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Matoshri Education Society’s


A/P: Dhanore, Tal-Yeola,Dist.-Nasik,423401

Micro Project Report

Academic year:2024-25

Title of Project

Hostel Managment System

Name Of Student: Avhad Rahul Vijay

Class : TYCO

Semester : Fifth
Roll No : 25
Enrollment No:
2211710071 Seat No
: 458866

Program : Computer Engineering

Course : STE
Course code : 22518
Name of Teacher: Miss.Bhandare S. N.

Matoshri Education Society’s
A/P: Dhanore, Tal-Yeola,Dist.-Nasik,423401


This is to certify that Mr. Avhad Rahul Vijay Roll no 25

Of Fifth semester of Diploma in Computer Engineering
has successfully completed the for the Academic yeear 2024
-2025 as prescribed MSBTE Micro Project in Hostel
Managment System curriculum underthe guidance of subject

Place:Yeola Enrollment No:2211710071

Date: Seat No: 458866

Subject Teacher HOD Principal

Miss.Bhandare S. N. Mr. Ghorpde M. S. Mr. Gujrathi G.S.


Academic Year: 2024-25 Program: Computer Engineering

Class: TYCO Course: STE
Course Code: 22518 Roll No: 25
Enrollment No: 2211710071 Exam Seat No: 458866

Title of Micro Project:- Hostel Managment System

Sr. Contents PageN

No. o.
1 Abstract 07

Introduction 08
3 Test Plan 09

4 Test Case 11

5 Defect Report 19

6 Advantage 20

7 Applications 21

Conclusion 23

Reference 24

Signature of Students Signature of Faculty

Avhad Rahul Vijay Miss. Bhandare S. N.

Rubric for Evaluation of Micro Project

Academic Year: 2024-25 Program: Computer Engineering

Class: TYCO Course: STE
Course Code: 22518 Roll No: 25
Enrollment No: 23651820524 Exam Seat No:458866

Title of Micro Project: - Hostel Managment System

Group Members:
Sr. No. Roll No. Name of Candidates

1 25 Avhad Rahul Vijay

CO coverage:

CO-1 Apply various software testing methods.

CO-2 Prepare test cases for different types and levels of testing

Indicators for different level of Performance

(Evaluation Scale 0 to 2)
Sr. No Criteria Obtained
(Out of 2) Poor(0) Average(1) Good(2)
Submission of Not Submitted proposal or project Project proposal
1 Project anything in report submitted in & project report
proposal/Report time time submitted ij time
CO/PRO Not attained Attained some Attained
2 Attainment any CO/PRO CO/PRO Maximum
Content of Not contains Contains
Contains some relevant maximum
3 project/Formatti relevant
information relevant
ng information information
Total Marks
4 (06)
5 ers(04)

Additional Comments(if any):

Name of Teacher & Sign

Miss. Bhandare S. N.

Micro Project Proposal

Academic Year: 2024-25 Program: Computer Engg

Class: TYCO Course: STE
Course Code: 22518

Title of Micro Project: Hostel Managment System

Group Members:
Sr no Roll no Name Of Candidates

1 25 Avhad Rahul Vijay

Content / Key Points:

Understanding concets of organization

Stationary / Material Required (if any):

Internet Source


Micro Project Log Book

Semester: Fifth Program: Computer Engineering

Course: STE Class: TYCO

Topic of the Micro-Project:- Hostel Managment System

Sr.No. Roll No. Name of Group Members Sign

1 25 Avhad Rahul Vijay

Week Discussion & Details Teacher’s Teacher’s

No. Comment Sign
1 General Discussion about micro project activity.
2 Guidelines for micro project
3 Discussion on different industry/application/study
oriented topics
4 Group member are finalized and the topic
is decided, as
5 Work distribution to collect the information regarding
Topic by each member.
6 Gathered information through the various sources, such
As internet, book, magazine, joutrnar and newspaper
7 Discussed the difficulty faced during the collection of
necessary information among the group member.
8 Discussion with the guide to sort out differently faced
While collecting the information.
9 Prepared a rough draft & shown it to the guide.

10 Necessary instructions are given by the guide for its

better Presentation & Finalized project.
11 Presentation is give no the topic, Report is prepared on the
topics& final submission of micro project and

Name & Signature of project Guide Name & Signature of HOD

Miss. Bhandare S. N. Mr. Ghorpade.M. S

This Project “HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” targeted for the College
Hostel integrates the transaction management of the Hostel for better control and timely
response. This eliminates time delay and paper transactions being marked.

