member mmmmmmmm in the PDS pppp.pppp while running the LM function fffffffff. The return code from the LM function is rr. User response: Refer to the ISPF Services Guide to determine why the LM function failed with a return code rr. FLM55150 ERROR CREATING PACKAGE RESTORE VERSION OR AUDIT RECORD CODE: rr ERROR GROUP: ggggggg TYPE: tttttttt MEMBER: mmmmmmm

Explanation: The promote verification phase was successful. The copy phase has started. This message is provided for information only. FLM55100 STARTING PACKAGE BACKUP PHASE - hh:mm:ss ON yyyy/mm/dd

Explanation: Processing for package backup started at hh:mm:ss ON yyyy/mm/dd. FLM55110 BACKING UP TYPE: nnnnnnnn, MEMBER: mmmmmmm, FROM: ggggggg, TO: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: SCLM when creating a package encountered an error attempting to create a Audit or Version VSAM record for the member mmmmmmmm in group gggggggg with a type of ttttttt. Return code from the VSAM write is rr. User response: Check the promote message file to determine why SCLM was getting errors writing the Version or audit VSAM record.

Explanation: Package backup is backing up the member mmmmmmmm in group gggggggg, type nnnnnnnn to the backup group bbbbbbbb.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM55160 FLM55905

Explanation: SCLM encountered an error deleting the package details member mmmmmmm in the PDS pppp.pppp. The return code from the LM function is rr. User response: Check to see that the package details member mmmmmmm in the PDS pppp.pppp exists and is not in use. FLM55185 PACKAGE CANNOT BE RESTORED IN PENDING STATUS

Explanation: As part of the package backup process, SCLM determined that package reuse was in effect but the package was in a pending state. The package details member will be updated with the promote package details. FLM55199 PACKAGE BACKOUT MIGRATION HAS NOT BEEN RUN YET, PLEASE RUN FLMBKFIX AGAINST: PDS: pppp.pppp MEMBER: mmmmmm PACKAGE STATUS: sssss (OR ALL MEMBERS)

Explanation: SCLM found the package backup member was in a pending state as it is being processed by another user/job. User response: Determine who is restoring the package and coordinate the processing with them. FLM55190 ENDING PACKAGE BACKUP PHASE hh:mm:ss ON yyyy/mm/dd

Explanation: Changes were introduced in APAR OW56081 which required the package backup members to be migrated to a new format. This migration process has not been run for the member mmmmmmmm in the PDS pppp.pppp. User response: Run FLMBKFIX against either the member mmmmmmmm in the PDS pppp.pppp or all members in the PDS. FLM55201 ERROR OCCURRED DELETING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR INTERMEDIATE FORM OF DISCREPANCY ITEMS

Explanation: Processing for package backup ended at hh:mm:ss ON yyyy/mm/dd. FLM55195 INVALID PACKAGE DETAILS FILE HEADER RECORD PDS: pppp.pppp MEMBER: mmmmmmmm PACKAGE STATUS: ssssssss LOCAL RC: rr

Explanation: When reading package backup member mmmmmmmm in the PDS pppp.pppp SCLM encountered an invalid header record. User response: Determine why the header record for package backup member mmmmmmmm in the PDS pppp.pppp is corrupted. This member SHOULD NOT be maintained outside of SCLM. FLM55196 PACKAGE REUSE IS IN EFFECT

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to purge an intermediate form or intermediate accounting record in the from group. The intermediate forms type or member name at the from group does not match the to group. Check that the source for a compilation unit was not moved to a different member. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to this error. FLM55904 COPY OF INTERMEDIATE FORM FAILED FOR LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: While performing package backup, SCLM determined that package reused is in effect. Rather than overwriting the package details member, SCLM will update the existing package details with the members being promoted. FLM55197 DELETING EXISTING SAME-NAMED PACKAGE

Explanation: An error occurred while copying an intermediate form of a compilation unit in language aaaaaaaa. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to this error. FLM55905 ERROR PURGING CROSS REFERENCE INFORMATION FOR EXTRA COMPILATION UNIT: CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd CODE: eee GROUP: ffffffff TYPE: gggggggg MEMBER: hhhhhhhh Explanation: The promote processor deletes all the

Explanation: As part of the package backup process, SCLM determined that package reuse was not in effect and hence the existing package details member will be deleted prior to it being created as part of the promotion process.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM57000 FLM57106
cross-reference information for extra compilation units in group ffffffff before it copies new text and accounting records of all the members. An extra compilation unit is a compilation unit that exists in the to group but does not exist in the from group for a member existing in both groups. This situation occurs when you modify a member with an extra compilation in a development library and then delete the extra compilation unit of the member from the development library. While deleting the cross-reference information from the group for the compilation unit specified, an error occurred and SCLM issued a return code. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 16 24 A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set is enqueued. Try the job again later. The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager. is possible that the member has been updated outside of SCLM control. User response: Define the member to SCLM using the SCLM editor or the SAVE service. If the member is not needed, delete it using the SCLM library utility or the DELETE service. FLM57102 WARNING, ACCOUNTING INFORMATION EXISTS FOR GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc. THE CORRESPONDING DATA SET: ddd(44) DOES NOT EXIST. THE ACCOUNTING INFORMATION WILL BE PURGED.

Explanation: SCLM has found accounting information for aaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbb.cccccccc and the corresponding data set ddd(44) does not exist. SCLM expected to find the data set and could not. Because the data set does not exist and there is no member that corresponds to the accounting information, the accounting information will be purged. User response: This message is for informational purposes only. No action is required.

Project manager response: If the return code is: 8 A VSAM error occurred. Run IDCAMS against the cross-reference data set to determine the problem. Identify the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. For more information on the FLMCNTRL macro, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. INITIATING PURGE PHASE - aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb


| FLM57105 | | |


| Explanation: SCLM encountered an error attempting | to update build map record. | User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to | update the build map record. | FLM57106 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Explanation: The promote verification and copy phases have completed successfully. The purge phase has started. This message is provided for information only. FLM57001 INITIATING PURGE FROM GROUP: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: SCLM has started purging members beginning at group aaaaaaaa. Purge processing completes at one group before processing of the next group begins. This message is provided for information only. FLM57101 WARNING, ACCOUNTING INFORMATION IS NOT CURRENT FOR GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc

Explanation: The not promoted backup data set is not defined for the project. Hence, when attempting to promote a build map with a NOPROM build map record which has an accounting status of NOPROM-N, SCLM will not be able to backup the NOPROM member. If the NOPROM member is changed after promotion and the NOPROM member was not backed up, then it will not be possible to recreate the build outputs that were built/promoted based on this member. User response: If a backup of the NOPROM member is required, modify the SCLM project definition to add a NPROMBK parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro to specify the NOPROM backup data set name.

Explanation: The accounting information for member cccccccc does not match the contents of the member. It

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM57107 FLM61015
| FLM57107 | | |

Explanation: Database utility processing has started. This message is provided for information only. FLM61008 NUMBER OF PAGES GENERATED FOR THE REPORT - aaa(10)

| Explanation: SCLM encountered an error attempting | to create a backup of the NOPROM MEMBER: aaaaaaaa | TYPE: bbbbbbbb during promotion. | User response: Use the error messages to determine | why SCLM was unable to backup the member | aaaaaaaa. | FLM57108 | | | |

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM61009 NUMBER OF PAGES GENERATED FOR THE TAILORED OUTPUT - aaa(10)

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM61011 NO aaaa RECORDS FOUND

| Explanation: SCLM encountered an error attempting | to retrieve not promoted backup count from control | file. | User response: Use the error messages to determine | why SCLM was unable to retrieve not promoted | backup count from the control file.

Explanation: SCLM cannot find a list of records in the VSAM data sets. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: A VSAM error occurred while attempting to retrieve a list of records from the VSAM data sets. The type of record being retrieved is specified in the message text. Refer to the Access Method Services for help in determining the VSAM error. FLM61012 VSAM I/O ERROR OCCURRED WHILE ACCESSING THE ACCOUNTING DATABASE

Explanation: User response: This message is for informational purposes only. No action is required. FLM57201 PURGE OF INTERMEDIATE FORM FAILED FOR GROUP: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: There is a problem with the VSAM file that SCLM uses to store its accounting information. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Refer to the Access Method Services for help in determining the VSAM error. FLM61015 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING OR CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION CODE: aaa ERROR GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: No accounting record exists or could be retrieved for member dddddddd within the hierarchical view beginning at group bbbbbbbb. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 SCLM did not find the members accounting information. Register the member with SCLM using the edit function, migration utility, or the SAVE service. Run the processor again. The members accounting and dependency information was retrieved successfully; however, some of the dependency information

Explanation: Unable to purge intermediate form from the group. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to this error. FLM58000 PROMOTE PROCESSOR COMPLETED aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The promote processor completed. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to the outcome of this promote. FLM59001 INVOKING PROMOTE PROCESSOR

Explanation: This message is provided for information only.



z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM61020 FLM62001
failed verification processing. To determine the nature of the verification error, browse the members accounting and dependency information by using the library utility. The utility performs this verification and displays the fields you want to validate. Edit and then save the member to correct the problem. 16 The specified group was not found in the project definition. This error can occur when you use alternate project definitions or when you modify a project definition. Examine the project definition for the missing group. Contact the project manager. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. for the tailored output is optional. If you do not specify a ddname, the tailored output is sent to the terminal by default. If you specify a ddname, you must allocate it. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for the tailored output is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM61030 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR DBUTIL MESSAGES IS NOT ALLOCATED


Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Correct and reassemble the project definition. Submit the job again, and verify that no errors occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. NO MEMBERS MATCHING SELECTION CRITERIA

Explanation: Ddname aaaaaaaa, which was specified for the messages, is not allocated. If you invoke the DBUTIL function using the services, the ddname for the messages is optional. If you do not specify a ddname, the messages are sent to the terminal by default. If you specify a ddname, you must allocate it. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for the messages is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM61035 TAILORED OUTPUT LINE LENGTH EXCEEDS LIMIT



Explanation: The output line that is written to the tailored file exceeded the 2048-character limit. User response: Verify that the length of the lines being written as output to the tailored file is not greater than 2048. If it is greater than 2048, change your formatted report line to contain SCLM variables that write 2048 characters or less to the tailored file. FLM62000 ARCHITECTURE REPORT PROCESSOR INITIATED - aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb

Explanation: SCLM could not find a match for project, group, type, and member. User response: Verify that the members matching the selection criteria are under SCLM control. FLM61021 DATABASE CONTENTS UTILITY COMPLETED - aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM61025 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR DBUTIL REPORT NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: Report processing has started. This message is provided for information only. FLM62001 STARTING ARCHITECTURE MEMBER TYPE EXCEEDS CUTOFF

Explanation: DDname aaaaaaaa, which was specified for the DBUTIL report, was not allocated. If you invoke the DBUTIL function using the services, the ddname for the DBUTIL report is optional. If you do not specify the ddname, the DBUTIL report is sent to the terminal by default. If you specify a ddname, you must allocate it. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for DBUTIL output is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM61028 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR TAILORED OUTPUT NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: The architecture report could not be generated because the type of architecture member specified exceeded the type of architecture definition given for the cutoff of the report. The report cutoff should be equal to or lower than the architecture member kind. For information on architecture members, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. User response: Specify a lower report cutoff and submit the job again.

Explanation: Ddname aaaaaaaa, which was specified for the tailored output, was not allocated. If you invoke the DBUTIL function using the services, the ddname
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM62002 FLM62108
FLM62002 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb IS IN INITIAL OR LOCKOUT STATE. invoke the architecture function using the services, the ddname for the architecture report is optional. If you do not specify a ddname, the architecture report is sent to the terminal by default. If you specify a ddname, you must allocate it. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for the architecture report is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM62030 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR ARCHITECTURE MESSAGES NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: A lock has been placed on member aaaaaaaa but changes to the member have not been registered with SCLM. The source for the member either does not exist or does not match the accounting information. User response: If the member exists, use the SCLM editor or the SCLM SAVE service to create the correct accounting information. FLM62008 INVALID CUTOFF PARAMETER: aaa(24)

Explanation: The report cutoff for the architecture report is invalid. User response: Verify that the report cutoff parameter specified is: CC GEN HL LEC For HL, LEC, and CC architecture members. For HL, LEC, and generic architecture members. For HL architecture members. For HL and LEC architecture members.

Explanation: Ddname aaaaaaaa, which was specified for the architecture messages, was not allocated. If you invoke the architecture function using the services, the ddname for the architecture messages is optional. If you do not specify a ddname, the architecture messages are sent to the terminal by default. If you specify a ddname, you must allocate it. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for the architecture messages is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM62104 INVALID STATEMENT IN ARCHITECTURE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb

NONE For all architecture members and source members (no cutoff). TOP SOURCE For all top source members and all architecture members. FLM62010 REPORT DDNAME AND MESSAGE DDNAME MUST BE DIFFERENT

Explanation: The architecture member aaaaaaaa contains an invalid statement. The architecture member might contain keywords that are specific to both an LEC and a CC (for example, an OBJ keyword and a LOAD keyword). The architecture member might also have two LMAP statements or a COPY keyword with an LMAP statement in the copied member. Any of these errors can cause this message to occur. User response: This error does not affect the architecture report. Before attempting a build, check the specified architecture member for any of the listed errors. Modify the architecture member to correct the errors. FLM62108 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION CODE: aaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: No accounting information exists or could be retrieved for member dddddddd. User response: If the report was being run simply to view the high-level architecture of the application, no response is necessary. Otherwise, take the action recommended for the return code received: 8 No accounting record exists for member dddddddd. Register the member using the SCLM editor, the migration utility, or the SAVE service.

Explanation: A function was invoked with the same ddname specified for both the report file and the messages file. User response: Specify different ddnames for the report file and the messages file. FLM62024 WARNING, MAXIMUM INDENTION DEPTH EXCEEDED. REMAINDER OF MEMBERS NOT INDENTED.

Explanation: The maximum indention depth has been exceeded while processing members for the architecture report. The architecture report continues; however, the remainder of the members are not indented to indicate included members. FLM62025 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR ARCHITECTURE REPORT NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: Ddname aaaaaaaa, which was specified for the architecture report, was not allocated. If you


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM62200 FLM70003
Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 SCLM was unable to read the VSAM record containing the members accounting information. Refer to the Access Method Services for help in determining the VSAM error. The specified group bbbbbbbb was not found in the project definition. This error can occur when an alternate project definition is used. The error can also be caused by a change to the project definition. Correct and reassemble the project definition. An I/O error occurred while attempting to read an accounting record. This could also represent an open error on the VSAM accounting data set. Refer to the Access Method Services for help in determining the VSAM error. NUMBER OF VARIABLE EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF VARIABLES ALLOWED, REPORT CONTINUES. FLM69020 THE MESSAGES WILL APPEAR IN aaa(26)

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM69025 THE TAILORED OUTPUT WILL APPEAR IN aaa(26)


Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM69030 DATABASE CONTENTS UTILITY RETURN CODE = aaa.


Explanation: The Database Contents utility ended with a return code of aaa. This message is provided for information only. FLM70002 PARAMETER STRING EXCEEDS MAXIMUM SIZE ALLOWED FOR TRANSLATOR aaaaaaaa


Explanation: SCLM cannot display all of the SCLM variables that the user requested for the report. User response: Check the variables specified and remove any unnecessary ones, or break the report up into smaller pieces. FLM62900 ARCHITECTURE REPORT PROCESSOR COMPLETED

Explanation: The parameter string for the translator aaaaaaaa is greater than the allowed maximum of 512 characters. The parameter string is formed by concatenating the values of the OPTIONS parameter of the FLMTRNSL macro with the PARM and the PARMx architecture member keywords. All SCLM variables in the resulting string are then replaced with the variables values. Any of the allowable sources for creation of the parameter string could cause the parameter string size to be exceeded. User response: Reduce the size of the parameter string passed through the PARM or the PARMx keyword in the architecture definition if possible. Otherwise, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Reduce the size of the OPTIONS parameter string on the FLMTRNSL macro for the specified translator. FLM70003 SUBSTITUTION LIST EXCEEDS MAXIMUM SIZE ALLOWED FOR TRANSLATOR aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The architecture report processor finished executing. User response: See the message data set for all the messages related to the completion of the process. FLM69005 INVOKING ARCHITECTURE REPORT PROCESSOR

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM69010 INVOKING DATABASE CONTENTS UTILITY

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM69015 THE REPORT WILL APPEAR IN aaa(26)

Explanation: The ddname substitution list for translator aaaaaaaa is greater than the maximum of 512 allowed. Every FLMALLOC macro for the translator causes an 8-character ddname to be put into the ddname substitution list. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Either reduce the number of FLMALLOC macro invocations for the specified translator or change the PORDER parameter of the FLMTRNSL macro to 0 or 1 so that SCLM will not attempt to pass a ddname substitution list.

Explanation: This message is provided for information only.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM70101 FLM70601
FLM70101 INVALID COPYLIB NAME: aaa(44) 12 There is no data to be copied to the listing data set or the data has already been deleted by the translator. The output data set is full. Data access failed due to: v data set security protection v Input member was not found. The input parameter is invalid. Data sets with a RECFM value of U cannot be copied to the listings data set.

Explanation: The copylib name is too long. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: The maximum size allowed is 44 characters. Reduce the size of the copylib name to 44 characters or less to allow for SCLM variable substitution if SCLM variables are used. FLM70102 UNSUPPORTED IOTYPE, UNABLE TO ALLOCATE DATA SET LANGUAGE aaaaaaaa TRANSLATOR: bbbbbbbb DATA SET: ccc IOTYPE: dddddddd 16 20

24 28

User response: If the return code is: 12 Verify that the translator really did create the file and did not delete it. Try running the translator outside SCLM and verify that the file is created. Allocate a larger listings data set. Verify that you have access authority to the listings data set. Verify that the translator really did create the file and did not delete it. Try running the translator outside SCLM and verify that the file is created. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Correct the record format or change the target data set. LISTINGS NOT COPIED BECAUSE BLANK LISTINGS DDNAME SPECIFIED

Explanation: An IOTYPE was specified in an FLMALLOC macro that is not supported by the associated translator. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Correct the FLMALLOC statement in the language definition for the specified language. See z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information. FLM70212 INVOKING COPY ROUTINE(S) FOR LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa 16 20

24 28

Explanation: Copy translator for language aaaaaaaa has been called. This translator was defined in the language definition. This message is provided for information only. FLM70214 INVOKING PURGE ROUTINE(S) FOR LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa.


Explanation: Purge routine for language aaaaaaaa has been called. This program was defined in the language definition. This message is provided for information only. FLM70216 INVOKING TRANSLATORS FOR LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: SCLM did not copy listings to the listings data set because you specified a blank ddname. Therefore, you will not be able to see any listings that the translators produced. User response: Specify the listings ddname for the given function and run the function again. FLM70600 DATE/TIME VERIFICATION FAILED FOR GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc

Explanation: Translator for language aaaaaaaa has been called. This message is provided for information only. FLM70501 ERROR COPYING ALLOCATION DATA SET aaa FOR TRANSLATOR bbb TO LISTINGS DATA SET, CODE: ccc

Explanation: The VERIFY translator was invoked as part of Build or Promote verification, and returned a date/time indicating that the member cccccccc is out of date. User response: Verify that the date is valid and submit the job again. FLM70601 VERIFICATION TRANSLATOR FAILED FOR LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: One of these might have occurred: v The listing data set was not allocated. v The listing data set had an insufficient amount of space allocated. Possible return codes are:

Explanation: The return code from the verification translator for language aaaaaaaa exceeded the allowable maximum good return code.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM70801 FLM71006
User response: Determine the reason for the bad return code from the verification translator and take appropriate action. FLM70801 ERROR DEALLOCATING DATA SET NUMBER: aaa FOR LANGUAGE: cccccccc TRANSLATOR: bbb (16) CODE: ddd FLM71002 ERROR INVOKING TRANSLATOR: aaa(16)

Explanation: SCLM could not invoke translator aaa(16). The load module containing the translator might be allocated exclusively to another job, or there is an error in the language definition that defines the translator. User response: If the translator has been used successfully in the past and changes were not anticipated (for example, a new compiler release), invoke the processor again. If the translator is new or the problem recurs, report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. FLM71004 TRANSLATOR RETURN CODE FROM ===> aaa(16) ===> bbbb

Explanation: An error occurred while deallocating a data set for the translator bbb (16). The data set number aaa identifies the allocated data set for that translator. This message indicates that a data set for one of the translators defined for the cccccccc language could not be deallocated. Because the condition occurs during cleanup, it can usually be treated as a warning. Verify that the program has not deallocated the data sets specified for the language. Note: For the FREE and END services called using a program, only the first line will appear. Possible return codes are: 12 SCLM internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Missing or incorrect data set name. Invalid file attribute specified. A member of a PDS was requested but the data set was not partitioned. The requested member could not be found. The requested member was not available. SCLM internal error (device unit missing). Report this message (including message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.

Explanation: The return code from the invoked translator did not match the GOODRC parameter specified for the translator. Translator output, such as compiler listings, will be saved in the listings data set for the processor if requested in the language definition. User response: Use the listings data set to locate and correct all errors identified by the translator. If the specified return code is acceptable for the translator, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Change the GOODRC parameter of the FLMTRNSL macro, which defines the specified return code, in the project definition. FLM71006 ERROR ALLOCATING DATA SET FOR BUILD BY CHANGE CODE: DSN: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbb CODE: ccc

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Xxxxx SVC 99 error reason code (in hexadecimal). Some possible values are: X0210 Requested data set unavailable. The data set is allocated to another job and its usage attributes conflict with this request. X1708 Data set does not exist. X97xx SMS error code. This will be followed by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error. User response: Submit the job again. If the error recurs, report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to allocate the indicated data set. The error occurred while processing members to be included from type bbb. Possible return codes are: 12 Internal error. Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Incorrect data set name. Invalid file attribute specified. A member of a PDS was requested but the data set is not partitioned. The requested member could not be found. The requested member was not available. SCLM internal error (device unit missing). Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support.

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Xxxxx SVC 99 error reason code (in hexadecimal). Some possible reason code values are:

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM71010 FLM72003
X0210 Requested data set unavailable. The data set is allocated to another job and its usage attributes conflict with this request. X1708 The data set does not exist. X97xx SMS error code. This will be followed by SMS: ddddd; where ddddd is the IGD message number associated with the error. User response: Submit the job again. If the error recurs, report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. Project manager response: For reason codes of the form Xxxxx, refer to the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the SVC 99 reason codes (or see Appendix A of the ISPF Tutorial). For SMS error codes, the IGD message can be located in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD). The listing may have one or two leading zeros added to the ddddd value. Contact IBM support for assistance. FLM71010 ERROR: FLMTCOND macro keywords GROUP and NOTGROUP specified together. FLMTCOND follows FLMTRNSL with COMPILE=aaaaaaaa FLM71012 ERROR: FLMTCOND macro keyword WHEN syntax invalid. FLMTCOND follows FLMTRNSL with COMPILE=aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: aaaaaaaa is the value of the COMPILE keyword on the FLMTRNSL associated with the FLMTCOND macro. The value of the WHEN keyword does not contain valid syntax. User response: See the project administrator for correction of the project definition. User response: Edit the language definition and correct the WHEN keyword value on the FLMTCOND macro following the FLMTRNSL with COMPILE=aaaaaaaa. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. FLM72001 INVALID OR MISSING VALUE FOR PARAMETER: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The parameter aaaaaaaa has a invalid or missing value. This message is issued by the FLMTXFER translator. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Update the call to the FLMTXFER translator to ensure that all required parameters are passed and that all parameters have valid values. FLM72002 NO DATA SET ALLOCATED TO DD NAME: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: aaaaaaaa is the COMPILE keyword value on the FLMTRNSL associated with this FLMTCOND macro. This error should be trapped by the FLMTCOND macro and should not occur at runtime. User response: See the project administrator for correction of the project definition. User response: Remove GROUP or NOTGROUP in the FLMTCOND macro. The FLMTCOND macro will follow an FLMTRNSL macro with COMPILE=aaaaaaaa in a language definition. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. FLM71011 ERROR: Previous translator label not found. Translator label=aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The ddname aaaaaaaa is not allocated, but is required for the FLMTXFER translator. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Update the call to the FLMTXFER translator to ensure that all required ddnames are allocated. The ddname can be a ddname used directly by the FLMTXFER translator, or it can be a ddname that was specified in the input data passed in the FILES ddname. FLM72003 INVALID TRANSFER TYPE: a LINE NUMBER: bbbbb

Explanation: aaaaaaaa is the label in the FLMTCOND WHEN keyword value that is not found on any previous FLMTRNSL macros for build translators in the language definition. User response: See the project administrator for correction of the project definition. User response: Edit the language definition and adjust the FLMTRNSL label and/or the label referenced by the WHEN keyword. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition.

Explanation: The transfer type a is not a valid transfer type. The valid transfer types are A (ASCII), and B (BINARY). The invalid transfer type was specified on line bbbbb of the FILES DD input to the translator. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Ensure that the transfer types passed in the FILES ddname to the FLMTXFER translator are valid.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM72004 FLM72011

Explanation: No source data set, ddname, or file was specified for the transfer. Line aaaaa of the FILES DD input to the translator is missing the source. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Ensure that the source of the transfer is specified on each line in the FILES DD input to the FLMTXFER translator. FLM72005 INVALID SOURCE DATA SET NAME: aaa(56) LINE NUMBER: bbbbb

Explanation: Line bbbbb contains an invalid specification for a ddname or member name. Possible causes are: v The member name is too long v The ddname is too long v a colon was specified before the member name without a ddname being specified. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Update the call the FLMTXFER to ensure that valid statements are specified in the FILES ddname input. FLM72009 INVALID SYNTAX IN SOURCE NAME: aaa(56) LINE NUMBER: bbbbb

Explanation: The source data set name for the transfer is invalid. Possible reasons for an invalid data set name are: v The data set name is longer than 56 characters v There is no ending quote on the data set name v There are no characters between the beginning and ending quotes. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Ensure that only valid data set names are being specified in the FILES DD input to the FLMTXFER translator. FLM72006 CAN NOT GET DIRECTLY INTO AN SCLM MEMBER: aaaaaaaa LINE NUMBER: bbbbb

Explanation: Line bbbbb contains an invalid specification for the transfer source. Possible causes are: v specifying a data set name without the surrounding quotes v specifying a ddname without the required colon v specifying an SCLM member without the required period. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Update the call the FLMTXFER to ensure that valid statements are specified in the FILES ddname input. FLM72010 NO TRANSFER DESTINATION SPECIFIED LINE NUMBER: aaaaa

Explanation: The FLMTXFER translator does not support storing workstation files directly into SCLM members. Instead the file should be stored into a ddname with IOTYPE=O or IOTYPE=P. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Update the call the FLMTXFER to ensure that data is not being stored directly into a member. FLM72007 INVALID MEMBER OR TYPE NAME: aaaaaaaa LINE NUMBER: bbbbb

Explanation: Line aaaaa contains no target specification for the transfer. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Ensure that each statement in the FILES ddname input contains a valid transfer destination. FLM72011 TRANSFER MEMBER NOT IN BUILD SCOPE MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: Line bbbbb contains a type name or member name that is not valid. Possible causes of this error are: v The member name is too long v The type name is too long v a data set name was specified without putting quotes around the name. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Update the call the FLMTXFER to ensure that members being transferred to the workstation exist on the host before the transfer.

Explanation: Member aaaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb is not in the scope of the build and will not be transferred. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Ensure that each statement in the FILES ddname input that specifies an SCLM member name uses only members in the build scope. The FLMTBMAP translator can be used to obtain a list of inputs and outputs for a specific build.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM72012 FLM75009
FLM72012 UNABLE TO OBTAIN DATASET NAME FOR DD NAME: aaaaaaaa User response: Verify that the DDNAME = aaaaaaaa exists in your system. The codes for the PASCAL run-time error bbb are described in the VS Pascal Application Programming Guide A common error code is: v 048 - Missing member in File: member_library FLM75006 WARNING: THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS FOR THE CSP/370AD GENERATE COMMAND WILL BE USED: SYSTEM(TARGET_SYSTEM), MAPS(NONE), TABLES(NONE), AND BATCH(N). THE CORRESPONDING PARAMETERS IN THE PROXY FILE WILL BE IGNORED.

Explanation: The FLMTXFER translator could not obtain the data set name for ddname aaaaaaaa. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Ensure that the ddname is being allocated to a cataloged data set. FLM72013 FILE TRANSFER FAILED, RETURN CODE: aaaa, FROM FILE: bbbbbbbb, TO FILE: cccccccc

Explanation: The ISPF FILEXFER service failed with a return code of aaaa in the transfer of file bbbbbbbb to file cccccccc. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Refer to the ISPF FILEXFER service documentation for an explanation of return code aaaa and additional responses. FLM75001 INVALID OR MISSING DATA FOR INPUT PARAMETER aaaaaaaa

Explanation: SCLM will append the CSP/370AD GENERATE command with a list of parameters that use specific values. If the user specifies one of these parameters, they will be ignored, and the SCLM specified ones will be used instead. The value for target_system in SYSTEM(target_system) is obtained from the SYSTEM= value of the OPTIONS parameter for the FLMTRNSL macro. This is the FLMTRNSL macro for the CSP/370AD Lista/Generate translator for the language definition associated with the CSP/370AD proxy member. User response: Delete from the Proxy file any of the parameters mentioned in the message. FLM75007 END OF PROXY FILE REACHED BEFORE THE TAG aaaaaaaa WAS FOUND.

Explanation: In the Language Definition the input parameter aaaaaaaa is missing or is not valid. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the Language Definition contains all the input parameters, and that the parameters have the proper values. FLM75002 ERROR: aaaaaaaa TAG NOT FOUND IN PROXY FILE

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa tag was not found in the proxy file. User response: Verify that the CSP/370AD proxy contains a BUILD/EBUILD tag section. Optionally, if you have EZE and GROUP tags then they should have a corresponding EEZE or EGROUP tag. FLM75003 ERROR: aaaaaaaa NOT SPECIFIED IN PROXY FILE

Explanation: The tags in the CSP/370AD proxy file must come in pairs; for example, the :BUILD tag must have an :EBUILD tag. This message indicates that a corresponding end tag is missing. User response: Ensure that the tags are paired, such as :BUILD with :EBUILD. FLM75008 TAG NOT VALID OR NESTED TAGS FOUND IN PROXY FILE.

