Stewart 1990
Stewart 1990
Stewart 1990
1.1 What is M O P A C ?
Before we start, we need a working definition for MOPAC. The following description has been
used many times to describe MOPAC: MOPAC is a general-purpose, semiempirical molecular
orbital program for the study of chemical reactions involving molecules, ions, and linear po-
lymers. It implements the semiempirical Hamiltonians MNDO, AM 1, MINDO/3, and MNDO-
PM3, and combir_es the calculations of vibrational spectra, thermodynamic quantities, isotopic
substitution effects, and force constants in a fully integrated program. Elements parameterized
at the M N D O level include H, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, A1, Si, P, S, C1, Ge, Br, Sn, Hg, Pb, and
I; at the PM3 level the elements H, C, N, O, F, A1, Si, P, S, C1, Br, and I are available. Within
the electronic part of the calculation, molecular and localized orbitals, excited states up to sextets,
chemical bond indices, charges, etc. are computed. Both intrinsic and dynamic reaction coordi-
nates can be calculated. A transition-state location routine and two transition-state optimizing
routines are available for studying chemical reactions.
Over the past two decades computational chemistry has undergone a considerable change.
During the 70s, there was a chaos of untested methods of decidedly questionable accuracy and
very limited applicability. This was a time in which myriad new methods, particularly in the field
of semiempirical theory, would suddenly appear. Enthusiastically advocated by their authors,
they would, as often as not, die with equal rapidity. For many experimental chemists, the lesson
learned during this era was that computational chemists - a title which few would admit to for
many years - were not to be heeded, but to be tacitly ignored.
Since then computational chemistry has become respectable. Today, three main branches enjoy
considerable popularity: molecular mechanics, semiempirical, and ab initio or Gaussian methods
[1]. Each branch has carved out a niche within which it is supreme, and from which it can recog-
nize the eminence of the other two. Thus, the conformations of macromolecules are most effective-
ly studied using the techniques of molecular mechanics, while the electronic properties of small
molecules are most accurately calculated using ab initio methods. In the middle lie the semiempir-
ical methods, of which M N D O [2], MINDO/3 [3] and AM1 [4], developed by Michael J.S.
Dewar, are the most popular. These methods are not particularly fast; in fact, they are very slow
when compared with molecular mechanics. Nor are they particularly rigorous: this is rightfully
* F o r e w o r d to M O P A C V e r s i o n 4.00 M a n u a l .
1.2 D R A W
Concurrent with the development of MOPAC, Major Donn M. Storch of the U.S. Air Force
Academy's Department of Chemistry, wrote a graphics package to act as a general purpose data
manipulation program. This program, called DRAW [5], is very useful for generating and chec-
king the input data for MOPAC. It's main use, however, is in the graphical interpretation of the
results of a MOPAC calculation. As the author of DRAW paraphrased da Vinci, 'A picture is
worth a thousand pieces of information'. Users of MOPAC are strongly encouraged to also ac-
quire DRAW, again from QCPE.
There are four distinct methods available within MOPAC: MINDO/3, MNDO, AM1, and
PM3. All are semiempirical, and have roughly the same structure. A complete knowledge of these
methods is not necessary in order to use MOPAC; however, a superficial understanding of these
methods and their relationship to ab initio methods is important for using MOPAC and particu-
larly for interpreting the results.
The four methods within MOPAC have many features in common. They are all self-consistent
field (SCF) methods, they take into account electrostatic repulsion and exchange stabilization,
and, in them, all calculated integrals are evaluated by approximate means. Further, they all use
a restricted basis set of one s orbital and three p orbitals (Px, Py, and Pz) per atom and ignore
overlap integrals in the secular equation. Thus, instead of solving
[H - ES[ = 0
the expression
IH - E I = 0
in which H is the secular determinant, S is the overlap matrix, and E is the set of eigenvalues,
is solved. These approximations considerably simplify quantum mechanical calculations on sys-
tems of chemical interest. As a result, larger systems can be studied. Computational methods are
only models, and there is no advantage in rigorously solving Schr6dinger's equation for a large
system if that system has had to be abbreviated in order to make the calculations tractable. Semi-
empirical methods are thus seen to be well balanced: they are accurate enough to have useful
predictive powers, yet fast enough to allow large systems to be studied. Of course some systems,
e.g., enzymes, are so large that only a part of the system can be included in the model.
All four semiempirical methods contain sets of parameters. For MINDO/3 atomic and diatom-
ic parameters exist, while MNDO, AM1 and PM3 use only single-atom parameters. Not all pa-
rameters are optimized for all methods; for example, in MINDO/3, MNDO and AM1 the two-
electron one-center integrals are normally taken from atomic spectra. In the list given on the next
page, parameters optimized for a given method are indicated by ,. A + indicates that the value
of the parameter was obtained from experiment (not optimized). Where neither symbol is given,
the associated parameter is not used in that method.
All f o u r s e m i e m p i r i c a l m e t h o d s a l s o u s e t w o e x p e r i m e n t a l l y d e t e r m i n e d c o n s t a n t s p e r a t o m : t h e
a t o m i c m a s s of t h e m o s t a b u n d a n t i s o t o p e a n d t h e h e a t o f a t o m i z a t i o n .
3. T H E D A T A F I L E
A MOPAC c a l c u l a t i o n i n v o l v e s s u p p l y i n g a d a t a file d e f i n i n g t h e s y s t e m b e i n g s t u d i e d t o
MOPAC. The MOPAC p r o g r a m r e a d s t h e file a n d g e n e r a t e s a n o u t p u t file c o n t a i n i n g t h e r e s u l t s
o f t h e c a l c u l a t i o n . T h e i n p u t file h a s a h i g h l y s t a n d a r d i z e d f o r m a t . T h i s c o n s i s t s o f t h r e e l i n e s
of text followed by a geometry specification.
Example of datafile
Line 2 Ethane
Line 3
Line 4 C
Line 5 C 1.5 1
Line 6 H 1.1 1 109 1
Line 7 H 1.1 0 109 0 1200 2 1 3
Line 8 H 1.1 0 109 0 240 0 2 1 3
Line 9 H 1.1 0 109 0 1800 1 2 3
Line 10 H 1.1 0 109 0 1200 1 26
Line 11 H 1.1 0 109 0 240 0 1 2 7
Line 12
Line 13 3 1 45678
Line 14 3 2 45678
The first line of text specifies the type of calculation. This is achieved via the use of descriptive
keywords: thus, a unipositive cation would be specified by the keyword 'CHARGE = 1'. Lines
two and three are text describing the calculation for the user's benefit only.
Molecular geometries are specified in one of two ways. The more common specification in-
volves internal coordinates in which each atom is related to previously specified atoms by a bond
length, an angle and a dihedral angle: i.e., a connectivity list. Sometimes it is convenient to use
reference mathematical points in the definition of the geometry: these are allowed and are called
dummy atoms. Dummy atoms are ignored during any quantum mechanical calculation. The in-
ternal coordinate definition can also be assisted by the use of what are called symmetry functions.
These allow two or more bond lengths, angles or dihedrals to be related in a simple manner, typi-
cally by forcing them to be equivalent throughout a calculation.
Although geometries are no longer commonly specified by Cartesian coordinates the option
to allow such a specification is supported. The position of each atom is defined by three Cartesian
coordinates: these are the x, y and z values of the atom's position from an arbitrary origin. Carte-
sian coordinates are distinguished from internal coordinates by the absence of a connectivity list.
Regardless of the method of specifying the geometry, MOPAC normally proceeds via internal
coordinates. The most common geometry operation is geometry optimization. Originally the Da-
vidon-Fletcher-Powell [6] method was used. However, a few systems were found for which the
D F P optimization terminated at a significant distance from a stationary point. As a result, the
D F P optimization has been replaced by the BFGS or BroydenFletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno [7]
method. This method is faster and less likely to produce flawed results. All methods use the same
general approach. Using the derivatives of the energy with respect to coordinates, the geometry
is changed so as to lower the heat of formation. When no further change can significantly lower
the heat of formation, the optimization is stopped. The geometry then corresponds to a stationary
point on the potential surface. Except for small systems, this will be one of many possible con-
formers or isomers.
Few computer programs work to the limiting precision of the host. Many operations involve
iterative approximations to an exact result; this limits the precision of the final results. Of course,
precision should not be confused with accuracy: MOPAC is only as accurate as the underlying
methods. The level of precision is determined fully by the algorithm, however, and this can be
varied over a considerable range. Within MOPAC there are two principal operations where the
level of precision is important: passing the SCF criterion and satisfying the geometry optimization
The heat of formation and the density matrices are the principal results of an SCF calculation.
The precision with which these SCF properties are calculated is determined by the SCF criterion.
The SCF criterion is very flexible. For routine use the default criterion will ensure a heat of
formation within less than 0.1 calories of the correct semiempirical answer. For more critical work
the SCF criterion can be tightened by a factor ranging from 101 to 1015: this allows SCF proper-
ties to be determined with extreme precision. Of course, increasing the precision will result in
an increase in the time necessary to complete the SCF. Even worse, many systems which achieve
an SCF as defined by the default criterion will fail to go self-consistent with a more stringent
test. In general, however, few systems which would otherwise go self-consistent will fail to achieve
an SCF if the criterion is tightened by a factor of about 10-100.
Strictly speaking, the optimized geometry is the one for which no distortion of the geometry
would lead to a decrease in the heat of formation. Such a geometry is not generally realizable;
instead, geometry optimization is terminated when one of several tests is passed. Details of these
tests are given in the Manual (q.v.), but a summary can be given here. The geometry is considered
optimized if one or more of the following calculated quantities is sufficiently small: (a) the pre-
dicted change in the geometry; (b) the predicted change in heat of formation; or (c) the current
gradient norm, i.e., the scalar of the vector of derivatives of the energy with respect to coordinates.
The definition of 'sufficiently' small is given in both the MOPAC program and Manual. How-
ever, the user can specify the degree of optimization by specifying a gradient norm in the keyword
line of the data file. The calculation is stopped when the calculated gradient norm drops below
the specified limit. In order to allow users this option, when a gradient norm is specified, all other
geometry tests are suspended.
Routine work on rigid systems such as formaldehyde ornaphthalene does not warrant high
precision. Unfortunately, many applications involve flexible molecules and for these systems in-
creased precision is necessary. Increased precision is also needed when following a reaction path
as large geometry changes can occur with very small changes in heat of formation. This point
is not trivial: computational chemistry calculations have now achieved the status of experiments
and are routinely reported in the literature. As such they must be reproducible. Since optimized
geometries, much less initial geometries, are not normally published, anyone reproducing pub-
lished work must be able to optimize geometries in the confidence that the program will give the
same results as those reported.
For many organic systems, particularly those of biological interest, high precision is necessary
in order to achieve this degree of reproducibility. For such systems the gradient norm should be
forced below about 1 kcal/mol/A, and preferably below 0.5.
