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Gepe 101 Midterm

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DatuTaganiog St., Brgy.Peñaplata, Samal District,

Island Garden City of Samal
Davao del Norte, Philippines


DatuTaganiog, BrgyPenaplata, SamalDistirct
Island Gardedn City of College
Davao Del Norte, Philippines
Movement Enhancement

The Science of Human Movement: Exercise-based

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the unit, the learners will be able to: a.

identify the basic anatomy to the students;
b. value the importance of proper movements and exercises in their daily activities;
c. recognize the physical exercise that combines rhythmic activities with stretching;
d. demonstrate the basic pattern of scientific exercises to improve the components of
e. formulate the basic pattern of exercise and movement;
f. develop basic movement skills related to the fundamental patterns of motor skills;
g. identify body management which includes awareness, of every movement and how
these are used dynamically in physical activities; and h. recognize the important role
of human movement.

The Science of Human Movement

The human body movement is a movement of a body segment toward the midline
of the body. Circumduction is a movement where the joint is the pivot and the body
segment moves in a combination of flexion, extension, adduction and abduction. The
type of movement that can be produced at a synovial joint is determined by its structural
While the socket joint gives the good range of movement at an individual joint.
Movement kinds are generally paired, with the opposite side of the other. Body
movements are described in relation to the anatomical position of the body.

What to know



Kinds of Muscle Fiber

Muscles are the exert forces thus are the major contributor to human movement.
Muscles are used to hold a position, to raise or lower a body part, to slow down a fast
moving segment, and to generate great speed in the body or in an object that is
propelled on the air. The muscles only has the ability pull and creates a motion because
it crosses a joint. The tension develop by the muscles applies compression to the joints,
enhancing their stability. In some joint positions, however, the tension generated by the
muscles can act to pull the segments apart and create instability.

Muscles Tissues Properties

Four properties of Muscles Tissues

1. Irritability- is the ability to respond to stimulus.
2. Contractility- is the ability of the muscles to generate tension and
shorten when it receives sufficient stimulation.
3. Extensibility- is the muscles’ ability to lengthen, or stretch
beyond the resting length.
4. Elasticity- is the ability of the muscles fiber to return to its resting
length after the stretch is removed.
Functions of Muscles

Skeletal muscles perform a variety of different functions, all of which are important to
efficient performance of the human body. The three functions relating specifically to
human movement are contributing to the production of skeletal movement, assisting in
joint stability, and maintaining posture and body

1. Produce Movement

Skeletal movement is created as muscle

actions generate tensions that are transferred to
the bone.

2. Maintain Postures and Positions

Muscle action of a lesser magnitude is used to maintain postures. This muscle

activity is continuous and results in small adjustments as the head is maintained in
position and the body weight is balanced over the feet.

3. Stabilize Joints

Muscle actions also contribute significantly to stability of the joints. Muscles

tensions are generated and applied across the joints via the tendons, providing stability
where they cross the joint. In the most joints, especially the shoulder and the knee, the
muscles spanning the joint via the tendons are among the primary stabilizers.

Other Functions

a. Muscles support and protect the visceral organs and protect the internal tissues from
b. Tension in the muscles tissues can alter and control pressures within the cavities.
c. Skeletal muscles contribute to the maintenance of body temperature by producing
d. The muscles control the entrances and exits to the body through voluntary control
over swallowing, defecation, and urination.d.1 muscle tissue is made up of cells
called fibers that have ability to contract or shorten, in order to produce a pulling
D.2 Muscles are also extensible, and are elastic so that they can stretched
and then recoil and resume their normal resting length.
D.3 Muscles are also electrically excitable, so that they can be stimulated to
contract by nerve impulse.
Activity 1 (essay)

Direction: Explain each question, before you begin writing, read the passage carefully and plan
what you will say. Your essay should be as well organized and as carefully written as you can
make it. (20 points each)

Criteria for Essay:

1. Introduction (Organization)- 4 points
2. Focus on Topic (Content)- 4 points
3. Support for Topic (Content)- 4 points
4. Conclusion (Organization)-4 points
5. Grammar & Spelling (Conventions)- 4 points

1. Explain the importance of the Muscular System.

______________________________________________________________________ 2.
Enumerate and explain the factors influencing muscular health.
______________________________________________________________________ 3.
Briefly explain the importance of Science of Human movements upon doing exercises
or physical activities?
Skeletal Muscle Structure

Group of Muscles
Group of muscles is contained within the compartment that is defined by fascia, a sheet
fibrous tissue.