Explanation: Either a tag is not a valid one (probably due to misspelling) or there are nested tags (which are not allowed). User response: Ensure that the tags are valid ones, and that there are no nested tags. FLM75009 ERROR: BUFSIZE PARAMETER IN FLMLANGL IS aaaa. IT SHOULD BE AT LEAST bbbb.

Explanation: The aaaaaaaa element was not found in the proxy file. User response: Verify that the CSP/370AD proxy contains the parameter MEMBER(name) for the CSP/370AD* GENERATE command. FLM75004 ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN DDNAME = aaaaaaaa, PASCAL RUN-TIME ERROR = bbb

Explanation: The ddname aaaaaaaa could not be opened.

Explanation: The BUFSIZE parameter is too small in the FLMLANGL macro of the language definition associated with the CSP/370AD proxy member being built. User response: Contact the project manager.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM75010 FLM80002
Project manager response: Ensure that the value of BUFSIZE is at least bbbb. Then reassemble the project definition. FLM75010 ALLOCATION FAILED FOR aaaaaaaa, DDNAME = bbbbbbbb, DSNAME = cccccccc FLM75014 NUMBER OF MSL RECORDS IN THE MSL CONTROL FILE LESS THAN NUMBER OF GROUPS IN THE PROJECT DEFINITION.

Explanation: The ddname = bbbbbbbb could not be allocated to the cccccccc DSNAME, while allocating aaaaaaaa or the ddname could have been allocated to another dsname. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that both the ddname and the dsname are valid. Also verify that the dsname has not been allocated to another DSNAME. FLM75011 GROUP aaaaaaaa NOT FOUND IN SCLM HIERARCHY TABLE

Explanation: In the MSL Control File (project.PROJDEFS.MSLCTRL) the number of groups in the SCLM hierarchy should be the same as the number of MSLs in CSP/370AD. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the groups in SCLM match the MSLs specified in the MSL Control File(project.PROJDEFS.MSLCTRL). FLM75015 READ/WRITE MSL IS NOT SPECIFIED.

Explanation: A valid Read/Write MSL was not specified for the current SCLM group in the MSL Control File (project.PROJDEFS.MSLCTRL). User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Specify a Read/Write MSL. FLM75016 THE FOLLOWING CSP/370AD COMMAND WAS UNSUCCESSFUL: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The GROUP = aaaaaaaa does not exist in the SCLM hierarchy table. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the GROUP is a valid one. FLM75012 WARNING: NOT ALL MSLS IN MSL CONTROL FILE WILL BE USED.

Explanation: The CSP command aaaaaaaa was unsuccessful. User response: Verify the CSP/370AD log and output to determine the cause of the problem. Then, take any required action to fix the problem. FLM80001 'END' RECORD NOT FOUND IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY"

Explanation: SCLM concatenates the CSP/370AD MSLs described in the MSL Control File (project.PROJDEFS.MSLCTRL) according to the hierarchy defined in SCLM. The Library MSLs are then appended at the end of this concatenation of MSLs; if the total number of read/only MSLs is greater than 5, this warning message is issued (but SCLM does not truncate the MSLs concatenation), because only the first 5 read/only MSLs will be accepted by CSP/370AD. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the longest concatenation of MSLs does not exceed 6. FLM75013 TOO MANY CSP/370AD WORK FILES IN MSL CONTROL FILE.

Explanation: The accounting $list_info array has exceeded its buffer size. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Increase the size of the accounting $list_info array defined for the language on the FLMLANGL macro. For more information on how to specify the size of the accounting $list_info array, see the topic about the FLMLANGL macro in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM80002 INVALID RECORD TYPE FOUND IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" RECORD TYPE: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: There are more than 6 work files in the MSL Control File (project.PROJDEFS.MSLCTRL). User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that there are no more than 6 work files in the MSL Control File.

Explanation: The record type is unknown. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Either the parser created or the user defined an accounting $list_info array that contained an invalid record type. If a parser was used
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM80003 FLM80008
to create the array, check that the passed values are correct. For more information, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM80003 INVALID COMPOOL NAME FOUND IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" RECORD KIND: aaaa COMPOOL NAME: bbbbbbbb Project manager response: Either the parser created or the user defined an accounting $list_info array that contained the invalid CU data. If a parser was used to create the array, check that the passed values are correct. For more information, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM80006 AN EXTERNAL DEPENDENCY HAS A BLANK NAME

Explanation: The accounting $list_info array contained an entry for a compool with either an invalid or blank associated compool name. User response: If a parser was used, parse the members in question again. If the same error occurs or a parser was not used, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Either the parser created or the user defined an accounting $list_info array that contained an invalid or blank compool name. If a parser was used to create the array, check that the passed values are correct. For more information, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM80004 INVALID INCLUDE NAME FOUND IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" RECORD KIND: aaaa INCLUDE NAME: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An external program is using the SCLM LIST_INFO feature to return dependency information. The LIST_INFO record contains a blank name. User response: Determine the external program name and define a valid dependency name. FLM80007 INVALID INCLUDE SET NAME FOUND IN THE ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY RECORD KIND: aaaa NAME: bbbbbbbb INCLUDE SET

Explanation: The accounting $list_info array contained an include record that referenced include set bbbbbbbb. This include set is not defined in the language definition of the member being saved. User response: Notify the project manager of the problem. Project manager response: Either update the language definition to include an FLMINCLS macro for the include set, or update the parser not to use include set bbbbbbbb in include records. FLM80008 INCONSISTENT DATE AND TIME RETURNED FOR EXTERNAL DEPENDENCY GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb NAME: c(43) REFERENCED BY THE FOLLOWING BUILD MAPS:

Explanation: The accounting $list_info array contained an entry for an include with either an invalid or blank associated include name. User response: If a parser was used, parse the members in question again. If the same error occurs or a parser was not used, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Either the parser created or the user defined an accounting $list_info array that contained an invalid or blank include name. If a parser was used to create the array, check that the passed values are correct. For more information, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM80005 INVALID CU DATA FOUND IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" RECORD KIND: aaaa CU NAME: bbb(55) ccc(55) CU TYPE: d GENERIC FLAG: e DEPEND NAME: fff(55) ggg(55) DEPEND CU TYPE: h DEPENDENCY TYPE: i Explanation: The accounting $list_info array contained invalid data for a compilation unit (CU). User response: If you used a parser, parse the members in question again. If the same error occurs or you did not use a parser, contact the project manager.

Explanation: More than one verify translator returned a date and time for this external dependency. The dates and times returned by the translators are not the same. User response: Verify that the external dependency was not updated between calls to the verify translators. If the external dependency has changed, rebuild. If the external dependency has not changed, contact the project manager to determine why the translators are returning different dates and times. Project manager response: If different verify translators are returning information for the same external dependency, verify that the same date and time is being returned by each translator. Refer to message FLM80009, which will accompany this message, for the list of languages with verify translators that are returning dates and times for this external dependency.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM80009 FLM80022

Explanation: This message lists the build maps referencing the external dependency in message FLM80008. The build map member name is aaaaaaa in type bbbbbbbb. User response: Refer to message FLM80008. Project manager response: Refer to message FLM80008. FLM80010 CONFLICTING GENERIC FLAGS FOUND FOR THE SAME CU IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" RECORD KIND: aaaa CU NAME: bbb(55) ccc(55) CU TYPE: d Explanation: Dependencies for the same CU have different generic flags. The generic flags must always be the same for all dependencies within a CU. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Either the parser created or the user defined an accounting $list_info array that contained the invalid CU data. If a parser was used to create the array, check that the passed values are correct. For more information, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM80011 CONFLICTING DEPENDENCY TYPE FLAGS FOUND IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" RECORD KIND: aaaa CU NAME: bbb(55) ccc(55) CU TYPE: d GENERIC FLAG: e DEPEND NAME: fff(55) ggg(55) DEPEND CU TYPE: h Explanation: Different type flags exist for the same CU within the accounting $list_info array. For example, the same CU is specified as a SPEC in one instance and a BODY in another. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Either the parser created or the user defined an accounting $list_info array that contained the invalid CU data. If a parser was used to create the array, check that the passed values are correct. For more information, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference.

Explanation: If a CU record with a type of X exists in the accounting $list_info array, it must be the only CU record in the array. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Either the parser created or the user defined an accounting $list_info array that contains the invalid CU data. If a parser was used to create the array, check that the passed values are correct. For more information, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM80020 ERROR ALLOCATING THE CHANGE CODE VERIFICATION ROUTINE DATA SET DSNAME: aaa(44) Explanation: Data set aaa(44) could not be allocated. The data set might not exist or it might be allocated exclusively to another user or job. User response: Perform one of these actions, depending on which is appropriate: v Allocate the required data set and move the change code verification routine into it. v Free the data set so that it can be allocated in SHR mode. FLM80021 ERROR INVOKING THE CHANGE CODE VERIFICATION ROUTINE NAME: aaaaaaaa DSNAME: bbb(44) Explanation: The change code verification routine aaaaaaaa could not be invoked. User response: Verify that the routine exists within data set bbb(44). If the routine does not exist, move it into the proper data set. If it does exist, report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. FLM80022 INVALID CHANGE CODE: aaaaaaaa CHANGE CODE VERIFICATION ROUTINE RETURN CODE: bbb

Explanation: The change code verification routine completed with a return code > 0. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Check your change code verification routine for return code explanations. For more information on change code verification routine specification, see the topic about User Exits in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM80030 FLM81203
FLM80030 THE MAXIMUM SIZE OF THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" HAS BEEN EXCEEDED FLM80500 ACCESS KEY INCORRECT ACCESS KEY: aaa(16) GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd Explanation: Access key aaa(16) was invalid. Member dddddddd is locked out with an access key. The member can be saved in the SCLM hierarchy only if the correct access key is specified. Another explanation is that the member is checked out to the Workstation Platform and an edit at the host was requested. User response: If another user or the Workstation Platform has the member checked out, wait until it is checked in. Otherwise, specify the correct access key for the member. You can check the value of the access key by browsing the accounting record with the SCLM Library Utility option (Option 3.1). If you wish to delete member ddddddd, use the DELETE service specifying the proper access key. FLM81001 INVALID APPLICATION ID: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The accounting $list_info array has insufficient space to contain the data specified. Dependency information, user data records, and change code information must fit into the array. User response: If possible, eliminate unneeded user data or change code information from the accounting record using the SCLM library utility. If all of the information is required, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Increase the size of the accounting $list_info array defined for the language on the FLMLANGL macro. For more information on how to specify the size of the accounting $list_info array, see the topic about the FLMLANGL macro in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM80031 "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" MUST ONLY CONTAIN CHANGE CODE RECORDS RECORD TYPE: aaaa Explanation: An invalid record was found in the accounting $list_info array. This message appears when the SAVE service is invoked using the FLMLNK interface. The SAVE service accepts only change code records in the $list_info array; however, a record with type aaaa was passed as input. User response: If no change codes are to be added, set the $list_info parameter to hex zeros. If change codes are to be added, an END record must appear after the last change code to terminate the list. Refer to the SAVE service for more information. If you received this message but you were not invoking the SAVE service using FLMLNK, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Report this message (including the message ID and all text fields) to IBM support. FLM80035 A NON-BLANK CHANGE CODE IS REQUIRED

Explanation: An INIT or END operation was attempted with an invalid application ID (aaaaaaaa) specified. User response: Make sure that the application ID passed back from the START function is used in the INIT and END functions. FLM81201 INVALID PROJECT IDENTIFIER: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: An invalid project identifier (aaaaaaaa) was passed to an SCLM service. A valid project identifier is required by the SCLM service requested. User response: Supply a valid project identifier in the SCLM service parameter list. FLM81202 INVALID PROJECT DEFINITION NAME: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: An invalid project definition name (aaaaaaaa) was passed to an SCLM service. A valid project definition name is required by the SCLM service requested. User response: Supply a valid project definition name in the SCLM service parameter list. FLM81203 MAXIMUM SCLM ID LIMIT EXCEEDED

Explanation: The project definition indicates that change code verification is in effect, but no change code was specified. User response: Provide a non-blank change code. Project manager response: Ensure that a change code verification routine is needed for the project. If so, inform all users that they are required to enter change codes. In addition, provide a list of valid values to your users.

Explanation: No more SCLM IDs are available at this time. User response: Free some previously allocated SCLM IDs. To do this, use the FREE service to free the SCLM IDs, and the END service will open SCLM IDs associated with a given application. You can also free


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM81204 FLM82003
SCLM IDs by backing out of all active SCLM dialogs. FLM81204 ERROR INITIALIZING THE PROJECT DEFINITION, CODE: aaa User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Possible return codes are: 8 An invalid data set name was generated. Possible reasons for this failure are: v The length of the data set name is greater than 44 characters. v The SCLM variable @@FLMTYP is missing on the DSNAME parameter being used by the specified group. The variable @@FLMTYP must be used with each dsname parameter. Determine which FLMALTC or FLMCNTRL macro is being used by the group and add @@FLMTYP to the pattern specified by the DSNAME parameter. FLM81302 ERROR PROCESSING MEMBERS WITH ACCOUNTING INFORMATION TYPE: INITIAL

Explanation: The project definition could not be initialized. User response: Possible return codes are: 4 The specified project definition load module is not RMODE(24). Generate the project definition load module again and specify the RMODE(24) parameter to the linkage editor. An error occurred while attempting to obtain the specified project definition or alternate project definition. Verify the project or alternate project definition. The project definition is out of date. Reassemble the project definition with new SCLM macros. Submit the job again. Also, see the section Running different versions of SCLM in multiple partitions in the SCLM Guide and Reference. The project name specified does not match the project name in the project definition. Verify that the project name (on the FLMABEG macro) specified and the project name in the project definition are the same. Another problem might be that SCLM is being invoked with an alternate project definition name, and this alternate project definition has the same name but different contents as another alternate project definition name that is being used. This can occur only with two different project names and when SCLM is being invoked from two different sessions (such as with a split screen). To alleviate the problem, cancel out of one session and rename the alternate project definition. 20 An attempt to open or close the project definition failed. Browse the project definition data set (project_id.PROJDEFS.LOAD). Select the member whose name matches the alternate you are using, or the project ID, if the alternate is blank. If the member appears, close the Browse panel and submit the job again. The project definition data set could not be allocated. Verify that the project definition data set exists and is not allocated exclusively by another user. For more information about allocating the PROJDEFS data sets, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. INVALID DATA SET NAME PATTERN DETECTED, GROUP: aaaaaaaa, CODE: bbb



Explanation: During cleanup activities, SCLM changes the members that are in an INITIAL state to a LOCKOUT state. If the initial accounting record cannot be found in the database, or if an error is encountered while attempting to update the accounting record, SCLM issues this message. This error can be caused by concurrent access of a member in the database (for example, using split screens to work with a member). User response: Use SCLM option 3.1 to browse the accounting record and verify the state of the member. If an accounting record is not present for the member and this result was unexpected, submit the job again to correct the problem. If an accounting record is present but its accounting type is INITIAL, delete the record and submit the job again. FLM82002 MEMBER IS NON-EDITABLE GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc

Explanation: The specified member cannot be edited because it is SCLM output. This member cannot be updated in this way. User response: SCLM does not allow you to edit non-editable members. If you need to edit a non-editable member, create a new member and copy the non-editable data into the new member. You cannot copy the modified data in the new member back into the original non-editable member within SCLM. FLM82003 MEMBER IS NOT LOCKED GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc



Explanation: An invalid data set name pattern was detected for group aaaaaaaa.

Explanation: The UNLOCK service was called but member cccccccc was not locked. If this error occurred while you were using the STORE service, no accounting information was available. If this error occurred while you were using the editor, the
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM82004 FLM82402
accounting information created at the beginning of your edit session was lost. User response: For the STORE service, verify that the LOCK service completed successfully before calling the STORE service. For the UNLOCK service, this message is a warning and can be ignored. If you are in an edit session, your data has been saved. However, the accounting information is lost. Cancel this edit session and edit the member again. Then issue the SAVE command immediately to establish accurate accounting information. FLM82004 LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa CANNOT BE USED FOR EDITABLE MEMBERS FLM82203 THE MEMBER HAS ACCOUNTING INFORMATION WITH TYPE: EDITABLE AUTHORIZATION CODE CANNOT BE UPDATED GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc Explanation: The authorization code specified does not match the authorization code already assigned to the member. User response: Use the SCLM library utility to change the authorization code. FLM82301 EDITABLE MEMBERS ACCESS KEY IS BLANK GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc Explanation: You tried to unlock a member that has an editable accounting record and the access key was already blank. User response: If you want to unlock the member rather than just reset the access key, use the DELETE service to delete the members accounting record. FLM82401 ERROR PROCESSING SYSTEM LIBRARIES FOR PARSING CODE: aaa LANGUAGE: bbbbbbbb ERROR DSNAME: ccc(44) Explanation: SCLM was unable to allocate the system library defined in the language definition for the language bbbbbbbb. User response: Check that the system libraries specified in the language definition exist and are not allocated exclusively. If one or more do not exist, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Remove the invalid system libraries from the language definition and regenerate the project definition. FLM82402 LANGUAGE IS DEFINED FOR NON_EDITABLE MEMBERS ONLY LANGUAGE: bbbbbbbb Explanation: You assigned a non-editable language to a member of an editable type. User response: Contact your project coordinator for the correct language to assign to this member.

Explanation: The language aaaaaaaa specified to the PARSE routine is not a valid language. Check the list of valid languages in the project definition. User response: Use a language that is in the project definition. If the language that you need is not in the project definition, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Add the required language to the &libdef in the form of a language definition and reassemble. For more information on language definitions, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference.. FLM82005 INPUT PARAMETER "ERROR_LISTINGS_ONLY" MUST BE 'Y' OR 'N' ERROR_LISTINGS_ONLY: a

Explanation: An invalid parameter was passed to an SCLM service. User response: Supply the valid parameter in the SCLM service parameter list. FLM82006 INPUT PARAMETER "VERIFY_CC" MUST BE 'Y' OR 'N', VERIFY_CC: a

Explanation: An invalid parameter was passed to an SCLM service. User response: Supply the valid parameter in the SCLM service parameter list. FLM82008 INPUT PARAMETER "SUB_DRAWDOWN_MODE" MUST BE 'C' OR 'U' SUB_DRAWDOWN_MODE: a

Explanation: An invalid parameter was passed to an SCLM service. User response: Supply the valid parameter in the SCLM service parameter list.


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FLM82403 FLM82505
FLM82403 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE MACRO LIBRARIES FOR PARSING, CODE: aaa LANGUAGE bbbbbbbb User response: Initialize $STATS_INFO and call the service again. FLM82503 DUPLICATE CHANGE CODE RECORDS FOUND IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" RECORD KIND: aaaa CHANGE CODE: bbbbbbbb Explanation: Change code bbbbbbbb was specified multiple times within the same accounting $list_info array. A service call using a user-specified parser had duplicate entries for the change code. User response: Remove duplicate entries for the change code in the SCLM services parameter list and call the service again. Project manager response: Rewrite the involved parser to add logic that will remove duplicate entries. For more information on invoking user-defined parsers, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM82504 DUPLICATE COMPOOL RECORDS FOUND IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" RECORD KIND: aaaa COMPOOL NAME: bbbbbbbb Explanation: Compool bbbbbbbb was specified multiple times within the same accounting $list_info array. A service call to a user-specified parser generated duplicate entries for the compool. User response: If the STORE service was called, remove duplicate entries for the compool in the SCLM services parameter list and call the service again. If the SAVE service was called, or if data was passed to the STORE service as a result of the PARSE service, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Rewrite the involved parser to add logic that will remove duplicate entries. For more information on the STORE service, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM82505 DUPLICATE INCLUDE RECORDS FOUND IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" RECORD KIND: aaaa INCLUDE NAME: bbbbbbbb Explanation: The include bbbbbbbb was specified multiple times within the same accounting $list_info array. A service call to a user-specified parser generated duplicate entries for the include. User response: If the STORE service was called,
Chapter 3. SCLM messages

Explanation: SCLM was unable to allocate the macro libraries associated with the parser for language bbbbbbbb. User response: Verify that the user has access to the macro libraries specified in the language definition. 12 20 Unable to read the directory for the system macro. Unable to open one of the macro libraries.

Project manager response: Verify that the user has access to the macro libraries defined for the language. Possible return codes are: 12 20 Unable to read the directory for the system macro. Unable to open one of the macro libraries. EXISTING CU'S AUTHORIZATION CODE NOT DEFINED TO GROUP CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd GROUP: eeeeeeee ERROR GROUP: ffffffff AUTHORIZATION CODE: gggggggg Explanation: The authorization code aaa(55) bbb(55) is not defined to the group. This implies that the CU is not authorized to replace the version of the member in the error group. User response: It is possible that the function will succeed with a different authorization code. Contact the &dbc for a list of authorization codes that are valid for this group. If none of the authorization codes defined to the group work, try the same function at a different group. Contact the &dbc if you need further assistance. Project manager response: The list of valid authorization codes defined for group can be found in the &libdef on the FLMGROUP macro. Do not attempt to add authorization codes to the project definition unless you are familiar with the risks associated with using authorization codes to control SCLM operations as outlined in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM82502 INPUT PARAMETER "$STATS_INFO" CANNOT BE NIL


Explanation: $STATS_INFO has not been initialized with data. The SCLM service requested must have data in this record.


FLM82506 FLM82601
remove duplicate entries for the include in the SCLM services parameter list and call the service again. If the SAVE service was called, or if data was passed to the STORE service as a result of the PARSE service, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Rewrite the involved parser to add logic that will remove duplicate entries. For more information on the STORE service, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM82506 DUPLICATE CU RECORDS FOUND IN THE "ACCOUNTING LIST INFO ARRAY" RECORD KIND: aaaa CU NAME: bbb(55) ccc(55) CU TYPE: d GENERIC FLAG: e DEPEND NAME: fff(55) ggg(55) DEPEND CU TYPE: h Explanation: The CU bbb(55) ccc(55) was specified multiple times within the same accounting $list_info array. A service call to a user-specified parser generated duplicate entries for the CU. User response: If the STORE service was called, remove duplicate entries for the CU in the SCLM services parameter list and call the service again. If the SAVE service was called, or if data was passed to the STORE service as a result of the PARSE service, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Rewrite the involved parser to add logic that will remove duplicate entries. For more information on the STORE service, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM82507 ERROR ALLOCATING THE SPECIFIED MEMBER GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc Explanation: Member cccccccc does not exist in the group aaaaaaaa and type bbbbbbbb. User response: Put the member in the hierarchy, or remove the reference to the member source code or member lists. FLM82508 CU LOCKED ELSEWHERE CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd ERROR GROUP: eeeeeeee TYPE: ffffffff MEMBER: gggggggg ERROR AUTHORIZATION CODE: hhhhhhhh Explanation: CU aaa(55) bbb(55) has already been updated in another hierarchical view or the CU is in the current view but in another type. The changes reside in the group specified in this message. This group is not in your view of the hierarchy. You cannot update the member because you would not be working with the most current version of the member. User response: Promote the member into a group that is in your hierarchy (that is, one that appears on your SCLM Edit - Entry panel). If the member cannot be promoted, you must delete the member and its accounting information in the error group using the SCLM library utility or the DELETE service. FLM82509 DRAWDOWN VERIFICATION ERROR CODE: aaa CU NAME: bbb(55) ccc(55) CU TYPE: dddd CU QUALIFIER: eeeeeeee GROUP: ffffffff AUTHORIZATION CODE: gggggggg Explanation: One of these errors has occurred: v Group ffffffff is an invalid SCLM group. v An I/O error occurred in retrieving the XREF record from the accounting database. User response: Correct the group if it is incorrect. If the group if correct, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the cross-reference record in the accounting database is correct. FLM82511 CU DRAWN DOWN FROM ANOTHER MEMBER CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd DRAWN DOWN FROM GROUP: eeeeeeee TYPE: ffffffff MEMBER: gggggggg Explanation: SCLM is now tracking two sessions of compilation unit aaa(55) bbb(55) in separate members. This message is provided for information only. FLM82601 INPUT PARAMETER "PARSE_MODE" MUST BE 'C' OR 'U', PARSE_MODE: a Explanation: An invalid parameter was passed to an SCLM service. User response: Supply the valid parameter in the


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM82602 FLM84112
SCLM service parameter list. FLM82602 "LANGUAGE" CANNOT BE DEFAULTED AN EDITABLE ACCOUNTING RECORD DOES NOT EXIST FOR THE MEMBER GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc Explanation: A valid language has not been assigned to member cccccccc. The language is obtained from SCLM accounting information. User response: Add a valid language to the service call or command. FLM82603 WARNING: A PARSER ERROR OCCURRED BUT AN UNCONDITIONAL PARSE WAS REQUESTED FLM83100 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE THE aaaa GROUPS REQUESTED. bbb. GROUPS IN THE HIERARCHY VIEW FROM cccccccc WILL BE ALLOCATED

Explanation: The total_groups parameter passed to the DSALLOC service was either less than zero or greater than the total number of groups in the view of the hierarchy starting from group cccccccc. The DSALLOC service will allocate all of the groups in the hierarchical view. This message will result in a warning condition. User response: If allocating all groups in the hierarchy view is acceptable, no action is necessary. If this result was unexpected, verify that the first_group parameter cccccccc was the value intended. If an alternate project definition was used, verify that the intended value was passed. If all parameters seem correct, use SCLM Browse to identify the groups SCLM considers part of the hierarchy view. This can be done by specifying cccccccc on the SCLM main panel and selecting option 1. If bbb is greater than 4, invoke SCLM Browse successively using the group name that appears at the end of the concatenation on the Browse panel. FLM84101 INPUT PARAMETER "DELETE_FLAG" MUST BE 'BMAP', 'ACCT', OR 'TEXT' DELETE_FLAG: aaaa Explanation: An invalid parameter was passed to the DELETE service. User response: Supply the valid parameter in the SCLM service parameter list. For more information, see the topic about the DELETE service in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM84110 WARNING - BUILD MAP NOT DELETED BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST

Explanation: An error occurred while parsing the member but you requested an unconditional parse. The SAVE service continues and saves the statistical and dependency information that the parser returned for the member. User response: If possible, you should try to correct the parser errors. A parser error can cause incorrect dependency information to be saved for the member. If the parser error cannot be corrected at this time, call the SAVE service for this member at a later date to correct the parser error. FLM82604 ERROR: AN ERROR OCCURRED ATTEMPTING TO ALLOCATE THE TEMPORARY DATA SET CONTAINING THE DECODED MEMBER.

Explanation: SCLM encountered an error attempting to allocate the temporary data set containing the decoded member. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to allocate the temporary data set. FLM82605 ERROR: AN ERROR OCCURRED ATTEMPTING TO ALLOCATE A TEMPORARY SYSPRINT DATA SET TO BE USED TO COPY THE DECODED MEMBER THE DEVELOPMENT DATA SET.

Explanation: The build map to be deleted does not exist. FLM84111 WARNING - ACCOUNTING RECORD NOT DELETED BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST

Explanation: The accounting record to be deleted does not exist. FLM84112 MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb GROUP: cccccccc IS IN USE BY YOU OR ANOTHER USER.

Explanation: SCLM encountered an error attempting to allocate the temporary SYSPRINT data set used to the decoded member. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to allocate the temporary data set.

Explanation: Your attempt to delete member aaaaaaaa failed because the member is in use by you or another user (for example, the member is being edited.)
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM84200 FLM84340
User response: Verify that no one is using member aaaaaaaa before you attempt to delete it. FLM84200 NEW AUTHORIZATION CODE IS EQUAL TO OLD AUTHORIZATION CODE. NO CHANGE IS REQUIRED FOR: GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc FLM84315 INPUT PARAMETER WS MUST BE Y OR N WS: aaa

Explanation: The ws parameter of the Edit service must be Y to edit on a connected workstation, or N to edit on the host system. aaa is not a valid value. User response: Correct the ws parameter. FLM84320 INPUT PARAMETER ALL_HIER MUST BE N, WHEN GROUP 2, GROUP 3, OR GROUP 4 IS SPECIFIED. ALL_HIER: aaaa

Explanation: The authorization code assigned to member cccccccc is equal to the new authorization code. User response: Verify that the new authorization code was specified correctly. FLM84204 WARNING, MEMBER: aaaaaaaa COULD BE REPLACED BY MEMBER AT GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc WITH AUTHORIZATION CODE: dddddddd

Explanation: To allocate the entire hierarchy, set the all_hier parameter to Y. To allocate only specific groups, put any desired group names in the group 1, group 2, group 3, and group 4 parameters, and set the all_hier parameter to N. User response: Correct the all_hier parameter, or set group 2, group 3, and group 4 to blanks. FLM84325 INPUT PARAMETER ALL_HIER MUST BE Y OR N ALL_HIER: aaa

Explanation: The member that is being updated (aaaaaaaa) was found at a lower group. The member at the lower group is promotable, and, therefore, could replace the member that is being updated. The update is performed as requested. User response: Report this situation to the project manager. Project manager response: The authorization code for the lower group member should be updated to match the higher group member to avoid overlaying the update made in the higher group. FLM84300 INPUT PARAMETER PRESERVE MUST BE Y OR N PRESERVE: aaa

Explanation: The all_hier parameter of the Edit service must be Y to allocate the entire hierarchy, or N to allocate only specified groups. aaa is not a valid value. User response: Correct the all_hier parameter. FLM84330 GROUP 1 MUST BE A DEVELOPMENT GROUP GROUP1: aaa

Explanation: The preserve parameter of the Edit service must be Y to preserve the record length of variable-length records, or N to remove trailing blanks. aaa is not a valid value. User response: Correct the preserve parameter. FLM84305 INPUT PARAMETER CONFIRM MUST BE Y OR N CONFIRM: aaa

Explanation: aaa is not a development group. The group 1 parameter for the Edit service must be a development group. User response: Correct the group 1 parameter. FLM84335 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaa FOR EDIT MESSAGES NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: The confirm parameter of the Edit service must be Y to confirm delete move, and replace operations within edit, or N to process without confirmation. aaa is not a valid value. User response: Correct the confirm parameter.

Explanation: The messages ddname of the Edit service must be allocated before executing the edit service. The ddname can be left blank to allocate the ddname to the default output device (such as the terminal). User response: Either allocate the data set before invoking the Edit service or set the ddname parameter to blank. FLM84340 SCLM EDIT CANNOT BE INVOKED WITHIN AN ACTIVE EDIT SESSION. USE SPLIT SCREEN OR END THE CURRENT SCLM EDIT SESSION.



