U Values of Elements
U Values of Elements
U Values of Elements
U-Values of
A guide to the specification of insulation materials in order
to achieve compliance with Approved Document L1B 2010
of the Building Regulations for small domestic works.
U-Values of Elements
A guide to the specification of insulation materials in order to achieve compliance with
Approved Document L1B 2010 of the Building Regulations for small domestic works.
Members of the BBA Competency Scheme for The assessment process consists of the following
U-value and condensation risk analysis have been steps:
pleased to work with Hertfordshire Building Control
• an initial screening, based on sample
Technical Forum in updating this Technical calculations designed to explore understanding
Note 10. The scheme members, Knauf Insulation, of the underlying principles of the key
Kingspan Insulation, Recticel Insulation, Rockwool convention documents BR 443, BS EN ISO
and Sheffield Insulations Group Technical Services, 6946 and BS EN ISO 13370
made the necessary calculations and populated
the matrix provided with U-values calculated under • an office inspection to examine the
the auspices of the competency scheme, using the company’s quality system and examples
competent persons at their disposal. of actual calculations
The content of the scheme has been devised in • issue of a Certificate to the company that
association with TIMSA, the Thermal Insulation employs the Competent Person(s), defining
Manufacturers and Suppliers Association, which the individual areas of competency
includes the above companies who continue to • ongoing surveillance.
participate in maintaining its validity with ongoing
development. The scheme is however open to Scheme members are required to demonstrate
non-TIMSA members as well, and provides appropriate technical competency and in-house
reassurance that the calculations being provided procedural controls to ensure that their declared
are supplied by an individual or company that has calculations are reasonable.
been subject to a rigorous and ongoing The Competent Person is identified within the
independent assessment process. dedicated scheme logo by the use of a unique
number for each individual. To access a list of
current certificate holders and view the scheme
document, please visit the BBA website.
For more information on the scheme, please
e-mail competencyscheme@bba.star.co.uk or call
01923 665300.
The guidance contained in this document has been prepared by the Hertfordshire
Technical Forum for Building Control.
All data relating to specific products has been sourced from the manufacturers at the time of print. They are typical examples and are
NOT specifically recommended by Local Authority Building Control. All the listed materials must be installed in strict accordance with
manufacturers guidance and with due regard to the need to ensure continuity of insulation and a reasonable standard of airtightness.
The specifications listed are only suggestions as to how the necessary thermal performance can be achieved. Other specifications that
can be shown to be compliant with the Building Regulations will be accepted by Building Control.
Note Pages 13 and 19 give information on the thermal properties of many of the building block and insulation products currently on the
market. This enables the designer to select alternatives to the listed specifications that have equivalent performance.
U-Value achieved maximum 0.22W/m2K
Required thickness of insulation/mm
Product λ-value Perimeter/Area ratio
1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
0.022 –
Kingspan Kooltherm K3* 95 95 90 85 85 75 70 60 35
Kingspan Thermafloor TF70 0.022 75 75 70 70 65 60 55 45 30
Kingspan Thermafloor TF73 0.029 Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm 98 93 79 58
Celotex GA4000 0.022 75 75 70 70 65 60 55 45 30
Recticel Eurothane GP 0.022 75 75 70 70 65 60 55 45 30