Note that while calculations on simple organics and inorganics would suggest that a gradient
of 2-3 kcal/mol/A is acceptable, this is not the case for flexible organics. For the former group
the force constants are so high that minor geometric changes are sufficient to reduce the gradient
norm to zero. On the other hand flexible molecules have such low force constants, sometimes
called flat surfaces, that large geometry changes may be necessary in order to reduce the gradient
norm, in which case, quite large energy changes can result.
This is not to imply that very high precision is always wanted or even desirable. An intelligent
choice of geometric and SCF criteria should be made, one which balances computer time against
tolerable imprecision. At present there are no hard-and-fast rules for making this choice. The SCF
criterion should be sufficiently stringent to allow the geometry optimization to function effective-
ly, while the geometry criterion should allow heats of formation to be precise within a given limit,
say 0.1 keal/mol.
MOPAC SCF calculations generate three kinds of results: (1) results that can be compared
with experiment; (2) quantum mechanical predictions which cannot be compared with experi-
ment; and (3) quantities which are used in subsequent calculations but which are not normally
made available to users.
The first set of results are the observables such as heat of formation, dipole moment, ionization
potential, and unpaired spin density distribution. When fully optimized geometries are used, these
results can be compared with experimental values. Comparison with experiment forms one criter-
ion by which any method which is advocated for its predictive power should be judged.
Some methods, such as the Gaussian ab initio methods, attempt to predict properties from
first principles. This is a much more difficult task than that addressed by the semiempirical meth-
ods. Specifically, ab initio methods must not only predict accurately but must also carry out the
calculation starting from first principles. As a result, semiempirical methods may be more accu-
rate than ab initio for systems similar to those for which they are parameterized, but ab initio
methods are likely to be more accurate for other systems, systems for which experimental evi-
dence is currently lacking. This last class includes transition states, excited states, and exotic sys-
tems not likely to be found experimentally.
SCF calculations, being quantum mechanical in nature, allow molecular orbitals, charges,
bond orders [8] and valencies [8] etc. to be calculated. These quantities are not experimentally
verifiable. Chemists may have a good idea what the values of certain quantities are, thus the C-C
bond orders in ethane, ethylene and acetylene are likely to be about 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, respectively.
However, these are only informed guesses there is no experimental technique for determining
these quantities. A consequence of this is that different computational methods can produce dif-
ferent values for these quantum mechanical artifacts. The quality of a method should not be deter-
mined by how well it predicts these quantities.
The last set of results of an SCF calculation are quantities used internally, such as the density
matrix. These quantities are used in subsequent calculations and are not normally printed (al-
though they can be printed upon keyword request).
Only very seldom are users satisfied with a single SCF calculation on a guessed geometry. In
order to allow comparison with experiment and with calculations on other systems, the geometry
must be modified from the input geometry. The most common operation is energy minimization.
This gives rise to a stationary point on the potential surface. Note that this is not necessarily
the global minimum, i.e., the most stable conformer for the most stable structural isomer for the
input collection of atoms. There is currently no algorithmic method for consistently locating glo-
bal minima for complicated molecular systems; rather, the optimized geometry will correspond
to an isomer or conformer. It is easy to see that a method which located the global minimum
would not only be unnecessary, but also undesirable.
Consider the system C2H60. If the program located the global minimum every time it was
run then it would always predict that ethanol (AHf = - 56.2 kcal/mol) was the stable isomer and
dimethyl ether (zlHf = - 44.0 kcal/mol) would not be predicted to exist. In fact, a global optimi-
zation method would, by definition, produce only one geometry and one heat of formation. The
existence of conformers would not be envisioned by such a program, much less isomers. To sum-
marize, MOPAC, in common with all other large computational chemistry packages, does not
and can not infallibly locate the global minimum, but only local minima. While this is occasional-
ly a source of unnecessary concern, it is how MOPAC was designed to operate.
Geometry optimization proceeds by calculating the resultant forces on each atom in the system
and then moving the atoms in a direction determined by these forces so as to lower the energy
of the system. When the geometry is within a preset distance or energy of the local minimum,
the optimization is stopped.
Few calculations are complete after the geometry has been optimized. A common next step
is to model a reaction. In its simplest form this involves identifying a reaction coordinate connect-
ing two stable systems A and B and monitoring the system as it is progressively translated along
this coordinate. In this context, a reaction coordinate is a curved line representing the path be-
tween reactants and products on a 3n-6-dimensional geometry surface. Since reaction coordi-
nates are artifacts of the model, no conclusions can be drawn about any points along the coordi-
nate with the important exception of the highest energy point (call this C). The energy of
activation is the difference in energy between compounds A and C. If the highest point reached
is on a smooth surface, then C corresponds to a transition state, a second kind of stationary point
which is independent of both the choice of reaction coordinate and coordinate system used.
Refinement of the geometry of C is not as easy as optimization of A or B. To refine the geome-
try of C, the gradient norm is minimized [9], i.e., the geometry of C is changed in such a way
as to minimize the sum of the resultant forces acting on all the atoms of C.
This operation, locating transition states, is considerably more difficult than locating minima.
If a system is optimized to locate a specific minimum, it is normally sufficient for the starting
geometry to lie anywhere within the potential energy valley of that minimum in order to be sure
that the optimization procedure will converge on that minimum. With transition states, the criter-
ion for specifying the initial geometry in order to converge on a specific transition state is much
more stringent. In this case, the initial geometry must lie between the multidimensional surface
of inflection and the desired transition state. As points of inflection are located between maxima
and minima, the volume within which the initial geometry must lie in order to locate a specific
transition state is much smaller than that for simple geometry optimization, in which a specific
conformer has to be optimized.
Once a stationary point, either ground state or transition state, has been refined, it should be
characterized by calculating the force constants. A stable minimum or conformer will have no
negative force constants, while a transition state will have exactly one negative force constant;
any stationary point with two or more negative force constants is almost certainly chemically
In rare cases the system cannot be refined. This will occur whenever the starting geometry is
in a domain bounded by inflection surfaces and which does not contain a stationary point - a
one-dimensional example would be a shoulder on a curve. There does not appear to be any easy
way to recover from such a situation. The best course appears to be to start again and try to
avoid entering the offending domain.
More sophisticated methods of locating the domain of a saddle point exist. An example of such
a method is the 'eigenvector following' procedure [10], in which information regarding the local
gradient is used to systematically proceed up the bottom of a valley to the transition state. At
present, such methods are not available in MOPAC. It is likely that these absences will be cor-
rected in the future.
After calculating the force constants, it is a trivial matter to mass-weight the force matrix and
calculate the vibrational frequencies. By altering individual atomic masses the effect of isotopic
substitution can also be investigated.
Special routines have been written to make the task of analyzing the vibrational modes easier
[11]. Those pairs of atoms which are most strongly involved in each vibration are indicated along
with information about the relative motion. Transition dipoles, reduced masses, and a measure
of the distance all the atoms move through during half a vibrational cycle are also displayed.
The reaction coordinate used in getting from the ground state to the transition state has no
physical meaning, because it is dependent on the particular coordinate system used. However,
there are two different paths on the potential surface leading from the transition state to reactants
and products which have limited physical meaning.
The first of these paths is the Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate [12], which defines the path the
atoms would follow if the system was allowed to relax, starting from the transition state. The
resultant forces on each atom are used, together with the isotopic mass of each atom, to calculate
which direction to move the atoms in order to move downhill in energy. In other words, in a
mass-weighted 3n-6-dimensional coordinate space, the atoms are moved a small distance in a
direction perpendicular to the local energy contours. By making a large number of such move-
ments, a path is traced out to either the reactants or products. This path is a fully-damped path
in that all energy acquired by the atoms in the course of the descent is lost at each point.
The other extreme is the Dynamic Reaction Coordinate (DRC), in which the energy of motion
acquired by the atoms as they descend is not shed. Instead, the acquired velocity is used in the
prediction of the next step. A system following this trajectory is unlikely to ever achieve the geo-
metries of either reactants or products. Even if such geometries were realized they would only
be specific points on a trajectory, points when the instantaneous acceleration drops to zero and
for which the velocity is a maximum. The DRC is a time-dependent calculation for the study of
reaction dynamics. For example, the time-dependent behavior (system geometry, heat of forma-
tion, etc.) for phenomena such as the Berry pseudorotation and molecular collisions can be ob-
tained. Trajectories can be followed for up to several thousand femtoseconds.
The DRC for a vibration of a ground state system can be calculated. Vibration cycle times
can be compared with those obtained from force calculations. In general, the agreement is very
good. However, in cases where atomic excursions take the system out of the parabolic domain,
anharmonic effects become important and marked differences between DRC and force constant
vibrational lifetimes do occur.
In addition to molecules, radicals, and ions, MOPAC can also efficiently calculate polymer
properties. Conventionally, polymers have been studied using solid state methods such as tight-
binding theory. In this approach, a Brillouin zone is constructed and sampled using a regular
mesh of points. This produces a number of complex density matrices, from which the real density
matrix can be derived. Such methods are quite time consuming, but are also quite rigorous and
allow calculation of the band structure of Brillouin zones.
MOPAC is intended primarily for use by chemists, so the approach to the calculation of po-
lymer structures is quite different. Instead of sampling the Brillouin zone, only a single point is
used. The use of a single point requires the unit cell or repeat distance to be large enough for
the associated Brillouin zone to be so small that all bands are essentially flat. In practical terms,
this means that unit cells need to be greater than about 10 A.
Polymer calculations require about 50% more time than calculation on molecules equivalent
in size to the unit cell used. Results are exactly as accurate as the results for equivalent molecules.
Most users use only a very small range of MOPAC's capabilities. For example, a user may
be interested only in heats of formation, and have little interest in geometries or charges, etc. This
is possibly a result of having learned how to request certain functions and how to interpret the
results. Having learned to trust a certain aspect of the program, a user may be reluctant to investi-
gate other, less familiar, aspects. One consequence of this is that the user is denied information
which may be useful to his or her research effort. The following list summarizes the more impor-
tant quantities which can be calculated using MOPAC. Note that this list does not include capa-
bilities which do not actually calculate values, such as the restart function or shutdown operation.
Users are encouraged to investigate the effect of all keywords, and to familiarize themselves with
the full range of operations of MOPAC.
12.2 Units
12.3 Conversionfactors
The following conversion factors may be used to convert calculated energy units into other
Conversionfactorsfor energy
To convert energies in units of el into units of e2, multiply by factor. The conversion factors
are based on the assumption that Avogadro's number is 6.022045 × 1023. Note that the conver-
sion factors used within M O P A C are very slightly different from those given here. This is a result
of the historical development of MOPAC. As the differences are small, and as substituting the
more recent conversion factors would lead to incompatibility with earlier versions, the original
conversion factors have been retained.
This appendix describes in detail some of the operations of MOPAC. Its objective is to bridge
the gap between theory, as it is usually presented in a textbook, and the actual algorithm used.
In most instances the style is simply descriptive, but in certain cases, like the overlap integral,
a brief derivation of the equations used is presented. In these latter cases, readers are encouraged
to follow the derivation step by step.