Explanation: The mix parameter of the Edit service must be Y for mixed mode, or N to edit without mixed mode. aaa is not a valid value. User response: Correct the mix parameter.

Explanation: SCLM edit service cannot be invoked from within an SCLM edit session. User response: Either close the current edit session or split the screen and try again.


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FLM84345 FLM84545
FLM84345 VOLUME IS NOT MOUNTED OR IS NOT AUTHORIZED FOR YOUR USE. VOLSER: aaa AUTHCODE service. The ddname can be left blank to allocate the ddname to the default output device (such as the terminal). User response: Either allocate the data set before invoking the AUTHCODE service or set the ddname parameter to blank. FLM84520 INPUT PARAMETER MODE MUST BE C OR U. MODE:a

Explanation: The parser volume is not mounted or you do not have authority to use it. User response: Verify that the volume is correct, and that you have authority to access it. FLM84350 AUTHCODE IS INVALID FOR GROUP. AUTHCODE: aaaaaaaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The requested authcode aaaaaaaa is not available for group bbbbbbbb. User response: Enter a valid authorization code for the group, or leave the authorization code blank to default. FLM84355 VOLUME IS NOT MOUNTED OR IS NOT AUTHORIZED FOR YOUR USE. VOLSER: aaaaaa

Explanation: The mode must be C for conditional, U for unconditional, or blank, which defaults to conditional. User response: Change the mode to C or U. FLM84525 FROM_AUTHCODE MUST BE BLANK IF TO_AUTHCODE IS BLANK.

Explanation: If the FROM_AUTHCODE is given, then the TO_AUTHCODE is required. User response: To change all requested members with a given FROM_AUTHCODE, use the TO_AUTHCODE parameter to specify the authcode to change to. To get the current authcode, leave both the FROM_AUTHCODE and the TO_AUTHCODE blank. FLM84530 FROM_AUTHCODE IS EQUAL TO TO_AUTHCODE.

Explanation: The requested parser volume could not be accessed. User response: Verify that the volume is correct. Project manager response: Verify that the volume is available and online. FLM84500 FROM_AUTHCODE DOES NOT MATCH CURRENT AUTHCODE. FROM_AUTHCODE: aaaaaaaa CURRENT AUTHCODE: bbbbbbbb FOR MEMBER: cccccccc TYPE: dddddddd

Explanation: The FROM_AUTHCODE and the TO_AUTHCODE must not be the same. User response: Update either the FROM_AUTHCODE or the TO_AUTHCODE. FLM84535 TO_AUTHCODE IS ALREADY SET TO :aaaaaaaa FOR MEMBER: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc

Explanation: The AUTHCODE service only updates a members authorization code if the FROM_AUTHCODE matches the members authcode, or if the FROM_AUTHCODE is blank. FLM84510 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaa FOR AUTHCODE MESSAGES NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: The AUTHCODE is already set to the requested value. FLM84540 THE MEMBER IS NOT EDITABLE. MEMBER: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The messages ddname of the AUTHCODE service must be allocated before executing the AUTHCODE service. The ddname can be left blank to allocate the ddname to the default output device (such as the terminal). User response: Either allocate the data set before invoking the AUTHCODE service or set the ddname parameter to blank. FLM84515 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaa FOR AUTHCODE REPORT NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: Only editable members have authcodes. FLM84545 TYPE OR MEMBER NAME PATTERN IS INVALID. TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: Either the type or member parameter is not a valid name or pattern. User response: Correct the parameter.

Explanation: The report ddname of the AUTHCODE service must be allocated before executing the
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM84550 FLM85009

Explanation: There are no members in the project and group that match the type and member pattern. FLM84555 INVALID GROUP NAME.

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while trying to retrieve a list of existing build map accounting records. User response: Submit the job again. If the problem recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the export data set to determine the problem. FLM85005 I/O ERROR RETRIEVING LIST OF INTERMEDIATE RECORDS.

Explanation: The group does not exist in the project. User response: Correct the group name. FLM85000 aaaaaa UTILITY INITIATED - bbbbbbbb ON cccccccc

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM85001 EXPORT ACCOUNTING DATA SET CONTAINED UNEXPECTED INFORMATION

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while trying to retrieve a list of existing intermediate records. User response: Submit the job again. If the problem recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the export data set to determine the problem. FLM85007 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR IMPORT/EXPORT MESSAGES NOT ALLOCATED

Explanation: You specified N, meaning that the export data set does not need to be purged because it is already empty. However, data was found in the accounting export data set defined for the export database. User response: Submit the export again, specifying Y. FLM85002 ERROR PURGING EXPORT DATA SET

Explanation: The data set associated with ddname aaaaaaaa has not been allocated. User response: Allocate the data set and submit the job again, or submit the job again without specifying a ddname for the file to which messages will be written. If you omit the ddname for the messages data set, the messages will be written to the terminal. FLM85008 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR IMPORT/EXPORT REPORT NOT ALLOCATED.

Explanation: A VSAM error occurred while attempting to delete records from the export database. User response: It is possible that the last export into this data set contained information that depends on both the accounting and cross-reference data sets, and the current definition of the export database does not contain a cross-reference data set. Delete and reallocate the export accounting data set, the cross-reference data set, or both. Submit the job again. Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the export data set to determine the problem. FLM85003 I/O ERROR RETRIEVING LIST OF ACCOUNTING RECORDS. GROUP: aaaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb Explanation: An I/O error occurred while trying to retrieve a list of existing SCLM accounting records. User response: Submit the job again. If the problem recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the export data set to determine the problem.

Explanation: The data set associated with ddname aaaaaaaa has not been allocated. User response: Allocate the data set and submit the job again, or submit the job again without specifying a ddname for the data set to which reports will be written. If you omit the ddname for the reports data set, the reports will be written to the terminal. FLM85009 INPUT PARAMETER: aaaaaaaa IS INVALID. VALID VALUES ARE Y OR N.

Explanation: The value entered to indicate whether or not the export data set should be purged before exporting is invalid. User response: Enter either Y or N for the purge option, and submit the export job again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM85010 FLM85014
FLM85010 MEMBER aaaaaaaa CONTAINS NON-BLANK AUTHCODE CHANGE FIELD. MEMBER NOT EXPORTED. Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 20 Verify that the cross-reference data set is compatible with the current release of SCLM. Run IDCAMS against the export cross-reference data set to determine the problem. Define the export cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. For more information on the FLMCNTRL macro see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. ERROR RETRIEVING INTERMEDIATE RECORD: CU NAME: a(110) CU TYPE: bbbbbbbb CU QUALIFIER: cccccccc CODE: ddd GROUP: eeeeeeee MEMBER: ffffffff FROM SCLM ACCOUNTING DATABASE.

Explanation: Member aaaaaaaa was in the process of having the authorization code changed when the tried to copy it. User response: Submit the export job again. FLM85011 SCLM DATABASE CONTAINED INTERMEDIATE RECORDS. NO CROSS-REFERENCE DATA SET DEFINED FOR EXPORT.


Explanation: The regular SCLM VSAM database contained intermediate and cross-reference records for the specified group, but the export VSAM database does not have a data set defined for intermediate and cross-reference information. User response: Define an export cross-reference database and submit the export job again. FLM85012 SCLM ACCOUNTING RECORDS CONTAIN CROSS-REFERENCE RECORDS. NO CROSS-REFERENCE DATA SET DEFINED FOR EXPORT.


Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the accounting information for the intermediate record of a(110). User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The accounting information for the intermediate record of the compilation unit was not found in group eeeeeeee. This means that the compiled intermediate record is missing or out of date. Rebuild the member containing the compilation unit. SCLM internal error. Contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred while retrieving the accounting information for the intermediate form of the compilation unit. Submit the job again. If the error occurs again, contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager.

Explanation: The regular SCLM VSAM accounting database contains links to cross-reference records, but the export VSAM database does not have a data set defined for intermediate and cross-reference information. User response: Define an export cross-reference database and submit the export job again. FLM85013 ERROR EXPORTING INTERMEDIATE RECORD FOR: CU NAME: a(110) CU TYPE: bbbbbbbb CU QUALIFIER: cccccccc CODE: ddd TYPE: eeeeeeee MEMBER: ffffffff TO EXPORT DATABASE. 12 20


Explanation: An error occurred when trying to write the intermediate record for a(110) to the export database. User response: Possible return codes are: 12 The record format of the members intermediate accounting data is incorrect for the current release of SCLM. Contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred while trying to write the intermediate record to the export data set. Submit the job again. If the error occurs again, contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set was not defined for the export database. Contact the project manager.

Project manager response: If the return code is: 12 20 24 Contact SCLM Program Support. A VSAM error occurred. Define the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. For more information on the FLMCNTRL macro, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference.



Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM85015 FLM85018

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve a members accounting or dependency information. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The members accounting information was not found. Introduce the member to SCLM using the SCLM editor, migration utility, or SAVE service. Run the processor again. The members accounting and dependency information was successfully retrieved; however, some of the dependency information failed a verification check. To determine the nature of the verification error, browse the members accounting and dependency information using the SCLM library utility. To correct the problem, edit and save the member. SCLM found an invalid group in the project definition. Contact the project manager. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager.

Explanation: No build map record could be retrieved for the member cccccccc. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The specified build map record does not exist. Build the appropriate architecture member. Invoke the processor again. The format of the data retrieved was incorrect. Delete the build map and build again to regenerate it. An invalid group was found in the project definition. Contact the project manager. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager.



16 20

16 20

Project manager response: If the return code is: 16 Reassemble the project definition. Verify that no errors occurred. Relink the project definition. For more information, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. A VSAM error occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. ERROR EXPORTING BUILD MAP INFORMATION, CODE: aaaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd TO EXPORT DATABASE.

Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. 20 FLM85016 ERROR EXPORTING ACCOUNTING OR CROSS-REFERENCE DATA SET INFORMATION. CODE: aaa ERROR GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd TO EXPORT DATABASE.


Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to write a members accounting and dependency information. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information and no attempt was made to write the dependency information. Errors can occur if SCLM attempts to reference this member. Submit the job again. If the error occurs again, contact the project manager. An I/O error occurred while writing dependency information for a compilation unit. Errors can occur if SCLM attempts to reference this member. Submit the job again. If the error occurs again, contact the project manager.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to insert or update build map information in the accounting data set. User response: Possible return codes are: 4 An I/O error occurred while writing the members accounting information to the secondary accounting data set. Because the primary accounting data set was correctly updated, SCLM will use the correct information for all references. However, the two accounting data sets are no longer identical. Contact the project manager. The length of the build map exceeds the maximum size allowed by the accounting data set. Contact SCLM Program Support.


Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the



z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM85020 FLM85102
20 A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. is defined to the project definition, run IDCAMS against the export cross-reference data set to determine the problem. FLM85022 EXPORT CROSS-REFERENCE DATA SET CONTAINED UNEXPECTED INFORMATION.

Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. If the return code is 8, contact SCLM Program Support. FLM85020 ERROR PURGING INTERMEDIATE INFORMATION FROM EXPORT CROSS-REFERENCE DATA SET.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to purge accounting records of intermediate form from the export cross-reference VSAM data set. User response: Possible reasons are: 1. An I/O error occurred while purging. Submit the job again. Contact the project manager if the error occurs again. 2. Target data set enqueued. Submit the job after the data set is no longer exclusively in use by another job. 3. The export cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Check the project definition. If an export cross-reference data set is not defined, define one on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. For more information on the FLMCNTRL macro, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. If the data set is defined to the project definition, run IDCAMS against the export cross-reference data set to determine the problem. FLM85021 ERROR PURGING CROSSREFERENCE INFORMATION FROM EXPORT CROSS-REFERENCE DATA SET.

Explanation: You specified N, meaning that the export data set does not need to be purged because it is already empty. However, data was found in the cross-reference data set defined for the export database. User response: Specify Y in the Purge> field, and submit the job again. FLM85023 EXPORT - PURGE PHASE INITIATED.

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM85024 EXPORT - EXPORT PHASE INITIATED.

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM85025 WARNING - EXPORT DATABASE CONTAINS NO RECORDS.

Explanation: No records exist in the export database. For export, there were no records to be exported from the specified group. For import there were no records in the export database to be imported. User response: For export, check to be sure the correct group was specified and contained accounting information. For import, make sure the correct export database was defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager for assistance. Project manager response: For import, assist the user in determining that the project definition contains the correct export database and that records exist. FLM85101 INPUT PARAMETER DELETE_FLAG MUST BE BMAP, ACCT, TEXT OR OUTPUT.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to purge cross-reference records from the export cross-reference VSAM data set. User response: Possible reasons are: 1. An I/O error occurred while attempting to purge the export cross-reference data set. Submit the job again. Contact the project manager if the error occurs again. 2. The target data set is enqueued. Submit the job again after the data set is no longer exclusively in use by another job. 3. The export cross-reference data set was not defined in the project definition. Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Check the project definition. If the export cross-reference data set is not defined, define one on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. For more information on the FLMCNTRL macro, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. If the data set

Explanation: The DELETE_FLAG value entered in the DELGROUP input parameters is not valid. Valid values are: BMAP, ACCT, TEXT or OUTPUT. User response: Submit the delete group job with the correct input value for DELETE_FLAG. FLM85102 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR DELETE GROUP LISTING NOT ALLOCATED.

Explanation: The ddname specified for the delete group listing was not allocated. If the delete group function is invoked using the DELGROUP service, the
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM85103 FLM85212
ddname for the delete group listing is optional. If you omit the ddname, the delete group listing is written to the terminal. If you specify a ddname, you must first allocate it. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for the delete group listing is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM85103 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR DELETE GROUP REPORT NOT ALLOCATED. FLM85108 DELGROUP REPORT COMPLETED -NO RECORDS DELETED.

Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM85109 aaaaa BUILD MAP RECORDS WERE DELETED.

Explanation: aaaaa build map records were successfully deleted. FLM85110 aaaaa INTERMEDIATE RECORDS WERE DELETED.

Explanation: The ddname specified for the delete group report was not allocated. If the delete group function is invoked using the DELGROUP service, the ddname for the delete group report is optional. If you omit the ddname, the delete group report is written to the terminal. If you specify a ddname, you must first allocate it. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for the delete group report is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM85104 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR DELETE GROUP MESSAGES NOT ALLOCATED.

Explanation: aaaaa intermediate records were successfully deleted. FLM85111 INPUT PARAMETER DELETE_MODE MUST BE REPORT OR EXECUTE.

Explanation: The value entered to indicate whether or not the delete group will actually delete data or only produce a report is not valid. User response: Enter either REPORT or EXECUTE for the delete_mode parameter, and resubmit the delete group job. FLM85202 INVALID IMPORT MODE PARAMETER: aaaa

Explanation: The ddname specified for the delete group messages was not allocated. If the delete group function is invoked using the DELGROUP service, the ddname for the delete group messages is optional. If you omit the ddname, the delete group messages are written to the terminal. If you specify a ddname, you must first allocate it. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for the delete group messages is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM85105 USER DEFINED DDNAME: aaaaaaaa FOR DELETE GROUP USER EXITNOT ALLOCATED.

Explanation: The parameter specified for IMPORT MODE on the FLMCMD service is not valid. User response: Change the IMPORT MODE parameter to one of the accepted values (C, U, or R). Verify that the correct number of parameters have been specified and are in the proper order. FLM85208 EXPORT DATABASE CONTAINS MULTIPLE GROUPS.

Explanation: The ddname specified for the delete group user exit was not allocated. If the delete group function is invoked using the DELGROUP service, the ddname for the delete group user exit is optional. If you specify a ddname, you must first allocate it. User response: Verify that the user-supplied ddname for the delete group user exit is allocated. Submit the job again. FLM85107 aaaaa ACCOUNTING RECORDS WERE DELETED.

Explanation: The Import utility is attempting to retrieve SCLM accounting information for a group from the Export database, but the Export database has information for more than one group. User response: Run the Export utility again for the group you desire, and specify YES as the REPLACE EXPORT DATA option. This purges the Export database and writes the desired information to use for the Import utility. FLM85212 INITIAL ACCOUNTING RECORD FOUND. TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: aaaaa accounting records were successfully deleted.

Explanation: An accounting record of type, INITIAL, was found in the export database. User response: Determine why an initial record has


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM85213 FLM85222
been exported. If this is not a redundant accounting record, save the record, submit the export job again, and then proceed with the import operation. FLM85213 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING RECORD LIST FROM EXPORT DATABASE, CODE: aaa FLM85218 INVALID ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR TYPE: aaaaaaaa, MEMBER: bbbbbbbb, AUTHORIZATION CHANGE CODE: cccccccc

Explanation: An accounting record was found in the export database that has a non-blank value in its Authorization_Change_Code field. User response: This field should be blank to verify the validity of the authorization code and to allow the user to change its value in the imported record. FLM85219 AUTHORIZATION CODE: aaaa IS NOT DEFINED TO GROUP: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to retrieve the list of accounting records from the export database. User response: Possible return code is: 20 A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager.

Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. FLM85214 NORMALIZATION FAILURE FOR TYPE: aaaaaaaa, MEMBER: bbbbbbbb, ACCOUNTING DATE: cccccc, TIME: dddddd, PDS DIRECTORY DATE: eeeeee, TIME: ffffff

Explanation: Authorization code aaaa has not been defined to SCLM as a valid authorization code for group bbbbbbbb. User response: Use the authorization code that has been defined to the specified group. Contact the project manager for a list of valid authorization codes. If the specified authorization code is valid, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Check the project definition that defines the specified group. The valid authorization codes for the group are defined there. If authorization codes are used, reference the FLMAGRP macros in the project definition, as well. If the authorization code is valid, add it to the project definition. FLM85220 CU QUALIFIER MISMATCH FOR TYPE: aaaaaaaa, MEMBER: bbbbbbbb, CU QUALIFIER: cccccccc

Explanation: The date and time stamps retrieved from the PDS directory information for the member do not match the accounting record Change Date and Change Time fields. User response: The member was edited after the export job was executed. FLM85215 ERROR RETRIEVING BUILD MAP RECORD LIST FROM EXPORT DATABASE, CODE: aaa

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to retrieve the list of build map records from the export database. User response: Possible return code is: 20 A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager.

Explanation: The CU qualifier found in the export accounting record is not defined to the corresponding language attributes. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Update the language definition so that the CU qualifiers match. FLM85222 ERROR RETRIEVING CROSS-REFERENCE RECORD FOR CU-NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU-TYPE: cccccccc CU-QUALIFIER: dddddddd GROUP: eeeeeeee

Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. FLM85216 MEMBER: aaaaaaaa NOT FOUND IN PDS DIRECTORY AT GROUP: bbbbbbbb, TYPE: cccccccc, FOR DATA SET NAME: ddd(44)

Explanation: The member does not exist in the data set ddd(44), which is the specified target data set. User response: Copy the source of the member into the data set ddd(44) and resubmit the job again.

Explanation: Severe I/O error occurred while retrieving cross-reference record for the dependent compilation unit. User response: Submit the job again. If the problem recurs, contact the project manager. Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the cross-reference data set to determine the problem.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM85224 FLM85240

Explanation: The import operation attempted to introduce a cross-reference record that already exists in the target group. User response: Delete the record and submit the job again. FLM85226 DRAW DOWN VERIFICATION FAILURE FOR A CU. TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: The group aaaaaaaa, into which import tried to introduce the records, already contains the accounting record for the member cccccccc. User response: An accounting record should not exist in the specified target group. Determine the reason for the existence of the record. Delete the record and submit the import job again. FLM85235 ERROR OCCURRED RETRIEVING INTERMEDIATE RECORD LIST FROM EXPORT DATABASE, CODE: aaa

Explanation: A draw down verification of the accounting record failed because of its dependent compilation unit. User response: Have the member promoted into a group that is in your hierarchy. If the member cannot be promoted, then the member and its accounting information must be deleted before submitting the import job again. FLM85228 ERROR RETRIEVING BUILD MAP INFORMATION FROM EXPORT DATABASE, CODE: aaa TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to retrieve the list of intermediate records from the export database. User response: Possible return code is: 20 A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager.

Project manager response: Verify that the export data set exists and is correctly allocated. FLM85238 ERROR RETRIEVING INTERMEDIATE RECORD FROM EXPORT DATABASE, CODE: aaa CU NAME: aaa(55) bbb(55) CU TYPE: cccccccc CU QUALIFIER: dddddddd GROUP: eeeeeeee

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve a build map record from the export database. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 20 Unsuccessful in decoding VSAM record. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the intermediate record from the export database. User response: Possible return code is: 20 An I/O error occurred while retrieving the intermediate record from the export database. Submit the job again. If the error recurs, contact the project manager.

Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the accounting data set to determine the problem. FLM85230 BUILD MAP RECORD ALREADY EXISTS IN THE TARGET GROUP: aaaaaaaa FOR TYPE: bbbbbbbb, MEMBER: cccccccc

Project manager response: Verify that the export data set exists and is correctly allocated. FLM85240 INTERMEDIATE RECORD ALREADY EXISTS IN THE TARGET GROUP: aaaaaaaa CU NAME: bbb(55) ccc(55) CU TYPE: dddddddd CU QUALIFIER: eeeeeeee GROUP: ffffffff

Explanation: The group aaaaaaaa, into which import tried to introduce the records, already contains the build map record for member cccccccc. User response: A build map record should not exist in the specified target group. Determine the reason for the existence of the record. Delete the record and submit the import job again.

Explanation: The import operation attempted to introduce an intermediate record that already exists in the target group. User response: If this is an error condition, delete the record and submit the job again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM85246 FLM85300
FLM85246 EDITABLE ACCOUNTING RECORD WITH NON-EDITABLE LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa FOR TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc 24 Identify the cross-reference data set on the FLMCNTRL macro of the project definition. For more information on the FLMCNTRL macro, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. TYPE: aaaaaaaa MEMBER: bbbbbbbb WAS EDITED WHILE IMPORT HAS BEEN IN PROGRESS.

Explanation: Import found an editable accounting record that has a non-editable language in the export database. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Verify that the language of the member matches that of its exported counterpart. FLM85254 CROSS REFERENCE DB NOT DEFINED IN PROJECT DEFINITION.


Explanation: This condition can occur if someone edits the member after import completes verification on the member. If this is the case, the change date/time of the import record will not be the same as the change date/time of the export record. User response: Delete the accounting record, then copy the original member and submit the import job again. FLM85267 TYPE: aaaaaaaa IS NOT DEFINED IN THE PROJECT DEFINITION FOR MEMBER: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: One or more intermediate records were found in the export database; however, the cross-reference database is not defined in the project definition. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Define an export cross-reference data set for the project and regenerate the project definition. FLM85260 ERROR RETRIEVING ACCOUNTING RECORD FROM EXPORT DATABASE, CODE: aaa FOR TYPE: bbbbbbbb MEMBER: cccccccc

Explanation: The accounting record belongs to a type that is not defined in the project definition. User response: Contact the project manager. Project manager response: Redefine the project definition if the type is to be imported. Then submit the export and import jobs again. FLM85270 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION MISMATCH FOUND. FOR TYPE: aaaaaaaa, MEMBER: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: No accounting record exists or could be retrieved from the export database for member cccccccc. User response: Possible return codes are: 8 The accounting record was not found in the requested group. Introduce the member to SCLM using the SCLM editor, migration utility, or SAVE service. Run the processor again. The members accounting and dependency information was successfully retrieved; however, some of the dependency information failed a verification check. To determine the nature of the verification error, browse the members accounting and dependency information using the SCLM library utility. To correct the problem, edit and save the member. A severe I/O error occurred. Contact the project manager. The cross-reference data set was not found in the project definition. Contact the project manager.

Explanation: The export database contains an editable accounting record and the SCLM project contains a non-editable accounting record with the same member name in the hierarchical view, or vice versa. User response: Delete the member that is causing the mismatch, and submit the import job again. FLM85299 aaaaaaaa UTILITY COMPLETED aaaaaaaa ON bbbbbbbb.


Explanation: This message is provided for information only. FLM85300 DATE PARAMETER OR LONGDATE PARAMETER REQUIRED.

20 24

Project manager response: If the return code is: 20 A VSAM error occurred. Run IDCAMS against the accounting database to determine the problem.

Explanation: The VERRECOV service and the VERDEL service require a date. For a date with a 2-character year, use the date parameter. For a date with a 4-character year, use the longdate parameter. User response: Use the date parameter to specify a date with a 2-character year, or use the longdate parameter to specify a date with a 4-character year.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM85305 FLM85514

Explanation: If both the date parameter and the longdate parameter are entered, the date parameter is used.

| FLM85310 | | | | | |


| FLM85306 | | |


| Explanation: This message is self explanatory. | User response: This message is for informational | purposes only. No action is required.

| Explanation: This message is self explanatory. | User response: Supply the valid parameter in the | SCLM service parameter LIST. | FLM85307 | | | | | |

Explanation: The XDEPUPDT utility could not read an Account record. Processing is terminated. FLM85501 ERROR RC AAAAAA READING BUILDMAP RECORD FOR BBBBBB

Explanation: The XDEPUPDT utility could not read a Buildmap record. Processing is terminated. FLM85505 NO CROSS DEPENDENCY ENTRIES SELECTED

| Explanation: This message is self explanatory. | User response: Use SCLM option 3.1 to browse the | accounting record and verify the accounting status of | the member. | FLM85308 | | | | |

Explanation: The XDEPUPDT service did not find any objects with dependencies. No records will be written to the database. FLM85506 ERROR WRITING CROSS DEPENDENCY RECORD KEY: AAAAAAAA BBBBBBBB CCCCCCCC CODE: EEEEEEEE

| Explanation: This message is self explanatory. | User response: Use SCLM option 3.1 to browse the | accounting record and verify the accounting status of | the member. | FLM85309 | | | |

Explanation: The XDEPUPDT utility experienced an error writing a database record. User response: Check for preceding error messages. FLM85508 PROCESSING COMPLETED

Explanation: The XDEPUPDT service completed successfully. FLM85509 PROCESSING TERMINATED WITH ERRORS

| Explanation: This message is self explanatory. | User response: This message is for informational | purposes only. No action is required.


Explanation: There was no record in the Cross-dependency database for this member.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM85515 FLM87130
FLM85515 NO CROSS DEPENDENCY DATABASE ACTIVE FOR PROJECT: AAAAAAAA User response: For information on the return codes for this service, see the SCLM Services topic in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM87110 FLM87100 ERROR, PARAMETER STRING MUST BE SHORTER THAN aaa CHARS LONG ERROR FOUND ON LINE aaaa OF bbbbbbbb DATA SET

Explanation: The project has not defined a cross dependency database.

Explanation: The input parameter string exceeded the maximum length. User response: Shorten the input parameter string to a valid length. FLM87103 RECURSIVE "FILE" COMMAND INVOCATIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED

Explanation: Check to see if another error message was printed. If it was, correct the error indicated by the other error message first. If the error message FLM87110 is the only error message printed, then an error was found on line number aaaa of data set bbbbbbbb. If FLMCMD FILE is used, the line number refers to the number of prompts that have been displayed. The error occurred in the command issued at the last prompt. User response: The error should be corrected in the data set. For more information about SCLM services, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM87115 DBUTIL aaa(9) AT bbbbbbbb, CODE: ccc

Explanation: A FILE command cannot be invoked within another FILE. User response: Remove the recursive occurrence of the FILE command. The contents of the referenced data set can be copied directly into the original data set if desired. FLM87105 THE COMMAND IS NOT SUPPORTED COMMAND: aaa(60) Explanation: The command is not supported by this release of SCLM. User response: For a list of and descriptions of valid SCLM service commands, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM87107 aaaaaaaa bbb(24) FOR MEMBER cccccccc AT dddddddd, CODE: eee

Explanation: Completion message for DBUTIL. This message is provided for information only. User response: For information on the DBUTIL service, see the SCLM Services topic in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM87120 ERROR, aaa(24) PARAMETER IN COLUMN bbb IS TOO LONG

Explanation: The parameter aaa(24) is longer than the maximum allowed. User response: Shorten the parameter. For more details on the SCLM services, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM87125 ERROR, aaa(24) PARAMETER MUST BE SPECIFIED

Explanation: The FLMCMD command termination message aaaaaaaa represents the service that was executed. bbb(24) represents the completion status of the command. User response: For information on the return code, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM87109 aaaaaaaa bbb(24) FOR GROUP cccccccc AT dddddddd, CODE: eee

Explanation: The parameter aaa(24) has not been specified. User response: Add the parameter to the SCLM service invocation. For more details on the SCLM services, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM87130 INVALID VALUE IN COLUMN aaa FOR bbb(24) PARAMETER

Explanation: This service operates on an SCLM-controlled group rather than a member. The FLMCMD command termination message aaaaaaaa represents the service that was executed. bbb(24) represents the completion status of the command. cccccccc is the group processed by the service. dddddddd is the time stamp when the service ended. eee is the return code. This return code is documented in the description for each service.

Explanation: The value for the bbb(24) parameter is invalid. The column number (aaa(24)) identifies the starting location of the invalid value with the command. User response: Correct the value of the parameter in
Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM87131 FLM87155
the command data set. For more details on the SCLM services, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM87131 INVALID VALUE FOR SEARCH INDICATOR PARAMETER: aaaa VALUE MUST BE SEARCH, FORWARD OR MATCH. FLM87136 DATE PARAMETER IS NOT IN A VALID FORMAT DATE: aaaa

Explanation: The date parameter for the VERINFO, VERDEL, or VERRECOV is not specified in the correct format for your national language. User response: Correct the date parameter and submit the command again. FLM87137 TIME PARAMETER IS NOT IN A VALID FORMAT TIME: aaaa

Explanation: The ACCTINFO service search indicator parameter is invalid. Valid values are SEARCH, FORWARD, and MATCH. User response: Correct the search indicator parameter and submit the command again. FLM87132 INVALID USER_HIER_VIEW (A) SPECIFIED. VALUE MUST BE A, P, OR .

Explanation: The time parameter for the VERINFO, VERDEL, or VERRECOV is not specified in the correct format for your national language. User response: Correct the time parameter and submit the command again. FLM87138 INVALID VALUE FOR SEARCH INDICATOR PARAMETER: aaaa VALUE MUST BE FORWARD, BACKWARD, OR MATCH.