Knauf Insulation Polyfoam
0.029 100 115 115 110 110 110 100 85 65
Floorboard Standard
Note: These are calculated figures and should be adjusted to the nearest manufacturer’s thicknesses
Nm: Not manufactured
*Laid between battens at 600 centres
QUINN-therm QF 0.022 70 70 70 65 65 60 60 50 40 25
Rockwool Rockfloor 0.038 130 125 125 125 120 110 100 90 70 25
QUINN-therm QF 0.022 80 75 75 70 70 65 60 50 30 25
(50mm - 100mm)
Rockwool Rockfloor 130 130 125 120 120 110 100 80 50 50
(25mm - 40mm)
Tiles, render or cladding on 50 Kingspan Thermawall TW55 32.5 Kingspan Kooltherm K18
Tiles, render or cladding on 60 Celotex FR4000 between studs 37.5 Celotex PL4000 with lightweight
battens skim
Tiles, render or cladding on 60 Eurothane GP between studs 37.5 Eurothane PL with lightweight
battens skim
Tiles & battens / render 100 Knauf Insulation Earthwool 35 Knauf Insulation Polyfoam
Flexible Slab Linerboard or Knauf Thermal
Laminate Plus
Tiles, render or cladding on 90 Kingspan Thermawall TW55 12.5 P/board & skim
Tiles, render or cladding on 90 Celotex FR4000 between studs 12.5 P/board & skim
Tiles, render or cladding on 90 Eurothane GP between studs 12.5 P/board & skim
Tiles & battens / render 100 Knauf Insulation Earthwool 35 Knauf Insulation Polyfoam
Flexible Slab Linerboard or Knauf Thermal
Laminate Plus
20 Render 215 Durox Supablock, Topblock 42.5 Kooltherm K18 dry-lining board
GTI, Thermalite Turbo λ (0.11) mechanically fixed to timber
20 Render 215 Lightweight Block λ (0.11 - 0.15) 75 Knauf Insulation IWI System
102.5 Brick 100 Earthwool DriTherm 37 100 Block λ value of 0.11 or 12.5 Plasterboard
Standard or Earthwool lower e.g. Celcon Solar/ on dabs
DriTherm Cavity Slab Thermalite Turbo/ Durox
(Rock) Supablock
102.5 Brick 100 Rockwool Cavity 100 Block λ value of 0.11 or 13 Lightweight
lower e.g. Celcon Solar/ plaster
Thermalite Turbo/ Durox
102.5 Brick 100 Earthwool DriTherm 34 100 Block λ value of 0.32 or 12.5 Plasterboard
Super lower e.g. Plasmor on dabs
Aglite or Fibolite
102.5 Brick 100 Earthwool DriTherm 32 100 Block λ value of 1.13 or 12.5 Plasterboard
Ultimate lower e.g. RMC on dabs
Readyblock Dense
102.5 Brick 100 Earthwool DriTherm 37 100 Block λ value of 0.51 or 25 Knauf
Standard lower e.g. Insulation
Masterblock GPI Polyfoam
Knauf Thermal
Laminate Plus
102.5 Brick 100 Earthwool DriTherm 32 100 Block λ value of 0.11 or 13 Plasterboard
Ultimate lower e.g. Celcon Solar/ on dabs or
Thermalite Turbo/ Durox Dense or
Supablock lightweight
100 Rendered Block λ value of 75 Earthwool 100 Block λ value of 0.15 or 13 Dense or
0.15 or lower e.g. DriTherm 32 lower, e.g. lightweight
Celcon Standard/ Ultimate Celcon Standard / plaster
Toplite Standard Toplite Standard
100 Rendered Block λ value of 75 Earthwool 100 Block λ value of 0.11 or 13 Lightweight
0.15 or lower, e.g. DriTherm 37 lower, e.g. plaster
Celcon Standard/ Standard or Celcon Solar /
Toplite Standard Earthwool Thermalite Turbo /
Cavity Slab Durox Supablock
100 Rendered Block λ value of 80 Rockwool 100 Block λ value of 0.11 or 13 Lightweight
0.15 or lower, e.g. Cavity lower, e.g. plaster
Celcon Standard/ Celcon Solar /
Toplite Standard Thermalite Turbo /
Durox Supablock
100 Rendered Block λ value of 85 Earthwool 100 Block λ value of 0.15 or 13 Lightweight
0.15 or lower, e.g. DriTherm 37 lower, e.g. plaster
Celcon Standard/ Standard Celcon Standard /
Toplite Standard Toplite Standard
100 Rendered Aglite Block 7.3N 100 Earthwool 100 Aglite Block 7.3N λ value of 13 Lightweight
λ value of 0.32 DriTherm 34 0.32 plaster
Super or
Isover C.W.S.
100 Rendered Block 1500kg/m3 100 Earthwool 100 Block λ value of 0.15 or 13 Lightweight
Dense Block DriTherm 37 lower, e.g. plaster
Standard Celcon Standard /
Toplite Standard
Some products can be used with reduced residual cavity width – a good level of workmanship is essential.
Please check with individual manufacturer.
