Document 65
Document 65
Document 65
Implementation of Assessment;
Asessment plays a.major role in the process of medical education in the Iives of medical
students And in Socıety by certifying competent pnysicans Who can take care of the Public.
BDS. Final year
Module of Prosthadontics
Course duration — 36 weeks
Clinica Rotation — 10 WeekdS Per rotation.
Annual Examination ;
Weightage o Annual ExamiExaminan shalll be 90% Each for theory and practical in BDS
professional examinations.
The examinations Comprise a theory paper and Practical /clinical examinations.
Theory paper shall be of 3 hour duration It shall be of two parts MCQ’s (30%) and
SAQ/SEQ (70%).
Pass Marks;
Pass mark for al students shall be 50% In theory and practical seperately
Pass marks for Islamic pak-studie shall be 33%
No grace marks shall be alowed to any Studen in any examination.
Grode Boundries
A- 90-100%
B- 80-89%
C- 70-79%
D- 60-69%
No of Retakes;
Supplemantry examl shall be conducted for the fail students of annual professional
Retakes for internal assessment shall be 2 for tests and clinical.
Interactive lectures
“Valerie shut” defines fromative feedback as Information communicated to the learner that is
intended to modify his or her thinking or behaviiour for the purpose of improving learning”
Written notes from the instructor
Written feedback on the assignments
Formative feedback helps students to improve and prevent them from making the same
mistakes again
Students peer feedback
Students self feedback skill of self assessment and goal setting leads them to became
more independent.
Encouragement of learner to ask questions about their feedback.
Assesment Assesment
method Clinical
Written knowledge (Skill + Attitude)
Complete Dentures
Section 1
Introduction, anatomy, residual 4 1
ridge, resorbtion and sequlea of 4 weeks 10% X X X
wearing complete dentures.
Patient preparation, Treatment
and biiomechanics of edentaleous
Section 2
Physiology of mouth and saliva, 4 1
impression jaw relation, 4 weeks 10% X X
occlusion, section of arrangement
of artificial teeth.
Section 3 X
Immediate over and copy 4 weeks 10% 4 1
dentures speech considerations
finising and post comlaints and
Removable partial
X 4 1
3 weeks 9%
Section 1
Intrduction, classification and
machanics of RPD.
Section 2 3 weeks 9% X 4 1
Components and principes of
RPD designiney.
Section 3
Mouth prepartioin for RPD, 3 weeks 9% X X 4 1
Impression materials, Distal
extensions to RPD’s
Fixed Prosthodontics.
classification, principles 4 weeks 8% X 2 1
of occlusion and
Principle of tooth
preparation for different X X 4 1
types of crown impression 3 weeks 8%
methods and tissue
Pontic design, lab X
procedures cutting agents 3 weeks 8% 2 1
design retained FDP.
Implant Prosthodontics
Introduction, ossiointegration, X 2 1
abbutement selection and implant 2 weeks 8%
Defect Prosthodontics
Intoduction, obstruction and
maxilofacials prosthesis. 1 weeks 6% X 2 0
No of MCQ’s No of SEQ’s
S.No Topic (30) (09)
( 1 Mark each)
1 Removable Partial Dentures 15 (15 marks) 05
2 Complete Dentures 10 (10 marks) 03
3 Fixed Partial Dentures 05 (5 marks) 01
4 Dental Implants and defect Prosthesis
Total 30 (30 marks) 09 (60 marks)
Grand Total 90 Marks
TOC For Practical
100 50 180 20
Marks Marks Marks
The most commonly used term for assesment in medical education despite the increasd emphasis
on performance testiny, multipe choice questions fromat continous to play a part in low and high
stake assessment.
MEQ’s, EMQ’s and M&Q’s, have advantage of broad sampling blue printing contrl and
MCQ’s when constructed using tesr- blue print can sample a large domain of knowledge
in an effective and efficient manner.
Written examination in particular the MCQ’s have traditionally enjoyed high reliability.
The use of written assesment has significant impact on how student study and what they
learn . written examination are the hurtof hidden curriculum.
A good short essay questions triggers the students to process information and knowledge
appropriate reasoning and apply a known principle in a particular context.
Short essay questions have average reliability and practically, but it can be improved by
standardizing questions consistency in making simple key and adequate testing time to
address context specificity.
The multiple station examination or the objetive structured clinical exam is an assesment
approach used to measure clinical competence.
Students are ssesed a nnumber of stations on discrete focused activities that simulate aspect of
clinical competence
It is an essence of clinical or practical examination in which aspect of clinical competence are
sampled to determine students clinical skills and abilities related to their competence to practise
OSCE seeks perfomances and is concerned with the students can do rather what students
OSCE offers many advantages as a practical and valid tool to assess clinical competence.
Greater the no of stations in OSCE the greateer the reliability and content validity.
Real pateints, stndardized or simulated patient, patient simulators or models may be most
appropriate approach depending on particular skill being assessed and context in which it
is being assessed.
Students participation in OSCE have positive impact on learning.
OSPE has a potential for assending the skills ( shows how and does of miller pyramid )
by adequate sampling and standardization of case/ station.
The structured assesment through OSPE provide wide sampling of case/ stations, each
with a independent examiner improves reliabilty.
Assesment of communication skills and attitudinal behaviour can also be evaluated.
Case based learning is a fair engaging flexible and functional tool. The command on
topic, effort in gaining knowledge , approptiate approach towards releatd investigation,
ctitical thinking leading to well developed diagnosis, participation in discussion can be
well assesed.
Portfolios provude a record of the student performane over a period of time and are not
just a shot at a specific point of time.
Reliabilty of portfolios is enhanced by the triangulations of evidence from no of sources.
Portfolio have positive impact on the learning
Summative Assesment;
Provide scoring information that can be read and easily understand by a range of stakes
holders so it is expressed in NORM-REFERENCE term ( Percentile score).Marks are
given . Effective summative assesment is typically medium or high stakes and is
primarily to respond to the need for accountability.
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