Explanation: You have specified an invalid value for the parameter that defines the type of hierarchy view to be allocated. Valid values are A for all groups, P or blank for primary (key) groups only. User response: Specify A, P, or blank and resubmit. FLM87133 EXTRANEOUS PARAMETER(S) DETECTED IN SERVICE CALL

Explanation: The VERINFO service search indicator parameter is not valid. Valid values are FORWARD, BACKWARD, and MATCH. User response: Correct the search indicator parameter and submit the command again. FLM87140 THE DDNAME: aaaaaaaa HAS NOT BEEN ALLOCATED

Explanation: An SCLM service was passed a parameter string that contained more parameters than it requires. User response: Remove the extra parameters from the SCLM service invocation. For more details on the SCLM services and their parameters, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. FLM87134 NONNUMERIC CHARACTER DETECTED IN THE TOTALS_GROUPS PARAMETER OF THE DSALLOC SERVICE

Explanation: The ddname aaaaaaaa specified was passed to SCLM as a parameter, but the ddname has not been allocated. User response: Allocate the ddname and submit the command again. FLM87150 THE COMMAND INVOCATION IS TOO LONG

Explanation: A character other then 0-9 was found in the totals_groups parameter of the DSALLOC service. User response: The user should remove the nonnumeric character from the DSALLOC parameter and resubmit the job. FLM87135 THE DDNAME: aaaaaaaa IS ALREADY IN USE

Explanation: The command invocation statement is longer than the maximum 512 characters allowed. User response: Edit the command and submit it again. FLM87155 INVALID INPUT PARAMETER FIRST OCCURRENCE ONLY - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: Invalid data was entered as input in this field. User response: Correct the invalid input parameter.

Explanation: The ddname aaaaaaaa is reserved for use by the command processor. User response: Change the ddname and submit the command again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM87160 FLM87202

Explanation: Invalid data was entered as input in this field. User response: Correct the invalid input parameter. FLM87165 INVALID INPUT PARAMETER ARCHITECTURE CONTROL - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: A data set for recovery of a version and a group and/or type for recovery of a version may not be specified together. User response: Specify either a data set or a group and type, not both. FLM87192 BOTH TARGET GROUP AND TYPE MUST BE SPECIFIED

Explanation: Invalid data was entered as input in this field. User response: Correct the invalid input parameter. FLM87167 INVALID INPUT PARAMETER ARCHITECTURE SCOPE - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: Values were not specified for both the target group and type in recovering a version of a member. User response: Specify values for both the target group and type to receive the version of a member. FLM87193 UNABLE TO STORE DATA IN REQUESTED TABLE: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: Invalid data was entered as input in this field. User response: Correct the invalid input parameter. FLM87170 INVALID INPUT PARAMETER PAGE HEADERS - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: Invalid data was entered as input in this field. User response: Correct the invalid input parameter. FLM87175 INVALID INPUT PARAMETER SHOW TOTALS - aaaaaaaa

Explanation: The VERINFO service encountered an error when storing change codes, includes, user entries, or compilation units from the accounting record into the user defined table. User response: Examine the user defined table that holds the values from the VERINFO service. The table may not be properly defined. FLM87194 INVALID DATA SET NAME MEMBER NAMES ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR RETRIEVAL DATA SETS

Explanation: Invalid data was entered as input in this field. User response: Correct the invalid input parameter. FLM87180 ERROR - ARCHITECTURE GROUP, TYPE, AND MEMBER MUST BE SPECIFIED IF IN OR OUT IS SPECIFIED.

Explanation: The VERRECOV service does not allow member names to be specified for non-SCLM-controlled retrieval data sets. User response: Enter either a sequential data set name or a partitioned data set name without a member name. FLM87201 SCLM ID: aaaaaaaa IS NOT IN USE

Explanation: Values must be specified for architecture group, type, and member if IN or OUT is specified for the Database Contents utility. User response: Specify values for architecture group, type, and member or specify * (asterisk) instead of IN or OUT for architecture. FLM87190 RECOVER TO DATA SET OR GROUP AND TYPE MUST BE SPECIFIED

Explanation: The SCLM ID corresponds to members that have been locked but not freed by either the UNLOCK or the STORE service. These will be converted from initial state to lockout. This is just a warning message. FLM87202 INVALID SCLM ID: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: A value must be specified for the data set to receive the recovered version or values must be specified for the group and type in the SCLM project to receive the recovered member. User response: Specify a value for the recovery data set or specify values for the SCLM group and type to receive the recovered version.

Explanation: The syntax of the SCLM ID is not valid. SCLM IDs are generated in the format FLMddddd where d represents a digit from 0-9. User response: Check the SCLM ID specified for accuracy, or make sure you used the INIT service to

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM87301 FLM87314
generate an SCLM ID before you try to use the FREE service on it. FLM87301 THE VERSION HISTORY REPORT DDNAME MUST BE SPECIFIED the why SCLM was unable to encode the member nnnnnnnn. FLM87309 ERROR ALLOCATING THE VERSION PDS MEMBER RC=rr

Explanation: When calling the VERHIST service you must specify DDNAME of the data set where the Version History Report will be written. User response: Modify the VERHIST service call to specify a Version History Report DDNAME. FLM87304 THE VERSION HISTORY PARAMETER VIEW REPORT MUST BE EITHER Y OR N.

Explanation: When running the VERHIST service SCLM encountered a problem attempting allocate the version PDS member. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to allocate the version PDS member. FLM87310 ERROR OPENING THE VERSION PDS MEMBER RC=rr

Explanation: When calling the VERHIST service the View History report parameter must either Y or N. User response: Modify the VERHIST service call to specify a View History Report value of Y or N. FLM87305 VERSION HISTORY REPORT COMPLETED. Return Code=rr

Explanation: When running the VERHIST service SCLM encountered a problem attempting to open the version PDS member. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to open the version PDS member. FLM87311 ERROR INSUFFICIENT STORAGE TO PRODUCE VERSION HISTORY REPORT.

Explanation: Informational message stating the return code from the VERHIST service call. FLM87306 ERROR RETRIEVING THE DATA SET STATISTICS FOR VERSION PDS DSN: mmmmm.mmmmmmm RC=rr


Explanation: When running the VERHIST service SCLM encountered an error attempting to retrieve the data set statistics for the version PDS data set. User response: Determine why SCLM was having errors retrieving the statistics for the data set mmmmm.mmmmmmm FLM87307 ERROR ALLOCATING TEMPORARY DATA SET TO DECODE VERSION PDS MEMBER INTO. RC=rr

Explanation: When running the VERHIST service SCLM encountered a problem attempting to read the version PDS member. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to read the version PDS member. FLM87313 ERROR THE VERSION PDS MEMBER DID NOT HAVE A HEADER RECORD AS THE FIRST RECORD IN THE MEMBER. PROCESSING TERMINATED.

Explanation: When running the VERHIST service SCLM encountered an error attempting to create a temporary data set that will be used to decode the member into. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to allocate the temporary data set. FLM87308 ERROR DECODING VERSION PDS MEMBER. RC=rr ERROR MESSAGE: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Explanation: When running the VERHIST service SCLM found that the first record in the version PDS member was not a header record. This indicates that member was not created using the SCLM versioning process. User response: Determine why header record is not the first line in the version PDS member. FLM87314 ERROR THE VERSION PDS MEMBER IS EMPTY

Explanation: When running the VERHIST service SCLM encountered a problem attempting to decode the member nnnnnnn. User response: Use the error message to determine

Explanation: When running the VERHIST service SCLM found that the version PDS member was empty. User response: None


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

FLM87315 FLM87411
FLM87315 ERROR THE SELECTED VERSION WAS NOT FOUND IN THE VERSION PDS MEMBER. PROCESSING IS TERMINATED. User response: If the data set specified via the input DDNAME is correct then no action is required. If the data set specified via the input group/type is the one to be used blank out the input DDNAME on the ENDEC service call. FLM87405 OUTPUT DDNAME OR GROUP/TYPE PARAMETERS MUST BE SPECIFIED.

Explanation: When running the VERHIST service SCLM found that the version date/time you specified was not found in the version PDS member. Processing is terminated. User response: None FLM87318 ERROR VIEWING THE VERSION HISTORY REPORT DATA SET. RC=rr

Explanation: When calling the ENDEC service you must specify either the output DDNAME or output group/type parameter/s so SCLM can determine the output data set that is to be encoded or decoded. User response: Modify the ENDEC service to specify either the output DDNAME or output group/type parameter/s. FLM87406 OUTPUT GROUP AND/OR TYPE PARAMETERS IGNORED AS THE OUTPUT DDNAME PARAMETER WAS SPECIFIED.

Explanation: SCLM encountered an error attempting view the version history report written to the DDNAME specified on the VERHIST service call. User response: None. FLM87320 ERROR WRITING THE VERSION HISTORY REPORT RECORD. RC=rr

Explanation: When running the VERHIST Service SCLM encountered an error attempting to write out a record to the version history report. User response: Determine why there were problems writing to the data set specified via the report DDNAME parameter on the VERHIST service. FLM87401 ENDEC SERVICE PROCESSING PARAMETER MUST EITHER BE ENCODE OR DECODE.

Explanation: Calling the ENDEC service you specified both the output DDNAME and output group/type parameters. The output data set specified via the output DDNAME will be used by the ENDEC service. User response: If the data set specified via the output DDNAME is correct then no action is required. If the data set specified via the output group/type is the one to be used blank out the output DDNAME on the ENDEC service call. FLM87408 ERROR ALLOCATING THE DATA SET mmmmm.mmmmmm GROUP: aaaaaaa TYPE: bbbbbbb RC=rr

Explanation: When calling the ENDEC service you must specify either ENCODE or DECODE to determine if SCLM is to encode or decode the input data set. User response: None. FLM87402 INPUT DDNAME OR GROUP/TYPE PARAMETERS MUST BE SPECIFIED.

Explanation: SCLM received an error attempting to allocate the data set mmmmm.mmmmmm. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to allocate the data set mmmmm.mmmmmm. FLM87409 INPUT MEMBER nnnnnnn DOES NOT EXIST IN THE DATA SET mmmmm.mmmmmm

Explanation: When calling the ENDEC service you must specify either the input DDNAME or input group/type parameter/s so SCLM can determine the input data set that is to be encoded or decoded. User response: Modify the ENDEC service to specify either the input DDNAME or input group/type parameter/s. FLM87403 INPUT GROUP AND/OR TYPE PARAMETERS IGNORED AS THE INPUT DDNAME PARAMETER WAS SPECIFIED.

Explanation: The member nnnnnnn was not found in the data set mmmmm.mmmmmm User response: None. FLM87411 ERROR ALLOCATING THE DATA SET mmmmm.mmmmmm

Explanation: SCLM received an error attempting to allocate the data set mmmmm.mmmmmm. User response: Determine why SCLM was unable to allocate the data set mmmmm.mmmmmm.

Explanation: Calling the ENDEC service you specified both the input DDNAME and input group/type parameters. The input data set specified via the input DDNAME will be used by the ENDEC service.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


FLM89001 FLM89012

Explanation: No accounting information was found for the specified member in the hierarchy view beginning at the specified group. User response: Verify selection parameters are correct and resubmit. FLM89002 ERROR ACCESSING PROJECT DATABASE FOR PROJECT: aaaaaaaa

Explanation: No build map information was found for the specified member in the hierarchy view beginning at the specified group. User response: Verify selection parameters are correct and resubmit. FLM89009 LIBRARY ID: aaaaaaaa DOES NOT PROMOTE TO SCLM GROUP: bbbbbbbb

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to access the project database for the specified project. FLM89004 INCOMPATIBLE ACCOUNT INFORMATION TYPES. CURRENT TYPE: a. SPECIFIED TYPE: b

Explanation: The library indicated by the library id is not permitted to promote to the specified SCLM development group. User response: Reissue the command against an SCLM development group to which this library can promote. FLM89010 LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa DOES NOT CONTAIN EXTERNAL TRANSLATORS

Explanation: The member specified has a status (editable, non-editable, and so forth) that is incompatible with the status specified in the update accounting information. User response: Enter compatible type and resubmit. FLM89005 CANNOT CREATE NEW ACCOUNTING RECORD OF ACCOUNT INFO TYPE: a

Explanation: An attempt to update an NON-EDITABLE accounting record failed because the language specified in the accounting information does not support external translators. User response: Place a valid language in the NON-EDITABLE members accounting information and resubmit. FLM89011 LANGUAGE: aaaaaaaa NOT DEFINED FOR SCLM

Explanation: No accounting information exists for the specified member. New accounting records can only have the status INITIAL or NON-EDITABLE. The status specified in the accounting information was other than INITIAL or NON-EDITABLE. User response: Enter valid type and resubmit. FLM89006 ERROR UPDATING ISPF STATS FOR PROJECT: aaaaaaaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd

Explanation: An attempt to update an accounting record failed because the language specified in the accounting information is not defined to SCLM. User response: Enter a valid language in the accounting information and resubmit. Project manager response: Define the language specified to SCLM. FLM89012 INVALID ACCOUNTING INFORMATION KEYWORD: aaaa

Explanation: The service encountered an unexpected error updating the ISPF statistics of the member. User response: Contact the System Administrator. FLM89007 ERROR UPDATING PROJECT DATABASE FOR PROJECT: aaaaaaaa GROUP: bbbbbbbb TYPE: cccccccc MEMBER: dddddddd

Explanation: A keyword specified in the dynamic portion of the accounting record is not valid. The list of valid keywords is: INCL, CODE, and USER. User response: Correct the invalid keyword in the dynamic portion of the accounting record and resubmit.

Explanation: The service encountered an unexpected error updating the SCLM project database containing the members information. User response: Contact project manager. Project manager response: Run IDCAMS against the data set to determine problem.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes


Explanation: A KEYREF specified in the dynamic portion of the build map information is not valid. User response: Correct the invalid keyword in the dynamic portion of the build map and resubmit.

Chapter 3. SCLM messages


SCLM messages


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Chapter 4. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

Macro messages are generated during project assembly. The messages appear in this topic in alphabetical order. The Macro heading lists all macros pertaining to the error or warning message. A macro appears on the list for one of these reasons: v It issues the message. v It must be corrected to remove the error or warning and prevent the message from being issued again.
ERROR - A GROUP CAN NOT BE SPECIFIED IF A WILDCARD(*) BEEN USED IN THE GROUP PARAMETER Macro: FLMNPRM Explanation: On the FLMNPRM macro, it is possible to specify multiple groups; if the wildcard (*) has been specified, no other values can be specified. Project manager response: Modify the FLMNPRM macro to specify GROUP=* and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - A LANGUAGE CAN NOT BE SPECIFIED IF A WILDCARD(*) BEEN USED IN THE TYPE PARAMETER Macro: FLMNPRM Explanation: On the FLMNPRM macro, it is possible to specify multiple languages; if the wildcard (*) has been specified, no other values can be specified. Project manager response: Modify the FLMNPRM macro to specify LANG=* and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - A NAME must be specified on the FLMAGRP macro Macro: FLMAGRP Explanation: No authorization code group name was specified on a FLMAGRP macro. Project manager response: Place the authorization code group name to be defined in column 1, preceding the FLMAGRP macro, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - A NAME MUST BE SPECIFIED ON THE FLMALTC MACRO Macro: FLMALTC Explanation: No alternate control group name was specified on a FLMALTC macro.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2009

Project manager response: Place the alternate control group name to be defined in column 1, preceding the FLMALTC macro, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - A TYPE CAN NOT BE SPECIFIED IF A WILDCARD(*) BEEN USED IN THE TYPE PARAMETER Macro: FLMNPRM Explanation: On the FLMNPRM macro, it is possible to specify multiple types; if the wildcard (*) has been specified, no other values can be specified. Project manager response: Modify the FLMNPRM macro to specify TYPE=* and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - ACCT AND EXPACCT NAMES SAME IN FLMCNTRL AND FLMALTC: aaaaaaaa Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The export account data set and the primary account data set have the same names in the FLMCNTRL macro and FLMALTC macro aaaaaaaa. This is not allowed. Project manager response: Change the name of the export account data set and regenerate the project definition. ERROR - ACCT NAME AND ACCT2 NAME ARE THE SAME Macro: FLMALTC, FLMCNTRL Explanation: The name on the ACCT2 parameter must be different from the name on the ACCT parameter. Project manager response: Change the name on the ACCT2 parameter and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - ACCT2 AND EXPACCT NAMES SAME IN FLMCNTRL AND FLMALTC: aaaaaaaa


SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The export account data set and the primary account data set have the same names in the FLMCNTRL macro and FLMALTC macro aaaaaaaa. This is not allowed. Project manager response: Change the name of the export account data set and regenerate the project definition. ERROR - ADMINID MUST BE SPECIFIED IF MEMLOCK=Y Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: If member level locking (MEMLOCK=Y) has been specified on the FLMCNTRL macro, a SCLM administrator userid must be specified by means of the ADMINID parameter. Project manager response: Specify the SCLM administrator userid in the ADMINID parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro and assemble the project definition again. Note: The userid specified will be able to specify other SCLM administrators by means of the SCLM administrator option (option A for the main menu). ERROR - ALL FLMSYSLBs for an Include Set must be together Macro: FLMSYSLB Explanation: The include set specified (INCLS keyword) matches the name on a prior FLMSYSLB statement, but another include set name was specified in between that one and this statement. This can also be caused by leaving the INCLS keyword off, implying the use of the default set for one of these statements. Project manager response: Reorder the FLMSYSLB statement so that all the specifications for an include set are together. ERROR - BACKUP=Y IS NOT ALLOWED WITH PACKFILE=Y Macro: FLMTYPE Explanation: A type (FLMTYPE) cannot be specified as containing the package backup information (PACKFILE=Y) and that, during promotion, these types are to be backed up (BACKUP=Y). Project manager response: Modify the FLMTYPE macro to remove either the PACKFILE=Y or the BACKUP=Y parameter and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - BKMBRLVL PARM CANNOT BE SPECIFIED WITHOUT BKGRP PARM SPECIFIED Macro: FLMGROUP Explanation: The member level restore (BKMBRLVL=Y) can only be specified if the BKGRP parameter has been specified on a FLMGROUP macro. Project manager response: Modify the FLMGROUP macro to specify a BKGRP parameter; also define the backup group using a FLMGROUP macro and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - BUFSIZE MUST BE GREATER THAN 0 Macro: FLMLANGL Explanation: The BUFSIZE parameter specified on the FLMLANGL macro was 0. This parameter must be greater than 0. Project manager response: Specify a BUFSIZE parameter greater than 0 on the FLMLANGL macro for the language definition and regenerate the project definition. ERROR - CATLG and VIO specifications conflict Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: Both CATLG=Y and VIO=Y were specified on the FLMALLOC statement. However, a cataloged data set cannot be on a VIO device. Project manager response: If the processor requires the data set to be cataloged, then remove the VIO specification (or code VIO=N, which is implied by CATLG=Y). ERROR - CHECKSUM PARM MUST BE YES OR NO Macro: FLMATVER Project manager response: Correct the value or remove the CHECKSUM parameter, which amounts to specifying YES, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - BKGRP PARM ON FLMGROUP HAS BEEN USED IN A PREVIOUS FLMGROUP. BKGRP NAME: xxxxxxxx FLMGROUP IN ERROR: yyyyyyyy Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The backup group specified by the parameter BKGRP parameter on the FLMGROUP macro is not unique. Project manager response: Modify FLMGROUP macros to ensure a unique BKGRP parameter is specified for each group and assemble the project definition again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

ERROR - COMPILE=SELECT MUST BE SPECIFIED FOR CALLMETH=ISPLNK. Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: The ISPLNK callmeth requires that SELECT be specified for the compile parameter. The program, CLIST, or REXX exec to be run is specified in the OPTIONS parameter using the ISPLINK PGM or CMD keywords. System programmer response: Specify SELECT in the COMPILE parameter and the program, CLIST or REXX exec in the OPTIONS parameter. ERROR - CONCATENATED HFS FILE ARE NOT SUPPORTED Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The FILEDAT parameter on the FLMALLOC macro can only be specified for a HFS file (IOTYPE=H). Project manager response: Either specify the file as being a HFS (IOTYPE=H), or remove the FILEDAT parameter and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - CONTROL MUST BE SPECIFIED IF MEMLOCK=Y Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: If member level locking (MEMLOCK=Y) has been specified on the FLMCNTRL macro, a VSAM control file must be specified by means of the CONTROL parameter. Project manager response: Specify the VSAM control file in the CONTROL parameter on the FLMCNTRL macro and assemble the project definition again. Note: You may need to have created the VSAM control file for member level locking to work. ERROR - DDNAME MAY NOT BE SPECIFIED FOR MULTIPLE ALLOC Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The same DDNAME value is specified on multiple FLMALLOC macros for a translator. DDNAMEs must be unique for each data set allocation for a translator. Project manager response: Change the duplicate DDNAME value to a unique one for the translator, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - DDNAME MUST BE SPECIFIED IN FLMALLOC WHEN PORDER IN FLMTRNSL IS 0 OR 1 Macro: FLMALLOC, FLMTRNSL Explanation: PORDER values of 0 or 1 on a FLMTRNSL macro require a DDNAME value on the corresponding FLMALLOC macro. Project manager response: Supply a DDNAME value, or change the PORDER value, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - DFLTTYP KEYWORD MISMATCH: aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: Programmer response: Examine the additional messages to determine where the DFLTTYP keyword mismatch is located. The inconsistency can be corrected by editing the language definition and adjusting the FLMALLOC keyword values for DFLTTYPE and/or use of the FLMTCOND macro. Changes to a language definition require a reassembly and link of the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - DINIT=Y NOT VALID FOR IOTYPE Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The value specified on the DINIT conflicts with the IOTYPE parameters of the FLMALLOC macro. DINIT=Y requests the initialization of an output data set and is only valid with IOTYPE values M, P, O, or W. Project manager response: Remove the DINIT parameter, or change the IOTYPE value and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - DSNAME VALUE > 44 CHARACTERS, IGNORED Macro: FLMCNTRL, FLMTRNSL Explanation: A value specified for the DSNAME parameter on the FLMTRNSL macro exceeds the maximum length of 44 characters for a data set containing an SCLM-controlled translator. Project manager response: Re-specify a data set name of the correct length, or add the EXLIBID parameter to the FLNTRNSL macro if the translator defined is specified for an external library and the EXLIBID parameter was omitted. Assemble the project definition again. ERROR - DSNTYPE IS ONLY VALID FOR IOTYPE=P Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The DSNTYPE parameter determines whether a temporary partitioned data set is allocated as a PDS or PDSE. This parameter is only valid when the value for IOTYPE is P. Project manager response: Remove the DSNTYPE
Chapter 4. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)


SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

parameter or change the IOTYPE value to P, and reassemble and link the project definition. ERROR - DUPLICATE DECLARATION FOUND FOR INCLUDE-SET Macro: FLMINCLS Explanation: There are duplicate FLMINCLS macros which specify the same name within an SCLM language translator. Project manager response: Remove one of the duplicate FLMINCLS macros and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - DUPLICATE DECLARATION FOUND FOR LANGUAGE: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND, FLMLANGL Explanation: Language xxxxxxxx is declared on multiple FLMLANGL macros. Project manager response: Change one of the language names, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - DUPLICATE FLMNPRM ROW EXISTS GROUP:xxxxxxxx TYPE: yyyyyyyy LANG: zzzzzzzz Macro: FLMNPRM Explanation: The FLMNPRM macro has been invoked with the same values for the GROUP, TYPE, and LANG. This causes a duplicate row in the NOPROM table and is not allowed. Project manager response: Modify the SCLM project to remove one of the duplicate FLMNPRM macro entries and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - DUPLICATE LABEL SPECIFIED Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: The label specified on the FLMTRNSL macro was specified on multiple FLMTRNSL macros. Project manager response: Change the FLMTRNSL labels to ensure they are not duplicated and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - ENCODE=Y ONLY VALID FOR IOTYPE O OR P Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: It is only possible to encode SCLM outputs if the IOTYPE is either O or P. Project manager response: Modify the FLMALLOC MACRO to specify an IOTYPE of O or P. ERROR - ENDLESS LOOP FOR GROUP: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND, FLMGROUP Explanation: A promotion path of groups has created a loop. The groups must promote from beginning to end in a linear fashion. Project manager response: Check the various PROMOTE keywords on the FLMGROUP macros, starting with the xxxxxxxx group and moving up the promotion hierarchy. Change the one that is causing the loop, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - EXPACCT IS REQUIRED WHEN EXPXREF SPECIFIED Macro: FLMALTC, FLMCNTRL Explanation: An export VSAM accounting data set must be specified on the EXPACCT parameter in order to use the EXPXREF parameter. Project manager response: Remove the EXPXREF parameter, or define an EXPACCT data set, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - EXPACCT NAME AND ACCT NAME ARE THE SAME Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: The export account data set has the same name as the primary account data set. This is not allowed. Project manager response: Change the name of the export account data set and regenerate the project definition. ERROR - EXPACCT NAME AND ACCT2 NAME ARE THE SAME Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: The export account data set has the same name as the primary account data set. This is not allowed. Project manager response: Change the name of the export account data set and regenerate the project definition. ERROR - EXPXREF NAME AND XREF NAME ARE THE SAME Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: The export cross-reference data set has the same name as the cross-reference data set. This is not allowed. Project manager response: Change the name of the export cross-reference data set and regenerate the project definition.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

ERROR - EXPACCT NAME IN FLMALTC: aaaaaaaa SAME AS ACCT NAME IN FLMALTC: bbbbbbbb Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The export account data set in FLMALTC macro aaaaaaaa has the same name as the primary account data set in FLMALTC macro bbbbbbbb. This is not allowed. Project manager response: Change the name of the export account data set and regenerate the project definition. ERROR - EXPACCT NAME IN FLMALTC: aaaaaaaa SAME AS ACCT2 NAME IN FLMALTC: bbbbbbbb Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The export account data set in FLMALTC macro aaaaaaaa has the same name as the primary account data set in FLMALTC macro bbbbbbbb. This is not allowed. Project manager response: Change the name of the export account data set and regenerate the project definition. ERROR - EXPXREF NAME IN FLMALTC: aaaaaaaa SAME AS XREF NAME IN FLMALTC: bbbbbbbb Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The export cross-reference data set in FLMALTC macro aaaaaaaa has the same name as the cross-reference data set in FLMALTC macro bbbbbbbb. This is not allowed. Project manager response: Change the name of the export cross-reference data set and regenerate the project definition. ERROR - EXPXREF REQUIRED WHEN XREF AND EXPACCT SPECIFIED Macro: FLMALTC, FLMCNTRL Explanation: An export cross-reference VSAM data set must be specified on the EXPXREF parameter if the XREF and EXPACCT parameters are both specified. Project manager response: Remove the XREF and/or EXPACCT parameters, or define an EXPXREF data set and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - FLMALLOC KEYREF AND/OR DFLTTYP INCONSISTENT Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: Inconsistent use of the KEYREF or DFLTTYP keywords on FLMALLOC macros in conjunction with the use of FLMTCOND macros was detected. Additional messages follow. Programmer response: Examine the additional messages to determine the inconsistency. Correct the inconsistency by editing the language definitions and adjusting the FLMALLOC keyword values for KEYREF and DFLTTYPE and use of the FLMTCOND macro. Changes to a language definition require a reassembly and link of the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - FLMALLOC REFERENCES AN UNDEFINED INCLUDE- SET:xxxxxxxx LANGUAGE:yyyyyyyy Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The Language yyyyyyyy contains a FLMALLOC MACRO which has a reference to INCLUDE-SET xxxxxxx which has not been defined. Project manager response: Modify the Language yyyyyyyy to specify the INCLUDE-SET xxxxxxx and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - FLMCPYLB statement missing after IOTYPE=A or MALLOC=Y LANGUAGE NAME: aaaaa TRANSLATOR NUMBER:bbbbbb ALLOC NUMBER: ccccc Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: An FLMCPYLB macro is required after any FLMALLOC macro with either IOTYPE=A or MALLOC=Y. Project manager response: Add the FLMCPYLB macro statement after the FLMALLOC. Assemble the project definition again. ERROR - FLMINCLS FOUND BEFORE AN FLMLANGL MACRO Macro: FLMINCLS Explanation: An FLMINCLS macro was found before an FLMLANGL macro. Project manager response: Move the FLMINCLS macro after the FLMLANGL macro of the language. ERROR - FLMNPRM MACRO PARAMETER WAS GREATER THAN 8 CHARACTERS. XXXXXXX: yyyyyyyyy Macro: FLMNPRM Explanation: The value yyyyyyyy specified for the parameter XXXXXXXX on the FLMNPRM macro is greater than 8 characters. Project manager response: Modify the value yyyyyyyy for the XXXXXXXX parameter so that it is 8 characters or less and assemble the project definition again.