The most common use of M O P A C is for geometry optimization. This involves starting with
an approximation to the desired geometry and, by calculating the forces acting on the system,
changing the geometry so as to lower the total energy. Because force constants or second deriva-
tives are not known at this time, the initial steps in optimizing the geometry have to be conserva-
The heat of formation minimization routine in M O P A C is a modified Broyden-Fletcher-Gold-
farb-Shanno or BFGS method [7]. Minor changes were made necessary by the presence of phe-
nomena peculiar to chemical systems.
In the following discussion of the geometry optimization theory, a matrix or tensor will be indi-
cated by upper case bold type, e.g. H, and a vector by lower case bold type, e.g., x. All other
symbols represent scalar quantities. Starting with a user-supplied geometry Xo, MOPAC com-
putes an estimate to the inverse Hessian Ho. The geometry optimization proceeds by
Xk+ ~ = Xk + ~dk
d k -- H gk
Hykp~+pky~H Q(PkP~)
a k + 1 ---- a k -- +
y~ H Yk
P~, Yk
S = p~: Yk
Pk = X k + l -- Xk ---- ~dk
Yk : gk + 1 -- gk
gk =
dx k
Two different methods are used to calculate the displacement of x in the direction d. During
the initial stages of geometry optimization, a line search is used. This proceeds as follows:
The geometry is displaced by (c~/4)d and the energy evaluated via an SCF calculation. If this
energy is lower than the original value, then a second step of the same size is made. If it is higher,
then a step of - (e/2)d is made. The energy is then re-evaluated. Given the three energies, a pre-
diction is made as to the value of e which will yield the minimum value of the energy in the direc-
tion d. Of course, the size of the steps is constrained so that the system would not suddenly be-
come unrealistic (e.g., break bonds, superimpose atoms, etc.). Similarly, the contingency in which
the energy versus e function is inverse parabolic is considered, as are rarely-encountered curves,
e.g., almost perfectly linear regressions. The line search is stopped when the drop in energy on
any step becomes less than 5% of the total drop or 0.5 kcal/mol, whichever is smaller.
As the geometry converges on a local minimum, the prediction of the search direction becomes
less accurate. There are many reasons for this. For example, the finite precision of the SCF calcu-
lation may lead to errors in the density matrix, or finite step sizes in the derivative calculation
(if analytical derivatives are not used) may result in errors in the derivatives. For whatever reason,
the gradient norm and energy minimum may not coincide. The difference is typically less than
0.00001 kcal/mol and less than 0.05 units of gradient norm.
Reduction of the gradient norm below about 1.0 is difficult using the line-minimization method
just outlined. A better procedure is to use a binary search. This is used whenever the gradient
norm drops below 1.0 and the scalar of d is less than 0.001. The steps involved are as follows:
,, the step size, is set to 1.0 if the scalar of dkgk is positive, otherwise c~is set to - 1.0. If Xk + edk
lowers the energy of the system, then Xk+ ~ is defined for this step, otherwise c~ is halved and
the energy re-evaluated. Once the energy is lower than E k + 0.00001, where E k is the heat of
formation on step k, Xk+ 1 is defined.
Normally, the initial guess to H, the inverse Hessian, is the unit matrix. However, in chemical
systems where the second derivatives are very large, use of the unit matrix would result in large
changes in the geometry. Thus a slightly elongated bond length could, in the first step, change
from, e.g., 1.6 * to - 6 . 5 A. To prevent this catastrophe, the initial geometry is perturbed by
a small amount, thus
xl = Xo + O.Ol*sign(go)
A negative value for Hl(i,i) would lead to difficulties within the BFGS optimization. To avoid
this, Hl(i,i) is set to 0.06/abs(g(i)) whenever sign(go(i))/ydi) is negative.
As the optimization proceeds, the inverse Hessian matrix becomes more accurate. However,
as the geometry steadily changes, the inverse Hessian will contain information which does not
reflect the current point. This can lead to the predicted search direction vector making an angle
of more than 90 ° with the gradient vector. In other words, the search direction vector may point
uphill in energy. To guard against this, the inverse Hessian is re-initialized whenever the cosine
of the angle between the search direction and the gradient vector drops below 0.05.
Originally the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell [6] technique was used, but in rare instances it failed
to work satisfactorily. The BFGS formula appears to work as well as or better than the D F P
method most of the time. In the infrequent case when the D F P is more efficient, the increase in
efficiency of the D F P can usually be traced to a fortuitous choice of a search direction. Small
changes in starting conditions can destroy this accidental increased efficiency and make the BFGS
method appear more efficient. A keyword is provided to allow the D F P optimizer to be used.
Because this section involves a large number of symbols, it is convenient to have a common
set. Throughout the theory section, therefore, the same symbols are used to denote the same
quantities; exceptions will be indicated wherever they occur.
Glossaryof symbols
Symbol Meaning
H One-electron matrix
F Two-electron or Fock matrix
q~ Atomic orbital
#, v, 2, cr Atomic orbital indices
~, Molecular orbital
i, j, k, I Molecular orbital indices
A, B Atom indices
c~ Alpha spin
fl Beta spin
Atomic orbital exponent
S Overlap matrix
P Density matrix
S, Px, Py, Pz S, Px, Py and Pz atomic orbitals
(expression) Dirac integral symbols
(pv[2a) Two-electron integral
(p] v) Overlap integral
6(2,a) Kronecker delta, 1 if2 = a,
otherwise 0
ei Eigenvalues
Z Nuclear or core charge
Combinations of these symbols are allowed, thus P ~ represents the fl density matrix element be-
tween atomic orbitals (p~ and c#~.
Secular equation:
cdF -- ~iS[ci -- 0
E -- ½P(H + F)
2 a
Or, spin-free:
The methods all use a minimum basis set consisting of a maximum of one atomic orbital for
each angular quantum number. The normal basis set for any atom consists of one s and three
p orbitals, Px, Py and Pz.
ci]F -- ~;ilCi = 0
P~ - c2i cai
is summed over all occupied orbitals. Equivalent expressions exist for F ~ and P{~. Thus no Cou-
lombic terms are present in the two-center Fock matrix elements.
If rpu and ~0v are different but on the same center, then, since a minimal basis set is used, all
integrals of the type (gv]2~> are zero by the orthogonality of the atomic orbitals unless # = v
and 2 = cr or # = 2 and v = or. The off-diagonal one-center M N D O and AM1 Fock matrix ele-
ments become
If ~o~is the same as ~0vthen, because of the symmetry of the two-electron integrals, the diagonal
MNDO, AM1, and PM3 Fock matrix elements reduce to
F~,. = Hu. + Z (P:+ ~< ##I vv > - P:~ ( #vl#v >) + Z Z Z P~+ p ( ##12¢ >
v B /t
v B ~
If the molecular frame is rotated by 45 degrees about the z axis the atomic bases mix thus:
R(45°) < PxPylP~Py> = ¼< (Px + Py)(Py- P01(P~ + Py)(Py- P~) >
= ¼((P~PxlPxPx) -t- <PyPylPyPy>-- <PxPx[PyPy>-- (PyPylPxPx>)
(PPlPP) Gpp
(sPlsP) H~p
(PPlPP) Gpp
(PPlP'P') Gp2
Using these definitions, the two-electron one-center contributions to the Fock matrix become
1 (sslss) 12 (sP~lp=p.)
2 (sslp=p.) 13 (sP~lp¢p=)
3 (sslp~p,~) 14 (sslsP,,)
4 (p.p~tss) 15 (p~p,~]sp~)
5 (p~p~Iss) 16 (p~p~lsp~)
6 (P.P,~lP,~P~) 17 (sp.lsp~)
7 (p.p~lp'~p~) 18 (sp,,lsp,,)
11 (sp.lss) 22 (P,~P:IP,~P:)
Each integral represents the energy of an electron density distribution (electron l) arising from
the product of the first two atomic orbitals interacting with the electron density distribution (elec-
tron 2), which arises from the product of the second two atomic orbitals. Only if the first two
a.o.'s are the same and the second two a.o.'s are the same will the interaction energy have to
be positive, in which case the integral represents an electron~electron repulsion term. In all other
cases the sign of the integral value may be positive or negative.
With the exception of integral 22, all the integrals can be calculated using different techniques
without loss of rotational invariance. That is, no integral depends on the value of another inte-
gral, except for number 22. As with the Hppmonocentric integral, it is easy to show that
The electron density distributions are approximated by a series of point charges. There are four
possible types of distribution. These are as follows:
These are used to represent the four types of atomic orbital products.
Number of
Atomic orbitals Multipole distribution charges
(ss] Monopole 1
(sPl Dipole 2
(PPl Monopole plus linear quadrupole 4
( pp'] Square quadrupole 4
Each two-electron interaction integral is the sum of all the interactions arising from the charge
distribution representing one pair of atomic orbitals with the charge distribution representing the
second pair of atomic orbitals. Thus, in the simplest case, the (sslss) interaction is represented
by the repulsion of two monopoles, while a (P~P~IP~P~), a much more complicated interaction,
is represented by 16 separate terms, arising from the four charges representing the monopole and
linear quadrupole on one center interacting with the equivalent set on the second center.
While the repulsion of two like charges is proportional to the inverse distance separating the
charges, boundary conditions preclude using this simple expression to represent the interelectron-
ic interactions. Instead, the interaction energy is approximated by
( ss[ss ) =
~/t/t/R+CA+ CB)2 1(1 1\ 2
All that remains is to specify functional forms for the terms c and A. c, the distance of a multipole
charge from its nucleus, is a simple function of the atomic orbitals; in the case of a s - p product,
this is a vector of length D1 Bohr pointing along the p axis, where
and n is the principal quantum number. The principal quantum number is always the same
in these methods for s and p orbitals on any given atom.
The corresponding distances of the charges from the nucleus for the linear and square quadru-
poles a r e 2 D 2 and x/2D2 Bohr, respectively, where
D2=(4n2+6n+2~l/2 1
Now that the distances of the charges from the nucleus have been defined, the upper boundary
condition can be set. In the limit, when R = 0.0, the value of the two-electron integral should
equal that of the corresponding monocentric integral. Three cases can be identified:
(1) a monopole-monopole interaction, in which case the integral must converge on Gss.
(2) a dipole~lipole interaction, where the integral must converge on Hsp.
(3) the quadrupole-quadrupole interaction where the integral must converge on Hpp.
For convenience, the AA terms are given special names. These are:
Monopole G~s AM
Dipole H~p AD
Quadrupole Hpp = ½(Gpp- Gp2) AQ
In practice, ½(Gpp - Gp2 ) is used instead of Hpp. This eliminates any possibility of loss of rota-
tional invariance due to an incorrect value of Hpp.
In the literature, different units have been used to report the derived parameters. To date, units
of derived MNDO parameters which have been published are:
Element Units stated Units used Ref. Element Units stated Units used Ref.
D. An Dn A~ Dn An D. An
H A A 18 P A A A A 25
Li (Nolit. Ref.) 19 S Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr-~ 26
Be A A A A 20 C1 A A A A 27
B A A A A 21 Ge Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr-1 28
C A A A A 18 Br Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr-1 29
N A A A A 18 Sn None None Bohr Bohr-1 30
O A A A A 18 I Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr-1 31
F A A A A 22 Hg None None Bohr Bohr- 1 32
AI A A A A 23 Pb None None Bohr Bohr-a 33
Si Bohr Bohr Bohr Bohr-1 24
In order to maintain consistency, inverse Bohr or ao 1 are to be preferred for AM, AD and
AQ, and Bohr or a o for D1 and Dz. The other derived parameters reported may be converted
into inverse Bohr or into Bohr by one of the following two relationships:
These conversion factors should work for all currently reported derived parameters, with the
exception of DQBe and DQcl, where the reported values, in A, are 0.684928 and 0.435988, respec-
tively; these should be 0.6878779 and 0.4370799.
While AM is given simply by G J 2 7 . 2 1 , AD and AQ are complicated functions of one-center
terms and the orbital exponents - recall that, in the limit, the associated charges are not all coinci-
dent. AD and AQ are solved iteratively. Given an initial estimate of AD of
I Hs p 11/3
AD = 27.21 0 2
then by iterating, an exact value of AD can be found. On iteration n the value of AD is given
{ Hsv an 2
ADn = ADn - 2 + (ADn_ 1 - ADn - z) \27"21
an - 1 -- an - 2
About 5 iterations are needed in order to get AD specified with acceptable accuracy.
I Hvv ; 1/5is made and, again, by iterating using
Similarly, for AQ an initial estimate of 27.21 (3D~)
27.21 an-2)
AQ. = AQ. _ 2 + (AQ, -1 - A Q , _ 2)
an - 1 -- an - 2
where, now,
With all the component parts defined, the two-electron two-center integrals are assembled from
the sum of all the interactions of the charges on one center with those on the other center. The
distance between the two charges must be determined - this is the vector addition of R, the inter-
atomic distance in Bohr, and the two c terms defining the location of the charges from the nucleus
- as well as the appropriate additive terms, AM, AD or AQ selected. Two examples will illustrate
this assembly:
(sslss>: This is represented by a single term. For monopoles, c = 0 and AA = AMA, A B = AMs
<sslss> =
2 1F 1 1 ]2 2\1/2
0.529167 )
(ss[p=p~): p~p~ is expressed as the sum of a monopole and a linear quadrupole. This gives rise
to a total of four charges, hence four terms. However, since the interaction of the monopole with
each of the two negative charges of the dipole are the same, only three terms need to be evaluated.
In general, symmetry considerations lower the total number of terms that need to be evaluated,
so the maximum number in any integral is 8. The full integral is then represented as
<sslp=p=> -
2 1[-1 1 ]2 1672)1/2
+ 5I A + X-<.j 0.529
½ 14.399
!4 14.399
Hu.=U..- E ZB(##]BB)
by equating the core-electron integral (##[BB) to the corresponding two-electron integral, thus
~ou = Nr n - 1 e - ~r
This use of a diatomic parameter is the most distinctive difference between the MNDO/AM1/
PM3 philosophies and that of MINDO/3. Because of the difficulty in parameterizing an element
at the MINDO/3 level - the number of fl-parameters rises as the square of the number of elements
parameterized - it is unlikely that any further development of MINDO/3 will be made.
14.399 ZaZ B
EN(A,B) =
However, the electron-electron and electron-core integrals do not collapse to the form C/RAB
(RAB in A) for distances beyond the van der Waals' radii. If the simple term given above is used,
there would be a net repulsion between two neutral atoms or molecules. To correct for this the
core-core repulsion is approximated by
Here ~AB is a diatomic parameter. In the case of N - H and O - H interactions only, this expres-
sion is replaced by
Again, O - H and N - H interactions are treated differently. For these interactions, use
1+ (e( - ~"RAn)~+ e( - ~nRAn)1 AM1 and P M 3 modifications to the core-core term
These modifications are the same as that for M N D O with the addition of an extra term to
reduce the excessive core-core repulsions just outside bonding distances. The additional term
may be considered as a van der Waals' attraction term. The AMI and PM3 core-core terms are:
The extra terms define spherical Gaussian functions, the a, b, and c are adjustable parameters.
PM3 has two Gaussians per atom, while AM1 has between two and four.
The SCF calculation produces a density, P, and Fock matrix, F. These, together with the one-
electron matrix, H, allow the total electronic energy to be calculated via
Eel~ t = ~-EEPu~(H.~ + V.~)
E..~ = }-"}-'EN(A,B)
The addition of these two terms represents the energy released when the ionized atoms and
valence electrons combine to form a molecule. A more useful quantity is the heat of formation
of the compound from its elements in their standard state. This is obtained when the energy re-
quired to ionize the valence electrons of the atoms involved (calculated using semiempirical pa-
rameters), Eo~(A), and heat of atomization, AHf(A), are added to the electronic plus nuclear ener-
gy. This yields
The particular technique used for the evaluation of the overlap integral depends on the atoms
involved and whether analytic derivatives are used. All four semiempirical methods use Slater-
type orbitals, STOs, although when analytic derivatives are involved [34], a Gaussian expansion
[34] of STOs is normally used.
Specific expressions for various of the overlap integrals have appeared in the literature. These
are normally used for those overlaps which involve only small principal quantum numbers, PQN,
n, and a low angular quantum number, l. For the general case, however, in which any PQN may
be encountered, the general overlap integral is used. As the final expression is rather ungainly,
a simple derivation of the overlap integral will be given.
Slater atomic orbitals are of form
(2{)~ + ~-
cp ~ = r n - le - e~Y?(0,qS)
where the Y~(0,~b) are the normalized complex spherical harmonics. Complex spherical harmon-
ics are chosen for convenience; (0,~) real orbitals have a similar behavior, but require more ma-
nipulation. The 0 dependence of spherical harmonics are the Laguerre polynomials, of form
For convenience the phase factor is set to + 1; this varies according to which source is used and
the purpose for which the Laguerre polynomials are used.
Solving the differential gives
d ;+m = ~ l!(~J!!(-If +j
(d cos 0) '+m (cosB0-- 1)' J (l-~ (~-m)r (cos O)Bo-'-m
--COS2 ( O - l)/ = 1/2Era
)(l- /!(2(/__j))! (.~ l)J (cosO) l - m - 2 j
(d cos O)/+m j=o j!(/-j)! ( / - m - 2 j ) !
It is impractical to solve this integral using polar coordinates. Instead, a prolate spheroidal coor-
dinate system is used. Using the identities:
R(/~ + o).
ra - _ _ COS0a_ (1 + #v).
2 (`/2+ v ) '
R ( # - v). (1 - - # v )
rb - cOSOb =
2 (# - v ) '
((,/,/2 __ l ) ( 1 - - y2))½
sinO a =
+ v)
R 3
this gives dv = ~ - (# + v)([2 - v) d#dvd~b.
0 -1 1
1 i l 1
<~a~b> =
-1 1
1 / 2 ( l ~ - m ) 1/2(lb--m)
C 2 y2)m la + 2ja
Ja = 0
Jb = 0
C/amja lbmjb (`/2 - - l ) m (1 - - (12 + Y) n ~ -
(`/2 - - y)nb -- lo + 2Jb(1 + #V) t" - m - 2j.(1 -- #V) tb - m- 2jbe - ½R¢.CU+ v)e - ½RCb(U- V)d[
2 dv
-1 1
2 k l Rn.+nu+l
(n a -- Ia + 2ja)! m! 2
( - - 1) k~ + k'° + m +Pb + qb
(n a -- 1a + 2ja -- Pa)!Pa! (m - kb)! kb!(m -- k.)! ka!
i n+1 n! - An(a)
xne-"Xdx=e-a~,=l ~ aU(n-kt+l)!
n+ 1 n! ea
xne-axdx = -e-a #=IE a U ( n - # + 1)! u=l a G - - ~ - l ) ! - B"(a)
1 m j elm j l m j Clm j
0 0 0 1.0 3 0 0 5/2
1 0 0 1.0 3 1 0 (225/48) ½
1 1 0 (1/2) ½ 3 2 0 (15/8)½
2 0 0 3/2 3 3 0 (5/16) ½
2 1 0 (3/2) ½ 3 0 1 -3/2
2 2 0 (3/8) ~- 3 1 1 -(3/16fi
2 0 1 - 1/2
For some systems a single determinant is insufficient to describe the electronic wave function.
For example, square cyclobutadiene and twisted ethylene require at least two configurations to
describe their ground states. More than one configuration is also needed if an excited state is
required - the RHF SCF converges on a ground state or, if half-electron methods are used, on
a mixture of states, while the excited state involves a different configuration. Radicals also present
a difficulty at the R H F level in that the SCF wavefunction corresponds to an equal mixture of
the two doublets, with a corresponding error in the total energy. This error can most easily be
corrected by performing a MECI calculation. To allow several configurations to be used, a Multi-
Electron Configuration Interaction technique has been developed [36].
MECI is a completely general C.I. The resulting states are space- and spin-quantized, there
is no restriction on total spin, the starting wavefunction can be closed or open shell, and even
or odd electron systems are allowed, although for simplicity the starting configuration is assumed
to be closed-shell in the description of the MECI. As MECI requires the space parts of the c~
and fi molecular orbitals to be identical, only RHF wavefunctions are used.
Each configuration which can be generated in a molecule may be represented by a single Slater
determinant; this is called a microstate. The final states will be linear combinations of these micro-
states. In general, microstates will not be eigenfunctions of the total spin operator, but will be
mixtures of different spin states.
The initial configuration used to generate the SCF is arbitrary; for half-electron systems it will
not even correspond to a microstate, each M.O. having a fractional electron occupancy. Even
if the starting wavefunction is a closed shell it would still correspond to only one of a large number
of microstates to be used in the MECI. As a result, before the MECI is started all electronic terms
arising from the electrons in the initial configuration, which will be used by MECI, are removed.
The starting wavefunction will thus consist of a low-lying doubly occupied set of M.O.s and a
high-lying empty set of M.O.s, neither of which will be involved in the MECI, and in between
a small set of M.O.s from which the electrons have been removed. This set of M.O.s will be in-
volved in the MECI.
Microstates are normally written as an antisymmetrized product of p c~and q fi electrons,
where [(p + q)!]-½ is the normalization constant, P is an operator which permutes the electron
coordinates, and (-1) P assumes the values -1 or + 1 for odd and even permutations, respectively.
Rather than having all the e electrons appearing first in a microstate it is more convenient to
order the one-electron wavefunctions in order of their indices as they occur in the full set of M.O.
If both e and fl M.O.s of the same index occur, then e precedes fl, thus:
Only those M.O.s involved in the MECI are of interest, thus from the full set of M.O.s, filled
and empty
the ground-state configuration (assumed to be closed shell for simplicity) can be represented by
111 111000
where a i represents a spin molecular orbital occupied by one electron and 0 represents an empty
M.O. Denoting the lower bound of the M.O.s involved in the C.I. by B and the upper bound
by A,
1 1 1...'1 1 100...000'...00 7
I 1 1 1..." 1 1 1 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 " . . . 0 0
all M.O.s below (to the left of) B can be considered as part of the core while those above (to
the right of) A are empty and can likewise be ignored. We can thus focus our attention on the
M.O.s in the range B-A.
For convenience, microstates will be expressed as a sum of molecular orbital occupancies, so
= E +
For example, if the ground state configuration g*gis closed shell, then the occupancy of the M.O.s
would be
The electronic energy, Er, of any microstate ~ur is the sum on the one- and two-electron energies:
P q P q P q
Er = ~ Hii + Z n i i -+- 1 Z (Jij -- Kij) "Jr-½ Z (Jij-- KU) + Z Z Ju
i i ij ij i j
p q
si~i~= Hii + ~ (Jij - K0) + ~ Jij
8~ir = H i i "4- E (Jij - K i j ) O ~ ~ + Z J i j O j pr
j =B j =B
As stated above, all electronic terms arising from the electrons of the M.O.s involved in the start-
ing configuration must be removed. This lowers the orbital energies thus:
8ii+ -----8ii m E ( 2 J i j - - K i ~ ) O ~
The total energy of the system after removal of these electrons is given by
A A i-1
Eg+ = Eg - ~ 2~i+ O~ -I- Jii(og) 2 + Z ~ 2(2J~j - K~j) O1~O~
i=B i=Bj=B
By redefining the system so that those filled M.O.s which are not used in the MECI are consid-
ered part of an unpotarizable core, the new energy levels s + can be identified with the one-electron
energies Hii and the total electronic energy Er of any microstate is set equal to the sum of the
energy of the electrons considered in the microstate plus Eg+ .
Evaluation of these matrix elements is difficult. Each microstate is a Slater determinant, and
the Hamiltonian operator involves all electrons in the system. Fortunately, most matrix elements
are zero because of the orthogonality of the M.O.s. Only the non-zero elements need be evaluat-
ed; three types of interaction are possible:
(a) ~, = ~b" Since the two wavefunctions are the same, this corresponds to the energy of a
microstate. As the electronic energy of the closed shell is common to all configurations considered
in the C.I., it is sufficient to add on to E~ the energy terms which are specific to the microstate,
(b) Except for 0i in g~ and ~,j in g~b; ~//a ---- ~'/b" Assuming ~ and Oj to be e-spin the interaction
energy is
This presents a problem. Unlike ai+, which has already been defined, there is no easy way to calcu-
late aij. Rather than undertake this calculation, use can be made of the fact that, for the starting
gij ~'~ /;i~' -1- E ((ijlkk)- (ik~k))O~g+ E (ijlkk)O~g
k=B k=B
e~ corresponds to an off-diagonal term in the Fock matrix, which at self-consistency is, by defini-
tion, zero. Therefore
gi~' = - E [(ijlkk)-(ik~k)lO~g- E (ijIkk)O~g
k=B k=B
which can be substituted directly into the expression for ( gJalF]~b) to give
All that remains is to determine the phase factor. One of the microstates is permuted until the
two unmatched M.O.s occupy the same position. The number of permutations needed to do this
when the two M.O.s are of e spin is
w= E ( o ; . + o~.)
w= oF + g ( 0 7 + o~.)
(c) Except for @i and ~,j in gsa and @k and ~l in ~b; ~a = ~b" Two situations exist: (i) when
all four M.O.s are of the same spin; and (ii) when two are of each spin. Thus,
(i) All four M.O.s are of the same spin. The interaction energy is
j-1 1-1
W= (Om
~a"~- Om~a) -~- E ( O ~ + vN#a$
. , , - v..1..i -('~fla
- - k-1- Nfl a
m=i+l m=k+l
j-1 1-1
W= E (Ore~ta -~- Omfla) "-~ E fla "~ OJeta "t- o~a
(O~ma-~- Ore)
m=i+l m=k+l
Two M.O.s are of each spin. In this case there is no exchange integral, therefore the interaction
energy is
i 1
w = Y (°~a+ o~9 + E (o;2 + o~9
m=k m=j
if i > k, then w = w + O [ ~ + O~ ~,
i f j > l, then w = w + O [ b + O~ b,
finally i f i > k and j > l or i < k and j < l, then w = w + l.
All other matrix elements are zero. The completed secular determinant is then diagonalized.
This yields the state vectors and state energies, relative to the starting configuration. In turn, the
state vectors can be used to generate unpaired spin density (at the RHF level) for pure spin states.
If the density matrix for the state is of interest, such as in the calculation of transition dipoles
for vibrational modes of excited or open shell systems, or for other use, the perturbed density
matrix is reconstructed.
State functions are eigenvalues of the Sz and S z operators. The derivation of the expectation
value of the S 2 operator is given in this section.
s ~ = s~ + Sy~ + s~
I + = (Sx +iSy) I+fi=~
I - = (Sx - iSy) I - 0~ = fl
Sx2 + Sy2 = (I + I -) + i(SxSy - SySO
= (I- I +) + i(SyS x -- SxSy )
=½(I+I - + I - I +)
( ~S~I ~ ) = ¼(N= - N ~)
However, the effect of Sy2 + Sx2 is not so simple. By making use of the fact that the operators in-
volve two electrons, a large number of integrals resulting from the expansion of the Slater deter-
minants can be readily eliminated. The only integrals which are not zero due to the orthogonality
of the eigenvectors, i.e., those which may be finite due to the spin operators, are
3(p+q) p(p--1) q(q-1) (p+q)(p+q--1)
(~($2)~) - 4 t- ~ t 2 4 E (~iq6) 2
( ~(S 2) ~ ) = ½(p + q) + ¼(p _ q)2 _ y, ( ~/i~/j) 2
For the general case, in which the state function is a linear combination of microstates, the
expectation value of S is more complicated:
As with the construction of the C.I. matrix, the elements of this expression can be divided into
a small number of different types:
(a) ~a = SUb: Since the two wavefunctions are the same, this corresponds to the expectation
value of a microstate, and has already been derived.
(b) Except for ffi in ~a and ~j in ~b; ~ , = ~b: Assuming ~i and ffj to have alpha-spin the ex-
pectation value is
The effect of the spin operator is to change the spin of the electrons but leave the space
part unchanged. All integrals vanish identically due to one or more of the following identi-
(~iq/j) = 0 ( m i m j ) = 6(i,j)
(~iq/k) = 60,k) (~j~bk) = 60,k)
Therefore, ( S 2 ) = 0
(c) Except for ~/i and ~j in ~ and g'k and g'l in ~ub; ~a = ~ub: Two situations exist: (i) when
all four M.O.s are of the same spin; and (ii) when two are of each spin.
When all four M.O.s have the same spin, the effect of the spin operator is to reverse the
spin of two M.O.s in the ket half of the integral By spin orthogonatity this results in an
integral value of zero.
In the case where two M.O.s are of ~ spin and two are of fl spin the matrix elements,
after elimination of those terms which are zero due to space orthogonality, are
( 5 2 ) = ( -- 1)w((l~ti~/k[Z2[~j~ti) -- (~ti~/i[Z2l~/j~lk))
The effect of S 2 on ~bk and @1is to reverse the spin of these functions; this gives
otherwise ( S 2 ) = 0.
(d) If more than two differences exist, ( S 2 ) = 0.
Semiempirical calculations can be run on computers using readily available programs. It is pos-
sible to use such programs for research without having any knowledge of their workings. This
does not imply any failing on the part of the researcher; after all, it is possible to write extensive
computer programs while having little knowledge of how a computer works. However, in order
to more efficiently use such programs, a more than casual knowledge of the theory involved is
desirable. In the following section the details of a very simple calculation will be described. This
calculation can be carried out as a 'black box' calculation, but the following exercise may help
to satisfy the intellectual curiosity of users of semiempirical methods regarding the mechanics of
carrying out an SCF calculation.
So far we have looked at the theory used in semiempirical methods. In order to understand
how an SCF calculation works, we will now carry out a very simple example. We will use the
M N D O method because it currently is the most popular of the 'NDO' methods. The CNDO/2
method is very similar, and the example we will look at will emphasize the similarity. The system
to be examined is a regular hexagon of hydrogen atoms in which the H - H distance is 0.98314
A. Of course, a regular hexagon of hydrogen atoms is not a stable system; the only reason we
are using it here is to demonstrate the working of an SCF calculation. The optimized geometry
was obtained by defining all bond lengths to be equal, constraining all bond angles to be 120
degrees and defining the system as being planar.
We will need various reference data in order to follow the calculation. By reference to the
MOPAC source file B L O C K . F O R we find that:
This exercise is designed to allow the reader to reproduce each step. All that is needed in order
to follow the working is a hand calculator.
Atom 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0.0000
2 0.9831 0.0000
3 1.7029 0.9831 0.0000
4 1.9663 1.7029 0.9831 0.0000
5 1.7029 1.9663 1.7029 0.9831 0.0000
6 0.9831 1.7029 1.9663 1.7029 0.9831 0.0000
The overlap integral of two Slater orbitals between two hydrogen atoms is particularly simple:
where a = ~R/ao
At the optimum H - H distance of 0.983143 A, this yields an overlap integral of 0.4643. The
nearest-neighbor one-electron integral is thus
In general, overlap integrals are more complicated and also involve angular components, but the
principles involved are the same. You may want to check other off-diagonal terms in the one-
electron matrix, or you may accept the results given here.
Atom 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 - 51.7112
2 - 3.2457 - 51.7112
3 -1.0970 -3.2457 --51.7112
4 -0.6992 --1.0970 --3.2457 --51.7112
5 - 1.0970 -0.6992 -1.0970 - 3.2457 -51.7112
6 - 3.2457 - 1.0970 - 0.6992 - 1.0970 --3.2457 --51.7112
On-diagonal one-electron integrals are more complicated than the off-diagonal terms. The one-
electron energy of an electron in an atomic orbital is the sum of its kinetic energy and stabilization
due to the positive nucleus of its own atom, Uss or Upp, plus the stabilization due to all the other
nuclei in the system.
Each electron on a hydrogen atom experiences a stabilization due to the five other unipositive
nuclei in the system. Within semiempirical theory the electron-nuclear interaction is related to
the electron-electron interaction via
Ee. n = -Zn(~Os(Pslq)sq)s)
Given the two-electron two-center integral matrix the calculation of the diagonal terms of the
one-electron matrix is straightforward:
For interactions between an atomic orbital and a non-hydrogen atom there will be 10 terms; these
arise from all permutations of the basis set, s, Px, Py, Pz with the atomic orbital under the neglect
of differential overlap approximation. The 10 integrals are (iilss), (ii]spx), (iilpxPx), (iilsPy),
(iilpxpy), (iilpypy), (ii[sp~), (iilp~p~), (iilpypz), and (iilp~p~).