The warden is provided with a better control over the transactions like adding the
details of new students in the hostel, modifying the detailsof the students, deleting the
students, viewingthe students details in the Hostel.

This project‟s mainmotto is to reduce the effort of Wardens and provide better
service to the students.The goal of this project is to develop a system for the
computerization of the Hostel.

The commontransactions of the hostel includes the maintenance of mess bills,

information about students in thehostel, enrolling of new students and their payments
and dues etc are stored into the databases andreports are generated according to the user

The basic purpose of designing this project is to get rid from manual entry and record
system and try to give easy and simple database management system for hostels.

This project is designed to keep the record of the students living in hostel, allocation
of rooms, their monthly or semester wise dues and many more things but we are trying
to make this management system as much as simple and easy as we can, but I well try
to cover all the basic elements use for hostel management database.

If we talk in simple functionality of this project so our basic target is to keep database
of students in hostels with different angles such that their room number, fees status,
their course name, semester and can be many more.

As mentioned earlier we will try to make our project easy and simple so it can be
implement at any level and can be productive and useful for any hostel administration.

Test Plan
 Testing Methodologies:
A strategy for software testing must accommodate low-level tests that are necessary to
verify that a small source code segment has been correctly implemented as well as high-
level tests that validate major system functions against customer requirements. A
strategy must provide guidance for the practitioner and a set of milestones for the
manager. Because the steps of the test strategy occur at a time when deadline pressure
begins to rise, progress must be measurable and problems must surface as early as
possible. Following testing techniques are well known and the same strategy is adopted
during this project testing.
• Unit testing:
Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design the
software component or module. The unit test is white-box oriented. The unit testing
implemented in every module of student attendance management System. by giving
correct manual input to the system, the data are stored in database and retrieved. If you
want required module to access input or get the output from the End user. any error will
accrue the time will provide handler to show what type of error will accrued.
• System testing:
System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to fully
exercise the computer-based system. Below we have described the two types of testing
which have been taken for this project. it is to check all modules worked on input basis.
if you want change any values or inputs will change all information. so specified input
is must.

• Performance Testing:
Performance testing is designed to test the run-time performance of software within
the context of an integrated system. Performance testing occurs throughout all steps in
the testing process. Even at the unit level, the performance of an individual module may
be assessed as white-box tests are conducted. This project reduce attendance table,
codes. it will generate report have extra time or waiting of results

 Security Testing
Security Testing is a form of software testing performed to evaluate the security of a
system or application. Security testing ensures the system's safety from hackers, viruses,
or cyber threats. Such protection can only be achieved by analyzing the system against
all security-related expectations. 11

 Alpha Testing
Alpha testing is the first end-to-end testing of a product to ensure it meets the business
requirements and functions correctly.
 Beta Testing
It is an opportunity for real users to use a product in a production environment to
uncover any bugs or issues before a general release. Beta testing is the final round of
testing before releasing a product to a wide audience.
 Object-Oriented Testing
To sum up, object-oriented testing in software testing is an approach that focuses on
testing individual classes in an object-oriented program. It involves testing at different
levels, including algorithmic, class, cluster, and system-level testing.

Test Cases

Test case is an object for execution for other modules in the architecture does not
represent any interaction by itself. A test case is a set of sequential steps to execute a
test operating on a set of predefined inputs to produce certain expected outputs.

There are two types of test cases: manual and automated. A manual test case is
executed manually while an automated test case is executed using automation. In system
testing, test data should cover the possible values of each parameter based on the

Since testing every value is impractical, a few values should be chosen from each
equivalence class.

An equivalence class is a set of values that should all be treated the same. Ideally,
test cases that check error conditions are written separately from the functional test
cases and should have steps to verify the error messages and logs.

Realistically, if functional test cases are not yet written, it is ok for testers to check
for error conditions when performing normal functional test cases.

Test Unit: Hosteller

ConditionTo Exepected
TC-ID Test Data Status
be Tested Output

If Pass
Kindly select
TC-1 hosteller Hosteller type
hosteller type
type is not
If hosteller Pass
name Name should
TC-2 contains other Name contain only
than character alphabets

If email id does Pass

Entered email
TC-3 not contains Email id
id is not valid
proper format

If password Password must Fail

TC-4 length is less password contain at least
than 5 6 characters.