Chapter 4. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)


SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

ERROR - FLMTCOND SPECIFIED WITHOUT MATCHING FLMTRNSL Macro: FLMTCOND Explanation: An FLMTCOND macro precedes an FLMTRNSL macro or more than the maximum FLMTCOND macros are specified for an FLMTRNSL macro. Programmer response: Examine the language definitions in the project definition for an FLMTCOND macro that precedes an FLMTRNSL macro or that is present with other FLMTCOND macros following an FLMTRNSL macro. Edit the language definition for correct use of the FLMTCOND macro. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - FLMTOPTS MUST FOLLOW AN FLMTRNSL MACRO Macro: FLMTOPTS Explanation: An FLMTOPTS macro precedes an FLMTRNSL macro. Programmer response: Examine the language definitions in the project definition for an FLMTOPTS macro that precedes an FLMTRNSL macro. Edit the language definition for correct use of the FLMTOPTS macro. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - FLMTYPE EXTEND PARM USED TO REFERENCE UNDEFINED TYPE: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND, FLMTYPE Explanation: Type name xxxxxxxx specified as the EXTEND parameter of an FLMTYPE macro is not a valid type defined in the project definition. Project manager response: Make sure all EXTEND type names are defined in the project definition using FLMTYPE macros, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - FLMTYPE MUST NOT REFERENCE ITSELF VIA THE EXTEND PARM Macro: FLMTYPE Explanation: The type name on the FLMTYPE macro must not be used as the type name on the EXTEND keyword parameter. Project manager response: Use a different type name on the EXTEND keyword parameter, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - HFS FILES MUST BE DEFINED UNDER IOTYPE=H Macro: FLMALLOC, FLMCPYLB Explanation: The FILEDAT parameter on the FLMALLOC macro is invalid. Valid values for the FILEDAT parameter are , TEXT, or BINARY. Project manager response: Modify the FILEDAT parameter on the FLMALLOC macro to specify a valid value and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - HIERARCHY ALLOCATION FROM GROUP: xxxxxxxx EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ALLOWED OF: 123 Macro: FLMAEND, FLMGROUP Explanation: The hierarchical view from group xxxxxxxx has more than 123 groups. See z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information. Project manager response: Reduce the number of ERROR - GROUP NAME MUST ALSO BE DEFINED IN FLMGRP MACRO Macro: FLMAEND, FLMATVER, FLMGROUP Explanation: The value of the GROUP parameter on the FLMATVER macro is not a valid group defined in the project definition. Project manager response: Change the value of the GROUP parameter to a valid group, or add the group with a FLMGROUP macro, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - GROUP: xxxxxxxx MUST BE A KEY GROUP (DEVELOPMENT GROUP) Macro: FLMAEND, FLMGROUP Explanation: The development group xxxxxxxx does not have the value of Y specified for the KEY parameter. Development groups must be key. Project manager response: Change the value of the key parameter to Y, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - GROUP: xxxxxxxx NOT DEFINED IN THE SCLM PROJECT Macro: FLMXAEND Explanation: The group xxxxxxxx specified on the FLMNPRM macro is not defined in the SCLM project. Project manager response: Modify the group xxxxxxxx on the FLMNPRM macro to be a group specified in SCLM project and assemble the project definition again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

groups in the view from group xxxxxxxx, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - IF IOTYPE=L, PORDER IN FLMTRNSL MUST BE 2 OR 3 Macro: FLMALLOC, FLMTRNSL Explanation: The value of PORDER in FLMTRNSL must be 2 or 3 when the IOTYPE value in FLMALLOC is L. Project manager response: Change the IOTYPE or PORDER value in error, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - IF XDEP IS SPECIFIED ON SOME BUT NOT ALL FLMALTC MACROS, IT MUST BE SUPPLIED ON FLMCNTRL Macro: FLMALTC Explanation: The cross-dependency data set was specified on one of the FLMALTC but not all. You must specify it for all the FLMALTC MACROS or on the FLMCNTRL MACRO which will cause this value to be used on the FLMALTC MACRO where it was not specified. Project manager response: Modify the FLMCNTRL macro to specify the cross-dependency data set (XDEP parameter). ERROR - Illegal VOLume serial specified (length) Macro: FLMCPYLB,FLMSYSLB Explanation: The volume serial does not have 6 characters. Project manager response: Enter a valid volume serial. ERROR - INCLS PARAMETER NOT VALID FOR THIS IOTYPE Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The FLMALLOC MACRO contains a INCLS parameter which was specified for an IOTYPE other than I. Project manager response: Modify the FLMALLOC macro to remove the INCLS parameter and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID OR MISSING FUNCTION PARAMETER SPECIFIED Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: The specified value of the FUNCTN parameter is invalid or blank. Allowable values are PARSE, VERIFY, BUILD, COPY, or PURGE. Project manager response: Change the value to an allowable one, or remove the FUNCTN parameter to use the default of PARSE, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID OR UNSPECIFIED IOTYPE PARAMETER Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The value specified on the IOTYPE parameter is incorrect. IOTYPE parameter values are A, I, L, M, N, O, P, S, U, and W. Project manager response: Correct the value, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID PATHDSP KEYWORD Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The PATHDSP parameter on the FLMALLOC macro is invalid. Valid values for the PATHDSP parameter are KEEP or DELETE. Project manager response: Modify the PATHDSP parameter on the FLMALLOC macro to specify a valid value and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID PATHMDE KEYWORD Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The PATHMDE parameter on the FLMALLOC macro is invalid. Valid values for the PATHMDE parameter are SIRUSR, SIWUSR, SIXUSR, SIRWXU, SIRGRP, SIWGRP, SIXGRP, SIRWXG, SIROTH, SIWOTH, SIXOTH, SIRWXC, SISUID, or SISGID. Project manager response: Modify the PATHOPTS parameter on the FLMALLOC macro to specify a valid value and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID PATHOPTS KEYWORD Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The PATHOPTS parameter on the FLMALLOC macro is invalid. Valid values for the PATHOPTS parameter are ORDONLY, OWRONLY, ORDWR, OAPPEND, OCREAT, OEXCL, NOCTTY, NONBLOCK, OSYNC, or OTRUNC. Project manager response: Modify the PATHOPTS parameter on the FLMALLOC macro to specify a valid value and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID PROJECT DEFINITION FLMxxxxx NOT SPECIFIED Macro: FLMAEND, FLMGROUP, FLMTYPE Explanation: At least one group and type must be defined to establish a valid SCLM project definition.
Chapter 4. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)


SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

Project manager response: Define one or more groups and types using the FLMGROUP and FLMTYPE macros, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID SAMEAS VALUE FOR INCLUDE-SET: xxxxxxxx. REFERENCED INCLUDE-SET HAS SAMEAS VALUE yyyyyyyy LANG:zzzzzzzz. Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The SAMEAS value yyyyyyyy specified on the FLMINCLS macro xxxxxxxx for the language translator zzzzzzzz is invalid. Project manager response: Modify the FLMINCLS macro to specify a valid SAMEAS value for the language zzzzzzzz and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID SAMEAS VALUE FOR INCLUDE-SET: xxxxxxxx. REFERENCED INCLUDE-SET UNDEFINED. LANG:yyyyyyyy Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The SAMEAS value specified in the SAMEAS parameter on the FLMINCLS macro xxxxxxxx is not defined in language translator yyyyyyyy. Project manager response: Modify the FLMINCLS macro to specify an include-set in the SAMEAS parameter that can be found in language translator yyyyyyyy, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID SCOPE: aaaaaaaa FOR LANGUAGE: bbbbbbbb Macro: FLMLANGL Explanation: The value specified on the SCOPE parameter (aaaaaaaa) is incorrect. SCOPE parameter values are LIMITED, NORMAL, SUBUNIT or EXTENDED. Project manager response: Correct the value, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID VALUE FOR ACTION PARAMETER Macro: FLMTOPTS Explanation: A value other than APPEND or REPLACE was specified for the ACTION keyword. Programmer response: Change the value of the ACTION keyword to APPEND or REPLACE in the FLMTOPTS macro. The FLMTOPTS macro will follow an FLMTRNSL macro in a language definition. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - INVALID VALUE FOR THE FIELD KEY Macro: FLMGROUP Explanation: The value specified on the keyword parameter KEY is incorrect. KEY parameter values are Y or N. Project manager response: Correct the value to Y or N, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - Invalid value for VIO keyword, must be YES or NO Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The value specified on the keyword parameter VIO is incorrect. VIO parameter values are YES, NO, Y, or N. Project manager response: Correct the value and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - INVALID VALUE SPECIFIED FOR FIELD WHEN Macro: FLMTCOND Explanation: An FLMTCOND macro was specified with the WHEN keyword that has an invalid value. Programmer response: Examine the language definitions in the project definition for an FLMTCOND macro that uses the WHEN keyword. Edit the language definition for a correct WHEN keyword value for the FLMTCOND macro. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - INVALID VALUE FOR FIELD ACTION Macro: FLMTCOND Explanation: A value other than RUN or SKIP was specified for the ACTION keyword. Programmer response: Change the value of the ACTION keyword to RUN or SKIP in the FLMTCOND macro. The FLMTCOND macro will follow an FLMTRNSL macro in a language definition. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - INVALID VALUE FOR FIELD INPLIST, DEFAULTED Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: The value specified on the keyword parameter INPLIST is incorrect. INPLIST parameter values are Y or N. The default value of N was used. Project manager response: Correct the value, and assemble the project definition again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

ERROR - KEY GROUP > 123 FOR GROUP: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND, FLMGROUP Explanation: The hierarchical view from group xxxxxxxx has more than 123 key groups. See z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information. Project manager response: Reduce the number of key groups in the view from group xxxxxxxx, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - KEYREF AND DFLTTYP NOT FOUND: aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: A language definition contains multiple translators with the FLMTCOND macro and a WHEN clause specified. An output allocation for a translator with the DFLTTYP value aaaaaaaa does not match any of the output allocations specified for the first translator found in the language definition with FLMTCOND and the WHEN clause specified. Additional messages follow that identify the language definition and translator that contains the unmatched allocation statement. Programmer response: Examine all of the messages to determine the keyword mismatch. Edit the language definition and make the KEYREF and DFLTTYP keyword values consistent or change the use of FLMTCOND. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - KEYREF KEYWORD NOT IN PREVIOUS FLMALLOC: aaaaaaaa Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: Programmer response: Examine all of the messages to determine the keyword mismatch. Edit the language definition and make the KEYREF values consistent or change the use of FLMTCOND for consistency. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - KEYREF VALUE NOT VALID FOR IOTYPE VALUE Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: When a value of S is specified for the IOTYPE parameter, the KEYREF parameter must be entered with SINC or INCL. Project manager response: Change the IOTYPE or KEYREF values and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - LABEL EXCEEDS 8 CHARACTERS Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: The FLMTRNSL macro was specified with a label which was greater than 8 characters in length. Project manager response: Modify the label for the build FLMTRNSL macro to be 8 characters or less in length and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - LANG: xxxxxxxx NOT DEFINED IN THE SCLM PROJECT Macro: FLMXAEND Explanation: The language xxxxxxxx specified on the FLMNPRM macro is not defined in the SCLM project. Project manager response: Modify the language xxxxxxxx on the FLMNPRM macro to be a language specified in SCLM project and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - LANGUAGE IS ONLY VALID FOR IOTYPE=O OR P Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: A language can be specified only on the LANG keyword parameter for IOTYPE values O and P. Different languages can only be assigned on build outputs. Project manager response: Change the IOTYPE to O or P, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - LANGUAGE NAME REQUIRED Macro: FLMLANGL Explanation: A user-specified pseudonym language name was not specified on the LANG keyword parameter. See FLMLANGL macro in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information. Project manager response: Add a user-specified pseudonym language name to the LANG keyword parameter and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - LANGUAGE NOT SPECIFIED ON FLMxxxLB MACRO Macro: FLMCMPLB, FLMLANGL, FLMSYSLB Explanation: The first FLMCMPLB or FLMSYSLB macro must have a language specified. See FLMCMPLB macro or FLMSYSLB macro in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information. Project manager response: Add a language to the macro, which must correspond to the correct
Chapter 4. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)


SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

FLMLANGL language, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - MALLOC=Y NOT ALLOWED FOR IOTYPE VALUE Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: When a value of Y is specified for the MALLOC parameter, the IOTYPE parameter must be entered with A or O. Project manager response: Change the IOTYPE or MALLOC values and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - MAXLINE MUST BE GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM VALUE OF 35 Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: The value specified on the MAXLINE parameter must be greater than or equal to 35. Project manager response: Increase the value and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - MEMBER IS ONLY VALID FOR IOTYPE=P Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: A value for the MEMBER parameter can be specified only when the IOTYPE value is P. Members can be written only to partitioned data sets, which are allocated using an IOTYPE value of P. Project manager response: Remove the MEMBER parameter, or change the IOTYPE value to P, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - MISSING REQUIRED PARAMETER: ACCT Macro: FLMALTC Explanation: A VSAM accounting data set must be specified on the ACCT parameter. Project manager response: Add the parameter and value, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - NEW FORMAT PARAMETER USED WITH OLD FORMAT EXIT USER EXIT: aaaaaaaa Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: The old format, aaaaaaaa, was used to specify the user exit routine, but the new format was used to specify one of the other parameters for the user exit. For example, BLDEXT1 (old format) was used to specify the user exit routine, but BLDNTFOP (new format) was used to specify the options for the user exit. Programmer response: Update the FLMCNTRL macro in your project definition to use either all new format ERROR - NOTGROUP SPECIFIED WITH GROUP, NOTGROUP IGNORED Macro: FLMTCOND Explanation: The NOTGROUP and GROUP keywords were both specified in an FLMTCOND macro. The NOTGROUP keyword value will be ignored and the macro will be used as though only the GROUP keyword value was specified. ERROR - NO TYPES WERE SPECIFIED ON THE FLMNPROM MACRO Macro: FLMNPRM Explanation: No types were specified on the TYPE parameter for the FLMNPRM macro. Project manager response: Modify the FLMNPRM macro to specify at least one value for the TYPE parameter and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - NOTGROUP AND GROUP CAN NOT BE SPECIFIED TOGETHER Macro: FLMTOPTS Explanation: The GROUP and NOTGROUP keywords were both specified in an FLMTOPTS macro. Programmer response: Remove GROUP or NOTGROUP in the FLMTOPTS macro. The FLMTOPTS macro will follow an FLMTRNSL macro in a language definition. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. parameters OR all old format parameters for a user exit, then assemble and link the project definition again. ERROR - NO GROUPS WERE SPECIFIED ON THE FLMNPROM MACRO Macro: FLMNPRM Explanation: No groups were specified on the GROUP parameter for the FLMNPRM macro. Project manager response: Modify the FLMNPRM macro to specify at least one value for the GROUP parameter and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - NO LANGUAGES WERE SPECIFIED ON THE FLMNPROM MACRO Macro: FLMNPRM Explanation: No languages were specified on the LANG parameter for the FLMNPRM macro. Project manager response: Modify the FLMNPRM macro to specify at least one value for the LANG parameter and assemble the project definition again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

Programmer response: Remove GROUP or NOTGROUP in the FLMTCOND macro. The FLMTCOND macro will follow an FLMTRNSL macro in a language definition. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - OLD AND NEW FORMATS BOTH SPECIFIED FOR USER EXIT. USER EXITaaaaaaaa USER EXITbbbbbbbb Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: Both the old format and new format were used to specify a user exit routine, where aaaaaaaa is the old format and bbbbbbbb is the new format. For example, BLDNTF (new format) and BLDEXT1 (old format) both appear as parameters on the FLMCNTRL macro in the project definition. Programmer response: Delete one of the user exit routine specifications used in the project definition. Use only the new OR old format. After the change is made, assemble and link the project definition again. ERROR - OLD FORMAT PARAMETER USED WITH NEW FORMAT EXIT. USER EXITaaaaaaaa Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: The new format, aaaaaaaa, was used to specify the user exit routine, but the old format was used to specify one of the other parameters for the user exit. For example, BLDNTF (new format) was used to specify the user exit routine, but BEXTIOP (old format) was used to specify the options for the user exit. Programmer response: Update the FLMCNTRL macro in your project definition to use either all new format parameters OR all old format parameters for the user exit, then assemble and link the project definition again. ERROR - ONE FLMTYPE NEEDS THE PACKFILE PARM, FOR PACKAGE BACKOUT TO WORK Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The BKGRP parameter has been specified on a FLMGROUP macro; however, a type (FLMTYPE) must be defined as being a packfile (PACKFILE=Y). Project manager response: Modify the SCLM project to specify a type as PACKFILE=Y and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - OPTIONS PARAMETER REQUIRED Macro: FLMTOPTS Explanation: The OPTIONS keyword must be specified. Programmer response: Examine the language
Chapter 4. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

definitions in the project definition for usage of the FLMTOPTS macro. Add the OPTIONS keyword to the FLMTOPTS macros that do not specify the OPTIONS keyword. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - OUTPUT LANGUAGE NOT DEFINED Macro: FLMAEND, FLMALLOC, FLMLANGL Explanation: The language specified on the LANG parameter of an FLMALLOC macro is not defined. All languages used as values for the LANG parameter must be defined using the FLMLANGL macro. Project manager response: Change the language specified for LANG, or define the specified language using FLMLANGL, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - PATHDSP IS ONLY VALID WHEN IOTYPE=H Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: Specification of PATHDSP on the FLMALLOC macro is only valid for HFS files (IOTYPE=H). Project manager response: Either specify the file as being a HFS (IOTYPE=H), or remove the PATHDSP parameter and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - PATHMDE IS ONLY VALID WHEN IOTYPE=H Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: Specification of PATHMDE on the FLMALLOC macro is only valid for HFS files (IOTYPE=H). Project manager response: Either specify the file as being a HFS (IOTYPE=H), or remove the PATHMDE parameter and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - PATHOPTS IS ONLY VALID WHEN IOTYPE=H Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: Specification of PATHOPTS on the FLMALLOC macro is only valid for HFS files (IOTYPE=H). Project manager response: Either specify the file as being a HFS (IOTYPE=H), or remove the PATHOPTS parameter and assemble the project definition again.


SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

ERROR - PDSDATA VALUE MUST BE Y FOR BUILD/PARSE Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: The specified value on the PDSDATA parameter is incorrect. The allowable value for build and parse translators is Y. Project manager response: Change the PDSDATA value to Y, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - PRIMARY GROUPS > 123 FOR GROUP: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND, FLMGROUP Explanation: The hierarchical view from group xxxxxxxx has more than 123 groups. See z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information. Project manager response: Reduce the number of groups in the view from group xxxxxxxx, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - PROBLEM IN FLMTRNSL NUMBER: nnnn Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: This error occurs when all of the FLMTRNSL macros for BUILD translators in a language definition that use FLMTCOND with the WHEN keyword do not have identical KEYREF and DFLTTYP keywords on the FLMALLOC macros. The FLMTRNSL number is the ordinal of the FLMTRNSL macro in a language definition. This is one of several messages that describe the problem. Programmer response: Examine all of the messages to determine the keyword mismatch. Browse the project definition. The problem was found in FLMTRNSL number nnnn in a language definition. Edit the language definition and make the KEYREF and DFLTTYP keyword values consistent. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - PROBLEM IN LANGUAGE DEFINITION NUMBER: nnnn Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: This error occurs when all of the FLMTRNSL macros for BUILD translators in a language definition that use FLMTCOND with the WHEN keyword do not have identical KEYREF and DFLTTYP keywords on the FLMALLOC macros. The language definition number is the language definition ordinal in the project definition. This is one of several messages that describe the problem. Programmer response: Examine all of the messages to determine the keyword mismatch. Browse the project ERROR - RECURSIVE ENTRY CAUSED BY SPECIFIED AUTHCODE GROUP Macro: FLMAGRP Explanation: An authorization code specified on the AC parameter is also the authorization code group name on the same FLMAGRP macro. Project manager response: Change the authorization code or the group name, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - REUSEDAY IS NOT ALLOWED WITHOUT PACKFILE=Y Macro: FLMTYPE Explanation: The REUSEDAY parameter should only be specified on a type (FLMTYPE) that has been specified as containing the package backup information. Project manager response: Either move the REUSEDAY parameter to the type specified as containing the package backup information (PACKFILE=Y), or specify this type as being a packfile (PACKFILE=Y) and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - REUSEDAY PARM MUST BE BETWEEN 0 and 9999 Macro: FLMTYPE Explanation: The REUSEDAY parameter did not specify a value between 0 and 9999. definition. The problem was found in language definition number nnnn in the project definition. Edit the language definition and make the KEYREF and DFLTTYP keyword values consistent. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - PROMOTION GROUP IS NOT THE BACKED UP GROUP. BACKED UP GROUP: xxxxxxxx BACKUP GROUP: yyyyyyyy PROMOTION GROUP: zzzzzzzz. Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The promotion group zzzzzzzz specified in the parameter PROMOTE on the FLMGROUP macro for group xxxxxxxx is not the same as the backup group yyyyyyyy specified on the BKGRP parameter on the FLMGROUP macro for zzzzzzzz. Project manager response: Modify the FLMGROUP macros for xxxxxxxx and zzzzzzzz so that the BKGRP parameter on zzzzzzzz and the PROMOTE parameter on xxxxxxxx are the same value. Once complete, assemble the project definition again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

Project manager response: Modify the REUSEDAY parameter to specify a value between 0 and 9999, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - SAMEAS VALUE NOT ALLOWED WITH TYPES VALUE Macro: FLMINCLS Explanation: It is not possible to specify the SAMEAS parameter with the TYPES parameter on the FLMINCLS macro. Project manager response: Remove either the SAMEAS parameter or the TYPES parameter, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - SEQNUM PARM MUST BE NONE, COBOL OR STANDARD Macro: FLMATVER Explanation: The sequence number parameter for versioning (SEQNUM) must be either NONE, COBOL, or STANDARD. Project manager response: Modify the SEQNUM parameter on the FLMATVER macro to be a either NONE, COBOL, or STANDARD, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - SPECIFICATION OF THIS MACRO EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ALLOWED Macro: FLMALLOC, FLMATVER, FLMCPYLB, FLMEXLIB, FLMGROUP, FLMLANGL, FLMTRNSL, FLMTYPE Explanation: Each of these macros can be specified a limited number of times in a project definition. In each case, the maximum number is 32 000. Project manager response: Reduce the number of instances of the macro producing the error, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - SPECIFIED AUTHCODE ALREADY PROCESSED AS A MEMBER Macro: FLMAGRP Explanation: The name of the authorization code group has already been used as one of the authorization codes specified on the AC parameter of a previous FLMAGRP macro. Project manager response: Change the name of the group, or remove the bad authorization code from the AC parameter of a previous FLMAGRP macro, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - SPECIFIED LANGUAGE WAS PREVIOUSLY DEFINED Macro: FLMCMPLB, FLMSYSLB Explanation: The language name specified was used on a previous FLMCMPLB or FLMSYSLB macro. One unique language can be used per FLMCMPLB or FLMSYSLB concatenation. See FLMCMPLB macro or FLMSYSLB macro in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information. Project manager response: Change the language name
Chapter 4. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

ERROR - SPECIFIED AUTHCODE GROUP CONTAINS DUPLICATE MEMBERS Macro: FLMAGRP Explanation: The authorization code group name specified has already been used as a group name on a previous FLMAGRP macro. Project manager response: Change the name of the authorization code group, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - SPECIFIED AUTHCODE GROUP CONTAINS NO MEMBERS Macro: FLMAGRP Explanation: No authorization codes were specified on the AC parameter. An authorization code group must contain one or more authorization codes. Project manager response: Add one or more authorization codes to the AC parameter, or remove the FLMAGRP macro, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - SPECIFIED FLMALTC HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY DEFINED Macro: FLMALTC Explanation: The alternate control name specified has already been defined using an FLMALTC macro. Project manager response: Change one of the duplicate names, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - SPECIFIED GROUP HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY DEFINED Macro: FLMGROUP Explanation: The group name specified has already been defined using an FLMGROUP macro. Project manager response: Change one of the duplicate names, and assemble the project definition again.


SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - SPECIFIED MACRO ONLY VALID FOR BUILD TRANSLATORS Macro: FLMTCOND, FLMTOPTS Explanation: A macro that is restricted to BUILD translators was used with an FLMTRNSL that did not specify FUNCTION=BUILD. Programmer response: Examine the language definitions in the project definition for usage of restricted macros with an FLMTRNSL macro that does not specify FUNCTION=BUILD. Edit the language definition for correct use of the restricted macros. Reassemble and link the project definitions that use the language definition. ERROR - SPECIFIED TYPE WAS PREVIOUSLY DEFINED Macro: FLMTYPE Explanation: The type name has already been specified on a previous FLMTYPE macro. Project manager response: Change the type name, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - TASKLIB IS ONLY VALID FOR BUILD TRANSLATORS Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: TASKLIB can only be specified for build translators. Project manager response: Specify FUNCTN=BUILD on the FLMTRNSL macro when using the TASKLIB keyword. ERROR - TASKLIB VALUE > 8 CHARACTERS, IGNORED Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: The DDNAME specified for the TASKLIB keyword was more than 8 characters. Project manager response: Change the DDNAME to one that has 8 characters or less. ERROR - THE BKGRP DOES NOT EXIST AS A FLMGROUP. BKGRP NAME: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The FLMGROUP macro being processed was previously specified as a BKGRP on another FLMGROUP macro. This current FLMGROUP macro cannot specify the backup group (BKGRP) xxxxxxxx. Project manager response: Modify the FLMGROUP macro to remove the BKGRP and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - THE FLMGROUP FOR A BACKUP GROUP CANNOT ALSO USE THE BKGRP KEYWORD. BKGRP NAME: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The backup group BKGRP=xxxxxxxx has been set up on a FLMGROUP macro but a FLMGROUP macro has not been set up for the group xxxxxxxx. Project manager response: Modify the project definition to specify a FLMGROUP macro for xxxxxxxx and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - THE xxxxxxxx PARM VALUE MUST BE Y OR N Macro: FLMTYPE Explanation: A value other than Y or N was specified for the parameter xxxxxxxx. Project manager response: Modify the parameter xxxxxxxx to specify either Y or N, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - TYPE NAME MUST ALSO BE DEFINED IN FLMTYPE MACRO Macro: FLMAEND, FLMATVER, FLMTYPE Explanation: The value of the TYPE parameter on the FLMATVER macro is not a valid type defined in the project definition. Project manager response: Change the value of the TYPE parameter to a valid type, or add the type with an FLMTYPE macro, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - TYPE: xxxxxxxx NOT DEFINED IN THE SCLM PROJECT Macro: FLMXAEND Explanation: The type xxxxxxxx specified on the FLMNPRM macro is not defined in the SCLM project. Project manager response: Modify the type xxxxxxxx on the FLMNPRM macro to be a type specified in SCLM project and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - UNABLE TO FIND FLMALTC: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND, FLMALTC, FLMGROUP Explanation: The alternate control name specified on the ALTC parameter of the FLMGROUP macro is not defined. Project manager response: Define the alternate control name using FLMALTC, or correct the ALTC parameter


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

in error, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - UNABLE TO FIND PROMOTE GROUP: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND, FLMGROUP Explanation: The group named xxxxxxxxx was specified on the PROMOTE parameter of an FLMGROUP macro. However, that group name is not a valid group. Project manager response: Change the group name on the PROMOTE parameter, or add the group using an FLMGROUP macro, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - UNDEFINED TYPE REFERENCED BY THE INCLUDE-SET TYPE:xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMINCLS Explanation: The TYPE parameter on the FLMINCLS macro references a type xxxxxxxx which is not defined in the SCLM project. Project manager response: Modify the FLMINCLS macro to specify a type found in the SCLM project definition and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - VALUE FOR PDSDATA MUST MATCH FOR ALL TRANSLATORS OF THE SAME TYPE WITHIN A LANGUAGE Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: Multiple translators of any function type (such as PARSE, BUILD and COPY) for the same language must all specify the same PDSDATA value. Project manager response: Change the PDSDATA values for the translators, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - VERCOUNT MUST BE ZERO OR >= 2 Macro: FLMCNTRL, FLMATVER Explanation: The VERCOUNT parameter on the FLMCNTRL or FLMATVER macros must either be 0 or greater than or equal to 2. Project manager response: Modify the VERCOUNT on the FLMCNTRL or FLMATVER macro to be a either 0 or greater than or equal to 2, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - VERS IS REQUIRED WHEN xxxxxxxx SPECIFIED Macro: FLMALTC, FLMCNTRL Explanation: The VERS parameter must be specified when xxxxxxxx is VERS2 or VERPDS. VERS specifies a VSAM audit control data set name, which must be present when specifying a secondary VSAM audit control data set (VERS2), or version data PDS (VERPDS). Project manager response: Add a VERS parameter and value, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - VERS NAME AND VERS2 NAME ARE THE SAME Macro: FLMALTC, FLMCNTRL Explanation: The name on the VERS2 parameter must be different from the name on the VERS parameter. Project manager response: Change the name on the VERS2 parameter and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - VERS REQUIRED IN FLMALTC FOR VERSION/AUDIT FLMALTC: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND, FLMALTC, FLMATVER Explanation: Audit and/or version control has been enabled using an FLMATVER macro, but no VSAM audit control data set has been specified on the FLMALTC macro associated with the group being audited/versioned. The FLMALTC alternate control definition in error is named xxxxxxxx. Project manager response: Add a VERS parameter and data set name to the FLMALTC macro in error, or remove the FLMATVER macro, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - VERS REQUIRED IN FLMCNTRL FOR VERSION/AUDIT Macro: FLMAEND, FLMATVER, FLMCNTRL Explanation: Audit and/or version control has been enabled using a FLMATVER macro, but no VSAM audit control data set has been specified on the FLMCNTRL macro. Project manager response: Add a VERS parameter and data set name to the FLMCNTRL macro, or remove the FLMATVER macro, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - VOLume keyword is not accepted with NULLFILE specified Macro: FLMCPYLB Explanation: The data set name specified on an FLMCPYLB statement is NULLFILE (indicating a dummy data set allocation) along with the VOL=xxxxxx keyword. A volume specification for a dummy data set is not allowed. Project manager response: Remove VOL=xxxxxx specification and assemble the project definition again.

