Musculo-Skeletal 2
Musculo-Skeletal 2
Musculo-Skeletal 2
Department of Education
Musculo-Skeletal System
Strand/Track: ____________________________________
Section: ____________________________________
Date: ____________________________________
A cat strikes
out at a rat to
moves away to
escape. Both
muscles for
Muscle is a
special kind of tissue that brings about movement. The kind of movement that
muscles carry out depends on where the muscles are located. Without
muscles your bones and joints will be useless. Bones cannot move by
When muscles contract, they pull the body parts to which they are
attached. This action usually causes some movement, as when the joints of
the legs are flexed and extended during walking. At the other time, muscular
contraction resists motion, as when they help the body parts in postural
positions. Muscles are also responsible for the movement of the body fluids
such as blood and urine, and they function in heat production that helps
There are 600 muscles in the human body. Most muscles are attached
to bones and extended from one bone to another. Each end of the muscles is
Muscles do not push; they only pull. Therefore, most muscles come in
pairs. The muscles of your arm are good examples of how muscles work as
partners. The two muscles of your arms are called biceps and triceps.
biceps is a
flexor muscle.
It produces a
flexing or
bending action
by pulling the
at the joint
towards the
body. The triceps is an
Not all muscles are connected to the bones. For example, heart
muscles work by squeezing. Some muscles are connected to the skin. This
Explain how the organs of each organ system work together (S6LT-IIa-
C. Directions/ Instructions
D. Exercises / Activities
5. The most abundant of the three types of muscles in the human body are the
a. ball-and-socket c. hinge
b. gliding d. pivot
7. The part of the bone which contains nerves and blood vessels is the
9. Movements of the arms, head or the fingers can be controlled. The muscles of
10. Which type of muscles do most digestive organs have in their walls?
cardiac muscles.
1. Yawning
2. Running
3. Skipping
4. Breathing
5. Shivering
7. Heart beating
8. Digesting food
9. Stretching arms
Follow the directions below and find out the effect on your body.
1. Lie on your back with your knee bent and your hands clasped behind
your head.
E. Guide Questions
F. Reflection
As a Grade Six student how can you make your muscles strong and
http// muscular.html
H. Answer Key
Activity 1:
1. a 6. d 11. c
2. b 7. a 12. b
3. a 8. d 13. a
4. a 9. c 14. c
5. d 10. d 15. c
Activity 2
12. Running /
13. Skipping /
14. Breathing /
15. Shivering /
Activity 3