U-Value achieved maximum 0.28W/m2K
Outer leaf Partial fill cavity* Inner leaf Internal finish
mm mm mm mm
100 Block 90 40mm Kingspan Kooltherm K8 or 100 Block λ value of 0.11 13 Dense or
(λ 1.13 or e.g. Celcon Solar / lightweight
40mm Kingspan Thermawall TW50 or
lower) + Thermalite Turbo plaster
render 40mm Celotex CW4000 or
40mm Recticel Eurowall
100 Rendered 95 35mm Kingspan Kooltherm K8 or 100 Block λ value of 0.15 13 Lightweight
Block or lower, e.g. plaster
35mm Kingspan Thermawall TW50 or
(λ 0.15 or Thermalite Shield.
lower) 35mm Celotex CW4000 or
35mm Recticel Eurowall or
60mm Knauf Insulation Polyfoam
100 Rendered 100 50mm Kingspan Kooltherm K8 or 100 Dense Block λ value 15 Plasterboard
Dense of 1.13 or lower e.g. on dabs
55mm Celotex CW4000 or
Block Monacrete 100S /
(λ (1.13 or 55mm Recticel Eurowall Plasmor Plascon
Some products can be used with reduced residual cavity width – a good level
of workmanship is essential. Please check with individual manufacturer.
Interyte 0.47
Intercrete 1.13
Lightweight 0.59
Dense 1.06
GPI 0.51
Insulite 0.40
Lyta 0.56
Supabloc 4 0.16
Supabloc 7 0.19
Kingspan Kooltherm K7 with K18 0.020 – 0.023 100mm K7 between rafters & 42.5mm K18 under rafters
Insulated Dry-lining Board
Kingspan Thermapitch TP10 with K18 0.022 & 120mm TP10 between rafters & 32.5mm K18 under rafters
Insulated Dry-lining Board 0.020–0.023
Kingspan Kooltherm K7 with K18 0.020 – 0.023 100mm K7 between rafters & 37.5mm K18 under rafters*
Insulated Dry-lining Board
Kingspan Thermapitch TP10 with K18 0.022 & 100mm TP10 between rafters & 37.5mm K18 under rafters*
Insulated Dry-lining Board 0.020–0.023
Celotex GA4000 between or between 0.022 165mm between rafters *
and under rafters or
100mm between rafters & 35mm under rafters*
50mm between rafters & 70mm under rafters, with
plasterboard attached to 25mm deep counter battens to
create air space*
Recticel Eurothane GP between 0.022 100mm Recticel Eurothane GP between rafters & 42.5mm
rafters & Eurothane PL under 0.022 + 0.017 Eurothane PL*
Recticel Eurothane GP between 0.022 50mm between rafters & 70mm under rafters, with
rafters & Eurothane PL under 0.022 + 0.017 plasterboard attached to 25mm deep counter battens to
create air space then 12.5mm plasterboard and skim*
Knauf Insulation Earthwool Rafter Roll 0.032 / 0.030 140mm between rafters, underlined with 55m Polyfoam
and 55mm Polyfoam Linerboard Linerboard or Knauf Thermal Laminate Plus
Web Dynamics TLX Silver FB and (R-value 1.69) One layer under rafters with plasterboard attached to 25mm
deep counter battens to create air space and 75mm foiled
Insulation with K value of 0.022 or 0.022
rigid insulation such as Kingspan or Celotex or Recticel
Eurothane GP between rafters*
YBS SuperQuilt and (R value of One layer under rafters with plasterboard attached to 25mm
2.71 including deep battens to create air space and 65mm foil face rigid
both airspaces) insulation such as Kingspan or Celotex or Recticel Eurothane
Insulation with K value of 0.023 or GP between rafters with a 25mm cavity between the multifoil
better and the rigid insulation.
