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In 2009, I pledged to help preserve the quality of we cherish in Blacksburg as future growth occurs to keep citizen involvement as the centerpiece of open, accountable town government. As an I have helped bring good planning to a cooperative and effective Blacksburg Town Council. Our accomplishments for Blacksburg citizens include: Assisted in development of the ma ster pla n the Old Bla cksbur g Middle School, supported downtown residents, businesses, and County government officials. Ta ken ever y a ppr opr ia te a ction to encour a ge the County to constr uct a new Bla cksbur g School. Our children are our Town s future. See my editorial, in the Roano ke Times , Sept. 26, Suppor ted the Bla cksbur g Business Clima te Ta sk For ce, which will improve the Town s to attract and retain businesses. E nsur ed tha t Bla cksbur g ha s the highest bond r a ting, is a model of fiscal responsibility taxpayer accountability, and has not raised Suppor ted the Nor th Ma in Impr ovement Pr oject, a design enhancement for a distinctive, pedestrian-friendly and prosperous downtown. Suppor ted neighbor hoods. Over-occupancy, absentee landlords and parking issues continue be a big concern. I will work hard for resident rights to quality of life and integrity in their communities. Pa ssed the histor ic distr ict or dina nce which helps preserve Blacksburg s distinctive character and neighborhood integrity. Wor ked with Vir ginia Tech to cr ea te the College a venue Pr omena de, adding a friendly corridor to a vibrant downtown arts district.

Suppor ted Sa fe Routes to school. The Town doing an excellent job of leveraging funds for elementary schools at Linkous, Beeks, and Harding. I repres ent Blac ks burg on thes e Co mmittees : Montgomery County Economic Development Commission Blacksburg Chamber of Commerce Liaison Blacksburg/Virginia Tech Town-Gown Blacksburg Partnership Arts and Economic Development Committee Blacksburg Museum Committee Local Emergency Planning Committee My c o ntinued prio ritie s fo r Blac ks burg : Qua lity of L ife Issues: Bla cksbur g is a Pla ce. Promote more green spaces, trails, and recreational fields for our youth and continue progress on linking Blacksburg to downtown Christiansburg and Radford. Susta ina ble a nd Gr een Development for Bla cksbur g a long existing infr a str uctur e cor r idor s. Follow the Town Comprehensive support a vital, lively downtown by the Historic District and the Downtown Merchants and business owners. Neighbor hood Integr ity. Through smart intelligent zoning and protection of property values, ensure that neighborhood communities continue to be great, safe places to live and family. Open, Accounta ble Town Gover nment. Encourage citizen involvement, input and solutions through responsive, progressive leadership. Additio nal prio rities fo r Blac ks burg : Quality of life for families and neighborhoods Safe, walkable, bike able Blacksburg for all Clear lines of communication between citizens and an open, accountable Town government Strengthen downtown businesses and work towards full occupancy of retail space Vital, lively, mixed use downtown from the Middle School to Prices Fork Road

Promote affordable housing for all citizens by continuing the CDBG (Block Grant) program Smart growth, intelligent zoning, protection of neighborhoods and property values Partner with business and developers to Blacksburg responsibly and aesthetically Promote Blacksburg as a retirement destination Support for high tech, biodesign, development and other businesses for a prosperous Blacksburg Promote cooperation between Blacksburg, Virginia Tech, Christiansburg, and Montgomery County Ensure fiscal oversight and integrity of tax dollar expenditures that benefit all citizens Pers onal:

My wife, Elizabeth, and I moved to 1984 and raised two sons, both Blacksburg School student athletes and graduates. During 25 years in Blacksburg and the New River I have been a timber framer, graduate student, competition runner, and currently, a staff architect at Virginia Tech s Office of Planning. After having chaired the Town s Blacksburg Historic Design Review Board, 2009, I have served on Blacksburg Town Educ atio n: Master of Architecture, Virginia Tech, B.A., St. John s College, Santa Fe, NM, Profes s io nal and Civic Servic e:

Senior Staff Architect, Virginia Tech, 2001 present Chair, Town of Blacksburg Historic/ Review Board, 1999 to 2010 Chair, Blacksburg Historic Architecture Review Board, 1998 to 1999 (member 1997) Chair, Town 16 Squares Subcommittee, to present Board of Directors, Virginia Society of the American Institute of Architects, 2006-09 American Institute of Architects, Blue chapter, Director 1997-2003, officer 2004-

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