If password Password and Pass

and confirm Confirmed
TC-5 confirm
password does password are
not match. not matching.

Date of birth Fail

If date of birth
TC-6 Date of birth should not
is selected
be empty

If father Pass
Father Name
name contains
TC-7 Father name should contain
other than
only alphabets
mother Name Pass
TC-8 If mother name Mother name
should contain
contains other
only alphabets
than character

If address address should Pass

TC-9 contains other address contain only
than character alphabets

If contact Contact
number does Contact number should
TC-10 Pass
not contain 10 number contain 10
digits digits

Test Unit: login

ConditionTo Exepected
TC-ID Test Data Status
be Tested Output

Alert the user

If any field in
Value of form to enter all the
TC-1 the form is Pass
fields. fields and then

Alert user that

If the emailid “ Invalid
and Password emailid, emailid and
TC-2 Pass
does not password Password”
match. And stay in
same page.

Test Unit: Hosteller Addmission

ConditionTo Exepected
TC-ID Test Data Status
be Tested Output

1 If start date is Start date Kindly select Pass

not selected start date
2 If end date is End date Kindly select Pass
not end date
3 If food type is Food type Kindly select Pass
not selected food type

Test unit: Add Employee

ConditionTo Exepected
TC-ID Test Data Status
be Tested Output

If employee
Name should
name contains Employee
1. contain only Pass
other than Name
character types

If login id field Login id should

2. Lodin id Pass
is empty not be empty

If password Password
3. length is less password must contain Pass
than 6 at least 6
If password and Password and
confirm Confirm Confirmed
4 Pass
password does password password are
not match not matching.

If employee
Kindly select
5 type is not Employee type Pass
employee type

If gender is not Kindly select
6 gender Pass
selected gender

If designation
7 designation field should not Pass
field is empty
be empty

If status is not Kindly select

8 status Pass
selected status

Test unit: Hosteller Addmission

ConditionTo Exepected
TC-ID Test Data Status
be Tested Output

1 If start date is Start date Kindly select Pass

not selected start date
2 If end date is End date Kindly select Pass
not end date
3 If food type is Food type Kindly select Pass
not selected food type

Test Unit : Events

ConditionTo Exepected
TC-ID Test Data Status
be Tested Output

Event title
If event title
1. Event title field should Pass
field is empty
not be empty

If event Event banner

2. banner field is Event banner should not Pass
empty be empty

Event Pass
If event
Event description
3. description
description should not be
field is empty

If event date is Kindly select Pass

4. Event date
not selected date

If status is not Kindly select Pass

5. status
selected status

Test unit: Add Room

ConditionTo Exepected
TC-ID Test Data Status
be Tested Output

If block is not Kindly select Pass

1. blocks
selected blocks

If fees Pass
Kindly select
2. structure is not Fees structure
fees structure

If room No Room No Pass

3. contains other Room No should
than digits contain digits

If No.of beds No.of beds Pass

4. contains other No.of beds feild should
than digits contain digits

If status is not Kindly select Pass

5 status
selected status

Test Unit: Add Fees Structure

ConditionTo Exepected
TC-ID Test Data Status
be Tested Output

Kindly Pass
If block is
1. blocks select
not selected

Kindly Pass
Hosteller select
2. hosteller
type hosteller
type is not
If room type Kindly Pass
3. is not room select room
selected type

If cost fields cost fields Pass

contains should
4. cost
other than contain
digits digits

If status is Kindly Pass

5. status
not selected select status

Test Unit : Add Blocks

ConditionTo Exepected
TC-ID Test Data Status
be Tested Output

If block name Pass

Block name
1 block should contain
other than
only alphabets
If status is not Kindly select Pass
selected status

Test Unit: Billing

ConditionTo Exepected
TC-ID Test Data Status
be Tested Output

If card holder
Card holder
name contains
Card holder name should
1 alphabets other Pass
name contain only
than character

If Pass
Payment Kindly select
2 payment
Type payment type
type is not
card number Pass
If card number
3 contains less Card Number
contain 16
than 16 digits

