GPS/GSM Enabled Person Tracking System: Nternational Ournal of Nnovative Esearch in Cience, Ngineering and Echnology
GPS/GSM Enabled Person Tracking System: Nternational Ournal of Nnovative Esearch in Cience, Ngineering and Echnology
GPS/GSM Enabled Person Tracking System: Nternational Ournal of Nnovative Esearch in Cience, Ngineering and Echnology
Copyright to IJIRSET
DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0403028
to enable maps which can be downloaded from Expedia Maps Server. And Third one is Open GTS provide web based
GPS tracking system. Our system aims at the automatic detection of location of person .
Automotive Navigation System:It is an satellite navigation or tracking system which is designed to used for tracing the automobiles. This type of
system is available in high definition cars but with an disadvantage of high cost. GPS navigation system can be used for
tracking the position of vehicle on road with the help of Maps present in database. With the help of the database the
required directions to trace the particular car. The portable GPS devices have helped increase and enhance safety for the
GPSylon System:It shows the maps download from Expedia Map Server which is nothing but used to connect to GPS device and track the
position using maps in database. At that moment, it can also read GPS data in NMEA [National Marine Electronics
Association] standards from serial or can be an GPS file across the network. GPS receiver uses the data for tracking the
real time position and information of human being. The data can be position, time, velocity. The main feature is to
display the maps with the help of digital Atlas. These maps are shown in different scales and if any of the map are
missing then the scale larger then that is shown instead of black screen. It can also download single or multiple maps
with the help of Expedia Map Server.
3. Open GTS:GTS is nothing but GPS Tracking System. It is an open source GPS tracking system for tracing the persons position. It
requires the internet access.
In our project, GPS is used to monitor the persons location anywhere on earth. The who has to be located must have
GSM model with SIM GPRS enabled. The GPS consist of GPS Transmitter and GPS Receiver. In other words, the
GPS unit simply measures the travel time of the signals transmitted from the satellites, then multiplies them by the
speed of light to determine exactly how far the unit is from every satellite its sampling. By locking onto the signals
from a minimum of three different satellites, a GPS receiver can calculate a 2D (two-dimensional) positional fix,
consisting of your latitude and longitude.
So, GPS is the simple unit which triangulates the position of person. GPS Receiver receives the human longitude and
latitude from satellite through GPS Antenna. GPS receiver is interfaced with the ARM through RS232 converter. RS
232 converter is used to convert RS232 logic to TTL logic vice versa because GPS receiver is the RS232 logic and
ARM-7 is the TTL logic.
Then the receiver sends the received signal to ARM-7. Here the ARM-7 is the flash type reprogrammable ARM-7 in
which we have already programmed. Now the ARM-7 displays the persons tracking on the LCD display. Then position
information signal is transmitted through GSM network. The tracking the persons having GPS and GSM from that in
PC we can monitor the human current position on the earth.
Copyright to IJIRSET
DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0403028
Copyright to IJIRSET
DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0403028
Figure:. (a)
Figure:. (b)
Figure:. (c)
Figure 2: Tracking system results (a) Tracking Position of person (b) How GPRS works (c) Tracking System.
In below figure, shows the actual demo of our system. It consist of ARM processor board , LCD board and GPS/GSM
module for tracking purpose.
Copyright to IJIRSET
DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0403028
Figure (a)
Figure (b)
Figure 3: (a) , (b) Demo of system.
The work produced in this report would not have been completed without the encouragement and support of many
people who gave their precious time & encouragement throughout this period. We would like to sincerely thank our
project guide Prof. S.J. Jadhav for the patience she showed during the process of preparation of project from initial
conception to final design & construction. We would also like to extend our gratefulness to the head of department
Prof. S.T. Bhoi . We would also like to thank the teaching & non-teaching staff. We would also like to express sincere
gratitude towards the core of our heart principal Dr. D.P. Joshi for being supportive and always encouraging. Last but
not the least, the backbone of our success and confidence lies solely on blessings of our parents.
It provides more security than other system and from the remote place we can access the system. The tracking system
GPS/GSM enabled personal tracker is a low cost system.However, this system is also useful for some confidential
issues such as real time people exact location in natural calamity and also consumes less power as the ARM-7 (LPC
2148), GPS and SIM 900 Modem consumes less power and can be used in sleep mode too.Tracking system is
becoming increasingly important in large cities such as in variousApplications include tracking of school kids and
people can watch them by staying in their home. From this tracking system, the current location of a person will be
displayed via Google earth with the help of GPS database and GSM. Thus, we can easily monitor the human being
anywhere on the earth with high accuracy.
The scope of this project is to study and design the GPS/GSM enabled Personal Tracking system that can give
an output of the information such as time, position and speed from the GPS receiver.
In future, this entire tracking system can be tries to make in compact size, light weight, more accuracy and in
real time response.
Copyright to IJIRSET
DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0403028
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Copyright to IJIRSET
DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0403028