Chapter 4. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)


SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

ERROR - XDEPUPD parm value must be Y or N Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: The XDEPUPD parameter indicates whether the cross-dependency data set is to be kept in sync with the accounting data set. This parameter must be either Y or N. Project manager response: Modify the XDEPUPD parameter to be either Y or N. ERROR - XREF AND EXPXREF NAMES SAME IN FLMCNTRL, FLMALTC: aaaaaaaa Macro: FLMAEND Explanation: The export cross-reference data set and the cross-reference data set have the same names in the FLMCNTRL macro and FLMALTC macro aaaaaaaa. This is not allowed. Project manager response: Change the name of the export cross-reference data set and regenerate the project definition. ERROR - XREF IS REQUIRED WHEN EXPXREF SPECIFIED Macro: FLMALTC, FLMCNTRL Explanation: A VSAM cross reference data set must be specified on the XREF parameter in order to use the EXPXREF parameter. Project manager response: Remove the EXPXREF parameter, or define an XREF data set, and assemble the project definition again. ERROR - xxxxxxxx PARAMETER IS REQUIRED Macro: FLMATVER Explanation: The xxxxxxxx parameter must be specified with an acceptable value. Versioning must be enabled for specific groups and types. See FLMATVER macro in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference for more information. Project manager response: Add the missing parameter and a corresponding value and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - DASDUNIT NAME > 8 CHARS, TRUNCATED Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: A value specified for the DASDUNIT parameter exceeded the maximum length of eight characters. The name specified was truncated to 8 characters. Project manager response: If the truncated value is WARNING - FLMSYSLB LIBRARIES FOR LANGUAGE: xxxxxxxx EXCEEDS MAXIMUM OF 123. REMAINING LIBRARIES IGNORED. INCLUDE-SET: zzzzzzzz. Macro: FLMAEND, FLMXAEND WARNING - EXTENDED TYPE NAME > 8 CHARS, TRUNCATED Macro: FLMTYPE Explanation: The type name specified on the EXTEND keyword parameter is too long. Type names can only a maximum of 8 characters. The name specified was truncated to 8 characters. Project manager response: If the truncated type name is unacceptable, change it to the correct length, and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - FIELD DISP IS IGNORED FOR IOTYPES L, N, AND U Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: A nonblank value was specified for the DISP parameter on an FLMALLOC macro with IOTYPE=L, N, or U. Because these IOTYPEs do not allocate a data set, disposition has no meaning. The value specified is ignored. Project manager response: Change the IOTYPE on the macro to allocate a data set or remove the DISP parameter from the macro. Reassemble and link the project definition. WARNING - FLMALTC Macro Name: xxx(8) NEVER REFERENCED BY AN FLMGROUP MACRO Macro: FLMAEND, FLMALTC, FLMGROUP Explanation: The alternate control named xxxxxxxx was not used as an ALTC value in any FLMGROUP macro. That alternate control will not be used. Project manager response: Correct the FLMALTC macro, or the ALTC parameter on the FLMGROUP macro, and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - FLMALTC NAME GREATER THAN 8 CHARS, TRUNCATED Macro: FLMALTC Explanation: The name on the FLMALTC macro is too long. The name is truncated to 8 characters. Project manager response: Use a name with 8 or fewer characters on the FLMALTC macro statement. Assemble the project definition again. unacceptable, change it to the correct length, and reassemble the project definition.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

Explanation: The INCLUDE-SET: xxxxxxxx was specified with more than 123 libraries. Project manager response: Modify the INCLUDE-SET to specify 123 libraries or less and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - FLMxxxLB LIBRARIES FOR LANGUAGE: xxxxxxxx EXCEED MAXIMUM OF: 123. REMAINING LIBRARIES IGNORED. Macro: FLMAEND, FLMCMPLB, FLMSYSLB Explanation: The number of libraries concatenated using FLMCMPLB or FLMSYSLB for language xxxxxxxx is too high. Only the first 123 libraries will be concatenated. Project manager response: If the result of ignoring some libraries is unacceptable, reduce the number of concatenated libraries, and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - INVALID VALUE FOR FIELD CALLMETH Macro: FLMCNTRL, FLMTRNSL Explanation: The specified value for the CALLMETH parameter is incorrect. Allowable values are ATTACH, LINK, TSOLNK, and ISPLNK. Project manager response: Correct the value and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - INVALID VALUE FOR FIELD KEYREF, IGNORED Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The value specified on the keyword parameter KEYREF is incorrect. It must be a valid build map or architecture definition keyword. The keyword and the specified value were ignored. Project manager response: Check the values in z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. Change the value to an acceptable one, and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - INVALID VALUE FOR FIELD xxxxxxxx, DEFAULTED Macro: FLMALLOC, FLMATVER, FLMCNTRL, FLMLANGL, FLMTRNSL Explanation: The value specified on the keyword parameter xxxxxxxx is incorrect. The default value was used. Project manager response: Check the values for the macro keyword in the topic about SCLM Macros in the z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. Change the value to an acceptable one, and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - LANGUAGE NAME GREATER THAN 8 CHARS, TRUNCATED Macro: FLMLANGL Explanation: The user-specified pseudonym language name on the LANG keyword parameter is too long. Language names can be up to 8 characters. The name specified was truncated to 8 characters. Project manager response: If the truncated language name is unacceptable, change it to the correct length, and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - LANGUAGE: xxxxxxxx NOT DEFINED. FLMxxxLB LIBRARIES IGNORED. Macro: FLMAEND, FLMLANGL, FLMCMPLB, FLMSYSLB Explanation: Language xxxxxxxx specified on a FLMCMPLB or FLMSYSLB library concatenation is not defined by any FLMLANGL macro. The library concatenation associated with language xxxxxxxx was ignored. WARNING - IOTYPE INVALID FOR TRANSLATOR FUNCTION Macro: FLMALLOC Explanation: The value specified on the IOTYPE parameter is not valid for the FUNCTN parameter specified in the FLMTRNSL macro. Project manager response: Change the IOTYPE specified to one that is valid for the translator function and reassemble the project definition. WARNING - LABEL INVALID FOR xxxxxxxx. TRANSLATOR DEFAULTED TO BLANK. Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: The build FLMTRNSL macro (FUNCTN=BUILD) was specified with a label. This label was defaulted to blanks. Project manager response: Remove the invalid label from the build FLMTRNSL macro. WARNING - LANGDESC GREATER THAN 40 CHARS, TRUNCATED Macro: FLMLANGL Explanation: The language description specified by parameter LANGDESC on the FLMLANGL macros is greater than 40 characters. The LANGDESC parameter was truncated to 40 characters. Project manager response: Modify the LANGDESC to be 40 characters or less and assemble the project definition again.

Chapter 4. SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)


SCLM macro messages (MNOTEs)

Project manager response: Define the language using FLMLANGL, or correct the language on the FLMCMPLB or FLMSYSLB macro, and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - MAXVIO MUST BE LESS THAN 2147483648, DEFAULTED TO 5000 Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: The value specified on the MAXVIO parameter is too high. The maximum value is 2 147 483 647. The default value of 5000 was used. Project manager response: If the default value is not acceptable, reduce the specified MAXVIO value, and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - MULTIPLE BRANCHES DETECTED FOR NON-KEY GROUP: xxxxxxxx Macro: FLMAEND, FLMGROUP Explanation: Non-key group xxxxxxxxx has multiple groups promoting into it. Any group with more than one lower group promoting into it should be key. For more information, see z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference. Project manager response: Change the group structure to remove the condition if it is unacceptable. Then assemble the project definition again. WARNING - NO COMMAS ALLOWED IN AUTHCODE xxxxxxxx AUTHCODE IGNORED Macro: FLMAGRP, FLMGROUP Explanation: Authorization code xxxxxxxx contains commas. Commas are not allowed in authorization codes. The authorization code will be ignored. Project manager response: Remove the invalid authorization code and reassemble and relink the project definition. WARNING - SPECIFIED GROUP CONTAINS NO AUTHCODES Macro: FLMGROUP Explanation: No authorization codes or groups were specified on the AC parameter. The AC parameter can be omitted but doing so prevents members from being edited in the group. In addition, no editable members can be promoted into or out of the group. Project manager response: If omitting the authorization codes or groups is too restrictive, add some values to the AC parameter, and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - TASKLIB IS IGNORED UNLESS CALLMETH IS ATTACH Macro: FLMTRNSL Explanation: TASKLIB is only valid when the CALLMETH is ATTACH. The TASKLIB keyword will be ignored when the CALLMETH is LINK or TSOLNK. Project manager response: Specify ATTACH for the CALLMETH keyword. WARNING - VIOUNIT NAME > 8 CHARS, TRUNCATED Macro: FLMCNTRL Explanation: A value specified for the VIOUNIT parameter exceeded the maximum length of 8 characters. The name specified was truncated to 8 characters. Project manager response: If the truncated value is unacceptable, change it to the correct length, and assemble the project definition again. WARNING - xxxxxxxx NAME GREATER THAN 8 CHARACTERS, TRUNCATED Macro: FLMALTC, FLMGROUP, FLMLANGL, FLMTSEXT, FLMTYPE Explanation: The specified group, type, alternate control (ALTC) or version name xxxxxxxx is too long. Group, type, alternate control or version names can only be 1-8 characters. The name specified was truncated to 8 characters. Project manager response: If the truncated name is unacceptable, change the name to the correct length, and assemble the project definition again.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Chapter 5. SuperC messages

There are three levels of SuperC messages: v Informational messages do not affect the return code. SuperC completes normally. v Warning messages return a code of 4 to 7. Processing is completed, but some user option/operation may not be completely performed. v Error messages are accompanied by a return code of 8 or greater. Processing is prematurely terminated. This topic explains the SuperC message format and the messages you may receive. Each of the messages issued by SuperC is of the form:

Message format ISRSnnns where: ISRS nnn s is the program identifier for SuperC represents a particular message number is the message severity level: I W E

Informational message Warning message Error message

create an output update file in this situation. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: None. ISRS003I THE COMPARISON OPERATION WAS EXECUTED UNDER STORAGE CONSTRAINTS THAT MAY AFFECT RESULTS/THROUGHPUT.


Explanation: No data has been found to be compared. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that the file/member name(s) have been entered correctly. Also, check that the parameters for any select, focus/exclude options are correct. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Options SuperC Compare Process Statements ISRS002I NO UPDATE FILE/DATA SET GENERATED FOR UPDCMS8 OR UPDMVS8 OPTIONS WHEN NO INPUT DIFFERENCES ARE FOUND.

Explanation: Insufficient storage available for normal processing. Results are unpredictable. Output may be formatted incorrectly. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Specify a larger region parameter on the JCL and resubmit the job. ISRS004I LISTING LINES MAY BE TRUNCATED DUE TO LIMITING OUTPUT LINE WIDTH.

Explanation: No differences in the input have been found. The update process option specified does not
Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2009

Explanation: The length of the data being printed is less than the length of one of the records. This would


be normal for a NARROW listing of 80 character records. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: The maximum listing length is 80 characters. If the data has records greater than 80, the part after the 80th character will not be displayed. If the length of the data is between 56 and 80 characters, the WIDE option will give a side-by-side listing of 80 characters from each file. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Options SuperC Search-For Process Options ISRS005I NO DATA SEARCHED INVALID NAME(S), EMPTY MEMBERS PROCESSED OR ZERO SEARCH SET AFTER INPUT FILTERING. System action: The SuperC run continues (without GWCBL process option). Programmer response: None. ISRS010W process-option PROCESS OPTION PARAMETER IS NOT A VALID PROCESS OPTION. IT IS IGNORED.

Explanation: process-option is not a valid process option keyword and has been ignored. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that the process option(s) have been entered correctly. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Options SuperC Search-For Process Options ISRS011W start-value SPECIFIED START VALUE GREATER THAN STOP VALUE. STOP VALUE CHANGED TO MAXIMUM VALUE.

Explanation: No data has been found to be searched. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that the file/member name(s) have been entered correctly. Also, check that the parameters for any SELECT, FOCUS/EXCLUDE process options are correct. Refer: SuperC Search-For Process Options in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS006I UPDATE PROCESSING DETECTED SEQUENCE NUMBERING ERRORS.

Explanation: When nominating a range, the start value for the range has been specified with value greater than the stop value for the range. SuperC has attempted to accommodate the range by extending the stop value to the maximum value for the line or file concerned. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check start and stop values for range(s). ISRS012W SRCHFOR STATEMENT(S) MISSING FOR SEARCH-FOR COMPARE TYPE REQUEST. ZERO LINES WILL BE INSPECTED.

Explanation: The sequence numbers on one or both input files have found to be incorrect. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check sequence numbering on input. ISRS007I MOVED LINE FLAGGING ONLY VALID FOR FIRST 32K LINES PORTION OF COMPARE OPERATION PER DATA SET (OR FILE).

Explanation: SuperC expected 1 or more SRCHFOR process statements to be present (specifying the string(s) to be searched for) but none were found. No records searched. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that search string is being supplied to SuperC correctly. Refer: SRCHFOR, SRCHFORC - Search for Strings in the Input Files in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS013W CERTAIN DO NOT PROCESS OPTIONS ARE REJECTED DUE TO LINE LENGTHS > 256. OPTIONS RESERVED FOR PROGRAM SOURCE DATA.

Explanation: Process option FMVLNS (Flag Moved Lines) restricted to a maximum of 32K blocks of moved lines. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: None. ISRS009W GWCBL OPTION AND Y2DTONLY MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. GWCBL IS IGNORED.

Explanation: GWCBL and Y2DTONLY process options cannot be used together.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Explanation: Do not process options are not allowed if line > 256 characters. These options are primarily for source text. The DPLINE process statement is allowed in these cases. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Either use the DPLINE statement or modify the data before comparing. ISRS014W UPDATE OPTION CONFLICTS WITH DO NOT PROCESS OPTION SELECTION. DO NOT PROCESS OPTIONS IGNORED. ISRS018W file-name1:file-name2 SELECT MEMBER-PAIR WAS NOT FOUND. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Statements

Explanation: One or both of the members or files in the SELECT process statement could not be found. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that both member/file names have been specified correctly. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Statements ISRS019W YEAR 2000 AGING PARAMETER IS INVALID

Explanation: The update process option specified is incompatible with the Do not process (DP...) process option(s) specified. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check process options used. Refer: SuperC Compare Process Options in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS015W UPDMVS8 AND UPDCMS8 PROCESS OPTIONS ARE ONLY ALLOWED WITH FIXED 80 RECORDS.

Explanation: Aging parameter in NY2AGE/OY2AGE is not numeric. It should be a value between 1 and 999. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Change NY2AGE/OY2AGE aging parameter to a valid value. ISRS020W Y2DTONLY OPTION IGNORED AS THERE ARE NO VALID DATE DEFINITIONS.

System action: The SuperC run continues. No update file is created. Programmer response: Check that the appropriate update process option is being used for the input file. Refer: SuperC Compare Process Options in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS016W MOVE LINE DETECTION RESTRICTED TO LINES <= 256 LRECL. OPTION IS IGNORED.

Explanation: A Year 2000 Compare Dates Only (Y2DTONLY) process option has been specified but no dates have been defined by Year 2000 Date Definition (NY2C, NY2Z, NY2D, NY2P, OY2C, OY2Z, OY2D, OY2P) process statements. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Use appropriate Year 2000 Date Definition process statements to define the date(s) to be compared. Refer: SuperC Compare Process Options in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS022W compare-type COMPARE TYPE AND THIS PROCESS STATEMENT ARE INCOMPATIBLE. STATEMENT IGNORED.

Explanation: Process option FMVLNS is restricted to lines <= 256 characters. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: None. ISRS017W file-name - SELECT MEMBER WAS NOT FOUND.

Explanation: The member or file in the SELECT process statement could not be found. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that the member/file name in the SELECT process statement is correct. Also, check that the group from which the member/file is to be selected has been specified correctly.

Explanation: The compare type specified (FILE, LINE, WORD, or BYTE) is not valid for the process statement that has been specified. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Change compare type to one that is valid for the process statement involved.
Chapter 5. SuperC messages


Refer: SuperC Compare Process Statements in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS023W UNRECOGNIZED OR INVALID PROCESS STATEMENT KEYWORD. Programmer response: Change process option(s) or process statement(s) as necessary. ISRS028W statement-type STATEMENT CONFLICTS WITH SPECIFIED UPDATE OPTIONS. STATEMENT IGNORED.

Explanation: Keyword not valid for the process statement specified System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check if the process statement involved requires a keyword. If so, ensure a valid keyword is used. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Statements ISRS024W EXTRA DATA DETECTED AFTER NORMAL STATEMENT END. STATEMENT ACCEPTED WITH WARNING NOTIFICATION.

Explanation: The type of statement specified is not compatible with one or more of the update process options specified. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Options SuperC Compare Process Statements ISRS029W A SELECT PROCESS STATEMENT IS INVALID WITH SEQUENTIAL FILES/DATA SETS. STATEMENT IGNORED.

Explanation: SELECT process statements can only be used to select members/files from a group. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Statements ISRS030W THE SELECT STATEMENT HAS AN INVALID MEMBER NAME OR IMPROPER OPERAND FORMAT. STMT/MEMBER IGNORED.

Explanation: Extraneous data or incorrect syntax. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check format of statement. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Options SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Options SuperC Search-For Process Statements ISRS025W INVALID PROCESS STATEMENT DATA-VALUE/OPERAND, EXTRA DATA OR EXCEEDS COLUMN 72. STMT/OPERAND IGNORED.

Explanation: Incorrect content or syntax. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that the member/file name(s) have been entered correctly in the SELECT process statement. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Statements ISRS031W AN INVALID START COLUMN VALUE WAS SPECIFIED.

Explanation: Incorrect syntax for process statement. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check required syntax for process statement. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Statements ISRS026W THE CMPBOFS STATEMENT AND UPDCNTL CONFLICT. STATEMENT IGNORED.

Explanation: Missing, nonnumeric, or otherwise invalid start column parameter specified. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that details have been entered correctly and in accordance with the required syntax. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II:

Explanation: Cannot use a CMPBOFS process statement with UPDCNTL process option. System action: The SuperC run continues. CMPBOFS process statement ignored.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes


Explanation: SELECT process statements can only be used to select members/files from a group. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Statements ISRS037W DPLINEC MUST BE PRECEDED BY A VALID DPLINE/DPLINEC STATEMENT. STATEMENT REJECTED.

Explanation: Column values not in ascending sequence or, possibly, statements out of sequence. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that SuperC receives column numbers/ranges in ascending sequence such that a record can be scanned sequentially from left to right. ISRS033W CMPCOLM RANGE STARTS WITH A VALUE EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM PROCESSING LENGTH. STATEMENT TERMINATED.

Explanation: The DPLINEC process statement is a continuation of the preceding DPLINE (or DPLINEC) statement and therefore must always be preceded by one of those statements. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Ensure the first Do not process statement is a DPLINE followed, if necessary, by a DPLINEC statement containing continuation information. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Statements ISRS038W SRCHFORC MUST BE PRECEDED BY A VALID SRCHFOR/SRCHFORC STATEMENT. STATEMENT REJECTED.

Explanation: The start-column specified in the CMPCOLM process statement is greater than the logical record length of the file. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Correct the column/range specified in the CMPCOLM process statement. ISRS034W CMPCOLM STMT(S) HAS TOO MANY RANGES. ONLY FIRST 15 RANGES WILL BE USED.

Explanation: More than the permitted maximum of 15 ranges/individual columns specified for the CMPCOLM process statement. Extraneous information ignored. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Limit ranges/individual columns to a maximum of 15 for each run of SuperC. Additional ranges/individual columns can be specified in a separate run. ISRS035W INVALID CHANGE TEXT COMBINATION OF NEW TEXT > OLD TEXT AND LINE LENGTHS > 256 ATTRIBUTE.

Explanation: The SRCHFORC process statement is a continuation of the preceding SRCHFOR (or SRCHFORC) statement and therefore must always be preceded by one of those statements. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Ensure the first search statement is a SRCHFOR followed, if necessary, by a SRCHFORC statement containing continuation information. Refer: SuperC Search-For Process Statements in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS040W SOME LINES OVERFLOW WITH CHANGE TEXT SUBSTITUTION. RESULTS MAY BE AFFECTED.

Explanation: The length of the search text in a NCHGT or OCHGT process statement can not be greater than the length of the change text when a record is greater than 256 characters. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Correct process statement.

Explanation: Change text (NCHGT/OCHGT process statement) has a different length than search text. The result could run past the end of the record. System action: The SuperC run continues.

Chapter 5. SuperC messages


Programmer response: See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Statements ISRS041W UPDLDEL OPTION INVALID DUE TO INCONSISTENT LRECL OR RECFM ATTRIBUTES. process statement has been used for a group of files or members. These statements are only valid for single members or files. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Specify a single member/file. ISRS051W CONFLICTING FOCUS/EXCLUDE STATEMENTS DEFINED.

Explanation: If input is fixed, then both files must be the same record length. The UPDLDEL option is ignored. System action: The SuperC run continues (without UPDLDEL process option). Programmer response: Refer: SuperC Compare Process Options in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS042W NCHGT AND OCHGT MIXED DBCS PATTERNS MUST BE THE SAME LENGTH. STATEMENT REJECTED.

Explanation: NEXCLUDE/OEXCLUDE process statements are mutually exclusive to NFOCUS/OFOCUS respectively if using the same operand keyword (ROWS or COLS). System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that the NEXCLUDE/OEXCLUDE and NFOCUS/OFOCUS process statements will exclude and focus on the data you want without conflicting with each other. Refer: SuperC Compare Process Statements in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS052W WRONG DATE FORMAT IN NEW FILE

Explanation: The lengths of the search text and change text must be equal length in DBCS. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Correct NCHGT or OCHGT process statement. ISRS043W CMPCOLM NOT VALID FOR MIXED DATA AND SRCHCMP OR WORDCMP OPERATIONS. STATEMENT REJECTED.

Explanation: Date definition format in NY2C/NY2Z/NY2D/NY2P statement is invalid. Date is ignored. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Correct process statement. Refer: SuperC Compare Process Statements in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS053W WRONG DATE FORMAT IN OLD FILE

Explanation: CMPCOLM process statement cannot be used with search or WORD compare type when the input contains a mixture of DBCS and non-DBCS data. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Correct process statement or change to a line compare. ISRS044W MIXING CMPLINE, CMPSECT, AND CMPBOFS STMTS IS NOT ALLOWED. STATEMENT REJECTED.

Explanation: Date definition format in OY2C/OY2Z/OY2D/OY2P statement is invalid. Date is ignored. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Correct process statement. Refer: SuperC Compare Process Statements in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS054E NEW FILE/DATA SET NAME/MEMBER IS INVALID OR AN ERROR WAS ENCOUNTERED DURING OPEN. OPERATION TERMINATED.

Explanation: Invalid combination of process statements. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Use only one of these type of process statements at a time. ISRS045W statement-type STATEMENT(S) ONLY ALLOWED WITH SINGLE MEMBERS OR SEQUENTIAL FILES/DATA SETS. STATEMENT REJECTED.

Explanation: New input file could not be found or a problem was encountered during the open process. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Check that the new file



z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes


Explanation: Old input file could not be found or a problem was encountered during the open process. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Check that the old file name has been specified correctly ISRS056E SRH FILE/DATA SET NAME/MEMBER IS INVALID OR AN ERROR WAS ENCOUNTERED DURING OPEN. OPERATION TERMINATED.

Explanation: Old file/data set I/O error. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Refer to your system programmer. ISRS061E A SYNAD ERROR INTERCEPT ON THE UPD-FILE/DATA SET WAS DETECTED. THE OUTPUT MAY BE INCOMPLETE.

Explanation: Update file/data set I/O error. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Refer to your system programmer. ISRS062E UPDATE FILE/DATA SET, DELDD, MISSING OR INCOMPATIBLE ATTRIBUTES/LRECL FOR PDS/MACLIB. UPDATE OPTIONS CANCELED.

Explanation: New file could not be opened System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Check that the data set/file has been assigned correctly. ISRS057E THE INPUT FILES/DATA SETS COULD NOT BE PROCESSED. BOTH MUST BE SEQUENTIAL OR A WHOLE PDS/MACLIB.

Explanation: Cannot compare a PDS/MACLIB/ TXTLIB/Librarian with a sequential file/data set. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Ensure input files are comparable. ISRS058E MEMORY AVAILABLE WAS INSUFFICIENT. OPERATION TERMINATED.

Explanation: Update/delta file requested but there is no assignment for it. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Refer to your system programmer. ISRS063E member-name - SYNAD ERROR INTERCEPT OCCURRED PROCESSING NAMED MEMBER.

Explanation: There was insufficient memory available for SuperC to run. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Increase amount of memory available. ISRS059E A SYNAD ERROR INTERCEPT ON THE NEW-FILE/DATA SET IS AN I/O ERROR, CONCATENATION ORDERING OR ATTRIBUTE CONFLICT.

Explanation: I/O error on processing member. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Refer to your system programmer. ISRS064E data-set-name COULD NOT BE OPENED

Explanation: Problem encountered when trying to open data set. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Correct either the data-set-name process statement or the dataset-name JCL statement.

Explanation: New file/data set I/O error. System action: The SuperC run terminates.

Chapter 5. SuperC messages



Explanation: Label details for data set missing. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Correct either the data-set-name process statement or the data-set-name JCL statement. ISRS066E data-set-name IS A NATIVE VSAM FILE. NATIVE VSAM IS NOT SUPPORTED.

Explanation: The NARROW process option cannot be used with the COLHEAD process statement. System action: The COLHEAD statements are accepted and the NARROW (side-by-side) process option is ignored. The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that you are using the correct process options and statements. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Options SuperC Compare Process Statements ISRS072W UPDATE PROCESS OPTIONS INCOMPATIBLE WITH Y2DTONLY PROCESS OPTION.

Explanation: VSAM catalog indicates that this file is not a VSAM-managed SAM file. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Refer to your system programmer. ISRS067E data-set-name SHOWCAT FAILURE.

Explanation: Error in accessing VSAM catalog. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Make sure the data-set-name is assigned correctly. ISRS068E data-set-name DEVICE TYPE NOT SUPPORTED.

Explanation: Update process options cannot be used with the Year 2000 Compare Dates Only process option. System action: The UPD... process option is ignored. The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that you are using the correct process options and statements. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Options SuperC Compare Process Statements ISRS073W Y2PAST PROCESS STATEMENT SPECIFIED WITHOUT ANY DATE DEFINITION PROCESS STATEMENTS.

Explanation: data-set-name is supported for disk and tape only. System action: The SuperC run terminates. Programmer response: Correct the data-set-name to ensure it is assigned to disk or tape. ISRS069W LIBRARY MEMBER IN data-set-name NOT FOUND.

Explanation: Member could not be found in library. System action: The SuperC run continues (without this member). Programmer response: Inspect output listing for further details. ISRS070W REQUEST FOR WIDE OPTION NOT SUPPORTED BY SYSLST. NARROW OPTION WILL BE SUBSTITUTED.

Explanation: A Y2PAST process statement has been used but there are no accompanying Year 2000 Date Definition process statements. System action: The Y2PAST process option is ignored. The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that you are using the Year 2000 process statements correctly. Either the Y2PAST process statement should be removedor one or more date definition process statements should be included. Refer: SuperC Compare Process Statements in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS074W FOCUS/EXCLUDE PROCESS STATEMENTS ARE IGNORED WHEN USING THE Y2DTONLY PROCESS OPTION.

Explanation: The WIDE process option requires a printing device capable of printing lines up to 202 characters long. The 55-character side-by-side NARROW option has been used instead. System action: The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Refer to your system programmer.

Explanation: NFOCUS, OFOCUS, NEXCLUDE, and


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

OEXCLUDE process statements have no effect when the Y2DTONLY process option is used. System action: The FOCUS/EXCLUDE process statements are ignored. The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that you are using the correct process options and statements. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Options SuperC Compare Process Statements ISRS075I DATE DEFINITION PROCESS STATEMENTS ARE IGNORED WHEN USING THE COLHEAD PROCESS STATEMENT. Programmer response: None. Refer: How SuperC Corrects False Matches in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS079W FMSTOP OPTION ONLY VALID WITH FILE COMPARE OR SEARCH.

Explanation: The FMSTOP option is set for a compare that is not a file compare. System action: The FMSTOP option is ignored. Programmer response: Remove the FMSTOP option, or change the compare to a FILE compare. ISRS080W FOCUS COLS AND EXCLUDE COLS ARE NOT ALLOWED WITH CMPCOLM. STATEMENT IGNORED.

Explanation: Year 2000 Date Definition process statements cannot be used with the COLHEAD process statement. (The Year 2000 process statements generate their own information line for which column headings are not appropriate.) System action: The Year 2000 Date Definition process statements are ignored. The SuperC run continues. Programmer response: Check that you are using the correct process statements. Refer: SuperC Compare Process Statements in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS076I FOCUS/EXCLUDE OF ROWS USED FOR ONLY ONE FILE. ALL ROWS PROCESSED IN THE OTHER FILE.

Explanation: A CMPCOLM, CMPCOLMN or CMPCOLMO statement has preceded this FOCUS/EXCLUDE COLS statement. System action: The CMPCOLM, CMPCOLMN, CMPCOLMO statements will be processed and the FOCUS/EXCLUDE COLS statements will be ignored. Programmer response: To limit a compare or search within column boundaries, either the FOCUS/EXCLUDE COLS or the CMPCOLM, CMPCOLMN, CMPCOLMO process statements should be used but not a combination of both. Refer: SuperC Compare Process Statements in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS081W CMPCOLM STATEMENTS ARE IGNORED WHEN USING THE Y2DTONLY PROCESS OPTION.

Explanation: A focus (NFOCUS or OFOCUS) or an exclude (NEXCLUDE or OEXCLUDE) process statement has been specified for one file but not for the other file. System action: All rows (records) of the file for which no focus or exclude statement exists are included in the comparison process. Programmer response: Check that you are using the focus or exclude process statements correctly. Refer: SuperC Compare Process Statements in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II ISRS078I FALSE MATCHES CORRECTED. RESULTS MAY NOT REFLECT ALL MATCHES. SEE ADDITIONAL NOTES IN SUPERC TUTORIAL.

Explanation: The Y2DTONLY process option is used when only comparing dates. Using a CMPCOLM type of process statement is not allowed with it. System action: The CMPCOLM, CMPCOLMN, CMPCOLMO statements will be ignored. Check that you are using the correct process options and statements. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Options SuperC Compare Process Statements Programmer response: Determine which type of compare is required and either use Y2DTONLY or CMPCOLM, not both.

Explanation: Occasionally, SuperC reports that it has detected a false line or word match and has corrected the results in the listing and summary report. System action: The SuperC run continues.

Chapter 5. SuperC messages



Explanation: A FOCUS/EXCLUDE COLS statement has preceded this CMPCOLM, CMPCOLMN, CMPCOLMO statement. System action: The FOCUS/EXCLUDE COLS statements will be processed and the CMPCOLM, CMPCOLMN, CMPCOLMO statements will be ignored. Programmer response: To limit a compare or search within column boundaries, either the FOCUS/EXCLUDE COLS or the CMPCOLM, CMPCOLMN, CMPCOLMO process statements should be used but not a combination of both. See these topics in Appendix A. SuperC Reference in the Users Guide Vol II: SuperC Compare Process Statements SuperC Search-For Process Statements


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Chapter 6. Return codes from terminating dialogs

This topic contains return codes from terminating dialogs. For more information, refer to z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference.

Return Codes from Terminating Dialogs

The return code from ISPSTART for a successful dialog completion is either 0 or a value returned by the executing dialog in the system variable ZISPFRC. ZISPFRC is a shared-pool input variable of length 8. The dialog can set ZISPFRC to any value in the range of 0 to 16777215, except the values reserved for ISPF use (900 through 999, and 9000 through 9100). This value must be left-justified and padded with blanks. At termination, ISPF copies the value from ZISPFRC and passes it to the invoking application (or Terminal Monitor Program) in register 15. If the value in ZISPFRC is not within the valid range or is otherwise not valid, such as a value that is not numeric, ISPF issues an appropriate line message and passes a return code of 908. If the dialog has not set ZISPFRC to a value, ISPF returns a value of 0. Notes: 1. CLIST procedures that invoke ISPSTART can check the CLIST variable LASTCC for the ISPF return code. In REXX, check the variable rc after an ISPF function. 2. Even though ISPF restricts the return code value to the range 0 to 16777215, other products or subsystems, such as JES when processing JCL condition codes, can be more restrictive on return code values. See documentation for the affected product for more information. 3. ZISPFRC should not be confused with the normal dialog return code set by the function; it has no effect on ISPF log/list termination processing. ZISPFRC is intended to be used by applications that invoke a dialog dedicated to a single task or function. However, it is valid to set ZISPFRC from a selection panel invoked by the ISPSTART command. ISPF checks for the existence of ZISPFRC only at ISPF termination. If ZISPFRC is set by any dialog other than the one invoked by the ISPSTART command, ISPF ignores the value.

