American Textbook Reading - Science 1 - Keys

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American Textbook Reading – Science – Book 1 정답

Lesson 1 Parts of Plants Comprehension (p.15) Reading Skill (p.20)

1. b A. cones
Review 1 (p.12) 2. a B. sprouts
1. D 3. c C. seedling
2. C 4. a D. seedling
3. B E. adult
4. A Critical Thinking (p.15) F. seeds
5. F 1. roots, stem, leaves, flower
6. E 2. branch Comprehension (p.21)
1. a
Review 2 (p.12) 2. b
1. b 3. c
2. a Lesson 2 Life Cycle of a Plant 4. a
3. b
Review 1 (p.18) Critical Thinking (p.21)
Exercise (p.13) 1. C 1. seed
1. leaf 2. E 2. New seeds begin a new
2. root 3. A life cycle.
3. fruit 4. F
4. stem 5. D
5. flower 6. B
6. plant Lesson 3 What Plants Need
Review 2 (p.18) to Grow
True or False (p.13) 2, 1, 4, 3
1. T Review 1 (p.24)
2. F Exercise (p19) 1. E
3. T 1. life cycle 2. A
2. sprout 3. B
Reading Skill (p.14) 3. seed coat 4. C
A. water 4. seedling 5. F
B. ground 5. seed 6. D
C. stem 6. cone
D. air Review 2 (p.24)
E. flowers True or False (p.19) 1. a
F. seeds 1. F 2. a
2. F 3. b
3. T
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Exercise (p.25) 6. A Review 1 (p.36)

1. warmth 1. D
2. air Review 2 (p.30) 2. C
3. sunlight 1. reptile 3. B
4. soil 2. mammal 4. A
5. water 3. insect 5. F
6. space 6. E
Exercise (p.31)
True or False (p.25) 1. amphibian Review 2 (p.36)
1. F 2. insect 1. B
2. T 3. fish 2. B
3. F 4. reptile
5. bird Exercise (p.37)
Reading Skill (p.26) 6. mammal 1. gill
A. sunlight 2. wing
B. water True or False (p.31) 3. beak
C. air 1. F 4. feather
D. big and strong 2. F 5. lung
3. T 6. fur
Comprehension (p.27)
1. c Reading Skill (p.32) True or False (p.37)
2. a A. young 1. F
3. b B. bird 2. F
4. c C. wet 3. T
D. scales
Critical Thinking (p.27) E. insect Reading Skill (p.38)
1. water A. wings
2. sunlight Comprehension (p.33) B. beak
1. a C. hair
2. b D. breathe
3. a E. gills
Lesson 4 Types of Animals 4. b
Comprehension (p.39)
Review 1 (p.30) Critical Thinking (p.33) 1. c
1. D 1. mammals 2. a
2. E 2. reptiles 3. a
3. F 4. c
4. B Lesson 5 Body Parts of
5. C Animals Critical Thinking (p.39)
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1. wings, beak E. cold 2. F

2. fish 3. F
Comprehension (p.45)
1. b Reading Skill (p.52)
2. c A. valley
Lesson 6 Where Animals Live 3. c B. steep
4. a C. highest
Review 1 (p.42) D. mountain
1. C Critical Thinking (p.45) E. flat
2. D 1. animals that can swim
3. A 2. camel, scorpion, lizard Comprehension (p.53)
4. F 1. c
5. B 2. a
6. E 3. a
Lesson 7 Land and Water 4. c
Review 2 (p.42)
1. d Review 1 (p.50) Critical Thinking (p.53)
2. c 1. C 1. a mountain
3. a 2. D 2. A river is a large moving
4. b 3. A piece of water, but a lake is a
4. E large area of water.
Exercise (p.43) 5. F
1. Arctic 6. B
2. habitat
3. desert Review 2 (p.50) Lesson 8 How Does Earth
4. rainforest 1. a Change?
5. forest 2. a
6. ocean 3. b Review 1 (p.56)
1. E
True or False (p.43) Exercise (p.51) 2. C
1. T 1. hill 3. A
2. F 2. plain 4. F
3. F 3. mountain 5. D
4. river 6. B
Reading Skill (p.44) 5. cliff
A. rainforest 6. lake Review 2 (p.56)
B. ocean 1. a
C. dry True or False (p.51) 2. b
D. flat 1. F 3. b
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Exercise (p.57) 5. C Lesson 10 Rocks and Soil