Atom 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 12.8480
2 9.6583 12.8480
3 7.0632 9.6583 12.8480
4 6.3620 7.0732 9.6583 12.8480
5 7.0632 6.3620 7.0732 9.6583 12.8480
6 9.6583 7.0632 6.3620 7.0732 9.6583 12.8480
The density matrix is necessary in order to calculate the Fock matrix, but, in turn, the Fock
matrix is necessary in order to calculate the density matrix. To break this impasse, a guessed den-
sity matrix is used. The guess is very crude: all off-diagonal matrix elements are set to zero, and
all on-diagonal terms on any atom are set equal to the core charge of that atom divided by the
number of atomic orbitals. Our starting guess for H6 consists of a unit matrix.
Each iteration of the SCF calculation consists of assembling a Fock matrix from the one-elec-
tron matrix, the two-electron integrals, and the density matrix, diagonalizing it to obtain the ei-
genvectors, and finally reassembling the density matrix. At some point the change in density ma-
trix drops below a preset limit. When this happens we say that the field is self-consistent. We
will now carry out these steps for the H 6 system.
In the first iteration this is particularly simple, as there are no off-diagonal terms in the density
matrix. Only the on-diagonal terms are affected. Each on-diagonal term in the Fock matrix Faa
is modified by the electrostatic field of all the electrons in the system except the electron or fraction
of an electron in the atomic orbital q~a. Consider F(1,1). The total initial population of qh is 1.0,
composed of equal amounts of a and fl electron density. An electron in q)1 would therefore experi-
ence the electrostatic repulsion of half an electron. An electron cannot repel itself, however it will
be repelled by its partner electron of opposite spin.
In addition, each electron will be affected, normally repelled, by the electrostatic field of all
the electrons on all the other atoms. Each atom has one electron, so the total energy of an elec-
tron, i.e., the diagonal Fock matrix element, is given by
The Fock matrix is obtained by adding the two-electron terms to the one-electron matrix. The
elements of the Fock matrix represent the sum of the one- and two-electron interactions. For
the system of six hydrogen atoms, this has the following form:
Atom 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 - 5.4823
2 - 3.2457 - 5.4823
3 - 1.0970 - 3.2457 - 5.4823
4 - 0.6992 -1.0970 - 3.2457 -5.4823
5 - 1.0970 -0.6992 -1.0970 - 3.2457 - 5.4823
6 - 3.2457 - 1.0970 - 0.6992 - 1.0970 - 3.2457 - 5.4823
T h e F o c k m a t r i x is t h e n d i a g o n a l i z e d t o yield t h e f o l l o w i n g set o f e i g e n v a l u e s a n d e i g e n v e c t o r s :
1 2 3 4 5 6
In the following exercises 'verify' means using a hand calculator. They are intended to confirm
understanding of the theory involved. Work through one or more examples to confirm the validi-
ty of t h e s t a t e m e n t t h a t f o l l o w s .
1 Verify that the eigenvectors are normalized.
2 Verify that the eigenvectors are orthogonal to each other.
3 Verify that the eigenvalues are correct.
4 Verify that the eigenvectors diagonalize the Fock matrix.
5 V e r i f y t h a t t h e d i a g o n a l s u m r u l e is o b e y e d , i.e., t h a t t h e s u m o f t h e e i g e n v a l u e s is e q u a l t o
the sum of the diagonal matrix elements (the trace) of the Fock matrix.
T h e d e n s i t y m a t r i x is t h e n r e f o r m e d u s i n g t h e o c c u p i e d set o f e i g e n v e c t o r s , i.e., t h e l o w e s t t h r e e
levels. T h i s yields:
Density matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1.0000
2 0.6667 1.0000
3 0.0000 0.6667 1.0000
4 -0.3333 0.0000 0.6667 1.0000
5 0.0000 -0.3333 0.0000 0.6667 1.0000
6 0.6667 0.0000 - 0.3333 0.0000 0.6667 1.0000
The second Fock matrix can then be constructed using this density matrix. The on-diagonal
terms are identical to those in the first Fock matrix, since the atomic orbital electron densities
are unchanged, but the off-diagonal terms are now changed. The off-diagonal terms are modified
to allow for exchange interactions. (Note that not all exchange terms are stabilizing.)
Let us evaluate the matrix element F(1,2):
Atom 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 - 5.4823
2 -6.4651 -5.4823
3 -1.0970 -6.4651 - 5.4823
4 +0.3611 -1.0970 -6.4651 - 5.4823
5 - 1.0970 + 0.3611 - 1.0970 - 6.4651 - 5.4823
6 - 6.4651 -1.0970 + 0.3611 - 1.0970 --6.4651 --5.4823
Diagonalization of this matrix yields the same set of eigenvectors as we had initially. In general,
several iterations are necessary in order to obtain an SCF; however, a few systems exist for which
symmetry restrictions on the form of the eigenvectors allow them to achieve an SCF in one itera-
tion. Hexagonal H 6 is one such system. Although the eigenvectors are the same, the eigenvalues
obviously have to be different.
Exercise: Verify that the SCF energy levels of H 6 a r e - - 2 0 . 2 4 5 5 , - 11.2115, - 11.2115, 2.4410,
2.4410, and 4.8928 eV.
Once an SCF is achieved we need to calculate the heat of formation.
where Eelec t is the electronic energy, Enu c is the nuclear-nuclear repulsion energy, Eiso~ is the energy
required to strip all the valence electrons off all the atoms in the system, and Eatom is the total
heat of atomization of all the atoms in the system.
E e is calculated from 1 p ( H + F), or
1 6 6
Ee = 2-~=~
Z ~=1
Z P~,~(H~,,+ F~,,)
Eel~t = -- 210.0858 eV
Enu ~ is a relatively straightforward calculation, and is equal to 130.2864 eV. The total energy of
the system is thus - 79.7990 eV.
We are now ready to calculate the AHf. As the total energy and Etsol are in eV, we must first
convert them into kcal/mol.
It is convenient to combine Eiso~ and Eatom together so as to simplify this calculation. In order
to convert any total energy (Ee~ect + Enuc) into a AHf, the following operation must be performed:
Lithium - 6.793583
Beryllium - 27.541992
Chromium - 138.938301
Zinc - 31.231065
Germanium - 80.129955
Tin - 95.454929
Mercury - 29.456154
Lead - 107.856099
These numbers may be used in conjunction with the semiempirical electronic and nuclear ener-
gies to calculate the heat of formation.
The following tables illustrate the relative accuracy of three semiempirical methods: MNDO,
AM 1, and MNDO-PM3. MNDO-PM3 is a recent [13] re-parameterization of the M N D O meth-
od, in which the AM 1 form of the core--core interaction is used. In cases where two sets of M N D O
parameters have been published, the more recent set will be used. Only 11 of the 12 elements
surveyed here have been parameterized at the AM1 level: these are H [4], C [4], N [4], O [4], F
[37], Si [38], P [39], S [40], C1 [37], Br [37], and I [37]. In addition, boron has been parameterized
at the AM1 level [41].
As MNDO-PM3 is very new, a word or two about it is in order. In parameterizing M N D O
and AM 1, only a very few molecules could be used. This was a natural constraint imposed by
the software and equipment available at the time these methods were being developed. MNDO-
PM3 was parameterized using a radically different optimization procedure, and used about 400-
500 experimental reference data in order to define the values of the parameters.
Average AHf errors are given in Table 2 and geometry errors are summarized in Table 9. Refer-
ence geometry data are taken from many sources, mainly from X-ray and microwave structures.
No differentiation is made between these various sources, although microwave structures are pre-
ferred to X-ray. Further, no differentiation is made between various definitions of bond lengths.
Thus the bond length corresponding to the bottom of the harmonic well, r0, is not distinguished
from the equilibrium bond length, or from the bond length corresponding to the system in which
the zero point energy is included. For semiempirical methods, the average error in bond lengths
is large relative to the differences between the bond lengths obtained using the various definitions.
Average dipole errors are 0.45D (MNDO), 0.35 (AM1), and 0.38 (PM3), while average ioniza-
tion errors are 0.78 (MNDO), 0.61 (AM1), and 0.57 (PM3).
Users of MNDO-PM3 are cautioned that, at the time of going to press, little information is
available as to the accuracy of PM3 in predicting activation barriers, higher ionization potentials,
or vibrational frequencies. In consequence, results of such calculations should be treated with
caution, until a suitable survey can be done.
MNDO is the oldest of the three methods surveyed here, and as a direct result, is the least
accurate. MNDO has many advantages over earlier semiempirical methods, but as MNDO is
such a large improvement over those methods, enumeration of MNDO's good points would be
invidious to the other methods. Instead, only the limitations likely to be encountered by users
will be mentioned. The principal drawbacks to MNDO are:
1 Sterically crowded molecules are too unstable
Example: neopentane
2 Four-membered rings are too stable
Example: cubane
3 The hydrogen bond is virtually non-existent
Example: water dimer
4 Hypervalent compounds are too unstable
Example: sulfuric acid
5 Activation barriers are generally too high
6 Non-classical structures are predicted to be unstable relative to the classical structure
Example: ethyl radical
7 Oxygenated substituents on aromatic rings are out-of-plane
Example: nitrobenzene
8 The peroxide bond is systematically too short by about 0.17 A
9 The C-O-C angle in ethers is too large by about 9°.
AM 1 is a distinct improvement over MNDO, in that the overall accuracy is considerably im-
proved. Specific improvements are:
1 The strength of the hydrogen bond in the water dimer is 5.5 kcal/mol, in accordance with
2 Activation barriers for reaction are markedly better than those of MNDO.
3 Hypervalent phosphorus compounds are considerably improved relative to MNDO.
4 In general, errors in z/He obtained using AM1 are about 40% less than those given by
Unfortunately, with this improvement a few deficiencies were introduced. The most important
of these are:
1 AM1 phosphorus has a spurious and very sharp potential barrier at 3.0 ~. The effect of
this is to distort otherwise symmetric geometries and to introduce spurious activation barri-
ers. A vivid example is given by P406, in which the notionally equal P-P bonds are predicted
by AM1 to differ by 0.4 A. This is by far the most severe limitation of AM1.
2 Alkyl groups have a systematic error due to the heat of formation of the CH 2 fragment being
too negative by about 2 kcal/mol.
3 Nitro compounds, although considerably improved relative to MNDO, are still systemati-
cally too positive in energy.
4 The peroxide bond is still systematically too short by about 0.17 A.
The author believes that PM3 is a distinct improvement over AM 1. Evidence of this is:
1 Hypervalent compounds are predicted with considerably improved accuracy.
2 Overall errors in AHf are reduced by about 40% relative to AM1.
Although PM3 is more accurate in predicting the AHe of many systems than either AM1 or
MNDO, it does have some limitations. The more important of these are:
1 There is currently a paucity of information regarding the limitations of PM3! This should
be corrected naturally as results of PM3 calculations are reported.
2 The barrier to rotation in formamide is practically non-existent. In part, this can be cor-
rected by the use of the MMOK option (described in the MOPAC Manual).