Return Codes from Termination Dialogs

Error codes that ISPF can return in register 15 to an application are: 908 920 | | 930 940 985 987 ZISPFRC value not valid. ISPSTART command syntax not valid. ISPSTART Program not found. ISPSTART Command not found. An attempt was made to start a GUI in batch mode, but no workstation connection was made. An attempt was made to start GUI with GUISCRW or GUISCRD and the GUI initialization failed.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2009


988 989 990

An error occurred initializing IKJSATTN. The ISPF C/S component window was closed while still running ISPF in GUI mode. An error occurred running in batch mode. If ZISPFRC has not been set previously, and ISPF encounters a severe error that terminates the product, then 990 is set. Uncorrectable TPUT error. ISPF initialization error. A 998 error code can result from: v Required ISPF data element library not preallocated v Error opening ISPF data element library v ISPF data element library has invalid data set characteristics v Error loading literals module v Recursive ISPF call ISPF issues a line message that indicates which of these errors caused the 998 return code.

997 998


ISPF environment not valid. A 999 error code can result from: v TSO/MVS environment not valid v Unsupported screen size ISPF issues a line message that indicates which of these errors caused the 999 return code.

When running in batch, ISPF can also return the following return codes: 9008 9012 9014 9016 9018 9020 Abend termination. Attach error. Authorized command invocation error, or TSO CMD START exit routine rejected the command. Command not found, or was otherwise unable to execute, or an exit routine returned an invalid return code. Invalid command: LOGOFF, ISPF, etc. TSO RTN IKJTBLS (called from CAU) abended.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information

This chapter covers the following topics: v debugging tools v The panel trace and file-tailoring trace utilities v diagnostic information v common problems that can occur when developing dialogs and using ISPF

ISPF debug tools

The following tools ship with ISPF as samples. ISRABEND A CLIST that provides a step-by-step explanation of how to diagnose an abend interactively. It uses TSO TEST to gather the information that the IBM support organization normally requires. A REXX exec used in conjunction with ISRTCB exec. It takes the entry point of a load module and begins searching for a specific CSECT. If it finds one, the exec displays the CSECTs eye-catcher. A REXX exec that issues a LISTA STATUS and searches for a specified member or load module. Also, the exec optionally calls AMBLIST to check the MODIFIED, FIXED, and PAGEABLE LPAs and checks LPALIST and LNKLST (pointed to by system control blocks) for the specified load module. If invoked under ISPF, the information is displayed via an ISPF table display (panel ISRFINDP) and allows the user to BROWSE or EDIT the specified member. A REXX exec used in conjunction with the ISRTCB exec. This exec uses the entry point address obtained from ISRTCB and lists the CSECT eye-catchers associated with that load module. A REXX exec that emulates the TSO TEST command LISTMAP. It lists the TCBs and the load modules (with their entry points) associated with each TCB, without using TSO TEST. A CLIST that uses TSO TEST to load the job pack area (JPA) and set breakpoints on entry to a specific ISPF or PDF CSECT. This allows for the verification of the compilation date associated with the CSECT with the most recent maintenance level for that version or release. Additionally, you can modify this sample to set specific breakpoints within the CSECT to identify the failing instruction.






Panel trace command (ISPDPTRC)

The ISPDPTRC command traces the Dialog Manager panel processing that occurs within any screen in the current ISPF session. You can trace both the execution of panel service calls (DISPLAY, TBDISPL, and TBQUERY) and the processing that occurs within the Dialog Manager panel code, including the processing of statements in the )ABCINIT, )ABCPROC, )INIT, )REINIT, and )PROC sections of the panel.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 2009


Panel trace command (ISPDPTRC)

The output from the trace is written to a dynamically allocated VB (variable blocked) data set that has a record length of 255. Where the ddname ISPDPTRC is preallocated, this data set will be used, providing it refers to a sequential, VB data set with a record length of at least 255. The ISPDPTRC command starts the trace if it is not running. If the trace is already active, ISPDPTRC allows you to stop and optionally to view or edit the trace output. ISPDPTRC must be executed while ISPF is active. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The syntax of the command is:


DSP DISPLAY ( Both None In Out )

PNL PANEL ( * panel_name panel_mask )

~ ~

) Summary None Detail SCR SCREEN ( 0 * screen_id )

~ ~

SECT SECTION ( * All None ) Init NOInit Reinit NOReinit Proc NOProc

~ ~

SVC SERVICE ( Detail None )

~ Where: END Terminates the trace if it is active. No attempt is made to edit or view the trace data set.

VIEW Terminates the trace if it is active and views the trace data set. If an allocation for the DD ISPDPTRC is present, this data set is viewed. SYSOUT data sets are not supported. When VIEW is unable to locate the trace data set, it performs the LIST processing and displays the list of panel trace data sets. LIST The panel trace command invokes the Data Set List Utility to display panel trace data sets. Where the users prefix is not blank, the data set list displayed is for data sets of the form:


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Panel trace command (ISPDPTRC)


Otherwise, the data set list displayed is for data sets of the form:

QUIET Prevents trace initialization and termination messages being displayed. Error messages continue to be displayed on the screen. DISPLAY Controls the generation of trace records resembling the panel as displayed at the terminal. Only the panel for the active screen is shown when a panel is being read into memory. None In Out Both PANEL Controls the generation of trace records based on the panel name. * panel_name panel_mask Generate trace records for all panels. This is the default. Generates trace records only for the panel name as specified. Generates trace records for panels matching panel_mask. The mask can contain % to represent a single character or * to represent any number of characters. No trace records are produced during panel display processing. Generates trace records showing the panel, including data entered after the user has pressed the Enter key or a function key. Generates trace records showing the panel as it shown on the screen. Attribute bytes are also represented in the screen display. Generates both the In and Out display traces. This is the default.

Note: Panel service calls (DISPLAY, TBDISPL, and TBQUERY) continue to be traced for all panels, regardless of the panel_name or panel_mask parameter specified. READ Controls the generation of trace records when a panel is being read into memory. None No trace records are produced during the read processing.

Summary Generates summary information, including where the panel was loaded from (either an ISPPLIB or LIBDEF data set), and the number of records read until the )END statement was detected. This is the default setting. | | | Detail Generates the same information as for the summary trace, but includes the panel source. Also shows the return codes and panel source records inserted, modified, and deleted by a panel input exit. Preprocessed panels can not be displayed. SCREEN Controls the generation of trace records based on the screen ID. 0 * Generate trace records for the all logical screens. This is the default. Generate trace records for the current screen ID.

Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


Panel trace command (ISPDPTRC)

screen_id Generate trace records only for the logical screen ID as specified. The screen ID is a single character in the range 1-9, A-W. SECTION Controls the generation of trace records for the different panel logic sections. The default is all sections. * | All Generates trace records for all sections. Either form of this parameter can only be specified by itself, and not with any of the other SECTION parameter values. Generates no trace records for any of the panel processing logic sections. This parameter can only be specified by itself and not in conjunction with any of the other SECTION parameter values. Generates trace records for the )ABCINIT and )INIT sections. Generates trace records for the )REINIT section. Generates trace records for the )ABCPROC and )PROC sections. Turns off the generation of trace records for the )ABCINIT and )INIT sections. Turns off the generation of trace records for the )REINIT section. Turns off the generation of trace records for the )ABCPROC and )PROC sections.


Init Reinit Proc NOInit NOReinit NOProc

SERVICE Controls the generation of trace records for the panel processing service calls, namely DISPLAY, TBDISPL and TBQUERY. None No trace records are produced during the service call processing.

Detail Generates trace records for the DISPLAY, TBDISPL, and TBQUERY service calls, showing all the parameters. A trace record is produced both before and after the call processing, with the post record showing the return code from the service. This is the default setting. Notes: 1. Where neither the END nor VIEW parameters is provided, the panel trace is started if it is not already active, otherwise the trace is stopped and where possible you are put into an edit session with the trace output. 2. When the panel trace is already active, only the END and VIEW parameters have any effect on the command. All other valid parameters are ignored. If invalid parameters are entered the command terminates without starting to process the trace.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Panel trace command (ISPDPTRC)

Trace format
Panel trace header
========= ISPF Panel Trace ==================== 2004.243 04:53:20 GMT ========== ZISPFOS: ISPF FOR z/OS 02.07.00 ZOS390RL: z/OS 02.07.00 ISPDPTRC Command: ISPDPTRC Options in Effect: PANEL(*) SCREEN(0) SECTION(INIT REINIT PROC) SERVICE(DETAIL) SOURCE(SUMMARY) DISPLAY(BOTH) Physical Display: PRI=24x80 ALT=60x132 GUI=OFF

ISPCDI Version: ISPCDI 04237-BASE z/27 ISPDPA Version: ISPDPA 04243-BASE z/27 ISPDPE Version: ISPDPE 04237-BASE z/27 ISPDPL Version: ISPDPL 04243-BASE z/27 ISPDPP Version: ISPDPP 04237-BASE z/27 ISPDPR Version: ISPDPR 04237-BASE z/27 ISPDPS Version: ISPDPS 04237-BASE z/27 ISPDTD Version: ISPDTD 04237-BASE z/27 ISPPQR Version: ISPPQR 04237-BASE z/27 ISPDPTR0 Version: ISPDPTR0 04243-BASE z/27 ================================================================================ TLD# Type Panel Section Cd RC Data ---- ---- -------- ------- -- --- ---------------------------------------- ... --> Figure 2. Sample Panel Trace header

The trace header shows the following information: 1. Current date and time (GMT) when the trace was initialized 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ISPF level information as found in dialog variable ZISPFOS z/OS level information as found in dialog variable ZOS390RL ISPDPTRC command with the invocation parameters The options that are in effect for the current execution of the panel trace Module level information for each of the modules associated with ISPF Panel Processing

The remainder of the trace is broken into a number of columns to show each trace record. The columns are: TLD# The task or screen identifier from which the panel service is being invoked. Type The trace entry type. The valid types are: DspI Records are generated after a user has pressed the Enter key or a function key, and show the data displayed on the ISPF panel at that time. Attribute bytes are also included in the display. The generation of this type of trace record is controlled by the ISPDPTRC DISPLAY parameter.

DspO Records are generated displaying an ISPF panel at the screen. Attribute bytes are also included in the display. The generation of this type of trace record is controlled by the ISPDPTRC DISPLAY parameter. Err Records are generated when a ISPF panel processing error occurs and ISPF issues an error message. The records generated include both the short and long error messages. Records generated when a panel record or return code is returned from a panel input exit.
Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information

| |



Panel trace command (ISPDPTRC)

PrcR Records are generated during the processing of the panel logic sections, including )INIT, )REINIT, )PROC, )ABCINIT and )ABCPROC. The data as displayed resembles that of the original panel, but may not be identical to it. Where an assignment statement includes dialog variables or functions, an additional record is displayed showing the result of the assignment. The generation of this type of trace records is controlled by the ISPDPTRC SECTION parameter. Records are generated reading a panel into storage. The generation of this type of trace record is controlled by the ISPDPTRC READ parameter. A summary trace does not show the panel source records. The source of preprocessed panels can not be displayed. Records that are generated when REXX processing is complete and control is being returned back to the panel. Records that are generated when a *REXX statement is being processed. Records are generated for calls to the ISPF Display Services and show all the call parameters. This is limited to the DISPLAY, TBDISPL, and TBQUERY services. The generation of this type of trace record is control by the ISPDPTRC SERVICE parameter. Records are generated returning from the ISPF Display services. The trace includes the return code from the service. Records that are generated to show the ISPF variables and their values being passed to the Panel Exit or Panel REXX command. Records that are generated to show the ISPF variables and their values being passed back from the Panel Exit or Panel REXX command.


RexR Rexx Svc

SvcR Var VarR

Panel Section

The ISPF panel name associated with the trace record. The logic section associated with the PrcR type trace record.


The Condition value returned for IF and ELSE panel statements: T Indicates a True condition F Indicates a False condition Note: A plus (+) character in this field indicates a record continuation.

RC Data

The Return Code, shown only for SvcR, PrcR, and InEx type trace records. Trace data for the particular trace entry. The trace data extends the full width of the output file and will wrap if required.

Panel display
Figure 3 on page 655 shows the output and input trace generated for panel ISRUTIL. It includes a scale line across the top and down the side of the panel, and includes panel size and cursor position information. The input trace also gives an indication of the key or command entered.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Panel trace command (ISPDPTRC)

TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 TLD1 DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspO DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI DspI 0----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+---| Menu Help | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Utility Selection Panel | Option ===>& + | 1 Library Compress or print data set. Print index listing. Print, | rename, delete, browse, edit or view members | 2 Data Set Allocate, rename, delete, catalog, uncatalog, or display | information of an entire data set 1 3 Move/Copy Move, or copy members or data sets | 4 Dslist Print or display (to process) list of data set names. | Print or display VTOC information | 5 Reset Reset statistics for members of ISPF library | 6 Hardcopy Initiate hardcopy output + 7 Transfer Download ISPF Client/Server or Transfer data set | 8 Outlist Display, delete, or print held job output | 9 Commands Create/change an application command table | 11 Format Format definition for formatted data Edit/Browse | 12 SuperC Compare data sets (Standard Dialog) 2 13 SuperCE Compare data sets Extended (Extended Dialog) | 14 Search-For Search data sets for strings of data (Standard Dialog) | 15 Search-ForE Search data sets for strings of data Extended (Extended Dialog) | 16 Tables ISPF Table Utility - ... --- Screen=23x80 Cursor=4/14 0----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+---| Menu Help | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Utility Selection Panel | Option ===>&4 + | 1 Library Compress or print data set. Print index listing. Print, | rename, delete, browse, edit or view members | 2 Data Set Allocate, rename, delete, catalog, uncatalog, or display | information of an entire data set 1 3 Move/Copy Move, or copy members or data sets | 4 Dslist Print or display (to process) list of data set names. | Print or display VTOC information | 5 Reset Reset statistics for members of ISPF library | 6 Hardcopy Initiate hardcopy output + 7 Transfer Download ISPF Client/Server or Transfer data set | 8 Outlist Display, delete, or print held job output | 9 Commands Create/change an application command table | 11 Format Format definition for formatted data Edit/Browse | 12 SuperC Compare data sets (Standard Dialog) 2 13 SuperCE Compare data sets Extended (Extended Dialog) | 14 Search-For Search data sets for strings of data (Standard Dialog) | 15 Search-ForE Search data sets for strings of data Extended (Extended Dialog) | 16 Tables ISPF Table Utility - ... --- Screen=23x80 Cursor=4/15 Key=ENTER


Figure 3. Sample DISPLAY trace

Panel processing trace

Figure 4 on page 656 shows an example of the trace generated when processing the PROC section of panel ISRUTIL after the number 4 was entered in the command field. Statements skipped as the result of a false condition on an IF or ELSE statement are never displayed. In addition, the panel trace always splits the value pairs for the TRANS functions into separate records, making the trace more readable. The result of an assignment statement is only shown when the assignment statement includes a dialog variable, an including panel control variable, or a panel function.

Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


Panel trace command (ISPDPTRC)

Panel REXX is not traced. This should be traced using normal REXX trace capabilities.

Figure 4. Sample PROCESS trace

File tailoring trace command (ISPFTTRC)

The ISPFTTRC command traces the processing of file tailoring services that are invoked from any screen within the current ISPF session. You can trace both the execution of file tailoring service calls (FTOPEN, FTINCL, FTCLOSE, and FTERASE) and the processing that occurs within the file tailoring code and processing of each statement. The output from the trace is written to a dynamically allocated VB (variable blocked) data set that has a record length of 255. Where the ddname ISPFTTRC is preallocated, this data set will be used, providing it refers to a sequential, VB data set with a record length of at least 255. The ISPFTTRC command starts the trace if it is not running. If the trace is already active, ISPFTTRC allows you to stop and optionally to view or edit the trace output. ISPFTTRC must be executed while ISPF is active. The syntax of the command is:


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

File tailoring trace command (ISPFTTRC)


REC RECORDS ( * All None ) NOSrc NOSource

Src Source

Data NOData

Cntl NOCntl

SCR SCREEN ( 0 * screen_id )

SVC SERVICE ( Detail None )

SKL SKEL SKELETON ( * skel_name skel_mask )

TBV TBVARS ( Detail None )

Where: END Terminates the trace if it is active. No attempt is made to edit or view the trace data set.

VIEW Terminates the trace if it is active and views the trace data set. If an allocation for the DD ISPFTTRC is present, this data set is viewed. SYSOUT data sets are not supported. When VIEW is unable to locate the trace data set, it performs the LIST processing and displays the list of panel trace data sets. LIST The file tailoring trace command invokes the Data Set List Utility to display file tailoring trace data sets. Where the users prefix is not blank, the data set list displayed is for data sets of the form:

Otherwise, the data set list displayed is for data sets of the form:

Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


File tailoring trace command (ISPFTTRC)

QUIET Prevents trace initialization and termination messages being displayed. Error messages continue to be displayed on the screen. READ Controls the generation of trace records when a skeleton member is being read into memory. None No trace records are produced during the read processing.

Summary Generates summary information, including where the skeleton was loaded from (either an ISPSLIB or LIBDEF data set), and the number of records read. Detail Generates the same information as for the summary trace, but includes the skeleton source. This is the default setting. RECORDS Controls the generation of trace records during record processing of the skeleton member. *, All Generates trace records for all skeleton record processing. Either form of this parameter can only be specified by itself, and not with any of the other RECORDS parameter values. Generates no trace records for any of the skeleton record processing. This parameter can only be specified by itself and not in conjunction with any of the other RECORDS parameter values. Generates trace records for the source skeleton record. This is performed before any processing is done to determine if it is a data or control record. Data Cntl Generates trace records for the data records. This is performed after record processing has completed. Generates trace records for the control statements. This is performed after record processing has completed.



NOSource Turns off the generation of trace records for the source skeleton records. NOData Turns off the generation of trace records for the data records. NOCntl Turns off the generation of trace records for the control statements. SCREEN Controls the generation of trace records based on the screen ID. 0 * Generate trace records for the all logical screens. This is the default. Generate trace records for the current screen ID.

screen_id Generate trace records only for the logical screen ID as specified. The screen ID is a single character in the range 1-9, A-W. SERVICE Controls the generation of trace records for the file tailoring service calls, namely OPEN, FTINCL, FTCLOSE, and FTERASE.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

File tailoring trace command (ISPFTTRC)

None No trace records are produced during the service call processing.

Detail Generates trace records for the OPEN, FTINCL, FTCLOSE, and FTERASE service calls, showing all the parameters. A trace record is produced both before and after the call processing, with the post record showing the return code from the service. This is the default setting. SKELETON Controls the generation of trace records based on the skeleton name. *, All skel_name skel_mask Generate trace records for all skeletons. This is the default. Generates trace records only for the skeleton name as specified. Generates trace records for skeletons matching skel_mask. The mask can contain % to represent a single character or * to represent any number of characters.

Note: File tailoring service calls (OPEN, FTINCL, FTCLOSE, and FTERASE) continue to be traced for all skeleton processing, regardless of the skel_name or skel_mask parameter specified. TBVARS Used on a )DOT control word to display key variables and named variables on each iteration through the table. None No trace records are produced during )DOT processing.

Detail Generates trace records for the )DOT control word, displaying key variables and named table variables on each iteration. Extension variables are not displayed. This is the default setting. Notes: 1. Where neither the END nor VIEW parameters are provided, the file tailoring trace is started if it is not already active, otherwise the trace is stopped and where possible you are put into an edit session with the trace output. 2. When the file tailoring trace is already active, only the END and VIEW parameters have any effect on the command. All other valid parameters are ignored. If invalid parameters are entered the command terminates without starting to process the trace.

Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


File tailoring trace command (ISPFTTRC)

Trace format
File tailoring trace header
========= ISPF File Tailoring Trace =========== 2005.305 01:48:01 GMT ========== ZISPFOS: ISPF FOR z/OS 01.08.00 ZOS390RL: z/OS 01.05.00 ISPFTTRC Command: ISPFTTRC Options in Effect: SKELETON(*) SCREEN(0) RECORDS(SOURCE CNTL DATA) READ(DETAIL) SERVICE(DETAIL) TBVARS(DETAIL) ISPFICRX Version: ISPFICRX 05286-BASE z/18 ISPFICWC Version: ISPFICWC 05286-BASE z/18 ISPFICWD Version: ISPFICWD 05286-BASE z/18 ISPFICWE Version: ISPFICWE 05286-BASE z/18 ISPFICWL Version: ISPFICWL 05286-BASE z/18 ISPFICWT Version: ISPFICWT 05286-BASE z/18 ISPFICWX Version: ISPFICWX 05286-BASE z/18 ISPFIEND Version: ISPFIEND 05286-BASE z/18 ISPFIINT Version: ISPFIINT 05286-BASE z/18 ISPFILBS Version: ISPFILBS 05284-BASE z/18 ISPFITLR Version: ISPFITLR 05284-BASE z/18 ISPFITR0 Version: ISPFITR0 05297-BASE z/18 ISPFITRV Version: ISPFITRV 05286-BASE z/18 ================================================================================ TLD# Type Skeleton Rec# IM IF DO TB Cd RC Data ---- ---- -------- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- ----------------------------- ... --> Figure 5. Sample file tailoring trace header

The trace header shows the following information: 1. Current date and time (GMT) when the trace was initialized 2. ISPF level information as found in dialog variable ZISPFOS 3. z/OS level information as found in dialog variable ZOS390RL 4. ISPFTTRC command with the invocation parameters 5. The options that are in effect for the current execution of the file tailoring trace 6. Module level information for each of the modules associated with file tailoring and skeleton processing The remainder of the trace is broken into a number of columns to show each trace record. The columns are: TLD# The task or screen identifier from which the file tailoring is being invoked. Type The trace entry type. The valid types are: CtlR Records are generated when record processing has completed and the record was determined to be a control statement. The generation of CtlR trace records is controlled by the ISPFTTRC RECORDS parameter. Records are generated when record processing has completed and the record was determined to be a data record. The generation of DatR trace records is controlled by the ISPFTTRC RECORDS parameter. Records are generated when a file tailoring processing error occurs and ISPF issues an error message. The generated records include both the short and long error messages. Records are generated when a built-in function has been identified and is ready to be evaluated.





z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

File tailoring trace command (ISPFTTRC)

FncR Records are generated when a built-in function has been evaluated.

NoFT Records are generated after the point where the NOFT parameter is specified on the FTINCL service call, or the point where the NT option is specified on the )IM control statement. The generation of NoFT trace records is controlled by the ISPFTTRC RECORDS parameter. Read Records are generated reading a skeleton into storage. The generation of Read trace records is controlled by the ISPFTTRC READ parameter. A summary trace does not show the skeleton source records. Records are generated when REXX processing is complete and control is being returned back to the file tailoring. Records are generated when a )REXX control statement is being processed. Records are generated when a skeleton record is selected for processing. The generation of Src trace records is controlled by the ISPFTTRC RECORDS parameter. Records are generated for calls to the ISPF file tailoring services and show all the call parameters. This is limited to the FTOPEN, FTINCL, FTCLOSE, and FTERASE services. The generation of Svc trace records is controlled by the ISPFTTRC SERVICE parameter. Records are generated returning from the ISPF file tailoring services. The trace includes the return code from the service. The FTCLOSE return trace entry includes an additional record showing the number of records written to the file tailoring output data set. Records that are generated to show the ISPF variables and their values being passed to the file tailoring REXX command. Records that are generated to show the ISPF variables and their values being passed back from the file tailoring REXX command.

RexR Rexx Src



Var VarR

Skeleton The ISPF skeleton name associated with the trace record. Record Display the record number associated with the trace entry type. For Read, Src, and CtlR the input record number from the skeleton member is displayed. (For control statements that are continued over more than one line this is always the record number associated with the first line of the control statement.) For DatR and NoFT, the output record number is displayed. This field is blank for all other record types. IM IF DO TB Cd The current imbed level. The skeleton name specified on the FTINCL service is always level 1. The current IF or SEL level. This field is blank if no )IF or )SEL statement is being processed. The current DO level. This field is blank if no )DO structure is being processed. The current Table level. This field is blank if no )DOT structure is being processed. The Condition value returned for the following skeleton control statements: v )IF, )SEL, )UNTIL, or )WHILE statement
Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


File tailoring trace command (ISPFTTRC)

T Indicates a True condition

F Indicates a False condition v )ENDDO, or )ENDDOT statement Indicates the corresponding )DO or )DOT control statement is terminating. In other words, the exit condition has been met. v )IM statement with OPT parameter X X Imbed member was not found. File tailoring processing will continue.

Note: A plus (+) character in this field indicates a record continuation. RC Data The Return Code, shown only for SvcR, DatR, and CtlR trace entries. Trace data for the particular trace entry. The trace data extends the full width of the output file and will wrap if required.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

File tailoring trace command (ISPFTTRC)

File tailoring processing trace

TLD# Type Skeleton Rec# IM IF DO TB Cd RC ---- ---- -------- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -TLD1 Svc --------------------------------------------TLD1 SvcR 0 TLD1 Svc --------------------------------------------TLD1 Read SKREX1A 1 TLD1 Read SKREX1A 2 TLD1 Read SKREX1A 3 TLD1 Read SKREX1A 4 TLD1 Read SKREX1A 5 TLD1 Read SKREX1A 6 TLD1 Read SKREX1A 7 TLD1 Read SKREX1A 8 TLD1 Read SKREX1A 9 TLD1 Read SKREX1A 10 TLD1 Read SKREX1A 11 TLD1 Read SKREX1A -------------------------TLD1 Src SKREX1A 1 1 TLD1 DatR SKREX1A 1 1 0 TLD1 Src SKREX1A 2 1 TLD1 FncI SKREX1A 2 1 TLD1 FncR SKREX1A 2 1 0 TLD1 FncR SKREX1A . . . TLD1 CtlR SKREX1A 10 1 0 TLD1 RexR SKREX1A TLD1 RexR SKREX1A TLD1 RexR SKREX1A TLD1 RexR SKREX1A TLD1 RexR SKREX1A TLD1 RexR SKREX1A TLD1 Src SKREX1A 11 1 TLD1 DatR SKREX1A 2 1 0 TLD1 SvcR 0 TLD1 Svc --------------------------------------------TLD1 SvcR 0 TLD1 SvcR -------------------------Figure 6. Sample file tailoring process trace )ENDREXX ZFTXRC(2)=0 ZFTXMSG(8)= VAR1(3)=SAY VAR2(2)=HI VAR3(9)=from rexx VAR4(1)=: >>1A>>-END-<< &VAR1 &VAR2 &VAR3 >1A>-END-< SAY HI from rexx FTINCL SKREX1A EXT FTCLOSE DD=ISP09474 DSN=LSACKV1.SPFTEMP1.CNTL FTCLOSE Total Records=2 Data ----------------------------- ... --> FTOPEN TEMP DD=ISP14484 DSN=LSACKV1.SPFTEMP1.CNTL FTOPEN TEMP FTINCL SKREX1A EXT DD=ISPSLIB DSN=LSACKV2.ISPSLIB >>1A>>START>> REXX >> )SET VARLIST = &STR(VAR1 VAR2,VAR3 ) )SET VAR1 = SAY )SET VAR2 = HI )SET VAR3 = &STR(TO REXX ) )SET VAR4 = &STR(:) )REXX &VARLIST VAR4 SAY VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 VAR4 VAR3 = 'from rexx to you' )ENDREXX >>1A>>-END-<< &VAR1 &VAR2 &VAR3 Total Records=11 >>1A>>START>> REXX >> >1A>START> REXX > )SET VARLIST = &STR(VAR1 VAR2,VAR3 ) &STR(VAR1 VAR2,VAR3 ) = VAR1 VAR2,VAR3 +000060 0000000B 00000003 800000...

Diagnostic information
This section is intended to help you gather information to diagnose ISPF problems.

Using the ENVIRON system command

ISPF provides the ENVIRON command to assist you in gathering data that can be helpful in diagnosing problems, thus reducing service time. The ISPF session does not have to be running in any ISPF TEST/TRACE mode when you use the ENVIRON command. The ENVIRON command can help you to: v Produce system abend dumps when not running in ISPF TEST mode (ENBLDUMP parameter). v Trace the TPUT, TGET, and PUTLINE buffers and obtain dump information for TPUT and TGET errors (TERMTRAC parameter)./li>
Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


Diagnostic information
v Gather terminal status information (TERMSTAT parameter). v Gather Rexx diagnostic information. You can display a panel (Figure 7) for selecting command options by entering the ENVIRON command with no parameters, or display the panel through the use of the Environ settings... choice from the Environ pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel. This panel includes the current values of the ENVIRON command parameters (ENBLDUMP and TERMTRAC) and the ddname, if any, allocated for a dump data set. The values can be changed by entering new values directly on the panel. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Log/List Function keys Colors Environ Workstation Identifier Help ISPF Settings ISPF ENVIRON Command Settings Enter "/" to select option Enable a dump for a subtask abend when not in ISPF TEST mode Terminal Tracing (TERMTRAC) Enable . . . 3 1. Enable terminal tracing (ON) 2. Enable terminal tracing when a terminal error is encountered (ERROR) 3. Disable terminal tracing (OFF) DDNAME . . . ISPSNAP (DDNAME for TERMTRAC ON, ERROR, or DUMP.) Terminal Status (TERMSTAT) Enable . . . 3 1. Yes, invoke TERMSTAT immediately 2. Query terminal information 3. No Rexx ENVBLK check (REXCHK) Enable . . . 3 1. ON, check Rexx ENVBLK pointer 2. Dump, dump if bad ENVBLK pointer 3. OFF Command ===> F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel Figure 7. ENVIRON Settings Panel (ISPENVA)

You can issue the ENVIRON command at any time during an ISPF session.

ENVIRON command syntax and parameter descriptions

The general syntax for the ENVIRON command is:



z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Diagnostic information


The parameter descriptions for the ENVIRON command are as follows: ENBLDUMP Specifying the ENBLDUMP parameter enables ISPF to produce an abend dump if a subtask abnormally terminates when ISPF is not running in TEST mode. The ENBLDUMP parameter does not apply to attached commands. Before a dump is taken you must allocate either the SYSUDUMP, SYSMDUMP, or SYSABEND ddname. For more information about these data sets, refer to z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids. The default value for the ENBLDUMP parameter is ON. ENVIRON ENBLDUMP ON specifies to ISPF that a dump is to be generated for the subtask that abended. Issuing ENVIRON ENBLDUMP OFF cancels the effect of the ON status. The ENBLDUMP parameter value is preserved across ISPF sessions in the ISPSPROF profile. With ENBLDUMP active, even when ISPF is not running in TEST mode, abnormal termination of a subtask results in a dump being taken and control being returned to TSO. ISPF execution is not resumed. When running in ISPF TEST mode, issuing ENVIRON ENBLDUMP has no effect on dump processing. TERMTRAC Specifying the TERMTRAC parameter allows you to trace all terminal input and output data (TPUT, TGET, PUTLINE) during an ISPF session. The TERMTRAC parameter also allows you to turn on in-core tracing and cause ISPF to produce a SNAP dump if the TPUT or TGET service results in an error. ISPF does not have to be running in TSO TEST mode. Note: The ENVIRON TERMTRAC buffer does not include: v The TPUT/TGET instructions issued to query the terminal: At ISPF initialization By the ENVIRON TERMSTAT command v The TPUT instruction issued to clear the screen at ISPF termination v Under certain severe ISPF error conditions, the TPUT instruction issued to display a severe error line message Before issuing the ENVIRON TERMTRAC DUMP command you must have first issued the ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON or ENVIRON TERMTRAC ERROR command. Before using the TERMTRAC option, you must define to ISPF the ddname for the data set to be used for the SNAP macro, which ISPF invokes to provide
Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


Diagnostic information
data stream dumps. The ddname can be defined by specifying it on the panel displayed as a result of either issuing the ENVIRON command with no parameters, or selecting the Environ settings choice from the Environ pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel. You must follow the data set characteristics guidelines defined by MVS for the SNAP macro. See z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Guide for DCB information that can be specified for the SNAP ddname. The terminal data stream buffer used for ENVIRON TERMTRAC data collection is not reset to zeros. Subparameters define terminal data tracing as follows: v ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON Activates TPUT, TGET, and PUTLINE buffer tracing of the terminal data stream. All data is retained in a 24K buffer provided by ISPF. No buffer entry is fragmented. If an entry will not fit into the remaining buffer space, ISPF issues a SNAP to capture the buffer data. The next trace entry is stored at the top of the buffer, regardless of the status of the SNAP execution. Messages are displayed to the user only for errors during SNAP execution. No messages are displayed during dumps taken as a result of the data buffer filling. Because ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON causes a SNAP dump to be taken each time the buffer fills, the ddname that you allocate for the SNAP macro should have a disposition of MOD. This assures that no trace data is lost. The layout of the terminal data buffer for all SNAP dumps is:
1 TPUT/TGET/PUTLINE BUFFER TRACE 2 Header of 8 bytes initialized to TERMTRAC 2 4-byte pointer to where the next entry is to be placed 2 Reserved (20 bytes, for 32-byte boundary alignment) 2 TPUT/TGET/PUTLINE DATA (*) 3 8-byte TPUT/TGET/PUTLINE identifier 3 4-byte pointer to previous entry 3 Information specific to the terminal type identifier.

The TPUT/TGET identifiers and specific information for each is as follows. Each buffer entry is aligned on a 32-byte boundary. TGET Before issuing TGET SVC. 4-byte pointer to previous entry. General purpose registers 0, 1, and 15:
R0 = input data area size R1 = input data area pointer R15 = TGET option byte


Return from TGET SVC. 4-byte pointer to previous entry. General purpose registers 1 and 15:
R1 = input data length R15 = TGET return code 4-byte length of data stream. Data stream.


Before issuing edit TPUT macro. 4-byte pointer to previous entry. General purpose registers 0, 1, and 15:


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Diagnostic information
R0 = output data area R1 = output data area pointer R15 = TPUT option byte 4-byte length of data stream. Data stream.


Return from edit TPUT macro. 4-byte pointer to previous entry. General purpose register 15:
R15 = TPUT return code


before issuing the noedit TPUT macro. 4-byte pointer to previous entry. General purpose registers 0, 1, and 15:
R1 = address of plist R15 = TPUT option byte 16-byte noedit plist: Reserved (2 bytes) 2-byte length of data stream Code (1 byte) 3-byte addr of data stream Reserved (8 bytes) Data stream.


Return from noedit TPUT macro. 4-byte pointer to previous entry. General purpose register 15:
R15 = TPUT return code


Before issuing the PUTLINE macro. 4-byte pointer to previous entry 12-byte PUTLINE parameter block:
Control flags (2 bytes) 2-byte TPUT options field 4-byte address of message 4-byte address of format-only line 125-byte message description: 2-byte message length 2-byte message offset 121-byte message

Actions that occur as a result of issuing the ENVIRON TERMTRAC command when ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON is already in effect are listed by command subparameter below: ON OFF ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON continues to function normally. Tracing is turned off and ISPF issues a SNAP macro. If ENVIRON TERMTRAC tracing is requested again, the next entry is written at the top of the buffer, regardless of whether the prior SNAP was successful. Changes the setting of the command to ENVIRON TERMTRAC ERROR. Tracing continues, with the next buffer entry being written after the last entry written by the ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON setting. The ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON condition continues. In addition, ISPF issues a SNAP macro and, if the SNAP is successful, the next trace entry is written at the top of the buffer. If the SNAP fails, the next entry is written after the last entry before the SNAP.
Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information




Diagnostic information
v ENVIRON TERMTRAC ERROR Initiates tracing of the TPUT, TGET, and PUTLINE buffers. In addition, it causes ISPF to initiate a SNAP dump if a TPUT or TGET error occurs. The dump includes the storage trace buffer, the current TCB, all system control program information, and all problem program information. The SNAP macro definition provides more specific information about the areas dumped when all system control program and problem program information is requested. ISPF issues the SNAP macro on the first occurrence of a TPUT failure. ISPF makes three consecutive attempts to correct a TPUT error. Before using this option, you must have defined the ddname for the SNAP macro as described earlier in this topic under TERMTRAC. Actions that occur as a result of issuing the ENVIRON TERMTRAC command when ENVIRON TERMTRAC ERROR is already in effect are listed by command subparameter below: ON Changes the setting of the command to ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON. Tracing continues, with the next buffer entry being written after the last entry written by the ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON setting. ENVIRON TERMTRAC ERROR continues to function normally, with the next trace entry written after the last ERROR trace entry. The setting for ENVIRON TERMTRAC is set to OFF. If ENVIRON TERMTRAC tracing is requested again, the next entry is written at the top of the buffer, regardless of whether the prior SNAP was successful.



The ENVIRON TERMTRAC ERROR condition continues. In addition, ISPF issues a SNAP macro and, if the SNAP is successful, the next trace entry is written at the top of the buffer. If the SNAP fails, the next entry is written after the last entry before the SNAP. v ENVIRON TERMTRAC DUMP DUMP Causes ISPF to immediately issue a SNAP macro, but only if ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON or ENVIRON TERMTRAC ERROR is active. The resulting dump includes the storage trace buffer, the current TCB, all system control program information, and all problem program information. The SNAP macro definition provides more specific information about the areas dumped when all system control program and problem program information is requested. Notes: 1. This command execution does not turn off terminal data stream tracing if it is active at the time. 2. The next entry is written to the top of the terminal data buffer if the SNAP was successful; otherwise, tracing continues immediately after the last trace buffer entry. v ENVIRON TERMTRAC OFF Resets active ENVIRON TERMTRAC ON and ENVIRON TERMTRAC ERROR commands. If ENVIRON TERMTRAC is active, ISPF issues a SNAP macro.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Diagnostic information
The TERMTRAC parameter value is preserved across ISPF sessions in the ISPSPROF profile. The ddname specified for TERMTRAC on the ENVIRON option panel is also saved across sessions. TERMSTAT Specifying the TERMSTAT option of the ENVIRON command allows you to collect information about the characteristics of the terminal you are using and the line to which it is attached. The information is returned to your terminal by using line mode, and is written to the ISPF log data set. The description below of the information returned from an ENVIRON TERMSTAT request is divided into three parts: v A list of terminal characteristics as defined in ISPF variables. In other words, this list defines what ISPF thinks your terminal characteristics are. v A list of terminal characteristics as defined within TSO. v A list of structured fields that apply only to terminals with extended data stream (EDS) capability. If you issue ENVIRON TERMSTAT (without the QUERY parameter) ISPF unconditionally returns information from lists A and B (below). In addition, if your terminal is connected to a port that supports extended data streams, ISPF returns information from list C (below). If your terminal is one that supports extended data streams, such as an IBM 3279, but is connected to a non-EDS port, you can issue ENVIRON TERMSTAT QUERY to force ISPF to return information from list C. Be aware that if you issue ENVIRON TERMSTAT QUERY, and your terminal is not a type that supports extended data streams, such as the IBM 3277, you will receive an ORDER STREAM CHECK error. Information returned as a result of issuing the ENVIRON TERMSTAT command is as follows: List A Terminal Characteristics as Defined Within ISPF
14-bit terminal addressing mode (ON or OFF) 16-bit terminal addressing mode (ON or OFF) Color mode (ON or OFF) Highlighting mode (ON or OFF) DBCS mode (ON or OFF) Primary screen size (length, width, total bytes) Alternate screen size (length, width, total bytes) Partition screen size (length, width, total bytes) ISPF terminal buffer data (TSB ptr., TSB size, TPP addr.)

List B Terminal Characteristics as Defined Within TSO

Return code from GTTERM Primary screen information (rows, columns) Alternate screen information (rows, columns) Screen attribute value Character set (ASCII or EBCDIC) Extended data streams or non-EDS support Return code from GTSIZE GTSIZE information (rows, columns) Access method being used (VTAM*)

List C Terminals Supporting EDS (structured fields)

Usable areas Partitions Character sets Color Highlighting
Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


Diagnostic information
Reply modes PC 3270 Implicit partition Input control Field rule

v ENVIRON TERMSTAT QUERY The QUERY parameter allows you to request terminal data related to extended data stream capability, even though your terminal is connected to a port that does not support extended data streams. | | | REXCHK ENVIRON REXCHK should only be used at the request of IBM service personnel.

Abend panels provide diagnostic information

When ISPF processing ends abnormally, diagnostic panels are available for displaying: v Task abend code v Reason code v Module name v Entry point address v Program-Status Word (PSW) v Register content at the time of the abend This information is used in logged abend messages. A tutorial panel displays a list of the common abend codes. On abnormal ISPF termination, the Error Recovery panel shown in Figure 8 indicates the abend code and reason code.

Error Recovery Command ===>

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ISPF processor ended abnormally * * * * System abend code 0C1 * * Reason code 01 * * * * * * * * Note: The ABEND and REASON codes displayed above are * * HEXADECIMAL values for "SYSTEM" abends and DECIMAL * * values for "USER" abends. * * * * Enter HELP command for list of common ABEND codes. * * Press ENTER key for additional DIAGNOSTIC information. * * Enter END command to display primary option menu. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Figure 8. Error Recovery Panel (ISPPRS1)

If the SDWA (System Diagnostic Work Area) Reason Code is not supplied, that is, the SDWA reason code flag bit is OFF, the Reason Code panel field will be blank. If the abend code documentation indicates that the reason code is in a particular register, see the contents of that register, which can be displayed on the Additional Diagnostic Information panel as shown in Figure 9 on page 671.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Diagnostic information
If you enter HELP, ISPF displays a list of the common abend codes. To return to the Error Recovery panel, enter END from the Common ABEND panel. If you press Enter from the Error Recovery panel, the Additional Diagnostic Information panel is displayed. Figure 9 shows sample data where the SDWA extension is installed. The format for the register content is slightly different if the SDWA extension is not present.

Additional Diagnostic Information Command ===> More: System abend code = 0C1 Reason code = 01 ISPF Release Level : 5.7.0000 Module name . . . : ASMTEST Entry point address 0000D488 PSW . . . . . . . : 078D1000 0000D4BC +

Register content: R0 R2 R4 R6 R8 R10 R12 R14 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 16308E22 0000D4D0 00048AAC 00000000 00000000 00048AA8 0000D488 80FCC860 R1 R3 R5 R7 R9 R11 R13 R15 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00048EA4 00048AC0 FFFFFFFF 00000001 00039060 00000000 0000D4D0 0000D488

Figure 9. Additional Diagnostic Information panel (ISPPRS3)

Entry point, PSW, and register values are in hexadecimal. Abend code and reason code are in hexadecimal for system abends and in decimal for user abends. Meanings for the entries on the Additional Diagnostic Information panel are: Abend code Abend completion code, identified on the panel as user or system. Reason code Component reason code or return code associated with the abend. ISPF Release Level ISPF version/release/modification level. Module Name Name of abending program or *NOT SPECIFIED* if no name is available. Entry Point Address Entry point address of abending program. PSW Program-Status Word at time of error.

Register content General Purpose register content at time of error. If the Recovery Termination Manager (RTM) could not get storage for the System Diagnostic Work Area (SDWA) or an error occurred within the error routine, all fields on this panel will contain 0s, with the exception of the abend code and ISPF release level. Those fields will contain the correct data.

Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


Diagnostic information
You can enter the HELP command from this panel as well to display the list of common abend codes. Information associated with an abend is available from the ISPF log file. Press the END function key to return to the primary option menu.

ISPF statistics entry in a PDS directory

| | A valid ISPF directory can consist of fifteen halfwords of user data with bytes 28-30 blank, or twenty half words of user data with bit 3 of byte 3 set on. Shown here is the format of the information that ISPF writes to the PDS directory to maintain statistics for a member. If you suspect the statistics data has been corrupted, you can compare the existing entry against these formats to help in problem determination. Byte 1 2 3 Description and Format Version number, in hexadecimal format. Value is between X'01' and X'99'. Modification level, in hexadecimal format. Value is between X'00' and X'99'. Flags: Bit 1 SCLM indicator. SCLM uses this to determine whether the member and any related SCLM information are still in sync. v ON means the member was last edited by SCLM, the Software Configuration and Library Manager. v OFF means the member was somehow processed outside SCLM. Reserved. Indicates ISPF extended statistics exist. Reserved for future ISPF use. Reserved.

| | |

Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4-7 Bit 8 4 5-8

The seconds portion of the time last modified, in packed decimal format. Creation date: Byte 5 Byte 6-8 Century indicator. X'00' = 1900. X'01' = 2000. Julian date, in packed decimal format


Date last modified: Byte 9 Byte 10-12 Century indicator. X'00' = 1900. X'01' = 2000. Julian date, in packed decimal format


Time last modified, in packed format: Byte 13 Byte 14 Hours, in packed decimal format Minutes, in packed decimal format

15-16 17-18 19-20 21-27 28-30

Current number of lines, in hexadecimal format Initial number of lines, in hexadecimal format Number of modified lines, in hexadecimal format Userid, in character format Varies according to whether bit 3 of byte 3 is set off or on:


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Diagnostic information
Bit 3 of byte 3 set on Bytes 28-30 set to blank. Bit 3 of byte 3 set off Bytes 28-30 set to: 28 Blank. 29-32 Current number of lines. 33-36 Initial number of lines. 37-40 Number of modified lines.

Common problems using ISPF

This section contains some common error messages that may be encountered while using ISPF. Error resolutions and explanations are also included.

v IKJ56500I COMMAND NOT FOUND If a command processor exists only in LPA, there must be an entry in the ISPTCM for the command processor. See z/OS ISPF Planning and Customizing for more details on customizing the ISPF TSO command table. v IKJ56861I FILE ddname NOT FREED, DATA SET IS OPEN If the LIBRARY parameter is used with a table service, the user is not able to free the ddname for the table library pointed to by the LIBRARY parameter. ISPF keeps this library open until a new ddname is used in the LIBRARY parameter with another table service. ISPF functions in this manner for performance reasons. Issuing a table service with a LIBRARY parameter containing a ddname that does not exist causes the previous library to be closed and therefore allows the user to free the previous ddname. Use of CONTROL ERRORS RETURN may be used to guard against a severe error as a result of a ddname not existing. For example:

v ISPP150 Panel name errorAt least one of the CLEAR names listed is not a panel field name. or: ISPP121 Panel name errorPanel definition too large, greater than screen size. when entering KEYLIST, when requesting field-level help in ISPF panels, or when displaying panels created using DTL. These messages are often caused by having a GML library in the ISPPLIB concatenation or by having GML source code in the panel library. Check your ISPPLIB concatenation to make sure that the ISPF-supplied GML library is not concatenated first. The ISPF-supplied GML library should not be in any of the ISPF library concatenations. Make sure that the libraries in your ISPPLIB concatenation do not contain GML source code.

Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


Common problems using ISPF

v ISPT036 Table in usetable service issued for table table name that is in use, ENQUEUE failed. This message frequently occurs when batch jobs that use ISPF services run concurrently. This occurs because most batch jobs allocate a new profile each time they run. ISPF issues a TBOPEN against ISPPROF DD card for member ISPSPROF. The TBOPEN fails since ISPPROF does not contain this member. ISPF then issues a TBOPEN against ISPTLIB to copy the default ISPSPROF from ISPTLIB to ISPPROF. If the first data set in the ISPTLIB concatenation sequence is the same for two batch jobs running concurrently, message ISPT036 is issued. To ensure that this condition does not occur, the first data set in the ISPTLIB concatenation should be user unique. For example, sysuid..ISPPROF would be a user unique data set, which could be used as the first data set concatenated to the ISPTLIB DD. For the same reasons, this problem can also occur when two users log on to ISPF for the first time if they have the same data set concatenated first in the ISPTLIB concatenation. v ISPT016, ISPT017, and other I/O Errors ISPF has various messages that reference I/O errors on either GET or PUT (READ and WRITE macros) such as message ISPT017. These errors are typically caused by concatenation problems on one of the ISPF libraries. Allocating data sets that do not have consistent DCB parameters in ISPF library concatenations often causes these messages. Also, ISPTABL, ISPFILE, and ISPPROF are used for output and therefore must have only a single data set allocated to their ddnames. For I/O errors during panel services, check your ISPPLIB concatenation for inconsistent DCBs. For I/O errors during file tailoring services, check your ISPSLIB concatenation for inconsistent DCBs and make sure that only one data set is allocated to ddname ISPFILE. For I/O errors during table services, check your ISPTLIB concatenation for inconsistent DCBs and make sure that only one data set is allocated to ddname ISPTABL. I/O error messages cannot be issued when there is a problem with the ISPMLIB concatenation since messages cannot be located due to the I/O error. Message CMG999 occurs when there is an I/O error due to an ISPMLIB concatenation problem. v CMG999 CMG999 is issued with an appropriate description of the error condition for any problem with accessing a message. See z/OS ISPF Dialog Developers Guide and Reference for further information on how to define a message.

Unexpected output
v ISPF services do not pick up updated copies of messages or panels. When not in TEST mode, the most recently accessed panel and message definitions are retained in virtual storage for performance reasons. If you have modified a panel or message file, using TEST mode ensures that the latest copy of each message or panel is accessed. See z/OS ISPF Services Guide for more information on executing ISPF in TEST mode. v ISPF commands such as WINDOW, COLOR, CUAATTR, EXIT, CANCEL, ACTIONS, KEYSHELP, KEYLIST, EXHELP, FKA, and ISPDTLC are not recognized as valid commands, or function keys defined as these commands do not function properly.


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Common problems using ISPF

The user issuing these commands or pressing the function keys defined as these commands has a private copy of ISPCMDS in the ISPTLIB concatenation. The users private copy of ISPCMDS is missing some or all of the new commands supplied in the new command table, ISPCMDS. Users experiencing this problem should either replace their private copy of ISPCMDS with the ISPF-supplied copy, or update their private ISPCMDS with the missing commands.

Abend codes and information

ISPF controller and processor task abends are controlled by STAE and STAI exit routines and by ISPF execution modes set using the ISPSTART TEST parameters. Under normal conditions (that is, when processor and controller dumps have not been requested by specifying the ISPSTART TEST command): v When a processor task abends: No dump is taken. The controller reattaches the processor main drive (ISPPMD). The primary option menu is redisplayed for that logical screen. v When the controller task abends: ISPF terminates with *** ISPF MAIN TASK ABEND *** message. Control returns to TSO. Pressing Enter causes a dump to be taken if a dump data set has been allocated. The controller and processor tasks issue the ABEND system service and allow dumps under certain situations. The ISPF modules that issue ABENDs and their associated codes and reasons are listed below: Abend code 0C1 in various common ISPF subroutines In several ISPF modules, an invalid operation code of (X00) is executed to force an abend at the point that an unexpected condition occurs. Contact IBM support if this condition occurs within an ISPF module. Abend code 0C4 in ISPDVCGT, ISPDVCPT, or ISPDVCFD These abends are often caused by mismatched VDEFINE and VDELETE services in a users program. The VDEFINE service gives ISPF addressability to user storage. This storage is used by variable services any time the variable that has been established by the VDEFINE service is referenced. If this storage is released back to the system, an 0C4 abend may occur depending on whether the storage is still accessible. Following are two common scenarios that often show these abends: v A program establishes a variable in a called subroutine using the VDEFINE service and subsequently uses an ISPF service that references this variable in another routine. If the called subroutine was dynamically loaded and therefore released its storage, an 0C4 abend could occur when the subroutine references a VDEFINEd variable. v A program establishes a variable in a called subroutine using the VDEFINE service and then calls another program without using the SELECT service. Then the called program VDEFINEs a variable with the same name, but does not VDELETE it on exit. If the calling program references that variable after the called program returns control to it, an 0C4 abend can occur. Since a VDELETE has not been done, ISPF services still reference the variable VDEFINEd by the called program.

Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


Abend codes and information

If the program intent is to use the same variable in the main and called routines, the variable should be VDEFINEd only in the main routine. If the program intent to isolate a variable to be used only in the routine in which it is VDEFINEd, then the program should also VDELETE the variable before it ends. To diagnose whether the user application has this problem, a function trace on VDEFINE, VDELETE, and the SELECT services (Option 7.7.1) is very helpful. Abend codes 111 or 222 To produce these abends, the user must be in test mode and request processor dumps by entering one of the following commands on the ISPF command line. With exception of the user completion code, both commands function in the same manner. ABEND CRASH Terminates ISPF with user completion code 111. Terminates ISPF with user completion code 222.

Abend code 908 ZISPFRC value was not valid Abend code 920 ISPSTART command syntax was not valid Abend code 985 An attempt was made to start a GUI in batch mode, but no workstation connection was made. Abend code 987 An attempt was made to start GUI with GUISCRW or GUISCRD and the GUI initialization failed. Abend code 988 Invalid TSO environment. See z/OS ISPF Planning and Customizing for the proper TSO version. Abend code 989 The ISPF C/S component window was closed while still running ISPF in GUI mode Abend code 990 An error occurred running in batch mode. If ZISPFRC has not been set previously, and ISPF encounters a severe error that terminates the product, then 990 is set. Abend code 995 Configuration table is not compatible with current ISPF release. Configuration table must be release 4.8 or later. Abend code 996 (or X3E5) ISPF was not able to load the terminal translate table during initialization. Check that the load module defined in the configuration table is available in the ISPLLIB or MVS load library search concatenation. The value is stored in the users profile data set, so a reset may be required to load the correct value. Abend code 997 (or X3E5) A TPUT returned a return code other than 0 or 8. A message is displayed and an attempt is made to redisplay the full screen. If the redisplay fails twice, this abend is issued. Abend code 998 (or X3E6) An ISPF severe error that occurs while not in CONTROL ERRORS


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Abend codes and information

RETURN mode and before ISPF is fully initialized. ISPF is considered to be fully initialized when the Enter key on the primary option menu has been processed without a severe error occurring. Abend code 999 (or X3E7) This abend is issued for the following reasons: v No function pool is established for a command processor. For example, a command processor that uses ISPF services is invoked using option 6 or SELECT CMD, but the command processor does not have a function pool. The user needs to have an entry for the command processor in the ISPTCM with the X40 flag set on. The X40 flag indicates that the command requires a function pool. See z/OS ISPF Planning and Customizing for more information on customizing the ISPTCM. v An error occurs while another error is already being processed. ISPF issues the abend code 999 in this case to protect against an infinite loop. v An error occurred during ISPF initialization. For example: An I/O error occurred due to ISPF library allocations such as ISPSLIB, ISPPLIB, ISPMLIB, and so forth, containing inconsistent or incorrect DCB attributes. An ISPF library allocation does not contain the required ISPF libraries in its concatenation. For example, the ISPMLIB contains user product libraries but not ISPF libraries.

Terminal I/O error codes

Below is a list of terminal I/O error codes that you may see while using ISPF. v ISPF screen output error code 41 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 31 32 33 51 52 TPUT return code not equal to 0 or 8 TGET return code other than 0, 4, or 8. Input stream size greater than input buffer size or 0. Unknown attention identifier (AID). Invalid input AID. Input stream size invalid for input AID. Input cursor location not within physical screen. First byte of input buffer field not an SBA (invalid input data). Byte preceding the physical screen field is past the end of the physical screen (input data from invalid screen position). Byte preceding the physical screen field is not an input attribute (input data from invalid screen position). Physical screen field not defined on panel (input data from invalid screen position). Physical screen field attribute not found in logical screen. Byte preceding logical screen field is not an input attribute.
Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information

v ISPF screen input error code


Terminal I/O error codes

55 Physical screen size is greater than corresponding logical screen size.

Notes: 1. The physical screen size is determined by ISPF during initialization. 2. The input buffer size is a variable based on the physical screen size. 3. The logical screen is the same size as the physical screen, and is the size that the processor task uses for screen I/O. When the 3290 is running in 62 X 160 partition mode, the SPLITV command makes the logical screen width equal to 80. When a 3278 mod 5 is running in standard mode, the logical screen size is 24 X 80. 4. Only part of the logical screen appears on the physical screen when ISPF is running in split-screen mode. When the 3290 is running in 62 X 160 partition mode, the entire logical screen may be visible, depending on the position of the horizontal split line. 5. An input buffer field extends from an SBA to either the next SBA or the end of the input buffer. 6. A physical screen field extends from the location indicated in the input buffer SBA to the location of the next attribute byte in the physical screen.

Register linkage conventions

ISPF uses standard linkage conventions: v SELECT PGM(program-name) REGISTER 1 2 - 12 13 14 15 REGISTER 1 CONTENTS Points to the address of the parameter data (from the PARM keyword) field (half-word length) followed by the data Not used 72-byte save area Return address Entry address / Return code on exit CONTENTS On entry, points to a parameter list; each address in the list in turn points to a parameter. On return to the caller of ISPLINK, the users parameter list starts at the second parameter. ISPF has inserted a parameter in front of the users parameters for ISPF use. Not used 72-byte save area Return address


2 - 12 13 14

15 Entry address / Return code on exit v SELECT CMD(cmdname) where cmdname is a program that will be attached as a command processor by ISPF: REGISTER 1 CONTENTS Points to a CPPL (Command Processor Parameter List) which is a list of four addresses that point respectively to: Command


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Register linkage conventions

buffer, UPT, PSCB, ECT. See the TSO programming services manual for descriptions of these parameters. 2 - 12 13 14 15 Not used 72-byte save area Not applicable Return code on exit

Usually when an abend occurs within ISPF code, register 12 points to the entry point of the abending CSECT.

Obtaining message IDs

In order to obtain the message ID associated with an error message in ISPF, you need to be in ISPF TEST mode. ISPF is in TEST mode if: v ISPF is invoked with the TEST, TESTX, TRACE, or TRACEX parameter specified on the ISPSTART, PDF, or ISPF command, or v Restore TEST/TRACE options is not selected in option 0 and you go into option 7, Dialog Test, at some point in your current ISPF session. If you are not in TEST mode, split the screen, enter option 7, Dialog Test, and swap back to the screen containing the error. You can use the either of the following methods to get the message ID: v Enter print on the panel displaying the error message. The message ID, along with the displayed message text and screen output, appears in the LIST data set. The LIST data set can be printed using the LIST command. v With the short message displayed: 1. Press the function key assigned to Help (default is F1) or type help on the command line. This displays the long message text for the error. 2. Press the function key assigned to Help or type help on the command line once more to display the Tutorial panel associated with the error. The bottom lines of the Tutorial panel contain fields that list the current panel name, the previous panel name, and the message ID. The value following LAST MSG= is the message ID associated with the error.

Chapter 7. Diagnostic Tools and Information


Obtaining message IDs


z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

Appendix. Accessibility
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. The major accessibility features in z/OS enable users to: v Use assistive technologies such as screen readers and screen magnifier software v Operate specific or equivalent features using only the keyboard v Customize display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size

Using assistive technologies

Assistive technology products, such as screen readers, function with the user interfaces found in z/OS. Consult the assistive technology documentation for specific information when using such products to access z/OS interfaces.

Keyboard navigation of the user interface

Users can access z/OS user interfaces using TSO/E or ISPF. Refer to z/OS TSO/E Primer, z/OS TSO/E Users Guide, and z/OS ISPF Users Guide Vol I for information about accessing TSO/E and ISPF interfaces. These guides describe how to use TSO/E and ISPF, including the use of keyboard shortcuts or function keys (PF keys). Each guide includes the default settings for the PF keys and explains how to modify their functions.

z/OS information
z/OS information is accessible using screen readers with the BookServer/Library Server versions of z/OS books in the Internet library at:

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z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

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This publication primarily documents information that is NOT intended to be used as Programming Interfaces of ISPF. This publication also documents intended Programming Interfaces that allow the customer to write programs to obtain the services of ISPF. This information is identified where it occurs, either by an introductory statement to a chapter or section or by the following marking:
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z/OS V1R11.0 ISPF Messages and Codes

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Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) Messages and Codes z/OS Version 1 Release 11.0 Publication No. SC34-4815-09 We appreciate your comments about this publication. Please comment on specific errors or omissions, accuracy, organization, subject matter, or completeness of this book. The comments you send should pertain to only the information in this manual or product and the way in which the information is presented. For technical questions and information about products and prices, please contact your IBM branch office, your IBM business partner, or your authorized remarketer. When you send comments to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute your comments in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. IBM or any other organizations will only use the personal information that you supply to contact you about the issues that you state on this form. Comments:

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