Lesson Plan Mathematics 10

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Engage – Students are engaged in the lesson by asking questions on demonstration/observations/making

predictions etc.
2. Explore – Students discuss with peers on demonstrations/observations/making predictions etc.
3. Explain – Students explain on the concept based on the teacher’s quarry.
4. Elaborate – Students justifies their views with further explanation and teachers bridge the gap between the old
and new concept of the students.
5. Evaluate – The teacher informally assesses students by asking questions and checking their work.
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5e’s format

Class: Grade 10 – B
No, of Students: 38
Duration: 60 minutes
Date: February 6, 2023

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Cognitive: Explain and illustrate the permutation of objects

b. Affective: Describe and derive the formula for finding the number of permutations of n objects taken r at
a time
c. Psychomotor: Accurately solve a problem involving permutation.

II. Content
A. Subject Matter: Permutation
B. Code: M10SP-IIIa-1, M10SP-IIIa-2, M10SP-IIIb-1
C. Days: 1
D. Time: 10:30 – 11:30

III. Learning Resources

E. Reference: TWE-Next Century Mathematics-Second Edition
F. Other Resources: Internet
G. Materials: Laptop, Chalkboard

IV. Procedure

Time Steps Teachers Activity Students Activity TLM

5mins Engage 1. Start the class discussion with Analyze the word problem
a puzzle: What is the only
number word in English with
its letters appearing in Complete the work with pair
alphabetical order?
2. Form-a-Word activity: Word
Students are asked the
following word problem:
a. Write each of the letters of
the word
board. Instruct the class to
write as many 3-letter
words with or without
meaning in the English
dictionary. Given 2
minutes to answer. Then,
tell them to cross out their
answers with the same
words formed by a
classmate. Give a point to
a word that has not been
cross out. Then, tell the
class to look for the
dictionary meaning of the
word permutation. Then
challenge them to answer
the following permutation
1. How many arrangements
of the letters of the word
MATH can be formed?
2. How many arrangements
of the letters of the word
MATH can be formed if
two of the letters are taken
at a time?
3. How many arrangements
of the letters of the word
MATH can be formed if
three of the letters are
taken at a time?

5mins Explore Help students to complete the task (if Findings:

necessary) 1. MATH – 32
2. MATH – 12
Show a video on ways how to arrange 3. MATH – 24
colors and ways to pick officers.
Ask the student to write a journal on Writing in the journal what they
what they learned about the video learned in the video presentation.

Emphasize the meaning of permutation

(lesson discussion if necessary-teacher
10mins Explain Listen to students’ explanations and Each representative of the
ask students to justify wherever students’ group explains their
necessary. Also, provide explanation findings (for each question) to the
and justification wherever needed. teacher and justifies them
wherever necessary.

20mins Elaborate Introduce the formula 2. Here n=no . of objects

P ( n , r )=n ( n−1 )( n−2 ) … ( n−n ) ! r =takenat time
1. How many different ways can P ( n , r )=P(7,4)
7 students be seated for a
groufie if only 4 seats are 7 6 5 4 = 840
20mins Evaluate Student’s work is evaluated. Solves more problems on it
Home assignment:
1. P ( 6,2 )
2. P ( 5,3 )
3. How many ways may 5 students be seated in a row of 5 chairs for a pictorial?
V. Remarks:
VI. Reflection

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