1. drought 6. F
2. dig Review 1 (p.68)
3. erosion Review 2 (p.62) 1. B
4. weathering 1. graphite 2. D
5. flood 2. gold 3. F
6. crack 3. aluminum 4. E
5. C
True or False (p.57) Exercise (p.63) 6. A
1. F 1. copper
2. T 2. natural resource Review 2 (p.68)
3. F 3. silver 1. b
4. wood 2. b
Reading Skill (p.58) 5. gold 3. b
A. flood 6. mineral
B. drought Exercise (p.69)
C. erosion True or False (p.63) 1. humus
D. weathering 1. T 2. sand
2. F 3. topsoil
Comprehension (p.59) 3. F 4. granite
1. b 5. clay
2. c Reading Skill (p.64) 6. build
3. b A. natural resources
4. a B. clean True or False (p.69)
C. minerals 1. F
Critical Thinking (p.59) D. trees 2. F
1. heavy rains 3. T
2. The land gets very dry and Comprehension (p.65)
plants cannot grow. 1. a Reading Skill (p.70)
2. b A. layer
3. b B. clay
4. c C. beach
Lesson 9 Natural Resources D. humus
Critical Thinking (p.65)
Review 1 (p.62) 1. air, water, oil, minerals, Comprehension (p.71)
1. A wood 1. b
2. D 2. We can use wood to make 2. a
3. B paper. 3. a
4. E 4. c
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Critical Thinking (p.71) Comprehension (p.77) Reading Skill (p.84)

1. granite 1. a A. sight
2. sand 2. c B. ears
3. c C. nose
4. a D. skin

Lesson 11 Saving Natural Critical Thinking (p.77) Comprehension (p.85)

Resources 1. reusing, recycling, reducing 1. a
2. old plastic bottles 2. b
Review 1 (p.74) 3. b
1. C 4. a
2. A
3. B Lesson 12 Matter and Senses Critical Thinking (p.85)
4. F 1. taste
5. D Review 1 (p.82) 2. touch
6. E 1. D
2. E
Review 2 (p.74) 3. A
1. recycle 4. F Lesson 13 Observing Matter
2. reuse 5. B
3. reduce 6. C Review 1 (p.88)
1. F
Exercise (p.75) Review 2 (p.82) 2. A
1. recycle 1. b 3. B
2. reuse 2. a 4. E
3. reduce 3. b 5. D
4. trash 6. C
5. pollution Exercise (p.83)
6. conserve 1. smell Review 2 (p.88)
2. taste 1. a
True or False (p.75) 3. hearing 2. b
1. F 4. matter 3. b
2. F 5. touch
3. T 6. sight Exercise (p.89)
1. balance
Reading Skill (p.76) True or False (p.83) 2. hard
A. Recycle 1. T 3. light
B. again 2. F 4. heavy
C. less 3. F 5. magnify
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6. soft Review 2 (p.94) Review 1 (p.100)

1. b 1. F
True or False (p.89) 2. a 2. D
1. F 3. b 3. C
2. T 4. B
3. F Exercise (p.95) 5. E
1. liquid 6. A
Reading Skill (p.90) 2. solid
A. properties 3. gas Review 2 (p.100)
B. hard 4. freeze 1. b
C. small 5. vapor 2. b
D. weight 6. container 3. a
E. ruler
True or False (p.95) Exercise (p.101)
Comprehension (p.91) 1. T 1. burn
1. b 2. F 2. mixture
2. c 3. T 3. dissolve
3. b 4. separate
4. b Reading Skill (p.96) 5. tear
A. solid 6. mix
Critical Thinking (p.91) B. flows
1. Color: red, white, yellow C. container True or False (p.101)
Feel: soft Smell: good, D. Air 1. F
sweet 2. T
2. I can find out the weight Comprehension (p.97) 3. F
of something with a balance. 1. b
2. a Reading Skill (p.102)
3. a A. fold
4. c B. same
Lesson 14 Solid, Liquid, Gas C. mix
Critical Thinking (p.97) D. dissolve
Review 1 (p.94) 1. solid, liquid, gas
1. E 2. Freeze water. Comprehension (p.103)
2. F 1. b
3. A 2. c
4. B 3. b
5. C Lesson 15 Matter and Its 4. a
6. D Changes
Critical Thinking (p.103)
WorldCom Edu – American Textbook Reading – Science 1 – Answer Key /

1. tearing, bending, folding

2. The sugar will dissolve into
the water.

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