Earthwool Loft Roll 44 0.044 100mm between joists and 170mm over joists
Earthwool Loft Roll 44 0.044 100mm Earthwool Loft Roll 44 between joists
and Polyfoam Space Board 0.029 2 layers of 52.50mm Space Board over joists and overlaid
with 18mm chipboard
Polyfoam Sarking Board and 0.030 50mm over rafters with 125mm between rafters
Polyfoam Raftersqueeze
Kingspan Kooltherm K7 0.020 – 0.023 100mm over rafters with breathable membrane, for example
Kingspan Nilvent beneath counter battens*
Kingspan Kooltherm K7 0.020 – 0.023 90mm over rafters with breathable membrane, for example
Kingspan Nilvent above counter battens**
Kingspan Kooltherm K7 0.020 – 0.023 50mm between and 55mm over rafters with breathable
membrane, for example Kingspan Nilvent beneath counter
Kingspan Kooltherm K7 0.020 – 0.023 50mm between and 50mm over rafters with breathable
membrane, for example Kingspan Nilvent above counter
Kingspan Thermapitch TP10 0.022 110mm over rafters with breathable membrane, for example
Kingspan Nilvent beneath counter battens*
Kingspan Thermapitch TP10 0.022 100mm over rafters with breathable membrane, for example
Kingspan Nilvent above counter battens*
Celotex GA4000 0.022 100mm over rafters with breathable membrane*
Rockwool Overlay System 0.035 & 0.038 140mm Flexi between and 70mm Overlay over rafters
Jablite Premium Board 0.030 Based on timber roof with 220 between joists or 150 between joists
50mm wide joists at 400mm and 50 under
Knauf Insulation 0.035 Based on timber roof with 160mm between joists and 55mm Polyfoam
Earthwool Universal 50mm wide joists at 400mm Linerboard or Knauf Thermal Laminate Plus
Slab RS45 and centres under
Polyfoam Linerboard 0.030
Xtratherm Thin – R 0.022 Based on timber roof with 185mm between joists or
50mm wide joists at 400mm 125mm between and 25mm under
Ecotherm 0.022 Based on timber roof with 185mm between joists or
50mm wide joists at 400mm 125mm between and 25mm under
Quintherm 0.022 Based on timber roof with 185mm between joists or
50mm wide joists at 400mm 125mm between and 25mm under
Recticel Eurothane GP 0.022 Based on timber roof with 185mm between joists or
50mm wide joists at 400mm 125mm between and 25mm under
Recticel Eurothane GP 0.022 Based on timber roof with 120mm between joists and 37.5mm
& Eurothane PL 50mm wide joists at 400mm Eurothane PL under joists
Kingspan Kooltherm K7 0.022 – 0.023 Based on timber roof with 175mm (100+75mm) Kooltherm K7 between
& K18 50mm wide joists at 400mm joists, or 100mm Kooltherm K7 between
centres joists & 42.5mm Kooltherm K18 beneath
Kingspan Thermapitch 0.022 & 0.022 Based on timber roof with 185mm (105+80mm) Thermapitch TP10
TP10 & Kooltherm K18 – 0.023 50mm wide joists at 400mm between joists, or 120mm TP10 between
centres joists & 37.5mm K18 beneath
Celotex XR 4000 0.022 Based on timber roof with 185mm between joists or
50mm wide joists at 400mm 125mm between and 25mm under
Celotex XR4000 & 0.022 Based on timber roof with 120mm XR4000 between joists and 37.5mm
PL4000 Under-layer 50mm wide joists at 400mm PL4000 under joists
N.B. Where composite deck insulation is to be used with a Single Ply Membrane – ensure the conditions of use of the membrane
are met. It may be necessary to use an additional layer of 12mm Ply above the insulation to meet the conditions of use.