Role of Muscle
In the performance of a motor skill, only a small portion of the potential
movement capability of the musculoskeletal system is used.

Stabilizers and Neutralizers

Produce Movement
1. Muscle tissue is made up of cells called fibers that have ability to contract or
shorten, in order to produce a pulling force.
2. Muscles are also extensible, and are elastic so that they can stretch and then
recoil and resume their normal resting length.3. Muscles are also electrically excitable,
so that they can be stimulated to contract by nerve impulse.

Three Types of Muscles in the Body

1. Skeletal Muscles
Voluntary muscles, attached to the bones of skeletons.
2. Smooth Muscles
Involuntary muscles, hollow organs like small intestines and blood vessels.
3. Cardiac Muscles - Involuntary muscle, heart.
Major muscles:
1. Frontalis 11. Quadriceps
2. Sternocleidomastroid 12. Adductor Longus
3. Scalene 13. Tibialis Anterior
4. Pecroralis Major 14. Peroneus Brevis
5. Biceps 15. Gastroenemius
6. External Oblique 16. Trapezius
7. Extensor Carpi 17. Deltoid
8. Flexor Carpi 18. Occipitalis
9. Radialis 19. Triceps
10. Rectus Abdominus 20. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
21. Latissimus Dorsi 26. Vastus Lateralis
22. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris 27. Adductor Magnus
23. Internal Gluteus Oblique 28. Biceps Femoris
24. Medius 29. Gastroenemius
25. Gluteus Maximus 30. Soleus

Activity 2 “Drawing and Labelling”

Direction: Direction: Draw the Standard Front and Back Anatomical Position of Human Muscle
and label the different parts of the major muscles. (you may do research) Scoring
System: 60 points for drawing with label

Note: Specified major muscles are stated above.

Skeletal System

The skeleton provides a strong, internal framework that supports the body, and
provides protection for vital organs. These bones meet at joints, the majority of which
are freely movable, making the skeleton flexible and mobile.

Functions of the Skeletal System

Physiological Functions
1. Provide a site for blood formation
2. Serves as storehouse for calcium which are essential for nerve conduction, blood
clotting and energy formation. 3. Play a role in our immune function.

Structural Functions
1. Give supports to the body.
2. It protects the delicate organs in the body.
3. Bones are rigid lever of locomotion.

The Skeleton is divided into two groups:

1. Appendicular Skeleton- which is composed of the upper extremity and lower


2. Axial Skeleton- which is composed of the skull, ribs, trunk, vertebral column, and
Factors Influencing Bone Health

Activity 2 (essay)

Direction: Explain each question, before you begin writing, read the passage carefully and plan
what you will say. Your essay should be as well organized and as carefully written as you can
make it. (20 points each)

Criteria for Essay:

1. Introduction (Organization)- 4 points
2. Focus on Topic (Content)- 4 points
3. Support for Topic (Content)- 4 points
4. Conclusion (Organization)-4 points
5. Grammar & Spelling (Conventions)- 4 points

1. Explain the importance of the Skeletal System to human movement.

Enumeration Test

2. Give 10 Facts about Skeletal System. (you may do research, 2 points each)


Factors Influencing Bone Health

1. Heredity- heredity is an important determinant of bone mass density (BMD) This is a
limiting factor on the amount of (BMD) an individual can attain.
2. Nutritional Status- nutrition is important in maintaining bone health.
3. Hormonal Status- the hormone estrogen plays an important role in attaining bone
mass. .
4. Activity Level- children and adolescents should participate in high impact activities for
the bone development.

Major Bones

1. Mandible 12. Scapula

2. Clavicle 13. Thoracic Vertebrae
3. Humerus 14. Lumbar Vertebrae
4. Sternum 15. Ilium
5. Rib 16. Sacrum
6. Radius 17. Ischium
7. Ulna 18. Tibia
8. Femur 19. Fibula
9. Patella
10. Skull
11. Cervical Vertebrae
Activity 4 “Drawing and Labelling”

Direction: Draw the Standard Front and Back Anatomical Position of Human Bones and label
the different parts of the bones. (you may do research)
Scoring System 50 points for drawing with label

Note: Indicate the number of each major bones. (ex. Scapula (2)). Specified major muscles are
stated above.