Users of PM3 should be aware that PM3 has other defects. The only reason they are not enu-
merated here is that PM3 is a very recently developed method. As a result, these defects have
not yet been identified.
The tables given here have been carefully checked for accuracy. In many instances the calculat-
ed results differ from those of earlier publications. In most cases, the difference has been investi-
gated and found to be due to errors in the earlier work. This does not, of course, mean that the
tables are fully accurate, only that care has been taken to minimize error.
This work would not have been possible without the help of my wife, Anna, whose considerable
literary skills allowed her to convert the original manuscript into something readable. I thank
her for the many hours she devoted to improving the coherence of the volume. Of course, any
errors in fact or logic are purely my responsibility.
1 For an introduction to these programs, see Clark, T., A Handbook of Computational Chemistry, John Wiley and
Sons, New York, NY, 1985, ISBN: 0-471-88211-9.
2 Dewar, M. J. S and Thiel, W., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99 (1977) 4899.
3 Bingham, R. C., Dewar, M. J. S. and Lo, D. H., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97 (1975) 1294.
4 Dewar, M. J. S., Zoebisch, E. G., Healy, E. F. and Stewart, J. J. P., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 107 (1985) 3902.
5 'DRAW', Donn M. Storch, Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange, No. 493, 1985.
6 Fletcher, R. and Powell, M. J. D., Comput. J., 6 (1966) 163; Fletcher, R., Comput. J., 8 (1965) 33; Davidon, W.
C., Comp. J., 10 (1968) 406.
7 Broyden, C. G., Journal Inst. Mathem. Appl., 6 (1970) 222; Fletcher, R., Comput. J., 13 (1970) 317; Goldfarb, D.,
Mathem. Comput., 24 (1970) 23; Shanno, D. F., Mathem. Comput., 24 (1970) 647; See also summary in: Shanno,
D. F., J. Optim. Theory Appl., 46 (1985) 87.
8 Armstrong, D. R., Perkins, P. G. and Stewart, J. J. P., J. Chem. Soc., Dalton, 838 (1973).
9 Two transition state location routines are provided: (a) Komornicki, A. K. and McIver, J. W., Chem. Phys. Lett.,
10 (1971) 303; Komornicki, A. K. and McIver, J. W., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94 (1971) 2625; (b) Bartels, R. H., Universi-
ty of Texas, Center for Numerical Analysis, Report CNA-44, Austin, TX, 1972.
10 Simons, J., Jorgensen, P., Taylor, H. and Ozment, J., J. Phys. Chem., 87 (1983) 2745.
11 MOPAC, Version 4.00 Manual, available from QCPE, University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN 47405.
12 For a review, see Truhlar, D. G., Steckler, R. and Gordon, M. S., Chem. Rev. 87 (1987) 217.
13 Stewart, J. J. P., J. Comp. Chem., 10 (1989) 209; Stewart, J. J. P., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 10 (1989) 221.
14 Roothaan, C. C. J., Rev. Mod. Phys., 26 (1951) 89.
15 Hail, G. C., Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A., 205 (1951) 541.
16 Oleari, L., DiSipio, L. and DeMichells, G., Mol. Phys., 10 (1966) 97.
17 Dewar, M. J. S. and Thiel, W., Theor. Chim. Acta, 46 (1977) 89.
18 Dewar, M. J. S. and ThM, W., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99 (1977) 4907.
19 Parameters taken from MNDOC program, written by Walter Thiel, Quantum Chem. Prog. Exch., No. 438, 2 (1982),
20 Dewar, M. J. S. and Rzepa, H. S., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 100 (1978) 777.
21 Dewar, M. J. S. and McKee, M. L., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99 (1977) 523I.
22 Dewar, M. J. S. and McKee, M. L., J. Comp. Chem., 4 (1983) 84.
23 Dewar, M. J. S. and Rzepa, H. S., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 100 (1978) 58.
24 Davis, L. P., Guidry, R. M., Williams, J. R., Dewar, M. J. S. and Rzepa, H. S., J. Comp. Chem., 2 (198l) 433.
25 Dewar, M. J. S., Freidheim, J., Grady, G., Healy, E. F. and Stewart, J. J. P., Organometallics, 5 (1986) 375.
26 Dewar, M. J. S., McKee, M. L. and Rzepa, H. S., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 100 (1978) 3607.
27 Dewar, M. J. S. and Reynolds, C. H., J. Comp. Chem., 7 (t986) 140.
28 Dewar, M. J. S. and Rzepa, H. S., J. Comp. Chem., 4 (1983) I58.
29 Dewar, M. J. S. and Healy, E. F., J. Comp. Chem., 4 (1983) 542.
30 Dewar, M. J. S., Healy, E. F. and Stewart, J. J. P., J. Comp. Chem., 5 (1984) 358.
31 Dewar, M. J. S., Grady, G. L. and Stewart, J. J. P., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 106 (1984) 6771.
32 Dewar, M. J. S., Grady, G. L., Merz, K. and Stewart, J. J. P., Organometallics, 4 (1985) 1964.
33 Dewar, M. J. S., Holloway, M., Grady, G. L. and Stewart, J. J. P., Organometallics, 4 (1985) 1973.
34 Dewar, M. J. S. and Yamaguchi, Y., Computers and Chemistry, 2 (1978) 25.
35 Stewart, R. F., J. Chem. Phys., 52 (1970) 431.
36 Armstrong, D. R., Fortune, R., Perkins, P. G. and Stewart, J. J. P., J. Chem. Soc. Faraday II, 68 (1972) ,839.
37 Dewar, M. J. S. and Zoebisch, E. G., Theochem, 180 (1988) 1.
38 Dewar, M. J. S. and Jie, C., Organometallics, 6 (1987) 1486.
39 Dewar, M. J. S. and Jie, C., Theochem, 187 (1989) 1.
40 Dewar, M. J. S., Private communication.
41 Dewar, M. J. S., Jie, C. and Zoebisch, E. G., Organometallics, 7 (1988) 513.
Appendix of Tables
1 Comparison of experimental and calculated heats of
formation for organic molecules 49
2 Comparison of experimental and calculated heats of
formation for organic radicals 58
3 Comparison of experimental and calculated heats of
formation for organic ions 60
4 Comparison of experimental and calculated heats of
formation for normal valent inorganic molecules 62
5 Comparison of experimental and calculated heats of
formation for hypervalent molecules 67
6 Comparison of experimental and calculated heats of
formation for inorganic ions 70
7 Statistical analysis of differences between experimen-
tal and calculated heats of formation 72
8 Barriers to rotation and inversion 73
9 Intermolecular interaction energies (kcal/mol) 74
10 Comparison of experimental and calculated
molecular geometries for organic molecules 75
11 Comparison of experimental and calculated
molecular geometries for inorganic molecules 84
12 Unsigned average errors in bond lengths (A) 90
13 Signed average errors in bond lengths (A) 91
14 Average errors in calculated geometries 92
15 Comparison of experimental and calculated dipole
moments 93
16 Comparison of experimental and calculated
ionization potentials 97
TABLE 1 (continued)
TABLE l (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued)
T A B L E l (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued)
References to Table 1
a Cox, J.O. and Pilcher, G., Thermochemistry of Organic and Organometallic Compounds, Academic Press, New
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t Lake, R.F. and Thompson, H., Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 315 (1970) 323.
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y Kudehadker, S.A. and Kudehadker, A.P., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 4 (1975) 457.
z Ditter, G. and Niemann, U., Philips J. Res., 37 (1982) 1.
aa NBS Technical Note 270-3, Jan. (1968).
bb Walsh, R., Acc. Chem. Res., 14 (1981) 246.
cc Steele, W.C., Nichols, L.D. and Stone, F.G.A., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 84 (1962) 4441.
dd Pedley, J.B. and Rylance, G., Sussex-N.P.L. Computer Analysed Thermochemical Data: Organic and Organometall-
ic Compounds, Sussex University, 1977.
ee Steele, W.V., J. Chem. Thermodyn., 15 (1983) 595.
ff Wada, Y. and Kiser, R.W., J. Phys. Chem., 68 (1964) 2290.
References to Table 2
a Levin, R.D. and Lias, S.G., Ionization Potentials and Appearance Potential Measurements, 1971 - 1981, Natl. Stand.
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b Chase, M.W., Davies, C.A., Downey, J.R., Frurip, D.R., McDonald, R.A. and Syverud, A.N., JANAF Thermochem-
ical Tables, 3rd ed., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 14, Suppl. 1 (1985).
c Ditter, G. and Niemann, U., Philips J. Res., 37 (1982) 1.
d Lossing, F.P., Can. J. Chem., 49 (1971) 357.
e Schroder, S. and Thiel, W., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 107 (1985) 4422. BEST ab-initio involving at least MP2 correction
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g Vogt, J. and Beauchamp, J.L., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97 (1975) 6682.
h Wu, E.C. and Rodgers, A.S., J. Phys. Chem., 78 (1974) 2315.
References to Table 3
a Bowers, M.T., Gas Phase Ion Chemistry, Vol. 2, Academic Press, New York, NY, 1979.
b Lossing, F.P., Can. J. Chem., 49 (1971) 357.
c Halim, H., Heinrich, N., Koch, W., Schmidt, J. and Frenking, G., J. Comp. Chem., 7 (1986) 93 (and references the-
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f Harris, J.M., Shafer, S.G. and Worley, S.D., J. Comput. Chem., 3 (1982) 208.
g Lossing, F.P. and Maccoll, A., Can. J. Chem., 54 (1976) 990.
h Abboud, J.L., Hehre, W.J. and Taft, R.W., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94 (1972) 6072.
i Vincow, G., Dauben, H.J, Hunter, F.R. and Volland, W.V., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 91 (1969) 2823.
j Chase, M.W., Curnutt, J.L., Hu, A.T., Prophet, H., Syverud, A.N. and Walker, L.C., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 3
(1974) 311.
k Franklin, J.L., Dillard, J.G., Rosenstock, H.M., Herron, J.Y., Draxl, K. and Field, F.H., Natl. Stand. Ref. Data Ser.,
Natl. Bur. Stand., No. 26 (1969).
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m Ridge, D.P., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97 (1975) 5670.
n Harland, P.W. and Franklin, J.L., J. Chem. Phys., 61 (1974) 1621.
T A B L E 4 (continued)
TABLE 4 (continued)
TABLE 4 (continued)
References to Table 4
T A B L E 5 (continued)
TABLE 5 (continued)
References to Table 5
a Cox, J.O. and Pilcher, G., Thermochemistry of Organic and Organometallic Compounds, Academic Press, New York,
NY 1970.
b Chase, M.W., Davies, C.A., Downey, J.R., Frurip, D.R., McDonald, R.A. and Syverud, A.N., J A N A F Thermochemi-
cal Tables, 3rd ed., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 14, Suppl. 1 (1985).
c Ditter, G. and Niemann, U., Philips J. Res., 37 (1982) 1.
d Larson, J.W. and McMahon, T.B., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 107 (1985) 766.
e Wagman, D.D., Evans, W.H., Parker, V.B., Hawlow, T., Bailey, S.M. and Schumm, R.H., Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.),
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g Penski, E.C. and Domalski, E.S., C R D E C - T R - 8 7 0 6 3 (1987).
h Wagman, D.D., Evans, W.H., Parker, V.B., Schumm, R.H., Halow, I., Bailey, S.M., Churney, K.L. and Nuttall, R.
L., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data Suppl. I1 (1982) 2.
References to Table 6
a Weast, R.C. (Ed.), CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1980.
b Bartmess, J. E. and McIver, R. T., Gas Phase Ion Chemistry, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York, NY 1979.
c Chase, M.W., Davies, C.A., Downey, J.R., Frurip, D.R., McDonald, R.A. and Syverud, A.N., JANAF Thermochemi-
ca1 Tables, 3rd ed., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 14, Suppl. 1 (1985).
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Natl. Bur. Stand., No. 26 (1969).
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i Larson, J.W. and McMahon, T.B., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 107 (1985) 766.
j NBS Technical Note 270-3, Jan. (1968).
k Nimlos, M.R. and Ellison, G.B., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 108 (1986) 6522-6529.
Hydrogen 456 6.2 12.8 7.3 1.5 14.9 --0.1 8.3 24.2 10.4
Carbon 459 6.2 12.8 7.9 1.2 3.5 -0.3 8.7 23.1 11.5
Nitrogen 117 6.5 18.8 9.6 0.6 10.0 13.3 8.3 27.0 12.5
Oxygen 234 9.0 32.4 14.4 -0.1 26.8 4.5 12.9 56.4 25.2
Fluorine 133 8.6 44.4 22.7 0.7 37.4 6.2 11.2 84.2 49,5
Silicon 78 I0.1 22.4 14.5 1.9 13.0 3.6 14.2 32.9 20.8
Phosphorus 70 12.4 37.7 19.5 -0.8 25.0 6.4 16.1 55.6 29.1
Sulfur 101 12.0 50.3 23.4 -1.4 36.9 - 10.4 16.2 79.8 34.0
Chlorine 93 9.6 24.6 18.8 --0.1 15.1 2.6 13.4 54.1 37.8
Bromine 67 11.4 27.8 23.4 1.5 16.4 6.2 15.5 46.5 39.9
Iodine 73 10.7 29.2 25.7 --0.3 10.9 4.2 15.8 60.7 53.5
Set of compounds 138 4.4 6.2 5.5 0.0 -1.4 0.7 6.3 9.1 7.3
used in Refs. 2
and 4
Compounds of 276 5.5 11.2 7.5 0.4 3.8 1.4 7.9 18.5 10.5
C, H, N, and O, only
Nitro compounds 29 5.2 39.6 15.7 2.5 38.1 14.5 6.2 44.1 18.5
Organophosphorus-V 15 10.9 53.9 15.5 3.6 50.2 -4.7 14.3 56.7 17.3
Normal valent 607 7.3 13.1 9.6 0.5 3.1 -0.2 11.2 24.3 14.8
Hypervalent 106 13.6 75.8 37.7 -0.8 67.2 8.9 17.3 104.5 62.3
All compounds 713 8.2 22.5 13.8 0.3 13.8 1.2 11.6 46.2 27.6
Molecule Barrier
" Barrier calculated with minimal configuration interaction. The transition state for the rotation of the C = C bond in-
volves two electronic states. When both states are used, the 'reaction' has a well-defined transition state.
b Barrier calculated without configuration interaction. Using only one configuration results in an intcrsystem crossing.
The D2d geometry does not correspond to a stationary point.
c Barrier calculated with molecular mechanics correction. The M M correction can be invoked by the keyword M M O K .
d Barrier calculated without molecular mechanics correction. The correction can be omitted by using the keyword
° For PM3 and AM1 the minimum energy configuration of nitrobenzene is with the NO2 coplanar with the aromatic
ring. For M N D O the NO2 is perpendicular to the aromatic ring. This is characteristic of most sp2-hybridized groups
attached to otherwise unsubstituted benzene rings.
T A B L E 10 ( c o n t i n u e d )
TABLE 10 (continued)
TABLE 10 (continued)
TABLE 10 (continued)
TABLE 10 (continued)
TABLE 10 (continued)
TABLE 10 (continued)
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TABLE I 1 (continued)
TABLE 11 (continued)
T A B L E 11 ( c o n t i n u e d )
TABLE 11 (continued)
References to Table 11
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chemical Tables, 3rd ed., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 14, Suppl. 1 (1985).
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q Shotton, K. C., Lee, A. G. and Jones, W. J., J. Raman Spectrosc., 1 (1973) 243.
H C N O F A1 Si P S C1 Br I
H 1
PM3 0.042
MNDO 0.078
AM1 0.064
50 72
PM3 0.009 0.017
MNDO 0.010 0.014
AM1 0.015 0.017
N 7 21 8
PM3 0.011 0 . 0 1 8 0.092
MNDO 0,139 0 . 0 2 2 0.120
AMI 0.051 0 . 0 2 4 0.122
O 8 18 18 3
PM3 0.014 0 . 0 1 2 0 . 0 3 4 0.095
MNDO 0.014 0.021 0 . 0 8 5 0.389
AM1 0,012 0 , 0 3 0 0 . 0 6 2 0.229
3 19 2 1 1
PM3 0.056 0 . 0 1 5 0 . 0 8 5 0 , 0 3 4 0.062
MNDO 0.389 0 . 0 1 6 0 . 1 3 5 0.131 0.146
AM1 0.200 0,026 0.082 0 , 0 5 8 0,015
A1 1 2 3 1
PM3 0.015 0.069 0 . 0 0 6 0,087
MNDO 0.222 0.133 0 . 0 5 8 0.175
Si 6 1 1 3 2
PM3 0.016 0.011 0.108 0.024 0.058
MNDO O.110 0 . 0 6 4 0.021 0.025 0.209
AMI 0.025 0 , 0 5 0 0,087 0,040 0.052
P 1 1 2 3 2
PM3 0.096 0.173 0.038 0.014 0.096
MNDO 0.080 0.145 0.050 0,026 0.179
AMI 0.057 0,029 (see 0.019 0.221
S 3 I0 1 7 8 8
PM3 0.026 0 . 0 4 7 0 . 0 4 3 0.074 0.033 0.046
MNDO 0.026 0.063 0.055 0.084 0.043 0.087
C1 1 10 2 3 4 2 2 3 3 1
PM3 0.007 0 . 0 3 7 0 . 0 9 9 0 . 0 0 3 0 . 0 5 2 0 , 1 3 8 0 . 0 7 0 0 , 0 4 5 0.011 0,049
MNDO 0.073 0 . 0 3 6 0 . 0 9 3 0 . 1 2 0 0 . 0 5 7 0,030 0 . 0 3 6 0 , 0 4 5 0 . 0 5 4 0.010
AM1 0.009 0 . 0 3 3 0 , 1 3 9 0 . 1 5 0 0.042 0.049 0.101 0.068
Br 1 6 1 5 2 2 1 1 1
PM3 0.056 0 . 0 1 9 0.252 0.039 0 . 1 9 9 0 . 3 3 2 0.070 0.040 0.160
MNDO 0.025 0 , 0 5 6 0.27l 0.044 0 . 0 9 4 0 . 0 2 9 0.131 0.056 0.115
AMI 0,006 0.044 0.218 0.053 0.061 0.072 0.099
1 3 5 1 2 1 1 1
PM3 0.068 0.089 0.209 0 . 0 1 2 0.231 0,135 0.076 0.002
MNDO 0.042 0,075 0.236 0.174 0.074 0.065 0 . 1 3 5 0.151
AM1 0.022 0,065 0.224 0.004 0,109 0.131 0.128
H C N O F A1 Si P S C1 Br I
H 1
PM3 - 0.04
MNDO - 0.08
AM1 - 0.06
50 72
PM3 0.00 - 0.01
MNDO 0.01 0.00
AM1 0.01 -0.01
N 7 21 8
PM3 -0.01 0.01 -0.09
MNDO 0.14 0.00 -0.12
AM1 0.04 --0.01 -0.10
O 8 18 18 3
PM3 -0.0t 0.01 0.00 -0.09
MNDO -0.01 0.02 0.02 0.21
AM1 0.01 0.03 -0.01 -0.23
3 19 2 1 1
PM3 -0.03 0.00 -0.08 -0.03 -0.06
MNDO 0.39 0.00 -0.14 -0.13 -0.15
AM1 0.08 0.02 -0.08 -0.06 0.01
A1 1 2 3 1
PM3 0.02 - 0.07 0.00 0.09
MNDO -0.22 -0.13 --0.06 --0.18
Si 6 I 1 3 2
PM3 0.01 0.01 -0.I1 0.01 0.06
MNDO --0.11 -0.06 -0.02 0.02 -0.21
AM1 -0.03 -0.05 -0.09 0.04 0.03
P I l 2 3 2
PM3 -0.t0 -0.17 0.02 --0.01 -0.10
MNDO -0.08 -0.14 -0.05 0.02 --0.18
AM1 - 0.06 - 0.03 (see -- 0.02 - 0.22
S 3 10 1 7 8 8
PM3 -0.03 -0.04 -0.04 0.06 - 0.01 0.0l
MNDO -0.03 -0.06 -0.05 0.08 0.02 - 0.06
C1 I I0 2 3 4 2 2 3 3 1
PM3 -0.01 -0.01 -0.10 0.00 0.01 -0.14 -0.05 -0.02 0.00 0.05
MNDO 0.07 0.04 - 0.09 0.11 0.06 -0.02 0.04 -0.05 -0.05 0.01
AM1 0.01 0.00 --0.14 0.15 0.03 -0.03 -0.10 - 0.07
Br 1 6 1 5 2 2 1 1 I
PM3 0.06 0.01 -0.25 0.02 -0.20 -0.33 -0.07 0.04 0.16
MNDO 0.02 -0.05 -0.27 0.00 -0.09 0.03 -0.13 -0.06 -0.11
AM1 0.01 0.00 - 0.22 0.05 0.06 - 0.12 -0.07 -0.10
I 1 3 5 1 2 l 1 1
PM3 0.07 - 0.09 0.20 -0.01 -0.19 -0.14 0.08 0.00
MNDO - 0.04 - 0.08 0.23 -0.17 -0.07 -0.07 -0.i4 -0.15
AM1 -0.02 -0.03 0.21 0.00 -0.11 -0.13 -0.13
TABLE 15 (continued)
TABLE 15 (continued)
References to Table 15
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TABLE 16 (continued)
TABLE 16 (continued)
TABLE 16 (continued)
TABLE 16 (continued)
TABLE 16 (continued)
10.80 11.86 a
PCI5 Phosphorus pentachloride 1.06 1.49 1.90
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