Computer System Notes
Computer System Notes
Computer System Notes
Specific Objectives
Light pen and style
Speech Recognition/ Voice input: This is where microphone is used to enter data/information or
spoken words into a computer. Situations for speech recorgnition:
Where hands are busy handling documents
Due to movement
Automated material handling
ComputerAid Design
Touch screen, Digitizers and Cameras
Digitizers: Almost similar to light pen but has a graph tablet on which user writes using a pen like
device called a style
Other Examples of Input Devices
Input Facility Considerations
Mode of operation
Problems faced while collecting data
The Main methods of data entry
Outputs Devices
Classification of Output Devices
2. Hard copy: Printers and plotters
3. Microfiche: Computer Output on Microform (COM)
Visual Display Unit (VDU)/ Screen
b) Color- Display in multiple colours
2. Less storage capacity
3. Damaged by light, magnet and dirt
Zip Disks
Jaz Disks
Advantages of Magnetic Disks
2. Effective for batch application
3. Cheap
Care of Magnetic Storage Media
Keep away from extreme temperature
2. Serial ports: They transmit one bit at a time. They are slower than parallel ports but they
support two way communications. They are 25 pin and 9 pin. COM 1 and COM2. Used by the
serial printers.
4. Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) - Use parallel method but faster than parallel
cables. The port connects up to 8 peripheral devices.