If CVV card number Pass

number should
4 CVV number
contains less contain 3
than 3 digits digits

Defect Report

Defect report Hostel Management System

Defect id HMS-67 Defect id HMS-67
Title Room Allocation Title Room Allocation
Description When trying to Description When trying to allocate a room to a
allocate a room to a new new student,an error message appears
student,an error message saying,”System Error:Allocation Failed.” This
appears saying,”System prevents the completion of the room allocation
Error:Allocation Failed.” process.
This prevents the
completion of the room
allocation process.
Steps to Replicate 1. Log into the HMS as an administrator.
2. Go to the „Room Allocation „ module.
3. Try allocating an available room a new student.
4. Observe the error message.
Expected Result The room should be successfully allocated to the
new student,and the room status should change to
Actual Result An error message appears,and the room remain
Severity High
Priority Low
Reported by Avhad Rahul
Assigned to Miss.Bhandare S. N.
Status Almost solve

Advantage Of Hostel Management System

 Centralized Data Management: All information related to students, room

assignments, billing, attendance, and inventory is stored in one place, reducing
errors and making data easily accessible.

 Efficient Room Allocation: Automates room assignments based on availability,

preferences, or specific requirements, which saves time and helps prevent conflicts or

 Billing and Payments Management: Streamlines fee collections, billing, and

payment tracking, allowing for secure online payments and better financial tracking.

 Enhanced Security and Attendance Tracking: Tracks student check-ins and

check-outs, ensuring safety by monitoring who is on the premises and allowing
administrators to detect unusual activity.

 Reduced Paperwork: Digitizes records, reducing the need for paper documents,
which minimizes clutter, improves accuracy, and makes information retrieval faster.

 Improved Communication: Enables direct communication between hostel

staff, students, and parents through SMS, email, or in-app notifications, enhancing
transparency and quick issue resolution.

 Inventory and Resource Management: Keeps track of hostel resources

like furniture, appliances, and other supplies, helping in timely maintenance and
better resource allocation.

 Enhanced Reporting and Analytics: Provides insights into occupancy rates,

budgeting, and other metrics, enabling data-driven decisions to optimize hostel

 Customizable and Scalable: Adapts to specific hostel needs, such as

different types of room accommodations, and scales easily as the hostel grows.

 24/7 Accessibility: Cloud-based systems enable remote access, allowing hostel

management, parents, and students to check important details anytime, from

 Better Student Experience: Simplifies the onboarding, allocation, and support

processes, making hostel life more organized and less stressful for students.

Application Of Hostel Management System

 Student Registration and Admissions: Streamlines the process of registering

new students, collecting personal information, and managing waitlists for hostel

 Room Allocation and Management: Manages room assignments based on

availability, student preferences, and specific requirements, avoiding overlaps or
room conflicts.

 Attendance and Tracking: Monitors student attendance, check-in, and check-

out times, helping ensure safety and accountability within the hostel premises.

 Billing and Payment Processing: Automates fee collections, tracks payment

status, generates receipts, and sends reminders for pending payments, enabling efficient
financial management.

 Communication and Notifications: Sends notifications to students,

parents, and staff regarding important updates, announcements, or emergency
information, improving transparency.

 Inventory and Asset Management: Keeps track of hostel resources like

furniture, linens, and other supplies, ensuring timely maintenance and better
resource allocation.

 Visitor Management: Tracks visitor logs and manages visitor

permissions, enhancing hostel security and helping monitor student safety.

 Mess and Meal Planning: Manages meal schedules, diet preferences, and
attendance in the mess, helping optimize food planning and reduce waste.

 Maintenance and Issue Tracking: Allows students and staff to report

maintenance issues, track their resolution status, and maintain records for
repairs, leading to faster issue resolution.

 Compliance and Reporting: Generates detailed reports on occupancy,

financials, attendance, and more for regulatory compliance and insights for data-driven

 Multi-Hostel Management: In larger institutions, the system can
manage multiple hostels under one interface, simplifying cross-hostel
coordination and administration.

 Mobile Access and Portals: Offers students and parents access to relevant
information through a mobile app or web portal, making information accessible on
the go.


In conclusion, a hostel management system is a vital tool for efficiently

managing hostel operations, enhancing the living experience for students, and
streamlining administrative tasks. By centralizing data, automating processes, and
enabling real-time communication, it reduces errors, saves time, and improves
transparency among students, parents, and staff. Additionally, features such as
attendance tracking, inventory management, and billing automation help ensure
security, financial accuracy, and resource optimization.

With a well-implemented hostel management system,institutions can focus on

providing a safe, well-maintained, and student-friendly environment.This contributes to
an overall positive and organized hostel experience, ensuring that administrative tasks
are efficient and that students have a comfortable place to stay.



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