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Developing a productive classroom is beneficial to the learners and to the teachers. But, having a disarranged classroom would also give a disarranged learners. Classroom management can be defined as the action teachers take to establish and sustain an environment that fosters student`s academic achievement as well as their social, emotional, and moral growth. In other words, the goal of classroom management is not order for order`s sake, but order for the sake of learning. Discipline is a positive method of teaching students self-control while punishment is a technique used to inforce discipline. Creating a strong sense of classroom management where students feel safe and respected means that students know what is expected of them and they can make the choice to follow those expectations or not. Punishment is the reaction to a lack of discipline so the first step to preventing the need for punishment is to teach and encourage discipline. The focus of this study is about the tool for improving classroom management that focuses determining the better reinforcement tool between Punishment and rewarding. Teachers in schools and parents in homes uses punishment as one of the most important tool for controlling student`s behavior and discipline. From the psychological point of view, punishment is defined to as anything that decreases the occurrence of a behavior; physical pain, withdraw of attention, loss of tangibles or activities, a reprimand or even something others would find rewarding, but the particular individual does not like (Lefton, 2002; Kosslyn & Rosenberg, 2002). One of the main goals of punishment is to invoke fear in the student, so that the behavior does not occur again. In the school, teachers punish students for being late to school, for not following the school rules, for not doing classroom assignment and for failure to perform better in tests and examinations and the like (URT, 2006). The rewarding is a tool that teacher use to try and reinforce a desired behavior (Witzel & Mercer, 2003). Of all the rewards given, grades are the most common reward (Seoane and Smink, 1991). These good intentions, though, are missing the mark. When rewards are given, children don't perceive themselves in control of learning, they approach and complete tasks differently than when rewards are not given, and their work is judged as less creative (Amabile and Gitomer, 1984; Condry, 1977; Ryan and Grolnick, 1986). Specifically, students do not see the cause/effect link between the actions they take and the things that happen to them. Repeated failures in school cause them to build barriers to protect themselves, and therefore they become uninvolved in school (Long and Bowen, 1995). Rewards, then, should be replaced with teaching that is focused on the intrinsic motivation of the student. A common goal should be to have the student’s interest be at the center of their learning, not a reward. Students who are taught to perceive themselves as causal agents in the classroom engage in more risk-taking behavior, and increase their achievement (DeCharms, 1972). Also, students who perceive themselves as more in control of learning have better self-esteem (Ryan and Grolnick, 1986). II. ACTION RESEARCH QUESTION: This study was focused on the tools for improving classroom management. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents as to: A. Age; B. Gender; C. Parent`s highest educational attainment; and, 2. In what ways reward and punishment would affect student’s discipline? 3. Between Punishment and Rewarding; what is the better reinforcement tool to maintain discipline? 4. What kinds of activities can affect the teachers do in implementing rewards and punishment in their classroom management?
This present study will implement the solutions in the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender and parent`s highest educational attainment. And determine between the punishment and rewarding is the better reinforcement tool to maintain discipline.
A. Participants/Other sources of Data Convenient sampling design will be employed to obtain the data needed based on the availability and preference of the researcher. The Grade 9 section Palawan peacock with 50 students of Osmeña Colleges will serve as the respondents of this study. B. Data Gathering Methods The researcher made a checklist survey form that is designed to determine the better reinforcement tool in the classroom. Prior to the full implementation of Action research, the researcher will seek approval from the principal`s office and guidance office through a formal letter. The researcher will also ask the cooperating teacher to fill in consent form to be assured that the classroom observation will be treated with utmost confidentiality and their interest and integrity are protected in this study. C. Data Analysis Plan The data in this part was processes with the use of descriptive statistics and will be organized and presented in a tabular form.
Table 1. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines Implementation Responsibilities Resources Timeline (by steps (what will be (who will do) (Funding/Time/People/Materials when? done) ) Day/month I. Submit Researcher N/A October 19, result 2022 to (Action October 24, Research) to 2022 the Cooperating teacher. II. Use the Researcher N/A October 26, findings in 2022 to addressing November 7, the 2022 problems inside the classroom. III. Conduct an Researcher N/A November 9, Action 2022 to Research February 30. with similar 2023 intervention to address a specific problem in solving to Grade 8 students.
ACTIVITIES AND ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRIZE TOTAL STRATEGIES PRIZE Preparation of materials Bond paper 1 ream 208 208 for the research and A4 implementation of innovation/interventions. Data gathering Bond paper 1 ream 208 208 interpretation of data A4 gathered and preparation of completed research report. Computer 5 hours 12 60 encoding TOTAL 476
Plans for Dissemination The research results will be flow and will be shown to the stakeholders of the school during the parents and teachers meeting and school management committee meeting. These will be utilized to share reflections about the current action research results that can be used as a tool for classroom management to be recommended to the future action researchers. Plans for Utilization The findings of this study will be utilized and integrated in the classroom improvement plan of Osmeña Colleges. It can also be utilized by the future action researcher who will use this action research study as their guide in conducting research. VIII. REFERENCES Social_and_Cultural_Foundations_of_American_Education/Classroom_Issues/ Rewards#:~:text=The%20term%20reward%20is%20broadly,student%20(Witzel %20%26%20Mercer). Osmeña Colleges Osmeña St, Masbate City Colleges of Teacher Education
Prepared by: Submitted To:
Leader: Mr. Jonald B. Sia
#38, 1299 Mallerna, Meliza T. Instructor Members: #34, Dalanon, Danica C. #35, 1299 Lasdosi, Rino N. #36, 1299 Lopez, Jeanlee V. #37, 1299 Palanigo, Rhoda Mae C. #30, 1299 Villanueva, Angelica A. #27, 1301 Sinadjan, Lovelyn B. #27, 1301 Despe, Geraldine T. #39, 1301 Castillo, Princess H. #33, 2189 Gonzaga, Joana V. #29, 1297 Verano, Meashake N.
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International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology