Survey Questionnaire and Interview Questions

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I am a graduate student in the department of business administration at Select College. Currently, I am undertaking
research on "Factors Affecting Women's Participation in Managerial Positions in the Case of the Ethiopian
Anti-Doping Authority". You are one of the respondents selected to participate in this study. Thus, I would kindly
request that you answer these questions. Please assist me in giving correct and complete information to present a
representative finding on the study. Your honesty and kindness would be of great help in many aspects.

Finally, the information that you will share will be kept confidential and only used for academic purposes. So there's
no need to write your name. Put a checkmark (x) under the choices below.


Habtamu K.
Part 1: Back Ground Information

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the questionnaire by ticking the most

appropriate answer Do not write your name. Information given will be treated
with confidentiality.

A. What is your Gender?

1. Male [ ]
2. Female [ ]
B. What is your age bracket?
1. Below 25 years [ ]
2. 25-35 years [ ]
3. 36-45 years [ ]
4. 46-55 years [ ]
5. Above 55 years [ ]
C. What is your highest level of education?
1. Diploma [ ]
2. First Degree [ ]
3. Master’s degree [ ]
4. PhD [ ]
D. How long you have been serving your organization?
1. Less than 5 years [ ]
2. 6-10years [ ]
3. 11-15 years [ ]
4. 16 years and above [ ]

Part 2: Factors affecting the participation of women in managerial positions.

Please suggest your opinion regarding each of the following variables that may be
factors affecting the participation of women in managerial positions. Use the
following scales to indicate your agreement level. Evaluate them in relation to
your opinion and then put a tick mark ( √ ) under the choices below.
5= strongly agree 4 = Agree 3= undecided 2= disagree 1= strongly disagree
S/ Factors that affect women‘s participation in managerial positions Level of agreement
5 4 3 2 1
1 Cultural factors

1.1 Women have less interest of leaders position

1.2 Most people still have the attitude and perception that
decision- making power rests with men
1.3 Women are more responsible to home and family-related issues
1.4 Women have less attitude toward themselves in respect to
1.5 Women have lack of self-confidence and fear of failure in

2 Organizational factors
2.1 There are unfair recruitment practices or gender-in-balanced
2.2 There is a lack of necessary Promotional practices
2.3 There is a lack of necessarily organized training/professional
development opportunities
2.4 There is insufficient leadership capacity building
2.5 There is an absence of formal mentoring programs and a lack of
1.6 There is a discriminatory practice in hiring and appointment
1.7 There is an unattractive work environment
3 Personal Factors
3.1 The interest of women is appreciating to participate in a higher
3.2 Women leaders are low decision-makers and risk takers
3.3 Women leaders are more kind enough than men
3.4 Women leaders are more relational enough than men
3.5 Women leaders are unable to coordinate organizational activities
3.6 Women leaders are notcompetitive enough to be successful in
the public sectors
Part 3: Women’s leadership participation
S/ Women leadership participation Rating Level of agreement
5 4 3 2 1
1 Women have less interest in a leadership position
2 Most people still have the attitude and perception that
decision- making power rests with men
3 Women are more responsible to home and family-related issues
4 Women have less attitude toward themselves with respect to
5 Women have a lack of self-confidence and fear of failure in

Thank You!

Appendix II
Interview questions for office leaders/heads
1. Do you think that women are equal in number with men in leadership position in the
Public sectors? If it is not equal, which one is getting more position and why?
2. What is the impact of gender gap in leadership due to an imbalance of leadership in the
Public sectors?
3. What are the major barriers that hinder women from moving up to the decision
making position?
4. Does the office have any contribution to enhance the contribution of women to
leadership position?
5. To what extent the affirmative action policy implemented in the public sectors?

Thank you!!

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