Human Movement Activity

Direction: Study the different exercises figures. Fill the need information for Human
Movement and perform it. Check the box if you executed properly the movement
exercises and mark  if you cannot perform the stretching exercise from the picture
given. Write your answer on a plain sheet of paper. No video needed.

See the example below:

1. Kind of movement: Side Lunge Stretch

 Spread your feet widely apart
 Keep your hands on your knees and your
 Your spine should be in a neutral position
Step 1: alternate leaning from side to side
Step 2: bend the appropriate knee
Step 3: keep your hips back and your shoulders and
chest facing forward

Major area of working muscle: Leg/inner thigh/ hamstring

Benefits of the movement to human body:

1. Increase in flexibility in the back of the thigh and leg
2. Increase lung capacity by opening the ribs
3. Improve the trunks rotation ability

2. Kind of movement: Running

 Stand with your knees
 Bend your feet close together
 Spine, head and chest in neutral position
Step 1: rock your body forward
Step 2: remove one foot from the ground
(Alternately, right and left)
Step 3: continue the process in forward motion

Major area of working muscle:

Benefits of the movement to human body:

3. Lunge


Step 1: Start by standing up tall.

Step 2: Step forward with one foot until your leg
reaches a 90-degree angle. ...
Step 3: Lift your front lunging leg to return to the
starting position.
Step 4: Repeat 10 to 12 reps on one leg, or switch off
between legs until you've totalled 10 to 12 reps per leg.

Major area of working muscle:

Benefits of the movement to human body

4. Kind of movement: Iliotibial

Band stretch

 Standing up right
 Cross on leg over the other
 Keep your feet flat from the ground Step 1:
bend over to the ground.
Step 2: reach your hand down toward your toes. Step 3:
pause, and return to standing position with uncrossed
(Alternately, right and left)
Major area of working muscle:

Benefits of the movement to human body:

5. Squat

Step 1: Start with your feet slightly wider than hip-

width apart. Step 2: Keep your chest up, engage
your abdominals, and shift your weight onto your
heels as you push your hips back into a sitting
Step 3: Lower your hips until your thighs are
parallel or almost parallel to the floor.
Step 4: You should feel the squat in your thighs and glutes.
Step 5: Pause with your knees over, but not beyond, your toes.
Step 6: Exhale and push back up to the starting position.

Major area of working muscle:

Benefits of the movement to human body:

6. Kind of movement: Press- ups

 Lie flat in your stomach with palms
 Place your elbows by your side
 Rest your forearms to the ground Step
1: contract your spinal muscle and lift your
chest and head backwards. Step 2: assist with
pressing forearms and palms to the floor.
Step 3: exhale as you rise and inhale as you Return to starting position.

Major area of working muscle:

Benefits of the movement to human body:

7. Step-up

Step 1: Pushing primarily through your lead foot, lift your

body up onto the step.
Step 2: Step backward to the starting position.
Step 3: Make sure your foot is planted entirely on the step.
Step 4: : Repeat 10 to 12 reps on one leg, or switch off
between legs until you've totalled 10 to 12 reps per leg.

Major area of working muscle:

Benefits of the movement to human body:

8. Kind of movement: Wall



Step 1: Lean back against the wall with your torso,

with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step 2: press
back and slide down the wall until your thighs are
parallel with the ground. Step 3: Keep your head,
shoulders and upper back against the wall and hold
the position.

Major area of working muscle:

Benefits of the movement to human body:

9. Push-ups

Step 1: Get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider
than your shoulders.
Step 2: Straighten your arms and legs. Step 3:
Lower your body until your chest nearly touches
the floor.
Step 4: Pause, then push yourself back up.

Major area of working muscle:

Benefits of the movement to human body:

10. Kind of movement: Bridge


Step 1: Lie face up on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the
ground. Keep your arms at your side with your palms down. Step 2: Lift
your hips off the ground until your knees, hips and
shoulders form a straight line.
Squeeze those glutes hard and keep your abs drawn in
so you don’t overextend your back during the exercise.
Step 3: Hold your bridged position for a couple of
seconds before easing back down.
Aim for two sets of ten bridges

Major area of working muscle:

Benefits of the movement to human body

Prepared by:

General Education Faculty

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