Assessment: Provide A Good Environment by Providing Sufficient Lighting, Good Ventilation, and Reduced Noise Levels
Assessment: Provide A Good Environment by Providing Sufficient Lighting, Good Ventilation, and Reduced Noise Levels
Assessment: Provide A Good Environment by Providing Sufficient Lighting, Good Ventilation, and Reduced Noise Levels
Subjective: Anxiety The patient will be able 1. Assess the patient’s level of After interventions, the
Patient complain related to to reduce anxiety to a anxiety patient was able to reduce
difficult of inability to manageable level and Rationale – different levels of anxiety anxiety to a manageable
breathing take deep breath normally with 15 will influence the coping level and breath normally
breaths breaths per minute. mechanism of the patient with 15 breaths per minute.
Dyspnea 2. Monitor vital signs – heart rate,
Heart rate: respiratory rate, blood pressure
113 beats Rationale – to gain a baseline data
per minute
Respiratory 3. Place the patient in a semi-
rate: 29 fowler’s/high fowler's.
breaths per Rational – to provide comfort in
minute breathing
pressure: 4. Provide a good environment by
130/90 providing sufficient lighting, good
mmHg ventilation, and reduced noise levels
Rationale – to let patient rest
comfortably and avoid any