Marriage and Divorce Statistics, Malaysia, 2020 PDF
Marriage and Divorce Statistics, Malaysia, 2020 PDF
Marriage and Divorce Statistics, Malaysia, 2020 PDF
The number of marriages decreased 1.2 per cent from 206,352 (2018) to 203,821 (2019). Thus, CMR declined from 6.4 (2018) to
6.3 (2019) per thousand population.
The number of Muslim marriages recorded in 2019 was 147,847, decreased 1.5 per cent as compared to 150,098 (2018). CMR
decreased from 7.6 (2018) to 7.4 (2019) per thousand Muslim population. Similarly, Non-Muslim marriages declined 0.5 per cent
from 56,254 (2018) to 55,974 (2019). Thus, CMR declined from 4.5 (2018) to 4.4 (2019) per thousand Non-Muslim population.
Table 1: Number of marriages and Crude Marriage Rate (CMR), Malaysia, 2018 and 2019
The median age of grooms remained at aged 28.0. Meanwhile, the median age for brides increased from 26.0 years to 27.0 years.
The median age of grooms and brides for Muslim and Non-Muslim remained unchanged.
The number of divorces increased 12.0 per cent from 50,862 (2018) to 56,975 (2019). Thus, CDR increased from 1.6 (2018) to
1.8 (2019) per thousand population.
The number of Muslim divorces recorded in 2019 was 45,502, increased 13.0 per cent as compared to 40,269 (2018). CDR
increased from 2.0 (2018) to 2.3 (2019) per thousand Muslim population. Similarly, Non-Muslim divorces increased 8.3 per cent
from 10,593 (2018) to 11,473 (2019). Therefore, CDR for Non-Muslim increased from 0.8 (2018) to 0.9 (2019) per thousand Non-
Muslim population.
Table 2: Number of divorces and Crude Divorce Rate (CDR), Malaysia, 2018 and 2019
The median age at divorce for males and females remained at 37.0 and 34.0 years, respectively. Similar pattern was also observed
for Muslim divorcees. Meanwhile, the median age for Non-Muslim male shifted from 38.0 years to 39.0 years.
30 November 2020
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