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Plastic Pollution Webquery Project Rubric

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Well Done Good Needs Work Unsatisfactory Plagiarized

4 3 2 1 0
The information The information Half of the All information
presented is presented is mostly information presented in the
correct, and correct, and mostly presented is project is incorrect
accurately used to makes valid incorrect, and the and the student
make arguments/claims. arguments/claims provides no
Accuracy arguments/claims. Some sources are made by the arguments or
Arguments are applied incorrectly student do not claims, and overall
valid and but the argument is have sufficient or paragraph/s are
evidence/sources coherent for the correct supporting incomplete in
are applied in a majority. evidence to back thought.
logical way. the claim.

Student provides Student provides Student provides Student provides

personal some personal 2 or fewer pieces no commentary or
commentary on commentary on of commentary in analysis on the
Originality & every point made some points made, the whole information
Creativity and shows and shows analysis description, and presented.
analysis of the of the information shows some
information presented. analysis of the
presented. information

The project The project The project The project

contains 6 total contains all 5 or 4 contains 3 contains 2 or
pictures, 3 total pictures, 2 of the 3 pictures, 1 fewer pictures, 1
descriptions, each descriptions, is or description, which or no descriptions,
description is 400 is almost 400 is not 400 words does not need the
or more words in words in length, in length, and word count
Work length, and the and addresses the does not requirement, and
Requirements effects of plastic effects on both the sufficiently does not address
on both the environment and address the the effects on both
environment and ecosystem. effects on both the environment
ecosystem are the environment and ecosystem.
addressed in each and ecosystem.

The project is The project Half of the project The entire project
Spelling, unmarred by contains some contains is full of
Punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
and grammar spelling, or spelling, or spelling, or spelling, or
grammatical grammatical errors. grammatical grammatical
errors. errors. errors.

The project is The project is The project is only The instructions

completely mainly formatted partially formatted were not followed
Formatting formatted as correctly; a few correctly. and the project is
instructed. formatting not formatted
components are correctly.

All cited used are All sources are Not all sources
cited, and cited cited, but some are are cited.
Sources Cited correctly. cited incorrectly.

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