Earthwool Rafter Roll 0.032 and 50, 65, 75, 85, 100, 125, 140, 175, 200 Rafters
Knauf Insulation Cavityboard 0.029 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 75 Cavity wall
Roofboard Standard 0.029 35, 50, 60, 75 Warm deck
Sarkingboard 0.030 75 Over rafters
Floorboard Standard 0.029 25, 35, 50, 65, 70, 100 Floor
Space Board 0.029 2 x 52.50 overlaid with 18mm chipboard Loft decking
FR4000 0.022 25, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 150 Walls &
pitched roof
CG4000 0.022 40, 50, 60, 70, 74, 80 Cavity walls
Rockwool Flexi 0.035*- 50, 60, 70, 90, 100, 120, 140* Floors, walls,
0.038 roof
Rockwool Roll 0.044 100, 150, 170, 200 Timber frame/
Cavity wall batt 0.037 50, 80, 100, 110, 130, 150 Cavity wall
Rockfloor 0.038* - 25*, 30*, 40*, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 Concrete floor
Rockwool Roll 0.044 100, 150, 170, 200 Pitched roof,
Duorock 0.038 50, 85, 95, 105, 135, 145, 165, 180 Flat roof
Dow Styrofoam Floormate 200-X 0.029 25, 35, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120 Floor
Roofmate SL-X 0.029 25, 35, 50, 70, 80, 100, 120 Flat roof
0.031 130, 140, 150
Roofmate RL-X 0.029 25, 35, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,1 00, 120 Flat roof
Styrofoam IB-X 0.029 25, 35, 50, 60, 70, 80, 1 00, 120 Wall lining
Wallmate CW-X 0.029 25, 35, 50, 60, 70, 80, 1 00, 120 Cavity wall
Thermafleece 80% Sheepswool blend 0.038 240mm (100mm between, 140mm over joists)
Thermafleece PB20 60% Sheepswool blend 0.039 240mm (100mm between, 140mm over joists)
YBS Non-Itch 85% Recycled plastic bottles 0.0425 270mm (100mm between & 170mm over)
Rockwool Rockprime Rock Mineral Wool Granulate 0.045 270mm (100mm between & 170mm over)
VENTED COLD DECK PITCHED ROOF – Insulation between and under rafters
U-Value achieved maximum 0.18W/m2K
Product Source λ-Value Solution
Thermafleece 80% Sheepswool 0.038 100mm between rafters + 165mm under.
(50mm Ventilated space required with F1 felts)
Thermafleece PB20 60% Sheepswool 0.039 100mm between rafters + 165mm under.
(50mm Ventilated space required with F1 felts)
102mm Brick, 50mm vented cavity, 150mm of Warmcel 500 dry-injection 9mm OSB, 500 gauge vapour check,
breather membrane, 9mm OSB or (Assumes 12.5% Timber Fraction) 25mm service cavity, 12.5mm
12.5mm Ply. plasterboard
102mm Brick, 50mm vented cavity, 150mm Warmcel – damp spray 500 gauge vapour check, 12.5mm
breather membrane, 9mm OSB or (Assumes 12.5% Timber Fraction) plasterboard
12.5mm Ply.
Brick / Tile / or Timber Clad Finish, 150mm Thermafleece or Thermafleece Accredited low emissivity membrane,
50mm vented cavity, breather PB20 25mm service void, 12.5mm
membrane, 9mm OSB plasterboard
Brick / Tile / or Timber Clad Finish, 160mm Thermafleece or 170mm 500 gauge vapour check, 12.5mm
50mm vented cavity, breather Thermafleece PB20 plasterboard
membrane, 9mm OSB
Brick / Tile / or Timber Clad Finish, 140mm YBS Non-Itch 0.039W/mK 500 gauge vapour check, 12.5mm
50mm vented cavity, breather grade* plasterboard
membrane, 9mm OSB
U-Value required minimum 1.6 W/m2K (windows); 1.8 W/m2K (doors)
Pilkington Glass Outer pane Cavity / Spacer / Gas Inner pane U-value
Saint-Gobain Glass Outer pane Cavity / Spacer / Gas Inner pane U-value
SGG Planitherm 4mm Float Glass 16mm air plus warm edge spacer bar 4mm Total + 1.4
SGG Planitherm 4mm Float Glass 16mm argon plus warm edge spacer bar 4mm Total + 1.1
SGG Planitherm 4mm Float Glass 20mm air plus warm edge spacer bar 4mm Total + 1.4
SGG Planitherm 4mm Float Glass 20mm argon plus warm edge spacer bar 4mm Total + 1.1
Pilkington ‘energiKare’ glazing:
Triple glazing (low-E, εn=0.2, Air filled, hard coat) 1.7 1.6
Triple glazing (low-E, εn=0.15, Air filled, hard coat) 1.7 1.6
Triple glazing (low-E, εn=0.1, Air filled, soft coat) 1.6 1.5
Triple glazing (low-E, εn=0.05, Air filled, soft coat) 1.5 1.4
Triple glazing (low-E, εn=0.2, Argon filled, hard coat) 1.6 1.5
Triple glazing (low-E, εn=0.15, Argon filled, hard coat) 1.5 1.4
Triple glazing (low-E, εn=0.1, Argon filled, soft coat) 1.5 1.4
Triple glazing (low-E, εn=0.05, Argon filled, soft coat) 1.4 1.3
MG0151111 LABC represents Local Authority Building Control in England and Wales.