Assessment: Provide A Good Environment by Providing Sufficient Lighting, Good Ventilation, and Reduced Noise Levels

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Assessment Diagnosis Objective Intervention Evaluation

Subjective: Anxiety The patient will be able 1. Assess the patient’s level of After interventions, the
Patient complain related to to reduce anxiety to a anxiety patient was able to reduce
difficult of inability to manageable level and Rationale – different levels of anxiety anxiety to a manageable
breathing take deep breath normally with 15 will influence the coping level and breath normally
breaths breaths per minute. mechanism of the patient with 15 breaths per minute.
 Dyspnea 2. Monitor vital signs – heart rate,
 Heart rate: respiratory rate, blood pressure
113 beats Rationale – to gain a baseline data
per minute
 Respiratory 3. Place the patient in a semi-
rate: 29 fowler’s/high fowler's.
breaths per Rational – to provide comfort in
minute breathing
 Blood
pressure: 4. Provide a good environment by
130/90 providing sufficient lighting, good
mmHg ventilation, and reduced noise levels
Rationale – to let patient rest
comfortably and avoid any

5. Encourage the patient to

acknowledge and express fears
Rationale – to provide an opportunity
to deal with concern and reduce

6. Stay with patient during anxiety

Rational – to build trust and keep
patient feel calm as possible
7. Teach the patient deep breathing
Rational - to promote relaxation and
reduce stress levels

8. Explain the detail regarding the

disease and procedure
Rationale – to educate and develop
patient's understanding.

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